Federal Aviation
Date: August 27, 2018
To: Regional Airports Division Directors, Airport District Office Managers,
Compliance Specialists
From: Kevin Willis, Director, Director, Office of Airport Compliance
And Management Analysis, ACO-1
Subject: Compliance Guidance Letter 2018-3, Appraisal Standards for the Sale and
Disposal of Federally Obligated Airport Property
I. Introduction and Purpose
This Compliance Guidance Letter (CGL) was developed to assist and inform FAA field
offices, airport sponsors, and commercial appraisers on the appraisal process required for the sale
and leasing of federally obligated property.
FAA views the appraisal process as an integral and
required component to establishing an objective marketable value and protecting the federal
investment in our nation’s airports. This CGL describes the FAA-accepted appraisal process and
report documentation standards for establishing Fair Market Value (FMV) for the sale, exchange,
or leasing of federally obligated property.
Airport sponsors have a federal obligation to establish the FMV for airport property
proposed for disposal. With some limited exceptions, lease rates on airport property used for non-
aeronautical purposes must be based on FMV.
This CGL supports FAA Order 5190.6B, Airport Compliance Manual in further defining
the process for determining FMV. Although this CGL does not address the acquisition of property
under federally assisted projects, some FAA guidance related to land acquisition requirements may
be similar to FAA guidance for land disposal and leasing of non-aeronautical property applicable
The document was developed to address a Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General, requirement
that the FAA Airports Division establish standards regarding appraisals for the sale and disposal of federally obligated
property. See DOT-OIG Audit on Venice Airport, AV-2011-180, September 29, 2011 and DOT-OIG Audit on Denver
Stapleton International Airport, AV2011057, February 28, 2011. It should also be used as guidance for airport
sponsors and appraisers. Field offices are encouraged to share this document with the interested parties. The document
becomes effective September 10, 2018, the revision date)
to this CGL. Please consult statutory authority for guidance before conducting an appraisal for
land acquisition.
In this CGL, you will find information on these topics:
Governing standards and authorities.
Developing a “scope of work” for procuring an appraiser.
Airport sponsor’s selection of an appraiser.
Features of an appraisal report.
Discussion of the basic valuation process.
Sample Scope of work statements for airport sponsors.
The CGL contains scope of work samples for most appraisal types that airport sponsors
may have to conduct. The CGL also cites the relevant standards and governing authorities for
conducting each type of scope of work.
How to Use this Document
Become familiar with the requirements for airport appraisals as defined in Federal law
and FAA policy beginning with the discussion in Section II. What Do I Need to Know
About Appraisals?
Use Exhibit 1: The Airport Real Property Appraisal Process in Section II as a starting
point to decide what to do about a specific property that may need an appraisal.
Review Section III. Key Authorities. If you need more information on federal
requirements for appraisals, determine if one of the Specific Scopes of Work in Section
V applies to your appraisal. The sample scopes of work are appropriate in most cases.
However, if they are not applicable to your particular appraisal, plan to use the
General Scope of Work in Exhibit 2
Adapt the letter contained in Section V to provide guidance about your particular
appraisal for the airport sponsor and then attach the appropriate Scope of Work.
Examine the definitions of appraisal concepts in the dictionary in Appendix A.
For acquisitions of property, sponsors should consult Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition
Policies Act (42 USC 4601 et seq.) and FAA AC 150/5100-17, Land Acquisition and Relocation Assistance for
Airport Improvement Program Assisted Projects (see
Table of Contents
I. Introduction and Purpose
II. What Do I Need to Know About Appraisals?
Exhibit 1: The Airport Real Property Appraisal Process ……………………………………………... 4
What is an Appraisal? ………………………………………………………………………………… 5
When is an Appraisal Report Required?................................................................................................. 5
What is Fair Market Value?.................................................................................................................... 6
How Do We Know Rent on an Airport Property is at FMV?................................................................. 8
What are the Qualifications of an Appraiser?......................................................................................... 10
Appraiser’s Statement of Competency………………………………………………………………… 12
What is an Acceptable Appraisal Report?............................................................................................... 12
When Is a Review Appraisal Required?.................................................................................................. 13
How to solicit for an Appraiser and Review Appraiser………………………………………………... 15
Property Worth More than $1 million…………………………………………………………………. 15
How to Define a Scope of Work………………………………………………………………………. 15
Exhibit 2: Sample General Scope of Work Statement………………………………………………… 16
Shelf Life of an Appraisal…………………………………………………………………………… 19
Resolving Divergent Valuations between Appraisal Reports…………………………………………... 20
III. Key Authorities…………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
a. Federal Law………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
b. Airport Improvement Program Grant Assurances…………………………………………………. 21
c. FAA Order 5190.6B, Compliance Handbook……………………………………………………… 22
d. FAA Order 5100.38D, AIP Handbook……………………………………………………………... 22
e. FAA Revenue Use Policy…………………………………………………………………………... 23
f. FAA Advisory Circular Number 150/5100-17……………………………………………………... 24
g. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)……………………………… …. 24
h. Fair Market Value Definitions……………………………………………………………………… 25
IV. Appraising Airport Land at Fair Market Value…………………………………………………………. 29
Appraising Aeronautical Property……………………………………………………………….………. 30
Appraising Non-aeronautical Property…………………………………………………………………... 31
Appraising Leased Airport Land………………………………………………………………….……... 31
V. Sample Scopes of Work……………………………………………………… ……………………… 33
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal of Existing Airport
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal of Non-Aeronautical Airport Land
Appraisal Scope of Work: Acquisition of On-Airport Leasehold
Appraisal Scope of Work: Concurrent/Interim Lease of On-Airport Property
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Lease of Oil/Gas/Mineral Rights
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Disposal of Utilities/Pipeline Easement
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal/Lease of Hotel
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal/Lease of Golf Course
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Lease of Agricultural Land
VI. Sample Letter to Sponsor……………………………………………………………………………… 85
Appendix A: Real Estate Dictionary
II. What Do I Need to Know about Appraisals?
Exhibit 1 provides an overview of when an appraisal of an airport property is required, the basis of
valuation, qualifications of appraisers, the type of report required, and how to provide guidance to
airport sponsors on hiring an appraiser. It does not contain all of the issues related to airport
appraisals, but is a good starting point.
Exhibit 1: The Airport Real Property Appraisal Process
When Does an Airport Need an Appraisal?
- Establishing fair market value for airport property
- Selling or Exchanging Property worth more than $25,000
- Selling an entire airport with FAA approval
- Establishing rates and charges for non-aeronautical land
What is the Basis of Establishing Value?
- Market Value at the highest and best use as defined by Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
Qualifications of an Appraiser
- Listed on the National Registry of certified and licensed real estate
- Prefer airport experience and/or experience with specialized
properties (e.g., land sales, hotels or golf courses, solar panels,
water, oil and mineral rights)
- Experience preparing requests to release airport property
- Extensive knowledge and application of the USPAP
What Kind of Report is Required?
- A written Appraisal Report, as defined by USPAP
- A second Appraisal Report by another appraiser for market values
over $1 million
- A written Review Appraisal of two Appraisal Reports
How Do I Provide Guidance to a Sponsor Hiring an Appraiser?
- Sample letter to sponsor in this CGL
- Scope of Work in this CGL (either general or for specific appraisals)
Uncomplicated transaction is vacant marketable land without deductions or encumbrances.
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice can be accessed at http://www.uspap.org/.
What is an Appraisal?
Title 49 CFR Part 24 Uniform Relocation Assistance (URA) and Real Property Acquisition for
Federal and Federally Assisted Programs defines an appraisal in the following way:
The term appraisal means a written statement independently and impartially
prepared by a qualified appraiser setting forth an opinion of defined value of an
adequately described property as of a specific date, supported by the presentation
and analysis of relevant market information.
FAA uses appraisals to establish the FMV of airport property, as do airport sponsors for
determining fees and rates as stated in Grant Assurance 24, Fee and Rental Structure, which states
in pertinent part:
The Airport sponsor will maintain a fee and rental structure for the facilities and
services at the airport that will make the airport as self-sustaining as possible under
the circumstances existing at the particular airport, taking into account such factors
as the volume of traffic and economy of collection.
The purpose of this self-sustaining principle is to protect the Federal investment in the nation’s
airports (see FAA Order 5190.6B, Chapter 17, which discusses the self-sustaining principle).
FAA’s Policy and Procedures Concerning the Use of Airport Revenue, February 16, 1999, (64 FR
7721) (Revenue Use Policy) interprets the self-sustaining principle to require that airports receive
FMV for the sale of airport property and for the leasing of airport property and facilities (land,
buildings, other improvements) for non-aeronautical use.
When is an Appraisal Report Required?
Two conditions are required to initiate an appraisal report:
There is a need to establish FMV for the sale of airport property, the exchange of airport
property for off-airport property, or to establish lease rates for non-aeronautical use.
An airport is selling property, except when the sponsor concludes that the appraisal is
uncomplicated and the property value is reasonably determined to be less than 25,000.
Under this exception, the sponsor must prepare a waiver valuation to document its
A letter to the local FAA office, supported with appropriate documentation of
property values and signed by an airport official knowledgeable of the airport’s property
Uncomplicated transaction is an exchange of vacant land marketable without deductions or encumbrances.
A waiver valuation is not an appraisal. URA Rule appraisal requirements and USPAP standards relating to appraisals
do not apply to a waiver valuation. Appraisal practice is provided only by appraisers, whereas valuation services are
provided by a variety of professionals and others. Valuation services pertain to all aspects of property value and
include services performed both by appraisers and by others. A waiver valuation is to be prepared by a knowledgeable
person who is aware of the general market values in the airport. The basic concept is to streamline the process.
values, is acceptable.
What is Fair Market Value?
FAA and Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) have similar definitions
for fair market value, or market value. FMV is the cash value of the property if it were sold in a
well-functioning market, assuming an arm’s-length transaction (the buyer and seller are free from
any duress), and the property is exposed to the market for a sufficient period of time for buyers to
evaluate it.
FAA Order 5190.6B, Appendix Z of the Airport Compliance Manual, defines Fair Market Value:
Fair Market Value. The highest price estimated in terms of money that a
property will bring if exposed for sale in the open market allowing a
reasonable time to find a purchaser or tenant who buys or rents with
knowledge of all the uses to which it is adapted and for which it is capable
of being used. It is also frequently referred to as the price at which a willing
seller would sell and a willing buyer buy, neither being under abnormal
pressure. FMV will fluctuate based on the economic conditions of the area.
Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of
title from seller to buyer under the following conditions:
The buyer and seller are typically motivated.
Both parties are well informed or well advised, and each is acting in what he or she
considers his or her own best interest.
A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market.
Payment is made in terms of cash in U. S. dollars or in terms of comparable financial
The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by
special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the
There is also a discussion of Fair Market Value in FAA Order 5190.6B (see Chapter 17 Self-
Reasonable time will vary by type of property. For example, a house with similar characteristics to those in its
neighborhood may only require a few weeks or months exposure to the market to establish value, whereas a unique
industrial property may require a few years.
FMV is the Required Standard When an Airport Sells or Leases Non-Aeronautical Property
To maintain self-sustainability, airports must satisfy these requirements:
Maintain a rate structure, including for airport property leased or sold, that makes the
airport as self-sustaining as possible under the circumstances at the airport (Revenue
Use Policy, Section VI.C).
Obtain FMV for any land it leases or sells to the airport sponsor for other municipal
purposes, developers, non-aviation commercial interests, or other private individuals.
Charge market rent for leasing airport property for non-aeronautical use as well as
determine the market value for the disposal of property that is no longer needed for
airport purposes (AIP Grant Assurance 31, Disposal of Land; projects and systems, and
(d) military aeronautical units).
Prohibit the sale of airport property at less than FMV that diverts revenue away from
the airport in violation of Grant Assurance 25, Airport Revenue.
Retain sufficient property rights and control of any AIP-funded noise land sold,
released, or leased, so that its use and development will always be compatible with
airport operations (See FAA APP-400 guidance “Noise Land Management and
Requirements for Disposal of Noise Land or Development Land Funded with AIP”,
June 2014). The retained property rights must be enforceable and recorded in the local
public land records. The FMV appraisal of land to be disposed or leased long term will
be subject to the needed sponsor retained rights and restrictions on the land (see
appraisal scope of work).
Typical non-aeronautical uses that require FMV include leasing rates for non-aviation facilities
(i.e., ground rentals for commercial development, cargo buildings, hotels, car rental facilities, and
commercial buildings). Land for these non-aeronautical uses should be appraised based on FMV.
FMV is Not the Standard for Setting Aeronautical Rates and Charges
Rates and charges for the airfield (runways and aircraft movement areas) may not exceed the
airport’s capital and operating costs of those facilities. These rates are based on accounting
principles without reference to market conditions; an appraisal is not required to set the rates.
Airport sponsors should consult the FAA Policy Regarding Airport Rates and Charges, 78 FR
55330, September 10, 2013 (Rates and Charges Policy).
The FAA does not require that these rates be set higher than the airport’s capital and operating
costs. So, unless the airport’s objective is to set rates and charges for hangars, aviation offices, and
similar non-movement facilities at FMV, an appraisal is not required.
How Do We Know Rent on an Airport Property is at FMV?
The appraiser still has to make judgments about “similar” returns and what properties are
“comparable” when analyzing data on property sales and rentals. Various appraisal and real estate
research organizations periodically publish guidelines to aid appraisers in developing parameters
for rates of returns applicable to different forms of property. The appraiser will have to
specifically take account of the restrictions on the use of airport property (e.g., height restrictions
or the need to go through security) when establishing rates.
One way to think about establishing rental rates based on FMV is to answer the question: How
much would an airport tenant pay monthly to buy the property, allowing the airport sponsor to
make a rate of return on its investment (the property’s value), that is similar to what a property
owner in the local geographic area might earn on comparable properties? This concept is similar
to a mortgage payment, except market rent considers 100 percent of the property’s value and
reflects the overall investor/owner demanded rate of return on their property value. Of course, the
appraiser will not use such a formula as the sole basis of the appraisal, but this approach is a useful
way of thinking about what a market rate rental represents.
Here is a simplified example of a market rent required on a typical airport ground lease which
requires the tenant to construct its own building and pay all operating expenses including any real
estate tax on its development and use of the property:
Appraised Fair Market Value (FMV) - An appraiser has completed an appraisal of
airport land based on recent market land sales with highest best use for industrial
development similar to the proposed development of airport land (without access to the
ramp) and has concluded that the FMV of the land is $10 per square foot of a typical
building lot.
Cap Rate - The appraiser determines that a local owner/investor currently would expect
to earn about 8 percent annually on a ground lease for industrial development after
vacancy and land owner management expenses are paid.
Vacancy Rate -The appraiser finds that in the region’s property market, ground rent
leases for industrial properties have a 3 percent vacancy rate.
Annual Management Fee Rate - The airport land owner can expect to incur another 5
percent of gross rent annually for airport management expense on the leased property.
Given the above values, what would be the estimated FMV gross rent (before deducting any
airport expenses) charged on a ground lease of airport land, ignoring (for this illustration) all other
factors or assuming they have zero impact in this case?
In equation form:
Gross Annual Rent @ FMV = (CAP Rate x Appraised FMV)/(1-Vacancy Rate-Annual
Management Fee Rate)
Gross Rent @ FMV = (8% x $10) / (1- .03 – .05) = $8.70 per square foot/ year (rounded).
The Gross Rent, therefore, to be received on the airport land with an FMV of $10/sq. ft. for
a market required 8% return on value is $8.70 per square foot/year before expenses.
What are the Qualifications of an Appraiser?
The sponsor must ensure appraisals are conducted by qualified appraisers. Each state adopted the
USPAP as the governing standards within their jurisdictions. They also developed licensure
standards, which meet or exceed the recommendations of the Appraisal Foundation. All appraisers
should be registered in a National Registry certified or licensed by a U.S. state, territory, or
possession to perform appraisals in connection with federally related real estate transactions
(https://www.asc.gov/National-Registry/NationalRegistry.aspx). Although there is variation from
state to state, the most common categories of licensing are Appraisal Trainee, Residential
Appraiser, Certified Residential Appraiser, and Certified General Appraiser.
Airport properties should be appraised by either a Certified Residential Appraiser (for residences,
usually involved in Part 150 noise issues) or a Certified General Appraiser (who may appraise any
type of property). Preference should be given to an appraiser having extensive airport valuation
experience involving the type of property being assessed at airports of similar or larger size.
All states have a provision for a Temporary Practice Permit for licensed or certified appraisers
from other states who may wish to do appraisal work outside of the state or states in which they are
licensed or certified. Such permits are intended to fulfill the appraisal needs of a state, especially
when demand exceeds the number of available qualified appraisers within the state.
The following exhibit from FAA AC 150/5100-17, Land Acquisition and Relocation Assistance for
Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Assisted Projects summarizes the desirable qualifications of
an appraiser. Airport sponsors should consult FAA AC 150/5100-17, Chapter 2. “Real Estate
Appraisal” for further information about Qualifications, Appraisal Management, and Conflict of
The qualifications of an appraiser and review appraiser must be adequate for the proposed
appraisal assignment. The sponsor should seek to hire the best-qualified appraiser for the type
of property, the complexity of the acquisition (i.e., whole or partial taking), familiarity and
expertise in the local real estate market, and as applicable experience with acquisitions subject
to eminent domain. Also, the appraiser must not have any apparent conflict of interest in the
property to be acquired, or potentially with a current or prior client relationship with property
owners. An appraiser under consideration for an assignment should be able to submit a resume'
of qualifications citing some or all of the following qualification criteria.
Professional Designations:
American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers: Member Appraisal Institute (MAI) and
Residential Member (RM)
National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers: (IFA)
American Society of Appraisers: (ASA)
International Right-of-Way Association: (SR/WA)
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers: (ASFRM)
National Association of Master Appraisers
Other National and local appraisal organization which grant designations upon
completion of educational and experience requirements.
Licensing and Certification under Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery,
and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA): State laws implementing FIRREA will require
appraisers to meet the mandated educational and experience requirements to secure either a
license or certification. State law may only require the license or certification for FIRREA
mandated transactions (i.e., typically Federally insured real estate loans), or may be required for
all appraisal activity within the state. The Appraisal Qualification Board of the Appraisal
Foundation established by FIRREA, instituted appraiser qualifications for a state license or
certification. A licensed or certified appraiser may only perform appraisals consistent with the
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as required under FIRREA.
Adherence to USPAP requires appraisers to meet specific appraisal standards and a code of
ethics in accepting and performing appraisals. The appraisal requirements contained in 49 CFR
24.103 have been determined to meet the requirements of USPAP, (Appraisal Foundation
Determination, September 1990).
Educational Background: Completion of recognized course work in professional real estate
appraisal principles, processes, and practices. Course providers may be colleges and universities,
professional appraisal organizations, and accredited business and professional schools.
Experience: Verifiable experience in the types of property to be appraised. Experience and
acceptance as an expert appraisal witness in eminent domain and other court proceedings.
Experience with the before and after appraisal process for determining just compensation and the
value of partial acquisitions such as easements.
Client References: Verifiable listing of appraisal clients.
Geographic Area of Expertise: Area where the appraiser has an established practice. Some
appraisers and appraisal firms may have a national scope, while often appraisers limit their work to
specific local areas where they have developed adequate market databases and are fully familiar
with the local markets and real estate trends.
Appraiser’s Statement of Competency
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. An appraiser must disclose any lack of knowledge or
experience necessary to complete an assignment before accepting the assignment. This disclosure
is particularly important with regard to sub-specialties like airport property.
It is the responsibility of appraisers to determine whether or not they are competent with
regard to a particular assignment. Factors that determine competency may include:
Familiarity and experience level with regard to specific types of appraisals
Regional familiarity
The use of a particular appraisal
Use of an analytical method in developing the appraisal
If appraisers determine they are not competent to accept a particular assignment, they have
three mandatory actions.
First, the appraiser will work with another appraiser who possesses the requisite knowledge
to produce credible results. Second, they will take specific steps to educate themselves and
develop the necessary knowledge to competently complete the appraisal; and third, if these
standards cannot be met, the appraiser must withdraw from the assignment.
What is an Acceptable Appraisal Report?
The FAA will only accept an Appraisal Report that meets the essential steps outlined in
USPAP, 2016-2017 Edition. USPAP Standards Rule 2-2 requires the content of an Appraisal
Report to be consistent with the intended use of the appraisal and contain this information at a
1. state the identity of the client and any intended users, by name or type;
2. state the intended use of the appraisal;
3. describe information sufficient to identify the real estate involved in the
appraisal, including the physical and economic property characteristics
relevant to the assignment;
4. state the real property interest appraised;
5. state the type and definition of value and cite the source of the
6. state the effective date of the appraisal and the date of the report;
7. summarize the scope of work used to develop the appraisal;
8. summarize the information analyzed, the appraisal methods and
techniques employed, and the reasoning that supports the analyses,
opinions, and conclusions; exclusion of the sales comparison approach,
cost approach, or income approach must be explained;
9. state the use of the real estate existing as of the date of value and the use
of the real estate reflected in the appraisal; and, when an opinion of
highest and best use was developed by the appraiser, summarize the
support and rationale for that opinion;
10. clearly and conspicuously: state all extraordinary assumptions and
hypothetical conditions; and
11. state that their use might have affected the assignment results; and
12. include a signed certification in accordance with Standards Rule 2-3.
A Restricted Appraisal Report, another option allowable under USPAP, is inappropriate and
unacceptable for FAA use.
When Is a Review Appraisal Required?
The review appraiser will ensure the appraisal process, the resulting FMV, and appraisal report
meet minimum USPAP standards and FAA requirements. Two independent Appraisal Reports
and a Review Appraisal are required for the disposal of the high value property ($1 million) or
more. In the case of large land disposals or subdivision sales, FAA AC 150/5100-17 recommends
hiring a review appraiser before hiring appraisers. This review appraiser may assist in defining
appraisal scope of work.
FAA AC 150/5100-17, Figure 2-2 Appraisal Report Requirements provides a description of the
appraisal process, report content, and statutory authority, which are summarized in the following
Appraisal Report Requirements
Appraisal Process
Detailed Report Content
49 CFR 24
Define the Appraisal Problem
Identify and Locate the Real Estate
Identify the Property Rights to be Valued
Establish Date(s) of Value Estimate
Identify the Use of the Appraisal
Define Value to be Estimated
Identify Limiting Conditions and Limitations
Parcel Number as shown on
Exhibit "A"
Project Influences Disregarded
xisting Ownership: fee,
easement, tenant
Date of Value, Date of Inspection
Statement of Owner
Statement of Limiting Conditions
49 CFR
49 CFR
Preliminary Analysis and Data Collection
General: Specific: Market
(Supply & Demand):
Geographic Subject Applicable Sub-market
Social Site & Imps. Competing Supply
Economic Costs/Income Sales/Listings
Govt. Interest Rates Vacancies/Absorption
Environ. Use/Ownership Demand Studies
Area, Zoning, Utilities,
dentification of Special Features
Identification of Adverse
Market Analysis
Neighborhood Analysis
5 Year Sales History of Property
49 CFR
24.103(a)(2), (4)
Highest and Best Use Analysis
As Vacant and Available
As Improved
Support and Analysis Presented
49 CFR
Land/Site Value Estimate
Sales Comparison, Subdivision
Income Capitalization (Land
49 CFR
Application of the Three Approaches to Value
ales Comparison, Income, Cost Approaches
(As Applicable)
Comparable Sales Verified
Adjustments Explained
Data and Analysis Presented for
Each Sale
Income & Expense Data
Capitalization Rate Support
Cost Source, Depreciation
49 CFR
Reasoning presented, relative
strengths and weaknesses of the
approaches discussed
49 CFR
24.103(a)(5), (6)
Report of Defined Value
Appraisal Report
Appraisers Certification
Before & After Analysis (Partial
49 CFR
How to Solicit for an Appraiser and Review Appraiser
Airport sponsors can use FAA AC 150/5100-14 as a guide for soliciting and procuring an
appraiser; however, there is no requirement to do so. When hiring appraisers, airport sponsors
should rely on the applicable legal authority and local procedures governing procurement. FAA
requires that the appraisers and review appraiser be from different appraisal organizations.
Property worth more than $1 million
When an airport property is worth more than gross value of $1 million, FAA requires a sponsor to
engage two independent appraisers and a review appraiser. One regular appraisal and a review
appraisal are sufficient for gross values under $1 million. If the two appraisal reports of the
property show divergent fair market values, it is the responsibility of the review appraiser to
determine the FMV based on the information in the two appraisal reports and the review
appraiser’s own views of the market at that time.
How to Define a Scope of Work
The sponsor’s appraisal assignment (solicitation) must contain a scope of work statement to ensure
an appraisal report acceptable to the FAA. Exhibit 2 provides a sample general scope of work
statement to use in procuring a qualified appraiser. The scope of work should be commensurate
with the complexity of the appraisal problem and at a minimum include the following:
a. Purpose and/or function
of the appraisal (e.g., appraise fair market value).
b. Requirement that the appraiser must perform an appraisal and develop an Appraisal
Report, as defined under USPAP.
c. Description of the sponsor as the client and any other intended user, each of which must
receive a written Appraisal Report. The FAA is always considered an intended user of
the appraisal report.
d. Definition of the estate being appraised, e.g., fee simple, easement, or leased fee.
e. Assumptions and limiting conditions affecting the appraisal.
f. Data search requirements and parameters.
g. Identification of the technology requirements, including approaches to value, to be used
to analyze the data.
h. Other specifications required to adequately appraise the property and meet FAA and
other regulatory requirements.
“Purpose” is sometimes called “Type” and “Function” is sometimes called “Definition of Value.
Exhibit 2: Sample General Scope of Work Statement
The property to be appraised is roughly X acres of land located at ________________________.
Attached are the legal description and a copy of the plat of the property (and, if applicable, a
copy of the proposed lease). The sponsor currently owns (or had owned or leased) this property
in fee and the real property will be conveyed or leased subject to the identified retained real
property rights and encumbrances (see Assumptions and Limiting Conditions).
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use, intended
user, definition of market value, certifications and statement of assumptions, and limiting
conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or
analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the subject
property and to meet the identified standards and requirements.
SCOPE OF WORK: The appraiser will provide an appraisal and appraisal report in accordance
with Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and FAA requirements.
The appraiser must at a minimum:
Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure to
the extent required for the highest and best use of the property.
Adequately describe the physical characteristics of the property being appraised
including known and observed encumbrances, title information, location, zoning
(current, proposed, and probability of rezoning), present use, stage of development,
concurrency with local and regional land use plans, an analysis and supported
determination of highest and best use, and adequate sales history of the property (e.g.,
when acquired and amount paid).
Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the date of
Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable sales with public sources and with a
party to the transaction, buyer, seller or broker, or attorney.
Appraise the current fair market value of the property, as defined below. If the property
is to be appraised based on a date in the past, the “retrospective appraisal” specification
must be met by the appraiser (see Assumptions and Limiting Conditions).
Analyze current or proposed leases, if any, and prepare an estimate of the leased fee
value of the property. Explain any variance between the leased fee and the fee simple
market value of the property.
Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the appraisal report. The
appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property and provide the location
and dimensions of any improvements. The appraisal report must include adequate
photographs of the subject property and of the comparable sales and provide location
maps of the property and comparable sales.
Exhibit 2: Sample General Scope of Work Statement continued
The land must be appraised at an economic highest and best use as described in the
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions at paragraph A-14, Analysis
of highest and best use (see http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-ack/yb2001.pdf ). As
applicable, the appraiser in estimating the market value of the airport land shall consider
the development potential of airport land parcels considering the location of airport land
and any potential plottage (for combining it) with adjoining development land.
INTENDED USE: The intended use of this appraisal is to provide an appraised current fair
market value (or as of the date of value specified for a retrospective appraised fair market value)
of the fee simple and leased fee interest, as is applicable.
INTENDED USER: The intended user of this appraisal report is the sponsor and the FAA. The
sponsor and FAA will rely on the appraisal and appraisal report to document the current fair
market value of the real property.
DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: The market value is the most probable price which a
property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair
sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a
specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under these conditions:
Buyer and seller are typically motivated,
Both parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in what he or she
considers his or her own best interest,
A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market,
Payment is made in terms of cash in U. S. dollars or in terms of comparable financial
The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special
or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale.
Exhibit 2: Sample General Scope of Work Statement continued
CERTIFICATION: The appraiser must provide a certification consistent with USPAP
requirements. Changes to the certifications are not permitted. However, additional
certifications that do not constitute material alterations to this appraisal report, such as those
required by law or those related to the appraiser’s continuing education or membership in an
appraisal organization are permitted.
ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: The appraiser must state all relevant
assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In addition, the sponsor may provide other
assumptions and conditions that may be required for the particular appraisal assignment, such
The data search requirements and parameters that may be required for the
The (sponsor) will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of the
airports retained property rights (recorded or to be recorded), e.g., easements, deed
restrictions, or other restrictions and encumbrances on the property to protect and
ce airport operations and to acknowledge and protect overflight of the property.
The appraiser must appraise the market value of the property subject to the airport
retention of the described property rights.
Identification of the technology requirements, including approaches to value to be
used to analyze the data.
Needed soil studies, potential zoning changes, etc.
As applicable, any information on property contamination to be provided and
considered by the appraiser in making the appraisal.
Retrospective Appraisal Requirements: If a value for a date or event in the past is
required (e.g., as of past lease date or disposal date) the following specification must
be inserted into the scope of work: The date of value for this appraisal is (specific
date in the past). In conformance to USPAP,
market data subsequent to this
effective date may be considered in developing a retrospective value as a
confirmation of trends that would reasonably be considered by a buyer or seller as of
the date of value. For this retrospective appraisal, the appraiser will determine a
logical cut-off date after which market data cannot be used to reflect the relevant
market as of the date of value.
Statement of Appraisal Standards #3, Retrospective Value Opinions, Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice,
Appraisal Foundation
Scopes of work adapted to specific types of property are provided later in this document, in
Section V. Sample Scopes of Work.
Shelf Life of an Appraisal
Appraisals are essentially a snapshot of value that is taken at a particular time. This short shelf-life
is why the date of valuation is so important in determining the validity of an appraisal. The market
for all types of real estate is subject to change overtime. Values can increase or decrease,
depending on a myriad of external factors.
Appraisals can be prospective, retrospective or contemporary:
Prospective: Appraisals that anticipate the construction of some type of improvement
require prospective values that designate some point in the future when the
improvement will either be completed and/or stabilized, and that value may be several
years beyond the date the appraisal is actually delivered.
Retrospective: retrospective appraisals require appraisers to determine the value based
on some preceding event, such as a date of death for purposes of settling an estate, or a
preceding date that may be tied to a condemnation or other event.
Contemporary: Appraisals for conditions on or about the date of valuation are
FAA and State agencies prefer contemporary appraisals over retrospective or prospective
appraisals. However, on occasion, there is a need to use prospective and retrospective appraisals to
resolve compliance problems. ACO-100 and APP-400 should be consulted before making a
decision. For contemporary appraisals, it is generally recognized that an older appraisal is less
reliable than a newer appraisal.
What is an appropriate amount of time before an appraisal needs to be updated to
incorporate any potential changes that may have occurred in the marketplace?
In general, for FAA review of sale or lease of properties, if a matter has not gone to contract one
year from the date of submission of the appraisal, then a new appraisal report is needed. USPAP
specifies that each time an appraiser produces a report, it is considered a completely new appraisal
assignment and must be treated as such by the appraiser to remain in compliance with the
standards. The new report is not required to have the same level of effort as the original report. In
a slow moving market, with little or no activity, the appraiser’s level of effort should be more
Within the appraisal profession, there is no defined time. Certain government agencies such as the Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) specify that an original appraisal report can only be updated one time using the Appraisal
Update Report (AUR). An appraisal with no AUR has a 150-day validity period (120-day validity period for the
original appraisal plus 30-day extension period as permitted by HUD). An appraisal with an AUR has a 240-day
validity period. Typically, banks and other institutional lenders consider six months to be the optimum timeframe for
appraisals pertaining to commercial property, but will often times have properties appraised every several years for
purposes of collateral management. Other government agencies at the federal and state level address this problem on a
case-by-case basis often times with a chief appraiser in the department having the authority to update appraisals.
modest than when several relevant property sales need to be taken into account. The same
advice would apply to any review appraisals. When market activity is minimal, the level of effort
of the review appraiser would be less than when many new properties have to be considered in the
new appraisal report.
Regardless of the nomenclature used, when a client seeks a more current value or analysis of a
property that was previously appraised, this analysis is not an extension of the previously
completed assignment. It is a new assignment. In cases where the delay in accepting the appraisal
is due to FAA review and approval beyond the one-year period, ACO should be contacted.
Resolving Divergent Valuations between Appraisal Reports
In all cases, the sale of airport property or the leasing of non-aeronautical property must be based
on a fair market value determination. In some instances, however, there may be a dispute over the
market value of the property. At the request of the FAA, the sponsor’s review appraiser may make
a determination of the subject property’s FMV, taking account of credible and verifiable valuation
information in appraisal reports and other factors the review appraiser deems appropriate.
Additionally, the sale price or lease rate offered by the sponsor and ultimately accepted to meet
applicable Federal obligations must always reflect the existing fair market value of the property.
I. Key Authorities
This section focuses on key authorities for the sale and disposal of airport property. For issues that
involve acquisition of property, the reader should consult the FAA website on Acquiring Land for
Airports and Relocation assistance, which at the time of this writing was available at the following
a. Federal Law
49 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 47101(a) (13) Fee and Rental Structure
49 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 47107(b) Use of Airport Revenue
49 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 47107(c) Acquiring Land
b. Airport Improvement Program Grant Assurances
5. Preserving Rights and Powers
24. Fee and Rental Structure
25. Airport Revenues
31. Disposal of land
1. Self-Sustainability Principle
Federal law and FAA policy, including the Revenue Use Policy, require airport
sponsors maintain a fee and rental structure that makes the airport as financially
self-sustaining as possible under the specific circumstances at the airport. As
stated in Title 49 U.S.C. § 47101(a) (13), “airports should be as self-sustaining as
possible under the circumstances existing at each airport particular airport and in
establishing new fees, rates, and charges.”
Airport sponsors also have a responsibility to ensure the airport maintains a rate and fee
schedule that conforms to the grant assurances and is consistent with the FAA’s Rates and
Charges Policy. FAA’s Revenue Use Policy requires federally obligated airports to charge
market rent for leasing airport property for non-aeronautical use and dispose of airport
property at fair market value. The self-sustainability Principle recognizes that each airport
situation is different as well as the circumstances that may affect an airport’s ability to
pursue self-sustainability. The primary goal is to maintain the utility of the federal
investment in the airport.
c. FAA Order 5190.6B, Airport Compliance Manual
The Airport Compliance Manual provides guidance to FAA personnel on interpreting and
administering the various continuing commitments airport sponsors make to the U.S. Government
when they accept grants of federal funds or federal property for airport purposes.
Chapter 17. Self-Sustainability discusses the airport sponsor’s responsibility to be as self-
sustaining as possible. Each airport sponsor is required under Grant Assurance 24 to maintain a fee
and rental structure, which covers the airport’s aggregate operational costs to the greatest practical
extent. Fair market pricing or value of airport facilities can be determined by reference to
negotiated fees charged for similar uses of the airport or by appraisal of comparable properties.
However, in view of the various restrictions on the use of property on an airport (i.e., limits on the
use of airport property and height restrictions) appraisers may often need to account for such
restrictions when comparing on-airport with off-airport commercial non-aeronautical properties in
making fair market value determinations. Failure to receive fair market value under airport
circumstances where it is required may be viewed as revenue diversion by the federal or state
agency providing the grant and may result in the requirement to repay the grant, financial
penalties, and the loss of an airport’s eligibility to receive future grants.
d. FAA Order 5100.38D, AIP Handbook
The AIP Handbook at paragraph 5-68 describes the land disposal requirements under 49 U.S.C.,
§ 47107(c) (2), Grant Assurance 31. The sponsor is required to promptly dispose of AIP-funded
land when the land is no longer needed for eligible current or planned airport purposes.
The federal share portion of the proceeds on the sale of noise land or land for airport purposes
must be reinvested in eligible airport projects and programs. Table 1 provides the order of
reinvestment preferences described in Grant Assurance 31.
Table 1. Order of Preference Applying Sale Proceeds of AIP-Funded Land per 49 USC §
Order Order of preference to apply the federal share of the fair market value
1 Reinvestment in an approved noise compatibility project.
Reinvestment in an approved project that is eligible for funding under 49 U.S.C.,
§ 47117(e). The only projects in this section of the law are those eligible for noise
and environmental set-aside funding. A complete list of projects eligible for noise
and environmental set-aside funding is in the AIP Handbook, FAA Order 5100.38.
Reinvestment in all other approved airport development projects at the airport that
are eligible under 49 U.S.C., § 47114, 47115, or 47117.
Transfer to a sponsor of another public airport for a noise compatibility project at the
other airport.
Payment to the Secretary of Transportation for deposit in the Airport and Airway
Trust Fund. (Send the FAA Airports District Office a check as directed by the FAA
Office of Operational Services - FAA Accounts Payable Branch (AMZ-110) for
deposit in the Airport and Airway Trust Fund.)
APP-400 and ACO-100 maintain current guidance on the FAA Airports District Office and sponsor
requirements for tracking and disposal of AIP-acquired land. See
“Noise Land Management and
Requirements for Disposal of Noise Land or Development Land Funded with AIP.”
e. FAA Revenue Use Policy
The FAAs Revenue Use Policy outlines the use of airport revenue and maintenance of a self-
sustaining rate structure by federally assisted airports:
The applicability of the policy.
Statutory requirements for the use of airport revenue.
Permitted and prohibited uses of airport revenue.
Policies regarding the requirement for a self-sustaining rate structure, among others.
This policy echoes the principle of self-sustainability maximization and use of fair market value as
described in FAA Order 5190.6B.
Each federally assisted airport sponsor is required by statute and grant assurances to have an
airport fee and rental structure that will make the airport as self-sustaining as possible under the
particular airport circumstances in order to minimize the airport’s reliance on Federal funds and
local tax revenues. The FAA has generally interpreted the self-sustaining assurance to require
airport sponsors to charge FMV commercial rates for non-aeronautical uses of airport property.
Although FMV is not necessarily applicable to aeronautical uses, user charges are also subject to
the standard of reasonableness (Revenue Use Policy).
f. FAA Advisory Circular Number 150/5100-17, Land Acquisition and Relocation
Assistance for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Assisted Projects - Real Property
Appraisal – Sections 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-8, 2-9
Even though this Advisory Circular addresses the appraisal of land acquisitions for AIP projects, it
does contain helpful information that addresses the appraisal process.
g. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
The USPAP comprises the generally recognized ethical and performance standards for the
appraisal profession in the U.S. USPAP was created by the Appraisal Standards Board of The
Appraisal Foundation, and it is updated every year. USPAP is considered the primary set of
standards for appraisal analysis and reporting applicable to real property, personal property,
intangibles, and business valuation in the U.S. and its territories.
In 1989, Congress enacted the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act
of 1989 (FIRREA) that established the legislative and regulatory framework to ensure real
estate appraisals are performed in writing, in accordance with uniform standards, and by
competent individuals subject to effective supervision. State laws implementing FIRREA
require appraisers to meet the mandated educational and experience requirements to secure
either a license or certification. The Appraisal Qualification Board of the Appraisal
Foundation established by FIRREA, instituted appraiser qualifications for a state license or
certification. A licensed or certified appraiser may only perform appraisals consistent with
FIRREA. Appraisers are also required to meet specific appraisal standards and a code of
ethics in accepting and performing appraisals to adhere to USPAP. States and professional
associations enforce compliance with USPAP.
Although USPAP provides a minimum set of quality control standards for appraisals in the U.S., it
does not attempt to prescribe specific methods for conducting them. Rather, USPAP requires
appraisers to familiarize themselves with and correctly utilize acceptable appraisal methods. This
standard means the methods must conform to the intended user requirements and qualified airport
or similar industry appraiser practices. USPAP outlines these practices in its Scope of Work Rule
(Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, 2016-2017 Edition, page U-14.), which
include these three appraiser requirements:
1. Identify the problem to be solved.
2. Determine and perform the scope of work necessary to develop credible assignment
3. Disclose the scope of work in the appraisal report.
At the onset of an assignment, an appraiser is obligated to gather certain specified preliminary data
and information about the project, such as the nature of the property to be appraised, the basis of
value (e.g., market, investment, impaired, unimpaired), the interests appraised (e.g., fee, partial),
important assumptions or hypothetical conditions, and the effective date of the valuation. Based
on this data and information, along with other key information, the appraiser relies on a peer-
reviewed methodology to formulate an acceptable work plan.
h. Fair Market Value Definitions
This section presents definitions of and other guidance related to fair market value. The sources
include the FAA, various regulatory bodies, appraisal standards, and other legal authorities.
FAA’s Definition of FMV in Order 5190.6B states:
The highest price estimated in terms of money that a property will bring if exposed for sale in the
open market allowing a reasonable time to find a purchaser or tenant who buys or rents with
knowledge of all the uses to which it is adapted and for which it is capable of being used. It is
also frequently referred to as the price at which a willing seller would sell and a willing buyer
buy, neither being under abnormal pressure. FMV will fluctuate based on the economic
conditions of the area (FAA 5190.6B, Appendix Z).
The same order provides additional clarity on the application of FMV and exceptions for the
realization of FMV in airport-related transactions:
Paragraph 17.12. Fair Market Value. Fair market fees for use of the airport are
required for non-aeronautical use of the airport and are optional for non-airfield
aeronautical use. Fair market pricing of airport facilities can be determined by
reference to negotiated fees charged for similar uses of the airport or by appraisal
of comparable properties. However, in view of the various restrictions on use of
property on an airport (i.e., limits on the use of airport property, height restrictions,
etc.,) appraisers will need to account for such restrictions when comparing on-
airport with off-airport commercial non-aeronautical properties in making fair
market value determinations (FAA Order 5190.6B, Chapter 17).
Paragraph 17.13. Exceptions to the Self-sustaining Rule (Leasing only): While
the general rule requires market rates for non-aeronautical uses of the airport,
several limited exceptions to the general rule have been defined by congressional
direction and agency policy based on longstanding airport practices and public
benefit. These limited exceptions relate to leasing only and not the disposal of
property: (a) property for community purposes and (b) not-for-profit aviation
organizations, (c) transit projects and systems, and (d) military aeronautical units.
Applying an exception should not threaten the airport’s compliance with the
Revenue Use and Self-Sustaining Airport Policies (FAA Order 5190.6B, Chapter
The Appraisal Institute’s The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th Edition, includes the
following entry for “market value”:
The most probable price that the specified property interest should sell for in a
competitive market after a reasonable exposure time, as of a specified date, in cash,
or in terms equivalent to cash, under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, with the
buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, for self-interest, and
assuming neither is under duress.
This source also cites the definition of “market value” used by agencies that regulate federally
insured financial institutions in the U.S.:
The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open
market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting
prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue
Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of
title from seller to buyer under these conditions:
Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their
best interests;
A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements
comparable thereto; and,
The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by
special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the
sale. (12 C.F.R. Part 34.42(g); 55 Federal Register 34696, August 24, 1990, as amended
at 57 Federal Register 12202, April 9, 1992; 59 Federal Register 29499, June 7, 1994)
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No.
7, Using Cash Flow Information and Present Value in Accounting Measurements, defines the fair
value of an asset (liability) as:
The amount at which that asset (or liability) could be bought (or incurred) or sold
(or settled) in a current transaction between willing parties, that is, other than in a
forced or liquidation sale.
Although Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) may not prescribe the method for
measuring the fair value of an item, it expresses a preference for the use of observable market
prices to make that determination. In the absence of observable market prices, GAAP requires fair
value to be based on the best information available in the circumstances.
West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2, defines fair market value as the amount
for which real property would be sold in a voluntary transaction between a buyer and seller,
neither of whom is under any obligation to buy or sell.”
The customary test of FMV in real estate transactions is the price that a buyer is willing, but is
not under any duty, to pay for a particular property to an owner who is willing, but not obligated,
to sell. Various factors can have an effect on the FMV of real estate, including the uses to which
the property has been adapted and the demand for similar property.
Fair market value can also be referred to as fair cash valueor fair value”.
The Internal Revenue Service (Publication 561) defines fair market value as:
Fair market value (FMV) is the price that property would sell for on the open
market. It is the price that would be agreed on between a willing buyer and a willing
seller, with neither being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of
the relevant facts. If you put a restriction on the use of property you donate, the
FMV must reflect that restriction.
The International Valuation Standards include the following definition of “market value”:
The estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of
valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction
after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably,
prudently, and without compulsion (International Valuation Standards, Eighth
In 2012, the State of Florida developed a set of guidelines for determining the value of airport
property, which reads:
Market value can be defined as the most probable price, as of a specified date, in
cash, or in terms equivalent to cash, or in other precisely revealed terms, for which
the specified property rights should sell after reasonable exposure in a competitive
market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, with the buyer and seller each
acting prudently, knowledgeably, and for self-interest, and assuming that neither is
under undue duress.(Guidelines for Determining Market Value & Market Rent of
Airport Property, The Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of
South Florida, April 2012.)
A related measure, market rent, is also relevant since airport land is more often than not,
leased long term rather than sold, “Market rent is defined as the rental income that a
property would most probably command in the open market; indicated by the current rents
paid and asked for comparable space as of the date of the appraisal (Guidelines for
Determining Market Value & Market Rent of Airport Property, The Center for Urban
Transportation Research, University of South Florida, April 2012).
It is important to observe that the following elements are common to each of these definitions:
Market value assesses when the parties are typically motivated, generally well
informed, acting in their best interest, and not under duress.
Market value assesses when the property is exposed on the market for a reasonable
length of time.
Payment is in cash or its equivalent.
IV. Appraising Airport Land at FMV
The methodology used by appraisers to determine the FMV of airport land include the sales
comparison approach, cost approach, or income approach. All have advantages and disadvantages:
The sales comparison approach is based on the sales of comparable properties. It
hinges on the principle of substitution, assuming that a prudent person will pay no more
for property than it would cost to purchase a comparable property. In order to
determine the value of the property, an up-to-date database of recent real estate
transactions (including the description and prices of the properties that have sold) has to
be maintained. The current market price of comparable properties is adjusted for
differences in physical characteristics (location, size, condition, amenities, etc.,) and
market conditions to provide the estimate of the property value in question. Choosing
comparable land and facilities at airports of similar size is the key for the accurate
evaluation of property. The major factors that make airports suitable for comparison
include the population and demographics of the community, proximity to other modes
of transportation (highways, rail, public transportation, etc.), number and types of based
aircraft, types of commercial activity at the airport, level of air service (number of
enplanements), availability and quality of NAVAIDS and instrument approaches,
runway length, and Air Traffic Control services. To be comparable for the valuation
purposes, the property at a different airport has to be capable of accommodating the
same type of activity.
The cost approach (replacement or reproduction) focuses on what it would cost to
construct the property. This approach includes costs for building and site
improvements, with consideration for depreciation of both physical and external
character. The cost (or rental rate payable) of underlying land must be considered as
well. The use of the cost approach for the valuation of the property is based on a
fundamental presumption that the property can be replaced or reproduced. The cost
approach is considered most reliable when used to assess the value of newer structures,
and less reliable to assess older properties.
The income approach links the value of property to the income that it’s likely to
produce. This method is preferred when evaluating income-producing rental and
commercial property, or when the property can be most valuable as a rental property.
The income potential can be estimated by researching the current rents paid for
comparable (i.e., having the same highest and best use) property. The result is a net
operating income for a single year that can be converted into an indicated property
value through the overall capitalization process (the net income produced by the
property divided by the capitalization rate). It can also be projected over a stated
holding period and discounted to present value at an appropriate yield or discount rate.
These rates are market-determined rates of return that would attract individuals to
invest in the property, considering all the risks and benefits that could be realized. As a
general rule, the rates for non-aeronautical airport development are typically lower than
for aeronautical airport development projects. Along with the basic special purpose
characteristics of the buildings and the sponsor’s Grant Assurance limitations, the
typical higher costs for aeronautical improvements often reflects the higher risk
associated with aviation operations. The array of potential aeronautical tenants is
relatively limited when compared to other the non-aeronautical real estate marketplace,
and the process of getting aviation-related property into revenue production can be
There are some disadvantages of the three methods. The sales comparison approach requires
substantial market data that is not always available. The cost approach is considered most reliable
when used to assess the value of newer structures, and less reliable to assess older properties.
The income approach has limited use when the property is tailored for a specific aeronautical user
that it rarely leases at a rental rate that reflects its construction costs. No “absolute” approach to
property valuation exists. In some areas where there are a high number of airports and a resulting
large pool of comparable transactions, the sales comparison (market data) approach is popular and
The value of property is directly related to its use. There are two distinct types of airport property,
aeronautical and non-aeronautical, and the valuation process is slightly different for each property
Appraising Aeronautical Property
FAA defines aeronautical property as all property comprising the land, airspace, improvements,
and facilities used or intended to be used for any operational purposes related to, in support of, or
complementary to the flight of aircraft to or from the airfield. It is highly recommended for
determining FMV rates that aeronautical property is compared to other aeronautical property
serving the same function at similar airports throughout the region or state.
The following are the major factors that should be used to identify comparable properties for
determining FMV of aeronautical airport property:
Size of the metropolitan area and population
Surrounding demographic profile and economic character
Location of the airport
Runway(s) length and orientation
Airport classification, size, and function
Number of operations and other activity statistic
Number of based aircraft
Fixed-base operators and the services provided
Age and quality of facilities
NAVAIDS and Air Traffic Control facilities
Airport cost structure and fees (landing, fuel flowage, aircraft parking, hangar use)
Fuel sales
Amenities at the airport
Location on the airport
Size of the property parcel in question
Property function
highest and best use of property
Appraising Non-aeronautical Property
Non-aeronautical property is the airport property that is not needed or used for supporting or
complementing the aviation functions of the airport. Airport property that is not used for
aeronautical activity, in many respects, is no different than similar property located in the local
area around the airport. In the case of non-aeronautical property, airports compete with industrial
parks, commercial, and retail real estate, located in the local community around the airport.
Therefore, market value or market rent of non-aeronautical property can be determined by
comparisons to other properties with similar use, located in the local area around the airport (i.e.,
in the local community).
These major factors should be used to identify comparable properties in the local community for
appraising of non-aeronautical property:
Zoning designation and land use (legal encumbrances)
Size of parcel
highest and best use of property
Property function
Roadway and utility services access
Other amenities
Construction method and longevity
(Guidelines for Determining Market Value & Market Rent of Airport Property, The Center
for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida, April 2012.)
Appraising Leased Airport Land
The value of airport leased land may also depend on multiple factors including the location on the
airport, permitted use, and possibly the length of the lease term. The typical airport ground lease
term is within the range of 20 to 30 years, with renewal options and the reversion of all
improvements (or removal) at lease termination.
The most common method to appraise market rent owed on airport land is to analyze similar,
currently rented properties with the same highest and best use. This technique is similar to the
process applied in the sales comparison approach, only the market data analyzed relates to the
particulars of a lease transaction. Another method applied to appraise market rent is to estimate
the market value of the property, and apply an appropriate rate of return to that value. In other
words, if a property’s value is considered to be $1 million, and the market-derived rate of return is
10 percent, then the annual rental rate net of expenses is $100,000. (See the example on page 8 for
a further discussion of this method.)
An appraiser may also consider the inherent risks and limitations associated with land designated
for aeronautical use. Funding development projects on ground leases at public-use airports involve
additional risks for lenders due to specific restrictions on the use of property located on or around
the airport. In traditional real estate development pertaining to fee simple owned land, the lender
has the ability to place a lien on both the improvements and owner’s land as collateral against the
default of the borrower. Public airports are typically unable to provide this type of security to the
lender. Grant Assurance 5, Preserving Rights and Powers, prohibits an airport sponsor from
entering into any agreement that would deprive the airport sponsor from performing the terms,
conditions, and assurances under the grant agreement with the FAA. Generally, airport sponsors
are prohibited from subordinating the sponsor’s fee simple interest in airport property by
mortgage, easement, or other encumbrance without prior FAA approval.
V. Sample Scopes of Work
This section contains sample Scopes of Work (SOW) for specific types of appraisals. The
applicable Appraisal SOW should be given to the airport sponsor when FAA requires an appraisal
to determine Fair Market Value. If you do not find the specific type of appraisal you are interested
in, use the General Scope of Work contained in Exhibit 2.
These specific Scopes of Work are contained in this section:
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal of Existing Airport – Page 34
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal of Non-Aeronautical Airport Land – Page 40
Appraisal Scope of Work: Acquisition of On-Airport Leasehold Page 46
Appraisal Scope of Work: Concurrent/Interim Lease of On-Airport Property Page 52
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Lease of Oil/Gas/Mineral Rights Page 58
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Disposal of Utilities/Pipeline Easement Page 63
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal/Lease of Hotel – Page 69
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal/Lease of Golf Course – Page 74
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Lease of Agricultural Land Page 79
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal of Existing Airport
The property to be appraised is approximately ____acres of land and aviation-related
improvements that comprise the Airport, currently owned and operated by
_________________________. Attached are the legal description and a copy of the plat of the
airport. The airport sponsor currently owns this airport property in fee, and the real property will
be conveyed or leased subject to the identified retained real property rights and encumbrances (see
the Assumptions and Limiting Conditions section later in this SOW).
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended user, definition of market value, certifications and statement of assumptions, and limiting
conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or
analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the property and
to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and
applicable FAA documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including:
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit
“A” map, County tax parcel number(s).
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of each interest being evaluated.
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed leases or
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and
leasehold/tenant improvements.
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning as if released for private
market use and development).
f. Stage of potential or proposed development and concurrency with local and
regional land use plans.
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the land.
h. Adequate sales history of the property (e.g., when acquired and amount paid).
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure
to the extent required for the highest and best use development of the property.
3. Conduct adequate analysis and develop a supported determination of highest and best
use of the airport’s land for market sale. Some improvements located on the airport may be
suitable for adaptive reuse in a non-aeronautical context. An analysis will be required of
Disposal of Existing Airport
existing and planned utilities, zoning ordinances, probability of rezoning, and all other
relevant considerations in order to realize the fair market value of the property. Obligated
airport land being disposed (market sale or long-term lease) must be appraised at an
economic highest and best use as described in the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal
Land Acquisitions at paragraph A-14, “Analysis of highest and best use” (see
http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-ack/yb2001.pdf ). The appraiser, in valuing the fair
market value of the airport land, shall consider the private development potential of airport
land parcels (and any improvements) considering the location of the airport, and any
potential plottage with adjoining land.
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity in and around the
airport property as of the date of value. Market activity relating to the aeronautical
applications will be disregarded.
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable sales of property surrounding the
airport with public sources and with a party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or
6. Appraise the current fair market value of the aggregate airport property, as defined in
the Market Value section below.
7. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the appraisal report.
8. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the airport property and
provide the location and dimensions of any improvements. The appraisal report shall
include adequate photographs and location maps of the property and of the comparable
Client/Intended Users
The client is the Airport Sponsor. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA are the intended
users, and will rely on the appraisal and appraisal report to document the current fair market value
of the real property that comprises _________Airport.
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the fair market value in fee simple of the
subject airport in its entirety, for sale in an arm’s length transaction the two parties are
unconnected and have no overt common interests. It is the intention of the airport sponsor to sell
all of the property assets that comprise the current operational airport facility and cease
aeronautical operations.
Disposal of Existing Airport
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the market value in fee simple for a large
tract of contiguous land and improvements that comprises the _____________ Airport. The
market value will represent a sale price to the airport sponsor, and the appraisal is to ensure that the
airport achieves the full fair market value at the highest and best use of the property, under the
appropriate definition. The date of valuation is to reflect contemporary market conditions. The
airport sponsor will identify any property interests such as retained rights easements, unexpired
leases, or improvements to be accepted from the sale.
Market Value
The appraiser will estimate fair market value using the following USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a
sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under
conditions whereby:
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected
by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone
associated with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition, the sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the three years before the date of the appraisal.
These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage, or any other
services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of land, and make an affirmative statement to that effect in
the appraisal report.
Primary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will research and analyze the local market for the demand and supply of non-
aeronautical property competitive with the various property assets that comprise the existing
airport at its highest and best use, irrespective of the properties’ current aeronautical applications.
The airport will be assumed to be integrated into the developmental patterns that exist in its
immediate vicinity. The appraiser will analyze, verify, and inspect recent comparable sales within
the market area that surrounds the airport property.
In the context of appraising the airport property at its highest and best use, appraisers will
familiarize themselves and develop an appropriate methodology to account for any and all
necessary and normal infrastructural costs that would be applicable to the airport. Developmental
infrastructure such as utilities, sewer service, access roads and other supportive elements, and the
costs likely to be incurred, are to be fully considered in the valuation. If necessary, the appraiser
will consult with the airport sponsor in order to familiarize and evaluate any particular agreement,
plan, or concept regarding infrastructure that is pertinent to the property under appraisal.
If applicable, appraisers will familiarize themselves with any plans and conceptual designs
relating to the airport property under appraisal. If public parks and open space areas are to be
included as a part of any redevelopment option, the appraiser will consider these areas in the
context of fair market value for the real property that comprises them.
The appraiser will consider the influence of developmental and or impact fees which would
be applicable to the property under appraisal in order to realize its highest and best use. The
appraiser will evaluate these fees in the context of the fair market value of the property and apply
the appropriate market-based analysis in developing the appraisal. The policies and practices that
are pertinent to local market influences that reflect the size of the property, and any absorption
factors at its highest and best use will be fully considered and included in the appraiser's analysis.
The appraiser will also consider the impact of property taxes that may be assessed on the airport
property if conveyed to a non-governmental owner.
In addition to any factors which may affect the absorption of the property under appraisal
by the marketplace over time, the appraiser will fully evaluate the historical character of local
market factors with regard to any increase or decrease in value that may be anticipated as applying
to the appraised airport property. Any projections of value used in developing the appraisal must
be market-based and supported by a variety of local data that relates to a similar highest and best
use determined for the property. Consumer price-based indexes should be considered when
appropriate, but not exclusively relied upon by the appraiser.
Disposal of Existing Airport
The appraiser will analyze existing improvements for their compatibility and suitability for
adaptive reuse if they are primarily aeronautical, and non-aeronautical property shall be analyzed
to determine whether existing improvements represent the highest and best use for the site.
The airport sponsor will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of the
airport’s retained property rights (recorded or to be recorded), e.g., easements, deed restrictions, or
other restrictions and encumbrances on the property to protect and enhance airport operations and
to acknowledge and protect overflight of the property. The appraiser shall appraise the fair market
value of the property subject to the airport retention of the described property rights.
Secondary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will perform an analysis and determination of an appropriate rate of return
which can be applied to a Market Land Rent to arrive at an indication of the fee simple land value
which would be applicable to the subject property. Existing revenue streams from land leases that
are a part of the property under appraisal will be analyzed to determine if they are at a market rate.
The appraiser will analyze the market for large, developmentally oriented residential,
commercial, and industrial land sales, and consider the absorption factors that are pertinent to these
particular markets in the context of termination of the airports existing aeronautical applications.
If a change in zoning is required to realize the fair market value of the subject, the appraiser
should evaluate the probability of the rezoning, and if necessary to produce a credible appraisal,
utilize any appropriate assumptions or conditions.
The appraiser will consult with real estate industry professionals with regard to demand
characteristics for the general airport location.
Appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal,
property conditions at the subject parcel that may warrant further environmental investigation.
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan
The current Airport Layout Plan
All environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the
property and include them in the Appraisal Report
Disposal of Existing Airport
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least five years of experience
in complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of large parcels of local
residential, commercial, and industrial land suitable for subdivision and sale to the market place
over a period of time. Experience with appraisals of similar airport property is considered a plus.
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances, March 2014
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal of Non-Aeronautical Airport Land
The property to be appraised is approximately ________ acres of land located at
_________________ Airport. Attached are the legal description and a copy of the plat of the
property (and if applicable a copy of the proposed lease). The airport sponsor currently owns (or
had owned or leased) this property in fee and the real property will be conveyed or leased subject
to the identified retained real property rights and encumbrances (see the Assumptions and Limiting
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended user, definition of market value, certifications and statement of assumptions and limiting
conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or
analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the property and
to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and
applicable FAA documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must, at a minimum:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including:
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit “A”
map, County tax parcel number(s).
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of each interest being evaluated.
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed leases or encumbrances.
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and
leasehold/tenant improvements.
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning as if released for private
market use and development).
f. Stage of potential or proposed development and concurrency with local and
regional land use plans.
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the land.
h. Adequate sales history of the property (e.g. when acquired, amount paid).
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure
to the extent required for the highest and best use development of the property.
3. Conduct adequate analysis and develop a supported determination of highest and best
use of the airport land for sale. An analysis will be required of existing and planned
utilities, zoning ordinances, probability of rezoning, and all other relevant considerations in
order to realize the market value of the property. Obligated airport land being disposed
(market sale or long-term lease) must be appraised at an economic highest and best use as
described in the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions at paragraph
Non-Aeronautical Airport Land
A-14, Analysis of highest and best use (see http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-
ack/yb2001.pdf ). The appraiser, in valuing the market value of the airport land, shall
consider the private development potential of airport land parcels considering the location
of airport land and any potential plottage with adjoining development land.
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the date of
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable sales with public sources and with a
party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or attorney.
6. Appraise the current fair market value of the property, as defined in the Market Value
section below.
7. As applicable, analyze current or proposed leases, and prepare an estimate of the leased
fee value of the property. Explain any variance between the leased fee and the fee simple
market value of the property.
8. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the appraisal report.
9. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property and provide the
location and dimensions of any improvements. The appraisal report shall include adequate
photographs and location maps of the subject property and of the comparable sales.
Client/Intended Users
The client is the Airport Sponsor. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA are the intended
users, and will rely on the appraisal and Appraisal Report to document the current fair market
value of the real property.
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the market value in fee simple of the
subject parcel of airport land for market sale in an arm’s length transaction—the buyer and seller
are unconnected and have no overt common interests.
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the market value in fee simple for a large
tract of contiguous non-aeronautical commercial or industrial land. The market value will
represent a sale price to the airport sponsor, and the appraisal is to ensure that airport achieves the
full fair market value at the highest and best use of the property, under the appropriate definition.
Non-Aeronautical Airport Land
The date of valuation is to reflect contemporary market conditions. The airport sponsor
will identify and/or confirm any property interests such as retained rights easements, unexpired
leases, or improvements to be excepted from the sale.
Market Value
The appraiser will estimate fair market value using the following USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a
sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under
conditions whereby:
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected
by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone
associated with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition the sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the three years before the date of the appraisal.
These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage or any other
services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of land, and make an affirmative statement to that effect in
the appraisal report.
Non-Aeronautical Airport Land
Primary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will research, and analyze the local market for the demand and supply of
property competitive with the airport land at its highest and best use. The appraiser will analyze,
verify, and inspect recent comparable sales transactions. Additionally, the appraiser will analyze
existing land leases that are a part of the property if applicable.
The appraiser will examine and analyze the impact of the position of the airport land parcel
relative to the airport environment. The basic considerations relating to FAA Part 77 (objects
affecting navigable airspace) and any impact on any future development should be considered by
the appraiser as a part of the highest and best use analysis. The airport sponsor will advise and
provide the appraiser the legal description of the airports retained property rights (recorded or to be
recorded), e.g., easements, deed restrictions, or other restrictions and encumbrances on the
property to protect and enhance airport operations and to acknowledge and protect overflight of the
property. The appraiser shall appraise the market value of the property subject to the airport’s
retention of the described property rights.
In the context of appraising the airport property at its highest and best use, the appraiser
will familiarize themselves and develop an appropriate methodology to account for any and all
necessary and normal infrastructural costs that would be applicable to the airport. Developmental
infrastructure such as utilities, sewer service, access roads and other supportive elements, and the
costs likely to be incurred, are to be fully considered in the valuation. If necessary, the appraiser
will consult with the airport sponsor in order to familiarize and evaluate any particular agreement,
plan or concept regarding infrastructure that is pertinent to the property under appraisal.
If applicable, the appraiser will familiarize themselves with any plans and conceptual
designs relating to the airport property under appraisal. If public parks and open space areas are to
be included as a part of any redevelopment option, the appraiser will consider these areas in the
context of fair market value for the real property that comprises them.
The appraiser will consider the influence of developmental and or impact fees which would
be applicable to the property under appraisal in order to realize its highest and best use. The
appraiser will evaluate these fees in the context of the fair market value of the property and apply
the appropriate market-based analysis in developing the appraisal. The policies and practices that
are pertinent to local market influences that reflect the size of the property, and any absorption
factors at its highest and best use will be fully considered and included in the appraiser's analysis.
The appraiser will also consider the impact of property taxes that may be assessed on the airport
property if conveyed to a non-governmental owner.
In addition to any factors which may affect the absorption of the property under appraisal
by the marketplace over time, the appraiser will fully evaluate the historical character of local
Non-Aeronautical Airport Land
market factors with regard to any increase or decrease in value that may be anticipated as applying
to the appraised airport property. Any projections of value used in developing appraisal must be
market based, and supported by a variety of local data that relates to a similar highest and best use
determined for the property. Consumer price-based indexes should be considered when
appropriate, but not exclusively relied upon by the appraiser.
Secondary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will perform an analysis and determination of an appropriate rate of return
which can be applied to a Market Land Rent to arrive at an indication of the fee simple land value
which would be applicable to the subject property. Existing revenue streams from land leases that
are a part of the property under appraisal will be analyzed to determine if they are at a market rate.
The appraiser will analyze the market for large, developmentally oriented commercial and
industrial land sales, and consider the absorption factors that are pertinent to this particular market.
If a change in zoning is required to realize the fair market value of the subject, the appraiser
should evaluate the probability of the rezoning, and if necessary to produce a credible appraisal,
utilize any appropriate assumptions or conditions.
The appraiser will consult with any and all real estate industry professionals with regard to
demand characteristics for the general airport location.
The appraiser will consult with airport personnel with regard to demand characteristics for
the airport location.
Appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal,
property conditions at the subject parcel that may warrant further environmental investigation.
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan
The current Airport Layout Plan
All environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the
property, and include them in the Appraisal Report.
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least 5 years of experience in
complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of large parcels of local commercial
and industrial land suitable for subdivision, and sale to the market place over a period of time.
Experience with appraisals of similar airport property is considered a plus.
Non-Aeronautical Airport Land
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (Specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances March 2014
Appraisal Scope of Work: On-Airport Leasehold
The property to be appraised is approximately ______ acres of land and improvements
located on the Airport. Attached are the legal description and a copy of the plat of
the property. The Airport Sponsor intends to purchase the leasehold interest pertaining to the
property, from the entity who currently owns the leasehold interest.
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended user, definition of market value, certifications and statement of assumptions and limiting
conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or
analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the property
leasehold estate, and to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and
applicable FAA documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including:
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit “A”
map (See AC 150/5100-17 Figure 1-2), County tax parcel number(s), or any other
pertinent documentation. A current, FAA approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
showing the location of the property under appraisal must be included in the
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of the leasehold being appraised.
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed sub-leases or
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and owner
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning as if released for private
market use and development).
f. Stage of potential or proposed use for aeronautical and non-aeronautical purposes,
development and concurrency with local and regional land use plans, and the
existing Airport Master Plan.
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the property.
h. Adequate sales or lease history of the leasehold (e.g., when acquired and amount
i. The terms and conditions of the airport access agreement pertaining to the property
under appraisal.
j. Any other salient airport-related characteristics of the property.
On-Airport Leasehold
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure
to the extent required for the highest and best use of the property. The appraiser will
become familiar with the sponsor’s Grant Assurances under the obligations imposed by the
airport’s participation in the Airport Improvement Program (AIP), and consider any
limitations or restrictions that may apply to the property.
3. Conduct adequate analysis and develop a supported determination of highest and best
use of the leasehold for market sale. An analysis will be required of existing and planned
utilities, zoning ordinances, probability of redevelopment or reuse, and all other relevant
considerations in order to realize the market value of the leasehold interest. Obligated
airport land being acquired (market sale or long term lease) must be appraised at an
economic highest and best use as described in the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal
Land Acquisitions at paragraph A-14, “Analysis of highest and best use” (see
http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-ack/yb2001.pdf ). The portion of the airport under
appraisal may be subject to use restrictions and other encumbrances which preclude highest
and best use options which are not approved by the FAA for that particular location on the
airport under the Sponsor’s Assurances. The appraiser, in valuing the market value of the
property, shall consider the development potential of the leasehold under appraisal
considering the location of the property and the various uses appropriate for it under the
existing Airport Layout Plan.
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the date of
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable sales and/or leases with public sources
and with a party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or attorney.
6. Appraise the current fair market value of the leasehold, as defined below.
7. As applicable, analyze current or proposed leases and prepare an estimate of the
leasehold value of the property. Explain any variance between the leasehold value to the
owner of the leasehold interest, and the leasehold market value of the property based on the
economic rental rates payable by any sub lessees to the owner of the leasehold interest
under appraisal.
8. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the appraisal report.
9. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property and provide the
location and dimensions of any improvements. The appraisal report shall include adequate
photographs and location maps of the subject property and of the comparable sales.
On-Airport Leasehold
Client/Intended Users
The client is the Airport Sponsor. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA are the intended
users, and will rely on the appraisal and appraisal report to document the current fair market value
of the leasehold interest.
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the market value in leasehold estate of the
subject parcel of airport property for market sale in an arm’s length transaction the two parties
are unconnected and have no overt common interests.
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the market value in leasehold estate for a
tract of airport land and the contributory value of any improvements. The market value will
represent a sale price to the owner of the leasehold interest, and the appraisal is to ensure that Fair
Market Value at the highest and best use of the property, under the appropriate definition,
constitutes the just compensation paid by the airport to the owner of the leasehold interest. The
date of valuation is to reflect contemporary market conditions. The airport sponsor will identify
any property interests such as retained rights easements, unexpired leases, or improvements to be
accepted from the sale
Market Value
The federal courts have adopted the working rule that, in general, the just compensation
due for the acquisition of property by the government is equivalent to the property’s market value.
The appraiser will estimate market value using the following USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a
sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under
conditions whereby:
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
On-Airport Leasehold
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected
by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone
associated with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition the Sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the three years before the date of the appraisal.
These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage or any other
services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of airport property, and make an affirmative statement to
that effect in the appraisal report.
Primary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will research, and analyze the relevant market for the demand and supply of
property competitive with the airport land at its highest and best use. Due to the nature of the
subject of the appraisal, the appraiser may need to look for comparable data in regions that are
geographically further away from the subject then would be the case for non-aeronautical property
in the general location of the airport. The appraiser will analyze, verify and if possible, inspect
recent comparable sales or lease transactions. Additionally, the appraiser will analyze the existing
leases with the airport that pertain to the subject property.
The appraiser will analyze the impact of the position of the property under appraisal
relative to the airport environment. The basic considerations relating to FAA Part 77 and impact
on future development should be considered by the appraiser as a part of the highest and best use
The appraiser will review general market data relating to the airport itself and the general
aviation environment which surrounds the subject property's immediate area. This analysis will
include other leasehold interests on the airport where the property is located. The appraiser will
also research and analyze the market for airport real estate at competitive airports, and interview
various real estate, airport and aviation personnel regarding current market conditions, current
pricing practices, and all relevant information relating to the subject property and its position
within the marketplace.
On-Airport Leasehold
The airport sponsor will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of the
airports retained property rights (recorded or to be recorded), e.g., easements, lease restrictions or
other restrictions and encumbrances on the property to protect and enhance airport operations and
to acknowledge and protect over flight of the property. The appraiser shall appraise the market
value of the property subject to the airport retention of the described property rights.
Secondary Data and Analysis
The vast majority of aviation-related leases for land and for improvements are for a
specified term. The appraiser will familiarize themselves with the nature of aviation leases and
FAA policy regarding term. The influence of the remaining term will be considered by the
appraiser in developing the value of the tenant’s leasehold interest.
In some instances, improvements that are constructed on a long-term ground lease, vest the
title with the lessor. The appraisers will familiarize themselves with the specific underlying
ground lease (if applicable to the assignment) and will understand the relationship between the
legal title to the improvement and the particular benefits of the lessee's position in developing the
Several categories of aviation-related users who would possess the leasehold interest under
appraisal may derive commercial benefits relating to non-real estate related elements of their
business. Examples would be revenues developed from fuel sales, aircraft maintenance and repair,
aircraft charter-related service, and air carrier applications. Appraisers will familiarize themselves
with the nature of the on-airport user and develop an appraisal that focuses on the leasehold
interest relating only to the real property rights in question.
In appraisals of leasehold interest that involve improvements that were constructed at the
expense of the tenant, the appraiser will make an effort to understand all the considerations with
regard to the expense and other elements that pertain to on-airport construction of the particular
improvements under appraisal.
The appraiser will perform an analysis and determination of an appropriate rate of return
which can be applied to a Net Operating Income to arrive at an indication of the leasehold value
which would be applicable to the subject property. Existing revenue streams from leases which
are a part of the property under appraisal (if any) will be analyzed to determine if they are at
market rate.
The appraiser will consult with the applicable airport personnel with regard to demand
characteristics for the airport location.
The appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal,
property conditions that exist at the parcel that may warrant further environmental investigation.
On-Airport Leasehold
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan,
The current Airport Layout Plan,
All environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the
property, and include them in the Appraisal Report.
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least 5 years of experience in
complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of a variety of on-airport property
such as hangars, fixed base operations and vacant airport land. Experience with appraisals of
similar airport property is considered a plus.
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances March 2014
Appraisal Scope of Work: Concurrent/Interim Lease of On-Airport Property
The property to be appraised is ______ acres of land and improvements located on the
____________Airport. Attached are the legal description and a copy of the plat of the property to
be appraised. The Airport Sponsor intends to lease the property under the provisions of FAA
Order 5190.6B, 22.5 Request for Concurrent Use of Aeronautical Property for Other Uses. Under
federal law, concurrent use can be considered if aeronautical property is to remain in use for its
primary airport-related, aeronautical purpose, but may also be used for a compatible revenue–
producing, non-aeronautical purpose.
Interim use represents a temporary arrangement to use airport property for non-aeronautical
purposes. It is anticipated that the interim use will end and the property will be returned to
aeronautical use. Interim use is limited to 5 years, with 3 years the preferred term.
Any funds received by the airport (rent) for a release from aeronautical use in either
concurrent or interim use should be based on fair market rent and considered airport revenue. The
concurrent use that applies to property which requires an appraisal may be predetermined by the
airport sponsor within specific parameters, or represent a general redeployment of aeronautical
land for non-aeronautical purposes. The appraiser will become familiar with the proposed use for
the property and apply the appropriate analysis.
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended user, definition of market value, certifications and statement of assumptions, and limiting
conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or
analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the property
leasehold estate, and to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and
applicable FAA documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including;
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit “A”
map (See AC 150/5100-17 Figure 1-2), County tax parcel number(s), or any other
pertinent documentation. A current, FAA approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
showing the location of the property under appraisal must be included in the
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of the property being appraised,
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed sub-leases or
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and owner
Concurrent/Interim Lease
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning as if released for private
market use and development),
f. Stage of potential or proposed use for non-aeronautical purposes, development and
concurrency with local and regional land use plans, and the existing Airport Master
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the property,
h. Adequate sales or lease history of the property (e.g., when acquired and amount
i. Any other salient airport-related characteristics of the property.
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure
to the extent required for the proposed use of the property. The appraiser will become
familiar with the sponsor’s Grant Assurances under the obligations imposed by the
airport’s participation in the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and consider any
limitations or restrictions that may apply to the property under appraisal from this
contractual mandate.
3. Conduct adequate analysis and develop a supported determination relating to the
proposed use of the property for market lease. An analysis will be required of existing
and planned utilities, zoning ordinances, probability of redevelopment or reuse, and all
other relevant considerations in order to realize the market value of the leasehold
interest. Obligated airport land being acquired (market sale or long term lease) must be
appraised at an economic highest and best use as described in the Uniform Appraisal
Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions at paragraph A-14, “Analysis of highest and
best use” (see http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-ack/yb2001.pdf ). The portion of the
airport under appraisal may be subject to use restrictions and other encumbrances
which preclude highest and best use options which are not approved by the FAA for
that particular location on the airport under the Sponsor’s Assurances. The appraiser in
valuing the market value of the subject property shall consider the development
potential of the leasehold under appraisal considering the location of the property the
various uses appropriate for it under the existing Airport Layout Plan.
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the date of
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable sales and/or leases with public sources
and with a party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or attorney.
6. Appraise the current fair market rent for the property, as defined in the Market Value
section below.
7. As applicable, analyze current or proposed leases and prepare an estimate of the
leasehold value of the property. Explain any variance between the leasehold value to
Concurrent/Interim Lease
the owner of the leasehold interest, and the leasehold market value of the property
based on the economic rental rates payable by any sub lessees to the owner of the
leasehold interest under appraisal.
8. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the appraisal report.
9. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property and provide the
location and dimensions of any improvements. The appraisal report shall include
adequate photographs and location maps of the property and of the comparable sales.
Client/Intended Users
The client is the Airport Sponsor. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA are the intended
users, and will rely on the appraisal and Appraisal Report to document the current fair market
rental for the property.
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the fair market rental for the airport property
for market lease in an arm’s length transaction the two parties are unconnected and have no overt
common interests.
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the fair market rental for airport property
and the contributory value of any improvements. The fair market rental will represent a rental rate
to the owner of the fee simple interest, and the appraisal is to ensure that the fair market rental for
the intended use of the property, under the appropriate definition, constitutes the rent paid by the
lessee to the airport. The date of valuation is to reflect contemporary market conditions. The Airport
Sponsor will identify any property interests such as retained rights easements, unexpired leases or
improvements to be accepted from the lease.
Concurrent/Interim Lease
Market Value
For a property to be leased with the right to use and occupy real estate for a stated term and
under certain conditions may require an appraiser to determine a fair market rent (consideration paid
by the lessee to the lessor). The definition and principles of fair market value which are applicable
to a property sale, and found in USPAP and the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land
Acquisitions, are also applicable to fair market rent. The appraiser will estimate fair market rent
using the following USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a sale
as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by
special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated
with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition the Sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the three years before the date of the appraisal.
These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage or any other
services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of airport property, and make an affirmative statement to
that effect in the appraisal report.
Concurrent/Interim Lease
Primary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will research and analyze the relevant market for the demand and supply of
property competitive with the airport land at its proposed use. Depending on the nature of the
subject of the appraisal, the appraiser may need to look for comparable data in regions that are
geographically further away from the subject than would be the case for non-aeronautical property
in the general location of the airport. The appraiser will analyze, verify, and if possible, inspect
recent comparable sales or lease transactions. Additionally, the appraiser will analyze existing
leases with the airport that pertain to the property.
The appraiser will examine and analyze the impact of the position of the property under
appraisal relative to the airport environment. The basic considerations relating to FAA Part 77 and
any impact on any future development should be considered by the appraiser as a part of the
highest and best use analysis.
The appraiser will review general market data relating to the airport itself and the general
aviation environment which surrounds the subject property's immediate area. This analysis will
include other comparable leasehold interests on the airport where the property is located. If
necessary to produce a credible appraisal, the appraiser will research and analyze the market for
similar airport real estate at competitive airports, and interview various real estate, airport, and
aviation personnel regarding current market conditions, current pricing practices, and other
relevant information relating to the subject property and its position within the marketplace.
The airport sponsor will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of any airport
retained property rights (recorded or to be recorded), e.g. easements, lease restrictions or other
restrictions and encumbrances on the property to protect and enhance airport operations and to
acknowledge and protect over flight of the property. The appraiser shall appraise the fair market
rental of the property subject to the airport retention of any described property rights.
Secondary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will perform an analysis and determination of an appropriate rate of return
which can be applied to a Net Operating Income to arrive at an indication of the leasehold value
which would be applicable to the subject property. Existing revenue streams from leases that are a
part of the property under appraisal (if any) will be analyzed to determine if they are at a market
The appraiser will analyze the market for land or improvement sales or leases comparable
to the proposed concurrent/interim use, and consider the absorption factors that are pertinent to this
particular market.
The appraiser will consult with any and all airport personnel with regard to demand
characteristics for the airport location.
Concurrent/Interim Lease
Appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal,
property conditions at the subject parcel that may warrant further environmental investigation.
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan
The current Airport Layout Plan
Any environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the
subject of the appraisal, and include the documents in the Appraisal Report
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least 5 years of experience in
complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of large parcels of valuation of a
variety of on-airport property such as hangars, fixed base operations and vacant airport land.
Experience with appraisals of similar airport property is considered a plus.
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances March 2014
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Lease of Oil/Gas/Mineral Rights
The interest to be appraised is the value of oil/gas/mineral rights interest located at
____________ Airport. Attached is the legal description of that portion of the property to be
affected by the conveyance of the rights, and a description of the property elements. The Airport
Sponsor intends to sell/lease the rights to a third party.
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended users, definition of fair market value, certifications and statement of assumptions and
limiting conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional
research or analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the
property and to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and
applicable FAA documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including;
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit
“A” map (See AC 150/5100-17 FIGURE 1-2), County tax parcel number(s), or
any other pertinent documentation.
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of the property and interest being appraised,
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed leases, sub-leases or
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and owner
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning as if released for private
market use and development),
f. Stage of potential or proposed use, development and concurrency with local and
regional land use plans, and the existing Airport Master Plan
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the property,
h. Adequate sales history of the property (e.g., when acquired and amount paid)
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation
infrastructure to the extent required for the highest and best use of the property.
3. Conduct adequate analysis and develop supported determination of highest and
best use of the property to be affected by the conveyance of the rights. An analysis will
be required of existing and planned utilities, zoning ordinances, probability of rezoning,
and all other relevant considerations in order to realize the market value of the property.
The property must be appraised at an economic highest and best use as described in the
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions at paragraph A-14,
Sale/Lease of Oil/Gas/Mineral Rights
“Analysis of highest and best use”
(see http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-ack/yb2001.pdf ).
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the
date of value.
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable transactions with public sources
and with a party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or attorney.
6. Appraise the current fair market value of the rights, as defined in the Market
Value section below.
7. As applicable, analyze current or proposed leases, and prepare an estimate of the
leased fee value of the rights. Explain any variance between the leased fee and the fee
simple market value of the property.
8. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the Appraisal
9. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property affected and
a delineation of the proposed easement with both its horizontal, vertical and subsurface
specifications clearly represented, and provide the location and dimensions of any
improvements on the subject property. The appraisal report shall include adequate
photographs and location maps of the property and of the comparable transactions.
Client/Intended Users
The client is the Airport Sponsor. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA are the intended
users, and will rely on the appraisal and appraisal report to document the fair market value of the
rights to be paid to Airport Sponsor.
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the fair market value in Easement Interest
of the subject property.
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the fair market value in Easement
Interest, the measure of value being the loss in the value to the remainder property and those
portions of the total property not taken and the property rights remaining to the owners of property
affected by the easement area. The fair market value will represent a sale price to the property
owner, and the appraisal is to ensure that fair market value at the highest and best use of the
property, under the appropriate definition, is applied to the Easement Interest. The date of
Sale/Lease of Oil/Gas/Mineral Rights
valuation is to reflect contemporary market conditions. The assignment may relate to either
surface rights or subsurface rights. These elements are defined as follows:
Surface Rights: The right to construct, operate, and maintain a pipeline over the lands of
others within prescribed geographical limits. The language of the easement determines the extent
of the rights granted.
Sub-surface Rights: (1) The rights to the use and profits of the underground portion of a
designated property; usually refers to the right to extract coal, minerals, oil, gas, or other
hydrocarbon substances, as designated in the grant; may include a right-of-way over designated
portions of the surface. (2) The right to construct and maintain tunnels, subways, sub-cellars,
pipelines, and sewers, etc.
Fair Market Value/Market Value
The appraiser will estimate market value using the following USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a
sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under
conditions whereby:
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected
by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone
associated with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition, the Sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Sale/Lease of Oil/Gas/Mineral Rights
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the three years before the date of the appraisal.
These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage or any other
services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of oil/gas/mineral rights, and make an affirmative
statement to that effect in the appraisal report.
Primary Data and Analysis
Along with fully identifying and describing the total parcel (contiguity, use, and
ownership),the appraiser will analyze the total property from which the proposed easement interest
will be separated. This area is sometimes referred to as the entirety, the larger parcel, or the
parent tract. The total property in the appraisal is to be defined as a property under a single
ownership, physically contiguous and with one highest and best use throughout.
This analysis will identify the area for the proposed oil or gas operations, including its
placement and extent of the proposed operation with the aid of technical material provided by the
airport sponsor.
The appraiser will need to review the proposed rights agreement and identify the proposed
impact on any vertical, horizontal, or subsurface division of the subject property, its relevant,
bundle of rights, and the highest and best use of the subject property.
The appraiser will analyze the effect of the oil or gas operation on the physical parts of the
total property affected by the easement.
The appraiser will analyze the remaining portions of the total property not involved with
the conveyance, plus the property rights remaining to the owner of the total property.
The appraiser will apply all appropriate approaches to value.
The appraiser will examine and analyze the impact of the position of the rights conveyance
relative to the airport environment. Surface damage to airport land as a result of the sale or lease
of the rights should be considered by the appraiser. The basic considerations relating to FAA Part
77 (objects affecting navigable airspace) and any impact on any future development should be
considered by the appraiser as a part of the highest and best use analysis. The (Airport Sponsor)
will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of the airports retained property rights
(recorded or to be recorded), e.g. other easements, deed restrictions or other restrictions and
encumbrances on the property to protect and enhance airport operations and to acknowledge and
Sale/Lease of Oil/Gas/Mineral Rights
protect over flight of the property. The appraiser shall appraise the fair market value of the rights
subject to the airport retention of the described property rights.
In addition to the value attached to the sale of rights pertaining to the airport property, it
may be necessary to install infrastructure and/or temporarily disrupt the operational aeronautical
patterns of the airport in order to realize the rights. An example of this condition is if it would be
necessary to install subsurface infrastructure across taxiway, runways, aprons, and other
operational surfaces on the airport property. The appraiser should analyze this element of the
transaction and whether the process may have an adverse impact on commerce at the airport. The
appraiser will quantify these potential, applicable conditions in the report.
Secondary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will consider local laws governing the valuation of partial interests, and will
utilize those methodologies which are applicable in the subject property’s jurisdiction.
Appropriate and sufficient market related production history and production projections,
among other information specific to the oil and gas industry which may be relevant, should be
described by the appraiser if income capitalization methodology is employed. A comparable sale
or lease analysis should address any inconsistencies that may pertain to sales comparison approach
data for similar types of rights, and an appropriate reconciliation developed in determining fair
market value or rent.
Appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal, any
property conditions that exist at the subject parcel that may warrant further environmental
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan
The current Airport Layout Plan
Any environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the subject
of the appraisal, and include the documents in the Appraisal Report
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least 5 years of experience in
complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of the valuation of Oil/Gas/Mineral
rights. Appraisal experience of easements, right-of-ways, and access corridors will be considered
a plus.
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Sale/Lease of Oil/Gas/Mineral Rights
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances March 2014
FAA AC 150/5100-20, Guidance for the Extraction of Oil and Gas at Obligated
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Disposal of Utilities/Pipeline Easement
The interest to be appraised is the value of a utilities/pipeline easement interest located at
___________ Airport. The legal description of that portion of the property to be encumbered by
the easement and a description of the easement elements are attached. The airport sponsor intends
to convey the easement to a utilities company. An easement can generally be described as an
interest in land of another entitling the owner of that interest to a limited use of the land in which it
exists, or a right to preclude specified uses in the easement area by others. An easement is an
interest less than the fee estate, with the landowner retaining full rights over the property subject
only to the easement. The landowner may make any use of the property that does not interfere with
the easement holder’s reasonable use of the easement and is not specifically excluded by the terms
of the easement.
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended users, definition of market value, certifications and statement of assumptions and limiting
conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or
analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the property and
to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and
applicable FAA documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including;
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit “A”
map (See AC 150/5100-17 Figure 1-2), County tax parcel number(s), or any other
pertinent documentation,
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of the property being appraised,
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed leases, sub-leases or
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and owner
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning as if released for private
market use and development),
f. Stage of potential or proposed use, development and concurrency with local and
regional land use plans, and the existing Airport Master Plan,
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the property,
h. Adequate sales history of the property (e.g., when acquired, amount and paid.
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure
to the extent required for the highest and best use of the property.
Sale/Disposal of Utilities/Pipeline Easement
3. Conduct adequate analysis and develop a supported determination of highest and best
use of the property for market sale. An analysis will be required of existing and planned
utilities, zoning ordinances, probability of rezoning, and all other relevant considerations in
order to realize the market value of the property. The property must be appraised at an
economic highest and best use as described in the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal
Land Acquisitions at paragraph A-14, “Analysis of highest and best use” (see
http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-ack/yb2001.pdf ).
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the date of
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable sales with public sources and with a
party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or attorney.
6. Appraise the current fair market value of the property, as defined below.
7. As applicable, analyze current or proposed leases, and prepare an estimate of the leased
fee value of the property. Explain any variance between the leased fee and the fee simple
market value of the property.
8. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the Appraisal Report.
9. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property and a delineation
of the proposed easement with both its horizontal, vertical and sub-surface specifications
clearly represented, and provide the location and dimensions of any improvements on the
subject property. The appraisal report shall include adequate photographs and location
maps of the property and of the comparable sales.
Client/Intended Users
The client is the Airport Sponsor. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA are the intended
users, and will rely on the appraisal and appraisal report to document the fair market value of the
Easement Interest to be paid to Airport Sponsor.
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the fair market value in Easement Interest
of the subject property.
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the fair market value in Easement
Interest, the measure of value being the loss in the value to the remainder property and those
portions of the total property not taken and the property rights remaining to the owners of property
affected by the easement area. The fair market value will represent a sale price to the property
Sale/Disposal of Utilities/Pipeline Easement
owner, and the appraisal is to ensure that fair market value at the highest and best use of the
property, under the appropriate definition, is applied to the Easement Interest. The date of
valuation is to reflect contemporary market conditions. The assignment may relate to either
surface rights or subsurface rights. These elements are defined as follows:
Surface Rights: The right to construct, operates, and maintain a pipeline over the lands
of others within prescribed geographical limits. The language of the easement determines the
extent of the rights granted.
Sub-surface Rights: (1) The rights to the use and profits of the underground portion of a
designated property; usually refers to the right to extract coal, minerals, oil, gas, or other
hydrocarbon substances, as designated in the grant; may include a right-of-way over designated
portions of the surface. (2) The right to construct and maintain tunnels, subways, sub-cellars,
pipelines, and sewers, etc.
Fair Market Value/Market Value
The appraiser will estimate market value using the following USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a
sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under
conditions whereby:
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected
by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone
associated with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition, the Sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Sale/Disposal of Utilities/Pipeline Easement
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the three years before the date of the appraisal.
These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage or any other
services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of utilities/pipeline easements, and make an affirmative
statement to that effect in the appraisal report.
Primary Data and Analysis
Along with fully identifying and describing the total parcel (contiguity, use, and
ownership), the appraiser will analyze the total property from which the proposed easement
interest will be separated. This area is sometimes referred to as the entirety, the larger parcel, or
the parent tract. The total property in the appraisal is to be defined as a property under a single
ownership, physically contiguous and with one highest and best use throughout.
The appraiser will identify the taking area for the proposed utilities/pipeline easement,
including its placement and extent of the proposed utilities/pipeline easement with the aid of
technical material provided by the airport sponsor.
The appraiser will need to review the proposed utilities/pipeline easement agreement and
identify the proposed impact on any vertical, horizontal or subsurface division of the subject
property, its relevant, bundle of rights and the highest and best use of the subject property.
The appraiser will analyze the effect of the utilities/pipeline easement on the physical parts
of the total property affected by the easement.
The appraiser will analyze the remaining portions of the total property not taken, plus the
property rights remaining to the owner of the total property.
In determining the fair market value of the easement, the measure of value will be
determined by the loss in the value of the remaining property, not the value of the utilities/pipeline
easement to the buyer.
The appraiser will apply all appropriate approaches to value.
The appraiser shall consider whether severance damages may be appropriate when
analyzing the remainder parcel. These may include:
1. Change in highest and best use,
2. Increased cost or restrictions on existing uses, and
3. Limits on future development or use.
Sale/Disposal of Utilities/Pipeline Easement
If the remainder property has a different highest and best use as a result of the easement,
the appraiser is to determine and appropriately apply the relevant valuation methodology.
The appraiser will examine and analyze the impact of the position of the easement relative
to the airport environment. The basic considerations relating to FAA Part 77 and any impact on
any future development should be considered by the appraiser as a part of the highest and best use
analysis. The (Airport Sponsor) will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of the
airports retained property rights (recorded or to be recorded), e.g., other easements, deed
restrictions or other restrictions and encumbrances on the property to protect and enhance airport
operations and to acknowledge and protect over flight of the property. The appraiser shall appraise
the fair market value of the easement to the airport retention of the described property rights.
In addition to the easement which pertains to the airport property, it may be necessary to
install infrastructure and/or temporarily disrupt the operational aeronautical patterns of the airport.
An example of this condition is if it would be necessary to install subsurface infrastructure across
taxiway, runways, aprons and other operational surfaces on the airport property. The appraiser
should analyze this element of the transaction and whether the process may have an adverse impact
on commerce at the airport. The appraiser will quantify these potential, applicable conditions in
the report.
Secondary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will consider local laws governing the valuation of partial takings, and will
utilize those methodologies which are applicable in the subject property’s jurisdiction.
Comparable utilities/pipeline easement transactions are complex, and if the appraiser
chooses to consider any, all of the information necessary to make a direct comparison to the
subject easement should be diligently collected. The appraiser should identify and abstract any
and all relevant components of each transaction such as land value, damages to the remainder,
business decisions which may have applied, etc. The appraiser should not solely rely on easement
transaction data to determine fair market value.
Appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal, any
property conditions that exist at the subject parcel that may warrant further environmental
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan
The current Airport Layout Plan
Any environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the subject
of the appraisal, and include the documents in the Appraisal Report
Sale/Disposal of Utilities/Pipeline Easement
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least 5 years of experience in
complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of easements, right-of-ways, and
access corridors considered to be a plus.
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances March 2014
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal/Lease of Hotel
The property to be appraised is a parcel of land consisting of approximately ________acres
that supports a hotel property located at . Attached are the legal description
(s) and a copy of the plat of the property (and if applicable a copy of the proposed lease). The
airport sponsor currently owns (or had owned or leased) this property in fee, and the real property
will be conveyed (or leased) subject to the identified retained real property rights and
encumbrances (see assumptions and limiting conditions). Many hotels are constructed on airports
and have long-term land leases. At the expiration of the land lease, the hotel frequently reverts to
the airport sponsor. The appraisal for this scope of work can also be utilized to develop a rental
rate for the hotel property to be paid to the airport sponsor by an operating lessee.
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended user, definition of market value, certifications and statement of assumptions and limiting
conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or
analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the property and
to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and
applicable FAA documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including;
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit “A”
map, County tax parcel number(s).
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of each interest being evaluated.
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed leases or encumbrances,
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and
leasehold/tenant improvements.
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning as if released for private
market use and development).
f. Stage of potential or proposed development and concurrency with local and
regional land use plans.
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the subject.
h. Adequate sales history of the property (e.g., when acquired and amount paid).
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure
to the extent required for the highest and best use of the property.
3. Conduct adequate analysis and develop a supported determination of highest and best
use of the subject property for market sale or lease. An analysis will be required of existing
and planned utilities, zoning ordinances, probability of rezoning, and all other relevant
Disposal/Lease of Hotel
considerations in order to realize the market value of the property. Obligated airport land
being disposed (market sale or long term lease) must be appraised at an economic highest
and best use as described in the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land
Acquisitions at paragraph A-14, “Analysis of highest and best use” (see
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the date of
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable sales with public sources and with a
party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or attorney.
6. Appraise the current fair market value of the property, as defined below.
7. As applicable, analyze current or proposed leases and prepare an estimate of the leased
fee value of the property. Explain any variance between the leased fee and the fee simple
market value of the property.
8. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the appraisal report.
9. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property and provide the
location and dimensions of any improvements. The appraisal report shall include adequate
photographs of the subject property and of the comparable sales and provide location maps
of the property and comparable sales.
Client/Intended Users
The client is the Airport Sponsor. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA are the intended
users, and will rely on the appraisal and appraisal report to document the current fair market value,
or fair market rent, of the property.
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the market value in fee simple of the
subject parcel of airport land for market sale in an arm’s length transaction the two parties are
unconnected and have no overt common interests.
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the market value in fee simple (or
alternatively, a market rental value) for a tract of non-aeronautical land which is improved with a
hotel property and the value of appropriate site improvements. The market value will represent a
sale price (order lease payment) to the airport sponsor, and the appraisal is to ensure that full
market value at the highest and best use of the property, under the appropriate definition, is
achieved by the airport. The date of valuation is to reflect contemporary market conditions. The
airport sponsor will identify any property interests such as retained rights easements, unexpired
leases or improvements to be excepted from the sale.
Market Value
The definition and principles of fair market value that are applicable to a property sale and
found in USPAP and the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions are also
applicable to fair market rental. The appraiser will estimate fair market value or fair market rental
using the following USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a
sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under
conditions whereby:
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected
by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone
associated with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition the sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the three years before the date of the appraisal.
These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage or any other
services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of hotel property, and make an affirmative statement to
that effect in the appraisal report.
Primary Data and Analysis
Relevant information will be collected and analyzed by the appraiser; the information
specific to the airport environment provided by the airport sponsor. The appraiser is expected to
investigate any improved sales in the market area and contact buyers, sellers, brokers, property
developers, and public officials. The appraiser will inspect competitive lodging facilities and
analyze any comparable sales summarized in the report.
The appraiser will evaluate the site from the viewpoint of its physical utility for the
operation of a hotel, as well as access, visibility, and other relevant location-related factors. The
site’s existing improvements are to be inspected for their quality of construction, design, layout
efficiency, and items of physical deterioration and functional obsolescence.
The estimates of value should include the land, the improvements, and the furniture,
fixtures, and equipment. The appraisal should assume that the hotel is open and operational.
The value of the going concern value for hotels may be allocated into two primary
components: the real estate (inclusive of real and personal property) and the business interest. The
value of a business interest is defined as: “A value enhancement that results from items of
intangible personal property such as marketing and management skill, an assembled work force,
working capital, trade names, franchises, patents, trademarks, contracts, leases, and operating
agreements.” The appraiser will develop the Fair Market Value for the real estate component
only. It will not include a business value component that represents the value of the going concern.
The appraiser will review the surrounding economic environment to identify economic and
demographic trends that may have an impact on future demand for hotels. The market for hotel
accommodations is expected to be investigated, including factors such as purpose of visit, average
length of stay, facilities and amenities, seasonality, daily demand fluctuations, and price
sensitivity. An analysis of existing and proposed competition should be delineated in the report.
If required in support of a value conclusion, any documentation for an occupancy and
average rate projection should be derived based on an analysis of lodging activity. Any projection
of income and expenses utilized in the valuation of the subject property should be made in
accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for Hotels. The appraisal will consider the three
approaches to value: cost, sales comparison, and income capitalization.
The appraiser will examine and analyze the impact of the position of the subject property’s
physical location relative to the airport environment. The basic considerations relating to FAA
Part 77 (objects affecting navigable airspace) and any impact on any alternative development of
the supporting site should be considered by the appraiser as a part of the highest and best use
analysis. The airport sponsor will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of the
airports retained property rights (recorded or to be recorded), e.g., easements, deed restrictions or
other restrictions and encumbrances on the property to protect and enhance airport operations and
to acknowledge and protect over flight of the property. The appraiser shall appraise the market
value of the property subject to the airport retention of the described property rights.
Secondary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will consider national lodging demand trends to determine what conditions
exist in this property sector as of the date of the appraisal. The appraiser will also specifically
define the subject’s pertinent local hotel market.
If necessary to support valuation components, the appraiser will analyze and determine an
appropriate rate of return that can be applied to a market land and improvement rent to arrive at an
indication of the fee simple value be applicable to the property.
The appraiser will consult with the appropriate airport personnel to determine the demand
characteristics for the airport location relating to the market for hotel accommodations.
Appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal,
property conditions that exist at the subject parcel that, in his opinion, may warrant further
environmental investigation.
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan.
The current Airport Layout Plan.
All environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the subject
of the appraisal, and include the documents in the Appraisal Report.
All previous appraisals of the subject property by the Airport Sponsor.
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least 5 years of experience in
complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of parcels of local lodging property
and land suitable for hotel development. Experience with appraisals of similar on-airport hotel
property is considered a plus.
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances March 2014
Appraisal Scope of Work: Disposal/Lease of Golf Course
The property to be appraised is a golf course consisting of approximately ____ acres of
land located on Airport. Attached are the legal description and a copy of the
plat of the property (and if applicable a copy of the proposed lease). The airport sponsor currently
owns (or had owned or leased) this golf course in fee simple, and the real property will be
conveyed or leased subject to the identified retained real property rights and encumbrances (see
assumptions and limiting conditions). The property will continue to be utilized as a golf course,
and will be contained with a deed restriction pertaining to the continued use. The appraiser will
determine the fair market value, or the fair market rental as is appropriate.
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended user, definition of market value, certifications and statement of assumptions and limiting
conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional research or
analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value of the property and
to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and applicable FAA
documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including;
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit “A”
map, County tax parcel number(s).
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of each interest being evaluated.
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed leases or encumbrances,
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and tenant
improvements (if any).
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning).
f. Stage of current development and concurrency with local and regional land use
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the property.
h. Adequate sales history of the property (e.g., when acquired and amount paid).
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure
in the context of continued utilization as a golf course property.
3. The property will continue to be utilized as a golf course. Any highest and best use
analysis will consider land compatibility in the vicinity of the airport and recognize
that the subject of the appraisal is considered to represent a buffer against development
which may impinge on aeronautical activity.
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the date of
value to comparable golf course type properties.
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable sales with public sources and with a
party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or attorney.
6. Appraise the current fair market value of the property, as defined below.
7. As applicable, analyze current or proposed leases and prepare an estimate of the leased
fee value of the property. Explain any variance between the leased fee and the fee
simple market value of the property.
8. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the appraisal report.
9. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property and provide the
location and dimensions of any improvements. The appraisal report shall include
adequate photographs of the subject property and of the comparable sales and provide
location maps of the property and comparable sales.
Client/Intended Users
The intended users are the Airport Sponsor and FAA. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA
will rely on the appraisal and Appraisal Report to document the current fair market value of the
real property if sold and if applicable, the Fair Market Rental for the golf course, if it is to be
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the market value in fee simple of the
subject parcel of airport land for market sale (or market rental rate for use in a lease) in an arm’s
length transaction.
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the market value in fee simple for a golf
course property. If sold, the fair market value will represent a sale price to the airport sponsor, and
if leased, the fair market rental will represent rent paid by the lessee to the sponsor. The appraisal
is to ensure that the sponsor realizes full market value of the golf course in continued utilization for
this use, with use restrictions pertaining to the property as a part of the transaction. The date of
valuation is to reflect contemporary market conditions. The airport sponsor will identify and/or
confirm any property interests such as retained rights easements, unexpired leases or
improvements to be excepted from the sale.
Market Value
The definition and principles of fair market value that are applicable to a property sale and
found in USPAP and the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions, are also
applicable to fair market rental. The appraiser will estimate fair market value or fair market rental
using the following USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a
sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under
conditions whereby:
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected
by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone
associated with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition the sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the three years before the date of the appraisal.
These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage or any other
services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of golf courses, and make an affirmative statement to that
effect in the appraisal report.
Primary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will research and analyze the local market for the demand and supply of
similar golf course properties. If necessary, the appraiser may analyze market activity from a
broader regional marketplace for similar golf courses. The appraiser will analyze, verify, and
inspect recent comparable sales. The appraiser will analyze existing leases pertinent to golf course
properties that may yield usable data for the appraisal.
The appraiser will examine and analyze the impact of the position of the property relative
to the airport environment. The basic considerations relating to FAA Part 77(objects affecting
navigable airspace) and any impact on future development should be considered by the appraiser.
The airport sponsor will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of the airport’s
retained property rights (recorded or to be recorded), e.g., easements, deed restrictions or other
restrictions and encumbrances on the property to protect and enhance airport operations and to
acknowledge and protect over flight of the property. The appraiser shall appraise the market value
of the property subject to the airport retention of the described property rights.
The appraisal should include a market delineation analysis along with a description and
summary of demand and supply factors for golf facilities. Market conditions should reflect local
characteristics and support the conclusions in the appraisal relating to the capacity of the
property’s use to capture market share.
The property should be appropriately classified under standards normally utilized in golf
course valuation with regard to the property's facilities condition and design, course design,
ownership structure, and quality. Existing improvements are to be inspected for their quality of
construction, design, layout efficiency, and items of physical deterioration and functional
Secondary Data and Analysis
If a cost approach is utilized by the appraiser, it is desirable that the appraiser use golf
course related cost data from services such as Marshall and Swift and Means and actual data
obtained from comparable golf facilities locally.
The appraisal should assume that the golf course is open and operational. The value of the
going concern value for golf courses may be allocated into two primary components: the real estate
(inclusive of real and personal property) and the business interest. The value of a business interest
is defined as “A value enhancement that results from items of intangible personal property such as
marketing and management skill, an assembled work force, working capital, trade names,
franchises, patents, trademarks, contracts, leases, and operating agreements.” The appraiser will
develop the Fair Market Value for the real estate component only, and will not include a business
value component that represents the value of the going concern.
Appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal, any
property conditions that exist at the subject parcel that may warrant further environmental
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan.
The current Airport Layout Plan.
Any environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the subject
of the appraisal, and include the documents in the Appraisal Report.
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least five years of experience
in complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of golf courses. Experience with
appraisals of airport property in general will be considered a plus.
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances March 2014
Appraisal Scope of Work: Sale/Lease of Agricultural Land
The interest to be appraised is the fair market value/fair rental value of agricultural (farm)
property located at __________________ Airport. Attached is the legal description of that
portion of the property to be sold/leased, and a description of the property elements. The Airport
Sponsor intends to sell/lease the property to a third party.
This appraisal of the property is subject to the following scope of work, intended use,
intended users, definition of fair market value/rental, certifications and statement of assumptions
and limiting conditions. The appraiser may expand the scope of work to include any additional
research or analysis determined necessary for a credible appraisal of the fair market value/rental of
the property and to meet the identified standards and requirements.
Scope of Work
The appraiser will provide an appraisal and produce a written narrative Appraisal Report in
accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and
applicable FAA documentation requirements. At a minimum, the appraiser must:
1. Adequately describe the characteristics of the property being appraised including;
a. Location, legal description, parcel number as it relates to the airport’s Exhibit “A”
map (See AC 150/5100-17 Figure 1-2), County tax parcel number(s), or any other
pertinent documentation.
b. Name of apparent owner(s) of the property and interest being appraised.
c. Pertinent title information including known and observed leases, sub-leases or
d. Present use and development, identification of any improvements and owner
e. Zoning (current, proposed and probability of rezoning as if released for private
market use and development).
f. Stage of potential or proposed use, development and concurrency with local and
regional land use plans, and the existing Airport Master Plan.
g. Infrastructure (existing and planned) serving the property.
h. Adequate sales history of the property (e.g., when acquired and amount paid).
2. Inspect the neighborhood and local area noting utility and transportation infrastructure
to the extent required for the highest and best use of the property.
3. Conduct adequate analysis and develop a supported determination of highest and best
use of the property. An analysis will be required of existing and planned utilities, zoning
ordinances, probability of rezoning, and any other relevant considerations in order to
realize the market value of the property. The property must be appraised at an economic
highest and best use as described in the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land
Acquisitions at paragraph A-14, “Analysis of highest and best use” (see
http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-ack/yb2001.pdf ).
4. Adequately describe and analyze all relevant market data and activity as of the date of
5. Inspect research, analyze, and verify comparable transactions with public sources and
with a party to the transaction, buyer, seller, or broker or attorney.
6. Appraise the current fair market value/rental of the property, as defined below.
7. As applicable, analyze current or proposed leases, and prepare an estimate of the leased
fee value of the rights. Explain any variance between the leased fee and the fee simple
market value of the property.
8. Report the appraiser’s analysis, opinions, and conclusions in the Appraisal Report.
9. The appraisal report must include the plat or a sketch of the property, and provide the
location and dimensions of any improvements on the subject property. The appraisal report
shall include adequate photographs of the subject property and of the comparable sales or
leases, and provide location maps of the property and comparable transactions.
Client/Intended Users
The client is the Airport Sponsor. The Airport Sponsor and the FAA are the intended
users, and will rely on the appraisal and appraisal report to document the fair market value or fair
market rental for the property to be paid to Airport Sponsor.
Intended Use
The intended use of the appraisal is to determine the fair market value in fee simple or
leased fee interest of the subject property.
The purpose of the appraisal will be to determine the fair market value/rental in fee simple
or leased fee interest. The fair market value/rental will represent a sale price to the property
owner, and the appraisal is to ensure that fair market value/rental at the highest and best use of the
property, under the appropriate definition, is applied to the property. The date of valuation is to
reflect contemporary market conditions.
Fair Market Value/Market Value
If a lease transaction is under appraisal, values which are determined for a property to be
leased with the right to use and occupy real estate for a stated term and under certain conditions
may require an appraiser to determine a fair market rent (consideration paid by the lessee to the
lessor). The definition and principles of fair market value applicable to a property sale and found
in USPAP and the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions are also
applicable to fair market rent. The appraiser will estimate fair market rent using the following
USPAP definition:
Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a
competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a
sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under
conditions whereby:
(1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
their own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial
arrangements comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected
by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone
associated with the sale.
Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
The appraiser shall state all relevant assumptions and limiting conditions necessary. In
addition, the Sponsor may provide other assumptions and conditions that may be required for the
particular appraisal assignment, including any Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical
Prior Services and Competency
USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any other services they have provided
in connection with the property to be appraised in the prior three years before the date of the
appraisal. These services include valuation, consulting, property management brokerage or any
other services. Any such services shall be disclosed in the appraisal report by the appraiser.
Under USPAP, appraisers are required to possess the necessary competence to produce
credible results in their appraisal report. The appraiser must possess specific competency and
experience with regard to the valuation of agricultural land, and make an affirmative statement to
that effect in the appraisal report.
Primary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will research and analyze the relevant market for the demand and supply of
agricultural property competitive with the airport land at its proposed use. Depending on the
nature of the subject of the appraisal, the appraiser may need to look for comparable data in
regions that are geographically further away from the subject then would be the case for non-
airport property in the general location of the airport. The appraiser will analyze, verify and if
possible, inspect recent comparable sales or leases pertinent to agricultural property.
Additionally, the appraiser will analyze any existing leases with the airport that pertain to the
subject property.
The appraiser will inspect the property and classify the agricultural land in conformance
with accepted and relevant market characteristics. Individual property characteristics such as soil
types, water features, climate, and landscaping should all be evaluated and specified in the report if
significant with regard to the property’s fair market value or fair market rent.
If applicable to the marketplace, sales comparison methodology should be used with
income capitalization techniques commonly applied to agricultural land. Income and expense
items used in agricultural valuations such as landlord's share of crops, landlord's share of expenses,
production costs, management fees, and landlord's share of net income should all be supported by
market derived data. Capitalization rates that convert net operating income into the indications of
fair market value should likewise be market derived.
The appraiser will examine and analyze the impact of the position of the property under
appraisal relative to the airport environment. The basic considerations relating to FAA Part 77
(objects affecting navigable airspace) and any impact on any future development should be
considered by the appraiser as a part of the highest and best use analysis.
The appraiser will review general market data relating to the airport itself and the farming
environment, which surrounds the property's immediate area. This analysis will include existing
comparable leasehold interests pertaining to agricultural land on the airport where the property is
The airport sponsor will advise and provide the appraiser the legal description of any
airport retained property rights (recorded or to be recorded), e.g. easements, lease restrictions or
other restrictions and encumbrances on the property to protect and enhance airport operations and
to acknowledge and protect over flight of the property. The appraiser shall appraise the fair market
value/rental of the property subject to the airport retention of any described property rights.
Secondary Data and Analysis
The appraiser will analyze the market for agricultural land sales and consider the
absorption factors that are pertinent to this particular market.
The appraiser will consult with airport personnel to assess historical agricultural demand
characteristics for the airport location.
The appraiser will evaluate and report to the client, prior to completion of the appraisal, any
property conditions that exist at the subject parcel that may warrant further environmental
The appraiser will obtain and consider the following technical documents:
The most recent Airport Master Plan.
The current Airport Layout Plan.
Any environmental due diligence documents prepared by the client regarding the subject
of the appraisal, and include the documents in the Appraisal Report.
Other Scope of Work Considerations
The appraiser should be a Certified General Appraiser with at least five years of experience
in complex appraisals, with specific experience in the valuation of local agricultural land.
Experience with appraisals of similar airport-related agricultural property will be considered a
The appraiser’s certification as required under USPAP.
Authoritative Sources
The appraiser will consult the following sources:
FAA Order 5190.6B (specific sections cited)
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17 (see Chapter 2 Appraisal Requirements)
FAA Revenue Use Policy (specific sections cited)
FAA Airport Sponsor Assurances March 2014
VI. Sample Letter to Sponsor
This section provides a sample letter to an airport sponsor describing the features of an
appraisal required by Federal law, FAA Grant Assurances, and policy. The applicable scope of
work for the property to be appraised should be attached. If the scopes of work in Section IV are
not applicable the General Scope of Work shown in Exhibit 2 may be used.
Name of Airport
RE: Obtaining an Appraisal (for ________________________)
ear Mr./Ms./Mrs.:
ith this letter, we are providing you with instructions on obtaining an appraisal (of the above named
property) which complies with FAA Sponsor Assurances and Federal law.
Federal law and FAA policy requires a federally obligated airport to be as self-sustaining as possible.
Airports must obtain fair market value (FMV) for any land it leases for non-aeronautical purposes or sells
to developers or other private individuals. FAA requires a written appraisal report for the release and sale
of any federally obligated airport property. You should hire an appraiser and a review appraiser from
independent firms. If the value of the property is $1 million or over, you should hire a second appraiser.
To be consistent with Federal law and FAA regulations and grant assurances, the appraisal you obtain
Be conducted by an appraiser who is registered in the National Registry certified or licensed by a
U.S. state, territory or possession to perform appraisals in connection with federally related real
estate transactions ( https://www.asc.gov/National-Registry/NationalRegistry.aspx
).It is
recommended that the appraiser have airport appraisal experience and/or experience with the
type of property at issue if it requires special expertise (e.g., a hotel or golf course).
Conform to the applicable requirements in the current edition of the Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
Be based on the highest and best use of the property in question
Be based on the following USPAP definition of Market Value:
ket value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive
and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each
acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue
stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and
the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby:
1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
(2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their
own best interests;
(3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
(4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms or financial arrangements
comparable thereto; and
(5) The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by
special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with
the sale.
Comply with USPAP definitions of a written Appraisal Report
Be reviewed by a competent review appraiser with airport experience (if AIP funds are
involved in the matter)
Satisfy the Scope of Work attached to this letter
f you have questions about what is required, please contact _______________________.
ery truly yours,
Statement of Work
Appendix A: Real Estate Dictionary
The ratio of the number of properties in an area that have been sold against the number available. Used to show the
volatility of a market.
This method of estimating the value of property uses of similar properties available in the same market to extract the
value of a parcel of land.
A provision in a mortgage that gives the lender the right to demand immediate payment of the outstanding loan
balance under certain circumstances, usually when the borrower defaults on the loan.
A building separate from the main structure on a property. Often used for a specific purpose, such as a workshop,
storage shed, or garage.
The natural growth of a piece of land resulting from forces of nature.
43,560 square feet. A measurement of area.
The time that has passed since a building or other structure was built. See also: EFFECTIVE AGE
The date the interest rate changes on an adjustable rate mortgage.
Taxes assessed based on the value of the land and improvements.
A supplement to any document that contains additional information pertinent to the subject. Appraisers use an
addendum to further explain items for which there was inadequate space on the standard appraisal form.
A type of mortgage in which the interest rate varies based on a particular index, normally the prime lending rate.
The value of an asset (property or otherwise) that includes the original price plus the value of any improvement, and
less any applicable depreciation.
An estimate of a property's sales price after adjustments have been made to account for differences between it and a
comparable property.
The additional value a property enjoys based on subjective criteria such as look or appeal.
A declaration that a certain set of facts are truthful.
A calculation used to determine an individual's likelihood of being able to meet the obligations of a mortgage for a
particular property. Takes into account the down payment, closing costs, and on-going mortgage payments.
A person who has been appointed to act on behalf of another for a particular transaction.
Any feature of a property that increases its value or desirability. These might include natural amenities such as location
or proximity to mountains, or man-made amenities like swimming pools, parks, or other recreation.
An organization of appraisal professionals and others interested in the appraisal profession.
The repayment of a loan through regular periodic payment.
The breakdown of individual payments throughout the life of an amortized loan, showing both principal contribution
and debt service (interest) fees.
The time over which an amortized loan is repaid. Mortgages are commonly amortized over 15 or 30 years.
The rate of annual interest charged on a loan.
A sum of money paid at regular intervals, often annually.
A form used to apply for a mortgage loan that details a potential borrower’s income, debt, savings, and other
information used to determine credit worthiness.
A ''defensible'' and carefully documented opinion of value. Most commonly derived using recent sales of comparable
properties by a licensed, professional appraiser.
A not-for-profit educational organization established by the appraisal profession in the United States in 1987. It is
dedicated to the advancement of professional valuation and responsible for establishing, improving, and promoting the
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
A worldwide organization dedicated to real estate appraisal education, publication and advocacy.
The basic building blocks of the property valuation process, including property inspection, market analysis, and basic
The end result of the appraisal process usually consists of one major, standardized form such as the Uniform
Residential Appraisal Report form 1004, as well as all supporting documentation and additional information. The
purpose of the report is to convey the estimated value of the subject property and support that estimate with
corroborating information.
An independent board of the APPRAISAL FOUNDATION, which writes, amends, and interprets the USPAP. The
ASB is comprised of up to seven appraisers appointed by the Foundation's Board of Trustees. The ASB holds public
meetings throughout the year to interpret and amend USPAP.
The estimated fair market value of a property as developed by a licensed, certified appraiser following accepted
appraisal principles.
An educated, certified professional with extensive knowledge of real estate markets, values, and practices. The
appraiser is often the only independent voice in any real estate transaction with no vested interest in the ultimate value
or sales price of the property.
The natural rise in property value due to market forces.
A transaction in which the two parties are unconnected and have no overt common interests. Such a transaction most
often reflects the true market value of a property.
The value of a property according to jurisdictional tax assessment.
The function of assigning a value to a property for the purpose of levying taxes.
The comparative relationship of a property's assessed value to its market value.
The jurisdictional official who performs the assessment and assigns the value of a property.
Any item of value which a person owns.
Transfer of ownership of a mortgage usually when the loan is sold to another company.
A mortgage that can be taken over by the buyer when a home is sold.
When a buyer takes over, or assumes, the sellers mortgage.
A mortgage loan in which the monthly payments are not large enough to repay the loan by the end of the term. So at
the end of the term, the remaining balance comes due in a single large payment.
The final large payment at the end of a balloon mortgage term.
When a person or business is unable to pay its debts and seeks protection of the state against creditors. Bankruptcies
remain on credit records for up to ten years and can prevent a person from getting a loan.
A physical receipt indicating the sale of property.
A mortgage in which you make half payments every two weeks, rather than one payment per month. This payment
plan results in making the equivalent of 13 monthly payments per year, rather than 12, significantly reducing the time
it takes to pay off a thirty-year mortgage.
A region of a city or town that has fallen into disrepair or otherwise has become undesirable.
A genuine offer made without intent to defraud or deceive.
An interim loan made to facilitate the purchase of a new home before the buyer's current residence sells and its equity
is available to fund the new purchase.
An individual who facilitates the purchase of property by bringing together a buyer and a seller.
A segment of land between two disparate municipal zones which acts as a shield to keep one zone from encroaching
upon the other. Often used to separate residential districts from commercial areas.
Regulations that ensure the safety and material compliance of new construction within a municipality. Building codes
are localized to ensure they are adequate to meet the risk of common hazards.
The statutory distance between buildings and the property line, imposed by municipalities, home associations, or other
Specific items of personal property which are installed in a real estate improvement and become part of the building.
Built-in microwave ovens and dishwashers are common examples.
Extra money paid in a lump sum to reduce the interest rate of a fixed rate mortgage for a period of time. The extra
money may be paid by the borrower in order to have a lower payment at the beginning of the mortgage. It can be paid
by the seller or lender as incentive to buy the property or take on the mortgage.
A clause in a mortgage which allows the lender to demand payment of the outstanding balance at a specific time.
Associated with Adjustable Rate Mortgages. A limit on how high monthly payments or how much interest rates may
change within a certain time period or the life of the mortgage.
A single-story house style made popular in New England. Often characterized by a steep roof with gables.
Accumulated goods and money which is most often used to generate additional income.
An outlay of funds designed to improve the income-producing capabilities of an asset or to extend its economic life.
Refinancing a mortgage at a higher amount than the current balance in order to transform a portion of the equity into
Literally translated: ''Let the buyer beware.'' A common business tenet whereby the buyer is responsible for verifying
any and all claims by the seller of property.
A document showing that the bearer has a certain amount of money, at a particular amount interest, on deposit with a
financial institution.
An index based on the interest rate of six-month CDs. Used to set interest rates on some Adjustable Rate Mortgages.
A document issued by the Veterans Administration that certifies eligibility for a VA loan.
Issued by an appropriate jurisdictional entity, this document certifies that a building complies with all building codes
and is safe for use or habitation.
Usually based on an independent appraisal, a CRV for a particular property establishes the maximum amount which
can be secured by a VA mortgage.
A document designating the legal owner of a parcel of real estate. Usually provided by a title or abstract company.
Generally, a professional who has met the local or state requirements, passed the appropriate certification exam, and is
capable of appraising any type of property.
A sub-classification of appraiser who is only licensed to appraise residential property, usually up to four units.
The complete history of ownership of a piece of property.
Personal property which is not attached to or an integral part of a property. Chattel is not commonly taken into
consideration when appraising the value of real property.
Ownership of property that is not encumbered by any counter-claim or lien.
A torturous process designed to induce cramping in a home buyer's hands by requiring signature on countless pieces of
documentation that nobody has ever read. Or, the process whereby the sale of a property is consummated with the
buyer completing all applicable documentation, including signing the mortgage obligation and paying all appropriate
costs associated with the sale (CLOSING COSTS).
All appropriate costs generated by the sale of property which the parties must pay to complete the transaction. Costs
may include appraisal fees, origination fees, title insurance, taxes, and any points negotiated in the deal.
The document detailing the final financial arrangement between a buyer and seller and the costs paid by each.
An asset which is placed at risk to secure the repayment of a loan.
A second person sharing obligation on the loan and title on the property.
The process a lender takes to pursue a borrower who is delinquent on his payments in order to bring the mortgage
current again. Includes documentation that may be used in foreclosure.
A second party who signs a loan along with the borrower and becomes liable for the debt should the borrower default.
As opposed to statute law. Laws that have been established by custom, usage, and courts over many years.
A percentage of the sales price or a fixed fee negotiated by an agent to compensate for the effort expended to sell or
purchase property.
Fees which are charged to the tenets or owners of properties to cover the costs of maintaining areas shared with other
tenets or owners. Commonly found in condominiums, Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) or office spaces.
Any areas, such as entryways, foyers, pools, recreational facilities or the like, which are shared by the tenets or owners
of property nearby. Commonly found in condominiums, Planned Unit Developments (PUDs), or office spaces.
In many jurisdictions, a property which has been acquired by a married couple. The ownership of the property is
considered equal unless stipulated otherwise by both parties.
An abbreviated term used by appraisers to describe properties which are similar in size, condition, location, and
amenities to a subject property that is being appraised. The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
(USPAP) establish clear guidelines for determining a comparable property.
Interest paid on the principal amount, as well as any accumulated interest.
Additional value granted by a buyer or seller to entice another party to complete a deal.
The official process by which a property is deemed to be uninhabitable or unusable due to internal damage or other
external conditions.
A development where individual units are owned, but common areas and amenities are shared equally by all owners.
Connected to or touching along an unbroken boundary
Something that must occur before something else happens. Often this term is used in real estate sales to describe a
circumstance when a buyer must sell a current home before purchasing a new one or when a buyer makes an offer that
requires a complete home inspection before it becomes official.
A legally binding oral or written agreement between two parties.
A traditional real estate financing mechanism that is not backed by any government or other agency (FHA, VA, etc.).
A mortgage that begins as an adjustable rate mortgage that allows the borrower to convert the loan to a fixed rate
within a specific timeframe.
A form of ownership in which each resident of a multiunit property owns a share in a cooperative corporation that
owns the building and has rights to a specific unit within the building.
An index of financial institutions costs used to set interest rates for some Adjustable Rate Mortgages.
A stipulation in any mortgage that, if not met, can be cause for the lender to foreclose.
A loan of money for the purchase of property, real or personal. Credit is either secured by an asset, such as a home, or
A record of debt payments, past and present. Used by mortgage lenders in determining credit worthiness of
A person to whom money is owed.
A detailed report of an individual’s credit, employment, and residence history prepared by a credit bureau. Used by
lenders to determine credit worthiness of individuals.
Large companies that gather and store financial and credit information about individuals who apply for credit.
A dead-end street. One with only one entrance/exit.
The specific point in time as of which an appraiser designates the value of a home. Often stipulated as the date of
An obligation to repay an amount owed, which may or may not be monetary.
The ratio of the amount a mortgagor still owes on a property to the amount of equity they have in the home. Equity is
calculated at the fair market value of the home, less any outstanding mortgage debt.
A document indicating the ownership of a property.
A document given by a borrower to a lender, transferring title of the property. Often used to avoid credit-damaging
foreclosure procedures.
A document which transfers title in a property to a trustee, whose obligations and powers are stipulated. Often used in
mortgage transactions.
A document which transfers ownership of a property from a trustee back to a borrower who has fulfilled the
obligations of a mortgage.
A document which dismisses a lien or other claim on a property.
A document used to surrender any claim a person has to a property.
The condition in which a borrower has failed to meet the obligations of a loan or mortgage.
Cash given along with an offer to purchase property; also called EARNEST MONEY.
The natural decline in property value due to market forces or depletion of resources.
Points paid in addition to the loan origination fee to get a lower interest rate. One point is equal to one percent of the
loan amount.
A mortgaged property which has been foreclosed on.
A clause in a mortgage giving the lender the right to demand payment of the full balance when the borrower sells the
A single-building improvement which is divided and provides two units which serve as homes to two families.
A house or other building which serves as a home.
An amount paid in cash for a property with the intent to mortgage the remaining amount due.
A cash deposit made to a home seller to secure an offer to buy the property. This amount is often forfeited if the buyer
decides to withdraw his offer.
The right of a non-owner of property to exert control over a portion or all of the property. For example, power
companies often own an easement over residential properties for access to their power lines.
The decline in property value caused by external forces, such as neighborhood blight or adverse development.
The amount of time which any income-producing property is able to provide benefits to its owner.
The subjective, estimated age of a property based on its condition, rather than the actual time since it was built.
Excessive wear and tear can cause a property's effective age to be greater than its actual age.
The legal process whereby a government can take ownership of a piece of property in order to convert it to public use.
Often, the property owner is paid fair market value for the property.
A building or other improvement on one property which invades another property or restricts its usage.
A claim against a property. Examples are mortgages, liens, and easements.
U.S. federal law requiring that lenders afford people equal chance of getting credit without discrimination based on
race, religion, age, sex, etc.
The difference between the fair market value of a property and that amount an owner owes on any mortgages or
loans secured by the property.
The natural increase in the amount of equity an owner has in a property, accumulated through market appreciation and
debt repayment.
An insurance policy taken out by appraisers to cover their liability for any mistakes made during the appraisal process.
An amount retained by a third party in a trust to meet a future obligation. Often used in the payment of annual taxes or
insurance for real property.
An account setup by a mortgage servicing company to hold funds with which to pay expenses such as homeowners
insurance and property taxes. An extra amount is paid with regular principal and interest payments that go into the
escrow account each month.
An analysis performed by the lender usually once each year to see that the amount of money going into the escrow
account each month is correct for the forecasted expenses.
The payout of funds from an escrow account to pay property expenses such as taxes and insurance.
The total of all property and assets owned by an individual.
The report on the title of a property from the public records or an abstract of the title.
An agreement between the owner of a property and a real estate agent giving the agent exclusive right to sell the
The person named in a will to administer the estate.
The front exposure of any building. Often used to describe an artificial or false front which is not consistent with the
construction of the rest of the building.
A federal law regulating the way credit agencies discloses consumer credit reports and the remedies available to
consumers for disputing and correcting mistakes on their credit history.
The price at which two unrelated parties, under no duress, are willing to transact business.
The U.S. Government agency created in 1933 which maintains the stability of and public confidence in the nation's
financial system by insuring deposits and promoting safe and sound banking practices.
A certified professional appraiser who estimates the fair market value of property and receives a set fee in exchange.
A complete, unencumbered ownership right in a piece of property.
A form or ownership or holding title to real estate. It is the most complete form of title, having an unconditional and
unlimited interest of perpetual duration.
The estimated value of a piece of property resulting from an appraisal following the USPAP guidelines.
The primary loan or mortgage secured by a piece of property.
A mortgage which has a fixed rate of interest over the life of the loan.
Any piece of personal property which becomes permanently affixed to a piece of real property.
The representation of a building which shows the basic outline of the structure, as well as detailed information about
the positioning of rooms, hallways, doors, stairs, and other features. Often includes detailed information about other
fixtures and amenities.
The process whereby a lender can claim the property used by a borrower to secure a mortgage and sell the property to
meet the obligations of the loan.
The loss of property or money due to the failure to meet the obligations of a mortgage or loan secured by that property.
The segment of a property that runs along a point of access, such as a street or water front.
A decrease in the value of property due to a feature or lack of a feature which renders the property undesirable.
Functional obsolescence can also occur when the surrounding area changes, rendering the property unusable for its
originally intended purpose.
A steeply angled, triangular roof.
A 'barn-like' roof, where the upper portion of the roof is less steeply angled than the lower part.
A broad-based claim against several properties owned by a defaulting party.
A mortgage insured by a government agency, such as the FHA or VA.
The slope of land around a building.
A person who is given ownership of a piece of property.
A person who gives away ownership of a piece of property.
The sum total of all floor space, including areas such as stairways and closet space. Often measured based on external
wall lengths.
320 acres
Insurance covering damage to a property caused by hazards such as fire, wind, and accident.
A municipal restriction on the maximum height of any building or other structure.
Assets of a property which contribute to its value, but are not readily apparent. Examples might include upgraded or
premium building materials.
The most profitable and likely use of a property. Selected from reasonably probable and legal alternative uses, which
are found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, and financially feasible to result in the highest possible
land value.
Also known as a reverse annuity mortgage. It allows home owners (usually older) to convert equity in the home into
cash. Normally paid by the lender in monthly payments. HECMs typically don’t have to be repaid until the borrower is
no longer occupying the home.
A type of mortgage loan that allows the borrower to draw cash against the equity in his home.
A complete examination of a building to determine its structural integrity and uncover any defects in materials or
workmanship that may adversely affect the property or decrease its value.
An insurance policy covering the repair of systems and appliances within the home for the coverage period.
Median family income for a particular county or metropolitan statistical area (MSA), as estimated by the Department
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
A standardized, itemized list, published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), of all
anticipated CLOSING COSTS connected with a particular property purchase.
A parcel of land which has been changed from its natural state through the creation of roads, buildings, or other
An item added to vacant land with the intent of increasing its value or usability.
The comparative value of an improved piece of land to its natural, unaltered state.
The process of estimating the value of property by considering the present value of a stream of income generated by
the property.
A piece of property whose highest and best use is the generation of income through rents or other sources.
An estimation of value created by a professional, certified appraiser with no vested interest in the value of the
The examination of a piece of property, its buildings, or other amenities.
The title to property which has been sufficiently reviewed by a title insurance company, such that they are willing to
insure it as free and clear.
A percentage of a loan or mortgage value that is paid to the lender as compensation for loaning funds.
A piece of property that is expected to generate a financial return, which may come as the result of periodic rents or
through appreciation of the property value over time.
A situation in which two or more parties own a piece of property together. Each of the owners has an equal share and
may not dispose of or alter that share without the consent of the other owners.
An official court decision. If the judgment requires payment from one party to another, the court may put a lien against
the payees property as collateral.
A type of foreclosure conducted as a civil suit in a court of law.
A mortgage loan for an amount greater than the limits set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Often called non-
conforming loans.
An extra charge or penalty added to a regular mortgage payment when the payment is made late given the time
specified in the original loan document.
A defect in a piece of property which is not readily apparent, but which has an impact of the value. Structural damage
or termite infestation are examples of latent defects.
A contract between a property owner and a tenant specifying the payment amount, terms, and conditions, as well as
the length of time the contract will be in force.
A type of property ''ownership,'' but the buyer actually has a long-term lease on the property.
A lease agreement that gives the tenant an option to buy the property. Usually, a portion of the regular monthly rent
payment will be applied towards the down payment.
The description of a piece of property, identifying its specific location in terms established by the municipality or other
jurisdiction in which the property resides. Often related in specific distances from a known landmark or intersection.
The person or entity who loans funds to a buyer. In return, the lender receives periodic payments, including principal
and interest amounts.
A persons outstanding debt obligations.
Insurance that covers against potential lawsuit brought against a property owner for alleged negligence resulting in
damage to another party.
A claim against a piece of property resulting from a debt or other obligation.
A limit on how far the interest rate can move for an Adjustable Rate Mortgage.
A property which is substantially similar to another property.
An extension of credit for a certain amount for a specific amount of time. To be used at the borrower’s discretion.
An asset which can be quickly converted into cash at little or no cost, or cash itself.
Money borrowed to be repaid with interest according to the specific terms and conditions of the loan.
A person that sells loans, representing the lender to the borrower and the borrower to the lender.
How a lender refers to the process of writing new loans.
The processing of payments, mailing of monthly statements, management and disbursement of escrow funds, etc.,
typically carried out by the company issuing the loan.
The comparison of the amount owed on a mortgaged property to its fair market value.
An agreement between a lender and a borrower, guaranteeing an interest rate for a loan if the loan is closed by certain
The amount of time the lender has guaranteed an interest rate to a borrower.
Once known as ''mobile homes,'' manufactured housing is a building which has been constructed off site, then moved
onto a piece of real property.
The difference between the interest rate and the index on an adjustable rate mortgage.
Land value that has been diminished due to some internal defect or external condition. In most cases, the cost to
correct the flaw or condition is as much or more than the expected return from the property.
The date on which the principal balance of a financial instrument becomes due and payable.
A credit report derived from data obtained from multiple credit agencies.
A traditional way of describing property, generally expressed in terms of distance from a known landmark or
intersection, and then following the boundaries of the property back to its origin.
The accumulated land in and around a city or other municipality which falls under the political and economic
influence of that entity.
The legal right to exploit and enjoy the benefits of minerals located below the surface of a parcel of land.
A statement by one party in a transaction that is incorrect or misleading. Most misrepresentations are deemed to be
intentional and thus may constitute fraud. Others, however, some are rendered through simple mistakes, oversights, or
A financial arrangement wherein an individual borrows money to purchase real property and secures the loan with
the property as collateral.
A financial institution that provides primary and secondary mortgages to home buyers.
A person or organization that serves as a middleman to facilitate the mortgage process. Brokers often represent
multiple mortgage bankers and offer the most appropriate deal to each buyer.
The entity that lends money in a real estate transaction.
A policy that fulfills that obligations of a mortgage when the policy holder defaults or is no longer able to make
A fee that is often included in mortgage payments that pays for mortgage insurance coverage.
A policy that fulfills the obligations of a mortgage when the policy holder dies.
The entity that borrows money in a real estate transaction.
An organization founded in 1956 which promotes standards of professionalism in its members.
The percentage of vacant properties in a given area that is the result of natural turnover and market forces.
When the balance of a loan increases instead of decreases. This circumstance is usually due to a borrower making a
minimum payment on an Adjustable Rate Mortgage during a period when the rate fluctuates to a high enough point
that the minimum payment does not cover all of the interest.
The space in a development outside of the common areas that can be rented to tenants.
Many lenders offer loans at "no cost." Prospective borrowers, however, should inquire whether there are no "lender"
costs associated with the loan, or if it also covers the other costs normally incurred in a purchase or refinance
transactions, such as title insurance, escrow fees, settlement fees, appraisal, recording fees, notary fees, and others.
These are fees and costs which may be associated with buying a home or obtaining a loan, but not charged directly by
the lender. Like a "no-point" loan, however, the interest rate will be higher than loans with costs associated with it.
A loan with no points. The interest rate on such a loan will be higher than a loan with points paid. A no-point loan is
sometimes referred to a refinance loan that has closing costs are included in the loan.
The use of land for purposes contrary to the applicable municipal zoning specifications. Often occurs when zoning
changes after a property is in use.
An asset which cannot be quickly converted into cash at little or no cost.
A legal document that obligates a borrower to repay a mortgage loan at a stated interest rate during a specified period
of time.
The interest rate stated on a mortgage note.
Formal written notice from a lender to a borrower that default has occurred.
The process of an assets value diminishing due to the development of more desirable alternatives or because of the
degradation of its capabilities.
A physical presence within and control of a property.
The percentage of properties in a given area that are occupied.
Buildings, structures, or other amenities not located on a piece of property, but are necessary to maximize the use of
the property or in some way contribute to the value of the property.
Buildings, structures, or other amenities that are erected on a piece of property and contribute to its value.
Land that has not had significant buildings or structures erected on it. Most often used to describe desirable
neighborhood features like parks.
The amount of cash a home buyer initially invests in the home.
The total amount of principal owed on a mortgage loan at the time of closing.
The total number of points paid by a borrower at closing.
A transaction where the property owner provides all or part of the financing.
The state of property wherein the owner occupies at least some portion of the property.
A shared ownership in a piece of property. May be divided among two or more parties.
A payment of less than the regular monthly amount. Usually, a lender will not accept partial payments.
The limit on how much the regular monthly payments on an Adjustable Rate Mortgage can change during one
adjustment period.
The limit on how much the interest rate on an Adjustable Rate Mortgage can change during any one adjustment
Owned items that are not permanently affixed to the land.
A coordinated, real estate development that has common areas shared and maintained by an owner's association or
other entity.
A plan or chart of a piece of land which lays out existing or planned streets, lots, or other improvements.
A percentage of a mortgage amount (one point = 1 percent).
The process of applying for a mortgage loan and becoming approved for a certain amount and interest rate before a
property has been chosen. Pre-approval allows the borrower greater freedom in negotiations with sellers.
A building or portion of it which is manufactured and assembled off site, then erected on a property.
Payment made that reduces the principal balance of a loan before the due date and before the loan has become fully
A fee that may be charged to a borrower who pays off a loan before it is due.
Less formal that pre-approval, pre-qualification usually means a written statement from a loan officer indicating the
officer’s opinion that the borrower will be able to become approved for a mortgage loan.
The interest rate that banks and other lending institutions charge other banks or preferred customers.
The amount owed on a mortgage which does not include interest or other fees.
The outstanding balance of principal on a mortgage. Does not included interest due.
The most common constituents of a monthly mortgage payment.
A form of mortgage insurance provided by private, non-government entities. Normally required when the LOAN TO
VALUE RATIO is less than 20%.
An item which is owned or possessed.
A written contract signed by the buyer and seller stating the terms and conditions under which a property will be sold.
Two ratios used in determining credit worthiness for a mortgage loan. One is the ratio of a borrowers monthly
housing costs to monthly income. The other is a ratio of all monthly debt to monthly income.
A legal document which transfers any ownership an individual has in a piece of property. Often used when the amount
of ownership is not known or is unclear.
A guarantee from a lender of a specific interest rate for a period of time.
Land that has not been developed.
A piece of land and any improvements or fixtures located on that land.
A licensed professional who facilitates the buying and selling of real estate.
A federal law requiring lenders to give full disclosure of closing costs to borrowers.
Land, improvements, and appurtenances, and the interest and benefits thereof.
A real estate agent or broker who is a member of the National Association of Realtors.
A local government employee whose role it is to keep records of all real estate transactions within the jurisdiction.
The filing of a real estate transaction with the appropriate government agent (normally the RECORDER). A real estate
transaction is considered final when it is recorded.
A new loan to pay off an existing loan, typically to gain a lower interest rate or convert equity into cash.
A company or agency that assists corporate employees in relocating from one place to another. Services may
include hiring and coordinating real estate agents, moving companies, utilities and the like.
The amount of principal, interest, and other costs that has not yet been repaid.
The amount of time remaining on the original amortization schedule.
An activity designed to improve the value or desirability of a property through rebuilding, refurbishing, redecorating,
or adding on to it.
A plan to repay delinquent payments, agreed upon between a lender and borrower, in an effort to avoid foreclosure.
An account, or fund, setup for the replacement of short-life items, such as carpeting, in the common areas of a
cooperative property.
A piece of property whose highest and best use is the maintenance of a residence.
A type of credit that allows the borrower/customer to make charges against a predetermined line of credit. The
customer then pays monthly installments on the amount borrowed, plus interest.
An agreement giving a person the first opportunity to buy or lease a property before the owner offers it for sale to
An area outside of an established urban area or metropolitan district.
The actual price a property sells for, exclusive of any special financing concessions.
An appraisal practice which estimates the value of a property by comparing it to comparable properties recently sold.
An economic principle that dictates the price of a good or service through the interaction of supply and demand. When
an item is scarce, its price tends to rise, given a constant demand. Real estate is a classic example of scarcity.
A loan secured by the equity in a home when a primary mortgage already exists.
An economic marketplace comprising mortgage bankers that buy and sell existing mortgages.
A loan that is backed by collateral. In the case of a mortgage loan, the collateral is the house.
The property used as collateral for a loan.
A financial institution that collects mortgage payments from borrowers and applies the appropriate portions to
principal, interest, and any escrow accounts.
The processing of payments, mailing of monthly statements, management and disbursement of escrow funds, etc.,
typically carried out by the company issuing the loan.
A term which indicates a property that is being appraised.
A specific map of a piece of property which includes the legal boundaries and any improvements or features of the
land. Surveys may also depict rights-of-way, encroachments, or easements.
The method whereby a home owner develops equity in a property, either during the purchase or throughout its life, by
personally constructing improvements rather than paying to have them built.
Property that is not taxed.
The right to occupy a building or unit.
A form of holding title, whereby there are two or more people on title to a property, ownership does not pass on to the
others upon the death of one individual.
When a lender uses a third party to originate and package loans for sale to the secondary market (Fannie Mae, Freddie
A specific document which serves as proof of ownership.
An organization that researches and certifies ownership of real estate before it is bought or sold. Title companies also
act at the facilitator to ensure all parties are paid during the real estate transaction.
A policy that insures a property owner should a prior claim arise against the property after the purchase has been
completed. This type of policy also covers a lender should a question of ownership arise.
The process whereby the TITLE COMPANY researches a property’s title history and ensures that no outstanding
claims exist.
The means by which the ownership of a property changes hands.
Taxes payable when title passes from one owner to another.
A fiduciary that holds or controls property for the benefit of another.
A federal law requiring full disclosure by lenders to borrowers of all terms, conditions, and costs of a mortgage.
A piece of land which has been improved, but not to the full extent of its potential.
Property that has no outstanding claims or liens against it.
Developed in 1986 by the Ad Hoc Committee on Uniform Standards and copyrighted in 1987 by The Appraisal
Foundation, USPAP forms the guidelines followed by every licensed and certified real estate appraiser in the United
States. The purpose of these standards is to establish requirements for professional appraisal practice, which includes
appraisal, appraisal review, and appraisal consulting. The intent of these standards is to promote and maintain a high
level of public trust in professional appraisal practice.
The span of time over which a property can be used or can provide benefits to its owner.
The current percentage of vacant properties in a given area, regardless of why they are vacant.
A mortgage that is guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
An exception to municipal zoning regulations granted for a specific time period to allow for non-conforming use of the
Having the right to use a portion of a fund such as an IRA. Typically vesting occurs over time. If you are 100 percent
vested, you have a right to 100 percent of the fund.
A process whereby an appraiser examines a property in preparation for estimating its value. Also, the process of
inspecting a property for any damage before that property is bought or sold.
An affidavit given to stipulate the condition of a property. The person giving the warranty assumes liability if the
condition turns out to be untrue.
A term used to indicate the normal damage inflicted on a property through everyday use.
A municipal zoning category wherein a building or other fixture may abut the property line.