Updated November 24, 2021
Air Force OA-X Light Attack Aircraft/SOCOM Armed
Overwatch Program
On October 24, 2019, the U.S. Air Force issued a final
request for proposals declaring its intent to acquire a new
type of aircraft. The OA-X light attack aircraft is a small,
two-seat turboprop airplane designed for operation in
relatively permissive environments. The start of a formal
program followed a series of Air Force “experiments” to
determine the utility of such an aircraft.
After the Air Force experiments ended, the program passed
to U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) as the
“Armed Overwatch” program, with a goal of acquiring 75
aircraft for a somewhat different mission. In November,
2021, SOCOM issued its own request for proposals, with a
different set of competitors.
Why Light Attack?
During 2018, then-Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson
often expressed the purpose of a new light attack aircraft as
giving the Air Force an ability to free up more sophisticated
and expensive assets for other tasks, citing the example of
using high-end F-22 jets to destroy a drug laboratory in
Afghanistan as an inefficient use of resources. Per-hour
operating costs for light attack aircraft are typically about
2%-4% those of advanced fighters.
She and other officials also noted that the 2018 National
Defense Strategy put a greater emphasis on potential
conflicts against capably armed nation-states, further
stressing a need to minimize the use of high-end assets in
other types of conflict. (For more on that document, see
CRS Insight IN10855, The 2018 National Defense Strategy,
by Kathleen J. McInnis.)
Conversely, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had
criticized the Air Force as focusing excessively on the kind
of high-end, near-peer conflicts envisioned in that strategy;
the light attack aircraft can be seen as making the Air Force
more relevant to low-end and counterinsurgency warfare.
In January, 2016, LtGen James Holmes (then Air Force
Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and
Requirements) told CRS the Air Force was considering
starting two programs related to ground-attack operations.
One, called OA-X, would examine existing, “off-the-shelf”
light attack aircraft to add a low-end capability for use in
relatively permissive air environments such as Afghanistan
and Iraq. The other, AX-2,” would develop a replacement
for the existing A-10 Thunderbolt II. The Air Force
subsequently publicized these concepts, although they were
not included in the fiscal 2017 budget submission.
On July 31, 2017, the Air Force began what it called the
Capability Assessment of Non-Developmental Light Attack
Platforms, an “experiment” to determine the utility of an
OA-X, its ability to operate with coalition partners, and to
evaluate initial candidate aircraft. The first phase included
the Sierra Nevada/Embraer A-29, Textron/Beechcraft AT-
6B, and Air Tractor/L3 OA-802 turboprops, variants of
which are in service with other countries, and the
developmental Textron Scorpion jet. First-phase operations
continued through August 2017.
Figure 1. Sierra Nevada/Embraer A-29
Source: U.S. Department of Defense.
Note: Shown in Afghan service.
Figure 2. Textron/Beechcraft AT-6
Source: U.S. Air Force photo by Ethan D. Wagner.
Figure 3. Air Tractor/L3 OA-802
Source: L-3.
Air Force OA-X Light Attack Aircraft/SOCOM Armed Overwatch Program
Figure 4. Textron Scorpion
Source: Darin LaCrone/Textron Airland.
The experiment’s second phase began May 7, 2018, with
the A-29 and AT-6B continuing in the program. The flying
portion of the program concluded in June 2018.
A presolicitation notice issued August 6, 2018, limited
participation in the proposed contract to Sierra Nevada and
Textron; did not specify a number of aircraft to be acquired
(Air Force estimates have varied from 20 to “a couple of
squadrons” to 300) nor a target unit price; and predicted a
formal solicitation in December 2018, with contract award
in the fourth quarter of 2019.
The October 24, 2019, request for proposals split the
proposed buy between A-29 and AT-6, with two to three
each. In response, two AT-6s and three A-29s were
delivered to the Air Force. The AT-6s are based at Moody
AFB, GA, for testing and development of operational
tactics; Air Force Special Operations Command has the A-
29s in an instructor pilot program for air advisers at
Hurlburt Field, FL. The Air Force has not yet discussed
why the buy was split between the two aircraft.
After initially considering five aircraft, SOCOM’s
November 2021 request for proposals included the AT-6
and AT-802U from the Air Force experiments, and the
Sierra Nevada/PZL Mielec MC-145. The aircraft selected
will replace SOCOM’s Sierra Nevada/Pilatus U-28s. The
FY2022 budget submission requested $170 million for six
armed overwatch aircraft.
Figure 5. Sierra Nevada/PZL Mielec MC-145B
Source: Sierra Nevada photo.
Congressional Action
The Administration’s FY2020 request for Aircraft
Procurement, Air Force included $35 million for light
attack aircraft. Although the Administration did not request
any funding specific to the OA-X experiment or subsequent
procurement in the FY2017-FY2019 budget submissions,
the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2019 as enacted (P.L. 115-232) included $300
million to procure a fleet of OA-X planes and long-lead
materials. Neither the act nor its accompanying report
specified a quantity of aircraft.
The Administration’s FY2021 budget request proposed
$101 million to begin purchasing armed overwatch aircraft.
Congress, in Section 163 of the report accompanying the
William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (H.Rept. 116-617),
denied that request and prohibited funds from being used to
acquire armed overwatch aircraft through FY2023.
Section 162 of the report accompanying the Senate Armed
Services Committee version of the FY2022 National
Defense Authorization Act limited expenditures for armed
overwatch pending the receipt of reports required in the
FY2021 NDAA.
Potential Issues for Congress
Questions to consider in evaluating the OA-X/Armed
Overwatch program might include the following:
What is the value of adding this capability to the Air
Force or SOCOM?
Might this mission be better accomplished through other
means, such as remotely piloted aircraft (“drones”)?
Does having such aircraft in U.S. service assist in
training and operating with partner nations? If so, what
is the value of that to the United States?
Should the U.S. government be involved in promoting
sales of similar aircraft to other nations, and if so, how?
Is a procurement restricted to a few specified
competitors fair and appropriate?
Is it efficient or operationally preferable to operate more
than one type of light attack aircraft?
Is the use of “experiments” rather than a formal
selection process a useful innovation in streamlining
acquisition, a circumvention of rules, or might it be
described some other way? Does that judgment change
when (as in this case) the procurement is intended for an
off-the-shelf, rather than developmental, acquisition?
The Air Force has publicly stated it is experiencing a
shortage of trained pilots. Would creation of a light
attack fleet exacerbate that shortage or assist in the
training and absorption of new pilots?
Jeremiah Gertler, Specialist in Military Aviation
Air Force OA-X Light Attack Aircraft/SOCOM Armed Overwatch Program | IF10954 · VERSION 5 · UPDATED
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