Air Force Recruiting Service
Active Duty Air Force
Officer Training School
Program Announcement
EFFECTIVE 23 October 202
23 October 202
550 D Street West, Bldg 491, Rm 117
JBSA-Randolph, TX 78150
SUBJECT: Active Duty Officer Training School Program Announcement (AD OTS PA)
1. This AD OTS PA was produced to assist active duty Air Force members applying for
a commission, and to facilitate quality, effective, and efficient processes. This AD OTS PA
provides supplemental information for the OTS application and the accession process.
2. This is strictly a guide and provides information necessary for AD OTS applications,
processing, and accessing current Air Force active duty enlisted members to OTS. This PA is
to be used in conjunction with, but not limited to, the following: DAFMAN 36-2032, DAFI
36-2105, DAFMAN 36-2664 and the AFRS SOPG. Please ensure to read/review this entire
guide as significant changes have been made.
3. Refer any questions to HQ AFRS/RSOCL at DSN 665-0340, commercial (210) 565-0340 or
email: [email protected]. This document supersedes all previous
correspondence of the same subject.
Chief, AFRS Officer Accessions Branch
Chapter 1. Overview.....................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Board Information.........................................................................................................................7
1.3 Board Schedule.............................................................................................................................7
1.4 Board Selection Process................................................................................................................7
1.4.1 Aptitude.................................................................................................................................7
1.4.2 Leadership.............................................................................................................................7
1.4.3 Potential................................................................................................................................7
1.5 Officer Inter-service Transfers......................................................................................................7
1.6 Prior Service Commissioned Officers:..........................................................................................8
1.7 Other Component Enlisted Members............................................................................................8
1.8 Notification of Board Results.......................................................................................................8
1.8.1 Reapplication........................................................................................................................8
Chapter 2. Eli
2.1 Eligibility......................................................................................................................................8
2.1.1 Citizenship............................................................................................................................8
2.1.2 Conscientious Objector.........................................................................................................8
2.1.3 Moral Conduct......................................................................................................................9
2.1.4 Age........................................................................................................................................9
2.1.5 Physical.................................................................................................................................9
2.1.6 Education and Aptitude.......................................................................................................10
Table 2.1 AFOQT Minimum Standards.....................................................................................................11
Table 2.2 AFOQT Super Score Example....................................................................................................12
2.1.7 Commander’s Recommendation.........................................................................................12
2.1.8 Retainability........................................................................................................................12
2.1.9 Time On Station (TOS/DEROS)
0 Eligibility Determination (Attachment 3)...........................................................................13
2.2 Specific Rated and Non-Rated Eligibility...................................................................................13
2.2.1 Special Tactics Officer (STO), Combat Rescue Officer (CRO), and Tactical Air Control
Party Officer (TACP)..........................................................................................................................13
2.2.2 The AF Office of Special Investigation Officer (OSI)........................................................13
2.2.3 Cyber Officers (17X)..........................................................................................................13
2.3 Entry Level Line Officer Specialties...........................................................................................14
2.3.1 Rated...................................................................................................................................14
2.3.2 Non-Rated...........................................................................................................................14
Table 2.3 Rated AFSC Requirements.........................................................................................................14
2.4 Eligibility Status..........................................................................................................................15
Table 2.5 Required Items Expiration..........................................................................................................16
Chapter 3. Application Forms.....................................................................................................................16
3.1 Application..................................................................................................................................16
3.1.1 Eligibility Determination (Attachment 3)...........................................................................16
3.1.2 AF LO Application (Attachment 4)....................................................................................17
3.1.3 AF Form 56, Application & Evaluation for Training Leading to a Commission in the
United States Air Force (Attachment 10)...........................................................................................18
3.1.4 Letters of Recommendation (LOR)....................................................................................21 Character LOR.....................................................................................................21
Endorsement LOR...............................................................................................................21
3.1.5 Proof of Estimated Graduation Memo (Attachment 6).......................................................22
3.1.6 AF Form 4428 (Attachment 7)............................................................................................22
3.1.7 STO CRO TACP Application Checklist (Attachment 8)....................................................22
3.1.8 AFOSI Officer MFR (Attachment 9)..................................................................................22
Chapter 4. Application Submission............................................................................................................22
4.1 Application Submission..............................................................................................................22
4.2 Board Application Package.........................................................................................................23
4.2.1 Board Application Packet...................................................................................................23
4.2.2 Source Documents Packet...................................................................................................23
4.2.3 AF Form 56.........................................................................................................................24
4.2.4 EPR/EPB Packet.................................................................................................................24
4.2.5 Waiver/ETP Packet (if applicable)......................................................................................24
4.2.6 Prior Service Document Packet (if applicable)...................................................................25
Chapter 5. Waivers and ETPs.....................................................................................................................25
5.1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................25
5.1.1 Waiver Processing...............................................................................................................25
5.2 Morals, Drugs, Dependency, and RE Code................................................................................25
5.3 Financial Eligibility Determination (FED) for AD Applicants...................................................25
5.3.1 FED Unit Commander Review...........................................................................................26
5.3.2 FED Unit Commander Requirements.................................................................................26
5.3.3 FED Unit Commander Approval........................................................................................26
5.3.4 FED Unit Commander Additional Actions.........................................................................26
5.4 Assignment and/or Retraining....................................................................................................26
5.5 Time-on-Station (TOS) Ineligibility Waiver..............................................................................26
5.6 Overseas Curtailment..................................................................................................................27
5.6.1 Overseas Extension Request...............................................................................................27
5.7 Dis-enrollment Waiver................................................................................................................27
5.8 Reapplication Waiver..................................................................................................................27
5.9 AFOQT Retest Waiver................................................................................................................28
5.10Excessive Tattoos/Brands/Body Markings Waiver....................................................................28
5.12Rated Age Exception-to-Policy (ETP) Request..........................................................................28
5.13Non-Rated/RPA Age ETP to Commission Past Age 40.............................................................28
5.14Assignment Limitation Code (ALC)...........................................................................................29
5.15Initial Enlistment Bonus and Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) Waiver/ETP...........................29
Figure 5.1 Waiver/ETP Memorandum Example........................................................................................30
Chapter 6. Source Documents.....................................................................................................................30
6.1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................30
6.1.1 AF Form 422 Notification of Air Force Member’s Qualification Status............................30
Figure 6.1 OTS Applicant AF Form 422 Request Memo Example............................................................32
6.2 Commander’s Master Personnel Information File (Master PIF) and Local Personnel
Information File (LPIF) Reviews............................................................................................................32
6.2.1 Unit Commander Master PIF Review.................................................................................32
Figure 6.2 Unit Commander’s Master PIF Review Request Memo Example............................................33
Figure 6.3 Unit Commander’s Master PIF and LPIF QFR Memo Example..............................................34
6.3 Transcripts and Certifications.....................................................................................................34
6.3.1 Transcripts...........................................................................................................................34
6.3.2 Graduation Verification Memo (Attachment 6)..................................................................35
6.4 Assignment Availability Code 05 (AAC 05)..............................................................................35
6.5 Virtual MPF Record Review Update (RRU) and Career Data Brief (CDB)..............................35
6.6 Prior Service Applicants.............................................................................................................36
Chapter 7. Post-Board Actions...................................................................................................................36
7.1 Selection......................................................................................................................................36
7.2 Awaiting Training.......................................................................................................................36
7.3 Reclassification and Selection Status Withdraw.........................................................................36
Chapter 8. Civil Pathway to Wings.............................................................................................................36
8.1 Civil Pathway to Wings (CPW)..................................................................................................36
Attachment 1 – Commanders AFCEP Request Memo
Attachment 2 – AFCEP Batch Upload Template
Attachment 3 – Eligibility Determination Worksheet
Attachment 4 – AF LO Application
Attachment 5 – AF LO Application Example
Attachment 6 – Graduation Verification Memo
Attachment 7 – AF Form 4428 Tattoo Verification
Attachment 8 – STO/CRO/TACP OTS Application Checklist
Attachment 9 – AFOSI Officer MFR
Attachment 10 – AF Form 56
Attachment 11 – LOR Routing Guidance
Attachment 12 – Acronyms
Attachment 13 – Civil Path to Wings (CPW) Overview
Attachment 14 – CPW Application
Attachment 15 – CPW Fact Sheet
Attachment 16 – AFCEP Instructions
Attachment 17 – AD Pregnancy MFR
Attachment 18 – CC Interview/SIP
Chapter 1. Overview
1.1 Overview. Ensure you download this document from the browser to your desktop to view
the attachments. This document provides information necessary for active-duty (AD) Air
Force enlisted members to determine their eligibility for a commission through OTS (See
Attachment 3). The applicant is ultimately responsible for determining eligibility. This
Program Announcement (PA) details the application process and how to apply to meet an
OTS selection board. You will use this PA in conjunction with DAFMAN 36-2032 and any
other related manuals and instructions, as they are the official guidance. The applicant is
ultimately responsible for the completion and accuracy of their application.
1.2 Board Information. The board schedule has been established to maintain a mix of civilian
and AD applicants. The intent of the board process is to select the most qualified individuals
to serve as officers based on aptitude, leadership, and potential.
1.3 Board Schedule. The board schedule has been established with firm application cut-off
dates and AFCEP request windows. The board schedule may be found on our website at:
All applications must be complete and submitted to AFRS/RSOCL no later than (NLT)
midnight central time of the cut-off date.
1.4 Board Selection Process. The OTS selection board is comprised of three (3) Colonels or
Colonel selects. Each board member reviews and scores each record on a scale of 6 to 10.
The board selection process is very competitive; therefore, it is important to pay close
attention to detail in all areas of the application. The board considers applicants using the
whole-person concept considering the following categories of aptitude, leadership, and
1.4.1 Aptitude. Board members review the applicant’s academic discipline, GPA, any
academic awards/recognition, and applicable test scores.
1.4.2 Leadership. Board members review the applicant’s employment history,
military experience and job performance, commander’s Structured Interview
Process (SIP), and the letters of recommendation (LOR).
1.4.3 Potential. Board members review and evaluate the applicant’s potential using
the LO application, SIP interview, and the LORs.
1.5 Officer Inter-service Transfers. Commissioned officers who currently hold a status in
any military branch and are interested in AD/Reg AF as an Air Force line officer should visit
the AFPC Website ( for the latest on inter-
service transfer information. Applicants may also contact the Recall/Inter-Service Transfer
Office by email at [email protected].
1.6 Prior Service Commissioned Officers: The program is currently suspended due to
force management efforts. Applications nor exception to policy requests are being accepted
1.7 Other Component Enlisted Members. Sister Service, Reserve, and/or Guard enlisted
component members interested in applying for OTS must apply through an AFRS Officer
Accessions Recruiter. Visit to locate the closest Officer Accessions
1.8 Notification of Board Results. HQ AFRS/RSOC will announce the selects through the
official Personnel Services Delivery Memorandum (PSDM) process. The selected member’s
commander will have five (5) duty days from the date of PSDM notification to notify
members of their selection before public release on myFSS. Commanders can contact their
MPF to ensure access to the secure PSDM site. Applicants can locate the PSDM on the
public release date in myFSS by searching PSDM. Individual feedback for non-selects will
not be provided.
1.8.1 Reapplication. Applicants cannot reapply within 180 days from the date of non-
selection or withdrawal. This does not apply to CAD, Cyber Direct, USSF, or
USAF LO boards in a new Fiscal Year (FY) (DAFMAN 36-2032, para. ETPs should only be requested in rare circumstances when a
commander can document substantial improvement from a previous application
that will result in increased board competitiveness (i.e., significant increase on
AFOQT/PCSM scores, flying hours, GPA, and/or higher degree obtained).
Chapter 2. Eligibility
2.1 Eligibility. Minimum eligibility requirements are outlined in this chapter, DAFMAN 36-
2032, and Attachment 3.
2.1.1 Citizenship. Must be a United States citizen. (DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraph
2.1.2 Conscientious Objector. An individual must not be a conscientious objector
under 50 USC § 3806(j), and DoDI 1300.06. (DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraph
2.1.3 Moral Conduct. All applicants must be of sound moral character. (DAFMAN
36-2032, paragraph 5.4.5, and Attachment 3)
2.1.4 Age. Applicants cannot be over the age of 40 by the date of commissioning. Prior
service applicants, 40 years of age or older, do not require an Age Exception to
Policy (ETP) if a Prior Service applicant’s age, minus prior service time, will
allow for the accrual of 20 years of satisfactory service; ten years of which must
be commissioned service prior to the applicant’s mandatory retirement date. This
requirement is outlined in DAFMAN 36-2032 paragraph 5.4.8. Military service
time will be subtracted from the applicant’s age for Non-rated and RPA applicants
only, this does not apply to other rated AFSCs (Pilot, ABM, CSO, and HTN). Age for Pilot, Helicopter Pilot (HTN), Air Battle Manager (ABM), and
Combat System Officer (CSO) Applicants. Must not be beyond their 33
birthday as of the projected board release date to apply. AFMAN 36-2100
paragraph Age for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Applicants. RPA applicants, if
selected, must graduate OTS prior to their 40
birthday unless they are
qualified after prior service age calculation.
2.1.5 Physical. All applicants must be medically qualified or medically acceptable
with a waiver in accordance with AFI 48-123. Members must obtain an AF Form
422 (refer to Chapter 6) from their PCM. For an OTS application, an AF Form
422 expires 12 months after the issue date. Pregnancy. Officer candidates are permitted to apply for OTS while
pregnant but are not permitted to attend training while pregnant. Selects
can attend OTS no sooner than 6 months and no later than 14.5 months
upon post-pregnancy completion in accordance with DoDI 6130, Vol 1
and Medical Standards in DAFMAN 48-123, A2.2 and A2.3. Applicants
who are pregnant at time of application must complete and provide signed
attachment 17 (MFR Pregnant OTS Candidates) in source documents
packet (insert before 422). Applicants who become pregnant after
application submission will provide completed and signed attachment 17 Rated Initial Flying Class (IFC) Physicals. Rated applicants will submit
their application with the AF Form 422 that includes the mandatory rated
statement (refer to Chapter 6). If selected, applicants will be required to
complete and qualify for an IFC physical. The applicant may submit a
completed IFC physical if it has already been completed, but it is not a
requirement to meet the board. Physical Fitness. Applicants who have waivers for any part of the AF PT
test are ineligible to apply and attend OTS (DAFMAN 36-2032 Para.
2.1.6 Education and Aptitude. Must possess a baccalaureate degree or higher from
an education institution listed in the current Accredited Institutions of Post-
Secondary Education for all appointments. (DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraph Note: Applicants may be within 365 days of earning a baccalaureate
degree of the board convene date to apply. Refer to paragraph 3.1.5 for more
details. Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement. Must have a minimum GPA of
2.5 on applicant’s qualifying baccalaureate or Master’s degree. This does
not apply for technical positions/CADs. The following majors are
considered technical: all Engineering degrees, Meteorology, Atmospheric
Science, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Architecture, and Biochemistry. GPA
ETPs must be submitted prior to close of AFCEP Request Window. Air Force Officer Qualification Test (AFOQT). Applicants must meet
minimum AFOQT commissioning standards. (DAFMAN 36-2032, Table
5.1). AFOQT ETPs must be submitted prior to close of AFCEP Request
Table 2.1 AFOQT Minimum Standards
AFOQT Minimum
Verbal Quantitative Pilot CSO ABM
no min
Pilot, Helo
(HTN), and RPA
25 no min no min
CSO no mi
25 no mi
ABM no mi
no mi
25 AFOQT Administration. Retesting is authorized after at least five months
has passed from the date the AFOQT was previously administered. Three
test administrations are permitted, but the third requires a waiver from an
applicant’s Wing/CC or equivalent. Detailed information on the AFOQT
is in DAFMAN 36-2664. Visit:
to obtain scores.
ABM and CSO scores are now part of the AFOQT score sheet and will be
included when you obtain AFOQT scores from the link. Pilot Candidate Selection Method (PCSM). Pilot, HTN, and RPA
applicants MUST take the Test of Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS) to
receive a PCSM score. A minimum PCSM score of ten (10) or
higher is required to list Pilot, HTN, and/or RPA. To schedule the
TBAS and then retrieve the PCSM score, visit: AFOQT Super Score Policy. A Super Score may be applied to
meet minimum commissioning standards. The Super Score is now
automatically calculated by the website used to obtain your AFOQT
score and will appear as a T 5 or T 6 version of the test.
Table 2.2 AFOQT Super Score Example
AFOQT Super Score Example
Verbal Quantitative Pilot CSO ABM
Test 1 10 20 26 80 13
Test 2
14 10 25 75 20
Test 3 15 8 24 79 25
15 20 26 80 25
2.1.7 Commander’s Recommendation. Applicants must have their current
Commander’s recommendation for a commission. (DAFMAN 36-2032, Table
10.6, Rule 13). If applicant PCAs or PCSs (short tour), between application
submission and board release date, send a concurrence memorandum to our email:
[email protected]. No concurrence memorandum is needed for
Change of Commands and no PCSs are authorized other than to/from a short tour.
2.1.8 Retainability. All members must have at least three (3) months retainability
from the projected board release date. Applicants must reenlist IAW AFI 36-
2606. Refer to DAFMAN 36-2032, Table 10.6, Rule 17 for SRB information.
SRB waivers are not required.
2.1.9 Time On Station (TOS/DEROS) CONUS TOS. Applicants may apply to an OTS board prior to the one (1)-
year mandatory TOS date; however, they must not depart for any
commissioning program until the one (1)-year timeframe has been met
(DAFMAN 36-2032, Table 10.6, Rule 4, Note 10). For example:
Applicant arrives on station February 15th, 2023 and applies to an April
board, they may not attend an OTS class any earlier than February 16
2024. Do NOT PCS during the application process. OCONUS DEROS. Applicants who are more than 9 months from their
OCONUS halfway point as of the board convening date are ineligible to
apply. No waiver is available at this time as applicants must be able to
attend OTS within the estimated class dates (reference current board
schedule). Additionally, applicants who PCS during the
application/selection process risk losing OTS selection status. Those
PCSing to a short tour are exempt from this rule. Lastly, if currently
serving on a short tour, applicant may need an assignment extension prior
to reporting to OTS (DAFMAN 36-2032, Table 10.6).
2.1.10 Eligibility Determination (Attachment 3). This is mandatory for all
applicants. The questionnaire will assist in determining eligibility to apply for a
commission. Any required waivers will automatically populate in the right-hand
column. Ultimately, it is the applicant’s responsibility to validate their eligibility
to apply with all governing manuals, instructions, and guidance. If applicants have
any ineligibility factors after completing the questionnaire, applicants will require
a waiver. If any waivers are required, please include the commander’s signature to
confirm commander’s support of the application with the waiver(s). Deployment
commanders cannot recommend in lieu of Home Station Commander. Only one
statement will be initialed at the bottom of the page. This questionnaire must be
signed by applicant and applicant’s commander and be included in source
documents packet. If waivers are required, this questionnaire must also be
included in the waiver packet. Refer to Chapter 5 if a waiver is required. Save it
as “Last name, First name Eligibility Determination” (Ex: Doe, Jane Eligibility
2.2 Specific Rated and Non-Rated Eligibility. Applicants must determine if eligible for
rated and/or non-rated specialties. Applicants will review their age, AFOQT scores, PCSM
score (if applicable), GPA, physical qualifications, and qualifying degree information against
sub-program eligibility criteria (i.e., Air Force Officer Classification Directory, Appendix A)
to make this determination. Once the applicant has determined which specialties they are
applying for, the applicant will need to collect and complete the following items in Table 2.3
and/or 2.4 to finalize eligibility. Documentation must be organized IAW the instructions in
Chapter 3.
2.2.1 Special Tactics Officer (STO), Combat Rescue Officer (CRO), and
Tactical Air Control Party Officer (TACP).
For information on STO and
CRO, visit: or email:
STO/CRO/TACP OTS Application Checklist (Attachment 8) if selected to attend
CRO/STO Phase II or Tactical Officer Assessment and Selection course.
2.2.2 The AF Office of Special Investigation Officer (OSI). For information
on becoming an OSI officer, refer to the AF OSI Attachment 9.
2.2.3 Cyber Officers (17X). All active-duty (USAF/USSF) applicants seeking 17X positions
will apply direct to the Cyber Direct Commissioning Program, not 24OTS03.
2.3 Entry Level Line Officer Specialties.
Rated. Applicants may be considered for up to five (5) rated Air Force
Specialties, based on desires and eligibility. Rated Education Requirements.
Rated trainee AFSCs do not have specific
education degree major requirements.
2.3.2 Non-Rated. Applicants can be considered for up to eight (8) non-rated Air Force
Specialties, based on desires and eligibility. Non-Rated Education Requirements. Non-rated AFSC educational degree
discipline requirements are listed in the AFOCD, Appendix A. The most
current AFOCD can be found in myFSS.
Table 2.3 Rated AFSC Requirements
Rated AFSCs Medical Requirements Security Clearance
11H1 – Helo (HTN) Pilot Flying Class 1 T5 (TS/SSBI)
92T0 - Pilot Flying Class 1 T5 (TS/SSBI)
92T1 - CSO Flying Class 1A T5 (TS/SSBI)
92T2 - ABM Flying Class III T5 (TS/SSBI)
92T3 - RPA Ground Base Operator (GBO) T5 (TS/SSBI)
Table 2.4 Non-Rated AFSC Requirements
Non- Rated AFSC
Additional Medical, PRP, and GPA
Security Clearance Required
13H1 – Aerospace Physiology
Flying Class III and GPA 3.0 or higher
T3 (Secret)
13M1 - Airfield Operations
ATC physical
13N1 - Nuclear and Missile Operations
GBC MOD and PRP - Prescreen Packet
13S1 - Space Operations (USSF Only)
AF Form 422 - CCT
14F1 - Information Operations T5 (TS/SSBI)
14N1 - Intelligence
T3 (Secret)
15A1 – Operations Research Analysis T3 (Secret)
15W1 - Weather T5 (TS/SSBI)
17D1/17S(17X) - Cyberspace
19Z1A - Special Tactics Officer
Special Tactics SWA
19Z1B - Tactical Air Control Party
Special Tactics SWA
19Z1C - Combat Rescue Officer
21A1 - Aircraft Maintenance T3 (Secret)
21M1 - Munitions/Missile Maintenance
PRP-Prescreen Packet (Post-Selection)
21R1 - Logistics Readiness T3 (Secret)
31P1 - Security Forces T3 (Secret)
32E1A - Architectural Engineer T3 (Secret)
32E1C - Civil Engineer T3 (Secret)
32E1E - Electrical Engineer T3 (Secret)
32E1F - Mechanical Engineer T3 (Secret)
32E1G - General Engineer T3 (Secret)
32E1J - Environmental Engineer T3 (Secret)
35P1 - Public Affairs T3 (Secret)
38F1 - Force Support T3 (Secret)
61C1 - Chemist / Biologist T3 (Secret)
61D1 - Physicist / Nuclear Engineer T3 (Secret)
62E1A - Aeronautical Engineer T3 (Secret)
62E1B - Astronautical Engineer T3 (Secret)
62E1C - Computer Engineer T3 (Secret)
62E1E - Electrical Engineer T3 (Secret)
62E1G - Project Engineer T3 (Secret)
62E1H - Mechanical Engineer T3 (Secret)
63A1 - Acquisition Manager T3 (Secret)
64P1 - Contracting T3 (Secret)
65F1 - Financial Management T3 (Secret)
71S1 - Special Investigations T5 (TS/SSBI)
2.4 Eligibility Status. If eligible after reviewing aforementioned items and confirming with all
governing manuals, instructions, and guidance, proceed with an application and any
applicable waivers. If applicants have questions after validating status and/or coordinating
with your leadership team, please contact AFRS/RSOCL at
Table 2.5 Required Items Expiration
Item Required Items Expiration
Eligibility Determination (Attachment 3)
AF LO Application (Attachment 4)
AF Form 56 (Attachment 10)
CC Interview/SIP (Attachment 18)
LORs (para. 3.1.4)
AFCEP Memo From Squadron/Unit Commander (Attachment 1)
vMPF Record Review Update (RRU)
(Must be dated within 30 days the application cut-off date)
vMPF Caree
Data Brief (CDB)
(Must be dated within 30 days the application cut-off date)
(No expiration date if transcripts are conferred or transferred credits para.
Six (6) months
from issue date.
10 If applicable, Memo from registrar’s Office for Verification of Scheduled
Graduation (Attachmen
Commander's Master PIF and PIF review memorandum with
AFPC/DP1OR Master PIF res
onse Memorandum
(12) months
from issue date.
AF Form 422, Notification of Air Force Member's Qualification
Status (Form mus
medical status)
13 If applicable, Waiver/Exception-to Policy (ETP) documents (except Rated Age
ETPs, which are only good for one board)
14 If applicable, Private/Commercial pilot license
As listed
AFOQT Score Printout:
Print out
within 90 days
of application
If applicable, PCSM score print out:
17 If applicable, Prior Service Records
AF For
4428 Tattoo/Brand/Body Marking Screening/Verification (Attachmen
7) (Only required for applicants who do not
meet current tattoo policy standards
DAFI 36-290
Chapter 3. Application Forms
3.1 Application. This chapter provides instructions on how to complete the required forms.
3.1.1 Eligibility Determination (Attachment 3). Complete the personal contact
information at the top of the form (all self-explanatory). Answer all questions 1-
38 by checking the appropriate blocks for each question. The questionnaire will
automatically populate any required waivers in the right-hand column. If
applicable, questions 16 and 38 require the applicant to complete more
information in those blocks. Statement of Understanding. Applicants must initial only one of the
applicable statements (wet or typed initials). The applicant must date and
sign the form (wet or digital signature). Unit Commander or Equivalent Endorsement. The applicant must have
their home station commander review this form, date, and sign (using wet
or digital signature). Applicant must type the commander’s signature
block under the signature location.
3.1.2 AF LO Application (Attachment 4). Do NOT change the font or alignment
on this form. Refer to Attachment 5 as an example of how to complete this form. Header. Place the title of the board above the ‘AF LO Application’ line.
(Ex: 23OTS01) Contact Information. Below the ‘AF LO Application’ line, place the
contact information as seen below:
a) Rank and Name (Ex: SSgt Jane Doe)
b) Address Line 1 (Ex: 123 Main St.)
c) Address Line 2 (Ex: San Antonio, TX 78123)
d) Contact Number (Ex: (210) 123-4567)
e) Personal E-Mail Address (Ex: [email protected])
This block should resemble this:
SSgt Jane Doe
123 Main St.
San Antonio, TX 78123
(210) 123-4567 Question 1 and 2. Answer these questions using the member’s best
judgment. The answer must fit within the block provided but it is not
necessary to fill in the entire space. Do NOT change the font or alignment.
This answer must be in a paragraph/narrative format, not simply a list. Work Experience. Have the applicant list up to their last four (4)
jobs/assignments (all boxes are self-explanatory). Duties/Responsibilities
block must have up to four (4) single lines (narrative or bullet). Do not
change the font or alignment. Education (Qualifying Degree Only). List the applicant’s qualifying
baccalaureate or Master’s degree only. Applicants must possess a
qualifying degree or be within 365 days of degree completion as of the
board convene date to apply. Additional Education. To list additional degrees on the AF LO
Application, applicants must have completed at least one (1) semester and
have a GPA listed on official transcripts. Refer to paragraph 6.3.1 for
transcript requirements. Certifications/Licenses. If applicable, have the applicant list any
certifications and/or licenses earned that the applicant would like the board
to review. Any certification or license listed must have a copy of the
certification/license attached with the source documents. This section is
limited to six (6) entries. Do not change the font or alignment. Significant Professional/Personal/Academic Achievements. Have the
applicant list any significant professional/personal/academic achievements
they have earned. Achievements may be, but are not limited to, the
following: employer recognition, Dean’s List, Summa or Magna cum
Laude, etc. Do not list hobbies. This section is limited to ten (10) entries.
Do not change the font or alignment. If you have ever applied to a program that leads to a commission. If
applicable complete this section. All boxes are self-explanatory. Do not
change the font or alignment. Explanation (Only if applicable). A prior OTS non-selection does not need
to be explained. Sections 8-12. Self-explanatory and/or see attachment 5 for example.
3.1.3 AF Form 56, Application & Evaluation for Training Leading to a
Commission in the United States Air Force (Attachment 10).
Type all
entries except where otherwise indicated. Wet and/or digital signatures are
authorized. Typed initials are allowed but do not use typed signatures. The AF
Form 56 must have initials next to applicable statements. If required, ensure
remarks are placed on the Continuation Sheet. Blocks 1-9. Ensure blocks 1-7 are complete and correct. List MPF name
(Ex: 81 FSS) and address. BESO information is not required. Mark OTS
in block 7A. List all rated choices in block 7B. In block 7B, Pilot covers
Pilot and RPA choices. Only non-rated applicants complete block 7C
using AFSC codes, not field titles. List all AFSCs in order of preference
on page 7. All applicants must complete block 7D. All rated applicants
and non-rated applicants applying for AFSCs 13M1 require a Yes. Leave
block 8 blank. Table 2.3 and Table 2.4 list all the entry level officer
AFSCs available through OTS. Only list AFSCs specified in this PA.
Ensure AFSC choices on the AF Form 56 match the same choices listed
on the AF LO Application (Attachment 4). Leave the AFOQT Scores
section blank. Block 10. All applicants must include a copy of all pilot licenses in the
source documents packet if block 10 on the AF Form 56 is checked yes. Block 11-12. For block 11, a waiver is required if a member has ever
previously been dis-enrolled from a commissioning program. See Chapter
5 for additional requirements for commission dis-enrollment waivers. List
any previous applications for commissioning programs, even if not
selected. For block 12, answer the question and list any eliminations from
military flying school, if applicable. Block 13-14. For block 13, answer the question and list all AFSCs earned.
For block 14, answer the question and provide a dated and initialed
explanation on page 7 if the answer is yes. Block 15-17. List any/all law violations, including all pre-service law
violations in block 15. Ensure this is clear and concise. List offenses
including any Article 15 actions received. Receipt of an Article 15
requires a waiver. Additionally, a moral waiver may be required,
depending on the reason for the Article 15. For Disposition of Charge, be
specific (Ex: Paid $115 fine vs Paid fine). Refer to DAFMAN 36-2032,
Attachment 2 to determine moral waiver requirements. In the court
column, type ‘traffic court’ for traffic ticket offenses, even if payment was
made by mail. Minor traffic, category 5, violations do not need to be
explained. Blocks 16-17 require answers. Block 18. If the answer is yes, ensure that a Financial Eligibility
Determination (FED) bullet is included in the interview. Note: Answering
‘No’ to this question does not preclude the necessity for an FED (see
Chapter 5 of this PA). Blocks 19-23. Ensure blocks 19-23 are completed. For block 19, work
experience should cover the last seven (7) years or until your 16
whichever is soonest. Air Force employment must be listed as one entry
with current salary information. In block 20, enter degree information. For
block 21, every field requires initials or N/A, including block 21E. Initial
21D, cross out 21D (1), (2), and (3). Leave blocks 22, 22A and 22B blank.
Sign and date block 23. Block 24. Only list the names of schools from which you have been
awarded a degree or are projected to complete a degree. List the name of
the educational institution and type of program in the same block. (Ex:
University of Maryland, B.S.) This list must match the degrees listed on
the LO Application. Leave blocks 24 (b) and 24 (c) blank. Block 25. The applicant’s supervisor, first sergeant, or commander must
validate and sign that all information is accurate in Sections I & II. Wet
and/or digital signatures are authorized. Do not use typed signatures. Block 26, Non-English Speaking (NES) Identification Statement. The
interviewer will determine if a member is an NES applicant. An NES
applicant is anyone whose primary language spoken at home as a child was
not English. Refer to DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraph 7.3.2 and Table 7.1
Rule 1 for NES processing procedures. Block 27, Dependent Care Responsibility Statement. Active-duty
applicants who are married to a military spouse or are a single parent must
have their commander initial the ‘Cmdr. Initials’ block, indicating a review
and affirmation that the Dependent Care Plan is valid and effective. Block 28A-B. Ensure all required waivers are listed in block 28A. Ensure
all assignment limitations are listed in block 28B. Block 28C. (1) Squadron Commander’s initials, (2) Answer dependent
upon Master PIF and Local PIF Commander’s review results, (3) Squadron
Commander’s initials. Block 28, Evaluation Factors. Leave blank. Block 28K, Comments and Recommendations. Ensure this statement is in
block 28K: “Refer to the Structured Interview Process (SIP) for comments”.
Commander will sign as the interviewing official to document official
recommendation for Commissioning. Block 29. Only use this section when the interview is conducted by an AF
officer in the rank of Captain (O-3) or below. Endorsement must be within
the member’s chain-of-command. Block 30. Continuation Sheet. Use if applicable, date and initial all entries.
Wet and/or typed initials are authorized.
3.1.4 Letters of Recommendation (LOR). Two (2) specific (Personal Character
and endorsement) LORs are required to be attached to the application for the
board to review. LORs must meet the following criteria:
Must be signed by the writer (digital/electronic or wet signature authorized).
Must contain the writer’s contact information (phone number and/or email
Must be dated within 12 months of the board convene date. Must address the
LOR to “Officer Selection Board XXOTSXX” for the specific board to which the
applicant is applying (Ex. Officer Selection Board 24OTS02). Personal Character LOR. All applicants must have a Personal Character LOR
attached to the application for the board to review. A Personal Character LOR must be
written by someone who personally knows the applicant and can attest to their personal
character. The Personal Character LOR must meet the criteria in paragraph 3.1.4 and
must contain the following: This LOR should explain who the writer is and their relation
to the applicant. It must also reflect the writer’s opinions of the applicant’s personal
character, talents/potential, and why they would be an asset as an officer. Personal
Character LOR must not exceed one (1) page. Endorsement LOR. For guidance, use AFH 33-337, Tongue and Quill. The
LOR must be signed by the group commander (or equivalent) and requires an
endorsement from the senior rater. The LOR adds emphasis to the “whole person”
concept by characterizing an applicant’s career. The LOR should convey what attributes
the applicant has and how those attributes will apply to the officer corps. This will allow
board members to learn about the applicant’s character and potential to fulfill leadership
positions. The LOR is only valid for one (1) board. Wet and/or digital signatures are
authorized. Refer to Attachment 11 for routing guidance. Endorsement LOR must not
exceed two (2) pages in length, to include endorsements.
3.1.5 Proof of Estimated Graduation Memo (Attachment 6). This form is only
required for applicants who have not yet graduated with their qualifying degree
but are within one (1) year of graduation at the estimated board convening date
and/or for those who will not be available to attend OTS until completing
academic coursework for a higher-level degree. Type or write in data. Wet and/or
digital signatures are authorized. Do not use typed signatures.
3.1.6 AF Form 4428 (Attachment 7). This form is required for all applicants who
have tattoos and/or piercings that exceed AF standards per DAFI 36-2903. The
form must be current, and it must reflect all tattoos and piercings. Type or write in
data. Wet and/or digital signatures are authorized. Do not use typed signature.
3.1.7 STO CRO TACP Application Checklist (Attachment 8). This checklist
is only required for STO/CRO/TACP applicants who are selected from the
Special Warfare program.
3.1.8 AFOSI Officer MFR (Attachment 9). This MFR is only applicable for 71S
applicants applying to become an AFOSI officer. Applicants applying for 71S
must follow the instructions in the MFR, to include listing 71S as their first AFSC
Chapter 4. Application Submission
4.1 Application Submission. Applications are to be electronically submitted to AFRS via Air
Force Commissioning and Enlistment Portal (AFCEP). This will be a multi-step process.
First, the applicant will complete The Commander’s AFCEP Request Memo (Attachment 1)
signed by sq/unit Commander. Then fill out AFCEP Batch Upload Template (Attachment 2).
The applicant must send both files as email attachments to the Org Box email:
[email protected] during the AFCEP window (reference current board
schedule). Subject line of email must read: board name (from Board Schedule), AFCEP
Access (E.g. XXOTSXX, AFCEP Access). Send one AFCEP request email from your .mil
address and request delivery/read receipt to verify delivery. Do not send multiple emails for
the AFCEP request. Requests will be due by the last day of the AFCEP Request Window
(refer to current AD AF OTS Board Schedule and note 3). When AFCEP account is created
(soon after AFCEP window closes) an email will be sent to the provided civilian email for
access to AFCEP to start the application upload process. For step-by-step instructions for
using AFCEP refer to attachment 16. Do NOT use AFCEP attachment from system
generated email, use instructions in Attachment 16. AFCEP and application must be
completed and forwarded to AFRS NLT the application cutoff date on the AD AF Board
Schedule. NOTE: You will not be able to view your documents in AFCEP after they are
4.2 Board Application Package. A complete application package will have a minimum of
four (4) separate designated electronic packets:
1) AF LO Application packet
2) Source Documents packet
3) AF Form 56 packet (all pages)
4) EPR/EPB packet (both sides)
5) If applicable, Waiver Document(s) packet
6) If applicable, Prior Service Documents packet
Each electronic packet will have a designated sequence of documents as listed below.
Applications that are not submitted in the correct format or missing documents will be
rejected. Do not use portfolio format. Use the ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’ feature to ensure
clean copies are arranged for all files. The work around is to print the digitally signed
document to the Adobe printer, save it, then insert it, or combine it into the main packet.
Another option is to print all documents and scan. If packets are more than 5MB, reduce in
Adobe by clicking ‘Save as Other,’ then ‘Reduce Size PDF’ and/or break up into multiple
packets and title packets as follows:
Doe, Jane AD LO App.pdf…Doe, Jane Srce 1.pdf…Doe, Jane AF Form 56.pdf
Doe, Jane EPR 1.pdf…Doe, Jane Waiver.pdf…Doe, Jane Prior Svc Docs.pdf
4.2.1 Board Application Packet. (Doe, Jane AD LO App.pdf) must include the
following documents in the order below as one PDF packet, scanned top to
A) AF LO Application (Attachment 4). Cannot exceed 5 pages. Use the PDF
in Attachment 4. Do not alter the form other than to input member’s
B) AFOQT Score printout must be T Version and include all AFOQT scores
(Pilot, CSO, ABM, Academic Aptitude, Verbal and Quantitative). Older
versions will not be accepted.
C) If applicable, PCSM Score printout (required for Pilot, HELO and RPA)
D) Personal Character LOR.
E) Endorsement LOR. The LOR must be completed by the group commander
or equivalent and endorsed by the wing commander or equivalent (refer to
Attachment 11).
F) Sq CC Interview SIP (Attachment 18).
4.2.2 Source Documents Packet. (Doe, Jane Srce 1.pdf) must include the following
documents in the order below in one PDF packet, top to bottom. If the Srce 1
document exceeds 5MB, split it into as many sections as needed and apply the
same naming convention (e.g., Srce 2, Srce 3, etc.).
A) Eligibility Determination (Attachment 3), signed by member and
B) If applicable, Private/Commercial Pilot License
C) Conferred Transcripts, or if not graduated, transcripts with a memo on
official letter from school registrar’s office.
D) vMPF Career Data Verification Brief print out
E) vMPF Record Review Update full print out
F) Commander’s Master PIF/Local PIF Quality Force Review letter
G) AFPC/DP1OR response (Do not send the CC request letter sent to AFPC)
H) If applicable, AF Form 4428
I) If applicable, Pregnancy MFR (attachment 18)
J) AF Form 422
K) If applicable, form FL4 ALC Approved Waiver
L) Other Misc. items as identified (e.g., AFROTC non-contractual memo,
Reenlistment letter of intent, etc.)
4.2.3 AF Form 56. (Doe, Jane AF Form 56.pdf) must include all pages. Refer to
paragraph 3.1.3 on how to complete.
4.2.4 EPR/EPB Packet. (Doe, Jane EPR 1.pdf) must include the four (4) most recent
EPRs (official, closed out, and signed – no draft copies) in chronological order
with the most current on top. Include both front and back pages. If EPR one (1)
exceeds 5MB, split into as many sections as needed and apply the same naming
convention (e.g., EPR 2, EPR 3, etc.). If at least one (1) EPR is not available due
to TIS/TIG requirements, then one (1) AF Form 77, Letter of Evaluation signed
by the squadron commander or equivalent is mandatory.
4.2.5 Waiver/ETP Packet (if applicable). Include waiver type in name of saved
file (E.g., Doe, Jane TOS/785/Morals/Art 15 Waiver.pdf). Must include the
following documents in the order below in one PDF packet, scanned top to
A) Eligibility Determination (Attachment 3) signed by member and
B) Request memorandum, as required by waiver worksheet.
C) Supporting documentation (i.e., court documents, DD Form 785, Article
15 documents, etc.). Note: All Waiver (785, Morals, etc…) requests are
submitted with the application. AFOQT and GPA ETPs, must be
submitted to our Org box: [email protected] NLT than
AFCEP request window close date. Subject line must read “XXOTSXX
board ETP Request”.
4.2.6 Prior Service Document Packet (if applicable). (Doe, Jane Prior Svc
Docs.pdf) must include the following documents (when applicable) in the order
below in one PDF packet, scanned top to bottom. Only submit if member had a
break in service (e.g., ADAF to Reserve, Army to AF, etc.).
A) All Performance Reports EPRs/EPBs/LOEs (front and back)
B) DD Form 4(s)
C) DD Form 214s/215s/NGB 22
D) All discharge orders
E) All derogatory information with waiver documents (Art. 15 actions, etc..)
F) DD Form 368
Chapter 5. Waivers and ETPs
5.1 Overview. The ineligibility factors covered in this chapter are not all inclusive but contain
those that generate the most confusion. For more detail, refer to applicable manuals, AFIs,
etc. All waiver requests are reviewed using the ‘whole-person’ concept. Eligibility
Determination (Attachment 3) does not identify all waiver-able ineligibility factors, so it is
very important to become familiar with the AF instructions that govern this process. AFRS is
the approval authority for most waivers except for a financial eligibility determination (FED)
that requires the applicant’s commander approval. All waiver requests are submitted with the
application except for ETPs that require approval prior to submission from approving
agencies. Exception-to-Policy (ETP) requests are accomplished prior to application
submission with the approving authority. Member must include all ETP approval documents
in the source documents packet.
5.1.1 Waiver Processing. Any waiver granting authority in the processing chain may
disapprove a waiver request. AFRS/RSOCL will notify applicants of disapproval
of waivers. Applicants whose waivers are disapproved cannot reapply for six (6)
months from waiver disapproval date. Any disqualifying factor occurring or
discovered after application submission that requires a waiver must be brought to
the attention of AFRS/RSOCL immediately. Anyone selected who at any time
becomes disqualified may have their select status withdrawn. Refer to Figure 5.1
for template when the Eligibility Determination (Attachment 3) states a waiver is
5.2 Morals, Drugs, Dependency, and RE Code. Use DAFMAN 36-2032. If a waiver is
required, refer to figure 5.1 for template to draft the waiver request. HQ AFRS/RSOC is the
approval authority for moral and/or drug eligibility determinations for AD applicants.
AFRS/RSO is the approval authority for drug waivers.
5.3 Financial Eligibility Determination (FED) for AD Applicants. Instructions for the
Commander. REGAF applicants require an FED when applicants/members have financial
instability, such as bankruptcy, collections history after age 18, non-voluntary repossession
within five (5) years or intentionally written bad checks (DAFI 36-2906).
5.3.1 FED Unit Commander Review. The Unit Commander needs to review the
circumstances surrounding the cause for an FED and the member’s current
financial position for indications that the member is financially sound. The
commander should speak with the unit First Sergeant, conduct the applicant
interview, and request a review of any bankruptcy disposition letters, credit
history documentation, etc. needed to decide. If a member refuses to supply all the
requested information, the commander will terminate FED processing because a
determination cannot be made without all necessary facts. Applicants who require
an FED will not be eligible to apply without approval.
5.3.2 FED Unit Commander Requirements. After conducting the review of the
member’s circumstances and current financial status, the commander’s final
objective is to determine if members currently meet AF financial responsibility
requirements and that members do not have any disqualifying circumstances,
referenced in AFI 36-2906, Personal Financial Responsibility.
5.3.3 FED Unit Commander Approval. If the FED is approved, then the following
statement needs to be placed in the AF Form 56, Section III, Block 28K below the
commander’s push line bullet: “I have reviewed the financial status of
(applicant’s rank/name), and the financial eligibility determination is approved.”
5.3.4 FED Unit Commander Additional Actions. If applicable, use the last page
of the AF Form 56 to explain the circumstances of a bankruptcy. The key is to
answer any potential questions regarding the bankruptcy.
5.4 Assignment and/or Retraining. For waiver consideration, the member’s assignment
and/or retraining report date must extend three (3) months past the selection board estimated
release date. Contact the member’s enlisted assignment POC to get the RNLTD changed
IAW AFI 36-2110 so the member may apply with an assignment/retraining waiver. The
waiver request will be signed by the member and member’s commander, then submitted with
the application. AFRS will route the waiver to AFPC/DP3AM (the waiver authority) only if
selected for OTS. The member should not enter any training school for retraining until it is
determined if selected for OTS. (DAFMAN 36-2032)
5.5 Time-on-Station (TOS) Ineligibility Waiver. Applicants cannot PCS during the
application/selection process, or they may lose OTS selection status. The only exception
to this rule is if the member is going to a 12 or 18 month short tour (DAFMAN 36-2032,
Table 10.6, Rule 1 and 2). Individuals who are on a short tour do not have a TOS
requirement. However, if selected, member may need to extend OCONUS short tour
assignment prior to reporting to OTS (DAFMAN 36-2032, Table 10.6, Rule 4). Reference
DAFMAN 36-2032, Table 10.6 for CONUS and section 7.3.1 for waiver eligibility and
authority concerning TOS.
5.6 Overseas Curtailment. Refer to DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraphs 7.3.1 and AFI 36-2110.
Applicants must serve more than half of the overseas long tour for an OS curtailment.
5.6.1 Overseas Extension Request. Applicants serving at overseas long tour
locations must submit applications before the 25th day of the 8th month before
the date eligible for return from overseas. Applicants may voluntarily request an
extension of their overseas tour to become eligible for consideration.
AFPC/DP3AM considers an overseas tour extension request separate from the
commissioning program application.
5.7 Dis-enrollment Waiver. Waiver must provide valid reasoning for dis-enrollment as well
as include the member’s statement, Unit Commander’s endorsement, copy of DD Form 785,
Record of Dis-enrollment From Officer Candidate-Type Training, or equivalent sister service
documentation, DD Form 214, and any additional documents. If the DD Form 785 is no
longer available, an official Memorandum from the commissioning source stating the reason
for dis-enrollment, when members/applicants participated in the program, and a
recommendation statement for future commissioning will suffice.
Note: If AFROTC detachment cannot locate records, contact HQ AFROTC, Dis-
enrollment Section at (334) 953-6463 (or 0263, 3286, 7781) for assistance. DSN prefix is
493. Allow at least 60 days to process the request. If a member were enrolled in
AFROTC, but not on contract, request a Verification Memorandum in the Source
Document packet. Ensure to include an explanation of why member chose not to continue
in the commissioning program (be specific) on AF Form 56, page 7, Continuation Sheet.
Note: If member is serving on an involuntary call to extended active duty (EAD) because
of being dis-enrolled from the US Air Force Academy or AFROTC program, and the
member has not yet enlisted in the Reg AF, the member is ineligible. At the six (6) month
point prior to separation date, AFPC will send the member a notification of option to
enlist in the Reg AF, Reserves, Guard, or to separate. Dis-enrolled applicants who are in
recall status must have an approved AF/A1 enlistment ETP on file with AFPC and
member’s date of separation cannot be within 90 days of the Board estimated release
date. Dis-enrolled members/applicants in recall status must enlist into the Reg AF prior to
reporting to OTS. Waiver packet must include a memo from AFPC/DP2LT verifying
eligibility to enlist in the Reg AF.
5.8 Reapplication Waiver. If the member was disapproved for a waiver, declined a previous
selection, or withdrew a selection, the waiver consideration will only occur after six (6)
months have transpired since the final disposition date.
5.9 AFOQT Retest Waiver. Retesting is authorized after at least five months has passed from
the date the AFOQT was previously administered. Three test administrations are permitted,
but the third requires a waiver from AFRS/RSO. Detailed information on the AFOQT is in
DAFMAN 36-2664.
5.10 Excessive Tattoos/Brands/Body Markings Waiver. If applicants do not meet
current AF tattoo policy, applicants need to provide a copy of an approved AF Form 4428,
filed in their Master Personnel File. Commanders will need to request a copy of the AF Form
4428 from the Master PIF when requesting a Master PIF review and place the AF Form 4428
in Source Documents Packet with AFPC/DP1OR response letter. Refer to AFI 36-2903 on
how to process AF Form 4428.
5.11 AFOQT/GPA ETP. For GPA or AFOQT ETP consideration, ETP must be submitted
to our Org box: [email protected] NLT than AFCEP request window close
date. Subject line must read “XXOTSXX board ETP Request”. No AFOQT waiver will be
considered until after all three attempts are made.
5.12 Rated Age Exception-to-Policy (ETP) Request. If the member is beyond their
birthday on the projected board release date, the member will need to request, and be
granted, an approved rated age ETP to be considered for Pilot, HTN, CSO, and/or ABM. The
ETP needs to be processed IAW AFMAN 36-2100 Table 3.1 and Paragraph,
Applying for Flying Training, Air Battle Manager, and Astronaut Programs, through the
member’s chain-of-command prior to submitting application package. The request needs to
be at AF/A1P level at least 60-90 days prior to the application cut-off date to receive a
response in time to place a Rated Age application. The routing for Reg AF AD enlisted
applicants is through their MAJCOM/A1 to AF/A1P. Do not send to AFPC/DP2O. Approved
Rated age ETPs are only valid for the first available board after the month/year the ETP is
5.13 Non-Rated/RPA Age ETP to Commission Past Age 40. An ETP is only
required if applicant does not meet parameters stated in DAFMAN 36-2032, paragraph AFPC recommends applicants 35 or older review AFI 36-3203, Service
Requirements, Table 4.1 mandatory retirement for all regular officers. This ETP is only for
applicants that will exceed age 40 after subtracting their years of time in service from
current age. AFPC/DP2LT is the approval authority for commission age ETPs. To receive a
response in time to place it in application package by the deadline, draft a memorandum
with the commander’s endorsement to AFPC/DP2LT at least 60-90 days prior to the
application submission cut-off date. The memo needs to contain the applicant’s rank, full
name, SSAN, age, qualifying degree major, graduation date, contact information, board
number, and application cut-off date. The Age ETP, if approved, will be for the specific
board to which the member has applied and will be valid until the member enters OTS
(unless otherwise disqualified). Email requests to AFPC/DP2LT workflow at
5.14 Assignment Limitation Code (ALC). ALC C-1, C-2 and C-3 codes are
disqualifying. Send waiver requests to: [email protected]. All
other ALC Codes do NOT need a waiver. If waiver is approved by DPMNR via a form
FL4, add this document after your 422 in source document package.
5.15 Initial Enlistment Bonus and Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) Waiver/ETP.
IEB and SRB waivers for commissioning programs are no longer required. Please refer to
AFI 36-2606, paragraph 4.4 for more information regarding how selection for OTS may
impact the member’s bonus.
Figure 5.1 Waiver/ETP Memorandum Example
Chapter 6. Source Documents
6.1 Overview. This chapter assists with identifying source documentation requirements.
6.1.1 AF Form 422 Notification of Air Force Member’s Qualification
All applicants applying for OTS must have a valid AF Form 422 with the
following applicable mandatory comments. The AF Form 422 is valid for 12
months from the issue date. EXCEPTION 1: Pregnant applicants will provide the
pregnancy MFR along with their disqualifying 422 stating “No other
disqualifying conditions other than Code 81”. EXCEPTION 2: Those with an
approved ALC waiver will have their ALC stated on the 422. Non-Rated Applicants. The remarks section of the qualifying AF Form
422 must read:
Based on full record review, the member is medically qualified for
continued enlistment, commissioning, and cleared for worldwide duty
and does not have an ALC or is in the process of a medical evaluation
board (MEB). Also, member does not have an AF Form 469, Duty
Limiting Condition Report, describing duty limitations or exemption
from any component for Fitness Testing. Member has/has not had
PRK or Lasik surgery. Surgery date was:___. Rated Applicants (Pilots/HTN/ABM/CSO/RPA) and 13N1 Applicants.
The remarks section of the qualifying AF Form 422 must read:
Based on full record review, the member is medically qualified for
continued enlistment, commissioning, and cleared for worldwide
duty and does not have an ALC or is in the process of a medical
evaluation board (MEB). Also, member does not have an AF Form
469 with Duty Limiting Condition Report describing duty limitations
or exemption from any component for Fitness Testing. Member
passed color vision using the Cone Contrast Test. Member has/has
not had PRK or Lasik surgery. Surgery date was: ___. Special Tactics Officer (STO), Combat Rescue Officer (CRO), and
Tactical Air Control Party Officer (TACP) Applicants. These applicants
require Ground Base Air Control (GBC) commissioning physical certified
by AFRS/RSG. If the initial GBC physical on file is less than two (2)
years old, then only an AF Form 422 is required. See Attachment 8 for
more information. The remarks section of the qualifying AF Form 422
must read:
Based on full record review, the member is medically qualified for
continued enlistment, commissioning, and cleared for worldwide
duty for the ALO, CRO, or STO specialty and does not have an ALC
or is in the process of a medical evaluation board (MEB). Also,
member does not have an AF Form 469 with Duty Limiting
Condition Report describing duty limitations or exemption from any
component for Fitness Testing. Member has/has not had PRK or
Lasik surgery. Surgery date was: ___.
Figure 6.1 OTS Applicant AF Form 422 Request Memo
6.2 Commander’s Master Personnel Information File (Master PIF) and Local
Personnel Information File (LPIF) Reviews.
Applicant’s/Member’s commander must
request a review of member’s Master PIF located at AFPC. Commanders are required to
review Master PIF for derogatory information, and if applicable, review the AF Form 4428,
Tattoo/Brand/Body Marking Screening/Verification, and photos to determine eligibility for
OTS. Refer to Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3 for memorandum templates. Once the memorandum
is completed, have commander sign and email to AFPC/DP1OR Military Records on the
global address list: AFPC/DP1OR Military Records Incoming at
6.2.1 Unit Commander Master PIF Review Ensure to provide applicant’s SSAN,
the purpose for the request, and a return email address. The member’s commander
will receive a response from AFPC/DP1OR. Refer to Figure 6.3 for submitting to
AFRS/RSOCL. Absence of the commander’s memorandum and/or the AFPC
response will result in rejection of the application.
Figure 6.2 Unit Commander’s Master PIF Review Request
Memo Example
Figure 6.3 Unit Commander’s Master PIF and LPIF QFR Memo
6.3 Transcripts and Certifications.
6.3.1 Transcripts. All degrees (conferred and/or projected/currently enrolled - refer to
paragraph for currently enrolled students) and certifications (refer to
paragraph listed on the AF LO Application must have official transcripts
and a copy of the certification included with the source documents packet.
Official, electronic transcripts are acceptable. Provide the cover page of the E-
transcript if included, as well as any key/legend used by the university to interpret
the transcript. CCAF transcripts are NOT required if CDB reflects CCAF degree
but are acceptable if submitted. Qualified Degree Applicants. Applicants with a conferred degree must
submit an official, conferred copy of their qualifying degree transcript.
Ensure all transcripts are requested by the member’s commander,
supervisor, or First Sergeant and are sent to the requester’s address/email.
Transcripts marked ‘Issued to Student’ or list the applicant’s name in the
Intended Recipient field will result in application rejection. Note: A
second unopened official conferred transcript must be taken to OTS, if
selected. Currently Enrolled Qualifying Degree Applicants. Applicants must
provide official transcripts and Graduation Verification Memo (attachment
6) for any incomplete qualifying degree listed on the AF LO Application. Transferred Credit. Only provide official transcripts from schools in
which coursework was transferred to a conferred degree if course titles
from transferred courses are not listed on conferred degree transcripts
(e.g., community college courses that were accepted by the
college/university the member received a degree from). Do not list schools
on AF LO Application that fall in this category. Transferred credit
transcripts do not expire. Certifications. Applicants must provide copies of all official certifications
listed on the AF LO Application.
6.3.2 Graduation Verification Memo (Attachment 6). This memo is required to
be accomplished and included in the source documents packet if an applicant does
not have a conferred degree but is within 365 days of the board convening date
from completing a qualifying degree. The applicant’s university registrar must
provide requested information. The registrar is required to have a signature block
for contact purposes and signs digitally or in ink.
6.4 Assignment Availability Code 05 (AAC 05). Applicants no longer need to request an
AAC 05. AFRS/RSOCL will provide a list of active-duty applicants that are Board Ready to
AFPC for the AAC 05, Applied for Commission Thru a Service Academy/OTS/AECP, to be
updated in MilPDS for the board processing duration. If selected, AFRS/RSOCL will request
updates to the selects MilPDS AAC 05 to be extended beyond estimated class attendance. It
is the applicant’s responsibility to notify AFRS/RSOCL if an enlisted assignment is received
after application is submitted by sending an assignment waiver request to
6.5 Virtual MPF Record Review Update (RRU) and Career Data Brief (CDB). No
sooner than one (1) month prior to application submission, retrieve a vMPF Record Review
Update print out and a Career Data Brief from vMPF. It is the member’s/applicant's
responsibility to ensure all information on the generated reports is accurate. If the report is
inaccurate, the member will need to correct it by going to the Career Enhancement Office to
get the information updated.
6.6 Prior Service Applicants. Applicants who previously served as an enlisted AF member
and had a break in service or an applicant who served in any other branch and/or component
(enlisted only) and is now serving as an active-duty USAF enlisted member must provide the
following documents. Current or prior commissioned officers of any branch/component are
ineligible to apply to this program.
A) Mandatory, All Performance Reports EPRs/EPBs/LOEs (front and back)
B) If applicable, all DD Form 4s
C) If applicable, all DD Form 214s/215s/NGB 22
D) If applicable, all discharge orders
E) If applicable, all derogatory information with waiver documents (Article 15
actions, etc.)
Request records by utilizing an SF 180 Request Pertaining to Military
Records, or by visiting:
Chapter 7. Post-Board Actions
7.1 Selection. The Active-Duty Post-Selection Instructions are located on the Line Officer
Accessions website at
Information-and-Resources/. The instructions will update members on what comes next after
selection and what to expect moving forward. If selected, complete the Active-Duty Post-
Selection Form, and upload it along with any other required documentation via AFCEP.
7.2 Awaiting Training. It is very important to submit documentation as soon as possible.
Members will not be scheduled for OTS until all post-selection documents have been
received and processed by AFRS/RSOCL. Do not contact AFRS/RSOCL to schedule an
OTS class date. Members will be contacted when it is appropriate for their OTS class to be
7.3 Reclassification and Selection Status Withdraw. If member becomes disqualified for
selected AFSC, selection will likely need to be removed. Reclassification to another AFSC is
not possible in most cases. Any reclassification will be based on the needs and best interest
of the Air Force. Note: All selected members must attend OTS within 450 days of the
selection date or selection status may be revoked.
Chapter 8. Civil Pathway to Wings
8.1 Civil Pathway to Wings (CPW). This program is a collaborative effort led by 19 AF to
widen the candidate pool of potential pilot training applicants that have previous civil
training or other training to bypass most of the USAF pipeline programs. The intent of the
program is to provide Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) qualified pilots an opportunity
to be considered for potential selection to an accelerated Air Force pilot training course. In
addition to the necessary FAA qualification requirements, candidates must volunteer to
pursue a Mobility, Special Operations (fixed wing) or Reconnaissance pilot position.
Candidates selected from a rated selection board attend a competency validation, which
includes a written and oral examination to include a simulator evaluation. Once screened,
candidates receive training appropriate to their skill level in an Air Force approved course.
CPW is not ran by AFRS but rather facilitated by AFRS. This means we do not determine
selects or program requirements. Please see Attachments 13-15 for the CPW application and
related instructions.