Getting started: Each box has two comments that parents/carers may say to
their children. Read the two comments, choose which one comment you would
prefer to hear and circle that letter. When you have finished count how many
A,B,C, D and E’s you have circled. Write your scores at the end of the sheet to
find out your love language.!
© HEARTSMART, Hilltop Media Ltd, 2019. Please do not use without a valid licence.
A Give me a hug!!
B You are terrific!
C I’ve got a special birthday present for you.!
D I’ll help you with your project.
B You did a great job!!
C You’ve earned a special surprise!
E Let’s go to a watch a movie!!
A Give me a High 5!
B You’re so smart!!
C Have you made your Christmas list?!
D Would you help me cook dinner?!
E I like going to fun places with you!
A Give me a kiss!!
B You are awesome!
C I’ve got a surprise for you.!
D We can make something really cool.
E You are fun to hang out with!!
A I’ll race you!
D You can invite your friends.!
E Let’s go to your favourite restaurant.
A I’m going to give you a big hug!!
B You’re a great kid!
C I made your favourite food.!
D I checked your homework and it looks great!
B Wow! You did it!!
C Check under your bed for a special present.
E Let’s watch TV together.!
A Tag, you’re it!
D I cleaned your room for you.!
E Let’s play a game together.
A Would you like me to scratch your back?!
B You can do it! Don’t give up!
How many As did you circle?________ !
As stand for physical touch. People whose love language is physical touch like
to receive hugs, kisses, and high-fives. !
How many B’s did you circle?________ #
B’s stand for words of armation. People whose love language is words of
armation like for others to use words to tell them that they are special and that
they do a good job. !
How many C’s did you circle? ________ !
C’s stand for gifts. People with the love language of gifts feel good when
someone gives them a special present or surprise to show they are thinking of
How many D’s did you circle?________ #
D’s stand for acts of service. A person whose love language is acts of service
likes it when others do nice things for them such as helping with chores, helping
with school projects, or driving them places. #
How many E’s did you circle?________ #
E’s stand for quality time. People with the love language of quality time like it
when others do things with them like play a game, watch television, or go on an
Look at your scores. The highest score represents your primary love language -
how you most like to receive love. This doesn’t mean the others aren’t important,
it just means that this is your favourite. !
Taken from The 5 Love Languages
for Children ©2012. By Dr Gary Chapman
© HEARTSMART, Hilltop Media Ltd, 2019. Please do not use without a valid licence.
B How did you know how to do that? You are brilliant!!
C I can’t wait to give you your present!
C What would you like for your birthday?!
D We can pick your friend up on the way to the movie.
D Don’t worry, I’ll pick you up on time.!
E Let’s spend the day doing whatever you want.
E I always like doing stu with you.!
A You are so huggable!