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2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Click on any line within the Table of Contents to go directly to the section.
Table of Contents
Contact Step Up For Students ............................................................................................................................ 4
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Parent and Guardian Rights and Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 4
Data Confidentiality ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Data Security ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Access to School District Courses and Services....................................................................................... 5
Maintaining Up-to-Date Contact Information ........................................................................................... 6
Qualifying and Applying for a Scholarship ..................................................................................................... 6
Eligibility Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 6
Choosing the Right Scholarship: Private School and PEP Options .................................................... 6
Full-Time Eligible Private School Option ................................................................................................ 7
Personalized Education Program (PEP) Option ................................................................................... 7
Applying for a Scholarship .............................................................................................................................. 7
Multiple Applications Prohibited ................................................................................................................... 8
Proof of Residency ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Proof of Residency for Active-Duty Military Families ......................................................................... 8
Award Prioritization .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Household Members .................................................................................................................................. 10
Proof of Income ........................................................................................................................................... 10
No Priority ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Application Deadlines .................................................................................................................................... 10
Application Deadline Exclusions ............................................................................................................ 11
Scholarship Participation Requirements ...................................................................................................... 11
Full-Time Eligible Private School Option.................................................................................................. 12
Transferring Schools and the 10-Day Rule ........................................................................................ 13
Personalized Education Program (PEP) Option ..................................................................................... 14
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Leaving the Scholarship Program .............................................................................................................. 14
Annual Assessment Requirement ............................................................................................................. 15
Continuing Program Eligibility ..................................................................................................................... 15
Placement in Residential Programs ........................................................................................................... 15
Funding for Scholarships ................................................................................................................................... 16
Scholarship Amounts ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Scholarship Funding Proration .................................................................................................................... 16
Scholarship Funding Schedule .................................................................................................................... 16
Funding Continuation and Rollover ........................................................................................................... 17
Account Closure and Fund Revocation .................................................................................................... 17
Transferring Among Scholarship Funding Organizations .................................................................. 17
Authorized Uses of Scholarship Program Funds ....................................................................................... 18
General Purchasing Rules ................................................................................................................................. 19
Making Successful Purchases ..................................................................................................................... 19
Pre-Authorization ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Educational Benefit Form .............................................................................................................................. 20
Receiving Payments, Refunds or Rebates .............................................................................................. 20
Frequency of Purchase Limitations ........................................................................................................... 21
Items that are Lost, Stolen or Broken Beyond Repair .......................................................................... 21
Direct Payment to Eligible Private Schools ................................................................................................. 21
Full-Time Eligible Private School Students ............................................................................................. 21
Part-Time PEP Students ............................................................................................................................... 22
Eligible Hybrid Private School PEP Students ......................................................................................... 22
Direct Payment for Services ............................................................................................................................. 23
MyScholarShop .................................................................................................................................................... 23
MyScholarShop Guidelines .......................................................................................................................... 23
MyScholarShop Returns ............................................................................................................................... 24
Status Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Submitting Reimbursement Requests .......................................................................................................... 24
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Reimbursement Timing ................................................................................................................................. 24
Reimbursement Status Definitions ............................................................................................................ 25
Advance Reimbursement ............................................................................................................................. 26
Required Supporting Documentation ....................................................................................................... 26
Proof of Payment ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Documenting Eligible Uses of Scholarship Funds ............................................................................ 28
Reimbursement Mechanism ............................................................................................................................. 33
Appeals ............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Actions That May Lead to a Loss of the Scholarship ............................................................................... 33
For More Information .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Videos ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Contact Information ............................................................................................................................................ 35
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Contact Step Up For Students
The Step Up For Students Customer Engagement Center is available Monday through Friday
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST. Parents and guardians who have questions or need assistance
can contact Step Up via chat at StepUpForStudents.org, phone at (877) 735-7837, or visit the
Contact Us page on the Step Up For Students website.
Parents or guardians should be prepared to provide the phone number or email address
associated with the account, security question answers, or other details to verify their identity.
The Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship (including the Personalized Education Program (PEP)
and Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO)are scholarships that
help parents and guardians customize their student’s education.
Since 2023, any Florida student who is eligible to enroll in a public school for kindergarten
through 12
grade is eligible for these scholarships.
The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational
Options allow families to pay tuition and fees at an eligible, participating private school. After
paying tuition and fees, families may use the remaining funds for other education-related
expenses allowed by law.
The Florida Tax Credit Personalized Education Program (PEP) supports parent-directed
learning for students who are not enrolled full-time in a public or private school. The student
scholarship account functions like a bank account from which a parent or guardian directs
funds to pay for tuition and fees for eligible hybrid and part-time private schools, home
education instructional programs, tutoring, curriculum, and other education-related expenses
allowed by law. Participating students must develop a Student Learning Plan annually that
outlines how the funds will support a comprehensive education and must also complete an
annual norm-referenced assessment.
Step Up For Students is a nonprofit Scholarship Funding Organization (SFO) approved by the
state of Florida to administer education choice scholarship programs.
This handbook helps parents and guardians understand the rules governing the scholarship
programs and guides them through the process of applying for and using the FTC, FES-EO, and
PEP scholarships.
Parent and Guardian Rights and Responsibilities
Parents and guardians of scholarship students are subject to all scholarship program rules and
responsibilities, including the annual Sworn Compliance Statement, Terms & Conditions in
EMA, relevant statutes, and rules set by the Florida Department of Education.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Parents or guardians of students receiving and using scholarship funds may not take
possession of scholarship funds at any time and are prohibited from being paid from
scholarship funds for services provided to their own scholarship student.
The terms outlined in this handbook are subject to change.
Data Confidentiality
The information available behind the parent or guardian login in EMA is personal and
A parent or guardian may not assign the responsibility for submitting any application or
reimbursement documentation to another user and must not provide anyone, including service
providers or personnel at a private school, access to a student’s scholarship account by
providing a username and password.
Doing so may result in loss of scholarship eligibility and funding, and/or financial or criminal
penalties. Step Up For Students will not be responsible for changes or purchases made by
anyone other than the account owner if the login information has been shared.
This policy is intended to prevent misuse of scholarship funds and protect the confidentiality of
sensitive financial and educational information that belongs to students and their parents or
Data Security
Step Up For Students will never ask a parent or guardian for the following information via
email, phone call, or text message:
Full account password or any part of it
Full social security number (Step Up may ask for the last 4 digits for account verification
Credit card number or banking details
Any personal identification numbers other than the PIN provided on the scholarship
Parents or guardians who receive any communication requesting this type of information or
have received a suspicious email should not respond or click on any links. Instead, they should
report the activity immediately on the Contact Us page on the Step Up For Students website.
Access to School District Courses and Services
PEP scholarship students must be provided the same flexibility and opportunities outlined in
sections (3) (12) of Florida’s Home Education statute, including access to classes and
extracurricular activities offered by their local public schools.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Parents and guardians may use their student’s scholarship to pay for classes or services
provided by public schools, but public schools may not report the student to the state for
A scholarship student who receives contracted services from a public school is not considered
enrolled in a public school for scholarship eligibility, but rather attending a public school on a
part-time basis as authorized under s. 1002.44, F.S.
Maintaining Up-to-Date Contact Information
Parents or guardians should keep contact information current, especially their primary email
address. This is the primary way Step Up For Students will communicate important information
related to a student’s scholarship.
Parents or guardians should update email filters to accept messages from Step Up For
Students so emails are not sent to the spam or junk folders.
If at any point there is a change of physical or mailing address, telephone number, cell phone
number or email address, the information must be updated in EMA. Parents or guardians
should contact Step Up For Students to update their Proof of Residency.
Qualifying and Applying for a Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements
The FTC, FES-EO and PEP scholarships are available to students who are:
Florida residents or dependent children of active-duty members of the United States
Armed Forces who have received Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders to Florida
or renewing students whose home record or state of legal residence is Florida and have
received PCS orders outside of Florida, and
Eligible to enroll in grades K12 in a Florida public school,
Received a scholarship under the Hope Scholarship Program in the 2023-24 school
A student entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1 of the
school year of their scholarship application.
o A student entering first grade must be 6 years old on or before September 1 of the
school year of their scholarship application.
Misrepresenting any information provided to Step Up For Students in a scholarship application
could result in the revocation of the student’s scholarship and may be punishable as a crime.
Choosing the Right Scholarship: Private School and PEP Options
A parent or guardian may choose an eligible private school or PEP scholarship.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Full-Time Eligible Private School Option
Students who receive an FTC or FES-EO scholarship and do not participate in PEP must enroll
at an eligible, participating private school and receive full-time instruction in-person at the
school’s physical location.
Personalized Education Program (PEP) Option
“Personalized Education Program” means the sequentially progressive instruction of a student
directed by his or her parent or guardian to satisfy Florida’s compulsory education requirements
(see of ss. 1003.01 (13) and 1003.21 (1), F.S.).
PEP scholarships are funded through the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program. Scholarship
funds may be used to pay tuition and fees for programs, courses, or classes allowed by law.
More information is available in Authorized Uses of Scholarship Program Funds.
To apply for a PEP scholarship, the parent or guardian must indicate their preference on the
scholarship application. PEP has a statutory capacity limit of up to 60,000 students for the
2024-25 school year.
Applying for a Scholarship
Step Up For Students requires parents and guardians to submit a complete scholarship
application each year through their EMA account, which can be accessed at
EMA, the Education Market Assistant, is the system Step Up For Students created to help
parents and guardians manage every facet of their student’s scholarship, starting with the
online scholarship application.
This video and this guide explain how to create a parent or guardian account in EMA. Using
their EMA login, parents and guardians can complete an online application and submit
documentation required to confirm the student’s age, income (if applicable), applicant Florida
residency, and attest compliance for the rules of the program.
This guide explains how to complete an application and this checklist outlines the documents a
parent or guardian should prepare when they apply.
A parent or guardian must use their phone number, physical address and email address, and no
one else’s, in their guardian profile.
A participating school or provider may not apply on behalf of a parent or guardian, submit
documentation, or otherwise act on behalf of the parent or guardian. Schools or providers must
not request access to or obtain the parent’s or guardian’s information to access the student’s
scholarship account.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Doing so may result in revocation of the provider’s participation in the program or the student’s
scholarship eligibility and funding and may carry a financial or criminal penalty.
Multiple Applications Prohibited
Scholarship program statutes prohibit a student from applying for more than one scholarship
for the same student at the same time.
If a parent or guardian applies for both a Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with
Unique Abilities (FES-UA) and an FTC or FES-EO scholarship for the same student, that
student will remain on the FES-UA scholarship.
If a parent or guardian has applied for one scholarship for their student and would like their
student to participate in a different scholarship program, they must submit a completed
scholarship decline form before applying to avoid a funding delay.
If a student attends an eligible private school, parents or guardians should communicate with
their child’s school before changing scholarship programs to confirm which scholarships their
school accepts.
A parent or guardian may only submit one application per scholarship program. Parents or
guardians should make sure all students from whom they wish to apply are added to the My
Students section in EMA before submitting their application.
A scholarship student may only be associated with one parent or guardian account. If a student
has multiple parents or guardians and appears on multiple scholarship accounts, there may be a
delay in the student's scholarship processing or funding. If a current scholarship student's
guardianship is updated, their parent or guardian must contact Step Up to update this
Proof of Residency
The applying parent and guardian must prove they are a resident of Florida to be eligible for an
FTC, FES-EO or PEP scholarship.
This checklist outlines documents that can serve as proof of residency.
Proof of Residency for Active-Duty Military Families
Students who are dependent children of active-duty members of the United States Armed
Forces with Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders to move into or current scholarship
students under orders to move out of Florida can apply for an FES-UA scholarship.
If a new student is moving to Florida, but has not yet established residency, the parent or
guardian should:
1. Upload the PCS orders in the Proof of Residency section of the scholarship application.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
2. Be sure the physical address in their guardian profile matches the newly assigned unit
address on the PCS orders they submit.
3. Once residency in Florida is established, call Step Up For Students at (877) 735-7837 to
provide an updated Proof of Residency.
Students will not receive funds until an updated Proof of Residency is received and the physical
address is updated in the guardian profile in EMA.
If a renewal student is moving out of Florida, the parent or guardian should:
1. Upload a Leave and Earnings Statement, IRS Domicile 2058 or DFAS Form 702 in the
Student Information section of the scholarship application.
2. Upload the PCS orders in the Proof of Residency section of the scholarship application.
Award Prioritization
Scholarship applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Scholarships will
be awarded in this order of priority:
1. Renewal students (those who received and utilized FTC, FES-EO, PEP or Hope
Scholarship funding during the 2023-24 school year).
2. Students whose families have a household income up to 185% of Federal Poverty Level
by household size, or students who are in foster or out-of-home care,
3. Students whose families have a household income between 186% and 400% of Federal
Poverty Level by household size.
4. Students whose families have a household income greater than 400% of Federal
Poverty Level by household size, or students whose families do not provide income
information to be considered for application priority.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Household Members
To calculate the correct household size and establish application priority, all household
members must be included on an application.
The application will prompt parents or guardians to add additional household members, if
applicable. An additional household member is anyone residing at the same address who is not
listed on the scholarship application as a student, parent, or guardian.
If a household member is under the age of 18, they must be a dependent to be included
as a household member on the application.
If the household member is 18 years or older, employment information must be
provided for this person if they share expenses or income.
Proof of Income
To be considered for application priority, the scholarship application must list all income sources
for all household members 18 years or older.
Sources of income include:
Cash wages
Self-employment or business income
Unemployment benefits
Social Security
Income/disability for every household member (including children)
Child support
Interest or investment income
No Priority
A parent or guardian may choose to decline to provide income documentation. To do so, the
parent or guardian must select “YES” to opt out of providing income documentation within the
scholarship application.
The application will be processed without priority. For record-keeping purposes, the household
will be reported as having an income greater than 400% of the federal poverty level.
Application Deadlines
The last day to submit a scholarship application for the 2024-25 school year will be Friday,
December 6, 2024. The last date to submit documentation required to process a scholarship
application will be Friday, December 13, 2024.
PEP applications may close earlier if the program reaches its full capacity. Parents or guardians
will have an opportunity to register for a program interest list.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Application Deadline Exclusions
The following students are excluded from the standard application deadline and can apply for a
scholarship any time during school year:
Dependents of active-duty members of the United States Armed Forces.
Foster child
Adopted child
Students who experience a bullying or harassment incident at their public school.
Exclusions from the application deadline do not exclude students from the limits on PEP
scholarship program capacity.
Parents and guardians applying for a scholarship outside of application season will need to call
Step Up For Students at (877) 735-7837 to have an application opened for their student.
The following documents are requested for the appropriate deadline exclusions:
Dependents of an active-duty member of the United States Armed Forces have three
options depending on the scenario:
o Established Florida residents: A copy of the Service Member’s Leave & Earnings
Statement (LES) for the month the application is submitted.
o Moving out of Florida: (renewal students only) A copy of the Permanent Change of
Station orders and Leave and Earnings Statement, IRS Domicile 2058 or DFAS Form
o Moving into Florida: (new students only) A copy of the Permanent Change of Station
Foster child: A copy of the Foster Placement documentation, or other similar legal
Adopted child: A copy of an Adoption Decree, or other similar legal documentation.
Students who experience bullying: A completed Hope Scholarship Notification Form.
Scholarship Participation Requirements
Once awarded a scholarship, the parent or guardian can access their student’s Award ID by
logging in to EMA, as outlined in this video. Parents or guardians may also print this notice to
save for their records or document their student’s participation in the scholarship program.
A student awarded an FTC, FES-EO, or PEP scholarship may not enroll full-time in any public
school, including:
A charter school
A developmental research school
Any other Florida public school
Florida Virtual School or any other online public school
The College-Preparatory Boarding Academy
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
The Florida Scholars Academy
The Florida School for Competitive Academics
The Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind
Parents and guardians may use their student’s scholarship to pay for classes or services
provided by public schools, but public schools may not report the student to the state for
Students may not receive multiple K12 scholarships at the same time, including FES-UA, the
Transportation Stipend, or New Worlds Scholarship Accounts program.
More information for students who want to leave their current scholarship program for another
option is available in Leaving the Scholarship Program.
In addition, participating families have different requirements depending on whether they
choose the PEP or full-time private school scholarship options.
Full-Time Eligible Private School Option
Students who do not use a PEP scholarship must be educated full-time at the physical location
of an eligible private school. Step-by-step instructions for parents or guardians whose student
has been awarded a scholarship are available from Step Up For Students here.
Once a student is awarded a scholarship:
1. The parent or guardian must select an eligible, participating private school. This tool can
help families find participating schools in their area.
2. Once a private school has been selected, the parent or guardian should provide the
student’s Award ID to the selected school. The Award ID is available under the My
Students tab in EMA. This video provides a step-by-step guide.
3. The school will use the Award ID to enroll the student in EMA.
4. The parent or guardian will confirm enrollment in EMA.
After a student enrolls in an eligible private school, the school and parent or guardian must both
certify the agreed-upon tuition and fee rate for the student. The agreed-upon tuition and fee
rate may include discounts or other considerations. It may be less, but not more, than the
school’s published tuition and fee rate for the student’s grade level. It may not be less than $4.
The agreed-upon amount of tuition and fees in EMA should not exceed any amount the parent
or guardian has agreed to pay the eligible private school. Schools participating in the
scholarship program cannot charge a different rate for scholarship students and non-
scholarship students. The same published tuition schedule must apply to all students, whether
on scholarship or paying privately.
For example: If a school and a parent agree to a tuition and fee rate of $8,000, the amount
charged in EMA should be $8,000 or less.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Many participating private schools charge more than the value of the scholarship. In some
cases, they may decide to provide scholarship students with supplemental financial assistance.
The parent or guardian should work with the school but may be required to pay the difference
between the value of the scholarship and the full tuition and fees.
If a student is enrolled at a school before a scholarship has been awarded, the parent or
guardian will be responsible for paying any tuition and fees due to the school.
Once funding has begun, if a full-time student unenrolls from their private school at any time
during the school year, the student will be unable to access any funds for other expenses until
they have enrolled again in a participating private school.
Transferring Schools and the 10-Day Rule
Students utilizing the private school scholarship option may transfer their scholarship among
eligible participating private schools. If a parent or guardian is not satisfied with the private
school they have chosen, they may find another one.
Before a parent or guardian withdraws their student from the private school, they should notify
the school and understand the school’s transfer policy.
A student may not be enrolled in a new eligible private school in EMA until the student has
been withdrawn from the prior school in EMA.
The transfer process may include a final payment to the private school the student is leaving. If
a payment is owed to that school, it must be approved by the parent or guardian. If the school
has been overpaid, Step Up will invoice the school for the overpayment.
If a student’s scholarship requires full-time enrollment in an eligible private school, funding has
been distributed to their account, and the student withdraws and does not re-enroll in an
eligible private school within 30 days, the student’s scholarship account must be closed and
any remaining funds for that quarterly payment period must revert to the state.
Once a student is enrolled and attending their eligible, participating school for 10 or more days
during a quarterly payment period, the school will receive the full quarter’s distribution.
If a student transfers to a different participating school in the same quarter, the first school the
student attended for 10 days or more during that quarter will receive the full quarter’s payment.
The parent or guardian and the two schools may negotiate any amount owed to the new school
from the quarterly payment made to the first school. This is not required, but, in the spirit of
partnership for the good of the student, is highly recommended.
Parents or guardians should allow five business days for the current school to withdraw the
student. If the student has not been withdrawn after five business days, they should contact
the Customer Engagement Center at Step Up For Students.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Personalized Education Program (PEP) Option
PEP scholarship students must meet the following requirements:
Declare a grade level, which is used to determine eligibility and scholarship funding.
Submit a Student Learning Plan (SLP) annually. The SLP is located on the dashboard in
EMA and must be submitted before a student can receive scholarship funding. The
parent or guardian must develop this customized learning plan to guide instruction for
their student and address the services needed to fulfill their child’s academic needs. It
does not determine or limit what the parent or guardian can purchase with scholarship
o PEP students enrolled in an approved eligible hybrid private school option must
address their student’s remaining instructional time in their SLP.
Withdraw as a full-time public or private school student or terminate a home education
program with their school district before receiving PEP scholarship funding.
Take a statewide assessment or a state-approved national norm-referenced test
annually and provide those results to Step Up For Students. This video explains how to
submit results. To view a list of the state’s approved norm-referenced tests please, or
click here.
PEP scholarship students may not enroll full-time at an eligible private school. However, they
may enroll part-time. More information is available in Part-Time PEP Students and Hybrid
Private School PEP Students.
Leaving the Scholarship Program
Parents or guardians must notify Step Up For Students immediately, and submit a completed
scholarship decline form, if a scholarship student:
Plans to enroll in any public school, including Florida Virtual School or another online
school, where they will be reported to the state for funding. (Students may use their
scholarships to pay for courses or other services provided by these institutions.)
Intends to apply for a Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique
Abilities, the Transportation Stipend, or New Worlds Scholarship Accounts program.
Moves out of state (except for renewing students of active-duty members of the United
States Armed Forces who receive permanent change of station orders out of state while
maintaining legal residence in Florida).
Failure to notify Step Up For Students could result in a loss of funding, loss of future eligibility,
and/or financial or criminal penalties.
If state records show a student enrolled in a public school after receiving scholarship funds, the
funds deposited into the student’s account for that school year will be returned to Step Up For
Students or the state of Florida.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
If a student is found enrolled in public school or another scholarship program, their parent or
guardian will be notified by email and should contact Step Up For Students immediately.
Annual Assessment Requirement
Students in grades 310 attending an eligible private school using FTC or FES-EO scholarship
funds are required to take a Florida Department of Education-approved, standardized,
nationally norm-referenced assessment.
Students in grades K 12 participating in the PEP scholarship program are required to take a
nationally norm-referenced test or a statewide assessment and submit the results to Step Up
For Students.
Students with disabilities for whom standardized testing is not appropriate are exempt from
this requirement.
Continuing Program Eligibility
Once a student’s scholarship has been funded, a parent or guardian may submit a renewal
application each year to continue with the scholarship as long as they meet residency
requirements and remain eligible to enroll in a Florida public school.
The student will remain eligible until they return to public school, graduate high school, or turn
A student will need to apply for the scholarship as a new student if they:
Do not renew their scholarship and “sit out” a year.
Leave the program and later seek to resume participation.
If a student turns 21, graduates high school, or enrolls full-time in public school, but still has
funds remaining in their scholarship account, the parent or guardian must complete an
application, note their intent to continue with the program, and provide the required
documentation to use the remaining funds.
Placement in Residential Programs
If a scholarship student is placed in any residential program, the parent or guardian must
confirm how participating students meet the mandatory school attendance requirement.
If the program uses any Florida public school, including a full-time online school, the
student may lose their scholarship eligibility if the online school reports them to the
state for funding.
If the program uses a private school option, and the private school is an eligible,
participating private school, the student’s scholarship funds may be available to cover
the cost of tuition and fees.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Funding for Scholarships
Funding for FTC scholarships, including PEP scholarships, comes from tax credit funds raised
from corporate donors by Step Up For Students.
Funding for the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO) comes
from the state of Florida.
Scholarship Amounts
Scholarship funding is based on two factors:
A student’s grade level
The county where they live
The 2024-25 scholarship funding amounts are available here.
Scholarship Funding Proration
To receive scholarship funding, students using the private school option must confirm
enrollment in an eligible private school in EMA.
PEP scholarship students must complete a Student Learning Plan (SLP) in EMA.
Scholarship funding is prorated based on the dates when the above steps are complete:
Students who complete steps by October 15, 2024 = funded 100% of total award amount
Students who complete steps by January 15, 2025 = funded 50% of total award amount
Students who do not complete their enrollment or SLP by January 15 will not receive
scholarship funding for the 2024-25 school year.
Scholarship Funding Schedule
Scholarship funds are deposited into the student’s scholarship account four times a year.
A Scholarship Funding Organization must verify a student’s eligibility to participate in the
program at least 30 days before receiving funding from the state.
Once the Florida Department of Education receives a verified list of eligible students from Step
Up, the department will send scholarship funds quarterly on the following dates:
Enrollment or SLP deadline Funds delivered to Step Up
June 30* August 1*
July 26* September 1*
September 15 November 1
December 15 February 1
February 15 April 1
* There are two funding dates for the first quarter.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
For students enrolled full-time in an eligible private school, Step Up will make quarterly
payments for tuition and fees within seven (7) business days after the school and parent have
approved the payment.
Step Up may sometimes provide supplemental funding to students who were not funded on
the above schedule. Step Up will communicate this with those in this situation via email.
Once the tuition and fee amount is paid to the private school, students with additional funds
available in their accounts may use them for other eligible expenses. More information is
available in Authorized Uses of Scholarship Program Funds or the program Purchasing Guide.
Funding Continuation and Rollover
Once funds are deposited into the student’s account, parents or guardians may use the funds
for items and services described in the sections below.
A student’s unspent scholarship funds may be rolled over from one school year to the next.
However, under Florida law, Step Up For Students cannot transfer funds into the student’s
scholarship account that would raise the balance above $24,000.
If a student enrolls in a public school, graduates from high school, or reaches 21 years of age on
or before July 1 (whichever comes first), the student will not be eligible for additional
scholarship funding. Funds received while a student is eligible for the program will remain in
their account in EMA.
Account Closure and Fund Revocation
A student’s scholarship account must be closed and any remaining funds returned to the state
Denial or revocation of program eligibility by the commissioner for fraud or abuse,
Any period of two consecutive fiscal years (July 1 June 30) with no spending activity.
Withdrawing from a private school after receiving funding and not re-enrolling for full-
time instruction in an eligible private school within 30 days.
More information for students who want to leave their current scholarship program for another
option is available in Leaving the Scholarship Program.
Transferring Among Scholarship Funding Organizations
Step Up For Students is one of Florida’s approved Scholarship Funding Organizations (SFOs).
A student may only have a scholarship funded through one SFO at a time. Scholarship
applications and awards are not transferable between SFOs.
A student awarded a scholarship by one SFO who has not yet received funding and wants to
move to a different SFO must decline their scholarship with their current SFO and submit a new
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
scholarship application with a different SFO. Step Up For Students’ scholarship decline form is
available here.
A parent or guardian of a student awarded scholarships by multiple SFOs must select the
organization they would like to administer their scholarship and decline scholarships from the
Step Up cannot receive incoming transfer requests. If a student has received funding from one
SFO, and the parent or guardian would like to transfer administration of their student's
scholarship to a different SFO, they must initiate a transfer as follows:
Students transferring into Step Up: A parent or guardian of a student with a scholarship
funded by another SFO who wishes to transfer to Step Up For Students should contact their
current SFO to initiate a transfer process.
Students transferring out of Step Up: A parent or guardian of a student with a scholarship
currently funded by Step Up For Students should contact Step Up to request a transfer to
another SFO. Step Up will work with the other SFO to begin the transfer process.
Transferring funds may take several months to complete.
Authorized Uses of Scholarship Program Funds
Scholarship program funds must be used for eligible expenses that meet the individual
educational needs of the scholarship student.
The following categories of items and services are approved uses for the scholarship funds.
Eligible expenses are detailed in the program Purchasing Guide.
Instructional materials
Curriculum and curriculum materials
Tuition and fees:
o At an eligible private school
For full-time in-person learners (private school scholarship option students)
For part-time (for PEP students only)
For hybrid private school program (for PEP students only)
o For home education program (for PEP students only)
o At an eligible postsecondary institution
o For dual enrollment
For an approved pre-apprenticeship program
o For a full-time private tutoring program (for PEP students only)
o At an approved online or virtual provider
o As a private-pay student for Florida Virtual School
Standardized testing fees
Contracted services provided by a public school or school district
Part-time tutoring and Choice Navigator services
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Reimbursement requests submitted for an item or service not listed as an eligible expense may
result in delayed processing or denial of the reimbursement if the request does not include an
approved pre-authorization. More information is available below under Pre-Authorization.
General Purchasing Rules
Making Successful Purchases
Before making purchases out-of-pocket, submitting reimbursement requests, or ordering
through MyScholarShop, parents and guardians should check to ensure:
1. The purchase is an eligible use of scholarship funds. (Note: If a purchase was previously
approved due to error, under another program, or under a previous years rules, that
does not mean it will be approved in the future).
2. The student has sufficient funds in their account to cover the purchase.
The parent or guardian may view their account balance on the online statement provided in
EMA. A family cannot receive reimbursements for amounts that exceed the available balance in
the student’s account.
Step Up For Students approves purchases and reimbursement requests in accordance with
Florida statutes related to the scholarship program, rules set by the Florida Department of
Education, and internal policies and procedures.
Some items listed in the Purchasing Guide require pre-authorization. In addition, pre-
authorizations may be required for other purchases, including items or services not listed as
eligible in the Purchasing Guide.
Pre-authorization requests for these items must be approved before a purchase is made.
Step Up For Students will not accept pre-authorization requests for items that are prohibited.
The pre-authorization request will be reviewed in the order it was received, and the parent or
guardian will be notified of the determination by email.
The pre-authorization only applies to the listed item or service. It is not confirmation of the
provider’s eligibility or funding availability for the reimbursement.
Requests for pre-authorization should be specific to the student and contain as much detail as
possible about the specific item or service requested, including the approximate cost. The
documentation request should demonstrate how the item or service is an eligible expense that
helps their student learn.
The items or services purchased must match those on the pre-authorization request. If they do
not, Step Up For Students reserves the right to deny the purchase or reimbursement request.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Step Up For Students evaluates pre-authorization requests on a case-by-case basis that
accounts for the circumstances of the individual student. A different student seeking approval
for a similar item, or the same student seeking approval for a similar item under different
circumstances, may not always receive the same determination.
An approved pre-authorization is only valid for purchases in the school year in which it was
approved. Pre-authorizations for the 2024-25 school year may be submitted until April 30,
2025. This will ensure pre-authorizations have time to be approved and parents have time to
make the purchase and submit a reimbursement request prior to the end of the school year on
June 30, 2025.
Educational Benefit Form
Some purchases will require documentation of their educational benefit. This must be done
through the Educational Benefit Form, which is available here.
Educational benefit is defined as supporting and advancing student learning. Some items or
services may require additional information to demonstrate the educational benefit of the item
or service to the educational needs of the student.
Fields in EMA may ask for parents to provide information on the educational benefit of a
purchase, but filling out these fields does not replace the need to fill out the Educational Benefit
In addition to educational benefit, Step Up For Students considers the manufacturer’s
recommended minimum age to approve purchases or reimbursement requests.
Receiving Payments, Refunds or Rebates
Parents or guardians may not receive a payment, refund, or rebate of scholarship funds from a
If a school, service provider or vendor issues payment, refund, or rebate to a parent or guardian,
the funds must be returned to the student's scholarship account.
Parents and guardians may not keep the proceeds from selling an item purchased using
scholarship funds. Proceeds of the sale must be returned to the student’s scholarship account.
A check, made payable to Step Up For Students, indicating the scholarship student’s name and
student ID, should be sent to Step Up For Students at the following address:
Step Up For Students
Attention: Accounts Receivable
P.O. Box 54429
Jacksonville, FL 32245-4367
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
If the funds are not returned to the student's scholarship account, the student could lose
scholarship funding and eligibility for violating program rules.
Frequency of Purchase Limitations
Program rules limit the frequency with which families can purchase certain items using
scholarship funds.
These rules apply by calendar year. For example, a desk may have a two-year purchasing
frequency, meaning a student who purchased a desk on November 10, 2024, will be eligible to
purchase another desk using scholarship funds on or after November 11, 2026.
Frequency of purchase rules apply to all scholarship programs, even if a student changes
programs. For example, if a parent or guardian purchased a desk with Family Empowerment
Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities funds on November 10, 2024, the student will
not be eligible to purchase a desk using any other scholarship until November 11, 2026.
More details are available in the program Purchasing Guide.
Items that are Lost, Stolen or Broken Beyond Repair
If an item purchased with scholarship funds is broken beyond repair, it may be replaced with a
similar item of equal or lesser value.
A parent or guardian must submit a pre-authorization request and documentation from a repair
shop or service technician showing the item is beyond repair. Photos of the damaged item do
not qualify as sufficient documentation.
If the item can be repaired, scholarship funds may be used to cover the cost of repair, but they
cannot be used to cover the cost of a replacement.
If an item was stolen, a parent or guardian must submit a pre-authorization request and police
report for review.
Replacement of lost devices will not be approved.
If a replacement item is authorized, the two calendar-year period will reset. For example, a
student who purchased a television on July 10, 2024, but then is authorized to purchase and
purchases a replacement on October 10, 2025, will not be eligible to purchase another
television using scholarship funds until on or after October 11, 2027.
Direct Payment to Eligible Private Schools
Full-Time Eligible Private School Students
Students with a private school scholarship (all FES-EO students and non-PEP FTC students)
must enroll in an eligible, participating private school through EMA. A list of schools eligible to
serve scholarship students can be found in the Florida Private Schools Directory.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Once a student’s enrollment is confirmed, the school can receive payment of scholarship funds
by submitting an invoice for tuition and fees and the parent or guardian has approved payment
to the school.
Step Up commits eligible private school tuition and fees from student’s account quarterly
before a parent or guardian can access any remaining scholarship funds.
Note: If a school charges more than a student’s scholarship amount for tuition and fees, families
may choose to pay for the difference using rollover funds in their account. In order for
scholarship funds to be paid to the school directly, the school must set up a service offering in
EMA with a tuition and fees service offering. A video with details on how schools can navigate
the Marketplace in EMA is available here.
Part-Time PEP Students
PEP students may also enroll part-time in eligible private schools they attend in-person. Eligible
private schools may choose to accept direct payment through EMA by creating service
offerings in the Marketplace.
The school must accept the FTC Scholarship to provide part-time enrollment to PEP students.
A list of schools eligible to serve scholarship students can be found in the Florida Private
Schools Directory.
PEP scholarship students may pay for part-time private school classes directly through the
Marketplace for participating schools. PEP scholarship students may not utilize the school
enrollment function in EMA, which is for full-time, in-person learners only.
Eligible Hybrid Private School PEP Students
PEP students may also enroll in eligible hybrid private schools they attend in-person at least
two full school days per week if their Student Learning Plan addresses the remaining
instructional time. Eligible private schools may choose to accept direct payment through EMA
by creating service offerings in the Marketplace.
Eligible hybrid private schools must meet state eligibility requirements and elect to participate
in the program with the Florida Department of Education (DOE); Please note that not all FTC
participating schools are eligible hybrid private schools. A list of hybrid private schools eligible
to serve PEP students can be found in the Florida Private Schools Directory.
PEP scholarship students may pay for eligible hybrid private school programs directly through
the Marketplace for participating schools. PEP scholarship students may not utilize the school
enrollment function in EMA.
Note: Full-time enrollment in an eligible hybrid private school is not the same as full-time
enrollment in a traditional eligible private school, which is prohibited under PEP. Eligible hybrid
private schools must be approved by the DOE to participate.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Direct Payment for Services
Step Up For Students allows parents and guardians to pay directly for some eligible educational
services. Providers wishing to participate in direct payment for educational services from
scholarship students must set up a provider account in EMA and submit a service catalog.
Requests for payment directly to a provider may only be approved after the service has been
Step Up For Students has developed MyScholarShop, an e-purchasing platform where parents
or guardians can purchase pre-approved items without any upfront cost.
MyScholarShop will become accessible within a few weeks after funds are deposited into a
student’s account. Parents or guardians can log in to EMA to access MyScholarShop.
If an item is not in MyScholarShop or the program Purchasing Guide, it may still be an eligible
expense. If an item is in MyScholarShop, it may not be an eligible item for all scholarship
programs for direct purchasing or reimbursement. Additionally, if a parent purchases an item
out of pocket that identical to one within MyScholarShop for a lesser amount, the parent must
be reimbursed for that item if it is eligible for their scholarship program.
Parents or guardians should submit a pre-authorization form if they are unsure an item is
MyScholarShop Guidelines
The parent or guardian should ensure they have enough available funds in the
scholarship account to cover the entire purchase.
These policies, including pre-approval of items available for purchase through
MyScholarShop, do not apply to in-store purchases or purchases from vendor websites.
If an item requires pre-authorization, the pre-authorization request must be approved
before a parent or guardian places the order. The approved pre-authorization number
must be included in the appropriate field to avoid a delay or denial of order.
If an item has an associated purchasing rule, such as size or frequency limitation, those
same rules apply in MyScholarShop.
The parent or guardian should include all purchases in a single order.
MyScholarShop orders will ship to the physical address listed in the guardian profile in
Step Up For Students reserves the right to deny requests.
MyScholarShop will become accessible once funds are deposited into a student’s
account. Parents or guardians can log into EMA to access MyScholarShop.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
MyScholarShop Returns
Returns are completed through the vendor they were purchased from and not through Step Up
For Students. Items may not be returned to a store.
Individual vendors list their return policies and instructions in MyScholarShop.
Once the vendor has received the item, it may take up to a few weeks for the funds to be
credited to the student’s scholarship account.
Status Definitions
Below is a glossary of the statuses that describe the progress of an order in MyScholarShop.
Composing: Request is pending; the cart has not been submitted for purchase.
Submitted: Request was submitted and is pending review.
Approved: Items requiring review have been approved and sent to the vendor(s) for
Denied: Items requiring review have been denied. One appeal is allowed.
Ordering: A fully approved order is in the process of being generated.
Ordered: All items associated with an order or requisition have been sent to the vendor
to fulfill.
Cancelling: Order was canceled after it was placed.
Cancelled: Order was cancelled after it was submitted and approved.
Receiving: Ordered items have been shipped and are in the process of being delivered.
Received: Ordered items have been fully received.
Submitting Reimbursement Requests
Parents or guardians who choose to pay for eligible tuition, fees, items or services out of pocket
may apply to have those expenditures reimbursed from their student’s scholarship account.
Step Up For Students approves reimbursement of items within the guidance of Florida statutes
related to the scholarship program, as well as Florida Department of Education rules and Step
Up For Students policies and procedures and reserves the right to close or deny any
reimbursement request submitted for payment.
Step-by-step instructions for submitting a reimbursement request in EMA are available here.
Reimbursement Timing
Reimbursement requests are year-specific. Requests for reimbursements using scholarship
funds from the 2024-25 school year may be submitted at any time after the purchase is made,
as long as the items or services were purchased between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.
In addition, reimbursements for purchases made in the following categories between July 1,
2023 and June 30, 2024 are eligible for reimbursement with scholarship funds.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Eligible Private School Tuition and Fees
Home Education Tuition and Fees
Public School Contracted Services
Full-Time Private Tutoring
State-Approved Virtual Instruction Provider
State-Approved Online Course
In these instances, reimbursements should be submitted during the school year in which the
service is rendered (or curricula is used), but the proof of purchase may be from the
immediately preceding fiscal year.
For example, if a student receives instruction from a home education program during the 2024-
25 school year, a parent or guardian should apply for reimbursement between July 1, 2024 and
June 30, 2024, but the proof of purchase may be dated July 1, 2023 or later.
This policy is intended to help families cover expenses they paid for in advance in preparation
for the 2024-25 school year.
Students funded at any point during the 2024-25 school year can submit reimbursements for
purchases dated between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.
Please allow up to 60 days for a reimbursement request with the required supporting
documentation to be fully reviewed.
Reimbursement Status Definitions
As a reimbursement is processed in EMA, it will progress through three statuses:
Submitted: Step Up For Students has received the reimbursement request for the
identified purchase.
In Review: Step Up For Students is reviewing the reimbursement request.
Completed: Step up For Students has reviewed the reimbursement request, and a
decision on the reimbursement request is pending.
Once the reimbursement is completed, it will be flagged as:
Approved: The reimbursement request will be fulfilled for the identified purchase, and
payment is on the way.
Denied: The reimbursement request will not be fulfilled for the identified purchase. Step
Up For Students will provide the denial reason via email to the email address in EMA.
Common denial reasons include incorrect or insufficient documentation for the
purchase, or the purchase was submitted using the wrong category. More information
about appealing a denied reimbursement is available in Appeals.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
On Hold: The reimbursement request needs further action, information, or
documentation from the parent or guardian. Step Up For Students will provide
information via email to the email address in EMA.
If additional documents are requested for an On Hold reimbursement and none are submitted
within 30 days, it will automatically be denied, and the parent or guardian will need to submit a
new reimbursement request.
Advance Reimbursement
Parents or guardians can apply for reimbursement for services up to three months in advance.
For example, if a tutor asks for payment in advance, a parent can apply on September 1 for
reimbursement of tutoring fees paid through the end of November.
Requests submitted for services more than three months in advance may be approved through
the remainder of the school year, up to one year, if the provider attests that the services paid in
advance are non-refundable.
Parents or guardians can submit a signed and dated letter from the provider stating the
payment is non-refundable or submit published policies from the provider showing these
Required Supporting Documentation
For a reimbursement request to be approved, the parent or guardian will need to show that:
1. Proof of payment.
2. The purchase is a qualified use of scholarship funds.
Step Up For Students may request additional documentation or clarification when the
reimbursement request is reviewed. The parent or guardian will be notified via email to the
email address in EMA.
Proof of Payment
The following documents can serve as proof that the parent or guardian paid for the purchase:
Credit card receipt with the full transaction date (mm/dd/yy), provider name, and
Credit card/bank statement with the full transaction date (mm/dd/yy), provider name,
and amount.
PayPal receipt with the full purchase date (mm/dd/yy), provider name, amount, and
funding source.
Copy of the front and back of the cleared check with the full payment date (mm/dd/yy),
provider name, and amount. When submitting a copy of a cleared check, black out the
routing and account numbers.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
An invoice that does not show it has been paid in full and does not show the means of payment
(such as the number of the credit or debit card used), will not count as proof of payment.
If the provider’s name on the proof of payment does not match the provider listed on the
invoice or receipt, supporting documentation from the provider will be required to explain the
difference (this can be in the form of a letter).
Proof of Payment for Private School Tuition Using Tuition Management Systems
A private school’s tuition management system (e.g. FACTS, Blackbaud, TADS) may include the
information needed to provide proof of payment.
The billing statement should include:
School’s name and address
Scholarship student’s first and last name as listed in EMA
Description of each payment to be reimbursed (including but not limited to: tuition,
registration fee, book fees, etc.)
Date of full payment (mm/dd/yy)
Amount of each transaction.
A tuition management system account may show activity related to multiple students and
transactions. Each reimbursement request should include the specific scholarship student, and
the specific transactions, for which the parent or guardian is seeking reimbursement.
If a private school’s tuition management system groups students by family and does not show
spending for individual students, a parent or guardian can submit an invoice from the school
with appropriate documentation as stated in Tuition and Fees at an Eligible Private School.
Cash, Checks and Private Sellers
Cash payments to a provider require a signed, dated letter from the provider on their letterhead
that includes:
Provider’s name
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Description of service (tuition, registration, etc.)
Date of full payment (mm/dd/yy)
Amount of purchase
Method of payment (cash/check)
Requests for reimbursement of cash purchases from private sellers that are not affiliated with a
company or institution (garage sale, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, private tutors) will be
When making purchases from private sellers, payment in the form of a personal or cashier’s
check, money order, PayPal, Venmo or other electronic payment method is required. This form
of payment provides verification of the purchase, which is required for reimbursement.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
When submitting a cashier’s check, a copy of the cashier’s check or a bank receipt confirming
the purchase is required.
Payment with Credit Card Points, Gift Cards and Cash Equivalents
Purchases made using reward or loyalty points, credits or gift cards may only be eligible for
reimbursement if the proof of payment clearly shows the cash value of the payment method.
For example: A parent or guardian makes an eligible purchase for $40.48. They pay $30 with
their credit card and $10.48 using reward points.
They can be reimbursed for the full purchase price of $40.48 if the receipt from their purchase
clearly shows a full price of $40.48, and the full purchase was for eligible expenses.
If the receipt does not show the full purchase price, they can only be reimbursed for $30 the
portion paid with a credit card.
Reimbursement for Installment Payments
If an approved purchase is made using layaway, an installment plan, or a buy now, pay later
service such as Klarna or Affirm, Step Up For Students cannot reimburse the full purchase
amount until all payments have been made.
However, each installment payment on the approved purchase is eligible for reimbursement
once the payment has been made.
Note: Parents or guardians utilizing a payment plan for Florida Theme Park admission must
wait until the ticket or pass has been paid in full (or up to $299) before submitting their
reimbursement request.
Documenting Eligible Uses of Scholarship Funds
Each purchase category has specific requirements for documentation demonstrating that it
qualifies as an eligible use of scholarship funds.
Details on eligible uses of scholarship funds are available in the program Purchasing Guide.
Instructional Materials and Curriculum or Curriculum Materials
The invoice or receipt must include:
Item(s) purchased
Full date of purchase, including year
Place of purchase
Amount of the purchase, including item price, subtotal, taxes, fees, discounts, and grand
Method of payment (see Proof of Payment section)
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
If there are several items listed on the receipt, underline or highlight the item(s) the
reimbursement request is for. If possible, purchase the item(s) in a different transaction.
Physical Education (P.E.)
The invoice or receipt must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name*
Instructor’s first and last name or provider’s company/league name
Type of service rendered
Dates and hours of instruction, including year
Service rate
Method of payment (see Proof of Payment section).
*The scholarship student’s first and last name are required for classes, instructional services or
lessons. They are not required for purchased goods, rentals, or general admission tickets.
Electives and Enrichment
Reimbursement requests for elective classes, enrichment or lessons must include
documentation demonstrating the provider meets the requirements for part-time tutoring or
Choice Navigator services, or has one of the following:
A valid or expired Florida educator’s certificate
Minimum of three years of experience in the relevant subject area as demonstrated by
employment records
Currently enrolled in a postsecondary educational institution as a student of the relevant
subject area
Degree from a postsecondary educational institution in the relevant subject area
Certification or national accreditation in the relevant subject area
Additionally, the invoice or receipt must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Instructor’s first and last name
Provider’s company name, if applicable
Type of service rendered
Dates and hours of instruction, including year
Service rate
Method of payment (see Proof of Payment section).
Approved Pre-Apprenticeship Program
The invoice or receipt on craftsperson/company letterhead must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Name of the FLDOE-approved pre-apprenticeship course
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Craftsperson name, and company name (if applicable) and license number or listed on
FLDOE website
Dates and hours of instruction, including year
Program rate
Total amount due for the service
Method of payment (see Proof of Payment section)
Full-Time Private Tutoring Program (PEP Students Only)
Full-time private tutoring is an option for students to satisfy state attendance requirements
outlined in s. 1002.43, F.S. Parents must select a credentialed provider and participate in a
minimum number of instructional hours by grade level.
The invoice or receipt on business letterhead must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Tutor’s first and last name
Tutor’s DOE certification number
Tutor’s company name, if applicable
Dates and hours of instruction, including year
Tutor’s hourly rate
Total amount due for the service
Method of payment (see Proof of Payment section)
The invoice or receipt must also show that the reimbursement is for full-time tutoring, and the
parent must ensure they are seeking reimbursement under the full-time tutoring category.
To ensure correct processing, each reimbursement request should include documentation of
the service provider’s license number and/or credentials.
For their services to be eligible for reimbursement, full-time tutors who have not previously
received payment via scholarship funds will be required to submit a Step Up For Students Full-
Time Tutor Participation Agreement and W-9. Parents or guardians should consult with their
Part-Time Tutoring Services or Choice Navigator Services
The invoice or receipt on business letterhead must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Tutor’s or choice navigator’s first and last name
Tutor’s company name, if applicable
Type of service rendered
Date(s) of service(s) rendered, including year
Tutor’s hours of service and hourly rate (not required for Choice Navigator services)
Total amount due for the service
Method of payment (see Proof of Payment section)
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
To ensure correct processing, each reimbursement request should include documentation of
the service provider’s license number and/or credentials.
Documentation of Credentials
To qualify as a part-time tutor or a Choice Navigator, a provider needs to document their
If the provider of these services has not already been approved in EMA, reimbursement
requests for these services should include documentation of their credentials.
Options for acceptable documentation are detailed in the program Purchasing Guide.
Contracted Services Provided by a Public School or District
The reimbursement request must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Name and address of the school
Services provided
Date the services were provided, including year
A statement showing the amount paid (or billed)
Proof of payment (see Proof of Payment section)
Tuition and Fees at an Eligible Private School
Requests for reimbursement of tuition and fees at an eligible, participating private school
submitted by the parent or guardian must include a complete invoice and proof of payment
containing the following information:
Tuition and fee rates
o School’s published tuition and fee rates
o Annual tuition rate for the scholarship student
Invoice that includes:
o Name and address of the eligible, participating private school
o Scholarship student's first name and last name (The student’s name on the invoice
must match Step Up For Student's records. Nicknames, middle names as first
names, etc. are not accepted.)
o Date of invoice
o School year the payment is for
o Proof of Payment (see Proof of Payment section)
o Itemized charges for each tuition or fee payment
The program Purchasing Guide lists prohibited and eligible fees. School lunch and before- and
after-school care are not covered.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
PEP students may not enroll full-time in a private school, but they may enroll in part-time
classes or eligible hybrid private school programs that are approved to participate in the FTC
Scholarship Program.
If the private school uses a tuition management system (e.g. FACTS, Blackbaud, TADS), only
the annual fee for use of the billing service will be eligible for reimbursement. Any fees charged
for use of a credit card will not be reimbursed.
If a student withdraws or transfers, refunds (if any) will be based on the school’s policy and
must be paid back to Step Up For Students for credit to the student’s scholarship account. The
parent or guardian may not accept refunds of scholarship dollars from the school.
Tuition and/or fees paid to an ineligible private school that does not participate in the
scholarship program are not eligible for reimbursement.
Tuition and Fees as a Private-Pay Student for Florida Virtual School (FLVS)
The reimbursement request must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Name of course paid for (or billed)
Dates/terms for the courses
A statement showing the amount paid (or billed)
Proof of payment (see Proof of Payment section)
If the student withdraws from the course within 14 days, a refund will be issued to the
entity/individual from which payment was received.
Tuition and Fees for an Eligible Postsecondary Institution, a Home Education Program (PEP
Students Only), an Approved Online or Virtual Provider
Reimbursement requests must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Name of the institution or course provider
Course description
Dates of course/service, including year
Amount of tuition and fees
Proof of payment, on institutional letterhead, if appliable (see Proof of Payment section)
Fees for Standardized Testing
Reimbursement requests must include:
Scholarship student’s first and last name
Date of the evaluation/test, including year
Description of the services provided
Amount of fees for the evaluation/test
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Documentation of the teacher’s Florida Department of Education certification number;
Proof of payment (see Proof of Payment section)
Reimbursement Mechanism
Once approved, reimbursements can be paid to a parent or guardian from the student’s
scholarship account via direct deposit (ACH), check, or PayPal.
If direct deposit (ACH) is selected, the parent or guardian will be asked to submit personal
banking information. If an ACH payment is rejected by the banking institution, the funds will
revert to the student’s scholarship account after 30 days.
Reimbursements for multiple scholarship students on multiple scholarship programs will be
paid separately.
More information about reimbursement payments is available here.
If a reimbursement request is denied, the parent or guardian may appeal the decision once by
submitting a new reimbursement request, noting in the description box it is an appeal or
reconsideration request, and providing additional documentation.
After the appeal decision is made, additional appeals for the same item will not be reviewed.
Appeals will only be reviewed through the established process. Step Up For Students is unable
to review appeals or resubmission requests that are sent via email or through any other
customer service channel.
Reimbursement requests placed on hold for longer than 30 days after a request for additional
documentation will be denied and require resubmission.
Actions That May Lead to a Loss of the Scholarship
Actions that may lead to a loss of the scholarship include, but are not limited to:
SFO determines the student is not eligible for program renewal.
Commissioner of Education suspends or revokes program participation or use of funds.
Misrepresenting or withholding information on the scholarship application or
reimbursement documentation.
Failure to satisfy state compulsory attendance requirements.
Failure of the parent/guardian to approve quarterly scholarship payments.
Failure of the student to take a required nationally norm-referenced test or the
statewide assessment.
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Moving or residing outside of the state of Florida.
Enrolling in a public school, including the Florida Virtual School, the Florida School for
the Deaf and Blind, the College-Preparatory Boarding Academy, the Florida School for
Competitive Academics, the Florida Scholars Academy, a developmental research
school, a charter school, or any other Florida public school, on a full-time basis.
However, if a student enters a Department of Juvenile Justice detention center for a
period of no more than 21 days, the student is not considered to have returned to a
public school on a full-time basis for that purpose.
Fraudulent activity, including taking possession of any scholarship funds by refund,
resale, rebate, or credit from a provider or direct good purchase.
Student graduates high school or reaches 21 years of age, whichever occurs first.
Allowing another party, including a provider or school representative, to access or
manage a student’s scholarship account; or
For PEP students only:
o Enrolling as a full-time, in-person private school student.
o Failure to submit or maintain a Student Learning Plan for the student.
o Failure to take or submit assessment results to Step Up For Students from the prior
school year (for renewal students).
The above actions, or any violation of scholarship statutes, rules, policies, or procedures may
result in the loss of the scholarship, loss of future scholarship eligibility, and/or financial or
criminal penalties.
For More Information
Document Library
Resources Page
FTC/FES-EO Scholarship Information
PEP Scholarship Information
FTC/FES-EO/PEP Handbook Feeback Survey
Program Facts
Find a School Tool
Scholarship Decline Form
Educational Benefit Form
About the PEP scholarship
How to complete and upload a PEP Student Learning Plans
How to upload a PEP assessment
2024-25 FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent/Guardian Handbook
Contact Information
Step Up For Students wishes all scholarship students a productive and fun-filled 2024-25
school year.
There are three ways to reach Step Up For Students:
Chat with a live agent at StepUpForStudents.org
Call (877) 735-7837
Submit inquiry through Contact Us
The Customer Engagement Center is generally open from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST. During
peak periods, hours may be extended. For Customer Engagement Center hours, please visit the
Contact Us page on the Step Up For Students website.