AbstractThis study examines the impact of advertising and
the relationship between the advertising and pricing. It also
determines the level of consumers online purchasing of AirAsia
e-ticketing among students of Asia Pacific University (APU) in
Malaysia. The factors which are mainly investigated are the
advertisements, pricing strategies and e-purchase of AirAsia
tickets. Many of us believe that advertisements are deceptive
whether it is in online or offline form. However, in fact, it still
influences the consumers to purchase. This research provides
the in-depth understanding of how AirAsia applies factors
such as “Advertising and elements in advertising like splendid
pricing strategies” to impact the purchase decisions. A
quantitative approach of using questionnaire was chosen for
data collection.
Index TermsAdvertising, pricing, AirAsia, animated ads
and poster.
Online consumers’ behavior is often assumed to have its
own properties and to be fundamentally different from a
behavior observed in the physical world. Gradually online
purchasing trend started to emerge and consumers find it
very convenient and easy to shop online.
In 1994 Air-Asia was established and began its
operations on 18-Nov-1996. Company experienced (MYR
40 Million) worth of debts in 2001 but now it’s recent
survey shows that the Airlines generates (1.65 billion) of
profit in 2012, Air-Asia offers low price ticket deals online
which attract thousands of travelers in minutes as well as it
is the world most low cost fares Airlines carrier. This is due
to innovative pricing strategy and continuous online adverts.
Mainly, several factors such as “Advertising”,
“Consumer Attitude and “Pricing” influences consumer’s
purchasing. Each factor played different role to persuade
consumers purchasing Intention. Customer’s trust on online
shopping system was hard to attain but Advertisements on
various mediums not only attains consumers trust but also
aware public about the core benefits associated to online
purchasing besides, influence them to go for online
purchasing. To place an effect on consumers purchasing
intention toward online buying, advertisers depict the
benefits associated with online purchasing like Low Pricing,
Ease of Use and wide range of Brands availability. However,
this project seeks to explore the factors such as Advertising,
and pricing which contributes in influencing consumer’s
Manuscript received July 1, 2014; revised September 25, 2104.
Ahmed Shehroze Yasin and Leo Gertrude David are with Asia Pacific
University College of Technology & Innovation, Malaysia (e-mail:
online purchasing specifically online ticket purchasing of
Air-Asia Airlines.
A. Aim
The aim of the project is to create print and animated
advertisement for Air Asia Airlines.
B. Objectives
To examine the impact of advertising
To examine the relationship between the advertising
and pricing
To determine the level of Consumers Online
Purchasing of Air Asia e-ticketing among students of
APU in Malaysia.
Purpose of this chapter is to review the relevant literature
in order to identify gaps, therefore enabling the researcher to
build a conceptual model for testing and identifying the
factors influencing consumer online ticket purchasing of
AirAsia Airlines.
A. Advertising
According to Stanton, "Advertising consists of all the
activities involved in presenting to an audience a non-
personal, sponsor-identified, paid-for message about a
product or organization [1]." Additionally, of all marketing
weapons, advertising has leading impact on viewers mind,
as its exposure is much more. Advertising is one of the key
elements in building a brand, creating awareness, providing
info, increase sales, to inform the intermediaries and expand
the markets.
B. Advertising and AirAsia
Air-Asia has multi announcement or advertisement
platforms with high visibility. It is ranging from online, on-
ground, as well as on-board to inflight magazine
advertisements. Air-Asia usually come up with a unique and
effective ways to reach a broad spectrum of consumers.
Online Advertising is one of the major approach that Air-
Asia agree to. According to Air Asia of 2013, Mostly, Air
Asia ads is to create an image of safe and cheap airlines. Air
Asia has to emphasize on cheap price and safety in its
advertising because these days what public find is mostly
cheap but unsafe flight. Air-Asia went into intensive general
advertisements and other high profile activities, which
contributed, to the high offering of their firm's image. They
An Impact of Advertising and Pricing on Consumers
Online Ticket Purchasing
Ahmed Shehroze Yasin and Leo Gertrude David
Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, October 2014
came with a brand Now Every One can fly” These points
of contact with their target customer help them to mold their
image, which in turn created loyalty from their customers
Furthermore, Advertising plays a significant role in
building a brand and when Air Asia came up with a brand
“Now Every One Can Fly” then innovative advertising
boosted Air Asia Airlines and created its strong image of the
World’s Best Low Cost Carrier.“ Building strong brands is
one of the most essential goals of product and brand
management as strong brands will result in the realization of
higher long-term and short-term returns for organizations
[3]. According to Branding is now a crucial component in
the airline industry, just like any product [4].
Air-Asia is one of the largest low cost airlines in the
Asian region. There is Variety of media options that
AIRASIA use as their advertising options such as inflight
magazine, regional websites, Meal tray backs and Overhead
lockers, overall all Air Asia adverts try to turn their
consumers mind towards E-ticket purchasing of Air Asia.
According to probably the most important effects of
advertising to the airlines are its long-run influence on inter-
industry market shares. Continued advertising has a
cumulative response. It produces an increased awareness of
air transportation through constant exposure, and may create
an identification of a particular carrier or carriers with a
route, market, or region [5]. LIM and MOHAMED in his
previous studies found that Advertising in the print media
and Internet is also widely used by Air Asia especially
during its sales campaigns on free or low cost seats and
internet is an excellent medium for inducing consumer to
purchase [6]. Furthermore, Air Asia’s advertisements and
promotional activities that Air Asia is working to position
itself as the leader of low budget airlines by lowest price of
tickets and even giving free tickets to customer [7]. The
airline is succeeding because of its aggressive marketing,
creative branding, and aggressive advertising (Wanvari,
2013) CEO of Air Asia in South India.
Hypothesis: Advertising had an impact on AirAsia
Airlines customers mind.
C. Advertising and Pricing
Karray and Herran in his study stated that we study the
relationship between pricing and advertising decisions in a
distribution channel where national brands are competing
with a private label. We solve a three-stage game-theoretic
model where the national brands compete on advertising
and prices, and the retailer is investing in umbrella
advertising for the store and is selling a private label.
Additionally, the obtained equilibrium strategies highlight
the significance of determining the complementary or
competitive roles of advertising to better understand the
relationship between advertising and prices, and to better
adjust strategies to varying rivalry levels in the marketplace.
Specifically, we find that advertising that develops the
national brands' sales gives pricing power to manufacturers.
However, persuasive advertising can create different effects
on prices depending on the strength of the advertising effect
and on the price competition level between the national and
the store brands [8]. Furthermore, According to the report of
we find that advertising stores substantially cut only prices
of the products or services that they advertise. Prices of
other products and services, at both advertising and non-
advertising stores, do not change. Besides, we find no
reductions in price dispersion across stores [9].
Furthermore, Taylor in his previous studies found that
Advertisement is indispensable for both the sellers and the
buyers. However, it is more important for the sellers. In the
modern age of large scale production, producers cannot
think of pushing sale of their products without advertising
them. In addition, advertisements are among the most
visible of the marketing strategy and have been the subject
of a great deal of attention in the last ten to fifteen years
[10]. Advertisement cannot only change emotions but give
subliminal message [11]. On the other hand, stated that the
relationship between advertising and price is important
because the welfare effect of advertising depends upon the
price effect of advertising [12].
Hypothesis: Advertising and pricing both are different in
terms of effects, consequences and influence, depending on
different situations. However, the relationship between
advertising and pricing is significant because advertising
supports pricing awareness in market and strategic price
placement makes ads more appealing to consumers.
D. Pricing
The term “price” in general its meaning is “value”. In
modern economies we often catch the term known as
currency. Previous studies such like stated that adjusting the
prices is called pricing strategy. A pricing strategy has a
goal to establish an optimum price with current profit
maximization, maximization of the number of units sold, etc.
Additionally Price is a major parameter that affects industry
revenue significantly [13].
E. Pricing and AirAsia
Nowadays, when everyone wants to take plane to travel
to other place, their first choice is almost will be Air Asia.
The Motto of Air Asia, “Now Everyone Can Fly” is
remembered by everyone and it gives everyone a mindset
that Air Asia Airlines is a very low cost airline and it
becomes a good choice for everyone. Air Asia flies to over
61 domestic and international destinations with 108 routes
as well as it operates over 400 flights every day from hubs
situated in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia with a fleet of
72 aircrafts.
Previous studies such as like stated that Malaysian was
been first introduced to E-ticketing by Malaysia budget
airline Air Asia which fully implement E-ticketing travel
system for 10 domestic flights. Since year 2007 Air-Asia
has been actively expand their route portfolio to
international flight. The use of E-ticketing has bring benefits
to many areas, firstly environmental friendly by reducing
the use of paper, secondly the cost saving from printing
paper ticket can in turn to reducing the air travelling cost,
and thirdly the airlines company can wisely use the records
of E-tickets in enhancing the customer loyalty program [14].
Additionally, Grant R. stated that Air Asia engages in direct
sales through its web site and call center. As a result, it
avoids paying commissions to travel agents [15]. According
to research 83.5% of the respondents have used the e-
ticketing to buy airline tickets and 60% of this group visited
Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, October 2014
Air Asia website. The Malaysia Airlines Bhd. has followed
Air Asia by 22.6%. Probably the difference in these two
amounts has been resulted from the low cost benefits of the
Air Asia [16]. Moreover, According to Air Asia penetrated
the airlines industry by gaining the competitorscustomers,
improving the product quality and its level of service,
attracting non-users of the products or convincing current
customers to use more of the company's products through its
RM0.99 promotions [17].
Hypothesis: Various types of consistent promotional
advertisements, pricing and online easy accessible is the
major factor for purchasing of Online Air Tickets of
This is a Quantitative study, In terms of Objectives. This
is an explanatory study. Looking into the sampling
methodology, the population in this study is Malaysian
studying youngsters. The sample in this study refers to those
studying youngsters in Kuala Lumpur district studying in
APU University Malaysia. In terms of sampling
methodology, this study had used convenient sampling
Since, the total older APU students was approximately
8000 APU based on student service 2010 .which considered
as a large sample group. The results form Raosoft Sample
Size Calculator suggested that (68) is the minimum sample
size of the survey (marginal error =10 %; confident
level=90 %)
A convenience sampling method was conducted among
49 APU students outside the university main library. This
sampling method was chosen due to the unavailability of the
list students visiting the library and thus, it is impossible to
get the absolute number of the patrons. Besides, researchers
can meet different students from different faculty at the
library. This is to avoid bias for surveying all the
respondents from particular faculty.
A. Analysis for (Part A)
From total respondent 17 associate Red Color with
Coca-Cola and 16 named AirAsia. It means AirAsia
is on 2
position compare to other famous brands
such as Emirates Airlines. AirAsia is well-known
and easily recognized among people due to its color.
From Total respondents 33% responded the
“Website/Internet” and 23% responded from
“Friends”. It means the Website/Internet and Friends
or word of much are the main source of information
about Air Asia.
Adverts on Internet and TV mainly assist Air Asia to
reach their target group.
Air Asia Slogan “Now Everyone can fly” has a
strong impact in Air Asia ads.
The most appealing AirAsia advertisement is the one
which gives an emphasis on price point (Rational
Results divulge that AirAsia advertisement influence
43% of the respondents only up to the “Desire to
purchase” and 31% influenced to “Explore”.
Moreover, 20% of advertisements “just leave
positive impression” on respondents. So, overall
AirAsia advertising can be considered effective.
AirAsia “Internet/Social Media” advertising is more
effective approach which they can undertake to
create an impact on their target audience.
39% of the respondents remember AirAsia
advertisement only “Few Hours”, 29% remember
“One Week” and only 22% remember AirAsia
advertisement up to “One Day”. So, AirAsia
advertisement must be improved which can remain
for a long period in their travelers mind, this can
result in sales of AirAsia tickets.
Most of respondents 47% responded “YES” that
they think or planned to travel via AirAsia in result
of their ads, and other 33% responded Maybe and
only 20% responded NO. Overall, it shows that
AirAsia ads are good and have strong impact on
consumers of AirAsia.
Analysis for (Part B)
Majority of the respondents 61% are only “Agree” to
the statement that advertising is persuasive and 27%
are “Strongly
Agree” to the same statement. This
depict that if AirAsia
emphasis on low price,
promotions etc. in their adverts then in result it can
easily persuade their target market via advertising.
If AirAsia give more emphasis on online adverts, it
may result in their best interest.
AirAsia adverts can influence their consumers to
purchase online.
AirAsia pricing strategy works well in Airline
Industry and its price discount strategy really attracts
AirAsia travelers.
Majority of the AirAsia respondents are satisfied and
they feel they are getting a good buy.
AirAsia consumers can go for another brand or
Airlines if it will offer them more price discount.
From the total respondents 31% are “Neither Agree
or Disagree” that they will buy the same brand even
they have a price discount on the other brand.
Moreover, 47% are “Agree” with the above
statement. This shows that 47% respondents would
stick to the same brand even if they get price
discount on the other brand and on the other hand 31%
are confused in making decision whether to change
the brand or no because of price discount.
Price discount has a powerful tool that AirAsia is
using to attract travelers. Consumers prefer price
discounts more than their favorite brands.
Price discount has a powerful impact on consumers
and it can positively change the consumer intention.
Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, October 2014
Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, October 2014
So, AirAsia should give more importance to their
pricing policies to attract more travelers.
If AirAsia maintain its low fare or price discount
strategy then there’s a possibility that AirAsia sales
will increase.
Statistics divulge that 37% respondents are “Agree”,
22% are “Strongly Agree” and 27% are “Neither
Agree or Disagree” to the above statement. However,
it shows that people particular brand purchasing
attitude can be changed by offering price discount.
Many people will buy the product that gives standard
quality with high price.
C. Analysis for (Part C)
If AirAsia advertise more on Internet or social media
it will be beneficial for the company.
People would recommend AirAsia Airlines to their
friends and relatives because of its low/cheap tickets
and promotional activities.
55% of the total respondent replied “Agree” to the
statement that they feel positive towards the AirAsia
advertisement and 12% are “Strongly Agree”.
Moreover, 29% respondents are “Neither Agree or
Disagree” to the above statement. This means that
mainstream of respondents feel positive.
Promotions has an impact on Air Asia’s consumers
purchase decision and their satisfaction.
Sales promotion is an effective way for AirAsia to
sale tickets and it appeals to travelers to buy AirAsia
Mainstream of respondents believe that Online
Service Quality impacts their purchase decision in
booking a ticket.
Low fare can easily influence AirAsia consumers
travel frequency.
Results exposes that most of the people enjoy with
the procedures and they don’t find it complicated
when they book Air Asia ticket online. This proves
online booking and other services that AirAsia
provides online are convenient for their target
Most of the respondents or AirAsia consumers would
prefer to repurchase products and services from
In fact, AirAsia e-ticketing tool is greatly succeeded.
AirAsia consumers online ticket purchasing not only
satisfies them but also meets their expectation and
above that online ticket purchasing of AirAsia
Airlines is convenient way for their consumers.
Overall impact of three elements (advertising,
pricing and online accessible) can be considered very
well and in the best interest of Air Asia Airlines.
This study was design to investigate the relationship
between the factors such as Advertising, Pricing and online
accessible that attract the consumers to buy the online
tickets of AirAsia Airlines. In this chapter objectives are
measured by using instruments (Questionnaire) which
consist of three parts (A, B, C). Questionnaire using five
point Likert Strongly Agree/Strongly Disagree scale
respectively. Moreover, in this chapter data collected from
total 49 APU students and analyzed using histogram and bar
charts, this chapter described the sample that was studied.
This research provides the thorough understanding of
how AirAsia applies factors such as “Advertising and
elements in advertising like splendid Pricing strategies” to
impact our purchase decisions. AirAsia Airlines typically
choose internet as medium to advertise their services and
latest offers/promotions, therefore, in chapter 5 and 6
different type of posters and animated ads were created to
examine the effects of advertising on consumer purchasing
behavior. Besides, in chapter 5, “10” posters were created
and in chapter 6,”10” animated ads were produced to
achieve the deliverables of the final year project.
In general, the findings showed that 61% of the
respondents are believe that advertising on social media is
persuasive and influence them to buy AirAsia tickets.
Similarly, 57% respondents responded to pricing actually
persuade them to made final purchase decision. At the end,
results reveal that in total 55% consider that overall impact
of advertising, pricing and online accessible that attracts the
consumer to buy the ticket of Air Asia is quite strong and
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Ahmed Shehroze Yasin
was majored in
chemistry, biology, mathematics
from Punjab Board
of Secondary Education, Bahawalpur, Pakistan,
August 2008
His diploma was in business with information
technology, majored in
managing business, business
environment, multimedia, business economics
Asia Pacific University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in Nov.
His BSc. (Hons) was in media informatics, majored in
multimedia, multimedia films and game effects, advertising, public
relations, strategic planning
from Asia Pacific University of Technology
and Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in August 2014.
Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, October 2014
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