ACT English Test: Sentence Structure Review
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Sentence structure is the Big Deal when it comes to Usage/Mechanics problems. Of the 40
Usage/Mechanics questions, almost half of them (18 to be exact) will test you on your knowledge of
sentence structure, the topics of which include:
1. Connecting and Transitional Words
2. Subordinate or Dependent Clauses
3. Sentence Fragments
4. Comma Splices
5. Run-on Sentences
6. Misplaced Modifiers
7. Parallelism
Connecting and Transitional Words
We’ve already mentioned coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, etc.) and transitional adverbs
(however, nevertheless, moreover, etc.) in “Punctuation.” Here you’ll learn more about these and
other transitional words.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, for, yet) connect words, phrases, and independent
clauses of equal importance in a sentence.
WORDS: You can hand the bottle to Seamus or Bea.
Liz and Amanda got down on the dance floor.
PHRASES: To get there, you must drive over a bridge and through a farm.
We walked by the park but not by the river.
CLAUSES: Tim can go to the store, or Jen can go instead.
Its only ten oclock, yet I feel really sleepy.
When joining two words or phrases, you should not use a comma, but (as demonstrated in
“Commas”) if you have a list of more than two words or phrases, commas should separate them and
precede the conjunction. A comma also needs to precede the coordinating conjunction when it joins
two independent clauses, as in the sentence “Tim can go to the store, or Jen can go instead,” above.
Transitional Adverbs
Like coordinating conjunctions, these adverbs (however, also, consequently, nevertheless, thus,
moreover, furthermore, etc.) can join independent clauses. When they do, they should be preceded
by a semicolon (see “Semicolons”) and followed, most of the time, by a comma. Short adverbs, such
as “thus,” do not need a comma. Here are some examples of transitional adverbs in action:
Joe always raves about soccer; however, he always refuses to watch a match.
If you cant go to the prom with me, let me know as soon as possible ; otherwise, Ill resent you and your
inability to communicate for the rest of my life.
You need to remember that transitional adverbs must be accompanied by semicolons. If you see a
transitional adverb on its own or preceded by a comma on the English Test, you should immediately
know there’s an error.
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Subordinating Conjunctions
When you have two independent clauses, but you feel that one is more important than the other, you
can use a subordinating conjunction to connect them. In other words, you use a subordinating
conjunction (because, when, since, after, until, although, before, etc.) to make one clause dependent
on the other. By subordinating one clause, you show the reader the relationship between the two
clauses. For example, take the following two sentences:
I ate a rotten egg.
I became violently ill.
It seems likely that eating the rotten egg caused the violent illness. To make that relationship
grammatically clear, you can rephrase the sentences as:
Because I ate a rotten egg, I became violently ill.
Let’s try another example:
I found out my dog was really a rat.
I called the exterminator.
Put them through the subordinating conjunction transformation machine:
After I found out my dog was really a rat, I called the exterminator.
I called the exterminator after I found out my dog was really a rat.
In these examples, “I found out my dog was really a rat” becomes subordinate to “I called the
exterminator.” You can base your decision on which clause to subordinate by determining the
relationship between the clauses. In the example above, the discovery about the “dog” leads to the
call; in other words, the discovery is the cause and calling the exterminator the result. Subordinating
the cause to the result often makes the most sense when forming these sentences. For further
discussion of this topic, move on to the next section.
Subordinate or Dependent Clauses
When you’re tested on subordinate conjunctions, you’ll need to select the most appropriate
conjunction and place it correctly within the sentence. When you’re tested on subordinate and
dependent clauses, you’ll need to decide how to form the whole sentence correctly. As touched upon
above, not all clauses deserve the same emphasis in a sentence. Equality is a good thing, but in the
writing world you’ve got to give preference to some clauses over others.
You can run into problems if you’re too liberal with your coordinating conjunctions and transitional
adverbs (the adverbs that link independent clauses). These adverbs assume that the clauses being
connected deserve equal weight in a sentence. Take a look at this sentence:
Everyone regards Ginger as the most promising student in the class, and she gets the highest grades; also,
she is the president of the student council.
This sentence doesn’t read very well. Subordinating some of the clauses will improve the flow of the
Everyone regards Ginger as the most promising student in the class because she gets the highest grades
and is the president of the student council.
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This new sentence explains why Ginger is “the most promising student” by subordinating the clauses
that cite her high grades and student council presidency.
Sentence Fragments
Sentence fragments are incomplete sentences that tend to look like this on the English Test:
We didnt go outside. Even though the rain had stopped.
Tommy could not pay for his lunch. Having spent his last dollars on sunglasses.
Always a bit shy. She found herself unable to talk to the other kids.
The sentence fragments above are not sentences on their own. They can be attached to the
independent clauses next to them to form complete sentences:
We didnt go outside, even though the rain had stopped.
Having spent his last dollars on sunglasses, Tommy could not pay for his lunch.
Always a bit shy, she found herself unable to talk to the other kids.
The answer choices on English Test questions will often make clear whether you should incorporate
a fragment into a neighboring sentence. For example:
outside. Even
though the rain
outside; even
outside, even
had stopped.
Notice how choices B, C, and D all give you the option of combining two sentences into one. That
should give you a good clue as to what’s required. The variation between the last three choices occurs
in punctuation. If you agree that A is incorrect, you can rely on your punctuation skills to decipher
the correct answer. The answer, by the way, is D because B and C, with their use of the semicolon,
continue to isolate the sentence fragment from the sentence.
Other sentence fragment questions on the English Test will ask you to turn a fragment into its own
full sentence rather than simply to incorporate it into a different sentence. Again, you’ll be able to tell
from the answer choices what the ACT writers want:
We didn’t go outside.
While the
rain continued
Although the
Since the
to fall.
Answers F, G, and J don’t solve the sentence fragment problem. By choosing those, you still end up
with a subordinate clause posing as a sentence (G and J simply replace one subordinating
conjunction with another). But by getting rid of the subordinating conjunction altogether, you form a
real sentence: “The rain continued to fall.” The correct answer is H.
Most sentence fragments on the English Test will be subordinate or dependent clauses trying to be
complete sentences. By studying your subordinate and dependent clauses and learning what they
look like, you’ll be able to catch them committing sentence fragment crime.
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Comma Splices
The ACT writers may test your ability to weed out illegal comma splices. A comma splice occurs when
two independent clauses are joined together by a comma with no intervening conjunction. For
Bowen walked to the park, Leah followed behind.
The comma between “park” and “Leah” forms a comma splice. Although the sentence may sound
correct because the comma demands a short pause between the two related clauses, the structure is
wrong in written English. Instead, two sentences are necessary:
Bowen walked to the park. Leah followed behind.
Or, if you explicitly want to show the relationship between the clauses, you can write:
Bowen walked to the park, while Leah followed behind.
Bowen walked to the park, and Leah followed behind.
Inserting “while” subordinates the “Leah” clause to the “Bowen” clause. In the second sentence, the
“and” joins the two clauses on equal footing.
Think about the comma splice in construction terms: the comma (a wimpy nail) is too weak a
punctuation mark to join together two independent clauses (two big heavies). In order to join them,
you have to add a conjunction (super glue) to the comma or use a period (a bolt) instead.
Run-on Sentences
You can think of run-on sentences as comma splices minus the commas. For example:
Joan runs every day she is preparing for a marathon.
John likes to walk his dog through the park Kevin doesnt.
To fix run-on sentences, you need to identify where they should be split. The first example should be
broken into two parts: “Joan runs every day” and “she is preparing for a marathon.” These are two
independent clauses that can stand on their own as sentences:
Joan runs every day. She is preparing for a marathon.
Alternatively, you may choose to show the relationship between these sentences by subordinating
one to the other:
Joan runs every day because she is preparing for a marathon.
The second example, when split, becomes: “John likes to walk his dog through the park” and “Kevin
doesn’t.” The following sentences are correct alternatives to the original run-on:
John likes to walk his dog through the park. Kevin doesnt.
John likes to walk his dog through the park, but Kevin doesnt.
John likes to walk his dog through the park; however, Kevin doesnt.
These are just a few ways you can join the two clauses. We could go on and on, showing different
relationships between the two clauses (but we won’t).
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Misplaced Modifiers
Does the following sentence sound odd to you?
Having eaten six corn dogs, nausea overwhelmed Jane.
Nausea didn’t eat six corn dogs. Gluttonous Jane did. However, the sentence above says that nausea
was the one “having eaten six corn dogs.” This is a case of a misplaced modifier. When you have a
modifier like “having eaten six corn dogs,” it must come either directly before or directly after the
word that it is modifying.
Having eaten six corn dogs, Jane was overwhelmed by nausea.
Jane, having eaten six corn dogs, was overwhelmed by nausea.
These two sentences make it clear that Jane was the one wolfing down the corn dogs.
Modifiers are not necessarily phrases like the one above. They can be adverbial phrases, adverbial
clauses, or single-word adverb modifiers. You’ve already seen how adverbial-phrase modifiers work
in the example above. The simple rule for phrase modifiers is to make sure phrase modifiers are
next to the word(s) they modify. The same rule applies to clause modifiers. Misplaced clause
modifiers look like this:
Bill packed his favorite clothes in his suitcase, which he planned to wear on vacation.
Now do you really think this guy is planning to wear his suitcase on vacation? Well, that’s what the
sentence says. It’ll be a pretty heavy outfit too, since the suitcase is packed with clothes. If Bill
decides to wear his clothes instead of his suitcase, you should say:
Bill packed his favorite clothes, which he planned to wear on vacation, in his suitcase.
Of course, he’ll be a slightly more conventional dresser, but the clothes will probably fit better than
the suitcase.
The placement of single-word adverbs is slightly trickier than that of clause and phrase modifiers.
You need to make sure that adverb modifiers (such as just, almost, barely, even, and nearly) are
modifying the word you intend them to modify. If they aren’t, the sentence will probably still make
sense, but it will have a different meaning than you intended.
Take the sentence “Jay walked a half hour to the grocery store.” Now add to that sentence the
adverbial modifier “only.” The placement of “only” within the sentence will alter the meaning of the
Only Jay walked a half hour to the grocery store.
The sentence above means that no one but Jay made the walk.
Jay only walked a half hour to the grocery store.
Here, “only” modifies the verb “walked,” and the sentence means that Jay did nothing but walk—he
didn’t run, and he didn’t swim—to the store.
Jay walked only a half hour to the grocery store.
Hey, the walk to the grocery store isn’t too bad. According to the sentence above, it took Jay only a
half hour to get there.
Jay walked a half hour to only the grocery store.
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Now we find out that Jay’s single destination was the grocery store (and we were about to accuse him
of having ulterior motives for taking that walk).
When you see a list underlined on the English Test, look for a parallelism error. Parallelism errors
occur when items in a list are mismatched. For example, if you have a list of verbs, then all items in
the list must be verbs of the same tense. For example,
WRONG: In the pool area, there is no spitting, no running, and dont throw your cigarette butts in the
The first two forbidden activities end in “ing” (they’re called gerunds, though that doesn’t really
matter), and because of that, the third activity must also end in “ing”.
RIGHT: In the pool area, there is no spitting, no running, and no throwing your cigarette butts in the
By simply converting the final verb to gerund form, you have parallel structure. Parallelism is also
important when you have expressions linked by the verb to be. Because you should think of to be as
an equal sign, the words on either side of the sign must be parallel. For example:
WRONG: To grow tired of London is growing tired of life.
RIGHT: To grow tired of London is to grow tired of life.
WRONG: Growing tired of London is to grow tired of life.
RIGHT: Growing tired of London is growing tired of life.
The examples above are not parallel when the verb forms are different on either side of “is.” You can
make them parallel by simply changing the form of one verb to the form of the other.
If you have a list of nouns, you must also maintain parallel construction. For example,
The personal ad said that she likes books, good food, and to take long walks on the beach.
She apparently doesn’t like parallelism. “Books” and “food” are nouns, but “to take” is a verb
infinitive. If she’s hoping to get a call from the grammarian of her dreams, she should rewrite her ad
to look like this:
The personal ad said that she likes books, good food, and long walks on the beach.