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Instructions: Complete all sections of the Undergraduate Admissions Application and submit will all required credentials to the Office of
Admissions. Refer to the Admissions Application Instruction Sheet for instructions on each section of this application. Include with your
application a non-refundable $65 application fee payable to Ramapo College of New Jersey. Please print clearly and neatly.
'../+0'"( )+"7-%*'(+-")
Legal Name
Last/Family/Sur (Enter name exactly as it appears on official documents.) First/Given MI
Former last name(s)
Social Security #
Optional, but needed for applicants applying for financial aid via FAFSA t
Home Phone: (_____) ____________________
Cell Phone: (_____)______________________
Preferred Telephone " Home " Cell
Email Address
Birth Date
" Female " Male
Permanent Home Address
Street Address Apartment#
_______________________________ ______________________ _________ __________________
City County State Zip/Postal Code
(Optional)#$*-& %'.9+0)+"7-%*'(+-")
Ethnicity (check one)
" Hispanic or Latino " Not Hispanic or Latino
Race (check all that apply)
" American Indian/Alaskan Native " Asian/Pacific Islander
" Black or African American " White
I am a " US Citizen
Birthplace _______________________________
City State
I am a " Permanent Resident
Registration #* A ____________________
*Submit a copy of the front and back of Alien Registration Card/Green Card..
I hold a
" J1 Visa
" F1 Visa
" H4 Visa
" Other
Type: ____________
I am a NJ state resident " Yes " No
Year lived in NJ? _____________
Do you have any relatives who have attended Ramapo College?
" Yes " No
Do you have any relatives who are currently attending Ramapo College?
" Yes " No
Please list all relatives and their relationship to you below
Name: _____________________________________________
Relationship to you: _________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________
Relationship to you: _________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________
Relationship to you: _________________________________
$"%-//*$"( )./'",)
I am applying as a: " Freshman " Transfer " Re-Admit
Are you applying Early Decision*?
" Yes " No
* Freshmen applicants only. Deadline: November 1st
Entry Term: " Fall: __________ " Spring: __________
Year Year
Are you applying for need-based financial aid?
" Yes " No
I will attend: " Full-time " Part-time
Are you applying for On-Campus Housing?
" Yes " No
Have you applied to Ramapo College before? " Yes " No
If yes, give semester applied for: " Fall ______ " Spring ______
Are you applying for the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program?
" Yes " No
The EOF Program provides access to higher education and academic support for highly motivated state residents from underrepresented populations from economically and
educationally disadvantaged communities. Freshman applicants must submit the EOF SUPPLEMENT FORM FOR FRESHMAN ADMISSIONS with their application for
admission by the appropriate application deadline in order to be considered for this program. Transfer applicants must be an EOF student at their current institution and submit
the EOF TRANSFER VERIFICATION FORM with their transfer application. Information about eligibility requirements for both freshman and transfer admission is available
online: www.ramapo.edu/eof.
Please select from the following list your first choice of academic major and any applicable concentration. Check only one major. If applicable,
check only one concentration as well, See Application Instructions for appropriate deadlines.
Anisfield School of Business (ASB)
" Accounting (B.S.)
" Business Administration (B.S)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Finance
" Management
" Marketing
" Economics (B.A.)
" Information Technology Management (B.S.)
" International Business (B.A.)
" Undeclared Major in the Anisfield School of Business
Salameno School of Humanities & Global Studies (SSHGS)
" Africana Studies (B.A.)
" American Studies (B.A.)
" History (B.A)
" International Studies (B.A.)
" Liberal Studies (B.A.)
" Literature (B.A.)
select concentration, if applicable
" Creative Writing
" Political Science (B.A.)
select program, if applicable
" Joint B.A./J.D. Program with Seton Hall Law
" Spanish Language Studies (B.A.)
" Undeclared Major in the Salameno School of
Humanities & Global Studies
School of Contemporary Arts (CA)
" Communication Arts (B.A.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Digital Filmmaking
" Global Communication and Media
" Journalism
" Visual Communication Design
" Writing
" Contemporary Arts (contract major) (B.A.)
" Music (B.A.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Music Industry
" Music Performance
" Music Production
" Music Studies
" Theater (B.A.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Acting
" Design/Technical
" Directing/Stage Management
" Theater Studies
" Visual Arts (B.A.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Art History
" Drawing and Painting
" Electronic Art and Animation
" Joint Art Therapy Program (B.A./M.A.)
" Photography
" Sculpture
" Undeclared Major in the School of Contemporary Arts
School of Social Science & Human Services (SSHS)
" Environmental Studies (B.A.)
" Law and Society (B.A.)
select program, if applicable
" Joint B.A./J.D. Program with Seton Hall Law
" Psychology (B.A.)
" Social Science (B.A.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Community Mental Health
" Cultural Studies
" Ethnic Studies
" Gender Studies
" Labor Studies
" Social Work (B.S.W.)
" Sociology (B.A.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Criminology
" Public Sociology
" Undeclared Major in the School of Social Science and Human Services
School of Theoretical and Applied Science (TAS)
" Biochemistry (B.S.)
" Bioinformatics (B.S.)
" Biology (B.S.)
select one Biology Articulation Track, if applicable
" Dental Medicine Early Acceptance (LECOM)
" Osteopathic Medicine Early Acceptance (LECOM)
" Pharmacy Early Acceptance (LECOM)
" Pre-Physical Therapy (Rutgers-SHRP)
" Pre-Physician Assistant (Rutgers-SHRP)
" Pre-Chiropractic (NY Chiropractic College)
" Pre-Dental (Rutgers School of Dental Medicine)
" Pre-Optometry (SUNY State College of Optometry
" Pre-Podiatric Medicine (NY College of Podiatric Medicine)
" Chemistry (B.S.)
" Clinical Laboratory Science* (B.S.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Cytotechnology
" Medical Lab Science
" Computer Science (B.S.)
" Engineering Physics (B.S.)
" Environmental Science (B.S.)
" Integrated Science Studies (B.S.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Science Technology and Society
" Science Journalism
" Business Administration
" Public Policy/Administration
" Mathematics (B.S.)
" Medical Imaging Science* (B.S.)
select one concentration, if applicable
" Cardiac Sonography
" Diagnostic Medical Sonography
" Nuclear Medicine Technology
" Vascular Sonography
" Nursing (Generic 4 year program) (B.S.N.)
" Nursing (RN to BSN; must submit RN licensure with application) (B.S.N)
" Undeclared Major in the School of Theoretical and Applied Science
No Major Selected
" Undeclared Major
Additional Academic Programs of Interest
" Pre-Medical Advisement Program
" Pre-Law Advisement Program
" College Honors Program (separate application required)
For more information: www.ramapo.edu/honors
*Major is a joint program with the Rutgers School of Health Related Professions
Teacher Education Certification Program
Applicants who are Interested in pursuing a certification in teaching
must select a major in addition to a certification level below.
" Elementary Endorsement (K-6)
" Content/Secondary Endorsement (K-12)
Secondary Schools
Most recent secondary school attended:
Graduation Date: ___________
School Type: " Public " Charter " Private " Religious " Home School
CEEB/ACT Code: __________
Colleges & Universities
Report all colleges attended (including online). Please indicate whether you were pursuing a degree (Degree Candidate) or receiving college credit for
coursework while attending high school (Receiving College Credit). An official college transcript from the school awarding the credits must be
submitted in order for college credits to be transferred and awarded.
Institution Name
Location (City, State)
College Credit
Dates Attended
mm/yyyy mm/yyyy
" Yes " No
" Yes " No
" Yes " No
" Yes " No
On what dates, past and future, will you take:
ACT _______ _______ _______
mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy
SAT _______ _______ _______
mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy
Will you be submitting AP Exam scores? " Yes " No
Will you be submitting IB Higher Level Exam scores? " Yes " No
Required Essay: Please choose one of the two essay questions below to answer on a separate piece of paper (no more than 2 typed pages).
Please answer the question as thoroughly and detailed as possible.
1. There are many ways to define words like diversity and multicultural. However, what defines our culture as much as anything is the food
we eat. Please explain how food plays an important part in your family’s culture. Provide examples as to how food defines you, your
family, and your ethnicity. Be as specific as possible
2. One of Ramapo’s goals is to increase your capacity for learning and to teach you to think “outside the box.” Describe an experience that
has had a significant impact on your intellectual development. Be as specific as possible.
Extracurricular Activities: Please submit a resume of your principal extracurricular, volunteer and work activities. Include any positions held, if
any, and any special honors and/or awards you have received for academic, artistic, athletic or other achievement.
AP and IB Credit: You may receive college credit for AP Exams with scores of 4 or 5 or IB Higher Level Exams of 5 or higher. Official score
reports must be submitted in order to receive college credit.
Additional Information: Attach a separate sheet if you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application.
Disciplinary History: If you answer “yes” to either of the questions below, please attach a separate sheet of paper that gives the approximate
date of each incident, explain the circumstances and reflect on what you learned from the experience.
1. Have you ever been adjudicated guilty or convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other crime? " Yes " No
Note: If the criminal adjudication or conviction has been expunged, sealed, annulled, pardoned, destroyed, erased, impounded, or otherwise ordered by a court to be
kept confidential, you are not required to answer “yes” to this question, or provide an explanation.
2. Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational institution you have attended from the 9
forward, whether related to academic misconduct, or behavioral misconduct, resulting in any disciplinary actions? " Yes " No
These actions could include, but are not limited to: probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from the institution.
Early Decision Applicants Only: Early Decision (ED) is the application process in which I make a commitment to Ramapo College as my first-
choice institution where, if admitted, I definitely will enroll. While pursuing admission under Ramapo College’s Early Decision plan, I may apply to
other institutions, but may have only this Early Decision application pending. Should I apply for financial aid and not be offered an award that makes
attendance possible, I may decline the offer of admission and be released from the Early Decision commitment. Ramapo College will notify me of a
decision by December 5, 2014. A nonrefundable deposit must be made by February 1. The institution will respond to an application for financial aid
at or near the time of an offer of admission. If I am accepted under Ramapo College’s Early Decision plan, I will promptly withdraw the applications
submitted to other colleges and universities and make no additional applications to any other university in any country. If I am seeking financial aid, I
need not withdraw other applications until I have received notification about financial aid from Ramapo College.
" I understand and agree to the terms listed above and understand that if my application for Early Decision is not complete by the ED application
deadline of November 1, 2014, I will not be considered for Early Decision.
I certify that all information submittedincluding the application, the required essay and any other supporting materials is my own work, factually true, and
honestly presented. I understand that these documents will become the property of Ramapo College of New Jersey and will not be returned to me. I understand
that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation, expulsion, or revocation of course credit, grades, and degree,
should the information I have certified be false.
__________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________
mm/dd/yyyy mmmm