Please tell us about your current state of mind and
aspirations upon assuming the position of President and COO,
as well as your experience and accomplishments to date.
I am very excited to take on the important responsibility of
serving as President and COO of Daiichi Sankyo, a company
built upon so many people’s hearts and minds, and to work
with Dr. Manabe, Executive Chairperson and CEO, to manage the
Company from April 1, 2023. Daiichi Sankyo Group has raised its
revenue expectation from ¥1.6 trillion to ¥2 trillion for FY2025,
the final fiscal year of the current 5-year business plan, in light
of the rapid growth of the oncology business, which we entered
in earnest by launching
in FY2020. Furthermore, I place
high expectations on the ADCs that are under development. I find
it extremely rewarding to be appointed President at this juncture,
and we will make a concerted effort to achieve the targets of the
current 5-year business plan and realize our 2030 Vision.
I joined Sankyo Company, Limited in 1986 and was subse-
quently involved in the negotiation of the business integration
between Daiichi Pharmaceutical and Sankyo. I also worked on
the acquisition of India-based Ranbaxy as well as the work that
followed that acquisition and as the head of the Asia and Latin
America region I focused on strengthening our business opera-
tions in China. I was also in charge of corporate strategy, human
resources, and served as CFO. My favorite quote from Mahatma
Gandhi, which I learned when I was in charge of the India busi-
ness, is “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were
to live forever.
I believe that my specialty is in providing “coaching lead-
ership.” Rather than giving out answers, I am a leader who
supports employees by helping them come up with their own
answers through dialogue. I would like to lead the Group by
leveraging this specialty to fully harness the inherent strengths
We aim for remarkable
growth as a truly global
company by steadily
achieving the targets of the
current 5-year business plan
to realize our 2030 Vision
COO Interview
Hiroyuki Okuzawa
Representative Director
President and COO
Identify and build pillars for further growth
It is important to make effective investments in subsequent
ADC products as well as to develop growth strategies in disease
areas where there are no effective treatments, such as rare
diseases, or where existing therapeutic drugs are not sufficiently
effective, in order to ensure future sustainable growth. Looking
ahead to 2030 and beyond, we will fully leverage our strengths
in Science & Technology and continue making investments to
continually produce pharmaceuticals that will fulfill new modal-
ities and unmet medical needs. With the progress in the devel-
opment of
(anti-B7-H3 ADC) and
ADC), which are DXd-ADCs featuring the same linker and drug as
and are expected to be the next growth driver following
3ADCs, we advanced from our previous R&D strategy, “3ADCs
and Alpha” to “5DXd-ADCs and Next Wave.” In addition, we are
also making progress in selecting post DXd-ADC modalities,
including 2nd generation/new-concept ADCs.
Finally, please tell us your thoughts on creating shared value
with the Group’s stakeholders.
In addition to patients and their families, who are the most im-
portant stakeholders of the Group, we are working on creating
shared value with our shareholders/investors, society, and
employees as a pillar of our current 5-year business plan to
promote ESG management, while also ensuring alignment with
our Purpose.
Last year, we invited a person who had returned to their
work after overcoming cancer treatment to our in-house
lecture in order to foster a patient centric mindset among our
employees. After hearing the guest saying, “I want to live as
long as possible, because I believe that a better treatment will
be discovered in the process,” I reaffirmed the fact that we are
creating hope, while also further strengthening our commit-
ment to our Purpose of “Contribute to the enrichment of quality
of life around the world.
I tell our employees that I want them to find the overlap
between the Group’s Purpose and their own personal purpose
and vision. Furthermore, shareholders and investors who agree
with our Purpose and support us with a long-term perspective
will always be essential to the Group as we create innovative
pharmaceuticals, and I sincerely hope that they will continue to
support our initiatives to enhance our corporate value. Finally,
we would like to continue our efforts to become a company that
is recognized as an indispensable presence in society.
COO Interview
and potential of our employees. In addition, I will continue to
actively engage with our stakeholders and manage the Company
together as a team.
Please tell us about what you would like to focus on to ensure
the sustainable growth of the Group, based on your view of
the current challenges and status of initiatives.
We are actively strengthening our global business by expanding
oncology business, which is driving new growth, and we are
becoming known as a Global Pharma Innovator with Competitive
Advantage in Oncology with the growth of
. We are
attracting talent from within the pharmaceutical industry, both
in Japan and outside of Japan, thanks to our superior products,
rich R&D pipeline and unique culture. I saw this as an excellent
opportunity to strengthen our global business structure, and
began to develop a shared global human resource (HR) frame-
work that would enable our talented employees, including those
from outside of Japan, to utilize their expertise, sustain motivation
and achieve results. To this end, we have initiated a global project
team that collaborates across different units, local subsidiaries
and workplaces, and will proceed with establishing a globally uni-
fied target performance management process, global job grading,
and HR information system, while benchmarking the systems of
mega-pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the US.
We are also working to globalize our corporate functions. In April
2023, we shifted to the structure in which a global head linking
each function to each region leads the corporate functions in Japan,
the US, and Europe. Personnel for high-level positions in each cor-
porate function will be assigned without regard to age or nationality
through a highly transparent selection process.
Furthermore, as we globalize our HR system, we will renew
our ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) system and complete
“Project 4D (Daiichi Sankyo Data-Driven Decision Making)” to
implement data-driven management that will enable prompt and
accurate decision making on a global scale.
What is important is to enhance our strengths in Science &
Technology with our human resources, core technologies and
corporate culture as we expand our value chain globally in
order to pursue Daiichi Sankyo’s distinct characteristics. We will
continue spreading the One DS Culture and be a company where
employees want to continue to work. I would like to carry on
the senior management’s exceptionally strong trust in the R&D
organization, which has been present in every generation of our
company to date.
For more information on globalization initiatives, please refer to P21
Please tell us about the Group’s growth strategy and
initiatives aimed at achieving the goals of the current 5-year
business plan, with a focus on the particularly important
initiatives to take on in the current fiscal year.
Maximize 3ADCs
First and foremost, our most important theme is to maximize
3ADCs, and I would like to make FY2023 a year to help healthcare
professionals and patients around the world better understand
and experience the value provided by
by expanding the
indications and the marketed countries and regions. For
, we will execute their respective development plans
under a global structure with strong functional collaboration.
is expanding at a faster pace than originally planned
thanks to the approval for new indications such as for the
second-line treatment of HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer
and HER2 low metastatic breast cancer (post-chemotherapy
treatment). We need to make a firm commitment to ensure a
stable supply of the product. For patients who need our products,
, we will improve the accuracy of our demand
forecasting and efficiently and gradually expand our supply
capacity and personnel in line with product potential.
In addition, with a view to 2030 and beyond, we will constantly
update and optimize our development plans and flexibly reallo-
cate resources. I believe that now is the perfect time to create a
sustainable growth cycle for the next 15 to 20 years, and we will
use the cash flow generated by
to reinvest in R&D and
capital investment for new ADCs to achieve exponential growth.
Profit growth for current business and products
Although the oncology business is growing rapidly thanks to
, the current growth of the Group is fundamentally
supported by existing businesses and products, including the
and the pain treatment
. We will
ensure further profit growth in these existing businesses and
products. In particular, the product value of
has improved
with the addition of new dosage and administration, and we will
strive to further expand our market share in each market. In ad-
dition, we will take on the challenge of expanding the number of
countries and regions where our cholesterol-lowering treatment
is available in Europe, increasing sales of our
iron injection business in the US, and growing our business in
China and other ASCA countries and regions, while also continu-
ing to enhance transformation into a profit structure focused on
patented drugs that are advancing steadily.
Data-driven management through DX, and company-wide transformation through advanced digital technology
Agile decision making through new global management structure
Maximize 3ADCs
Profit growth for current
business and products
Identify and build pillars
for further growth
Create shared value
with stakeholders
• Revenue: ¥1,600.0 billion (Oncology business revenue: ¥600.0 billion or more) • ROE: 16% or more
FY2025 Financial Targets
Achieve FY2025 Target
“Global Pharma Innovator with Competitive Advantage
in Oncology” and Shift to Further Growth
• Core operating profit*
ratio before R&D expenses: 40% • DOE*
: 8% of more
Maximize Enhertu and
Dato-DXd through strategic
alliance with AstraZeneca
Maximize HER3-DXd without a
Expand work force and supply
capacity flexibly depending on
changes around product
Maximize Lixiana profit
Grow Tarlige, Nilemdo, etc.
Transform to profit structure
focused on patented drugs
Profit growth for American
Regent, Inc. and Daiichi
Sankyo Healthcare Co., Ltd.
Identify new growth drivers
following 3ADCs
Select post DXd-ADC
Patients: Contributing to patients
through patient centric mindset
Shareholders: Balanced
investment for growth and
shareholder returns
Society: Environment load reduc-
tion across the value chain, and
actions against pandemic risks
Employees: Create One DS
Culture through fostering our
Core Behaviors
*1 Excluding temporary income and expenses (gains/losses related to sales of fixed assets etc.) from operating income
*2 DOE: Dividend on Equity = Total dividend amount / Equity attributable to owners of the company
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