Friday, October 18, 2019 | 7:30 PM
Neidor-Karpati Hall
Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13), Conductor
Alec Baldwin (HonDMA ’12), Narrator
Frederick Zlotkin, cello
With special guests Sir James Galway and
Lady Jeanne Galway, flute
This concert marks the launch of the MSM Icons performance series
celebrating acclaimed MSM alumni and trustees with exceptional
international music careers.
Friday, October 18, 2019 | 7:30 PM
Neidor-Karpati Hall
Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13), Conductor
Alec Baldwin (HonDMA ’12), Narrator
Frederick Zlotkin, cello
With special guests Sir James Galway and Lady Jeanne Galway, flute
WILLIAM SCHUMAN New England Triptych
(1910–1992) Be Glad Then America
When Jesus Wept
MIKHAIL GLINKA Kamarinskaya (Fantasy on Two Russian Folksongs)
MAURICE RAVEL Pièce en forme de habanera
Mr. Zlotkin, cello
CINDY MCTEE Shenandoah
(b. 1953)
Sir Galway and Lady Galway, flute
(b. 1944)
Mr. Baldwin, Narrator
(b. 1994)
FELIX SLATKIN Fisher’s Hornpipe
(1915–1963) (Adapted by Cindy McTee)
Wistful Haven
Carmen’s Hoedown
Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13), Conductor
Nuri Lim,
Seoul, South Korea
Hajung Cho
Seoul, South Korea
Lumeng Yang
Beijing, China
Yerin Kim
Bucheon, South Korea
Wing Yan Kwok
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ally Cho
Melbourne, Australia
Yena Lee
Seoul, South Korea
Sonya Shin
Alberta, Canada
Fang-chun Hsieh
Tainan City, Taiwan
Jiayin Liu
Shanghai, China
Amos Lee
Astoria, New York
Dong Suk Lee
Seoul, South Korea
Harry Rayner
Los Angeles, California
Yuna Jo, principal
Seoul, South Korea
Elizabeth Beck
Oil City, Louisiana
Yunjung Ko
Seoul, South Korea
Eliane Menzel
Zetel, Germany
Clara Hong Ju Jeon
Daejon, South Korea
Eunyoung Kim
Seoul, South Korea
TaTan Huang
Tainan, Taiwan
Basil Alter
Clinton, South Carolina
Shiqi Luo
Shanghai, China
Youngsoo Jang
Seoul, South Korea
Guan Gui
Wuhan, Hubei, China
Joshua Gombero,
Vancouver, British Columbia,
Mookun Jang
Busan, South Korea
Christine Wu
Plano, Texas
Hao-yuan Hsu
New Taipei City, Taiwan
Toby Wi narto
Los Angeles, California
Ruisi Doris Du
Wuhan, Hubei, China
Myeonghoon Park
Seoul, South Korea
Kiley Rowe
Goshen, New York
Esther Seitz, principal
Edinburg, Texas
Magalí Toy
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Caitriona Finnegan
Dublin, Ireland
Paul Moskalew
Muncie, Indiana
Hyeunji Lee
Seoul, South Korea
Li Pang
Shanghai, China
Jonathan Lin
San Diego, California
New Orleans, Louisiana
Marcie Kolacki
Phoenix, Arizona
Ni Yan
Beijing, China
Zachary Merkovsky,
Dumont, New Jersey
Tyler Vittoria
Eden Prairie, Montana
Logan May
Lagrangeville, New York
Sienna George
Long Beach, California
John VanDuzer
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Conor O’Hale
Millburn, New Jersey
Hanxiao Deng
Xiamen, Fujian, China
Francesca Leo
* §
Pleasant Ridge, Michigan
Yuxi Yang
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Joanne Lee
Manchester, UK and
Seoul, South Korea
Andres Ayola
New York, New York
Ellen O’Neill
New York, New York
Rajan Panchal
Los Gatos, California
Chao-Chih George
Taipei, Taiwan
Juhyun Lee
^ §
Seoul, South Korea
KyoungMin Lee
Seoul, South Korea
Shogo Urahata
Tokyo, Japan
Cheryl Fries
Red Creek, New York
Hunter Lorelli
Washington, D.C.
Pinghua Ren
Shanghai, China
Torrin J. Hallett
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Liana Homan
Coral Springs, Florida
Kevin Newton
South Boston, Virginia
Eli Pandol
St. Louis, Missouri
Emma Potter
Surprise, Arizona
Changhyun Cha
^~ §£
Busan, South Korea
Imani Lenore Duhe’
Atlanta, Georgia
Caleb Laidlaw
Bridgewater, New Jersey
Julia Dombroski
Ontario, New York
David Farrell
^~†‡ §
Geelong, Australia
Logan Reid
Orlando, Florida
Brandon Cazden
Shawnigan Lake, British
Columbia, Canada
Hamza Able
Jacksonville, Florida
Paris, France
Madison Shake
Indianapolis, Indiana
Tae McLoughlin
South Orange, New Jersey
Cooper Martell
Delmar, New York
William Richards
Wheaton, Illinois
Mitchell Vogel
Oviedo, Florida
Dominique Moreno
Houston, Texas
Karen Tay
New York, New York
Somin Kelsey Park
Busan, South Korea
Brass &Wind Principals
* Schuman New England
^ Glinka Kamarinskaya
~ Altschuler A Soldier Song
+ Ravel Pièce en forme de
# McTee Shenandoah
† Slatkin The Raven
Slatkin In Fields
§ Slatkin Fisher’s
≠ Slatkin Wistful Haven
£ Slatkin Carmen’s
Manhattan School of Music Distinguished Visiting Artist Leonard Slatkin
was the clear choice to inaugurate the new MSM Icons concert series, which
celebrates acclaimed alumni and trustees with exceptional international
music careers. But the fact that he is also celebrating his 75th birthday
propelled an already lofty event into the stratosphere. Maestro Slatkin’s
fitting concept for the programming came about as an idea for a recording,
which he plans to call A Slatkin Family Portrait. The idea works felicitously
owing to the extraordinary amount of music talent in the family—his father
was violinist, conductor, and arranger Felix Slatkin; his mother was cellist
Eleanor Aller, daughter of cellist Gregory Aller; his great uncle was cellist,
conductor, and composer Modest Altschuler; his brother is cellist Fred
Zlotkin; his wife is composer and music educator Cindy McTee, and his son
is composer Daniel Slatkin.
Maestro Slatkin begins with William Schuman’s New England Triptych,
the piece with which he made his Carnegie Hall conducting debut on
March 6, 1966, leading the Youth Symphony Orchestra of New York.
Commissioned by André Kostelanetz just ten years earlier, the Triptych
exhibits Schuman’s fascination with earlier American composers by drawing
on several tunes by William Billings (17461800), who was famous for his
hymns, anthems, and “fuguing tunes.” Schuman had already used the tunes
in his 1943 William Billings Overture, which he revised and enlarged for the
commission. Kostelanetz premiered the Triptych with the University of
Miami Symphony Orchestra on October 26, 1956.
Schuman based the first piece in the Triptych on Billings fuguing tune
“Be glad, then, America,” which he prefaces with an introduction whose
theme, Schuman said, incidentally, “is like that used in the Third Pianoforte
Concerto of Beethoven, composed the year of Billings’s death.” The second
piece, a fittingly simple setting of Billings’s hauntingly beautiful round
When Jesus Wept,” provides a perfect foil for the busier outer movements.
The rousing final piece employs Billings’s “Chester,” originally composed
as a hymn but taken up by the Continental Army as a marching song. The
Triptych setting, which masterfully amplifies the revolutionary fervor, has
similarly become Schuman’s signature piece.
Mikhail Glinka’s Kamarinskaya: Fantasy on Two Russian Folksongs was
the first piece that Leonard Slatkin conducted at the Juilliard School, where
he earned his Bachelor of Music degree in 1968. Kamarinskaya is the piece
credited for launching the entire Russian symphonic school, “just as the
whole oak is in the acorn,” as Tchaikovsky famously wrote. Thus it fittingly
represents the Russian heritage of the Slatkin family, whose life in America
began in 1913 when Maestro Slatkin’s grandfather, Chaim Peretz Zlotkin,
emigrated from Russia (Mogilev, most likely, now part of Belarus) and settled
in St. Louis.
Glinka had no thoughts of a Russian national school when he penned
Kamarinskaya in 1848. Having met Berlioz in 1844, he simply wanted to
compose evocations of national color along the lines of Berlioz’s Roman
Carnival or Hungarian March (Damnation of Faust), and, of the three
resulting orchestral fantasies, two were of Spanish character.
As to his Russian evocation, Glinka wrote in his memoirs, “Quite by
chance, I noticed a kinship between the wedding song ‘From Beyond the
Mountains High,’ which I used to hear in the country, and the dance song
‘Kamarinskaya,’ which everybody knows. And all at once my imagination
took fire.” He went on to say that he was not portraying Russian scenes but
was interested in the musical ideas that these themes inspired. Indeed, it
was his colorful orchestral treatment of these Russian themes in ingeniously
varied repetitions and his fashioning of motives from them that so influenced
his compatriots. Glinka follows the scheme—Introduction–Wedding Song
(with variations)–Transition–Dance Song (with variations)–Wedding Song
(variations interrupted)Transition–Dance Song (variations with climax)
Coda, and some of his most inventive moments involve variations in which
the tune itself disappears. His novel formal procedure particularly appealed
in his homeland because it drew on the kind of extemporized variations that
accompanied Russian folk dances and did not rely on German developmental
Born in Mogilev, Modest Altschuler, Leonard Slatkin’s great uncle on
his mother’s side, studied cello from the age of thirteen at the Warsaw
Conservatory and both cello and composition at the Moscow Conservatory,
embarking on a career as a cellist before emigrating to the U.S. in 1896.
He settled in New York, where in 1903 he founded the Russian Symphony
Orchestra (RSO), which introduced works by Musorgsky, Rachmanino, and
Lyadov, and others, as well as soloists such as Rachmanino and Prokofiev
to American audiences. Altschuler was even adventurous enough to present
the world premiere of of Skryabin’s Poem of Ecstasy in 1908. After disbanding
the RSO in the wake of World War I, Altschuler moved to Los Angeles in
1924 to compose the film score for The Sea Hawk. He remained active in the
Hollywood music scene, also conducting the Glendale Symphony for a time
and teaching composition and orchestration privately.
Altschuler conducted the RSO in A Soldier Song—his brief, cheerful
arrangement of a traditional Russian folk song—on a monumental concert
sponsored by the Humanitarian Cult in Madison Square Garden on
September 27, 1917. This is the first of many performances by the RSO
that surfaced in a search of contemporary accounts, and it may be that he
composed it for this occasion, but the manuscript is undated and other
corroborating documents have yet to be unearthed. As a fascinating
historical footnote, Altschuler sued RKO Pictures, Walt Disney Enterprises,
and Irving Berlin for plagiarizing A Soldier’s Song in “Whistle While You
Work” for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
Internationally renowned cellist Fred Zlotkin, who took the old Russian
form of the family name, carries on the family tradition of great cello
players. He has often performed with his brother conducting, as here, but it
is likely that on the Slatkin Family Portrait recording, Leonard, who is also
an accomplished pianist, will provide keyboard accompaniment. Here they
perform Maurice Ravel’s Pièce en forme de habanera, which he originally
wrote in 1907 as a vocalise—a wordless vocal exercise—to contribute to a
collection of over 100, published by Paris Conservatory professor
Amédée L. Hettich.
Originally titled Vocalise-étude en forme de habanera, Ravel’s contribution
employs the characteristic habanera rhythm—alternation of triplets and
duplets—over which he spotlights the vocalists (here cellists) technique.
The habanera, originally a song and dance form of nineteenth-century Cuba
named after Havana, became extremely popular in Spain and elsewhere in
Europe. Ravel’s use of the habanera was no doubt tied to his love of Spanish
music, familiar to him since childhood through Spanish songs sung to him by
his Basque mother who had spent time in Madrid.
Popularized in an arrangement for violin and piano, Ravel’s Pièce en forme de
habanera was soon adapted for many other instruments, as in a well-known
arrangement for cello and piano by Paul Bazelaire. Belgian composer Arthur
Hoérée arranged the accompaniment for orchestra, and that arrangement, as
here, as been adapted for various solo instruments.
Maestro Slatkin married composer and educator Cindy McTee in 2011, the
same year she composed Shenandoah, her arrangement of the traditional folk
song. She writes of her reasons for embarking on the project: “The beautiful
melody invited and challenged me to harmonize it; I was busy dealing with
health issues at the time and knew that a re-creative (less intense) activity
of this sort would help me cope; and I wanted to say ‘thank you’ to friends
Jeanne and Jimmy Galway for their generosity and wonderful friendship.
She dedicated the work to “Lord James and Lady Jeanne Galway,” who most
fortunately are contributing to Maestro Slatkin’s birthday celebration by
performing it.
Of uncertain nineteenth-century origin, the traditional song “Shenandoah”
was sung by water-faring travelers—canoeing fur traders, Missouri River
flatboatmen, and clipper ship sailors departing from the Mississippi River.
Its title has been related to the Shenandoah River itself or a story of a Native-
American chief named Shenandoah and a trader in love with his daughter.
The lyrics of longing have also been associated with separations caused by
the Civil War and slaves escaping via that river. For her arrangement, says
McTee, “The introduction and coda borrow from the second movement
of Antonin Dvořák’s Symphony No. 9, ‘From the New World,’ an idea
suggested to me by Leonard Slatkin who was conducting the work at the
time I shared my first draft of Shenadoah with him.”
Leonard Slatkin himself is represented as a composer in The Raven,
narrated by the illustrious Alec Baldwin, who received an honorary doctorate
from MSM in 2012. Though known mostly as a conductor, Slatkin studied
composition in Los Angeles, at Indiana University, and at the Juilliard
School, and he composed his first significant works while he was assistant
conductor for the St. Louis Symphony. After his father Felix died at the
young age of forty-seven, some friends suggested they go to the movies to
cheer him up. They saw Roger Corman’s 1963 version of The Raven, starring
Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, and Boris Karlo. Cheery indeed! Nevertheless,
Slatkin found himself captivated by Poe’s writings. He writes:
Poe’s use of language was so exquisite. The beauty and the
melancholy of it, and his rhyme scheme is so melodic. Poe himself
seems to speak in a musical language. He uses words to delineate
a sound, whether its for worms or for birds. For the most part, I
wanted to underpin the text and not get in the way of it. So I chose
five of Poe’s poems and set each one of them into dierent musical
The Raven received its premiere with Slatkin conducting the St. Louis
Symphony on May 2, 1971, with none other than Vincent Price as the
narrator. Said Price, “He called me up and asked me if I’d like to do it and
since I’m a native of St Louis and I love the works of Edgar Allan Poe,
naturally I was quite delighted. . . . Since then I’ve taken it all over the
country and read it with dierent orchestras, both professional and student,
and I always have a wonderful time doing it.” In all he narrated some twenty
performances over fifteen years.
Price described Slatkin’s setting saying, “It starts out with Once Upon a
Midnight Dreary, which serves as the wrap-around for the five Poe poems
I read. We then segue into The Sleeper, where a bassoon is used to portray a
necrophiliac’s desire for his dead lover. This is followed by The Bells, which
Leonard has written as if the percussion section is losing their minds. . . .
Next I read Romance, which has a dreamlike quality about it, and Leonard
uses only the string section of the orchestra, which is rather appropriate, as
the poem ends with these lines:
That little time with lyre and rhyme
To while away—forbidden things—
My heart would feel to be a crime
Unless it trembled with the strings.
For The Coliseum we only use the brass instruments, to evoke a setting of
ancient Rome. Then we come to the climax with a full reading of The Raven,
where the entire orchestra is represented by a single instrument from each
Daniel Slatkin, Leonard Slatkin’s son and a 2016 graduate of the University
of California, already has a number of film scores to his credit. Most recently
he composed the music for the documentary feature Making Fun: The Story
of Funko, which premiered in 2018 at the legendary TCL Chinese Theatre
in Los Angeles. As a child he studied classical piano, then branched out into
bass guitar, viola, and turntablism, and he brings all of these experiences to
bear on his scores.
In Fields was Daniel’s response to a secret commission from the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra (DSO) to honor his father at a gala concert on June 23,
2018, celebrating his long tenure with the orchestra at the end of his final
season. Heart surgery had forced Maestro Slatkin to relinquish the baton
for the last three classic subscription concerts, so the event was even more
emotionally charged. The surprise for the maestro was multiplied when
Daniel himself came out on stage to conduct his piece, his first time on the
podium before a large professional orchestra. His proud father later said that
if Daniel was nervous, “I didn’t notice, because I was crying the whole time.
The piece’s opening with its lovely oboe solo, lush string passages, poignant
viola solo, and expressive flute gestures creates a warm pastoral atmosphere,
which is interrupted by rhythmic, martial music before the idyllic mood
Our MSM Icon/75th birthday celebration concludes with three pieces
by Felix Slatkin, Leonards father, who as a teenager studied violin with
Efrem Zimbalist and conducting with Fritz Reiner at the Curtis Institute of
Music. At the tender age of seventeen he became a member of the St. Louis
Symphony and formed his own chamber orchestra. He later moved to Los
Angeles, where he became concertmaster of Twentieth Century Fox Studios,
and in 1939 met and married the extraordinarily talented cellist Eleanor
Aller, principal cellist of Warner Brothers Studio. Together they formed
the renowned Hollywood String Quartet, which made a series of landmark
recordings. As a conductor, Felix founded the Concert Arts Orchestra and
made appearances with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra. He also served
as Frank Sinatra’s concertmaster and conductor—both Leonard and Fred
remember being sung to sleep by “Uncle Frank.
Felix Slatkin made dozens of recordings for Capitol Records, as well as a
series for Liberty Records—The Fantastic Fiddles, Fantastic Percussion, and
Fantastic Brass of Felix Slatkin. Scores and orchestral parts for most of his
orchestral or ensemble arrangements no longer exist, so Cindy McTee
transcribed several of them from recordings for her husband to conduct.
She transcribed Felixs arrangement of the lively traditional reel Fisher’s
Hornpipe from his 1962 Grammy-nominated recording entitled Hoedown
as a 70th birthday present “for my dear husband, Leonard Slatkin,” who
conducted it as an encore with the DSO on October 10, 2014.
McTee transcribed the lovely Wistful Haven—Felix Slatkin’s arrangement
from Dvořák’s New World Symphony—from his 1962 Fantastic Strings Play
Fantastic Themes recording. Her transcription, which she filled out for full
orchestra, received its first performance at the DSO’s New Years Eve
concert on December 31, 2015.
Felix Slatkin’s rousing Carmen’s Hoedown, also recorded on the 1962
Fantastic Strings album, turns famous themes from Bizet’s Carmen into a
country-western-style barn dance. Leonard Slatkin, who had sat in the
audience for the June 2018 DSO gala concert in his honor, took the podium
to conduct this rousing encore to lusty acclaim, and thus it makes a fitting
conclusion to this family portrait and birthday celebration.
©Jane Vial Jae
Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13), Conductor
Internationally acclaimed conductor Leonard Slatkin, Distinguished
Visiting Artist in Conducting and Orchestral Studies at MSM, is Music
Director Laureate for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) and current
Directeur Musical Honoraire of the Orchestre National de Lyon (ONL).
He also maintains a rigorous schedule of guest conducting and is active
as a composer, author, and educator. Mr. Slatkin led the MSM Symphony
Orchestra in its Carnegie Hall debut on April 13, 2014, with Glenn Dicterow
as soloist, and returned with them to Carnegie Hall last April for Manhattan
School of Music’s Centennial Gala Concert.
Maestro Slatkin has received six Grammy awards and 33 nominations. His
recent Naxos recordings include works by Saint-Saëns, Ravel, and Berlioz
(with the ONL) and music by Copland, Rachmaninov, Borzova, McTee, and
John Williams (with the DSO). In addition, he has recorded the complete
Brahms, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky symphonies with the DSO (available
online as digital downloads).
A recipient of the National Medal of Arts, Slatkin also holds the rank
of Chevalier in the French Legion of Honor. He has received Austria’s
Decoration of Honor in Silver, the League of American Orchestras’ Gold
Baton Award, and the 2013 ASCAP Deems Taylor Special Recognition
Award for his book Conducting Business. His second book, Leading Tones:
Reflections on Music, Musicians, and the Music Industry, was published in 2017 by
Amadeus Press.
Leonard Slatkin has conducted virtually all of the leading orchestras in
the world. As Music Director, he has held posts in New Orleans; St. Louis;
Washington, D.C.; London (with the BBC Symphony Orchestra); Detroit;
and Lyon, France. He has also served as Principal Guest Conductor in
Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and Cleveland.
Alec Baldwin (HonDMA ’12), Narrator
Since 1980, Alec Baldwin has appeared in numerous productions on stage,
in films, and on television. He has been nominated for a Tony (A Streetcar
Named Desire, 1992) and an Oscar (The Cooler, 2004) and has won three Emmy
awards, three Golden Globes, and seven consecutive Screen Actors Guild
Awards as Best Actor in a Comedy Series for his role on NBC-TVs 30 Rock.
His films include The Hunt for Red October, Glengarry Glen Ross, Malice, The
Edge, It’s Complicated, Blue Jasmine, Still Alice, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation,
and The Boss Baby, among many others.
Baldwin earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from New York Universitys
Tisch School of the Arts in 1994 and has received honorary doctorates
from NYU (2010) and Manhattan School of Music (2012). He serves on
numerous boards related to the arts, the environment, and progressive
politics, including the Hamptons International Film Festival and the New
York Philharmonic. He is also the radio announcer for the New York
He has authored three books: A Promise to Ourselves; his memoir entitled
Nevertheless; and, with Kurt Andersen, the Donald Trump parody You Can’t
Spell America Without Me. He is the host of a podcast, “Here’s the Thing,” for
Baldwin is married to author and wellness expert Hilaria Thomas Baldwin.
They have four children, Carmen, Rafael, Leonardo, and Romeo, as well as
his eldest, Ireland Baldwin. Baldwin hosts ABCs Match Game, the classic
television game show; a portion of his fees are donated to charity through
The Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation.
Sir James Galway, flute
A living legend of the flute, Sir James Galway is regarded as the supreme interpreter
of the classical flute repertoire. Through his extensive touring, and over 30 million
albums sold, Sir James has endeared himself to millions worldwide.
Belfast born, Sir James studied in London and Paris before embarking on his
prestigious orchestral career with Sadlers Wells and Royal Covent Garden,
the BBC, Royal Philharmonic and London Symphony Orchestra, and then as
solo flautist with the Berlin Philharmonic under Herbert von Karajan. Since
launching his successful career as a soloist in 1975, he has performed with
the world’s leading orchestras and conductors and shared the stage with an
amazing array of entertainers.
He has performed for numerous dignitaries, including Queen Elizabeth II,
Pope John Paul II, Presidents Clinton and Bush senior and junior, HRH
Prince Charles, HRH The Princess Royal, the Empress of Japan, Princess
Diana, and President Peres.
Sir James continues commissioning new works for the flute and publishing
articles, flute studies, and books, including a publishing collaboration with
Southern Music.
He also devotes much of his free time to supporting charitable organizations
such as SOS, CLIC Sargent, Future Talent, Youth Music (UK), and
Among the many honors and awards for his musical achievements are
the Recording Academys President’s Merit Award; a Classic BRITS and
Gramophone Lifetime Achievement Award; induction into the Hollywood
Bowl Hall of Fame; and the Kennedy Center Gold Medal in the Arts. Most
recently he received an honorary doctorate of music at the University of Miami.
Sir James received an OBE in 1979 and knighthood in 2001 from HRH
Queen Elizabeth II.
Lady Jeanne Galway, flute
An accomplished flutist and leading soloist, Lady Jeanne Galway continues
to grace international platforms with her virtuosity, unique style, and
elegance. Lady Galway regularly performs as soloist with major orchestras
in the United States and has appeared internationally in the cultural capitals
of the world, including London, New York, Milan, Rome, Vienna, Salzburg,
Zurich, Dublin, Belfast, Tokyo, Beijing, and Singapore. She appears regularly
as the premiere flute duo partner with her husband, Sir James Galway,
delighting audiences and bringing a rare freshness to the platform. She is also
a very active, collaborative performer with various chamber groups.
Actively pursuing her love of teaching, Lady Galway dedicates much of her
time to working with the younger generation through her articles, master
classes, recordings, and, most recently, First Flute, the online teaching series
she and her husband have launched: Both she and her
husband work together through the Galway Flute Academy, which gives
them the opportunity to personally nurture students of all levels.
Lady Galway has recorded to critical acclaim for RCA Victor, BMG Classics,
and Deutsche Grammophon. A native of New York and graduate of New
York Citys Mannes College of Music, she lives with her husband, Sir James
Galway, in Switzerland. She is currently performing on a new 18-carat, James
Galway edition gold Nagahara flute.
Frederick Zlotkin, cello
Cellist Frederick Zlotkin, winner of the International Music Competition
at Geneva, is recognized as one of todays outstanding artists. Among
the highlights of his career are solo engagements with l’Orchestre de
la Suisse Romande, the Minnesota Orchestra, New York City Ballet,
National Symphony Orchestra, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, and St. Louis
Symphony; chamber music appearances as a member of the Lyric Piano
Quartet; guest artist with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center,
the Aspen Music Festival, Chicago’s Ravinia Festival, and the Minnesota
Sommerfest; and his post, for over 45 years, as Solo Cellist of the New York
City Ballet at Lincoln Center. He also performs regularly with the New York
Philharmonic and has served as principal cellist for numerous orchestras in
the metropolitan area. Zlotkin has recorded for hundreds of motion pictures
and with artists such as Frank Sinatra, Madonna, Aretha Franklin, and Neil
Young, among many others.
The musical lineage Zlotkin shares with his brother Leonard Slatkin, the
distinguished conductor we honor tonight, reaches at least as far back as
their great uncle, cellist-conductor Modest Altschuler. Their father, violinist
and conductor Felix Slatkin, founded the Hollywood String Quartet, in
which their mother, Eleanor Aller, was the cellist.
Zlotkin studied with Gregor Piatigorsky, Leonard Rose, and Channing
Robbins and earned his doctoral degree from the Juilliard School. He is the
only present-day cellist who performs Bach’s Six Suites for Solo Cello with
full ornamentation; his recording of it has been hailed as “one of the most
gratifying Bach performances on records.” A former faculty member of
Manhattan School of Music, as well as of Queens College, Ho-Barthelson
Music School, and the Brooklyn College of Music, he has also served as
Music Director of the Montauk Chamber Music Society.
Zlotkin has performed at Ground Zero for over 15 years during the annual
reading of the names of the deceased on 9/11. In 2002 he did a special
recording of Korngold’s Cello Concerto with his brother and the BBC
Symphony Orchestra. He also performed that work with the National
Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C. At the New York City Ballet,
Zlotkin has performed the Walton Concerto (Peter Martins, choreographer),
Tchaikovsky’s Roccoco Variations (Christopher Wheeldon, choreographer),
and the Shostakovich Cello Sonata (Melissa Barak, choreographer) in
addition to numerous other solo and chamber music works.
The Centennial Project
Manhattan School of Music’s Centennial Project was an ambitious program of improvements to the School’s
architecturally distinguished campus coinciding with MSM’s 100th anniversary. The centerpiece of the Project
was the renovation of Neidorff-Karpati Hall, MSM’s principal performance space, which has been transformed
into a state-of-the-art venue to showcase our talented students. Built in 1931 and designed by Shreve, Lamb
& Harmon, the architects of the Empire State Building, the hall has been called “one of the Art Deco treats in
the city” by the New York Times. The Project also included a dramatic and welcoming new campus entrance
on Claremont Avenue, new practice rooms, and an expansion of the main entryway and lobby.
Anchor Gift
Michael and Noémi K. Neidorff/
Centene Charitable Foundation
$2 million and above
City of New York
Bill de Blasio, Mayor
$250,000 to $499,999
David G. Knott, PhD and
Françoise Girard
Donald and
Marcia Clay Hamilton
Maecenata Foundation/
Peter Luerssen
Bill and Patricia O’Connor
Melody Sawyer Richardson
Sceneworks Studios
$150,000 to $249,999
Carla Bossi-Comelli and
Marco Pecori
Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy
Ilene and Edward Lowenthal
$100,000 to $149,000
Ed Annunziato
Dr. James Gandre
Dr. Boris Thomas
Dr. Linda Mercuro and Toby Mercuro
Michelle Ong/First Initiative
Foundation Limited
$75,000 to $99,999
Alfredo and Mita Aparicio
Jane A. Gross
Raul M. and Magdalena Gutierrez
Maria E. Salgar
Chiona Xanthopoulou Schwarz
Mónica and Angel Sosa
Maria and Guillermo F. Vogel
$25,000 to $49,999
Margot Alberti de Mazzeri
Delin and Abelardo Bru
Susan Ennis and Dr. Owen Lewis
Richard Gaddes
Nancy Freund Heller and
Jeffrey Heller
McKinsey & Company
Margot and Adolfo Patron
Leonard Slatkin
and Cindy McTee
Epp K.J. Sonin
$10,000 to $24,999
Joyce Aboussie
Joan and Alan Ades-Taub
Family Foundation
Louis Alexander
Chartwells Dining Services
Sharon E. Daley-Johnson
Evco Mechanical Corporation
Capt.Kenneth R. Force, USMS (ret.)
Hyde and Watson Foundation
Dr. Henry A. Kissinger and
Nancy M. Kissinger
Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation
Carl and Aviva Saphier
Dona D. Vaughn
and Ron Raines
$5,000 to $9,999
An Anonymous Donor
American String Quartet
Yvette Bendahan
Justin Bischof
John K. Blanchard
Glenn Dicterow
and Karen Dreyfus
Dianne Flagello
Hans and Gloria* Gesell
Ruth Golden
Joan Gordon
Bryan J. Greaney
B. Grossman
Luisa Guembes-Buchanan
Holzman Moss Bottino Architecture
IDB Bank
J & J Flooring
Warren Jones
Phillip N. Kawin
Patinka Kopec
and Dr. Jay Selman
Esther O. Lee
So-Chung Shinn and Tony W. Lee
and Mary Lou Manahan
Carol Matos
Gary Mercer
Dr. Marjorie Merryman
Gary W. Meyer
Alexandre A. Moutouzkine
James Petercsak
Luis Plaza
Stan Ponte and John Metzner
Regina Rheinstein
RIK Electric Corporation
Nolan M. Robertson
Robert A. Siegel
Dr. Marc Silverman
Robert and Victoria Sirota
Dorothy Strelsin Foundation
Yorke Construction Corporation
$2,500 to $4,999
Bond Schoeneck & King
Nick & Melissa Borkowski
Jeff Breithaupt
Shelley McPherson
Bright Power
Peter Christensen and
Dr. Monica Coen Christensen
Brian Dailey
Bill Delaney
General Plumbing Corporation
Geneva Pension Consultants
Melissa Kaish and Jon Dorfman
Judith Klotz
Harry Tze-Him Lee
Susan Madden
Philippe Muller
Susan and David Rahm
Cassie and Billy Rahm
Lucie Robert
and Jeffrey Cohen
Jimmy Roberts
Lois R. Roman
Israel Schossev
Inesa Sinkevych
Steinway & Sons
Telebeam Telephone Systems
Mallory and Diane Walker
Carol Wincenc
$1,000 to $2,499
An Anonymous Donor
American Elevator & Machine Corp
Marcos Arbaitman
Nina and Arkady
Daniel Avshalomov
Bellet Construction
Christopher Breiseth
Elizabeth A. R. and
Ralph S. Brown, Jr.
Burda Construction
Laurie Carney
Linda Chesis
Michael R. and Nina I. Douglas
Alan S. Epstein
Daniel Epstein
Ghent Realty Services
Phil Glick
David Goodman
Thomas Gottschalk
The Stecher and Horowitz Foundation
Stephen Jacobsohn and
Dr. Maura Reinblatt
*Deceased †MSM Faculty/Staff
Manhattan School of Music Donors
Gifts received in FY 2019 (July 1, 2018June 30, 2019)
Manhattan School of Music is deeply grateful to the community of generous donors who support
our commitment to excellence in education, performance, and creative activity and to the cultural
enrichment of the larger community.
For more information about giving opportunities, please contact Susan Madden,
Vice President for Advancement, at 917-493-4115 or
$1 million and above
City of New York
Bill de Blasio, Mayor
ELMA Philanthropies
Michael and Noémi K. Neidorff /
Centene Charitable Foundation
$250,000 to $999,999
Estate of Rosalie J. Coe Weir
Gart Family Foundation
$100,000 to $249,999
Joan Taub Ades
Ilene and Edward Lowenthal
Maecenata Foundation /
Peter Luerssen
Eric Gronningsater and Amy Levine
Bill and Patricia O’Connor
Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy
The Starr Foundation
Ann Ziff
The Baisley Powell Elebash Fund
$50,000 to $99,999
Alfredo and Mita Aparicio
Dr. and Mrs. Raul M. Gutierrez
Dr. David G. Knott and Ms.
Françoise Girard
Linda and Toby Mercuro
Dr. Solomon Mikowsky
The Arthur and Mae Orvis
Estate of Harold Schonberg
So-Chung Shinn Lee and Tony W. Lee
Melody Sawyer Richardson
Maria and Guillermo Vogel
Estate of David Wells
$25,000 to $49,999
An Anonymous Donor
Ed Annunziato
Augustine Foundation
Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation
Estate of Elizabeth G. Beinecke
The Frank and Lydia Bergen
Carla Bossi-Comelli
Fred J. Brotherton Charitable
Delin and Abelardo Bru
The Chisholm Foundation
The Fred Ebb Foundation
Susan Ennis and Dr. Owen Lewis
Donald and Marcia Hamilton
Nancy Freund Heller and
Jeffrey Heller
McKinsey & Company
Joe and Lauren Pizza
The Rochlis Family Foundation
The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels
Estate of Harold and Ruth Stern
Twiford Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Joyce Aboussie
Licia Albanese-Puccini Foundation
Margot Alberti de Mazzeri
The ASCAP Foundation
Alex Assoian Music Project
The Barker Welfare Foundation
Luisa Guembes-Buchanan
Anna Bulgari
Dr. Alejandro Cordero
The Enoch Foundation
Evco Mechanical Corporation
Capt. Kenneth R. Force, USMS (ret.)
The Eric and Margaret Friedberg
Dr. James Gandre
Dr. Boris Thomas
Charles & Carol Grossman
Family Fund
Dr. Alan and Mrs. Lori Harris
Hyde and Watson Foundation
Jephson Educational Trusts
Ruth M. Knight Foundation
A. L. and Jennie L. Luria
Robert and Amy McGraw
National Endowment for the Arts
*Deceased †MSM Faculty/Staff
Han Jo and Regina Kim
Wolfram Koessel
and Mae Barizo
Byung-Kook Kwak
Lubrano Ciavarra Architects
Tondra and Jeffrey H. Lynford
Nash Family Foundation
Chris and Jody Parrish
Maitland Peters
Karen Beardsley Peters
William Plapinger and Cassie Murray
Dr. Jeffrey Langford
Dr. Joanne Polk
Red Hook Management
and Lesley Rosenthal
Bette and Richard Saltzman
Cynthia D. and Thomas P. Sculco
Sound Associates
Richard W. Southwick FAIA
Sterling National Bank
Richard Stewart/ECS Enterprises
Adrienne and Gianluigi Vittadini
Nina Baroness von Maltzahn
Ronald G. Weiner
Peter Winograd
and Caterina Szepes
$500 to $999
Laurie Beckelman
Robert Bucker
Noreen and Kenneth Buckfire
Paul and Delight Dodyk
Jonathan Feldman
Duane Morris
Casey M. Dunn
David Molino Dunn
Patti Eylar and Charles Gardner
David Geber
and Julia Lichten
Michael Graff
Kathy and Arthur Langhaus
Dr. Solomon Mikowsky
Dr. John Pagano
Dr. Kariné Poghosyan
Jesse Rosen
Dr. Eduardo Salvati
Laura Sametz
Paul Sperry
$100 to $499
Karen F. Baer
Mary Ellin Barrett
Joel Chatfield
Robert Stillman Cohen
Elizabeth J. de Almeida
Simone Dinnerstein and
Jeremy Greensmith
Doris Holloway
Merrimon Hipps, Jr.
Jacqueline M. Johnson
David Jolley
Andrew Jorgensen and Mark
Carol Lam
Carrie Newman
Angelyn MacWilliams
Lee Middlebrook Moore
Farida Paramita
Tobias Picker
Christopher Preiss
Kelly Sawatsky
Dr. Jeremy Fletcher
Sybil Shainwald
Donna and James Storey
Christine and Rob Thorn
William Vollinger
Jason Wachtler
New York City Council
Susan and David Rahm
Allen H. and Selma W. Berkman
Charitable Trust
Paul and Joanne Schnell
Dorothy Strelsin Foundation
Yorke Construction Corporation
$5,000 to $9,999
An Anonymous Donor
The Hilaria and Alec Baldwin
The Theodore H. Barth Foundation
Elizabeth A. R. & Ralph S. Brown, Jr.
Teresa Bulgheroni
Nelson DeFigueiredo
Samuel M. Levy Family Foundation
Mark and Kerry Hanson
Israel Discount Bank of New York
J & J Flooring
Warren Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kissinger
Harry Tze-Him Lee
Lemberg Foundation
The Arthur Loeb Foundation
The Louis Armstrong Educational
Marquis George MacDonald
Linda McKean
The Clement Meadmore
James Petercsak
Allen H. and Selma W. Berkman
Charitable Trust
RIK Electric Corporation
Milena Roos
Maria Elvira Salgar
Carl and Aviva Saphier
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher
& Flom
Mari and Kenneth Share
Arthur T. and Beverly Shorin
Robert Siegel
Robert and Victoria Sirota
Leonard Slatkin
and Cindy McTee
Epp Sonin
Monica and Angel Sosa
Jane E. Steele and William Sussman
Dr. Michael G. Stewart
Dona D. Vaughn
and Ron Raines
Shelley Deal & Claude L. Winfield
$2,500 to $4,999
Bellet Construction
Matt and Andrea Bergeron
Sarah Billinghurst Solomon
Bond Schoeneck & King
Bright Power
Michael R. and Nina I. Douglas
Patricia Falkenberg
Richard Gaddes
General Plumbing Corporation
Hans Gesell
Kimberly D. Grigsby
Jane A. Gross
Gemzel Hernandez, MD
Holzman Moss Bottino Architecture
Robert and Susan Kaplan
Phillip N. Kawin
Han Jo Kim, MD and Regina M. Kim
Judith Klotz
Susan A. Madden
Office of the Manhattan Borough
Mary Moeller
Philippe Muller
Barbara and Dermot O’Reilly
The Presser Foundation
Saul D. Raw, LCSW
Kathleen Ritch
Jimmy Roberts
Lois Roman
Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation
Israel Schossev
Irene Schultz
Richard Stewart / ECS Enterprises
Christopher W. Welch and
Katherine L. Hosford
Carol Wincenc
$1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous Donors (2)
Richard E. Adams
Emilio Ambasz
American Elevator & Machine
Pamela Averick
Gabrielle Bamberger
Michael A. Bamberger and The
Honorable Phylis S. Bamberger
Carl Baron
Karen Bedrosian-Richardson
Beekman Housing Ventures
Barbara and Tim Boroughs
Botwinick-Wolfensohn Family
Margaret A. Boulware
The Barbara Brookes Trust
Blake Byrne
Dr. Robert J. Campbell MD KCSJ
and Sir Cesare L. Santeramo KCSJ
Dr. Sophie Christman
Kanako and James Clarke
MMC Charitable Trust
The D’Addario Music Foundation
For The Performing Arts
Glenn Dicterow
and Karen Dreyfus
Paul and Delight Dodyk
Eagan Family Foundation
Epstein Engineering
Lance A. Etcheverry
Cecilia A. Farrell
Tatyana Feldman and Leonid
Ruth Golden
Allen and Ellen Goldman Charitable
Gift Fund
Charlotte Gollubier
David Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gottschalk
Joanne Greenspun
The John and Marianne Gunzler Fund
Ruth Harf
Sylvia Hemingway
Peter Horvath
Maureen D. Hynes
Ilse Gordon and Neil Shapiro
Melissa Kaish and Jonathan Dorfman
Jack and Helga Katz
Millen Katz
Sungrim Kim and Wonsuk Chang
Sidney Knafel and Londa Weisman
Michael J. Kokola
Patinka Kopec
and Dr. Jay Selman
Dorothy Lewis-Griffith
Paulus Hook Music Foundation
Dr. Alan Lurie
Lynford Family Charitable Trust
Carolyn Marlow and William Teltser
Doris and Charles Michaels
Middle Road Foundation
Drs. Aleeza and Dimitry Nemirof
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Newcomb
Mary Ann Oklesson
Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Patron
Bennett Pologe
Dr. Jonathan Raskin
Robert and Regina J. Rheinstein
Jesse Rosen
and Lesley Rosenthal
The San Francisco Foundation
Yolanda Santos
Chiona X. Schwarz
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sculco
Rich P. Seufer
Gloria Shafer
Karen L. Shapiro
Dwight and Susan Sipprelle
Annaliese Soros
Richard W. Southwick FAIA
John Sweeney
Nickolas and Liliana Themelis
Winifred Thrall
Dace Udris
Jill F. VanSyckle
Mallory and Diana Walker
Elizabeth V. White
Keith L. Wiggs
Shirley Young
$500 to $999
An Anonymous Donor
Aggressive Energy
Ralph and JJ Allen
Roslyn Allison
Orren J. Alperstein
and Mrs. Arkady Aronov
Sean Bae
The Bagby Foundation for the
Musical Arts
Susan Barbash and Dr. Eric Katz
Paul J. Beck
Laurie Beckelman
Etty and Jacob Bousso
Alison P. Brown
Ronald and Mary Carlson
Xilun Chen
Jill and Bob Cook
*Deceased †MSM Faculty/Staff
Michael R. Douglas Charitable Fund
Mignon Dunn
Laura Falb
Jonathan Feldman
Dianne Flagello
Judith Friedman
Patti Eylar and Charles Gardner
Loraine F. Gardner
Larry and Diane Hochman
Susan Anne Ingerman
Herve Jacquet
Cecile R. Jim
Dr. and Mrs. Peter K. Kang
Harriet Kaplan
Chung Nung and Bik-Lam Lee
Jeehyoun H. Lee
The George A. Long Foundation
Lubrano Ciavarra Architects
Alta T. Malberg
Susan Olsen Maren
Oren Michels
Christopher and Elissa Morris
Anthony Napoli
Marjorie Neuwirth
Patrick O’Connor
Yahui Olenik
Dr. John Pagano
Henry Pinkham
Dr. Kariné Poghosyan
Susan Quittmeyer and
James Morris
Mary Radcliffe
Dr. Maria Radicheva
Lisa Raskin
Mary S. Riebold
Esther Rosenberg and
Michael Ostroff
Dr. Ed Rubin and Mrs. Vicki Rubin
Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo Salvati
Saremi Health and Wellness
Eve M. Schooler
Marc Scorca
Dr. Marc Silverman
The Skylark Foundation
Ted Smith
Alex Solowey
Kathleen Byrum Suss
Telebeam Telephone Systems
Mimi Tompkins
Lucie Vippolis
The Cecilia and Mark Vonderheide
Charitable Fund
Xiayin Wang
Rachel B. Weinstein
Daniel E. Weiss
Michael Ytterberg
June Zaccone
$250 to $499
An Anonymous Donor
Paul Baer
Louise Basbas
Dr. Hayes Biggs
and Ms. Susan
John S. Britt and Janice Chisholm
Angela Brown
Elizabeth A. Browne
Dr. Vincent Celenza
Steven Connell
Stephanie R. Cooper, Esq.
Edward and Annette Cornelius
Toby and Les Crystal
James J. Dale
Allan J. Dean
Dr. Susan E. Deaver
Gwendolyn DeLuca
Gale Epstein Charitable Fund
Dr. Renee C. Epstein
Daniel Epstein
Everest Scaffolding
Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Fossella
Allan Dodds Frank and Lilian M. King
Jerry and Leah Garchik
Philip and Karen Glick
Pam Goldberg
Dr. Richard A. Gradone
Madelon and Jerald Grobman
Laurie Hamilton
Dr. Carl Hanson
Dr. Mary H. Harding
Caroline and Rodney Hine
Ilene Jacobs
Julie Jacobs
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Richard Kayne
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kim
Kathy King
The Kocan Family
Wolfram Koessel
Kranzdorf Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Krauss
Carol Lam
Gary Trout and Kenneth Latsch
Jay Lesenger
Stuart E. Liebman
Kathy Liu
Xin Liu and Hong Chen
James P. McCarthy
Linda McKnight
Ruth Meints
Michelle and John Morris
Florence Meisels Nelson
Myrna Payne
Kane Pryor
Raul S. Quines
Bruno A. Quinson
Noa Rafimayeri
Mr. and Mrs. Kanti Rai
Irwin L. Reese
Judy Reiner Platt and Roger Platt
Dora and Patrick Rideout
David and Judith Rivkin
Laura Schiller
Susan F. Sekulow
Kira Sergievsky
Elizabeth and Robert C. Sheehan
Walter F. and Margaret M. Siebecker
Paul Sperry
Gordon Turk
Marlene and Marshall Turner
Elizabeth R. Van Arsdel
Nils Vigeland
Martine and Ronan Wicks
Peter Winograd
and Caterina Szepes
Earle Yaffa
Elda and Eduardo Zappi
Noreen and Ned Zimmerman
$100 to $249
Anonymous Donors (7)
Peter Abitante
Eileen C. Acheson-Bohn
Lauren Aguiar
Meg Lowenthal Akabas
Donald Albrecht
Philip Anderson
Giorgio Poma & Family
Ronald and Gail Asinari
Dr. and Mrs. Victor O. Bacani
Mrs. Karen F. Baer
Charles and Miranda Barker
Denise and Benjamin Battat
Linda Dupree-Bell
Yvette Bendahan
Lawrence O. Benjamin
James Bennett
Avis Berman
Patricia Berman and Harvey Singer
Susan Biskeborn
Kevin M. Bohl
Dr. Louis M. Bonifati, Ed. D.
Frank Bookhout
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Borowiec
Agnes and Carl Boxhill
Julianne Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Boysen
Joy Hodges Branagan
Anthony N. Brittin
David Britton
Frank Bruno
Ivy and Ian Bukzin
Raymond J. Burghardt
Hugh Burritt
Mabel A. Campbell
Alexander and Filis Cardieri
Norman and Nadine Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Dalmo Carra
Martha Chapo Family Gift Fund
Joel Chatfield
Min Kyung M. Cho
Jung Sun Chung and Byung Ju Hyun
Annette Coco
Robert Stillman Cohen
Sue Ann and Tony Converse
Prudence Costa Jenkins
Jeffrey Cox
Dr. David Karl Davis
Anthony J. de Mare
Anaar Desai-Stephens
Nancy Zipay DeSalvo
Simone Dinnerstein and Jeremy
Thanne Dispenza
Marjory M. Duncalfe
Jane Emery
Michael and Marjorie Engber
Carolyn J. Enger
Elaine Enger
Jeffrey Epstein and Renee C. Epstein
Warren Feldman
Grace A. Feldman
*Deceased †MSM Faculty/Staff
Marion Feldman
Robert Felicetti
Dr. Fenichel
Elsa Honig Fine
M & M Firestone Charitable Fund
Harry First and Eve Cole First
Dr. John Foster and Dr. Cheryl Bunker
Miriam Frieden
Edith Hall Friedheim
Charles Gallagher
David Geber
and Julia Lichten
Stephen A. Gilbert
Christine and Peter Glennon
David M. Goldberg
Frederick T. and Wendy M. Goldberg
Morris and Jean Goldberg
Eleanor Goldhar and John Vollmer
Lisa K. Gornick and Kenneth
David W. Granger
Daniel Green
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Green
Laura Greenwald
Louis R. Grimaldi
Robert Haddock
Holly Hall
Sarah Hall and Edward Keough
Dr. Heather A. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Hannan
Patricia Jacob Hannemann
Michael Harrison
Janne and Daniel Heifetz
Dr. Andrew E. Henderson and
Mary W. Huff
Rita K. Herber
Deborah Herschel
Amy Hersh
Betty Himmel
Doris Holloway
Eric T. Houghton
Dr. Warren P. Howe
Judith T. Hunt
DeeAnne Huntstein
Judith and Leonard Hyman
Family Fund
Leon Hyman
Marcie Imberman
Lawrence Indik
Carol K. Ingall, Ed.D
Jonathan and Rheva Irving
John Jensen and Thomas Bellezza
Ingyu Jeon
Jacqueline M. Johnson
Jennifer Jones
Andrew Jorgensen and
Mark Stuart-Smith
Peter H. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jurden
Steven and Carey Kane
Joanna and John Kapner
Phyllis Katz
Debra Kenyon and Peter Hess
Minjung Kim
Daniel Kirk-Foster
Shirley Kirshbaum
Lorinda Klein
Rhoda Knaff
Kenneth H. Knight
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Rachel Kollmer
Nadine Kolowrat
Gene B. Kuntz
Ursula Kwasnicka
Paul and Denise Lachman
David Law
Diane H. Lee
Esther O. Lee
Suzanne Lemakis
Michelle Lin
Xiaoting Liu
Julie E. Livingston and Peter Gordon
Carmel Lowenthal and Eric Tirschwell
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Lowenthal
Weier Lu
Carol P. Lyon
Angelyn MacWilliams
Gunther Marx
Lucille Mastriaco
George Mathew
Dr. Julia M. McCall-Mboya
Meredith Wood McCaughey
Barbara McCrane
Richard McGeehan
Bob McGrath
Andy McQuery
Kim and Ingrid Meacham
Julie C. Mech
Joan and Scott Merlis
Lee Middlebrook Moore
Florence Miller
David Miller
Nadine Nozomi Mitake
Joe Morrison
Ruth Mueller-Maerki
Frank W. Munzer
Mr. Lee E. Musiker
Odette C. Muskin
Freda Zeiguer
Norma Nelson
Blair Deborah Newcomb
Ruth and Harold Newman
Yuka Nishino
Rebecca J. Noreen
Dr. Abby O’Neil and Dr. Carroll Joynes
Kay Outwin
Farida Paramita
Duncan Patton
Tobias Picker
Doralynn Pines
Arthur Plutzer
Jill M. Pollack LCSW BCD
Anek and Evelyn Pooviriyakul
Christopher Preiss
Maya Radiconcini
Odin Rathnam
Anthony A. Rayner
Mona Reisman Schoen
Barbara L. Reissman, Dr. PH
Joyce Richardson
Amy Franklin Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rios
Howard G. Rittner
Carol Robbins
Wendy Rolfe
Alex Romanov
Roger F. Rose
Amy S. Rosen
Stanley Rosenberg
Mary Jaccoma Rozenberg
Reto A. Ruedy
June Sadowski-Devarez
Frank E. Salomon
Suki Sandler
Dr. Anthony Scelba
Stanley Scheller
Nanette Seidenberg
Ari Selman
Sybil Shainwald
Ariel Shamai
Marsha Shapiro
Angela A Sherzer
Ruth Siegler
William and Claire Sit
James Stalzer
Thomas P. Stapp
Matthew Starobin
Allen Steir
Susan Stern
Toni Stern
Donna and James Storey
Kwong Sum Charity Fund
Mark Suozzo
Nina Svetlanova
Felice E. Swados
Sondra Tammam
Gary Thalheimer
Richard Tietze
Jacquelyn Tomlet
Dawn Upshaw
Mark Vandersall and
Laura Mendelson
Maria Pia P. Viapiano
Karen Victoria
Mary Vinton
Dr. Katharina Volk
Vos Family Fund
Doris Joy Warner
Michael Washburn and Nancy
Carmichael Gift Fund
Patricia S. Weiss
Fawn Wiener
Cherisse Williams
Barbara Wilson
Michael C. Wimberly
Patricia A. Winter
Margo and Charles Wolfson
Eve J. Wolinsky
Dr. Roy Wylie
Barbara Yahr
Zhendai Yang
Ellen and Bill Yeckley
Dr. Velia Yedra-Chruszcz
Zhi L Yu
Ji-Ming Zhu
Pinchas Zukerman
*Deceased †MSM Faculty/Staff
Endowed Named Scholarships
Joan Taub Ades Scholarship for
Musicial Theatre
Licia Albanese Scholarship
Augustine Guitar Scholarship
Herbert R. and Evelyn Axelrod
Frances Hall Ballard Scholarship
Artur Balsam Scholarship
Hans and Klara Bauer Scholarship
Jordan Berk Scholarship
Berkman-Rahm Scholarship Fund
Selma W. Berkman Memorial
Vera Blacker Scholarship in Piano
Carmine Caruso Memorial Scholarship
Edgar Foster Daniels Scholarship
in Voice
Baisley Powell Elebash Scholarship
Gart Family Foundation Scholarship
Lloyd Gelassen Scholarship
Rita and Herbert Z. Gold Scholarship
Michael Greene Scholarship
Charles Grossman Memorial
Endowment Scholarship
Grusin/Rosen Jazz Scholarship
Adolphus Hailstork-Mary Weaver
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Margaret Hoswell van der Marck
Memorial Scholarship in Opera
Helen Fahnestock Hubbard
Family Scholarship
Alexandra Hunt Endowed Vocal
Deolus Husband Memorial
Scholarship for Composition
Eugene Istomin Scholarship
in Piano
Peter J. Kent Scholarship
Marga and Arthur King Scholarship
Kraeuter Violin Scholarship
Edith Kriss Piano Scholarship
LADO Scholarship Fund
Marquis George MacDonald
Robert Mann Scholarship in Violin
and Chamber Music
Viola B. Marcus Memorial
Scholarship Fund (Graduate)
Viola B. Marcus Memorial
Scholarship Fund (Undergraduate)
Clement Meadmore Scholarship in
Jazz Studies
Homer and Constance Mensch
Samuel and Mitzi Newhouse
Birgit Nilsson Scholarship
Scott Oakley Memorial Scholarship
in Musical Theatre
Mae Zenke Orvis Opera Scholarship
Ethel Hollander Planchar Scholarship
Paul Price Percussion Scholarship
Judith Raskin Memorial Scholarship
Jay Rubinton Scholarship
Leon Russianoff Memorial
Scott Shayne Sinclair Scholarship
in Guitar
Joseph M. Smith Scholarship
Elva Van Gelder Memorial
Scholarship in Piano
Dona D. Vaughn
Voice Scholarship
Emily M. Voorhis Scholarship
Rachmael Weinstock Scholarship
in Violin
Avedis Zildjian Percussion
An Anonymous Jazz Precollege
Alex Assoian Music Project
Precollege Scholarship
Dr. Michelle Solarz August
Precollege Scholarship in Piano
Kate Bamberger Memorial Violin
Matilda Cascio Precollege
Cuker/Stern Precollege Scholarship
Marion Feldman Scholarship
Dianne Danese Flagello Precollege
Rosetta Goodkind Precollege
Andrew Goodman Memorial
Precollege Scholarship
Dorothy Hales Gary Scholarship
Jocelyn Gertel Precollege
Constance Keene Precollege Piano
Patinka Kopec
Precollege Violin
Mary B. Lenom Scholarship
Sassa Maniotis Endowed Precollege
Piano Scholarship
Nana’s Way Precollege Division
Carl Owen Memorial Scholarship
Maitland Peters
and Karen Beardsley
Precollege Voice Scholarship
Prep Parents Scholarship
Rita and Morris Relson Scholarship
Jonathan and Conrad Strasser
Memorial Scholarship
Elva Van Gelder Memorial
Scholarship in Piano
Annual Named Scholarships
The ASCAP/Fran Morgenstern Davis
Louis Armstrong Educational
Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
Augustine Foundation Scholarship
Theodore H. Barth Foundation
Elizabeth Beinecke Scholarship
Frank & Lydia Bergen Foundation
Educational Assistance Scholarship
The First Initiative Hong Kong/China
International Advisory Board
Janey Fund Charitable Trust
Jephson Educational Trust
JMP Musical Theatre Scholarship
Hugh Masekela Heritage
Mae Zenke Orvis Opera Scholarship
Sabian/Robert Zildjian Memorial
Harold and Helene Schonberg
Pianist Scholarship
Glen K. Twiford Piano Scholarship
L. John Twiford Music Scholarship
Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation
Precollege Scholarship
CWKH Scholarship
Eric and Margaret Friedberg
Foundation Scholarship
Hansoree Scholarship
Isaac Kaplan Precollege Jazz
Josephine Luby Precollege
Robert and Amy McGraw Precollege
The Rochlis Family Foundation
*Deceased †MSM Faculty/Staff
We have made every effort to list MSM donors accurately. If your name is not listed as
you wish, or if you notice an inaccuracy, please contact Nina Delgado in the Advancement
Office at 917-493-4490, or at
Founder’s Society
The Founder’s Society honors the extraordinary generosity of the following individuals and institutions whose
cumulative giving to Manhattan School of Music exceeded $250,000 (as of June 30, 2019). These exceptional
donors enable MSM to provide world-class conservatory training to immensely talented students. We are deeply
grateful for their special dedication to the School’s mission and culture of artistic excellence and musicianship.
$5 million and above
Michael and Noémi K. Neidorff/
Centene Charitable Foundation
G. Chris Andersen and
SungEun Han-Andersen
$1 to $5 million
Joan Taub Ades & Alan M. Ades*
The ASCAP Foundation
Carla Bossi-Comelli
ELMA Philanthropies
Gordon K. Greenfield*
Gordon and Harriet Greenfield
Estate of Jacqueline Kacere
Estate of Dora Zaslavsky Koch
Ilene and Edward Lowenthal
Alfred* and Claude Mann
Joseph F. McCrindle Foundation
and Estate of Joseph F. McCrindle
Estate of Homer Mensch Miller
Family Foundation
William R. Miller (HonDMA ’11)
Octavian Society
Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation
Susan and David Rahm
Peter Jay Sharp Foundation
Helen F. Whitaker Fund
$500,000 to $999,999
Altman Foundation
Nancy Terner Behrman*/
Fund for Individual Potential
William S. Beinecke
Mary Owen Borden Foundation
Estate of Ruth Chateld
Baisley Powell Elebash Fund
Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy
Gart Family Foundation
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
Michael W. Greene
Marcia and Donald Hamilton
Jewish Foundation for
Education of Women
Estate of Kellogg Johnson
Estate of Marga King
Estate of Edith Kriss
Peter Luerssen/Maecenata
A. L. and Jennie L. Luria Foundation
Estate of Viola B. Marcus
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Dr. Solomon Mikowsky
Ambrose Monell Foundation
Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels
Estate of Harold Schonberg
$250,000 to $499,999
An Anonymous Donor
Annie Laurie Aitken Charitable Trust
Estate of C. J. Stuart Allan
Amato Opera Theater
Rose L. Augustine* and Augustine
Herbert R. and Evelyn Axelrod
Michael R. Bloomberg
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Edgar Foster Daniels
Ervika Foundation
Cecilia and John Farrell
Estate of Ellen G. Fezer
Yveta S. Graff*
Estate of Rea F. Hooker
Jephson Educational Trusts
Stanley Thomas Johnson
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen
Ruth M. Knight Trust
David G. Knott, PhD and
Françoise Girard
Estate of Anna Case Mackay
Dr. Linda Mercuro and
Toby Mercuro
National Endowment for the Arts
New York State Higher Education
Capital Matching Grant Board
Henry Nias Foundation
Bill and Patricia O’Connor
Estate of Rosalie Weir
Sceneworks Studio
Melody Sawyer Richardson
Jody and Peter Robbins
Evelyn Sharp Foundation
Harold and Helene Schonberg Trust
Starr Foundation
Surdna Foundation
Patrick N. W. Turner
Gabe Wiener Foundation
*Deceased †MSM Faculty/Staff
Galaxy Society
Anonymous Donors (2)
Richard E. Adams
Joan Taub Ades
Louis Alexander
Frank Bamberger
Gabrielle Bamberger
Renee Bash
Peter Basquin
William S. Beinecke
Yvette Benjamin
Blanche H. Blitstein
Louis M. Bonifati, Ed. D.
Carla Bossi-Comelli
James B. Coker
Alex Davis
Michael P. Devine
J. S. Ellenberger
Jonathan Fey
Dianne and Nicolas* Flagello
Capt. Kenneth R. Force, USMS (ret.)
Rabbi Mordecai Genn
Ruth Golden
Luisa Guembes-Buchanan
Dr. Heather A. Hamilton
Shirley Katz-Cohen
Phillip N. Kawin
Diane Kettering
Alan M. and Karen Schiebler Knieter
Doris Konig
Dr. Robert Ira Lewy
Shigeru Matsuno
Charlotte Mayerson
Claire A. Meyer
Dr. Solomon Mikowsky
Warren R. Mikulka
Charles B. Nelson Jr.
Barbara and Dermot O’Reilly
Duncan Pledger
Regina Rheinstein
Melody Sawyer Richardson
Mary S. Riebold
Evelyn Ronell
Lesley and Ted
Alex Shapiro
Dr. Marc Silverman
Amy R. Sperling
Carleton B. Spotts
Jonathan Sternberg
Sondra Tammam
Hetty Te Korte
Flavio Varani
Dona D. Vaughn
and Ron Raines
Keith L. Wiggs
Dr. Theo George Wilson
Carolyn Zepf Hagner
Members of the Galaxy Society ensure the future of Manhattan School of Music through inclusion of the School
in their long-range financial and estate plans. We are grateful for their vision and generosity, which helps ensure
that MSM continues to thrive into the next century and enables aspiring young artists to reach for the stars.
Manhattan School of Music Leadership
President’s Council
James Gandre, President
Joyce Griggs, Executive Vice President and Provost
Gary Meyer, Senior Vice President and CFO
Susan Madden, Vice President for Advancement
Jeff Breithaupt, Vice President for Media
and Communications
Carol Matos, Vice President for Administration
and Human Relations
Monica Coen Christensen, Dean of Students
Joan Gordon, Interim Dean of Enrollment Management
Bryan Greaney, Director of Facilities and
Campus Safety
Christianne Orto, Dean of Distance Learning
and Recording Arts
Kelly Sawatsky, Dean of the Precollege
Alexa Smith, Chief of Staff
Henry Valoris, Dean of Performance and
Production Operations
Board of Trustees
Lorraine Gallard, Chair
Edward Lowenthal, Vice Chair
David G. Knott, Treasurer
Noémi K. Neidorff (BM ’70, MM ’72, HonDMA ’17),
Terence Blanchard (HonDMA ’17)
Carla Bossi-Comelli
Laurie Carney
Susan Ennis
James Gandre, President
Marcia Clay Hamilton
Thomas Hampson (HonDMA ’09)
Nancy Freund Heller
Han Jo Kim
Warren Jones
Linda Bell Mercuro
Bebe Neuwirth (HonDMA ’15)
Bill O’Connor
Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13)
Trustees Emeriti
Marta Istomin (HonDMA ’05), President Emerita
William R. Miller (HonDMA ’11)
David A. Rahm (HonDMA ’07), Chair Emeritus
Robert G. Simon
Terence Blanchard (HonDMA ’17)
Anthony Roth Costanzo (MM ’08)
Glenn Dicterow
Peter Duchin
Richard Gaddes (HonDMA ’17)
Thomas Hampson (HonDMA ’09)
Stefon Harris (BM ’95, MM ’97)
Marta Istomin (HonDMA ’05), President Emerita
Bernard Labadie (HonDMA ’18)
Lang Lang (HonDMA ’12)
Bebe Neuwirth (HonDMA ’15)
Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ’13)
Pinchas Zukerman (HonDMA ’93)
Artistic Advisory Council
Carla Bossi-Comelli, Chair, Switzerland
Mita Aparicio, Mexico
Delin Bru, United States
Alejandro Cordero, Argentina
Raul M. Gutierrez, Mexico/Spain
Lori Harris, United States
Michelle Ong, Hong Kong
Margot Alberti de Mazzeri, Italy
Margot Patron, Mexico
Maria Elvira Salgar, Colombia/United States
Chiona X. Schwarz, Germany
Angel Sosa, Mexico
Guillermo Vogel, Mexico
International Advisory Board
Department Chairs and Program Directors
Michelle Baker, Chair, Brass
Linda Chesis, Chair, Woodwinds
Glenn Dicterow, Chair, Graduate Program in
Orchestral Performance
Casey Molino Dunn, Director, Center for
Music Entrepreneurship
John Forconi, Chair, Collaborative Piano
Reiko Füting, Chair, Theory
Liza Gennaro, Associate Dean and Director,
Musical Theatre Program
Stefon Harris, Associate Dean and Director,
Jazz Arts Program
Andrew Henderson, Chair, Organ
Margaret Kampmeier, Artistic Director and Chair,
Contemporary Performance Program
Kathryn LaBouff, Assistant Chair, Voice
Christopher Lamb, Chair, Percussion
Jeffrey Langford, Associate Dean of Doctoral
Studies and Chair, Music History
David Leisner, Chair, Guitar
George Manahan, Director of Orchestral Activities
Nicholas Mann, Chair, Strings
John Pagano, Chair, Humanities
Maitland Peters, Chair, Voice
Marc Silverman, Chair, Piano
J. Mark Stambaugh, Acting Chair, Composition
Kent Tritle, Director of Choral Activities
Dona D. Vaughn, Artistic Director of Opera
Founded as a community music school by Janet Daniels Schenck in
1918, today MSM is recognized for its more than 970 superbly talented
undergraduate and graduate students who come from more than 40 countries
and nearly all 50 states; its innovative curricula and world-renowned artist-
teacher faculty that includes musicians from the New York Philharmonic,
the Met Orchestra, and the top ranks of the jazz and Broadway communities;
and a distinguished community of accomplished, award-winning alumni
working at the highest levels of the musical, educational, cultural, and
professional worlds.
The School is dedicated to the personal, artistic, and intellectual
development of aspiring musicians, from its Precollege students through
those pursuing doctoral studies. Oering classical, jazz, and musical theatre
training, MSM grants a range of undergraduate and graduate degrees. True
to MSM’s origins as a music school for children, the Precollege program
continues to oer superior music instruction to 475 young musicians between
the ages of 5 and 18. The School also serves some 2,000 New York City
schoolchildren through its Arts-in-Education Program, and another 2,000
students through its critically acclaimed Distance Learning Program.
Your gift helps a young artist reach for the stars!
To enable Manhattan School of Music to continue educating and inspiring
generations of talented students and audiences alike, please consider making
a charitable contribution today.
Contact the Advancement Oce at 917-493-4434 or visit