A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Presented By:
Mike Fludovich
April 2023
2023 GFRC Training
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Big Picture
Cover changes to DFARS 228.370 and associated PGI
Cover changes to DFARS 252.228-7001
Introduce new clause at DFARS 252.228-7007
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Big Picture
The Ground and Flight Risk clause (GFRC) updated with intent to fix-
Outdated Language
Eliminate the assumption of risk flowdown to subcontractor operations confusion
Re-order the sections to a more logical flow
Added a new clause for COCO PAO DFARS 252.228-7007
The bulk of the changes occur with DFARS 228.370 & 228.371 (new)
The original 228.370 is now 228.371
The new 228.370 now has 2 parts
Added new exceptions in 228.371
Major shift in how these clauses are written
Instructions to Contracting Officers (KO) are now in 228.370
Created need to repeat a significant amount of information found in the GFRC
Associated Procedures, Guidance, and Information (PGI) updated
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Presented By:
Mike Fludovich
DFARS 228.370
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
DFARS 228.370-1
Adds definitions used in 228.370 from both 252.228-7001 and
252.228-7007 covered in more detail within the clauses
Civil Aircraft
Covered Aircraft (old ‘In-the-Open’)
Crewmember, new term as it replaces flight crew to align with 8210-1
Flight, simplified
Public Aircraft
Public Aircraft Operation
State Aircraft
Workmanship Error (new)
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DFARS 228.370-2
This new section pulls a large quantity of information intended for KOs from
within the clauses
FAR 52 & DFARS 252 provide the requirements the contractor is expected to
comply with in the performance of the contract. FAR Part 228.370-2
(a) Direction to KO to see PGI for how to assign a GFR
(b) Preaward Survey Encourages the KO to request a preaward and to
review the contractors insurance for adequacy if GFRC is not on contract
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DFARS 228.370-2
(c) Adds additional explanation about FMS exceptions in DFARS 228.371
(d) Commercial Derivative Aircraft clarifies the Part 145 exception
(e) Insurance clarifies the intent of the GFRC and why insurance costs
are unallowable
(f) Damage to Government Aircraft clearly states the KO responsibility
to make liability determinations
(g) KO Determination of Liability repeats the GFRC exclusions for the KO
(h) Notice of Revocation procedure for KO to revoke the Governments
assumption of risk
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DFARS 228.370-2
(i) Procedures in event of damage restated from the clause
(j) KO Determination of Contractors Share of Loss the least of:
$200,000, or
20% of the acquisition cost of affected aircraft, or
20% of the cost of the contract, task order, or delivery order
(k) Reimbursement from a Third Party no change, just repeated from
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PGI 228.370-2
(a) Provides KO with process to request assignment of a GFR/G-GFR
(c) FMS provides KO with additional information about insurance
without the GFRC
(f) Damage to Government Aircraft expands on difference between
Accident/Mishap Damage – covered
Workmanship Error Damage not covered
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DFARS 228.370-3
Aircraft not owned by or to be delivered to the Government
(a) Directs KO to only use the GFRC if determined to be in the best
interest of the Government
(b) Provides a list (not limited to) of factors to consider-
Cost of hull insurance exceeds cost of aircraft
Insurance is not available (War zone, high-risk experimental, etc.)
Ground or Flight operations of COCO aircraft may place Government aircraft at
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Presented By:
Mike Fludovich
DFARS 228.371
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
DFARS 228.371
Additional Clauses (old 228.370)
(a) No change from 2019 DFARS
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DFARS 228.371 (con’t)
(b) Directs usage of the GFRC for-
(1) For…aircraft owned by or to be delivered to the Government, except
(new focus)
(i) No Change, incidental operations only (e.g., FBO)
(ii) Simplified but restricted to purchasing aircraft, not services (e.g., modification)
(iii) Simplified and removed double negative
(iv) Added that this exception cannot be used if flights involve contractor
(v) Aircraft are dismantled and removed from inventory (new)
(vi) Group 1 or 2 UAS…if…cost is less than Class C threshold ($60,000) (new)
(2) Involving aircraft not owned by or to be delivered to the
Government…only if the KO Determines it is in the best interest of the
Government (new)
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DFARS 228.371
Additional Clauses (old 228.370)
(c) No Change from 2019 DFARS
(d) No Change from 2019 DFARS
(e) No Change from 2019 DFARS
(f) Use clause at 252.228-7007, Public Aircraft and State Aircraft
Operations Liability, in solicitations and contracts that- (new)
Do not include 252.228-7001
But involve public aircraft operations or state aircraft operations
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DFARS 242.302
Before moving on…a line was added to DFARS 242.302(a)
FAR 42.302(a)(56) states “maintain surveillance of flight operations”
DFARS 242.302(a) was silent on (56), but now clarifies that with the
DoD, maintaining surveillance of flight and ground operations is
accomplished through the Combined Instruction
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A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Presented By:
Mike Fludovich
DFARS 252.228-7001
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
DFARS 252.228-7001
Background on re-write-
The clause at DFARS 252.228-7001, Ground and Flight Risk (GFRC), has been
patch-worked with updates since the 1950’s
Prior to 2010, there were two clauses that led to confusion, 252.228-7001 &
252.228-7002, Aircraft Flight Risk
In 2010, the -7002 was incorporated into the GFRC, but without major update
to language or flow
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
DFARS 252.228-7001
Background on re-write-
Since release in June 2010, the acquisition of UASs and contracted
contractor-owned, contractor-operated (COCO) aircraft services has exploded
causing some conflicts-
Most of the conflicts were in the prescribing clause DFARS 228.370
Did not clearly state whether or not to use the GFRC on aircraft that the
Government did not own
Did not address contracts to de-militarize aircraft to remove from the inventory
Directions to KOs were only included in the GFRC itself unlike all other
No mechanism existed to have a KO place the Combined Instruction on a
contract without the GFRC
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(a) Definitions operations’ was removed
Aircraft simplified to defining what an aircraft is…other paragraphs
incorporated intocovered aircraft
Contractors Managerial Personnel No Change
Contractors Premises No Change
Covered Aircraft replaces ‘in-the-open’
Crewmember – replaces ‘flight crew member, simplified
Flight simplified, removed specifics for land-based, seaplanes, helicopters
Workmanship Error New definition
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Covered Aircraft
Covered aircraft means an aircraft owned by or to be delivered to the
Government and, when determined by the contracting officer and specifically
identified as such in the contract Schedule, may include contractor-furnished
aircraft that are not intended for induction into the DoD inventory, including
Aircraft furnished by the Government to the Contractor under this contract while in the
Contractor's possession, care, custody, or control regardless of their location or state of
disassembly or reassembly
Items removed from a Government furnished aircraft that are
Intended for reinstallation on that particular aircraft, which retain their status as covered aircraft
while awaiting installation; and
Not intended for reinstallation on that particular aircraft, which lose their status as covered aircraft
once removal is complete;
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Covered Aircraft
Covered aircraft (con’t)
New production aircraft when wholly outside of buildings on the Contractor's premises
or other places described in the Schedule (e.g., hush houses, run stations, and paint
facilities); and
Commercial aircraft, to include commercially available off-the-shelf aircraft, become
covered aircraft when the commercial aircraft arrives at the Contractor's place of
performance for modification under the terms of the contract. (new)
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Workmanship Error
Workmanship error means damage to the aircraft that is the result of an
incorrectly performed skill-based task, operation, or action that was originally
planned or intended.
PGI provides KOs (and GFRs) general rules to follow to determine if the incident was an
accident/mishap or workmanship error
An accident or mishap is the result of a task, operation, or action that was not originally
planned or intended.
A workmanship error consists of damage that is the result of an incorrectly performed
skill-based task, operation, or action that was originally planned or intended, but the
end result was not within allowable limits.
Missing a step in a procedure or checklist item is not considered a skill-based error and
therefore is not considered workmanship error damage.
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
GFRC Structure
The GFRC was re-organized to a more logical flow with many paragraphs simply
moved around
(b) Combined Instruction
(c) Government as self-insurer
(d) Exclusions from the Governments assumption of risk
(e) Revoking the Governments assumption of risk
(f) Contractors exclusion of insurance costs
(g) Procedures in event of loss
(h) Contractors share of loss
(i) Reimbursement from a third party
(j) Liability to third parties
(k) Subcontracts
Conditions of the insurance
How to remove coverage
Cost savings aspect
How the insurance is ‘activated and paid’
Requirements flowdown
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Combined Instruction
(b) Combined regulation/instruction only change was adding one sentence to
the end
Compliance with the combined regulation/instruction is required from the time of contract
award throughout the period of performance of the contract, regardless of the
Government's assumption of risk under the contract.
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Government Self-Insurance
(c) Government as self-insurer. The Government self-insures and assumes the
risk of damage to, or loss or destruction of, covered aircraft subject to the
following conditions:
Combines and clarifies old (c) & (d)
Clearer statement on GFRC vs Property Clause
Moves ‘normal wear & tear’ from exclusions
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(d) Exclusions from the Government's assumption of risk. The Government's
assumption of risk under this clause shall not extend to damage, loss, or
destruction of covered aircraft which-
(1) Willful misconduct simplified
(2) No change to unapproved flights/crewmembers
(3) Transportation removed confusing ‘government property’ and added the old 228.370
(4) Covered by insurance no change
(5) Replaced with occurrence after the KO has revoked the Government's assumption of
(6) Simplified to ‘sustained due to workmanship errors’
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Revoking Assumption of Risk
(e) Revoking the Government's assumption of risk Mostly structured
from the old (d) with some important tweaks
Replaces the ’15-day Letter’ with a 2-step process
Issuance of a preliminary notice of revocation (timeframe specified)
If not corrected, issuance of the official notice of revocation (immediate impact)
Provides more guidance on factors for KO to consider, ties to 228.370-2
Adds direction for addressing disputes
(f) Contractor's exclusion of insurance costs No change to old (h)
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Procedures for a Loss
(g) Procedures in the event of damage, loss, or destruction
Basically the old (i)
Clarified process for new production vs Government-furnished
(h) Contractor's share of loss Revised with additional situation in the
least of
$200,000; or
20% of acquisition cost of the affected aircraft; or
20% of cost of the contract, task order, or delivery order
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Third Parties & Subcontracts
(i) Reimbursement from a third party No change from old (k)
(j) Liability to third parties Revised and retitled
(k) Subcontracts
Expanded old (m)
Incorporate requirements in subcontracts to include-
Commercial Products
Commercial Services
Do not include paragraph (f) which is the exclusion of insurance costs, meaning
subcontractors are allowed to charge the prime for costs
Shall not include in subcontracts for FAA Part 145 licensed repair stations performing
work pursuant to FAA
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Presented By:
Mike Fludovich
DFARS 252.228-7007
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
DFARS 252.228-7007
Background on why a new clause-
Under the 2010 GFRC, there was no distinction between Government-owned
& contractor-owned aircraft
If the GFRC is not included for contracts where we do not own (or will not
own) the aircraft, there is no mechanism to direct the KOs to place the
Combined Instruction on the contract usually through the statement of work
To solve this, direction for the KOs was added in DFARS 228-371 to use the
clause at DFARS 252.228-7007 for those contracts that involve public or state
aircraft operations with aircraft not owned by or to be delivered to the
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
DFARS 252.228-7007
Public Aircraft and State Aircraft Operations Liability
(a) Definitions
Civil Aircraft
Public Aircraft as defined in Title 49 U.S.C. sections 40102 & 40125
Public Aircraft Operations
State Aircraft
(b) Combined Instruction almost the same as the GFRC
Upon award, for contract performance to be conducted as a public aircraft operation,
the Contractor shall be bound by the operating procedures contained in the combined
regulation/instruction entitled “Contractor's Flight and Ground Operations
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(c) Contractor liability for operations for contract performance
conducted as public aircraft operations or state aircraft operations.
(1) The Contractor assumes responsibility for all damage or injury to persons
or property, including the Contractor's employees and property, and
Government personnel and property, occasioned through the use,
maintenance, and operation of the Contractor's aircraft or other equipment
by, or the action of, the Contractor or the Contractor's employees and agents.
(2) The Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, shall maintain adequate public
liability and property damage insurance, including hull insurance for the
Contractor's aircraft, during the duration of this contract, insuring the
Contractor against all claims for injury or damage.
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Liability (con’t)
(c) Contractor liability for operations for contract performance
conducted as public aircraft operations or state aircraft operations.
(3) The Contractor shall maintain workers' compensation and other legally
required insurance with respect to the Contractor's own employees and
(4) The Government will in no event be liable or responsible for damage or
injury to any person or property occasioned through the use, maintenance, or
operation of any aircraft or other equipment by, or the action of, the
Contractor or the Contractor's employees and agents in performing under this
contract, and the Government shall be indemnified and saved harmless
against claims for damage or injury in such cases.
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle
Key Takeaways
Unlike DCMA 8210-1, contractors will not ‘upgrade’ to the new GFRC
There will be a long period of time where CMOs will have a mix of 2010 &
2023 GFRC contracts
From a requirements perspective, no change…still required to adhere to the 8210-1
From a damage perspective, significant changes…so it is important to know the contract
to which the aircraft belongs
Removing Governments Assumption of Risk
If only for one contract, follow appropriate GFRC process (unusual case)
If for all contracts at facility, recommend following the 2023 GFRC process tweaked with
Ensuring the Preliminary Notice of Revocation specified time-frame is 15 days to match the 2010
15-day Letter process
Including a statement in the Preliminary Notice that this doubles as the 15-Day Letter for those
contracts under the 2010 GFRC
A team of trusted professionals delivering value to our Warfighters throughout the acquisition lifecycle