HMI Alarms and Events
Invensys Systems, Inc.
Revision A
Last Revision:
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InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Welcome.......................................... 15
Documentation Conventions.............................................15
Technical Support .............................................................16
Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events .............. 17
About InTouch Alarms......................................................18
Alarm Priorities..............................................................19
Alarm Sub-States ...........................................................19
Alarm Acknowledgement ...............................................20
Alarm Groups .................................................................20
About InTouch Events.......................................................21
Types of InTouch Alarms ..................................................22
Discrete Alarms ..............................................................22
Analog Alarms ................................................................23
InTouch Distributed Alarm System .................................25
Alarm Providers and Consumers ..................................27
Distributed Alarm Group Lists......................................29
Summary Alarms versus Historical Alarms.................30
Alarm Disablement, Inhibition, and Suppression ........30
Terminal Services Alarm Support.................................31
Distributed Alarm System Data Storage ......................32
4 Contents
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms...............................33
Defining Alarm Hierarchies .............................................33
Creating an Alarm Group ..............................................34
Modifying an Alarm Group............................................36
Deleting an Alarm Group ..............................................37
Configuring Tags with Alarm Conditions........................37
Configuring Discrete Alarms .........................................37
Configuring Value Alarms .............................................39
Configuring Deviation Alarms.......................................41
Configuring Rate of Change Alarms .............................43
Disabling Alarms............................................................44
Inhibiting Alarms...........................................................44
Setting Event Properties for Individual Tags..................46
Configuring Global Settings for Alarms and Events.......46
Configuring the Alarm Buffer Size ...............................47
Enabling Events .............................................................48
Making Alarm Enabling Retentive ...............................49
Creating an Alarm Group List File..................................50
Chapter 3 Alarm Queries.....................................53
Example Alarm Queries....................................................55
Getting More InTouch Query Information ......................56
Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms.........................57
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control.............................58
Configuring the Appearance of the Grid.......................58
Configuring the Display Font ........................................62
Selecting and Configuring Display Columns................62
Controlling Which Features Users Can
Access at Run Time....................................................66
Configuring Which Alarms to Show..............................68
Creating Custom Saved Queries Using
Query Favorites .........................................................70
Configuring Colors for Various Types of
Alarm Records............................................................71
Configuring the Shown Time Format of
Alarm Records............................................................73
Configuring the Sort Order of Alarm Records ..............75
Contents 5
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using an Alarm Viewer Control at Run Time .................76
Understanding Status Bar Information........................77
Using Query Favorites at Run Time .............................78
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Properties ............80
Configuring Colors for ActiveX Controls.......................87
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods ...............88
Acknowledging Alarms ..................................................88
Suppressing Alarms .......................................................94
Retrieving Information About an Alarm.......................99
Running Queries.............................................................99
Moving and Freezing the Display................................102
Sorting Alarm Records .................................................103
Showing Other Information.........................................104
Selecting Specific Alarms.............................................105
Showing the Context Menu..........................................108
Error Handling When Using Methods
and Properties ..............................................................108
Using ActiveX Events to Trigger Scripts .......................108
Running a Script When a New Alarm is Detected .....109
Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time........111
Understanding Alarm Acknowledgement Models .........112
Condition Acknowledgement Alarm Model ................112
Expanded Summary Alarm Model ..............................112
Event-Based Alarm Model ...........................................114
Checking the Acknowledgement Model of
a Tag at Run Time ...................................................115
Using Dotfields to Acknowledge Alarms........................116
Acknowledging Alarms or Alarm Groups ...................116
Acknowledging Value Alarms......................................118
Acknowledging Discrete Alarms..................................120
Acknowledging Deviation Alarms ...............................121
Acknowledging Rate-of-Change Alarms......................122
Using Script Functions to Acknowledge Alarms ...........123
Ack() Function ..............................................................123
Using Automatic Acknowledgement When
the Tag Value Returns to Normal ...............................124
Using Alarm Clients to Acknowledge Alarms ...............124
Using Alarm and Acknowledgement Comments ...........126
6 Contents
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and
Groups at Run Time .......................... 127
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in
an Alarm Condition......................................................137
$NewAlarm System Tag ..............................................138
$System System Tag ....................................................138
.Alarm Dotfield .............................................................139
.Normal Dotfield...........................................................140
.AlarmDsc Dotfield .......................................................141
.AlarmDev Dotfield ......................................................142
.AlarmROC Dotfield .....................................................143
.LoStatus Dotfield ........................................................144
.LoLoStatus Dotfield ....................................................145
.HiStatus Dotfield ........................................................146
.HiHiStatus Dotfield ....................................................147
.MinorDevStatus Dotfield............................................148
.MajorDevStatus Dotfield ............................................149
.ROCStatus Dotfield.....................................................150
Determining if Alarm Limits Are Set for Tags.............. 151
.LoLoSet Dotfield..........................................................151
.LoSet Dotfield..............................................................152
.HiSet Dotfield ..............................................................153
.HiHiSet Dotfield..........................................................154
.MinorDevSet Dotfield .................................................155
.MajorDevSet Dotfield..................................................156
.ROCSet Dotfield ..........................................................157
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag
or Alarm Group ............................................................158
Enabling/Disabling All Alarms....................................158
Enabling/Disabling LoLo Alarms ................................160
Enabling/Disabling Low Alarms .................................162
Enabling/Disabling High Alarms ................................164
Enabling/Disabling HiHi Alarms ................................166
Enabling/Disabling Discrete Alarms...........................168
Enabling/Disabling Minor Deviation Alarms .............170
Enabling/Disabling Major Deviation Alarms .............172
Enabling/Disabling Rate-Of-Change Alarms..............174
Changing a Tag's Alarm Limits .....................................176
.LoLoLimit Dotfield......................................................176
.LoLimit Dotfield ..........................................................177
Contents 7
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.HiLimit Dotfield ..........................................................178
.HiHiLimit Dotfield ......................................................179
.MinorDevPct Dotfield..................................................180
.MajorDevPct Dotfield..................................................181
.DevTarget Dotfield ......................................................182
.ROCPct Dotfield ..........................................................183
Changing a Tag's Alarm Deadbands..............................184
.AlarmValDeadband Dotfield ......................................184
.AlarmDevDeadband Dotfield......................................185
Changing the Alarm Comment Associated
with a Tag.....................................................................186
.AlarmComment Dotfield .............................................186
Associating User-Defined Information with
an Alarm Instance........................................................187
.AlarmUserDefNumX Dotfields...................................187
.AlarmUserDefStr Dotfield ..........................................188
Determining the Inhibitor Tag of a Tag or
Alarm Group.................................................................190
.AlarmDscInhibitor Dotfield ........................................190
.AlarmLoLoInhibitor Dotfield......................................192
.AlarmLoInhibitor Dotfield ..........................................193
.AlarmHiInhibitor Dotfield ..........................................194
.AlarmHiHiInhibitor Dotfield ......................................195
.AlarmMinDevInhibitor Dotfield .................................196
.AlarmMajDevInhibitor Dotfield .................................197
.AlarmROCInhibitor Dotfield ......................................198
Counting the Number of Active or
Unacknowledged Alarms .............................................199
.AlarmTotalCount Dotfield ..........................................200
.AlarmUnAckCount Dotfield .......................................201
.AlarmValueCount Dotfield .........................................202
.AlarmValueUnAckCount Dotfield..............................203
.AlarmDscCount Dotfield.............................................204
.AlarmDscUnAckCount Dotfield .................................205
.AlarmDevCount Dotfield ............................................206
.AlarmDevUnAckCount Dotfield .................................207
.AlarmROCCount Dotfield ...........................................208
.AlarmROCUnAckCount Dotfield ...............................209
8 Contents
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies ................... 211
Configuring an Alarm Tree Viewer Control ..................212
Configuring the Appearance and Colors .....................212
Configuring Fonts ........................................................215
Configuring Automatic Refresh...................................215
Controlling Which Features Users can
Access at Run Time..................................................216
Configuring Which Providers and Groups
to Show .....................................................................217
Creating Custom Saved Queries Using
Query Favorites .......................................................219
Configuring the Sort Order for Alarm Groups ...........220
Using an Alarm Tree Viewer Control at Run Time ......221
Understanding Status Bar Information......................222
Using Query Favorites.................................................222
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX Properties .223
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX Methods ....225
Retrieving Information About the Control .................225
Retrieving Information About Specific Entries ..........226
Freezing the Tree .........................................................232
Creating a Query String from a Selection ..................232
Running Queries ..........................................................233
Error Handling when Using Methods and
Properties .....................................................................234
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX
Events to Trigger Scripts.............................................234
Chapter 8 Printing Alarms ................................. 235
Configuring Alarm Printing and Logging......................236
Configuring Printer Settings .......................................236
Configuring Which Alarms to Print ............................238
Configuring the Format of Print and File Output......239
Configuring Log Files for Alarms................................243
Saving and Loading Configuration Files ....................245
Printing Alarms...............................................................246
Logging Alarms to a File.................................................247
Starting Alarm Printer with a Specific Configuration.. 248
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting.............248
Stopping and Starting and Alarm Printer
Instance or Query ....................................................249
Querying Alarm Query Information ...........................252
Querying Instance Information ...................................260
Contents 9
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Querying Printer Information .....................................265
Setting Alarm Query Information ...............................267
Handling Alarm Printer Errors...................................272
Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an
Alarm Database................................273
SQL Server Accounts for Alarm DB Logger
Using the Alarm DB Logger Manager ...........................274
Configuring Alarm Database Logging............................275
Configuring the Database Connection ........................275
Configuring Which Alarms to Log...............................276
Configuring the Logging Interval................................278
Configuring Alarm DB Logger as a Service................279
Starting and Stopping Alarm Database Logging ..........280
Alarm Database Views....................................................280
Alarm History View......................................................281
Event History View ......................................................283
Alarm Event History View...........................................284
AlarmSuite Alarm Log View........................................287
Alarm Database Stored Procedures ...............................288
Calling a Stored Procedure ..........................................288
AlarmCounter Database Stored Procedure ................289
EventCounter Database Stored Procedure .................290
Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms ...................291
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control.......................292
Configuring the Database Connection ........................293
Configuring the Appearance of the Grid .....................294
Configuring the Display Font ......................................295
Selecting Alarm or Event Data....................................296
Selecting and Configuring Display Columns ..............297
Controlling Which Features You Can
Access at Run Time..................................................300
Configuring the Shown Time Format and
Time Zone for Alarm Records..................................301
Selecting the Time Period of Data from
the Alarm Database .................................................303
Creating Custom Filters and Using
Filter Favorites ........................................................306
Configuring Colors for Various Types of
Alarm Records..........................................................312
Configuring the Sort Order for Alarm Records...........314
10 Contents
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using an Alarm DB View Control at Run Time ............315
Sorting Records ............................................................315
Understanding Status Bar Information......................316
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties ....................316
AckAlmBackColor Property.........................................316
AckAlmBackColorRange1 Property ............................317
AckAlmBackColorRange2 Property ............................317
AckAlmBackColorRange3 Property ............................318
AckAlmBackColorRange4 Property ............................318
AckAlmForeColor Property .........................................319
AckAlmForeColorRange1 Property .............................319
AckAlmForeColorRange2 Property .............................320
AckAlmForeColorRange3 Property .............................320
AckAlmForeColorRange4 Property .............................321
AckRtnBackColor Property .........................................321
AckRtnForeColor Property ..........................................322
AlmRtnBackColor Property.........................................322
AlmRtnForeColor Property..........................................322
AutoConnect Property..................................................323
ColorPriorityRange1 Property.....................................323
ColorPriorityRange2 Property.....................................324
ColorPriorityRange3 Property.....................................324
ColumnResize Property ...............................................324
ConnectStatus Property...............................................325
CustomMessage Property ............................................325
DatabaseName Property..............................................325
DisplayMode Property .................................................326
DisplayedTimeZone Property ......................................326
Duration Property ........................................................327
EndTime Property........................................................328
EventBackColor Property ............................................328
EventForeColor Property.............................................329
FilterFavoritesFile Property........................................329
FilterMenu Property ....................................................329
FilterName Property....................................................330
FromPriority Property .................................................330
GroupExactMatch Property.........................................331
GroupName Property...................................................331
MaxRecords Property...................................................332
Password Property .......................................................332
PrimarySort Property ..................................................332
ProviderExactMatch Property.....................................333
ProviderName Property ...............................................333
Contents 11
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
QueryTimeZoneName Property...................................334
RefreshMenu Property.................................................334
ResetMenu Property.....................................................334
RowCount Property ......................................................335
RowSelection Property .................................................335
SecondarySort Property ...............................................335
ServerName Property ..................................................336
ShowFetch Property.....................................................336
ShowGrid Property.......................................................336
ShowHeading Property ................................................337
ShowMessage Property ................................................337
ShowStatusBar Property .............................................337
SilentMode Property ....................................................338
SortMenu Property.......................................................338
SortOrder Property ......................................................339
SpecificTime Property ..................................................339
StartTime Property ......................................................340
Time Property...............................................................340
ToPriority Property ......................................................340
TotalRowCount Property .............................................341
UnAckAlmBackColor Property....................................341
UnAckAlmBackColorRange1 Property .......................342
UnAckAlmBackColorRange2 Property .......................342
UnAckAlmBackColorRange3 Property .......................343
UnAckAlmBackColorRange4 Property .......................343
UnAckAlmForeColor Property ....................................344
UnAckAlmForeColorRange1 Property ........................344
UnAckAlmForeColorRange2 Property ........................345
UnAckAlmForeColorRange3 Property ........................345
UnAckAlmForeColorRange4 Property ........................346
UnAckOrAlarmDuration Property..............................346
UserID Property ...........................................................346
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Methods........................347
Controlling Database Connections ..............................347
Retrieving Records from the Database .......................348
Retrieving Information About an Alarm.....................350
Sorting the Alarm Records...........................................351
Showing the Context Menu..........................................352
Accessing Filter Favorites............................................352
Showing Other Information.........................................352
Error Handling When Using Methods and Properties..353
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Events
to Trigger Scripts .........................................................354
12 Contents
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution
Across Tags ..................................... 355
Configuring an Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control..............355
Configuring the Connection to the Alarm
Configuring the Appearance and Colors of
the Alarm Pareto Control ........................................357
Configuring the Display Font ......................................360
Configuring Which Features Users can
Access at Run Time..................................................360
Configuring Which Alarms to Analyze .......................362
Creating Custom Filters Using Filter Favorites ........364
Configuring the Presentation of the
Analysis Results.......................................................368
Using an Alarm Pareto Control at Run Time................369
Understanding Information Shown on the
Status Bar ................................................................369
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Properties ........................370
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Methods ...........................373
Controlling Database Connections..............................373
Retrieving Records from the Database .......................374
Retrieving Information About Specific Pareto Bars...374
Showing Miscellaneous Information ...........................377
Error Handling When Using Methods and
Properties .....................................................................377
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Events to
Trigger Scripts..............................................................378
Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database........... 379
Configuring Purge or Archive Settings..........................380
Configuring the Database Connection ........................380
Configuring How Much Data to Purge from
the Server .................................................................381
Configuring the Archive of Purged Data ....................382
Configuring Log File Settings......................................384
Manually Purging and Archiving the Database.........386
Setting a Schedule for Automatic Purging .................388
Restoring the Alarm Database .......................................389
Configuring the Database Connection ........................390
Configuring Which Files to Restore ............................391
Starting a Database Restore Operation......................393
Contents 13
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm
Redundancy ....................................395
Understanding Hot Backups ..........................................396
Configuring a Hot Backup Pair ......................................397
Creating a Hot Backup Pair ........................................398
Setting Alarm Key Fields for a Hot Backup Pair .......400
Creating an Alarm Record Mapping File....................402
Importing an Alarm Record Mapping File..................406
Example of a Hot Backup Pair .......................................408
Acknowledgement Synchronization Example.............412
Notes Regarding Hot Backup Pairs................................414
Chapter 14 Creating an Alarm Audit Trail ..............415
Appendix A Working with the Distributed
Alarm Display Object.........................417
About the Distributed Alarm Display Object ................417
Distributed Alarm Display Object Guidelines............418
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display
Object at Design Time..................................................419
Creating a Distributed Alarm Display Object ............419
Configuring the Appearance of the Grid .....................420
Controlling Which Features Users Can
Access at Run Time..................................................422
Configuring Which Alarms to Show ............................423
Configuring a Default Alarm Comment......................425
Configuring the Time Format for Alarm Records ......426
Configuring the Font for Alarm Records.....................428
Configuring the Columns for Alarm Records..............428
Configuring Colors for Alarm Records ........................431
Configuring the Display Type......................................432
Using the Distributed Display to Monitor
Local Alarms ............................................................433
Using a Distributed Alarm Display Object
at Run Time..................................................................434
Sizable Display Columns .............................................434
Multiple Selection.........................................................434
Alarm Message Colors..................................................435
Status Bar.....................................................................435
Shortcut Menu ..............................................................436
Selecting and Configuring Alarm Query Favorites ....437
14 Contents
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object
Using Functions and Dotfields ....................................440
Getting or Setting Properties ......................................440
Acknowledging Alarms ................................................440
Selecting Alarms ..........................................................450
Retrieving Information about a Selected
Alarm Record ...........................................................455
Setting the Alarm Query .............................................471
Checking the Current Query Properties.....................474
Checking for Updates to the Distributed
Alarm Display Object ..............................................480
Suppressing Alarms .....................................................482
Scrolling the Alarm Display ........................................494
Showing Alarm Statistics and Counts ........................497
Error Descriptions........................................................503
Appendix B Migrating from Legacy Alarm Systems..... 505
Migrating from the Standard Alarm System to the
Distributed Alarm System...........................................505
Migrating an AlarmSuite Database...............................506
Index ............................................. 509
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
This documentation describes how to manage alarms and
events generated by your InTouch applications.
You can view this documentation or you can print it, in part
or whole, by using the print feature in Adobe Reader.
This documentation assumes you know how to use Microsoft
Windows, including navigating menus, moving from
application to application, and drawing objects on the screen.
If you need help with these tasks, see the Microsoft
Documentation Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:
Convention Used for
Initial Capitals Paths and file names.
Menus, commands, dialog box names,
and dialog box options.
Code samples and display text.
16 Welcome
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Technical Support
Wonderware Technical Support offers a variety of support
options to answer any questions on Wonderware products
and their implementation.
Before you contact Technical Support, refer to the relevant
section(s) in this documentation for a possible solution to the
problem. If you need to contact technical support for help,
have the following information ready:
The type and version of the operating system you are
Details of how to recreate the problem.
The exact wording of the error messages you saw.
Any relevant output listing from the Log Viewer or any
other diagnostic applications.
Details of what you did to try to solve the problem(s) and
your results.
If known, the Wonderware Technical Support case
number assigned to your problem, if this is an ongoing
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 1
Overview of Alarms and Events
You can create InTouch applications that generate alarms
and events to notify operators about the status of process
Alarms warn run-time operators about process conditions
that could potentially cause problems. Typically, you set
up an alarm to trigger when a process value exceeds a
defined limit. An operator must usually acknowledge the
Events represent normal system status messages. A
typical event is when a system condition occurs, such as
an operator logging on to an InTouch application.
Operators do not have to acknowledge events.
18 Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The following figure shows how the InTouch HMI handles
alarms and events while an application is running. Alarm
and event data is saved to the alarm database.
You can configure any tag for event monitoring. An event
message is logged to the alarm system each time the tag
value changes. The event message includes how the value
changed and whether the operator, I/O, scripts, or the system
initiated the change.
About InTouch Alarms
Alarms represent warnings of process conditions that could
cause problems and require an operator response. A typical
alarm is triggered when a process value exceeds a
user-defined limit, such as an analog value exceeding an
upper threshold. This triggers an alarm to notify the operator
of a problem. After the operator acknowledges the alarm, the
InTouch HMI recognizes the alarm has been acknowledged.
You can configure the InTouch HMI to require an alarm to be
acknowledged even if the condition causing the alarm has
passed. This ensures that an operator is aware of events that
caused a temporary alarm state but have returned to normal.
The main alarm states are described in the following table:
HiHi Alarm
Running InTouch
Running Physical Process
Alarm Records
Log On Event
Alarm Database
HiHi Alarm
Alarm State Condition
ACK Alarm was acknowledged.
ALM Alarm has occurred.
RTN Tag returned from an alarm state to a
normal state.
About InTouch Alarms19
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm Priorities
You assign a level of priority, or severity, to an alarm. A
boiler temperature limit, for example, would require a
high-priority alarm, requiring immediate attention. An end
of a shift alarm is a much less severe. The alarm priority
usually depends upon the circumstances—the factory
application, the nature of the equipment, safety, availability
of backup systems, potential costs of damage, or downtime.
You assign an alarm priority when you define a tag. The
priority can range from 1 to 999, with 1 being the most
You can designate a range of alarm priorities to represent a
classification of alarms. For example, if a process requires
four levels of severity, you can create four priority ranges.
Ranges are useful for alarm filtering. For example, you can
configure an alarm display to filter out all but the critical
alarms. You can create animation links, acknowledgment
scripts, and filtered viewing and printing, all based on the
alarm priority range.
Alarm Sub-States
A multi-state alarm includes a range of alarm sub-conditions.
For example, an analog alarm typically has several limits.
A High and Low threshold set the boundaries for the
normal operating range.
HiHi and LoLo limits mark the extreme deviations from
the normal range of values.
A boiler temperature level can be in the alarmed condition
for any one of these sub-states. The boiler temperature can
also transition between any two sub-states while continuing
to remain in the overall alarmed condition.
Alarm Severity Priority Range
Critical 1 – 249
Major 250 – 499
Minor 500 – 749
Informational 750 – 999
20 Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm Acknowledgement
When an alarm occurs, the run time operator (or system)
must acknowledge the alarm. Acknowledgement merely
indicates that someone is aware of the alarm. This is
separate from taking corrective action, which might not
happen right away. It is also separate from whether the
alarm condition returns to normal—which it might do on its
own, even without any external intervention.
A high or medium priority alarm usually requires immediate
acknowledgment, while a very low-priority alarm might not.
Although the condition that generated the alarm may go
away (for example, a temperature rises too high and then
becomes lower again), the alarm itself is not considered
resolved until it is acknowledged.
Alarm Groups
You can group alarms to make tracking and management
easier. Alarm groups are logical representations of different
areas of a factory, pieces of equipment, operator
responsibility, or a manufacturing process.
For example, the following figure shows a three-tier alarm
group hierarchy for a tank farm application.
Alarm groups are useful for filtering in alarm displays, alarm
printers, and acknowledgment scripts.
Every tag is associated with an alarm group. By default, tags
are assigned to main $System group. You can create a
hierarchy of additional alarm groups under the $System
group, up to a maximum of 32 levels.
You create alarm groups and associate tags with them while
you are defining your tags in the Tagname Dictionary.
Alarm groups and group variables are not compatible with
SmartSymbols. You can't use references to alarm groups or
group variables in a SmartSymbol.
TnkFrm1 TnkFrm2 TnkFrm3
F3Tk1Lvl F3Tk2LvlF2Tk1Lvl F2Tk2Lvl
About InTouch Events21
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
About InTouch Events
An event is a detectable occurrence of something happening
within the system, which may or may not be associated with
an alarm. A transition into or out of an alarmed state is one
kind of event. An event might also be an operator action, a
change to the system configuration, or some kind of system
An event is different than a condition. A condition can persist
for minutes, hours, days, or weeks. An event is momentary; it
takes place and is immediately over. An alarm is a condition;
an alarm notification is an event.
Events represent normal system status messages and do not
require an operator response.
When you define a tag to do event monitoring, you can choose
to have event messages printed or logged to the alarm system
each time the tag value changes. The event message includes
how the value changed and whether the operator, I/O, scripts
or the system initiated the change.
An event can be one of the following types:
The SYS and USER events are generated by the system
regardless of whether event logging is enabled for any tags.
DDE, OPR, and LGC events relate to tag values and are only
generated for tags that have event logging enabled.
Event Condition
OPR The operator modified the tag value using
the Value input.
LGC A QuickScript modified the tag value.
DDE The tag value was poked from a DDE client.
SYS A system event occurred.
USER $Operator changed.
22 Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Types of InTouch Alarms
Within the InTouch HMI, alarms are classified into general
categories based on their characteristics. These categories
are known as Class and Type. The Distributed Alarm system
categorizes all alarms into five general conditions: Discrete,
Value, Deviation, Rate-of-Change, and SPC.
You associate each InTouch tag with an alarm condition
when you define the tag. Depending upon a tag’s type, you
can define one or more of the alarm classes or types for it.
Discrete Alarms
A discrete alarm corresponds to a discrete tag with two
possible states. When you create a discrete tag, you configure
whether the alarmed state corresponds to the true or false
state of the tag.
Alarm Condition Distributed Class Distributed Type
Discrete DSC DSC
Value - Low VALUE LO
Value - High VALUE HI
Deviation - Major DEV MAJDEV
Deviation - Minor DEV MINDEV
Rate-of-Change ROC ROC
Types of InTouch Alarms23
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Analog Alarms
An analog alarm corresponds to an analog tag, which is
associated with an integer or real number. Within the analog
alarm type, there are several sub-types: value, deviation, and
Value Alarms
The current tag value is compared to one or more
predetermined limits. If the value exceeds the limit, the
alarmed state is declared. You can individually configure
values and priorities for the “LoLo” limit, “Lo” limit, “Hi”
limit, and “HiHi” limit, and indicate whether or not each
limit is to be used.
Deviation Alarms
The current tag value is compared to a target value, and then
the absolute value of the difference is compared to one or
more limits, expressed as a percent of the range of the tag
Lo Alarm Level
LoLo Alarm Level
Hi Alarm Level
HiHi Alarm Level
Target 50%
No Alarm
10% Minor
20% Major
24 Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
You can individually configure values and priorities for the
minor deviation limit and the major deviation limit, and
indicate whether or not each limit is to be used. You can also
configure a value for a deviation deadband, also expressed as
a percent of the tag's range. This controls the percentage (of
the total range) that the tag value must change before it is
evaluated to be in alarm.
For example, you configure limits as follows:
Range of 0 to 100
Target of 50
Minor deviation of 10 percent, which sets the minor
deviation thresholds at 40 and 60.
Major deviation of 20 percent, which sets the major
deviation thresholds at 30 and 70.
Deadband of 10 percent
If the tag value is 39, a minor deviation alarm occurs.
However, the value must change at least to 50 (40 plus the
deadband of 10) before the alarm is evaluated and cleared.
If the tag value is 72, a major deviation alarm occurs. The
value drop to at least 61 before the alarm is cleared.
Rate of Change Alarms
The tag’s current and previous values are compared over a
measured period. If the absolute value of the rate of change
exceeds the limit, the alarmed state is declared.
You can configure the value and priority for the ROC limit,
and whether or not the limit is to be used. The limit is
expressed as a percentage of the tag’s value range over a time
interval - which can be per second, per minute, or per hour.
InTouch Distributed Alarm System25
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
InTouch Distributed Alarm System
The Distributed Alarm system is made up of:
An Alarm Manager, which manages currently active
alarms (summary alarms) and historical alarms and
events. The summary and historical alarms are held in
the InTouch internal alarm memory.
An Alarm DB Logger, which stores historical alarms and
events to the alarm database. The alarm database is a
SQL Server database.
An Alarm Printer, which prints historical alarms and
A set of ActiveX controls, which retrieve alarms and
events from either the internal alarm memory or the
alarm database at run time.
The following figure shows an overview of the system.
Alarm Manager
Alarm Viewer
Alarm Tree Viewer
Alarm DB View
Alarm Pareto
alarm database
Distributed Alarm Object
Alarm DB Logger
Smart Cache
Alarm Printer
InTouch Alarms and Events
Current Alarms
Alarms and Events
Report Alarm Groups,
Alarms and Events
alarm memory
26 Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Run time operators can use the Distributed Alarm system to:
Show, log, and print alarms and events generated by a
local InTouch application and by alarm systems of other
networked applications.
Acknowledge alarms locally or from a remote network
Use the alarm ActiveX controls in your InTouch
applications to show alarm displays that you
Provide more feedback about the alarm using a separate
alarm comment field.
As an application developer, you can:
Control the alarms through dotfields.
Configure your alarms so that they are enabled or
disabled directly or indirectly under full control of the
application. You can apply alarm suppression to single
alarm classes, tags, or groups to prohibit the showing of
alarm information on a specific view node. System-wide
disablement can block alarm activity at the source.
Configure alarm information to be logged to history. The
Alarm DB Logger can run as a Windows service or be
manually started on demand. Alarm logging uses UTC
(GMT) time stamping and provides compatibility with
DST and across time zones.
Set up failover alarm providers. If a primary alarm
provider fails, the Distributed Alarm system seamlessly
acquires alarm information from the backup system. On
reconnection of the primary node, the Distributed Alarm
system ensures that alarm acknowledgements are
re-synchronized prior to the returning primary system
becoming live.
The Distributed Alarm system:
Sends data through the Wonderware SuiteLink protocol
and uses a minimal amount of CPU and network
Time stamps the alarm at the time the alarm occurs, not
when the consumer receives the alarm. The time stamp
includes milliseconds.
InTouch Distributed Alarm System27
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm Providers and Consumers
On any given node there can be a collection of Alarm
Providers (Publishers) and Alarm Consumers (Subscribers).
The InTouch Distributed Alarm system provides the
communication link to pass alarm information between
nodes and software components.
Alarm Provider
An alarm provider:
Keeps track of alarmable items—that is, items that can
transition into an alarmed condition—and provides the
Distributed Alarm system with the list of these items,
including information on any hierarchical grouping of the
Notifies the Distributed Alarm system when the status of
an alarm item changes. Status changes include whether
the item is in or out of the alarmed state and whether the
most recent alarm has been acknowledged.
Keeps track of whether an alarm item is disabled.
The InTouch HMI supports external alarm providers, such as
SPCPro, QI Analyst, an ArchestrA Galaxy, and other
software built with the Wonderware Alarm API toolkit. The
date/time stamp for these alarm records is provided by the
alarm provider, and is not generated by the Distributed
Alarm system.
28 Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm Consumer
An alarm consumer:
Provides the Distributed Alarm system with a set of
queries identifying alarmable items about which it
wishes to receive notifications. A query remains active
until changed or removed by the alarm consumer, and
specifies an alarm provider or group of alarms - much like
a SQL query with “wildcards.” Whenever an alarm
provider issues notification of a change, the Distributed
Alarm system checks the alarm for matches with all
registered queries and passes updates to the
corresponding alarm consumers.
Upon receiving updates, shows or logs information
relating to the status of the items or their transitions.
Acknowledges alarms. The alarm consumer sends an
acknowledgement notification to the Distributed Alarm
system, identifying the alarm and the alarm provider.
The notification is passed to the alarm provider, which
then updates the status of the item to acknowledged (if
appropriate) and in turn notifies the Distributed Alarm
system, thereby ensuring that the update gets
distributed to all interested alarm consumers.
Note The majority of communication in the Distributed Alarm
system consists of sending alarm queries and alarm records from
one node to another. Within a node, alarm queries and alarm
records are tracked and buffered by the internal alarm memory to
minimize network traffic.
InTouch Distributed Alarm System29
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Distributed Alarm Group Lists
The Distributed Alarm system uses alarm groups to organize
alarms into a local tree view. The distributed alarm display
uses the tree view to filter alarms. You can view these alarm
groups from multiple nodes on a network.
The Distributed Alarm system uses an alarm group list to
combine alarm groups from local and remote nodes. An alarm
group list is a named list consisting of InTouch nodes and the
alarm groups defined on each of those nodes. It can also
contain other alarm group list names and local alarm groups.
An alarm consumer, such as the Alarm Viewer control, uses
this list to query for alarms.
Under a query alias, the Alarm Viewer control can show the
combined alarms from the groups that belong to the list.
Alarms can be acknowledged on the local InTouch node or
from a remote node on the network.
The following figure shows an alarm group list that combines
alarm groups from three nodes. The alarm group list is
defined locally on NodeC. The remaining alarm groups are
from remote nodes.
The Distributed Alarm Display shows the alarms resulting
from a query across all of the alarm groups that belong to the
list. For example, if you were interested in showing all tank
farm alarms across several InTouch nodes, you can create a
list called TankFarmAlarms. To this list, you add alarm
groups from all nodes that run tank farm InTouch
For more information on creating alarm groups, see Creating
an Alarm Group on page 34.
F2Tk1Lvl F2Tk2Lvl
F3Tk1Lvl F3Tk2Lvl
NodeA NodeB
Alarm Group List
30 Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Summary Alarms versus Historical Alarms
Summary alarms are alarms that are currently active.
Historical alarms are alarms that are not currently active
and are typically stored to the alarm database.
For example, you might want to see a summary of all current
alarms that are awaiting acknowledgment, whereas all other
alarm information is of historical interest and of less
Alarm Disablement, Inhibition, and Suppression
You can turn alarms “off” or ignore them without actually
removing the alarm configuration. You can either disable an
alarm, inhibit it, or suppress it.
Alarm disablement and inhibition is controlled at the alarm
provider. Suppression is controlled at the alarm consumer.
For more information on providers and consumers, see Alarm
Providers and Consumers on page 27.
Disablement. You disable an alarm at the alarm
provider by setting a flag that marks it as disabled. No
matter what alarm conditions occur, the item is never put
into an alarmed state. For information on dotfields you
can use to disable an alarm, see Enabling and Disabling
Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group on page 158.
You can disable or enable all of a tag’s alarms at one
time. Also, for an alarm that has sub-states, you can
disable each sub-state individually.
Inhibition. You inhibit an alarm by:
a Adding an “inhibitor” tag to the alarm configuration
in WindowMaker. The inhibitor tag is used at run
time to mark the alarm as inhibited.
b Setting the inhibitor tag to True or False at run time.
When the inhibitor tag is False, the alarm is handled
normally. When the inhibitor tag is True, the item
cannot alarm.
Each alarm sub-state can be inhibited by a different tag,
and you can leave some sub-states with no inhibitor tag
Assigning a tag as an inhibitor tag for an alarm increases
its cross-reference use count.
InTouch Distributed Alarm System31
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Suppression. Suppression causes an alarm consumer to
ignore certain alarms. If an alarm matches the exclusion
criteria, it is not visible. That is, it is not shown on a
display, printed, or logged at that particular alarm
The actual alarm generation is completely unaffected by
suppression. Alarm records can still be logged into alarm
If an alarm becomes disabled or actively inhibited while the
item is in an alarmed state, the item is forced to a different
(valid) state. What that state should be depends upon which
states are available and whether they have also been
disabled. This activity is handled by the alarm provider
according to the type of alarm, limit values, and so on.
An alarm that is disabled or actively inhibited is not waiting
for an acknowledgment. If the alarm has sub-states, it can
only be waiting for an acknowledgment on sub-states that
are still available.
Terminal Services Alarm Support
By using the Distributed Alarm system with Terminal
Services for InTouch, alarm clients running on different
terminal sessions can select what alarm data to show and
how to present it.
Alarm Providers identify themselves by a name that
uniquely identifies their application, and the instance of
their application. This information is made available to the
Distributed Alarm system when the Alarm Provider or the
Alarm Consumer registers with the Distributed Alarm
The node on which an Alarm Provider is running is identified
by a name that uniquely identifies the computer node in the
system. This information is made available to the
Distributed Alarm system when an instance of it starts up on
the computer node.
When an alarm event is logged, the node and complete Alarm
Provider name identify the source of the alarm.
When an alarm is acknowledged in a Terminal Services
environment, the Operator Node that gets recorded will be
the name of the client machine that the respective operator
established the Terminal Services session from. If the node
name can't be retrieved, the node's IP address will be used
A terminal server client session cannot be an InTouch alarm
32 Chapter 1 Overview of Alarms and Events
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Distributed Alarm System Data Storage
There are several forms of data storage used in the
Distributed Alarm system:
Internal alarm memory (buffer)
Most information about current and recent alarms is held
in memory on various computer nodes. InTouch uses two
memory locations: one for summary alarms (current) and
one for historical alarms and events. This model is also
used in the Distributed Alarm system.
The memory for summary alarms grows as needed to
accommodate all current alarms up to the limit of
available memory. The memory for historical alarms can
grow only to a pre-determined limit. After the historical
memory reaches this limit, the oldest alarm records are
discarded as new ones are added. In a multi-node
environment, the alarm memory on the various nodes
constitute a single collective of alarm memory.
For information about setting the limit, see Configuring
the Alarm Buffer Size on page 47.
Alarm database
The Alarm DB Logger creates a database, keeping track
of when an alarm occurs, makes a sub-state transition, is
acknowledged, and when it returns to normal.
Essentially, these records constitute a history of alarms
in the system.
Because it is based on the use of queries, the Distributed
Alarm system supports using one computer node to log
alarms for several other nodes.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 2
Configuring Alarms
To configure alarms, you simply configure tags with alarm
If required, you can also:
Define alarm hierarchies.
Disable and inhibit alarms.
Configure alarm comments.
Configure miscellaneous alarm and event properties.
Defining Alarm Hierarchies
Each InTouch alarm belongs to an alarm group. Organizing
related alarms into groups makes it easier for an operator to
filter, show, and acknowledge alarms. For more information,
see Alarm Groups on page 20.
The Distributed Alarm system uses alarm groups as the
basis for its alarm group lists. For more information about
creating Distributed Alarm system group lists, see Creating
an Alarm Group List File on page 50.
34 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Creating an Alarm Group
Before you start creating alarm groups, have a plan for how
your alarm groups should be organized and what you want
the alarm group names to be. Using a consistent group
naming convention enforces a logical ordering of groups
within the hierarchy.
In the following figure, notice the similarity of names
assigned to groups at the same level within the hierarchy.
Also, notice that subordinate group names reference their
parent groups by including a portion of the parent name. For
example, the third-level alarm group name F1Tk1Lvl
references its alarm group parent TnkFrm1 by including the
F1 prefix in its group name. Develop a naming convention
that suggests the parent-child relationship between alarm
groups at different levels within the hierarchy.
Note While alarm groups do not count as tags for InTouch
licensing, they do count as tags in the database. Therefore, the
total number of alarm groups plus actual tags cannot exceed the
maximum limit set by your InTouch license.
An alarm group name must meet the following requirements:
A name must be 32 characters or fewer.
A name must begin with an alphanumeric character (A-Z,
a-z, or 0-9).
A name can contain the following keyboard characters (@,
#, $, %, &, -, _, ?, !, \) beginning at the second character
position within the name.
If a name contains a hyphen (-), the name must begin
with an alphabetic character.
A name cannot contain a blank space.
A name must have at least one alphabetic character.
TnkFrm1 TnkFrm2 TnkFrm3
F3Tk1Lvl F3Tk2LvlF2Tk1Lvl F2Tk2Lvl
Defining Alarm Hierarchies35
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To create an alarm group
On the Special menu, click Alarm Groups. The Alarm
dialog box appears.
2 Click Add. The Add Alarm Group dialog box appears.
3 In the Group Name box, type a name for the new alarm
4 To reassign the alarm group to another parent group:
a Click Parent Group to show the Alarm Groups dialog
box. If this is the first alarm group defined for the
InTouch application, the group is automatically
assigned to the parent $System group.
b Select a new parent group from the list and click
5 In the Comment box, type an optional comment up to 49
characters for the new alarm group and click
Alarm Groups dialog box appears and shows the new
alarm group added to the list.
6 Click Close.
36 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Modifying an Alarm Group
You can modify an alarm group to:
Rename it.
Change the associated comment.
Reassign it to another group.
To modify an alarm group
On the Special menu, click Alarm Groups. The Alarm
dialog box appears.
2 Select the alarm group to modify and click Modify. The
Modify Alarm Group dialog box appears.
3 Make any changes to the alarm group’s name or
4 To reassign the alarm group to another parent group:
a Click Parent Group to show the Alarm Groups dialog
b Select a new parent group from the list and click
5 Click OK.
Configuring Tags with Alarm Conditions37
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Deleting an Alarm Group
You can delete an alarm group and remove the group from
the hierarchy. Alarms and tags that belong to deleted alarm
groups are automatically reassigned to the immediate parent
group above the deleted group in the hierarchy. Also, child
groups of the deleted group are reassigned to the immediate
parent group above the deleted group.
To delete an alarm group
On the Special menu, click Alarm Groups. The Alarm
dialog box appears.
2 Select the alarm group and click Delete. When a message
appears, click
3 Click Close.
Configuring Tags with Alarm Conditions
You can configure any tag for an alarm by specifying the type
of alarm and one or more alarm thresholds. Whenever the
value of a tag reaches a defined threshold, an alarm occurs.
Any transitions of a tag’s value in and out of an alarm state
are reported to the Distributed Alarm system.
Configuring Discrete Alarms
A discrete alarm corresponds to a discrete tag. You can
configure whether the alarmed state corresponds to the
discrete tag’s true (On, Yes, 1) state or false (Off, No, 0) state.
To define alarm conditions for a discrete tag
Open the Tagname Dictionary.
2 Select an existing discrete tag or create a new discrete
3 Click either Alarms or Details & Alarms at the top of the
Tag na me Dic ti on ar y dialog box to show the discrete alarm
details dialog box.
38 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the ACK Model area, select the alarm acknowledgement
model for the tag.
Click Condition for acknowledgment to count against
all transitions into the alarmed state or a sub-state
up to the time of the acknowledgement. This is the
default acknowledgement model.
Click Event Oriented for an acknowledgment to only
be for a particular transition to the alarmed state or a
sub-state; an acknowledgment is accepted only if it
refers to the most recent transaction.
Click Expanded Summary for an acknowledgment to
only be for a particular transition, whether to an
alarmed state, to a sub-state, or a return to normal.
Each transition from the normal state marks the
beginning of a new “return to normal” (RTN) group.
All transitions in an RTN group must be
acknowledged individually before the overall RTN
group is considered acknowledged.
5 In the Alarm Comment box, type an alarm comment up to
131 characters.
6 In the Alarm State area, select the active alarm state to be
the discrete tag’s
On or Off value.
7 In the Priority box, assign an alarm priority number
between 1 to 999. The default priority number is 1, which
is the highest alarm priority.
8 Optionally assign an alarm inhibitor tag for the discrete
a In the Alarm Inhibitor box, click the button to show the
Select Tag dialog box containing a list of defined tags.
b Select a tag from the list and click OK. The name of
the tag you selected as the inhibitor tag appears in
Alarm Inhibitor box.
For more information on inhibiting alarms, see Inhibiting
Alarms on page 44.
9 Click Save.
10 Click Close to close the Ta g na me Dicti on ar y dialog box.
Configuring Tags with Alarm Conditions39
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Value Alarms
A value alarm is associated with integer or real tags. You can
set alarms when the tag value transitions from a set of
predetermined thresholds that range from LoLo to HiHi. You
can configure whether the alarmed state corresponds to any
value of the tag and the associated priority of that alarm.
To configure a value alarm
Open the Tagname Dictionary.
2 Select an existing real or integer tag or create a new tag.
3 Click either Alarms or Details & Alarms at the top of the
Tag na me Dic ti on ar y dialog box to show the alarm details
dialog box.
4 In the ACK Model area, select the alarm acknowledgement
model for the tag.
Click Condition for acknowledgment to count against
all transitions into the alarmed state or a sub-state
up to the time of the acknowledgement. This is the
default acknowledgement model.
Click Event Oriented for an acknowledgment to only
be for a particular transition to the alarmed state or a
sub-state. An acknowledgment is accepted only if it
refers to the most recent transaction.
Click Expanded Summary for acknowledgment to only
be for a particular transition, whether to an alarmed
state, to a sub-state, or a return to normal. Each
transition from the normal state marks the beginning
of a new “return to normal” (RTN) group. All
transitions in an RTN group must be acknowledged
individually before the overall RTN group is
considered acknowledged.
40 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
5 In the Alarm Comment box, type a default comment up to
131 characters. The comment is assigned to the tag’s
.AlarmComment dotfield.
6 Select the alarm types (LoLo, Low, High, HiHi) to detect
when the value of the tag is beyond an absolute limit.
7 In the Alarm Value boxes, type the limit values for the
alarm types.
For example, in the case of LoLo and Low alarms, an
alarm condition exists whenever the value of the tag is
less than the
Alarm Value. In the case of High and HiHi
alarms, an alarm occurs whenever the value of the tag
exceeds the Alarm Value. You can use real numbers for the
8 In the Value Deadband box, type the number of
engineering units the tag value must drop below or above
the alarm value before it transitions out of an alarm
For example, to return-to-normal from an alarm
condition, a tag value must not only return inside its
alarm limit, but also return through your specified Value
Deadband. The Value Deadband prevents nuisance
alarms caused by repetitive re-annunciation of an alarm
where the tag value hovers around the limit, continually
fluctuating in and out of an alarm state.
9 Optionally assign an alarm inhibitor tag for the tag’s
alarm types (LoLo, Low, High, HiHi).
a In the Alarm Inhibitor area, click the button to show
the Select Tag dialog box containing a list of defined
b Select a tag from the list and click OK. The name of
the tag you selected as the inhibitor tag appears in
Alarm Inhibitor box.
For more information on inhibitor tags, see Inhibiting
Alarms on page 44.
10 Click Save.
11 Click Close to exit the Ta gname Di ct io nary dialog box.
Configuring Tags with Alarm Conditions41
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Deviation Alarms
A deviation alarm is associated with integer or real tags. You
can set an alarm by comparing the current tag value to a
target value, and then the absolute value of the difference is
compared to one or more limits, expressed as a percentage of
the range of the tag value.
For example, the following values set the conditions for a
tag’s minor and major deviation alarms:
Minimum Value = -1000
Maximum Value = 1000
Minor Deviation % = 10
Major Deviation % = 15
Target Value = 500
Using these values as an example, the minor and major
deviation alarms points are calculated by the following steps:
1 Calculate the total value range of the tag.
1000 - (-1000) = 2000
2 Multiply the total value range of the tag by minor and
major deviation percentages.
2000 x 0.10 = 200 = minor deviation limit
2000 x 0.15 = 300 = major deviation limit
3 Add and subtract the minor and major deviation limits
from the target value.
500 - 200 = 300 = minor deviation lower limit
500 + 200 = 700 = minor deviation upper limit
500 - 300 = 200 = Major deviation lower limit
500 + 300 = 800 = Major deviation upper limit
42 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To configure a deviation alarm
Open the Tagname Dictionary.
2 Select an existing real or integer tag or create a new tag.
3 Click either Alarms or Details & Alarms at the top of the
Tag na me Dic ti on ar y dialog box to show the alarm details
dialog box.
4 Select the deviation (Minor and Major Deviation) alarm
types you want to use to detect when the value of an
analog type tag is in a major or minor deviation from the
specified target value.
5 In the %Deviation box, type the percentage that the
analog tag can deviate from the target value to trigger a
minor or major deviation alarm condition. It is expressed
as a percentage of the range of the tag. For an I/O tag, the
Min EU and Max EU values entered in the tag's details
dialog box define the range. For memory tags, the range
is defined by the minimum value and maximum value.
6 In the Ta rg et box, type the tag reference value that minor
and major deviation percentages are based.
7 In the Deviation Deadband % box, type the deviation
percentage the tag value must drop below the limit before
the tag is taken out of its alarm condition.
8 Click Save.
9 Click Close to close the Tag na me D ic ti on ary dialog box.
Configuring Tags with Alarm Conditions43
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Rate of Change Alarms
A rate of change alarm detects when the value of an alarm
changes beyond an specified range over a specified interval.
The tag is tested for a rate-of-change alarm whenever its
value changes. The change rate is calculated using the
previous value, the time of the last update, the current value,
and the current time.
The calculated value is compared to the rate-of-change
percentage allowance specified for the tag. If the
rate-of-change is greater than the percentage allowance, the
alarm condition is set for the tag. A rate-of-change alarm
remains in effect until the rate at which the tag is changing
drops below the alarm limit.
To configure a rate of change alarm
Open the Tagname Dictionary.
2 Select an existing real or integer tag or create a new tag.
3 Click either Alarms or Details & Alarms at the top of the
Tag na me Dic ti on ar y dialog box to show the alarm details
dialog box. The following figure shows only those options
that apply to rate-of-change alarms.
4 Select the Rate of Change box.
5 In the % per box, enter the maximum allowable
percentage change limit.
6 Select Sec, Min, or Hr as the time interval unit.
7 In the Priority box, type a number between 1 and 999 to
set the alarm priority.
8 Optionally assign an alarm inhibitor tag for the rate of
change alarm.
a In the Alarm Inhibitor area, click the button to show
the Select Tag dialog box containing a list of defined
b Select a tag from the list and click OK. The name of
the tag you selected as the inhibitor tag appears in
Alarm Inhibitor box.
For more information on inhibiting alarms, see Inhibiting
Alarms on page 44.
9 Click Save.
10 Click Close to close the Ta gna me Di ctionar y dialog box.
44 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Disabling Alarms
You can disable or enable all alarms of a tag at once using
the .AlarmEnabled or AlarmDisabled dotfields. For an alarm
that has sub-states, each sub-state can be individually
disabled. For example, an analog value alarm can have Hi
enabled and HiHi disabled.
During run time, the Alarm Provider does not generate
alarms for an alarm or sub-state that is disabled. Changes to
whether an alarm is disabled or enabled can be made at run
Whenever an alarm transitions from disabled to enabled, the
checking logic determines whether the item should be put in
the alarmed state by the Alarm Provider.
If an alarm becomes disabled or actively inhibited while the
item is in an alarmed state, the item will be forced to a
different (valid) state. What that state should be depends
upon which states are available and whether they have also
been disabled. This activity is handled by the Alarm Provider
according to the type of alarm and limit values.
Inhibiting Alarms
You can optionally assign to each alarm or alarm sub-state
an inhibitor alarm tag that prevents the alarm from
transitioning into an active state.
When the inhibitor tag value becomes and remains
TRUE (non-zero or non-NULL), the alarm is inhibited.
Likewise, when the inhibitor alarm tag becomes and
remains FALSE (zero or NULL), the alarm is not
You can only change the inhibitor tag in WindowMaker. You
can change the value of an inhibitor tag at run time.
You can assign inhibitor tags to individual alarm sub-states.
Each sub-state can be inhibited by a different tag, and you
can leave some sub-states with no inhibitor tag assigned.
An alarm that is inhibited (and for which the tag is TRUE) is
not waiting for an acknowledgment. If the alarm has
sub-states, it can only be waiting for an acknowledgment on
sub-states that are still available.
An alarm or sub-state can be independently disabled,
inhibited, or both. Only if the alarm is both enabled and not
actively inhibited is the alarm capable of becoming active.
Configuring Tags with Alarm Conditions45
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
If an alarm or sub-state has no inhibitor tag assigned to it,
the effect is the same as if it had an inhibitor tag that is
always FALSE.
Whenever the transition causes an alarm to change from
being actively inhibited, the checking logic determines
whether InTouch should put the item in the alarmed state.
If an alarm becomes actively inhibited while the item is in an
alarmed state, the item must be forced to a different (valid)
state. What that state should be depends upon which states
are available and whether they have also been disabled or
actively inhibited. This activity is handled by InTouch
according to the type of alarm, limit values, and so on.
If an alarm (or an alarm sub-state) becomes actively
inhibited while waiting for an acknowledgment, the item
must be forced to a different (valid) state. As with whether
the item is alarmed, InTouch must determine what this state
should be.
Alarm inhibitor tags are included in use counts and license
Use the following read-only tag dotfields to get the name of
the alarm inhibitor tag:
These fields return the name of a tag. Therefore, you can use
the name in an indirect tag reference in an InTouch
QuickScript to find out the current value of the alarm
inhibitor tag, or to change the value of the alarm inhibitor
tag. By doing this, you can force groups of alarms to be
enabled or actively inhibited during run time.
46 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Setting Event Properties for Individual Tags
When you define a tag to do event monitoring, an event
message is logged to the alarm system each time the tag's
value changes. The event message logs how the value
changed. For example, whether the operator, I/O,
QuickScripts, or the system initiated the change.
1 Open the Tagname Dictionary.
2 Select an existing tag or create a new tag associated with
data that will be recorded as an event.
3 Select Log Events. The Priority box becomes available. The
value you enter for the Priority determines the event
priority level for the tag.
4 In the Priority box, assign a number from 1 to 999 as the
event priority. 1 is the highest event priority and 999 the
5 Click Save.
6 Click Close to close the Tag na me D ic ti on ary dialog box.
Configuring Global Settings for Alarms and
You can configure the following global settings that apply to
all alarms and events generated by an application:
Internal alarm memory (buffer) size.
Whether an alarm’s return to normal implies
acknowledgement. For more information, see Using
Automatic Acknowledgement When the Tag Value
Returns to Normal on page 124.
Configuring Global Settings for Alarms and Events47
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Event logging.
Whether alarm enabling is retentive when
WindowViewer is restarted.
Whether to use alarm acknowledgement comments as the
general alarm comment. For more information, see Using
Alarm and Acknowledgement Comments on page 126.
Configuring the Alarm Buffer Size
Communication in the Distributed Alarm system consists
largely of alarm queries and alarm records sent between
nodes. Within a node, alarm queries and records are held in
the InTouch internal alarm memory, also called the alarm
buffer, to minimize network traffic. The alarm buffer size is
maximum number of alarms the node can store for summary
or historical alarm queries. The alarm buffer deletes the
oldest records to make room for new records.
Only alarm events stored in memory can be shown in an
application window. If your InTouch application does not
show any alarm status, you can set the buffer size to 1 to
conserve node memory.
Assigning a large value to the alarm buffer can potentially
affect node performance. For a Distributed Alarm system, we
recommend the default value of 500.
To configure the alarm buffer size
Open the InTouch application in WindowMaker.
2 On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click
Alarms. The Alarm Properties dialog box appears.
3 In the Alarm Buffer Size box, type the maximum number
of alarm entries that can be stored in the memory alarm
buffer for summary or historical queries.
4 Click OK.
48 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling Events
You can enable events to be logged within the application. An
event represents a recognized change in application data
resulting from an operator action, QuickScript, or I/O.
A tag’s
Log Events property must be set from the Tagname
Dictionary before the tag’s associated events are stored in the
internal alarm memory or logged to the alarm database. For
more information about specifying event logging for a tag, see
Setting Event Properties for Individual Tags on page 46.
To enable events
Open the InTouch application in WindowMaker.
2 On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click
Alarms. The Alarm Properties dialog box appears.
3 Select the Events Enabled check box to log all events that
occur while an InTouch application is running.
4 Click OK.
Configuring Global Settings for Alarms and Events49
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Making Alarm Enabling Retentive
You can select to retain the current value assigned to a tag’s
.AlarmEnabled dotfield when the InTouch application is
stopped and then restarted.
The value assigned to the .AlarmEnabled dotfield toggles
alarm and event logging on or off. The .AlarmEnabled
dotfield can be assigned to tags or alarm groups. When the
.AlarmEnabled dotfield is assigned to an alarm group, it
determines whether all alarms associated with the tags
within the specified alarm group are logged or not.
To make alarm enabling retentive
Open the InTouch application in WindowMaker.
2 On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click
Alarms. The Alarm Properties dialog box appears.
3 Select the Alarm Enable Retentive check box to retain the
current state of the .AlarmEnabled dotfield as the initial
value when the InTouch application re-started.
4 Click OK.
50 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Creating an Alarm Group List File
You use the Distributed Name Manager to create an alarm
group list. Then, you add existing alarm groups from the
local and remote nodes to the list.
The following table shows the syntax to specify alarm groups
from the Distributed Name Manager.
For these examples, Node_Name is the name of the InTouch
remote node. Group_Name is the name of the alarm group. If
the alarm group is defined on the local node where the alarm
group list is being defined, you can simply enter the alarm
group name with a preceding period. For example,
To create an alarm group list
On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click
Distributed Name Manager. The Distributed Name Manager
dialog box appears.
2 In the Group Properties area, type the name of the alarm
query in the Name box.
Node Alarm Group Syntax
Local \InTouch!Group_Name
Remote \\Node_Name\InTouch!Group_Name
Creating an Alarm Group List File51
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 In the Members box, type the list of InTouch nodes and
alarm groups to be included in the query.
You can enter the node names and alarm group names
using Standard Group Entry syntax or as short cut
entries using periods. Short cut entries are converted to
Standard Group Entries when you save the alarm group
Note The Node.Group and .Group syntax can be used only in this
configuration dialog box. It is not valid in the alarm display
configuration or any alarm QuickScript function.
Click Add to add the list to your alarm group file.
The syntax of the members is automatically converted.
5 Click OK.
6 Add the name of the alarm group list to a query in an
Alarm Viewer control. The Alarm Viewer control now
shows alarms for all groups specified in the list.
52 Chapter 2 Configuring Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 3
Alarm Queries
An alarm query retrieves either:
Alarms and events (historical alarms) from the InTouch
internal alarm memory or the alarm database.
Current alarms (summary alarms) from the InTouch
internal alarm memory.
When you configure an InTouch alarm ActiveX control, you
specify the query source. You can also select query options to
filter the query results.
The following figure shows the
Query tab for the Alarm
Viewer ActiveX control.
54 Chapter 3 Alarm Queries
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
In this example, you create an alarm display that shows
alarm data selected by the following criteria:
Alarm priority (1-999)
Alarm state (All, Acknowledged, or Unacknowledged)
Query type (Summary or Historical)
Alarm group (Local or remote data sources)
You can save your queries to an .xml file, called a “query
favorites” file. During run time, you can update the alarm
display with new alarm data by running another query using
selection criteria saved to the file.
Other InTouch alarm ActiveX controls provide more
extensive query criteria. The following figure shows the
Query Filter tab of the Alarm DB Viewer control.
You build your queries by selecting alarm or event attributes
from the list shown in the left pane of the dialog box. Then,
you assign a value to the selected attributes. Finally, you can
combine attributes using Boolean operators to set your query
filter conditions.
You can write QuickScripts that include query functions or
dotfields to select alarm and event records from alarm
memory. The following Alarm Viewer control statement uses
the ApplyQuery() method to query the alarm memory.
("\InTouch!$System",500,600,"All", "Historical");
This statement retrieves all historical alarms specified by the
“\InTouch!$System” query with a priority between 500 and
600. The selected alarm records appear in the Alarm Viewer
control display.
Example Alarm Queries55
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Example Alarm Queries
Alarm queries follow this syntax for the local node:
For example:
Use the following query syntax for remote nodes:
For example:
Use the following syntax for querying alarms from a Galaxy.
This syntax gets alarms from a specific attribute of an object
in a specific area on a specific computer.
The following syntax gets all alarms from a specific area:
The following syntax gets alarms from two areas:
\\Galaxy!Area1 \\Galaxy!Area2
The following syntax gets all alarms from the Platform on
computer node (by default):
You can also use a wildcard. The following syntax gets all
alarms from Area1, Area2, Area3, and so on:
The following syntax gets all alarms from all objects starting
with the characters “Tank” in the area “Area”:
56 Chapter 3 Alarm Queries
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Getting More InTouch Query Information
The following table lists the references for more information
about queries for each InTouch query source.
Query Source See
Alarm DB Logger
Configuring Which Alarms to Log
on page 276
Alarm Printer Utility Configuring Which Alarms to
Print on page 238
Alarm Viewer Control Configuring Which Alarms to
Show on page 68
Alarm Tree Viewer
Configuring Which Providers and
Groups to Show on page 217
Alarm Pareto Control Configuring Which Alarms to
Analyze on page 362
Distributed Alarm
Display Object
Configuring Which Alarms to
Show on page 423
Hot Backup Manager Creating an Alarm Record
Mapping File on page 402
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 4
Viewing Current Alarms
Use the InTouch Alarm Viewer ActiveX control to view
alarms. The Alarm Viewer control has scroll bars, sizable
columns, multiple alarm selections, an update status bar,
dynamic display types, and show colors based on the type of
We recommend that you use the Alarm Viewer control to
view InTouch alarms. However, you can continue to use the
Distributed Alarm object to view alarms from applications
created with versions of InTouch earlier than 7.1.
58 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control
You can set Alarm Viewer control options from
WindowMaker and options that users can modify while the
Alarm Viewer control is running. You set these option in the
AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box.
Configuring the Appearance of the Grid
When you configure the visual appearance of the Alarm
Viewer control, you can:
Include a status bar.
Include a column header.
Include horizontal and vertical grid lines that show the
rows and columns.
Include a run-time option that allows the user to adjust
the width of columns.
Set the colors of visual elements.
The following figure shows how the Alarm Viewer control
appears when all visual properties are active.
Heading Column Resize Control
Status Bar
Grid Lines
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control59
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To configure the visual appearance
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control, and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Set the visual appearance. Configure any of the following.
Option Description
Perform Query on
Automatically begins updating
the control using default query
properties. If a query is not run
when the application starts, you
need to run a script using the
Requery() function to update the
grid. The
Requery option is also
available on the grid’s shortcut
menu during run time.
Show Context
Sensitive Menu
Enables a right-click shortcut
menu during run time.
Use Default Ack
Controls whether a default
comment appears when an
operator acknowledges an alarm.
If this box is checked and a string
is entered, the string is used
during run time as the default
If this box is not selected, when
the operator acknowledges an
alarm, a dialog box appears to
enter an optional comment. The
dialog box can be filled in or left
60 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Retain Suppression
Retain alarm suppression
between alarm queries when the
alarm query is changed
Show Status Bar
Toggles whether the status bar
appears at the bottom of the
Alarm Viewer control.
Row Selection
Allow users to select individual
rows during run time. Each row
represents an alarm record.
Users can select multiple alarms.
Silent Mode
If Silent Mode is selected, the
Alarm Viewer control does not
show error messages during run
time. If it is not selected, the
alarm display shows pop up error
messages. In either case, error
messages are always sent to the
ArchestrA Log Viewer.
Show Message
Shows the message typed in the
text box. This is the message
shown when there are no alarms.
Show Heading
Toggles whether the heading bar
appears at the top of the Alarm
Viewer control.
Use Extended
Allows the user to select multiple
alarms simultaneously by
holding down CTRL or SHIFT
keys in conjunction with the
mouse button. Available only if
Row Selection check box is
Flash Unack Alarms
Enables unacknowledged alarms
to flash once per second until
they are acknowledged.
Freezing the alarm display in
WindowViewer does not stop
unacknowledged alarms from
Option Description
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control61
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 Click Apply.
5 Click the Color tab.
6 Click the palette button to assign colors to the visual
elements of the Alarm Viewer control.
7 Click Apply to save your color selections.
8 Click OK.
Resize Columns
If Resize Columns is selected, the
user can resize the width of the
columns during run time.
Otherwise, column width is static
and can be set only from
Show Grid
If Show Grid is selected, the
Alarm Viewer control shows
horizontal and vertical lines that
separate the rows and columns of
the alarm display. If it is not
selected, no grid is visible.
Option Description
62 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Display Font
You can configure how the text appears for the Alarm Viewer
To configure the font properties
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control, and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Click Font. The standard Windows Font dialog box
appears. Configure the font and then click
4 Click OK.
Selecting and Configuring Display Columns
For the Alarm Viewer control, you can:
Select and order the columns.
Set the width of a column in pixels.
Rename a column.
To configure the display column details
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control63
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 Click Column Details. The Column Details dialog box
4 In the Name column, select the check boxes next to the
names of the columns that you want to appear. You must
select at least one column from the list.
Column Shows
The time as specified in the Time
The state of the alarm.
The alarm category.
The alarm type.
The alarm priority.
The tagname.
The alarm group name.
The name of the alarm provider.
The value of the tag when the alarm
occurred. The width of the column
should be large enough to provide the
desired level of precision.
The alarm limit value of the tag. The
width of the column should be large
enough to provide the desired level of
The logged-on operator’s ID
associated with the alarm condition.
Operator Full
The logged-on operator’s full name.
64 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
5 Rearrange columns by selecting the column name and
using the up and down arrows. The column name
appearing at the top of the Column Details dialog box is
the left-most column of the alarm control.
Operator Node
The logged on operator’s node
associated with the alarm condition.
In a Terminal Services environment,
this is the name of the client
computer that the operator
established the Terminal Services
session from. If the node name can't
be retrieved, the node's IP address is
used instead.
The logged on operator’s domain
associated with the alarm condition.
Tag Comment
The comment for the tag.
The comment associated with the
tag's alarm. This comment was typed
in the
Alarm Comment box when the
tag’s alarm was defined. When an
acknowledgement comment is
introduced for alarms, the new
comment is updated in this comment
The numerical value of the
AlarmUserDefNum1 property of the
The numerical value of the
AlarmUserDefNum2 property of the
The string value of the
AlarmUserDefStr property of the
Column Shows
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control65
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
6 To change the name of a column or its width, select the
column and click Edit. The Edit dialog box appears.
a In the New Name box, type the new column name.
a In the New Width box, type the column width. The
column width can range from 1 to 999 pixels.
b Click OK.
7 Click OK in the Column Details dialog box.
8 Click Apply.
66 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Controlling Which Features Users Can Access at
Run Time
If you right-click on the Alarm Viewer control during run
time, a context-sensitive (shortcut) menu appears.
You can control which menu commands are shown in the
shortcut menu.
To configure the shortcut menu
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control, and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Select the Show Context Sensitive Menu check box.
4 Click Configure Context Menus. The Context Sensitive
dialog box appears.
This dialog box shows a hierarchical list of commands
that can appear in an Alarm Viewer control shortcut
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control67
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
5 Configure the shortcut menu options. You must select at
least one shortcut menu command.
This command Allows the run-time user to
Ack Selected
Acknowledge selected alarms. If
Ack Selected and Ack Others menu
items are both unchecked, the
Default Ack Comment
check box and
the text box are disabled.
Ack Others
Acknowledge alarms by other
methods. The user can select which
alarms to acknowledge. If Ack
is selected, you must select
at least one of the submenu items.
Ack All
Acknowledge all active alarms.
Ack Visible
Acknowledge visible alarms.
Ack Selected
Acknowledge all alarms with the
same group name as the selected
group(s) and with the same
provider name.
Ack Selected
Tag s
Acknowledge all alarms with the
same tagname as the selected
tag(s) and with the same provider,
group, and priority.
Ack Selected
Acknowledge all alarms with the
same priority as the selected
priority or priorities and with the
same provider and group.
Suppress selected alarms.
Suppress Others
Suppress alarms by other methods
shown in the shortcut menu.
Suppress All
Suppress all alarms.
Suppress Visible
Suppress visible alarms.
Selected Groups
Suppress all alarms with the same
group name as the selected
Selected Tags
Suppress all alarms with the same
tagname as the selected tag(s).
68 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
6 Click OK.
7 Click Row Selection to allow users to select a row from the
Alarm Viewer control during run time.
8 Click Use Extended Selection to allow users to select
multiple alarm records simultaneously from the Alarm
Viewer control using the SHIFT or CTRL keys.
9 Click Apply.
Configuring Which Alarms to Show
The Alarm Viewer control can show summaries of active
alarms or listings of historical alarms.
To set general alarm query properties
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Select the Perform Query on Startup check box to
automatically update the Alarm Viewer control using
default query properties when the application starts.
4 Select the Show Message check box to show a default
message when there are no alarms. In the text box, type
the message to show.
5 Click Apply.
Suppress all alarms with the same
priority as the selected priority or
Unsuppress All
Unsuppress all suppressed alarms.
Query Favorites
Open the Alarm Query dialog box.
Open the Alarm Statistics dialog
Open the Alarm Suppression dialog
Toggle the freeze/unfreeze mode of
the Alarm Viewer control.
Re-run the alarm query.
Open the Sort dialog box.
This command Allows the run-time user to
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control69
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To configure the query default
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Query tab.
3 In the From Priority box, type the minimum alarm
priority value (1 to 999).
4 In the To P r i o r i t y box, type the maximum alarm priority
value (1 to 999).
5 Click the Query Type arrow and select either Historical or
Summary as the default run-time alarm display.
The default type of display can be changed during run
time by running a QuickScript containing a query
function. For example, if the script includes the
ApplyQuery() method with its Type parameter set to
“Summary,” then the grid shows a summary of current
alarms. Conversely, if the same grid has an ApplyQuery()
method run against it with the Type parameter set to
"Historical", it shows historical alarms. The QueryType
property reflects the current state of the alarm display.
For more information on the ApplyQuery() method, see
ApplyQuery() Method on page 100.
6 In the Alarm Query box, type a valid alarm query. For
example, type
\InTouch!$System to query for all alarms
that belong to the default $System alarm group.
7 Click OK.
70 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Creating Custom Saved Queries Using Query
You can configure a list of query favorites for operators to
select from a shortcut menu.
To configure the query favorites file
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Query tab.
3 Configure the query favorites file.
a In the Query Favorites File box, type the network path
and file name or click the ellipse button to browse for
the file.
b To edit the Filter Favorites file, click the Edit Query
button. The Alarm Query window opens,
allowing you to add, modify, or delete filters from
your favorites file. When you are done, click
OK to
save your changes and close the window.
4 Click OK.
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control71
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Colors for Various Types of Alarm
You can set color options for different alarm states that
appear in the Alarm Viewer control.
To configure the alarm display colors
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Color tab.
3 Click each color box to open the color palette. Click the
color that you want to use in the palette for each of the
Property Description
Window Sets display background color.
Title Bar Text Sets title bar text color
(available only if Show
Heading option is selected).
Alarm Return Sets color of returned alarms
(alarms that have returned to
normal without being
Grid Sets color of the grid. By
default the grid is not shown.
The default grid color is light
gray. The color of the grid in
the alarm object is
automatically set to a
contrasting color of the
Window color.
72 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the Alarm Priority boxes, type alarm priority numbers
that serve as breakpoints for the different colors used to
identify unacknowledged alarms, acknowledged alarms,
and flashing unacknowledged alarms.
5 Click the UnAck Alarm and Ack Alarm color boxes to open
the color palette. Click the color in the palette that you
want to use.
6 To configure the alarm query to flash unacknowledged
alarms, click the
General tab, select the Flash Unack
check box, then click the Color tab and select the
Flash Unack Alarms color boxes. Select the color that you
want to use for each alarm priority range.
Note The Alarm Viewer control cannot show changes that occur
in less than a second. If an alarm changes state twice within a
second, the Alarm Viewer control does not recognize the change.
Click Apply.
Title Bar Background Sets title bar background color
(available only if the
option is selected).
Event Sets color of events.
Property Description
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control73
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Shown Time Format of Alarm
You can configure the time format for shown alarm records.
For the Alarm Viewer control, the original alarm time is the
date/time stamp of the onset of the alarm. If tag is an I/O tag,
then it is the time stamp from the I/O Server if that server is
capable of passing time stamps.
To configure the time format
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Time Format tab.
3 In the Time Format list, click the desired time format. The
Time Format box shows a set of strings consisting of
characters separated by the % symbol for the format you
String character Description
Two-digit day of the month.
Three-letter month abbreviation.
Four-digit year.
Two-digit month.
Two-digit year.
Full day and date. For example:
Friday, August 10, 2007
Complete month name.
Hours in 24 hour time format.
74 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the Displayed Time list, select the shown time:
5 In the Displayed Time Zone list, select the time zone:
6 Click Apply.
AM or PM (for 12 hour time format).
Fractions of a second.
Hours in 12 hour time format.
The original alarm time, which is
the date/time stamp of the onset
of the alarm.
The last changed time, which is
the date/time stamp of the most
recent change of state for the
instance of the alarm: onset of
the alarm, change of sub-state,
return to normal, or
LCT But OAT on
The last changed time, but the
original alarm time on
acknowledge. The last changed
time is used while the alarm is
unacknowledged, then the
original alarm time is used after
the alarm has been
Greenwich Mean Time, also known as
Coordinated Universal Time, UTC, or
Local Time
Alarm time adjusted for the local time
Origin Time
Alarm time adjusted for the time zone
of the alarm source.
String character Description
Configuring an Alarm Viewer Control75
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Sort Order of Alarm Records
You can sort the alarm records in the list. By default, the
Alarm Viewer control lists alarm records by time in
ascending order.
You can sort alarm records in ascending or descending order
based on a primary column and an optional secondary sort
To configure the sort order of alarm records
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control, and then click
Properties. The AlarmViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Query tab.
3 Select sorting options by completing the following:
a Select the primary sort column from the Sort Column
list. Only visible columns appear in the
Sort Column
list. If you do not see the column you want, go to the
General tab and select the column from Column
b Select the secondary sort column from the Secondary
Sort Column
c If you selected Time as the primary sort column, the
Auto Scroll to New Alarms check box becomes
available. Select this option if you want to
automatically scroll and show new alarms as they
d Select Ascending or Descending as the sort direction.
4 Click Apply.
76 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using an Alarm Viewer Control at Run Time
The Alarm Viewer control includes a shortcut menu that
provides operators quick access to commands that can be
applied to the display object of one or more selected alarms,
alarm groups, tags, and priorities.
The following lists shows the commands available from the
Alarm Viewer control shortcut menu:
Ack Selected - Acknowledges the selected alarm(s).
Ack Others - A sub-menu appears that lists other
acknowledgement commands.
Ack All - Acknowledges all the alarms in the current
alarm query. Because the alarm grid has only a
limited display area, the
Ack All command may
acknowledge alarms that are not visible in the grid.
Ack Visible - Acknowledges only those alarms that are
currently visible in the alarm grid.
Ack Selected Groups - Acknowledges all alarms that
have the same group name from the same provider as
one or more of the selected alarms.
Ack Selected Tags - Acknowledges all alarms that have
the same tag from the same provider and group name
and having the same priority as one or more of the
selected alarms.
Ack Selected Priorities - Acknowledges all alarms that
have the same priority from the same provider and
group name as one or more of the selected alarms.
Suppress Selected - The selected alarm(s) is/are
Suppress Others - A sub-menu opens that contains
suppression commands.
Suppress All - Suppress showing current and future
occurrences of all alarms.
Suppress Visible - Suppress showing current and
future occurrences of any visible alarm.
Suppress Selected Groups - Suppress showing current
and future occurrences of any alarm that belongs to
the same groups of one or more selected alarms
having the same Provider name.
Using an Alarm Viewer Control at Run Time 77
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Suppress Selected Tags - Suppress showing current
and future occurrences of any alarm that belongs to
the same tag name of one or more selected alarms
having the same Provider name, Group name and
Priority range.
Suppress Selected Priorities - Suppress showing
current and future occurrences of any alarm that
belongs to the same priorities of one or more selected
alarms having the same Provider name and Group
Unsuppress All - Clears the suppression settings.
Query Favorites - Shows the Alarm Query dialog box to
select a previously saved alarm query. You can also add,
modify and delete alarm queries.
Stats - Shows the Alarm Statistics dialog box.
Suppression - Shows the Alarm Suppression dialog box.
Freeze - Freezes the current display.
Requery - Queries the alarm provider again.
Sort - Shows the Secondary Sort dialog box.
Understanding Status Bar Information
If you select the Show Status Bar option from the General
properties page, a status bar appears at the bottom of an
Alarm Viewer control during run time.
The status bar contains three indicators: A status message,
current alarm query, and a progress bar. These indicators
provide an overview of the current state of the display query
and provide details about the suppression available in the
Alarm Viewer control. The right pane of the status bar is red
when the control is frozen and the left pane of the status bar
is red when one or more alarms are suppressed. The word
"suppression" is shown in the left pane when suppression is
in effect.
78 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Query Favorites at Run Time
Use the Query Favorites command on the Alarm Viewer
control’s shortcut menu to quickly select an alarm query from
a list of previously defined alarm queries. You can also create
new named queries, edit an existing query, or delete an
existing query.
Changes to an alarm query are not automatically applied to
other Alarm Viewer controls using the same query. Deleting
an alarm query does not automatically remove the query
from other Alarm Viewer controls using the same query.
Note For multi-line alarm queries appearing in the Alarm Viewer
control, line separations appear as "garbage" characters. This
does not affect the function.
To select an alarm query at run time
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog box appears.
2 Select the named query that you want to show in the list
of currently defined queries.
3 Click OK. The Alarm Viewer control now shows alarm
information retrieved by the query.
Using an Alarm Viewer Control at Run Time 79
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To add a new named query at run time
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog box appears.
2 Click Add. The Add Query dialog box appears.
3 Configure the query. Do the following:
a In the Name box, type the name that you want to use
to identify the query.
b In the Query box, type the sets of InTouch alarm
queries that you want to perform. You can specify one
or more Alarm Providers and groups.
c In the From Priority box, type the minimum alarm
priority value (1 to 999).
d In the To P r i o r i t y box, type the maximum alarm
priority value (1 to 999).
e Click the Alarm State arrow and select the alarm state
that (
All, Ack, Unack) you want to use in the alarm
f In the Display Type area, select Summary or Historical
for the type of records you want to query.
4 Click OK to close the Add Query dialog box.
5 Click OK in the Alarm Query dialog box to add the query to
your favorites.
80 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To modify an existing named query at run time
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog box appears.
2 Select the named query that you want to modify in the
list of currently defined queries.
3 Click Modify. The Modify Query dialog box appears.
4 Make the necessary modifications and then click OK.
5 Click OK in the Alarm Query dialog box.
To delete an existing named query at run time
Right-click the Alarm Viewer control and then click
Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog box appears.
2 Select the named query that you want to delete in the list
of currently defined queries.
3 Click Delete. When a message appears, click Yes.
4 Click OK in the Alarm Query dialog box.
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX
You can set the value an Alarm Viewer control property
directly using a script or you can assign it to an InTouch tag
or I/O reference. For more information about setting
properties, see Chapter 8, Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the
InTouch® HMI Scripting and Logic Guide.
The following table lists the Alarm Viewer control properties.
Property Type Purpose
Discrete Enables/disables Ack All menu item.
Integer Sets color to be used to show
acknowledged alarms with priorities
in the range 1 to ColorPriorityRange1.
The default priority range is 1 to 250.
Integer Sets color to be used to acknowledged
alarms with priorities in the range
ColorPriorityRange1 to
ColorPriorityRange2. The default
priority range is 250 to 500.
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Properties 81
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Integer Sets color to be used to acknowledged
alarms with priorities in the range
ColorPriorityRange2 to
ColorPriorityRange3. The default
priority range is 500 to 750.
Integer Sets color to be used to acknowledged
alarms with priorities in
ColorPriorityRange3 to 999. The
default priority range is 750 to 999.
Discrete Enables/disables Ack Others menu
Discrete Enables/disables Ack Selected Groups
menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables Ack Selected menu
Discrete Enables/disables Ack Selected
menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables Ack Selected Tags
menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables Ack Visible menu
Message Sets the initial alarm query. This field
accepts text only; it does not accept
tags. The following example uses the
full path to the alarm group:
This example uses the full path to the
local alarm group:
This example uses another Group List:
Message Default alarm state to query (All,
UnAck, Ack).
Property Type Purpose
82 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Integer Sets the color for alarms that have
returned to normal and were
unacknowledged. This color is also
used for alarms that returned to
normal from the acknowledged state
but the acknowledgement state
transition was not observed.
Discrete If the user scrolls the list from the
beginning, this automatically jumps to
the new alarm. (New alarms are
defined as those that are not currently
shown within the display object.)
Integer Sets the boundary of the priority range
in which alarms are to be shown. The
value of this property must be greater
than one and less than the value for
Integer Sets the boundary of the priority range
in which alarms are to be shown. The
value of this property must be greater
than the value for
ColorPriorityRange1 and less than the
value for ColorPriorityRange3
Integer Sets the boundary of the priority range
in which alarms are to be shown. The
value of this property must be greater
than the value of ColorPriorityRange2
and less than 999.
Discrete Returns or sets a value that
determines whether the columns can
be resized at run time.
Message The default message to show when
there are no alarms.
Message Used as a comment when the alarm is
acknowledged and when the
"UseDefaultAckComment" is TRUE.
Otherwise, the user is prompted to
enter a comment.
Message Shows the alarm message time. The
values can only be "OAT" or "LCT" or
"LCT But OAT on ACK."
Property Type Purpose
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Properties 83
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Message Gets or sets the current time zone
string. The values can only be "GMT"
or "Origin Time" or "Local Time."
Integer Sets color of events.
Discrete Allows you to select multiple alarms
by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key
in conjunction with the mouse button.
The default is to toggle selection of
alarms by simply clicking on them
(available only if the
Row Selection
check box is selected).
Discrete Enables or disables the flashing of
unacknowledged alarms. It takes a
discrete input value of 1 or 0. If this
property is set to 1, unacknowledged
alarms flash once per second. If this
property is set to 0, unacknowledged
alarms do not flash. This property
corresponds to the
Flash Unack Alarms
check box on the Alarm Viewer control
General tab.
Integer Sets the flashing color for
unacknowledged alarms belonging to
Alarm Priority Range 1.
Integer Sets the flashing color for
unacknowledged alarms belonging to
Alarm Priority Range 2.
Integer Sets the flashing color for
unacknowledged alarms belonging to
Alarm Priority Range 3.
Integer Sets the flashing color for
unacknowledged alarms belonging to
Alarm Priority Range 4.
None Sets the font for the records and the
header in the control.
Discrete Enables/disables the Freeze menu
Integer Sets the low priority value of the
default query.
Integer Sets the color of the background grid.
Property Type Purpose
84 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Integer Controls the triggering of the
NewAlarm event.
0 = The NewAlarm event can not be
triggered. (Default).
1 = The NewAlarm event is active.
2 = The NewAlarm event is active and
continually triggers when at least one
new unacknowledged alarm arrives.
Message Returns or sets the query favorites file
Discrete Enables/disables the Query Favorites
menu item.
String Returns the current query name.
Discrete Automatically begins updating the
grid using default query properties, if
set. Otherwise, you must run the
ApplyDefaultQuery or ApplyQuery
method in a script to update the grid.
Message Sets the display type as either
Summary or Historical.
Discrete Enables/disables Requery shortcut
menu item.
Discrete Retains alarm suppression between
alarm queries when the alarm query is
Discrete Allows user to select alarms during
run time.
Message Returns or sets the current secondary
sort column.
Integer Returns the total number of selected
Discrete Enables the activation of the shortcut
Discrete Returns or sets a value that
determines whether the grid lines are
shown in the control.
Discrete Shows the title bar of the control.
Property Type Purpose
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Properties 85
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Discrete Returns or sets a value that
determines whether error messages
are shown for the control.
Discrete Gets or sets a value that determines
whether the status bar is shown.
Discrete Gets or sets a value that determines
whether the control is in silent mode.
Message Gets or sets the current sort column.
Discrete Enables/disables the Sort menu item.
Discrete Gets or sets the sort direction. Possible
values are "Ascending" and
"Descending," represented as 0 and 1
Discrete Enables/disables the Stats menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables the Suppress All
menu item.
Integer Gets the total number of suppressed
Discrete Enables/disables the Suppression menu
Discrete Enables/disables the Suppress Others
menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables the Suppress Selected
menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables the Suppress Selected
menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables the Suppress Selected
menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables Suppress Selected
menu item.
Discrete Enables/disables the Suppress Visible
menu item.
Message Sets the format of the alarm time
Integer Sets title bar background color.
Integer Sets title bar foreground color.
Property Type Purpose
86 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To P r i or i ty
Integer Sets the maximum priority for the
alarm query.
Integer Gets the number of alarms.
Integer Gets the total number of
unacknowledged alarms.
Integer Sets the color to be used to show
unacknowledged alarms with
priorities in the range of 1 to
Integer Sets the color to be used to show
unacknowledged alarms with
priorities in the range of
ColorPriorityRange1 to
Integer Sets the color to be used to show
unacknowledged alarms with
priorities in the range of
ColorPriorityRange2 to
Integer Sets the color to be used to show
unacknowledged alarms with
priorities in the range of
ColorPriorityRange3 to 999.
Discrete Enables/disables Unsuppress All
menu item.
Discrete If set to True, the default
acknowledgement comment is used
when the alarm is acknowledged.
Otherwise, the operator is prompted to
enter a comment.
Integer Sets the grid background color.
Property Type Purpose
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Properties 87
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Colors for ActiveX Controls
You specify a color as an integer value. The alarm ActiveX
controls use the ABGR model for specifying color as a 32-bit
integer, where:
A = Transparency
B = Blue
G = Green
R = Red
Transparency is not supported by the alarm ActiveX controls.
Any values for the upper 8 bits are ignored.
For example, to set the color to Blue, use the following ABGR
A = 0
B = 255
G = 0
R = 0
The hexadecimal value for this color is 0x00FF0000. The
decimal value is 16711680.
The following table shows examples of colors you can use
Color Hexidecimal Value Decimal Value
White 0x00FFFFFF 16777215
Black 0x00000000 0
Blue 0x00FF0000 16711680
Red 0x000000FF 225
Green 0x0000FF00 652880
88 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods
You use the Alarm Viewer control ActiveX methods in scripts
Acknowledge alarms.
Suppress alarms.
Get information about an alarm.
Run alarm queries.
Move and freeze the display.
Sort alarm records.
Select specific alarms.
Show the shortcut menu, About dialog box, and Alarm
dialog box.
For more information about calling methods, see Chapter 8,
Scripting ActiveX Controls, in the InTouch® HMI Scripting
and Logic Guide.
Acknowledging Alarms
Use the following methods to acknowledge alarms during run
AckSelected() Method
AckAll() Method
AckVisible() Method
AckSelectedGroup() Method
AckSelectedTag() Method
AckSelectedPriority() Method
AckGroup() Method
AckPriority() Method
AckTag() Method
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods89
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckSelected() Method
Acknowledges alarms that are selected in the Alarm Viewer
control at run time.
Object.AckSelected (Comment)
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
Tag1 is defined as a message tag and the name of the control
is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Tag1 = "Alarm Comment";
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckSelected (Tag1);
AckAll() Method
Acknowledges all the alarms in the current alarm query.
Because the Alarm Viewer control has a limited display area,
the AckAll() method can also acknowledge alarms not shown
in the display.
Object.AckAll (Comment)
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
Tag1 is defined as a message tag and the name of the control
is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Tag1 = "Alarm Comment";
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckAll (Tag1);
90 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckVisible() Method
Acknowledges only those alarms that are currently visible in
the Alarm Viewer control.
Object.AckVisible (Comment)
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
Tag1 is defined as a message tag and the name of the control
is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Tag1 = "Alarm Comment";
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckVisible (Tag1);
AckSelectedGroup() Method
Acknowledges all alarms that have the same group name as
one or more selected alarms.
Object.AckSelectedGroup (Comment)
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
Tag1 is defined as a message tag and the name of the control
is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Tag1 = "Alarm Comment";
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckSelectedGroup (Tag1);
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods91
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckSelectedTag() Method
Acknowledges all alarms that have the same tag, group name
and priority as one or more of the selected alarms.
Object.AckSelectedTag (Comment)
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
Tag1 is defined as a message tag and the name of the control
is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Tag1 = "Alarm Comment";
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckSelectedTag (Tag1);
AckSelectedPriority() Method
Acknowledges all alarms that have the same priority range
as one or more of the selected alarms.
Object.AckSelectedPriority (Comment)
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
Tag1 is defined as a message tag and the name of the control
is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Tag1 = "Alarm Comment";
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckSelectedPriority (Tag1);
92 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckGroup() Method
Acknowledges all alarms for a given group name and
Object.AckGroup(ApplicationName, GroupName, Comment)
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckGroup ("\Intouch", "Turbine",
"Turbine acknowledgement Comment");
AckPriority() Method
Acknowledges all of the alarms specified priority range
having same provider name and group name.
Object.AckPriority(ApplicationName, GroupName,
FromPriority, ToPriority, Comment)
The name of the application. For example,
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckPriority ("\Intouch", "Turbine",
100, 900, "Turbine acknowledgement Comment");
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods93
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckTag() Method
Acknowledges the alarms of the given tag name having the
same provider name and group name within the given
priority range.
Object.AckTag(ApplicationName, GroupName, tag,
FromPriority, ToPriority, Comment)
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
The name of the alarm tag. For example, Valve1.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.AckTag ("\Intouch", "Turbine",
"Valve1", 100, 900, "Turbine acknowledgement
94 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Suppressing Alarms
Use the following methods to suppress alarms during run
ShowSuppression() Method
SuppressSelected() Method
SuppressAll() Method
SuppressVisible() Method
SuppressSelectedGroup() Method
SuppressSelectedTag() Method
SuppressSelectedPriority() Method
UnSuppressAll() Method
SuppressGroup() Method
SuppressPriority() Method
SuppressTag() Method
ShowSuppression() Method
Shows the suppression dialog box, which contains all
suppressed alarms.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
SuppressSelected() Method
Suppresses showing current and future occurrences of the
selected alarm(s).
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods95
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SuppressAll() Method
Suppresses showing current and future occurrences of all
active alarms.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
SuppressVisible() Method
Suppress showing current and future occurrences of any
visible alarm.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
SuppressSelectedGroup() Method
Suppresses showing current and future occurrences of any
alarm that belongs to the same Group and Provider of one or
more selected alarms.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
SuppressSelectedTag() Method
Suppresses showing current and future occurrences of any
alarm that belongs to the same tag name of one or more
selected alarms having the same Group name, Provider
name, and Priority range.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
96 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SuppressSelectedPriority() Method
Suppresses showing current and future occurrences of any
alarm that belongs to the same priority range of one or more
selected alarms.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
UnSuppressAll() Method
Clears alarm suppression.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
SuppressGroup() Method
Suppresses showing current and future occurrences of any
alarm that belongs to a given Group name.
Object.SuppressGroup(ApplicationName, GroupName)
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.SuppressGroup ("\Intouch",
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods97
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SuppressPriority() Method
Suppresses showing current and future occurrences of any
alarm of the specified priority range, having the same
Provider name and Group name.
Object.SuppressPriority(ApplicationName, GroupName,
FromPriority, ToPriority)
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.SuppressPriority ("\Intouch",
"Turbine", 100, 900);
98 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SuppressTag() Method
Suppresses showing current and future occurrences of any
alarm emitted by a given tag name or group name and in the
specified priority range.
Object.SuppressTag(ApplicationName, GroupName, tag,
FromPriority, ToPriority)
The name of the Application for example,
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
The name of the alarm tag. For example, valve 1.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.SuppressTag ("\Intouch", "Turbine",
"Valve1", 100, 900);
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods99
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Retrieving Information About an Alarm
Use the GetItem() function to retrieve information about an
GetItem() Method
Returns a string corresponding to the alarm at the specified
row and column.
Object.GetItem(Row Number, Column Name)
An integer expression that evaluates to a specific row in the
A string expression that evaluates to the column name in
the control.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1 and Tag1 is
defined as Memory Message.
Tag1 = #AlarmViewerCtrl1.GetItem(1, "Group");
Running Queries
Use the following methods to run queries.
ShowQueryFavorites() Method
Requery() Method
ApplyQuery() Method
ApplyDefaultQuery() Method
SetQueryByName() Method
ShowQueryFavorites() Method
Shows the Query Favorites dialog box if the
QueryFavoritesFile property contains a valid query favorite
file name in .xml format.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
100 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Requery() Method
Queries the alarm provider again.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
ApplyQuery() Method
Performs the query as specified by its parameters Alarm
Query, From and To Priorities, State of alarms to query for.
and the type of alarms to retrieve.
Object.ApplyQuery(AlarmQuery, FromPriority, ToPriority,
State, Type)
The alarm query. For example: \InTouch!$System
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900.
Specifies type of alarms to show. For example, "UnAck" or
message tag. Valid states are All, UnAck, or Ack.
Specifies type of query for example, Historical (Historical
alarms) or Summary (Summary alarms).
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
("\InTouch!$System",100,900,"All", "Historical");
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods101
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
ApplyDefaultQuery() Method
Performs a query using the FromPriority, ToPriority,
AlarmState, QueryType, and AlarmQuery properties as
specified at design time. The default properties can only be
changed at development time and are not overwritten by
other alarm queries.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
SetQueryByName() Method
Sets the current query specified by a query name. The query
name is defined in the query favorites file.
The name of the query as created by using "Query
Favorites," for example, Turbine Queries.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.SetQueryByName("Turbine Queries");
102 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Moving and Freezing the Display
Use the following functions to move or freeze the display:
MoveWindow() Method
FreezeDisplay() Method
MoveWindow() Method
Scrolls the alarms in the control in a specified way.
Object.MoveWindow(Option, Repeat)
The type of action to perform.
The number of times this operation should be repeated.
Type Description
LineDn Line down. The Repeat parameter controls
the number of lines to be scrolled.
LineUp Line up. The Repeat parameter controls the
number of lines to be scrolled.
PageDn Page down. The Repeat parameter controls
the number of pages to be scrolled.
PageUp Page up. The Repeat parameter controls the
number of pages to be scrolled.
Top To the top of the control
Bottom To the bottom of the control.
PageRt Page to the right. The Repeat parameter
controls the number of pages to be scrolled.
PageLf Page to the left. The Repeat parameter
controls the number of pages to be scrolled.
Right Scrolls right. The Repeat parameter controls
the number of columns to be scrolled.
Left Scrolls left. The Repeat parameter controls
the number of columns to be scrolled.
Home Scrolls to the top row and left most column of
the control.
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods103
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.MoveWindow ("Bottom", 0);
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.MoveWindow ("LineUp", 3);
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.MoveWindow ("PageLf", 7);
FreezeDisplay() Method
Freezes the display.
True = Freezes the display.
False = Unfreezes the display.
Tag1 is defined as Memory discrete tag and the name of the
control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Tag1 = 1;
Sorting Alarm Records
Use the following functions to sort alarm records:
ShowSort() Method
SetSort() Method
ShowSort() Method
Shows the Secondary Sort dialog box if the SortMenu
property is enabled.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
104 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SetSort() Method
Sets the sort criteria as specified by the SortColumn and
SortOrder properties.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Showing Other Information
Use the following functions to show the About dialog box and
the Alarm Statistics dialog box:
AboutBox() Method
ShowStatistics() Method
AboutBox() Method
Shows the About dialog box.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
ShowStatistics() Method
Shows the Alarm Statistics dialog box.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods105
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Selecting Specific Alarms
Use the following functions to select specific alarms:
SelectGroup() Method
SelectPriority() Method
SelectTag() Method
SelectAll() Method
SelectItem() Method
UnSelectAll() Method
SelectGroup() Method
Selects all of the alarms that contain the same alarm group
name and provider name.
Object.SelectGroup(ApplicationName, GroupName)
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.SelectGroup ("\Intouch", "Turbine");
106 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SelectPriority() Method
Selects all of the alarms that are of the specified priority
range, having the same provider name and group name.
Object.SelectPriority(ApplicationName, GroupName,
FromPriority, ToPriority)
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.SelectPriority ("\Intouch",
"Turbine", 100, 900);
SelectTag() Method
Selects all of the alarms from a specific Provider/Group/Tag.
You can also specify a Priority range, or use 1-999.
Object.SelectTag(ApplicationName, GroupName, tag,
FromPriority, ToPriority)
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the group. For example, Turbine.
The name of the alarm tag. For example, valve 1.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.SelectTag ("\Intouch", "Turbine",
"Valve1",100, 900);
Using Alarm Viewer Control ActiveX Methods107
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SelectAll() Method
Toggles the selection of all the alarms in a display. Because
the alarm display has only a limited display area, the
SelectAll() function may select alarms that are not visible in
the display.
SelectItem() Method
Toggles the selection of an alarm record at a given row.
An integer value that is the row number for the alarm
record to select. The first row in the control is 0.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1 and Tag1 is
defined as a memory integer. This toggles the selection of the
tenth alarm record in the Alarm Viewer control.
Tag1 = 9;
#AlarmViewerCtrl1.SelectItem (Tag1);
UnSelectAll() Method
Unselects all the selected records.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
108 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Showing the Context Menu
Use the ShowContext() method to show the shortcut menu at
run time.
ShowContext() Method
Shows the shortcut menu if any one of the shortcut menus
are enabled.
The name of the control is AlarmViewerCtrl1.
Error Handling When Using Methods and
You can use the SilentMode property to hide errors during
run time. If the SilentMode property is set to 1, the Alarm
Viewer control does not show error messages in during run
time. If it is set to 0, the Alarm Viewer control shows error
messages. Error messages are always sent to the ArchestrA
Log Viewer.
Using ActiveX Events to Trigger Scripts
You can assign QuickScripts to Alarm Viewer control events,
such as a mouse click or double-click. When the event occurs,
the QuickScript runs.
The Alarm Viewer control supports the following events:
The Click event has one parameter called ClicknRow, which
identifies the row that is clicked at run time.
The DoubleClick event has one parameter called
DoubleClicknRow, which identifies the row that is
double-clicked at run time.
Using ActiveX Events to Trigger Scripts109
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Click and DoubleClick events are zero-based. When Click
and/or DoubleClick events are published for the user, the row
count in the display starts with 0.
Note The Alarm Viewer control ignores the user interface
methods when they are called from StartUp event, because the
control is not visible yet. These include: ShowSort(),
ShowContext(), GetSelectedItem(), GetNext(), GetPrevious() and
For more information about scripting ActiveX events, see
Chapter 8, Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the InTouch® HMI
Scripting and Logic Guide.
Running a Script When a New Alarm is Detected
You can configure the Alarm Viewer control to run an
ActiveX event script when the Alarm Viewer control detects a
new unacknowledged alarm (that is, any alarm that
transitions from a normal state to an unacknowledged state
and meets the control's query and priority filtering criteria).
The NewAlarmEventMode property controls triggering the
NewAlarm event.
If you set NewAlarmEventMode property to 0, the
NewAlarm event does not trigger. This is the default.
If you set the NewAlarmEventMode property to 1, and a
new alarm occurs:
An event is triggered.
The ActiveX event script associated with the
NewAlarm event runs.
The NewAlarmEventMode property is set to 0.
You must change the NewAlarmEventMode property
back to 1 to process subsequent events.
Use this setting if the application performs an action that
should not be performed again until the condition has
been corrected or acknowledged. For example, when the
event triggers, the ActiveX script can play an alarm
sound until the alarm is acknowledged. Then the alarm
sound can play again the next time a new alarm is
If you set the NewAlarmEventMode property to 2, the
NewAlarm event is active and continually triggers when
at least one new unacknowledged alarm arrives. You do
not need to change the value to process subsequent
events. The new event triggers at most one time per
second, regardless of how many additional new alarms
arrive in the same second.
110 Chapter 4 Viewing Current Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 5
Acknowledging Alarms in Real
When tag data transitions from a normal to an alarm state, a
new instance of its alarm is generated. The InTouch
Distributed Alarm system tracks each alarm instance
through the following states:
When the tag first enters the alarmed state
When the alarm makes a sub-state transition, if the
alarm is a multi-state alarm
When the alarm returns to normal
Whether the alarm is waiting for an acknowledgment
When the alarm is acknowledged
The life cycle of an alarm instance ends when the tag value
associated with the alarm returns to a normal, unalarmed
state. A subsequent transition to the alarmed state generates
a new alarm instance.
112 Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Understanding Alarm Acknowledgement
The InTouch HMI supports three models of alarm
For condition-oriented alarms, an acknowledgment
counts against all entries into the alarmed state up to the
time of the acknowledgment.
For expanded summary alarms, an acknowledgment is
only for a particular transition, whether to an alarmed
state, to a sub-state, or a return to normal. All transitions
into different alarm sub-states must be acknowledged
before the overall alarm is considered acknowledged.
For event-oriented alarms (as in OPC), an
acknowledgment is accepted only if it refers to the most
recent activation event.
Condition Acknowledgement Alarm Model
For condition-oriented alarms, an acknowledgment counts
against all entries into the alarmed state up to the time of
the acknowledgment.
Acknowledgment is for the instance of the alarm. An alarm
instance waits for an acknowledgement when it first enters
the alarmed state. If the alarm is acknowledged and
subsequently transitions to a new alarmed sub-state (for
example from "Hi" to HiHi"), it begins waiting for another
acknowledgement. Whenever the acknowledgement is
received, it is accepted and applies to all transitions of the
alarm that have occurred so far.
The alarm is considered acknowledged when the most recent
instance is acknowledged.
Expanded Summary Alarm Model
For expanded summary alarms, an acknowledgment is only
for a particular transition, whether to an alarmed state, to a
sub-state, or a return to normal. All transitions into different
alarm sub-states must be acknowledged before the overall
alarm is considered acknowledged.
The initial entry to the alarmed state must be acknowledged,
and the return to normal must also be separately
Understanding Alarm Acknowledgement Models113
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Any transition to a new alarm sub-state is treated as a new
occurrence that must be acknowledged, and whose return to
normal must also be acknowledged. Sub-state transitions are
treated as belonging to a "return to normal group," starting
with the first entry into an alarmed state when the item was
previously normal.
If the item returns to normal and subsequently enters the
alarmed state again, a new return to normal group is
Each transition must be acknowledged individually and
explicitly; and the alarm is considered acknowledged only
when the item has returned to normal and all transitions in
all pending return to normal groups have been
Note The term "summary" means "awaiting acknowledgment."
Alarms in this model are also known as “ring-back” alarms.
Expanded Summary Alarm Records
For expanded summary alarms, when an alarm occurs, a
record is generated in the alarm display object showing that
an alarm condition has occurred. The record shows the date
and time stamp of the alarm. This record remains visible
until an operator acknowledges the alarm and a
return-to-normal state has occurred. If the return-to-normal
state occurs before the alarm is acknowledged, then two
records are shown in the alarm object.
For example, a boiler’s temperature exceeds the high limit
state and triggers an alarm. Later, the boiler returns to its
normal temperature range before an operator can
acknowledge the alarm. The alarm system generates a record
that a high limit alarm occurred and an another record
indicating the alarm was not acknowledged.
Using Expanded Summary Alarms
When you define a tag and select Expanded Summary as its
acknowledgement model, an operator must acknowledge that
an alarm occurred even if the state triggering the alarm has
returned to normal. Acknowledging an alarm changes the
color of the alarm entry but does not change the time stamp.
Alarms only clear from the display when they are
acknowledged and the alarm has returned to a normal state.
Note When you define a tag with the expanded summary
acknowledgement mode, the RTN Implies ACK option in the
Alarm Properties dialog box does not apply to the tag.
114 Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Event-Based Alarm Model
For event-oriented alarms (as in OPC), an acknowledgment
is accepted only if it refers to the most recent activation
An alarm instance begins waiting for an acknowledgement
when it first enters the alarmed state. If the instance is
acknowledged and subsequently transitions to a new
alarmed sub-state, it begins waiting for another
acknowledgement. Each subsequent transition is assigned a
sequence number, and the acknowledgement must have
attached to it the sequence number of the transition to which
it is responding.
The acknowledgement is accepted only if it is for the most
recent transition. If it is accepted, it applies to all
transactions of the alarm that have occurred so far. The
alarm is considered acknowledged when the most recent
instance is acknowledged.
A rejected acknowledgement may be logged for diagnostic
purposes, but is not otherwise tracked in the system.
The event-oriented model ensures that if an alarm is
changing between different states, the acknowledgement
corresponds to current information. In systems with small
latency times, this may look just like condition-oriented
alarms. In other environments, such as the Internet, the
features of this model may become important.
Understanding Alarm Acknowledgement Models115
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Checking the Acknowledgement Model of a Tag
at Run Time
Use the .AlarmAckModel dotfield to monitor the
acknowledgement model associated with a tag.
.AlarmAckModel Dotfield
Monitors the acknowledgment model associated with a tag as
0 = condition (default)
1 = event oriented
2 = expanded summary
Any discrete, integer, real, indirect discrete and analog tag.
This dotfield defaults to 0 (condition acknowledgment
Data Type
Analog (read-only)
Valid Values
0, 1 or 2
The body of this IF-THEN statement is processed if the
PumpStation tag is associated with an event alarm:
IF (PumpStation.AlarmAckModel == 1) THEN
MyAlarmMessage="PumpStation is an Event
See Also
.Alarm, .Ack, .UnAck, .AckDev, .AckDSC, .AckROC
116 Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Dotfields to Acknowledge Alarms
You can create scripts that use dotfields to acknowledge all
current alarms, selected alarms, or only alarms of a specific
Acknowledging Alarms or Alarm Groups
You can create scripts that use the following dotfields to
acknowledge alarms of specified local tags or alarms within
specified alarm groups.
.Ack Dotfield
.UnAck Dotfield
You cannot acknowledge alarms that originate from the
Wonderware Application Server using these dotfields.
To acknowledge all local alarms of the running InTouch
application, use the $System alarm group in combination
with the appropriate .Ack dotfield.
.Ack Dotfield
Monitors or controls the alarm acknowledgment status of all
types of local alarms.
Any discrete, integer, real, indirect discrete and analog tag,
or alarm group.
Set this dotfield to a value of 1 to acknowledge any
outstanding alarms associated with a specified tag or alarm
group. When the specified tag is an alarm group, all
unacknowledged alarms associated with the tags within the
specified group are acknowledged. When the specified tag is
of any type other than alarm group, only the
unacknowledged alarm associated with that tag is
acknowledged. Setting the .Ack dotfield to a value other than
1 has no meaning.
Using Dotfields to Acknowledge Alarms117
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
The following statement acknowledges an alarm associated
with the Tag1 tag:
This next example would be used to acknowledge all
unacknowledged alarms within the PumpStation alarm
Note The .ACK dotfield has an inverse dotfield called .UnAck.
When an unacknowledged alarm occurs, .UnAck is set to 1. .UnAck
can then be used with animation links or in condition scripts to
trigger annunciators for any unacknowledged alarms.
See Also
Alarm, UnAck, AckDev, AckROC, AckDSC, AckValue,
.UnAck Dotfield
Monitors or controls the alarm acknowledgment status of
local alarms.
Any discrete, integer, real, indirect discrete and analog tag,
or alarm group.
Set this dotfield to a value of 0 to acknowledge any
outstanding alarms associated with the specified tag or
alarm group. When the specified tag is an alarm group, all
unacknowledged alarms associated with the tags within the
specified group are acknowledged. When the specified tag is
any other type, only the unacknowledged alarm associated
with that tag is acknowledged. Setting this dotfield to a value
other than 0 has no meaning.
118 Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Data Type
Discrete (read/reset) only
Valid Values
The following statement acknowledges any alarm associated
with the Tag1 tag.
This statement acknowledges all unacknowledged alarms
within the alarm group named PumpStation.
.UnAck has an inverse dotfield called .Ack. When an alarm
has been acknowledged, the value of the .Ack dotfield is set to
See Also
.Ack, Ack(), .Alarm, .AlarmAckModel
Acknowledging Value Alarms
You can create scripts that use the .AckValue dotfield to
acknowledge all value alarms of a specified local tag or all
value alarms in a specified alarm group.
.AckValue Dotfield
Monitors and controls the acknowledgment of local value
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
Set the .AckValue dotfield to 1 to acknowledge any
outstanding value alarms associated the specified tag/group.
When the specified tag is an alarm group, all
unacknowledged value alarms associated with the tags
within the specified group are acknowledged. When the
specified tag is of any type, only the unacknowledged value
alarm associated with that tag is acknowledged.
Setting this dotfield to a value other than 1 has no meaning.
Using Dotfields to Acknowledge Alarms119
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
The following statement acknowledges a value alarm
associated with the Tag1 tag:
This example acknowledges all unacknowledged value
alarms within the alarm group named PumpStation:
An indirect alarm group (using GroupVar) can be used to
acknowledge value alarms. For example, using an
assignment such as:
StationAlarms.Name = "PumpStation";
Where StationAlarms is defined as an alarm group type tag
and is then associated with PumpStation. Thus, the
statement below is similar to the above examples, except it is
used to acknowledge any unacknowledged value alarms
within the alarm group PumpStation, which is currently
associated with the StationAlarms alarm group tag.
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .UnAck, .AckDev, .AckDSC,
.AckROC, .AlarmAckModel
120 Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Acknowledging Discrete Alarms
You can create scripts that use the .AckDsc dotfield to
acknowledge the discrete alarm of a specified tag or all
discrete alarms of a specified alarm group.
.AckDsc Dotfield
Acknowledges the discrete alarm of a specified tag or all
discrete alarms of a specified alarm group.
Name assigned to the discrete tag or the name of an alarm
Set to 1 to acknowledge an active discrete alarm associated
with the specified tag or alarm group. When the specified tag
is an alarm group, all unacknowledged discrete alarms
associated with the tags within the specified group are
acknowledged. When the specified tag is of any type other
than alarm group, only the unacknowledged discrete alarm
associated with that tag is acknowledged. Setting this
dotfield to a value other than 1 has no meaning.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following statement verifies if Tag1 has an active
discrete alarm associated with it:
IF (Tag1.AlarmDsc == 1) THEN
MyAlarmMessage="The pumping station currently
has an ALARM!";
This dotfield is not linked to the .Ack or .UnAck dotfield.
Therefore, even when an active alarm has been
acknowledged, this dotfield remains equal to 1.
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmDSC, .Ack, .UnAck, .AckDev, .AckDSC,
.AckROC, .AckValue, .AlarmAckModel
Using Dotfields to Acknowledge Alarms121
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Acknowledging Deviation Alarms
You can create scripts that use the .AckDev dotfield to
acknowledge the minor or major deviation alarm of a
specified local tag or the deviation alarms of a specified
alarm group.
.AckDev Dotfield
Acknowledges the minor or major deviation alarms of a
specified local tag or all deviation alarms of a specified alarm
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
Set this dotfield to a value of 1 to acknowledge any
outstanding deviation alarms associated with the specified
tag or alarm group. When the specified tag is an alarm group,
all unacknowledged deviation alarms associated with the
tags within the specified group are acknowledged. Setting
this dotfield to a value other than 1 has no meaning.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
The following statement acknowledges a deviation alarm
associated with the Tag1 tag:
This next example would be used to acknowledge all
unacknowledged deviation alarms within the alarm group
named PumpStation:
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmDev, .Ack, .UnAck, .AckDSC, .AckROC,
.AckValue, .AlarmAckModel
122 Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Acknowledging Rate-of-Change Alarms
You can create scripts that use the .AckROC dotfield to
acknowledge the rate-of-change alarm of a specified local tag
or the rate-of-change alarms of a specified alarm group.
.AckROC Dotfield
Acknowledges the rate-of-change alarm of a specified local
tag or all rate-of-change alarms of a specified alarm group.
Name assigned to the integer, real, or indirect analog tag or
the name of an alarm group.
Set this dotfield to a value of 1 to acknowledge any
outstanding rate-of-change alarms associated with a
specified tag or alarm group. When the specified tag is an
alarm group, all unacknowledged rate-of-change alarms
associated with the tags within the specified group are
acknowledged. When the specified tag is of any type other
than alarm group, only the unacknowledged rate-of-change
alarm associated with that tag is acknowledged. Setting this
dotfield to a value other than 1 has no meaning.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
The following statement acknowledges a rate-of-change
alarm associated with a tag named Tag1.
This next example acknowledges all unacknowledged
rate-of-change alarms within the alarm group named
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmROC, .Ack, .UnAck, .AckDev, .AckDSC,
.AckValue, .AlarmAckModel
Using Script Functions to Acknowledge Alarms123
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Script Functions to Acknowledge
You can use the Ack() script function to acknowledge all
alarms for a tag or group.
If you are using the Alarm Viewer control, you can
acknowledge alarms using methods. For more information,
see Acknowledging Alarms on page 88.
If you are using the Distributed Alarm Display object, use
script functions to acknowledge alarms. For more
information, see Acknowledging Alarms on page 440.
Ack() Function
Acknowledges any unacknowledged InTouch alarm.
Ack TagName;
Any InTouch tag, alarm group, or group variable.
This function can be applied to a tag or an alarm group.
The following statements can be used on a push button to
acknowledge any unacknowledged alarm:
Ack $System; {All alarms}
Ack Tagname;
Ack GroupName;
See Also
almAckAll(), almAckGroup() almAckTag(), almAckDisplay(),
almAckRecent(), almAckPriority(). almAckSelect(),
almAckSelectedGroup(), almAckSelectedPriority(),
124 Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Automatic Acknowledgement When the
Tag Value Returns to Normal
The InTouch HMI can automatically acknowledge an alarm
when an alarmed tag’s value returns to its normal state. This
option does not apply to expanded summary alarms.
To configure alarm acknowledgement on return
On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click
Alarms. The Alarm Properties dialog box appears.
2 Select the RTN implies ACK check box to have the InTouch
HMI automatically acknowledge alarms whose values
return to the normal state (RTN).
3 Click OK.
Using Alarm Clients to Acknowledge Alarms
Operators acknowledge alarms that appear in the Alarm
Viewer control from WindowViewer.
In the display, the
State column shows the current
acknowledgement status of the alarm record you select. Also,
the text of a record is color coded to indicate its
acknowledgement status.
The alarms you acknowledge are removed from the display.
Using Alarm Clients to Acknowledge Alarms125
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To acknowledge all alarms
Right-click in the display, point to Ack Others, and then
click the appropriate command:
Click Ack All to acknowledge all current alarms.
Click Ack Visible to acknowledge all alarms visible in
the display.
Ack Comment dialog box appears.
2 Type an optional acknowledgement comment and click
To acknowledge selected alarms
Select one or more alarms.
2 Right-click and then click Ack Selected. The Ack Comment
dialog box appears.
3 Type an optional acknowledgement comment and click
To acknowledge alarms by group, tag, or priority
Select the alarm(s).
2 Right-click in the display, point to Ack Others, and then
click the appropriate command:
Click Ack Selected Groups to acknowledge all alarms
that belong to the selected alarm group(s).
Click Ack Selected Tags to acknowledge alarms for all
tags that have the same name(s) as the selected
Click Ack Selected Priorities to acknowledge all
alarms with the same priority or priorities as the
selected alarm(s).
Ack Comment dialog box appears.
3 Type an optional acknowledgement comment and click
126 Chapter 5 Acknowledging Alarms in Real Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm and Acknowledgement Comments
There are two kinds of comments: alarm comments and
acknowledgement comments.
The alarm comment is set when the new alarm instance
occurs. The .AlarmComment dotfield is used for alarm
comments and can be set or read in an InTouch script.
You specify the default value for this comment in the
tag's definition in the Tagname Dictionary. Alarm
comments can be up to 131 characters.
The acknowledgement comment is provided by the
operator when he or she acknowledges the alarm.
You can use the acknowledgement comment to update the
alarm comment in the tag database.
To allow alarm acknowledgement comments to update the
.AlarmComment dotfield
On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click
Alarms. The Alarm Properties dialog box appears.
2 Select the Retain ACK Comment As Alarm Comment check
box to update the tag’s .AlarmComment dotfield and the
Tagname Dictionary with the comments entered with
alarm acknowledgments.
If you do not select this check box, the acknowledgment
comment is shown with the acknowledged alarm (in the
database, printouts, and displays), but .AlarmComment
does not change.
3 Click OK.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 6
Controlling Alarm Properties of
Tags and Groups at Run Time
You can use alarm dotfields to dynamically manage alarm
conditions. Many of these dotfields are accessible using I/O,
expressions, and scripts. Through I/O access, you can
monitor and control a specific tag’s alarm information using
other Windows applications, such as Excel, or WindowViewer
running on a remote node.
To access dotfields associated with a tag, use this syntax:
For example, if you want to allow run-time changes to the
HiHi alarm limit on a tag named Analog_tag, you can create
an Analog - User Input touch link to a button and enter
Analog_tag.HiHiLimit as the expression in the link’s dialog
box. During run time, the operator simply clicks the button
and types in a new value for the HiHi alarm limit assigned to
the Analog_tag.
128 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The following table briefly describes each alarm dotfield.
Dotfield Description
.Ack Monitors/controls the alarm
acknowledgment status of
tags and alarm groups.
.Ack has an inverse tag
dotfield called .UnAck.
When an unacknowledged
alarm occurs, .UnAck is set
to 1. The .UnAck dotfield
can be used in animation
links or condition scripts to
trigger annunciators for
any unacknowledged
.AckDev Monitors/controls the alarm
acknowledgment status of
deviation type alarms
active on an analog tag or
alarm group.
.AckDsc Monitors/controls the
current acknowledgement
status of a discrete tag.
.AckROC Monitors/controls the alarm
acknowledgment status of
rate-of-change type alarms
active on the tag.
.AckValue Monitors the alarm
acknowledgment status of
value type alarms active on
the tag.
.Alarm Signals that an alarm
condition exists.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmAckModel Monitors the
acknowledgement model
associated with the tag as
0=condition (default)
Applies to discrete or
analog tags with alarms.
Read only, but can be
configured in
.AlarmDev Signals that a deviation
alarm exists.
.AlarmDevCount Tracks the total number of
active deviation alarms for
a given tag or alarm group.
.AlarmDevDeadband Monitors/controls the
deviation percentage
deadband for both minor
and major deviation alarms.
.AlarmDevUnAckCount Tracks the number of
unacknowledged deviation
alarms active on a given tag
or alarm group.
.AlarmDisabled Disables/enables events and
alarms. Applies to discrete
and analog tags with
alarms, or to alarm groups.
.AlarmDsc Indicates that a discrete
alarm condition is currently
.AlarmDscCount Tracks the total number of
discrete alarms active on a
given tag or alarm group.
Dotfield Description
130 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDscDisabled Indicates whether or not
the tag can generate
discrete alarms.
Note This dotfield is the
same as .AlarmDisabled
dotfield for a discrete tag.
.AlarmDscEnabled Indicates whether or not
the tag can generate
discrete alarms.
Note This dotfield is the
same as .AlarmEnabled
dotfield for a discrete tag.
.AlarmDscInhibitor Returns the name of the
inhibitor tag assigned to the
discrete alarm (if any) for
this tag.
.AlarmDscUnAckCount Tracks the total number of
unacknowledged discrete
alarms active for a given
tag or alarm group.
.AlarmEnabled Disables/enables events and
.AlarmHiDisabled Disables/enables the High
limit for analog tags with
.AlarmHiEnabled Disables/enables the High
limit for analog tags with
.AlarmHiHiDisabled Disables/enables the HiHi
limit for analog tags with
.AlarmHiHiEnabled Disables/enables the HiHi
limit for analog tags with
Dotfield Description
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmHiHiInhibitor Returns the inhibitor tag
reference for the HiHi limit.
Applies to analog tags with
alarms. Read only but can
be configured in
.AlarmHiInhibitor Returns the inhibitor tag
reference for the High limit.
Applies to analog tags with
Read only but can be
configured in
.AlarmLoDisabled Disables/enables the Low
limit for analog tags with
.AlarmLoEnabled Disables/enables the Low
limit for analog tags with
.AlarmLoInhibitor Returns the inhibitor tag
reference for the Low limit.
Applies to analog tags with
Read only but can be
configured in
.AlarmLoLoDisabled Disables/enables the LoLo
limit for analog tags with
.AlarmLoLoEnabled Disables/enables the LoLo
limit for analog tags with
.AlarmLoLoInhibitor Returns the inhibitor tag
reference for the LoLo limit.
Applies to analog tags with
Read only but can be
configured in
Dotfield Description
132 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmMajDevDisabled Disables/enables the Major
Deviation limit for analog
tags with alarms.
.AlarmMajDevEnabled Disables/enables the Major
Deviation limit for analog
tags with alarms.
.AlarmMajDevInhibitor Returns the inhibitor tag
reference for the Major
Deviation limit. Applies to
analog tags with alarms.
Read only but can be
configured in
.AlarmMinDevDisabled Disables/enables the Minor
Deviation limit for analog
tags with alarms.
.AlarmMinDevEnabled Disables/enables the Minor
Deviation limit for analog
tags with alarms.
.AlarmMinDevInhibitor Returns the inhibitor tag
reference for the Minor
Deviation limit. Applies to
analog tags with alarms.
Read only but can be
configured in
.AlarmROC Signals that a
rate-of-change type alarm
.AlarmROCCount Tracks the total number of
rate of change alarms active
on a given tag or alarm
.AlarmROCDisabled Disables/enables the rate of
change limit for analog tags
with alarms.
.AlarmROCEnabled Disables/enables the rate of
change limit for analog tags
with alarms.
Dotfield Description
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmROCInhibitor Returns the inhibitor tag
reference for the rate of
change limit. Applies to
analog tags with alarms.
Read only but can be
configured in
.AlarmROCUnAckCount Tracks the total number of
unacknowledged rate of
change alarms on a given
tag or alarm group.
.AlarmTotalCount Tracks the total number of
alarms active for a given
tag or alarm group.
.AlarmUnAckCount Tracks the total number of
unacknowledged alarms
active for a tag or alarm
.AlarmUserDefNum1 Read/write real (floating
point), default 0 and value
not set. Applies to discrete
tags with alarms, to analog
tags with alarms, or to
alarm groups.
Note The value of this
dotfield is attached to the
alarm, but ONLY if a value has
been set, for example, by a
script or a POKE.
.AlarmUserDefNum1Set Read/write discrete. TRUE
if a script has defined the
.AlarmUserDefNum1 for
the corresponding tag. To
disassociate the value of
.AlarmUserDefNum1 for
the tag, set this dotfield to
FALSE. The default is
Dotfield Description
134 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmUserDefNum2 Read/write real (floating
point), default 0 and value
not set. Applies to discrete
tags with alarms, to analog
tags with alarms, or to
alarm groups.
Note The value of this
dotfield is attached to the
alarm, but ONLY if a value has
been set, for example, by a
script or a POKE.
.AlarmUserDefNum2Set Read/write discrete. TRUE
if a script has defined the
.AlarmUserDefNum2 for
the corresponding tag. To
disassociate the value of
.AlarmUserDefNum2 for
the tag, set this dotfield to
FALSE. The default is
.AlarmUserDefStr Read/write text string,
default "" and value not set.
Applies to discrete tags
with alarms, to analog tags
with alarms, or to alarm
Note The value of this
dotfield is attached to the
alarm, but ONLY if a value has
been set, for example, by a
script or a POKE.
.AlarmUserDefStrSet Read/write discrete. TRUE
if a script has defined the
.AlarmUserDefStr for the
corresponding tag. To
disassociate the value of
.AlarmUserDefStr for the
tag, set this dotfield to
FALSE. The default is
Dotfield Description
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmValDeadband Monitors/controls the value
of an alarm’s value
.AlarmValueCount Tracks the total number of
value alarms active on a
given tagname or alarm
.AlarmValueUnAckCount Tracks the total number of
unacknowledged value
alarms active on a given
tagname or alarm group.
.DevTarget Monitors/controls the target
for minor and major
deviation alarms.
.HiLimit, .HiHiLimit,
.LoLimit, .LoLoLimit
Read/write analog tagname
dotfields that monitors
/controls the limits for value
alarm checks. These
dotfields are only valid for
integer and real tags.
.HiStatus, .HiHiStatus,
.LoStatus, .LoLoStatus
Read only discrete dotfields
that determines whether an
alarm of a specified type
exists. These fields are only
valid for integer and real
.MajorDevPct Read/write integer dotfield
that monitors or controls
the major percentage of
deviation for alarm
.MajorDevStatus Read-only discrete dotfield
that determines whether a
major deviation alarm
exists for the specified
.MinorDevPct Read/write integer dotfield
monitors and/or controls
the minor percentage of
deviation for alarm
Dotfield Description
136 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.MinorDevStatus Read only discrete dotfield
used to determine whether
a minor deviation alarm
exists for the specified
.Name Read/write message dotfield
used to display the actual
name of the tagname. For
example, it can be used to
determine the name of an
Alarm Group that a Group
Variable is pointing to, or
the name of a TagID tags. It
can also be written to
change the Alarm Group
that a Group Variable is
pointing to.
.Normal Read only discrete dotfield
that is equal to 1 when
there are no alarms for the
specified tagname. This
dotfield is valid for Alarm
Groups and Group
Variables as well as
ordinary tags.
.ROCPct Read/write dotfield used to
monitor and/or control the
rate of change for alarm
.ROCStatus Read only discrete dotfield
used to determine whether
a rate-of-change alarm
exists for the specified tag.
Dotfield Description
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in an Alarm Condition137
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in an
Alarm Condition
Use the following dotfields and a system tag to determine the
status of alarms in a running application. You can find out if
a new alarm occurred or whether a tag or alarm group is in
alarm or is the normal state. You can also find out the status
of discrete, deviation, and rate-of-change alarms.
$NewAlarm System Tag
$System System Tag
.Alarm Dotfield
.Normal Dotfield
.AlarmDsc Dotfield
.AlarmDev Dotfield
.AlarmROC Dotfield
.LoStatus Dotfield
.LoLoStatus Dotfield
.HiStatus Dotfield
.HiHiStatus Dotfield
.MinorDevStatus Dotfield
.MajorDevStatus Dotfield
.ROCStatus Dotfield
138 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
$NewAlarm System Tag
Set to 1 if a new alarm occurs in a running application. The
$NewAlarm system tag is not set for remote alarms.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 or 1
Associate the $NewAlarm system tag with an animation
object in an application window. For example, associate the
tag with an acknowledgment button that an operator clicks
to reset the value of the tag to 0 and acknowledge the alarm.
You can also link the $NewAlarm system tag to the
PlaySound logic function to sound an audible warning when
an alarm occurs.
Add a button to an alarm acknowledgement window and
attach the following action script that runs when the
operator clicks the button.
Ack $System;
When the operator clicks on the button, all alarms are
acknowledged, the $NewAlarm system tag is reset to 0, and
the alarm acknowledgement window is hidden from view.
$System System Tag
The default alarm group.
By default, tags are assigned to this root alarm group. All
defined alarm groups are descendants of $System.
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in an Alarm Condition139
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Data Type
System alarm group
$System.Ack = 1; {Acknowledges All Alarms}
.Alarm Dotfield
Returns 0 when a specified tag or alarm group is not
currently in an alarm state. When an alarm occurs, the
.Alarm dotfield returns 1. It remains at 1 until the alarm
condition no longer exists. The .Alarm dotfield has an inverse
dotfield called .Normal.
If the specified tag is the name of an alarm group, the .Alarm
dotfield returns 1 if any of the tags that belong to the group
are in an alarm state.
Any discrete, integer, real tag, indirect discrete and analog
tag, or alarm group tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following statement verifies if Tag1 has an active alarm
associated with it:
IF (Tag1.Alarm == 1) THEN
The body of this IF-THEN statement is processed if active
alarms exist within the PumpStation alarm group.
IF (PumpStation.Alarm == 1) THEN
MyAlarmMessage="The pumping station currently has an
This dotfield is not linked to the .Ack or .UnAck dotfields.
Therefore, even when an active alarm has been
acknowledged, .Alarm remains equal to 1.
140 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.Normal Dotfield
Returns 1 when a specified tag is not in an alarm condition.
When an alarm occurs, the .Normal dotfield returns 0. The
.Normal dotfield has an inverse dotfield called .Alarm.
Any discrete, integer, real tag, indirect discrete and analog
tag, or alarm group tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following IF-THEN statement runs when there are no
alarms associated with the Tag1 tag. When there is one or
more alarms active for Tag1, the "ELSE" body runs:
IF (Tag1.Normal==1) THEN
MyOperatorMessage="Tag1 is OK - No alarms associated
with it";
MyOperatorMessage="Tag1 has one or more alarms
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in an Alarm Condition141
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDsc Dotfield
Indicates whether an alarm condition exists for a specified
discrete tag or alarm group. The default value is 0. When a
discrete alarm condition exists for the specified tag, it is set
to a value of 1. The value remains 1 until the alarm condition
no longer exists.
If the specified tag is the name of an alarm group, the
.AlarmDsc dotfield is set to 1 if any of the tags within the
group are in an active discrete alarm.
Any discrete tag, indirect discrete tag, or alarm group.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following statement verifies if Tag1 has an active
discrete alarm associated with it:
IF (Tag1.AlarmDsc == 1) THEN
MyAlarmMessage="The pumping station currently
has an ALARM!";
This dotfield is not linked to the .Ack or .UnAck dotfields.
Therefore, even when an active alarm has been
acknowledged, the .AlarmDsc dotfield remains equal to 1.
See Also
.Ack, .UnAck, .Alarm, .AlarmDsc, .AckDsc
142 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDev Dotfield
Indicates when a deviation alarm becomes active for the
specified tag or alarm group. The default value is 0. When a
deviation alarm condition exists for the specified tag, it is set
to a value of 1. The value remains 1 until the alarm condition
no longer exists.
If the specified tag is the name of an alarm group, the
.AlarmDev dotfield is set to 1 if any of the tags within the
group are in an active alarm state.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following statement verifies if Tag1 has an active
deviation alarm associated with it:
IF (Tag1.AlarmDev == 1) THEN
The body of this IF-THEN statement is processed if there are
active deviation alarms within the PumpStation alarm
IF (PumpStation.AlarmDev == 1) THEN
MyAlarmMessage="The pumping station currently
has an ALARM!";
This dotfield is not linked to the .Ack or .UnAck dotfields.
Therefore, even when an active alarm has been
acknowledged, this dotfield remains equal to 1.
See Also
.Ack, .UnAck, .Alarm, .AckDev
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in an Alarm Condition143
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmROC Dotfield
Indicates when a rate-of-change alarm condition becomes
active for the specified tag or alarm group. The default value
is 0. When a rate-of-change alarm condition exists for the
specified tag, it is set to a value of 1. The value remains 1
until the rate-of-change alarm condition no longer exists.
If the specified tag is the name of an alarm group, the
.AlarmROC dotfield is set to 1 if any of the tags within the
group are in a rate-of-change alarm state.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following statement verifies if Tag1 has an active
rate-of-change alarm associated with it:
IF (Tag1.AlarmROC == 1) THEN
The body of this IF-THEN statement would be processed if
there were active rate-of-change alarms within the alarm
group named PumpStation.
IF (PumpStation.AlarmROC == 1) THEN
MyAlarmMessage="The pumping station currently
has an ALARM!";
This dotfield is not linked to the .Ack or .UnAck dotfield.
Therefore, even when an active rate-of-change alarm has
been acknowledged, this dotfield remains equal to 1.
See Also
.Ack, .AckROC, .Alarm, .AlarmROCEnabled,
144 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.LoStatus Dotfield
Indicates when a Low alarm condition becomes active for the
specified tag or alarm group. The default value is 0. When a
Low alarm condition exists for the specified tag, it is set to a
value of 1. The value remains 1 until the Low alarm
condition no longer exists.
This dotfield is often used in conjunction with the .Alarm and
.Ack dotfields to determine the specific alarm state of a
particular tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following IF-THEN runs when the .LoStatus (low alarm
condition) for the MyTag tag is equal to 1.
IF (MyTag.LoStatus == 1) THEN
OperatorMessage="MyTag has gone into Low
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .LoLimit, .LoSet,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoDisabled,
.AlarmLoEnabled, .AlarmLoInhibitor
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in an Alarm Condition145
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.LoLoStatus Dotfield
Indicates when a LoLo alarm condition becomes active for
the specified tag or alarm group. The default value is 0.
When a LoLo alarm condition exists for the specified tag, it is
set to a value of 1. The value remains 1 until the LoLo alarm
condition no longer exists.
This dotfield is often used in conjunction with the .Alarm and
.Ack dotfields to determine the exact nature of the alarm
status of a particular tag within the system.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following IF-THEN statement runs when the
.LoLoStatus (LoLo alarm limit) for the MyTag tag is equal to
IF (MyTag.LoLoStatus == 1) THEN
OperatorMessage="MyTag has gone into LoLo
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .LoLoLimit, .LoLoSet,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoLoDisabled,
.AlarmLoLoEnabled, .AlarmLoLoInhibitor
146 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.HiStatus Dotfield
Indicates when a High alarm condition becomes active for
the specified tag or alarm group. The default value is 0.
When a High alarm condition exists for the specified tag, it is
set to a value of 1. The value remains 1 until the High alarm
condition no longer exists.
This dotfield is often used in conjunction with the .Alarm and
.Ack dotfields to determine the specific alarm state of a tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
This script calls another script to stop a pump motor output if
the MotorAmps tag goes into high limit alarm status.
IF (MotorAmps.HiStatus == 1) THEN
CALL PumpShutdown( );
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .HiLimit, .HiSet,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmHiDisabled,
.AlarmHiEnabled, .AlarmHiInhibitor
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in an Alarm Condition147
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.HiHiStatus Dotfield
Indicates when a HiHi alarm condition becomes active for
the specified tag or alarm group. The default value is 0.
When a HiHi alarm condition exists for the specified tag, it is
set to a value of 1. The value remains 1 until the HiHi alarm
condition no longer exists.
This dotfield is often used in conjunction with the .Alarm and
.Ack dotfields to determine the specific alarm state of a tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following IF-THEN statement runs when the
.HiHiStatus (HiHi alarm) for the MyTag tag is 1.
IF (MyTag.HiHiStatus == 1) THEN
OperatorMessage="MyTag has gone into HiHi
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .HiHiLimit, .HiHiSet,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmHiHiDisabled,
.AlarmHiHiEnabled, .AlarmHiHiInhibitor
148 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.MinorDevStatus Dotfield
Indicates when a minor deviation alarm becomes active for
the specified tag or alarm group. The default value is 0.
When a minor deviation alarm condition exists for the
specified tag, it is set to a value of 1. The value remains 1
until the minor deviation alarm condition no longer exists.
This dotfield is often used in conjunction with the .Alarm and
.Ack dotfields to determine the specific alarm state of a tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following IF-THEN statement runs when the
.MinorDevStatus (minor deviation alarm) for the tag MyTag
is equal to 1.
IF (MyTag.MinorDevStatus == 1) THEN
OperatorMessage="MyTag has gone into a Minor
Deviation Alarm";
See Also
.AckDev, .AlarmDev, .AlarmMinDevDisabled,
.AlarmMinDevEnabled, .AlarmMinDevInhibitor,
.MinorDevPct, .MajorDevStatus
Determining if Tags or Alarm Groups are in an Alarm Condition149
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.MajorDevStatus Dotfield
Indicates when a major deviation alarm becomes active for
the specified tag or alarm group. The default value is 0.
When a major deviation alarm condition exists, the specified
dotfield is set to 1. The value remains 1 until the major
deviation alarm condition no longer exists.
This dotfield is often used in conjunction with the .Alarm and
.Ack dotfields to determine the specific alarm state of a tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following IF-THEN statement runs when the
.MajorDevStatus (Major deviation alarm) for the MyTag tag
is equal to 1.
IF (MyTag.MajorDevStatus == 1) THEN
OperatorMessage="MyTag has gone into a Major
Deviation Alarm";
See Also
.AckDev, .AlarmDev, .AlarmMajDevDisabled,
.AlarmMajDevEnabled, .AlarmMajDevInhibitor,
.MajorDevPct, .MajorDevSet, .MinorDevStatus
150 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.ROCStatus Dotfield
Indicates when a rate-of-change alarm becomes active for the
specified tag or alarm group. The default value is 0. When a
rate-of-change alarm condition exists for the specified tag, it
is set to a value of 1. The value remains 1 until the
rate-of-change alarm condition no longer exists.
This dotfield is often used in conjunction with the .Alarm and
.Ack dotfields to determine the specific alarm state of a tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The following IF-THEN statement runs when the
.ROCStatus (rate-of-change alarm) for the MyTag tag is
equal to 1.
IF (MyTag.ROCStatus == 1) THEN
OperatorMessage="MyTag has gone into a
Rate-Of-Change alarm";
See Also
.ROCPct, .ROCSet
Determining if Alarm Limits Are Set for Tags151
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Determining if Alarm Limits Are Set for Tags
The following dotfields indicate whether alarm limits are set
for a tag while an application is running.
.LoLoSet Dotfield
.LoSet Dotfield
.HiSet Dotfield
.HiHiSet Dotfield
.MinorDevSet Dotfield
.MajorDevSet Dotfield
.ROCSet Dotfield
.LoLoSet Dotfield
Indicates whether a LoLo alarm limit has been set for an
integer or real tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The THEN block executes if the LoLo alarm limit is set for
the MyTag tag:
IF (MyTag.LoLoSet== 1) THEN
MsgTag="LoLo alarm limit has been set for
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .LoLoStatus, .LoLoLimit,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoLoDisabled,
.AlarmLoLoEnabled, .AlarmLoLoInhibitor
152 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.LoSet Dotfield
Indicates whether a Low alarm limit has been set for an
integer or real tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The THEN block executes if the Low alarm limit is set for the
MyTag tag:
IF (MyTag.LoSet== 1) THEN
MsgTag="Low alarm limit has been set for
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .LoStatus, .LoLimit,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoDisabled,
.AlarmLoEnabled, .AlarmLoInhibitor
Determining if Alarm Limits Are Set for Tags153
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.HiSet Dotfield
Indicates whether a High alarm limit has been set for an
integer or real tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The THEN block executes if the High alarm limit is set for
the MyTag tag:
IF (MyTag.HiSet== 1) THEN
MsgTag="High alarm limit has been set for
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .HiHiStatus, .HiHiLimit,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmHiHiDisabled,
.AlarmHiHiEnabled, .AlarmHiHiInhibitor
154 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.HiHiSet Dotfield
Indicates whether a HiHi alarm limit has been set for an
integer or real tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The THEN block executes if the HiHi alarm limit is set for
the MyTag tag:
IF (MyTag.HiHiSet== 1) THEN
MsgTag="HiHi alarm limit has been set for
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .HiHiStatus, .HiHiLimit,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmHiHiDisabled,
.AlarmHiHiEnabled, .AlarmHiHiInhibitor
Determining if Alarm Limits Are Set for Tags155
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.MinorDevSet Dotfield
Indicates whether a minor deviation alarm limit has been set
for an integer or real tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The THEN block executes if the minor deviation percentage
alarm limit is set for the MyTag tag:
IF (MyTag.MinorDevSet== 1) THEN
MsgTag="Minor deviation alarm limit has been
set for MyTag";
See Also
.AckDev, .AlarmDev, .AlarmMinDevDisabled,
.AlarmMinDevEnabled, .AlarmMinDevInhibitor,
.MinorDevPct, .MinorDevStatus
156 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.MajorDevSet Dotfield
Indicates whether a major deviation alarm limit has been set
for an integer or real tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The THEN block executes if the major deviation percentage
alarm limit is set for the MyTag tag:
IF (MyTag.MajorDevSet== 1) THEN
MsgTag="Major deviation alarm limit has been
set for MyTag";
See Also
.AckDev, .AlarmDev, .AlarmMajDevDisabled,
.AlarmMajDevEnabled, .AlarmMajDevInhibitor,
.MajorDevPct, .MajorDevStatus
Determining if Alarm Limits Are Set for Tags157
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.ROCSet Dotfield
Indicates whether a rate-of-change alarm limit has been set
for an integer or real tag.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or 1
The THEN block executes if the rate-of-change alarm limit is
set for the MyTag tag:
IF (MyTag.ROCSet == 1) THEN
MsgTag="Rate-of-change alarm limit has been
set for MyTag";
See Also
.Alarm, .Ack, .LoLimit, .LoLoLimit, .HiHiLimit, .HiLimit,
.HiSet, .LoSet, .LoLoSet, .HiStatus, .HiHiStatus, .ROCPct,
158 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or
Alarm Group
The InTouch HMI provides a set of dotfields that can enable
or disable alarms that are set for a tag while an application is
Enabling/Disabling All Alarms
The .AlarmEnabled and .AlarmDisabled dotfields enable or
disable alarms for a tag or alarm group based upon their
respective values. The alarm states associated with both
dotfields are the inverse of each other. In the case of
.AlarmEnabled, a value of 1 enables alarms for a tag or
alarm group. An .AlarmDisabled value of 1 disables alarms
for a tag or alarm group.
When either dotfield enables alarms for an alarm group, all
tags that belong to the group have alarming enabled. When
either dotfield disables alarms, all events and alarms are
ignored. The alarms are not stored in alarm memory, nor are
they written to disk.
.AlarmEnabled Dotfield
Enables or disables alarms for a tag or an alarm group.
Any discrete, integer, real, indirect discrete, indirect analog
tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmEnabled is set to 0, all events and alarms are
ignored. They are not stored in alarm memory, nor are they
written to disk. It is very important to re-enable
events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data loss.
When the specified tag is an alarm group, all alarms
associated with the tags within the specified alarm group are
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group159
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables the alarms of the Tag1 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled Dotfield
Enables or disables alarms for a tag or an alarm group.
Any discrete, integer, real, indirect discrete, indirect analog
tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmDisabled is set to 1, all events and alarms are
ignored. They are not stored in alarm memory, nor are they
written to disk. It is very important to re-enable
events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data loss.
When the specified tag is an alarm group, all alarms
associated with the tags within the specified alarm group are
This is the opposite of the .AlarmEnabled dotfield.
The following example enables the alarms of the Tag1 tag.
See Also
160 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling/Disabling LoLo Alarms
The .AlarmLoLoEnabled and .AlarmLoLoDisabled dotfields
enable or disable LoLo alarms for a tag or alarm group based
upon their respective values. The LoLo alarm states
associated with both dotfields are the inverse of each other.
In the case of .AlarmLoLoEnabled, a value of 1 enables LoLo
alarms for a tag or alarm group. An .AlarmLoLoDisabled
value of 1 disables LoLo alarms for a tag or alarm group.
When either dotfield enables LoLo alarms for an alarm
group, all tags that belong to the group have LoLo alarms
enabled. When either dotfield disables LoLo alarms, all LoLo
alarms are ignored. The alarms are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk.
.AlarmLoLoEnabled Dotfield
Enables or disables LoLo condition events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmLoLoEnabled is set to 0, all LoLo condition
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables the LoLo alarms of the Tag1
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoLoDisabled
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group161
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmLoLoDisabled Dotfield
Enables or disables LoLo condition events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmLoLoDisabled is set to 1, all LoLo condition
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
1 = Disable alarms
0 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example enables LoLo alarms of the Tag2 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoLoEnabled
162 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling/Disabling Low Alarms
The .AlarmLoEnabled and .AlarmLoDisabled dotfields
enable or disable Low alarms for a tag or alarm group based
upon their respective values. The Low alarm states
associated with both dotfields are the inverse of each other.
In the case of .AlarmLoEnabled, a value of 1 enables Low
alarms for a tag or alarm group. An .AlarmLoDisabled value
of 1 disables Low alarms for a tag or alarm group.
When either dotfield enables Low alarms for an alarm group,
all tags that belong to the group have Low alarms enabled.
When either dotfield disables Low alarms, all Low alarms
are ignored. The alarms are not stored in alarm memory, nor
are they written to disk.
.AlarmLoEnabled Dotfield
Enables or disables Low condition events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmLoEnabled is set to 0, all Low condition events
and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables the Low alarms of the Tag1
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoDisabled
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group163
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmLoDisabled Dotfield
Enables or disables Low condition events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmLoDisabled is set to 1, all Low condition events
and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
1 = Disable alarms
0 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example enables Low alarms of the Tag2 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoEnabled
164 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling/Disabling High Alarms
The .AlarmHiEnabled and .AlarmHiDisabled dotfields
enable or disable High alarms for a tag or alarm group based
upon their respective values. The High alarm states
associated with both dotfields are the inverse of each other.
In the case of .AlarmHiEnabled, a value of 1 enables High
alarms for a tag or alarm group. An .AlarmHiDisabled value
of 1 disables High alarms for a tag or alarm group.
When either dotfield enables High alarms for an alarm
group, all tags that belong to the group have High alarms
enabled. When either dotfield disables High alarms, all High
alarms are ignored. The High alarms are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk.
.AlarmHiEnabled Dotfield
Enables or disables High condition events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmHiEnabled is set to 0, all High condition events
and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmHiDisabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables the High alarms of the tag
See Also
.AlarmHiDisabled, .AlarmEnabled
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group165
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmHiDisabled Dotfield
Enables or disables High condition events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmHiDisabled is set to 1, all High condition events
and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmHiEnabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
1 = Disable alarms
0 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example enables High alarms of the Tag2 tag:
See Also
.AlarmHiEnabled, .AlarmDisabled
166 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling/Disabling HiHi Alarms
The .AlarmHiHiEnabled and .AlarmHiHiDisabled dotfields
enable or disable HiHi alarms for a tag or alarm group based
upon their respective values. The HiHi alarm states
associated with both dotfields are the inverse of each other.
In the case of .AlarmHiHiEnabled, a value of 1 enables HiHi
alarms for a tag or alarm group. An .AlarmHiHiDisabled
value of 1 disables HiHi alarms for a tag or alarm group.
When either dotfield enables HiHi alarms for an alarm
group, all tags that belong to the group have HiHi alarms
enabled. When either dotfield disables HiHi alarms, all HiHi
alarms are ignored. The HiHi alarms are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk.
.AlarmHiHiEnabled Dotfield
Enables and/or disables HiHi condition events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmHiHiEnabled is set to 0, all HiHi condition
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1= Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables the HiHi alarms of the Tag1
See Also
.AlarmHiHiDisabled, .AlarmEnabled
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group167
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmHiHiDisabled Dotfield
Enables or disables HiHi condition events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmHiHiDisabled is set to 1, all HiHi condition
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmHiHiEnabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
1 = Disable alarms
0 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example enables HiHi alarms of the Tag2 tag:
See Also
.AlarmHiHiEnabled, .AlarmDisabled
168 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling/Disabling Discrete Alarms
The .AlarmDscEnabled and .AlarmDscDisabled dotfields
enable or disable discrete alarms for a tag or alarm group
based upon their respective values. The discrete alarm states
associated with both dotfields are the inverse of each other.
In the case of .AlarmDscEnabled, a value of 1 enables
discrete alarms for a tag or alarm group. An
.AlarmDscDisabled value of 1 disables discrete alarms for a
tag or alarm group.
When either dotfield enables discrete alarms for an alarm
group, all tags that belong to the group have discrete alarms
enabled. When either dotfield disables discrete alarms, all
discrete alarms are ignored. The discrete alarms are not
stored in alarm memory, nor are they written to disk.
.AlarmDscEnabled Dotfield
Indicates indicates whether or not the tag can generate
discrete alarms.
Any discrete or indirect discrete tag or alarm group.
When .AlarmDscEnabled is set to 0, all discrete condition
alarms and events are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to a disk. It is very important
to re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmDscDisabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1= Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables the discrete alarms of the
Tag1 tag:
See Also
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group169
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDscDisabled Dotfield
Indicates whether or not the tag can generate discrete
Any discrete or indirect discrete tag or alarm group.
When .AlarmDscDisabled is set to 1, all discrete condition
alarms and events are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to a disk. It is very important
to re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmDscEnabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
1 = Disable alarms
0 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example enables discrete alarms of the Tag2
170 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling/Disabling Minor Deviation Alarms
The .AlarmMinDevEnabled and .AlarmMinDevDisabled
dotfields enable or disable minor deviation alarms for a tag
or alarm group based upon their respective values. The
minor deviation alarm states associated with both dotfields
are the inverse of each other. In the case of
.AlarmMinDevEnabled, a value of 1 enables minor deviation
alarms for a tag or alarm group. An .AlarmMinDevDisabled
value of 1 disables minor deviation alarms for a tag or alarm
When either dotfield enables minor deviation alarms for an
alarm group, all tags that belong to the group have minor
deviation alarms enabled. When either dotfield disables
minor deviation alarms, all minor deviation alarms are
ignored. The minor deviation alarms are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk.
.AlarmMinDevEnabled Dotfield
Enables or disables minor deviation events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmMinDevEnabled is set to 0, all minor deviation
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1= Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables the minor deviation alarms of
the Tag1 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmMinDevDisabled
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group171
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmMinDevDisabled Dotfield
Enables or disables minor deviation events and alarms.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmMinDevDisabled is set to 1, all minor deviation
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmMinDevEnabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
1 = Disable alarms
0 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example enables minor deviation alarms of the
Tag2 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmMinDevEnabled
172 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling/Disabling Major Deviation Alarms
The .AlarmMajDevEnabled and .AlarmMajDevDisabled
dotfields enable or disable major deviation alarms for a tag or
alarm group based upon their respective values. The major
deviation alarm states associated with both dotfields are the
inverse of each other. In the case of .AlarmMajDevEnabled, a
value of 1 enables major deviation alarms for a tag or alarm
group. An .AlarmMajDevDisabled value of 1 disables major
deviation alarms for a tag or alarm group.
When either dotfield enables major deviation alarms for an
alarm group, all tags that belong to the group have major
deviation alarms enabled. When either dotfield disables
major deviation alarms, all major deviation alarms are
ignored. The major deviation alarms are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk.
.AlarmMajDevEnabled Dotfield
Enables or disables major deviation events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmMajDevEnabled is set to 0, all major deviation
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmMajDevDisabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1= Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables major deviation alarms of the
Tag1 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmMajDevDisabled
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group173
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmMajDevDisabled Dotfield
Enables or disables major deviation events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmMajDevDisabled is set to 1, all major deviation
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmMajDevEnabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
1 = Disable alarms
0 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example enables major deviation alarms of the
Tag2 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmMajDevEnabled
174 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Enabling/Disabling Rate-Of-Change Alarms
The .AlarmROCEnabled and .AlarmROCDisabled dotfields
enable or disable rate-of-change alarms for a tag or alarm
group based upon their respective values. The rate-of-change
alarm states associated with both dotfields are the inverse of
each other. In the case of .AlarmROCEnabled, a value of 1
enables rate-of-change alarms for a tag or alarm group. An
.AlarmROCDisabled value of 1 disables rate-of-change
alarms for a tag or alarm group.
When either dotfield enables rate-of-change alarms for an
alarm group, all tags that belong to the group have
rate-of-change alarms enabled. When either dotfield disables
rate-of-change alarms, all rate-of-change alarms are ignored.
The rate-of-change alarms are not stored in alarm memory,
nor are they written to disk.
.AlarmROCEnabled Dotfield
Enables or disables rate-of-change events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmROCEnabled is set to 0, all rate-of-change
condition events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored
in alarm memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very
important to re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to
avoid data loss.
This is the opposite of the .AlarmROCDisabled dotfield.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
0 = Disable alarms
1 = Enable alarms (default)
The following example disables the rate-of-change alarms of
the Tag1 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmROCDisabled
Enabling and Disabling Alarms for a Tag or Alarm Group175
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmROCDisabled Dotfield
Disables or enables rate-of-change events and alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
When .AlarmROCDisabled is set to 1, all rate-of-change
events and alarms are ignored. They are not stored in alarm
memory, nor are they written to disk. It is very important to
re-enable events/alarms, whenever possible, to avoid data
This is the opposite of the .AlarmROCEnabled property.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
Valid Values
1= Disable alarms
0= Enable alarms (default)
The following example enables rate-of-change alarms of the
Tag2 tag:
See Also
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmROCEnabled
176 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Changing a Tag's Alarm Limits
Use the following dotfields to change a tag’s alarm limits
while an application is running. You can change the limit for
LoLo, Low, High, and HiHi alarms, the major and minor
deviation percentage and target, and the rate-of-change
.LoLoLimit Dotfield
.LoLimit Dotfield
.HiLimit Dotfield
.HiHiLimit Dotfield
.MinorDevPct Dotfield
.MajorDevPct Dotfield
.DevTarget Dotfield
.ROCPct Dotfield
.LoLoLimit Dotfield
Changes a tag’s LoLo alarm limit.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the
Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Analog (read/write)
Valid Values
Must be in value range configured for the specified tag.
Changing a Tag's Alarm Limits177
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
This statement decreases the LoLo alarm limit for the
MyTag1 tag by a value of 10:
MyTag1.LoLoLimit=MyTag1.LoLoLimit - 10;
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .LoLoStatus, .LoLoSet,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoLoDisabled,
.AlarmLoLoEnabled, .AlarmLoLoInhibitor
.LoLimit Dotfield
Changes a tag’s Low alarm limit.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Analog (read/write)
Valid Values
Must be in value range configured for the specified tag.
This statement decreases the Low alarm limit for the MyTag
tag by a value of 10:
MyTag.LoLimit=MyTag.LoLimit - 10;
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .LoStatus, .LoSet,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmLoDisabled,
.AlarmLoEnabled, .AlarmLoInhibitor
178 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.HiLimit Dotfield
Changes a tag’s High alarm limit.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the
Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Analog (read/write)
Valid Values
Must be in value range configured for the specified tag.
This statement sets the High limit alarm for the PumpTemp
tag to 212:
PumpTemp.HiLimit = 212;
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .HiHiStatus, .HiHiSet,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmHiHiDisabled,
.AlarmHiHiEnabled, .AlarmHiHiInhibitor
Changing a Tag's Alarm Limits179
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.HiHiLimit Dotfield
Changes a tag’s HiHi alarm limit.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the
Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Analog (read/write)
Valid Values
Must be in value range configured for the specified tag.
The following statement increases the HiHi alarm limit for
the MyTag tag by a value of 5:
MyTag.HiHiLimit=MyTag.HiHiLimit + 5;
See Also
.Alarm, .AlarmValue, .Ack, .HiHiStatus, .HiHiSet,
.AlarmDisabled, .AlarmEnabled, .AlarmHiHiDisabled,
.AlarmHiHiEnabled, .AlarmHiHiInhibitor
180 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.MinorDevPct Dotfield
Changes a tag’s minor deviation alarm limit.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the
Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Real (read/write)
Valid Values
0 to 100
The following statement sets the minor deviation limit
property for the MyTag tag to 25 percent:
See Also
.AckDev, .AlarmDev, .AlarmMinDevDisabled,
.AlarmMinDevEnabled, .AlarmMinDevInhibitor,
.MinorDevSet, .MinorDevStatus
Changing a Tag's Alarm Limits181
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.MajorDevPct Dotfield
Changes a tag’s major alarm deviation limit.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the
Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Real (read/write)
Valid Values
0 to 100
The following statement sets the major deviation limit
property for the MyTag tag to 25 percent:
See Also
.AckDev, .AlarmDev, .AlarmMajDevDisabled,
.AlarmMajDevEnabled, .AlarmMajDevInhibitor,
.MajorDevSet, .MajorDevStatus
182 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.DevTarget Dotfield
Changes the target for a tag’s minor and major deviation
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Real (read/write)
Valid Values
Must be in value range specified for the tag
The following statement sets the deviation target for the
MyTag tag to 500;
See Also
.AckDev, .AlarmDev, .AlarmMajDevDisabled,
.AlarmMajDevEnabled, .AlarmMajDevInhibitor,
.MajorDevSet, .MajorDevStatus
Changing a Tag's Alarm Limits183
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.ROCPct Dotfield
Changes a tag’s rate-of-change alarm limit.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
The dotfield corresponds directly to the same field configured
within the alarm section of the Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Integer (read/write)
Valid Values
0 to 100
The following statement sets the rate-of-change alarm limit
of the MyTag tag to 25 percent:
See Also
.ROCStatus, .ROCSet
184 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Changing a Tag's Alarm Deadbands
Use the following dotfields to change a tag’s alarm deadband
range while an application is running:
.AlarmValDeadband Dotfield
.AlarmDevDeadband Dotfield
.AlarmValDeadband Dotfield
Changes a tag’s deadband value while an InTouch
application is running.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the
Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Analog (read/write)
Valid Values
Must be in value range specified for the tag
The following statement changes the deadband for Tag1 tag
to a value of 25:
See Also
Changing a Tag's Alarm Deadbands185
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDevDeadband Dotfield
Changes a tag’s deviation percentage deadband for both
minor and major deviation alarms.
Any integer, real, or indirect analog tag.
If you want to continue to use the run-time value of this
dotfield after an intentional or accidental shutdown of
WindowViewer, select the Retentive Parameters option in the
Tagname Dictionary.
Data Type
Integer (read/write)
Valid Values
0 to 100
The following statement changes the deviation deadband
percentage to 25 percent:
See Also
.AlarmValDeadband, .AlarmDev
186 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Changing the Alarm Comment Associated with
a Tag
The .AlarmComment dotfield returns a comment text string
that is associated with the alarm of a tag or alarm group.
.AlarmComment Dotfield
Returns a comment text string that is associated with the
alarm of a tag or alarm group. By default, it is empty in a
new application.
Any tag or alarm group.
Data Type
Message (read/write)
Valid Values
The following example returns the alarm comment for a tag
and places it in another memory Message tag:
The following example returns the alarm comment for a tag
selected in an distributed alarm object AlmObj_1 and places
it in the almComment memory message tag :
GetPropertyM(“AlmObj_1.AlarmComment”, almComment);
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass, .AlarmDate,
.AlarmLimit, .AlarmName, .AlarmOprName,
.AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv, .AlarmState,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
Associating User-Defined Information with an Alarm Instance187
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Associating User-Defined Information with an
Alarm Instance
You can attach three items to an alarm record: two numbers
and a string. Use the following dotfields to add information to
an alarm record.
.AlarmUserDefNumX Dotfields
.AlarmUserDefStr Dotfield
.AlarmUserDefNumX Dotfields
To simplify setting user values, you can set these dotfields on
an alarm group as well as on a specific tag. For example,
InBatch could set the batch number in .AlarmUserDefNum1
all the way up at the $System alarm group, causing all
alarms to have the batch number attached.
The .AlarmUserDefNum1 and .AlarmUserDefNum2
dotfields correspond to the User1 and User2 columns in the
Alarm Viewer control, respectively.
If you set .AlarmUserDefNum1 on an alarm group, it applies
to all alarms in that group and any of its sub-groups. You can
also specifically set the value of .AlarmUserDefNum1 on a
tag. In this case, it applies only to that tag and overwrites
any setting of .AlarmUserDefNum1 in the tag's alarm group.
Any discrete, integer, real, indirect discrete, indirect analog
tag, or alarm group.
This user-defined dotfield is enabled for a wide range of tags,
particularly discrete tags, analog tags, and alarm groups
(whether or not they have alarms defined). You can leave
these items unset, set all of them, or set only some of them
for any individual tag, group, or parent group.
The value of this dotfield is attached to the alarm, but ONLY
if a value has been set, for example, by a script or a POKE.
Data Types
Analog (read/write)
188 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Valid Values
Any real value and not set (default)
The following examples use constant values. However, you
can use InTouch QuickScripts to copy the value of another
tag to any of these user-defined fields. You can also use PtAcc
to set or inspect them, or use InTouch as an I/O Server to get
or set the values.
$System.AlarmUserDefNum1 = 4;
GroupA.AlarmUserDefNum1 = 27649;
In concept, the lowest-level setting prevails, when an alarm
notification is sent to the Distributed Alarm system. That is,
if the tag has .AlarmUserDefNum1 set to some value, the
alarm record should be populated using that setting.
However, if the tag doesn't have one, WindowViewer checks
if the tag's alarm group has one, and so on up the line until
the root group $System is reached. If no setting is found at
any level, the entry in the alarm record will be left empty
(zero for numbers, an empty string for strings).
Note This hierarchical search is handled independently for each
item. Therefore, if a tag has a setting for .AlarmUserDefNum2 but
not for .AlarmUserDefNum1, but its parent group has a setting for
.AlarmUserDefNum1, the tag will inherit the setting for
.AlarmUserDefNum1 from its parent group.
See Also
.AlarmUserDefStr Dotfield
The .AlarmUserDefStr dotfield is attached to the information
recorded for each alarm by Alarm DB Logger in the alarm
database. The .AlarmUserDefStr dotfield corresponds to
database field User3. You can use the "user-defined" columns
in a SELECT statement to select particular collections of
alarms for database operations. For example, if
$System.AlarmUserDefStr is set to a Batch String and is
changed each time the Batch changes, a selection involving
the database field User3 can be used to select alarms for
particular batches.
Associating User-Defined Information with an Alarm Instance189
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Any discrete, integer, real, indirect discrete, or indirect
analog tag, or alarm group.
This user-defined dotfield is enabled for a wide range of tags,
particularly discrete tags, analog tags, and alarm groups
(whether or not they have alarms defined). You can leave
these items unset, set all of them, or set only some of them
for any individual tag, group, or parent group.
The value of this dotfield is attached to the alarm, but ONLY
if a value has been set, for example, using a script or a
Data Type
Message (read/write)
Valid Values
NULL and any valid string
This example uses a constant value. However, you can use
InTouch QuickScripts to copy the value of another tag to any
of these user-defined fields. You can also use PtAcc to set or
inspect them, or use InTouch as an I/O Server to get or set
the values.
Tag04.AlarmUserDefStr = "Joe";
In concept, the lowest-level setting prevails, when an alarm
notification is sent to the Distributed Alarm system. That is,
if the tag has .AlarmUserDefStr set to some value, the alarm
record should be populated using that setting. However, if
the tag doesn't have one, WindowViewer will check if the
tag's alarm group has one, and so on up the line until the root
group $System is reached. If no setting is found at any level,
the entry in the alarm record will be left empty (zero for
numbers, an empty string for strings).
Also note that this hierarchical search is handled
independently for each item. Therefore, if a tag has a setting
for .AlarmUserDefNum1 but not for .AlarmUserDefStr, but
its parent group has a setting for .AlarmUserDefStr, that
setting is used in the alarm record.
See Also
190 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Determining the Inhibitor Tag of a Tag or
Alarm Group
Use the following dotfields to determine the inhibitor tag of
various types of alarms.
.AlarmDscInhibitor Dotfield
.AlarmLoLoInhibitor Dotfield
.AlarmLoInhibitor Dotfield
.AlarmHiInhibitor Dotfield
.AlarmHiHiInhibitor Dotfield
.AlarmMinDevInhibitor Dotfield
.AlarmMajDevInhibitor Dotfield
.AlarmROCInhibitor Dotfield
.AlarmDscInhibitor Dotfield
Returns the name of the inhibitor tag assigned to a discrete
Any discrete tag or alarm group.
Configured in WindowMaker. Cannot be changed during run
Data Types
Message (read-only)
Determining the Inhibitor Tag of a Tag or Alarm Group191
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The .AlarmDSCInhibitor dotfield is used by setting .Name to
an Indirect tag that is equal to the value of the
.AlarmDscInhibitor tag then manipulating the value of the
Indirect tag.
The following statement returns the name of the alarm
inhibitor tag for a discrete alarm (assuming
SomeIndirectTag is an analog indirect tag):
SomeIndirectTag.Name =
The inhibition state of the alarmed tag can be controlled by
setting the value of the indirect tag as follows:
SomeIndirectTag = 1;
Turns on inhibition. Discrete alarms are disabled for
SomeIndirectTag = 0;
Turns off inhibition
Discrete alarms can be generated for AlarmedTag
192 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmLoLoInhibitor Dotfield
Returns the name of the inhibitor tag assigned to a LoLo
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group tag.
Configured in WindowMaker. Cannot be changed during run
Data Types
Message (read-only)
The .AlarmLoLoInhibitor dotfield is used by setting .Name to
an Indirect tag that is equal to the value of the
.AlarmLoLoInhibitor tag then manipulating the value of the
Indirect tag.
The following statement returns the name of the alarm
inhibitor tag for a LoLo alarm limit (assuming
SomeIndirectTag is an analog indirect tag):
SomeIndirectTag.Name =
The inhibition state of the alarmed tag can be controlled by
setting the value of the Indirect tag as follows:
SomeIndirectTag = 1;
Turns on inhibition
LoLo alarms are disabled for AlarmedTag
SomeIndirectTag = 0;
Turns off inhibition
LoLo alarms can be generated for AlarmedTag
See Also
.AlarmHiInhibitor, .AlarmHiHiInhibitor, .AlarmLoInhibitor
Determining the Inhibitor Tag of a Tag or Alarm Group193
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmLoInhibitor Dotfield
Returns the name of the inhibitor tag assigned to a Low
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group tag.
Configured in WindowMaker. Cannot be changed during run
Data Types
Message (read-only)
The .AlarmLoInhibitor dotfield is used by setting .Name to
an Indirect tag that is equal to the value of the
.AlarmLoInhibitor tag then manipulating the value of the
Indirect tag.
The following statement returns the name of the alarm
inhibitor tag for a Low alarm limit (assuming
SomeIndirectTag is an analog indirect tag):
SomeIndirectTag.Name =
The inhibition state of the alarmed tag can be controlled by
setting the value of the Indirect tag as follows:
SomeIndirectTag = 1;
Turns on inhibition
Low alarms are disabled for AlarmedTag
SomeIndirectTag = 0;
Turns off inhibition
Low alarms can be generated for AlarmedTag
See Also
.AlarmHiInhibitor, .AlarmHiHiInhibitor,
194 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmHiInhibitor Dotfield
Returns the name of the inhibitor tag assigned to a High
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group tag.
Configured in WindowMaker. Cannot be changed during run
Data Types
Message (read-only)
The .AlarmHiInhibitor dotfield is used by setting .Name to
an Indirect tag that is equal to the value of the
.AlarmHiInhibitor tag then manipulating the value of the
Indirect tag.
The following statement returns the name of the alarm
inhibitor tag for a High alarm limit (assuming
SomeIndirectTag is an analog indirect tag):
SomeIndirectTag.Name =
The inhibition state of the alarmed tag can be controlled by
setting the value of the Indirect tag as follows:
SomeIndirectTag = 1;
Turns on inhibition
High alarms are disabled for AlarmedTag
SomeIndirectTag = 0;
Turns off inhibition
High alarms can be generated for AlarmedTag
See Also
.AlarmHiHiInhibitor, .AlarmLoInhibitor,
Determining the Inhibitor Tag of a Tag or Alarm Group195
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmHiHiInhibitor Dotfield
Returns the name of the inhibitor tag assigned to a HiHi
alarm condition.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group tag.
Configured in WindowMaker. Cannot be changed during run
Data Types
Message (read-only)
The .AlarmHiHiInhibitor dotfield is used by setting .Name to
an Indirect tag that is equal to the value of the
.AlarmHiHiInhibitor tag then manipulating the value of the
Indirect tag. The following statement returns the name of the
alarm inhibitor tag for a HiHi alarm limit (assuming
SomeIndirectTag is an analog indirect tag):
SomeIndirectTag.Name =
The inhibition state of the alarmed tag can be controlled by
setting the value of the indirect tag as follows:
SomeIndirectTag = 1;
Turns on inhibition
HiHi alarms are disabled for AlarmedTag
SomeIndirectTag = 0;
Turns off inhibition
HiHi alarms can be generated for AlarmedTag
See Also
.AlarmHiInhibitor, .AlarmLoInhibitor, .AlarmLoLoInhibitor
196 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmMinDevInhibitor Dotfield
Returns the name of the alarm inhibitor tag associated with
a minor deviation alarm condition.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group tag.
Configured in WindowMaker. Cannot be changed during run
Data Types
Message (read-only)
The .AlarmMinDevInhibitor dotfield is used by setting
.Name to an Indirect tag that is equal to the value of the
.AlarmMinDevInhibitor tag then manipulating the value of
the Indirect tag. The following statement returns the name of
the alarm inhibitor tag for a minor deviation alarm limit
(assuming SomeIndirectTag is an analog indirect tag):
SomeIndirectTag.Name =
The inhibition state of the alarmed tag can be controlled by
setting the value of the Indirect tag as follows:
SomeIndirectTag = 1;
Turns on inhibition
Minor deviation alarms are disabled for AlarmedTag
SomeIndirectTag = 0;
Turns off inhibition
Minor deviation alarms can be generated for AlarmedTag
See Also
Determining the Inhibitor Tag of a Tag or Alarm Group197
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmMajDevInhibitor Dotfield
Returns the name of the alarm inhibitor tag associated with
a major deviation alarm condition.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group tag.
Data Types
Message (read-only)
The .AlarmMajDevInhibitor dotfield is used by setting
.Name to an Indirect tag that is equal to the value of the
.AlarmMajDevInhibitor tag then manipulating the value of
the Indirect tag. The following statement returns the name of
the alarm inhibitor tag for a major deviation alarm limit
(assuming SomeIndirectTag is an analog indirect tag):
SomeIndirectTag.Name =
The inhibition state of the alarmed tag can be controlled by
setting the value of the Indirect tag as follows:
SomeIndirectTag = 1;
Turns on inhibition
Major deviation alarms are disabled for AlarmedTag
SomeIndirectTag = 0;
Turns off inhibition
Major deviation alarms can be generated for AlarmedTag
See Also
198 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmROCInhibitor Dotfield
Returns the name of the alarm inhibitor tag associated with
a rate-of-change alarm condition.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group tag.
Data Types
Message (read-only)
The .AlarmROCInhibitor dotfield is used by setting .Name to
an Indirect tag that is equal to the value of the
.AlarmROCInhibitor tag then manipulating the value of the
Indirect tag. The following statement returns the name of the
alarm inhibitor tag for a rate-of-change alarm limit
(assuming SomeIndirectTag is an analog indirect tag):
SomeIndirectTag.Name =
The inhibition state of the alarmed tag can be controlled by
setting the value of the Indirect tag as follows:
SomeIndirectTag = 1;
Turns on inhibition
Rate-of-change alarms are disabled for AlarmedTag
SomeIndirectTag = 0;
Turns off inhibition
Rate-of-change alarms can be generated for AlarmedTag
Counting the Number of Active or Unacknowledged Alarms199
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Counting the Number of Active or
Unacknowledged Alarms
Use the following dotfields to find out the number of active or
unacknowledged alarms while the application is running.
Dotfield Description
.AlarmTotalCount Dotfield Counts the number of alarms associated
with a tag or alarm group.
.AlarmUnAckCount Dotfield Counts the number of unacknowledged
alarms associated with a tag or alarm
.AlarmValueCount Dotfield Counts the number of value alarms
associated with a tag.
Counts the number of unacknowledged
value alarms associated with a tag.
.AlarmDscCount Dotfield Counts the number of discrete alarms.
Counts the number of unacknowledged
discrete alarms.
.AlarmDevCount Dotfield Counts the number of deviation alarms.
Counts the number of unacknowledged
deviation alarms.
.AlarmROCCount Dotfield Counts the number of rate-of-change
Counts the number of unacknowledged
rate-of-change alarms.
200 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmTotalCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of active alarms for a specified tag
or alarm group.
Any type of tag or alarm group.
The count includes value, deviation, rate-of-change, and
discrete alarms. It includes both acknowledged and
unacknowledged alarms.
Data Types
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is an analog tag configured for alarms. ATC is also an
analog tag, which gets the total number of all active alarms
(both UnAck and Ack) present in Tag1.
ATC = Tag1.AlarmTotalCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDevUnAckCount,
.AlarmDSCCount, .AlarmDSCUnAckCount,
.AlarmValueCount, .AlarmUnAckCount,
.AlarmValueUnAckCount, .AlarmROCCount,
Counting the Number of Active or Unacknowledged Alarms201
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmUnAckCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of unacknowledged alarms for a
specified tag or alarm group.
Any type of tag or alarm group.
The count includes unacknowledged value, deviation,
rate-of-change, and discrete alarms.
Data Types
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is an analog or discrete tag configured for alarms. AUC
is an analog tag, which gets the total number of
unacknowledged alarms present in Tag1.
AUC = Tag1.AlarmUnAckCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDevUnAckCount, .AlarmDscCount,
.AlarmDscUnAckCount, .AlarmValueCount,
.AlarmTotalCount, .AlarmValueUnAckCount,
.AlarmROCCount, .AlarmROCUnACkCount
202 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmValueCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of active value alarms for a specified
tag or alarm group.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
This includes the count of HiHi, High, Low, and LoLo alarms.
It includes both acknowledged and unacknowledged alarms.
For non-expanded summary alarm tags, this count will not
exceed 1. However, the count may vary with alarm groups.
Data Types
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is an analog tag configured for value alarms. AVC is
also an analog tag, which gets the total number of all alarm
values present in Tag1.
AVC = Tag1.AlarmValueCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDevUnAckCount, .AlarmDscCount,
.AlarmDscUnAckCount, .AlarmROCCount,
.AlarmTotalCount, .AlarmValueUnAckCount,
.AlarmROCUnAckCount, .AlarmUnAckCount
Counting the Number of Active or Unacknowledged Alarms203
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmValueUnAckCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of unacknowledged value alarms for
a specified tag or alarm group. This includes the count of
HiHi, High, Low, and LoLo alarms.
Any integer, real, indirect analog tag, or alarm group.
Data Types
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is an analog tag configured for value alarms. AVUC is
also an analog tag, which gets the total number of all
unacknowledged value alarms present in Tag1.
AVUC = Tag1.AlarmValueUnAckCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDevUnAckCount, .AlarmDscCount,
.AlarmDscUnAckCount, .AlarmROCCount,
.AlarmTotalCount, .AlarmValueCount,
.AlarmROCUnAckCount, .AlarmUnAckCount
204 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDscCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of active discrete alarms for a
specified tag or alarm group.
Any discrete tag, indirect discrete tag, or alarm group.
The count assigned to The AlarmDscCount dotfield includes
both acknowledged and unacknowledged alarms. For
non-expanded summary alarm tags, this count is always 1.
However, the count can vary for alarm groups.
Data Types
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is a discrete tag configured for discrete alarms. ADC is
an analog tag, which gets the total number of active discrete
alarms (both unacknowledged and acknowledged) present in
ADC = Tag1.AlarmDSCCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDevUnAckCount,
.AlarmValueCount, .AlarmROCUnAckCount,
.AlarmTotalCount, .AlarmDscUnAckCount,
.AlarmValueUnAckCount, .AlarmROCUnAckCount,
Counting the Number of Active or Unacknowledged Alarms205
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDscUnAckCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of unacknowledged discrete alarms
for a specified tag or alarm group.
Any discrete tag, indirect discrete tag, or alarm group.
Data Types
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is a discrete tag configured for discrete alarms. ADUC
is an analog tag, which gets the total number of
unacknowledged discrete alarms present in Tag1.
ADUC = Tag1.AlarmDscUnAckCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDevUnAckCount, .AlarmDscCount,
.AlarmValueCount, .AlarmROCCount, .AlarmTotalCount,
.AlarmValueUnAckCount, .AlarmROCUnAckCount,
206 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDevCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of active deviation alarms for a
specified tag or alarm group.
Any real tag, integer tag, indirect analog tag, or alarm
This includes the count of minor and major deviation alarms.
It includes both acknowledged and unacknowledged alarms.
For non-expanded summary alarm tags, this count is always
1. However, the count can vary with alarm groups.
Data Types
Analog (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is an analog tag configured for Deviation alarms. ADC
is also an analog tag, which gets the total number of active
deviation (both unacknowledged and acknowledged) alarms
present in Tag1.
See Also
.AlarmDSCCount, .AlarmValueCount,
.AlarmROCUnAckCount, .AlarmTotalCount,
.AlarmDSCUnAckCount, .AlarmValueUnAckCount,
.AlarmDevUnAckCount, .AlarmROCUnAckCount,
Counting the Number of Active or Unacknowledged Alarms207
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDevUnAckCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of unacknowledged deviation alarms
for a specified tag or alarm group. This includes the count of
minor and major deviation alarms.
Any real tag, integer tag, indirect analog tag, or alarm
Data Types
Analog (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is an analog tag configured for Deviation alarms.
ADUC is also an analog tag, which gets the total number of
unacknowledged deviation alarms present in Tag1.
ADUC = Tag1.AlarmDevUnAckCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDSCCount, .AlarmValueCount,
.AlarmROCUnAckCount, .AlarmTotalCount,
.AlarmDSCUnAckCount, .AlarmValueUnAckCount,
.AlarmROCUnAckCount, .AlarmUnAckCount
208 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmROCCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of active rate-of-change alarms for a
specified tag or alarm group. It includes both acknowledged
and unacknowledged alarms. For non-expanded summary
alarm tags, this count will always be 1. However, the count
may vary with alarm groups.
Any real tag, integer tag, indirect analog tag, or alarm
Data Types
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is an analog tag configured for rate-of-change alarms.
ARC is also an analog tag, which gets the total number of
active rate-of-change alarms (both unacknowledged and
acknowledged) present in Tag1.
ARC = Tag1.AlarmROCCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDevUnAckCount, .AlarmDscCount,
.AlarmDscUnAckCount, .AlarmValueCount,
.AlarmTotalCount, .AlarmValueUnAckCount,
.AlarmROCUnAckCount, .AlarmUnAckCount
Counting the Number of Active or Unacknowledged Alarms209
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmROCUnAckCount Dotfield
Tracks the total number of unacknowledged rate-of-change
alarms for a specified analog tag or alarm group.
Any real tag, integer tag, indirect analog tag, or alarm
Data Types
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 or any positive integer
Tag1 is an analog tag configured for rate-of-change alarms.
ARUC is also an analog tag, which gets the total number of
unacknowledged rate-of-change alarms present in Tag1.
ARUC = Tag1.AlarmROCUnAckCount;
See Also
.AlarmDevCount, .AlarmDevUnAckCount, .AlarmDscCount,
.AlarmDscUnAckCount, .AlarmValueCount,
.AlarmTotalCount, .AlarmValueUnAckCount,
.AlarmROCCount, .AlarmUnAckCount
210 Chapter 6 Controlling Alarm Properties of Tags and Groups at Run Time
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 7
Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
The Alarm Tree Viewer ActiveX control shows the alarm
group hierarchy of alarm providers selected by an alarm
query. Items that appear in the Alarm Tree Viewer control
include alarm providers, nodes, and groups.
You can enhance the usability of the Alarm Viewer control by
using an Alarm Tree Viewer control. You can create a script
so that when the operator selects an alarm provider in the
Alarm Tree Viewer control, the Alarm Viewer control queries
the new alarm provider.
212 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
You can configure how the Alarm Tree Viewer control
appears and what data is shown. For more information, see
Configuring an Alarm Tree Viewer Control on page 212.
When you finish configuring the Alarm Tree Viewer control,
you can modify the data you are viewing by:
Sorting the data by name.
Updating the tree.
Performing another query.
For more information about ActiveX controls, see Chapter 6,
ActiveX Controls, in the InTouch® HMI Visualization Guide.
Configuring an Alarm Tree Viewer Control
You can configure the following for the Alarm Tree Viewer
General control appearance, including colors
Text font
Automatic refresh
Which features users can access at run time
Which providers and groups to show
Custom saved queries
Sort order for alarm groups
You can configure these options from within WindowMaker
and while the Alarm Tree Viewer control is running.
Configuring the Appearance and Colors
When you configure the visual appearance of the Alarm Tree
Viewer control, you can:
Include a status bar.
Include a column header.
Set the colors of visual elements.
To configure the appearance
Right-click the Alarm Tree Viewer control, and then click
Properties. The AlarmTreeViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
Configuring an Alarm Tree Viewer Control213
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
2 Click the General tab.
3 Configure how the Alarm Tree Viewer control appears to
run-time users. Do any of the following:
Select the Perform Query on Startup check box for the
tree to automatically update using default query
properties. Otherwise, users must run the Refresh
command to update the tree.
Select the Show Context Sensitive Menu check box to
activate the shortcut menu. Click Configure Context
to configure what commands appear on the
menu. For more information, see Controlling Which
Features Users can Access at Run Time on page 216.
In the Display Mode list, click how you want the tree to
refresh. For an automatic refresh, type the refresh
interval the
Auto Refresh Interval box. The range is 5
to 32767 seconds.
In the Expansion Level box, type the number of
expansion levels for the tree. This determines to
which alarm group branch level the alarm tree is
opened when you manually refresh the control. A
value of 1 shows only the provider, a value of 2 shows
the direct alarm groups of the provider, and so on.
Select the Sort Elements in Alphabetical Order check
box to sort the tree elements in alphabetical order.
Click either
Ascending or Descending for the sort
Select the Show Heading check box to show a header
above the hierarchy. In the box, type the header bar
Select the Show Status Bar check box to show a status
bar at the bottom of the Alarm Tree Viewer control.
Click Font to configure the font properties for the tree.
The standard Windows
Font dialog box appears.
214 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Select the Element Selection check box to allow users
to select an element in the tree.
Select the Allow Multiple Selections check box to allow
users to select one or more elements using the CTRL
and SHIFT keys.
Select the Silent Mode check box prevent the Alarm
Tree Viewer control from showing run-time error
messages. Error messages are always sent to the
4 Click Apply.
5 Click the Color tab.
6 Click the palette button to assign colors to the visual
elements of the Alarm Tree Viewer control.
You can set the colors of the title bar text, window
background, selected element text, and selected element
7 Click Apply.
Configuring an Alarm Tree Viewer Control215
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Fonts
You can configure how the text appears for the Alarm Tree
Viewer control.
To configure the font
Right-click the Alarm Tree Viewer control, and then click
Properties. The AlarmTreeViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Click Font. The standard Windows Font dialog box
appears. Configure the font and then click
4 Click OK.
Configuring Automatic Refresh
You can configure the Alarm Tree Viewer control to refresh
automatically at run time. Otherwise, the operator must
refresh the Alarm Tree Viewer control manually.
To configure automatic refresh
Right-click the Alarm Tree Viewer control, and then click
Properties. The AlarmTreeViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 In the Display Mode list, click how you want the tree to
refresh, either
Manual Refresh or Auto Refresh. For an
automatic refresh, type the tree refresh interval the
Refresh Interval
box. The range is 5 to 32767 seconds.
4 Click Apply.
216 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Controlling Which Features Users can Access at
Run Time
The Alarm Tree Viewer control includes a shortcut menu
that operators can open by right-clicking on the control
during run time. You can configure what commands appear
on the menu.
To configure the run-time shortcut menu
Right-click the Alarm Tree Viewer control, and then click
Properties. The AlarmTreeViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Select the Show Context Sensitive Menu check box to
activate the shortcut menu.
4 Click Configure Context Menus. The Context Sensitive
dialog box appears.
5 Select the check box for each command that you want to
appear in the shortcut menu. You must select least one
shortcut command.
Command Description
Refreshes the data shown in the
Alarm Tree Viewer control.
Allows you to toggle the
freeze/unfreeze mode of the tree.
Query Favorites
Shows the Alarm Query dialog box
to select a query favorite from an
available list.
Add to Favorites
Allows you to add new queries from
the Add Query dialog box.
Configuring an Alarm Tree Viewer Control217
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
6 Click OK to close the Context Sensitive Menus dialog box.
7 Click Apply.
Configuring Which Providers and Groups to Show
You configure alarm queries for alarm providers and groups
that belong to the Alarm Tree Viewer control. The alarm
query is a list of one or more alarm providers separated by
spaces. The valid syntax for the alarm provider is as follows.
Full path to alarm provider:
Path to local alarm provider:
For multiple queries, separate each query with a space. For
\InTouch \\Node17\InTouch \\MyNode\InTouch
The default alarm query is \InTouch. You cannot use a tag
for the alarm query.
If you query multiple alarm groups and later you undeploy
one or more groups, the Alarm Tree Viewer control does not
automatically update to remove these groups from the view.
You must stop and re-start the alarm provider to un-register
If you query an ArchestrA Galaxy by specifying \Galaxy in
your alarm query, then all InTouch alarm providers deployed
within the Galaxy are shown. For example:
If you query information from a node with multiple alarm
providers that contain groups with the same names, records
are shown for the last alarm provider in the tree.
Shows the Sort dialog box to sort
Alarm Tree Viewer control data in
ascending or descending order
Shows the Alarm Statistics dialog
box with the percentage of current
retrieved alarm providers shown in
the Alarm Tree Viewer control.
Command Description
218 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To configure the alarm query
Right-click the Alarm Tree Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmTreeViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Query tab.
3 In the Alarm Query box, type the path to the initial alarm
4 Click Apply.
Configuring an Alarm Tree Viewer Control219
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Creating Custom Saved Queries Using Query
You can configure a list of query favorites for operators to
select from a shortcut menu.
The query file can be saved to any folder and does not need to
be in the InTouch application folder. The alarm query file is
an .xml file.
To configure the query favorites file
Right-click the Alarm Tree Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmTreeViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Query tab.
3 Configure the query favorites file.
a In the Query Favorites File box, type the network path
and file name or click the ellipse button to browse for
the file.
b To edit the Filter Favorites file, click the Edit Favorites
button. The Alarm Query window opens, allowing
you to add, modify, or delete filters from your
favorites file. When you are done, click
OK to save
your changes and close the window.
4 Click OK.
220 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Sort Order for Alarm Groups
In the Alarm Tree Viewer control, nodes and alarm groups
can be shown in alphabetical order, either ascending or
To configure the sort order of alarm groups
Right-click the Alarm Tree Viewer control and then click
Properties. The AlarmTreeViewerCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Select the Sort Elements in Alphabetical Order check box to
list alarm groups in alphabetical order.
4 Click Ascending or Descending to specify the sort
5 Click OK.
Using an Alarm Tree Viewer Control at Run Time221
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using an Alarm Tree Viewer Control at Run
Use the Alarm Tree Viewer control to navigate the hierarchy
of alarm providers and alarm groups.
The Alarm Tree Viewer control can show multiple nodes and
alarm providers.
Nodes are represented by a computer icon.
Alarm providers are represented by a speaker icon.
Alarm groups are represented by a bell icon.
With one or more alarm groups selected, you can generate
queries for alarms that can be used in the Alarm Tree Viewer
control and the Alarm DB View controls. To select multiple
alarm groups, hold down the shift key while clicking on a
group. To un-select all groups, click on an empty area.
One or more of the following commands appears on the
run-time shortcut menu, depending on how the control is
Refresh – Forces a manual update of the alarms.
Freeze – Stops the alarms from updating.
Query Favorites – Opens the Alarm Query dialog box
where you can select an alarm query from a list of
previously defined alarm queries.
222 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Add to Favorites – Opens the Add Query dialog box with a
query string entered based on the selected Groups (if
Sort – Opens the Sort dialog box with options to
alphabetically sort alarm groups in ascending or
descending order.
Statistics – Opens the Alarm Statistics dialog box to show
the percentage of retrieved alarm providers.
Understanding Status Bar Information
The Alarm Tree Viewer control status bar appears at the
bottom of the window and shows the following information:
Name of the current query
Percentage complete status of the current query
Using Query Favorites
Use the Query Favorites command on the Alarm Tree Viewer
control’s shortcut menu to quickly select and run and alarm
query from a list of previously defined alarm queries. You can
also create new named queries, edit an existing query, or
delete an existing query.
To select and run an alarm query
Right-click the Alarm Tree Viewer control at run time.
2 Click Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog box
3 Select the named query that you want to show in the list
of currently defined queries.
4 Click OK. The Alarm Tree Viewer control shows alarm
group information from the selected query.
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX Properties223
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX
You can set the value an Alarm Tree Viewer control property
directly using a script or you can assign it to an InTouch tag
or I/O reference. For more information about setting
properties, see Chapter 8, Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the
InTouch® HMI Scripting and Logic Guide.
The following table lists all Alarm Tree Viewer control
properties. For more information on setting color values, see
Configuring Colors for ActiveX Controls on page 87.
Property Name Purpose
Enables or disables the Add to Favorites shortcut menu
Shows the initial alarm query and allows you to change the
query. The valid syntax is \\<node>\<provider> or
Controls whether an element in the tree can be selected or
not by the operator during run time.
Sets the branch level to which the alarm tree is opened when
you manually refresh the control. A value of 1 shows only the
provider, a value of 2 shows the direct alarm groups of the
provider, and so on.
Gets or sets the font of records and headings shown in the
Enables or disables the Freeze menu command.
Gets or sets the text that appears in the header of the Alarm
Tree Viewer control.
Allows you to select multiple elements in the Alarm Tree
Viewer control.
Gets or sets the query favorites file name.
Enables or disables the Query Favorites menu command.
Automatically updates the Alarm Tree Viewer control using
default query properties if selected. If not selected, you must
requery to update the Alarm Tree Viewer control.
Gets the auto refresh interval of the control in seconds.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the Refresh
command appears in the shortcut menu.
Gets or sets the background color for the selected element.
224 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Gets or sets the text color for the selected element.
Enables or disables the shortcut menu.
Shows or hides the title bar of the Alarm Tree Viewer
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the status bar
is shown.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control is
in Silent mode.
Enables or disables sorting in the Alarm Tree Viewer
Enables or disables the Sort menu command.
Gets or sets the sort direction. Possible values are
"Ascending" and "Descending," represented as 0 and 1
Enables or disables the Statistics menu command.
Gets or sets the text color the Alarm Tree Viewer control.
Gets or sets the title bar background color. Available only if
the ShowHeading property is set.
Gets or sets the title bar foreground color. Available only if
the ShowHeading property is set.
Gets or sets the window background color of the Alarm Tree
Viewer control.
Property Name Purpose
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX Methods225
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX
You can use the Alarm Tree Viewer control methods in
scripts to:
Retrieve information about the control.
Retrieve information about specific entries in the alarm
Freeze the control.
Create query strings.
Run queries.
For more information about calling methods, see Chapter 8,
Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the InTouch® HMI Scripting
and Logic Guide.
Retrieving Information About the Control
You can use these methods to retrieve information about the
Alarm Tree Viewer control.
AboutBox() Method
GetElementCount() Method
AboutBox() Method
Shows the Alarm Tree Viewer About dialog box.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.
GetElementCount() Method
Gets the total number of elements in the tree.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and nTag1
is an integer or real tag.
nTag1 = #AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.GetElementCount();
226 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Retrieving Information About Specific Entries
You can use a set of methods to retrieve information about
elements shown in the Alarm Tree Viewer control window.
CheckElementMembership() Method
GetElementCount() Method
GetElementName() Method
GetElementPath() Method
GetSelectedElementCount() Method
GetSelectedElementName() Method
GetSelectedElementPath() Method
GetSubElementCount() Method
GetSubElementName() Method
GetSubElementPath() Method
CheckElementMembership() Method
Checks if the descendant tree element is part of the ancestor
tree element.
DescendantElementName, AncestorElementName)
The name of the path. For example, \InTouch or
The name of the descendant element name. For example,
The name of the ancestor element name. For example,
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX Methods227
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetElementCount() Method
Gets the total number of elements in the tree.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and nTag1
is an integer or real tag.
nTag1 = #AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.GetElementCount();
GetElementName() Method
Gets the element name corresponding to the index.
The index of the element.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and
StrTag is a message tag.
StrTag = #AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.GetElementName(3);
GetElementPath() Method
Gets the element path corresponding to the index, down to
the indicated expansion level.
Object.GetElementPath(ElementIndex, ExpansionLevel)
The index of the element.
The level of expansion.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1, StrTag is
a message tag, and returns the path of the element at index
17 up to 4 levels.
StrTag = #AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.GetElementPath(17,
228 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetSelectedElementCount() Method
Gets the number of selected elements in the tree.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and nTag1
is an integer or real tag.
nTag1 =
GetSelectedElementName() Method
Gets the name of the selected element on the Alarm Tree
Viewer control.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and
StrTag is a message tag.
StrTag =
GetSelectedElementPath() Method
Gets the path of the selected element to the indicated
expansion level.
The level of expansion.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and
StrTag is a message tag.
StrTag =
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX Methods229
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetSubElementCount() Method
Gets the total number of sub-elements from the indicated
Object.GetSubElementCount(Path, ElementName)
The name of the path. For example:
If the path parameter is empty, the Alarm Tree Viewer
control finds the first element of the tree that matches the
indicated element name.
The name of the element. For example, Group1.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and nTag1
is an integer or real tag.
nTag1 =
"Group1" );
nTag1 = #AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.GetSubElementCount(
"\\NodeName", "Group1" );
nTag1 = #AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.GetSubElementCount(
"\InTouch", "Group1" );
nTag1 = #AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.GetSubElementCount(
"\\NodeName\InTouch", "Group1" );
230 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetSubElementName() Method
For the indicated element, gets the name of the sub-element
at the corresponding index.
Object.GetSubElementName(Path, ElementName,
The name of the path. For example:
If the path parameter is empty, the Alarm Tree Viewer
control finds the first element of the tree that matches the
indicated element name.
The name of the element. For example, Group1.
The index of the element.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and
StrTag is a message tag.
StrTag =
"Group1", 1);
StrTag =
Name", "Group1", 1);
StrTag =
ch", "Group1", 1);
StrTag =
Name\InTouch", "Group1", 1);
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX Methods231
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetSubElementPath() Method
Gets the path of the sub-element from the index of the
element name to the indicated expansion level.
Object.GetSubElementPath(Path, ElementName,
ElementIndex, ExpansionLevel)
The name of the path. For example:
If the path parameter is empty, the Alarm Tree Viewer
control finds the first element of the tree that matches the
indicated element name.
The name of the element. For example, Group1.
The index of the element.
The level of expansion.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and
StrTag is a message tag.
StrTag =
"Group1", 1, 3);
StrTag =
Name", "Group1", 1, 3);
StrTag =
ch", "Group1", 1, 3);
StrTag =
Name\InTouch", "Group1", 1, 3);
232 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Freezing the Tree
You can use the Freeze() method to prevent the Alarm Tree
Viewer control tree from being updated with any further
Freeze() Method
Freezes the Alarm Tree Viewer control tree.
Contols whether the tree can be updated.
1 = Freezes the tree.
0 = Unfreezes the tree.
Tag1 is defined as memory discrete tag and the name of the
control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.
Tag1 = 1;
Creating a Query String from a Selection
You can use the GetAlarmQueryFromSelection() method to
retrieve a query string from a selected element in the Alarm
Tree Viewer control. The query string can then be used
dynamically in an Alarm Viewer control.
GetAlarmQueryFromSelection() Method
Returns an alarm query string from the selected element in
the Alarm Tree Viewer control.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1 and
StrTag is a message tag. For example: StrTag is set to
StrTag =
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX Methods233
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Running Queries
You can run queries for the Alarm Tree Viewer control using
methods that either retrieve an existing query saved in a
query favorites file or set a string that specifies a new
collection of alarm providers.
SetQueryByName() Method
SetQueryByString() Method
SetQueryByName() Method
Sets the current query as specified by the query name
passed. The query must be in the query favorites file.
The name of the query as created by using query favorites.
For example, Turbine Queries.
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.
SetQueryByString() Method
Sets the current query as a new string specifying a new
collection of Alarm Providers.
String containing an alarm query. For example:
The name of the control is AlarmTreeViewerCtrl1.
234 Chapter 7 Viewing Alarm Hierarchies
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Error Handling when Using Methods and
All Alarm Tree Viewer control error messages are sent to the
Logger. If you configure the Alarm Tree Viewer control to run
in silent mode, no run-time errors are shown.
Using Alarm Tree Viewer Control ActiveX
Events to Trigger Scripts
You can assign QuickScripts to Alarm Tree Viewer control
events, such as a mouse click or double-click. When the event
occurs, the QuickScript runs.
The Alarm Tree Viewer control supports the following
The Click event has one parameter called ClicknElementID,
which identifies the element in the tree that is clicked at run
The DoubleClick event has one parameter called
DoubleClicknElementID, which identifies the element in the
tree that is double-clicked at run time.
For the Click and DoubleClick events, an ElementID of -1 is
returned for the "All Providers" node.
Note The Alarm Tree Viewer control ignores the user interface
methods when they are called from the StartUp event, because
the control is not visible yet. These methods include: AboutBox(),
CheckElementMembership(), Freeze(),
GetAlarmQueryFromSelection(), GetElementCount(),
GetElementName(), GetElementPath(),
GetSelectedElementCount(), GetSelectedElementName(),
GetSelectedElementPath(), GetSubElementCount(),
GetSubElementName(), GetSubElementPath(), and Refresh().
For more information about scripting ActiveX events, see
Chapter 8, Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the InTouch® HMI
Scripting and Logic Guide.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 8
Printing Alarms
You use the InTouch Alarm Printer utility to print alarms
from multiple nodes. You can print alarm records stored in
the alarm memory on an event-by-event basis using a
dedicated line or network printer. Also, you can use the
Alarm Printer to save alarm records to a file.
You can configure the Distributed Alarm system to print
certain events on a line printer as they occur. Typically, you
print alarms immediately to record information in the event
of a catastrophic failure. Generally, you use a dot matrix
printer connected through a serial or parallel port directly to
the computer running the InTouch application. Windows
network printers and laser printers are usually
inappropriate for gathering data for catastrophic events
because they hold entire pages in memory before actually
printing a page.
WindowViewer Session
Alarm Memory
LPT1 Line Printer
Alarm Printer File
Network Printer
InTouch Node
Running InTouch
236 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Alarm Printing and Logging
You can run multiple instances of the Alarm Printer. Each
instance of the Alarm Printer must be configured to print to a
different printer and must be configured with a separate
alarm query.
You can configure separate instances of Alarm Printer to
print alarms in specific priority ranges. For example, one
Alarm Printer instance can print only high priority alarms,
while another instance prints only low priority alarms.
Likewise, you can use one instance of the Alarm Printer to
print alarms from one area of the factory while another
instance prints alarms from a different area.
You can save an Alarm Printer configuration to a file, which
has the .alc extension. You can create as many configuration
files as you want. The Alarm Printer uses an individual
configuration file for each instance of Alarm Printer that is
Configuring Printer Settings
You must designate a printer to use with the Alarm Printer.
Also, you must select if alarms are printed as they occur.
Use a dedicated printer for printing alarms.
The printer can be connected locally or to a network. Any
Windows printer can be used as the output for the Alarm
To configure the printer settings
Open the Alarm Printer utility. Do the following:
a In the WindowMaker Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Printer.
2 On the menu bar, click Configure. The Configuration
dialog box appears.
Configuring Alarm Printing and Logging237
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 Click the Printing tab.
4 In the Print To area, select the connection to the alarm
Click None to not use a printer.
Click LPT1-3 to use a printer connected by a parallel
port to the computer running the InTouch
Click COM1-4 to use a printer connected by a serial
port to the computer running the InTouch
application. Click
Port Configuration to show the COM
dialog box and change the default values
assigned to the selected COM port.
Click Printer to use a printer connected through the
network to the computer running the InTouch
application. In the box, type the name of the printer
or click
Browse to select an available printer.
Note If the printer you want does not appear, add the printer
using the Windows Add Printer wizard.
Select the Remove Trailing Spaces in Printout check box to
prevent the printer from printing blank lines or empty
6 Select the Enable Printing check box to print alarms.
7 Select the Disable Realtime Alarm Printing check box to
prevent the Alarm Printer from printing alarms as they
8 Click OK.
238 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Which Alarms to Print
The Alarm Printer queries the alarm memory to select
records to print or save to a log file. The query selects records
from the internal alarm memory based upon:
Alarm priority
Current alarm state (unacknowledged/acknowledged)
Alarm group membership
Each alarm has an assigned priority number that represents
the severity of the alarm. An alarm priority ranges from 1 to
999. The most severe alarm is assigned a priority of 1. The
least severe alarm is assigned a priority of 999.
If a network or printer connection fails, the Alarm Printer
does not reprint all alarms. The Alarm Printer only prints
the alarms that have not been printed before the connection
To configure which alarms to print
Open the Alarm Printer utility. Do the following:
a In the WindowMaker Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Printer.
2 On the menu bar, click Configure. The Configuration
dialog box appears.
3 Click the Query tab.
4 In the From Priority box, enter the highest priority alarm
value (1 to 999).
5 In the To P r i o r i t y box, enter the lowest priority alarm
value (1 to 999).
Configuring Alarm Printing and Logging239
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
6 In the Alarm State list, click the alarm state.
7 In the Alarm Query box, type one or more alarm queries.
You can specify one or more alarm providers and groups.
Use blank spaces to separate the queries.
8 Select the Record alarms generated after query starts
check box to only include alarms that occur after the
query starts. The Alarm Printer ignores alarms records
that are in the alarm memory and were triggered before
the Alarm Printer started querying.
9 Click OK.
Configuring the Format of Print and File Output
Each option you select appears as a separate field in the
printed output. Fields containing data exceeding the
specified maximum field length are truncated to those limits.
To configure the format of alarm print and file output
Open the Alarm Printer utility. Do the following:
a In the WindowMaker Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Printer.
2 On the menu bar, click Configure. The Configuration
dialog box appears.
3 Click the Message tab.
Click To show
All alarms.
Only acknowledged alarms.
Only unacknowledged alarms.
240 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the Date/Time area, select the Date check box, and then
select a date format from the list. The listed date formats
include the following components:
5 Select the Time check box and select a time format from
the list. The listed formats included the following time
6 Select the order that alarms appear in the alarm record
according to the onset time of the alarm:
Option Description
Two-digit day of the month (01-31)
Two-digit month of the year (01-12)
Last two digits of the year
Four-digit year
Three-character abbreviation of the month
Option Description
Selects the AM/PM time format. For
example, 3:00 PM is shown as 3:00 PM. A
time without this designation defaults to
24 hour military time format. For example,
3:00 PM is shown as 15:00.
Two-digit hour of the day (00-23 or 01-12)
when the alarm/event occurred.
Two-digit minute of the hour (00-59) when
the alarm/event occurred.
Two-digit second of the minute (00-59)
when the alarm/event occurred.
Three-digit millisecond of the second when
the alarm/event occurred.
Option Description
(Original Alarm Time) The date/time
stamp of the onset of the alarm.
(Last Changed Time) The date/time
stamp of the most recent change of
status for the instance of the alarm:
onset of the alarm, change of sub-state,
return to normal, or acknowledgment.
Configuring Alarm Printing and Logging241
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
7 Select the alarm information to be printed.
OAT on
(Last Changed Time, but Original Alarm
Time on acknowledgement ) The last
changed time is used while the alarm is
unacknowledged, then original alarm
time is used after the alarm has been
Option Description
Alarm State
Prints the alarm state. For example,
UnAck, Ack.
Alarm Class
Prints the alarm class. For example,
Alarm Type
Prints the alarm type. For example,
Prints the alarm priority (1-999).
7.1 Default
Selects the default settings for the
Alarm Printer utility for InTouch
version 7.1.
7.11 Default
Selects the default settings for the
Alarm Printer utility for InTouch
version 7.11.
Remove Trailing
Removes the extra trailing spaces
from a printed field when the length
of the actual field value is less than
the value configured for that field.
Column Spacing
Reduces the spacing between
columns so that more fields can fit
on the printed page.
Alarm Name
Prints the alarm name (tag). In the
Length box, type the number of
characters (64 characters maximum)
for the alarm name.
Group Name
Prints the alarm group name. In the
Length box, type the number of
characters (64 characters maximum)
for the alarm group name.
Option Description
242 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm Provider
Prints the name of the alarm
provider. In the
Length box, type the
number of characters (64 characters
maximum) for the alarm provider
Value at Alarm
Prints the value of the tag. In the
Length box, type the number of
characters (32 characters maximum)
for the alarm value.
Prints the tag’s alarm limit. In the
Length box, type the number of
characters (32 characters maximum)
allowed for alarm limit. The number
should be large enough to provide
the desired level of precision.
Operator Node
Prints the operator node associated
with the alarm condition. In the
Length box, type the number of
characters (64 characters maximum)
allowed for the operator’s node.
In a Terminal Services environment,
this is the name of the client
computer that the respective
operator established the Terminal
Services session from. If the node
name can't be retrieved, the node's
IP address is used instead.
Operator Name
Prints the operator name associated
with the alarm condition. In the
Length box, type the number of
characters (16 characters maximum)
allowed for the operator’s name.
Prints the alarm comment
associated with the tag. In the
Length box, type the number of
characters (131 characters
maximum) allowed for the comment.
Prints the numerical values of User
Defined Number 1 corresponding to
the alarm.
Prints the numerical values of User
Defined Number 2 corresponding to
the alarm.
Option Description
Configuring Alarm Printing and Logging243
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
8 Click Apply.
Configuring Log Files for Alarms
You can log alarm records to a file. By default, the Alarm
Printer assigns names to log files based upon the following
naming convention:
To configure alarm record logging
Open the Alarm Printer utility. Do the following:
a In the WindowMaker Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Printer.
2 On the menu bar, click Configure. The Configuration
dialog box appears.
Prints the string value of the
user-defined string property
associated with the alarm. The
maximum number of characters is
Option Description
Notation Description
YY Last two digits of the year when the log file is
MM Two-digit number of the month (01-12) when
the log file is created.
DD Two-digit day of the month (01-31) when the
log file is created.
HH Two-digit hour of the day (00-23) when the log
file is created.
244 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 Click the File Logging tab.
4 Select the Enable Alarm File Logging check box to save
alarm records to log files.
5 In the Directory box, type the path or browse to a folder
location to save the alarm log files.
6 In the Number of Hours to Cycle Filename box, enter the
number of hours worth of alarm records to save to an
individual log file.
Valid entries are 1 to 24. If your InTouch application runs
continuously, select a file logging interval that creates a
set of equal length daily log files. For example, setting
Number of Hours to Cycle Filename to 6 creates 4 equal
length daily log files.
7 In the Starting at Hour box, enter the starting hour to
begin logging alarm records to a file each day.
Valid entries are 0 to 23.
For example, an oil refinery operates three daily work
shifts. The first shift begins at 06:00. Management wants
alarm records logged for each shift. To do this, enter 8 for
Number of Hours to Cycle Filename option. Enter 6 for
the Starting at Hour (0-23) option. The Alarm Printer
creates a log file from 06:00 to 14:00, another from 14:00
to 22:00, and a third from 22:00 to 06:00.
8 In the Keep Log Files for box, enter the number of days to
retain log files.
The Alarm Printer saves log files for the number of
specified days plus the current day. The Alarm Printer
deletes log files older than the retention period. To save
log files indefinitely, enter 0.
Configuring Alarm Printing and Logging245
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
9 In the Log File Name Extension box, accept the default
ALG file name extension or assign another
three-character extension to log files.
If you use a .csv extension, you can import the log file
directly into Excel or Notepad.
10 To remove spaces at the end of entries within a log file,
select the Remove Trailing Spaces in Log Entries check box.
You can also specify a field separator character placed at
the end of each record in the log file.
11 Select the Original Column Ordering check box to maintain
the same order from the alarm display to log file records.
12 Click Apply.
Saving and Loading Configuration Files
When you start the Alarm Printer from WindowMaker, the
Alarm Printer dialog box shows the default configuration
settings. These configuration settings are saved in an alarm
configuration file (.alc).
You can save your printer configuration settings to a file that
can be loaded before printing alarms.
A specific alarm configuration file can be shown if it is
opened in run time from the command prompt or by
double-clicking its *.alc file name.
To create a new Alarm Printer configuration file
Open the Alarm Printer utility. Do the following:
a In the WindowMaker Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Printer.
2 On the File menu, click New to show the Alarm Printer
with its default values.
3 On the menu bar, click Configure. The Configuration
dialog box appears.
4 Configure the alarm settings.
5 On the File menu, select Save.
To edit an existing Alarm Printer configuration file
On the File menu, select Open.
2 Select the Alarm Printer Configuration file that you want
to edit.
3 Edit the file.
4 On the File menu, select Save. Select Save as to save the
changes to a new file without changing the existing file.
246 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Printing Alarms
Each query logs all of the alarms specified in the Alarm
Printer configuration file (.alc) that is currently open. If no
file has been specified, the settings currently selected during
Alarm Printer configuration are used.
You can run multiple queries with Alarm Printer. Each
query uses different parameters and is associated with a
separate instance of the Alarm Printer. If two instances of
Alarm Printer are running the same query, the entries are
While Alarm Printer is running, you can manually start or
stop queries. Be sure that you have printing enabled.
To start an alarm query
On the Query menu, click Start/Stop.
To stop an alarm query
On the Query menu, click Start/Stop.
Logging Alarms to a File247
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Logging Alarms to a File
You can use the Alarm Printer to log alarm records to a file.
You should have already configured logging from the
Configuration Settings dialog box.
To log alarms to a file
Open the Alarm Printer utility.
a In the WindowMaker Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Printer.
2 If necessary, configure the query to collect alarm records
for logging.
3 Click the File Logging button.
4 Run an alarm query.
Alarm records collected by the query are written to the
configured log file.
248 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Starting Alarm Printer with a Specific
You can automatically start the Alarm Printer and open a
specific file when your system starts up by using the
following command in a batch file:
Where, MYQUERY.ALC is the name of the Alarm Printer
configuration file that opens. Specifying the .exe file name
extension is optional.
Make sure that the batch file switches to the folder where the
InTouch HMI is installed.
To prevent the loss of any query data due to a system
inadvertently being shut down and restarted, you can
automatically start the Alarm Printer and automatically run
a specific query by running the following command from a
batch file:
By using the -q in the command, your query runs
automatically when the system starts up.
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting
You can use Alarm Printer functions in scripts to control
alarm printing.
Alarm printer functions return an integer error code that
indicates whether the function completed successfully or not.
The following table shows the error codes.
Code Error Message
0 Success
1 Instance not found or not running
2 Interface not initialized
3 Failure to access virtual memory
4 Invalid error code
5 Too many instances already running
6 Result string would be too long
7 Invalid instance index passed to the function
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting249
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Stopping and Starting and Alarm Printer Instance
or Query
Use the following functions to start and stop the Alarm
Printer instance and the alarm query.
APUStartInstance() Function
APUStartQuery() Function
APUStopInstance() Function
APUStopQuery() Function
APUStartInstance() Function
Starts an instance of the Alarm Printer in a minimized state
with values specified from a configuration file.
[Result=] APUStartInstance(sFilePath,
8 Failed to post the message to the alarm printer
9 Failed to wait for a response from the alarm
printer application
20 To priority must be equal to or greater than
From priority
21 Invalid priority value
22 Invalid alarm state
23 Failed to execute the command because the
query is running
24 Query string is not valid
25 Invalid query processing state
26 Invalid print state selector
27 Command received by the alarm printer window
is not recognized
28 Query could not be started
Code Error Message
250 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Full path to a configuration file (input string).
Integer tag. The function returns an instance number to it
if the function executes successfully.
You can start up to sixteen instances of the Alarm Printer.
This function writes the instance number (0 - 15) to the
iTagInstance parameter. The instance number increments
when a new Alarm Printer instance starts.
This instance number can be used by other Alarm Printer
functions to identify the Alarm Printer instance.
This function returns 0 or, in the case of error, an error code.
The Alarm Printer program does not automatically begin
processing alarms from the alarm memory. Use the
APUStartQuery() function to begin processing data from the
alarm memory for the instance.
Status =
See Also
APUStartQuery(), APUStopInstance(), APUStopQuery()
APUStartQuery() Function
Sets the date and time limits for records to be processed from
the alarm memory and then starts the query.
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
The number of the year.
The number of the month.
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting251
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The day of the month.
The hour number.
The minute number.
An error occurs if you try to start a query when a query is
already running.
If you set all date and time values to 0, all alarms are
printed. This is because 0 is interpreted as January 01, 1900
at midnight. The time and dates specified are in local time. A
value of -1 for the year sets the date to the current time that
the command is processed.
Returns an integer error code.
Status = APUStartQuery(Inst,2007,4,16,22,12);
See Also
APUStartInstance(), APUStopInstance(), APUStopQuery()
APUStopInstance() Function
Stops a specified instance of the Alarm Printer. Any further
addition of records to be printed stops, any currently
executing print query stops, and the instance of the program
[Result=] APUStopInstance(iInstance);
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
Returns an integer error code.
Status = APUStopInstance(5);
See Also
APUStartInstance(), APUStartQuery(), APUStopQuery()
252 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUStopQuery() Function
Requests the specified instance to stop running its query.
The application remains running, but it does not process any
queries. A call to APUStartQuery() can cause the instance to
start querying.
[Result=] APUStopQuery(iInstance);
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
Returns an integer error code.
Status = APUStopQuery(5);
See Also
APUStartInstance(), APUStartQuery(), APUStopInstance()
Querying Alarm Query Information
Use the following functions to retrieve query parameters
based on tag priorities and values set within the Alarm
Printer configuration file.
APUGetAlarmGroupText() Function
APUGetQueryFromPriority() Function
APUGetQueryToPriority() Function
APUGetConfigurationFilePath() Function
APUGetPrinterJobCount() Function
APUGetQueryAlarmState() Function
APUGetQueryProcessingState() Function
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting253
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetAlarmGroupText() Function
Gets the Alarm Query alarm group text.
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
Text - alarm group
The initial alarm group text is read from the .alc
configuration file that the Alarm Printer with the specified
instance is using. The alarm group text is passed to the
sTagGroup parameter into an InTouch message tag.
Returns an integer error code.
The TagGroup message tag can contain the following value
after the function is run: \intouch!$system
Status = APUGetAlarmGroupText(Inst,TagGroup);
See Also
APUGetConfigurationFilePath(), APUGetPrinterJobCount(),
APUGetQueryAlarmState(), APUGetQueryFromPriority(),
APUGetQueryProcessingState(), APUGetQueryToPriority()
254 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetQueryFromPriority() Function
Gets the From Priority value for a query.
[Result=] APUGetQueryFromPriority(iInstance,
iTagPriority );
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer tag that receives the From Priority value.
The initial priority is read from the .alc file that the Alarm
Printer with the specified instance is using. The From
Priority value is passed to the iTagPriority parameter into an
InTouch integer tag.
Returns an integer error code.
In this example, FromPri is an integer tag that contains the
From Priority value, such as 1.
Status = APUGetQueryFromPriority(Inst, FromPri);
See Also
APUGetConfigurationFilePath(), APUGetPrinterJobCount(),
APUGetQueryProcessingState(), APUGetQueryToPriority()
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting255
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetQueryToPriority() Function
Gets the To Priority from the query.
APUGetQueryToPriority(iInstance,iPriority );
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer tag that receives the To Priority value.
Another query cannot be running at the same time as the
script that includes the APUGetQueryToPriority() function.
The To Priority value is written to the iPriority parameter of
the function, which is an integer tag.
Returns an integer error code.
The integer tag ToPri receives the To Priority value, such as
Status = APUGetQueryToPriority(Inst,ToPri);
See Also
APUGetConfigurationFilePath(), APUGetPrinterJobCount(),
APUGetQueryAlarmState(), APUGetQueryFromPriority(),
256 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetConfigurationFilePath() Function
Returns the full file path of the .alc configuration file used for
a query.
[Result=] APUGetConfigurationFilePath(iInstance,
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
A message tag to retrieve the name of the file path to the
configuration file the Alarm Printer instance is using.
The file path text is returned to an message tag that you can
specify as sTagFilePath parameter of this function.
Returns an integer error code.
The CfgFilePath message tag receives the file path of the
configuration file associated with the Alarm Printer instance
contained in the Inst integer tag. For example:
Status = APUGetConfigurationFilePath(Inst,
See Also
APUGetAlarmGroupText(), APUGetPrinterJobCount(),
APUGetQueryAlarmState(), APUGetQueryFromPriority(),
APUGetQueryProcessingState(), APUGetQueryToPriority()
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting257
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetPrinterJobCount() Function
Returns the most recent Windows printer status job count for
the printer used by this instance.
[Result=] APUGetPrinterJobCount(iInstance, iTagCount);
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer tag that receives the count value.
This function returns the count value in the iTagCount
parameter, which is an integer tag.
The results are not current unless a query is running. The
results are not current unless an alarm has been printed -
the job count is typically updated when the printer is initially
opened, and then each time an alarm line is printed.
The returned job count value is only valid for Windows
printers and does not have much meaning for printers
associated with a parallel or serial port.
Returns an integer error code.
PJCount is an integer tag that receives the count value from
the specified instance.
Status = APUGetPrinterJobCount(Inst, PJCount);
See Also
APUGetQueryAlarmState(), APUGetQueryFromPriority(),
APUGetQueryProcessingState(), APUGetQueryToPriority()
258 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetQueryAlarmState() Function
Returns the alarm state for the query.
[Result=] APUGetQueryAlarmState(iInstance,
iTagState );
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer tag that receives the alarm state of the query
associated with the specified instance. The value has
following meanings:
0 = All
1 = Acknowledged
2 = Unacknowledged
The initial alarm state is read from the .alc file. This function
returns it in the iTagState parameter of the function which is
an integer tag.
Returns an integer error code.
AlmState is an integer tag that contains 0, 1 or 2.
Status = APUGetQueryAlarmState(Inst,AlmState);
See Also
APUGetConfigurationFilePath(), APUGetPrinterJobCount(),
APUGetQueryProcessingState(), APUGetQueryToPriority()
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting259
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetQueryProcessingState() Function
Returns the status of the alarm query processing.
[Result=] APUGetQueryProcessingState(iInstance,
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer tag that receives the processing state from the
function. It has following meaning:
0 = Stop
1 = Start
This function returns an integer value to the iTagState
parameter, which is an integer tag.
Returns an integer error code.
ProcState is an integer tag that is set to 0 if the query is not
running, or 1 if the query is running.
Status = APUGetQueryProcessingState(Inst,
See Also
APUGetConfigurationFilePath(), APUGetPrinterJobCount(),
APUGetQueryAlarmState(), APUGetQueryFromPriority(),
260 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Querying Instance Information
Use the following functions to return the current status of an
instance of the Alarm Printer.
APUFindAlarmGroupInstance() Function
APUFindFileInstance() Function
APUFindPrinterInstance() Function
APUGetInstanceCount() Function
APUIsInstanceUsed() Function
APUFindAlarmGroupInstance() Function
Returns the first instance of the Alarm Printer using the
specified alarm group string.
[Result=] APUFindAlarmGroupInstance(sGroup,
The name of the alarm group to be found among the
An integer tag that receives the value of a found instance
that uses the specified group name.
This function returns the instance number to an integer tag
as the iInstance parameter. The initial alarm group string is
read from the .alc file. If no instance is found, the function
returns 1 as the error code (no instance available) and writes
0 to the integer tag parameter.
Returns an integer error code.
FoundInstance is an integer tag that receives the number of
the first instance found that uses the $System as its query.
Status = APUFindAlarmGroupInstance("$System",
See Also
APUFindFileInstance(), APUFindPrinterInstance(),
APUGetInstanceCount(), APUIsInstanceUsed()
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting261
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUFindFileInstance() Function
Finds the first instance of the Alarm Printer using the
specified .alc configuration file.
The path of the .alc configuration file for which the instance
is to be found.
An integer tag that receives the number of the instance.
This function returns the instance number to an integer tag
as the iInstance parameter. Use this function to initially
obtain the desired instance of the Alarm Printer. The file
path string match is not case-sensitive.
If no instance is found, the function returns 1 as the error
code (no instance available) and writes 0 to the integer tag
Returns an integer error code.
InstFound is an integer tag that receives the number of the
first instance that uses the configuration file
Status =
See Also
APUFindAlarmGroupInstance(), APUFindPrinterInstance(),
APUGetInstanceCount(), APUIsInstanceUsed()
262 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUFindPrinterInstance() Function
Finds the first instance of the Alarm Printer using the
specified printer name or port.
The name of the printer for which the instance is to be
An integer tag that receives the number of the instance.
This function returns the instance number to an integer tag
as the iInstance parameter. Use this function to initially
obtain the desired instance of an Alarm Printer. The printer
name is stored and read from the .alc file. The printer name
string match is not case-sensitive. If no instance is found, the
function returns 1 as the error code (no instance available)
and writes 0 to the integer tag parameter.
Returns an integer error code.
FoundInst is an integer tag that receives the number of the
first instance that uses LPT1 as printer name in its
associated .alc file.
Status = APUFindPrinterInstance("LPT1",
See Also
APUFindAlarmGroupInstance(), APUFindFileInstance(),
APUGetInstanceCount(), APUIsInstanceUsed()
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting263
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetInstanceCount() Function
Returns the number of running instances of the Alarm
Printer, up to a maximum of 16 instances.
[Result=] APUGetInstanceCount(iCount);
An integer tag that receives the number of instances.
This function returns the number of instances to an integer
tag as parameter. Any instances beyond the first sixteen
running simultaneously are not dynamically controlled nor
can their status be obtained.
Returns an integer error code.
ICount is an integer tag. A run-time value of 7 means that
there are currently seven instances of Alarm Printer
Status = APUGetInstanceCount( iCount );
See Also
APUFindAlarmGroupInstance(), APUFindFileInstance(),
APUFindPrinterInstance(), APUIsInstanceUsed()
264 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUIsInstanceUsed() Function
Returns a discrete value that indicates the instance is
currently in use.
[Result=] APUIsInstanceUsed(iInstance);
The number of an instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
The result is either 0 or 1:
0 = instance is not used.
1 = instance is used.
InUse is a discrete tag that is set to true (1), if instance 5 is in
use, or set to false (0), if instance 5 is not in use.
InUse = APUIsInstanceUsed(5);
See Also
APUFindAlarmGroupInstance(), APUFindFileInstance(),
APUFindPrinterInstance(), APUGetInstanceCount()
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting265
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Querying Printer Information
Use the following functions to return the status of the Alarm
APUGetPrinterName() Function
APUGetPrinterStatus() Function
APUGetPrinterName() Function
Returns the Windows printer name or port name of the
printer used by this instance.
[Result=] APUGetPrinterName(iInstance,
The number of the Alarm Printer instance (0 to 15).
A message tag that receives the printer name or port name
of the configuration associated with the specified instance.
This function returns the value NONE if no printer is
configured for an instance. The printer name is stored and
read from the .alc file. This function returns the printer name
or port name to a message tag as the sTagPrinter parameter.
Returns an integer error code.
PrtName is a message tag that receives the printer name or
port name of the configuration associated with instance 3 of
Alarm Printer.
Status = APUGetPrinterName(3,PrtName);
See Also
266 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUGetPrinterStatus() Function
Returns the most recent status of the Windows printer used
by this instance.
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer value specifying the following:
0 = Get status for Alarm Printer Error
1 = Get status for Alarm Printer No Paper
2 = Get status for Alarm Printer Offline
3 = Get status for Alarm Printer Overflow
An integer or real tag that receives the status of the printer
associated with specified instance number and the type of
selection made by the iSelector parameter.
This function returns the printer status to an integer or real
tag as the iTagStatus parameter. The results are not current
unless a query is running and an alarm has been printed.
The status typically updates when the printer initially opens,
and then each time an alarm line prints.
This status information is being queried to the printer based
on Microsoft or Windows driver standards. Not all printer
manufacturers follow these standards. Therefore, not all
printers return status information.
Returns an integer error code.
PrtStat is an integer tag that receives the "Printer Offline"
status from the printer associated with instance 5.
Status = APUGetPrinterStatus(5, 2, PrtStat);
See Also
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting267
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Setting Alarm Query Information
Use the following functions to set parameters used in the
Alarm Printer query.
APUSetAlarmGroupText() Function
APUSetQueryAlarmState() Function
APUSetQueryFromPriority() Function
APUSetQueryToPriority() Function
APUSetTimeoutValues() Function
APUSetAlarmGroupText() Function
Sets the Alarm Query alarm group text.
[Result=] APUSetAlarmGroupText(iInstance,sGroup);
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
Alarm group text.
A query cannot be running for this function to succeed.
Returns an integer error code.
This example sets the query of the Alarm Printer instance 1
to \InTouch!GroupA.
Status = APUSetAlarmGroupText(1,
See Also
APUSetQueryAlarmState(), APUSetQueryFromPriority(),
APUSetQueryToPriority(), APUSetTimeoutValues()
268 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUSetQueryAlarmState() Function
Sets the alarm state for the query.
[Result=] APUSetQueryAlarmState(iInstance,
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer with following possible values:
0 = All
1 = Acknowledged
2 = Unacknowledged
A query cannot be running simultaneously while running a
script using the APUSetQueryAlarmState() function.
Returns an integer error code.
This example sets the query of the Alarm Printer instance 3
to query for acknowledged alarms only.
Status = APUSetQueryAlarmState(3, 1);
See Also
APUSetAlarmGroupText(), APUSetQueryFromPriority(),
APUSetQueryToPriority(), APUSetTimeoutValues()
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting269
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUSetQueryFromPriority() Function
Sets the lower boundary or from priority of an alarm query.
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer value for the From Priority (1 to 999).
A query cannot be running for this function to succeed.
Returns an integer error code.
This example sets the From Priority value of the query
associated with the instance value of the Inst integer tag to
the value of the FromPri integer tag.
Status = APUSetQueryFromPriority(Inst, FromPri);
See Also
APUSetAlarmGroupText(), APUSetQueryAlarmState(),
APUSetQueryToPriority(), APUSetTimeoutValues()
270 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUSetQueryToPriority() Function
Sets the To Priority for the query.
The instance of Alarm Printer (0 to 15).
An integer value for the To Priority in the range of 1 to 999.
It should also be set higher than or equal to the From
Priority value of the same query of the specified instance.
The To priority must be equal to or greater than the From
priority to set a valid alarm priority range. A script
containing the APUSetQueryToPriority() function cannot
run at the same time as a query.
Returns an integer error code.
This example sets the To Priority value of the query
associated with the instance 0 to 240.
Status = APUSetQueryToPriority(0,240);
See Also
APUSetAlarmGroupText(), APUSetQueryAlarmState(),
APUSetQueryFromPriority(), APUSetTimeoutValues()
Controlling the Alarm Printer Using Scripting271
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
APUSetTimeoutValues() Function
The APUSetTimeoutValues() function sets time-out intervals
in seconds. A time-out interval controls how many errors
caused by memory access or failing to obtain valid responses
are observed while program is running.
The default memory access time-out is two seconds. The
default short response wait time is 10 second and the default
long response wait time is 20 seconds.
[Result=] APUSetTimeoutValues(iMemory,iShort,
Integer - access time out
Short response wait time (integer)
Long response wait time (integer)
Status =
See Also
APUSetAlarmGroupText(), APUSetQueryAlarmState(),
APUSetQueryFromPriority(), APUSetQueryToPriority()
272 Chapter 8 Printing Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Handling Alarm Printer Errors
Use the APUTranslateErrorCode() function to convert an
Alarm Printer error code to an error message.
APUTranslateErrorCode() Function
Converts an error code returned by one of the APU functions
into an English string that briefly describes the error code.
An integer error code, normally returned by most other
APU functions.
A message tag that receives the error message.
This function returns the error message to a message tag as
sTagMessage parameter. This function can fail if an
unknown error code is passed.
Returns an integer error code.
This example sets the message tag errmsg to "No instance
available." if there is no instance 15 of Alarm Printer
currently running.
Status =
$system"), ErrMsg);
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 9
Recording Alarms into an Alarm
The InTouch Distributed Alarm system includes the Alarm
DB Logger utility that logs alarms and events to the alarm
Alarm DB Logger is an alarm consumer. You configure it
with one or more queries to select alarms from InTouch
alarm providers. The alarms selected by the queries are
stored in a transient memory cache, called the Smart Cache.
The Alarm DB Logger writes the contents of the Smart
Cache to the alarm database as alarm and event records at a
periodic interval.
The Alarm DB Logger can auto-reconnect. When the
connection to the database is lost, the logger checks for the
database connection at regular intervals. Logging resumes
when the connection to the alarm database is re-established.
The Alarm DB Logger reports all errors whether running as
a service or a normal application to the ArchestrA Logger.
InTouch Alarm
Smart Cache
Alarm Query
Alarm DB Logger
274 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SQL Server Accounts for Alarm DB Logger
The Alarm DB Logger Manager creates and uses the
following accounts in the SQL Server database:
Using the Alarm DB Logger Manager
Use the Alarm DB Logger Manager to start and stop logging
operations. The Alarm DB Logger Manager can start as a
service or a normal application.
You configure alarm logging using the Alarm DB Logger
configuration wizard, which you start from within the Alarm
DB Logger Manager.
The Alarm DB Logger Manager shows the percentage fill of
the Smart Cache with alarm records. The alarms are cached
when the SQL Server connection is down or when alarms
occur faster than Alarm DB Logger can log them to the alarm
To open the Alarm DB Logger Manager
In the Tools view, expand Applications.
2 Double-click Alarm DB Logger Manager. The Alarm DB
Logger Manager
Account Password
wwAdmin wwAdmin
wwPower wwPower
wwUser wwUser
Configuring Alarm Database Logging275
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Alarm Database Logging
To log InTouch alarm and event data to the alarm database,
do the following from within the Alarm DB Logger Manager:
Configure the connection to the alarm database
Select which alarms to log to the alarm database
Set the interval to log records to the alarm database
Select which method to run the Alarm DB Logger
Configuring the Database Connection
You must establish a connection between the Alarm DB
Logger and the alarm database.
The Alarm DB Logger only works with SQL Server
authentication and the SQL Server authentication must be
set to mixed mode.
To configure the database connection
Open the Alarm DB Logger Manager. Do the following:
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Logger Manager.
2 Click Settings. The Alarm DB Logger Manager -
wizard appears.
276 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 Configure the database connection. Do the following:
a In the Server Name box, enter the node name of the
computer where the alarm database is installed.
b In the Database box, type the name of the InTouch
alarm database.
c In User Name box, type the user account name created
for the alarm database.
d In the Password box, type the password associated
with the alarm database user account.
4 In the Logging Mode area, configure how records are
stored. Do either of the following:
Click Detailed to store a separate record for each
alarm condition (in alarm, acknowledged, and
returned to normal).
Click Consolidated to store all states of an alarm (in
alarm, acknowledged, and returned to normal) in a
single record with time stamps for each transition.
5 Click Create to create the database, if required.
6 Click Te st Co nn ect io n to verify connectivity to the alarm
database. A message indicates a successful connection to
the database.
7 Click Next to configure which alarms to log. See
Configuring Which Alarms to Log on page 276.
Configuring Which Alarms to Log
In the second page of the Alarm DB Logger Manager
configuration wizard, you define one or more queries to select
alarms from InTouch or Galaxy alarm providers. You also
select a range of alarm priority values that are part of the
database query.
Use the following query syntax for remote nodes:
Use the following query syntax for the local node:
The following is an example of using a Galaxy alarm
provider. This query gives you all alarms from a specific area.
Configuring Alarm Database Logging277
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To configure which alarms to log
Open the Alarm DB Logger Manager and start the
configuration wizard. Do the following:
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Logger Manager.
c Click Settings. The Alarm DB Logger Manager -
wizard appears.
2 Click Next. The Alarm DB Logger Manager - Query Selection
page appears.
The read-only
Alarm State box shows the alarm state for
logging. The read-only Query Type box shows the type of
3 In the From Priority box, enter the starting value of the
alarm priority range.
4 In the To Pr i o r i ty box, enter the ending value of the alarm
priority range.
5 In the Alarm Query box, type the alarm queries that you
want to use to store or retrieve data from the alarm
6 Click Next to configure the logging interval. See
Configuring the Logging Interval on page 278.
278 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Logging Interval
In the third page of the Alarm DB Logger Manager
configuration wizard, you configure advanced query settings.
You can log events to the alarm database. You can also tune
the performance of alarm logging by setting the frequency at
which the alarm records are written from internal alarm
memory to the database.
The logging interval is not the same as the reconnect rate for
the SQL Server. The logging interval is the interval at which
alarms should be read. The reconnect rate depends on the
time out for a connection attempt associated with the SQL
Setting the logging interval too low impacts system
To configure the logging interval
Open the Alarm DB Logger Manager and start the
configuration wizard. Do the following:
a In the Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Logger Manager.
c Click Settings. The Alarm DB Logger Manager -
wizard appears.
2 Click Next. The Alarm DB Logger Manager - Query Selection
page appears.
3 Click Next. The Alarm DB Logger Manager - Advanced
page appears.
Configuring Alarm Database Logging279
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 Select the Log Events check box if you want to store
InTouch event records to the alarm database. You can
also store events coming from an ArchestrA Galaxy.
5 In the Performance Tuning area, type the interval in
milliseconds at which alarm records are written to the
alarm database.
6 Click Finish.
Configuring Alarm DB Logger as a Service
You can configure the Alarm DB Logger to run as a service.
1 Log in to the computer as an administrator.
2 Open the Alarm DB Logger Manager and start the
configuration wizard. Do the following:
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Logger Manager.
c Click Settings. The Alarm DB Logger Manager -
wizard appears.
3 Click Next. The Alarm DB Logger Manager - Query Selection
page appears.
4 Click Next. The Alarm DB Logger Manager - Advanced
page appears.
5 In the Running Logger As area, click either Windows
or Normal Application.
6 Click Finish.
280 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Starting and Stopping Alarm Database Logging
The Alarm DB Logger writes records to the alarm database.
It starts and runs either as a service or a normal application
(depending upon the running mode you select when you
configure the Alarm DB Logger).
To start or stop alarm logging
In the Tools view, expand Applications.
2 Double-click Alarm DB Logger Manager. The Alarm DB
Logger Manager
Smart Cache Status shows the percentage of the
in-memory cache holding alarm records.
3 Click Start to begin the alarm logging process.
4 Click Stop to end the alarm logging process.
Alarm Database Views
You can use a set of SQL Server database views to easily
query past and current alarm and event occurrences.
A database view is a single logical table that combines
information from multiple, underlying database tables.
Database views are often called as virtual database tables
because they can be queried using standard SQL statements,
just as if they were real tables. When a view is queried, it
returns a set of records (or rows). Each row has several
columns of information that contain the data for the record.
You can use the alarm database views to perform complex
queries. For example, you can retrieve alarm records for all
HiHi alarms that occurred during a particular time span in a
particular area of the plant. Or, you can retrieve all data
change events logged by a certain alarm provider node.
All strings are Unicode in the views.
Alarm Database Views281
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm History View
The v_AlarmHistory view contains all historical alarms and
alarm transition events that occurred over a selected time
range. The query specifies start and end date and time (the
EventStamp or EventStampUTC column). The returned
records include alarm origination, alarm acknowledge, alarm
enable, alarm disable, and alarm return-to-normal events.
The following table describes the view columns:
Column Name Datatype Description
EventStamp Datetime Date and time of alarm event (in local time of
AlarmState nChar State of alarm: one of UNACK, UNACK_RTN,
TagName nChar Name of the object that generated the alarm,
such as TIC101.
Description nVarchar Description string of the alarm. Can default to
object description (or comment in the InTouch
HMI). Or acknowledge comment for
acknowledged records.
Area nChar Name of the Area or Group for the alarm.
Type nChar Type of alarm, such as Hi, HiHi, ROC,
Value nChar Value of alarm variable at time of alarm.
CheckValue nChar Value of alarm limit at time of alarm.
Priority Integer Alarm priority.
Category nChar Alarm class or alarm category. Such as Value,
Dev, ROC, Process, Batch, System, and so on.
Provider nChar Provider of alarm: node/InTouch, or
Operator nChar Name of the operator.
DomainName nChar Name of the domain.
UserFullName nChar Full name of user in operator (for example,
Joseph P. Smith).
UNACKDuration Float The time between the most recent alarm
transition (alarm or sub-state) and the
acknowledgement, if any.
User1 Float User-defined field number 1.
282 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The v_AlarmHistory2 view is a variation of the
v_AlarmHistory view.
User2 Float User-defined field number 2.
User 3 nChar User-defined field, string.
EventStampUTC DateTime UTC date/ time of alarm event.
Millisec Small Int Fractional seconds for event stamp in
increments of 0.1 msec.
OperatorNode nvarchar(32) Name of the node where the operator
acknowledged the alarm.
Column Name Datatype Description
Column Name Datatype Description
EventStamp Datetime Date and time of alarm event (in local time of
AlarmState nChar State of alarm: one of UNACK, UNACK_RTN,
TagName nChar Name of the object that generated the alarm,
such as TIC101.
Description nVarchar Description string of the alarm. Can default t.o
object description (or comment in InTouch). Or
acknowledge comment for acknowledgement
Area nChar Name of the Area or Group for the alarm.
Type nChar Type of alarm, such as Hi, HiHi, ROC,
Value nChar Value of alarm variable at time of alarm.
CheckValue nChar Value of alarm limit at time of alarm.
Priority Integer Alarm priority.
Category nChar Alarm class or alarm category. Such as Value,
Dev, ROC, Process, Batch, System, and so on.
Provider nChar Provider of alarm: node/InTouch, or
Operator nChar Name of operator: JoeR (if any).
DomainName nChar Name of domain.
UserFullName nChar Full name of user in operator (for example,
Joseph P. Smith).
Alarm Database Views283
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Example Query - Alarm History View
This example selects all records from the Alarm History
SELECT * FROM v_AlarmHistory
This example selects all records from the Alarm History view
with a priority greater than 100:
SELECT * FROM v_AlarmHistory WHERE Priority >100
Event History View
The v_EventHistory database view lists all historical events
that occurred over a selected time range. The query client
specifies the starting and ending date and time range. The
returned records include all non-alarm events.
AlarmDuration Float The time between onset of the alarm and
return to normal.
User1 Float User-defined field number 1.
User2 Float User-defined field number 2.
User 3 nChar User-defined field, string.
EventStampUTC DateTime UTC date/ time of alarm event.
Millisec Small Int Fractional seconds for event stamp in
increments of 0.1 msec.
Column Name Datatype Description
Column Name Datatype Description
EventStamp Datetime Date and time of event.
TagName nChar Name of the object that generated the event,
such as Pump1.
Description nVarChar Description string of the event. Can default to
object description, or comment in InTouch.
Area nChar Name of the Area or Group for the event.
Type nChar Type of event, such as "Operator data change",
"Startup", and so on.
Value nChar New Value (if any).
CheckValue nChar Old Value (if any).
284 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm Event History View
The v_AlarmEventHistory database view provides a
historical list of all events and alarms that occurred over a
selected time range. The query client specifies start and end
date and time. The returned records include all alarms and
events. This view combines the alarm view and event view
into one and represents the union of the records from those
Category nChar Event category or class, such as Value, Process,
Batch, System, and so on.
Provider nChar Generator of event, such as node/InTouch, or
View Engine name for user change.
Operator nChar Name of operator1: JoeR (if any).
DomainName nChar Name of domain.
UserFullName nChar Full name of user in operator (for example,
Joseph P. Smith).
User1 Float User-defined field number 1.
User2 Float User-defined field number 2.
User 3 nChar User-defined field, string.
EventStampUTC DateTime UTC date/ time of event.
Millisec Small Int Fractional seconds for event stamp in increments
of 0.1 msec.
Column Name Datatype Description
Column Name Datatype Description
EventStamp Datetime Date and time of event.
AlarmState nChar State of alarm: one of UNACK, UNACK_RTN,
ACK, ACK_RTN. Does not apply for events.
TagName nChar Name of the object that generated the alarm,
such as TIC101.
Description nVarchar Description string of the alarm/event. Can
default to object description (or comment in
InTouch). Or acknowledge comment for
acknowledged records.
Area nChar Name of the Area or Group for the alarm.
Type nChar Type of alarm or event, such as Hi, HiHi, ROC,
PV.HiAlarm, Operator data change, and so on.
Alarm Database Views285
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The v_AlarmEventHistory2 view is a variation of the
v_AlarmEventHistory view.
Value nChar Value of alarm variable at time of alarm.
CheckValue nChar Value of alarm limit at time of alarm, or old
value for event.
Priority Integer Alarm priority.
Category nChar Alarm or event class, or alarm category, such as
Value, Process, Batch, System, and so on.
Provider nChar Provider of alarm, such as node/InTouch, or
Operator nChar Name of acknowledgement operator or data
change operator.
DomainName nChar Name of domain.
UserFullName nChar Full name of user in operator (for example,
Joseph P. Smith).
UNACKDuration Float Number of milliseconds from the most recent
alarm transition to ACK.
User1 Float User-defined field number 1.
User2 Float User-defined field number 2.
User 3 nChar User-defined field, string.
EventStampUTC DateTime UTC date/ time of event.
Millisec Small Int Fractional seconds for event stamp in
increments of 0.1 msec.
Column Name Datatype Description
Column Name Datatype Description
EventStamp Datetime Date and time of event.
AlarmState nChar State of alarm: one of UNACK, UNACK_RTN,
ACK, ACK_RTN. Does not apply for events.
TagName nChar Name of the object that generated the alarm,
such as TIC101.
Description nVarchar Description string of the alarm/event. Can
default to object description (or comment in
InTouch). Or acknowledge comment for
acknowledged records.
Area nChar Name of the Area or Group for the alarm.
286 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Example Query - Alarm Event History View
The following example selects the data in the TagName, Area
and Type columns for all records that have a tagname of
MyTag1, an alarm state of ACK_RTN or ACK. The results
are ordered by the alarm provider.
SELECT TagName, Area, Type FROM v_AlarmEventHistory
WHERE TagName=’MyTag1’
AND (AlarmState=’ACK_RTN’ OR AlarmState=’ACK’)
ORDER BY Provider
Type nChar Type of alarm or event, such as Hi, HiHi, ROC,
PV.HiAlarm, Operator data change, and so on.
Value nChar Value of alarm variable at time of alarm.
CheckValue nChar Value of alarm limit at time of alarm, or old
value for event.
Priority Integer Alarm priority.
Category nChar Alarm or event class, or alarm category, such as
Value, Process, Batch, System, and so on.
Provider nChar Provider of alarm, such as node/InTouch, or
Operator nChar Name of acknowledgement operator or data
change operator.
DomainName nChar Name of domain.
UserFullName nChar Full name of user in operator (for example,
Joseph P. Smith).
AlarmDuration Float Number of milliseconds from the onset of alarm
to the return to normal (RTN).
User1 Float User-defined field number 1.
User2 Float User-defined field number 2.
User 3 nChar User-defined field, string.
EventStampUTC DateTime UTC date/ time of event.
Millisec Small Int Fractional seconds for event stamp in increments
of 0.1 msec.
Column Name Datatype Description
Alarm Database Views287
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AlarmSuite Alarm Log View
The v_AlarmSuiteAlarmLog database view provides a view
of historical alarms and events that returns a table that has
the same columns as the actual AlarmSuite table called
AlarmLog. Queries that work against the AlarmSuite
AlarmLog table also work against this view, except that the
table name in those queries must be changed to the view
Example Query - AlarmSuite Alarm Log View
The following example selects all distinct tagnames from the
SELECT Distinct TagName FROM v_AlarmSuiteAlarmLog
Column Name Datatype Description
EventStamp Datetime Date and time of the event.
EventType NChar Type of the event, as defined by AlarmSuite.
AlarmType NChar Type of the alarm.
AlarmState NChar Acknowledgement state of the alarm.
NodeName NChar Node of alarm.
TagName NChar Name of the object reporting alarm.
GroupName NChar Name of alarm group or area.
Comment NChar Acknowledge comment (if any).
Value Float Value of alarm variable.
Limit Float Value of alarm limit at time of alarm.
ValueString NChar See the AlarmSuite table.
Operator NChar Operator name.
Priority Integer Priority.
Units NChar Return as "" in 7.11.
288 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm Database Stored Procedures
You can use a set of SQL Server stored procedures to easily
retrieve information for analysis and reporting of alarms and
A stored procedure is a collection of SQL statements that
perform a specific function and return data from the
database. Stored procedures can accept input parameters
that govern how they are to operate, and they return data in
the form of a result set.
The returned results are a set of records and appear as a SQL
record set very similar to a SQL Server database view. Stored
procedures can improve performance because they exist in
the database with their embedded SQL statements and
reduce round-trips back to the client.
For more information about stored procedures, including how
to view the definitions for them, see your Microsoft SQL
Server documentation.
Calling a Stored Procedure
Call a stored procedure using the EXECUTE statement.
EXECUTE sp_AlarmCounter @StartDate=’2007-01-01’,
@EndDate=’2007-03-31’, @Tagname = ’tag1’, @Type =
’LO’, @Provider = ’WW21353\InTouch’, @Comment =
In this example, the StartDate and EndDate parameters are
required. The remaining parameters are optional. If you do
not provide a value for a parameter, it is not used to filter the
result set.
If a stored procedure includes a date/time variable, you can
use any valid format specified in the SQL Server
Alarm Database Stored Procedures289
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AlarmCounter Database Stored Procedure
This stored procedure returns the number of times a unique
alarm occurred in a time interval. A unique alarm is
identified by its TagName, Provider, Alarm Type, and
The counter only applies to the number of alarm originations
(not transitions such as acknowledges or returns-to-normal).
So, for example, if an alarm occurred and then was
acknowledged and then returned to normal, the count for
that alarm is only 1 (not 3).
The query must specify the starting and ending date and
time. It has five optional parameters: TagName, Class, Type,
Provider and Comment.
An example question answered by this view: How many
times did object TIC101 (TagName) on provider
Node1|InTouch (Provider) go into a Value alarm (Category)
that was HiHi (Type) during a time span?
Note The AlarmCounter stored procedure applies only to the
Detailed logging mode and is not supported by Consolidated
An example query is:
EXECUTE sp_AlarmCounter @StartDate=’2007-01-01
23:23:23’, @EndDate=’2007-03-31 23:23:23’, @Tagname =
Column Name Datatype Description
TagName Nchar Name of the object that generated the alarm, such
as TIC101.
GroupName Nchar Name of the area or group for the alarm
AlarmType Nchar Type of alarm such as Hi, HiHi, ROC, PV,
AlarmClass Nchar Alarm class or alarm category such, as Value,
Process, Batch, etc.
AlarmCount Integer Number of onsets of the alarm during the time
range. If an alarm occurs prior to the starting date
and time, it is not included in the count.
Priority Integer Alarm priority.
Provider Nchar Provider of alarm, such as node/InTouch, or
Comment Nchar The alarm comment.
290 Chapter 9 Recording Alarms into an Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
EventCounter Database Stored Procedure
This database stored procedure provides the count of the
number of events of a certain type on a certain tag that
occurred in a time interval. The query client must specify
start and end date and time. It has three optional
parameters: TagName, Provider and Comment. The counter
applies only to non-alarm events. The purpose of this view is
to show frequency of each event. For example, how many
times did the pump turn on? The TagName, Provider,
Category and Type are used to uniquely identify an event
and do the counting.
An example query is:
EXECUTE sp_EventCounter @StartDate=’2007-01-01
23:23:23’, @EndDate=’2007-03-31 23:23:23’, @Tagname =
Column Name Datatype Description
TagName NChar Name of the object that generated the alarm, such
as TIC101
Area NChar Name of the Area or Group for the alarm.
Type NChar Type of event.
Category NChar Alarm class or alarm category, such as Value,
Process, Batch, etc.
EventCount Integer Number of times the event of this Type for the
TagName has occurred in the specified time range.
Provider NChar Provider of event: node/InTouch, or GalaxyName.
Comment NChar The event comment.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 10
Viewing Recorded Alarms
You use the Alarm DB View ActiveX control to visualize data
from the alarm database. Use this control to show all alarm
and event information generated from an InTouch
application during run time.
For this control, you can configure:
Context sensitive menu features
Display mode
List control options
Colors for different properties
Font type, style and size
Database specifications (server name, user ID and
Query filters
Column management
292 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Run-time users can change options while the application is
running to select the data they are viewing. They can:
Sort the information within a column
Update the display
Perform a query
Resize the width of a column
For more information about ActiveX controls, see Chapter 6,
ActiveX Controls, in the InTouch® HMI Visualization Guide.
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control
When you configure the Alarm DB View control, you:
Configure the connection to the alarm database.
Configure the appearance of the grid.
Select a display font.
Configure the visual appearance.
Set which features the user can access while the
application is running.
Configure which alarms to show.
Create custom filters.
Set the colors for the types of alarm records.
Configure the time format shown.
Configure the sort order of alarm records shown.
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control293
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Database Connection
You must configure the connection between the Alarm DB
View control and the alarm database.
Use an account with appropriate read-only access to the
alarm database and not a system administrator account.
To configure the connection to the alarm database
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDbViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Database tab.
3 Configure the connection to the alarm database. Do the
a In the Server Name box, enter the node name of the
computer where the alarm database is installed.
b In the Database Name box, type the database name.
c In the User box, type the name of a valid user account.
d In the Password box, type the password associated
with the user account.
4 Select the Auto Connect check box to have the Alarm DB
View control automatically connect to the alarm database
when the InTouch application starts running.
If you do not select the
Auto Connect check box, you must
configure the Alarm DB View control to connect to the
alarm database by explicitly calling the Connect()
method. For more information about the Connect method,
see Connect() Method on page 347.
5 Click Te st Co nn ec t ion to verify connectivity to the alarm
database. A message indicates a successful connection.
6 Click Apply.
294 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Appearance of the Grid
You can configure properties that determine the visual
appearance of the Alarm DB View control.
To configure the appearance of the grid
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDbViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Configure the general appearance. Do the following:
Click the Show Grid check box to show the grid.
Click the Silent Mode check box to prevent the control
from showing any error messages at run time.
Click the Show Message check box to show a message
if the alarm query does not return any records. Type
the message to show in the box.
Click the Show Heading check box to show the control
Click the Show Status Bar check box to show the status
4 Click Apply.
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control295
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Display Font
You can select the font of all text that appears in the Alarm
DB View control.
To configure the font properties
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDbViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Click Font. The standard Windows Font dialog box
appears. Configure the font and then click OK.
4 Click Apply.
296 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Selecting Alarm or Event Data
You can configure if alarm records, event records, or both
appear in an Alarm DB View control.
To select the type of data
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDbViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 In the Display Mode list, click the type of historical records
from the list:
Click Alarm & Event History to show both alarm and
event historical database records.
Click Alarm History to show only historical alarm
Click Event History to show only historical event
4 Click Apply.
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control297
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Selecting and Configuring Display Columns
For the Alarm DB View control, you can:
Select and order the columns.
Set the width of a column in pixels.
Rename a column.
At least one column must be selected.
Important The column names are reset to default column names
if the display mode is changed. It is better to select the display
mode first before changing the column names.
To configure the display column details
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDbViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Click Column Details. The Column Details dialog box
4 In the Name column, select the check boxes next to the
names of the columns that you want to appear in the
Alarm DB View control. You must select at least one
column from the list.
Column Name Description
Shows the time at which the alarm
Shows the state of the alarm.
Shows the alarm category.
Shows the alarm type.
Shows the alarm priority.
298 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Shows the tag or source that caused
the alarm or event.
Shows the alarm group name.
Shows the name of the alarm
Shows the value of the tag when the
alarm occurred.
Shows the alarm limit value of the
Shows the logged-on operator’s ID
associated with the alarm condition.
Operator Full
Shows the logged-on operator’s full
Operator Node
Shows the logged on operator’s node
associated with the alarm condition.
In a Terminal Services environment,
this is the name of the client
computer that the operator
established the Terminal Services
session from. If the node name can't
be retrieved, the node's IP address is
used instead.
Shows the logged on operator’s
domain associated with the alarm
Shows the tag’s comments. This
comment was typed in the Alarm
box when the tag’s alarm
was defined in the database. When
an acknowledgement comment is
introduced for alarms, the new
comment is updated in this comment
Shows the numerical values of User
Defined Number 1
corresponding to
the alarm.
Shows the numerical values of User
Defined Number 2
corresponding to
the alarm.
Column Name Description
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control299
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
5 Rearrange columns by selecting the column name and
using the up and down arrows. The column name
appearing at the top of the
Column Details dialog box is
the left-most column of the alarm control.
6 To change the name of a column or its width, select the
column and click Edit. The Edit dialog box appears.
a In the New Name box, type the new column name.
a In the New Width box, type the column width. The
column width can range from 1 to 999 pixels.
b Click OK.
7 Click Reset to Default to return to the default column
detail settings.
8 Click OK in the Column Details dialog box.
9 Click Apply.
Shows the string value of the user
defined string property associated
with the alarm.
Shows the unacknowledgement
duration or the alarm duration,
depending on what has been selected
by the operator.
UTC Time
Shows the time of the alarm in UTC.
Column Name Description
300 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Controlling Which Features You Can Access at
Run Time
You can enable and disable the shortcut menu features
available at this control.
To configure run-time features
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDbViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 In the Context-Sensitive Menu Options area, configure
which menu commands are available at run time.
Select the Enable Refresh Menu check box to enable
Refresh menu option in the shortcut menu of the
control at run time. The Refresh menu refreshes the
control to the database, and if the connection is
successful, it shows the set of records in the range 1 to
number defined by the MaxRecords property.
Select the Enable Reset Menu check box to enable the
Reset menu option in the shortcut menu of the control
at run time. The Reset menu arranges all the
columns to the settings saved at design time.
Select the Enable Sort Menu check box to enable the
Sort menu option on the shortcut menu of the control
at run time. This menu shows the Secondary Sort
menu used to set the user-defined sorting of columns.
Select the Enable Filter Menu check box to enable the
Filter menu option on the shortcut menu of the control
at run time. This menu shows the filter menu used to
set the user-defined filtering criteria.
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control301
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 Click the Resize Column check box to allow resizing the
5 Select the Row Selection check box to enable selecting
alarm records.
6 Select the Retrieve buttons check box to show the
retrieval buttons at the right side of the control.
7 Click Apply.
Configuring the Shown Time Format and Time
Zone for Alarm Records
You can configure the time format and time zone for alarm
records shown in the Alarm DB View control.
To configure time format
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDBViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Time/Sort tab.
3 In the Time Format list, click a time format:
character Description Example
d Two-digit day 31
b Three-letter month
Y Four-digit year 2007
m Two-digit month 11
/ Date division function 06/2007
302 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
You can also manually enter your own format string in
the list box using custom text and the formatting
characters. Some sample time format character strings
are shown below:
y Two-digit year 07
#x Full day and date Friday, August
09, 2002
B Full month name September
- Dash date division
. Period date division
, Comma date division
Aug 09, 2007
H 24 hour time 22:15
: Time division
punctuation as in 4:41
M Minute 00:41
p AM or PM display
S Seconds 16:41:07
s Fractions of a second 16:41:07.390
I 12 hour time with
AM/PM designation
04:41 PM
Time Format String Display
%d %b 09 Aug
%m/%d/%Y 08/09/2002
%#x Friday, August 09, 2002
%Y-%m-%d 2002-08-09
%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p 08/09/2002 16:56 PM
%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%s
08/09/2002 16:56:38.07
%I:%M %p 04:56 PM
character Description Example
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control303
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the Displayed Time Zone list, click the desired time
5 Click Apply.
Selecting the Time Period of Data from the
Alarm Database
You can set query values to select records based on the
selected time. You can also configure the maximum number
of records to view, the start and end time of the alarm query,
and the query time zone.
To select the time period of data
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDBViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Selection tab.
3 To use a pre-defined time interval that always queries for
data using the UTC time zone, click an interval from the
Duration list.
Time Zone Description
GMT Alarm time stamps use Greenwich
Mean Time.
Local Time Alarm time stamps are shown with the
local time of the client hosting the
Alarm DB View control.
Origin Time Alarm time stamps are shown with the
local time of the alarm provider.
304 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 To use a specific start time and end time, click Use
Specific Time
and then configure the details.
a In the Start Time box, enter the start time to retrieve
the alarm records. The string must be in
MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format. Use any date in
any time zone from midnight, January 1, 1970, to
January 18, 19:14:07, 2038.
b In the End Time box, enter the end time to stop
retrieving alarm records. The string must be in
MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format. Use any date in
any time zone from midnight, January 1, 1970, to
January 18, 19:14:07, 2038.
c In the Query Time Zone area, click either UTC or Origin
. UTC time is Greenwich Mean Time, also known
as Coordinated Universal Time or Zulu. Origin time
is the current time in the operator’s time zone.
5 In the Duration Column area, configure which type of
duration is shown. Duration is measured in milliseconds.
Click UnAck Duration to show the time between the
most recent alarm transition (alarm or sub-state) and
the acknowledgement, if any.
Click Alarm Duration to show the amount of time
elapsed between the initial occurrence of an alarm
and the time at which it returned to a normal state.
6 In the Maximum Records box, type the number of records
to view from the control at one instance. The valid range
of maximum records is from 1 to 1000.
7 Click Apply.
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control305
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
About Query Time Zones
The Query Time Zone options are Origin Time and UTC.
Origin time is the local time in the operator’s time zone.
UTC time is Greenwich Mean Time, also known as
Coordinated Universal Time or Zulu.
If Use Specific Time is selected, you can select between the
two query time zone options. If Use Specific Time is not
selected, the selected Duration predefined time interval
always queries for data using the UTC time zone.
To avoid problems during the Daylight Saving Time switch,
we recommend that you always use UTC in Query Time
Zone. If you use Local Time instead, it is possible that alarm
records will be missing for the transition period from
Daylight Saving Time to Normal Time.
If you are running several different computers with different
time zone settings, and they are all logging to the same
alarm database, each record will get the time stamps in UTC,
plus the time zone offset and daylight saving adjustment
needed to convert that time stamp to the corresponding
Origin Time. As a result, every entry in the database has two
time stamps: the UTC time and the Origin Time from the
computer that did the logging. This makes retrievals faster.
In the table entries, the UTC time is identified as the
"Transition Time" and the Origin Time is identified as the
306 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Creating Custom Filters and Using Filter
You can select which records are included in your query
results. For example, you can select a filter by the date of a
record or the state of the alarm. You can select multiple fields
to limit or expand your query results.
If you do not define a custom filter, all records are returned.
If you translated strings for language switching, you cannot
use those strings as filter criteria. Translated strings are
stored outside of the alarm database.
To create custom filters
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDBViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Query Filter tab.
3 In the left pane, select filter fields and then click Add to
include them in the filter, which is shown in the right
pane. The filter fields are described in the following table:
Field name Filters query by:
Alarm state. For more
information, see Values for the
State Column on page 311.
Alarm class.
Alarm type.
Alarm priority.
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control307
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 To remove a field from the filters pane, click the field you
want to delete and click
Delete. Deleting a filter cannot be
undone. When a message appears, click
5 Configure the criteria for each filter field. For more
information, see Defining the Column Filter Criteria on
page 308.
Alarm name.
Alarm group name.
Alarm provider.
Alarm value. Values in the Value
column are shown as
alphanumeric values. The
comparisons of these values in the
Query Filter are done as string
Alarm limit. Values are
alphanumeric. The comparisons of
these values in the Query Filter
are done as a string comparisons.
Operator’s full name.
Operator’s node name associated
with the alarm.
Operator’s domain name
associated with the alarm.
Alarm comment.
Alarm user-defined numeric value
Alarm user-defined numeric value
Alarm user-defined string value.
Unacknowledgement and alarm
duration. A Duration column set
equal to zero does not produce
records with a null value in the
Field name Filters query by:
308 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
6 Configure the operators and grouping for the filter. For
more information, see Grouping Alarm Columns on
page 310.
7 Configure the query favorites file. Do the following:
a In the Filter Favorites File box, type the network path
and file name or click the ellipse button to browse for
the file.
b To edit the Filter Favorites file, click the Edit Favorites
button. The Filter Favorites window opens,
allowing you to add, modify, or delete filters from
your favorites file. When you are done, click OK to
save your changes and close the window.
8 Click Apply.
Defining the Column Filter Criteria
For each column filter you include in the query, you must
configure the filter criteria. For example, you might want to
only see alarms for a specific operator.
To define a column filter
Right-click the field and then click Edit Filter. The Define
dialog box appears.
2 In the Operator list, select the operator you need.
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control309
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 In the Value box, type the criteria that must be matched.
The Value box does not accept values that cannot be
processed for the selected query. The
Value box accepts
the following wildcard characters when the Like and Not
filter operators are used for alphanumeric column
The following Value box limits apply to different fields:
4 Click OK.
Character Description
% Any string of zero or more characters.
_ Any single character.
[ ] Any single character within the specified
range, for example [a-f], or within a set,
for example [abcdef].
[^] Any single character not within the
specified range, for example [^a-f], or
set, for example [^abcdef].
Field Limit
All fields All alphanumeric characters except
User1, User2 and Priority.
Priority Accepts integer values from 1 to 999.
Accepts only negative, positive or
fractional numbers.
310 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Grouping Alarm Columns
When more than one field is defined, the columns are
combined using Boolean operators.
The AND operator returns records that meet all values of
the selected fields.
The OR operator returns records that meet the values of
any of the selected fields.
To use AND/OR operators to set the filter selection criteria,
the respective fields must be grouped together. Only a single
filter expression can be created on an item in the filters pane.
If multiple expressions are needed, then the item must be
added to the filters pane again.
By default, the grouped fields have the AND operator.
The AND and OR operators are parent nodes. The fields
selected under each parent node are child nodes. You cannot
drag fields parent nodes to child nodes.
To group alarm columns
Right-click the field and then click Group.
2 Drag a field onto another field.
Copying or Moving Query Filters
If you have more than one instance of Alarm DB View control
and want to use the same filters for multiple instances, you
can copy or cut the defined filters from one instance and
paste them to another filter.
To copy filters
Define the filters in the first instance of the Alarm DB
View control.
2 Right-click the filters and click Copy. To move the filters,
3 Close the first instance of the Alarm DB View control.
4 Open the next instance of the Alarm DB View control and
click the Query Filter tab.
5 Position the arrow in the right pane. Right-click a
selected filter and click
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control311
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Values for the State Column
When you add the State column to your filter query, you may
assign values from the Value menu in the Define Filter dialog
box. The values available are described in the following table:
Note When a tag in expanded summary alarm mode is used to
create an alarm, which returns to normal when the main alarm is
acknowledged, two records are created. The first record is the
“acknowledged and returned to normal” record as the new alarm
is already in a returned to normal state. The second record is
acknowledged, which corresponds to acknowledging the main
alarm. The previous implementation of ACK_ALM has been
changed to ACK.
Value Description
ACK Produces a query of all system
ACK_ALM Produces a query of all
acknowledged alarms.
UNACK_ALM Produces a query of all
unacknowledged alarms.
ACK_RTN Produces a query of all
acknowledged alarms that have
returned to normal.
UNACK_RTN Produces a query of
unacknowledged alarms that have
returned to normal.
All UNACK Records Produces a query of all
unacknowledged records.
All ACK Records Produces a query of all
acknowledgement records.
All ALM Records Produces a query of all alarm
All RTN Records Produces a query of all alarms that
have returned to normal.
312 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Colors for Various Types of Alarm
You can set the colors for alarm and event records.
To configure alarm display colors
Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDBViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Color tab.
3 Configure the color for each of the following by clicking
the color box to open the palette.
Alarm Return
Sets the foreground color of records
for alarms that return to normal.
Alarm Return
Sets the background color of records
for alarms that return to normal.
Event Forecolor
Sets the foreground color of events
Event Backcolor
Sets the background color of events
Configuring the Alarm DB View Control313
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the Alarm Priority boxes, type the breakpoint values for
the alarm display. You can assign breakpoint values so
that alarms will appear in different colors depending on
the Alarm Priority. The default minimum and maximum
alarm priority values are 1 and 999, respectively.
For example, you set the
Unack Alm Forecolor to be
orange for the priority range of 250 to 499 and red for the
priority range of 1 to 249. If an alarm occurs with a
priority of 254, it is shown in an orange font. If an alarm
occurs with a priority of 12, it is shown in a red font.
5 Configure the color for each of the following by clicking
the color box to open the palette.
6 Click Apply.
Unack Alm
Sets the foreground color for each color
priority range for unacknowledged
Unack Alm
Sets the background color for each color
priority range for unacknowledged
Ack Alm
Sets the foreground color for each color
priority range for acknowledged alarms.
Ack Alm
Sets the background color for each color
priority range for acknowledged alarms.
314 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Sort Order for Alarm Records
You can control the way the alarm records are sorted in the
1 Right-click the Alarm DB View control and then click
Properties. The AlmDBViewCtrl Properties dialog box
2 Click the Time/Sort tab.
3 In the Primary Sort Column list, click the name of the
primary sort column. Only visible columns appear in the
Sort Column list. If you do not see the column you want,
click the General tab and select the column from Column
4 In the Secondary Sort Column list, click the name of the
secondary sort column.
5 Select Ascending or Descending as the sort direction.
6 Click OK.
Using an Alarm DB View Control at Run Time315
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using an Alarm DB View Control at Run Time
Depending on how the control is configured, you can:
Retrieve and refresh the data.
Sort the data.
Filter the data.
Select rows.
Change the column order by dragging them.
Reset all the columns to the settings saved at design
Sorting Records
You can sort records in the display. Click on the heading to
sort all the rows.
Right-click in the control and click
Sort to open the Secondary
dialog box, where you can do single and multiple column
sorting, in ascending or descending order.
To specify the columns to be sorted, select the check box
beside the column name. Use the
Sort Order arrow keys to
rearrange the columns.
If multiple alarm events have the same time stamp, they
may not appear in the expected order.
For example, if the desired sorting is in descending order
based on the alarm state first, then:
1 Select both the Date and State check boxes.
2 Select the State row.
3 Click the up sort order arrow.
4 In the Sort Type area, click Descending.
5 Click OK.
316 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Understanding Status Bar Information
The status bar shows the current status of the control.
The left frame shows the server name and the database
The middle frame shows the number of the records that is
shown out of the total number of records that is returned
by the query.
The right side of the frame shows the connection status
with the server.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties
You can set the value an Alarm DB View control property
directly using a script or you can assign it to an InTouch tag
or I/O reference. For more information about setting
properties, see Chapter 8, Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the
InTouch® HMI Scripting and Logic Guide.
For more information on setting color values, see Configuring
Colors for ActiveX Controls on page 87.
AckAlmBackColor Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm background color. This
setting overrides the individual range color settings for
acknowledged alarms (AckAlmBackColorRange1 to
Object.AckAlmBackColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties317
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckAlmBackColorRange1 Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm background color. This
color applies to the records shown in the control with state
ACK_ALM with priorities in the range 1 to
Object.AckAlmBackColorRange1 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
AckAlmBackColorRange2 Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm background color. This
color applies to the records shown in the control with state
ACK_ALM with priorities in the range ColorPriorityRange1
to ColorPriorityRange2.
Object.AckAlmBackColorRange2 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
318 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckAlmBackColorRange3 Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm background color. This
color applies to the records shown in the control with state
ACK_ALM with priorities in the range ColorPriorityRange2
to ColorPriorityRange3.
Object.AckAlmBackColorRange3 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
AckAlmBackColorRange4 Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm background color. This
color applies to the records shown in the control with state
ACK_ALM with priorities in the range ColorPriorityRange3
to 999.
Object.AckAlmBackColorRange4 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties319
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckAlmForeColor Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm foreground color. This
setting overrides the individual range color settings for
acknowledged alarms (AckAlmForeColorRange1 to
Object.AckAlmForeColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
AckAlmForeColorRange1 Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm foreground color. The
color applies to the records shown in the control with state
ACK_ALM with priorities in the range 1 to
Object.AckAlmForeColorRange1 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
320 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckAlmForeColorRange2 Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm foreground color. The
color applies to the records shown in the control with state
ACK_ALM with priorities in the range ColorPriorityRange1
to ColorPriorityRange2.
Object.AckAlmForeColorRange2 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
AckAlmForeColorRange3 Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm foreground color. The
color applies to the records shown in the control with state
ACK_ALM with priorities in the range ColorPriorityRange2
to ColorPriorityRange3.
Object.AckAlmForeColorRange3 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties321
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckAlmForeColorRange4 Property
Gets or sets the acknowledged alarm foreground color. The
color applies to the records shown in the control with state
ACK_ALM with priorities in the range ColorPriorityRange3
to 999.
Object.AckAlmForeColorRange4 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
AckRtnBackColor Property
Gets or sets the background color of acknowledged alarms
that return to normal (ACK_RTN).
Object.AckRtnBackColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
322 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckRtnForeColor Property
Gets or sets the text color of acknowledged alarms that
return to normal (ACK_RTN).
Object.AckRtnForeColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
AlmRtnBackColor Property
Gets or sets the returned alarm background color. This color
applies to the records shown with state ALM_RTN.
Object.AlmRtnBackColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
AlmRtnForeColor Property
Gets or sets the returned alarm foreground color. This color
applies to the records shown with state ALM_RTN.
Object.AlmRtnForeColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties323
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AutoConnect Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control
automatically connects to the database at run time.
Data Type
Object.AutoConnect [= Integer]
An integer expression specifying whether the control
connects to the database at run time.
True = Connects to the database.
False = (Default) Does not connect to the database.
You must explicitly call the Connect() method to connect to
the database.
ColorPriorityRange1 Property
Sets the boundary of the priority range in which alarms are
to be shown. The value of this property must be greater than
one and less than the value for ColorPriorityRange2.
Object.ColorPriorityRange1 [= integer or priority]
324 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
ColorPriorityRange2 Property
Sets the boundary of the priority range in which alarms are
to be shown. The value of this property must be greater than
the value for ColorPriorityRange1 and less than the value for
Object.ColorPriorityRange2 [= integer or priority]
ColorPriorityRange3 Property
Sets the boundary of the priority range in which alarms are
to be shown. The value of this property must be greater than
the value of ColorPriorityRange2 and less than 999.
Object.ColorPriorityRange3 [= integer or priority]
ColumnResize Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether the columns
can be resized.
Object.ColumnResize [= Discrete]
True = (Default) Columns can be resized at runtime.
False = Columns cannot be resized.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties325
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
ConnectStatus Property
Returns the status of the connection. This property is
Data Type
Connected = The control is connected to the database.
Not Connected = The control is not connected to the
In Progress = The control is connecting to the database.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1 and tagname is a
message tag.
Tagname = #AlmDbView1.ConnectStatus;
CustomMessage Property
Gets or sets the message that the Alarm DB View control
shows when no alarm records can be retrieved from the
alarm database.
There are no items to show in this view.
Object.CustomMessage [= string]
DatabaseName Property
Specifies the database to connect to.
Object.DatabaseName [= text]
326 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
DisplayMode Property
Returns the display mode of the control, which determines if
just alarms, just events, or both alarms and events are
shown. This property is read-only.
Alarms & Events History
Possible values are:
Alarms & Events History
Alarms History
Events History
The name of the control is AlmDbView1 and tag is a message
tag = #AlmDbView1.DisplayMode;
DisplayedTimeZone Property
Gets or sets the shown time zone.
Local Time
Object.DisplayedTimeZone [= message]
Possible values are:
GMT - Alarm time stamps use Greenwich Mean Time.
Local Time - Alarm time stamps are shown with the local
time of the client hosting the Alarm DB View control.
Origin Time - Alarm time stamps are shown with the
local time of the alarm provider.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties327
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Duration Property
Gets or sets the duration used to set the start and end time.
"Last Hour"
Object.Duration [= text]
A string expression that contains the duration. This
property must have one of the following strings:
Last Minute
Last 5 Minutes
Last 15 Minutes
Last Half Hour
Last Hour
Last 2 Hours
Last 4 Hours
Last 8 Hours
Last 12 Hours
Last Day
Last 2 Days
Last 3 Days
Last Week
Last 2 Weeks
Last 30 days
Last 90 days
328 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
EndTime Property
Returns or sets the end time.
Object.EndTime [= text]
A string expression that evaluates to the end time. The
string returned is always in the format (MM/DD/YYYY
HH:MM:SS). The same format is also required to set the
value of the string. This property handles date in any time
zone from midnight, January 1, 1970, to January 18,
19:14:07, 2038.
EventBackColor Property
Gets or sets the event alarm background color. This color
applies to the records shown in the control with state
Object.EventBackColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties329
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
EventForeColor Property
Gets or sets the event alarm foreground color. This color
applies to the records shown in the control with state
Object.EventForeColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
FilterFavoritesFile Property
Gets or sets the filter favorites file. This file is used by the
Filter Favorites dialog box to read or write filter favorites.
Object.FilterFavoritesFile [= String]
FilterMenu Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the Filter menu
item is shown in the shortcut menu.
Object.FilterMenu [= Discrete]
True = Filter menu item is shown (default).
False =
Filter menu item is not shown.
330 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
FilterName Property
Returns the name of the current filter (if any).
String (read-only)
Object.FilterName [= String]
FromPriority Property
Gets or sets the From Priority value of the control.
Object.FromPriority [= integer]
You can use this property to filter which alarm records are
shown. For example, if you set this property to 760, then only
alarms with priority from 760 to the ToPriority property
value are shown.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties331
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GroupExactMatch Property
When the GroupExactMatch property is true, only alarms
with alarm group names that exactly match the GroupName
property value are shown. When it is false, then the group
name need only specify part of the alarm group names it is
filtering for.
Object.GroupExactMatch [= discrete]
Use this property together with the GroupName property to
filter the Alarm DB View control.
For example:
#AlarmDBViewCtrl1.GroupName = "Group"
#AlarmDBViewCtrl1.GroupExactMatch = 0;
GroupName Property
Gets or sets a alarm group name filter for the current Alarm
DB View control.
Object.GroupName [= GroupName]
Setting this property to "GroupA" and re-querying the
display shows only tags belonging to the GroupA alarm
332 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
MaxRecords Property
Returns or sets the maximum records to be retrieved.
Object.MaxRecords [=integer]
An integer expression specifying the number of records to
be retrieved at a given time. The maximum records can be
in the range from 1 to 1000. For best performance keep this
value as small as needed.
Password Property
Returns or sets the SQL Server password for retrieving data.
Object.Password [= text]
A string expression that evaluates to the password.
PrimarySort Property
Gets or sets the primary column name used to sort the alarm
Object.PrimarySort [= message]
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties333
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
ProviderExactMatch Property
When the ProviderExactMatch property is true, only alarms
with alarm provider names that exactly match the
ProviderName property value are shown. When it is false,
then the provider name need only specify part of the alarm
provider names it is filtering for.
Object.ProviderExactMatch [= discrete]
Use this property together with the ProviderName property
to filter the Alarm DB View control.
For example:
#AlarmDBViewCtrl1.ProviderName = "Provider"
#AlarmDBViewCtrl1.ProviderExactMatch = 0;
ProviderName Property
Gets or sets a alarm provider name filter for the current
Alarm DB View control.
Object.ProviderName [= ProviderName]
If a tag belongs to the Provider1 alarm provider, then setting
this property to "Provider1" and re-querying the display
shows only tags belonging to the Provider1 alarm provider.
334 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
QueryTimeZoneName Property
Gets or sets the time zone when a specific time is used for the
Object.QueryTimeZone [= Discrete]
True = GMT
False = Origin time, which is the local time of the alarm
RefreshMenu Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the Refresh
menu item is shown in the shortcut menu.
Object.RefreshMenu [= Discrete]
True = Refresh menu item is shown (default).
False =
Refresh menu item is not shown.
ResetMenu Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the Reset menu
item is shown in the shortcut menu.
Object.ResetMenu [= Discrete]
True = Reset menu item is shown (default).
False =
Reset menu item is not shown.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties335
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
RowCount Property
Returns the number of records shown in the control. This
property is read-only.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1 and tagname an
integer tag.
tagname = #AlmDbView1.RowCount;
RowSelection Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether the row
selection is allowed at run time.
Object.RowSelection [= Discrete]
True = (Default) Row selection is allowed.
False = Row Selection is not allowed.
If row selection is not allowed, no Click or DoubleClick events
are generated.
SecondarySort Property
Gets or sets the secondary column name used to sort the
alarm display.
Object.SecondarySort [= text]
336 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
ServerName Property
Returns or sets the server name to which the control
connects to retrieve data.
Object.ServerName [= text]
ShowFetch Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether the
retrieval buttons are shown.
Object.ShowFetch [= Discrete]
True = (Default) Retrieve buttons are shown.
False = Retrieve buttons are not shown.
ShowGrid Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether the grid
lines are shown.
Object.ShowGrid [= Discrete]
True = Grid lines are shown.
False = (Default) Grid lines are not shown.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties337
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
ShowHeading Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether the column
headings are shown.
Object.ShowHeading [= Discrete]
True = (Default) Column headings are shown.
False = Column headings are not shown.
ShowMessage Property
Determines if the customized message for "There are no
items to show in this view" is shown when there are no
records in the alarm database.
Object.ShowMessage [= discrete]
ShowStatusBar Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether the status
bar is shown.
Object.ShowStatusBar [= Discrete]
True = (Default) Status bar is shown.
False = Status bar is not shown.
338 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SilentMode Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control is in
Silent mode.
Object.SilentMode [= Discrete]
True = Silent mode is on.
False = Silent mode is off (default).
SortMenu Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether the Sort
menu item is shown in the shortcut menu.
Object.SortMenu [= Discrete]
A discrete expression.
True = (Default)
Sort menu item is shown
False =
Sort menu item is not shown.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties339
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
SortOrder Property
Gets or sets the sort order of the alarms according to the
column to be sorted (the primary sort column).
Object.SortOrder [= discrete]
An discrete expression.
True = Ascending order.
False = Descending order.
SpecificTime Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether the control
uses the StartTime and EndTime properties, or computes the
start time and end time based on the value of the Duration
Object.SpecificTime [= Discrete]
True = StartTime and EndTime properties are used.
False = (Default) StartTime and EndTime are computed
based on the "Duration" property.
340 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
StartTime Property
Returns or sets the start time.
Object.StartTime [= text]
A string expression that evaluates to the Start Time. The
string returned is always in the format (MM/DD/YYYY
HH:MM:SS). The same format is also required to set the
value of the string. This property handles date in any time
zone from midnight, January 1, 1970, to January 18,
19:14:07, 2038
Time Property
Gets and sets the time format to be used in the display.
%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p
Object.Time [= message]
For more information on the time format strings, see
Configuring the Shown Time Format and Time Zone for
Alarm Records on page 301.
ToPriority Property
Gets or sets the To Priority value of the control.
Object.ToPriority [= integer]
Use this property to filter which alarm records are shown.
For example, if you set this property to 900, then only alarms
with priority from the FromPriority property value to 900 are
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties341
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
TotalRowCount Property
Returns the total number of records for the current query.
This property is read-only.
The row count is the number of rows returned in the current
query, which usually would be same as MaxRecords property
except for the case when number of records retrieved are less
than the MaxRecords property. For example, if there are 950
records for a specific criterion and the MaxRecords property
is 100, then in the last page there would be 50 records and
the row count would be 50. In the same example, the
TotalRowCount property would always be 950.
he name of the control is AlmDbView1 and tagname is an
integer tag.
tagname = #AlmDbView1.TotalRowCount;
UnAckAlmBackColor Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm background color.
This color applies to all records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM. It overrides any settings made by the
UnAckAlmBackColorRange1 to UnAckAlmBackColorRange4
property values.
Object.UnAckAlmBackColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
342 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
UnAckAlmBackColorRange1 Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm background color.
This color applies to the records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM with priorities in the range 1 to
Object.UnAckAlmBackColorRange1 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
UnAckAlmBackColorRange2 Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm background color.
This color applies to the records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM with priorities in the range
ColorPriorityRange1 to ColorPriorityRange2.
Object.UnAckAlmBackColorRange2 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties343
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
UnAckAlmBackColorRange3 Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm background color.
This color applies to the records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM with priorities in the range
ColorPriorityRange2 to ColorPriorityRange3.
Object.UnAckAlmBackColorRange3 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
UnAckAlmBackColorRange4 Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm background color.
This color applies to the records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM with priorities in the range
ColorPriorityRange3 to 999.
Object.UnAckAlmBackColorRange4 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
344 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
UnAckAlmForeColor Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm text color. This color
applies to all records shown in the control with state
UNACK_ALM. It overrides any settings made by the
UnAckAlmForeColorRange1 to UnAckAlmForeColorRange4
property values.
Object.UnAckAlmBackColor [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the text.
UnAckAlmForeColorRange1 Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm foreground color.
This color applies to the records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM with priorities in the range 1 to
Object.UnAckAlmForeColorRange1 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Properties345
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
UnAckAlmForeColorRange2 Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm foreground color.
This color applies to the records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM with priorities in the range
ColorPriorityRange1 to ColorPriorityRange2.
Object.UnAckAlmForeColorRange2 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
UnAckAlmForeColorRange3 Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm foreground color.
This color applies to the records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM with priorities in the range
ColorPriorityRange2 to ColorPriorityRange3.
Object.UnAckAlmForeColorRange3 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
346 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
UnAckAlmForeColorRange4 Property
Gets or sets the unacknowledged alarm foreground color.
This color applies to the records shown in the control with
state UNACK_ALM with priorities in the range
ColorPriorityRange3 to 999.
Object.UnAckAlmForeColorRange4 [= color]
A value or constant that determines the color of the
specified object.
UnAckOrAlarmDuration Property
The duration column shows either UNACK Duration or
Alarm Duration. FALSE (0) is UNACK Duration and TRUE
(1) is Alarm Duration.
Object.UnAckOrAlarmDuration [= integer]
UserID Property
Returns or sets the user ID used as the control to connect to
the SQL Server to retrieve the data.
Object.UserID [= text]
A string expression that evaluates the user ID.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Methods347
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Methods
Use the Alarm DB View ActiveX methods to:
Control the database connection.
Retrieve records from the alarm database.
Retrieve information about an alarm.
Reset the display appearance.
Sort alarm records.
Show the Context menu.
Access filter favorites.
For more information about calling methods, see Chapter 8,
Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the InTouch® HMI Scripting
and Logic Guide.
Controlling Database Connections
Use the Connect() method to connect to the alarm database
and the Disconnect() method to disconnect.
Connect() Method
Connects the control to the database and if the connection is
successful, shows the set of records in the range 1 to
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
Disconnect() Method
Disconnects the control from the database.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
348 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Retrieving Records from the Database
Use the following methods to select a query, retrieve records
from the database, and refresh the display:
SelectQuery() Method
GetPrevious() Method
GetNext() Method
Refresh() Method
SelectQuery() Method
Sets the current display to the query name specified in the
.xml file.
Name of a query defined in the filter favorites file.
This example applies the filter criteria defined by the query
called "HighPriority" in the filter favorites file that is
currently associated with the AlmDbView1 control.
GetPrevious() Method
Retrieves the previous set of records from the database (if
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Methods349
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetNext() Method
Retrieves the next set of records from the database (if any).
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
Refresh() Method
Refreshes the control from the database, and if the
connection is successful, displays the set of records in the
range 1 to MaxRecords.
After initiating a refresh of the Alarm DB View control's
display by calling its Refresh() method, the value of the
RowCount and TotalRowCount properties change to -1 until
the refresh is complete (that is, all relevant records are
retrieved from the database). When the refresh is complete,
both properties are updated with the correct, current row
The Refresh() method works asynchronously - it returns
control to the calling script immediately and continues
working in the background. This means that querying the
value of RowCount and TotalRowCount immediately after
calling Refresh() most likely returns -1, as their value is
queried at a time when the refresh still hasn't completed.
One way to get the correct values would be to use scripting to
determine when the value of either property changes from -1
to a different value; this tells you that the correct values are
now available.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
350 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Retrieving Information About an Alarm
Use the following methods to retrieve records from the
database about a particular alarm:
GetItem() Method
GetSelectedItem() Method
GetItem() Method
Returns the data at a specified row & column as string.
Object.GetItem(Integer, message)
An integer expression that evaluates to a specific row in the
A string expression that evaluates to the column name in
the control.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1 and tag is defined as
a Message tag.
tag = #AlmDbView1.GetItem(1, "Group");
GetSelectedItem() Method
Returns the data for the selected row, given column as string
An string expression that evaluates to the column name in
the control
The name of the control is AlmDbView1 and tag is defined as
Message tag.
tag = #AlmDbView1.GetSelectedItem("State");
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Methods351
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Sorting the Alarm Records
Use the following methods to sort alarm records and reset
column resizing:
SortOnCol() Method
ShowSort() Method
Reset() Method
SortOnCol() Method
Performs primary sorting on alarm records that are shown.
Object.SortOnCol(message, Integer)
A string expression that evaluates to the column name in
the control
Sort direction to be used. 0 = ascending, 1 = descending.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
tag = #AlmDbView1.SortOnCol("Name",1);
ShowSort() Method
Shows the Secondary Sort dialog box if the SortMenu
property is enabled.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
Reset() Method
Resets all the columns to the settings saved at design time.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
352 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Showing the Context Menu
Use the ShowContext() method to show the shortcut menu.
ShowContext() Method
Shows the shortcut menu if any one of RefreshMenu or
ResetMenu or SortMenu property is enabled.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
Accessing Filter Favorites
Use the ShowFilter() method to show the Filter Favorites
dialog box.
ShowFilter() Method
Shows the Filter Favorites dialog box.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
Showing Other Information
Use the AboutBox() method to show the About dialog box.
AboutBox() Method
Shows the About dialog box.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1.
Error Handling When Using Methods and Properties353
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Error Handling When Using Methods and
Use the SilentMode property to determine whether the
control is in silent mode or not. When the control is in silent
mode, no error messages are shown. To see the error, call the
GetLastError() method to return the error message.
GetLastError() Method
Returns the last error message if the Alarm DB View control
is in silent mode.
The name of the control is AlmDbView1 and tagname is
defined as variant or string.
Tagname = #AlmDbView1.GetLastError();
354 Chapter 10 Viewing Recorded Alarms
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm DB View ActiveX Events to
Trigger Scripts
You can assign QuickScripts to Alarm DB View control
events, such as a mouse click or double-click. When the event
occurs, the QuickScript runs.
The Alarm DB View control supports the following events:
The Click event has one parameter called ClicknRow, which
identifies the row that is clicked at run time.
The DoubleClick event has one parameter called
DoubleClicknRow, which identifies the row that is
double-clicked at run time.
Click and DoubleClick events are zero-based. When Click
and/or DoubleClick events are published, the bar count in the
display starts with 0.
Note The Alarm DB View control ignores the user interface
methods when they are called from StartUp event, because the
control is not visible yet. These methods include: ShowSort(),
ShowContext(), GetSelectedItem(), GetNext(), GetPrevious(), and
For more information about scripting ActiveX events, see
Chapter 8, Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the InTouch® HMI
Scripting and Logic Guide.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 11
Analyzing Alarm Distribution
Across Tags
Using the Alarm Pareto ActiveX control, you can analyze
which alarms and events occur most frequently in a given
production system. You can also analyze alarm frequency by
the time periods during which they occur.
The analysis capabilities of the Alarm Pareto control identify
the largest issues of your production systems. The Alarm
Pareto control helps you recognize where you should focus
your efforts to achieve the most significant improvements.
The Alarm Pareto control shows a bar chart representing
alarm activity.
For more information about ActiveX controls, see Chapter 6,
ActiveX Controls
, in the InTouch® HMI Visualization Guide.
Configuring an Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control
When you configure an Alarm Pareto control, you specify:
The connection to the alarm database.
The appearance of the pareto control, including colors
and fonts.
Which features users can access at run time.
Which alarms are shown in the chart and how they are
356 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Connection to the Alarm
You must configure the connection between the Alarm Pareto
control and the alarm database.
It is good practice to use an account with appropriate
read-only access to the alarm database and not a system
administrator account.
To configure the connection to the alarm database
Right-click the Alarm Pareto control and then click
Properties. The AlarmPareto Properties dialog box
2 Click the Database tab.
3 Configure the connection. Do the following:
a In the Server Name box, enter the node name of the
computer where the alarm database is installed.
b In the Database Name box, type the name of the alarm
c In the User box, type the name of a valid user account
for the alarm database.
d In the Password box, type the password associated
with the alarm database user account.
Configuring an Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control 357
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 Select the Auto Connect check box if you want the Alarm
Pareto control to automatically connect to the alarm
database as soon as WindowViewer starts up.
If you don’t select the
Auto Connect check box, you must
configure the Alarm Pareto control to connect to the
alarm database by explicitly calling the Connect()
method. For more information about the Connect method,
see Connect() Method on page 373.
5 Click Te st Co nn ec t ion to verify connectivity to the alarm
database. A message indicates a successful connection.
6 Click Apply.
Configuring the Appearance and Colors of the
Alarm Pareto Control
You can configure the visual appearance of the Alarm Pareto
control. You can:
Include a status bar.
Set the orientation of the Pareto chart bars.
Include descriptions of chart bars.
Select the colors of the Alarm Pareto chart.
To set the appearance of the Alarm Pareto control
Right-click the Alarm Pareto control and then click
Properties. The AlarmPareto Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
358 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 Configure the general options. Do the following:
Property Description
Bar Count
Sets the number of bars to view
in the Alarm Pareto control.
Display Mode
This list shows the available
view options. The options are
Alarm & Event History, Alarm
History, and Event History.
No-Match Message
Sets the message to show when
no data is processed from the
Alarm Pareto control.
Shows the bars on a vertical
Shows the bars on a horizontal
Show Status Bar
Enables the status bar.
Silent Mode
The Alarm Pareto control does
not show run-time error
messages. If it is not selected,
the alarm display shows error
messages. Error messages are
always sent to the Logger.
Auto Font
When the space available is not
enough to show the text on the
selected bar correctly, Auto
Font hides the text and only
shows the text when the bar is
Show Node Name
Shows the node name on the
bar graph.
Show Selected in
Status Bar
Shows the description of a
selected bar on the status bar.
Consolidated Alarms
Consolidate the alarm states
into two states. For example, if
an analog tag has a three- state
alarm: Hi, HiHi and Normal,
the Hi and HiHi alarm states
are classified as one state.
Show Count in
Shows the bars based on the
percentage of count to the total
Configuring an Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control 359
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 Click Apply.
5 Click the Colors tab.
6 Click each color box to open a color palette.
7 Click the color that you want to assign for each of the
following chart properties:
8 Click Apply.
Show Time in State
Shows the Alarm Pareto control
based on the time each tag is in
an alarm state. This option is
only enabled when the display
mode is set to Alarm History.
Property Description
Background Color
Sets the background color of the
Alarm Pareto chart
Bar Color
Sets the bar color of the chart
Font Color
Sets the color of text that
appears in the chart
Select Color
Sets the color of a selected bar
Property Description
360 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Display Font
You can assign font properties to text that appears in your
Alarm Pareto chart.
To configure the font properties
Right-click the Alarm Pareto control and then click
Properties. The AlarmPareto Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Click Font. The standard Windows Font dialog box
appears. Configure the font and then click OK.
4 Click OK.
Configuring Which Features Users can Access at
Run Time
An Alarm Pareto chart includes a shortcut menu. When an
operator right-clicks on the trend during run time, a menu
appears with options to dynamically update the data shown
in the trend.
To configure run time features
Right-click the Alarm Pareto control and then click
Properties. The AlarmPareto Properties dialog box
Configuring an Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control 361
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
2 Click the General tab.
3 In the Context Sensitive Menu Options area, configure the
menu commands:
a Select the Enable Refresh Menu check box to allow the
run time user to refresh the data shown in the Alarm
Pareto trend and show the records in the range from
1 to the number defined by the MaxRecords property.
b Select the Enable Filter Menu check box to allow the
user to show the Filter Favorites dialog box to select a
file containing database query values for the Alarm
Pareto trend.
c Select the Enable Reset Menu check box to allow the
user to restore the run-time Alarm Pareto chart to the
original values specified from WindowMaker. All
run-time changes made by an operator revert to the
original design-time values.
4 Click Apply.
362 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Which Alarms to Analyze
You configure which alarms to analyze using the Alarm
Pareto chart. You specify:
The type of database data (alarm or event data)
A time period to select records from
Criteria for filtering the data
Selecting Alarm or Event Data
You can configure if alarm records, event records, or both
appear in an Alarm Pareto chart.
To select the type of data
Right-click the Alarm Pareto control and then click
Properties. The AlarmPareto Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 In the Display Mode list, configure the type of records. Do
any of the following.
Click Alarm & Event History to show both alarm and
event historical database records.
Click Alarm History to show only historical alarm
Click Event History to show only historical event
4 Click Apply.
Configuring an Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control 363
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Selecting the Time Period
You can set query values to select records based on the
selected time. You can also configure the maximum number
of records to view, the start and end time of the alarm query,
and the query time zone.
To select the time period of data
Right-click the Alarm Pareto control and then click
Properties. The AlarmPareto Properties dialog box
2 Click the Selection tab.
3 To use a pre-defined time interval that always queries for
data using UTC, click an interval from the Duration list.
4 To use a specific start time and end time, click Use
Specific Time
and then configure the details.
a In the Start Time box, enter the start time to retrieve
the alarm records. The string must be in
MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format. Use any date in
any time zone from midnight, January 1, 1970, to
January 18, 19:14:07, 2038.
b In the End Time box, enter the end time to stop
retrieving alarm records. The string must be in
MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format. Use any date in
any time zone from midnight, January 1, 1970, to
January 18, 19:14:07, 2038.
c In the Query Time Zone area, click either UTC or Origin
. UTC time is Greenwich Mean Time, also known
as Coordinated Universal Time or Zulu. Origin time
is the current time in the operator’s time zone.
5 In the Maximum Records box, type the number of records
to view from the control at one instance. The valid range
of maximum records is from 0 to 1000000.
6 Click Apply.
364 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Creating Custom Filters Using Filter Favorites
You can select which records are included in your query
results. For example, you can select a filter by the date of a
record or the state of the alarm. You can select multiple fields
to limit or expand your query results.
If you do not define a custom filter, then a default filter that
queries all records is used.
To create custom filters
Right-click the Alarm Pareto control and then click
Properties. The AlarmPareto Properties dialog box
2 Click the Query Filter tab.
3 In the left pane, select filter fields and then click Add to
include them in the filter, which is shown in the right
pane. The filter fields are described in the following table:
Field name Filters query by:
Alarm class.
Alarm type.
Alarm priority.
Alarm name.
Alarm group name.
Alarm provider.
Alarm limit. Values are
alphanumeric. The comparisons of
these values in the Query Filter
are done as a string comparisons.
Configuring an Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control 365
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 To remove a field from the filters pane, click the field you
want to delete and click Delete. Deleting a filter cannot be
undone. When a message appears, click Yes.
5 Configure the criteria for each filter field. For more
information, see Defining the Column Filter Criteria on
page 366.
6 Configure the operators and grouping for the filter. For
more information, see Grouping Alarm Columns on
page 367.
7 Configure the filter favorites file.
a In the Filter Favorites File box, type the network path
and file name or click the ellipse button to browse for
the file.
b To edit the Filter Favorites file, click the Edit Favorites
button. The Filter Favorites window opens,
allowing you to add, modify, or delete filters from
your favorites file. When you are done, click
OK to
save your changes and close the window.
8 Click Apply.
Operator’s full name.
Operator’s node name associated
with the alarm.
Operator’s domain name
associated with the alarm.
Alarm comment.
Alarm user-defined numeric value
Alarm user-defined numeric value
Alarm user-defined string value.
Unacknowledgement and alarm
duration. A Duration column set
equal to zero does not produce
records with a null value in the
Field name Filters query by:
366 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Defining the Column Filter Criteria
For each column filter you include in the query, you must
configure the filter criteria. For example, you might want to
only see alarms for a specific operator.
To define a column filter
Right-click the field and then click Edit Filter. The Dialog
dialog box appears.
2 In the Operator list, select the operator you need.
3 In the Value box, type the criteria that must be matched.
Value box does not accept values that cannot be
processed for the selected query. The Value box accepts
the following wildcard characters when the Like and Not
filter operators are used for alphanumeric column
The following Value box limits apply to different fields:
4 Click OK.
Character Finds
% Any string of zero or more characters
_ Any single character
[ ] Any single character within the specified
range, for example [a-f], or within a set,
for example [abcdef].
[^] Any single character not within the
specified range, for example [^a-f], or set,
for example [^abcdef].
Field Limit
All alphanumeric characters except User1,
User2 and Priority.
Priority Accepts integer values from 1 to 999.
Accepts only negative, positive or fractional
Configuring an Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control 367
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Grouping Alarm Columns
When more than one field is defined, the columns are
combined using Boolean operators.
The AND operator returns records that meet all values of
the selected fields.
The OR operator returns records that meet the values of
any of the selected fields.
To use AND/OR operators to set the filter selection criteria,
the respective fields must be grouped together. Only a single
filter expression can be created on an item in the filters pane.
If multiple expressions are needed, then the item must be
added to the filters pane again.
By default, the grouped fields have the AND operator.
The AND and OR operators are parent nodes. The fields
selected under each parent node are child nodes. You cannot
drag fields parent nodes to child nodes.
To group alarm columns
Right-click the field and then click Group.
2 Drag a field onto another field.
Copying or Moving Query Filters
If you have more than one instance of Alarm Pareto control
and want to use the same filters for multiple instances, you
can copy or cut the defined filters from one instance and
paste them to another filter.
To copy filters
Define the filters in the first instance of the Alarm Pareto
2 Right-click the filters and click Copy. To move the filters,
3 Close the first instance of the Alarm Pareto control.
4 Open the next instance of the Alarm Pareto control and
click the
Query Filter tab.
5 Position the arrow in the right pane. Right-click on a
selected filter and click
368 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Presentation of the Analysis
You can configure the presentation of the alarms in the query
To configure the presentation
Right-click the Alarm Pareto control and then click
Properties. The AlarmPareto Properties dialog box
2 Click the General tab.
3 Select the Consolidated Alarms check box to combine
alarms from a multi-state alarm into a single time
stamped record.
4 Select the Show Count in Percentages check box to add a
percentage of the total for each bar shown in the graph.
5 Click Apply.
Using an Alarm Pareto Control at Run Time369
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using an Alarm Pareto Control at Run Time
Right-click on the Alarm Pareto control during run time to
open a shortcut menu. The following table lists all possible
options that appear in the shortcut menu.
Understanding Information Shown on the Status
The status bar for the Alarm Pareto control shows:
The status of the database connection between the
control and the alarm database.
The update status of the graph to refresh the data shown
in the graph.
Menu Option Description
Refreshes the display.
Allows you to edit the filter to change
the data received by the Pareto control.
This menu item is only available if a
filter favorites file is set up.
Resets the graph to the default query.
370 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Properties
You can set the value an Alarm Pareto control property
directly using a script or you can assign it to an InTouch tag
or I/O reference. For more information about setting
properties, see Chapter 8, Scripting ActiveX Controls
, in the
InTouch® HMI Scripting and Logic Guide.
The following table list the Alarm Pareto properties. For
information on setting color values, see Configuring Colors
for ActiveX Controls on page 87.
Property Name Purpose
Returns or sets a value that
determines whether the control
connects to the database as soon
as the control is in run-time
When the space available is not
enough to show the text on the
selected bar correctly, Auto
Font hides the text and only
shows the text on the selected
bar when the bar is selected.
Sets the background color of the
Alarm Pareto chart
Sets the bar color of the Alarm
Pareto control.
Sets the number of bars that
appear on the Alarm Pareto
Sets the color of the selected bar
in the Alarm Pareto Control.
Determines if the Alarm Pareto
control is connected to a
Consolidates the alarm states
into two states. For example, if
an analog tag has a three state
alarm: Hi, HiHi and Normal,
the Hi and HiHI alarm states
are classified as one state.
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Properties371
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Sets the database name to
which the Alarm Pareto control
has to connect.
Sets the display mode. The
display mode options are Alarm
& Event History, Alarm History
or Event History.
Returns or sets the duration
used by the control to set the
"Start Time" and "End Time".
Enables or disables the context
menu to refresh the Alarm
Pareto control.
Enables or disables the context
menu used to reset the Alarm
Pareto control.
Enables or disables the Silent
Mode. If Silent Mode is
disabled, the Alarm Pareto
control shows error message
boxes. If Silent Mode is enabled,
the error message boxes do not
appear. Error information is
written to the logger.
Returns or sets the end date
and time.
Enables or disables the context
menu where you can edit the
filter to change the data
received by the Pareto control.
This property is only enabled if
Filter Menu Files is set.
Specifies the filter favorites file,
as a string.
Sets the font for the records and
the heading in the control.
Sets the font color for the view
of records in the Alarm Pareto
Property Name Purpose
372 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Shows the chart as horizontal
bars. If HorizontalChart is
disabled, the chart shows
vertical bars.
Returns or sets a value that
specifies the maximum records
to be retrieved at a given time.
Sets the message that appears
when there is no data to be
processed for the Alarm Pareto
Sets the time zone to either
UTC Time or Origin Time.
Returns the current server
If selected, shows the count for
each bar as a percentage of the
total count. If not selected,
shows the actual count for each
Sets the Alarm Pareto control to
show the node name in addition
to the other information on the
Enables or disables to show the
information from the selected
bar on the status bar.
Returns or sets a value that
determines whether the status
bar is shown.
Returns or sets a value that
determines whether the Alarm
Pareto control shows the bars
based on the time in which the
tag has remained in alarm
state. If disabled, the control
shows the bars based on the
number of times an alarm has
Property Name Purpose
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Methods373
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Methods
Use the Alarm Pareto ActiveX methods to:
Control the database connection.
Retrieve records from the database.
Retrieving information about specific pareto bars.
For more information about calling methods, see Chapter 8,
Scripting ActiveX Controls, in the InTouch® HMI Scripting
and Logic Guide.
Controlling Database Connections
Use the Connect() method to connect to the alarm database.
Connect() Method
Connects to the database configured from the Database tab of
the Alarm Pareto control properties.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
Returns or sets a value that
determines whether the control
uses the "start time" and "end
time" properties, or computes
the start time and end time
based on the value of the
Duration property.
Returns or sets the start date
and time.
Returns or sets the User used
as the control to connect to the
SQL Server.
Property Name Purpose
374 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Retrieving Records from the Database
Use the following functions to retrieve records from the
Refresh() Method
SelectQuery() Method
Refresh() Method
Refreshes the control from the database, and if the
connection is successful, shows the set of records in the range
from 1 to the number defined by the MaxRecords property.
SelectQuery() Method
Selects a filter that is configured as a query favorite file.
The name of the query filter.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
Retrieving Information About Specific Pareto
Use the following functions to retrieve information about
specific pareto bars:
GetItemAlarmName() Method
GetItemAlarmType() Method
GetItemCount() Method
GetItemTotalTime() Method
GetItemEventType() Method
GetItemProviderName() Method
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Methods375
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetItemAlarmName() Method
Gets the name of the alarm for a specific bar.
The index of the bar.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
GetItemAlarmType() Method
Gets the type of alarm for a specific bar.
The index of the bar.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
GetItemCount() Method
Gets the number of alarms in a bar.
The index of the bar.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
376 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetItemTotalTime() Method
Gets the total time, in seconds, of a tag in an alarm state.
The index of the bar.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
GetItemEventType() Method
Gets the type of event for a specific bar.
The index of the bar.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
GetItemProviderName() Method
Gets the name of the provider from the generated alarms for
a specific bar.
The index of the bar.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
Error Handling When Using Methods and Properties377
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Showing Miscellaneous Information
Use the AboutBox() method to show the About dialog box.
AboutBox() Method
Shows the About dialog box.
The name of the control is AlarmPareto1.
Error Handling When Using Methods and
The Alarm Pareto control handles run-time error messages
based upon the Silent Mode option. For more information, see
Configuring the Appearance and Colors of the Alarm Pareto
Control on page 357.
Silent Mode is selected, the Alarm Pareto control does not
show run-time error messages. If it is not selected, the alarm
display shows error messages. All Alarm Pareto error
messages are sent to the Logger.
378 Chapter 11 Analyzing Alarm Distribution Across Tags
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using Alarm Pareto ActiveX Events to Trigger
You can assign QuickScripts to Alarm Pareto control events,
such as a mouse click or double-click. When the event occurs,
the QuickScript runs.
The Alarm Pareto control supports the following events:
The Click event has one parameter called ClicknBarIndex,
which identifies the index of the bar that is clicked at run
The DoubleClick event has one parameter called
DoubleClicknBarIndex, which identifies the index of the bar
that is double-clicked at run time.
Click and DoubleClick events are zero-based. When Click
and/or DoubleClick events are published, the bar count in the
display starts with 0.
Note The Alarm Pareto control ignores the user interface
methods when they are called from the StartUp event, because
the control is not visible yet. These methods include: AboutBox()
and Refresh().
For more information about scripting ActiveX events, see
Chapter 8, Scripting ActiveX Controls, in the InTouch® HMI
Scripting and Logic Guide.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 12
Maintaining the Alarm Database
You manage the alarm database using two InTouch utilities.
Use the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility to remove records
from the database permanently or archive them to files. If
the database becomes corrupt, use the Alarm DB Restore
utility to restore archived records.
The following figure shows how both utilities purge/archive
records and then restore them back to the database.
You must be logged into the computer as an administrator to
use the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility.
Log File
Archive Records
Purge Records
Log File
Alarm DB
Alarm DB
Archive Records
Alarm Records
Alarm Database
Alarm Records
Alarm Records
380 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Purge or Archive Settings
Use the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility to:
Select the type of records to purge from the alarm
Purge records automatically on a daily, weekly, or
monthly schedule.
Optionally archive purged database records to files.
Save the status of archive or purge operations to a log file
to troubleshoot problems.
Show the status of purge or archive operations.
Configuring the Database Connection
Before you can use the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility, you
must connect to the alarm database.
To configure the database connection
Open the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility. Do the
a In the Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Purge-Archive.
2 Click the Database tab.
Configuring Purge or Archive Settings381
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 Configure the database connection. Do the following:
a In the Server Name list, click the node name of the
b In the Database box, type the name of the alarm
c In the User Information area, type the user name and
password of an alarm database user account.
4 Click Te st Co nn ec t ion to test the connection to the
database. A message indicates if the connection to the
alarm database is successful. Click
5 Click Apply.
Configuring How Much Data to Purge from the
You can:
Select the type of alarm records to be purged from the
alarm database.
Optionally archive purged records from the alarm
database to files.
Select the folder location to store the purge log file.
You can select the type of table that needs to be purged,
either the AlarmDetail or AlarmConsolidated table.
All data from the day previous to the number specified is
purged. Valid entries are 0-9999. If you select 0, all records
are purged from the alarm database except the current day’s
To select records to purge
Open the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility. Do the
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Purge-Archive.
382 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
2 Click the General tab.
3 In the Purge Properties area, configure the type of records
to purge. Do either of the following:
Click Detailed Mode to purge alarm records that are
saved in the database in Detailed mode.
Click Consolidated Mode to purge alarm records that
are saved in the database in Consolidated mode.
4 In the Days Online box, type the number of days worth of
records to retain in the alarm database.
5 Click Apply.
Configuring the Archive of Purged Data
You archive the records purged from the alarm database and
then restore them using the Alarm DB Restore utility.
When you purge the alarm database, the Alarm DB
Purge-Archive utility automatically creates a set of nine
archive files that correspond to the purged alarm database
tables. Each file contains the purged records of a single table.
The Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility assigns names to the
archive files based upon the table name, date, and time when
the purge operation occurred. For example, the name of the
archive file for the AlarmMaster table that was purged on
June 22, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. is formatted like the following:
Configuring Purge or Archive Settings383
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To configure the archive
Open the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility. Do the
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Purge-Archive.
2 Click the General tab.
3 Select the Archive check box.
4 In the Archive Folder Path box, type the folder location
where archive files should be saved or click the ellipsis
button to browse for the location.
5 Select the Create Unique Folders check box if you want the
archive files to be placed in an individual sub-folder
beneath the archive file folder.
6 Click Apply.
384 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Log File Settings
The Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility generates status
messages during a purge operation. You can view these
messages online from the utility’s Status window. The Alarm
DB Purge-Archive utility also writes purge messages to the
purge log file named WWAlmPurge.log.
The example below shows the messages stored in the log file
after a successful purge operation.
Purge Started on 12:16:48 PM 6/22/2007
Starting transaction....
Archiving Table ProviderSession...
Archiving Table Query...
Archiving Table Cause...
Archiving Table Alarm Master...
Archiving Table OperatorDetails...
Archiving Table Alarm Detail...
Archiving Table Comment...
Archiving Table Events...
Archiving Table TagStatus...
Purging records in the database...
Purge Completed On 12:16:52 PM 6/22/2007
144 records from AlarmMaster were purged along
with the related records from other tables.
By default, the purge log file is stored in this folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Wonderware\InTouch. For computers running the
Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, the default
application folder is C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My
InTouch Applications.
You can change the storage location of the purge log file.
The Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility appends new messages
to the log file each time a purge occurs.
Configuring Purge or Archive Settings385
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To set archive logging
Open the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility. Do the
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Purge-Archive.
2 Click the General tab.
3 In the Log File Path box, type the folder location where the
purge log file should be placed or click the ellipsis button
to browse for the location.
4 Click Apply.
386 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Manually Purging and Archiving the Database
You can purge and archive your alarm database manually.
This overrides the activation time and starts the purging and
archiving immediately.
The purge operation checks for the presence of an archive file
and appends to the same. If the archive file is not present,
the file is created as per the naming convention and then
used for archiving.
The purge operation does not delete entries in tables such as
ProviderSession, Query, and Cause that are linked to the
main tables such as AlarmMaster through foreign key
constraints. The related records in these tables are written to
the files to maintain the data consistency and also retained
in the database.
Caution Manually purge all records (the Purge All Now option)
only when the Alarm DB Logger service is stopped. If the purge
operation is committed successfully while the Alarm DB Logger
service is running, the Alarm DB Logger service stops logging and
starts caching records.
To manually purge and archive records from the alarm
Open the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility. Do the
a In the Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Purge-Archive.
Configuring Purge or Archive Settings387
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
2 Click the Purge/Archive tab.
3 Click Te st No w to perform a test purge to verify your
connection to the database and archive locations.
The test purge creates empty archive files in the specified
archive folder. The
Status area shows a message that the
test was successful.
Tes t N ow button is available only if you have chosen
to archive your purged records. The
Archive option is
located on the
General tab.
4 Purge the records from the database. Do either of the
Click Purge Now to purge the selected records.
Click Purge All Now to purge all records.
5 To stop a purge, click Cancel Purge. If you cancel the
purge, the alarm database is rolled back to its original
388 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Setting a Schedule for Automatic Purging
The Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility can automatically purge
or archive records from the alarm database at scheduled
intervals. You can perform a test purge to verify your
connection to the database and target locations and to start
and stop purging.
To set a schedule for automatic purging
Open the Alarm DB Purge-Archive utility. Do the
a In the Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Purge-Archive.
2 Click the Purge/Archive tab.
3 In the Time Interval area, select a purge interval, either
daily, weekly, or monthly.
If you click
Weekly or Monthly, a Day box appears in the
Activation Time area for you to specify the day of the week
or day of the month.
If you click
Daily, in the Time box, configure the time of
day that you want the purge/archive operation to start.
4 In the Run As area, click Application to run the
purge-archive utility as an application or click
Service to
run it as a service.
5 Click Apply to save your purge and archive settings.
Restoring the Alarm Database389
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
6 Click Activate to place the Alarm DB Purge-Archive
utility on an automatic purge schedule.
7 Click Close.
Restoring the Alarm Database
The Alarm DB Restore utility restores the archived alarm
records in the archive files back to your alarm database. The
following figure summarizes the steps to restore alarm
records to the database.
To restore a database, you must:
Configure the connection to the alarm database.
Select which records to restore to the alarm database.
Restore archived records to the alarm database.
When minimized, the Alarm DB Restore utility appears as
an icon in the system tray. When you right-click the icon, a
menu shows the following commands:
If you right-click in the Alarm DB Restore utility, the same
menu appears.
Command Description
Begins the restoring process.
Cancel Restore
Cancels the restoring process.
Clear Status
Clears the status window.
Hide Window
Minimizes the Alarm DB Restore
utility to an icon in the system tray.
Show Window
Opens and maximizes the Alarm DB
Restore utility.
Closes the Alarm DB Restore utility.
Alarm Database
Alarm Records
Alarm Records
Archive Records
Alarm DB
Log File
Alarm Records
390 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Database Connection
You must select a database to restore the archived data to. If
the specified database is not present on the server, you are
prompted to create a new database with default server
To configure a database for restoring
Open the Alarm DB Restore utility. Do the following:
a In the Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Restore.
2 Click the Configure tab.
3 Configure the connection to the alarm database. Do the
a In the SQL Server Name list, click the node name of
the server that hosts the alarm database.
a In the Database Name box, type the name of the alarm
b In the User Information area, type an alarm database
user name and password in the respective boxes.
c Click Test Co nn ec tio n to test your connection to the
database. A message indicates whether the
connection to the alarm database is successful or not.
4 Click Close.
Restoring the Alarm Database391
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Which Files to Restore
You can select a time period for the records to restore and
whether you want the database tables to be recreated.
If you cancel the restore, the database is rolled back to its
original state.
Caution If you try to restore archived alarms that are already
present in the database, the archived records are not restored.
This avoids duplicate alarm/event entries in the database. The
Alarm GUID or Event GUID associated with records determines
whether an alarm or event is already present in the database.
To select database records to restore
Open the Alarm DB Restore utility. Do the following:
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Restore.
2 Click the Selection tab.
3 In the Folder Path for Archived Files box, type the full path
(up to 255 alphanumeric characters) to the location of the
archived files or click the button to locate and select the
folder where archived files are stored.
392 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the Restore files later than (Date/Time) area, select the
date and time to start restoring records to the database.
The starting date and time are set by default to the
current date and time.
5 In the Folder path for log file box, type the full path (up to
255 alphanumeric characters) where the log files are
created and stored or click the button to locate and select
a folder.
6 If you select the Recreate Tables check box, the tables of
the specified alarm database are recreated. Depending on
the type of logging you selected for the alarm records
contained in the archived files, select:
Detailed - Recreate the alarm database tables in
detailed mode.
Consolidated - Recreate the alarm database tables in
consolidated mode.
Important Recreating tables overwrites all records currently
stored in the alarm database.
Click Restore.
Restoring the Alarm Database393
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Starting a Database Restore Operation
You restore archived database records after you have
established the database connection, specified the archived
files folder and a time filter.
To restore database records from an archive
Open the Alarm DB Restore utility. Do the following:
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm DB Restore.
2 Click the Selection tab.
3 Click Restore. A message shows whether the restoration
is successful and the number of records restored to the
394 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Alarm Database
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 13
Enhancing Plant Security
Through Alarm Redundancy
The InTouch Distributed Alarm system issues notifications
and receives alarm acknowledgments from applications
running on remote nodes within a network. Alarm provider
applications store alarm data within their memory. Alarm
consumer applications run as clients on other nodes to
remotely query, show, and acknowledge alarms from the
alarm providers.
You use the Alarm Hot Backup Manager to create a duplicate
alarm provider. The following figure shows how the Hot
Backup Manager uses a secondary current alarm repository
as a backup provider.
Primary Alarm
Backup Alarm
Running Hot
Backup Manager
Pump1 Inlet
Pressure Too High
396 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
You can also run the Hot Backup Manager and the backup
provider on the same node, as shown in the following figure:
Understanding Hot Backups
The hot backup provides a single name (hot backup pair
name) that points to two alarm providers, the primary and
the backup (the hot backup pair). The InTouch HMI’s alarm
consumers, such as the Alarm Viewer control, can reference
this single hot backup pair name and retrieve alarms from
either the primary or the backup alarm provider.
If both provider nodes are operating normally, the alarm
consumer receives alarm data from the primary provider. If
the primary provider fails, however, the alarm consumer
receives alarm data from the backup instead.
The following figure shows how the alarm consumer still
receives alarms after the primary alarm provider fails. The
alarm consumer still references the hot back pair, but the
backup provider provides the alarm data.
Primary Alarm
Backup Alarm
Running Hot
Backup Manager
Pump1 Inlet
Pressure Too High
Primary Alarm
Backup Alarm
InTouch Running
Hot Backup
Pump1 Inlet
Pressure Too High
Configuring a Hot Backup Pair397
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The Hot Backup Manager synchronizes alarm
acknowledgements between the primary and backup
providers. If an alarm is acknowledged on the primary
provider, the same alarm is acknowledged simultaneously on
the backup provider.
The Hot Backup Manager:
Provides a configuration utility to create a backup pair.
Provides a configuration utility to map alarm records
between the primary and backup providers of a hot
backup pair.
Synchronizes alarm acknowledgments between backup
Establishes communication between all nodes that
belong to a Hot Backup system when the Distributed
Alarm system starts and stops.
Configuring a Hot Backup Pair
The Alarm Hot Backup Manager creates a backup pair from
two host nodes running provider applications. You can start
the Hot Backup Manager from WindowMaker. To configure a
hot backup pair:
Create a hot backup pair.
Set key fields for alarm records.
Map alarm record key fields.
Import the alarm record map to Hot Backup Manager.
398 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Creating a Hot Backup Pair
To create a hot backup pair, you:
Assign a name to the hot backup pair.
Identify the primary alarm provider.
Identify the backup alarm provider.
You can also specify a Provacc.ini file that contains the
configuration information.
To configure a hot backup pair
Open the Alarm Hot Backup Manager. Do the following:
a In the Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Hot Backup Manager.
2 On the File menu, click Open. Select the Provacc.ini file
and then click OK.
By default, the Alarm Hot Backup Manager checks for
the Provacc.ini file in the last opened InTouch application
folder. You should use the Provacc.ini file located in the
InTouch application’s folder. Otherwise, you can create a
copy of the Provacc.ini file in another specified folder
location and then select it for use with Hot Backup
Configuring a Hot Backup Pair399
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 Click New Pair. The Add New Pair dialog box appears.
Note You cannot change the InTouch static provider name.
In the Hot Backup Pair Name box, type a unique name for
the new backup pair.
A pair name can be 32 alphanumeric characters or less.
You can use the underscore character in a pair name.
5 In the Primary Node area, configure the primary node. Do
the following:
a In the Name box, type the node name of the computer
running the primary provider application. The node
name must be unique to Hot Backup Manager. An
error message appears if you enter a non-existent
node name or the node name is used in another hot
backup pair.
b In the Group box, type the name of the alarm group
that queries alarms from the primary provider.
6 In the Backup Node area, configure the backup node. Do
the following:
a In the Name box, type the node name of the computer
running the backup provider application. This can be
the same node that is running the Hot Backup
b In the Group box, type the name of the alarm group
that queries alarms from the backup provider.
7 Click OK.
8 On the File menu, click Save.
9 Restart WindowMaker.
400 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Setting Alarm Key Fields for a Hot Backup Pair
To synchronize alarm acknowledgements between the
primary and backup providers, you must identify a
combination of tag alarm record fields. This combination of
fields generates a unique mapping key to the paired alarm
records stored in each provider’s current alarm repository.
The figure below shows a synchronized alarm
acknowledgement request based on alarm record fields in a
standard query.
A mapping key can be a combination of design-time and
run-time alarm records. Design-time alarm records are based
upon alarm properties of a tag when it is defined from the
Tagname Dictionary.
For example, an alarm name field is known at design time
because it takes on the name of the tag defined in the
primary and backup node applications. QuickScripts or
operators actions define or modify alarm properties stored as
records while an application is running.
You can create a map key from any combination of
design-time or run-time alarm record fields. The map key
must select only a single record from each provider’s current
alarm repository. The key field must create a unique query.
You use the Hot Backup Manager to create a mapping key
list from alarm record fields.
Primary Alarm
Backup Alarm
InTouch Client
Alarm Memory
Alarm Record
Alarm Memory
Alarm Record
Alarm Query
Alarm Query
Synchronized Alarm
Configuring a Hot Backup Pair401
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To create an alarm field mapping list for a hot backup pair
Open the Alarm Hot Backup Manager. Do the following:
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Hot Backup Manager.
2 Select a hot backup pair from the list.
3 Click Set Key Fields. The Select Key Fields dialog box
4 In the Alarm Record Fields area, select the alarm record
fields that you want to include in the mapping key list.
The selected alarm record fields appear in the
list box.
5 Select Design-Time or Run-Time for the alarm record fields
you selected.
6 Click OK.
7 Restart WindowMaker.
402 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Creating an Alarm Record Mapping File
You must map the alarm records of a hot backup pair
whenever the primary and backup alarm providers are
running different applications. Alarm record mapping
establishes a correspondence between dissimilar alarm
records of the primary and backup providers. For example,
you can map alarm records based upon their assigned
InTouch tag names. Although their names may be different,
the alarm records are logically consistent between the two
provider alarm repositories.
Note Creating an alarm record mapping file is unnecessary if both
the primary and backup providers are running the same
application. If no mapping file is provided, the Distributed Alarm
system assumes the primary and the backup providers are running
the same applications with the same alarm records.
Mapping enables alarm acknowledgements to be
synchronized between providers running different
applications. When the Distributed Alarm system
acknowledges an alarm on a provider, it also knows which
alarm to acknowledge on the other provider.
The figure below shows alarm record mapping between the
two providers of a hot backup pair. In this example, the A
and B alarm records of the primary provider are mapped to
the corresponding alarm records of the backup provider, MA
and MB.
Primary Alarm
Backup Alarm
Running Hot
Backup Manager
Alarm Record
Configuring a Hot Backup Pair403
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The Hot Backup Manager imports the alarm record map
from a comma separated values (CSV) file that you create
with Microsoft Excel or a text editor like Notepad. The
mapping file includes an ordered list of alarm record fields
that associate the corresponding alarm records of the
primary and backup providers.
You must specify tag alarm record fields as the headers of the
mapping file. The order of the headers within the file must
match the alarm record fields shown from the
Select Key
dialog box. The figure below shows the column headers
of an Excel file that match the order of alarm record fields of
Select Key Fields dialog box.
You can create a mapping file that only includes the selected
headers of alarm field records used to generate mapping
keys. The figure below shows an Excel file that includes only
the Name, Class, and Type headers. When you add headers,
their order must always match the order of alarm record
fields of the
Select Key Fields dialog box.
404 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Specify the alarm field records of the primary provider in the
left set of columns. Likewise, specify the same records of the
backup provider in the right set of columns.
Mapping File
Header Values Assigned to Alarm Field Records
Group Name of the alarm group in which the tag
has been assigned. An alarm group name
cannot contain a blank space.
Name Name of the tag whose alarm records are
mapped. A tag name cannot contain a blank
Class Class of alarm assigned to the tag. Possible
Class values are:
VALUE for a value alarm.
DEV for a deviation alarm.
ROC for a rate of change alarm.
DSC for a discrete alarm.
Type Type of alarm condition associated with an
alarm class.
LOLO, LO, HI, and HIHI for a value
MinDev and MajDev for a deviation
ROC for a rate of change alarm
DSC for a discrete alarm
Priority Priority assigned to an alarm condition.
Priority must be a number from 1 to 999.
Value See the following notes.
Limit See the following notes.
Comment See the following notes.
Configuring a Hot Backup Pair405
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Value, Limit, and Comment columns:
The "Value" and "Limit" column values can be anything
other than Null, when the "Class" or "Type" values for
that particular record in that particular node are not
The "Value" and "Limit" column values can accept only
1234567890.-+eE characters when the Class value for
that particular record in that particular node is known as
Value, Dev or ROC.
The "Value" and "Limit" column values can accept only
1234567890.-+eE characters when the Type value for
that particular record in that particular node is known as
LOLO, LO, HI, HIHI, MinDev, MajDev or ROC.
The "Value" and "Limit" column values can be anything
other than Null, when any one of the "Class" or "Type"
values for that particular record in that particular node is
known as DSC.
The Comment column values have no limitations.
All records of the mapping file should be unique. The Hot
Backup Manager skips any duplicate records during the
import process. You can see details after the import
process is completed.
You can combine the field values of alarm records - such as
Group, name, and Priority - to generate a "composite
mapping key" that uniquely identifies alarm records.
406 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
An InTouch Alarm Provider equates the "Name" field to the
name of the tag that generated the alarm. Therefore, when
given hot backup pair, a mapping key can be generated using
the combination of the alarm group name and the tag name.
For example:
If a provider has a name field and comment field together as
a unique field then the mapping key can be a combination of
name and comment.
This could be true for any other field combination for a third
Importing an Alarm Record Mapping File
You can import the contents of the alarm record mapping file
to the Hot Backup Manager.
No cross-validation between the Alarm Class and Alarm
Type fields is done when you import the mapping file.
To import alarm records from a mapping file
Open the Alarm Hot Backup Manager. Do the following:
a In the Tools view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Hot Backup Manager.
2 Select the hot backup pair from the list.
Provider Node Backup Node
$System!TagA $System!TagB
Provider Node Backup Node
tagA!CommentA tagB!CommentB
Configuring a Hot Backup Pair407
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 Click Map Alarms. The Map Alarm Records dialog box
4 Click Import. The Open dialog box appears. Select the
mapping file and click Open.
The Hot Backup Manager begins importing records from
the file.
5 Click OK after all mapping records have been imported.
6 On the File menu, click Save.
7 Restart WindowMaker.
Troubleshooting Alarm Mapping File Import Problems
The following situations prevent a file from importing:
The required number of columns should be filled with
values for all the records at the import file. There should
never be fewer values or more values for any record.
The headings at the import file should be the same as
that of the headings at the
Select Key Fields dialog box
and should be in the same order.
If a record that is imported has a wrong entry, you are
prompted to skip that particular record number or to abort
the importing process itself.
408 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Example of a Hot Backup Pair
This section describes a typical working scenario to set up an
alarm backup pair. The figure below shows the configuration
of a hot backup pair for an InTouch tank farm application. In
this example, the InTouch application monitors pump
pressure as an alarm condition.
All three computers are running the InTouch HMI. The hot
backup pair includes FrmPN as the primary provider and
FrmBU as the backup. These two nodes serve as alarm
providers within an InTouch Distributed Alarm system.
The Hot Backup Manager run on the FrmAp node. The
InTouch client application runs on FrmAp and consumes
alarms from the two providers of the hot backup pair.
The InTouch application running on FrmPN generates two
summary alarms for pump inlet and outlet pressure. The two
alarms belong to the TnkFrm1 alarm group. The InTouch
application running on FrmBU generates two logically
equivalent alarms for pump pressure.
When you set up a redundant hot backup pair, you:
Create a hot backup pair.
Set the alarm record key fields.
Create an alarm record mapping file.
Import the alarm record mapping file.
Pump1 Inlet
Pressure Too High
Tank Farm 1
Primary Provider
Client Application
Backup Provider
Example of a Hot Backup Pair409
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To create a hot backup pair
Open the InTouch application in WindowMaker. In this
example, the application runs on the FrmAp node.
2 Open the Alarm Hot Backup Manager. Do the following:
a In the Too l s view, expand Applications.
b Double-click Alarm Hot Backup Manager.
3 Click New Pair. The Add New Pair dialog box appears.
4 Complete the options of the Add New Pair dialog box, as
shown in the following figure.
5 Click OK to return to the Alarm Hot Backup Manager dialog
6 Keep the Alarm Hot Backup Manager dialog box open
within WindowMaker.
You are done with the first step to create a hot backup pair.
Next, complete the following procedure to generate a unique
mapping key to the paired alarm records stored in each
provider’s alarm repository.
410 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To map alarm record key fields
Select the hot backup pair in the list.
2 Click Set Key Fields. The Select Key Fields dialog box
Complete the options of the
Select Key Fields dialog box,
as shown in the following figure.The alarms between the
primary and backup provider are logically consistent but
have been assigned different names and belong to
different alarm groups. A unique mapping key to records
stored in each provider’s alarm repository can be
generated by selecting
Alarm Group, Alarm Name, Alarm
and Alarm Type as Design-Time options.
3 Click OK. When a message appears, click Yes.
You are done with the second step to create an alarm record
mapping key.
In this scenario all three nodes are running InTouch
applications. The two provider nodes generate equivalent
alarms, but are using different tagnames. The primary
provider generates two summary alarms when a pump’s inlet
and outlet pressures are too high. The backup provider
generates two logically identical alarms for the same pump
pressure alarm conditions. Next, complete the following
procedure to create a mapping file that associates equivalent
records stored in each provider’s alarm repository.
Example of a Hot Backup Pair411
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To create an alarm mapping file
Create a .csv file with Excel or a text editor like Notepad.
2 Enter the names of the file headers in the same order as
the alarm record field options of the
Select Key Fields
dialog box.
In this example, the file headers should be ordered by
alarm group, alarm name, the class of alarm, and the
type of alarm condition.
3 Map the alarms between the two providers on each row of
the file.
4 The example of the Excel file below shows how the
headers and alarm conditions should be specified for the
two providers of the hot backup pair. Save the mapping
file to a location accessible to the Hot Backup Manager
running on the client node.
You are done with the third step to create an alarm record
mapping file.
In the last step, you import the contents of the alarm
mapping file to the Hot Backup Manager. In this example,
the client application knows which pump pressure alarm
records to acknowledge between the two alarm providers.
412 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To import an alarm record mapping .csv file
Open the Alarm Hot Backup Manager.
The alarm backup pair you created earlier should be
2 Click Map Alarms. The Map Alarm Records dialog box
3 Click Import. The Open dialog box appears.
4 Select your mapping file and click Open. The Map Alarm
dialog box lists the alarm mapping records from
the file.
5 Click OK. The Hot Backup Manager begins importing
records from the file.
6 Click OK after all mapping records have been imported.
You can now run the hot backup application.
Acknowledgement Synchronization Example
For this example:
Alarm Name, Alarm Class, and Alarm Type are selected
as design-time key fields.
Alarm Group is selected as a run-time field.
Example of a Hot Backup Pair413
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The following alarm record map file was created using
Microsoft Excel.
The Pmp1IP alarm is mapped to the IPPmp1 alarm. Both
have a Class of VALUE and a Type of HIHI.
The Pmp1OP alarm is mapped to the OPPmp1 alarm. Both
have a Class of VALUE and a Type of Lo.
When the HiHi alarm for Pmp1IP is acknowledged at the
primary alarm node, the acknowledgment also appears
on the HiHi alarm for IPPmp1 at the secondary provider
node, provided that the alarm group names on both nodes
remain the same.
When the Low alarm for Pmp1OP is acknowledged at the
primary alarm node, the acknowledgment also appears
on the Low alarm for OPPmp1 at the secondary provider
node, provided that the alarm group names on both nodes
remain the same.
Acknowledgement synchronization occurs only if the
design-time and run-time mapping match.
You can select any combination of design-time and run-time
alarm record fields for mapping. However, make sure that
the mappings do not result in multiple references.
For example, if two alarm record fields such as Class and
Priority are selected, it is very possible that more than one
alarm matches the criteria. In such a case, the Hot Backup
synchronization is not guaranteed to work. In the process of
propagating the acknowledgment, a random alarm that
matches the criteria may also be picked up, while other
matching alarms may be left unacknowledged.
414 Chapter 13 Enhancing Plant Security Through Alarm Redundancy
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Notes Regarding Hot Backup Pairs
You can use a hot backup only for InTouch 7.11 and later
Expanded summary alarms or event-oriented alarms are
not supported.
If the Distributed Alarm Display object queries a hot
backup pair and then queries the primary provider again
separately, the Distributed Alarm Display object shows
duplicate records.
Do not configure a provider as a primary or secondary of
more than one hot backup pair.
If a record at the primary provider is acknowledged and
the secondary provider (which was down when the
acknowledgment took place) starts up at a later time, the
time stamp of the acknowledged record is identical with
the record in the primary provider.
The alarm consumer querying a hot backup pair shows
the individual node name as the provider.
You can choose any combination of design-time and
run-time alarm record fields for mapping. However, be
sure that the mappings do not result in multiple
When mapping the Value and Limit key fields, the values
are rounded off to the fourth decimal place and then
An alarm record that does not have the specific
combination of design-time and run-time mapping uses
the default runtime mapping.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Chapter 14
Creating an Alarm Audit Trail
When you configure an InTouch alarm provider to use either
operating system or ArchestrA authentication and an alarm
occurs, the alarm display contains the full name of the
operator in the Operator Full Name column, assuming the
operator is logged on.
For example if a user is registered in the PLANT_FLOOR
domain with a user ID of JohnS and a full name of John
Smith, the Operator Full Name column contains John Smith.
If the alarm is subsequently acknowledged, and the node
performing the acknowledgement is set to use operating
system or ArchestrA security, the Operator Full Name
column is updated to show the full name of the
acknowledgement operator. Otherwise, the alarm display
shows a computer name concatenated with whatever is in the
$Operator tag.
InTouch security can include an operator’s full name with
alarm acknowledgements. This is also possible on records
pertaining to alarm detection. In most organizations, a logon
ID is not a person's full name, but rather an abbreviation or
role classification.
416 Chapter 14 Creating an Alarm Audit Trail
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
When you configure operating system authentication for the
provider and consumer InTouch nodes:
The alarm display shows full names when alarms are
generated and when acknowledgements are performed.
The alarm printer prints full names when alarms are
generated and when acknowledgements are performed.
The Alarm DB Logger records domain name, log on user
ID, and full user name with each alarm record for both
Operator and AckOperator fields. This allows for unique
identification even if an organization has two employees
with identical full names.
The Operator field shows the user account in the
DomainName\UserName format.
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Appendix A
Working with the Distributed
Alarm Display Object
The Distributed Alarm Display object is included in this
version of the InTouch HMI to support applications
developed with InTouch version 7 and earlier. You should
use the Alarm Viewer Control instead to create alarm
displays with more recent versions of the InTouch HMI.
About the Distributed Alarm Display Object
The Distributed Alarm Display object provides a single
display to show both local and remote alarms.
This display object’s features include built in scroll bars,
sizable columns, multiple selection of alarms, a status bar, a
shortcut menu, and colors based on alarm priority and state.
418 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
The Distributed Alarm Display object includes properties
that can set the appearance of the alarm display (including
the information that is shown), the colors used for various
alarm conditions, and which alarm group and alarm priority
levels are shown.
For more information about the display object, see Using a
Distributed Alarm Display Object at Run Time on page 434.
Distributed Alarm Display Object Guidelines
Observe the following guidelines when using the Distributed
Alarm Display object:
Each display must have an identifier so that any
associated QuickScript functions knows which display to
modify. This identifier, entered in the Display Name box in
Alarm Configuration dialog box, must be unique for
each display.
Displays should not overlap other InTouch objects, such
as window controls or graphic objects. You can easily
verify this by clicking on the Distributed Alarm Display
object in WindowMaker, and checking the display’s
"handles." The handles should not touch other objects on
the screen.
Displays should be used sparingly. Placing numerous
displays on one screen can result in reduced system
performance. When possible, limit the number of displays
on your window and call further windows with additional
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Design Time419
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display
Object at Design Time
You can configure:
General features, such as a status bar, scroll bars, and so
The columns and sorting order.
The alarm query to use to retrieve alarm records.
The time format the alarm records are shown in.
The font and colors for the shown alarm records.
What run-time users can do in the display, such as resize
columns, select alarms, access a shortcut menu, and so
Creating a Distributed Alarm Display Object
You create a Distributed Alarm Display object just as you
would a wizard.
To create a Distributed Alarm Display object
Click the Wizard tool in the Wizard/ActiveX Toolbar. The
Wizard Selection dialog box appears.
2 Select Alarm Displays in the list of wizards.
3 Double-click the Dist. Alarm Display wizard. The dialog
box closes and your window reappears with the cursor in
the "paste" mode.
4 Click in the window to paste the Distributed Alarm
Display object. To size the wizard, drag the selection
You are now ready to configure the display.
420 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Appearance of the Grid
For the display grid, you can configure:
A title bar, status bar, and scroll bars.
Where new alarms appear in the grid and whether to
auto-scroll to them.
A default message to be shown if there are no alarm
records to show.
To configure the appearance of the grid
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click
Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 In the Display Name box, type the name for the alarm
display. This name must be unique for each alarm
display used. This name is used throughout the system
for referring to this object for execution of tasks such as
alarm acknowledgment and queries.
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Design Time421
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 In the New Alarms Appear At area, configure where you
want new alarms to appear in the object:
Click To p o f Li s t to show the most recent alarm at the
top of the list.
Click Bottom of List to show most recent alarm at the
bottom of the list.
4 In the Properties area, configure title bar, status bar, and
scroll bars. Do any of the following:
Select the Show Titles check box to show the alarm
message title bar.
Select the Show Status Bar check box to show the
status bar.
Select the Show Vert Scrollbar check box to show the
vertical scroll bar.
Select the Show Horz Scrollbar check box to show the
horizontal scroll bar.
5 Select the Show Message check box to show a default
message if there are no alarm records to show. Type the
message in the box.
6 Select the Auto-Scroll to New Alarms check box to have the
selection automatically jumps to the new alarm. New
alarms are defined as those that are not currently shown
within the display object.
7 Click OK.
422 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Controlling Which Features Users Can Access at
Run Time
You can allow the run-time user to change the column
settings, select alarms, and open the shortcut menu.
Note You can use script functions to run the commands that
appear on the shortcut menu.
To configure the run-time features
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 Configure the which options are available at run time. Do
any of the following:
Select the Allow Runtime Grid Changes check box to
allow the user to change column settings.
Select the Show Context Sensitive Menu check box to
enable the shortcut menu.
Select the Allow Runtime Alarm Selection check box to
allow the user to select alarms.
Select the Use Extended Alarm Selection check box to
allow the user to select multiple alarms by holding
down Ctrl or Shift in conjunction with mouse
selection. The default is to toggle selection of alarms
by simply clicking on them.
3 Click OK.
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Design Time423
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Which Alarms to Show
You can configure the Distributed Alarm Display object to
show alarms based on:
State, such as acknowledged or unacknowledged.
Type, either summary or historical.
When you configure the alarm query, you use text only. You
cannot use tags. Example queries are as follows.
Full path to Alarm Group:
Full path to local Alarm Group
Another Group List:
To perform multiple queries, separate each query with a
space. For example:
\InTouch!Group GroupList
The default query properties are only used if you select the
Perform Query on Startup check box or if the almDefQuery()
function is executed.
424 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To configure which alarms to show
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click
Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 Select the Perform Query on Startup check box.
3 In the Default Query Properties area, configure the default
query for the object.
In the From Priority box, type the default minimum
alarm priority.
In the To P r i o r i t y box, type the default maximum
alarm priority.
In the Alarm State list, click the default alarm state to
query (All, Unack, Ack).
In the Query Type list, click the alarm type, either
Summary or Historical.
In the Alarm Query box, type the initial alarm query.
4 Click OK.
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Design Time425
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring a Default Alarm Comment
You can configure a default comment to be used when an
operator acknowledges an alarm. If you do not configure a
default comment, when the operator acknowledges an alarm,
a dialog box appears to let the operator enter a comment. The
dialog box can be filled in or left blank.
To configure a default comment
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 Select the Show Context Sensitive Menu check box.
3 Select the Use Default Ack Comment check box and then
type the comment text in the box.
4 Click OK.
426 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Time Format for Alarm Records
The original alarm time is the date/time stamp of the onset of
the alarm. If tag is an I/O tag, then it is the time stamp from
the I/O Server if that server is capable of passing time
To configure the alarm display time format
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click
Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 Click the Message tab.
3 In the Date Format list, click the format for the date.
Available formats are:
Selection Shows Selection Shows
28 Feb
28 Feb 2007
Feb 28
Feb 28 2007
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Design Time427
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the Time Format list, click the format for the time. Use
the values in this list as a template to specify the format
of the time. For example, to specify the time as 10:24:30
AM, use HH:MM:SS AP. The template characters are as
5 In the Sort Order area, configure the order in which you
want the alarms to be sorted in the object:
Click OAT to use the original alarm time, which is the
date/time stamp of the onset of the alarm.
Click LCT to use the last alarm change time, which is
the date/time stamp of the most recent change of
status for the instance of the alarm: onset of the
alarm, change of sub-state, return to normal, or
6 Click OK.
Character Description
Selects the AM/PM format. For
example, three o’clock in the afternoon
is shown as 3:00 PM. A time without
this designation defaults to 24 hour
military time format. For example,
three o’clock in the afternoon is shown
as 15:00.
Shows the hour the alarm/event
Shows the minute the alarm/event
Shows the second the alarm/event
Shows the millisecond the alarm/event
428 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring the Font for Alarm Records
You can set the font for the records and the heading in the
To configure the font properties
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 Click the Message tab.
3 Click Select Display Font. The standard Windows Font
dialog box appears.
4 Configure the font and then click OK.
Configuring the Columns for Alarm Records
You can select the columns to show, specify the column order,
and set the column names and widths.
To configure the display column details
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 Click the Message tab.
3 Click Column Management. The Column Details dialog box
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Design Time429
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 Select the check box in the Column Name list to show that
column in the Distributed Alarm Display object. You
must select at least one column. The following table
describes the columns:
Column Description
Shows the date in the format selected
from the Message tab.
Shows the time in the format selected
from the
Message tab.
Shows the state of the alarm.
Shows the category of the alarm.
Shows the alarm type.
Shows the alarm priority.
Shows the alarm/tagname.
Shows the Alarm Group name.
Shows the name of the alarm provider.
Shows the value of the tagname when
the alarm occurred.
Shows the alarm limit value of the
Shows the logged-on operator’s ID
associated with the alarm condition.
Shows the tagname comment. This
comment is typed in the
Alarm Comment
box when the tagname’s alarm was
defined in the database.
430 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
5 To rearrange the columns, select the column name and
use the Move Up and Down arrow buttons. The column
name appearing at the top of the
Column Details dialog
box is the column shown to the furthest left of the alarm
6 To edit the column name and width, select a column
name and then click
Edit. The Edit dialog box appears for
that column.
a In the New Name box, type a new name if you want to
show a column name other than the default column
b In the New Width box, type in a default column width.
The column width can range from 1 to 999 pixels. The
default column width is 100 pixels.
c Click OK in the Edit dialog box.
7 Click OK in the Column Details dialog box.
8 Click Apply.
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Design Time431
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Configuring Colors for Alarm Records
You can configure colors for various parts of the Distributed
Alarm Display object, such as the background color and the
color of selected records. You can also configure different
colors for alarm records of different ranges.
To configure the alarm display colors
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 Click the Color tab.
3 In the General area, click each color box to open the
InTouch color palette. Click the color that you want to
use for each of the following:
Option Description
Sets the display background color.
Sets the grid color.
Selection Back
Sets the highlighted text
background color.
Selection Text
Sets the highlighted text color.
Title Bar Back
Sets the title bar background color
(visible only if the Show Titles
option is on).
432 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 In the Alarm Priority boxes, type the breakpoint values for
the alarm display.
5 Click the UnAck Alarm and Ack Alarm color boxes to open
the InTouch palette. Click the color in the palette that
you want to use.
6 Click OK.
Configuring the Display Type
The Distributed Alarm Display object can show summaries of
active alarms or listings of historical alarms.
You can also change the display type dynamically at run
time. This can be done, for example, by running the
almQuery() script function. The almQuery() script function
uses parameters that you can use to set the specified
Distributed Alarm Display object (for example: "AlmObj_1")
to a specified display type (for example: "Summary"). For
more information, see almQuery() Function on page 472.
Title Bar Text
Sets the title bar text color (visible
only if the
Show Titles option is
Alarm Return
Sets the color of returned alarms
(alarms that have returned to
normal without being
Sets the color of event alarms.
Option Description
Configuring a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Design Time433
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To configure the query default
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 In the Query Type list, click the type of alarm display that
you want to use for the run-time default.
3 Click OK.
Using the Distributed Display to Monitor Local
You can use the Distributed Alarm Display object to show
and acknowledge both local and remote alarms.
To set up a display to monitor just local alarms
Right-click the Distributed Alarm Display object and
then click
Properties. The Alarm Configuration dialog box
2 In the Alarm Query box, type: \InTouch!$System
You can substitute any valid alarm group for $System.
You can also define an alarm group list containing just
\InTouch!$System, and then use this group list instead
of a direct reference.
3 Configure the other parameters for the type of display
and any filtering your application requires.
434 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Using a Distributed Alarm Display Object at
Run Time
The Distributed Alarm Display object uses a grid to show the
alarm messages. This grid allows you to dynamically size
column widths simply by selecting a column handle and
dragging it to the desired width. This functionality is
available only during run time.
Grid column changes are not saved; therefore, if you make
grid column changes and close the window containing the
alarm display, the grid columns will again be at their default
width upon re-opening that window. You can adjust the
default column width in WindowMaker.
The grid allows you to select single or multiple alarms in a
list box. The selected alarms can be acknowledged by using
the almAckSelect() QuickScript function. When you configure
the Distributed Alarm Display object, you can also define the
selection behavior to allow either toggle selection (item by
item) or multiple selection (holding down CTRL or SHIFT
keys in conjunction with a mouse click to select multiple
alarms). You can turn off run-time selection.
You can also configure up to eight different colors for each
shown alarm message based on the priority of the alarm and
whether or not it is acknowledged.
The scroll bars are available if they were turned on at
configuration time.
The alarm display object may have controls to page through
alarm records, depending on how the control is configured.
Sizable Display Columns
The Distributed Alarm Display object uses a grid to hold the
alarm messages. At run-time, you can dynamically size the
column widths simply by selecting a column and dragging it.
You can also double-click on the vertical grid line to
automatically size the column. This functionality is available
only during run time. Column resizing must be turned on at
configuration time.
Grid column changes are not saved when you close the
window containing the alarm display.
Multiple Selection
You can select a single or multiple alarms in a list box,
depending on how the alarm display is configured.
Using a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Run Time435
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Alarm Message Colors
Up to eight different colors can be used for each shown alarm
message, based on the priority of the alarm and whether it is
acknowledged or not.
Status Bar
Depending on how the alarm object is configured, the status
bar shows a status message, the current alarm query, and a
progress bar.
The left portion of the status bar shows the current status of
the control.
These indicators provide an overview of the current state of
the display query and provide details about the suppression
available in the Distributed Alarm Display object. The right
pane of the status bar is red when freeze is in effect and the
left pane of the status bar is red when suppression is in
effect. The word "Suppression" shows in the left pane when
suppression is in effect.
The status messages are as follows:
Feature Description
The status message at the left end of the
status bar provides a more detailed
description of the current query status.
Alarm Query
The Alarm Query provides a visual
indication of the current alarm query.
Progress Bar
The update progress bar at the right end
of the status bar provides a visual
indication of the current query progress.
Status Message State/Indicator Progress Bar
None No Query None
Query Incomplete Blue/Green
Query Complete Red
Suppression Query name Solid Blue
Freeze Query name Red
436 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Shortcut Menu
Depending on how the alarm object is configured, you can
right-click on the object to open a shortcut menu for common
Click this
command To do this
Ack Selected
Acknowledge the selected alarm.
Ack Others
Acknowledge all alarms in the display,
or only visible alarms, selected groups,
selected tagnames, and priorities.
Suppress the selected alarm.
Suppress Others
Suppress all alarms in the display, or
only visible alarms, selected groups,
selected tagname, and selected
Query Favorites Opens the Alarm Query dialog box,
where you can select the query to use.
Opens the Alarm Statistics dialog box.
Opens the Alarm Suppression dialog
Freezes the current display.
Using a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Run Time437
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Selecting and Configuring Alarm Query Favorites
Use the Query Favorites command on the shortcut menu to
quickly select an alarm query from a list of previously
defined alarm queries. You can also create new named
queries, edit an existing query, or delete an existing query.
Note For multi-line alarm queries appearing in the Distributed
Alarm Display, line separations appear as "garbage" characters.
This does not affect the function.
To select an alarm query for display
At run time, right-click the Distributed Alarm Display
and then click
Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog
box appears.
2 In the list of currently defined queries, select the named
query to use.
3 Click OK. The Distributed Alarm Display object shows the
alarm information for the selected query.
438 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
To add a new named query
At run time, right-click the Distributed Alarm Display
and then click Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog
box appears.
2 Click Add. The Add Query dialog box appears.
3 Configure the query. Do the following:
a In the Name box, type the name for the query.
b In the Query box, type the sets of InTouch alarm
queries that you want to perform. You can specify one
or more alarm providers and groups.
c In the From Priority box, type the minimum alarm
priority value (1 to 999). In the
To P r i o r i t y box, type
the maximum alarm priority value (1 to 999).
d In the Alarm State list, click the alarm state that you
want to use in the alarm query.
e In the Display Type area, click the type of alarms to
show. For more information, see Summary Alarms
versus Historical Alarms on page 30.
Using a Distributed Alarm Display Object at Run Time439
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
4 Click OK to close the Add Query dialog box.
5 Click OK in the Alarm Query dialog box.
To modify an existing named query
At run time, right-click the Distributed Alarm Display
and then click
Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog
box appears.
2 In the list of currently defined queries, select the named
query to modify.
3 Click Modify. The Modify Query dialog box appears.
4 Make the necessary modifications and then click OK to
close the
Modify Query dialog box.
5 Click OK on the Alarm Query dialog box.
Note Modifications are not automatically applied to other
Distributed Alarm Display objects that are using the alarm query
being modified.
To delete an existing named query
At run time, right-click the Distributed Alarm Display
and then click
Query Favorites. The Alarm Query dialog
box appears.
2 In the list of currently defined queries, select the named
query to modify.
3 Click Delete. When a message appears, click Yes.
4 Click OK on the Alarm Query dialog box.
Note Deletion are not automatically applied to other Distribute
Alarm Display objects that are using the alarm query being
440 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display
Object Using Functions and Dotfields
You can control the Distributed Alarm Display object at run
time using functions and .dotfields.
For a list of returned error numbers for functions, see Error
Descriptions on page 503.
Getting or Setting Properties
Properties are accessible through the GetPropertyX()
function, where X is the data type (D for Discrete, I for
Integer, and M for Message). For example:
GetPropertyM(ControlName.Property, MsgTag)
For more information on the GetPropertyX() functions, see
Chapter 6, Built-In Functions, in the InTouch® HMI
Scripting and Logic Guide.
When you run the script that includes the GetPropertyX()
function, the property value is saved to the MsgTag. If
multiple rows are selected, the property assigned to MsgTag
is the tag value in the first row of the multiple selection.
Acknowledging Alarms
The Distributed Alarm Display object is capable of
acknowledging any alarms that it can query (summary
display only). The Distributed Alarm Display object includes
alarm acknowledgment functions. These functions
supplement the .Ack dotfield used to acknowledge local
alarms and alarm groups. Use these functions to
acknowledge all alarms, shown alarms, and selected alarms.
You can also acknowledge alarms by their characteristics.
such as group membership, priority, application name, and
tag name.
almAckAll() Function
almAckDisplay() Function
almAckGroup() Function
almAckPriority() Function
almAckRecent() Function
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields441
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckTag() Function
almAckSelect() Function
almAckSelectedGroup() Function
almAckSelectedPriority() Function
almAckSelectedTag() Function
almAckAll() Function
Acknowledges all alarms in a current query, including those
not currently shown in the Distributed Alarm Display object
in summary mode.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
MessageTag = “Acknowledge All by ” + $Operator;
See Also
Ack(), almAckGroup(), almAckTag(), almAckDisplay(),
almAckRecent(), almAckSelect(), almAckSelectedGroup(),
almAckSelectedPriority(), almAckSelectedTag()
442 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckDisplay() Function
Acknowledges only those alarms currently visible in the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
See Also
Ack(), almAckAll(), almAckGroup(), almAckTag(),
almAckRecent(), almAckSelect(), almAckSelectedGroup(),
almAckSelectedPriority(), almAckSelectedTag()
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields443
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckGroup() Function
Acknowledges all alarms shown in the named Distributed
Alarm object that match the specified provider and group
[Result=]almAckGroup( “ObjectName”,
ApplicationName, GroupName, Comment);
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the InTouch alarm group, such as $System.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
MessageTag = “Acknowledge group, Turbines, by ” +
almAckGroup(“AlmObj_1”, “\Intouch”, “Turbine”,
444 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckPriority() Function
Acknowledges all alarms shown in the named Distributed
Alarm object as a result of the last query that match the
alarm’s application name, alarm group, and priority range.
ApplicationName, GroupName, FromPri, ToPri,
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the Application for example, \\node1\Intouch
The name of the Group for example, $System
Starting number of the alarm priority range. For example,
Ending number of the alarm priority range. For example,
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
almAckPriority(“AlmObj_1”, “\\node1\Intouch”,
“Turbines”, 10, 100, “Range 10 to 100
almAckRecent() Function
Acknowledges the most recent alarms that have occurred.
[Result=]almAckRecent(ObjectName, Comment)
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields445
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckTag() Function
Acknowledges all alarms shown in the named Distributed
Alarm Display object as a result of the last query. The alarm
must match the application name, group name, tag name,
and priority range specified by the query.
[Result=]almAckTag(“ObjectName”, ApplicationName,
GroupName, TagName, FromPri, ToPri, Comment);
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the application. For example,
The name of the alarm group. For example, $System.
The name of the tag whose value is in an alarm state.
Starting number of the alarm priority range. For example,
Ending number of the priority range. For example, 900.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
almAckTag(“AlmObj_1”, “\\node1\Intouch”,
“Turbines”, “Valve1”, 10, 100, "Acknowledged for
See Also
Ack(), almAckAll(), almAckGroup(), almAckDisplay(),
almAckRecent(), almAckSelect(), almAckSelectedGroup(),
almAckSelectedPriority(), almAckSelectedTag()
446 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckSelect() Function
Acknowledges only those alarms selected in the Distributed
Alarm Display object in summary mode.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
This example acknowledges only those alarms that occurred
during the day shift or the night shift.
IF ($Hour >= 0 and $Hour < 8) THEN
AckTag = “Night Shift”;
AckTag = “Day Shift”;
almAckSelect (“AlmObj_1”,AckTag);
See Also
Ack(), almAckAll(), almAckGroup(), almAckTag(),
almAckDisplay(), almAckRecent(), almAckSelectedGroup(),
almAckSelectedPriority(), almAckSelectedTag()
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields447
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckSelectedGroup() Function
Acknowledges all alarms with same provider and group
names that have the same group name as one or more of the
alarms that are selected within the named Distributed
Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
MessageTag = “Acknowledge selected groups by ” +
almAckSelectedGroup (“AlmObj_1”, MessageTag);
See Also
Ack(), almAckAll(), almAckGroup(), almAckTag(),
almAckDisplay(), almAckRecent(), almAckSelect(),
almAckSelectedPriority(), almAckSelectedTag()
448 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckSelectedPriority() Function
Acknowledges all alarms with same provider and group
names that have the same priority value as one or more of
the alarms that are selected within the named Distributed
Alarm Display object. The priorities are calculated from the
minimum and maximum priorities of the selected alarm
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
MessageTag = “Acknowledge selected priorities by ”
+ $Operator;
almAckSelectedPriority (“AlmObj_1”, MessageTag);
See Also
Ack(), almAckAll(), almAckGroup(), almAckTag(),
almAckDisplay(), almAckRecent(), almAckSelect(),
almAckSelectedGroup(), almAckSelectedTag()
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields449
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almAckSelectedTag() Function
Acknowledges all alarms that have the same Tagname from
the same provider and group name and having the same
priority as one or more of the selected alarms within the
named Distributed Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Alarm acknowledgment comment.
MessageTag = “Acknowledge selected tagnames by ” +
almAckSelectedTag (“AlmObj_1”, MessageTag);
See Also
Ack(), almAckAll(), almAckGroup(), almAckTag(),
almAckDisplay(), almAckRecent(), almAckSelect(),
almAckSelectedGroup(), almAckSelectedPriority()
450 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Selecting Alarms
You can create scripts to select alarms from a Distributed
Alarm Display object. You can select all alarms, only selected
alarms, or obtain a count of current alarms.
almSelectAll() Function
almUnselectAll() Function
almSelectionCount() Function
almSelectGroup() Function
almSelectItem() Function
almSelectPriority() Function
almSelectTag() Function
You can also select specific alarms based upon the data
source, alarm priority, and InTouch tags.
almSelectAll() Function
Toggles the selection of all the alarms in a named Distributed
Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
If $AccessLevel > 8000 THEN
almAckSelect(“AlmObj_1”, “Ack Selected by a
See Also
almSelectItem(), almSelectGroup(), almSelectPriority(),
almSelectTag(), almUnSelectAll()
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields451
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almUnselectAll() Function
Unselects all selected alarms in a named Distributed Alarm
Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
If $AccessLevel == 9999 THEN
almAckSelect(“AlmObj_1”, “Comment”);{This
alarm can be acknowledged by only
See Also
almSelectAll(), almSelectItem(), almSelectGroup(),
almSelectPriority(), almSelectTag()
almSelectionCount() Function
Returns the number of alarms selected by the operator in the
Distributed Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The AlarmCount tag is assigned the number of alarms
selected by the operator from the Distributed Alarm Display
AlarmCount = almSelectionCount(“AlmObj_1”);
452 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSelectGroup() Function
Toggles the selection of all alarms that are contained by a
named Distributed Alarm Display object as a result of the
display’s last query and where the resultant alarm contains
the same alarm group name.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the Application. For example,
The name of the Group. For example, $System.
See Also
almSelectAll(), almSelectItem(), almSelectPriority(),
almSelectTag(), almUnSelectAll()
almSelectItem() Function
Toggles the selection of the last selected or unselected item in
an alarm display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
See Also
almSelectAll(), almSelectGroup(), almSelectPriority(),
almSelectTag(), almUnSelectAll()
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields453
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSelectPriority() Function
Toggles the selection of all alarms in a named Distributed
Alarm Display object as a result of the display’s last query
and where the resultant alarms are within the specified
priority range.
[Result=]almSelectPriority( "objectName",
ApplicationName, GroupName, FromPri, ToPri );
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the Application. For example,
The name of the Group. For example, $System.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100 or integer tag.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900 or integer tag.
See Also
almSelectAll(), almSelectItem(), almSelectGroup(),
almSelectTag(), almUnSelectAll()
454 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSelectTag() Function
Toggles the selection of all alarms in a named Distributed
Alarm Display object as a result of the display’s last query
and given tag name.
[Result=]almSelectTag (ObjectName,
ApplicationName, GroupName, TagName, FromPri,
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the Application. For example,
The name of the Group. For example, $System.
The name of the alarm tag.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100 or integer tag.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900 or integer tag.
See Also
almSelectAll(), almSelectItem(), almSelectGroup(),
almSelectPriority(), almUnSelectAll()
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields455
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Retrieving Information about a Selected Alarm
You can create scripts that return information about selected
alarms. Use the following dotfields in your script:
.AlarmTime Dotfield
.AlarmDate Dotfield
.AlarmName Dotfield
.AlarmValue Dotfield
.AlarmClass Dotfield
.AlarmType Dotfield
.AlarmState Dotfield
.AlarmLimit Dotfield
.AlarmPri Dotfield
.AlarmGroupSel Dotfield
.AlarmAccess Dotfield
.AlarmProv Dotfield
.AlarmOprName Dotfield
.AlarmOprNode Dotfield
.AlarmComment Dotfield
456 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmTime Dotfield
Returns the time when an alarm occurred. The alarm must
be selected in Distributed Alarm Display object in summary
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
In this example, AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed
Alarm Display object and almTime is a memory message tag.
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the time when the alarm occurred to the almTime
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv,
.AlarmState, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields457
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmDate Dotfield
Returns the date associated with a selected alarm. The alarm
has to be selected by clicking on the Distributed Alarm
Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the date to the almDate tag.
AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm Display
object and almDate is a memory message tag that retrieves
the date for the tag associated with the selected alarm.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv,
.AlarmState, .AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
458 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmName Dotfield
Returns the name of the tag associated with a selected alarm.
The alarm has to be selected by clicking the Distributed
Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the name of the alarm to almName.
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almName is a memory message tag that
retrieves the name of the tag associated with the selected
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv,
.AlarmState, .AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields459
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmValue Dotfield
Returns the value of the alarm for the tag associated with the
selected alarm. The alarm has to be selected by clicking the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
This function uses a message tag to retrieve the numeric
value. This is because the GetProperty functions do not
support real numbers. You can use the StringToReal()
function to assign the result to a real tag.
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the value to almValue.
GetPropertyM("AlmObj_1.AlarmValue", almValue);
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almValue is a memory message tag
containing the alarm value for the tag associated with the
selected alarm.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv,
.AlarmState, .AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
460 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmClass Dotfield
Returns the class of alarm for the tag associated with a
selected alarm. The alarm must be selected from the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
The following statement returns the alarm class associated
with the selected alarm.
AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm Display
object and almClass is a memory message tag containing the
class of alarm for the tag associated with the selected alarm.
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the alarm class of the alarm to the almClass tag.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmComment,
.AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName, .AlarmOprName,
.AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv, .AlarmState,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields461
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmType Dotfield
Returns the alarm type for the tag associated with a selected
alarm. The alarm has to be selected by clicking the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the type of the selected alarm to the almType tag
when the operator acknowledges the alarm.
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almType is a memory message tag
containing the alarm type for the tag associated with the
selected alarm.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv,
.AlarmState, .AlarmTime, .AlarmValue
462 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmState Dotfield
Returns the state of the selected alarm. The alarm has to be
selected by clicking the Distributed Alarm Display object in
summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the state of the selected alarm to the almState tag.
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almState is a memory message tag
containing the alarm state for the tag associated with the
selected alarm.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields463
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmLimit Dotfield
Returns the limit for the tag associated with a selected
alarm. The alarm has to be selected by clicking the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
This function uses a message tag to retrieve the numeric
value. This is because the GetProperty functions do not
support real numbers. You can use the StringToReal()
function to assign the result to a real tag.
If used in a pushbutton QuickScript, this statement returns
the limit of the selected alarm to the almLimit tag.
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almLimit is a memory message containing
the alarm limit for the tag associated with the selected
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv,
.AlarmState, .AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
464 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmPri Dotfield
Returns the priority (1-999) for the tag associated with a
selected alarm. The alarm must be selected by clicking the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the alarm priority to the almPrilvl tag.
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almPrilvl is a memory message tag
containing the priority level of the tag associated with the
selected alarm.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmProv, .AlarmState,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields465
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmGroupSel Dotfield
Returns the alarm group of the tag associated with a selected
alarm. The alarm has to be selected by clicking on the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the name of the alarm group to the almGroup tag.
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almGroup is a memory message tag
containing the alarm group of the tag associated with the
selected alarm.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmGroup, .AlarmName
466 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmAccess Dotfield
Returns the Access Name of the tag associated with a
selected alarm. The alarm record must be selected by clicking
on the Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the Access Name of the tag associated with the alarm
to the almAccess tag.
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almAccess is a memory message tag
containing the Access Name of the tag associated with the
selected alarm.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmClass, .AlarmComment, .AlarmDate,
.AlarmLimit, .AlarmName, .AlarmOprName,
.AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv, .AlarmState,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields467
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmProv Dotfield
Returns the alarm provider for the tag associated with a
selected alarm. The alarm has to be selected by clicking the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the provider name to the almProv tag.
GetPropertyM("AlmObj_1.AlarmProv", almProv);
AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm Display
object and almProv is a memory message tag containing the
name of the provider for the tag associated with the selected
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmState,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
468 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmOprName Dotfield
Returns the name of the logged on operator who
acknowledged the selected alarm. The alarm has to be
selected by clicking the Distributed Alarm Display object in
summary mode.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almOprName is a memory message tag
containing the name of the operator responding to the alarm
associated with the tag.
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the name of the operator to the almOprName tag.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv, .AlarmState,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields469
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmOprNode Dotfield
Returns the operator node for the tag associated with a
selected alarm. The alarm must be selected by clicking the
Distributed Alarm Display object in summary mode.
When an alarm is acknowledged in a Terminal Services
environment, the Operator Node is the name of the client
machine that the respective operator established the
Terminal Services session from. If the node name cannot be
retrieved, the node's IP address is used instead.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
Where AlmObj_1 is the name of the Distributed Alarm
Display object and almOprNode is a memory message tag
containing the name of the operator's node for the tag
associated with the selected alarm.
If used in a Touch Pushbutton QuickScript, this statement
returns the operator’s node to the almOprNode tag.
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass,
.AlarmComment, .AlarmDate, .AlarmLimit, .AlarmName,
.AlarmOprName, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv, .AlarmState,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
470 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.AlarmComment Dotfield
Returns the alarm comment, which is a read/write text string
that describes the alarm, not the tag. By default, the
comment is empty in a new application.
However, when an old InTouch application is converted to
InTouch version 7.11 or later, the tag comment is copied to
the .AlarmComment dotfield for backward compatibility.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
Data Type
String (read-only)
The following example returns the alarm comment for a tag
selected in the AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display object
and places it in the almComment tag :
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmAccess, .AlarmClass, .AlarmDate,
.AlarmLimit, .AlarmName, .AlarmOprName,
.AlarmOprNode, .AlarmPri, .AlarmProv, .AlarmState,
.AlarmTime, .AlarmType, .AlarmValue
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields471
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Setting the Alarm Query
Use the following query functions to retrieve records from the
alarm memory.
almDefQuery() Function
almQuery() Function
almSetQueryByName() Function
almDefQuery() Function
Performs a query using default properties to update a named
Distributed Alarm Display object.
The name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
The default query properties are specified while developing
the Distributed Alarm Display object in WindowMaker.
See Also
almQuery(), almSetQueryByName()
472 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almQuery() Function
Performs a query to update a named Distributed Alarm
Display object and uses the specified parameters.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Sets the Alarm Query/Name Manager alias to perform the
query against, for example, "\intouch!$System" or a
Message tag.
Starting priority of alarms to show. For example, 100 or
integer tag.
Ending priority of alarms to show. For example, 900 or
integer tag.
Specifies type of alarms to show. For example, "UnAck" or
Message tag. Valid states are All, UnAck or Ack.
The type of alarm records that appear in the updated
"Hist" = Historical alarms
"Summ" = Summary alarms
This statement retrieves all historical alarms specified in
MyAlarmListGroup with a priority of 500 to 600. The alarms
appear in the AlmObj_1 alarm display.
In this example, MyAlarmListGroup is an alarm list
configured from the Name Manager setup.
See Also
almDefQuery(), almSetQueryByName()
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields473
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSetQueryByName() Function
Starts a new alarm query for the named instance of the
Distributed Alarm Display object using the parameters from
a user-defined query favorite file.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the query created by using Query Favorites.
This is a query for the particular instance of the Distributed
Alarm Display object. There may be several such displays on
the screen, each with its own query.
This example starts a new query using parameters from the
query named “Turbine Queries.”
almSetQueryByName(“AlmObj_1”,“Turbine Queries”);
See Also
almQuery(), almDefQuery()
474 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Checking the Current Query Properties
Use the following dotfields to return the status of alarm
memory queries.
.AlarmGroup Dotfield
.QueryType Dotfield
.QueryState Dotfield
.Successful Dotfield
.PriFrom Dotfield
.PriTo Dotfield
.AlarmGroup Dotfield
Contains the current query used to populate a Distributed
Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Any message tag.
This read-only dotfield contains the current alarm query
used by the named Distributed Alarm Display object. This
query can be a list of alarm groups or direct alarm provider
Data Type
String (read-only)
This statement returns the current alarm query used by the
AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display object to the
CurrentQuery tag:
See Also
GetPropertyM(), .AlarmGroupSel, .AlarmName
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields475
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.QueryType Dotfield
Shows the current type of alarm query.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Any integer tag
This read-only dotfield contains the current query type used
by a named Distributed Alarm Display object.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
1 = Historical
2 = Summary
The following statement returns the current query type of
the AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display object to the
AlmQueryType tag:
See Also
GetPropertyI(), .QueryState
476 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.QueryState Dotfield
Shows the current alarm state query filter.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Any integer tag
This read-only dotfield contains the current query filter used
by a named Distributed Alarm Display object.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
Valid Values
0 = All
1 = Unacknowledged
2 = Acknowledged
The following statement returns the current query filter of
the AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display object to the
AlmQueryState tag:
See Also
GetPropertyI(), .QueryType
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields477
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.Successful Dotfield
Indicates whether the current query is successful or not.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
A discrete tag that holds the property value when the
function is processed.
This read-only dotfield contains the state of the last query
used by a named Distributed Alarm Display object.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 = Error in query
1 = Successful query
The following statement returns the status of the last query
of the AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display object to the
AlmFlag tag:
See Also
478 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.PriFrom Dotfield
Returns the minimum value of an alarm priority range used
by the current query.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
Any integer tag.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
The following statement returns the minimum priority value
of the query used by Distributed Alarm Display object
AlmObj_1to the MinPri integer tag:
See Also
GetPropertyI(), .PriTo, .AlarmPri
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields479
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.PriTo Dotfield
Contains the maximum value of the alarm priority range
used by the current query.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
An integer tag that holds the property value when the
function is processed.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
The following statement returns the maximum priority value
of the query used by AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display
object to the MaxPri integer tag:
See Also
GetPropertyI(), .PriFrom, .AlarmPri
480 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Checking for Updates to the Distributed Alarm
Display Object
Use the following dotfields to find out whether the
Distributed Alarm Display object contains all current alarms
or if there are pending updates.
.ListChanged Dotfield
.PendingUpdates Dotfield
.ListChanged Dotfield
Indicates whether there are any new alarms or updates for
the Distributed Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
A discrete tag that holds the property value when the
function is processed.
This read-only dotfield contains the status about whether
there have been any changes that need to be updated in the
Distributed Alarm Display object. This property is
automatically reset on reading the property.
Data Type
Discrete (read-only)
Valid Values
0 = No new alarms or updates for the display object
1 = New updates for the display object
The following statement returns the status of any new
alarms or updates for the AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm
Display object to the AlmDispStat tag:
See Also
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields481
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.PendingUpdates Dotfield
Indicates the number of pending updates to the Distributed
Alarm Display object. There are pending updates usually
when the display is frozen and new alarm records are
created. These do not show, but the pending updates count is
ObjectName.PendingUpdates”, TagName);
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
An integer tag that holds the property value when the
function is processed.
This read-only dotfield contains the number of pending
updates for a named Distributed Alarm Display object. Any
value greater than zero indicates the Distributed Alarm
Display object has new alarm data. This value is reset each
time the object is refreshed.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
The following statement returns an integer 1 or greater if
there are any pending updates for the AlmObj_1 Distributed
Alarm Display object to the AlarmPendingUpdates tag:
See Also
482 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Suppressing Alarms
The Distributed Alarm Display object can suppress one or
more alarms at an alarm consumer that match exclusion
criteria. If an alarm matches the exclusion criteria, it does
not appear in the instance of the display.
You can use QuickScript functions to suppress alarms.
almSuppressAll() Function
almUnsuppressAll() Function
almSuppressDisplay() Function
almSuppressGroup() Function
almSuppressPriority() Function
almSuppressTag() Function
almSuppressSelected() Function
almSuppressSelectedGroup() Function
almSuppressSelectedPriority() Function
almSuppressSelectedTag() Function
almSuppressRetain() Function
.SuppressRetain Dotfield
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields483
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressAll() Function
Suppresses the showing of all current and future instances of
the alarms in the current query, including those not
currently shown in the Distributed Alarm Display object in
summary mode.
[Result=] almSuppressAll(ObjectName);
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
This function works like almAckAll(), identifying which
alarms to suppress by identifying all alarms that you would
see if you looked at the display and scrolled up and down to
look at them all.
See Also
almSuppressGroup(), almSuppressTag(),
almSuppressDisplay(), almSuppressPriority(),
almSuppressRetain(), almSuppressSelected(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almSuppressSelectedTag(),
484 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almUnsuppressAll() Function
Clears all suppressed alarms.
[Result=] almUnSuppressAll(ObjectName);
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressGroup(), almSuppressTag(),
almSuppressDisplay(), almSuppressPriority(),
almSuppressRetain(), almSuppressSelected(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almSuppressSelectedTag()
almSuppressDisplay() Function
Suppresses the showing of current and future occurrences of
alarms visible in the Distributed Alarm Display object in
summary mode.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
This function works like the corresponding almAckDisplay()
function, identifying which alarms to suppress by identifying
all alarms that are currently shown.
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields485
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressGroup() Function
Suppresses the showing of current and future occurrences of
any alarm with the specified provider and group name.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the application. For example,
The name of the alarm group. For example, $System
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressTag(), almSuppressDisplay(),
almSuppressPriority(), almSuppressRetain(),
almSuppressSelected(), almSuppressSelectedGroup(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almSuppressSelectedTag(),
486 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressPriority() Function
Suppresses the showing of current and future occurrences of
any alarm of the specified priority range having the same
provider name and Group name.
ApplicationName, GroupName, FromPri, ToPri);
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the application. For example,
The name of the Group. For example, $System
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100 or Integer tag.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900 or Integer tag.
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressGroup(), almSuppressTag(),
almSuppressDisplay(), almSuppressRetain(),
almSuppressSelected(), almSuppressSelectedGroup(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almSuppressSelectedTag(),
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields487
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressTag() Function
Suppresses the showing of current and future occurrences of
any alarm that belongs to the specified tagname having the
same provider name, group name, and priority range.
ApplicationName, GroupName, TagName, FromPri,
ToPri, AlarmClass, AlarmType);
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The name of the application. For example,
The name of the Group. For example, $System
The name of the alarm tag.
Starting priority of alarms. For example, 100 or Integer tag.
Ending priority of alarms. For example, 900 or Integer tag.
The class of the alarm. For example, “Value.”
The alarm type of the alarm. For example, “HiHi.”
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressGroup(),
almSuppressDisplay(), almSuppressPriority(),
almSuppressRetain(), almSuppressSelected(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almSuppressSelectedTag(),
488 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressSelected() Function
Suppresses the showing of current and future occurrences of
the alarms selected in the Distributed Alarm Display object
in summary mode.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
This functions works like the almAckSelect() function,
identifying the alarms by the ones selected in the display
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressGroup(), almSuppressTag(),
almSuppressDisplay(), almSuppressPriority(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almSuppressSelectedTag(),
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields489
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressSelectedGroup() Function
Suppresses the showing of current and future occurrences of
the alarms that belong to the same groups of one or more
selected alarms having the same provider name within the
named Distributed Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
This functions works like the almAckSelectedGroup()
function, identifying the alarms that are selected, then
identifying the groups to which they belong, and suppressing
future occurrences of the alarms from those groups.
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressGroup(), almSuppressTag(),
almSuppressDisplay(), almSuppressSelected(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almSuppressSelectedTag()
490 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressSelectedPriority() Function
Suppresses the showing of current and future occurrences of
the alarms that belong to the same priority of one or more
selected alarms having the same provider name and Group
tag within the named Distributed Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The priorities are calculated from the minimum and
maximum of the selected alarm records.
This function works like the almAckSelectedPriority()
function, identifying the alarms selected in the display, then
identifying the corresponding priorities of those alarms, and
suppressing future occurrences of alarms with the same
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressGroup(),
almSuppressTagName(), almSuppressDisplay(),
almSuppressSelected(), almSuppressSelectedGroup(),
almSuppressSelectedTag(), almAckSelectedPriority()
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields491
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressSelectedTag() Function
Suppresses the showing of current and future occurrences of
any alarm that belongs to the same Tagname name of one or
more selected alarms having the same provider name, group
name, and priority range.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressGroup(), almSuppressTag(),
almSuppressDisplay(), almSuppressSelectedAlarm(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almAckSelectedTag(),
492 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almSuppressRetain() Function
Suppresses all alarms raised by subsequent queries.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
Any discrete or analog tag, 0, or non-zero value. TRUE if
suppression information is retained for following queries,
FALSE otherwise.
If the flag is 0 when the alarm query is changed, the
suppression filters are removed.
almSuppressRetain(“AlmObj_1”, 0);
See Also
almSuppressAll(), almSuppressGroup(), almSuppressTag(),
almSuppressDisplay(), almSuppressPriority(),
almSuppressSelected(), almSuppressSelectedGroup(),
almSuppressSelectedPriority(), almSuppressSelectedTag(),
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields493
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.SuppressRetain Dotfield
Reads/writes the status of the feature that retains the
suppression for the Distributed Alarm Display object.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
A discrete tag that holds the property value when the script
is processed.
Data Type
Discrete (read-write)
Valid Values
0 = Retain Off
1 = Retain On
The following statement sets the status of suppression
retainer for the “AlmObj_1” from the SupRtn discrete tag:
SetPropertyD(“AlmObj_1.SuppressRetain”, SupRtn);
See Also
GetPropertyD(), SetProperty()
494 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Scrolling the Alarm Display
Use the following function and dotfields to scroll the alarm
list within the Distributed Alarm Display object vertically or
horizontally. You can also freeze the display.
almMoveWindow() Function
.Freeze Dotfield
.PrevPage Dotfield
.NextPage dotfield
almMoveWindow() Function
Scrolls the alarm list of the Distributed Alarm Display object
vertically or horizontally.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
The type of scrolling action to perform:
The number of times this operation should be repeated.
Type Description
LineDn One line down.
LineUp One line up.
PageDn One page down.
PageUp One page up.
Top To the top of the list.
Bottom To the bottom of the list.
PageRt One page to the right.
PageLf One page to the left.
Right To the end of the list (right side).
Left To the beginning of the list (left side).
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields495
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
almMoveWindow(“AlmObj_1”, ”Bottom”, 0);
almMoveWindow(“AlmObj_1”, ”LineDn”, 3);
almMoveWindow(“AlmObj_1”, ”PageUp”, 0);
.Freeze Dotfield
The .Freeze dotfield reads the freeze status or
freezes/unfreezes the Distributed Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
A discrete tag that holds the property value when the
function is processed.
A read-write dotfield that contains or changes the freeze
status of a Distributed Alarm Display object. When the alarm
display object is frozen, the shown alarms cannot be updated
nor can new alarms be added. Freeze has no effect on
whether the alarms flash or not.
Data Type
Discrete (read-write)
Valid Values
0 = Freeze OFF
1 = Freeze ON
The following statement sets the Freeze property for the
“AlmObj_1” from the AlmFreeze discrete tag.
See Also
GetPropertyD(), SetPropertyD()
496 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.PrevPage Dotfield
Scrolls the Distributed Alarm Display object one page (one
screen full of alarms) up.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
When this property is set, the Distributed Alarm Display
object shows the previous page. After the previous page is
shown, the variable is automatically set to 1, unless the top
of the list has been reached. In this case, the value remains 0.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
See Also
GetPropertyD(), SetPropertyD(), .NextPage, .PageNum,
.NextPage dotfield
Scrolls the Distributed Alarm Display object one page (one
screen full of alarms) down.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
When this property is set, the alarm display object shows the
next page.
Data Type
Discrete (read/write)
See Also
GetPropertyD(), SetPropertyD(), .PrevPage, .PageNum,
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields497
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Showing Alarm Statistics and Counts
Use the following functions and dotfields to show statistical
information about the current Distributed Alarm Display
almShowStats() Function
.PageNum Dotfield
.TotalPages Dotfield
.NumAlarms Dotfield
.ProvidersReq Dotfield
.ProvidersRet Dotfield
almShowStats() Function
Shows the Alarm Statistics dialog box of the specified
Distributed Alarm Display object.
The name of the alarm object. For example, AlmObj_1.
498 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.PageNum Dotfield
Contains the current page number shown in the alarm
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
An integer tag that holds the number of the page currently
shown from the Distributed Alarm Display object.
This read-only dotfield returns the number of the currently
shown page in a named Distributed Alarm Display object.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
The following statement returns the number of the page
currently shown from the AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm
Display object to the AlarmPage integer tag:
See Also
GetPropertyI(), .NextPage, .PrevPage, .TotalPages
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields499
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.TotalPages Dotfield
Contains the total number of pages in the Distributed Alarm
Display object.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
An integer tag that retrieves the total number of alarm
pages contained in the named Distributed Alarm Display
This dotfield returns the total number of alarm pages
contained in a named Distributed Alarm Display object. One
page equals to all alarms shown in the object on the screen at
any given time.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
The following statement returns the total number of pages
contained in the AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display object
to the AlmTotalPages integer tag:
See Also
GetPropertyI(), NextPage, PrevPage, PageNum
500 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.NumAlarms Dotfield
Contains the number of alarms within a Distributed Alarm
Display object.
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
An integer tag that holds the current number of alarms
registered in a named Distributed Alarm Display object.
This includes not only those alarms shown, but all alarms
This read-only dotfield returns the total number of alarms
within a Distributed Alarm Display object.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
The following statement returns the current number of
alarms used by the AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display
object to the AlarmCount integer tag:
See Also
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields501
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.ProvidersReq Dotfield
Contains the number of alarm providers required by the
current query used by a named Distributed Alarm Display
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
An integer tag that holds the current number of alarm
providers registered in a named Distributed Alarm Display
object. This includes not only those alarms shown, but all
alarms registered.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
The following statement returns the number of alarm
providers required by the current query used by Distributed
Alarm Display object "AlmObj_1". This value is written to the
TotalProv integer tag:
See Also
GetPropertyI(), .ProvidersRet
502 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.ProvidersRet Dotfield
Contains the number of alarm providers returned by the
current query used by a named Distributed Alarm Display
Name of the Distributed Alarm Display object. For
example, AlmObj_1.
An integer tag that holds the number of alarm providers
that have successfully returned their alarms to the named
Distributed Alarm Display object.
This read-only dotfield contains the number of alarm
providers returned by the current query used by a named
Distributed Alarm Display object.
Data Type
Integer (read-only)
The following statement returns the number of alarm
providers that have successfully returned their alarms to the
AlmObj_1 Distributed Alarm Display object . This value is
written to the RetProv integer tag:
See Also
GetPropertyI(), .ProvidersReq
Controlling the Distributed Alarm Display Object Using Functions and Dotfields503
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Error Descriptions
The following table describes the error numbers. If a number
is returned that is not in this table, the error is an unknown
Number Description
0 Success
-1 General failure
-2 Insufficient memory available
-3 Property is read-only
-4 Specified item already present
-5 Object name unknown
-6 Property name unknown
504 Appendix A Working with the Distributed Alarm Display Object
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Appendix B
Migrating from Legacy Alarm
You can migrate your applications built using the Standard
Alarm System or AlarmSuite.
Migrating from the Standard Alarm System to
the Distributed Alarm System
When you migrate a Standard Alarm system to the
Distributed Alarm system, all of the Standard Alarm
Displays in the master/slave application are migrated to
Distributed Alarm Display objects.
Colors, fonts, the expressions, and the alarm query settings
are not migrated. The new Distributed Alarm Display object
has the following default query, where node name is the
name of the master node:
The acknowledgement and alarm status dotfields continue to
work as before. Depending if the I/O tag was configured for
NetDDE or SuiteLink, you may need to enable NetDDE.
However, you may decide you no longer need separate
controls for issuing acknowledgements, as the alarms can
now be acknowledged using the Distributed Alarm Display
506 Appendix B Migrating from Legacy Alarm Systems
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
Migrating an AlarmSuite Database
You can use the AlarmSuite History Migration Utility to
migrate data from an AlarmSuite database to a SQL Server
alarm database.
During the migration, the source or target databases should
not be logging new data. Logging during migration can cause
loss of data integrity.
Important You can select to recreate the tables in the target
database during the migration. Recreating tables results in the
loss of existing data in the target database.
To migrate AlarmSuite data
On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Wonderware, point to InTouch, and then click AlarmSuite
History Migration
. The AlarmSuite History Migration Utility
dialog box appears.
2 In the Source (AlarmSuite) Database area, configure the
connection to the AlarmSuite database. Do the following:
a In the DSN list, click the data source name for the
AlarmSuite database.
b In the User Name box, type your user name for the
data source name.
c In the Password box, type your user password for the
data source name.
d In the Purge Source Database area, click Yes to purge
the source database at the end of data migration.
Table creation is part of the transaction, but creation
of the database is not. If you select
Yes, the
transaction with purging is committed after
migrating the data from the source database.
No to not purge the source database after data
migration is finished.
Migrating an AlarmSuite Database507
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
3 In the Targ et Da tabas e area, configure the connection to
the Distributed Alarm system database. Do the following:
a In the Server list, click the name of the database
server to use. The read-only
Database Name box shows
the database name. The default is WWALMDB.
b In the User Name box, type a SQL Server user name.
c In the Password box, type the password associated
with the SQL Server user account.
d Select the Recreate Tables check box to recreate the
tables in the target database. If you recreate the
tables, the existing information is deleted. If you do
not select this option, the data is appended to existing
e In the Logging Mode area, click either Detailed to
restore the detailed tables only or Consolidated to
restores the consolidated tables only.
4 Click Test Con ne ct ion to test your connection to the source
and target databases.
5 Click Start to begin migrating the data from the source
database to the target database.
6 Click Stop to abort the migration process that is in
progress. This rolls back the transaction. (Clicking Close
is equivalent to clicking
Note Table creation is part of the transaction, but creating the
database is not. If you have set the Purge Source Database option
to Yes, the transaction with purging is committed after migrating
the data from the source database.
After the migration completes, click Close.
508 Appendix B Migrating from Legacy Alarm Systems
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
$NewAlarm system tag 138
$System system tag 138
About box
Alarm DB View control 352
Alarm Pareto control 377
Alarm Viewer control 104
AboutBox() method 104, 225, 352, 377
.Ack dotfield 116
Ack() function 123
AckAll() method 89
AckAlmBackColor property 316
AckAlmBackColorRange1 property 317
AckAlmBackColorRange2 property 317
AckAlmBackColorRange3 property 318
AckAlmBackColorRange4 property 318
AckAlmForeColor property 319
AckAlmForeColorRange1 property 319
AckAlmForeColorRange2 property 320
AckAlmForeColorRange3 property 320
AckAlmForeColorRange4 property 321
.AckDev dotfield 121
.AckDsc dotfield 120
AckGroup() method 92
alarms 20
automatic 124
acknowledgement comments 126
acknowledgement models
alarm 112
checking at run time 115
condition 112
acknowledging alarms 111
Alarm Viewer control 88
alarms or alarm groups 116
automatic acknowledgement 124
deviation alarms 121
discrete alarms 120
Distributed Alarm Display object 440
from WindowViewer 124
rate-of-change alarms 122
redundancy synchronization 412
script functions 123
using dotfields 116
value alarms 118
AckPriority() method 92
.AckROC dotfield 122
AckRtnBackColor property 321
AckRtnForeColor property 322
AckSelected() method 89
510 Index
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
AckSelectedGroup() method 90
AckSelectedPriority() method 91
AckSelectedTag() method 91
AckTag() method 93
.AckValue dotfield 118
AckVisible() method 90
ActiveX controls, configuring colors
for 87
ActiveX events
Alarm DB View control 354
Alarm Pareto control 378
Alarm Tree Viewer control 234
ActiveX methods
Alarm DB View control 347
Alarm Pareto control 373
Alarm Tree Viewer control 225
Alarm Viewer control 88
ActiveX properties
Alarm DB View control 316
Alarm Pareto control 370
Alarm Tree Viewer control 223
Alarm Viewer control 80
alarm and events, global settings 46
alarm buffer size, configuring 47
alarm comments 126
changing for a tag 186
Distributed Alarm Display object 425
alarm conditions
alarm groups 137
tags 137
alarm consumer 28
alarm database
Alarm DB Logger 275, 280
archiving purged data 382
data to purge 381
database connection 380, 390
files to restore 391
log file settings 384
maintaining 379
manually archiving the database 386
purge or archive settings 380
restoring 389, 393
scheduling automatic purges 388
stored procedures 288
alarm database views, Alarm DB
Logger 280
Alarm DB Logger
about 273
alarm database views 280
Alarm Event History view 286
Alarm History view 281, 283
alarm logging 275, 280
alarm stored procedures 288
AlarmCounter stored procedure 289
alarms to log 276
AlarmSuite Alarm Log view 287
database connection 275
Event History view 283, 284
EventCounter stored procedure 290
logging interval 278
SQL Server accounts 274
stored procedure 288
using 274
Windows service 279
Alarm DB View control
accessing filter favorites 352
ActiveX events 354
ActiveX methods 347
ActiveX properties 316
alarm or event data 296
colors 312
columns 297
configuring 292
database connections 293, 347
error handling 353
filter criteria 308
filter favorites 306
font 295
grid 294
grouping columns 310
query filters 310
retrieving alarm information 350
retrieving records 348
run-time features 300
showing the About box 352
showing the context menu 352
sort order 314
sorting records 315, 351
status bar 316
time format 301
time period 303
Index 511
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
time zone 301, 305
using at run time 315
values for the state column 311
viewing recorded alarms 291
alarm deadbands, changing 184
.Alarm dotfield 139
Alarm Event History view 286
alarm group list file, creating 50
alarm groups
alarm conditions 137
creating 34
deleting 37
modifying 36
alarm groups, inhibitor tag 190
alarm hierarchies
Alarm Tree Viewer control 211
defining 33
Alarm History view 281, 283
alarm instance, user-defined
information 187
alarm limits
changing 176
tag 151
alarm or event data, Alarm DB View
control 296
Alarm Pareto control
about 355
ActiveX events 378
ActiveX methods 373
ActiveX properties 370
alarms to analyze 362
appearance and colors 357
configuring 355
copying or moving query filters 367
database connection 356, 373
error handling 377
filter criteria 366
filter favorites 364
font 360
grouping columns 367
presentation of the analysis results 368
retrieving information about specific
pareto bars 374
retrieving records 374
run-time features 360
selecting alarm or event data 362
showing the About box 377
status bar 369
time period 363
using at run time 369
alarm printer instance
starting 249
stopping 249
alarm printer query
starting 249
stopping 249
alarm printer, starting 248
alarm printing and logging 236
alarm properties, controlling at run
time 127
alarm provider 27
alarm queries 53
alarm query information, printing
alarms 252, 267
alarm statistics and counts, Distributed
Alarm Display object 497
alarm tag, inhibitor tag 190
Alarm Tree Viewer control
ActiveX events 234
ActiveX methods 225
ActiveX properties 223
appearance and colors 212
configuring 212
creating a query string 232
error handling 234
fonts 215
freezing the tree 232
providers and groups 217
query favorites 219, 222
refresh 215
retrieving information 225, 226
running queries 233
run-time features 216
sort order 220
status bar 222
using at run time 221
viewing alarm hierarchies 211
Alarm Viewer control
acknowledging alarms 88
ActiveX events 108
ActiveX methods 88
ActiveX properties 80
alarms to show 68
colors 71, 87
columns 62
configuring 58
512 Index
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
error handling 108
font 62
grid 58
moving and freezing the display 102
query favorites 70, 78
retrieving information about an
alarm 99
running a script when a new alarm is
detected 109
running queries 99
run-time features 66
selecting specific alarms 105
showing statistics 104
showing the About box 104
showing the context menu 108
sort order 75
sorting alarm records 103
status bar 77
suppressing alarms 94
time format 73
using at run time 76
viewing current alarms 57
.AlarmAccess dotfield 466
.AlarmAckModel dotfield 115
.AlarmClass dotfield 460
.AlarmComment dotfield 186, 470
AlarmCounter stored procedure 289
.AlarmDate dotfield 457
.AlarmDev dotfield 142
.AlarmDevCount dotfield 206
.AlarmDevDeadband dotfield 185
.AlarmDevUnAckCount dotfield 207
.AlarmDisabled dotfield 159
.AlarmDsc dotfield 141
.AlarmDscCount dotfield 204
.AlarmDscDisabled dotfield 169
.AlarmDscEnabled dotfield 168
.AlarmDscInhibitor dotfield 190
.AlarmDscUnAckCount dotfield 205
.AlarmEnabled dotfield 158
.AlarmGroup dotfield 474
.AlarmGroupSel dotfield 465
AlarmHiDisabled dotfield 165
AlarmHiEnabled dotfield 164
.AlarmHiHiDisabled dotfield 167
.AlarmHiHiEnabled dotfield 166
.AlarmHiHiInhibitor dotfield 195
.AlarmHiInhibitor dotfield 194
.AlarmLimit dotfield 463
.AlarmLoDisabled dotfield 163
.AlarmLoEnabled dotfield 162
.AlarmLoInhibitor dotfield 193
.AlarmLoLoDisabled dotfield 161
.AlarmLoLoEnabled dotfield 160
.AlarmLoLoInhibitor dotfield 192
.AlarmMajDevDisabled dotfield 173
.AlarmMajDevEnabled dotfield 172
.AlarmMajDevInhibitor dotfield 197
.AlarmMinDevDisabled dotfield 171
.AlarmMinDevEnabled dotfield 170
.AlarmMinDevInhibitor dotfield 196
.AlarmName dotfield 458
.AlarmOprName dotfield 468
.AlarmOprNode dotfield 469
.AlarmPri dotfield 464
.AlarmProv dotfield 467
.AlarmROC dotfield 143
.AlarmROCCount dotfield 208
.AlarmROCDisabled dotfield 175
.AlarmROCEnabled dotfield 174
.AlarmROCInhibitor dotfield 198
.AlarmROCUnAckCount dotfield 209
about 17, 18
acknowledgement 20, 116
acknowledgement models 112
analog alarms 23
analyzing 362
audit trail 415
configuring 33
consumers 27
counting 199
deviation alarms 23
disabling 44
discrete alarms 22
enabling or disabling 158
groups 20
inhibiting 44
logging 276
maintaining the database 379
printing 238
priorities 19
providers 27
rate of change alarms 24
redundancy 395
Index 513
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
redundancy synchronization 412
showing 423
sub-states 19
types 22
value alarms 23
.AlarmState dotfield 462
AlarmSuite Alarm Log view 287
AlarmSuite database, migration 506
.AlarmTime dotfield 456
.AlarmTotalCount dotfield 200
.AlarmType dotfield 461
.AlarmUnAckCount dotfield 201
.AlarmUserDefNumX dotfields 187
.AlarmUserDefStr dotfield 188
.AlarmValDeadband dotfield 184
.AlarmValue dotfield 459
.AlarmValueCount dotfield 202
.AlarmValueUnAckCount dotfield 203
almAckAll() function 441
almAckDisplay() function 442
almAckGroup() function 443
almAckPriority() function 444
almAckRecent() function 444
almAckSelect() function 446
almAckSelectedGroup() function 447
almAckSelectedPriority() function 448
almAckSelectedTag() function 449
almAckTag() function 445
almDefQuery() function 471
almMoveWindow() function 494
almQuery() function 472
AlmRtnBackColor property 322
AlmRtnForeColor property 322
almSelectAll() function 450
almSelectGroup() function 452
almSelectionCount() function 451
almSelectItem() function 452
almSelectPriority() function 453
almSelectTag() function 454
almSetQueryByName() function 473
almShowStats() function 497
almSuppressAll() function 483
almSuppressDisplay() function 484
almSuppressGroup() function 485
almSuppressPriority() function 486
almSuppressRetain() function 492
almSuppressSelected() function 488
function 489
function 490
almSuppressSelectedTag() function 491
almSuppressTag() function 487
almUnselectAll() function 451
almUnsuppressAll() function 484
analog alarms 23
analysis results, Alarm Pareto
control 368
ApplyDefaultQuery() method 101
ApplyQuery() method 100
function 260
APUFindFileInstance() function 261
APUFindPrinterInstance() function 262
APUGetAlarmGroupText() function 253
function 256
APUGetInstanceCount() function 263
APUGetPrinterJobCount() function 257
APUGetPrinterName() function 265
APUGetPrinterStatus() function 266
APUGetQueryAlarmState() function 258
function 254
function 259
APUGetQueryToPriority() function 255
APUIsInstanceUsed() function 264
APUSetAlarmGroupText() function 267
APUSetQueryAlarmState() function 268
function 269
APUSetQueryToPriority() function 270
APUSetTimeoutValues() function 271
APUStartInstance() function 249
APUStartQuery() function 250
APUStopInstance() function 251
APUStopQuery() function 252
APUTranslateErrorCode() function 272
archiving, alarm database 386
audit trail, alarms 415
AutoConnect property 323
514 Index
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
buffer size 47
CheckElementMembership() method 226
ColorPriorityRange1 property 323
ColorPriorityRange2 property 324
ColorPriorityRange3 property 324
ActiveX controls 87
Alarm DB View control 312
Alarm Pareto control 357
Alarm Tree Viewer control 212
Alarm Viewer control 71
Distributed Alarm Display object 431,
ColumnResize property 324
Alarm DB View control 297, 310, 311
Alarm Pareto control 367
Alarm Viewer control 62
Distributed Alarm Display object 428,
condition, acknowledgement alarm
model 112
configuration files, printing alarms 245
Connect() method 347, 373
ConnectStatus property 325
consumers, alarms 27
context menu
Alarm DB View control 352
Alarm Viewer control 108
counting, active or unacknowledged
alarms 199
current alarms, Alarm Viewer control 57
CustomMessage property 325
data storage, distributed alarm
system 32
database connections
alarm database 380, 390
Alarm DB Logger 275
Alarm DB View control 293, 347
Alarm Pareto control 356, 373
DatabaseName property 325
deviation alarms
acknowledging alarms 121
alarms 23
configuring 41
.DevTarget dotfield 182
disablement 30
alarms 158
discrete alarms 168
high alarms 164
HiHi alarms 166
LoLo alarms 160
low alarms 162
major deviation alarms 172
minor deviation alarms 170
rate-of-change alarms 174
Disconnect() method 347
discrete alarms
acknowledging alarms 120
alarms 22
configuring 37
enabling or disabling 168
display type, Distributed Alarm Display
object 432
DisplayedTimeZone property 326
DisplayMode property 326
Distributed Alarm Display object
about 417
acknowledging alarms 440
alarm comment 425
alarm statistics and counts 497
alarms to show 423
checking the current query
properties 474
colors 431, 435
columns 428
configuring 419
controlling with scripts 440
creating 419
display columns 434
display type 432
errors 503
font 428
getting or setting properties 440
grid appearance 420
guidelines for use 418
Index 515
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
monitoring local alarms 433
multiple selection 434
query favorites 437
retrieving alarm record 455
run time features 422
scrolling 494
selecting alarms 450
shortcut menu 436
sort order 428
status bar 435
suppressing alarms 482
time format 426
using at run time 434
distributed alarm group lists 29
distributed alarm system
about 25
data storage 32
documentation conventions 15
dotfields, using to acknowledge
alarms 116
Duration property 327
alarms 158
discrete alarms 168
events 48
high alarms 164
HiHi alarms 166
LoLo alarms 160
low alarms 162
major deviation alarms 172
minor deviation alarms 170
rate-of-change alarms 174
End Time property 328
Alarm DB View control 353
Alarm Pareto control 377
Alarm Tree Viewer control 234
Distributed Alarm Display object 503
printing alarms 272
Event History view 283, 284
event properties, for individual tags 46
EventBackColor property 328
event-based alarm model 114
EventCounter stored procedure 290
EventForeColor property 329
about 17, 21
enabling 48
expanded summary alarms
model 112
using 113
filter criteria
Alarm DB View control 308
Alarm Pareto control 366
filter favorites
Alarm DB View control 306, 352
Alarm Pareto control 364
FilterFavoritesFile property 329
FilterMenu property 329
FilterName property 330
Alarm DB View control 295
Alarm Viewer control 62
Alarm Pareto control 360
Alarm Tree Viewer control 215
Distributed Alarm Display object 428
format, printing alarms 239
.Freeze dotfield 495
Freeze() method 232
FreezeDisplay() method 103
Alarm Tree Viewer control 232
Alarm Viewer control 102
FromPriority property 330
method 232
GetElementCount() method 225, 227
GetElementName() method 227
GetElementPath() method 227
GetItem() method 99, 350
GetItemAlarmName() method 375
GetItemAlarmType() method 375
GetItemCount() method 375
GetItemEventType() method 376
GetItemProviderName() method 376
GetItemTotalTime() method 376
GetLastError() method 353
516 Index
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
GetNext() method 349
GetPrevious() method 348
GetSelectedElementCount() method 228
GetSelectedElementName() method 228
GetSelectedElementPath() method 228
GetSelectedItem() method 350
GetSubElementCount() method 229
GetSubElementName() method 230
GetSubElementPath() method 231
getting or setting properties, Distributed
Alarm Display object 440
Alarm DB View control 294
Alarm Viewer control 58
Distributed Alarm Display object 420
GroupExactMatch property 331
GroupName property 331
groups, alarms 20
high alarms, enabling or disabling 164
HiHi alarms, enabling or disabling 166
.HiHiLimit dotfield 179
.HiHiSet dotfield 154
.HiHiStatus dotfield 147
.HiLimit dotfield 178
.HiSet dotfield 153
.HiStatus dotfield 146
historical alarms 30
hot backup pair example,
redundancy 408
hot backup pair, redundancy 397, 398
hot backups, redundancy 396
inhibition, alarms 44
inhibitor tag
for an alarm group 190
for an alarm tag 190
instance information, printing
alarms 260
key fields, redundancy 400
legacy alarm systems, migration 505
.ListChanged dotfield 480
log files, printing alarms 243
logging alarms
file settings 384
printing alarms 247
logging information, printing alarms 265
logging interval, alarm database 278
logging, making retentive 49
.LoLimit dotfield 177
LoLo alarms, enabling or disabling 160
.LoLoLimit dotfield 176
.LoLoSet dotfield 151
.LoLoStatus dotfield 145
.LoSet dotfield 152
.LoStatus dotfield 144
low alarms, enabling or disabling 162
maintaining, alarm database 379
major deviation alarms, enabling or
disabling 172
.MajorDevPct dotfield 181
.MajorDevSet dotfield 156
.MajorDevStatus dotfield 149
mapping file, redundancy 402, 406
MaxRecords property 332
AlarmSuite database 506
legacy alarm systems 505
standard alarm system 505
minor deviation alarms, enabling or
disabling 170
.MinorDevPct dotfield 180
.MinorDevSet dotfield 155
.MinorDevStatus dotfield 148
monitoring local alarms, Distributed
Alarm Display object 433
MoveWindow() method 102
.NextPage dotfield 496
.Normal dotfield 140
.NumAlarms dotfield 500
.PageNum dotfield 498
Password property 332
.PendingUpdates dotfield 481
.PrevPage dotfield 496
Index 517
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
.PriFrom dotfield 478
PrimarySort property 332
printer settings, printing alarms 236
printing alarms
alarm printing and logging 236
alarm query information 252, 267
alarms to print 238
controlling using scripting 248
errors 272
format of print and file output 239
instance information 260
logging alarms to a file 243, 247
logging information 265
printer settings 236
printing alarms 235, 246
saving and loading configuration
files 245
starting the alarm printer 248
starting the alarm printer instance 249
starting the alarm printer query 249
stopping the alarm printer
instance 249
stopping the alarm printer query 249
priorities, alarms 19
.PriTo dotfield 479
ProviderExactMatch property 333
ProviderName property 333
Alarm Tree Viewer control 217
alarms 27
.ProvidersReq dotfield 501
.ProvidersRet dotfield 502
purge or archive settings, configuring for
alarm database 380
purged data, archiving 382
alarm database 381
scheduling automatic 388
query favorites
Alarm Tree Viewer control 219, 222
Alarm Viewer control 70, 78
Distributed Alarm Display object 437
query filters
Alarm DB View control 310
Alarm Pareto control 367
query properties, checking for the
Distributed Alarm Display object 474
query string, Alarm Tree Viewer
control 232
.QueryState dotfield 476
QueryTimeZoneName property 334
.QueryType dotfield 475
rate-of-change alarms
about 24
acknowledging 122
configuring 43
enabling or disabling 174
recorded alarms, Alarm DB View
control 291
about 395
acknowledgement synchronization 412
alarm synchronization 412
alarms 395
configuring a hot backup pair 397
creating a hot backup pair 398
creating a mapping file 402
hot backup pair example 408
importing a mapping file 406
notes 414
setting alarm key fields 400
troubleshooting map file imports 407
understanding hot backups 396
Refresh() method 349, 374
refresh, Alarm Tree Viewer control 215
RefreshMenu property 334
Requery() method 100
Reset() method 351
ResetMenu property 334
alarm database 389, 393
alarm database files 391
retentive alarm logging 49
retrieving information
Alarm DB View control 350
Alarm Pareto control 374
Alarm Tree Viewer control 225
Alarm Viewer control 99
518 Index
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
retrieving records
Alarm DB View control 348
Alarm Pareto control 374
Distributed Alarm Display object 455
.ROCPct dotfield 183
.ROCSet dotfield 157
.ROCStatus dotfield 150
RowCount property 335
RowSelection property 335
run time
Alarm DB View control 315
Alarm Pareto control 369
alarm properties 127
Alarm Tree Viewer control 221
Alarm Viewer control 76
checking acknowledgement model 115
Distributed Alarm Display object 434
run time features
Alarm DB View control 300
Alarm Pareto control 360
Alarm Tree Viewer control 216
Alarm Viewer control 66
Distributed Alarm Display object 422
running queries
Alarm Tree Viewer control 233
Alarm Viewer control 99
acknowledging alarms 123
Alarm Viewer control 109
Distributed Alarm Display object 440
printing alarms 248
scrolling, Distributed Alarm Display
object 494
Secondary Sort property 335
SelectAll() method 107
SelectGroup() method 105
SelectItem() method 107
SelectPriority() method 106
SelectQuery() method 348, 374
SelectTag() method 106
ServerName property 336
SetQueryByName() method 101, 233
SetQueryByString() method 233
SetSort() method 104
shortcut menu, Distributed Alarm
Display object 436
ShowContext() method 108, 352
ShowFetch property 336
ShowFilter() method 352
ShowGrid property 336
ShowHeading property 337
ShowMessage property 337
ShowQueryFavorites() method 99
ShowSort() method 103, 351
ShowStatistics() method 104
ShowStatusBar property 337
ShowSuppression() method 94
SilentMode property 338
sort order
Alarm DB View control 314
Alarm Tree Viewer control 220
configuring for Alarm Viewer
control 75
Distributed Alarm Display object 428
sorting records
Alarm DB View control 315, 351
Alarm Viewer control 103
SortMenu property 338
SortOnCol() method 351
SortOrder property 339
SpecificTime property 339
SQL Server accounts, Alarm DB
Logger 274
standard alarm system 505
StartTime property 340
statistics, Alarm Viewer control 104
status bar
Alarm DB View control 316
Alarm Pareto control 369
Alarm Tree Viewer control 222
Alarm Viewer control 77
Distributed Alarm Display object 435
stored procedure, EventCounter stored
procedure 290
stored procedures 288
alarm database 288
AlarmCounter stored procedure 289
EventCounter stored procedure 290
sub-states, alarms 19
.Successful dotfield 477
summary alarm model, expanded 112
summary alarms 30
SuppressAll() method 95
SuppressGroup() method 96
Index 519
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide
suppressing alarms 30
Alarm Viewer control 94
Distributed Alarm Display object 482
suppression, alarms 30
SuppressPriority() method 97
.SuppressRetain dotfield 493
SuppressSelected() method 94
SuppressSelectedGroup() method 95
SuppressSelectedPriority() method 96
SuppressSelectedTag() method 95
SuppressTag() method 98
SuppressVisible() method 95
alarm conditions 37, 137
alarm limits 151
changing alarm comments 186
event properties 46
technical support, contacting 16
Terminal Services 31
Terminal Services, alarm support 31
time format
Alarm DB View control 301
Alarm Viewer control 73
Distributed Alarm Display object 426
time period
Alarm DB View control 303
Alarm Pareto control 363
Time property 340
time zones, Alarm DB View control 301,
ToPriority property 340
.TotalPages dotfield 499
TotalRowCount property 341
troubleshooting, map file imports 407
.UnAck dotfield 117
UnAckAlmBackColor property 341
property 342
property 342
property 343
property 343
UnAckAlmForeColor property 344
property 344
property 345
property 345
property 346
UnAckOrAlarmDuration property 346
UnSelectAll() method 107
UnSuppressAll() method 96
updates, checking for Distributed Alarm
Display object 480
user-defined information, alarm
instance 187
UserID property 346
value alarms
acknowledging alarms 118
alarms 23
configuring 39
Alarm Event History view 286
Alarm History view 281, 283
AlarmSuite Alarm Log view 287
Event History view 283, 284
Windows service 279
WindowViewer, acknowledging
alarms 124
520 Index
InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide