National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership
Knowledge Legacy - From the X-15 to the Space Shuttle
The X
15 pilots clown around in front of the #2 aircraft.
From left to right: USAF Capt. Joe
Engle, USAF
Maj. Robert Rushworth, NASA test pilot John "Jack" McKay, USAF Maj. William "Pete" Knight, NASA test
pilot Milton Thompson, and NASA test pilot William Dana. Credit: NASA
View original image.
case study
The X-15 program, which ran from the mid-1950s through the late 1960s, sought to learn
more about the problems and possibilities of hypersonic flight and human spaceflight. At
first glance, the research-focused rocket planes of the X-15 project may appear to have
little in common with the space shuttle, which launched nearly a decade and a half later
and served NASA for 30 years. Yet in several regards the space shuttle was heir to the
X-15 program. As the first reusable fixed-wing lifting-reentry spacecraft since the X-15,
many of the technologies developed for the X-15 project were incorporated into the
shuttle's design and operational techniques.
In a speech during the thirtieth anniversary celebration of the first X-15 flight, Charles J.
DonlanDeputy Director of the Langley Research Center during the X-15 yearssaid
the X-15 program “established such widespread confidence in aerodynamic, thermal,
and structural areas that new designs for operation aircraft for any speed regime could
be expected to be successfully achieved if good use was made of all pertinent test
facilities and analytical methods. This philosophy guided design of the space shuttle.
And this is, in my opinion, the real legacy of the X-15.”
X-15 program overview
The X-15 program began as a joint initiative between the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy,
and NASA’s precursor, the U.S. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).
Its primary focus was on achieving hypersonic flight: more than five times the speed of
sound (Mach 5). Included in the program objectives was the intention of penetrating
space with the rocket-boosted aircraft. Though that remained a goal, it was in some
ways a secondary focus, one many thought unachievable at the time.
The program began exploring uncharted territory long before the first X-15 left the
ground. No protocol for building hypersonic vehicles existed. Lessons from the X-1 and
X-2 programs suggested that pushing into hypersonic territory might cause significant
problems in aircraft stability. Aerodynamic heating seemed an even more
insurmountable challenge. The need for a structure that could withstand the 2,000
degree-Fahrenheit temperatures associated with reentry was critical, yet no such
structure had ever been constructed. And the effects on humans of prolonged
weightlessness, dynamic pressure changes, and high g-force flight were unknown.
Ultimately, three rocket-powered X-15 aircraft were built. Each was air-launched from
beneath the wing of a B-52 at 45,000 feet. The team developed a novel uninsulated
Inconel X hot structure that could handle the extreme aerodynamic heat loads. The craft
was powered by a reusable 57,000-pound-thrust XLR99 engine that, when the program
began, was the largest man-rated rocket engine of its time (though it was soon eclipsed
by the much larger Atlas and Titan man-rated engines). The rocket plane included
odynamic flight cont
rols (for use within the atmosphere) as well as reaction controls
(involving small jet thrusters that could maintain the craft’s attitude beyond the sensible
atmosphere). The reaction cont
rol system was a first in every respect. The design
Proceedings of the X-15 First Flight 30th Anniversary Celebration, “The Legacy of the X-15” p. 1. Accessed 25
September 2012 at: <>
featured a three-stick flight control system. Both the center stick and right side stick
managed the aerodynamic controls, the difference being that the right side stick was
designed for use in high-g situationsincluding acceleration and reentryand so could
be moved with one-third the effort required by the center stick. The left side stick
managed the reaction control system, activated when the aerodynamic controls were no
longer effective. For the third X-15 plane (X-15-3), a control system was eventually
developed that blended
the aerodynamic and reaction controls. Finally, the unique X-15
tail designwhich incorporated a wedge-shaped vertical stabilizeraddressed concerns
regarding stability.
The X-15 program is considered one of the most successful flight research programs in
NASA history. Over the course of nearly 10 yearsfrom 1959 to 1968and 199 flights,
the X-15 planes and pilots set unofficial world speed records (Mach 6.7 on 3 October
1967, with Air Force pilot William “PeteKnight at the helm of the X-15A-2) and altitude
records (354,200 feet on 22 August 1963 by NASA pilot Joseph Walker in the X-15-3) in
addition to the official world record for altitude of 314,750 feet set on July 17, 1962,
which earned Air Force pilot Robert “Bob” White his astronaut wings. The program
developed the first full-pressure aviation suits, crafted the first blended adaptive
automatic flight control system (combining both aerodynamic and reaction controls), and
furthered the energy-management concept later relied on by the space shuttle. It was
the first time that wind tunnel findings and hypersonic theory were applied to actual
aircraft; data from X-15 flights still offer insight into simulator and wind tunnel work.
While the program’s list offirsts” goes on, its greatest reverberations were felt in the
manned space programs that followed. X-15 findings informed the development of the
Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. But its most lasting impact may have been on
the design and development of the space shuttle.
X-15 design innovations leveraged by the Space Shuttle Program
The X-15 program broke new ground in terms of structural materials and technology.
The team solicited design proposals for the X-15 in 1954. The goal was to develop an
aircraft that could withstand the thermal and dynamic pressures of high-altitude and
high-speed flight and eliminate the serious stability problems encountered in previous X-
plane programs. The technologies to overcome these issues did not yet exist. It was up
to the X-15 engineers and the four companies that submitted proposals to develop the
airframeBell Aircraft Corporation, Douglas Aircraft Company, North American Aviation,
and Republic Aviation Corporationto present reasonable solutions that could literally
and figuratively launch the X-15 program. North American was ultimately awarded the
project, based in part on their Inconel X hot-structure approach, which appeared able to
handle the anticipated heat load.
Novel heat-management structure
The primary design concern was structural overheating. At speeds beyond Mach 5,
reentry and flight within the atmosphere caused extreme friction, resulting in
temperatures beyond 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Aluminum, typically used for airframe
construction, has a low melting point, which meant insulation would be essential to meet
the goals of the X-15. But in the mid-1950s an insulating material that could withstand
the heat extremes of hypersonic flight did not exist. Instead, the X-15 team realized they
needed to build a hot structure out of a different material to handle the aerodynamic heat
The X-15 engineers developed an uninsulated, exposed Inconel X hot structure that
incorporated titanium-stainless steel superalloys in sections exposed to lower
temperatures. Inconel X was not designed to maintain structural integrity above 1,200
degrees Fahrenheit; however, given the short nature of the flights, it was expected to
perform acceptably. Because experience with both Inconel X and titanium was limited in
the 1950s, the team developed new fabrication techniques for machining, forming,
welding, and heat-treating the materials. “It has not been generally recognized that about
70 to 80 percent of structure of the X-15 are welded assemblies,” noted Harrison A.
Storms, Jr., Chief Engineer for North American Aviation, in a speech at the thirtieth
anniversary celebration of the X-15’s first flight.
To help absorb some of the heat, bars were built into the leading edge of the X-15’s
wing. Early structures featured an open gap in the high-heat area, which caused the
structure skin to buckle. The team knew that most of the heat from hypersonic flight
would concentrate on the leading edge because it had the smallest curvature and was
where the shock wave generated on reentry lay closest to the vehicle. As a result, the
shuttle engineers built reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) paneling into the leading edges
of the wings as well as the nose cap.
In a speech at the National Air and Space Museum, NASA pilot and engineer William H.
“Bill” Dana, who flew the X-15 sixteen times, explained, “All the [X-15] airplanes
exhibited minor buckling of the exterior skin. During the rocket boost phase of the flight,
when the aircraft was accelerating and heating rapidly, the pilot could hear the skin
He said that fellow X-15 pilot Joseph Walker observed,The airplane
crackled like a hot stove.
In addition, the frame expanded when exposed to high
reentry temperatures.
The space shuttle, though fabricated from different materials, also experienced
expansion due to thermal extremes. Its insulating tiles were carefully applied to
accommodate the expansion and contraction of its frame. Despite this similarity, the
shuttle structure bore little resemblance to the X-15. Its frame was made of aluminum
because, by the early 1970s, insulating materials had advanced enough to protect
aluminum frames from the heat extremes associated with flight at Mach 20 and above.
However, the space shuttle engineers’ choice of insulating material was influenced by
the X-15’s late-program experiment with ablatorsprotective heat shields designed to
wear away at high temperatures to prevent heat from building up in structurally critical
areas of the craft.
Ibid, “X-15 Hardware Design Challenges” p 1. Accessed 25 September 2012 at:
hsonian Institution’s Charles A. Lindber
gh Lecture Series. Sp
eech given by William Dana on 21 May 1998 at
e National Air and Space Museum. Text accompanying slide 13. Accessed 25 September 2012 at:
Ablative coating
The original X-15 objectives specified hypersonic speed explorations of up to Mach 6.
Later in the course of the project the envelope was expanded to Mach 8.
Such an
increase in speed meant an associated increase in the temperatures the aircraft would
endure during reentry. Because the existing Inconel X hot structure could not withstand
these increased heating rates, the second X-15 plane was extensively modified, which
included incorporating an ablative coating that would provide the needed thermal
insulation. Fifteen materials were tested to find the right coating for the aircraft (now
dubbed X-15A-2). Eventually, a Martin Marietta sprayable silicone ablator was selected.
The coating made the plane heavier and harder to handle. During the second flight
incorporating the ablative coating, some of the skin on the aircraft melted and substantial
damage was done to the ventral fin. Nonetheless, the flight produced the highest speed
associated with the X-15: Mach 6.7, an unofficial new record that would stand for nearly
fifteen years (to be broken, finally, by the Space Shuttle Columbia). Although the X-15A-
2 never flew again, the work done by the X-15 team to explore usable thermal coatings
benefitted the Space Shuttle Program, already underway at the time. In his book, X-15:
Extending the Frontiers of Flight, author Dennis R. Jenkinsan aerospace engineer and
manager within the Space Shuttle Programstated, “The experience with the X-15
provided very meaningful insights into the problems that the space shuttle undoubtedly
would have encountered using this technology.”
Due in part to the problems that the X-
15 had with its ablative coating, the space shuttle team chose to explore the emerging
ceramic-tile insulation options instead.
Shuttle-related insulation and engine considerations
Ceramic materials had not advanced enough to be viable for the X-15, but they were
discussed. The Bell Aircraft Corporation proposal focused on an internal airframe that
required external insulation. The problem, they noted, was with current technology: the
ideal insulation would be made from a ceramic material, but such material could not yet
be manufactured. Decades later, the space shuttle relied on silica-based ceramic tile as
insulating material.
Another aspect of the Bell proposal foreshadowed shuttle design. For the engine, Bell
proposed using three engines in a triangular shape, one engine on top of the others, a
design later used by the space shuttle.
Tail design and stability
In their original proposal for the X-15, North American advocated a novel tail design: a
wedge-shaped vertical stabilizer with a split trailing edge that would provide directional
stability without increasing the size of the tail.
Stability had been a significant problem for earlier X-plane programs. The X-1 and X-2
experienced yaw difficulties during which the plane would tumble out of control.
Resolving the yaw issue was especially critical for the X-15, as its reentry “angle of
attack” was anticipated to range from 15-26 degrees, an approach that demanded
tremendous stability.
Despite the envelope expansion, the X-15 aircraft never exceeded Mach
Dennis R. Jenkins, “X-15: Extending the Frontiers of Flight,” p. 458.
! !
Engineers determined that the stability problem of the earlier X-planes was due to the
fact that their thin horizontal and vertical stabilizers lost effectiveness at high speed. The
traditional solution to counter this and enhance stability would be to increase the X-15's
tail size. One proposal even suggested making the tail as large as the wing. But
calculations by Langley Research Center aerodynamicist Charles McLellan, along with
subsequent wind tunnel testing, revealed an alternative solution. A wedge-shaped tail,
narrow at the front and wide at the back, kept the air streams apart longer during
hypersonic flight, creating the needed stability. Panels that could extend out from the
side of the tail provided additional stability, and also acted as speed brakes. This wedge
tail designconceived for the X-15became the accepted standard for hypersonic
flight. However, even though the unique tail design provided the ultimate stability during
hypersonic flight, modern spacecraftincluding the space shuttledon’t use it, as they
rely on computer control to achieve stability.
The initial North American proposal called for a wedge-shaped stabilizer that reflected
McLellan’s findings. The final X-15 tail featured a blunt trailing edge rather than the split
trailing edge proposed by North American. But while that design element wasn’t used on
the X-15, it was ultimately incorporated into the tail design for the space shuttle. The
orbiter has a wedge-shaped vertical stabilizer that controls yaw and a split rudder that
acts as a speed brake during reentry. However, the shuttle never flew with its speed
brake in the open position, forming the wedge, because its reentry position and
computer-controlled stability rendered the tail shape irrelevant.
Pressure suits
The aggressive velocity and altitude objectives of the X-15 program meant that the pilots
would fly higher and faster than ever before. The pressure they would encounter during
atmosphere climb-out and reentry would be extreme. Although the cockpit was
pressurized, they required a back-up system should the cabin lose pressure. This drove
the need for the first full pressure suit. Walter C. Williams, chairman of the X-15 Flight
Test Steering Committee (later the Joint Operating Committee), said, “It was felt
important to develop a full pressure suit.This suit became the foundation on which suit
technology was built for use in the space programs.”
The David Clark Company developed the suits used in the X-15. Their first creation was
the MC-2. It was cumbersome and limited both movement and peripheral vision. Thirty-
six flights were conducted in the MC-2, though the pilots disliked it.
Meanwhile, the David Clark Company was working on a technological breakthrough: the
A/P22S-2. This suit was crafted from Link Net, a more lightweight, bendable nylon fabric
that nonetheless was equipped with an integral g suit. It was much easier to handle than
the MC-2. Because the cockpit was filled with nitrogen to protect pilots from the extreme
heat during flight, oxygen was provided through the faceplate of the A/P22S-2. Instead
of using a neck seal, the A/P22S-2 featured a face seal that was both more comfortable
and more durable. Durability was critical as that seal was the only thing keeping the
nitrogen in the body of the sui
the new suit was a huge
t from entering the oxygenated face mask. To the pilots,
e. Easier to wear and see out of, it also included a
!Thanks to Dennis Jenkins for clarifying this point.
X-15 First Flight 30th Anniversary, “X-15 Concept
Evolution” p 1. Accessed 25 September 2012 at:
feature they’d asked for: removable gloves. The A/P22S-2 set the standard for future
Inertial flight data system
At all times during flightboth in and outside the sensible atmosphereX-15 pilots
needed a system to determine the aircraft’s altitude, velocity, and attitude. Due to the
high speeds and altitudes flown by the program, conventional pressure-measuring
devices couldn’t provide accurate data. Two inertial flight data systems (IFDS) were
incorporated into the X-15: the first was an analogue system developed by the Sperry
Gyroscope Company specifically for the X-15, and the secondbrought in laterwas a
Honeywell digital inertial guidance system made available by the cancelled X-20
Developing the Sperry system was challenging and more time-consuming than
anticipated. Simply put, technology had not yet advanced to meet the needs of the X-15
project. As a result, a number of problems plagued the system, ranging from the
unexpected weight of the platform to its cooling requirements. Even when those were
resolved, the system performed erratically and often sub-optimally. Later design
reconfigurations improved performance. When the X-15 program expanded to Mach 8 in
the mid-1960s, the Sperry analogue system was selected as the preferred IFDS.
Designed originally for the Dyna-Soar program, the digital system was better understood
than the analogue version by the time it was installed on the X-15-1 in 1964 and on the
X-15-3 at the end of 1965. While difficulties arose in modifying the system to work in the
X-15, the Honeywell IFDS exhibited a smaller margin of error than the analogue IFDS
and could be relied on for greater precision.
But the true advance in guidance systems came later, when the X-15-3 was equipped
with a groundbreaking system developed by Ames Research Center. It included the
Honeywell IFDS, an MH-96 adaptive control systemwhich blended aerodynamic and
reaction controls—a ball nose system, and an Alert digital computer. This system was so
advanced that the space shuttle used a similar set up later in its program.
Blended adaptive flight control system
The X-15 was the first aircraft to use an automated flight control system that switched
seamlessly from aerodynamic controls to reaction controlsalso known as ballistic
controlsas the plane moved in and out of the atmosphere.
Earlier X-plane programs had determined that aerodynamic controls were ineffective in
the upper atmosphere. A reaction control system was required beyond the sensible
atmospherethat is, the part of the atmosphere in which resistance to the aircraft could
be feltto guide the X-15’s attitude and velocity. Without it, the plane was as likely to fly
sideways or even upside down as it was to fly right side up and forward. Attitude control
was particularly critical in preparing for reentry: if the aircraft was not perfectly
positioned, it could bounce off the atmosphere back into space and potentially overshoot
its destination. NASA pilot Neil Armstrong was at the stick of an X-15 when he
positioned it inaccurat
ely for reent
ry and the plane bounced off the atmosphere. That
ight proved to be the longest in X-15 historya feat no one cared to repeat.
Dennis R. Jenkins, “X-15: Extending the Frontiers of Flight,” p. 165.!
X-15 was the first program to demonstrate a successful transition between aerodynamic
and reaction controls. Initially, the team assumed there would be a clear boundary
between atmosphere and space where the shift from aerodynamic controls to reactions
controls would take place. "Engineers asked us to find out where that magic altitude
was," said Air Force pilot Joe Engle. But there wasn’t one. Eventually the team
developed a blended adaptive control system that automatically switched from the
aerodynamic controls to the reaction controls as needed during flight. The system
obviated the need for multiple control sticks in the cockpit; a single stick sufficed. This
system provided the basis for future space control flight systems.
“The same flight control system developed on X-15 was used on the Space Shuttle,
confirmed Engle, the only person to pilot both vehicles.
Landing gear
The landing gear for the X-15 was relatively simple, consisting of instrumented landing
skids plus a nose wheel. Its nose strut was quite short, the length dictated by a need for
the landing gear to take up as little room as possible when stowed during flight. As a
result, the X-15 put a lot of pressure on the equipment during landing. When the X-15
came in for landing, the skids touched down at speeds of 200 miles per hour, followed
by the nose of the aircraft. “It was a really ugly thing,” recalled Engle. “You just kind of
made sure that your teeth were together when the nose started down. It was a pretty
good smack.”
A similar short-nose tricycle-style landing gear conceptdesigned, like
the X-15’s, by Charlie Feltzwas used for the space shuttle.
Additional air data
While both the X-15 and the space shuttle were highly instrumented vehicles, additional
air data were needed during approach and landing. Typically, the X-15 was equipped
with a static dogleg pitot tube: a pressure-sensitive instrument that provided critical
information on airspeed. But when the X-15A-2 was modified for Mach 8 flight, a
retractable pitot was designed to extend, when required, below Mach 2 to indicate
airspeed and assist with landing. A similar retractable design was later used on the
space shuttle.
Additional sensors for evaluating air data in extreme flight environments were explored
in X-15 experiments. A hypersonic flow-direction systemcalled the ball nosewas
placed on the nose of the airplane to measure the angle of attack and sideslip. As the
program progressed, the team found that the standard ball nose system on the X-15
planes was more complicated that it needed to be, making it vulnerable to failure. A fixed
ball nose was designed and placed on the left wingtip. Following positive results, a fixed
ball nose was included for experimental purposes on six of the final seven X-15 flights.
This design provided the basis for an experiment using a similar system on the Space
Shuttle Columbia: the Shuttle Entry Air Data System (SEADS).
!“From X-15 o
t Shuttle” pr
esentation by Major General Joe Engle at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC on 18
February 2010.
X-15 operational techniques leveraged by the Space Shuttle Program
Angle of attack: the blunt body principle
In the early 1950s, the world envisioned space flight as taking aerodynamic design to the
extreme. To achieve supersonic speeds, engineers assumed that a streamlined
designa spacecraft with a needle-thin nose and ultra-slim wingswas essential. And
they were right. For supersonic flight, streamlined aerodynamics were ideal. But for
hypersonic flightover Mach 5the opposite was true.
This first came to light as scientists sought to design effective intercontinental ballistic
missiles (ICBMs). While a streamlined, pointed nose would help the enormous missile
soar thousands of miles through space, the incredible frictionand associated thermal
extremescreated when it reentered Earth’s atmosphere could cause the missile to
burn up. In wind tunnel simulations, the tips of the missile nose cones would melt on
reentry. Aerodynamic design was clearly not the answer for hypersonic vehicles.
In 1951, a blunt body concept was introduced by H. Julian Allen, a researcher at Ames
Research Center. Applying physics to the problem, he determined that while drag was a
hindrance in supersonic flighthence the need for aerodynamic shapesit actually
benefitted hypersonic craft. A blunt-shaped aircraft body would create more drag,
slowing down reentry and reducing the associated heat. Its shape would also produce a
thicker shock wave upon reentry, insulating the missile from much of the heat by pushing
the shock wave away from the missile body much like the prow of a boat pushes the
wake away from the sides of the vehicle as it cuts through water.
For the X-15, the blunt body concept was incorporated into the reentry position, known
as the “angle of attack.” The X-15 reentered the atmosphere nose up at roughly 20
degrees, presenting the broad lower surface of the craft to increase its profile and create
more drag. This forced deceleration at higher altitudes and helped dissipate energy by
heating the atmosphere. It decreased frictional heating of the aircraft and lowered heat
loads and heating rates, rendering heat transfer less extreme.
The space shuttle perfected its angle of attack to 40 degrees. This maneuver, which
resembled a lengthy swan dive, adequately slowed reentry, limiting overheating and
facilitating a precise landing. Both the X-15 and the shuttle had to reenter at specific
angles of attack: too steep and they could burn up; too shallow and they could skip off
the atmosphere like a rock across a pond.
Unpowered landings and energy management
The X-15 refined the unpowered landing technique later employed by the space shuttle.
Early discussions about landing requirements for the shuttle assumed the vehicle would
have to include an air-breathing engine that would function within the atmosphere and
power it safely back to Earth, similar to conventional airliner landings. “People didn’t
think we could land the shuttle without a bit of powered flight,” said pilot Joe Engle.
Christian Gelzer, Dryden Flight Research Center Chief Historian, elaborated: “They were
going to put jet engines
on the
shuttle so that once it entered the atmosphere, they
pop these jet engines out and school them up. That way the pilots would be able
fly the orbiter like an airplane back to the landing site.
But the X-15 program set a different example.
Though powered by the largest man-rated rocket engine of its time, the X-15 relied on a
sustained unpowered glide through reentry, approach, and landing. To achieve the ideal
glide leading to a precision landing, energy management was essential. Once the engine
died, the pilot carefully balanced the plane’s speed and energy. As he arrived at the high
key—the ideal position from which to land without overshooting or missing the runway
the pilot executed what later became known as the Terminal Area Energy Management
maneuver, carefully controlling speed and altitude.
In their article, “The Contributions of Lifting Bodies,”
authors Christian Gelzer and Peter
Merlin explained, “A typical flight for the X-15 meant launching over eastern Nevada. If
everything went according to plan, the pilot lit the engine shortly after falling away from
the B-52 and began a fast, steady climb. Usually he shut the engine down after 90
seconds, rarely letting it run more than two minutes; at which point the fuel tanks were
virtually empty anyway. The X-15 carried so much energy by then that it continued its
trajectory, sometimes into space, before reaching its apogee and starting its descent.
The X-15 was back on the dry lakebed at Edwards in 9-10 minutesa figure that
includes the 90-120 second engine burn, not to mention the time spent at “high key
completing a 360 degree circle at some 50,000 feet above the base while setting up for
a landing, meaning that X-15 pilots used energy management for nearly four-fifths of
each flight and always landed without motive thrust.”
X-15 pilot Bill Dana, in his speech at the National Air and Space Museum, further
described the high key maneuver used by both the X-15 and the space shuttle “All the
pilots used a circling approach that was commenced at 30,000 to 50,000 feet above the
runway and they stayed high on profile until it was assured that they would reach the
runway, at which time speed brakes were used to descend onto a nominal glidescope.”
Any remaining propellant was jettisoned to eliminate potential explosives and lower the
plane’s landing weight. This action alerted two chase planes to the X-15’s location. The
chase planes then followed the X-15 down, providing needed information to ensure a
safe landing.
The unpowered landings perfected by the X-15 convinced engineers that the next
reusable fixed-wing lifting-reentry vehiclethe space shuttlecould abandon the plan to
carry air-breathing engines along with additional fuel for powered landings. Although
some skepticism lingered that a vehicle as large as the space shuttle could land without
power, the space shuttle ultimately followed the X-15’s unpowered reentry flight pattern
almost exactly.
While the X-15 program was not the first to train pilots using simulators, it was the first to
so extensively, encouraging pilots, engineers, and flights controllers to train together.
In NASA’s Contributions
to the Shuttle Program, forthcoming.
Of the 199 total flights the X-15s made
, 13 reached space.
Lindbergh Lecture Series, 21 May 1998. Text accompanying slid
e 17. Accessed 25 September 2012 at:
The simulators served other critical purposes as well, informing aircraft development and
mission planning. Author Dennis Jenkins noted, “The X-15 demonstrated that simulators
were useful for engineering simulations, mission planning, flight profile investigations, as
well as pilot training. Shuttle used them for all those functions. [Simulators] may well be
the X-15’s most lasting legacy.”
Two analogue simulators were used exhaustively during the years of the X-15 program.
A third hybrid analogue-digital simulator was recruited from the defunct Dyna-Soar
program specifically for the X-15A-2 Mach 8 initiative. The function of the hybrid
simulator, however, was more for heating and control predictions than pilot training, and
was not integral to the program. As a result, engineers used the opportunity to design a
more generic simulator that could be used for other aircraft as well. This hybrid analog-
digital simulator was later used by the Space Shuttle Program to learn more about
heating on reentry.
“For planning X-15 flights and for pilot practice, extensive use was made of a fixed base
analogue simulator,” recalled Bill Dana. “Every flight was preceded by ten or twenty
hours of simulation of normal and emergency procedures. The simulator had to be
continually updated with data gathered in flight.”
“They would let the crew practice going to Mach 2.5 in the simulator before they flew the
X-15 in the air. That evolved into the same type of approach for the space shuttle. Of
course, the [space shuttle] orbiter had to fly the whole Mach range the first time except
for the approach-to-landing test,” said Fred Martin, a senior engineer in the Applied
Aeroscience and Computational Fluid Dynamics Branch at Johnson Space Center.
The simulator was linked to the control room so that pilots, engineers, and flight
controllers could practice together. For the space shuttle, “The crew would interactively
help the engineers adjust the flight control system before it ever flew, based on the
simulations,” said Martin.
The X-15 program also used airborne simulators. A JF-100C simulator, modified to
express the flight characteristics of the X-15, included the “beta-dot” technique.
Developed to explore reentry from high altitudes in the event of damper failure, it was a
technique that few X-15 pilots mastered. Fortunately, it was rarely relevant to X-15 flight.
But the equation was later used during the Space Shuttle Program to investigate and
overcome problems with unstable control coupling.
Rogers Dry Lake
A final operational element in both the X-15 and space shuttle programs was their use of
Rogers Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert as a runway. Both projects used other runways
as wellthe X-15 unintentionally (for emergency landings), the space shuttle as a matter
of course. For its role in the development of the U.S. space programby providing a
runway resource that could accommodate the long landing-distance requirements of
hypersonic landing skid-equipped vehiclesRogers Dry Lake was designated a National
Historic Landmark in 1985.
!Ibid, text accompanying sl
ide 16.!
The X-15-space shuttle legacy
Summary of X-15 innovations leveraged by the Space Shuttle Program:
Wedge-shaped tail design
Blended adaptive flight control system
Angle of attack for reentry and landing
Unpowered landings and Terminal Area Energy Management maneuver
Extra insulation on leading edges of craft
Short-nose tricycle-style landing gear
Full pressure suits
Advanced inertial flight data system
Retractable pitot tube air data system for landing
Fixed ball nose hypersonic flow-direction system
Hybrid analogue-digital simulator as well as an overall emphasis on the
importance of simulator use
Given the time that has passed since the last X-15 plane flew and the remarkable
advances in computer technology and materials that have occurred since, no one would
be surprised if the X-15 program were now simply an interesting historical note in the
annals of flight history.
But the X-15 program was, and still is, much more. It was born at an opportune moment:
NACA, Air Force, and Navy were all driven to push past the boundaries of supersonic
flight, and no competing programs were consuming the available budget. Still, the
program faced challenges.
Some obstacles were conceptual: many believed, when the program was conceived,
that human spaceflight was decades away. As a result, spaceflight was almost excised
from the program’s objectives. But the program persevered.
Other challenges were more practical: when the program began, the technology simply
didn’t exist to realize the ambitions of the X-15 project. So the team uncovered new
materials, designed new technology, and conceived new systems to meet their goals.
The X-15 team was made up of diverse institutions and individuals who possessed what
might be called single-minded focusexcept that one of the strengths of the program
was that it leveraged divergent thinking and found solutions in an array of emerging
innovations. The team’s broadminded thinking was complemented by what Harrison
Storms, North American Aviation Chief Engineer, called thoughtful courage. At the 30
anniversary celebration of the X-15’s first flight, he explained, “There is a very fine line
between stopping progress and being reckless. [T]he necessary ingredient in this
situation of solving a sticky problem is attitude and approach. The answer, in my opinion,
is what I refer to as ‘th
l courage.’ If you don't have that, you will very easily fall
o the habit of fearful safety and end up with a very long and tedious-type solution at
Although the wedge tail was used on the space shuttle, it wasn’t strictly needed for stability as the shuttle relied on
computer control to maintain stability.
Full pressure suits were used on 75 of the shuttle’s 135 missions.
Used on both the X-15 and the space
shuttle as experiments, not primary air-flow data systems.
the hands of some committee. This can very well end up giving a test program a disease
commonly referred to as ‘cancelitis,’ which results in little or no progress and only
creates another ‘Hangar Queen.’”
The X-15 team made an art of pushing the boundaries of engineering design,
technological innovation, flight profiles, and courage.
The space shuttle developed under very different circumstances. The atmosphere in the
1970s was thick with budget concerns, and attention was regularly diverted away from
the space shuttle toward a potential space station. Fortunately, when the shuttle
program finally got the green light, it didn’t have to start from scratch. In X-15: Extending
the Frontiers of Flight, Dennis Jenkins wrote, “It is certain that the development of the
Space Shuttle would have carried a far greater risk if not for the lessons learned from the
development and flight testing of the X-15.”
Though there were many differences between the vehicles, the space shuttle was able
to capitalize on technological, design, and flight-technique innovations arising from the
X-15 program. Even in the last years of the Space Shuttle Program, it revisited
advanced concepts introduced by the X-15 and incorporated them into the shuttle, such
as the Ames-designed guidance system that graced the X-15-3.
Another critical lesson is not found in the specifics passed from the X-15 to the space
shuttle. It is reflected in the need for broadminded thinking when conceiving of programs
and courage in implementing them; and in the careful examination and transference of
knowledge from past programs to present ones. It stands as an example of how the
knowledge legacy of one generation of flight vehicles can shape the next.
X-15 First Flight 30th Anni
versary, “X
-15 H
ardware Design Challenges” p 1. Accessed 25 September 2012 at: