your policy booklet
0345 303 0550
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Welcome to Keycare
The leading name in the recovery and
replacement of lost or stolen keys
Please take time to read the policy booklet
and schedule to make sure you understand
the cover provided.
We hope you will be completely happy with
your key protection policy and the service
provided. You can cancel your policy within
14 days and receive a full refund of premium
providing no claim has been made.
This is your policy booklet. It sets out the details of your policy and should be read in conjunction
with your Policy Schedule. Please keep these documents safe.
6 step process…
1. Attach your keys to your registered fob.
2. Read through your policy schedule to
check that your details are correct and
notify us of any changes.
3. Write down your unique fob number (located
on the back of your fob) on the reverse of
your helpline card.
4. Detach your helpline card and keep this
safe in your wallet or purse.
5. Make an additional note of your unique fob
number on your policy booklet.
6. Keep your policy documents in a safe
Make a note of your unique fob number here.
0345 303 0550
We are ready to take your call.
If your keys go missing call our emergency helpline number immediately on
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The key benefits within your
Cover for lost and stolen keys, replacement
locks and any call-out charges up to annual
cover limit*
Cover for locksmith charges if you lock
yourself out of your home or vehicle up to
call-out limit*
Up to 3 days car hire if your car is unusable
as a result of lost or stolen keys
24 hour, 365 days a year emergency
Access to a nationwide network of
No excess to pay
No claims discount on main home or motor
policy not affected
Any of your keys attached to the fob issued
by Keycare are covered
Refer to your Policy Schedule for details of
cover and call-out limits
Cover Limit
The policy provides you with insurance cover
up to the maximum cover limit, as detailed in
your Policy Schedule, in the event that any of
your keys attached to the fob provided are lost
or stolen.
Additional fobs are available to protect the keys
of your family members residing at the same
address. Each additional fob provides up to the
maximum cover limit, as detailed in your Policy
Frequently asked questions
Q Can I purchase an extra fob for a
family member at a different address?
A No, only for the same address.
Q Which type of keys are covered
through my policy?
A You can attach your fob to as many keys as
you like e.g. your car, house, garage, office.
Q How many keys can I attach to my fob?
A As many of your keys as you choose.
Q Do I need to pay the finder the £10
A No. The reward will be sent directly by
Keycare to the person who found your keys.
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Looking after your keys
Never have anything containing your name
and address attached to your keys.
Never leave your keys under doormats, on
a string through the letterbox, under a stone,
on top of a door or window frame etc. An
opportunist thief may be watching.
Never leave doors or windows open when
you go out. If you can get in, so can a
Always leave a spare set of keys with a
trusted neighbour, friend or family member.
Try not to keep all your keys on one key
ring - additional fobs can be purchased by
telephoning Keycare on 0345 303 0550.
Sophisticated security measures now fitted as
standard to new vehicles mean criminals are
increasingly turning to key crime.
Thieves are increasingly trying new methods
of vehicle crime. This means stealing your
keys to your vehicle first. Burglars have been
known to break into houses and offices just
to steal vehicle keys.
Don’t leave vehicle keys close to the front
door where they can be seen.
NEVER leave your keys in your vehicle -
not even for a second. This is especially
important when at a petrol station or when
loading or unloading your vehicle.
Always lock your vehicle when leaving it.
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Terms and Conditions
You and the Insurer subject
contained in this Policy, in respect of an Insured Event which occurs
within the Territorial Limits during the Period of Insurance for
which You have paid or agreed to pay the premium.
The Insurer
The Insurer is Trinity Lane Insurance Company Limited, a company
registered in Malta under company number C40137 whose registered
(referred to in this Policy as “the insurer”). The Insurer is authorised
and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on
general insurance business in the UK.
The Administrator
The Administrator is Key Care Limited, a company registered in
England and Wales under company number 1309093, whose
Road, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 3ST (referred to in this Policy
as “Keycare”). Keycare is authorised and regulated by the Financial
You Keycare on the Financial
Authority on 020 7601 4878.
The Insurer
Scheme (FSCS) which means that You
Insurer (or Keycare) are unable to meet their
You. www.fscs.
If You
Policy You should contact:
Complaints, Keycare, 2-3 Quayside House, Quayside, Salts Mill
Road, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD18 3ST. Tel: 0345 303 0550. Fax:
0845 075 6180. Email:
If You Your complaint,
You may ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to review Your case
London, E14 9SR. Tel: 0800 023 4567 for people phoning from a
mobile phone users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers
Your legal rights.
Within this Policy
wherever they appear throughout this Policy they have been
printed in bold to help You
Approved Locksmith: A locksmith on the Keycare panel.
Call-out Limit: The maximum amount payable per incident, in
respect of any Insured Key locked inside Your home, or vehicle, as
shown in Your Policy Schedule.
Cover Limit: The maximum amount payable in total in each Period
of Insurance, as shown in Your Policy Schedule.
Duplicate Key: A spare key for Your home or vehicle.
Policyholder by
Keycare, which Keycare has registered in the Policyholder’s name
and address.
Immediate Member: Husband, wife, civil partner, live-in partner,
child, adult child or adult step-child.
Insured Event Insured Key, or any Insured
Key locked inside Your home or vehicle during the Period of
Insured Key: Any of Your
Fob during
the Period of Insurance (vehicle keys includes metal key blades,
standalone remote control units, electronic key cards and keyless
entry fobs for Your vehicle) registered at the Policyholder’s address
and, in the case of house keys, for the Policyholders address.
Locksmith Charges:
New Locks:
to enable a new key to replace an Insured Key.
Onward Transport Costs:
vehicle to Your
Your home at Your
this is no further than Your
of £80.
Period of Insurance: The period shown in Your Policy Schedule for
which You have paid or agreed to pay the premium.
Policy of insurance.
Policyholder: The person in whose name, or the company name in
which, Keycare has registered the Fob.
Policy Schedule: The document headed Policy Schedule giving
details of the Policyholder, Fob number, Cover Limit, Call-out Limit
and Period of Insurance.
Replacement Key: A key to replace an Insured Key and includes
any reprogramming of infrared handsets, immobilisers and alarms
necessitated by such replacement of the Insured Key.
Security Risk
Insured Key where it is possible for someone who found the key to
trace it to Your vehicle or premises.
Statement of Facts: The statement produced by Keycare following
Territorial Limits: The European Union.
Vehicle Hire Charges
extras) up to a maximum of £40 a day to hire a vehicle for a period
of up to three days.
A period of three days commencing when the loss
of the Insured Key
You/Your: The Policyholder and any Immediate Member of the
Policyholder’s family permanently living with the Policyholder
at the same address as the Policyholder during the Period of
Insurance. Where the Policyholder is a company this includes
employees of the company, employed by the company during the
Period of Insurance, who are authorised to use the relevant car or
1. If during the Period of Insurance and within the Territorial
a) An Insured Key is stolen, the Insurer will up to the Cover Limit,
as detailed in Your Policy Schedule, cover You in respect of the
cost of a Replacement Key, Locksmith Charges or New Locks and
Vehicle Hire Charges (where applicable);
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Terms and Conditions (contd)
b) An Insured Key is locked in Your home, the Insurer will up to
the Cover Limit and subject to the Call-out-Limit, as detailed in
Your Policy Schedule, cover Yo u in respect of Locksmith Charges
incurred in gaining entry to Your house;
c) An Insured Key is locked in Your vehicle and a Duplicate Key
exists, the Insurer will up to the Cover Limit and subject to the
Call-out Limit, as detailed in Your Policy Schedule, cover You in
respect of Onward Transport Costs or Locksmith Charges incurred
in gaining entry to Your vehicle;
d) An Insured Key is locked in Your vehicle and no Duplicate Key
exists, the Insurer will up to the Cover limit and subject to the Call-
out Limit, as detailed in Your Policy Schedule, cover You in respect
of Locksmith Charges incurred in gaining entry to Your vehicle;
e) An Insured Key is lost by You and a Duplicate Key exists, if aer
the Waing Period has expired the Insured Key has not been
found, the Insurer will up to the Cover Limit, as detailed in Your
Policy Schedule, cover You in respect of the cost of a Replacement
f) An Insured Key is lost by You and no Duplicate Key exists, if
aer the Waing Period has expired the Insured Key has not
been found, the Insurer will up to the Cover Limit, as detailed in
Your Policy Schedule, cover Yo u in respect of the cost of either a
Replacement Key, Locksmith Charges or New Locks (but only if
no Duplicate Key can be sourced by an Approved Locksmith) and
Vehicle Hire Charges (where applicable).
2. Pay a £10 reward to the nder of Your lost Insured Key.
3. Provide You with the services of an emergency helpline 24
hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Insurer will not cover You in respect of:
a) Keys lost or stolen when such keys are not aached to
the Fob (unless You have already noed Keycare that
the Fob has been lost or damaged and You are awaing a
replacement, in which event Keycare will provide cover in
respect of any key which they are sased would otherwise
have been aached to the Fob).
b) Any amount which, or total amounts to the extent that they,
exceed the Cover Limit in any Period of Insurance.
c) Any amount which exceeds the Call-out Limit in respect of
any Insured Key locked inside Your home or vehicle.
d) Any Insured Event not reported to Keycare within 30 days.
e) Sums claimed where You do not submit valid receipts or
invoices to Keycare, for payments You have made, within
120 days of the Insured Event.
f) Any expenditure incurred without prior authorisaon from
g) Costs relang to a damaged or broken key or lock.
h) Insured Keys lost by or stolen from someone other than You.
i) Any Insured Key which is not deemed lost because it is in the
possession of an Immediate Member of the Policyholder’s
j) The cost of replacing lock barrels, steering columns or faulty
electronic control units or costs arising from wear and tear
and/or general maintenance of locks and keys.
k) Replacement locks or keys of a higher standard or
specicaon than those replaced.
l) Charges or costs incurred where Keycare arranges for the
aendance of a locksmith or other tradesman, agent or
representave at a parcular locaon and You fail to aend.
m) Charges or costs incurred where You make alternave
arrangements with a third party once Keycare has arranged
for a locksmith or other tradesman, agent or representave
to aend a parcular locaon.
n) Loss of any property other than an Insured Key and its
associated lock or ignion system, and any immobiliser,
infra-red handset and/or alarm aached to the Fob.
o) Any loss of earnings or prots which You suer as a result of
the loss or the of an Insured Key.
p) Claims arising from any reckless, deliberate or criminal act or
omission by You .
q) An Insured Event which occurs outside the Period of
r) Sums claimed for replacement keys exceeding a maximum of
one per lock or three per lock for house keys.
s) Any loss of an Insured Key which occurs during a riot or a
civil commoon.
t) Any costs incurred by the Policyholder in making a claim
under the Policy.
If an Insured Key has been stolen it must be reported to the police
immediately and a crime reference number obtained. Keycare
cannot deal with Your claim for stolen keys unl You have reported
the the to the police and conrmed the crime reference number
to Keycare.
Making a Claim
You must report any claim to Keycare as soon as possible and
within 30 days of the Insured Event.
To make a claim call 0345 303 0550 and quote the Fob number.
When the claim has been authorised Keycare will send You two
copies of the Statement of Facts based on the information You
have supplied. This is the information Keycare will use to handle
Your claim so it is Your responsibility to ensure it is correct.
You must submit valid invoices/receipts (in respect of expenditure
authorised by Keycare), together with one copy of the Statement
of Facts and any necessary supporng documents, to Keycare
within 120 days of the Insured Event.
Supporng Documents
When You make a claim in respect of vehicle keys, You must send
a copy of the V5 (or relevant registered keeper document issued
by DVLA from me to me) or, if Yo u have not been given the V5,
a contract or lease agreement containing the registraon number
of the vehicle.
When You make a claim in respect of other keys, Keycare may, at
its discreon, ask for supporng documents (such as evidence of
address in the case of house keys).
Maximum Number of Claims
Within the Period of Insurance You may make more than one
claim, but the total sum payable in each Period of Insurance cannot
exceed the Cover Limit.
If You make a fraudulent claim under this Policy (including
exaggeraon of the claim or subming falsied or forged
documents), the Insurer is not liable to pay the claim and may
recover any sums it has paid to You in respect of that claim.
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If Your claim is handled on a ‘Pay and Claim’ basis or if You use a
locksmith or dealer of Your choice You will have to pay the costs
upfront and Keycare will reimburse You on receipt of valid receipts/
Keycare cannot guarantee to replace Your keys on the same day
that You report the claim as keys may need to be ordered and may
not be carried by locksmiths or dealers as standard.
If as a result of losing an Insured Key You feel that a Security Risk
exists You should replace the locks within the Waing Period;
however all costs must be paid for by You . If aer the Waing
Period the Insured Key is not found the Insurer will reimburse You
for any costs incurred, up to the Cover Limit detailed in Your Policy
Schedule. If You have not replaced the locks within the Waing
Period and a Duplicate Key exists the Insurer will only reimburse
You for a Replacement Key if the Insured Key is not found.
Where an Insured Key has been lost and there is no Security Risk
the Insurer will not pay for any costs unl the Waing Period has
elapsed. If aer the Waing Period the Insured Key is not found
and no Duplicate Key exists, the Insurer will reimburse You for a
Replacement Key, Locksmith Charges or New Locks. If a Duplicate
Key exists the Insurer will only reimburse You for a Replacement
If during the Waing Period the Insured Key is found the Insurer
will not pay any of Your costs; however Keycare will pay a £10
reward to the nder of Your lost Insured Key.
Cancellaon by the Policyholder
The Policyholder may cancel this Policy at any me. If the
Policyholder cancels within 14 days of either receiving the Policy
documentaon or from the start date of the Policy (whichever is
later) then any premium already paid will be returned (providing
that no claims have been made on the Policy). If the Policyholder
cancels outside this period there is no entlement to a refund of
Cancellaon by the Insurer
Where there is a valid reason for doing so the Insurer and/or
Keycare may cancel the insurance by giving the Policyholder
seven days’ noce in wring sent to the last known address of the
Policyholder. Valid reasons for cancellaon may include but are not
limited to:
Where You have given incorrect informaon and fail to
provide claricaon when requested;
Where You breach any of the terms and condions which
apply to Your Policy;
Where we reasonably suspect fraud*; or
Use of threatening or abusive behaviour or language, or
inmidaon or bullying of our sta or suppliers, by You or
any person acng on Your behalf
*If You make a fraudulent claim, the Insurer may treat the
insurance as having been terminated with eect from the me
of the fraudulent act. If the Insurer treats the insurance as
terminated, it may refuse all liability in respect of an Insured Event
occurring aer the fraudulent act and not return any premium paid.
Applicable Law
You and the Insurer are free to choose the law applicable to this
contract, but in the absence of agreement to the contrary the law
of England and Wales will apply.
This Policy may not be assigned in whole or in part without the
wrien consent of the Insurer.
How we handle your data
By providing Your informaon You are consenng to the Insurer
and/or Keycare contacng You by leer, telephone, fax, email
or text message for any purpose in relaon to Your Policy. In
contacng You, Keycare may also provide You with details of other
promoons or services that may be of specic interest to You. The
data held about You will not be disclosed to any third party unless it
is in relaon to Your Policy.
TC V6 01.14
Helpline Card
Write your unique key fob number in the space below
If your keys are lost or stolen call Keycare immediately on:
0345 303 0550
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When you discover that your keys are
Please call our 24 hour Emergency Helpline
Have your unique key fob number ready to
enable us to retrieve your policy details
You will be asked to confirm the circumstances
of lost or stolen keys, allowing us to agree the
best course of action.
Should you have any enquiries about your
policy please contact Keycare
Tel: 0345 303 0550 Fax: 0845 075 6180
Or write to Keycare Limited, 2-3 Quayside
House, Quayside, Salts Mill Road, Shipley,
West Yorkshire BD18 3ST.
0345 303 0550
Emergency Lost and Stolen Help ine:
Remember to inform Keycare if you change address
0345 303 0550
How to make a claim if your
keys are lost or stolen
24 Hour Emergency
Lost & Stolen Helpline
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