Zero-Based Regulation Review – 2023 for Rulemaking and 2024 Legislative Review
Drinking Water Protection and Finance Division
58.01.08 – Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
To whom does this rule apply?
This rule applies to public drinking water systems as defined in IDAPA The rule
applies to public water system owners, operators, design engineers and consultants.
What is the purpose of this rule?
The purpose of this rule is to control and regulate the design, construction, operation,
maintenance, and quality control of public drinking water systems to provide a degree of
assurance that such systems are protected from contamination and maintained free from
contaminants which may injure the health of the consumer.
What is the legal authority for the agency to promulgate this rule?
This rule implements the following statutes passed by the Idaho Legislature:
Chapter 1, Title 39, Idaho Code – Health and Safety: Environmental Quality
Who do I contact for more information on this rule?
Tyler Fortunati
Department of Environmental Quality
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
Phone: (208) 373-0140
Email: tyler[email protected]
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Table of Contents
58.01.08 – Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
000. Legal Authority. ................................................................................................. 5
001. Scope. ............................................................................................................... 5
002. Incorporation By Reference And Availability Of Referenced Materials. ............ 5
003. Definitions. ........................................................................................................ 7
004. Waivers, Variances, And Exemptions. ............................................................ 15
005. Disapproval Designation. ................................................................................ 16
006. Health Hazards. .............................................................................................. 16
007. Fee Schedule For Public Drinking Water Systems. ........................................ 17
008. Continuity Of Service. ..................................................................................... 18
009. Administrative Provisions. ............................................................................... 18
010. Confidentiality Of Records. ............................................................................. 18
011. -- 049. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 19
050. Maximum Contaminant Levels And Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels. 19
051. -- 099. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 19
100. Monitoring And Analytical Requirements. ....................................................... 19
101. -- 149. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 20
150. Reporting, Public Notification, Recordkeeping. ............................................... 20
250. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals And Maximum Residual Disinfection
Level Goals. ................................................................................................... 21
251. -- 299. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 21
300. Filtration And Disinfection. .............................................................................. 21
301. Enhanced Filtration And Disinfection - Systems Serving Ten Thousand Or
More People. ................................................................................................. 24
302. Sanitary Surveys. ............................................................................................ 24
303. (Reserved) ....................................................................................................... 25
304. Composite Correction Program (CCP). .......................................................... 25
305. Coliform Treatment Technique Triggers And Assessment Requirements For
Protection Against Potential Fecal Contamination. ........................................ 26
306. -- 309. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 26
310. Enhanced Filtration And Disinfection - Systems Serving Fewer Than Ten
Thousand People. .......................................................................................... 26
311. Enhanced Treatment For Cryptosporidium -- Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface
Water Treatment Rule. .................................................................................. 26
312. -- 319. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 27
320. Disinfectant Residuals, Disinfection Byproducts, And Disinfection Byproduct
Precursors. .................................................................................................... 27
321. Initial Distribution System Evaluations. ........................................................... 28
322. Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Requirements. ............................................. 28
323. Ground Water Rule. ........................................................................................ 28
324. -- 349. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 28
350. Control Of Lead And Copper. ......................................................................... 28
351. -- 399. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 28
Table of Contents (cont’d)
Page 3
400. Secondary MCLS. ........................................................................................... 28
401. -- 449. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 28
450. Use Of Non-Centralized Treatment Devices. .................................................. 28
451. Treatment Techniques. ................................................................................... 31
452. -- 499. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 31
500. Demonstration Of Technical, Financial, And Managerial Capacity Of Public
Drinking Water Systems. ............................................................................... 31
501. General Design Requirements For Public Drinking Water Systems. .............. 32
502. Facility Plans. .................................................................................................. 36
503. Preliminary Engineering Reports. ................................................................... 38
504. Review Of Plans And Specifications. .............................................................. 42
505. -- 509. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 46
510. Siting And Construction Of Wells. ................................................................... 46
511. Well Pumps, Discharge Piping, And Appurtenances. ..................................... 52
512. Well Lot. .......................................................................................................... 55
513. Number Of GroundWater Sources Required – Existing Systems. .................. 56
514. Spring Sources. .............................................................................................. 56
515. Surface Sources And GroundWater Sources Under The Direct Influence Of
Surface Water. ............................................................................................... 57
516. -- 517. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 58
518. Additional Design Criteria For Surface sources. ............................................. 58
519. Surface Water Treatment; Microscreening. .................................................... 60
520. Surface Water Treatment: Clarification Processes. ........................................ 61
521. Surface Water Treatment: Rapid Rate Gravity Filters. ................................... 63
522. Surface Water Treatment: Filtration Using Diatomaceous Earth. ................... 68
523. Surface Water Treatment: Slow Sand Filtration. ............................................. 69
524. Surface Water Treatment: Direct Filtration. .................................................... 71
525. Low Pressure Membrane Filtration. ................................................................ 71
526. -- 528. (Reserved) ............................................................................................ 76
529. Required Disinfection Of Drinking Water, Ultraviolet Light. ............................ 76
530. Disinfection Of Drinking Water, Disinfecting Agents. ...................................... 80
531. Design Standards For Chemical Application. ................................................. 86
532. Design Standards For Softening. .................................................................... 92
533. Design Standards For Taste And Odor Control. ............................................. 93
534. Aeration Processes. ........................................................................................ 94
535. Design Standards For Iron And Manganese Control Systems. ...................... 97
536. Design Standards For Fluoridation. ................................................................ 99
537. Design Standards For Stabilization. .............................................................. 100
538. – 539. (Reserved) .......................................................................................... 101
540. Design Standards For Treatment And Disposal Of Treatment Plant Waste
Residuals. .................................................................................................... 101
541. Pumping Facilities. ........................................................................................ 103
542. Distribution System. ...................................................................................... 106
543. Cross Connection Control. ............................................................................ 110
Table of Contents (cont’d)
Page 4
544. General Design Of Finished Water Storage. ................................................ 110
545. Treatment Plant Storage Facilities. ............................................................... 113
546. Distribution System Storage Facilities. ......................................................... 114
547. Hydropneumatic Tank Systems. ................................................................... 114
548. Disinfection Of Facilities Prior To Use. ......................................................... 115
549. -- 551. (Reserved) .......................................................................................... 115
552. Operating Criteria For Public Water Systems. .............................................. 115
553. Classification Of Water Systems. .................................................................. 119
554. Licensed operator Requirements. ................................................................. 120
555. -- 559. (Reserved) .......................................................................................... 120
560. Contracting For Services. ............................................................................. 120
561. -- 562. (Reserved) .......................................................................................... 120
563. Advisory Group. ............................................................................................ 120
564. -- 999. (Reserved) .......................................................................................... 120
Section 000 Page 5
Chapter 1, Title 39, Idaho Code. (7-1-24)
001. SCOPE.
40 CFR 141.3 is incorporated by reference. The purpose of th
ese rules is to control and regulate the design,
construction, operation, maintenance, and quality control of public drinking water systems to provide a degree of
assurance that such systems are protected from contamination and maintained free from contaminants which may
injure the health of the consumer. (7-1-24)
01. Incorporation by Reference. (7-1
a. 40 CFR Part 141, revised as of July 1, 2023 (excluding annual monitoring provisions in 40 CFR
141.854(a)(4),(d),(e),(f) and (h), and the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule in Subpart X); and 40 CFR Part 143, revised as
of July 1, 2023. (7-1-24)
b. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards, effective December 2022, available for a
fee from AWWA, or available to be viewed through the
Department’s state office. (7-1-24)
02. Availability of Specific Referenced Material. Copies of specific documents referenced within
these rules are available at the following locations: (7-1-24)
a. Recommended Standards for Water Works – Policies for the Review and Approval of Plans and
Specifications for Public Water Supplies: a report of the Water Supply Committee of the Great Lakes -- Upper
Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers, most current edition, (7-1-24)
b. Manual of Individual and Non-Public Water Supply Systems (EPA 570/9-91-004), published by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (7-1-24)
c. NSF/ANSI Standard 53-2020, Drinking Water Treatment Units -- Health Effects, available from
the National Sanitation Foundation, (or)
nsf-ansi-53-2020?product_id=2212861. (7-1-24)
d. NSF/ANSI Standard 55-2020, Ultraviolet Microbiological Water Treatment Systems, available
from the National Sanitation Foundation, (or)
standards/nsf-ansi-55-2020?product_id=2229644. (7-1-24)
e. NSF/ANSI Standard 58-2020, Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Systems, available
from the National Sanitation Foundation, (or)
standards/nsf-ansi-58-2020?product_id=2206515. (7-1-24)
f. NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 60-2021, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals -- Health Effects,
available from the National Sanitation Foundation, (or)
nsf/standards/nsf-ansi-can-60-2021?product_id=2239369. (7-1-24)
g. ANSI/NSF Standard 61-2021, Drinking Water System Components -- Health Effects, available
from the National Sanitation Foundation, (or)
standards/nsf-ansi-can-61-2021?product_id=2240016. (7-1-24)
h. Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Current Edition, Foundation for Cross-Connection Control
and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California,
Connection-Control-Tenth-Edition-P44.aspx. (7-1-24)
i. Manual of design for Slow Sand Filtration (1991), published by AWWA Research Foundation
s:// (7-1-24)
j. Slow Sand Filtration (1991), published by the American Society of Civil Engineers American
Society of Civil Engineers, (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 002 Page 6
k. Slow Sand Filtration and Diatomaceous Earth Filtration for Small Water Systems, DOH Pub #331-
204 (4/03), Washington State Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health, Office of Drinking Water, (7-1-24)
l. Recommended Operations and Optimization Goals, Slow Sand Filtration, DOH Pub #331-601 (6/
21), Washington State Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health, Office of Drinking Water, https:// (7-1-24)
m. Water System Design Manual, DOH Pub #331-123 (Rev. 6-20), Washington State Department of
Health, Division of Environmental Health, Office of Drinking Water,
CommunityandEnvironment/DrinkingWater/WaterSystemDesignandPlanning/SystemDesign. (7-1-24)
n. Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for Public
Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources (March 1991 Edition), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, http:// (7-1-24)
o. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, a joint publication of the
American Public Health Association, the Water Environment Federation, and the American Water Works
Association, (7-1-24)
p. “Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction,” Local Highway Technical Assistance Council, (7-1-24)
q. Memorandum of Understanding between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the
Idaho Division of Building Safety Plumbing Bureau, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, 1410 North
Hilton, Boise, Idaho 83706, (7-1-24)
r. Implementation Guidance for the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, Idaho
Department of Environmental Quality,
s. Implementation Guidance for the Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule, Idaho
Department of Environmental Quality,
t. Implementation Guidance for the Drinking Water Program-Ground Water Rule, Idaho Department
of Environmental Quality, (7-1-24)
u. AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control (M14),
current edition available from the AWWA,
productId/46494412. (7-1-24)
v. Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual (EPA 815-R-06-009) published by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency,
Filtration%20Guidance%20Manual.pdf. (7-1-24)
w. Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual for the Final Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface water
Treatment Rule (EPA 815-R-06-007) published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
dwreginfo/long-term-2-enhanced-surface-water-treatment-rule-documents. (7-1-24)
x. Improving Clearwell Design for CT Compliance, Report #90756, available from the Water
search Foundation, (7-1-24)
y. Surface Water Treatment Rule Compliance Guidance, dated January 10, 1996, Idaho Department of
Environmental Quality, (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 003 Page 7
z. Uniform Plumbing Code, available through the Idaho Division of Building Safety, 1090 E.
Watertower St., Meridian, Idaho 83642; and at the Division of Building Safety, (7-1-24)
aa. Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction Program (EPA/
625/6-91/027) published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
report.cfm?Lab=NRMRL&direntryid=23902. (7-1-24)
03. Precedence. In the event of conflict or inconsistency between the language in these rules and that
found in any document incorporated by reference, these rules prevail. (7-1-24)
The definitions set forth in 40 CFR 141.2 are incorporated by reference, The terms “board,” “director,” “department,”
and “person” have the meaning provided in Section 39-103, Idaho Code. The term “watersheds” has the meaning
provided in Section 39-3602, Idaho Code. The terms “distribution system,” “license,” “responsible charge,” and
“responsible charge operator” have the meaning provided in Section 54-2403, Idaho Code. The term “public utility”
has the meaning provided in Section 61-129, Idaho Code. The term “pesticide” has the meaning provided in Section
22-3401, Idaho Code. (7-1-24)
01. Aquifer. A geological formation of permeable saturated material, such as rock, sand, gravel, etc.,
capable of yielding an economic quantity of water to wells and springs. (7-1-24)
02. Backflow. The reverse from normal flow direction in a plumbing system or water system caused by
back pressure or back siphonage. (7-1-24)
03. Capacity. The capabilities required of a public drinking water system (PWS) in order to achieve
and maintain compliance with these rules and the requirements of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). It is
divided into three (3) main elements: (7-1-24)
a. Technical capacity means the PWS has the physical infrastructure to consistently meet drinking
water quality standards and treatment requirements and is able to meet the requirements of routine and emergency
operations. It further means the ability of PWS personnel to adequately operate and maintain the PWS and to
otherwise implement technical knowledge. Training of operator(s) is required, as appropriate, for the system size and
complexity. (7-1-24)
b. Financial capacity means the financial resources of the PWS, including an appropriate budget; rate
structure; cash reserves sufficient for current operation and maintenance, future needs and emergency situations; and
adequate fiscal controls. (7-1-24)
c. Managerial capacity means that the management structure of the PWS embodies the aspects of
system operations, including, but not limited to; (7-1-24)
i. Short and long range planning; (7-1-24)
ii. Personnel management; (7-1-24)
iii. Fiduciary responsibility; (7-1-24)
iv. Emergency response; (7-1-24)
v. Customer responsiveness; (7-1-24)
vi. Source water protection; (7-1-24)
vii. Administrative functions such as billing and consumer awareness; and (7-1-24)
viii. Ability to meet the intent of the federal SDWA. (7-1-24)
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04. Components of Finished Water Storage. Storage is available to serve the system if the storage
structure or facility is elevated sufficiently or is equipped with sufficient booster pumping capability to pressurize the
system. Components of finished water storage are further defined as: (7-1-24)
a. Dead Storage is storage that is either not available for use in the system or can provide only
substandard flows and pressures. (7-1-24)
b. Effective storage is all storage other than dead storage and is made up of the additive components
described in Paragraphs c. through f. of this Subsection. (7-1-24)
c. Operational storage supplies water when, under normal conditions, the sources are off. This
component is the larger of; (7-1-24)
i. The volume required to prevent excess pump cycling and ensure that the following volume
components are full and ready for use when needed; or (7-1-24)
ii. The volume needed to compensate for the sensitivity of the water level sensors. (7-1-24)
d. Equalization Storage is storage of finished water in sufficient quantity to compensate for the
difference between a water system’s maximum pumping capacity and peak hour demand. (7-1-24)
e. Fire Suppression Storage is the water needed to support fire flow in those systems that provide it.
f. Standby storage provides a measure of reliability or safety factor if sources fail or when unusual
conditions impose higher than anticipated demands. Normally used for emergency operation, if standby power is not
provided, to provide water for eight (8) hours of operation at average day demand. (7-1-24)
05. Composite Correction Program (CCP). A systematic approach to identifying opportunities for
improving the performance of water treatment and implementing changes that will capitalize on these opportunities.
The CCP consists of two (2) elements: (7-1-24)
a. Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE). As defined in 40 CFR 141.2. (7-1-24)
b. Comprehensive Technical Assistance (CTA) is the implementation phase that is carried out if the
CPE results indicate improved performance potential. During the CTA phase, the PWS must identify and
systematically address plant-specific factors. The CTA consists of follow-up to the CPE results, implementation of
process control priority setting techniques, and maintaining long term involvement to systematically train staff and
administrators. (7-1-24)
06. Confining Layer. A nearly impermeable subsurface stratum which is located adjacent to one (1) or
more aquifers and does not yield a significant quantity of water to a well. (7-1-24)
07. Consumer. Any person served by a PWS. (7-1-24)
08. Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). An annual report that community water systems must
deliver to their customers. The reports must contain information on the quality of the water delivered by the PWS and
characterize the risks (if any) from exposure to contaminants detected in the drinking water in an accurate and
understandable manner. (7-1-24)
09. Cross Connection. An actual or potential connection or piping arrangement between a drinking
water system and another source that could introduce contamination into the potable water system through backflow,
backsiphoning, or backpressure. (7-1-24)
10. Dead End Main. A distribution main of any diameter and length that does not loop back into the
distribution system. (7-1-24)
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Section 003 Page 9
11. Direct Integrity Test (DIT). A physical test applied to a microfiltration or ultrafiltration membrane
unit in order to identify integrity breaches. (7-1-24)
12. Drinking Water System. All mains, pipes, and structures through which water is obtained and
distributed, including wells and well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants, reservoirs,
storage tanks and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use for the purpose of
furnishing water for drinking or general domestic use. (7-1-24)
13. Effective Contact Time. For the purpose of these rules, effective contact time means the time in
minutes that it takes for water to move from the point of completely mixed chemical application to the point where
residual concentration is measured. It is the “T” in contact time (CT) calculations and is either “demonstrated” or
“calculated.” It is the contact time sufficient to achieve the inactivation of target pathogens under the expected range
of raw water pH and temperature variation and must be demonstrated through tracer studies or other evaluations or
calculations acceptable to the Department. “Improving Clearwell Design for CT Compliance,” referenced in
Subsection 002.02, contains information that may be used as guidance for these calculations. (7-1-24)
14. Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). A unit of measure that standardizes all land use types (housing,
retail, office, etc.) to the level of demand created by a single-family detached housing unit within a water system. The
demand for one (1) equivalent dwelling unit is equivalent to the amount of water provided to the average single-
family detached housing unit within a water system. For example, a business designed to use three (3) times as much
water as an average single-family detached housing unit will have a demand of three (3) equivalent dwelling units.
15. Exemption. A temporary deferment of compliance with a maximum contaminant level or
treatment technique requirement which may be granted only if the PWS demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
Department that the PWS cannot comply due to compelling factors and the deferment does not cause an unreasonable
risk to public health. (7-1-24)
16. Facility Plan. The facility plan for a PWS describes the overall system, including sources of water,
treatment processes and facilities, pumping stations and distribution piping, finished water storage, and waste
disposal. It is a comprehensive planning document for infrastructure and includes a plan for the future of the system/
facility, including upgrades and additions. It is usually updated on a regular basis due to anticipated or unanticipated
growth patterns, regulatory requirements, or other infrastructure needs. A facility plan is sometimes referred to as a
master plan or facilities planning study. In general, a facility plan is an overall system-wide plan as opposed to a
project specific plan. (7-1-24)
17. Filtrate. As the term relates to microfiltration and ultrafiltration, the product water or the portion of
the feed stream that has passed through the membrane. (7-1-24)
18. Finished Water Storage Structures or Facilities. Finished water storage structures or facilities
are defined as: (7-1-24)
a. Above-ground storage structure or facility is a finished water storage structure or facility with a
bottom elevation above normal ground surface. (7-1-24)
b. Ground-level storage structure or facility is a finished water storage structure or facility with a
bottom elevation at normal ground surface. (7-1-24)
c. Partially buried storage structure or facility is a finished water storage structure or facility with a
bottom elevation below normal ground surface and any portion of the structure or facility above normal ground
surface. (7-1-24)
Below-ground storage structure or facility is a finished water storage structure or facility with a
bottom elev
ation and top elevation below normal ground surface. (7-1-24)
19. Fire Flow Capacity. The water system capacity, in addition to maximum day demand, that is
available for fire fighting purposes within the water system or distribution system pressure zone. Adequacy of the
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 003 Page 10
water system fire flow capacity is determined by the local fire authority or through a hydraulic analysis performed by
a licensed professional engineer to establish required fire flows in accordance with the International Fire Code as
adopted by the State Fire Marshal. (7-1-24)
20. Fire Suppression Storage. The water needed to support fire flow in those systems that provide it.
See also the definition of Components of Finished Water Storage in these rules. (7-1-24)
21. Fixture Protection. The practice of installing backflow prevention assemblies or devices to isolate
one (1) or more cross connections within a customer’s facility. (7-1-24)
22. Flux. The throughput of a pressure-driven membrane filtration process expressed as flow per unit
of membrane area, usually in gallons per square foot per day or liters per hour per square meter. (7-1-24)
23. Health Hazard. Any condition, operation, or practice in a PWS which creates, or has the potential
to create, an acute or immediate danger to the consumer's health. (7-1-24)
24. Indirect Integrity Monitoring. Monitoring some aspect of filtrate water quality that is indicative
of the removal of particulate matter. (7-1-24)
25. Inorganic. Generally refers to compounds that do not contain carbon and hydrogen. (7-1-24)
26. Internal or In-Plant Isolation. The practice of installing backflow prevention assemblies to
protect an area within a water customer’s structure, facility, or premises from contaminating another part of the
structure, facility, or premises. (7-1-24)
27. Like-Kind Replacement. Repair or replacement of a system component that is identical in
capacity, exhibits equivalent design, operational, and material parameters, and does not result in an increase in system
capacity or alter existing methods or processes. (7-1-24)
28. Log. Logarithm to the base ten (10). In the context of these rules, it is used in the determination of
removal or inactivation efficiencies. It is expressed as the logarithm to the base ten (10) or “log” of the concentration
of the feed or raw water minus the log of the concentration in the filtrate or product water. For example, if the
incoming feed or raw water concentration is one hundred (100), and the outgoing filtrate or product water
concentration is ten (10), a 10-fold reduction was attained; or 1-log removal. 1-log removal also equates to ninety
percent (90%) removal, as ninety (90) of the original feed concentration counts had been removed, leaving ten (10) in
the filtrate. Similarly, 2-log equates to ninety-nine percent (99%) removal. (7-1-24)
29. Log Removal Value (LRV). LRV is a measure of filtration removal efficiency for a target
organism, particulate, or surrogate expressed as Logarithm to the base ten (10). (7-1-24)
30. Material Deviation. A change from the design plans that significantly alters the type or location of
system components. (7-1-24)
31. Material Modification. Modifications of an existing PWS that increase system capacity or alter
the methods or processes employed. Increasing system capacity occurs by adding a new water source to a PWS,
increasing the pumping and hydraulic capacity of the PWS, increasing potable water demand, or increasing the
number of service connections. Altering methods or processes employed occurs by adding new, or altering existing,
system components to satisfy increasing potable water demand, or changing engineering design intent of potable
water delivery or treatment. Maintenance as outlined in the approved operation and maintenance manual, or
maintenance that does not meet the criteria of a material modification described in this definition, is not a material
modification. Like-kind replacement is not considered a material modification. (7-1-24)
32. Maximum Pumping Capacity. The pumping capacity with the largest source or pump out of
Membrane Unit. A group of treatment systems or membrane modules that usually share common
control and valving so that the group can be isolated for testing or cleaning. (7-1-24)
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34. Microfiltration (MF). A low-pressure membrane filtration process with pore diameter normally in
the range of 0.1 to 0.5 µm. (7-1-24)
35. Module. As the term relates to membrane filtration, it is the smallest component of a membrane
unit in which a specific membrane surface area is housed. The component is typically equipped with a feedwater
inlet, a filtrate outlet, and concentrate or backwash outlet structure. (7-1-24)
36. Nanofiltration (NF). A membrane filtration process that removes dissolved constituents from
water. Nanofiltration is similar to reverse osmosis but allows a higher percentage of certain ions to pass through the
membrane. These systems typically operate under higher pressure than microfiltration and ultrafiltration. (7-1-24)
37. New System. Any water system that meets, for the first time, the definition of a PWS, which
includes systems that are entirely new construction or previously unregulated systems that increased either the
population served or connections. (7-1-24)
38. Non-Potable Fluids or Gases. Any fluids or gases that do not meet the definition of potable water
39. Non-Potable Mains. Pipelines that collect, deliver, or otherwise convey non-potable fluids.
40. Non-Potable Services or Lines. Pipelines that collect, deliver, or otherwise convey non-potable
fluids to or from a non-potable main. These pipelines connect individual facilities to the non-potable main. This term
also refers to pipelines that convey non-potable fluids from a pressurized irrigation system, reclaimed wastewater
system, and other non-potable systems to individual consumers. (7-1-24)
41. Operating Shift. Any period of time during which a licensed operator must be present, or
available, for proper operation or oversight of the PWS. (7-1-24)
42. Operational Storage. Operational storage supplies water when, under normal conditions, the
sources are off. This component is the larger of the volume required to prevent excess pump cycling and ensure that
the following volume components are full and ready for use when needed or the volume needed to compensate for the
sensitivity of the water level sensors. See also the definition of Components of Finished Water Storage in these rules.
43. Operation and Maintenance Manual. A comprehensive document that provides procedures for
the operations and maintenance of the PWS. The manual typically covers three main subjects: a water system specific
operations plan (see definition of Operations Plan); maintenance information and checklists; and manufacturer’s
product information (including trouble shooting information, a parts list and parts order form, special tools, spare
parts list, etc.). An operation and maintenance manual may cover every aspect of the water system or any part of the
water system, including but not limited to the following: treatment, pump stations, storage reservoirs, distribution
system, pressure reducing valve stations, etc. (7-1-24)
44. Operations Plan. The operations plan is part of an operation and maintenance manual. Depending
on which facilities of the PWS are being addressed, the operations plan may cover many types of information
including but not limited to the following: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly operating instructions; information
specific to a particular type of treatment; location of valves and other key distribution system features; pertinent
telephone and address contact information including the responsible charge PWS operator and PWS owner; operator
safety procedures; alarm system; emergency procedures; trouble-shooting advice; water quality testing;
depressurization events; customer service; and response to customer complaints. (7-1-24)
45. Owner/Purveyor of Water/Supplier of Water. The person, company, corporation, association, or
er organizational entity which holds legal title to the PWS, who provides, or intends to provide, drinking water to
the customers, and who is ultimately responsible for the PWS operation. (7-1-24)
46. Plant Design Capacity. The maximum design flow through treatment units. The minimum plant
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 003 Page 12
design capacity may be equal to peak hour demand but may also be equal to the maximum day demand if
equalization storage is provided. (7-1-24)
47. Plant. A physical facility where drinking water is treated or processed. (7-1-24)
48. Point of Use (POU) Treatment System. A collection of POU treatment devices. (7-1-24)
49. Potable Mains. Pipelines that deliver potable water to multiple service connections. (7-1-24)
50. Potable Services. Pipelines that convey potable water from a service connection to the potable
water main to individual consumers. (7-1-24)
51. Potable Water. Water for human consumption. Also referred to as Water for Human Consumption
or Drinking Water. (7-1-24)
52. Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). A report that addresses specific portions of the PWS or
facility for which material modifications are being designed. Material modifications may include, but are not limited
to, significant changes to existing processes or facilities, PWS expansion, addition of treatment, or installation of
other processes and facilities. This report addresses specific purpose and scope, design requirements, alternative
solutions, costs, operation and maintenance requirements, and other requirements as described in Section 503.
Preliminary engineering reports are generally project specific as opposed to an overall system-wide plan, such as a
facility plan. (7-1-24)
53. Premises Isolation or Containment. The practice of separating the customer’s structure, facility,
or premises from the purveyor’s PWS by means of a backflow prevention assembly installed on the service line
before any distribution takes place. (7-1-24)
54. Protected Water Source. For the purposes of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (40 CFR Part 141,
Subpart Y), a protected water source is a groundwater well that is not susceptible to contamination on the basis of
well construction, hydrologic data, or contamination history. (7-1-24)
55. Public Notice. The notification to PWS consumers of information pertaining to that PWS including
information regarding water quality or compliance status of the PWS. (7-1-24)
56. Public Drinking Water System (PWS). A system for the provision to the public of water for
human consumption through pipes or, after August 5, 1998, other constructed conveyances, if such system has at
least fifteen (15) service connections, regardless of the number of water sources or configuration of the distribution
system, or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily at least sixty (60) days out of the
year. Such term includes: any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under the control of the
operator of such system and used primarily in connection with such system; and any collection or pretreatment
storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with such system. Such term does not
include any “special irrigation district.” A public water system is either a “community water system” or a “non-
community water system” as further defined as: (7-1-24)
a. Community water system. A PWS which serves at least fifteen (15) service connections used by
year-round residents or regularly serves at least twenty-five (25) year-round residents. (7-1-24)
b. Non-community water system. A PWS that is not a community water system. A non-community
water system is either a transient non-community water system or a non-transient non-community water system.
c. Non-
transient non-community water system. A PWS that is not a community water system and that
regularly serves at least twenty-five (25) of the same persons over six (6) months per year. (7-1-24)
d. Transient non-community water system. A non-community water system which does not regularly
serve at least twenty-five (25) of the same persons over six (6) months per year. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 003 Page 13
57. Public Water System (PWS)/Water System/System. Means “public drinking water system.”
58. Pump House. A structure containing important water system components, such as a well, hydro-
pneumatic tank, booster pump, pump controls, flow meter, well discharge line, or a treatment unit. Pump houses are
often called well houses in common usage, even though in modern construction these structures may not contain
either a well or a pump. These terms are used interchangeably in national standards and trade publications. (7-1-24)
59. Qualified Licensed Professional Engineer (QLPE). A professional engineer licensed by the state
of Idaho; qualified by education or experience in the specific technical fields involved in these rules; and retained or
employed by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility for the purposes of plan and
specification review. (7-1-24)
60. Quasi-Municipal Corporation. A public entity, other than community government, created or
authorized by the legislature to aid the state in, or to take charge of, some public or state work for the general welfare.
For the purpose of these rules, this term refers to drinking water districts. (7-1-24)
61. Raw Water. Raw water is any groundwater, spring water, or surface water utilized as source water
prior to treatment for the purpose of producing potable water. (7-1-24)
62. Redundancy. The installation of duplicate components or backup systems that are designed to
maintain minimum pressure and capacity of the PWS if any component fails or is otherwise out of service for
maintenance or repair. (7-1-24)
63. Reverse Osmosis (RO). A membrane filtration process that removes dissolved constituents from
water. Reverse osmosis is similar to nanofiltration but allows a lower percentage of certain ions to pass through the
membrane. These systems typically operate under higher pressure than microfiltration and ultrafiltration. (7-1-24)
64. Resolution. As the term relates to membrane treatment, it is the size of the smallest integrity breach
that contributes to a response from a direct integrity test when testing low pressure membranes. (7-1-24)
65. Reviewing Authority. For those projects requiring preconstruction approval by the Department,
the Department is the reviewing authority. For those projects allowing for preconstruction approval by others,
pursuant to Subsection 504.03.b., the qualified Idaho licensed professional engineer (QLPE) is also the reviewing
authority. (7-1-24)
66. Sampling Point. The location in a PWS from which a sample is drawn. (7-1-24)
67. Sensitivity. As the term relates to membrane treatment, it is the maximum log removal value (LRV)
for a specific resolution that can be reliably verified by the direct integrity test associated with a given low pressure
membrane filtration system. (7-1-24)
68. Service Connection. Each structure, facility, or premises which is connected to a PWS water
source, and which is or may be used for domestic purposes. (7-1-24)
69. Sewage. Water-carried human wastes from residences, buildings, and industrial establishments and
other places, together with groundwater infiltration and surface water as may be present. (7-1-24)
70. Significant Deficiency. Any defect in a PWS’s design, operation, maintenance, or administration,
as well as any failure or malfunction of any system component, that the Department or its agent determines to cause,
or have potential to cause, the introduction of contamination into the water delivered to consumers. (7-1-24)
71. Simple Water Main Extension. New or replacement water main(s) that require plan and
specification review by a qualified licensed professional engineer (QLPE) or by the Department per these rules and
is connected to existing water main facilities and does not require the addition of system components designed to
control quantity or pressure, including, but not limited to, booster stations, new sources, pressure reducing valve
stations, or reservoirs; and continues to provide the pressure and quantity requirements of Subsection 552.01.
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 003 Page 14
72. Spring. A source of water which flows from a laterally percolating water table's intersection with
the surface or from a geological fault that allows the flow of water from an artesian aquifer. (7-1-24)
73. Standby Storage. Standby storage provides a measure of reliability or safety factor if sources fail
or when unusual conditions impose higher than anticipated demands. See also the definition of Components of
Finished Water Storage in these rules. (7-1-24)
74. Substantially Modified. The Department considers a PWS to be substantially modified when, as
the result of one (1) or more material modifications to the PWS, there is a combined increase of twenty-five percent
(25%)in any one or combination of the following: the population served or number of service connections, the total
length of transmission and distribution water mains, the total source capacity, or the peak or average water demand
for the PWS. Material modifications completed after May 8, 2009, are the only modifications counted towards the
twenty-five (25%) increase. Like-kind replacement of components will not be counted toward a combined increase of
twenty-five percent (25%) calculation. Removal of existing system components will not be used to reduce the
combined increase of twenty-five percent (25%) calculation. (7-1-24)
75. Substitute Responsible Charge Operator. An operator of a PWS who holds a valid license at a
class equal to or greater than the drinking water system classification, designated by the PWS owner to replace and to
perform the duties of the responsible charge operator when the responsible charge operator is not available or
accessible. (7-1-24)
76. Surface Water System. A PWS which is supplied by one (1) or more surface water sources or
groundwater sources under the direct influence of surface water. Also called subpart H systems in applicable sections
of 40 CFR Part 141. (7-1-24)
77. Treatment Facility. Any place(s) where a PWS alters the physical or chemical characteristics of
the drinking water. Chlorination may be considered as a function of a distribution system. (7-1-24)
78. Turbidity. Measure of the interference of light passage through water, or visual depth restriction
from the presence of suspended matter such as clay, silt, nonliving organic particulates, plankton, and other
microscopic organisms. Operationally, turbidity measurements are expressions of certain light-scattering and
absorbing properties of a water sample. Turbidity is measured by the nephelometric method. (7-1-24)
79. Ultrafiltration (UF). A low pressure membrane filtration process with pore diameter normally in
the range of five thousandths to one tenth micrometer (0.005 to 0.1 µm). (7-1-24)
80. UV Transmittance (UVT). A measure of the fraction of incident light transmitted through a
material (e.g., water sample or quartz). The UVT is usually reported for a wavelength of two hundred fifty-four (254)
nm and a path length of one (1) cm. It is often represented as a percentage. (7-1-24)
81. Unregulated Contaminant. Any substance that may affect the quality of water but for which a
maximum contaminant level or treatment technique has not been established. (7-1-24)
82. Use Assessment. For the purpose of obtaining a waiver from certain monitoring requirements, a
use assessment is an evaluation as to whether synthetic organic contaminants are being or have been used,
manufactured, transported, stored, or disposed of in the watershed for surface water or the zone of influence for
groundwater. (7-1-24)
83. Variance. A temporary deferment of compliance with a maximum contaminant level or treatment
que requirement which may be granted only when the PWS demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department
that the raw water characteristics prevent compliance with the MCL or requirement after installation of the best
available technology or treatment technique and the determent does not cause an unreasonable risk to public health.
84. Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs). VOCs are lightweight organic compounds that vaporize or
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 004 Page 15
evaporate easily. (7-1-24)
85. Vulnerability Assessment. Related to monitoring waiver decisions, a determination of the risk of
future contamination of a public drinking water supply. (7-1-24)
86. Waiver. (7-1-24)
a. Except for Sections 500 through 552, “waiver” means the Department approval of a temporary
reduction in sampling requirements for a particular contaminant. (7-1-24)
b. For purposes of Sections 500 through 552, “waiver” means the dismissal or modification of any
requirement of compliance. (7-1-24)
c. For the purposes of Section 010, “waiver” means the deferral of a fee assessment for a PWS.
87. Wastewater. Combination of liquid or water and pollutants from activities and processes occurring
in dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial plants, institutions and other establishments, together with any
groundwater, surface water, and storm water that may be present; liquid or water that is chemically, biologically,
physically or rationally identifiable as containing blackwater, gray water or commercial or industrial pollutants; and
sewage. (7-1-24)
88. Water Demand. The volume of water requested by PWS users to satisfy their needs. Water
demand can be further categorized as: (7-1-24)
a. Average day demand is the volume of water used by a PWS on an average day based on a one (1)
year period. (7-1-24)
b. Maximum day demand is the average rate of consumption for the twenty-four (24) hour period in
which total consumption is the largest for the design year. (7-1-24)
c. Peak hour demand is the highest hourly flow, excluding fire flow, that a PWS or distribution system
pressure zone is likely to experience in the design year. (7-1-24)
89. Water Main. A pipe within a PWS which is under the control of the PWS operator and conveys
water to two (2) or more service connections or conveys water to a fire hydrant. The collection of water mains within
a given water supply is called the distribution system. (7-1-24)
40 CFR 141.4 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
Monitoring Waivers. 40 CFR 141.23(b) 141.23(c), 141.24(f), 141.24(h) are incorporated by
reference. (7-1-24)
a. Waivers from sampling requirements in Subsections 100.03, 100.04, 200.01, and 503.03.e.v. may
be available to all PWSs for all contaminants except nitrate, nitrite, and disinfection byproducts and are based upon a
vulnerability assessment, use assessment, the analytical results of previous sampling, or some combination of
vulnerability assessment, use assessment, and analytical results. (7-1-24)
b. If a PWS elects to request a waiver from monitoring, it must do so in writing at least sixty (60) days
prior to the required monitoring deadline date. (7-1-24)
c. Waiver determinations are to be made by the Department on a contaminant specific basis and must
be in writing. (7-1-24)
d. PWSs which do not receive waivers must sample at the required, monitoring frequencies (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 005 Page 16
02. Facility, Design Standard, and Operating Criteria Waivers. The Department may waive any
requirement of Sections 500 through 552 that is not explicitly imposed by Idaho Statute, if it can be shown to the
Department’s satisfaction that the requirement is not necessary for the protection of public health, protection from
contamination, and satisfactory operation and maintenance of a PWS. (7-1-24)
03. Variances. (7-1-24)
a. A general variance may be granted by the Department if a PWS owner submits a written request
and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that the minimum requirements of 42 USC Section 1415(a)
(SDWA) are met. (7-1-24)
b. A small system variance for a maximum contaminant level or treatment technique may be granted
by the Department if a PWS owner submits a written request and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department
that the minimum requirements of 42 USC Section 1415(e) (SDWA) are met. (7-1-24)
04. Exemptions. An exemption may be granted by the Department if a PWS owner submits a written
request and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that the minimum requirements of 42 USC Section
1416(a) (SDWA) are met. (7-1-24)
05. Conditions. A waiver, exemption, or variance may be granted upon any conditions that the
Department, determines are appropriate and in accordance with these rules. Failure by the PWS owner to comply
with any condition voids the waiver, variance, or exemption. (7-1-24)
06 Public Hearing. The Department will provide public notice and an opportunity for public hearing
in the area served by the PWS before any exemption or variance under Section 005 is granted by the Department. At
the conclusion of the hearing, the Department will record the findings and issue a decision approving, denying,
modifying, or conditioning the request. (7-1-24)
The Department may assign a disapproved designation to a PWS when: (7-1-24)
01. Defects. There are design or construction defects, significant deficiencies, or health hazards; or
02. Operating Procedures. Operating procedures constitute a health hazard; (7-1-24)
03. Quality. Violations of chemical, microbiological, or radiological maximum contaminant levels or
action levels of these rules; (7-1-24)
04. Monitoring. Violations of monitoring requirements as specified in these rules; (7-1-24)
05. Unapproved Source. An unapproved source of drinking water is used or the PWS is
interconnected with a disapproved water system; or (7-1-24)
06. Non-Payment of Annual Fee Assessment. The annual drinking water system fee assessment is
not paid as set forth in Section 010. (7-1-24)
01. Prohibited. No
PWS will: (7-1-24)
a. Constitute a health hazard. (7-1-24)
b. Create a condition which prevents, or may prevent, the detection of a health hazard. (7-1-24)
02. Schedule. Health hazard and condition which prevent, or may prevent, the detection of a health
hazard must be mitigated as required, and terminated within a time schedule established, by the Department.
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 007 Page 17
All owners of PWSs must pay an annual drinking water system fee. The fee will be assessed as provided in this
section. The Department may waive the requirements of this section at its discretion. (7-1-24)
01. Effective Date. Annual fees will be paid for each fee year. Fee years begin on October 1 of each
calendar year. (7-1-24)
02. Fee Schedule. (7-1-24)
Owners of community and non-transient non-community PWSs must pay an annual fee
according to the following fee schedule:
b. The annual fee for transient PWSs is twenty-five dollars ($25). (7-1-24)
c. New PWSs formed after October 1 will not pay a fee until the following October. (7-1-24)
03. Fee Assessment. (7-1-24)
a. An annual fee assessment will be generated for each community and non-transient non-community
PWS using the number of connections the Department has on record. (7-1-24)
b. Community and non-transient non-community PWSs will be notified each year of the official
number of connections listed in SDWIS. PWSs will have at least one (1) month to notify the Department if the
number of connections provided are not in agreement with the PWS’s records. (7-1-24)
04. Billing. An annual fee statement will be mailed or delivered electronically to all PWS owners on
record with the Department by September 1 of each year and will include acceptable payment methods. (7-1-24)
05. Payment. (7-1-24)
a. Annual fee payment will be due on October 1, unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday,
in which event the payment will be due on the successive business day. (7-1-24)
b. If a PWS consists of two hundred fifty (250) connections or more, the PWS may request to divide
its annual fee payment into equal monthly or quarterly installments by submitting a request to the Department.
i. The Department will notify PWSs of approval or denial of a requested monthly or quarterly
installment plan within ten (10) business days of receiving the request. (7-1-24)
ii. If a PWS has been approved to pay monthly installments then each installment will be due by the
first day of each month, unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday, in which event the installment will be due
on the successive business day. (7-1-24)
Number of Connections Fee
1 to 20 $100
21 to 184 $5 per connection, not to exceed a total of $735 per PWS
185 to 3,663 $4 per connection, not to exceed a total of $10,988 per PWS
3,664 or more $3 per connection
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 008 Page 18
iii. If a PWS has been approved to pay quarterly installments then each installment will be due by the
first day of the month of each quarter (October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1), unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or
a legal holiday, in which event the installment will be due on the successive business day. (7-1-24)
06. Delinquent Unpaid Fees. A PWS owner will be delinquent in payment if its annual fee assessment
has not been received by November 1; or if having opted to pay monthly or quarterly installments, its monthly or
quarterly installment has not been received by the last day of the month in which the monthly or quarterly payment is
due. (7-1-24)
07. Suspension of Services and Disapproval Designation. (7-1-24)
a. For any PWS owner delinquent in payment of fee assessed under Subsections 010.02, in excess of
ninety (90) days, technical assistance provided by the Department may be suspended except for review and
processing of: (7-1-24)
i. Monitoring waivers; (7-1-24)
ii. Engineering reports; and (7-1-24)
iii. Plans and specifications for design and construction as set forth in Sections 500 through 552.
b. For any PWS owner delinquent in payment of fee assessed under Subsections 010.02, in excess of
one hundred and eighty (180) days, the Department may disapprove the PWS pursuant to Subsection 007.06 and may
suspend all technical assistance provided including review and processing of: (7-1-24)
i. Engineering reports; (7-1-24)
ii. Plans and specifications for design and construction as set forth in Sections 500 through 552; or
iii. Monitoring waivers (7-1-24)
08. Reinstatement of Suspended Services and Approval Status. For any PWS owner for which
suspension of technical assistance, disapproval, or both has occurred, reinstatement of technical assistance, approval,
or both, will occur upon payment of delinquent annual fee assessments. (7-1-24)
09. Responsibility to Comply. Subsection 010.07 in no way relieves any PWS from its obligation to
comply with these rules. (7-1-24)
01. Transfer of Ownership. No own
er may transfer PWS ownership without providing written notice
to the Department and all customers. Notification must include a schedule for transferring responsibilities and
identification of the new owner. (7-1-24)
02. Maintenance of Standards. The current PWS owner transferring ownership must ensure that all
these rules are met during transfer and will ensure that water rights, operation and maintenance manuals, and all other
pertinent rights and documentation are transferred to the new owner. (7-1-24)
Persons may be entitled to appeal agency actions authorized under these rules pursuant to IDAPA 58.01.23,
ted Case Rules and Rules for Protection and Disclosure of Records.” (7-1-24)
Information obtained by the Department under these rules is subject to public disclosure pursuant to the provisions of
1, Title 74, Idaho Code. Information submitted under a trade secret claim may be entitled to confidential
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 050 Page 19
treatment by the Department as provided in Section 74-107 and IDAPA 58.01.23, “Contested Case Rules and Rules
for Protection and Disclosure of Records.” (7-1-24)
011. -- 049. (RESERVED)
01. Maximum Contaminant Levels for Inorganic Contaminants.40 CFR
141.11 and 141.62 are
incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
02. Maximum Contaminant Levels for Organic Contaminants. 40 CFR 141.61 is incorporated by
reference. (7-1-24)
03. Maximum Contaminant Levels for Turbidity. 40 CFR 141.13 is incorporated by reference.
04. Maximum Contaminant Levels for Radionuclides. 40 CFR 141.66 is incorporated by reference.
05. Maximum Contaminant Levels for Microbiological Contaminants. 40 CFR 141.63 is
incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
06. Maximum Contaminant Levels for Disinfection Byproducts. 40 CFR 141.64 is incorporated by
reference. (7-1-24)
07. Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels. 40 CFR 141.65 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
051. -- 099. (RESERVED)
40 CFR Part 141, Subpart C, is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
01. T
otal Coliform Sampling and Analytical Requirements. The Total Coliform Rule, 40 CFR
141.21, is incorporated by reference. The Revised Total Coliform Rule, 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart Y, is incorporated
by reference, excluding the annual monitoring provisions in 40 CFR 141.854 (a)(4), (d), (e), (f) and (h). (7-1-24)
02. Turbidity Sampling and Analytical Requirements. 40 CFR 141.22 is incorporated by reference.
03. Inorganic Chemical Sampling and Analytical Requirements. 40 CFR 141.23 is incorporated by
reference. (7-1-24)
04. Organic Chemicals, Sampling and Analytical Requirements. 40 CFR 141.24 is incorporated by
reference. (7-1-24)
05. Analytical Methods for Radioactivity. 40 CFR 141.25 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
06. Monitoring Frequency and Compliance Requirements for Radioactivity in Community
Water Systems. 40CFR 141.26 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
07. Alternate Analytical Techniques. 40 CFR 141.27 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
08. Approved Laboratories. 40 CFR 141.28 and 141.852(b) are incorporated by reference. All
analyses conducted pursuant to these rules, except those listed below, must be performed in laboratories certified or
granted reciprocity by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Laboratories, as provided in IDAPA
16.02.13, “Rules Governing Certification of Idaho Water Quality Laboratories.” The following analyses may be
performed by any person acceptable to the Department: (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 150 Page 20
a. pH; (7-1-24)
b. Turbidity (Nephelometric method only); (7-1-24)
c. Daily analysis for fluoride; (7-1-24)
d. Temperature; (7-1-24)
e. Disinfectant residuals, except ozone, will be analyzed using the Indigo Method or an acceptable
automated method pursuant to Subsection 300.05.d.; (7-1-24)
f. Alkalinity; (7-1-24)
g. Calcium; (7-1-24)
h. Conductivity; (7-1-24)
i. Silica; and (7-1-24)
j. Orthophosphate. (7-1-24)
09. Monitoring of Consecutive Water Systems. 40 CFR 141.29 is incorporated by reference.
10. Disinfection Residuals, Disinfection Byproducts, and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors. 40
CFR Part 141, Subpart L, is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
11. Monitoring. The department may alter the monitoring requirements specified in these rules if the
department determines that such alteration is necessary to adequately assess the level of contamination. (7-1-24)
12. Special Monitoring for Sodium. 40 CFR 141.41 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
13. Special Monitoring for Corrosivity Characteristics. 40 CFR 141.42 is incorporated by
reference. (7-1-24)
101. -- 149. (RESERVED)
01. Reporting Requirements. 40 CF
R 141.31 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
02. Public Notification of Drinking Water Violations. 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart Q is incorporated
by reference. (7-1-24)
03. Record Maintenance. 40 CFR 141.33 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
04. Reporting for Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Results. 40 CFR 141.35 is incorporated
by reference. (7-1-24)
05. Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements for the Interim Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule. 40 CFR 141.175 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
06. Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements for the Disinfectants and Disinfectant
Byproducts Rule. 40 CFR 141.134 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
07. Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements for the Revised Total Coliform Rule. 40 CFR
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 151 Page 21
141.861 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
08. Public Notification. The Department may require the owner of a PWS that has been disapproved
to notify the public. The manner, content, and timing of this notification will be determined by the Department. This
is in addition to any provisions set forth in Section 150 that may also apply. (7-1-24)
09. Public Notification for Low System Pressure. (7-1-24)
a. During unplanned or emergency situations, when water pressure within the system is known to
have fallen below twenty (20) psi, the water supplier must notify the Department, provide public notice to the
affected customers within twenty-four (24) hours, and disinfect or flush the system as appropriate. When sampling
and corrective procedures have been conducted and after determination by the Department that the water is safe, the
water supplier may re-notify the affected customers that the water is safe for consumption. The water supplier must
notify the affected customers if the water is not safe for consumption. (7-1-24)
b. During planned maintenance or repair situations, when water pressure within the system is
expected to fall below twenty (20) psi, the water supplier must provide public notice to the affected customers prior to
the planned maintenance or repair activity and notify customers that the water is safe for consumption. (7-1-24)
151. CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORTS. 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart O is incorporated by reference.
152. -- 249. (RESERVED)
01. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals for Organic Contaminants. 4
0 CFR 141.50 is
incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
02. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals for Inorganic Contaminants. 40 CFR 141.51 is
incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
03. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals for Microbiological Contaminants. 40 CFR 141.52 is
incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
04. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals for Disinfection Byproducts. 40 CFR 141.53 is
incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
05. Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goals for Disinfectants. 40 CFR 141.54 is incorporated
by reference. (7-1-24)
06. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals for Radionuclides. 40 CFR 141.55 is incorporated by
reference. (7-1-24)
251. -- 299. (RESERVED)
01. General Requirements. 40 CF
R 141.70 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
02. Filtration. 40 CFR 141.73 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
a. The Department will establish filtration removal credit on a system-by-system basis. Unless
otherwise allowed the Department, the maximum log removal credit allowed for filtration is as follows:
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 300 Page 22
b. Filtration removal credit will be granted for filtration treatment provided the PWS is: (7-1-24)
i. Operated in accordance with the Operations Plan specified in Subsection 552.03.a.; and (7-1-24)
ii. The PWS is in compliance with the turbidity performance criteria specified under 40 CFR 141.73;
and (7-1-24)
iii. Coagulant chemicals must be added and coagulation and flocculation unit process must be used at
all times during which conventional and direct filtration treatment plants are in operation; and (7-1-24)
iv. Slow sand filters are operated at rates not to exceed one-tenth (0.1) gallons per minute per square
foot or as approved by the Department; and (7-1-24)
v. Diatomaceous earth filters are operated at a rate not to exceed one point five (1.5) gallons per
minute per square foot. (7-1-24)
03. Criteria for Avoiding Filtration. 40 CFR 141.71 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
04. Disinfection. 40 CFR 141.72 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
a. Surface water sources or groundwater sources directly influenced by surface water must maintain a
minimum of at least two-tenths (0.2) mg/l disinfectant residual in the treated water at peak hour demand before
delivery to the first customer. (7-1-24)
b. The Department may allow a PWS to utilize automatic shut-off of water to the distribution system
whenever total disinfectant residual is less than two-tenths (0.2) mg/l rather than provide redundant disinfection
components and auxiliary power as required in 40 CFR 141.72(a)(2). An automatic water shut-off may be used if the
PWS demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that, at all times, a minimum of twenty (20) psi pressure and
adequate fire flow can be maintained in the distribution system when water delivery is shut-off to the distribution
system and, at all times, minimum Giardia lamblia and virus inactivation removal rates can be achieved prior to the
first customer. (7-1-24)
c. Each PWS which is required to provide filtration must provide disinfection treatment such that
filtration plus disinfection provide at least 3-Log or ninety-nine and nine tenths percent (99.9%) inactivation/removal
of Giardia lamblia cysts and at least 4-Log or ninety-nine and ninety-nine hundredths percent (99.99%) inactivation/
Maximum Log Removal
Filtration Type Giardia lamblia Viruses Cryptosporidium
Conventional 2.5 2.0 2.5
Direct 2.0 1.0 2.0
Slow sand 2.0 2.0 2.0
Diatomaceous earth 2.0 1.0 2.0
Microfiltration 3.0 0.5 3.0
Ultrafiltration 3.5 2.0 3.5
Nanofiltration 4.0 3.0 4.0
Reverse Osmosis 4.0 3.0 4.0
Alternate technology 2.0 0 2.0
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 300 Page 23
removal of viruses as specified in 40 CFR 141.72 and Section 300, and at least 2-Log or ninety-nine percent (99%)
removal of Cryptosporidium as required by 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart P or Subpart T. However, in all cases the
disinfection portion of the treatment train must be designed to provide not less than five tenths (0.5) log Giardia
lamblia inactivation, irrespective of the Giardia lamblia removal credit awarded to the filtration portion of the
treatment train. (7-1-24)
05. Analytical and Monitoring Requirements. 40 CFR 141.74 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
a. Total inactivation ratio calculations: 40 CFR 141.74(b)(4)(i) and (ii) are incorporated by reference.
b. Log removal credit for disinfection must be determined by multiplying the total inactivation ratio
by three (3). (7-1-24)
c. Unfiltered Subpart H systems. 40 CFR 141.857(c) is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
d. Unfiltered PWSs must monitor as required in 40 CFR 141.74(b) upon notification by the
Department that filtration treatment must be installed. (7-1-24)
e. During the period prior to filtration treatment installation, the Department may, at its discretion,
reduce the turbidity monitoring frequency for any non-community system which demonstrates to the satisfaction of
the Department: (7-1-24)
i. A free chlorine residual of two-tenths (0.2) part per million is maintained throughout the
distribution system; (7-1-24)
ii. The water source is well protected; (7-1-24)
iii. E. coli MCL is not exceeded or a Level 1 or Level 2 Assessment has not been triggered in
accordance with 40 CFR 141.859; and (7-1-24)
iv. No significant health risk is present. (7-1-24)
06. Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements. 40 CFR 141.75 is incorporated by reference.
a. As provided in 40 CFR 141.75(a) and Section 300, the Department may establish interim reporting
requirements for PWSs notified by the Department or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that filtration treatment
must be installed as specified in 40 CFR 141.75(a) and as referred to in Subsection 300.06. Until filtration treatment
is installed, PWSs required to install filtration treatment must report as follows: (7-1-24)
i. The purveyor will immediately report to the Department via telephone or other equally rapid
means, but no later than the end of the next business day, the following information: (7-1-24)
(1) The occurrence of a waterborne disease outbreak potentially attributable to that PWS; (7-1-24)
(2) Any turbidity measurement which exceeds five (5) NTU; and (7-1-24)
(3) Any result indicating that the disinfectant residual concentration entering the distribution system is
below two-tenths (0.2) mg/l free chlorine. (7-1-24)
ii. The purveyor will report to the Department within ten (10) days after the end of each month the
PWS serves water to the public the following monitoring information using a Department-approved form: (7-1-24)
(1) Turbidity monitoring information; and (7-1-24)
(2) Disinfectant residual concentrations entering the distribution system. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 301 Page 24
iii. Personnel qualified under Subsection 300.01 will complete and sign the monthly report forms
submitted to the Department as required in Subsection 300.06. (7-1-24)
b. In addition to the reporting requirements in 40 CFR 141.75(b) pertaining to PWSs with filtration
treatment, each PWS which provides filtration treatment must report the level of Giardia lamblia and virus
inactivation/removal achieved each day by filtration and disinfection. (7-1-24)
07. Recycle Provisions. 40 CFR 141.76 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
a. The Department will evaluate recycling records kept by PWSs pursuant to 40 CFR 141.76 during
sanitary surveys, comprehensive performance evaluations, or other inspections. (7-1-24)
b. The Department may require a PWS to modify recycling practices if it can be shown that these
practices adversely affect the ability of the PWS to meet surface water treatment requirements. (7-1-24)
This Section incorporates, 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart P, known
as the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment
Rule. (7-1-24)
01. General Requirements. 40 CFR 141.170 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
02. Criteria for Avoiding Filtration. 40 CFR 141.171 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
03. Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking. 40 CFR 141.172 is incorporated by reference.
04. Filtration. 40 CFR 141.173 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
05. Filtration Sampling Requirements. 40 CFR 141.174 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
The Department conduct a sanitary survey of all PWSs. Sanitary surveys will include, but are not limited to, the
g elements: source; treatment; distribution system; finished water storage; pump, pump facilities, and
controls; monitoring and reporting and data verification; PWS management and operation; and operator compliance
with state requirements. For those PWSs using groundwater, 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart S, is incorporated by
reference. (7-1-24)
01. Frequency. For non-community PWSs, a sanitary survey must be conducted every five (5) years.
For community PWSs, a sanitary survey will be conducted every three (3) years, except as provided below. (7-1-24)
a. Community systems using surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water
that have been determined to have outstanding performance, according to criteria established by the Department, may
have a sanitary survey conducted every five (5) years. (7-1-24)
b. Community systems using groundwater may have a sanitary survey conducted every five (5) years
if the PWS provides at least a four (4)-log treatment of viruses (using inactivation, removal, or a Department-
approved combination of 4-log inactivation and removal) before or at the first customer for all of its groundwater
sources. (7-1-24)
c. Community systems using groundwater may have a sanitary survey conducted every five (5) years
if they have an outstanding performance record, as determined by the Department and documented in previous
sanitary surveys, and have no history of Revised Total Coliform Rule MCL or monitoring violations under
Subsection 100.01 since the last sanitary survey. (7-1-24)
02. Report. The Department will provided a report describing the results of the sanitary survey to the
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 304 Page 25
PWS. As part of the sanitary survey report or as an independent action, the Department will provide written notice to
the PWS describing any significant deficiency within thirty (30) days after the Department identifies the significant
deficiency. The notice may specify corrective actions and deadlines for completion of corrective actions. (7-1-24)
03. Significant Deficiencies. For each of the eight (8) elements of a sanitary survey of a groundwater
system, the Department will consider the following deficiencies significant in all cases for the purposes of the notice
required in Subsection 303.02. Decisions about the significance of other deficiencies identified during the sanitary
survey will be at the Department’s discretion, as indicated in the Department’s sanitary survey protocol. (7-1-24)
a. Source: Lack of or improper sanitary well cap as specified in Subsection 511.06.b. (7-1-24)
b. Treatment: (7-1-24)
i. Chemical addition lacks emergency shut-off as specified in Subsection 531.02.b.ii. (7-1-24)
ii. Chemical addition is not flow proportioned where the rate of flow or chemical demand is not
reasonably constant, as specified in Subsection 531.02.b.ii. (7-1-24)
c. Distribution system: A minimum system pressure of twenty (20) psi is not maintained throughout
the distribution system as specified in Subsection 552.01.b. (7-1-24)
d. Finished water storage: Roof leaking, as specified in Subsections 544.09 and 544.09.c. (7-1-24)
e. Pumps, pump facilities, and controls: A pump house must be protected from contamination and
unauthorized entry, as specified in Subsection 541.01. (7-1-24)
f. Monitoring, reporting, and data verification: Repeated failure to collect the required number and
type of Revised Total Coliform Rule samples during the most recent two (2) year period, as specified in Subsection
100.01. (7-1-24)
g. PWS management and operation: History of frequent depressurization in the distribution system in
violation of Subsection 552.01. (7-1-24)
h. Operator compliance with state licensing requirements: The PWS does not have a properly licensed
responsible charge operator as required in Subsection 554.02. (7-1-24)
04. Response Required. After notification from the Department of significant deficiencies, the owner
of a PWS must respond in writing, describing how and on what schedule the PWS will address all significant
deficiencies, not later than forty-five (45) days for PWSs using surface water or groundwater under the direct
influence of surface water or thirty (30) days for PWSs only using groundwater. (7-1-24)
05. Consultation with the Department. PWS owners must consult with the Department prior to
taking specific corrective actions in response to significant deficiencies identified during a sanitary survey, unless
such corrective actions are specified in detail by the Department in its written notification under Subsection 302.02.
06. Violation. Failure to address significant deficiencies identified in a sanitary survey is a violation of
these rules. (7-1-24)
40 CFR 141.563 is incorporated by reference. In accordance with 40 CFR 142.16(g)(1), the Department has authority
to require the owner of a PWC to conduct a composite correction program, as defined in Section 003, for the purpose
of identifying and correcting deficiencies in water treatment and distribution. Composite Correction Programs consist
of a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE) and Comprehensive Technical Assistance (CTA). (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 305 Page 26
01. Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE). The CPE is conducted to identify factors that
may be adversely impacting a plant’s capability to achieve compliance. It must emphasize approaches that can be
implemented without significant capital improvements. The CPE assesses plant performance-based capabilities and
associated administrative and operation and management practices. (7-1-24)
02. Comprehensive Technical Assistance (CTA). The CTA consists of follow-up to the CPE results,
implementation of process control priority setting techniques, and long-term involvement to systematically train staff
and administrators. (7-1-24)
40 CFR 141.859, excluding 40 CFR 141.859(a)(2)(iii), is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
01. R
equirements For Assessments. 40 CFR 141.859(b) is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
a. Level 1 and 2 assessments must be conducted consistent with any Department directives that tailor
specific assessment elements with respect to the size and type of the PWS and the size, type, and characteristics of the
distribution system. (7-1-24)
b. Level 1 Assessment. 40 CFR 141.859(b)(3) is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
c. Level 2 Assessment. 40 CFR 141.859(b)(4) is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
i. The Department will schedule and conduct Level 2 assessments for an E.coli treatment technique
trigger in unless the Department approves another party to conduct the assessment as outlined in Subsection 305.02.
ii. A second or any additional triggered Level 2 Assessment within a rolling twelve-month period
must be conducted by a Department approved third party even if the PWS owner has staff or management approved
under Subsection 305.02. (7-1-24)
02. Approved Parties for Level 2 Assessments. The PWS may conduct a Level 2 assessment if the
PWS has staff or management with the certification or qualifications outlined in this Subsection or if the PWS hires
parties that meet the qualifications in this Subsection. The following parties are approved by the Department to
conduct Level 2 assessments: (7-1-24)
a. The Department or persons contracted with the Department who are trained to conduct sanitary
surveys; (7-1-24)
b. Currently licensed operators in good standing that are licensed through the Idaho Division of
Occupational and Professional Licenses with a drinking water classification of Distribution I through IV or Treatment
I through IV and that are licensed at least to the classification level of the PWS requiring the Level 2 assessment; or
c. Licensed professional engineers licensed by the state of Idaho and qualified by education and
experience in the specific technical fields involved in these rules. (7-1-24)
306. -- 309. (RESERVED)
40 CFR 141, Subpart T, is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
40 CFR Part 141, Subpart W, is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 320 Page 27
01. Cryptosporidium Treatment Credit for Approved Watershed Control Program. The
Department will award 0.5 (zero point five) logs cryptosporidium removal credit to systems that have a Department
approved Watershed Control Program. Requirements for a watershed control program are set forth in 40 CFR 141,
Subpart W. Guidance on how to develop a watershed control program and obtain Department approval is provided in
“Implementation Guidance for the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule,” as referenced in Section
002. (7-1-24)
02. Assessment of Significant Changes in the Watershed. As part of the sanitary survey process set
forth in Section 302, the Department, or an agent approved by the Department, will assess significant changes in the
watershed of a surface water system that occurred since the PWS conducted source water monitoring. If changes in
the watershed have the potential to significantly increase contamination of the source water with cryptosporidium, the
Department will consult with the PWS owner on follow-up actions that may be required under 40 CFR 141, Subpart
W, including, but not limited to, source water monitoring or additional treatment requirements. “Implementation
Guidance for the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule,” as referenced in Section 002, provides a
description of factors that will be considered by the Department when making an assessment of changes in the
watershed. These factors include, but are not limited to the following: (7-1-24)
a. New IPDES permits or changes in existing IPDES permits that involve increased loading of
contaminants. (7-1-24)
b. Changes in land use patterns. (7-1-24)
c. Changes in agricultural cropping, chemical application, or irrigation practices. (7-1-24)
d. Changes in other non-point discharge source activities (such as grazing, manure application,
commercial or residential development). (7-1-24)
e. Stream or riverbed modifications. (7-1-24)
f. IPDES permit violations at wastewater treatment plants or confined animal feedlot operations.
g. Dramatic natural events such as floods, forest fires, earthquakes, and landslides that may transport
or expose contaminants. (7-1-24)
h. Prolonged drought conditions that may warrant special preparatory measures to minimize impacts
from waste accumulations that are washed into source waters when precipitation returns. (7-1-24)
i. Accidental or illegal waste discharges and spills. (7-1-24)
312. -- 319. (RESERVED)
This Section incorporates 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart L, of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, known
as the Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule. (7-1-24)
01. General Requirements. 40 CFR 141.130 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
02. Analytical Requirements. 40 CFR 141.131 is incorporated by reference. DPD colorimetric test
kits may be used to measure residual disinfectant concentrations for chlorine, chloramines, and chlorine dioxide.
03. Monitoring Requirements. 40 CFR 141.132 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
04. Compliance Requirements. 40 CFR 141.133 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 321 Page 28
05. Treatment Techniques for Control of Disinfection Byproduct (DBP) Precursors. 40 CFR
141.135 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
40 CFR Part 141, Subpart U, is incorporated by reference. “Implementation Gu
idance for the Stage 2 Disinfectants
and Disinfection Byproducts Rule,” as referenced in Section 002, provides assistance to PWS owners and operators
in understanding and achieving compliance with the requirements of 40 CFR 141, Subpart U. (7-1-24)
40 CFR Part 141, Subpart V, is incorporated by reference. “Impl
ementation Guidance for the Stage 2 Disinfectants
and Disinfection Byproducts Rule,” as referenced in Section 002, provides assistance to public water system owners
and operators in understanding and achieving compliance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart V.
40 CFR 141, Subpart S is incorporated by reference. “Implementation Guidance for the Drinking Water Program
und Water Rule,” as referenced in Section 002, provides assistance to PWS owners and operators in
understanding and achieving compliance with the requirements of 40 CFR 141, Subpart S. (7-1-24)
01. Discontinuation of Treatment. PWSs that wish to discontinue four (4)-log virus treatment at a
groundwater source must meet the following criteria. Groundwater sources on which treatment has been discontinued
will be subject to the triggered source water monitoring requirements of 40 CFR 141, Subpart S. (7-1-24)
a. Demonstration that any known source of contamination has been removed. (7-1-24)
b. Demonstration that structural deficiencies of the well have been rehabilitated and no longer exist.
c. Provide evidence that the well is drawing from a protected or confined aquifer. (7-1-24)
d. Submit results of one (1) year of monthly monitoring for a fecal indicator organism during which
no positive results occurred. (7-1-24)
02. Chlorine Purging Prior to Triggered Source Sampling. 40 CFR 141.402(e) requires that
groundwater source samples be collected at a location prior to any treatment. Pursuant to this requirement PWSs that
add chlorine to a source, either in the well bore or near enough to the wellhead that chlorinated water may backflow
into the well, must ensure that all chlorine residual has been purged prior to taking a triggered source water sample.
This must be accomplished by measuring chlorine residual in the source water until a reading of zero is obtained and
be recorded in the space provided for chlorine residual on the sample submittal form. (7-1-24)
324. -- 349. (RESERVED)
40 CFR 141 Subpart I is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
351. -- 399. (RESERVED)
40 CFR 143, Subpart A, is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
401. -- 449. (RESERVED)
01. Criteria and Procedures for Public Water Systems Using Point of Entry Devices. 40 C
141.100 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 450 Page 29
02. Point of Use (POU) Treatment Devices. (7-1-24)
a. A PWS owner may use point of use (POU) treatment to comply with certain maximum
contaminant levels (MCL) or treatment techniques when the following conditions are met: (7-1-24)
i. A program for long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the POU treatment system is
approved by the Department, pursuant to Subsection 450.02.c. (7-1-24)
ii. The PWS owner or a vendor of POU treatment devices under contract with the PWS must own,
control, and maintain the POU treatment system to ensure proper operation and maintenance and compliance with the
MCL or treatment technique. (7-1-24)
iii. Each POU treatment device is equipped with a mechanical warning mechanism to ensure
customers are automatically notified of operational problems. (7-1-24)
iv. Each POU treatment device must be certified by an accredited American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) certification body to meet applicable ANSI/National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standards.
v. POU treatment devices will not be used to comply with an MCL or treatment technique
requirement for a microbial contaminant or an indicator of a microbial contaminant. Community PWSs may not use
POU treatment devices to comply with a nitrate or nitrite MCL. (7-1-24)
b. The Department will waive the plan and specification requirements of Section 504 relating to
material modifications for the following systems only to the extent that the material modification is limited to the
installation or use of a POU treatment device(s): (7-1-24)
i. Community PWSs serving two hundred (200) or fewer service connections. (7-1-24)
ii. Non-transient non-community PWSs; (7-1-24)
iii. Transient non-community PWSs; or (7-1-24)
iv. Community PWSs serving more than two hundred (200) service connections if approved by the
Department through the waiver process outlined in Subsection 005.02. (7-1-24)
c. Prior to installation, the PWS owner must submit the following documentation for approval to the
Department. (7-1-24)
i. Water system information: (7-1-24)
(1) PWS name and identification number; (7-1-24)
(2) Total number of service connections; (7-1-24)
(3) Demonstration that all POU treatment devices are owned, controlled, and maintained by the PWS
owner or by a vendor of POU treatment devices under contract with the PWS owner; (7-1-24)
(4) Documentation that a customer at each service connection has agreed to installation and use of a
POU treatment device and has granted access for installation, maintenance, and sampling; (7-1-24)
(5) A statement of recognition that failure to maintain compliance with the MCL, or the failure to
operate and maintain compliance with a POU treatment system as approved by the Department, may necessitate
installation of centralized treatment; and (7-1-24)
(6) Documentation that the PWS is current with certified operator requirements pursuant to Section
554. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 450 Page 30
ii. POU device information: (7-1-24)
(1) Type of POU treatment device; (7-1-24)
(2) Manufacturer, model number, and manufacturer’s specifications; (7-1-24)
(3) Contaminant to be treated and documentation that the POU is certified and is of sufficient design
and capacity for removal of the contaminant; (7-1-24)
(4) Documentation that the PWS’s water chemistry is compatible with the POU; (7-1-24)
(5) Type and function of the mechanical warning (performance indicator); (7-1-24)
(6) Certification verification for ANSI/NSF; (7-1-24)
(7) Documentation describing how other drinking water dispensing units, such as hot water dispensers
and refrigerators, soda machines, water fountains, and other similar units will be provided with treated water and how
the water will be transported to that unit with non-reactive piping or tubing. Non-transient non-community and
transient non-community PWSs must demonstrate that the POU treatment devices are located in areas adequate to
protect public health and in sufficient quantity to serve the system’s users; (7-1-24)
(8) Installer qualifications; and (7-1-24)
(9) Proposed date for completing installation(s). (7-1-24)
iii. POU operation, maintenance, and sampling plan that includes documentation on how the PWS
owner will: (7-1-24)
(1) Address any non-compliance with Subsection 450.02.c.i.(4); (7-1-24)
(2) Ensure real estate disclosures for the POU treatment systems; (7-1-24)
(3) Deliver ongoing education and outreach to customers, including renters, regarding POU treatment
and health effects of the contaminant(s) of concern; (7-1-24)
(4) Address and perform on-going maintenance activities, including frequency of treatment media
replacements and treatment device replacements, periodic verification that the mechanical warning device is
functional, schedule of planned maintenance activities, a plan to address unscheduled maintenance problems, and a
plan and method of waste disposal; and (7-1-24)
(5) Collect samples from the location of all service connections and demonstrating that all POU
treatment devices will be sampled for compliance with the treated contaminant(s) during every compliance period or
other frequency designated by the Department. (7-1-24)
d. Within thirty (30) days of installing the approved POU treatment system, the PWS owner must:
i. Notify the Department in writing that the POU treatment system was installed as approved by the
Department. (7-1-24)
ii. Submit samples from each POU treatment device to a certified laboratory for the contaminant(s)
being treated to demonstrate initial compliance with the MCL. (7-1-24)
e. The PWS owner or operator must maintain records for a POU treatment system. Records must be
submitted to the Department at a frequency and in a format specified by the Department. Records to maintain include:
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 451 Page 31
i. Requirements of Subsection 450.02.c.; (7-1-24)
ii. All sampling performed on the POU treatment devices; (7-1-24)
iii. Maintenance logs and schedules; (7-1-24)
iv. Log of installed units; and (7-1-24)
v. Contracts, lease agreements, or other legal documents with vendors and consumers. (7-1-24)
03. Use of Bottled Water. 40 CFR 141.101 is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
40 CFR 141, Subpart K, is incorporated by reference. (7-1-24)
452. -- 499. (RESERVED)
No person may proceed, or cause to proceed, with construction of a new community or non-transient, non-
community PWS until they have demonstrated to the Department that the PWS will have adequate technical,
financial, and managerial capacity, as defined in Section 003. Existing community or non-transient, non-community
PWSs incapable of demonstrating technical, financial, or managerial capacity as identified through operational
problems, may be required to submit technical, financial, and managerial documentation to the Department for
review and approval. With the exception of water sources, demonstration of capacity must be submitted to the
Department prior to or concurrent with the submittal of plans and specifications, as required in Section 39-118, Idaho
Code, and Subsection 504.03. Plans and specifications for water sources may be submitted to the Department prior to
demonstration of capacity for the PWS. The Department will issue its approval of the new PWS capacity
demonstration in writing. (7-1-24)
01. Technical Capacity. Demonstration of technical capacity must include the following: (7-1-24)
a. The PWS meets the relevant design, construction, and operating requirements of these rules;
b. The PWS has an adequate and consistent source of water; (7-1-24)
c. A plan is in place to protect the water source and deal with emergencies; (7-1-24)
d. A plan exists for replacement or improvement of infrastructure as necessary; and (7-1-24)
e. The PWS has trained personnel with an understanding of the technical and operational
characteristics of the PWS. (7-1-24)
02. Financial Capacity. Demonstration of financial capacity must include the following: (7-1-24)
a. Documentation that organizational and financial arrangements are adequate to construct and
operate the PWS in accordance with these rules. This information can be provided by submitting estimated
construction, operation, and maintenance costs, letters of credit, or other access to financial capital through public or
private sources and, if available, a certified financial statement; (7-1-24)
b. Demonstration of revenue sufficiency, that includes but is not limited to billing and collection
procedures; a proposed rate structure which demonstrates the availability of operating funds, revenues for
depreciation and reserves, and the ability to accrue a capital replacement fund. A preliminary operating budget must
be provided; and (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 501 Page 32
c. Adequate fiscal controls must be demonstrated. (7-1-24)
03. Managerial Capacity. Demonstration of managerial capacity, the must include the following:
a. Clear documentation of legal ownership and any plans that may exist for transfer of that ownership
upon completion of construction or after a period of operation; (7-1-24)
b. The name, address, and telephone number of the person who will be accountable for ensuring that
the PWS is in compliance with these rules; (7-1-24)
c. The name, address, and telephone number of the responsible charge operator; (7-1-24)
d. A description of the manner in which the PWS will be managed. Information such as by-laws,
restrictive covenants, articles of incorporation, or procedures and policy manuals which describe the management
organizational structure must be provided; (7-1-24)
e. A recommendation of staff qualifications, including training, experience, certification or licensing,
and continuing education; (7-1-24)
f. An explanation of how the PWS will establish and maintain effective communications and
relationships between the PWS management, its customers, professional service providers, and any applicable
regulatory agencies; and (7-1-24)
g. Evidence of planning for future growth, equipment repair and maintenance, and long term
replacement of system components. (7-1-24)
04. Submittal. The PWS owner may request guidance on how to prepare a capacity document
submittal from the Department, the guidance is available on the Department website at
05. Expanding Systems. A PWS which comes into existence as a result of growth in population or
number of service connections within a previously unregulated system will be considered a new PWS under these
rules and is subject to all design, construction, and operating requirements herein. (7-1-24)
06. Consolidation. In demonstrating new PWS capacity, the owner of the proposed new PWS must
investigate the feasibility of obtaining water service from an established PWS. If such service is available, but the
owner elects to proceed with an independent PWS, the owner must explain why this choice is in the public interest in
terms of environmental protection, affordability to water users, and protection of public health. (7-1-24)
07. Exclusion. New PWSs which are public utilities as defined in Sections 61-104 (Corporation), 61-
124 (Water System), 61-125 (Water Corporation), and 61-129 (Public Utility), Idaho Code, must meet the regulatory
requirements of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) in Chapter 1, Title 61, Idaho Code, Public Utilities
Law, and IDAPA 31.01.01, “Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.” Such water systems will
not be required to meet any requirements of this Section which are in conflict with the provisions and requirements of
the IPUC. (7-1-24)
Unless otherwise specified by the Department, the design of new PWSs, or modifications to existing PWSs must
m to the facility and design standards set forth in 40 CFR 141.5, and Sections 500 through 552. The following
general design requirements apply as applicable for the type of PWS and the treatment or other processes employed.
01. Materials Used in Construction. Products that are used to construct PWSs and have water contact
surfaces must conform to applicable AWWA standards and be certified by an accredited ANSI certification body to
meet applicable ANSI/NSF standards, where products meeting such AWWA and ANSI/NSF standards exist, and
must conform to 40 CFR 143 Subpart B. In the absence of such products, products meeting applicable product
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 501 Page 33
standards and acceptable to the Department may be selected. Corrosion control must be taken into account during all
aspects of PWS design. (7-1-24)
02. Additives Used in Operation. No chemical or other substance will be added to drinking water, nor
will any process be utilized to treat drinking water, unless approved by the Department. All chemicals must conform
to applicable AWWA standards and be certified by an accredited ANSI certification body to meet ANSI/NSF
Standard 60, referenced in Subsection 002.02. (7-1-24)
03. Design Basis. The PWS, including the water source and treatment facilities, must be designed to
provide either peak hour demand of the PWS or maximum day demand plus equalization storage at the design year.
04. Design of Treatment Facilities. Design of treatment facilities must address: (7-1-24)
a. Functional aspects of facility layout and provisions for future facility expansion; (7-1-24)
b. Provision for expansion of waste treatment and disposal facilities (see Section 540); (7-1-24)
c. Roads constructed to provide year-round access by vehicles and equipment needed for repair and
maintenance; (7-1-24)
d. Site grading and drainage; and (7-1-24)
e. Chemical feed or injection systems must be designed to ensure complete mixing through rapid mix
devices or other measures unless otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
f. Unless otherwise approved by the Department or as specified in other sections of these rules, to
ensure that minimum quality, quantity, and pressure requirements are continuously met during maintenance,
breakdowns, structural failures, emergencies, or other periods when components must be out of service, water system
treatment, filtration, and disinfection components for all new or substantially modified community or non-transient,
non-community PWSs must be designed with redundancy or other acceptable methods, such that plant design
capacity can be maintained with any component out of service. Raw water intake structures are excluded from the
general redundancy requirement but must be designed to ensure that plant design capacity will be maintained.
05. Design of Buildings. The design of buildings that are a part PWSs must provide for: (7-1-24)
a. Adequate ventilation, lighting, heating, and air conditioning; (7-1-24)
b. Adequate drainage; (7-1-24)
c. Dehumidification equipment, if necessary; (7-1-24)
d. Accessibility of equipment for operation, servicing, and removal; (7-1-24)
e. Flexibility and convenience of operation and safety of operators; and (7-1-24)
f. Separate room(s) for chemical storage and feed equipment that may be required based on type of
chemicals and associated hazards. (7-1-24)
06. Electrical. Main switch gear electrical controls must be located above grade, in areas not subject to
flooding. All electrical work must conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code or to relevant state/
local codes. The National Electrical Code is available from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169-7471, (617)770-3000, (7-1-24)
07. Reliability and Emergency Operation. New community PWSs are required to have sufficient
dedicated on-site standby power, with automatic switch-over capability, or standby storage so that water may be
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 501 Page 34
treated and supplied to pressurize the entire distribution system during power outages. During a power outage, the
PWS must be able to meet the operating pressure requirements of Subsection 552.01.b. for a minimum of eight (8)
hours at average day demand plus fire flow where provided. A minimum of eight (8) hours of fuel storage must be
located on site unless an equivalent plan is authorized by the Department. Standby power provided in a PWS may be
coordinated with the standby power that is provided in the wastewater collection and treatment system. (7-1-24)
a. The Department may require the installation of standby power or storage facilities in existing
PWSs if the frequency and duration of power outages a PWS experiences constitute a health hazard. (7-1-24)
b. Existing community PWSs that are substantially modified must meet the requirements of
Subsection 501.07. in those portions of the PWS affected by the modifications. (7-1-24)
c. New sources and booster pumps intended to increase PWS capacity must be provided with standby
power or equivalent unless, during a power outage, the PWS or distribution system pressure zone can already meet
the minimum operating capacity and pressure requirements in Subsection 501.07 for a minimum of eight (8) hours at
average day demand plus fire flow where provided for each pressure zone. (7-1-24)
d. For both new and existing PWSs, the Department may reduce the requirements of Subsection
501.07 if the PWS can demonstrate the capacity to adequately protect public health during a power outage. Any
decision by the Department will be based on, but not limited to, the following considerations: (7-1-24)
i. An adequate emergency response and operation plan and the capacity to implement that plan.
ii. The adequacy of the PWS’s cross connection control program and the capacity to protect public
health in the event of a system wide depressurization. (7-1-24)
iii. Demonstration of historical and projected reliability of the electrical power supplied to the PWS.
iv. A strategy for providing information to the public during power outages, including instructions to
stop irrigation, boil water, etc., until notified otherwise. (7-1-24)
v. The level of reliability acceptable to consumers. This can be accomplished with either a vote of the
majority of consumers for privately owned and operated PWSs or a decision by the governing body for publicly
governed PWSs. (7-1-24)
vi. Other considerations that may be pertinent, including connections to other PWSs, agreements to
provide water in emergency situations, and the availability of dedicated portable auxiliary power. (7-1-24)
08. On-Site Analysis and Testing Capabilities. Each PWS must have equipment and facilities for
routine testing necessary to ensure proper operation. Equipment selection must be based on the characteristics of the
raw water source and the complexity of the treatment process involved. (7-1-24)
09. Sample Taps. Sample taps must be provided so that water samples can be obtained from each
water source and from appropriate locations in each unit operation of treatment, and from the finished water. Taps
must be consistent with sampling needs and shall not be of the petcock type. Taps owned by the PWS and used for
obtaining samples for bacteriological analysis must be of the smooth-nosed type without interior or exterior threads,
will not be of the mixing type, and will not have a screen, aerator, or other such appurtenance. (7-1-24)
10. Facility Potable Water Supply. The facility water supply service line and the plant finished water
sample tap must be supplied from a source of finished water at a point where all chemicals have been thoroughly
mixed, and the required disinfectant contact time, if applicable, has been achieved. There may be no cross
connections between the facility water supply service line and any piping, troughs, tanks, or other treatment units
containing wastewater, treatment chemicals, raw or partially treated water. (7-1-24)
11. Meters. All water supplies must have an acceptable means of measuring the flow from each
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Section 501 Page 35
source, the wash water, the recycled water, any blended water of different quality, and the finished water. (7-1-24)
12. Operation and Maintenance Manual. A new or updated operation and maintenance manual that
addresses all PWS facilities must be submitted to the Department for review and approval prior to start-up of the new
or materially modified PWS unless the same system components are already covered in an existing operation and
maintenance manual. For existing PWSs with continual operational problems as determined by the Department, the
Department may require that an operation and maintenance manual be submitted to the Department for review and
approval. The operator will ensure that the PWS is operated in accordance with the approved operation and
maintenance manual. (7-1-24)
13. Start-Up Training. Provisions must be made for operator instruction at the start-up of a new plant
or pumping station. (7-1-24)
14. Safety. Consideration must be given to the protection of maintenance personnel and visitors from
typical and foreseeable hazards in accordance with the engineering standards of care. The design must comply with
all applicable safety codes and regulations that may include the Uniform Building Code, International Fire Code,
National Fire Protection Association Standards, and state and federal OSHA standards. Items to be considered
include, but are not limited to, noise arresters, noise protection, confined space entry, protective equipment and
clothing, gas masks, safety showers and eye washes, handrails and guards, warning signs, smoke detectors, toxic gas
detectors and fire extinguishers. (7-1-24)
15. Security. Appropriate design measures to help ensure the security of PWS facilities must be
incorporated. Such measures, at a minimum, will include means to lock all exterior doorways, windows, gates and
other entrances to source, treatment, pumping stations, and water storage facilities. (7-1-24)
16. Other Regulations. Consideration must be given to the design requirements of other federal, state,
and local regulatory agencies for items such as safety requirements, special designs for the handicapped, plumbing
and electrical codes, and construction in the flood plain. (7-1-24)
17. Groundwater Source Redundancy. New community PWSs served by groundwater must have a
minimum of two (2) sources if they are intended to serve more than twenty-five (25) connections or equivalent
dwelling units (EDUs). Under normal operating conditions, with any source out of service, the remaining source(s)
must be capable of providing either the peak hour demand of the PWS or a minimum of the maximum day demand
plus equalization storage. See Subsection 501.18 for general design and redundancy requirements concerning fire
flow capacity. (7-1-24)
18. Redundant Fire Flow Capacity. (7-1-24)
a. PWSs that provide fire flow must be designed to provide maximum day demand plus fire flow. Fire
flow requirements and system adequacy will be determined by the local fire authority or by a hydraulic analysis by a
licensed professional engineer to establish required fire flows in accordance with the International Fire Code as
adopted by the State Fire Marshal. Pumping systems supporting fire flow capacity must be designed so that
maximum day demand plus fire flow may be provided with any pump out of service. (7-1-24)
b. The requirement for redundant pumping capacity specified in Subsection 501.18.a. may be reduced
to the extent that fire suppression storage is provided in sufficient quantity to meet some or all of fire flow demands.
Where fire suppression storage is not provided, the requirement for fire flow pumping redundancy may be reduced or
eliminated if the following conditions are met: (7-1-24)
i. The local fire authority justifies that the fire flow capacity of the PWS is acceptable and is
atible with the water demand of existing and planned fire-fighting equipment and fire-fighting practices in the
area served by the PWS. (7-1-24)
ii. In a manner appropriate to the PWS type and situation, notification is provided to customers that
describes the design of the PWS’s fire-fighting capability and explains how it differs from the requirements of
Subsection 501.18.a. (7-1-24)
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Section 502 Page 36
19. Pilot Studies. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, pilot studies are required for
treatment processes other than chlorine disinfection or point of use installations. Pilot studies may be performed in
the field using the proposed source water or in conjunction with bench scale testing in the lab using the proposed
source water. The PWS must obtain the Department’s approval of a pilot study plan before the pilot study is
implemented. A pilot study will be conducted for a period that is determined by the design engineer and approved by
the Department. A final pilot study report with results must be submitted to the Department for review and approval.
Upon completion of the pilot study, final approval of equipment and treatment processes is subject to the applicable
requirements of Sections 500 through 552. (7-1-24)
a. A pilot study plan must include the following and any other items required by the Department:
i. General information about the project including the existing system, the reason for conducting the
pilot study, and anticipated results of a successful pilot study. (7-1-24)
ii. A brief description of alternative processes that may be used if the proposed process is shown to be
ineffective from the study. (7-1-24)
iii. Discussion of how the pilot study will be conducted, the time frame of the study, source water
quality, how source water may be altered to mimic various source water quality conditions, and the water quality
parameters that are monitored and evaluated to determine if the treatment process was effective. (7-1-24)
b. The pilot study report must include the following and any other items required by the Department:
i. Introduction and Background. (7-1-24)
ii. A discussion of the overall pilot study progress, including any issues or problems and a general
discussion of results of the study and what the results indicate. This discussion will determine parameters necessary
for full scale implementation. (7-1-24)
iii. Conclusions and recommendation to proceed with the treatment process if the results of the study
proved successful. (7-1-24)
c. Additional specific pilot study requirements in Sections 500 through 552 must be included in pilot
study plans and reports. (7-1-24)
d. Pilot study plans and pilot study reports submitted to the Department must bear the imprint of an
Idaho licensed professional engineer’s seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer. (7-1-24)
See the definition of Facility Plan in Section 003. (7-1-24)
01. Facility Plans Required. The owner of all new PWSs, and existing PWSs undergoing material
modification, are required to have a current facility plan that addresses all applicable issues specifically required in
Sections 500 through 552. Facility plans must address the entire potential service area of the project. Facility plans
may not be required for simple water main extension projects as detailed in Subsections 502.01.a. and 502.01.b.
a. A facility plan is not required if the Department is provided documentation supporting the ability of
the purveyor to provide service for the simple water main extension without adding system components designed to
control quantity or pressure to the PWS and while continuing to provide the pressure and quantity requirements of
Subsection 552.01. Documentation may be in the form of: (7-1-24)
i. Hydraulic modeling; (7-1-24)
ii. Usage data and flow calculations; (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 502 Page 37
iii. Declining balance reports that demonstrate the PWS has the capacity to supply the service area of
the system served by the extension; or (7-1-24)
iv. Other documentation acceptable to the Department. (7-1-24)
b. A Department-approved facility plan is not required to be in place prior to the Qualified Licensed
Professional Engineer (QLPE) approving a simple water main extension pursuant to Subsection 504.03.b., provided
that the service area of the system served by the extension is in compliance with the facility and design standards in
Sections 500 through 552. If the Department has not approved a facility plan for the PWS which includes the
proposed simple water main extension, then the PWS purveyor or the QLPE must provide with the transmittal letter
documentation supporting the ability of the purveyor to provide service for the simple water main extension without
adding system components designed to control quantity or pressure to the PWS and while continuing to provide the
pressure and quantity requirements of Subsection 552.01. The purveyor must provide this documentation to the
QLPE as necessary. Documentation may be in the form of: (7-1-24)
i. Hydraulic modeling; (7-1-24)
ii. Usage data and flow calculations; (7-1-24)
iii. Declining balance reports that demonstrate the PWS has the capacity to supply the service area of
the system served by the extension; or (7-1-24)
iv. Other documentation acceptable to the Department. (7-1-24)
02. Submittal to the Department. When required, facility plans must be submitted to the Department
for review and approval prior to the submission of plans and specifications for a project related to the facility plan
unless otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
03. Engineer’s Seal Required. Facility plans submitted to the Department must bear the imprint of an
Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer. (7-1-24)
04. Facility Plan Contents. The facility plan must include basic information, criteria and assumptions,
hydraulic capacity, treatment capacity, standby power, redundancy, fire flows, project financing, operation and
maintenance considerations, alternative solutions with preliminary layouts, and cost estimates as applicable. The
facility plan is intended to address system wide growth, to identify system deficiencies, and to lay out a plan for
system upgrades and expansion. If specific items listed in Subsections 502.04.a.i. through 502.04.a.viii. or
Subsections 502.04.b.i. through 502.04.b.vii. are not applicable to a particular facility plan, then the submitting
engineer must state this in the facility plan and state the reason why the requirement is not applicable. (7-1-24)
a. The minimum requirements for a facility plan for a new PWS are listed in Subsections 502.04.a.i.
through 502.04.a.viii but it must include: (7-1-24)
i. A general description and location of the PWS. (7-1-24)
ii. The estimated design population of the PWS including the number of connections and the number
of EDUs proposed. (7-1-24)
iii. Adequacy, quality, and availability of sources of water for potable use and a description of the non-
potable irrigation system. (7-1-24)
iv. Identify and describe any anticipated treatment. (7-1-24)
v. Design data covering water quantity for domestic, irrigation, fire fighting, commercial, or industrial
water uses, including peak hour, maximum day, and average day demands. (7-1-24)
vi. Include the size and location of any anticipated storage structures. (7-1-24)
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Section 503 Page 38
vii. Pressure ranges for all flow conditions prescribed by these rules. (7-1-24)
viii. Describe the wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment works, with reference to their
relationship to existing or proposed water works structures which may affect the operation of the water supply
system, or which may affect the quality of the supply. (7-1-24)
b. The minimum requirements for a facility plan for an existing PWS must include Subsections
502.04.b.i. through 502.04.b.vii. as well as Subsections 502.04.a.i. through 502.04.a.viii. (7-1-24)
i. A computerized hydraulic model of the distribution system based on flow demand and pressure
requirements is required unless otherwise approved by the Department; any hydraulic model of an existing
distribution system must be properly calibrated. The type or sophistication of hydraulic model will be dependent on
the type of PWS. (7-1-24)
ii. Identify and evaluate problems related to the PWS. (7-1-24)
iii. Describe financing methods. (7-1-24)
iv. Set forth anticipated charges for users. (7-1-24)
v. Review organizational and staffing requirements. (7-1-24)
vi. Offer a project(s) recommendation for client consideration. (7-1-24)
vii. Outline official actions and procedures to implement the project. (7-1-24)
c. Public Water System Facility Plan funded by the State Revolving Fund. If the project is funded
by the state revolving fund or a state grant, the facility plan must meet the requirements of Subsections 502.04.a. and
502.04.b., and other requirements that may also apply. See IDAPA 58.01.12, “Rules for Administration of
Wastewater and Drinking Water Loan Funds,” and IDAPA 58.01.22, “Rules for Administration of Planning Grants
for Drinking Water and Wastewater Facilities.” (7-1-24)
d. A checklist, which can be used as guidance, can be found on the Department website at http:// The guidance document is for Department grant and loan projects, but may be used in part or in
whole as a guide to assist in the development of any facility plan. (7-1-24)
See the definition of Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) in Section 003. PERs are required for all new PWSs or
material modifications to existing PWSs that require plan and specification review and approval pursuant to
Subsection 504.03. The PER must be in conformance with the approved facility plan or must describe any
modifications to the facility plan.PERs must be completed for all major PWS projects including, but not limited to,
source, pump station, pressure control, storage, and treatment projects. PERs are not required for simple water main
extensions that are approved in accordance with Subsections 502.01.a. or 502.01.b. (7-1-24)
01. Submittal to Reviewing Authority. PERs must be submitted to the Department for review and
approval prior to the submission of plans and specifications. The Department may allow well construction plans and
specifications to be submitted concurrently with a PER for these projects. (7-1-24)
02. Seal Required. PERs submitted to the Department must bear the imprint of an Idaho licensed
professional engineer's seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer. The Department will accept the seal and
signature of an Idaho licensed professional geologist for well source, spring source, or infiltration gallery site reports,
and for well construction. (7-1-24)
03. PER Contents. The PER must include sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed project
meets applicable criteria. The items included in Subsections 503.03.a. through 503.03.e., and all applicable issues and
items specifically required in Sections 500 through 552, must be addressed in detail or justification must be provided
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 503 Page 39
for any proposed deviations where specifically allowed. As required, a PER must also identify and evaluate drinking
water related problems, assemble basic information, present criteria and assumptions, examine alternative solutions
with preliminary layouts and cost estimates, offer a conclusion with a proposed project, and outline official actions
and procedures to implement the project. If specific items in Subsections 503.03.a. through 503.03.e. are not
applicable to a particular design, then the designer must state this in the PER and state the reason why it is not
applicable. Items adequately addressed in the facility plan under which the project is being designed may be
addressed by reference for purposes of the PER. (7-1-24)
a. All PERs must include items in Subsection 503.03.a. and the applicable items from Subsections
503.03.b. through 503.03.e. (7-1-24)
i. The general information must include, but is not limited to: (7-1-24)
(1) A detailed description of the proposed project; (7-1-24)
(2) A general description of the location of the project and justification of the site selection; (7-1-24)
(3) A general discussion of adequacy of local roadways and availability of power or other utilities;
(4) A general discussion of surrounding land use, including any potential sources of contamination;
and (7-1-24)
(5) A general discussion of planned security features such as fencing, lighting, alarm systems, etc.
ii. The PER must discuss or reference items provided in the Department-approved facility plan. These
items include, but are not limited to: (7-1-24)
(1) A general description of the existing PWS and how the project fits into the overall system and
facility plan; (7-1-24)
(2) The estimated PWS size based on number of persons, number of connections, or number of EDUs
served or impacted by the project; (7-1-24)
(3) Design data for domestic, irrigation, fire fighting, commercial and industrial water uses, including
peak hour, maximum day, and average day demands; (7-1-24)
(4) How the project will affect various storage requirements. See definition of Components of Finished
Water Storage in Section 003; (7-1-24)
(5) Pressure ranges for all flow conditions prescribed by these rules; (7-1-24)
(6) A computer model of the hydraulics of the distribution system based on flow demands and pressure
requirements is required unless otherwise approved by the Department; any hydraulic model of an existing
distribution system must be properly calibrated. The type and sophistication of hydraulic model will be dependent on
the type of PWS; (7-1-24)
(7) A general discussion of the adequacy, quality and availability of source of water. A PWS that is to
be served by a separate non-potable irrigation system must provide documentation to demonstrate the actual
availability of water in sufficient quantity to ensure that the irrigation system will not compete with or in any way
diminish the source of water for the potable water system; (7-1-24)
(8) Describe the wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment works, with special reference
to their relationship to existing or proposed water works structures which may affect the operation of the water supply
system, or which may affect the quality of the supply; (7-1-24)
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Section 503 Page 40
(9) Assesses and characterize all anticipated treatment waste discharges generated by the project and
any activities that may impact the water supply. The location of each waste handling area or discharge point must be
shown on a scale map; (7-1-24)
(10) Provide brief discussion of financing options investigated or planned; and (7-1-24)
(11) Discuss mechanisms for protection of the PWS from flooding. (7-1-24)
iii. Include a summary of applicable codes and standards that apply to the proposed project. (7-1-24)
iv. Provide, as applicable, estimated construction costs for public works projects or projects funded
through public monies. (7-1-24)
v. Include the proposed construction schedule. (7-1-24)
vi. Identify sources of contamination and describe how the drinking water sources will be protected.
vii. Generally discuss soil, groundwater conditions, and potential building foundation problems,
including a description of: (7-1-24)
(1) The character of the soil through which water mains are to be laid; (7-1-24)
(2) Characteristics of the soil, water table, and geological substrate that may affect the design and
construction of the foundations of proposed structures; and (7-1-24)
(3) The approximate elevation of groundwater in relation to subsurface structures. (7-1-24)
b. In addition to items listed in Subsection 503.03.a., a PER for source water construction projects
using wells or springs must include all items listed in Subsection 503.03.b., applicable items in Sections 510 through
514, and Sections 500 to 552 are to be evaluated for their relevance to the project. (7-1-24)
i. Include geological data and existing well logs. (7-1-24)
ii. Describe the anticipated drilling method and well construction. (7-1-24)
iii. Anticipated potability and water quality including monitoring results required for new sources by
these rules. (7-1-24)
iv. Provide the appropriate documentation for the water rights for the drinking water source. (7-1-24)
v. Dimensions of the well lot and location of source. Include geographical coordinates of the source
location. (7-1-24)
vi. For all new groundwater sources, including but not limited to wells, springs, and infiltration
galleries, PWSs must supply information as required by the Department for the Department to determine if these
sources are under the direct influence of surface water. The determination of direct influence may be based on site-
specific measurements of water quality, documentation of well construction characteristics and geology with field
evaluation, a combination of water quality and documentation, or other information required by the Department.
vii. Provide a site evaluation report as required by Section 510 for wells and 514 for springs. (7-1-24)
c. In addition to items listed in Subsection 503.03.a., PERs for well and pump house construction
projects must include all items listed in Subsection 503.03.c., applicable items in Sections 511, 541, 547, and Sections
500 to 552 are to be evaluated for their relevance to the project. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 503 Page 41
i. Include information on the anticipated construction and well house equipment such as heating,
ventilation, interior lighting, and drain(s). (7-1-24)
ii. Provide a brief description of the means for measuring the water level in the well. (7-1-24)
iii. Include information on the proposed or planned pump, including the pump curve. (7-1-24)
iv. Describe the equipment and controls for the well and pump house. This includes but is not limited
to system control and data acquisition, variable frequency drive, and other manual or automated controls within the
well house. (7-1-24)
v. Piping and appurtenances including but not limited to sample taps, discharge piping, flow meters,
check valves, and pressure gauges. Describe the receiving system for the pump to waste volume of water including an
evaluation of the capacity of the receiving system and, if applicable, provide documentation that the system owner
will accept the estimated volume of water and any limitations the owner places upon that acceptance. (7-1-24)
vi. Describe the well vent if applicable. (7-1-24)
vii. Describe the anticipated casing and well cap type and materials. (7-1-24)
viii. Describe the anticipated pitless adapter for the well. (7-1-24)
ix. Describe the soil and groundwater conditions that may affect the design and construction of
proposed structure(s). (7-1-24)
d. In addition to items listed in Subsection 503.03.a., PERs for reservoir and storage construction
projects must include all items listed in Subsection 503.03.d., applicable items in Sections 544, and Sections 500 to
552 are to be evaluated for their relevance to the project. (7-1-24)
i. Describe the required storage capacity and the related components of finished water storage.
ii. Describe the anticipated overflow system for the water storage project and where the overflow will
discharge. (7-1-24)
iii. Describe the venting system used for the water storage project if applicable. (7-1-24)
iv. Describe the construction materials used for the storage project. (7-1-24)
v. Describe the protection of storage facility features from freezing especially riser pipes, overflows,
and vents. (7-1-24)
vi. Describe any site work or grading that may be necessary. (7-1-24)
vii. Provide a discussion on methods to prevent corrosion such as coatings, cathodic protection,
corrosion resistant materials, and encasement. (7-1-24)
viii. Describe the methods to be used to disinfect the storage facility and the testing to check for proper
disinfection. (7-1-24)
e. Surface water and groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GWUDI) treatment
construction projects. In addition to items listed in Subsection 503.03.a., PERs for surface water treatment and
GWUDI construction projects must include all items listed in Sections 503.03.e., applicable items in Sections 515
through 540, and Sections 500 to 552 are to be evaluated for their relevance to the project. (7-1-24)
i. Describe the intake structures that will be used. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 504 Page 42
ii. If applicable, describe the proposed off-stream raw water storage. (7-1-24)
iii. Describe the treatment methods and potential alternatives including the removal of pathogens,
disinfection, enhanced disinfection, water quality monitoring, and redundancy provisions. (7-1-24)
iv. Characterize the various wastes from the water treatment processes and, if applicable, their
volumes, constituents, and proposed treatment and disposal. If discharging to a sanitary sewage system, verify that
the system is capable of handling the flow to the treatment works and that the treatment works is capable and willing
to accept the additional loading. (7-1-24)
v. Provide applicable raw water monitoring results as required by these rules including anticipated
turbidity ranges, microbiological, physical, chemical, radiological, and other parameters as determined by the
Department. (7-1-24)
vi. An assessment of the degree of hazard to the supply by agricultural, industrial, recreational, and
residential activities in the watershed, and by accidental spillage of materials that may be toxic, harmful or
detrimental to treatment processes. (7-1-24)
vii. Assess all waste discharges and activities that may impact the water supply. The location of each
waste discharge must be shown on a scale map. (7-1-24)
viii. Provide any available records and data regarding hydrological and historical stream flow. (7-1-24)
ix. A copy of the appropriate permit(s) or application(s) from the Idaho Department of Water
Resources regarding authorization to appropriate public waters of the state of Idaho in sufficient quantity to meet the
design requirements of the PWS. (7-1-24)
x. Anticipated turbidity range. (7-1-24)
xi. Assessment of the degree of control the PWS will be able to exercise over the watershed. (7-1-24)
xii. Projected future uses of impoundments or reservoirs within the watershed. (7-1-24)
xiii. Submit source water sample data over a sufficient period of time to assess the microbiological,
physical, chemical and radiological characteristics of the water. (7-1-24)
xiv. Provide consideration of currents, wind and ice conditions, and the effect of confluent streams.
The Department will apply the facility and design standards set forth in these rules, Subsections 500 through 548, in
the review of plans and specifications for PWS facilities. If design issues are not addressed by the facility and design
standards set out in these rules, then guidance documents, some of which are listed in Subsection 002.02, must be
used as guidance in the design and review of plans and specifications for public drinking water facilities. See also
Section 013. (7-1-24)
01. Ownership. The PWS owner must provide documentation of the ownership and responsibility for
operating the proposed PWS to the Department prior to or concurrent with the submittal of plans and specifications as
required in Subsection 504.03. The documentation must show organization and financial arrangements adequate to
assure construction, operation and maintenance of the PWS according to these rules. Documentation also includes the
name of the PWS, the name, address, and phone number of the supplier of water, the PWS size, and the name,
address, and phone number of the PWS operator. This information may be presented in a will serve letter as required
in Subsection 504.02. (7-1-24)
02. Will Serve Letter. If the proposed project is to be connected to an existing PWS, a letter from the
purveyor must be submitted to the Department stating that the purveyor will be able to provide services to the
proposed project and that purveyor has reviewed and accepted the proposed construction plans and specifications that
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 504 Page 43
are subject to Department review and approval. The Department may require documentation supporting the ability of
the purveyor to provide service to the new system without diminishing quality of service to existing customers, as
described in Subsection 502.01.a and 502.01.b. This letter must be submitted prior to or concurrent with the submittal
of plans and specifications as required in Subsection 504.03. (7-1-24)
03. Plans and Specifications Required. (7-1-24)
a. Prior to construction of new PWSs or material modifications of existing PWSs, the owner must
submit plans and specifications to the Department for review and approval. Construction must commence as soon as
practical after approval, and if construction is not completed within twelve (12) months of the Department’s final
approval, an extension or re-approval must be obtained from the Department. The Department may require re-
submittal of all or part of the plans and specifications prior to issuing an extension or re-approving the plans and
specifications. (7-1-24)
b. Plans and specifications for simple water main extensions do not require pre-construction approval
by the Department when such extensions will be owned and operated by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation
or regulated public utility, provided that such plans and specifications are reviewed and approved by a QLPE who
was not involved in the preparation of the plans and specifications being reviewed to verify compliance with the
requirements of these rules prior to initiation of construction. Any plans and specifications approved pursuant to
Subsection 504.03.b. must be transmitted to the Department at the time construction is authorized and will be marked
or stamped as “Approved for Construction.” Along with the plans and specifications, the transmittal must include the
items listed in Subsections 504.03.b.i. through 504.03.b.vii. The plans and specifications must bear the imprint of an
Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer, and the approval or
transmittal letter must be sealed, signed, and dated by the QLPE that is approving the plans and specifications.
i. A statement that the author of the transmittal letter is the QLPE representing the city, county, quasi-
municipal corporation or regulated public entity. (7-1-24)
ii. A statement that the extension project complies with the current facility plan or PER, or a statement
that the PWS has adequate capacity. Please see Subsection 502.01.b. for further information. (7-1-24)
iii. A statement from the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public entity or its
authorized agent that the PWS purveyor will serve the project. (7-1-24)
iv. A statement from the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public entity or its
authorized agent that the PWS purveyor will own and operate the project after construction is complete. (7-1-24)
v. A statement by the QLPE that the plans and specifications are approved for construction. (7-1-24)
vi. A statement by the QLPE that the plans and specifications comply with the facility standards within
these rules. (7-1-24)
vii. A statement recommending whether sanitary restrictions can be released or will remain in force.
c. Subsections 504.03.c.i. through outline the projects which QLPEs may approve and
which QLPEs may not approve. (7-1-24)
i. A QLPE may approve plans and specifications for simple water main extensions that are able to
connect to an existing PWS owned by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility at the
time the extension is approved for construction by the QLPE. (7-1-24)
ii. A QLPE may approve plans for simple water main extensions which will connect to an existing
PWS, but are unable to connect to the PWS at the time the extension is approved for construction by the QLPE,
provided sanitary restrictions remain in force for the proposed extension. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 504 Page 44
iii. A QLPE may not approve plans and specifications which include mechanical systems such as
booster stations. (7-1-24)
iv. A QLPE may not approve plans and specifications for projects which the QLPE was the design
engineer or otherwise involved in the design. (7-1-24)
v. A QLPE employed by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility may
approve a design that was prepared by a subordinate engineer or an engineer from a separate design group within the
city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility. (7-1-24)
vi. A QLPE who is not employed by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public
utility, but is retained by a city, county, quasi-municipal corporation, or regulated public utility for the purpose of plan
and specification review may not approve projects designed by the company with which the QLPE is employed.
d. At the discretion of the city, county, quasi-municipal corporation or regulated public utility, the
plans addressed by Subsection 504.03.b. may be referred to the Department for review and approval prior to initiation
of construction. (7-1-24)
04. Review Criteria. The Department will review plans and specifications to determine compliance
with these rules and engineering standards of care. If the plans and specifications comply with these rules and
engineering standards of care, the Department will not substitute its judgment for that of the owner’s design engineer
concerning the manner of compliance with the rule. (7-1-24)
05. Review Schedule. The Department will review plans and specifications in accordance with
timelines set forth in Section 39-118, Idaho Code. (7-1-24)
06. Engineer’s Seal Required. Plans and specifications submitted to the Department must bear the
imprint of an Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal; except that the Department will accept the seal of an Idaho
licensed professional geologist on the following: (7-1-24)
a. Well source, spring source, or infiltration gallery site evaluation reports, as specified in Subsections
510 and 514. (7-1-24)
b. Plans and specifications for well construction and results of field inspection and testing, as
specified in Section 510. (7-1-24)
07. Contents of Plans and Specifications. Plans and specifications must, where pertinent, provide the
following: (7-1-24)
a. General layout, including: (7-1-24)
i. Suitable title. (7-1-24)
ii. Name of municipality or other entity or person responsible for the water supply. (7-1-24)
iii. Area or institution to be served. (7-1-24)
iv. Scale of drawings. (7-1-24)
v. North arrow. (7-1-24)
vi. Datum used. (7-1-24)
vii. General boundaries of municipality or area to be served. (7-1-24)
viii. Date, name, and address of the designing engineer. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 504 Page 45
ix. Legible prints suitable for reproduction. (7-1-24)
x. Location and size of existing water mains, if applicable. (7-1-24)
xi. For PWSs undergoing material modification, location and nature of existing water works structures
and appurtenances affecting the proposed improvements. (7-1-24)
b. Detailed plans, including: (7-1-24)
i. Stream crossings, providing profiles with elevations of the stream bed and the estimated normal
and extreme high and, where appropriate, low water levels. (7-1-24)
ii. Location and size of the property to be used for the development with respect to known references
such as roads, streams, section lines, or streets. (7-1-24)
iii. Topography and arrangement of present or planned wells or structures. (7-1-24)
iv. Elevations of the one hundred (100) year flood level in relation to the floor of structures, upper
termination of protective casings, and grade surrounding facilities. (7-1-24)
v. Details of well construction, including diameter and depth of drill holes, casing and liner diameters
and depths, grouting depths, elevations, and designation of geological formations, water levels and other data as
specified in Section 510. (7-1-24)
vi. Location of all known existing and potential sources of pollution within five hundred (500) feet of
water sources or underground treated storage facilities. (7-1-24)
vii. Size, length, and materials of proposed water mains. (7-1-24)
viii. Location of existing or proposed streets; water sources, ponds, lakes, and drains; storm sanitary,
combined and house sewers; septic tanks, disposal fields and cesspools. (7-1-24)
ix. Schematic flow diagrams and hydraulic profiles showing the flow through various plant units.
x. Piping in sufficient detail to show flow through the plant including waste lines. (7-1-24)
xi. Locations of all chemical storage areas, chemical feeding equipment, and points of chemical
application. (7-1-24)
xii. All appurtenances, specific structures, equipment, water treatment plant waste disposal units and
points of discharge having any relationship to the plans for water mains or water works structures. (7-1-24)
xiii. Locations of sanitary or other facilities, such as lavatories, showers, toilets, and lockers, when
applicable or required by the Department. (7-1-24)
xiv. Locations, dimensions, and elevations of all proposed plant facilities. (7-1-24)
xv. Locations of all sampling taps owned by the PWS. (7-1-24)
xvi. Adequate description of any significant features not otherwise covered by the specifications that
may impact public safety or welfare. (7-1-24)
c. Complete, detailed technical specifications must be supplied for the proposed project, including:
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 510 Page 46
i. A program for keeping existing water works facilities in operation during construction of additional
facilities so as to minimize interruption of service. (7-1-24)
ii. Laboratory facilities and equipment. (7-1-24)
iii. Description of chemical feeding equipment. (7-1-24)
iv. Procedures for flushing, disinfection and testing, as needed, prior to placing the project in service.
All wells, pipes, tanks, and equipment which can convey or store potable water must be disinfected in accordance
with AWWA Standards, incorporated into these rules at Subsection 002.01. Plans or specifications must outline the
procedure and include the disinfectant dosage, contact time, and method of testing the results of this procedure.
v. Materials or proprietary equipment for sanitary or other facilities, including any necessary
backflow or back-siphonage protection. (7-1-24)
d. Complete design criteria, as set forth in these rules. (7-1-24)
e. The Department may require additional information which is not part of the construction drawings,
including, but not limited to, head loss calculations, proprietary technical data, and copies of contracts. (7-1-24)
08. Notification of Material Deviations. As set forth in Subsection 504.03, during construction or
modification, the Department must be notified of any material deviation from the approved plans. The reviewing
authority’s prior written approval is required before any material deviation is allowed. (7-1-24)
09. Record Plans and Specifications Required. (7-1-24)
a. Must be submitted to the Department by the design engineer as specified in Section 39-118(3),
Idaho Code. (7-1-24)
b. Record plans and specifications, or a statement submitted in lieu of record plans and specifications,
must bear the imprint of an Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer.
c. The Department will accept the seal and signature of an Idaho licensed professional geologist on
record plans and specifications, or a statement bearing the seal and signature of an Idaho licensed professional
geologist in lieu of record plans and specifications, for record plans and specifications for well construction and
results of field inspection and testing, as specified in Section 510. (7-1-24)
10. Exception. The Department may waive the plan and specification approval required of any facility
or category of facilities when doing so will have no significant impact on public health or the environment. (7-1-24)
11. Department Approval On-Site During Construction. It is the responsibility of the owner to
maintain one (1) copy of the approved plans and specifications and the approval letter from the reviewing authority
on-site during construction at all times. (7-1-24)
12. Construction. Except as provided in Subsection 504.03.b., no construction will commence until all
of the necessary approvals have been received from the Department. The owner must provide for the inspection of the
construction of a PWS facility by an Idaho licensed professional engineer to the extent required to confirm material
compliance with the approved plans and to produce accurate record documents as required by Subsection 504.09.
505. -- 509. (RESERVED)
Written approval by the Department is required before water from any new or reconstructed well may be served to the
public. Any supplier of water for a PWS served by one (1) or more wells must ensure that the following requirements
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 510 Page 47
are met: (7-1-24)
01. Site Approval. Prior to drilling, the site of a PWS well must be approved in writing by the
Department. A well site evaluation report must be submitted prior to or concurrent with the PER for the well. The
well site evaluation must take into account the proposed size, depth, and location of the well. The evaluation may
include, but is not limited to the following types of information: (7-1-24)
a. An evaluation of the quality of anticipated groundwater. (7-1-24)
b. Identification of the known aquifers and the extent of each aquifer, based on the stratigraphy,
sedimentation, and geologic structure beneath the proposed well site. (7-1-24)
c. An estimate of hydrologic and geologic properties of each aquifer and confining layers. (7-1-24)
d. Prediction of the sources of water to be extracted by the well and the drawdown of existing wells,
springs, and surface water bodies that may be caused by pumping the proposed well. This prediction may be based on
analytical or numerical models as determined by the Idaho Department of Water Resources permitting process.
e. Demonstration of the extent of the capture zone of the well, based on the well’s design discharge
and on aquifer geology, using estimates of hydraulic conductivity and storativity. (7-1-24)
f. Description of potential sources of contamination including, but not limited to, sewers and sewage
treatment/disposal facilities, highways, railroads, landfills, outcroppings of consolidated water-bearing formations,
chemical facilities, waste disposal wells, and agricultural uses within five hundred (500) feet of the well site.(7-1-24)
02. Location. In vulnerable settings, the Department may require engineering or hydrologic analysis to
determine if the required setback distance is adequate to prevent contamination. Each well must be staked by the
design engineer or licensed professional geologist prior to drilling and meet the following minimum distances:
Minimum Distances from a Public Water System Well
Frost free hydrant 5 feet
Property line 50 feet
Gravity wastewater line 50 feet
Any potential source of contamination 50 feet
Pressure wastewater line 100 feet
Class A Municipal Reclaimed Wastewater Pressure
distribution line
50 feet
Individual home septic tank 100 feet
Individual home disposal field 100 feet
Individual home seepage pit 100 feet
Privies 100 feet
Livestock 50 feet
Drainfield - standard subsurface disposal module 100 feet
Absorption module - large soil absorption system
150 - 300 feet, see
IDAPA 58.01.03
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 510 Page 48
03. Construction Standards. In addition to meeting the requirements of these rules, all wells must be
constructed in accordance with IDAPA 37.03.09, “Well Construction Standards Rules,” and related rules and laws
administered by the Idaho Department of Water Resources. All wells must comply with the drilling permit
requirements of Section 42-235, Idaho Code. (7-1-24)
a. Casing for steel pipe must meet the following requirements:
Canals, streams, ditches, lakes, ponds and tanks used
to store non-potable substances
50 feet
Storm water facilities disposing storm water originating
off the well lot
50 feet
Municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant 500 feet
Reclamation and reuse of municipal and industrial
wastewater sites
See IDAPA 58.01.17
Biosolids application site 1,000 feet
SIZE External Internal
Plain Ends
With Threads
6 (id) 6.625 6.065 0.280 18.97 19.18
8 8.625 7.981 0.322 28.55 29.35
10 10.750 10.020 0.365 40.48 41.85
12 12.750 12.000 0.375 49.56 51.15
14 (od) 14.000 13.250 0.375 54.57 57.00
16 16.000 15.250 0.375 62.58
18 18.000 17.250 0.375 70.59
20 20.000 19.250 0.500 78.60
22 22.000 21.000 0.500 114.81
24 24.000 23.000 0.500 125.49
26 26.000 25.000 0.500 136.17
28 28.000 27.000 0.500 146.85
30 30.000 29.000 0.500 157.53
32 32.000 31.000 0.500 168.21
34 34.000 33.000 0.500 178.89
Minimum Distances from a Public Water System Well
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 510 Page 49
* id = inside diameter
* od = outside diameter (7-1-24)
b. The use of plastic well casing for PWS wells may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Plastic
casing must meet or exceed ASTM Standard F480, current edition, and ANSI/NSF Standard 61. Plastic casing must
also meet the following requirements: (7-1-24)
i. Have a minimum wall thickness equivalent to standard dimension ratio 21. However, diameters of
8 inches or greater or deep wells may require greater thickness to meet collapse strength requirements; (7-1-24)
ii. Must not be used at sites where permeation by hydrocarbons or degradation may occur; (7-1-24)
iii. Must be assembled using coupling or solvent welded joints. All coupling and solvents must meet
ANSI/NSF Standard 14, ASTM F480, or similar requirements; and (7-1-24)
iv. Must not be driven. (7-1-24)
c. PWS wells must have no less than fifty-eight (58) feet of annular seal of not less than one and one-
half (1 ½) inches thickness as measured from land surface to the bottom of the seal unless: (7-1-24)
i. It can be demonstrated to the Department’s satisfaction that there is a confining layer at lesser depth
that is capable of preventing unwanted water from reaching the intake zone of the well; or (7-1-24)
ii. The best and most practical aquifer at a particular site is less than fifty-eight (58) feet deep; or;
iii. The Department specifies a different annular seal depth based on local hydrologic conditions.
d. Specifications must include allowable tolerances for plumbness and alignment in accordance with
AWWA Standards, incorporated by reference into these rules at Subsection 002.01, or as otherwise approved by the
Department. If the well fails to meet these requirements, it may be accepted by the Department if it does not interfere
with the installation or operation of the pump or uniform placement of grout. (7-1-24)
e. Geological data must be collected at each pronounced change in formation and shall be recorded in
the driller’s log. Supplemental data includes, but is not limited to, accurate geographical location such as latitude and
longitude or GIS coordinates, and other information on accurate records of drillhole diameters and depths, assembled
order of size and length of casing, screens and liners, grouting depths, formations penetrated, and water levels.
f. The owner of each well must retain all records pertaining to each well until the well has been
properly abandoned. (7-1-24)
g. Wells with intake screens must: (7-1-24)
36 36.000 35.000 0.500 189.57
SIZE External Internal
Plain Ends
With Threads
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 510 Page 50
i. Be constructed of materials resistant to damage by chemical action of groundwater or cleaning
operations. (7-1-24)
ii. Have openings based on sieve analysis of formation, of gravel pack materials, or both. (7-1-24)
iii. Have sufficient length and diameter to provide adequate specific capacity and aperture entrance
velocity not to exceed point one (0.1) feet per second, or as otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
iv. Be installed so that the pumping water level remains above the screen under all operating
conditions, or otherwise approved by the Department. Where a bottom plate or sump is utilized, it must be of the
same material as the screen, or as otherwise approved by the Department. Where a washdown assembly, tailpipe or
sump is used below the screen, it may be made of a different material than the screen. (7-1-24)
h. Permanent well casing must be surrounded by a minimum of one and one-half (1 ½) inches of grout
to the depth required by Subsection 510.03.b., or by the Rules of the Idaho Department of Water Resources,
whichever is greater. All casing identified in plans and specifications as temporary casing must be removed prior to
well completion. (7-1-24)
i. Neat cement grout consisting of cement that conforms to AWWA Standard A-100, and water, with
not more than six (6) gallons of water per ninety-four (94) pounds of cement, must be used for one and one-half (1 ½)
inch annular space. Additives may be used to increase fluidity and are subject to approval by the Department and the
Idaho Department of Water Resources on a case-by-case basis. (7-1-24)
ii. Bentonite grout must have a solids content not less than twenty-five (25) percent by weight when
mixed with water and be specifically manufactured for use in sealing of well casing. Bentonite grout shall not contain
weighting agents to increase solids content. Bentonite grout must not be used above the water table. All bentonite
grout must be installed by positive displacement from the bottom up through a tremmie or float shoe. (7-1-24)
iii. Where a dry annular space is to be sealed, a minimum of two (2) inches on all sides of the casing
will be required to place bentonite to depths not greater than one hundred (100) feet, using #8 mesh granular
bentonite. All dry pour granular bentonite must be tagged at appropriate intervals to verify placement. If a bridge
occurs, a tremmie pipe must be washed or jetted through the bridge to allow for pumping of grout. Bentonite chips
must be of sufficient size to accommodate proper placement for the existing subsurface conditions. (7-1-24)
iv. Dry granular bentonite used in wells where a dry annular space is to be sealed with depths greater
than one hundred (100) feet will require an annulus of at least three (3) inches on all sides of the casing, or as
approved by the Department and the Idaho Department of Water Resources. If a bridge occurs, a tremmie pipe must
be washed or jetted through the bridge to allow for pumping of grout. Bentonite chips must be of sufficient size to
accommodate proper placement for the existing subsurface conditions. (7-1-24)
v. All chip bentonite seals installed through water must only be used in annular spaces of at least four
(4) inches on all sides of the casing. If a bridge occurs, a tremmie pipe must be washed or jetted through the bridge to
allow for pumping of grout. Bentonite chips must be of sufficient size to accommodate proper placement for the
existing subsurface conditions. Chip bentonite seals installed through water must be: (7-1-24)
(1) Installed in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications; or (7-1-24)
(2) Installed by pouring chips over a one-quarter (1/4) inch mesh screen for three-eighths (3/8) inch
chips to remove fines to prevent bridging at the water table; or (7-1-24)
(3) Installed using coated pellets to retard hydration if approved by the Department and the Idaho
Department of Water Resources. (7-1-24)
vi. Concrete may be approved on a case-by-case basis by the Department and the Idaho Department of
Water Resources. Upon such approval, the approved method must use a six (6) sack minus one-half (1/2) inch
Portland cement concrete and must be installed by positive displacement from the bottom up through a tremmie pipe.
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 510 Page 51
04. Disinfection. All tools, bits, pipe, and other materials to be inserted in the borehole must be cleaned
and disinfected in accordance with the Well Construction Standards and permitting requirements of the Idaho
Department of Water Resources. This applies to new well construction and repair of existing wells. (7-1-24)
05. Well Completion Report. Upon completion of a well, and prior to its use as a drinking water
source, the following information and data must be submitted by the PWS to the Department. The well completion
report must be submitted to the Department prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the preliminary engineering
report for well house construction/modification. The well completion report must bear the imprint of an Idaho
licensed professional engineer's or an Idaho licensed professional geologist’s seal that is both signed and dated by the
engineer or geologist: (7-1-24)
a. A copy of all well logs; (7-1-24)
b. Results of test pumping, as specified in Subsection 510.06; (7-1-24)
c. As constructed plans showing at least the following: (7-1-24)
i. Annular seal, including depth and sealant material used and method of application; (7-1-24)
ii. Casing perforations, results of sieve analysis used in designing screens installed in sand or gravel
aquifers, gravel packs; and (7-1-24)
iii. Recommended pump location. (7-1-24)
d. Other information as may be specified by the Department. (7-1-24)
e. Sampling results for iron, manganese, corrosivity, and other secondary contaminants specified by
the Department. Other monitoring requirements are specified in Subsections 510.05.e.i. through 510.05.e.iii.(7-1-24)
i. Community systems must submit results of analysis for total coliform, inorganic chemical
contaminants, organic chemicals, and radionuclide contaminants set forth in Subsections 050.01, 050.02, 050.05,
100.01, 100.03, 100.04, 100.05, and 100.06, unless analysis is waived pursuant to Subsection 100.07. (7-1-24)
ii. Non-transient Non-community systems must submit results of analysis for total coliform and
inorganic and organic chemical contaminants listed in Subsections 050.01, 050.02, 100.01, 100.03, 100.04, unless
analysis is waived pursuant to Subsection 100.07. (7-1-24)
iii. Transient Non-community systems must submit results of a total coliform, nitrite, and nitrate
analysis listed in Subsections 050.01, 100.01 and 100.03. (7-1-24)
06. Test Pumping. Upon completion of a groundwater source, test pumping must be conducted in
accordance with the following procedures to meet the specified requirements: (7-1-24)
a. The well must be test pumped at the desired yield (design capacity) of the well for at least twenty-
four (24) consecutive hours after the drawdown trend has stabilized, as determined by the supervising engineer or
geologist. Alternatively, the well may be pumped at a rate of one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the desired yield for
at least six (6) continuous hours after the drawdown trend has stabilized, as determined by the supervising engineer or
geologist. The field pumping equipment must be capable of maintaining a constant rate of discharge during the test.
Discharge water must be piped an adequate distance to prevent recharge of the well during the test. If the well fails
the test protocol, design of the PWS must be re-evaluated and submitted to the Department for approval. (7-1-24)
b. Upon completion of well development, the well must be tested for sand production. Fifteen (15)
minutes after the start of the test pumping (at or above the design production rate), the sand content of a new well may
not be more than five (5) parts per million. Sand production must be measured by a centrifugal sand sampler or other
means acceptable to the Department. If sand production exceeds five (5) ppm, the well must be screened gravel
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 511 Page 52
packed, or re-developed. (7-1-24)
c. The following data must be provided: (7-1-24)
i. Static water level and stabilized drawdown; (7-1-24)
ii. Well yield in gpm and duration of the pump test, including a discussion of any discrepancy between
the desired yield and the yield observed during the test; (7-1-24)
iii. Water level in the well recorded at regular intervals during pumping; (7-1-24)
iv. Profile of water level recovery from the pumping level projected to the original static water level.
v. Depth at which the test pump was positioned in the well; (7-1-24)
vi. Test pump capacity and head characteristics; (7-1-24)
vii. Sand production data. (7-1-24)
viii. Results of analysis based on the drawdown and recovery test pertaining to aquifer properties, long
term yield, and boundary conditions affecting drawdown. (7-1-24)
d. The Department may allow the use of other pump test protocols that are generally accepted by
engineering firms with specialized experience in well construction, by the well drilling industry, or as described in
national standards (such as ANSI/AWWA A100), as long as the minimum data specified in Subsection 510.06.c. are
provided. The Department welcomes more extensive data about the well, such as step-drawdown evaluations used in
determining well capacity for test pumping purposes, zone of influence calculations, and any other information that
may be of use in source protection activities or in routine PWS operations. (7-1-24)
e. Where aquifer yield, sustainability, or water quality are questionable, the Department, at its
discretion, may require additional site-specific investigations that include test well construction, long-term pumping
tests, or other means to demonstrate that the aquifer yield is sufficient to meet the long-term water requirements of the
project. (7-1-24)
07. Conversion of Non-Public Water System Wells for Public Water System Use. Any existing
well constructed for use other than as a PWS source may be considered for use as a PWS source on a case-by-case
basis. The owner of such a well must demonstrate to the Department’s satisfaction that the well site conforms to the
requirements of Subsections 510.01, 510.02, and Section 512, the well is constructed in a manner that is protective of
public health, and that both the quantity and quality of water produced by the well meet PWS standards set forth in
these rules. (7-1-24)
08. Monitoring Wells. If monitoring (observation) wells are used and are intended to remain in
service after completion of the water supply well, the observation wells must be constructed in accordance with the
requirements for permanent wells and be protected at the upper terminal to preclude entrance of foreign materials in
accordance with the “Well Construction Standard Rules,” IDAPA 37.03.09. (7-1-24)
09. Well Abandonment. Well decommissioning (abandonment) must be performed in accordance
with Department of Water Resources requirements set forth in IDAPA 37.03.09, “Well Construction Standard Rules.
01. Sample Tap Required. A sample tap suitable for collecting bacteriological samples must be
provided as required by Subsection 501.09 on the discharge piping from every well at a point where pressure is
maintained but prior to any treatment. In addition, threaded hose bib taps may also be used for collecting samples,
other than bacteriological samples, if equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device as may be necessary
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 511 Page 53
to protect the PWS from contamination. (7-1-24)
02. Discharge Piping. The discharge line must be equipped with the necessary valves and
appurtenances to allow a well to be pumped to waste at the scour velocity of the well column via an approved air gap
of no less than two (2) pipe diameters, unless otherwise approved by the Department, through an approved non-
corrodible screen or equivalent at a location prior to the first service connection, and must meet the following
requirements: (7-1-24)
a. Be designed to minimize friction loss. (7-1-24)
b. Have control valves and appurtenances located above the pump house floor when an above-ground
discharge is provided. (7-1-24)
c. Be protected against contamination. (7-1-24)
d. Vertical turbine pumps must be equipped with an air release-vacuum relief valve, or equivalent,
located upstream from the check valve, with exhaust/relief piping terminating in a down-turned position at least
eighteen (18) inches above the floor and covered with a twenty-four (24) mesh corrosion resistant screen. (7-1-24)
e. Have all exposed piping, valves and appurtenances protected against physical damage and freezing.
f. Be properly anchored to prevent movement, and protected against surge or water hammer. (7-1-24)
g. The pump to waste discharge piping must be valved to ensure that other PWS components that may
be negatively affected by the quality of the discharged water are not pressurized by the water that is being pumped to
waste. (7-1-24)
h. Where two (2) or more wells are connected to a common well house, the discharge piping must be
designed to ensure that each well can be pumped to waste independently without affecting the ability of the other well
or wells to pressurize the PWS. (7-1-24)
03. Pressure Gauge Required. A pressure gauge must be provided on discharge piping. (7-1-24)
04. Flow Meter and Check Valve. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, an instantaneous
and totalizing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile memory must be installed on the discharge line of each well in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Meters installed on PWSs with variable frequency drives must be
capable of accurately reading the full range of flow rates. An accessible check valve, which is not located in the pump
column, must be installed in the discharge line of each well between the pump and the shut-off valve. Additional
check valves must be located in the pump column as necessary. (7-1-24)
05. Well Vent. All wells must be vented, unless it can be demonstrated that the drawdown under
maximum pumping conditions will not exceed ten (10) feet. (7-1-24)
a. For wells not in a pump house, the open end of the vent must be screened with a twenty-four (24)
mesh or similar non-corrodible screen and terminated downward at least eighteen (18) inches above the final ground
surface. (7-1-24)
b. If the well is in a pump house, the open end of the vent must be screened with a twenty-four (24)
mesh or similar non-corrodible screen and must terminate downward at least twelve (12) inches above the pump
house floor. (7-1-24)
c. Artesian wells equipped with pumps may need venting or an air valve as determined by the
Department. (7-1-24)
6. Casings and Sanitary Well Caps. The following requirements apply to well casings and sanitary
caps: (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 511 Page 54
a. Casings must extend at least eighteen (18) inches above the final ground surface. If the well is
located within a pump house, casings must extend least twelve (12) inches above the pump house floor. For a well
located in an area subject to flooding, the Department may require an extension of the casing above the one hundred
(100) year or highest known flood level, whichever is higher. (7-1-24)
b. Wells must be cased and provided with an approved cap in such a manner that contamination
cannot enter the well. (7-1-24)
c. For community PWSs, a permanent means for measuring water level within the casing must be
provided. For other PWSs, a temporary means to measure water levels may be made available. All equipment
required for conducting water level measurements must be purchased and made available to the PWS operator at the
time the well is put into service. Where pneumatic or electronic water level measuring equipment is used, it must be
made using corrosion resistant materials attached firmly to the drop pipe or pump column and in such a manner as to
prevent entrance of foreign materials. (7-1-24)
07. Well Houses. For regulatory purposes, a well house is considered a pump house as defined in
Section 003. Well houses must meet the requirements for pump houses as set forth in Section 541. All above ground
discharge piping must be contained in a well house or otherwise protected from freezing. (7-1-24)
08. Pitless Adapters and Units. (7-1-24)
a. Marked approved by the National Sanitation Foundation or Pitless Adapter Division of the Water
Systems Council. (7-1-24)
b. Designed, constructed and installed to be watertight including the cap, cover, casing extension and
other attachments. (7-1-24)
c. Field tested for leaks before being put into service. The procedure outlined in “Manual of
Individual and Non-Public Water Supply Systems,” referenced in Subsection 002.02, or other procedure approved by
the Department Must be followed. (7-1-24)
d. If the discharge line is two (2) inches or smaller, be provided with a swing joint outside the pitless
adapter unit to reduce strain, deformation, and possible leakage of the pitless seal caused by settling soils in the
trench. The orientation of swing joints must be such that any settling that occurs will tighten the threads. The hole in
the casing must be cut with a saw rather than a torch with an opening large enough to allow seating of gaskets.
e. Provided with a contamination-proof entrance connection for electrical cable. (7-1-24)
f. Pitless adapters: (7-1-24)
i. Threaded adapters must be installed by drilling a hole not more than one quarter (1/4) inch larger
than the outer diameter of the pitless shank. No torch-cut holes will be accepted. The orientation of swing joints must
be such that any settling that occurs will tighten the threads. (7-1-24)
ii. The only field welding permitted will be that needed to connect a pitless adapter to the casing.
g. Pitless units must be: (7-1-24)
i. Shop-fabricated from the point of connection with the well casing to the unit cap or cover. (7-1-24)
ii. Constructed of materials and weight at least equivalent to and compatible with the well casing.
iii. Threaded or welded to the well casing. Threaded units must be installed by drilling a hole not more
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 512 Page 55
than one quarter (¼) inch larger than the outer diameter of the pitless shank. No torch-cut holes will be accepted. If
the connection to the casing is by field weld, the shop-assembled unit must be designed specifically for field welding
to the casing. (7-1-24)
iv. Terminate at least eighteen (18) inches above final ground elevation. For a well located in an area
subject to flooding, the Department may require an extension of the casing above the one hundred (100) year or
highest known flood level, whichever is higher. (7-1-24)
v. Provided with access to disinfect the well. (7-1-24)
vi. Field connected to the lateral discharge from the pitless unit of threaded, flanged, or mechanical
joint connection. (7-1-24)
h. After installation of a pitless adapter or unit, the disturbed well seal must be repaired or replaced to
meet original seal specifications unless otherwise approved by the Department. The engineering proposal must
ensure that the material surrounding the final seal is moisture controlled and compacted such that it equals or exceeds
the characteristics of the native soil prior to being disturbed. (7-1-24)
09. Wells Not Allowed in Pits. Wells must not be located in pits. Exceptions to this requirement will
be granted by the Department if the well was constructed prior to November 5, 1964, and the installation is
constructed or reconstructed in accordance with the requirements of the Department to provide watertight
construction of pit walls and floors, floor drains and acceptable pit covers. (7-1-24)
10. Discharge Pumps. Discharge pumps are subject to the following requirements: (7-1-24)
a. Line shaft pumps must: (7-1-24)
i. Have the casing firmly connected to the pump structure or have the casing inserted into a recess
extending at least one-half (1/2) inch into the pump base. (7-1-24)
ii. Have the pump foundation and base designed to prevent water from coming into contact with the
joint. (7-1-24)
iii. Use lubricants that meet ANSI/NSF Standard 61. (7-1-24)
b. Submersible pumps: (7-1-24)
i. The top of the casing must be effectively sealed against the entrance of water under all conditions
of vibration or movement of conductors or cables. (7-1-24)
ii. The electrical cable must be firmly attached to the drop pipe at twenty-one (21) foot intervals or
less, or at each coupling or joint. (7-1-24)
512. WELL LOT.
A well lot must be provided for wells constructed after November 1, 1977. The well lot must be owned in fee simple
by the supplier of water or controlled by lease or easement with a term of not less than the useful life of the well and
be large enough to provide a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet between the well and the nearest property line.
01. Use of Chemicals. No pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers may be applied to a well lot without
prior approval from the Department. (7-1-24)
02. Storage of Hazardous Materials. No pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, portable containers of
petroleum products, or other materials known to be toxic or hazardous may be stored on a well lot, except that:
a. An internal combustion engine to drive either a generator for emergency standby power or a pump
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 513 Page 56
to provide fire flows, and an associated fuel tank, may be placed on the well lot. (7-1-24)
b. A propane or natural gas powered generator is preferable to reduce risk of fuel spillage. (7-1-24)
c. If a diesel or gasoline-fueled engine is used, the fuel tank and connecting piping must be approved
by the Underwriter’s Laboratory, Inc., double-walled, meet the requirements of the local fire jurisdiction, and include
both spill prevention and overfill protection features. The tank must be above ground and may be contained within
the structural base of the generator unit. A spill containment structure must surround all fuel tanks and be sized to
contain at least one hundred ten percent (110%) of the fuel tank volume. The Department may require additional
containment capacity in settings where accumulation of snow, ice, or rain water may be expected to diminish the
usable capacity of the structure. A licensed PWS operator must be present during filling of the tank following a
period of usage, or during periodic extraction and replacement of outdated fuel. (7-1-24)
d. If the internal combustion engine is located within the pump house, the floor of the pump house
must be constructed so as to contain all petroleum drips and spills so that they will not be able to reach the floor
drain(s). Engine exhaust must be directly discharged outside the pump house. (7-1-24)
03. Parking Lots and Vehicle Storage. Public parking or vehicle storage is not allowed on the well
lot, except that operation/maintenance vehicles may be temporarily parked on the well lot during the normal course of
business. (7-1-24)
Existing community PWSs served by groundwater and intending to serve more than twenty-five (25) connections or
equivalent dwelling units are subject to the following requirements for the number of groundwater sources required.
01. Existing System with All Sources Constructed Prior to July 1, 1985. A community PWS served
by groundwater and with all existing sources constructed prior to July 1, 1985 will be required to comply with
Subsection 501.17 upon substantially modifying the PWS after July 2002. (7-1-24)
02. Existing System with Any Sources Constructed After July 1, 1985. A community PWS served
by groundwater with any sources constructed after July 1, 1985 is required to comply with Subsection 501.17 when a
material modification is made to the PWS after May 8, 2009, which triggers the PWS to be classified as substantially
modified. (7-1-24)
Written approval by the Department is required before water from any new or reconstructed spring source may be
to the public. For new spring sources, the Department will require a site evaluation report containing
applicable required information listed in Subsection 510.01. This information includes, but is not limited to, the
following: an evaluation of the potability and quality of anticipated spring water; an estimate of hydrologic and
geologic properties of the aquifer; and a description of potential sources of contamination within five hundred (500)
feet of the spring. Any supplier of water for a PWS served by one (1) or more springs must ensure that the following
requirements are met: (7-1-24)
01. Protection of the Spring. Springs must be housed in a permanent structure and protected from
contamination including the entry of surface water, animals, and dust. (7-1-24)
02. Spring Box or Combined Spring Box/Finished Water Storage Design. To facilitate efficient
design and review of spring box or combined spring box/finished water storage designs, these site-specific designs
must be coordinated in advance with the Department. Specific issues to be addressed are: (7-1-24)
a. The inlet must be screened as determined by the Department and located above the floor of the
collection chamber. (7-1-24)
b. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, the spring box or combined spring box/finished
water storage tank must meet the applicable design requirements of Section 544 - Facility and Design Standards:
General Design of Finished Water Storage. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 515 Page 57
03. Sample Tap. A sample tap suitable for collecting bacteriological samples must be provided as
required by Subsection 501.09.In addition, threaded hose bib taps may also be used for collecting samples, other than
bacteriological samples, if equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device as may be necessary to protect
the PWS from contamination. (7-1-24)
04. Flow Measurement. A flow meter or other flow measuring device must be provided. (7-1-24)
05. Protected Area. The entire area within a one hundred (100) foot radius of the spring box and
collection piping must be owned by the supplier of water or controlled by a long term lease, secured to prevent
trespass or livestock and void of buildings, dwellings and any potential sources of contamination. Surface water must
be diverted from this area. (7-1-24)
Written approval by the Department is required before water from any new surface source or groundwater source that
is un
der the direct influence of surface water may be served to the public. Infiltration collection lines or galleries are
considered groundwater under the direct influence of surface water unless demonstrated otherwise. Infiltration
galleries that are not directly influenced by surface water must meet the requirements of Section 514. The area around
infiltration lines must be under the control of the water purveyor for a distance acceptable to the Department. (7-1-
01. Intake Structures. Design of intake structures must provide for: (7-1-24)
a. Withdrawal of water from more than one (1) level if quality varies with depth. (7-1-24)
b. Separate facilities for release of less desirable water held in storage. (7-1-24)
c. Where frazil ice may be a problem, holding the velocity of flow into the intake structure to a
minimum, generally not to exceed point five (0.5) feet per second. Frazil ice is made up of randomly distributed ice
crystals that are formed in flowing water that has cooled below thirty-two (32) degrees Fahrenheit and is prevented
from forming into ice sheets by the movement of the water. (7-1-24)
d. Inspection manholes every one thousand (1000) feet for pipe sizes large enough to permit visual
inspection. (7-1-24)
e. Cleaning the intake line as needed. (7-1-24)
f. Adequate protection against rupture by dragging anchors, ice, or other hazards. (7-1-24)
g. Ports located above the bottom of the stream, lake or impoundment, but at sufficient depth to be
kept submerged at low water levels. (7-1-24)
h. Where shore wells are not provided, a diversion device capable of keeping large quantities of fish
or debris from entering an intake structure. (7-1-24)
i. If necessary, provisions must be made in the intake structure to control the influx of nuisance
aquatic organisms. Specific control methods must be approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
j. When buried surface water collectors are used, sufficient intake opening area must be provided to
minimize inlet head loss. Particular attention must be given to the selection of backfill material in relation to the
collector pipe slot size and gradation of the native material over the collector system. (7-1-24)
02. Raw Water Pumps. Raw water pumping wells must: (7-1-24)
a. Have motors and electrical controls located above grade (except for submersible pumps) and
protected from flooding as required by the Department. (7-1-24)
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Section 518 Page 58
b. Be accessible and designed to prevent flotation. (7-1-24)
c. Be equipped with removable or traveling screens before the pump suction well. (7-1-24)
d. Provide for introduction of chlorine or other chemicals in the raw water transmission main if
necessary for quality control. (7-1-24)
e. Where practical, have intake valves and provisions for back flushing or cleaning by a mechanical
device and testing for leaks. (7-1-24)
f. Have provisions for withstanding surges where necessary. (7-1-24)
03. Off-stream Raw Water Storage. An off-stream raw water storage reservoir is a facility into which
water is pumped during periods of good quality and high stream flow for future release to treatment facilities. These
off-stream raw water storage reservoirs must be constructed to assure that: (7-1-24)
a. Water quality is protected by controlling runoff into the reservoir. (7-1-24)
b. Dikes are structurally sound and protected against wave action and erosion. (7-1-24)
c. Intake structures and devices meet requirements of Subsection 515.01. (7-1-24)
d. Point of influent flow is separated from the point of withdrawal. (7-1-24)
e. Separate pipes are provided for influent to and effluent from the reservoir. (7-1-24)
04. Reservoirs. Impoundments and reservoirs must provide, where applicable: (7-1-24)
a. Removal of brush and trees to high water elevation. (7-1-24)
b. Protection from floods during construction. (7-1-24)
c. Wells which will be inundated by the reservoir must be abandoned in accordance with requirements
of the Idaho Department of Water Resources. See Rules of the Idaho Department of Water Resources referenced in
Subsection 002.02. (7-1-24)
516. -- 517. (RESERVED)
Performance criteria for surface water treatment facilities are set forth in Sections 300, 301, and 310. Surface water
treatment systems must comply with applicable general design requirements in Section 503. In addition, the
following design requirements apply specifically to surface water treatment facilities: (7-1-24)
01. Engineering Design Requirements. The PWS must ensure that filtration and disinfection facilities
for surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water are designed, constructed and operated in
accordance with all applicable engineering practices designated by the Department. The design of the water treatment
plant must consider the worst raw water quality conditions that are likely to occur during the life of the facility.
02. Removal of Pathogens. Filtration facilities (excluding disinfection) must be designed, constructed
and operated to achieve at least two (2) log removal of Giardia lamblia cysts, two (2) log removal of Cryptosporidium
oocysts, and one (1) log removal of viruses, except as allowed under Subsection 518.09.b. (7-1-24)
03. Disinfection. Disinfection facilities must be designed, constructed and operated so as to achieve at
least point five zero (0.50) log inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts; and (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 518 Page 59
a. Two (2) log inactivation of viruses if using conventional and slow sand filtration technology; or
b. Three (3) log inactivation of viruses if using direct and diatomaceous earth filtration technology; or
c. Four (4) log inactivation of viruses if using alternate filtration technology. (7-1-24)
d. Four (4) log inactivation of viruses if filtration treatment is not used. (7-1-24)
04. Enhanced Disinfection. Higher levels of disinfection than specified under Subsection 518.03 may
be required by the Department to provide adequate protection against Giardia lamblia and viruses. (7-1-24)
05. Filter to Waste. For plants constructed after December 31, 1992, each filter unit must be capable of
filter to waste. For plants constructed prior to December 31, 1992, each filter unit must be capable of filter to waste
unless the PWS demonstrates through continuous turbidity monitoring or other means acceptable to the Department
that water quality is not adversely affected following filter backwashing, cleaning or media replacement. (7-1-24)
06. Continuous Turbidity Monitoring. For conventional, direct, membrane, and diatomaceous earth
filtration technology, equipment must be provided to continuously measure the turbidity of each filter unit. (7-1-24)
07. Continuous Monitoring of Disinfectant. Equipment must be provided and operated for
continuous measurement of disinfectant residual prior to entry to the distribution system, unless the PWS serves
fewer than three thousand three hundred (3,300) people. (7-1-24)
08. Continuous Operation Required. Diatomaceous earth filtration facilities must include an
alternate power source with automatic startup and alarm, or be designed in a manner to ensure continuous operation.
09. Acceptable Technology. The purveyor must select a filtration technology acceptable to the
Department. (7-1-24)
a. Conventional, direct, slow sand, diatomaceous earth, and membrane filtration technologies are
generally acceptable to the Department on a case-by-case basis. (7-1-24)
b. Alternate filtration technologies may be acceptable if the purveyor demonstrates all of the
following to the satisfaction of the Department: (7-1-24)
i. That the filtration technology: (7-1-24)
(1) Is certified and listed by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) under Standard 53, Drinking
Water Treatment Units - Health Effects, as achieving the NSF criteria for cyst reduction; or (7-1-24)
(2) Removes at least ninety-nine percent (99%) (two (2) logs) of Cryptosporidium oocysts or surrogate
particles and removes or inactivates at least ninety-nine percent (99%) (two (2) logs) of Giardia lamblia cysts or
Giardia lamblia cyst surrogate particles in a challenge study acceptable to the Department. (7-1-24)
ii. Based on field studies or other means acceptable to the Department, it must be demonstrated that
the filtration technology has the following capabilities: (7-1-24)
(1) In combination with disinfection treatment, consistently achieves at least ninety-nine percent (99%)
(two (2) logs) removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts or surrogate particles and at least ninety-nine and nine tenths
percent (99.9%) (three (3) logs) removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts and ninety-nine and ninety-nine
hundredths percent (99.99%) (four (4) logs) removal or inactivation of viruses; and (7-1-24)
(2) Meets the turbidity performance requirements of 40 CFR 141.73 (b). (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 519 Page 60
10. Pilot Studies. The PWS must conduct pilot studies in accordance with the following requirements
and in accordance with Subsection 501.19 for all proposed filtration facilities and structural modifications to existing
filtration facilities, unless the Department modifies the requirements in writing: (7-1-24)
a. The PWS must obtain the Department's approval of the pilot study plan before the pilot filter is
constructed and before the pilot study is undertaken. (7-1-24)
b. The design and operation of the pilot study must be overseen by an Idaho licensed professional
engineer. (7-1-24)
c. The PWS’s pilot study plan must identify at a minimum: (7-1-24)
i. The objectives of the pilot study; (7-1-24)
ii. Pilot filter design; (7-1-24)
iii. Water quality and operational parameters to monitor; (7-1-24)
iv. Amount of data to collect; and (7-1-24)
v. Qualifications of the pilot plant operator. (7-1-24)
d. The PWS must ensure that the pilot study is: (7-1-24)
i. Conducted to simulate conditions of the proposed full-scale design; (7-1-24)
ii. Conducted for at least twelve (12) consecutive months or for a shorter period upon approval by the
Department; (7-1-24)
iii. Conducted to evaluate the reliability of the treatment system to achieve applicable water quality
treatment criteria specified for filtration systems in 40 CFR 141.72 and 40 CFR 141.73; and (7-1-24)
iv. Designed and operated in accordance with good engineering practices documented in references
acceptable to the Department. (7-1-24)
11. Redundant Disinfection. Surface water systems constructed after July 1, 1985, are required to
install redundant disinfection components or maintain a backup unit on site as required to maintain constant
application of disinfectant whenever water is being delivered to the distribution system. (7-1-24)
A microscreen may be used to reduce nuisance organisms and organic loadings. It may not be used in place of
filtration or coagulation in the preparation of water for filtration. (7-1-24)
01. Design Considerations. The following must be taken into account during design: (7-1-24)
a. Nature of the suspended matter to be removed. (7-1-24)
b. Corrosiveness of the water. (7-1-24)
c. Effect of chlorination, when required as pre-treatment. (7-1-24)
d. Duplication of units for continuous operation during equipment maintenance. (7-1-24)
e. Automated backflushing operation when used in conjunction with microfiltration treatment.
02. Design Requirements. Design must provide the following: (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 520 Page 61
a. A durable, corrosion-resistant screen. (7-1-24)
b. A by-pass arrangement. (7-1-24)
c. Protection against back-siphonage when potable water is used for washing. (7-1-24)
d. Proper disposal of water used to wash the microscreen. (7-1-24)
Treatment facilities designed to include clarification for processing surface water must meet the following
ents: (7-1-24)
01. Two Units Required. A minimum of two (2) units each must be provided for flocculation,
sedimentation, and solids removal such that plant design capacity can be maintained with any component out of
service for maintenance or repairs. Drains and pumps must be sized to allow dewatering in a reasonable period of
time. (7-1-24)
02. Parallel or Serial Operation. The units must be capable of being operated either in series or
parallel where softening is performed. (7-1-24)
03. Manual Start-Up. The units must be started manually following shutdown. (7-1-24)
04. Pre-Treatment. Waters exhibiting high turbidity may require pretreatment, usually sedimentation
with or without the addition of coagulation chemicals. When presedimentation is provided, the following
requirements must be met: (7-1-24)
a. Incoming water must be dispersed across the full width of the line of travel as quickly as possible.
Short circuiting must be prevented. (7-1-24)
b. Provisions for bypassing pre-sedimentation basins must be included. (7-1-24)
c. The need for redundant pretreatment components must be evaluated according to the type and
necessity of the pretreatment. (7-1-24)
05. Rapid Mix. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, a rapid mix device or chamber is
required prior to flocculation, clarification, sedimentation, and settler units. The need for redundant rapid mix
components must be evaluated. Rapid mix is the rapid dispersion of chemicals throughout the water to be treated,
usually by violent agitation. The engineer must submit the design basis for the velocity gradient (G value) selected,
considering the chemicals to be added and water temperature, color and other related water quality parameters.
Basins or mixing chambers must be equipped with devices capable of providing adequate mixing for all treatment
flow rates. (7-1-24)
06. Flocculation. Flocculation is the gathering together of fine particles in water by gentle mixing after
the addition of coagulant chemicals to form larger particles and must include: (7-1-24)
a. Basin inlet and outlet design must minimize short-circuiting and destruction of floc. A drain,
pumps, or a combination of both drain and pumps must be provided to accomplish dewatering and sludge removal.
b. The flow-through velocity must not be less than one-half (0.5) nor greater than one and one-half
(1.5) feet per minute with a detention time for floc formation of at least thirty (30) minutes unless otherwise approved
by the Department. (7-1-24)
c. Agitators must be driven by variable speed drives. (7-1-24)
d. Flocculation and sedimentation basins must be as close together as possible. The velocity of
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Section 520 Page 62
flocculated water through pipes or conduits to settling basins must be not less than one-half (0.5) nor greater than one
and one-half (1.5) feet per second. Allowances must be made to minimize turbulence at bends and changes in
direction. (7-1-24)
07. Small Systems May Use Baffling. Baffling may be used to provide for flocculation in small
treatment plants upon approval by the Department. (7-1-24)
08. Sedimentation Units. The following criteria apply to conventional sedimentation units: (7-1-24)
a. A minimum of two (2) hours of settling time must be provided following flocculation unless
adequate settling in less time can be demonstrated. (7-1-24)
b. Inlets must be designed to distribute the water equally and at uniform velocities. (7-1-24)
c. Outlet weirs or submerged orifices must maintain velocities suitable for settling in the basin and
minimize short-circuiting. Outlet weirs must be designed so that the rate of flow over the outlet weirs or through the
submerged orifices will not exceed twenty-thousand (20,000) gallons per day per foot of the outlet launder. The
entrance velocity through the submerged orifices must not exceed one-half (0.5) feet per second. (7-1-24)
d. The velocity through settling basins must not exceed one-half (0.5) feet per minute. The basins
must be designed to minimize short-circuiting. Fixed or adjustable baffles must be provided as necessary to achieve
the maximum potential for clarification. (7-1-24)
e. When an overflow weir or pipe is provided the overflow must discharge by gravity with a free fall
at a location where the discharge will be noted. (7-1-24)
f. Adequate sludge collection equipment that ensures proper basin coverage must be provided and
basins must be provided with a means for dewatering. (7-1-24)
g. Flushing lines or hydrants must be provided and must be equipped with backflow prevention
devices acceptable under Section 543. (7-1-24)
h. Sludge removal design must provide that sludge pipes are not less than three (3) inches in diameter
and arranged so as to facilitate cleaning. Entrance to sludge withdrawal piping must be designed to prevent clogging.
Provision must be made for the operator to observe and sample sludge being withdrawn from the unit. (7-1-24)
i. Sludge must be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations, as set forth in Section 540.
09. Solids Contact Clarifiers. Solids contact clarifiers are generally acceptable for combined
softening and clarification where water characteristics, especially temperature, do not fluctuate rapidly, flow rates are
uniform and operation is continuous. A minimum of two (2) units are required for surface water treatment as required
in Subsection 520.01. (7-1-24)
a. Chemicals must be applied at such points and by such means as to ensure satisfactory mixing of the
chemicals with the water. (7-1-24)
b. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, a rapid mix device or chamber ahead of the solids
contact clarifier is required to assure proper mixing of the chemicals applied. Mixing devices employed must be
constructed so as to provide good mixing of the raw water with previously formed sludge particles and prevent
deposition of solids in the mixing zone. (7-1-24)
c. Flocculation equipment must be adjustable as to speed, pitch, or a combination of speed and pitch
and must provide for coagulation in a separate chamber or baffled zone within the unit. (7-1-24)
d. Sludge removal design must provide that sludge pipes are not less than three (3) inches in diameter
and arra
nged so as to facilitate cleaning. Entrance to sludge withdrawal piping must be designed to prevent clogging.
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Section 521 Page 63
Provision must be made for the operator to observe and sample sludge being withdrawn from the unit. (7-1-24)
e. Blow-off outlets and drains must terminate and discharge at places acceptable to the Department in
regard to control of potential cross connections. Cross connection control must be included for the potable water lines
used to backflush sludge lines. (7-1-24)
f. The detention time must be established on the basis of the raw water characteristics and other local
conditions that affect the operation of the unit. The Department may request data to support decisions made with
respect to detention times. (7-1-24)
g. Controls for sludge withdrawal which minimize water losses must be provided. (7-1-24)
h. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, weirs must be adjustable and at least equivalent in
length to the perimeter of the tank. Weir loading must not exceed ten (10) gallons per minute per foot of weir length
for units used as clarifiers or twenty (20) gallons per minute per foot of weir length for units used for softening.
Where orifices are used, the loading rates per foot of launder rates must be equivalent to weir loadings. Either must
produce uniform rising rates over the entire area of the tank. (7-1-24)
i. Upflow rates must not exceed one (1) gallon per minute per square foot of area at the sludge
separation line for units used as clarifiers or one and three-quarters (1.75) gallons per minute per foot of area at the
slurry separation line for units used as softeners. The Department may consider higher rates if supporting data is
provided. (7-1-24)
10. Settler Units. Settler units consisting of variously shaped tubes or plates installed in multiple layers
and at an angle to the flow may be used for sedimentation following flocculation. (7-1-24)
a. Inlets and outlets must be designed to maintain velocities suitable for settling in the basin and to
minimize short-circuiting. Plate units must be designed to minimize unequal distribution across the units. (7-1-24)
b. Drain piping from the settler units must be sized to facilitate a quick flush of the settler units and to
prevent flooding other portions of the plant. (7-1-24)
c. Although most units will be located within a plant, outdoor installations must provide sufficient
freeboard above the top of settlers to prevent freezing in the units. (7-1-24)
d. Water must be applied to tube settlers at a maximum rate of two (2) gallons per minute per square
foot of cross-sectional area for tube settlers, unless higher rates are justified through pilot plant or in-plant
demonstration studies in accordance with Subsection 501.19. (7-1-24)
e. Water must be applied to plate settlers at a maximum plate loading rate of one-half (0.5) gallons per
minute per square foot, based on eighty (80) percent of the projected horizontal plate area. (7-1-24)
f. Flushing lines must be provided to facilitate maintenance and must be properly protected against
backflow or back siphonage. (7-1-24)
11. High Rate Clarification. High rate clarification processes may be approved upon demonstrating
satisfactory performance under on-site pilot in accordance with Subsection 501.19 or documentation of full scale
plant operation with similar raw water quality conditions. Reductions in detention times or increases in weir loading
rates must be justified. Examples of such processes include dissolved air flotation, ballasted flocculation, contact
flocculation/clarification, and helical upflow. (7-1-24)
01. Pretreatment. The use of rapid rate gravity filters requires pretreatment in the form of coagulation,
flocculation, and sedimentation. (7-1-24)
02. Rate of Filtration. The filter rate must be proposed and justified by the design engineer in the
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Section 521 Page 64
Department approved PER. (7-1-24)
03. Number of Units. A minimum of two (2) units for redundancy must be provided for filtration such
that plant design capacity can be maintained with any component out of service for maintenance or repairs. Where
declining rate filtration is provided, the variable aspect of filtration rates, and the number of filters must be considered
when determining the design capacity for the filters. (7-1-24)
04. Structure and Hydraulics. The filter structure must be designed to provide for: (7-1-24)
a. There may be no protrusion of the vertical filter walls into the filter media. (7-1-24)
b. Cover by superstructure with sufficient headroom to permit normal inspection and operation.
c. Minimum depth of filter box of eight and one-half (8.5) feet. (7-1-24)
d. Minimum water depth over the surface of the filter media of three (3) feet. (7-1-24)
e. Trapped effluent to prevent backflow of air to the bottom of the filters. (7-1-24)
f. Prevention of floor drainage to the filter with a minimum four (4) inch curb around the filters.
g. Prevention of flooding by providing overflow. (7-1-24)
h. Maximum velocity of treated water entering the filters of two (2) feet per second. (7-1-24)
i. Cleanouts and straight alignment for influent pipes or conduits where solids loading is heavy, or
following lime-soda softening. (7-1-24)
j. Washwater drain capacity to carry maximum flow. (7-1-24)
k. Walkways around filters to be not less than twenty-four (24) inches wide and equipped with safety
handrails or walls. (7-1-24)
l. Construction so as to prevent cross connections and common walls between potable water and non-
potable fluids. (7-1-24)
05. Wash Water Troughs. Washwater troughs must be constructed to have: (7-1-24)
a. The bottom elevation above the maximum level of expanded media during washing. (7-1-24)
b. A two (2) inch freeboard at the maximum rate of wash. (7-1-24)
c. The top edge level and all at the same elevation. (7-1-24)
d. Spacing so that each trough serves the same number of square feet of filter area. (7-1-24)
e. Maximum horizontal travel of suspended particles to reach the trough not to exceed three (3) feet.
06. Filter Material. The media must be clean silica sand or other natural or synthetic media free from
detrimental chemical or bacterial contaminants, approved by the Department, and having the following
characteristics: (7-1-24)
a. A total depth of not less than twenty-four (24) inches and generally not more than thirty (30)
inches. (7-1-24)
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b. An effective size range of the smallest material no greater than forty-five hundredths (0.45) of a
millimeter to fifty-five hundredths (0.55) of a millimeter. (7-1-24)
c. A uniformity coefficient of the smallest material not greater than one and sixty-five hundredths
(1.65). (7-1-24)
d. A minimum of twelve (12) inches of media with an effective size range no greater than forty-five
hundredths (0.45) of a millimeter to fifty-five hundredths (0.55) of a millimeter and a specific gravity greater than
other filtering materials within the filter. (7-1-24)
e. Types of filter media are as follows: (7-1-24)
i. Clean, crushed anthracite or a combination of anthracite and other media may be considered on the
basis of experimental data specific to the project. The anthracite must have the following characteristics: (7-1-24)
(1) Effective size of forty-five hundredths (0.45) of a millimeter to fifty-five hundredths (0.55) of a
millimeter with uniformity coefficient not greater than sixty-five hundredths (1.65) when used alone. (7-1-24)
(2) Effective size of eight tenths (0.8) of a millimeter to one and two-tenths (1.2) millimeters with a
uniformity coefficient not greater than one and eighty-five hundredths (1.85) when used as a cap. (7-1-24)
(3) Effective size for anthracite used as a single media on potable groundwater for iron and manganese
removal only must be a maximum of eight tenths (0.8) of a millimeter (effective sizes greater than this may be
approved based upon onsite pilot plant studies or other demonstration acceptable to the Department). See Subsection
501.19 for general information on conducting pilot studies. (7-1-24)
ii. Sand media must have the following characteristics: (7-1-24)
(1) Effective size of forty-five hundredths (0.45) of a millimeter to fifty-five hundredths (0.55) of a
millimeter. (7-1-24)
(2) Uniformity coefficient of not greater than one and sixty-five hundredths (1.65). (7-1-24)
(3) Larger size sand media may be allowed by the Department where full-scale tests have
demonstrated that treatment goals can be met under all conditions. (7-1-24)
iii. Granular activated carbon (GAC) as a single media may be considered for filtration only after pilot
or full-scale testing and with prior approval of the Department in accordance with Subsection 501.19. The design
must include the following: (7-1-24)
(1) The media must meet the basic specifications for filter media as given in Subsections 521.06.a.
through d., except that larger size media may be allowed where full scale tests have demonstrated that treatment goals
can be met under all conditions. (7-1-24)
(2) There must be a means for periodic treatment of filter material for control of bacterial and other
growth. (7-1-24)
(3) Provisions must be made for frequent replacement or regeneration. (7-1-24)
iv. Other media will be considered based on experimental data and operating experience. (7-1-24)
v. A three (3) inch layer of torpedo sand must be used as a supporting media for filter sand where
supporting gravel is used, and must have an effective size of eight-tenths (0.8) millimeters to two (2.0) millimeters,
and a uniformity coefficient not greater than one and seven-tenths (1.7). (7-1-24)
vi. Gravel, when used as the supporting media, must consist of cleaned and washed, hard, durable,
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Section 521 Page 66
rounded silica particles and must not include flat or elongated particles. The coarsest gravel must be two and one-half
(2.5) inches in size when the gravel rests directly on a lateral system and must extend above the top of the perforated
laterals. Not less than four (4) layers of gravel must be provided in accordance with the size and depth distribution
specified in the table below. Reduction of gravel depths and other size gradations may be considered upon
justification to the Department when proprietary filter bottoms are specified.
07. Filter Bottoms and Strainer Systems. Departure from the standards set out in Subsection 521.07
may be acceptable for high rate filters and for proprietary bottoms. Porous plate bottoms must not be used where iron
or manganese may clog them or with waters softened by lime. The design of manifold-type collection systems must:
a. Minimize loss of head in the manifold and laterals. (7-1-24)
b. Ensure even distribution of wash water and even rate of filtration over the entire area of the filter.
c. Provide the ratio of the area of the final openings of the strainer systems to the area of the filter at
about three-thousandths (0.003), (7-1-24)
d. Provide the total cross-sectional area of the laterals at twice the total area of the final openings.
e. Provide the cross-sectional area of the manifold at one and one-half (1.5) to two (2) times the total
area of the laterals. (7-1-24)
f. Lateral perforations without strainers must be directed downward. (7-1-24)
08. Surface or Subsurface Wash. Surface or subsurface wash facilities are required except for filters
used exclusively for iron or manganese removal, and may be accomplished by a system of fixed nozzles or a
revolving-type apparatus. All devices must be designed with: (7-1-24)
a. Provision for water pressures of at least forty-five (45) pounds per square inch. (7-1-24)
b. A properly installed vacuum breaker or other approved device to prevent back siphonage if
connected to the treated water system. (7-1-24)
c. Rate of flow of two (2.0) gallons per minute per square foot of filter area with fixed nozzles or one-
half (0.5) gallon per minute per square foot with revolving arms. (7-1-24)
d. Air wash can be considered based on experimental data and operating experiences. (7-1-24)
09. Air Scouring. Air scouring can be considered in place of surface wash provided the following
conditions are met: (7-1-24)
Size of Gravel Depth
2 ½ to 1 ½ inches 5 to 8 inches
1 ½ to ¾ inches 3 to 5 inches
¾ to ½ inches 3 to 5 inches
½ to 3/16 inches 2 to 3 inches
3/16 to 3/32 inches 2 to 3 inches
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Section 521 Page 67
a. Air flow for air scouring the filter must be three (3) to five (5) standard cubic feet per minute square
foot of filter area when the air is introduced in the underdrain; a lower air rate must be used when the air scour
distribution system is placed above the underdrains. (7-1-24)
b. A method for avoiding excessive loss of the filter media during backwashing must be provided.
c. Air scouring must be followed by a fluidization wash sufficient to restratify the media. (7-1-24)
d. Air must be free from contamination. (7-1-24)
e. Air scour distribution systems must be placed below the media and supporting bed interface with
the following exception: if placed at the interface the air scour nozzles must be designed to prevent media from
clogging the nozzles or entering the air distribution system. (7-1-24)
f. Piping for the air distribution system must not be flexible hose which will collapse when not under
air pressure and must not be a relatively soft material which may erode at the orifice opening with the passage of air
at high velocity. (7-1-24)
g. Air delivery piping must not pass down through the filter media nor may there be any arrangement
in the filter design which allows short circuiting between the applied unfiltered water and the filtered water. (7-1-24)
h. The backwash water delivery system must be capable of fifteen (15) gallons per minute per square
foot of filter surface area (37 m/hr); however, when air scour is provided the backwash water rate must be variable
and not exceed eight (8) gallons per minute per square foot (20 m/hr) unless operating experience shows that a higher
rate is necessary to remove scoured particles from filter media surfaces. (7-1-24)
i. The filter underdrains must be designed to accommodate air scour piping when the piping is
installed in the underdrain. (7-1-24)
10. Filter Appurtenances. The following must be provided for every filter: (7-1-24)
a. Influent and effluent sampling taps. (7-1-24)
b. A gauge capable of indicating loss of head. (7-1-24)
c. A meter indicating rate-of flow. A modified rate controller which limits the rate of filtration to a
maximum rate may be used. However, equipment that simply maintains a constant water level on the filters is not
acceptable, unless the rate of flow onto the filter is properly controlled. A pump or a flow meter in each filter effluent
line may be used as the limiting device for the rate of filtration only if approved by the Department on a site-specific
basis. (7-1-24)
11. Backwash. Provisions must be made for washing filters as follows: (7-1-24)
a. A minimum backwash rate such that a fifty (50) percent expansion of the filter bed is achieved.
b. Filtered water provided at the required rate by wash water tanks, a wash water pump, from the high
service main, or a combination of these. (7-1-24)
c. Wash water pumps in duplicate unless an alternate means of obtaining wash water is available.
d. Not less than fifteen (15) minutes wash of one filter at the design rate of wash. (7-1-24)
e. A wash water regulator or valve on the main wash water line to obtain the desired rate of filter wash
with the wash water valves on the individual filters open wide. (7-1-24)
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f. A rate-of-flow indicator, preferably with a totalizer, on the main wash water line, located so that it
can be easily read by the operator during the washing process. (7-1-24)
g. Design to prevent rapid changes in backwash water flow. Backwash must be operator initiated.
Automated systems must be operator adjustable. (7-1-24)
12. Roof Drainage. Roof drains must not discharge into the filters or basins and conduits preceding the
filters. (7-1-24)
The use of these filters may be considered for application to surface waters with low turbidity and low bacterial
contamination, and may be used for iron removal for groundwaters providing the removal is effective and the water is
of satisfactory sanitary quality before treatment. (7-1-24)
01. Conditions of Use. Diatomaceous earth filters are expressly excluded from consideration for the
following conditions: (7-1-24)
a. Bacteria removal; (7-1-24)
b. Color removal; (7-1-24)
c. Turbidity removal where either the gross quantity of turbidity is high or the turbidity exhibits poor
filterability characteristics; or (7-1-24)
d. Filtration of waters with high algae counts. (7-1-24)
02. Treated Water Storage. Treated water storage capacity in excess of normal requirements must be
provided to allow operation of the filters at a uniform rate during all conditions of PWS demand at or below the
approved filtration rate, and guarantee continuity of service during adverse raw water conditions without by-passing
the system. (7-1-24)
03. Number of Units. A minimum of two (2) units for redundancy must be provided for filtration such
that plant design capacity can be maintained with any component out of service for maintenance or repairs. (7-1-24)
04. Precoat. A uniform precoat must be applied hydraulically to each septum by introducing a slurry to
the tank influent line and employing a filter-to-waste recirculation system. (7-1-24)
05. Body Feed. A body feed system to apply additional amounts of diatomaceous earth slurry during
the filter run is required to avoid short filter runs or excessive head losses. (7-1-24)
a. The rate of body feed is dependent on raw water quality and characteristics and must be determined
in the pilot plant study in accordance with Subsection 501.19. (7-1-24)
b. Continuous mixing of the body feed slurry is required. (7-1-24)
06. Filtration Requirements. (7-1-24)
a. Rate of filtration must be controlled by a positive means. (7-1-24)
b. Head loss must not exceed thirty (30) psi for pressure diatomaceous earth filters, or a vacuum of
fifteen (15) inches of mercury for a vacuum system. (7-1-24)
c. A recirculation or holding pump must be employed to maintain differential pressure across the
filter when the unit is not in operation in order to prevent the filter cake from dropping off the filter elements. A
minimum recirculation rate of one-tenth (0.1) gallon per minute per square foot of filter area must be provided.
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d. The septum or filter elements must be structurally capable of withstanding maximum pressure and
velocity variations during filtration and backwash cycles, and must be spaced such that no less than one (1) inch is
provided between elements or between any element and a wall. (7-1-24)
e. The filter influent must be designed to prevent scour of the diatomaceous earth from the filter
element. (7-1-24)
07. Backwash. A satisfactory method to thoroughly remove and dispose of spent filter cake must be
provided. (7-1-24)
08. Appurtenances. The following must be provided for every filter: (7-1-24)
a. Sampling taps for raw and filtered water. (7-1-24)
b. Loss of head or differential pressure gauge. (7-1-24)
c. Rate-of-flow indicator. (7-1-24)
d. A throttling valve used to reduce rates below normal during adverse raw water conditions. (7-1-24)
e. Evaluation of the need for body feed, recirculation, and any other pumps. (7-1-24)
f. Provisions for filtering to waste with appropriate measures for backflow prevention. (7-1-24)
09. Monitoring. A continuous monitoring turbidimeter with recorder is required on each filter effluent
for plants treating surface water. (7-1-24)
The use of slow sand filters requires prior engineering studies to demonstrate the adequacy and suitability of this
method of filtration for the specific water supply. Slow Sand Filtration and Diatomaceous Earth Filtration for Small
Water Systems, Manual of Design for Slow Sand Filtration, Slow Sand Filtration, and Recommended Operations and
Optimization Goals, Slow Sand Filtration referenced in Subsection 002.02, may be used as guidance in design and
operation of slow sand filtration facilities. (7-1-24)
01. Quality of Raw Water. Slow rate gravity filtration must be limited to waters having maximum
turbidities of ten (10) nephelometric units and maximum color of fifteen (15) units; such turbidity must not be
attributable to colloidal clay. Raw water quality data must include examinations for algae. For source water having
variable turbidity, the potential use of a roughing filter or other pretreatment technology must be evaluated. The
Department may allow the use of a pretreatment technology on raw waters that exceed the normal limits for turbidity
and color, if it can demonstrated to the Department’s satisfaction that pretreatment will enable slow sand filtration to
properly operate and comply with these Rules. (7-1-24)
02. Number of Units. A minimum of two (2) units for redundancy must be provided for filtration such
that plant design capacity can be maintained with any component out of service for maintenance or repairs. The
Department may allow a single bed filter if it can be demonstrated to the Department’s satisfaction that an alternative
water source is available such that the PWS can provide plant design capacity with the filter taken out of service for
maintenance and repairs. (7-1-24)
03. Structural Details and Hydraulics. Slow rate gravity filters must be designed to provide a cover,
unless otherwise approved by the Department, headroom to permit normal movement by operating personnel for
scraping and sand removal operations, adequate access hatches and access ports for handling of sand and for
ventilation, filtration to waste, an overflow at the maximum filter water level, and protection from freezing. A
permanent means of determining sand depth must be provided. (7-1-24)
04. Underdrains. Each filter unit must be equipped with a main drain and an adequate number of
lateral underdrains to collect the filtered water. The underdrains must be so spaced that the maximum velocity of the
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Section 523 Page 70
water flow in the underdrain will not exceed three-fourths (0.75) feet per second. The maximum spacing of laterals is
three (3) feet if pipe laterals are used. (7-1-24)
05. Filter Material. The following requirements apply: (7-1-24)
a. A minimum depth of thirty (30) inches of filter sand must be placed on graded gravel layers.
b. The effective size must be between fifteen hundredths (0.15) of a millimeter and thirty-five
hundredths (0.35) of a millimeter. Larger sizes may be considered by the Department based on the results of a pilot
study in accordance with Subsection 501.19. (7-1-24)
c. The uniformity coefficient must not exceed three point zero (3.0). (7-1-24)
d. The sand must be cleaned and washed free from foreign matter. (7-1-24)
e. The sand must be rebedded to the original minimum depth of thirty (30) inches when scraping has
reduced the bed depth to no less than twenty-four (24) inches. Where sand is to be reused in order to provide
biological seeding and shortening of the ripening process, rebedding must utilize a “throw over” technique whereby
new sand is placed on the support gravel and existing sand is replaced on top of the new sand. The maximum
filtration rate must not exceed zero point one (0.1) gallon per minute per square foot for each individual bed.
06. Filter Sand Support. (7-1-24)
a. A three (3)-inch layer of sand must be used as a supporting media for filter sand. The supporting
sand must have an effective size of zero point eight (0.8) millimeters to two point zero (2.0) millimeters and a
uniformity coefficient not greater than one point seven (1.7). (7-1-24)
b. Gravel must consist of cleaned and washed, hard, durable, rounded rock particles and may not
include flat or elongated particles. The coarsest gravel must be two and one-half (2.5) inches in size when the gravel
rests directly on a lateral system and must extend above the top of the perforated laterals. Not less than four (4) layers
of gravel may be provided in accordance with the size and depth distribution specified in the table below. Reduction
of gravel depths and other size gradations may be considered upon justification to the Department.
07. Depth of Water Over Filter Beds. The design must provide a depth of at least three (3) to six (6)
feet of water over the sand. Influent water must not scour the sand surface. (7-1-24)
08. Control Appurtenances. Each filter must be equipped with a loss of head gauge, an orifice,
Venturi meter, or other suitable means of discharge measurement installed on each filter to control the rate of
filtration, and an effluent pipe designed to maintain the water level above the top of the filter sand. The effluent
piping must not be directly interconnected with the other filter beds. A sample tap must be provided for each filter
bed. (7-1-24)
Size of Gravel Depth
2 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches 5 to 8 inches
1 1/2 to 3/4 inches 3 to 5 inches
3/4 to 1/2 inches 3 to 5 inches
1/2 to 3/16 inches 2 to 3 inches
3/16 to 3/32 inches 2 to 3 inches
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Section 524 Page 71
09. Ripening. Slow sand filters must be filtered-to-waste until they are biologically mature before
being put into service following construction, scraping, re-sanding, or reopening after extended shutdown. The period
of filter-to-waste must be as follows: (7-1-24)
a. Filters must be filtered-to-waste after scraping or cleaning until the effluent turbidity falls
consistently below the pre-cleaning level, unless otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
b. Filters must be filtered-to-waste following construction, re-sanding, or extended shutdown based
on project specific protocols approved by the Department and incorporated into a Department approved operation and
maintenance manual. These protocols may be based on factors from standard literature such as those listed in
Subsection 002.02 but typically include factors such as minimum filter-to-waste time periods, bacteriological testing,
and effluent turbidity. Sampling results from the filter-to-waste period must be provided to the Department for review
and the Department must provide authorization prior to restarting service to the public. (7-1-24)
10. Supernatant Drain Required. Filter beds must be equipped with a supernatant drain to allow for
quick removal of water standing over sand that has become impermeable because it requires scraping or rebedding.
11. Filter Bed Control and Minimum Rate of Flow. Each filter bed must be controlled separately and
filters must be operated at a constant filtration rate with any changes made gradually. The minimum rate of filtration
must be at least two hundredths (0.02) gallons per minute per square foot. (7-1-24)
Direct filtration, as used herein, refers to the filtration of a surface water following chemical coagulation and possibly
flocculation but without prior settling. The nature of the treatment process will depend upon the raw water quality. A
full scale direct filtration plant must not be constructed without prior pilot studies which are acceptable to the
Department. In-plant demonstration studies are required where conventional treatment plants are converted to direct
filtration. Where direct filtration is proposed, an engineering report must be submitted prior to conducting pilot plant
or in-plant demonstration studies in accordance with Subsection 501.19. (7-1-24)
01. Filtration Requirements. (7-1-24)
a. Filters must be rapid rate gravity filters with dual or mixed media. The final filter design must be
based on the pilot plant or in-plant demonstration studies, and all portions of Section 518 apply. Pressure filters or
single media sand filters will not be used. (7-1-24)
b. A continuous recording turbidimeter must be installed on each filter effluent line and on the
composite filter effluent line. (7-1-24)
c. Additional continuous monitoring equipment such as particle counting or streaming current
metering to assist in control of coagulant dose may be required by the Department. (7-1-24)
02. Siting Requirements. The plant design and land ownership surrounding the plant must allow for
modifications of the plant. (7-1-24)
03. Redundancy. A minimum of two (2) units must be provided for filtration such that plant capacity
can be maintained with any component out of service for maintenance or repairs. (7-1-24)
Low pressure filtration, as used herein, refers to microfiltration o
r ultrafiltration processes. Low pressure membrane
systems can provide greater than 3-log removal of Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium, and ultrafiltration systems
can also provide up to 2-log virus removal. The Department will determine maximum available removal credits for
the specific membrane under consideration. The actual log removal credit that a low pressure membrane filtration
system will receive is the lower of the values determined by the following: the removal efficiency demonstrated
during challenge testing, or the maximum log removal that can be verified by direct integrity testing required during
the course of normal operation. Membrane systems must contain sufficient design to allow for offline direct integrity
testing of all units or modules at the required interval while retaining the capability to supply maximum day demand
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Section 525 Page 72
to the PWS. Membrane systems must have at least two (2) units unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the Department that a secondary source or treatment component can supply the required minimum plant design
capacity. (7-1-24)
01. Membrane Selection and Design Considerations. (7-1-24)
a. Challenge testing involves seeding feed water with an organism or particulate and measuring the
log reduction of the organism or particulate between the feed and filtrate. It is a one-time product-specific test event
performed by an approved third party designed to demonstrate the removal ability of the membrane. Challenge
testing must be conducted by the third party entity in general conformance with the USEPA Membrane Filtration
Guidance Manual referenced in Subsection 002.02 (Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual). The challenge test
report is to be submitted to the Department along with the PER for the project. The Department may accept another
state’s challenge test report approval. (7-1-24)
b. A review of historical source water data must be conducted to determine the degree of pretreatment
needed if any, the feasibility of membrane filtration, and an estimated cost of the system. At a minimum, the
following parameters are to be investigated: Seasonal temperature and turbidity profiles, total organic loading,
occurrence of algae, microbial activity, iron, manganese, and hardness levels, and any other inorganic or physical
parameters determined to be necessary by the Department. The data will be used to determine anticipated fouling and
scaling, backwash and cleaning cycles and regimens, acceptable trans-membrane pressure differentials, and design
flux, especially during lowest anticipated water temperature. (7-1-24)
c. A pilot study must be conducted for a period that is determined by the design engineer and
approved by the Department. The duration will include the season of lowest water temperatures and the season
including the highest anticipated turbidity, algal bloom, TOC, and iron/manganese event or otherwise cover four
seasons of source water quality conditions. The Department may approve a shorter duration proof pilot to verify
design criteria that affect the reliable production capacity of the membrane system. The Department may approve the
use of a full scale pilot study where the full scale facility will act as the pilot study. The Department may also waive
the pilot study requirement. Proof pilot studies, full scale pilot studies, and the waiving of the pilot study requirement
will only be approved in circumstances where source water conditions and fouling characteristics are already well
understood. Such source waters include but are not limited to groundwater under the influence of surface water,
waters with existing membrane plants, waters where sufficient pilot test data has already been generated, and
extensively used or tested membrane products where production or test data on similar waters is available (i.e., same
lake, reservoir, or same reach for stream sources). In addition to the requirements in Subsection 501.19, the pilot
study must include: (7-1-24)
i. A means to identify the best membrane to use for the anticipated water quality; (7-1-24)
ii. Analysis of any need for pretreatment; (7-1-24)
iii. Range of anticipated flux rates; (7-1-24)
iv. Operating and transmembrane pressure; (7-1-24)
v. Fouling and scaling potential; (7-1-24)
vi. Backwash and recovery cleaning, cleaning processes, and intervals; (7-1-24)
vii. Efficiency and process mass balance; (7-1-24)
viii. Waste stream volume, characterization, and disposal method; (7-1-24)
ix. Turbidity; and (7-1-24)
x. Integrity testing results and procedures. (7-1-24)
02. Monitoring and Compliance Requirements for Membranes. PWSs that use low pressure
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Section 525 Page 73
membrane filtration must comply with the following requirements. (7-1-24)
a. Initial Start-Up. (7-1-24)
i. Notify the Department at least one (1) week in advance of the planned start-up date. (7-1-24)
ii. The design engineer will oversee start-up procedures. (7-1-24)
iii. All monitoring equipment will be calibrated prior to start-up. (7-1-24)
iv. The system must pass direct integrity testing prior to going on-line and producing water for
distribution. (7-1-24)
v. A method for the disposal of start-up water needs to be approved by the Department prior to start-
up. (7-1-24)
b. Direct Integrity Testing. (7-1-24)
i. Testing must be conducted on each membrane skid in service at least daily for the first year of
operation. (7-1-24)
ii. The test method used must have a resolution of three (3) µm or less for Cryptosporidium and
Giardia lamblia removal credit. (7-1-24)
iii. The test method used must have sensitivity sufficient to verify the ability of the membrane filtration
system to remove the constituent at a level commensurate with the credit awarded by the Department. (7-1-24)
(1) Formulae for sensitivity calculation for pressure-based tests are available in the Membrane
Filtration Guidance Manual referenced in Subsection 002.02. The volumetric concentration factor used in the
calculation may be either calculated or determined experimentally. (7-1-24)
(2) Formulae for sensitivity calculation for marker-based tests are available in the Membrane Filtration
Guidance Manual referenced in Subsection 002.02. (7-1-24)
iv. A control limit must be established within the sensitivity limits of the direct integrity test that is
indicative of an integral membrane unit capable of achieving the log removal credit awarded by the Department.
(1) If the direct integrity test results exceed the control limit for any membrane unit, that unit must be
removed from service. (7-1-24)
(2) Any unit taken out of service for exceeding a direct integrity test control limit cannot be returned to
service until repairs are confirmed by subsequent direct integrity test results that are within the control limit.
v. Direct integrity testing must be conducted on each membrane unit at a frequency of at least once
per day that the unit is in operation. The Department may extend testing frequency up to a duration of once per week
after one (1) year of daily testing showing a less than five percent (5%) testing failure rate for the previous year.
During weekly testing, if at any time the system fails more than two (2) direct integrity tests within a three (3) month
period, the system must return to daily testing. (7-1-24)
c. Indirect Integrity Monitoring. (7-1-24)
i. Testing must be conducted on each membrane unit in service. (7-1-24)
ii. Continuous indirect integrity monitoring must be conducted using turbidity monitoring unless the
Department approves an alternative method. (7-1-24)
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Section 525 Page 74
iii. Continuous indirect integrity monitoring must be conducted at a frequency of at least one (1)
reading every fifteen (15) minutes. The Department may allow a time delay in reporting compliance turbidity
measurements if it can be demonstrated that elevated turbidity readings above fifteen hundredths (0.15) NTU
immediately following direct integrity testing or maintenance are the result of factors related to entrained air or
membrane wettability and are not related to membrane integrity. (7-1-24)
iv. If the continuous indirect integrity monitoring results exceed the specified control limit for any
membrane unit for a period greater than fifteen (15) minutes (i.e., two (2) consecutive readings at fifteen (15) minute
intervals), direct integrity testing must be immediately conducted on that unit. (7-1-24)
(1) The control limit for turbidity monitoring is fifteen hundredths (0.15) NTU. (7-1-24)
(2) Control limits for Department approved alternative methods will be established by the Department.
d. A project specific operation and maintenance manual must be provided as required in Subsection
501.12. See definition of Operation and Maintenance Manual in Section 003 for the typical contents of an operation
and maintenance manual and the included operations plan. The operations plan in the operation and maintenance
manual for membrane systems must include, but is not limited to the following information: (7-1-24)
i. Filtration: (7-1-24)
(1) Control of feed flow to the membrane system; (7-1-24)
(2) Measurement of inlet/outlet pressures and filtrate flows; (7-1-24)
(3) Measurement of transmembrane pressure changes during filter run; and (7-1-24)
(4) Feed flow control in response to temperature changes. (7-1-24)
ii. Membrane backwashing: (7-1-24)
(1) Programming automated frequency; (7-1-24)
(2) Proper backwash venting and disposal; see Section 540; (7-1-24)
(3) Appropriate backwash rate; and (7-1-24)
(4) Monitoring during return of filter to service. (7-1-24)
iii. Chemical cleaning: (7-1-24)
(1) Selection of proper chemical washing sequence; (7-1-24)
(2) Proper procedures for dilution of chemicals; (7-1-24)
(3) Monitoring of pH through chemical cleaning cycle; (7-1-24)
(4) Rinsing of membrane system following chemical clean; and (7-1-24)
(5) Return of filter to service. (7-1-24)
iv. Chemical feeders (in the case that chemical pretreatment is applied): (7-1-24)
(1) Calibration check; (7-1-24)
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Section 525 Page 75
(2) Settings and adjustments (how they are made); and (7-1-24)
(3) Dilution of chemicals and polymers (proper procedures). (7-1-24)
v. Monitoring and observing operation: (7-1-24)
(1) Observation of feed water or pretreated water turbidity; (7-1-24)
(2) Observation of trans-membrane pressure increase between backwashes; (7-1-24)
(3) Filtered water turbidity; (7-1-24)
(4) Procedures to follow if turbidity breakthrough occurs. (7-1-24)
vi. Troubleshooting: (7-1-24)
(1) No raw water (feed water) flow to plant; (7-1-24)
(2) Can’t control rate of flow of water through equipment; (7-1-24)
(3) Valving configuration for direct flow and cross-flow operation modes; (7-1-24)
(4) Poor raw water quality (raw water quality falls outside the performance range of the equipment);
(5) Poor filtrate quality; (7-1-24)
(6) Failed membrane integrity test; (7-1-24)
(7) Low pump feed pressure; (7-1-24)
(8) Automatic operation (if provided) not functioning; (7-1-24)
(9) Filtered water turbidity too high; (7-1-24)
(10) Head loss builds up excessively rapidly; (7-1-24)
(11) Reduced flux; (7-1-24)
(12) Machine will not start and “Power On” indicator off; (7-1-24)
(13) Machine will not start and “Power On” indicator on; (7-1-24)
(14) Pump cavitation; (7-1-24)
(15) Valve stuck or won’t operate; and (7-1-24)
(16) No electric power. (7-1-24)
e. The sensitivity, resolution, and frequency of the direct integrity test proposed for use with the full-
scale facility must be reported to the Department prior to initial operation. The following must be reported to the
Department on a monthly basis: (7-1-24)
i. Any direct integrity test results exceeding the control limit, as well as the corrective action taken in
response, must be reported to the Department within ten (10) days of the end of the monthly monitoring cycle on a
Department reporting form. The form is available at; (7-1-24)
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ii. Any continuous indirect integrity monitoring results triggering direct integrity testing, as well as
any corrective action taken in response, must be reported to the Department within ten (10) days of the end of the
monthly monitoring cycle on a Department reporting form. The form is available at; (7-1-24)
iii. Any additional information considered necessary by the Department on a case-specific basis to
verify proper operation and maintenance of the membrane filtration process; and (7-1-24)
iv. All direct integrity test results and continuous indirect integrity monitoring results must be retained
for a minimum of three (3) years. (7-1-24)
526. -- 528. (RESERVED)
01. General. (7-1-24)
a. Ultraviolet (UV) light technology is a primary disinfectant typically used for Cryptosporidium,
Giardia lamblia, and virus inactivation of both surface water and groundwater supplies. Reactor performance in terms
of inactivation of any particular organism is a function of the delivered dose which is determined by validation
testing. PWSs that are required to maintain a disinfectant residual in the distribution system must supplement UV
disinfection with a chemical disinfectant. (7-1-24)
b. UV disinfection credit will be awarded for filtered PWSs and unfiltered PWSs if the unfiltered
PWS meets the requirements in 40 CFR 141.71. PWSs will receive Cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia, and virus
treatment credits by achieving the corresponding UV dose values for the appropriate target pathogen and log
reduction shown in Subsection 529.03, calculated to take into account the validation factor and reduction equivalent
dose. The target pathogen and the target log inactivation is used to identify the corresponding required UV dose.
c. For PWSs using UV light to meet microbial treatment requirements, at least ninety-five percent
(95%) of the water delivered to the public every month must be treated by UV reactors operating within validated
conditions for the required UV dose. (7-1-24)
d. When reviewing proposed UV disinfection projects, the Department will use the USEPA UV
Disinfection Guidance Manual for the Final Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule referenced in
Subsection 002.02 (UV Disinfection Guidance Manual) for guidance. (7-1-24)
02. Pilot Studies and Validation. (7-1-24)
a. The Department may allow on-site pilot studies on a case-by-case basis in accordance with
Subsection 501.19. Pilot studies are usually used to determine how much fouling occurs on site, to evaluate UV
system reliability (e.g. UV sensors, UV transmittance (UVT) monitors, ballast reliability) and to provide operators
experience running a UV system. They may also be used to assess lamp aging or impacts of power quality. (7-1-24)
b. Validation testing determines the operating conditions and monitoring algorithms that the UV
system will use to define how much UV dose is being delivered by the reactor during operation. The validated dose as
determined through validation testing is compared to the required dose in the UV Dose Table (Subsection 529.03) to
determine inactivation credit. The validated dose is calculated by dividing the determined reduction equivalent dose
by a validation factor to account for biases and experimental uncertainty. UV light treatment reactors must be
validated by a third party entity approved by the Department. At a minimum, validation testing must account for the
following: UV absorbance of the water; lamp fouling and aging; measurement uncertainty of on-line UV sensors; UV
dose distributions arising from the velocity profiles through the reactor; failure of UV lamps and other critical system
components; inlet and outlet piping configuration of the UV reactor; lamp and UV sensor locations; and other
parameters required by the Department. The Department may allow alternative test microbes such as MS2 phage
where the UV dose response better matches that of Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia to provide more accurate
and efficient UV dose monitoring. Additional guidance is available in the UV Disinfection Guidance Manual,
referenced in Subsection 002.02, or another validation standard as approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
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Section 529 Page 77
c. Validation testing must be conducted on full scale testing of a reactor that conforms uniformly to
the UV reactors used by the PWS and inactivation of a test microorganism whose dose response characteristics have
been quantified with a low pressure mercury vapor lamp. (7-1-24)
d. Validation testing must determine and establish validated operating conditions under which the
reactor delivers the required UV dose in Subsection 529.03. Validated operating conditions include: (7-1-24)
i. Flow rate; (7-1-24)
ii. UV Intensity as measured by a UV sensor; (7-1-24)
iii. UV lamp operating status. (7-1-24)
e. The Department may approve an alternative approach to validation testing. (7-1-24)
03. UV Dose Table. The treatment credits listed in the dose table are based on UV light at a
wavelength of two hundred fifty-four (254) nm as produced by a low pressure mercury vapor lamp. To receive
treatment credit for other lamp types, the PWS must demonstrate an equivalent germicidal dose through validation
04. Reactor Design. Inlet and outlet conditions must ensure that UV dose delivery at the plant is equal
to or exceeds that utilized during validation. At a minimum, design criteria need to address target pathogen(s),
required log inactivation and UV dose, flow rate, UVT, and lamp aging and fouling factors. UVT and flow rate are to
be selected to account for seasonal changes in UVT. Lamp aging and fouling factors must be supported by
documentation or pilot study data. Recommended approaches of the UV Disinfection Guidance Manual, referenced
in Subsection 002.02, are to be used in meeting this requirement. (7-1-24)
a. The reactor systems must be designed to monitor and record parameters to verify the operation
within the validated operating conditions approved by the Department. The PWS must be equipped with facilities to
monitor and record UV intensity as measured by a UV sensor, flow rate, lamp status, UVT, and other parameters
designated by the Department. (7-1-24)
b. The ultraviolet treatment device must be designed to provide a UV light dose equal to or greater
than that specified in the UV Dose Table for the required log reduction. The UV Disinfection Guidance Manual,
referenced in Subsection 002.02, must be utilized in evaluating the appropriate dose required for the target microbe.
The reactor will need to deliver the target dose while operating within the validated operating conditions for that
particular unit. (7-1-24)
UV Dose Table (millijoules per square centimeter)
Log Cryptosporidium Giardia lamblia Virus
0.5 1.6 1.5 39
1.0 2.5 2.1 58
1.5 3.9 3.0 79
2.0 5.8 5.2 100
2.5 8.5 7.7 121
3.0 12 11 143
3.5 15 15 163
4.0 22 22 186
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Section 529 Page 78
c. The ultraviolet treatment assemblies must be designed to allow for cleaning and replacement of the
lamp, lamp sleeves, and sensor window or lens. (7-1-24)
d. All ultraviolet treatment device designs must evaluate lamp fouling and aging issues and
manufacturer’s recommendations regarding fouling, aging, and replacement will be discussed in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual. (7-1-24)
e. For in-situ cleaning of the lamp sleeve, the design must protect the potable water from cleaning
solutions. (7-1-24)
f. When off-line chemical cleaning systems are used, the UV enclosure must be removed from
service, drained, flushed with an NSF/ANSI Standard 60 certified solution, drained, and rinsed before being placed
back in service. (7-1-24)
g. On-line systems that use wipers or brushes may use chemical solutions provided they are NSF/
ANSI Standard 60 certified. (7-1-24)
h. An automatic shutdown valve must be installed in the water supply line from the ultraviolet
treatment device such that if power is not provided to the reactor or valve, the valve will be in the closed position.
i. The design of the inlet and outlet piping configuration and the locations of expansions, bends, tees
and valves will assure that the UV dose delivery is equal to or greater than the required UV dose. Approach length
prior to each reactor included in the credited dose calculations, downstream length following each reactor, and
locations of any cleaning device/mechanism must be based on validation testing. (7-1-24)
j. For parallel trains, the flow to each reactor must be equally distributed and metered or otherwise
account for uneven flows in the design to ensure that the required UV dose is delivered to each train under varying
flow conditions. (7-1-24)
k. Valves must be provided to allow isolating and removing from service each UV reactor. (7-1-24)
l. Reactors will be provided with air relief and pressure control valves per manufacturer
requirements. (7-1-24)
m. UVT analyzers must be provided if UVT is part of the dose monitoring strategy. It is recommended
that UVT be monitored on a regular basis for all PWSs to assess UVT variability. (7-1-24)
n. A single train with a standby reactor or a sufficient number of parallel ultraviolet treatment devices
must be installed to ensure that adequate disinfection is provided when one unit is out of service. The Department
may approve an alternate method that provides adequate disinfection such as standby chlorination. Any PWS that
produces water on an irregular schedule may provide documentation for the Department’s review and approval that a
single reactor is an acceptable design by demonstrating there is adequate time for maintenance and cleaning during
operation shutdowns. (7-1-24)
o. No bypass of the ultraviolet treatment process may be installed unless an alternate method of
providing adequate disinfection is provided. (7-1-24)
05. Controls. (7-1-24)
a. A delay mechanism must be installed to provide sufficient lamp warm-up prior to allowing water to
flow from the ultraviolet treatment unit. (7-1-24)
b. A
n au
tomatic shutdown must be designed to activate the shutdown valve in cases where the
ultraviolet light dose falls below the approved design dose or outside of the validated specifications. (7-1-24)
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Section 529 Page 79
06. Reliability. The PWS must be capable of producing the plant design capacity at all times. (7-1-24)
a. Unless otherwise approved by the Department and in accordance with Subsection 529.04.n., a
minimum of two (2) reactors is required to maintain disinfection when one unit is taken out of service. Each reactor
must be sized to deliver the required UV dose under the operating conditions of flow and UVT that occur at the plant.
The conditions must fall within the validated range of the reactor as determined during validation testing. (7-1-24)
b. The quality and reliability of the power supply must be analyzed and back-up power supplies will
be discussed in the contingency plan. (7-1-24)
c. If UVT is above the validated range of UVT, the UV dose monitoring algorithm must default to the
maximum of the validated range. If UVT is below the validated range, the UV system operation must be recorded as
outside of the validated operating conditions. When UVT falls outside of ranges identified in the validated operating
conditions, the contingency plan will be enacted if UVT is part of the dose monitoring strategy. (7-1-24)
d. A contingency plan for total UV disinfection failure, loss of power, or in the event that water
quality changes produce water quality unsuitable for UV disinfection must be described in the PER. (7-1-24)
07. Monitoring. PWSs using UV light must monitor for the parameters necessary to demonstrate
operation within the validated conditions of the required UV dose. PWS owners must check the calibration of UV
sensors and online UVT monitors and recalibrate in accordance with a protocol approved by the Department. At a
minimum, the following parameters must be monitored: (7-1-24)
a. If the flow rate is below the validated range, then the UV dose monitoring algorithm must default to
the validated range. If the flow rate is above the validated range, then the UV system operation will be recorded as
outside of the validated operating conditions; (7-1-24)
b. UV intensity as measured by UV sensors; (7-1-24)
c. UVT if UVT is part of the dose monitoring strategy; and (7-1-24)
d. Lamp status. (7-1-24)
08. Alarms. The settings or predetermined set points for the alarms must be specified in the PER. The
report must also specify the alarms that will activate the contingency plan response. At a minimum, the following
alarms are required: (7-1-24)
a. Low UV intensity; (7-1-24)
b. High turbidity if required by the Department; (7-1-24)
c. Low UVT; (7-1-24)
d. Low UV dose; (7-1-24)
e. Lamp failure; (7-1-24)
f. UVT monitor failure; (7-1-24)
g. UV sensor failure; (7-1-24)
h. Low water level; and (7-1-24)
i. High flow rate. (7-1-24)
09. Initial Startup. The following items must be tested and verified before UV disinfected water is
distributed: (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 530 Page 80
a. Electrical components; (7-1-24)
b. Water level; (7-1-24)
c. Flow split between reactor trains if applicable; (7-1-24)
d. Controls and alarms; and (7-1-24)
e. Instrument calibration. (7-1-24)
10. Operation and Maintenance Manual. A project specific operation and maintenance manual must
be provided as required in Subsection 501.12. See definition of Operation and Maintenance Manual in Section 003
for the typical contents of an operation and maintenance manual and the included operations plan. The operations
plan in the operation and maintenance manual must include, but is not limited to, the following information:
a. Lamp replacement intervals may be based on the degree of lamp aging as indicated by the UV
sensors; (7-1-24)
b. Lamp fouling analysis and cleaning procedures; (7-1-24)
c. Lamp replacement; and (7-1-24)
d. Lamp breakage. (7-1-24)
PWS owners may accomplish with gas and liquid chlorine, calcium or s
odium hypochlorites, chlorine dioxide, ozone,
or ultraviolet light. Other disinfecting agents will be considered, providing reliable application equipment is available
and testing procedures for a residual are recognized in “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater,” referenced in Subsection 002.02, or an equivalent means of measuring effectiveness exists. The
required amount of primary disinfection needed will be specified by the Department. Consideration must be given to
the formation of disinfection by-products (DBP) when selecting the disinfectant. See Section 531, Design Standards
for Chemical Application. For PWSs using only groundwater and that voluntarily chlorinate, see Subsection 552.04.
01. Chlorination. (7-1-24)
a. In addition to the requirements of Section 531, chlorination equipment must meet the following
requirements: (7-1-24)
i. Solution-feed gas chlorinators or hypochlorite feeders of the positive displacement type must be
provided. (7-1-24)
ii. Standby or backup equipment of sufficient capacity will be available to replace the largest unit.
Spare parts will be on hand to replace parts subject to wear and breakage. (7-1-24)
iii. Automatic proportioning chlorinators are required where the rate of flow or chlorine demand is not
reasonably constant. (7-1-24)
iv. Each eductor (submerged jet pump) must be selected for the point of application with particular
attention given to the quantity of chlorine to be added, the maximum injector waterflow, the total discharge back
pressure, the injector operating pressure, and the size of the chlorine solution line. (7-1-24)
v. The chlorine solution injector/diffuser must be compatible with the point of application to provide a
rapid and thorough mix with all the water being treated. (7-1-24)
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Section 530 Page 81
vi. Automatic switch-over of chlorination treatment units will be provided, where necessary, to assure
continuous disinfection. (7-1-24)
b. Effective contact time and point of application requirements are as follows: (7-1-24)
i. Effective contact time sufficient to achieve the inactivation of target pathogens under the expected
range of raw water pH and temperature variation must be demonstrated through tracer studies or other evaluations or
calculations acceptable to the Department. Improving Clearwell Design for CT Compliance, referenced in Section
002.02, contains information that may be used as guidance for these calculations. Additional baffling can be added to
new or existing basins to minimize short circuiting and increase contact time. (7-1-24)
ii. At least two (2) contactors must be provided which are each capable of providing the required
effective contact time at one-half (1/2) of the plant design capacity. Alternatively, a single contactor that can provide
effective contact time at plant design capacity may be designed with separate sections and bypass piping to allow
sections to be cleaned or maintained individually during low flow conditions. Any PWS that produces water on an
irregular schedule may provide documentation for the Department’s review and approval that a single contactor is an
acceptable design by demonstrating there is adequate time for maintenance and cleaning during operation shutdowns.
iii. At plants treating surface water, except slow sand filtration systems: Unless otherwise approved by
the Department, in addition to the injection point prior to the disinfection contact tank, injection points, including all
appurtenant chemical feed piping, must also be provided for applying the disinfectant to the raw water, settled water,
and water entering the distribution system. (7-1-24)
iv. For pipeline contactors, provision must be made to drain accumulated sediment from the bottom of
the contactor if the discharge from the contactor is not located at the bottom. (7-1-24)
c. Chlorine residual test equipment recognized in the “Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater,” referenced in Subsection 002.02, must be provided for use by the operator. All surface water
treatment plants that serve a population greater that three thousand three hundred (3,300) must have equipment to
measure chlorine residuals continuously entering the distribution system. A sample tap must be provided to measure
chlorine residual and will be located at a point after receiving the required contact time and at or prior to the first
service connection. (7-1-24)
d. Chlorinator piping requirements: (7-1-24)
i. The chlorinator water supply piping must be designed to prevent contamination of the treated water
supply by sources of questionable quality. At all facilities treating surface water, pre- and post-chlorination systems
must be independent to prevent possible siphoning of partially treated water into the clear well. The water supply to
each eductor must have a separate shut-off valve. No master shut-off valve will be allowed. (7-1-24)
ii. The pipes carrying elemental liquid or dry gaseous chlorine under pressure must be Schedule 80
seamless steel tubing or other materials recommended by the Chlorine Institute (never use PVC). Rubber, PVC,
polyethylene, or other materials recommended by the Chlorine Institute must be used for chlorine solution piping and
fittings. Nylon products are not acceptable for any part of the chlorine solution piping system. (7-1-24)
02. Disinfection with Ozone. PWSs that are required to maintain a disinfectant residual in the
distribution system must supplement ozone disinfection with a chemical disinfectant. (7-1-24)
a. The following are requirements for feed gas preparation: (7-1-24)
i. Feed gas can be air, oxygen enriched air, or high purity oxygen. Sources of high purity oxygen
include purchased liquid oxygen conforming with AWWA Standard B-304; on site generation using cryogenic air
tion; or temperature, pressure or vacuum swing (adsorptive separation) technology. In all cases, the design
engineer must ensure that the maximum dew point of -76°F (-60°C) will not be exceeded at any time. (7-1-24)
ii. Air compression: (7-1-24)
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(1) Air compressors will be of the liquid-ring or rotary lobe, oil-less, positive displacement type for
smaller systems or dry rotary screw compressors for larger systems. (7-1-24)
(2) The air compressors will have the capacity to simultaneously provide for maximum ozone demand,
provide the air flow required for purging the desiccant dryers (where required) and allow for standby capacity.
(3) Air feed for the compressor will be drawn from a point protected from rain, condensation, mist, fog
and contaminated air sources to minimize moisture and hydrocarbon content of the air supply. (7-1-24)
(4) A compressed air after-cooler, entrainment separator, or a combination of the two (2) with
automatic drain will be provided prior to the dryers to reduce the water vapor. (7-1-24)
(5) A back-up air compressor must be provided so that ozone generation is not interrupted in the event
of a break-down. (7-1-24)
iii. Air drying: (7-1-24)
(1) Dry, dust-free and oil-free feed gas must be provided to the ozone generator. Dry gas is essential to
prevent formation of nitric acid, to increase the efficiency of ozone generation and to prevent damage to the generator
dielectrics. Sufficient drying to a maximum dew point of -76°F (-60°C) must be provided at the end of the drying
cycle. (7-1-24)
(2) Drying for high pressure systems may be accomplished using heatless desiccant dryers only. For
low pressure systems, a refrigeration air dryer in series with heat-reactivated desiccant dryers will be used. (7-1-24)
(3) A refrigeration dryer capable of reducing inlet air temperature to 40°F (4°C) will be provided for
low pressure air preparation systems. The dryer can be of the compressed refrigerant type or chilled water type.
(4) For heat-reactivated desiccant dryers, the unit must contain two (2) desiccant filled towers
complete with pressure relief valves, two (2) four-way valves and a heater. In addition, external type dryers must have
a cooler unit and blowers. The size of the unit will be such that the specified dew point will be achieved during a
minimum adsorption cycle time of sixteen (16) hours while operating at the maximum expected moisture loading
conditions. (7-1-24)
(5) Multiple air dryers will be provided so that the ozone generation is not interrupted in the event of
dryer breakdown. (7-1-24)
(6) Each dryer will be capable of venting “dry” gas to the atmosphere, prior to the ozone generator, to
allow start-up when other dryers are “on-line.” (7-1-24)
iv. Air filters: (7-1-24)
(1) Air filters will be provided on the suction side of the air compressors, between the air compressors
and the dryers and between the dryers and the ozone generators. (7-1-24)
(2) The filter before the desiccant dryers will be of the coalescing type and be capable of removing
aerosol and particulates larger than 0.3 microns in diameter. The filter after the desiccant dryer will be of the
particulate type and be capable of removing all particulates greater than 0.1 microns in diameter, or smaller if
specified by the generator manufacturer. (7-1-24)
v. Piping in the air preparation system can be common grade steel, seamless copper, stainless steel or
galvanized steel. The piping must be designed to withstand the maximum pressures in the air preparation system.
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b. The following requirements apply to the ozone generator: (7-1-24)
i. Capacity. (7-1-24)
(1) The production rating of the ozone generators must be stated in pounds per day and kWhr per
pound at a maximum cooling water temperature and maximum ozone concentration. (7-1-24)
(2) The design will ensure that the minimum concentration of ozone in the generator exit gas will not
be less than one (1) percent (by weight). (7-1-24)
(3) Generators will be sized to have sufficient reserve capacity so that the PWS does not operate at
peak capacity for extended periods of time resulting in premature breakdown of the dielectrics. (7-1-24)
(4) The production rate of ozone generators will decrease as the temperature of the coolant increases. If
there is to be a variation in the supply temperature of the coolant throughout the year, then pertinent data will be used
to determine production changes due to the temperature change of the supplied coolant. The design will ensure that
the generators can produce the required ozone at maximum coolant temperature. (7-1-24)
(5) Appropriate ozone generator backup equipment must be provided. (7-1-24)
ii. The generators can be low, medium or high frequency type. Specifications will require that the
transformers, electronic circuitry and other electrical hardware be proven, high quality components designed for
ozone service. (7-1-24)
iii. Adequate cooling must be provided. The cooling water must be properly treated to minimize
corrosion, scaling and microbiological fouling of the water side of the tubes. Where cooling water is treated, cross
connection control must be provided to prevent contamination of the potable water supply. (7-1-24)
iv. To prevent corrosion, the ozone generator shell and tubes must be constructed of Type 316L
stainless steel. (7-1-24)
c. The following requirements apply to ozone contactors: (7-1-24)
i. Bubble diffusers. (7-1-24)
(1) Where disinfection is the primary application, a minimum of two (2) contact chambers, each
equipped with baffles to prevent short circuiting and induce countercurrent flow, will be provided. Ozone must be
applied using porous-tube or dome diffusers. (7-1-24)
(2) The minimum contact time will be ten (10) minutes. A shorter contact time (CT) may be approved
by the Department if justified by appropriate design and “CT” considerations. (7-1-24)
(3) Where taste and odor control is of concern, multiple application points and contactors will be
considered. (7-1-24)
(4) Contactors will be separate closed vessels that have no common walls with adjacent rooms. The
contactor must be kept under negative pressure and sufficient ozone monitors will be provided to protect worker
safety. (7-1-24)
(5) Contact vessels can be made of reinforced concrete, stainless steel, fiberglass or other material
which will be stable in the presence of residual ozone and ozone in the gas phase above the water level. If contact
vessels are made of reinforced concrete, all reinforcement bars must be covered with a minimum of one and one-half
(1.5) inches of concrete. (7-1-24)
(6) Where necessary, a system is to be provided between the contactor and the off-gas destruct unit to
remove froth from the air and return the other to the contactor or other location acceptable to the Department. If
foaming is expected to be excessive, then a potable water spray system must be placed in the contactor head space.
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(7) All openings into the contactor for pipe connections, hatchways, etc. must be properly sealed using
welds or ozone resistant gaskets such as Teflon or Hypalon. (7-1-24)
(8) Multiple sampling ports must be provided to enable sampling of each compartment's effluent water
and to confirm “CT” calculations. (7-1-24)
(9) A pressure/vacuum relief valve must be provided in the contactor and piped to a location where
there will be no damage to the destruction unit. (7-1-24)
(10) The depth of water in bubble diffuser contactors must be a minimum of eighteen (18) feet. The
contactor must also have a minimum of three (3) feet of freeboard to allow for foaming. (7-1-24)
(11) All contactors will have provisions for cleaning, maintenance and drainage of the contactor. Each
contactor compartment must also be equipped with an access hatchway. (7-1-24)
(12) Aeration diffusers must be fully serviceable by either cleaning or replacement. (7-1-24)
ii. Other contactors, such as the venturi or aspirating turbine mixer contactor, may be approved by the
Department provided adequate ozone transfer is achieved and the required contact times and residuals can be met and
verified. (7-1-24)
d. The following requirements apply to ozone destruction units: (7-1-24)
i. A system for treating the final off-gas from each contactor must be provided in order to meet safety
and air quality standards. Acceptable systems include thermal destruction and thermal/catalytic destruction units.
ii. The maximum allowable ozone concentration in the discharge is 0.1 ppm (by volume). (7-1-24)
iii. At least two (2) units will be provided which are each capable of handling the entire gas flow.
iv. Exhaust blowers must be provided in order to draw off-gas from the contactor into the destruct unit.
v. Catalysts must be protected from froth, moisture and other impurities which may harm the catalyst.
vi. The catalyst and heating elements will be located where they can easily be reached for
maintenance. (7-1-24)
e. Only low carbon 304L and 316L stainless steels may be used for ozone service with 316L
preferred. (7-1-24)
f. The following requirements apply to joints and connections: (7-1-24)
i. Connections on piping used for ozone service are to be welded where possible. (7-1-24)
ii. Connections with meters, valves or other equipment are to be made with flanged joints with ozone
resistant gaskets, such as Teflon or Hypalon. Screwed fittings may not be used because of their tendency to leak.
iii. A positive closing plug or butterfly valve plus a leak-proof check valve must be provided in the
piping between the generator and the contactor to prevent moisture reaching the generator. (7-1-24)
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g. The following instrumentation must be provided: (7-1-24)
i. Pressure gauges at the discharge from the air compressor, at the inlet to the refrigeration dryers, at
the inlet and outlet of the desiccant dryers, at the inlet to the ozone generators and contactors, and at the inlet to the
ozone destruction unit. (7-1-24)
ii. A trip which shuts down the generator when the wattage exceeds a certain preset level. (7-1-24)
iii. Dew point monitors for measuring the moisture of the feed gas from the desiccant dryers. Where
there is potential for moisture entering the ozone generator from downstream of the unit or where moisture
accumulation can occur in the generator during shutdown, post-generator dew point monitors must be used. (7-1-24)
iv. Air flow meters for measuring air flow from the desiccant dryers to each of the other ozone
generators, air flow to each contactor, and purge air flow to the desiccant dryers. (7-1-24)
v. Temperature gauges for the inlet and outlet of the ozone cooling water and the inlet and outlet of
the ozone generator feed gas and, if necessary, for the inlet and outlet of the ozone power supply cooling water.
vi. Water flow meters to monitor the flow of cooling water to the ozone generators and, if necessary, to
the ozone power supply. (7-1-24)
vii. Ozone monitors to measure zone concentration in both the feed-gas and off-gas from the contactor
and in the off-gas from the destruct unit. For disinfection systems, monitors for monitoring ozone residuals in the
water. The number and location of ozone residual monitors must be such that the amount of time that the water is in
contact with the ozone residual can be determined. (7-1-24)
viii. A minimum of one ambient ozone monitor installed in the vicinity of the contactor and a minimum
of one installed in the vicinity of the generator. Ozone monitors must be installed in any areas where ozone gas may
accumulate. (7-1-24)
h. Safety requirements are as follows: (7-1-24)
i. The maximum allowable ozone concentration in the air to which workers may be exposed must not
exceed one-tenth part per million (0.1 ppm) by volume. (7-1-24)
ii. Noise levels resulting from the operating equipment of the ozonation system must be controlled to
within acceptable limits by special room construction and equipment isolation. (7-1-24)
iii. PWS owners must provide emergency exhaust fans in the rooms containing the ozone generators to
remove ozone gas if leakage occurs. (7-1-24)
iv. PWS owners must post a sign indicating “No smoking, oxygen in use” at all entrances to the
treatment plant. In addition, no flammable or combustible materials may be stored within the oxygen generator areas.
03. Disinfection with Chlorine Dioxide. Chlorine dioxide may be considered as a primary and
residual disinfectant, a pre-oxidant to control tastes and odors, to oxidize iron and manganese, and to control
hydrogen sulfide and phenolic compounds. When choosing chlorine dioxide, consideration must be given to
formation of the regulated by-products, chlorite and chlorate. (7-1-24)
a. Chlorine dioxide generation equipment must be factory assembled pre-engineered units with a
minimum efficiency of ninety-five (95) percent. The excess free chlorine may not exceed three (3) percent of the
theoretical stoichiometric concentration required. (7-1-24)
b. Other design requirements include: (7-1-24)
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i. The design must comply with all applicable portions of Subsections 530.01.a. through 530.01.d.
ii. The maximum residual disinfectant level allowed is zero point eight (0.8) milligrams per liter (mg/
l), even for short term exposures. (7-1-24)
iii. Notification of a change in disinfection practices and the schedule for the changes must be made
known to the public; particularly to hospitals, kidney dialysis facilities and fish breeders, as chlorine dioxide and its
by-products may have effects similar to chloramines. (7-1-24)
04. Other Disinfecting Agents. Proposals for use of disinfecting agents other than those listed must be
submitted to the Department for approval in the preliminary engineering report required under Section 503. (7-1-24)
01. General Equipment Design. Ge
neral equipment design must be such that: (7-1-24)
a. Feeders will be able to supply, at all times, the necessary amounts of chemicals at an accurate rate,
throughout the range of feed. (7-1-24)
b. Chemical-contact materials and surfaces are resistant to the aggressiveness of the chemical
solution. (7-1-24)
c. Corrosive chemicals are introduced in such a manner as to minimize potential for corrosion.
d. Chemicals that are incompatible are not stored or handled together. At facilities where more than
one (1) chemical is stored or handled, tanks and pipelines must be clearly labeled to identify the chemical they
contain. (7-1-24)
e. All chemicals are conducted from the feeder to the point of application in separate conduits.
f. Chemical feeders are as near as practical to the feed point. (7-1-24)
g. Chemical feeders and pumps must operate at no lower than twenty percent (20%) of the feed range
unless two fully independent adjustment mechanisms such as pump pulse rate and stroke length are fitted, then the
pump must operate at no lower than ten percent (10%) of the rated maximum. (7-1-24)
h. Spare parts must be on hand for parts of feeders that are subject to frequent wear and damage.
i. Redundant chemical feeders with automatic switchover must be provided when necessary to ensure
adequate treatment. If the water treatment system includes at least two (2) process trains of equipment so that the
plant design capacity can be maintained with any component out of service, redundant chemical feeders are not
required on each process train. (7-1-24)
02. Facility Design. (7-1-24)
a. Where chemical feed is necessary for the protection of the supply, such as disinfection, coagulation
or other essential processes, a minimum of two feeders must be provided and a separate feeder will be used for each
chemical applied. (7-1-24)
b. Chemical application control systems must meet the following requirements: (7-1-24)
i. Feeders may be manually or automatically controlled, with automatic controls being designed so as
to allow override by manual controls. (7-1-24)
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ii. Chemical feeders will be energized by a flow sensing device so that injection of the chemicals will
not continue when the flow of water stops. (7-1-24)
iii. Automatic proportioning chemical feeders are required where the rate of flow is not reasonably
constant. (7-1-24)
iv. A means to measure water flow must be provided in order to determine chemical feed rates.
v. Provisions will be made for measuring the quantities of chemicals used. (7-1-24)
vi. Weighing scales will be provided for weighing cylinders at all plants utilizing chlorine gas, fluoride
solution feed. (7-1-24)
vii. Weighing scales must be capable of providing reasonable precision in relation to average daily
dose. (7-1-24)
viii. Where conditions warrant, for example with rapidly fluctuating intake turbidity, coagulant and
coagulant aid addition may be made according to turbidity, streaming current or other sensed parameter. (7-1-24)
c. Dry chemical feeders will measure chemicals volumetrically or gravimetrically, provide adequate
solution water and agitation of the chemical in the solution pot, and completely enclose chemicals to prevent
emission of dust to the operating room. (7-1-24)
d. Positive displacement type solution feed pumps must be capable of operating at the required
maximum head conditions found at the point of injection. (7-1-24)
e. Liquid chemical feeders must be such that chemical solutions cannot be siphoned or overfed into
the water supply, by assuring discharge at a point of positive pressure, or providing vacuum relief, or providing a
suitable air gap, or providing other suitable means or combinations as necessary. (7-1-24)
f. Cross connection control must be provided to assure that the following requirements are satisfied.
i. The service water lines discharging to solution tanks must be properly protected from backflow.
ii. No direct connection exists between any sewer and a drain or overflow from the feeder, solution
chamber or tank by providing that all drains terminate at least six (6) inches or two pipe diameters, whichever is
greater, above the overflow rim of a receiving sump, conduit or waste receptacle. (7-1-24)
g. Chemical feed equipment must be readily accessible for servicing, repair, and observation of
operation. (7-1-24)
h. In-plant water supply for chemical mixing must be: (7-1-24)
i. Ample in quantity and adequate in pressure. (7-1-24)
ii. Provided with means for measurement when preparing specific solution concentrations by dilution.
iii. Properly treated for hardness, when necessary. (7-1-24)
iv. Properly protected against backflow. (7-1-24)
v. Obtained from a location sufficiently downstream of any chemical feed point to assure adequate
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mixing. (7-1-24)
i. Chemical storage facilities must satisfy the following requirements: (7-1-24)
i. Storage tanks and pipelines for liquid chemicals must be specified for use with individual
chemicals and not used for different chemicals. Off-loading areas must be clearly labeled to prevent accidental cross-
contamination. (7-1-24)
ii. Chemicals will be stored in covered or unopened shipping containers, unless the chemical is
transferred into an approved storage unit. (7-1-24)
j. Bulk liquid storage tanks must comply with the following requirements: (7-1-24)
i. A means which is consistent with the nature of the chemical stored will be provided in a liquid
storage tank to maintain a uniform strength of solution. Continuous agitation will be provided to maintain slurries in
suspension. (7-1-24)
ii. Means will be provided to measure the liquid level in the tank. (7-1-24)
iii. Bulk liquid storage tanks will be kept covered. Bulk liquid storage tanks with access openings will
have such openings curbed and fitted with overhanging covers. (7-1-24)
iv. Subsurface locations for bulk liquid storage tanks will be free from sources of possible
contamination, and assure positive drainage for groundwaters, accumulated water, chemical spills and overflows.
v. Bulk liquid storage tanks will be vented, but may not vent through vents common with other
chemicals or day tanks. Acid storage tanks must be vented to the outside atmosphere, but not through vents in
common with other chemicals or day tanks. (7-1-24)
vi. Each bulk liquid storage tank will be provided with a valved drain, protected against backflow and
cross-connections. (7-1-24)
vii. Bulk liquid storage tanks will have an overflow, when provided, that is turned downward with the
end screened with a twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-corrodible screen, have a free fall discharge, and be located
where noticeable. (7-1-24)
viii. Where chemical feed is necessary for the protection of the supply, a means to assure continuity of
chemical supply while servicing a bulk liquid storage tank will be provided. (7-1-24)
ix. Bulk liquid storage tanks will be provided with secondary containment so that chemicals from
equipment failure, spillage, or accidental drainage will not enter the water in conduits, treatment, or storage basins. A
common receiving basin may be provided for each group of compatible chemicals. The bulk liquid storage tank basin
or the common receiving basin will provide a secondary containment volume sufficient to hold one hundred ten
percent (110%) of the volume of the largest storage tank. Piping will be designed to minimize or contain chemical
spills in the event of pipe ruptures. (7-1-24)
k. Day tanks will be provided where bulk storage of liquid chemical is provided. However, upon
approval by the Department, chemicals may be fed directly from shipping containers no larger than fifty-five (55)
gallons. For the purposes of Section 531, day tanks are defined as liquid chemical tanks holding no more than a thirty
(30) hour chemical supply. (7-1-24)
i. Day tanks are subject to the requirements in Subsections 531.02.j.i. through 531.02.j.vii. except
shipping containers do not require overflow pipe and drains. (7-1-24)
ii. Where feasible, secondary containment will be provided so that chemicals from equipment failure,
spillage, or accidental drainage of day tanks will be fully contained. A common receiving basin may be provided for
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each group of compatible chemicals. The common receiving basin will provide a secondary containment volume
sufficient to hold the volume of the largest storage tank. If secondary containment is not feasible, day tanks will be
located and protective curbings provided so that chemicals from equipment failure, spillage, or accidental drainage of
day tanks will not enter the water in conduits, treatment, or storage basins. Secondary containment is not required for
a day tank if an Idaho licensed professional engineer demonstrates to the Department that the chemical concentration
and volume, if spilled, will not be a safety hazard to employees, will not be hazardous to the public health, and will
not harm the environment. (7-1-24)
iii. Day tanks and the tank refilling line entry points will be clearly labeled with the name of the
chemical contained. (7-1-24)
iv. Filling of day tanks may not be automated unless otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
l. Provisions must be made for measuring quantities of chemicals used to prepare feed solutions.
m. Vents from feeders, storage facilities and equipment exhaust must discharge to the outside
atmosphere above grade and remote from air intakes. (7-1-24)
03. Chemicals. Chemical shipping containers must be fully labeled to include chemical name, purity
and concentration, supplier name and address, and evidence of ANSI/NSF certification where applicable. (7-1-24)
04. Safety Requirements for Chemical Facilities. (7-1-24)
a. The following requirements apply to chlorine gas feed and storage rooms: (7-1-24)
i. Each storage room will be enclosed and separated from other operating areas. They will be
constructed in such a manner that all openings between the chlorine room and the remainder of the plant are sealed,
and provided with doors equipped with panic hardware, assuring ready means of exit and opening outward only to the
building exterior. (7-1-24)
ii. Each room will be provided with a shatter resistant inspection window installed in an interior wall.
iii. Each room will have a ventilating fan with a capacity which provides one (1) complete air change
per minute when the room is occupied. Where this is not appropriate due to the size of the room, a lesser rate may be
allowed by the Department on a site specific basis. (7-1-24)
iv. The ventilating fan will take suction near the floor as far as practical from the door and air inlet,
with the point of discharge located as far away as possible from doors, air inlets to any rooms or structures, or
occupied areas. Air inlets will be through louvers near the ceiling. (7-1-24)
v. Louvers for chlorine room air intake and exhaust will facilitate airtight closure. (7-1-24)
vi. Separate switches for the fan and lights will be located outside of the chlorine room and at the
inspection window. Outside switches will be protected from vandalism. A signal light indicating fan operation will be
provided at each entrance when the fan can be controlled from more than one (1) point. (7-1-24)
vii. Vents from feeders and storage will discharge to the outside atmosphere, above grade. (7-1-24)
viii. Where provided, floor drains will discharge to the outside of the building and will not be connected
to any internal drainage systems or external drainage systems unless the external drainage systems drain to an
approved discharge point. (7-1-24)
ix. Chlorinator rooms will be heated to sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60°F) and be protected from
excessive heat. Cylinders and gas lines will be protected from temperatures above that of the feed equipment.
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x. Pressurized chlorine feed lines may not carry chlorine gas beyond the chlorinator room. (7-1-24)
xi. Critical isolation valves will be conspicuously marked and access kept unobstructed. (7-1-24)
xii. All chlorine rooms, buildings, and areas will be posted with a prominent danger sign warning of the
presence of chlorine. (7-1-24)
xiii. Full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas will be isolated from operating areas and stored in
definitely assigned places away from elevators, stairs, or gangways. They will be restrained in position to prevent
being knocked over or damaged by passing or falling objects. In addition, they will be stored in rooms separate from
ammonia storage, out of direct sunlight, and at least twenty (20) feet from highly combustible materials. Cylinders
may not be kept in unventilated enclosures such as lockers and cupboards. (7-1-24)
b. Where acids and caustics are used, they must be kept in closed corrosion-resistant shipping
containers or storage units. Acids and caustics may not be handled in open vessels, but will be pumped in undiluted
form from original containers through suitable hose to the point of treatment or to a covered day tank. (7-1-24)
c. Proposals for the storage and use of sodium chlorite must be approved by the Department prior to
the preparation of final plans and specifications. Provisions must be made for proper storage and handling of sodium
chlorite to eliminate any danger of fire or explosion associated with its oxidizing nature. (7-1-24)
i. Chlorite (sodium chlorite) will be stored by itself in a separate room. It must be stored away from
organic materials. The storage structure will be constructed of noncombustible materials. If the storage structure must
be located in an area where a fire may occur, water must be available to keep the sodium chlorite area cool enough to
prevent heat-induced explosive decomposition of the chlorite. (7-1-24)
ii. Care will be taken to prevent spillage. An emergency plan of operation will be available for the
clean up of any spillage. Storage drums will be thoroughly flushed prior to recycling or disposal. (7-1-24)
d. Where ammonium hydroxide is used, an exhaust fan must be installed to withdraw air from high
points in the room and makeup air must be allowed to enter at a low point. The feed pump, regulators, and lines must
be fitted with pressure relief vents discharging outside the building away from any air intake and with water purge
lines leading back to the headspace of the bulk storage tank. (7-1-24)
e. Where anhydrous ammonia is used, the storage and feed systems (including heaters where
required) must be enclosed and separated from other work areas and constructed of corrosion resistant materials.
i. Pressurized ammonia feed lines will be restricted to the ammonia room. (7-1-24)
ii. An emergency air exhaust system, as described in Subsection 531.04.a., but with an elevated
intake, must be provided in the ammonia storage room. (7-1-24)
iii. Leak detection systems must be fitted in all areas through which ammonia is piped. (7-1-24)
iv. Special vacuum breaker/regulator provisions must be made to avoid potentially violent results of
backflow of water into cylinders or storage tanks. (7-1-24)
v. Consideration must be given to the provision of an emergency gas scrubber capable of absorbing
the entire contents of the largest ammonia storage unit whenever there is a risk to the public as a result of potential
ammonia leaks. (7-1-24)
05. Operator Safety. The Idaho General Safety and Health Standards, referenced in Subsection
002.02, may be used as guidance in designing facilities to ensure the safety of operators. Facilities must meet
applicable regulations from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. (7-1-24)
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Section 531 Page 91
06. Design Requirements for Specific Applications. In addition to Subsection 531.01 through
531.03, the following design requirements apply for the specific applications within Subsection 531.06 of this rule.
a. Positive displacement feeders will be provided for sodium chlorite used for chlorine dioxide
generation. Tubing for conveying sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide solutions must be Type 1 PVC, polyethylene or
materials recommended by the manufacturer. Chemical feeders may be installed in chlorine rooms if sufficient space
is provided. Otherwise, facilities meeting the requirements of chlorine rooms will be provided. Feed lines will be
installed in a manner to prevent formation of gas pockets and will terminate at a point of positive pressure. Check
valves will be provided to prevent the backflow of chlorine into the sodium chlorite line. (7-1-24)
b. Hypochlorite facilities must meet the following requirements: (7-1-24)
i. Hypochlorite will be stored in the original shipping containers or in hypochlorite compatible
containers. Storage containers or tanks will be sited out of the sunlight in a cool and ventilated area. (7-1-24)
ii. Stored hypochlorite will be pumped undiluted to the point of addition. Where dilution is
unavoidable, deionized or softened water will be used unless otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
iii. Storage areas, tanks, and pipe work will be designed to avoid the possibility of uncontrolled
discharges and a sufficient amount of appropriately selected spill absorbent will be stored on-site. (7-1-24)
iv. Hypochlorite feeders will be positive displacement pumps with compatible materials for wetted
surfaces. (7-1-24)
v. To avoid air locking in smaller installations, small diameter suction lines will be used with foot
valves and degassing pump heads. In larger installations flooded suction will be used with pipe work arranged to ease
escape of gas bubbles. Calibration tubes or mass flow monitors which allow for direct physical checking of actual
feed rates will be fitted. (7-1-24)
vi. Injectors will be made removable for regular cleaning where hard water is to be treated. (7-1-24)
c. When ammonium sulfate is used, the tank and dosing equipment contact surfaces must be made of
corrosion resistant non-metallic materials. Provision will be made for removal of the agitator after dissolving the
solid. The tank will be fitted with a lid and vented outdoors. Injection of the solution will take place in the center of
treated water flow at a location where there is high velocity movement. (7-1-24)
d. When aqua ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) is used, the feed pumps and storage will be enclosed
and separated from other operating areas. The aqua ammonia room will be equipped as required for chlorinator rooms
with the following changes: (7-1-24)
i. A corrosion resistant, closed, unpressurized tank will be used for bulk storage, vented through an
inert liquid trap to a high point outside and an incompatible connector, or lockout provisions will be made to prevent
accidental addition of other chemicals to the storage tank. (7-1-24)
ii. The storage tank will be designed to avoid conditions where temperature increases cause the
ammonia vapor pressure over the aqua ammonia to exceed atmospheric pressure. This capability can be provided by
cooling/refrigeration or diluting or mixing the contents with water without opening the system. (7-1-24)
iii. The aqua ammonia will be conveyed direct from storage to the treated water stream injector
without the use of a carrier water stream unless the carrier stream is softened. (7-1-24)
iv. The point of delivery to the main water stream will be placed in a region of turbulent water flow.
v. Provisions will be made for easy access for removal of calcium scale deposits from the injector.
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Section 532 Page 92
The softening process selected must be based upon the mineral qualities of the raw water and the desired finished
water quality
in conjunction with requirements for disposal of sludge or brine waste (see Section 540), cost of plant,
cost of chemicals, and plant location. Applicability of the process chosen must be demonstrated. (7-1-24)
01. Lime or Lime-Soda Process. Rapid mix, flocculation, and sedimentation processes must meet the
requirements of Section 520. In addition the following requirements must be met: (7-1-24)
a. When split treatment is used, an accurate means of measuring and splitting the flow must be
provided. (7-1-24)
b. Rapid mix basins must provide not more than thirty (30) seconds detention time with adequate
velocity gradients to keep the lime particles dispersed. (7-1-24)
c. Equipment for stabilization of water softened by the lime or lime-soda process is required, see
Section 537. (7-1-24)
d. Mechanical sludge removal equipment will be provided in the sedimentation basin. (7-1-24)
e. Provisions must be included for proper disposal of softening sludges; see Section 540. (7-1-24)
f. The plant processes must be manually started following shut-down. (7-1-24)
02. Cation Exchange Process. (7-1-24)
a. Pre-treatment is required when the content of iron, manganese, or a combination of the two, is one
milligram per liter (1 mg/L) or more. (7-1-24)
b. The units may be of pressure or gravity type, of either an upflow or downflow design. Automatic
regeneration based on volume of water softened will be used unless manual regeneration is justified and is approved
by the Department. A manual override will be provided on all automatic controls. (7-1-24)
c. Rate-of-flow controllers or the equivalent will be used to control the hydraulic loading of cation
exchange units. (7-1-24)
d. The bottoms, strainer systems and support for the exchange resin will conform to the criteria
provided for rapid rate gravity filters in Section 521. (7-1-24)
e. Backwash, rinse and air relief discharge pipes will be installed in such a manner as to prevent any
possibility of back-siphonage. (7-1-24)
f. A bypass must be provided around softening units to produce a blended water of desirable
hardness. Totalizing meters must be installed on the bypass line and on each softener unit. The bypass line must have
a shutoff valve. (7-1-24)
g. When the applied water contains a chlorine residual, the cation exchange resin must be a type that
is not damaged by residual chlorine. (7-1-24)
h. Smooth-nose sampling taps must be provided for the collection of representative samples. The taps
will be located to provide for sampling of the softener influent, effluent, blended water, and on the brine tank
discharge piping. The sampling taps for the blended water will be at least twenty (20) feet downstream from the point
of blending. Petcocks are not acceptable as sampling taps. (7-1-24)
i. Brine and salt storage tanks must meet the following requirements: (7-1-24)
i. Salt dissolving or brine tanks and wet salt storage tanks must be covered and must be corrosion-
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Section 533 Page 93
resistant. (7-1-24)
ii. The make-up water inlet must be protected from back-siphonage. (7-1-24)
iii. Wet salt storage basins must be equipped with manholes or hatchways for access and for direct
dumping of salt from truck or rail car. Openings must be provided with raised curbs and watertight covers having
overlapping edges similar to those required for finished water reservoirs. (7-1-24)
iv. Overflows, where provided, must be protected with twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-
corrodible screens, and must terminate with either a turned downed bend having a proper free fall discharge or a self-
closing flap valve. (7-1-24)
v. The salt will be supported on graduated layers of gravel placed over a brine collection system.
vi. Alternative designs which are conducive to frequent cleaning of the wet salt storage tank may be
considered. (7-1-24)
vii. An eductor may be used to transfer brine from the brine tank to the softeners. If a pump is used, a
brine measuring tank or means of metering will be provided to obtain the proper dilution. (7-1-24)
j. Suitable disposal must be provided for brine waste; see Section 540. Where the volume of spent
brine must be reduced, consideration may be given to using a part of the spent liquid concentrate for a subsequent
regeneration. (7-1-24)
k. Pipes and contact materials must be resistant to the aggressiveness of salt. Plastic and red brass are
acceptable piping materials. Steel and concrete must be coated with a non-leaching protective coating which is
compatible with salt and brine. (7-1-24)
l. Bagged salt and dry bulk salt storage will be enclosed and separated from other operating areas in
order to prevent damage to equipment. (7-1-24)
Provision must be made for the control of taste and odor. Chemicals must be added sufficiently ahead of other
processes to assure adequate contact time for an effective and economical use of the chemicals. Where
severe taste and odor problems are encountered, in-plant studies, pilot plant studies, or both in-plant and pilot plant
studies may be required in accordance with Subsection 501.19. (7-1-24)
01. Chlorination. When using chlorination as a method of taste and odor control adequate contact time
must be provided to complete the chemical reactions involved. (7-1-24)
02. Chlorine Dioxide. Provisions must be made for proper storing and handling of the sodium chlorite,
so as to eliminate any danger of explosion. (7-1-24)
03. Powdered Activated Carbon. (7-1-24)
a. The PWS owner can add carbon as a pre-mixed slurry or by means of a dry-feed machine as long as
the carbon is properly wetted. (7-1-24)
b. Continuous agitation or resuspension equipment is necessary to keep the carbon from depositing in
the slurry storage tank. (7-1-24)
c. The PWS owner must provide for adequate dust control. (7-1-24)
d. The PWS owner must handle powdered activated carbon as a potentially combustible material.
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Section 534 Page 94
04. Granular Activated Carbon. Replacement of anthracite with GAC may be considered as a control
measure for geosmin and methylisoborneol (MIB) taste and odors from algae blooms in surface water applications.
Demonstration studies are required by the Department. (7-1-24)
05. Copper Sulfate and Other Copper Compounds. Continuous or periodic treatment of surface
water with copper compounds to kill algae or other growths must be controlled to prevent copper in excess of one
point zero (1.0) milligrams per liter as copper in the plant effluent or distribution system. Care must be taken to assure
an even distribution of the chemical within the treatment area. (7-1-24)
06. Potassium Permanganate. Application of potassium permanganate may be considered, providing
the treatment will be designed so that the products of the reaction are not visible in the finished water. (7-1-24)
07. Ozone. Ozonation may be used as a means of taste and odor control. Adequate contact time must
be provided to complete the chemical reactions involved. (7-1-24)
08. Other Methods. Other methods of taste and odor control may be made only after pilot plant tests
and approval of the Department. (7-1-24)
PWS owners that install aeration treatment are subject to IDAPA 58.01.01, “Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in
Idaho.” The PWS owner or the design engineer must contact one of the Department’s regional offices for information
on obtaining a permit or an exemption for the emissions resulting from the aeration process. General information may
be found on the Department website (7-1-24)
01. Natural Draft Aeration. Design must provide: (7-1-24)
a. Perforations in the distribution pan three sixteenths to one-half (3/16 – ½) inches in diameter,
spaced one to three (1-3) inches on centers to maintain a six (6) inch water depth. (7-1-24)
b. Distribution of water uniformly over the top tray. (7-1-24)
c. Discharge through a series of three (3) or more trays with separation of trays not less than twelve
(12) inches. (7-1-24)
d. Loading at a rate of one to five (1-5) gallons per minute for each square foot of total tray area.
e. Trays with slotted, heavy wire (1/2 inch openings) mesh or perforated bottoms. (7-1-24)
f. Construction of durable material resistant to aggressiveness of the water and dissolved gases.
g. Protection from insects by twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-corrodible screen. (7-1-24)
02. Forced or Induced Draft Aeration. Design must provide: (7-1-24)
a. Include a blower with a weatherproof motor in a tight housing and screened enclosure. (7-1-24)
b. Ensure adequate counter current of air through the enclosed aerator column. (7-1-24)
c. Exhaust air directly to the outside atmosphere. (7-1-24)
d. Include a down-turned and twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-corrodible screened air outlet and
inlet. (7-1-24)
e. Be such that air introduced in the column will be as free from obnoxious fumes, dust, and dirt as
possible. (7-1-24)
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Section 534 Page 95
f. Be such that sections of the aerator can be easily reached or removed for maintenance of the
interior or installed in a separate aerator room. (7-1-24)
g. Provide loading at a rate of one to five (1-5) gallons per minute for each square foot of total tray
area. (7-1-24)
h. Ensure that the water outlet is adequately sealed to prevent unwarranted loss of air. (7-1-24)
i. Discharge through a series of five (5) or more trays with separation of trays not less than six (6)
inches or as approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
j. Provide distribution of water uniformly over the top tray. (7-1-24)
k. Be of durable material resistant to the aggressiveness of the water and dissolved gases. (7-1-24)
03. Spray Aeration. Design must provide: (7-1-24)
a. A hydraulic head of between five (5) and twenty-five (25) feet. (7-1-24)
b. Nozzles, with the size, number, and spacing of the nozzles being dependent on the flowrate, space,
and the amount of head available. (7-1-24)
c. Nozzle diameters in the range of one (1) to one and one-half (1.5) inches to minimize clogging.
d. An enclosed basin to contain the spray. Any openings for ventilation must be protected with a
twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-corrodible screen. (7-1-24)
04. Pressure Aeration. Pressure aeration may be used for oxidation purposes only if the pilot plant
study indicates the method is applicable; it is not acceptable for removal of dissolved gases. Filters following pressure
aeration must have adequate exhaust devices for release of air. Pressure aeration devices must be designed to give
thorough mixing of compressed air with water being treated and provide twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-
corrodible screened and filtered air, free of obnoxious fumes, dust, dirt and other contaminants. (7-1-24)
05. Packed Tower Aeration. Packed tower aeration may be used for the removal of volatile organic
chemicals, trihalomethanes, carbon dioxide, and radon. Final design must be based on the results of pilot studies and
be approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
a. Process design criteria. (7-1-24)
i. Justification for the design parameters selected (i.e., height and diameter of unit, air to water ratio,
packing depth, surface loading rate, etc.) must be provided to the Department for review. The pilot study must
evaluate a variety of loading rates and air to water ratios at the peak contaminant concentration. Special consideration
will be given to removal efficiencies when multiple contaminations occur. Where there is considerable past
performance data on the contaminant to be treated and there is a concentration level similar to previous projects, the
Department may approve the process design based on use of appropriate calculations without a pilot study. (7-1-24)
ii. The tower must be designed to reduce contaminants to below the maximum contaminant level and
to the lowest practical level. (7-1-24)
iii. The type and size of the packing used in the full scale unit must be the same as that used in the pilot
study. (7-1-24)
iv. The maximum air to water ratio for which credit will be given is 80:1. (7-1-24)
v. The design must consider potential fouling problems from calcium carbonate and iron precipitation
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 534 Page 96
and from bacterial growth. It may be necessary to provide pretreatment. Disinfection capability will be provided prior
to and after packed tower aeration. (7-1-24)
vi. The effects of temperature must be considered. (7-1-24)
vii. Redundant packed tower aeration capacity at the design flowrate will be provided. (7-1-24)
b. The tower may be constructed of stainless steel, concrete, aluminum, fiberglass or plastic.
Uncoated carbon steel is not allowed. Towers constructed of light-weight materials must be provided with adequate
support to prevent damage from wind. Packing materials must be resistant to the aggressiveness of the water,
dissolved gases and cleaning materials and must be suitable for contact with potable water. (7-1-24)
c. Water flow system. (7-1-24)
i. Water must be distributed uniformly at the top of the tower using spray nozzles or orifice-type
distributor trays that prevent short circuiting. (7-1-24)
ii. A mist eliminator must be provided above the water distributor system. (7-1-24)
iii. A side wiper redistribution ring must be provided at least every ten (10) feet in order to prevent
water channeling along the tower wall and short circuiting. (7-1-24)
iv. Sample taps must be provided in the influent and effluent piping. The sample taps must satisfy the
requirements of Subsection 501.09. (7-1-24)
v. The effluent sump, if provided, must have easy access for cleaning purposes and be equipped with
a drain valve. The drain may not be connected directly to any storm or sanitary sewer. (7-1-24)
vi. The design must prevent freezing of the influent riser and effluent piping when the unit is not
operating. (7-1-24)
vii. The water flow to each tower must be metered. (7-1-24)
viii. An overflow line must be provided which discharges twelve (12) to fourteen (14) inches above a
splash pad or drainage inlet. Proper drainage must be provided to prevent flooding of the area. (7-1-24)
ix. Means must be provided to prevent flooding of the air blower. (7-1-24)
d. Air flow system. (7-1-24)
i. The air inlet to the blower and the tower discharge vent must be down-turned and protected with a
non-corrodible twenty-four (24) mesh screen to prevent contamination from extraneous matter. (7-1-24)
ii. The air inlet must be in a protected location. (7-1-24)
iii. An air flow meter must be provided on the influent air line or an alternative method to determine
the air flow will be provided. (7-1-24)
iv. A positive air flow sensing device and a pressure gauge must be installed on the air influent line.
The positive air flow sensing device must be a part of an automatic control system which will turn off the influent
water if positive air flow is not detected. The pressure gauge will serve as an indicator of fouling buildup. (7-1-24)
v. A backup motor for the air blower must be readily available. (7-1-24)
e. Other features that must be provided: (7-1-24)
i. A sufficient number of access ports with a minimum diameter of twenty-four (24) inches to
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Section 535 Page 97
facilitate inspection, media replacement, media cleaning and maintenance of the interior. (7-1-24)
ii. A method of cleaning the packing material when iron, manganese, or calcium carbonate fouling
may occur. (7-1-24)
iii. Tower effluent collection and pumping wells constructed to clearwell standards. (7-1-24)
iv. Provisions for extending the tower height without major reconstruction. (7-1-24)
v. No bypass may be provided unless specifically approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
vi. Disinfection and adequate contact time after the water has passed through the tower and prior to the
distribution system. (7-1-24)
vii. Adequate packing support to allow free flow of water and to prevent deformation with deep
packing heights. (7-1-24)
viii. Operation of the blower and disinfectant feeder equipment during power failures. (7-1-24)
ix. Adequate foundation to support the tower and lateral support to prevent overturning due to wind
loading. (7-1-24)
x. Fencing and locking gate to prevent vandalism. (7-1-24)
xi. An access ladder with safety cage for inspection of the aerator including the exhaust port and de-
mister. (7-1-24)
xii. Electrical interconnection between blower, disinfectant feeder and supply pump. (7-1-24)
06. Other Methods of Aeration. Other methods of aeration may be used if applicable to the treatment
needs. Such methods include but are not restricted to spraying, diffused air, cascades and mechanical aeration. The
treatment processes are subject to the approval of the Department. (7-1-24)
07. Protection of Aerators. All aerators except those discharging to lime softening or clarification
plants must be protected from contamination by birds, insects, wind borne debris, rainfall and water draining off the
exterior of the aerator. (7-1-24)
08. Disinfection. Groundwater supplies exposed to the atmosphere by aeration must receive
disinfection as described in Section 530 as the minimum additional treatment. (7-1-24)
Iron and manganese control, as used herein, refers solely to treatment processes designed specifically for this
purpose. The treatment process used will depend upon the character of the raw water. The selection of one (1) or more
treatment processes must meet specific local conditions as determined by engineering investigations, including
chemical analyses of representative samples of water to be treated, and receive the approval of the Department. The
Department may require a pilot plant study in order to gather all information pertinent to the design in accordance
with Subsection 501.19. (7-1-24)
01. Removal by Oxidation, Detention and Filtration. (7-1-24)
a. Oxidation may be by aeration or by chemical oxidation with chlorine, potassium permanganate,
ozone or chlorine dioxide. (7-1-24)
b. Detention time: (7-1-24)
i. A minimum detention time of thirty (30) minutes must be provided following aeration to ensure
that the oxidation reactions are as complete as possible. This minimum detention may be omitted only where a pilot
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Section 535 Page 98
plant study indicates no need for detention. The detention basin may be designed as a holding tank without provisions
for sludge collection but with sufficient baffling to prevent short circuiting. (7-1-24)
ii. Sedimentation basins must be provided when treating water with high iron or manganese content,
or where chemical coagulation is used to reduce the load on the filters. Provisions for sludge removal must be made.
c. Rapid rate pressure filters are normally used for iron and manganese removal. Pressure filters may
not be used in the filtration of surface or other polluted waters or following lime-soda softening. (7-1-24)
i. The rate of filtration may not exceed three (3) gallons per minute per square foot of filter area
except where in-plant testing as approved by the Department has demonstrated satisfactory results at higher rates.
ii. The filters must be designed to provide for: (7-1-24)
(1) Loss of head gauges on the inlet and outlet pipes of each battery of filters. (7-1-24)
(2) An easily readable meter or flow indicator on each battery of filters. (7-1-24)
(3) Filtration and backwashing of each filter individually with an arrangement of piping as simple as
possible to accomplish these purposes. (7-1-24)
(4) Minimum side wall shell height of five (5) feet. A corresponding reduction in side wall height is
acceptable where proprietary bottoms permit reduction of the gravel depth. (7-1-24)
(5) The top of the wash water collectors to be at least eighteen (18) inches above the surface of the
media, (7-1-24)
(6) The underdrain system to efficiently collect the filtered water and to uniformly distribute the
backwash water at a rate not less than fifteen (15) gallons per minute per square foot of filter area. (7-1-24)
(7) Backwash flow indicators and controls that are easily readable while operating the control valves.
(8) An air release valve on the highest point of each filter. (7-1-24)
(9) An accessible manhole to facilitate inspection and repairs for filters thirty-six (36) inches or more
in diameter. Sufficient handholds will be provided for filters less than thirty-six (36) inches in diameter. (7-1-24)
(10) A means to observe the wastewater during backwashing and construction to prevent cross
connection. (7-1-24)
02. Removal by Manganese Coated Media Filtration. This process consists of a continuous or batch
feed of potassium permanganate to the influent of a manganese coated media filter. (7-1-24)
a. Other oxidizing agents or processes such as chlorination or aeration may be used prior to the
permanganate feed to reduce the cost of the chemical. (7-1-24)
b. An anthracite media cap of at least six (6) inches or more as required by the Department must be
provided over manganese coated media. (7-1-24)
c. Normal filtration rate must be three (3) gallons per minute per square foot. (7-1-24)
d. Normal wash rate will be eight (8) to ten (10) gallons per minute per square foot with manganese
greensand and fifteen (15) to twenty (20) gallons per minute with manganese coated media. (7-1-24)
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Section 536 Page 99
e. Sample taps must be provided prior to application of permanganate, immediately ahead of
filtration, at points between the anthracite media, and at the filter effluent. The sample taps must satisfy the
requirements of Subsection 501.09. (7-1-24)
03. Removal by Ion Exchange. This process is not acceptable where either the raw water or wash
water contains dissolved oxygen or other oxidants. (7-1-24)
04. Biological Removal. Biofiltration to remove manganese, iron, or a combination of manganese and
iron requires on-site piloting testing to establish effectiveness. The final filter design must be based on the on-site
pilot plant studies. (7-1-24)
05. Sequestration by Polyphosphates. This process may not be used when iron, manganese or a
combination thereof exceeds one point zero (1.0) mg/l. The total phosphate applied must not exceed ten (10) mg/l as
. Where phosphate treatment is used, satisfactory chlorine residuals must be maintained in the distribution
system. Possible adverse affects on corrosion must be addressed when phosphate addition is proposed for iron
sequestering. (7-1-24)
a. Stock phosphate solution must be kept covered and disinfected by carrying approximately ten (10)
mg/l free chlorine residual unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Department that the phosphate solution
is not able to support bacterial growth and the phosphate solution is being fed from the covered shipping container or
an approved disinfected tank. Phosphate solutions having a pH of two point zero (2.0) or less may also be exempted
from this requirement by the Department. (7-1-24)
b. Polyphosphates may not be applied ahead of iron and manganese removal treatment. The point of
application must be prior to any aeration, oxidation or disinfection if no iron or manganese removal treatment is
provided. (7-1-24)
06. Sequestration by Sodium Silicates. Sodium silicate sequestration of iron and manganese is
allowed only for groundwater supplies prior to air contact. On-site pilot studies are required to determine the
suitability of sodium silicate for the particular water and the minimum feed needed. Rapid oxidation of the metal ions
such as by chlorine or chlorine dioxide must accompany or closely precede the sodium silicate addition. (7-1-24)
a. Sodium silicate addition is applicable to waters containing up to two (2) mg/l of iron, manganese or
combination thereof. (7-1-24)
b. Chlorine residuals must be maintained throughout the distribution system to prevent biological
breakdown of the sequestered iron. (7-1-24)
c. The amount of silicate added must be limited to twenty (20) mg/l as SiO
, but the amount of added
and naturally occurring silicate may not exceed sixty (60) mg/l as SiO
. (7-1-24)
d. Sodium silicate must not be applied ahead of iron or manganese removal treatment. (7-1-24)
07. Sampling Taps. Smooth-nosed sampling taps must be provided for control purposes. Taps will be
located on each raw water source, each treatment unit influent and each treatment unit effluent. The sample taps must
satisfy the requirements of Subsection 501.09. (7-1-24)
01. Chemical Feed Equipment and Methods. In add
ition to the requirements in Section 531, fluoride
feed equipment must meet the following requirements: (7-1-24)
a. Scales, loss-of-weight recorders or liquid level indicators, as appropriate, accurate to within five (5)
percent of the average daily change in reading will be provided for chemical feeds. (7-1-24)
b. The accuracy of chemical feeders used for fluoridation will be plus or minus five (5) percent of the
intended dose. (7-1-24)
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Section 537 Page 100
c. Unsealed storage units for fluorosilicic acid will be vented to the atmosphere at a point outside any
building. (7-1-24)
d. Fluoride compound may not be added before lime-soda softening or ion exchange softening.
e. The point of application of fluorosilicic acid, if into a horizontal pipe, will be in the lower half of
the pipe. (7-1-24)
f. A fluoride solution will be applied by a positive displacement pump having a stroke rate not less
than twenty (20) strokes per minute, and at a feed rate not less than twenty (20) percent of the rated capacity of the
feed pump. (7-1-24)
g. A spring opposed diaphragm type anti-siphon device will be provided for all fluoride feed lines and
dilution water lines. (7-1-24)
h. Except for constant flow systems, a device to measure the flow of water to be treated is required.
i. The dilution water pipe will terminate at least two (2) pipe diameters above the solution tank.
j. Water used for sodium fluoride dissolution will be softened if hardness exceeds seventy-five (75)
mg/l as calcium carbonate. (7-1-24)
k. Fluoride solutions will be injected at a point of continuous positive pressure or a suitable air gap
provided. (7-1-24)
l. The electrical outlet used for the fluoride feed pump will be interconnected with the well or service
pump. (7-1-24)
m. Consideration will be given to providing a separate room for fluorosilicic acid storage and feed.
02. Secondary Controls. Secondary control systems for fluoride chemical feed devices must be
provided as a means of reducing the possibility for overfeed; these may include flow or pressure switches or other
devices. (7-1-24)
03. Dust Control. Provision must be made for the transfer of dry fluoride compounds from shipping
containers to storage bins or hoppers in such a way as to minimize the quantity of fluoride dust which may enter the
room in which the equipment is installed. The enclosure must be provided with an exhaust fan and dust filter which
places the hopper under a negative pressure. Air exhausted from fluoride handling equipment must discharge through
a dust filter to the outside atmosphere of the building. (7-1-24)
Water that is unstable due either to natural causes or to subsequent treatment must be stabilized. The expected treated
water quality will be evaluated to determine what, if any, treatment is necessary. (7-1-24)
01. Carbon Dioxide Addition. (7-1-24)
a. Recarbonation basin design must provide the following: (7-1-24)
i. A total detention time of twenty (20) minutes. (7-1-24)
ii. A mixing compartment having a detention time of at least three (3) minutes. (7-1-24)
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Section 540 Page 101
iii. A reaction compartment. (7-1-24)
iv. The mixing and reaction compartments will have a depth sufficient to provide a diffuser
submergence of not less than seven and one-half (7.5) feet and no greater than the manufacturer’s recommendation.
b. Where liquid carbon dioxide is used, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent carbon dioxide
from entering the plant from the recarbonation process. (7-1-24)
c. Recarbonation tanks must be located outside or be sealed and vented to the outside with adequate
seals and adequate purge flow of air to ensure workers safety. (7-1-24)
d. Provisions must be made for draining the recarbonation basin and removing sludge. (7-1-24)
02. Phosphates. The feeding of phosphates may be used for sequestering calcium, for corrosion
control, and in conjunction with alkali feed following ion exchange softening. (7-1-24)
a. Stock phosphate solution must be kept covered and disinfected by carrying approximately ten (10)
mg/l free chlorine residual unless the phosphate is not able to support bacterial growth and the phosphate is being fed
from the covered shipping container. Phosphate solutions having a pH of two point zero (2.0) or less are exempted
from this requirement. (7-1-24)
b. Satisfactory chlorine residuals must be maintained in the distribution system when phosphates are
used. (7-1-24)
03. Split Treatment. Raw water may be blended with lime-softened water to partially stabilize the
water prior to secondary clarification and filtration. Treatment plants designed to utilize split treatment must also
contain facilities for further stabilization by other methods. (7-1-24)
04. Water Unstable Due to Biochemical Action in Distribution System. Unstable water resulting
from the bacterial decomposition of organic matter in water (especially in dead end mains), the biochemical action
within tubercles, and the reduction of sulfates to sulfides must be prevented by the maintenance of a free or combined
chlorine residual throughout the distribution system. (7-1-24)
538. – 539. (RESERVED)
PWS owners must provide proper disposal of water treatment plant waste such as sanitary, laboratory, clarification
sludge, softening sludge, iron sludge, filter backwash water, and liquid concentrates. In locating waste disposal
facilities, due consideration must be given to preventing potential contamination of the water supply. (7-1-24)
01. Sanitary Waste. The sanitary waste from water treatment plants, pumping stations, and other
waterworks installations must receive treatment. Waste from these facilities must be discharged directly to a sanitary
sewer system, when available and feasible, or to an adequate on-site waste treatment facility approved under the
provisions of IDAPA 58.01.03, “Individual/Subsurface Sewage Disposal Rules.” (7-1-24)
02. Liquid Concentrates. (7-1-24)
a. Waste from ion exchange plants, demineralization plants, reverse osmosis, on-site chlorine
generators, red water filters, or other plants which produce liquid concentrates may be disposed of by the following
methods: (7-1-24)
i. Liquid concentrates that contain radionuclides must be further treated to remove the radioactive
constituents as sludge. See Subsection 540.03.e. for disposal requirements for sludge that contains radionuclides. The
residual liquids from which radionuclides have been removed may be disposed of in accordance with Subsections
540.02.a.ii. through 540.02.a.iv. (7-1-24)
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Section 540 Page 102
ii. Controlled discharge to a stream or other receiving water body if a surface water discharge permit
has been issued by the applicable permitting authority and limits and conditions of discharge permit can be
reasonably met. (7-1-24)
iii. Liquid concentrates may be discharged to a sanitary sewer, if available and feasible. Acceptance of
such waste must be approved by the sewer authority. (7-1-24)
iv. Subsurface disposal, land application, or total containment lagoons may be considered for liquid
concentrate when in compliance with IDAPA 58.01.16, “Wastewater Rules.” Untreated liquid concentrates may not
be permitted for subsurface or land application unless otherwise approved by the Department and in accordance with
IDAPA 58.01.03, “Individual/Subsurface Sewage Disposal Rules” for subsurface disposal or IDAPA 58.01.17,
“Recycled Water Rules” for land application. (7-1-24)
b. If the nature of the liquid concentrate causes it to be ineligible for permitted discharge as described
in Subsection 540.02.a., further onsite treatment of the liquid concentrate may be required in order to produce sludge
and liquid waste that will meet the permit criteria for one (1) or more of the disposal options. (7-1-24)
c. If sand filters are used to treat the waste filter wash water, red water, from iron and manganese
removal plants, they must have the following features: (7-1-24)
i. Total filter area sufficient to adequately dewater applied solids. Unless the filter is small enough to
be cleaned and returned to service in one (1) day, two (2) or more cells are required. (7-1-24)
ii. Sufficient capacity to contain, above the level of the sand, the entire volume of wash water
produced by washing all of the production filters in the plant, unless the production filters are washed on a rotating
schedule and the flow through the production filters is regulated by true rate of flow controllers. Sufficient volume
will be provided to dispose of the wash water involved. (7-1-24)
iii. Provisions for covering the filters during winter months where freezing is a problem. (7-1-24)
03. Sludge Waste. Sludge is the solid waste resulting from coagulation, precipitation, or passive
settling of liquid concentrates. Depending on composition, liquids remaining after sludge removal may be disposed of
by methods described in Subsection 540.02, recycled through the treatment plant, or may be pure enough to be
unregulated. The following methods of treatment and disposal apply to sludge: (7-1-24)
a. Precipitative Softening Sludge. (7-1-24)
i. At least two (2) temporary storage lagoons must be provided in order to give flexibility in
operation. Provisions must be made for convenient cleaning. An acceptable means of final sludge disposal must be
provided. (7-1-24)
ii. Liquid or dewatered precipitative softening sludge may be applied to farm land if heavy metals or
other contaminants do not exceed the requirements of IDAPA 58.01.02, “Water Quality Standards.” (7-1-24)
iii. Dewatered precipitative softening sludge may be disposed of in a sanitary landfill in accordance
with the requirements of IDAPA 58.01.06, “Solid Waste Management Rules.” Acceptance of such waste is at the
discretion of the landfill authority. (7-1-24)
b. Alum or Ferric Sludge. (7-1-24)
i. Temporary storage lagoons must contain at least two (2) compartments to facilitate independent
filling and dewatering operations. Mechanical concentration may be considered. If mechanical dewatering is used, it
must be preceded by sludge concentration and chemical pre-treatment. A pilot plant study is required before the
design of a mechanical dewatering installation in accordance with Subsection 501.19. (7-1-24)
ii. Alum or ferric sludge may be discharged to a sanitary sewer if available and feasible. Acceptance
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Section 541 Page 103
of such waste must be approved by the sewer authority. (7-1-24)
iii. Dewatered alum or ferric sludge may be disposed of in a sanitary landfill in accordance with the
requirements of IDAPA 58.01.06, “Solid Waste Management Rules.” Acceptance of such waste is at the discretion of
the landfill authority. (7-1-24)
iv. Alum or ferric sludge may be disposed of by land application if the permitting requirements of
IDAPA 58.01.02, “Water Quality Standards,” and IDAPA 58.01.17, “Recycled Water Rules,” are met. (7-1-24)
v. Water removed from alum or ferric sludge may be disposed of in the same manner as liquid
concentrates, as described in Subsection 540.02. (7-1-24)
c. Filter Backwash Sludge. (7-1-24)
i. Recycling is permitted if the backwash waters are returned to the head of the treatment plant or
another entry point if supported by engineering studies. Backwash water will be held for a sufficient time prior to
recycling to allow solids to settle out. (7-1-24)
ii. Dewatered sludge from backwash water clarification processes may be disposed of in a sanitary
landfill in accordance with the requirements of IDAPA 58.01.06, “Solid Waste Management Rules.” Acceptance of
such waste must be approved by the landfill authority. (7-1-24)
d. Waste residuals containing radioactive substances, including, but not limited to granular activated
carbon used for radon removal or ion-exchange regeneration waste from uranium removal, must be disposed of in
accordance with IDAPA 58.01.10, “Rules Regulating the Disposal of Radioactive Materials Not Regulated Under
The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, As Amended.” (7-1-24)
i. The buildup of radioactive materials such as uranium or radon and its decay products must be
considered and adequate shielding and safeguards will be provided for operators and visitors. (7-1-24)
ii. Waste residuals containing naturally occurring radioactive materials that have been concentrated by
human activities must be disposed of in an approved hazardous waste landfill (Class D), in accordance with the
IDAPA 58.01.10, “Rules Regulating the Disposal of Radioactive Materials not Regulated Under the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as Amended,” and IDAPA 58.01.06, “Solid Waste Management Rules. (7-1-24)
iii. Waste residuals containing greater than point zero five (.05) percent by weight of uranium are
subject to licensing and disposal under the regulations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV, 611
Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Arlington, TX 76011, Phone 817-860-8299. (7-1-24)
e. Solid waste residuals containing arsenic at a concentration less than five (5) mg/l may be disposed
of at a sanitary landfill if permitted under IDAPA 58.01.06, “Solid Waste Management Rules.” Solid waste
containing arsenic at a concentration greater than five (5) mg/l must be disposed of at an approved hazardous waste
landfill. Liquid wastes generated by arsenic treatment processes are subject to the handling and disposal requirements
for liquid concentrates, as discussed under Subsection 540.02. (7-1-24)
04. Spent Media. Exhausted ion exchange media, adsorption media, disposable filters, and other
components of treatment processes that contain concentrated contaminants must be disposed of in accordance with
IDAPA 58.01.06, “Solid Waste Management Rules,” or IDAPA 58.01.10, “Rules Regulating the Disposal of
Radioactive Materials not Regulated Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended.” (7-1-24)
Pumping facilities must be designed to maintain the sanitary quality of pumped water. (7-1-24)
Pump Houses. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, pump house components must be
located above-grade. The following requirements apply to pump houses as defined in Section 003 unless it can be
shown that some or all of these requirements are not needed to protect the combination of system components in a
given structure: (7-1-24)
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Section 541 Page 104
a. Pump houses must be readily accessible for operation, maintenance, and repair at all times and
under all weather conditions unless permitted to be out of service for a period of inaccessibility. (7-1-24)
b. Pump houses must be protected from flooding and must be adequately drained. The ground surface
will be graded so as to lead surface drainage away from the pump house. Unless otherwise approved by the
Department, the floor surface will be at least six (6) inches above the final ground surface and pump house
components will be located at least six (6) inches above the floor surface. (7-1-24)
c. Pump houses must be of durable construction, fire and weather resistant, and with outward-opening
doors. All underground structures must be waterproofed. (7-1-24)
d. Provisions must be made for adequate heating for the comfort of the operator and the safe and
efficient operation of the equipment. In pump houses not occupied by personnel, only enough heat need be provided
to prevent freezing of equipment or treatment processes. (7-1-24)
e. Ventilation must conform to existing local and state codes. Adequate ventilation will be provided
for all pumping stations for operator comfort and dissipation of excess heat and moisture from the equipment. In all
cases, measures must be taken to minimize corrosion of metallic and electrical components. (7-1-24)
f. Pump houses must be provided with a locking door or access to prohibit unauthorized entrance and
must be protected to prevent vandalism and entrance by animals. Plans and specifications for pump houses must
provide enough detail to enable the Department to determine that the facility is secure, safe, accessible, and that it
conforms to electrical and plumbing codes. (7-1-24)
g. Pump houses must be kept clean and in good repair and may not be used to store toxic or hazardous
materials other than those materials required for treatment processes. (7-1-24)
h. A suitable outlet must be provided for drainage from pump glands without discharging onto the
floor. (7-1-24)
i. Floor drains may not be connected to sewers, storm drains, chlorination room drains, or any other
source of contamination unless otherwise approved by the Department. Gas chlorination room drains may not be
connected to any other drainage system and must terminate in a properly located below ground sump. Sumps for
pump house floor drains may not be closer than thirty (30) feet from any well. (7-1-24)
j. Adequate space must be provided for the installation of potential additional units and for the safe
and efficient servicing of all equipment. (7-1-24)
k. Suction basins must be watertight, have floors sloped to permit removal of water and settled solids,
be covered or otherwise protected against contamination, and have two (2) pumping compartments or other means to
allow the suction basin to be taken out of service for inspection maintenance or repair. (7-1-24)
l. Pump houses must be designed to allow efficient equipment servicing. Crane ways, hoist beams,
eye bolts, or other adequate facilities for servicing or removal of pumps, motors or other heavy equipment will be
provided. Openings in floors, roofs or wherever else must be provided as needed for removal of heavy or bulky
equipment. (7-1-24)
m. All remote controlled stations must be electrically operated and controlled and have signaling
apparatus of proven performance. Signaling apparatus must report automatically when the station is out of service.
n. Any threaded hose bib installed in the pump house must be equipped with an appropriate backflow
prevention device. (7-1-24)
. Pumping Units. At least two (2) pumping units must be provided for raw water and surface source
pumps. Pumps using seals containing mercury may not be used in PWS facilities. With any pump out of service, the
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 541 Page 105
remaining pump or pumps must be capable of providing the peak hour demand of the PWS or a minimum of the
maximum day demand plus equalization storage. See Subsection 501.18 for general design requirements concerning
fire flow capacity and Subsection 501.07 regarding reliability and emergency operation. The pumping units must
meet the following requirements: (7-1-24)
a. The pumps have ample capacity to supply the maximum demand against the required pressure
without dangerous overloading. (7-1-24)
b. The pumps are driven by prime movers able to meet the maximum horsepower condition of the
pumps. (7-1-24)
c. The pumps are provided with readily available spare parts and tools. (7-1-24)
d. The pumps are to be served by control equipment that has proper heater and overload protection for
air temperature encountered. (7-1-24)
e. Suction lift is avoided if possible. When suction lift is used, it must be within the limits allowed by
the manufacturer of the pumps, and provision will be made for priming the pumps. (7-1-24)
f. Prime water must not be of lesser sanitary quality than that of the water being pumped. Means will
be provided to prevent either backpressure or back-siphonage backflow. When an air-operated ejector is used, the
twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-corrodible screened intake will draw clean air from a point at least ten (10) feet
above the ground or other source of possible contamination, unless the air is filtered by an apparatus approved by the
Department. Vacuum priming may be used. (7-1-24)
03. Appurtenances. The following appurtenances must be provided for all water pumps. Additional
requirements specific to well pumps are provided in Section 511. (7-1-24)
a. Pumps must be protected against freezing and valved to permit satisfactory operation, maintenance,
and repair of the equipment. If foot valves are necessary, they must have a net valve area of at least two and one-half
(2.5) times the area of the suction pipe and be screened. Each pump must have an accessible check valve on the
discharge side between the pump and the shut-off valve or a combination valve that performs both control valve and
check valve functions. Surge relief measures must be designed to minimize hydraulic transients. (7-1-24)
b. Piping must be designed with watertight joints, friction losses minimized, protection against surge
or water hammer, suitable restraints, and not be subject to contamination. (7-1-24)
c. Each pump must have an individual suction line or manifolded suction lines such that they will
ensure similar hydraulic and operating conditions. (7-1-24)
d. Each pump station must have a standard pressure gauge on its discharge line and suction line.
e. Water seals may not be supplied with water of a lesser sanitary quality than that of the water being
pumped. Where pumps are sealed with potable water and are pumping water of lesser sanitary quality, the seal must:
i. Be provided with either an approved reduced pressure principle backflow preventer or a break tank
open to atmospheric pressure, (7-1-24)
ii. Where a break tank is provided, have an air gap of at least six (6) inches or two (2) pipe diameters,
whichever is greater, between the feeder line and the flood rim of the tank. (7-1-24)
f. Pumps, their prime movers, and accessories must be controlled in such a manner that they will
operate at rated capacity without dangerous overload. Where two (2) or more pumps are installed, provision must be
made for alternation. Provision must be made to prevent energizing the mo
tor in the event of a backspin cycle.
Equipment will be provided or other arrangements made to prevent surge pressures from activating controls which
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Section 542 Page 106
switch on pumps or activate other equipment outside the normal design cycle of operation. (7-1-24)
04. Booster Pumps. In addition to other applicable requirements in Section 541, booster pumps must
comply with the following: (7-1-24)
a. In-line booster pumps must maintain an operating pressure that is consistent with the requirements
specified in Subsection 552.01, and be supplied with an automatic cutoff when intake pressure is less than or equal to
five (5) psi. (7-1-24)
b. Booster pumps with a suction line directly connected to any storage reservoirs must be protected by
an automatic cutoff to prevent pump damage and avoid excessive reservoir drawdown. (7-1-24)
c. Each booster pumping station must contain not less than two (2) pumps with capacities such that
peak hour demand, or a minimum of the maximum day demand plus equalization storage, can be satisfied with any
pump out of service. See Subsection 501.18 for general design requirements concerning fire flow capacity. (7-1-24)
01. Protection from Contamination. Th
e distribution system must be protected from contamination
and be designed to prevent contamination by steam condensate or cooling water from engine jackets or other heat
exchange devices. (7-1-24)
02. Installation of Water Mains. Division 400 of “Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction,”
referenced in Subsection 002.02, may be used as guidance for installation of water mains. In addition, the following
provisions apply: (7-1-24)
a. Installed pipe must be pressure tested and leakage tested in accordance with the applicable AWWA
Standards, incorporated by reference into these rules at Subsection 002.01. (7-1-24)
b. New, cleaned, and repaired water mains must be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard
C651, incorporated by reference into these rules at Subsection 002.01. The specifications must include detailed
procedures for the adequate flushing, disinfection, and microbiological testing of all water mains. (7-1-24)
c. In areas where aggressive soil conditions are suspected or known to exist, analyses must be
performed to determine the actual aggressiveness of the soil. If soils are found to be aggressive, action must be taken
to protect metallic joint restraints and the water main, such as encasement in polyethylene, provision of cathodic
protection, or use of corrosion resistant materials. (7-1-24)
d. The Department must approve any interconnection between potable water sources, taking into
account differences in water quality between the two systems. (7-1-24)
e. A continuous and uniform bedding must be provided in the trench for all buried pipe. Backfill
material must be tamped in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and
protect the pipe. Stones found in the trench must be removed for a depth of at least six (6) inches below the bottom of
the pipe. (7-1-24)
f. Water mains must be covered with sufficient earth or other insulation to prevent freezing. (7-1-24)
g. All tees, bends, plugs and hydrants must be provided with reaction blocking, tie rods or joints
designed to prevent movement. (7-1-24)
03. Pressure Relief Valves. All pumps connected directly to the distribution system must be designed
in conjunction with a water pressure relief valve of type, size, and material approved by the Department unless the
Department approves another method that will prevent excessive pressure development. (7-1-24)
04. Flow Meter Required. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, all source pumps and
booster pumps connected directly to the distribution system must have an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter,
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Section 542 Page 107
equipped with nonvolatile memory, installed in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. (7-1-24)
05. Pipe and Jointing Materials. Pipe and jointing materials comply with the standards set forth in
Subsection 501.01. Pipe must be manufactured of materials resistant internally and externally to corrosion and not
imparting tastes, odors, color, or any contaminant into the PWS. Where distribution systems are installed in areas of
groundwater contaminated by organic compounds: (7-1-24)
a. Pipe and joint materials which do not allow permeation of the organic compounds must be used;
and (7-1-24)
b. Non-permeable materials must be used for all portions of the PWS including pipe, joint materials,
hydrant leads, and service connections. (7-1-24)
06. Size of Water Mains. When fire hydrants are provided, they may not be connected to water mains
smaller than six (6) inches in diameter, and fire hydrants may not be installed unless fire flow volumes are available.
If fire flow is not provided, water mains will be no less than three (3) inches in diameter. Any departure from these
minimum standards must be supported by hydraulic analysis and detailed projections of water use. (7-1-24)
07. Separation of Potable, Non-Potable, and Raw Water Pipelines. The requirements for the
protection of potable pipelines from contamination by non-potable pipelines are described in Subsections 542.07.a.
through 542.07.d. For the purposes of Subsection 542.07, the term “pipeline” applies to both mains and services. The
Department will use the Memorandum of Understanding with the Plumbing Bureau as guidance in determining the
relative responsibilities for reviewing service lines. The conditions of Subsections 542.07.a. through 542.07.d. apply
to all potable services constructed or reconstructed after April 15, 2007 and where the Department or the QLPE is the
reviewing authority. Raw water pipelines must be protected from contamination from non-potable pipelines, and
must not contaminate potable pipelines. They must meet equivalent separation distances shown below from either
potable or non-potable pipelines. (7-1-24)
a. Alternative separation distances may be considered for Subsections 542.07.b through 542.07.c. on
a case-by-case basis when considering constructability, public health risk, environmental risk, and cost. The design
engineer must submit data to the Department for review and approval showing that the proposed installation will be
protective of public health and the environment. (7-1-24)
b. Parallel installation requirements. (7-1-24)
i. Potable mains in relation to non-potable mains. (7-1-24)
(1) Greater than ten (10) feet separation: no additional requirements. (7-1-24)
(2) Ten (10) feet to six (6) feet separation: separate trenches, with the bottom of the potable main above
the top of the non-potable main, and non-potable main constructed with potable water class pipe. (7-1-24)
(3) Non-potable mains are prohibited from being located in the same trench as potable mains. (7-1-24)
ii. Potable services in relation to non-potable pipelines and non-potable services in relation to potable
pipelines. (7-1-24)
(1) Greater than six (6) feet separation: no additional requirements. (7-1-24)
(2) Potable services are prohibited from being located in the same trench as non-potable pipelines.
c. Requirements for potable water pipelines crossing non-potable pipelines. Crossings must be
perpendicular, unless otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
i. If there is eighteen (18) inches or more vertical separation with the potable water pipeline above the
non-potable pipeline, then the potable pipeline joints must be as far as possible from the non-potable water pipeline.
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ii. If there is eighteen (18) inches or more vertical separation with the potable water pipeline below the
non-potable pipeline, then the potable pipeline joints must be as far as possible from the non-potable pipeline, and the
non-potable pipeline must be supported through the crossing to prevent settling. (7-1-24)
iii. Less than eighteen (18) inches vertical separation: (7-1-24)
(1) Potable pipeline joint must be as far as possible from the non-potable pipeline; and either: (7-1-24)
(a) Non-potable pipeline must be constructed with potable water class pipe for a minimum of ten (10)
feet either side of potable pipeline with a single twenty (20) foot section of potable water class pipe centered on the
crossing; or (7-1-24)
(b) The non-potable or potable pipeline must be sleeved with potable water class pipe for ten (10) feet
either side of crossing. Use of hydraulic cementitious materials such as concrete, controlled density fill, and concrete
slurry encasement is not allowed as a substitute for sleeving. (7-1-24)
(2) If potable pipeline is below non-potable pipeline, the non-potable pipeline must also be supported
through the crossing to prevent settling. (7-1-24)
d. Non-potable pressure pipelines must no
t be: (7-1-24)
i. Closer horizontally than ten (10) feet from potable mains. (7-1-24)
ii. Closer vertically than eighteen (18) inches from potable pipelines. (7-1-24)
08. Separation from Subsurface Wastewater Systems and Other Sources of Contamination. A
minimum horizontal distance of twenty-five (25) feet must be maintained between any potable water pipe and a
septic tank or subsurface wastewater disposal system. Guidance on separation from other potential sources of
contamination, such as stormwater facilities, may be found on the Department website
09. Dead End Mains. All dead end water mains must be equipped with a means of flushing at a water
velocity of two and one-half (2.5) feet per second. (7-1-24)
a. Dead ends must be minimized by looping whenever practical in order to provide increased
reliability of service and reduce head loss. (7-1-24)
b. Flushing must be designed in such a way as to minimize any erosion of unprotected areas and, if
applicable, be coordinated with the owner of the receiving system. No water main flushing device may be directly
connected to any sewer. (7-1-24)
c. Stub outs for future main connections must meet all requirements for dead end mains listed in
Subsection 542.09 as determined by the Department. Flushing devices may be temporary in nature. (7-1-24)
10. Repair of Leaks. Leaking water mains must be repaired or replaced upon discovery and
disinfected in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards, incorporated by reference
into these rules at Subsection 002.01. (7-1-24)
11. Separation from Structures. Water mains must be separated by at least five (5) feet from
buildings, industrial facilities, and other permanent structures. (7-1-24)
12. Shut-Off Valve Required. All new PWSs, and portions of existing systems undergoing material
modification of distribution or transmission lines, must include an accessible and lockable shut-off valve at each
service connection in the section of distribution or transmission line that is being constructed or modified within the
project. Shut-off valves may be installed in a meter vault. (7-1-24)
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Section 542 Page 109
13. Minimum Pressure at Building Sites. Any PWS constructed or undergoing material modification
where topographical relief may affect water pressure at the customers’ premises must provide the Department with an
analysis which demonstrates that the pressure at each designated building site will be at least forty (40) psi, based on
dynamic pressure in the main, as set forth in Subsections 552.01.b.i. and 552.01.b.v., plus a static compensation from
the elevation of the main to the elevation of each building site. (7-1-24)
a. If forty (40) psi cannot be provided at each designated building site, the Department may require
that reasonable effort be made to provide notification to existing and potential customers of the expected pressure.
b. The Department will not authorize a service connection at any designated building site where
analysis indicates that pressure will be less than twenty (20) psi dynamic pressure (or twenty-six point five (26.5) psi
for two (2) story buildings). (7-1-24)
14. Isolation Valves. A sufficient number of valves must be provided on water mains to minimize
inconvenience and sanitary hazards during repairs. (7-1-24)
15. Air Valves. At high points in water mains where air can accumulate, provisions must be made to
remove the air by means of air release and vacuum relief valves or combination air release/vacuum relief valves. Air
release valves, vacuum relief valves, or combination air release/vacuum relief valves may not be required if vacuum
relief and air release functions in the pipeline can be adequately handled by approved appurtenances such as fire
hydrants. (7-1-24)
a. The open end of an air valve must be extended to at least one (1) foot above grade and provided
with a twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-corrodible screened, downward-facing elbow. When the air vent on an
air relief valve cannot be practically installed above ground, the vent may be below grade provided the air vent is
extended to the top of the valve vault and provided with a twenty-four (24) mesh or similar non-corrodible screened,
downward-facing elbow. In addition, for below ground vents, the valve vault must be rated for appropriate traffic
loading in traffic areas and the vault drained to daylight or provided with adequate drainage to prevent flooding of the
vault. (7-1-24)
b. Discharge piping from air valves or combination air release/vacuum relief valves may not connect
directly to any storm drain, storm sewer, or sanitary sewer. (7-1-24)
16. Backflow Protection. Automatic air relief valves must be equipped with a means of backflow
protection. (7-1-24)
17. Surface Water Crossings. For the purposes of Subsection 542.17, surface water is defined as all
surface accumulations of water, natural or artificial, public or private, or parts thereof which are wholly or partially
within, which flow through or border upon the state. This includes, but is not limited to, rivers, streams, canals,
ditches, lakes, and ponds. Surface water crossings, whether over or under water, must be constructed as follows:
a. Pipe used in above water crossings must be adequately supported and anchored, protected from
damage and freezing, and be accessible for repair or replacement. (7-1-24)
b. Pipe used in under water crossings must have a minimum cover of two (2) feet. When crossing a
water course that is greater than fifteen (15) feet in width, the following must be provided: (7-1-24)
i. The pipe will be of special construction, having flexible, restrained, or welded water-tight joints;
and (7-1-24)
Valves are to be provided at both ends of water crossings so that the section can be isolated for
testing or repair; the valves will be easily accessible and not subject to flooding; and (7-1-24)
iii. Permanent taps or other provisions to allow insertion of a small meter to determine leakage and
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 543 Page 110
obtain water samples will be made on each side of the valve closest to the supply source. (7-1-24)
There must be no connection between the distribution system and any pipes, pumps, hydrants, water loading stations,
or tanks whereby unsafe water or other contaminating materials may be discharged or drawn into a PWS. Community
PWS owners must meet the cross connection control program requirements in Subsection 552.06. (7-1-24)
01. Testable Assemblies. All double check valve backflow prevention assemblies, reduced pressure
principle backflow prevention assemblies, spill resistant vacuum breakers, and pressure vacuum breakers used must
pass a performance test conducted by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection Control
and Hydraulic Research (USC Foundation) and be included on the USC Foundation “List of Approved Assemblies”
for the application and orientation for which they are installed. (7-1-24)
02. Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers. All atmospheric vacuum breakers used must be marked
approved either by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) or by the American
Society of Sanitation Engineers (ASSE). (7-1-24)
03. Replacement Parts and Components. All replacement parts and components, including resilient
seated shutoff valves, must meet original manufacturer’s specifications or otherwise be approved by the USC
Foundation as replacement parts or components for use on double check valve backflow prevention assemblies,
reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies, pressure vacuum breakers, and spill resistant pressure
vacuum breakers. The design, material, or operational characteristics of any assembly must not be altered during
maintenance or repair. (7-1-24)
04. Assembly Selection. Appropriate and adequate backflow prevention assembly types for various
facilities, fixtures, equipment, and uses of water must be selected from the AWWA Recommended Practice for
Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control (M14), the USC Foundation Manual of Cross Connection
Control, or other sources deemed acceptable by the Department. The selected assembly manufacturer model number
must be included on the USC Foundation “List of Approved Assemblies” and must comply with local ordinances.
The materials and designs used for finished water storage structures must provide stability and durability as well as
tect the quality of the stored water. Finished water storage structures must be designed to maintain water
circulation and prevent water stagnation. Steel structures and facilities such as steel tanks, standpipes, reservoirs, and
elevated tanks must be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable AWWA Standards, incorporated by
reference into these rules at Subsection 002.01. Other materials of construction are acceptable when properly
designed to meet the requirements of Section 544. (7-1-24)
01. Sizing and Isolation Requirements. (7-1-24)
a. Storage facilities must have sufficient capacity, as determined from engineering studies that
consider peak flows, fire flow capacity, and analysis of the need for various components of finished storage as
defined under the term “Components of Finished Water Storage” in Section 003. The requirement for storage may be
reduced when the source and treatment facilities have sufficient capacity with standby power to supply peak demands
of the PWS. (7-1-24)
b. All storage structures which provide pressure directly to the distribution system, such as elevated
storage structures or ground level storage structures with associated pumping systems, must be designed so they can
be isolated and drained for cleaning or maintenance without causing a loss of pressure in the distribution system.
02. Location. Storage facilities must be located in a manner that protects against contamination,
ensures structural stability, protects against flooding, and provides year-round access by vehicles and equipment
needed for repair and maintenance. (7-1-24)
a. If the bottom elevation of a storage reservoir must be below normal ground surface, it must be
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 544 Page 111
placed above the seasonal high groundwater table. The top of a partially buried storage structure may not be less than
two (2) feet above normal ground surface. (7-1-24)
b. Minimum separation distances from storage facilities must meet the following requirements:
03. Protection from Contamination. All finished water storage structures must have suitable
watertight roofs which exclude birds, animals, insects, and excessive dust. The installation of appurtenances, such as
antennas, must be done in a manner that ensures no damage to the tank, coatings or water quality, or corrects any
damage that occurred. (7-1-24)
04. Protection from Trespassers. Fencing, locks on access manholes, and other necessary precautions
must be provided to prevent trespassing, vandalism, and sabotage. (7-1-24)
05. Drains. No drain on a water storage structure may have a direct connection to a sewer or storm
drain. The design must allow draining the storage facility for cleaning or maintenance without causing loss of
pressure in the distribution system. (7-1-24)
06. Overflow. Overflow pipes of any storage structure or facility must discharge to daylight in a way
that will preclude the possibility of backflow to the reservoir and, where practical, be provided with an expanded
metal screen installed within the pipe that will exclude rodents and deter vandalism. The overflow pipe must be of
sufficient diameter to permit waste of water in excess of the filling rate and be designed to mitigate blockage or
freezing (see Subsection 544.11). The overflow must discharge over a drainage inlet structure or a splash plate and,
when practical, discharge at an elevation between twelve (12) and twenty-four (24) inches above the receiving
surface. (7-1-24)
a. When an internal overflow pipe is used on above-ground tanks, it must be located in the access
tube. (7-1-24)
Minimum Separation Distances From Storage Facilities (feet)
Feature of Concern Storage Facility Type
Below Ground Partially Buried Ground Level Above Ground
Non-Potable Pipelines 50 50
Non-Potable Pipelines
Constructed of Water
Class Pipe
20 20
Standing Water 50 50 50
Possible Sources of Con-
50 50 20 20
Nearest Property Line 50 50 20 20
Municipal or Industrial
Wastewater Treatment
500 500 500 500
Land Which is Spray Irri-
gated With Wastewater
or Used for Sludge Dis-
500 500 500 500
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 544 Page 112
b. The overflow for ground-level, partially buried, or below-ground storage structures or facilities
must have a vertical section of pipe at least two (2) pipe diameters in length and be screened with a twenty-four (24)
mesh non-corrodible screen installed within the pipe when practical or an expanded metal screen installed within the
pipe plus a weighted flapper valve or check unless otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
07. Access. Finished water storage structures must be designed with reasonably convenient access to
the interior for cleaning and maintenance. At least two (2) manholes will be provided above the waterline at each
water compartment where space permits, as determined by the Department. One (1) manhole may be allowed on
smaller tanks on a case-by-case basis. (7-1-24)
a. The following access requirements apply to above-ground and ground-level storage structures.
Each access manhole must be framed a minimum of four (4) inches above the surface of the roof at the opening. The
actual height above the surface of the roof must be sufficient to prevent incidental contamination from snow
accumulation, storm water runoff or accumulation, irrigation water, or other potential sources of contamination.
b. The following access requirements apply to, partially buried or below-ground storage structures.
Each access manhole must be elevated a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches above the surface of the roof or the
ground level, whichever is higher. The actual height above the surface of the roof or the ground level must be
sufficient to prevent incidental contamination from snow accumulation, storm water runoff or accumulation,
irrigation water, or other potential sources of contamination. (7-1-24)
c. Each manhole must be fitted with a solid water tight cover designed to prevent the entrance of
contaminants. Each cover may be hinged only on one (1) side and have a locking device. Unless otherwise approved
by the Department based, each cover will have a framed opening with the lid extending down around the frame at
least two (2) inches, and the frame will be at least four (4) inches high. (7-1-24)
08. Vents. Finished water storage structures must be vented. The overflow pipe may not be considered
a vent. Open construction between the sidewall and roof is not permissible. Vents must: (7-1-24)
a. Prevent the entrance of surface water and rainwater and extend twelve (12) inches above the roof.
b. Exclude birds and animals. (7-1-24)
c. Exclude insects and dust, as much as this function can be made compatible with effective venting
and be designed to mitigate blockage or freezing (see Subsection 544.11). (7-1-24)
d. On ground-level, partially buried, or below-ground structures, open downward with the opening at
least twenty-four (24) inches above the roof or the ground level and covered with twenty-four (24) mesh non-
corrodible screen or similar non-corrodible screen. The screen is to be installed within the pipe at a location least
susceptible to vandalism. (7-1-24)
e. On above-ground tanks and standpipes, open downward, and be fitted with twenty-four (24) mesh
or similar non-corrodible screen. (7-1-24)
09. Roof and Sidewall. The roof and sidewalls of all water storage structures must be watertight with
no openings except properly constructed vents, manholes, overflows, risers, drains, pump mountings, control ports,
or piping for inflow and outflow. Particular attention is to be given to the sealing of roof structures which are not
integral to the tank body. (7-1-24)
a. Any pipes running through the roof or sidewall of a metal storage structure must be welded, or
properly gasketed. In concrete tanks, these pipes must be connected to standard wall castings which were poured in
place during the forming of the concrete. (7-1-24)
b. Openings in
the roof of a storage structure designed to accommodate control apparatus or pump
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 545 Page 113
columns must be curbed and sleeved with proper additional shielding to prevent contamination from surface or floor
drainage. (7-1-24)
c. The roof of the storage structure must be sloped to facilitate drainage. Downspout pipes may not
enter or pass through the reservoir. Parapets, or similar construction which tends to hold water and snow on the roof,
will not be approved unless adequate waterproofing and drainage are provided. (7-1-24)
d. Reservoirs with pre-cast concrete roof structures must be made watertight with the use of a
waterproof membrane or similar product. (7-1-24)
10. Construction Materials. Materials used in storage facility construction must meet the
requirements for water contact surfaces set forth in Subsection 501.01. Porous materials such as wood or concrete
block are not acceptable for use in storage construction. (7-1-24)
11. Protection from Freezing. Finished water storage structures and their appurtenances, especially
the riser pipes, overflows, and vents, must be designed to prevent freezing. (7-1-24)
12. Internal Catwalk. Every catwalk over finished water in a storage structure must have a solid floor
with sealed raised edges, designed to prevent contamination. (7-1-24)
13. Silt Stops. Removable silt stops must be provided to prevent sediment from entering the reservoir
discharge pipe. (7-1-24)
14. Grading. The area surrounding a ground-level, partially buried, or below-ground structures must
be graded in a manner that will prevent surface water from standing. (7-1-24)
15. Coatings and Cathodic Protection. Proper protection must be given to metal surfaces by paints or
other protective coatings, by cathodic protective devices, or by both. (7-1-24)
16. Disinfection. Storage facilities must be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C652,
incorporated by reference into these rules at Subsection 002.01. Two (2) or more successive sets of samples, taken at
twenty-four (24) hour intervals, must indicate microbiologically satisfactory water before the facility is placed into
operation. (7-1-24)
17. Abandonment. All unused subsurface storage tanks must be removed and backfilled, or
abandoned by extracting residual fluids and filling the structure with sand or fine gravel. (7-1-24)
The design standards of Section 544 apply to treatment plant storage. (7-1-24)
01. Filter Wash Water. Filter wash water tanks must be sized, in conjunction with available pump
units and finished water storage, to provide the backwash water required by Section 521. Consideration must be given
to the backwashing of several filters in rapid succession. (7-1-24)
02. Clearwell. When finished water storage is used to provide disinfectant contact time special
attention must be given to tank size and baffling. An overflow and vent must be provided. A minimum of two (2)
clearwell compartments must be provided to allow for cleaning or maintenance. Clearwells constructed under filters
may be exempt from the requirements set out in Subsection 544.02.d. when the design provides adequate protection
from contamination. (7-1-24)
03. Adjacent Storage. Finished or treated water must not be stored or conveyed in a compartment
adjacent to untreated or partially treated water when the two (2) compartments are separated by a single wall, unless
approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
04. Other Treatment Plant Storage Tanks. Unless otherwise allowed by the Department, other
treatment plant storage tanks/basins such as detention basins, backwash reclaim tanks, receiving basins, and pump
wet-wells for finished water must be designed as finished water storage structures. In addition, these tanks/basins
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 546 Page 114
must be designed to allow for cleaning or maintenance through temporary tanks, standby pumping capabilities, or
other means approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
01. Design. Th
e applicable design standards of Section 544 apply to distribution system storage.
02. Isolation. Finished water storage structures which provide pressure directly to the distribution
system must be designed so they can be isolated from the distribution system and drained for cleaning or maintenance
without causing a loss of pressure in the distribution system. This requirement may be met through available
temporary tanks, redundant pumping capabilities, or other temporary means approved by the Department. If the
finished water storage structure provides fire flow for the PWS, the PWS owner must provide the local fire authority
advance notification of cleaning or maintenance events which isolate the structure from the distribution system and
reduce available fire flow to less than the minimum required by the local fire authority. (7-1-24)
03. Drain. Drains must discharge to daylight in a way that will preclude the possibility of backflow to
the reservoir and, where practical, be provided with an expanded metal screen installed within the pipe that will
exclude rodents and deter vandalism. The drain will, when practical, discharge at an elevation between twelve (12)
and twenty-four (24) inches above the receiving surface, and discharge over a drainage inlet structure or a splash
plate. (7-1-24)
04. Level Controls. Adequate controls must be provided to maintain levels in distribution system
storage structures. Level indicating devices must be provided at a central location. (7-1-24)
Hydropneumatic tanks may be used to regulate pump cycling and to absorb pressure surges (water hammer).
ropneumatic tanks may not be used for storage for PWSs serving more than one-hundred-fifty (150) connections
unless otherwise approved by the Department. (7-1-24)
01. Design of Hydropneumatic Systems. Tanks must: (7-1-24)
a. Be located above normal ground surface and be completely housed. (7-1-24)
b. Have bypass piping to permit operation of the PWS while the tank is being repaired or painted.
Exterior surfaces and accessible interior surfaces are to be provided with protective coatings and shall be maintained
in good condition. Supports beneath tanks must be structurally sound. (7-1-24)
c. Be sized to limit pump cycles to not more than six (6) per hour unless a pump manufacturer’s
warranty specifically supports more frequent cycling. The number of pump cycles may be increased in PWSs with
multiple pumps if a means to automatically alternate pumps is provided. The Franklin Electric AIM manual,
referenced in Subsection 002.02, Chapter 11 of the Washington State Department of Health Water System Design
Manual, referenced in Subsection 002.02, or manufacturer’s recommendations may be used as guidance in
calculating the size of hydropneumatic tanks. (7-1-24)
d. Conform with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) specifications code for
unfired pressure vessels when they are of greater than one-hundred twenty (120) gallons volume. Tanks of less than
one hundred twenty (120) gallons volume must meet the ASME code or be certified by a nationally recognized
testing agency to be capable of withstanding twice the maximum allowable working pressure. (7-1-24)
02. Requirements Specific to Conventional Hydropneumatic Tanks. Conventional tanks are those
with a direct air to water interface and require periodic air recharge to compensate for absorption of air into the water.
a. Each tank must have an access manhole, a drain, and control equipment consisting of a pressure
gauge, water sight glass, automatic or manual air blow-off, means for adding air that is filtered or otherwise protected
from contamination, and pressure operated start-stop controls for the pumps. If tank size allows, the access manhole
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 548 Page 115
will be at least twenty-four (24) inches in diameter. (7-1-24)
b. The gross volume of tanks in PWSs served by variable speed pumps may be less than that required
for PWSs served by constant speed pumps. Design volumes will be approved by the Department on a site-specific
basis. (7-1-24)
03. Requirements Specific to Bladder Tanks. Bladder tanks have a membrane that separates air and
water inside the tank. (7-1-24)
a. Bladder tanks must be pre-charged with air to a pressure of five (5) psi below the setting at which
the pump turns on (the low operating pressure for the PWS). (7-1-24)
b. Each manifold assembly must have a pressure gauge and pressure operated start-stop controls for
the pumps. (7-1-24)
c. The procedure for sizing bladder tanks is to determine the number of a selected size of tanks that
are needed to provide pump protection. Reduced tank volume in PWSs served by variable speed pumps will be
approved by the Department on a site-specific basis. (7-1-24)
Any supplier of water for a PWS must ensure that new construction or modifications to an existing PWS are flushed
and disinfected in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards, incorporated by
reference into these rules at Subsection 002.01, prior to being placed into service. (7-1-24)
549. -- 551. (RESERVED)
01. Quantity and Pressure Requirements. Des
ign requirements regarding pressure analysis are found
in Section 542.13. (7-1-24)
a. The minimum capacity of a PWS must be at least eight hundred (800) gallons per day per
residence. (7-1-24)
i. The minimum capacity of eight hundred (800) gallons per day is the design maximum day demand
rate exclusive of irrigation and fire flow requirements. (7-1-24)
ii. The minimum capacity of eight hundred (800) gallons per day is only acceptable if the PWS has
equalization storage of finished water in sufficient quantity to compensate for the difference between a PWS’s
maximum pumping capacity and peak hour demand. (7-1-24)
iii. The design capacity of a PWS for material modifications may be less than eight hundred (800)
gallons per day if the PWS owner provides information that demonstrates to the Department’s satisfaction the
maximum day demand for the PWS, exclusive of irrigation and fire flows, is less than eight hundred (800) gallons per
day per residence. (7-1-24)
b. All PWS owners must meet the following pressure requirements: (7-1-24)
i. Be capable of providing sufficient water during maximum day demand conditions, including fire
flow where provided, to maintain a minimum pressure of twenty (20) psi throughout the distribution system, at
ground level, as measured at the service connection or along the property line adjacent to the consumer’s premises.
ii. If an initial investigation by the water supplier fails to discover the causes of inadequate or
excessive pressure, the Department may require the water supplier to conduct a local pressure monitoring study to
diagnose and correct pressure problems. Compliance with these requirements by PWSs that do not have a meter vault
or other point of access at the service connection or along the property line adjacent to the consumer’s premises
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 552 Page 116
where pressure in the distribution system can be reliably measured must be determined by measurements within the
consumer’s premises, or at another representative location acceptable to the Department. (7-1-24)
iii. Copies of pressure monitoring study reports required under Subsection 552.01.b.iii. detailing study
results and any resulting corrective actions planned or performed by the PWS owner must be submitted to the
Department in accordance with these rules. (7-1-24)
iv. The following PWSs or service areas of PWSs must maintain a minimum pressure of forty (40) psi
throughout the distribution system, during peak hour demand conditions, excluding fire flow, measured at the service
connection or along the property line adjacent to the consumer’s premises. (7-1-24)
(1) Any PWS constructed or substantially modified after July 1, 1985. (7-1-24)
(2) Any new service areas. (7-1-24)
(3) Any PWS that is undergoing material modification where it is feasible to meet the pressure
requirements as part of the material modification. (7-1-24)
v. Any newly constructed PWSs, or portions of existing systems that are materially modified after
July 1, 2024, must keep static pressure within the distribution system below eighty (80) psi. Pressures above eighty
(80) psi must be controlled by pressure reducing valve stations installed in the distribution main. In areas where
failure of installed pressure reducing valve stations result in extremely high pressure, pressure relief valves may be
required. The Department may approve the use of pressure reducing devices at individual service connections on a
case-by-case basis, if it can be demonstrated that higher pressures in portions of the distribution system are required
for efficient PWS operation. If PWS modification will cause pressure to routinely exceed eighty (80) psi, or if a check
valve or an individual pressure reducing device is added to the service line, the PWS owner must notify affected
customers. Notification may include reasons for the elevated pressure, problems or damage that elevated pressure can
inflict on appliances or plumbing systems, and suggested procedures or mitigation efforts affected property owners
may initiate to minimize problems or damage. (7-1-24)
vi. The Department may allow the installation of booster pump systems at individual service
connections on a case-by-case basis. However, such an installation may only occur with the full knowledge and
agreement of the PWS owner, including assurance by the PWS that the individual booster pump will cause no adverse
effects on PWS operation. (7-1-24)
vii. For elevated storage tanks, pressure calculations during peak hour demand are based on the lowest
water level after both operational storage and equalization storage have been exhausted. Pressure calculations during
fire flow demands are based on the lowest water level after operational storage, equalization storage, and fire
suppression storage have been exhausted. (7-1-24)
viii. For hydropneumatic tanks, pressure calculations are based on the lowest pressure of the pressure
cycle and this requirement must be noted in the operation and maintenance manual. (7-1-24)
c. Any PWS designed to provide fire flows must ensure that such flows are compatible with the water
demand of existing and planned fire-fighting equipment and fire fighting practices in the area served by the PWS.
d. Irrigation Flows. (7-1-24)
i. Any PWS constructed after November 1, 1977, must be capable of providing water for
uncontrolled, simultaneous foreseeable irrigation demand, which includes all acreage that the PWS is designed to
irrigate. (7-1-24)
(1) The Department must concur with assumptions regarding the acreage to be irrigated. In general, an
assumption that no outside watering will occur is considered unsound and is unlikely to be approved. (7-1-24)
(2) An assumption of minimal outside watering, as in recreational subdivisions, may be acceptable if
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 552 Page 117
design flows are adequate for maintenance of “green zones” for protection against wildland fire. (7-1-24)
ii. The Department may modify the requirement of Subsection 552.01.d.i. if: (7-1-24)
(1) A separate irrigation system is provided; or (7-1-24)
(2) The supplier of water can regulate the rate of irrigation through its police powers, and the PWS is
designed to accommodate a regulated rate of irrigation flow. The Department may require the PWS to submit a legal
opinion addressing the enforceability of such police powers. (7-1-24)
iii. If a separate non-potable irrigation system is provided for the consumers, all mains, hydrants and
appurtenances must be easily identified as non-potable. The Department must concur with a plan to ensure that each
new potable water service is not cross-connected with the irrigation system. (7-1-24)
02. Groundwater. (7-1-24)
a. PWSs supplied by groundwater, must treat water within the PWS by disinfection if the
groundwater source is not protected from contamination. (7-1-24)
b. The Department may require disinfection for any existing PWS supplied by groundwater if the
PWS has repeated E.coli MCL exceedances, and if the PWS does not appear adequately protected from
contamination. Adequate protection will be determined based upon at least the following factors: (7-1-24)
i. Location of possible sources of contamination; (7-1-24)
ii. Size of the well lot; (7-1-24)
iii. Depth of the source of water; (7-1-24)
iv. Bacteriological quality of the aquifer; (7-1-24)
v. Geological characteristics of the area; and (7-1-24)
vi. Adequacy of development of the source. (7-1-24)
03. Operating Criteria. The operating criteria for PWSs that provide filtration are as follows:
a. A project specific operation and maintenance manual must be provided as required in Subsection
501.12. See definition of Operation and Maintenance Manual in Section 003 for the typical contents of an operation
and maintenance manual and the included operations plan. For the operations plan in the operation and maintenance
manual, additional guidance for several types of filtration systems can be found in the Department’s SWTR
Compliance Guidance referenced in Subsection 002.02. (7-1-24)
b. The PWS must conduct monitoring specified by the Department before serving water to the public
in order to protect the health of consumers served by the PWS. (7-1-24)
c. New treatment facilities must be operated in accordance with Subsection 552.03.a., and the PWS
must conduct monitoring specified by the Department for a trial period specified by the Department before serving
water to the public in order to protect the health of consumers served by the PWS. (7-1-24)
04. Disinfection. PWSs that regularly disinfect their water using chlorine are subject to the provisions
of Section 320. PWSs using surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water, are subject to
the disinfection requirements of Sections 300 and 518. PWSs using chlorine, ozone, chlorine dioxide, or other
disinfecting agents for the purposes of disinfection must meet the facility and design standards of Sections 530 and
531. PWSs using ultraviolet light for the purposes of disinfection must meet the facility and design standards of
Section 529. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 552 Page 118
a. PWSs using only ground water that add a disinfectant for the purpose of disinfection, as defined in
Section 003, are subject to the following requirements: (7-1-24)
i. The PWS must demonstrate that it is routinely achieving four (4) logs (ninety-nine point ninety-
nine percent) (99.99%)) inactivation/removal of viruses. The required effective contact time must be approved by the
Department. This condition must be attainable even when the design capacity coincides with anticipated maximum
disinfectant demands. (7-1-24)
ii. A detectable disinfectant residual must be maintained throughout the distribution system. PWSs
disinfecting through ultraviolet light will need to maintain a supplemental disinfectant capable of maintaining a
detectable disinfectant residual. (7-1-24)
iii. Analysis for disinfectant residual must be conducted at a location at or prior to the first service
connection at least daily and records of these analyses are to be kept by the supplier of water for at least one (1) year.
A report of all daily chlorine residual measurements for each calendar month must be submitted to the Department no
later than the tenth day of the following month. The frequency of measuring disinfectant residuals must be sufficient
to detect variations in demand or changes in water flow. (7-1-24)
iv. The Department may, in its discretion, require a treatment rate higher than that specified in
Subsection 552.04.a.i. (7-1-24)
b. PWSs using only groundwater that add disinfectant for the purpose of maintaining a disinfectant
residual in the distribution system, when the source(s) is not at risk of microbial contamination, are subject to analysis
for disinfectant residual made at a frequency that is sufficient to detect variations in demand or changes in water flow.
c. PWSs using only groundwater that add chlorine for other purposes, such as oxidation of metals or
taste and odor control, when the source(s) is known to be free of microbial contamination, must ensure that chlorine
residual entering the distribution system after treatment is less than four (4.0) mg/L. The requirements in Subsection
552.04.b.ii. also apply if the PWS maintains a chlorine residual in the distribution system. (7-1-24)
05. Fluoridation. (7-1-24)
a. Commercial sodium fluoride, sodium silico fluoride and hydrofluosilicic acid which conform to the
applicable American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards, incorporated by reference into these rules at
Subsection 002.01, are acceptable. Use of other chemicals must be specifically approved by the Department.
b. Fluoride compounds are to be stored in covered or unopened shipping containers. (7-1-24)
c. Provisions must be made to minimize the quantity of fluoride dust. Empty bags, drums, or barrels
are to be disposed of in a manner that will minimize exposure to fluoride dusts. (7-1-24)
d. Daily records of flow and amounts of fluoride added must be kept. An analysis for fluoride in
finished water must be made at least weekly. Records of these analyses are to be kept by the supplier of water for five
(5) years. (7-1-24)
06. Cross Connection Control Program - Community Water Systems. The water purveyor is
responsible through its cross connection control program to take reasonable and prudent measures to protect the PWS
against contamination and pollution from cross connections through premises isolation, internal or in-plant isolation,
fixture protection, or some combination of premises isolation, internal isolation, and fixture protection. Pursuant to
Section 543, all suppliers of water for community PWSs must implement a cross connection control program to
prevent the entrance to the PWS of materials known to be toxic or hazardous. The water purveyor is responsible to
enforce the PWS’s cross connection control program. The program will at a minimum include: (7-1-24)
An inspection program to locate cross connections and determine req
uired suitable protection. For
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 553 Page 119
new connections, PWS owners must verify suitable protection was installed prior to providing water service.
b. Required installation and operation of adequate backflow prevention assemblies. Appropriate and
adequate backflow prevention assembly types for various facilities, fixtures, equipment, and uses of water must be
selected from the Uniform Plumbing Code, the AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross
Connection Control (M14), the USC Foundation Manual of Cross Connection Control, or other sources deemed
acceptable by the Department. The assemblies must meet the requirements of Section 543 and comply with local
ordinances. (7-1-24)
c. Annual inspections and testing of all installed backflow prevention assemblies by a tester licensed
by a licensing authority recognized by the Department. Testing must be done in accordance with the test procedures
published by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic
Research. See the USC Foundation Manual of Cross-Connection Control referenced in Subsection 002.02. (7-1-24)
d. Discontinuance of service to any structure, facility, or premises where suitable backflow protection
has not been provided for a cross connection. (7-1-24)
e. Assemblies that cannot pass annual tests or those found to be defective are to be repaired, replaced,
or isolated within ten (10) business days. If the failed assembly cannot be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten
(10) business days, water service to the failed assembly must be discontinued. (7-1-24)
07. Cross Connection Control - Non-Community Water Systems. All suppliers of water for non-
community water systems must ensure that cross connections do not exist or are isolated from the potable water
system by an approved backflow prevention assembly. Backflow prevention assemblies must be inspected and tested
annually for functionality by an Idaho licensed tester, as specified in Subsections 552.06.c. and 552.06.e. (7-1-24)
08. Start-up Procedures For Seasonal Systems Subject To Subsections 100.01.a., c., and d.
a. All seasonal PWS owners must demonstrate completion of a Department approved start-up
procedure, including start-up sampling, prior to serving water to the public. The PWS owner must submit information
on a Department provided or approved form that includes a statement certifying that the PWS owner or operator
followed proper start-up procedures. The form must be submitted to the Department within 30 (thirty) days following
the PWS’s start-up date. Start-up sampling must include total coliform samples submitted to a certified laboratory
demonstrating the absence of total coliform within thirty (30) days prior to serving water to the public. (7-1-24)
b. The Department may exempt any seasonal PWS from Subsection 552.08.a. if the entire distribution
system remains pressurized during the entire period that the PWS is not operating, except that the PWSs that monitor
less frequently than monthly must still monitor during the vulnerable period designated by the Department. The
Department may exempt a seasonal PWS from Subsection 552.08.a. if the owner or operator of the PWS meets all of
the following conditions: (7-1-24)
i. Requests an exemption in writing to the Department for approval; (7-1-24)
ii. Demonstrates a clean compliance history as defined in Section 003 for a minimum of five (5) years;
iii. Has no uncorrected significant deficiencies from the most recent sanitary survey; and (7-1-24)
iv. Total coliform samples submitted to a certified laboratory within 30 (thirty) days prior to serving
water to the public demonstrate the absence of total coliform. (7-1-24)
01. System Classification Required. The D
epartment will classify community, non-transient non-
community, and surface water PWSs based on indicators of potential health risks. (7-1-24)
Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems
Section 554 Page 120
02. Classification Criteria. PWSs are classified under a system that uses the following criteria:
a. Complexity, size, and type of source water for treatment facilities. (7-1-24)
b. Complexity and size of distribution systems. (7-1-24)
c. Other criteria deemed necessary to completely classify PWSs. (7-1-24)
d. The Department will develop guidelines for applying the criteria set forth in Section 553. (7-1-24)
03. Classification Review. The Department will review PWS classifications on a minimum five (5)
year frequency. (7-1-24)
01. Licensed Operator Required. Owners of all community, non-transient non-community, and
surface water or groundwater sources directly influenced by surface water must place the direct supervision of their
PWS under the responsible charge of a properly licensed operator at all times. When the responsible operator is not
available, the PWS owner must designate a substitute responsible operator. (7-1-24)
02. Responsible Charge Operator License Requirement. An operator in responsible charge of a
PWS must hold a valid Idaho license equal to or greater than the classification of the PWS where the responsible
charge operator is in charge as defined in Section 003. (7-1-24)
03. Water Operator License Requirement. All operating personnel at PWSs subject to these
requirements making process control/ system integrity decisions about water quality or quantity that can affect public
health must hold a valid Idaho license. (7-1-24)
04. Water Operator License Upgrade Allowance. A twelve (12) month period will be provided to
meet increased drinking water distribution system operator licensure requirements when a higher licensure level is
required based on a population increase if the following requirements are met: (7-1-24)
a. The licensure increase is triggered solely by a population increase; and (7-1-24)
b. The responsible charge operator of the PWS at the time the distribution licensure requirement
increases remains the responsible charge operator throughout the twelve (12) month time frame. (7-1-24)
555. -- 559. (RESERVED)
PWS owners who contract with persons to provide responsible charge operators and substitute responsible charge
s need to submit proof of such contract to the Department prior to the contracted person performing any
services at the PWS. (7-1-24)
561. -- 562. (RESERVED)
Ongoing stakeholder involvement will be provided through the existing drinking water advisory committee at the
Department. (7-1-24)
564. -- 999. (RESERVED)