October 1, 2009
Item: Glucose Monitoring Test Strips that utilize Glucose
Dehydrogenase Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (GDH-PQQ)
methodology may give falsely elevated glucose results
General Information: On August 13, 2009, FDA issued a Public Health Notification:
Potentially Fatal Errors with GDH-PQQ Glucose Monitoring
Technology (Attachment 1).
In certain patients who are receiving therapeutic products containing
certain non-glucose sugars such as maltose, xylose and galactose
(Table 1), results may be falsely elevated if GDH-PQQ methodology
is utilized by the test strips and their associated devices
1). These non-glucose sugars may mask significant hypoglycemia or
prompt excessive insulin administration, leading to serious patient
injury or death.
Actions: 1. By Close of Business (COB) October 16, 2009, the Facility
Director (or designee) will:
a. Determine the brand of glucometers used in the VAMC clinics,
inpatient and outpatient areas and determine if the identified
glucometers are using GDH-PQQ methodology. (List of GDH-
PQQ glucometers are found on pages 8 and 9 of this Alert).
NOTE: Facilities may switch to non GDH-PQQ methodology
POC testing devices in their patient care areas.
b. Assure that if glucometers with GDH-PQQ methodology are
used, complete remaining actions on this Alert.
NOTE: If non GDH-PQQ methodology glucometers are used,
no further action is required. Defer to action 3.
c. Assure that a comprehensive list of Veterans receiving
peritoneal dialysis (PD), including those VA patients on
contracted services, is developed and a letter is sent to each
identified Veteran requesting contact with the medical center to
confirm the type of PD solution the Veteran is using
(Attachment 2). In lieu of a letter, the medical center may
contact the Veterans directly.
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d. Assure that all Veterans currently (and future) receiving the
peritoneal dialysis solution, Extraneal, are confirmed to have:
i. Received a Baxter safety kit including a safety alert
bracelet and are encouraged to wear it. See Link
ii. If an outpatient receiving Extraneal requires a home
glucose monitoring device the appropriate blood
glucose meter (i.e., using non-GDH-PQQ methodology)
has been dispensed.
e. Assure that a comprehensive list of all at-risk outpatients,
including those VA patients on contracted services, is compiled
(in addition to the PD patients) to include individuals on the
other interfering therapies (i.e. Abatacept, Immune Globulin,
etc.). The Chief of Pharmacy (or designee) shall ensure
identified outpatients and future at-risk patients have blood
glucose monitors that do not use the GDH-PQQ methodology.
f. Assure that, for facilities that use POC blood glucose monitors
with GDH-PQQ methodology) in their patient care areas:
i. That a comprehensive list of all at-risk patient care
areas is compiled for the facility and CBOCs. Such
areas should include, at minimum, dialysis units,
rheumatology and infusion clinics but may also include
other areas of vulnerability. Additional areas include
departments where such interfering agents are
administered or where patients are unable to
participate in their care due to confusion or
unresponsiveness (e.g., ED, ICU, post-operative
suites, etc.).
ii. That all clinical staff, particularly those in at-risk patient
care areas, are educated on the risks of falsely
elevated glucose readings when using POC blood
glucose monitors using GDH-PQQ methodology.
iii. All at-risk patient care area clinical staff are advised to
use the facility’s clinical laboratory for glucose testing in
lieu of point-of-care (POC) blood glucose testing.
2. By COB October 16, 2009, the Pharmacy ADPAC (or designee)
will ensure that:
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a. The following medications/solutions are available for selection
as non-VA medications in CPRS, to facilitate drug interaction
checks when providers select these medications.
Extraneal (Icodextrin)
Gammimune (Immune Globulin Intravenous)
HepaGam B (Hepatitis B Immune Globulin Intravenous)
Orencia (Abatacept)
Bexxar (tositumomab and Iodine 131tositumomab)
b. Interfering medications (Table 1) used at the facility shall not
be selectable via the in-patient or outpatient alphabetical
medication lists in CPRS. These medications shall only be
available via consult and/or quick order highlighting the drug-
device interaction risks.
3. By COB November 16, 2009, the Patient Safety Manager will
document on the VHA Hazard Alerts and Recalls website that
facility leadership has reviewed and implemented these actions.
Sources: FDA and ISMP.
Additional Information: Sites in need of additional support for IT related processes are
advised to log a Remedy ticket or contact the VA Service Desk at
1-888-596-4357 for assistance.
For other vulnerabilities associated with the use of portable blood
glucose monitors, their associated test strips, and accessories. See
the link below.
Attachments: 1. FDA Public Health Notification: Potentially Fatal Errors with GDH-
PQQ* Glucose Monitoring Technology
2. Example letter to Veterans receiving peritoneal dialysis (PD)
Contact: Mr. Bryanne Patail or Mr. Keith Trettin at the VA National Center for
Patient Safety (NCPS) at (734) 930-5890,
Mr. Vincent Calabrese at the Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM)
at (708) 786-7862.
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Table 1. Products that may cause a drug-device interaction with certain
glucose meters and test strips. (Courtesy of ISMP, Roche and Abbott).
Drug Indication
EXTRANEAL (icodextran) Peritoneal dialysis
GAMIMUNE N 5% and Immunodeficiency
OCTAGAM (immune globulin intravenous, human)
ORENCIA (abatacept) Rheumatoid arthritis
WINRHO SDF LIQUID [Rho (D) immune globulin Idiopathic
intravenous (human)] Thrombocytopenia Purpura
(ITP) and Rh transfusion
D-XYLOSE (d-xylose absorption test, blood and urine) Test for malabsorption
HEPAGAM B [hepatitis B immune globulin (human)] Acute exposure to HBsAG
or HBV
(icodextran) laparoscopic
adhesions in gynecologic
BEXXAR (tositumomab and Iodine 131tositumomab) non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Vaccinia Immune Globulin (human) Treatment of adverse
reactions to smallpox
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FDA Public Health Notification: Potentially Fatal Errors with GDH-PQQ* Glucose
Monitoring Technology
* glucose dehydrogenase pyrroloquinoline quinone
Date: August 13, 2009
Dear Healthcare Practitioner:
This is to alert you to the possibility of falsely elevated blood glucose results when using GDH-
PQQ glucose test strips on patients who are receiving therapeutic products containing certain
non-glucose sugars. These sugars can falsely elevate glucose results, which may mask
significant hypoglycemia or prompt excessive insulin administration, leading to serious injury or
death. The following provides background information on this problem, a summary of fatality
reports FDA has received, and recommendations to reduce the risk. This problem can occur
wherever these products are used including in-patient and out-patient healthcare facilities, and
at home.
Nature of the problem
GDH-PQQ glucose monitoring measures a patient’s blood glucose value using methodology
that cannot distinguish between glucose and other sugars. Certain non-glucose sugars,
including maltose, xylose, and galactose, are found in certain drug and biologic formulations, or
can result from the metabolism of a drug or therapeutic product.
When these non-glucose sugars are present in the patient’s blood, using a GDH-PQQ glucose
test strip will produce an elevated glucose result which may suggest the need for clinical action.
This can lead to inappropriate dosing and administration of insulin, potentially resulting in
hypoglycemia, coma, or death.
In addition, cases of actual hypoglycemia may go unrecognized if the patient and healthcare
practitioner rely solely on the test result obtained with the GDH-PQQ glucose test strips.
Other glucose test strip methodologies are not affected by the presence of non-glucose
sugars. The unaffected methods are glucose oxidase, glucose dehydrogenase nicotine adenine
dinucleotide (GDH-NAD), or glucose dehydrogenase flavin adenine dinucleotide (GDH-FAD).
Laboratory-based blood glucose assays do not use GDH-PQQ methodology and are not subject
to falsely elevated results from non-glucose sugars.
Avoid using GDH-PQQ glucose test strips in healthcare facilities.
List of GDH-PQQ Glucose Test Strips
If your facility currently uses GDH-PQQ glucose test strips, NEVER use them on patients:
o who are receiving interfering products**, or
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ATTACHMENT 1 (continued)
o from whom or about whom you cannot obtain information regarding concomitant
medication use, e.g., patients who are unresponsive or cannot adequately
**Interfering products containing non-glucose sugars include:
Extraneal (icodextrin) peritoneal dialysis solution
Some Immunoglobulins: Octagam 5%, Gamimune N 5%***, WinRho SDF
Liquid, Vaccinia Immune Globulin Intravenous(Human), and HepaGamB
Orencia (abatacept)
Adept adhesion reduction solution (4% icodextrin)
BEXXAR radioimmunotherapy agent
Any product containing, or metabolized into maltose, galactose or xylose.
Use ONLY laboratory-based glucose assays on these patients.
Determine whether patients are receiving interfering products on admission and
periodically during their stay at your facility.
Educate staff and patients about the potential for falsely elevated glucose results in the
presence of certain non-glucose sugars when using GDH-PQQ glucose test strips.
Consider using drug interaction alerts in computer order entry systems, patient profiles
and charts to alert staff to the potential for falsely elevated glucose results.
Periodically verify glucose meter results with laboratory-based glucose assays if you are
using GDH-PQQ test strips in patients who are not receiving interfering products.
*** Within the U.S., Gamimune N 5% has not been manufactured since December 2005, and no
lots are in distribution in the U.S.
In addition, an Advice for Patients can be found on the FDA Consumer website.
Reports received by FDA
From 1997-2009, FDA received 13 reports of death associated with GDH-PQQ glucose test
strips in which there was documented interference from maltose or other non-glucose sugars.
Six of the 13 deaths have occurred since 2008 despite FDA’s efforts to communicate the risk.
The deaths occurred in healthcare facilities. Ten of the 13 patients were receiving Extraneal
(icodextrin) peritoneal dialysis solution for renal failure. Three of the 13 patients were receiving
maltose-containing substances; one was receiving Potacor R, one was receiving Octagam
(IVIG), and another was receiving an infusion that contained maltose. Patients were treated with
insulin doses or insulin drips that were guided by falsely elevated results.
Eight reports specified that test result values generated on GDH-PQQ test strips were 3 to 15
times higher than corresponding laboratory results. For example, in one patient the GDH-PQQ
system generated a result of 200 mg/dL while the laboratory result was 19 mg/dL. In another
case, a patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis with Extraneal was tested with a GDH-PQQ test
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ATTACHMENT 1 (continued)
strip which gave a result of 193 mg/dL, while the result obtained using a laboratory instrument
was 8 mg/dL.
Some reports indicated that serious patient injury, such as hypoglycemia, confusion, neurologic
deterioration, severe hypoxia, brain damage, and coma occurred prior to death.
FDA is working with manufacturers to address patient safety problems with GDH-PQQ glucose
test strips and will continue to monitor adverse events associated with these products.
Reporting adverse events
FDA requires hospitals and other user facilities to report deaths and serious injuries associated
with the use of medical devices. If you suspect a reportable adverse event associated with a
glucose meter or glucose test strip, you should follow the reporting procedure established by
your facility. Prompt reporting of adverse events can improve FDA’s understanding of and ability
to communicate the risks associated with devices and assist in the identification of potential
future problems associated with medical devices. If you suspect a falsely elevated blood
glucose value associated with a non-glucose sugar interference, include information about the
associated drug or biologic product in your adverse event report.
We also encourage you to report any medical device adverse events related to glucose meters
or glucose test strips that do not meet the requirements for mandatory reporting. You can report
these directly to the device manufacturer or to MedWatch, the FDA’s voluntary reporting
program. This can be done online at /scripts/medwatch
/medwatch-online.htm, by phone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by FAX at 1-800-FDA-0178; or by mailing
FDA form 3500 (download from Safety/MedWatch/
HowToReport/DownloadForms) to MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857-9787.
Getting more information
If you have questions about this Notification, please contact FDA’s Office of Surveillance and
Biometrics by e-mail at [email protected]
or by phone at 301-796-6640.
FDA Medical Device Public Health Notifications are available on the Internet at MedicalDevices/Safety/ AlertsandNotices/ PublicHealthNotifications
. You
can also be notified through email each time a new Public Health Notification is added to our
web page. To subscribe, visit:
Sincerely yours,
Daniel G. Schultz, MD
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Food and Drug Administration
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ATTACHMENT 1 (continued)
Related Links
FDA Patient Safety News October 2008. Potentially Fatal Glucose Monitoring Errors with
FDA Drug Safety Newsletter Summer 2008. Volume1, Number 4. Icodextrin (marketed as
EXTRANEAL) and Point-of-Care Glucose Monitoring.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) Medication Safety Alert! June 19, 2008.
FDA Advise-ERR: Prevent dangerous drug-device interaction causing falsely elevated
glucose levels.
FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research April 17, 2008. Fatal Iatrogenic
Hypoglycemia: Falsely Elevated Blood Glucose Readings with a Point-of-Care Meter Due
to a Maltose-Containing Intravenous Immune Globulin Product.
FDA Patient Safety News February 2006 and September 2006. Avoiding Glucose
Monitoring Errors in Patients Receiving Other Sugars.
FDA MedWatch Safety Alert 2005. Parenteral Maltose/Parenteral Galactose/Oral Xylose-
Containing Products.
List of GDH-PQQ Glucose Test Strips
The following test strips (with associated meters) use GDH-PQQ methodology as of August
Roche Diagnostics:
1. ACCU-CHEK Comfort Curve test strips, for use with:
o ACCU-CHEK Inform meters [model 2001201]
o ACCU-CHEK Complete meters [models 200 and 250]
o ACCU-CHEK Advantage meters [models 888, 831, 850, and 768]
o ACCU-CHEK Voicemate meters [model 0009221]
2. ACCU-CHEK Aviva test strips, for use with:
o ACCU-CHEK Aviva meters [models 525, 535, and 555]
3. ACCU-CHEK Compact test strips, for use with:
o ACCU-CHEK Compact meters [model GF]
o ACCU-CHEK Compact Plus meters [models GP and GT]
4. ACCU-CHEK Go test strips
o ACCU-CHEK Go meters [model GJ]
5. ACCU-CHEK Active test strips
o ACCU-CHEK Active meters [models GG and GN]
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ATTACHMENT 1 (continued)
Abbott Diabetes Care:
1. Freestyle test strips, for use with:
o FreeStyle meters
o FreeStyle Flash meters
o FreeStyle Freedom meters
2. Freestyle Lite test strips, for use with:
o FreeStyle Lite meters
o FreeStyle Freedom Lite meters
Home Diagnostics:
1. TRUEtest test strips
o TRUEresult meters
o TRUE2go meters
Smiths Medical:
1. Abbott Diabetes Care Freestyle test strips, for use with:
o CoZmonitor blood glucose module (for use with the Deltec Cozmo Insulin Pump)
1. Abbott Diabetes Care Freestyle test strips, for use with:
o OmniPod Insulin Management System
Note: Test strips currently on the market may be distributed under multiple trade names. In
addition, manufacturers of GDH-PQQ test strips currently on the market may subsequently
change to non-GDH-PQQ methodology. Therefore, healthcare providers (and patients) should
refer to device labeling or consult with test strip manufacturers to confirm the type of
methodology used.
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Example letter to Veterans receiving peritoneal dialysis (PD)
Department of Veterans Affairs
Dear Veteran,
You have been identified as an individual receiving Peritoneal Dialysis. Since some of our dialysis
patients may receive treatment or management by a non-VA nephrologist, we would like to take the
opportunity to speak with you via phone to confirm that our records are complete and up-to-date with the
current type of peritoneal dialysis solution you are using. Please take the opportunity to contact us via
our 800 number <INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC NUMBER> to speak with a member of our
nursing/pharmacy staff by October 15
2009. This call should take only 5 minutes of your time.
Thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve you and your health care needs. Your participation
will help ensure the accuracy of your medical record.