2018.3 Product Release
Table of contents
Overview 2
New Features 2
Litmos Esignature Module 2
Docusign Integration 3
Litmos Assign: Advanced User Custom fields 4
Bulk Import: Courses and Course Settings 5
Achievements Quick Report 6
Advanced ILT 7
Minor Enhancements 9
Localization Consistency 9
Litmos Assign Enhancements 10
Enrollment Approvals Widget 11
TinCan/ xAPI Engine Upgrade 11
Bug Fixes 11
Important Announcements 13
Mandatory upgrade required for SAML authentication with Litmos (Upgrade to SHA-2) 13
New Features
Litmos Esignature Module
Litmos now offers a new Module type called Esignature. This Esignature module type has been
designed to require Learners to agree to important terms or policies that are enforced in relation
to viewing training materials within the course.
Learners will be required to submit an electronic signature confirming they have read,
understand and agree to the terms or policies specified. Litmos Esignatures are captured by
either requiring Learners to submit an electronic signature directly into a text box on the Litmos
UI, or, by requiring Learners to download, sign and thereafter upload a copy of the signed
document which includes the Learner signature.
If the Learner is required to submit a signed copy of a document, an Administrator will be
required to perform marking to validate the authenticity of the signature and mark the module
complete for the Learner. The copy of the signed document will be captured in Litmos’ Module
Quick Report.
This esignature does not constitute a legally binding signature in accordance with Esignature
laws. If your organization requires the use of software that complies with the laws governing
legally binding signatures, Litmos now offers an integration with DocuSign.
Docusign Integration
Litmos now offers an integration with DocuSign to help clients capture legally binding
signatures from Learners accessing courses. Once the DocuSign integration has been
configured and activated, Administrators can begin creating Esignature Module types that
embed DocuSign Templates into Litmos courses for embedded signing. Once a DocuSign
Template has been selected and saved on an Esignature module, Learners can begin accessing
the DocuSign Template within the course.
The embedded signing options available within the DocuSign embedded signing experience are
controlled by DocuSign customer accounts. Embedded signing options can be configured by
altering the Signing Resource File. Be sure to inquire with DocuSign as to how this advanced
configuration option can be utilized to customize the embedded signing experience for your
A copy of a Learner’s signed DocuSign template will be captured in Litmos’ Module Quick
Report. Litmos only stores the most recent version of a signed Docusign Template for any user.
To retrieve all signed copies of any DocuSign Template for a single Learner, log into DocuSign.
Litmos Assign: Advanced User Custom fields
This release introduces 25 new user custom fields to filter in Litmos assign. The new
implementation will add all the 25 user custom fields to the Litmos Assign 'add filter' drop
down. This allows the user to set more advanced Litmos rules based on their user custom
Note: The rest of the Assign ‘Add Filter’ functionality remains as is.
Bulk Import: Courses and Course Settings
Courses can now be created and updated in bulk using an import file. This bulk import process
will function just as the existing people, live session and assessment bulk imports function. To
begin, Administrators will click the “import courses in bulk” button from the Admin Library and
proceed to download the .CSV template needed to begin entering the appropriate course data
into the file.
Course Name and Active status are required fields for each course that is to be imported. To
update an existing course, Administrators will need to enter the associated Course Code into
the corresponding column in the import file. Administrators can create or update up to 100
courses per import. Additional import directions can be found on the course upload page in
Achievements Quick Report
This release introduces a new Achievements quick report that will provide the total number of
achievements by course and learning path with drill down capabilities to give a user list of all the
achievements. This report will provide a complete history of all completions, compliance, points
and badges earned for users by course or learning path.
The report can be accessed in the Quick reports section under the Reports tab:
Achievement Report: Total number of Achievements
Achievement Report: User List of Achievements
1. Achievements are a historical view of completions.
Admins/Account owners will see all achievements (past and currently assigned
Team Leaders will only see achievements on currently assigned content.
The compliance until field will reflect what the compliance was at the point in
time the course was completed. If the compliance setting in the course is
changed, this will not be updated on the achievement report.
If the points and badges were added post completion of the course/learning
path, then the points and badges will not be updated for the users who have
already completed the course/learning path.
2. If the user completed the same course multiple times, multiple entries for each
achievement will be listed in the report.
Advanced ILT
Litmos is excited to introduce several new, advanced ILT features that will be significant for
instructor led training management. The features below are included with this release:
Setup recurring live sessions for an LT module
Session resource reservation and resource details
Session location reservation and location details
Registration deadlines can be enforced per ILT session
Conflict checking can be performed against Instructor scheduling and resource
Multiple Instructors can be scheduled for a single live session
Instructor availability can be logged by the Instructor and Administrators
Proficient Instructors can be tied to a course and listed atop the Instructor pick list
Instructor notes can be added per Instructor (admin view only)
Choose a Host for a WebEx, GoToTraining or Zoom session
Live session filter for Learners offers filtering by session type, date and instructor.
All Account Owners and Admin now have access to the Instructor tab on Learner View
Below is a snapshot of the recurring session details that can be configured for an ILT session.
Recurring sessions can be set to recur over a daily, weekly or monthly frequency for up to a full
calendar year. Learners can choose to register and attend one of the many recurring sessions
within the ILT module to complete the live training requirement.
As a part of this release, Learners will also see a new Live Session filter in the Learner View.
This will make it much simpler to search, find and register to live training sessions. Below is an
example of the new filtering options:
Minor Enhancements
Localization Consistency
This release introduces the ability to localize date format, in US or UK formats, as preferred by
the users. All date fields within the user's account will now be formatted to user specified date
format similar to language or time zone. The people/course imports, and report exports will also
now follow the user's profile date format.
Administrators may also change the date format for users by editing the user's profile or via
date format in Bulk import of users. The date format will default to Account date format when
not specified for the user.
Litmos Assign Enhancements
Introducing enhancements to Litmos Assign feature that will be rolling out with this release.
1) The filter and search functionality on the Litmos Assign Dashboard will allow users to
search/review all the system rules.
2) The filter functionality will allow users to filter the rules by Rule name, active/Inactive, Assign
type and last/ next run.
3) A new column 'Action Type' has been added to show the rule assignment.
4) Quick column sort allows users to sort the rules (except on Action type)
Enrollment Approvals Widget
This release will include a new dashboard widget 'Approvals' similar to that of the 'Module
Require Marking' that provides Admins and Account owners a quick link to the course and ILT
sessions pending their approvals. This new widget can be added via 'Manage Dashboard'
TinCan/ xAPI Engine Upgrade
In this release, Litmos is upgrading its Rustici SCORM Engine to the latest version available. This
means that the latest version of the software will support tincan/ xapi courses till version 1.0.3.
This upgrade is backward compatible and all current tincan files will continue to function as
This upgrade provides a baseline for providing additional functionality for our customers in the
upcoming releases. Some of the additional functionality we will be rolling out in upcoming
releases include:
- Offline SCORM
- xAPI statements exposed as API for integration with your LRS
This upgrade does not impact Litmos support for SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004.
Bug Fixes
The browse dropdown that appears when adding content to a course was not displaying
on MAC PC
Duplicate of the same module could be created in a course by clicking “save” button too
Fonts displaying on the Learner View across search bars
Clicking the Active Users widget on the Admin Dashboard routed Administrators into the
Login Analytics Usage Report instead of the People Quick Report
Course Library checkbox under Course Settings has been left aligned with other course
The button for reordering survey questions said, “reorder modules”. It has been updated
to state, “reorder questions”.
The “enable escalations” course setting had broken HTML
Learning Path invitation emails weren’t being sent out after Learning Paths were
purchased on a Shopify store.
Login Analytics Report was not functioning for clients on Australian data center
Prerequisites for Courses and Learning Paths weren’t enforced properly for clients on
Australian data center
Slow loading times for content uploaded as course modules
Live sessions visible on the Calendar in the Learner View improperly displayed
“available” sessions as “registered” sessions.
The “waiting approval” filter for enrollment approval on a course was not functioning
Delete modules were appearing in the module search and could be added back into a
live course
Arabic translation fixes
Italian translation fixes
Deleting a user displayed a confirmation message with a typo.
Single Sign-On for the ADP integration was not working
Clicking on the “billing” tab as an Account Owner displayed an error message
The “questions delivered” column in the Boost Quick Report had a typo
Removing an expiration date during new creation of a Token invoked an error message
Learners clicking on the “download to calendar” button for Zoom ILT session invoked an
error message
The Zoom ILT session link was missing from the ICS file that is downloaded to an
external calendar
The warning message that displayed when deleting the last remaining course in a
Learning Path improperly displayed the message, “You need to have at least one module
that is mandatory”. It has been updated to say “You need to have at least one course that
is mandatory”.
Bullet points for ordered and unordered lists did not display properly in the Learner View
Course completion was not reaching 100% when all modules were completed in a
Popular Categories link was missing in the Learner Course Library
Images displayed on external Survey links were broken
Retrieving Course Custom Fields via API
e&format=json) returned a JSON response body that improperly formatted. 
Important Announcements
Mandatory upgrade required for SAML authentication with Litmos (Upgrade
to SHA-2)
Litmos will no longer support SHA-1 SAML authentication as of September 30th, 2018. SHA-1 is
now considered a deprecated security standard and is no longer supported by SSL providers.
The larger bit encryption of SHA-2 provides superior security. If your company is using a Litmos
app provided by an identity and access management provider, please inquire about a Litmos
app or Litmos SAML configuration that utilizes SHA-2 encryption. The following identity and
access management providers offer SHA-2 encryption for SAML authentication into Litmos
It's important to note that Litmos' SHA-2 encryption endpoint is
"yourdomain.litmos.com/integration/splogin". Any SAML configuration using the
/integration/samllogin endpoint will be deprecated on September 30th, 2018 when this SHA-1
endpoint is retired by Litmos LMS. Please contact Litmos support with any SAML inquiries your
company may have about this mandatory upgrade.