Send a motivational text to a friend who is struggling
Give a compliment to 5 people
Intentionally avoid gossip today
Encourage a professor that they are doing a good job on zoom
Make breakfast for roommate(s) or family member(s)
Volunteer to walk a friend/neighbor's dog
Make a care package or write a letter to a soldier overseas*
Create handcrafted cards to send to critically ill children*
Support those facing hunger by donating to the OC Rescue Mission*
Make handmade face masks and give out*
Give blood or take temperature screenings with the American Red Cross*
Provide therapeutic activities for homeless families*
Volunteer to help Habitat for Humanitytobuild or repair homes*
Create a Welcome Home Basket for recently housed individuals*
Make someone laugh
Text a sibling, parent, or relative a note of thanks just because
Smile. We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do-MT
Forgive someone who has wronged you
Check in on someone on a hard day (anniversary of a loss, etc.)
Put change in vending machine and leave it for the next person
Donate children/kids/teen books*
Put together school supplies for local students*
Donate canned foods to Ronald McDonald House*
Virtually volunteer to assist with Art & Creativity for Healing*
Pen pal with the elderly*
Donate your hair to wigs for kids*
Help a refugee practice English over Zoom with Voice of the Refugees*
Volunteer practicing English over zoom with Voice of Refugees
Have a care pack ready to give to a neighbor experiencing homelessness
Start the day off with a smile and gratitude
Call a friend/family member/neighbor to see how they are doing
Support a small local business
Start using a reusable water bottle if you haven't already
Send someone you know a funny joke/meme to cheer them up
Wish someone a good day
Instead of birthday presents, donate to a cause that is close to you
Say “hi” to someone on campus or around your neighborhood
Return the lost/isolated grocery cart to the correct cart enclosure
Write positive chalk messages on the sidewalk
Surprise someone with an unexpected socially-distanced visit
Write down afriend'sbest qualities and give it to them
Email/write a note to a professor that has made an impact in your life
Take time with God and encourage a friend to do the same
When someone speaks, listen intently
Learn the name of a facilities worker and say hi to them when you see them
Ride your bike to workand/or school if you can
Lend out a good book or movie to friend
Carry around loose change and put in tip jars
Make a playlist for a friend who is going through a hard time
Stick a note in your loved one’s lunch box
Hold the door for someone
Take a friend out to coffeeor lunch and treat them
Leave a gift (ex. gift card, snack, water, etc.) in mailbox for mail carrier
Check in with friends and listen to them without interrupting
Pray for those struggling financially, physically, and mentally from COVID
Use less plastic today
Join VULEAP in a socially distanced beach cleanup (@vuleap for info)
Park in a far spot in parking lot so others can park closer
Call or text family member or friend just to sayI love you”
Leave a nice note on someone’s car
Makedinner forroommatesor family
Offer someone to pass you in line
Give a tip to the worker that dropped off food to your house
Text someone an encouraging scripture verse
Offer to pray for someone who is feeling down and/or discouraged
Saying please and thank you, even those who are being paid to help you
If on campus, pick up trash on the ground if you see it
Send a shoutout to a coworker who’s doing a great job
Give a stranger anicecompliment
Use only positive, encouraging words today
Read a book to a family member
Offer to babysit for free
Volunteer with your local church
Help a friend pay for gas
Write and mail a letter to you friends
Tell a loved one that you love them
Write positive online reviews for small businesses
Spend more time with family and friends instead of the phone
Donate $5-$10 to an organization that you admire
Plant something and take care of it
Write/send a friend a pun
Share inspiring quotes with someone
Plan a socially distanced activity and invite people who may be lonely
Pack a box for Operation Christmas Child in November with GEO
Send an article or something online that reminds you someone
Recycle for $ and then donate to organization
Pay for the person behind you in a Drive-Thru
Tell someone that you believe in them and that they are doing a good job
Leave positive comments for employees at local businesses
Donate clothes or miscellaneous items to local Goodwill
Assist your family with chores around the house
Say hi topeople you pass by
Ask a random person if you can help them in any way
Postmates/Grubhub/Doordashfood to someone you know
Keep in touch with your friends who commute
Mail athinking of you” card to someone you’ve not talked to in a while
Help clean up messes and dishes that aren’t yours
Make a meal/cookies for your neighbor
Tell a friend 5 reasons you are thankful for them
Teach someone something new