Nanostructured Platforms for the Sustained and Local Delivery
of Antibiotics in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis
Vuk Uskoković
Advanced Materials and Nanobiotechnology Laboratory, Richard and Loan Hill Department of
Bioengineering, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, 851 South Morgan St, #205
Chicago, Illinois, 60607-7052
Vuk Uskoković: [email protected]
This article provides a critical view of the current state of the development of nanoparticulate and
other solid-state carriers for the local delivery of antibiotics in the treatment of osteomyelitis.
Mentioned are the downsides of traditional means for treating bone infection, which involve
systemic administration of antibiotics and surgical debridement, along with the rather imperfect
local delivery options currently available in the clinic. Envisaged are more sophisticated carriers
for the local and sustained delivery of antimicrobials, including bioresorbable polymeric,
collagenous, liquid crystalline, and bioglass- and nanotube-based carriers, as well as those
composed of calcium phosphate, the mineral component of bone and teeth. A special emphasis is
placed on composite multifunctional antibiotic carriers of a nanoparticulate nature and on their
ability to induce osteogenesis of hard tissues demineralized due to disease. An ideal carrier of this
type would prevent the long-term, repetitive, and systemic administration of antibiotics and either
minimize or completely eliminate the need for surgical debridement of necrotic tissue. Potential
problems faced by even hypothetically “perfect” antibiotic delivery vehicles are mentioned too,
including (i) intracellular bacterial colonies involved in recurrent, chronic osteomyelitis; (ii) the
need for mechanical and release properties to be adjusted to the area of surgical placement; (iii)
different environments in which in vitro and in vivo testings are carried out; (iv) unpredictable
synergies between drug delivery system components; and (v) experimental sensitivity issues
entailing the increasing subtlety of the design of nanoplatforms for the controlled delivery of
calcium phosphate; composites; controlled drug delivery; nanoparticle; osteomyelitis
Osteomyelitis, the infectious inflammation of bone and one of the oldest documented
diseases, the earliest descriptions of which date back to Hippocrates (fifth century BC),
an illness particularly prevalent among the elderly, diabetics, children, and indigenes of
©2015 Begell House, Inc.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 April 22.
Published in final edited form as:
Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst. 2015 ; 32(1): 1–59.
Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
Third World countries (Fig. 1a). Before the advent of antibiotics, the mortality rate because
of osteomyelitis was 25–45%. Although morbidity due to chronic bone infection has
drastically decreased from the pre-penicillin era, down to ~3% in the past 20 years,
it is still
high on the global scale, and treating the disease continues to be considerably challenging.
The incidence of osteomyelitis in the United States is 1–2%, but the disease is far more
prevalent in developing countries, as well as among particular patient populations:
approximately 1 in 5000 children, 1 in 1000 neonates, 1 in 250 patients with sickle cell
disease, 1 in 7 diabetics, and 1 in 3 patients with punctured foot.
Its comparatively low
prevalence can be explained by the fact that bone is an organ well protected from external
pathogens and is not readily prone to infection. The difficulty faced by invasive pathogens in
an attempt to colonize the bone is, however, directly proportional to the difficulty faced by
clinicians in ensuring the delivery of antibiotics to the site of infection and curing it. The
prevalence of chronic osteomyelitis among patients treated for at least one episode of acute
osteomyelitis is consequently high, in the range of 5–25%.
Strategies for improving the
therapeutic approach in the treatment of osteomyelitis have thus been explored for over a
with a steadily increasing annual number of publications related to it—from 1 to
10 until 1944 to 100–300 from 1944 to 1974 to 713 in 2012 (US National Library of
Medicine), more than in any of the preceding years—going in step with the anticipated
increase in the number of cases of bone disease as the corollary of the aging population
worldwide (Fig. 1b). The number of hip and knee replacement procedures performed in the
United States has, for example, doubled in the past decade, whereas the number of the
reported cases of bone infection accompanying those procedures also has steadily increased
in proportion to the number of surgeries performed (Fig. 2). In spite of using aseptic
techniques and antibiotic prophylaxis, osteomyelitis is estimated to develop in 22–66% of
patients following orthopedic operations, and the corresponding mortality rate could be as
high as 2%.
This review describes (1) the pathologies that cause osteomyelitis; (2) the
traditional therapeutic approach to curing it; and (3) advanced therapeutic methods based on
the design of nanostructured platforms for the sustained and local delivery of antibiotics.
Osteomyelitis is mainly caused by pyogenic bacteria found in healthy oral flora, although
cases of infection caused by fungi are also common.
Bone infections caused by
Brucella suis,
Haemophilus influenzae,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
and pox viruses,
as well as those whereby bone lesions are secondary to
Bacille Calmette-Guérin
or smallpox
vaccination, also have been reported in the
literature. Although many gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria were reported to have
caused osteomyelitis; the great majority of bone infections, however, is staphylococcal in
origin and mostly caused by a single bacterium: Staphylococcus aureus.
In addition to
S. aureus, S. epidermidis is another common cause of osteomyelitis; it is present in up to
90% of bone infections following intraoperative implantation of a foreign material. Because
most cases of osteomyelitis are caused by bacteria that reside on healthy skin and in healthy
oral flora, osteomyelitis is an illness often caused by a bizarrely small scratch or a bite where
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by body fluids become exposed to external pathogens, which then go on to induce septic
arthritis and/or osteomyelitis.
The onset of the infection induces an acute suppurative inflammation, and numerous factors
synergistically contribute to the necrosis of the hard tissues, demineralization of the bone,
and degradation of its collagen matrix: bacteria, pH change, local edema that accumulates
under pressure, vascular obstruction, and leukocyte collagenase.
As the infection
progresses locally, it extends to the adjacent osseous structures through the Haversian and
Volkmann canals, leading to an increased obstruction of vascular channels and necrosis of
more osteocytes in the lacunae. By the time the infection reaches the outer part of the cortex,
it has already caused an inversion of the periosteal blood flow and gained access to the
subperiosteal space, which results in a subperiosteal abscess and the formation of
involucrum, a layer of new bone grown from periosteum stripped from the original bone
under the pressure of pus. Figure 3 shows radiological images of cases of acute and chronic
osteomyelitis (the former came from a clinic and the latter from an animal model),
with involucrum formed around the area of necrotic infection and a periosteal reaction in the
proximal area of the bone, respectively.
Osteomyelitis is particularly prevalent in the facial skeleton because of its accessibility to a
variety of external pathogens and commensal microorganisms.
It also presents a major
complication following orthopedic and maxillofacial surgeries,
including even the most
routine dental extractions.
Although the resistance to infection of healthy bone is naturally
high, implants reduce it by a factor of 10
(i.e., the number of pathogens sufficient to cause
an infection is reduced from 10
to 10
). As a result, intraoperative introduction of bacteria
accounts for the largest number of osteomyelitis cases, with the hip being a particularly
common orthopedic site of infection. Timely treatment of osteomyelitis is required to
prevent its spread to new sites in the body and to avoid systemic osteonecrosis or unaesthetic
facial disfigurement in the case of maxillofacial infection. The typical treatment regimen for
bone infection consists of (1) intravenous administration of antibiotics lasting 2–6 weeks,
frequently followed by a 6-month course of oral antibiotics in the case of chronic infection;
and (2) surgical removal of bone that has undergone necrosis due to restriction of blood flow
by the formed abscesses.
Correspondingly, the major downsides of the conventional
therapeutic approach include (1) systemic administration of the therapeutic agent and its side
effects; (2) low concentration of the therapeutic agent around the site of infection,
potentially inducing resistance of the pathogen to the antibiotic therapy; and (3) irretrievable
bone loss that often requires the insertion of implants or prostheses as lasting bone
substitutes. Moreover, in the advanced stages of infection, when bone necrosis has become
significant, the blood supply to the infected area is inadequate and the lesion is largely
inaccessible to antimicrobial agents transported by the blood stream. All these downsides
provide strong incentives in favor of the development of appropriate carriers for the local
delivery of antibiotics in the treatment of osteomyelitis.
Because of the apparent downsides of traditional therapy, including primarily the systemic
and repetitive administration of antibiotics whereby the therapeutic concentrations in the
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target area constantly fluctuate between toxic and ineffective, steps have been taken to
develop particulate carriers for the local and sustained delivery of antibiotics following their
implantation directly at the zone of infection. Ever since the pioneering research in this field
carried out in Europe in the 1970s,
poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) beads, first
clinically applied in 1972, have been the gold standard for the local delivery of antibiotics to
bone cavities. Currently, there is no clinical alternative to PMMA as a local delivery carrier
for osteomyelitis since they are the only preloaded option approved by the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
PMMA beads loaded with hydrophilic antibiotics, including gentamicin, ceftriaxone,
tobramycin, and vancomycin, have been used with experimental and clinical success in the
Despite this, numerous limitations are associated with the use of PMMA beads.
First, they are not biodegradable and require a secondary surgical procedure for removal
after the antibiotic is released through their porous polymeric structure. Second, PMMA
beads and spacers exhibit burst release
that depletes the drug from the carrier and is
followed by a rather insubstantial release period that may be insufficient to maintain a
therapeutic concentration for the desired 3–4 weeks and may even promote antibiotic
Although release kinetics could be extended by increasing the size of the beads
and increasing the polymerization time, burst release has seemed unavoidable so far.
Because the release is conditioned by the diffusion of the drug through the porous polymeric
network and microscopic cracks in the cement—and not by the degradation of the polymer
the elution profiles show broad variations depending on the nature of the antibiotic,
exhibiting intense burst release and a prompt decrease in concentration below the
therapeutic level in some cases.
Relatively low toxicity results from the absorption of methyl methacrylate monomers and
the associated carboxylesterase-mediated conversion of methyl methacrylate to methacrylic
whereas biofilm frequently forms on antibiotic-laden PMMA beads, hindering the
antimicrobial action.
Although products preloaded with gentamicin are available on the
market (Septopal), most clinically applied PMMA beads are loaded with the antibiotic just
before surgical insertion
(Fig. 4), which can lead to inconsistent release profiles.
nullifies the producer’s liability for the product and makes it therapeutically applicable only
with the patient’s consent.
Finally, a comprehensive clinical study has yet to prove that
PMMA beads are more effective than the systemic antibiotic delivery approach in treating
orthopedic infections.
No significant difference in the treatment success rate was typically
observed when debridement was followed by the implantation of antibiotic-containing
PMMA beads for local release or the prescription of systemic antibiotics.
The lower cost
of the therapy is often considered the only advantage of local delivery using PMMA
Consequently, a large population of clinicians is skeptical about the benefits of
local delivery in the management of osteomyelitis compared with the traditional approach
and resorts to the latter in their practice.
With no nonbiodegradable bone substitutes for load-bearing applications in sight for either
the biomedical device market or anywhere in clinical testing, for many decades now the
greatest potential among the bone engineers has been logically ascribed to bioresorbable
implants. However, the only currently clinically available bioresorbable alternative to
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PMMA beads, predominantly used outside the United States, is calcium sulfate cements.
Unlike PMMA, whose monomeric absorption has previously caused intraoperative
cardiopulmonary complications during arthroplasty,
calcium sulfates are nontoxic and
inexpensive and have been successfully used as a drug carrier in the treatment of
In addition to being used since the late 19th century as a bone filler in
their hemihydrate form, also known as plaster of Paris,
calcium sulfates have been applied
in reparative dentistry for maxillary sinus floor augmentation
and for the repair of
periodontal defects
and root perforations.
In addition to their exceptional softness and
poor handling features, the main downside is that they are resorbed rapidly, in a matter of
weeks—faster than the bone ingrowth rate—which can lead to mechanical implant failure.
An ideal bioresorbable implant provides a mechanical support that is gradually transferred to
the newly formed bone, a requirement that calcium sulfates do not satisfy. They can also
cause severe drainage at the wound site after the surgical implantation,
as well as the
formation of a fibrous gap in the area where the slowly ingrowing bone replaces the rapidly
resorbing cement,
the same effect that is expected to result from the use of aragonite
calcium phosphate phases, such as tricalcium
or dicalcium
phosphates, as bone fillers;
these are more soluble than hydroxyapatite, the calcium phosphate constituent of bone. Also,
as a result of their relatively fast degradation in the body, the concentration of the antibiotic
at the target site and its mean blood serum concentration over the first month following
implantation are lower when compared with hydroxyapatite.
For this reason, and in view
of the fact that calcium sulfates have not led to therapeutic outcomes any better than those of
PMMA implants,
their use as an ideal bioresorbable delivery vehicle for antibiotics and a
void filler in bony defects has been questioned.
As noted earlier, two main disadvantages of the traditional treatment of osteomyelitis
include (1) systemic distribution of the therapeutic agent and (2) the need for surgical
removal of necrotic bone. Options for sustained antibiotic release that can ensure high local
concentrations and low serum concentrations of the drug
already exist, and progress in
terms of promoting the osteogenic activity of the carrier is expected in the future. Whereas
local and sustained release of the drug could overcome the need for prolonged oral and/or
intravenous antibiotic therapies, the induction of osteogenesis by the carrier itself or the
growth factors released from it could eliminate or at least minimize the surgical removal of
affected bone, along with the frequent skeletal deformations and unaesthetic physical
disfigurements it entails. Patients with diabetic neuropathy are prone to developing
osteomyelitis of the forefoot, which often leads to minor amputation
; with the
development of osteogenic carriers that could revitalize the diseased bone, however, such
clinical cases could be coped with in a manner less traumatic for the patient. For example, in
parallel with the drug release process, the particles may decompose, dissipating their
osteogenic contents and thus fostering the bone healing process and natural restoration of the
portion of bone damaged by the pathogen. The therapeutic approach to treating
osteomyelitis would clearly yield a whole new dimension by using one such osteogenic drug
delivery platform. After all, with an ideal therapeutic agent serving a dual purpose of (1)
eliminating the source of illness and (2) revitalizing the organism, the conception of drug
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delivery carriers that exhibit simultaneous bactericidal and osteogenic performance is
A. Calcium Phosphates
Calcium phosphates occupy a special place among the biodegradable drug carriers of
antibiotics in bone repair. They have been traditionally considered a convenient choice for
the synthetic substitute of hard tissues because of their excellent biocompatibility,
osteoconductivity, lack of cytotoxicity, nonimmunogenicity, and sufficient loading
capacities, thanks to which hydroxyapatite, their least soluble phase, has been used as a
chromatographic adsorbent of proteins,
nucleic acids,
and microorganisms.
Excellent adsorption properties of hydroxyapatite are the result of its positively charged
surface Ca
ions engaging in an anion-exchange interaction with deprotonated carboxyl
groups of proteins and the negatively charged PO
groups engaging in a cation-exchange
interaction with protonated amino groups of proteins.
Moreover, hydroxyapatite possesses
different net charges on the a and c planes of its hexagonal crystal lattice—positive and
negative, respectively,
which renders it effective in the crystallographically selective
binding of multiple molecular entities. Other variations of hydroxyapatite, such as
carbonated apatite
and biphasic calcium phosphate,
possessed an even greater protein
adsorption capacity, given an identical particle size and specific surface area, which was
hypothesized to be due to their greater solubility, which increases the ionic strength in the
medium and the surface exposition of the polar residues of proteins, thus increasing the
binding efficacy.
Hydroxyapatite also has been used as an amphiphilic stabilizer in
Pickering emulsions, suggesting its ability to interact with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic
Unlike PMMA, calcium phosphates are fully bioresorbable, and the rate of their degradation
could be tentatively tuned by controlling the phase composition of the compound.
as can be seen in Table 1, calcium phosphates can adopt a variety of stoichiometries,
covering a range of solubility product values, from 0.07 for anhydrous and monohydrous
monocalcium phosphates to 10
for monetite and brushite to 10
for α-tricalcium
phosphate to 10
for hydroxyapatite.
Of course, because more ionic species exist in the
stoichiometric formulas of the less soluble phases, the difference in solubility is of a lesser
magnitude than that in the solubility product, amounting to approximately 6 · 10
, 1.6 · 10
and 8.3 times higher solubility for monocalcium phosphate, monetite, and α-tricalcium
phosphate, respectively, compared with hydroxyapatite (0.3 mg/dm
) in water at 37°C and
at a physiological pH.
Particle size presents an important consideration in the design of most optimal degradation
and release profiles, and nanosized calcium phosphates have proved to be far more
advantageous than the microsized ones,
a natural consequence of the fact that bone itself
contains apatite particles with nanosized dimensions
(20 × 10 × 2 nm, on average
Furthermore, porosity that is controllable via sintering at elevated temperatures could be
used to vary the degradation rate in vivo within a wide window of values; again, nanosized
and fully dispersed hydroxyapatite is highly bioresorbable and the denser formulations are
resorbable to a significantly lesser degree,
leading to hypotheses that nonporous, sintered
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hydroxyapatite blocks should be stable in biological milieus for centuries.
In this case the
drug release rate tends to be directly proportional to the resorption rate, that is, significantly
higher for the more porous calcium phosphate microstructures.
Stoichiometry of single-
phase compositions, implant geometry, ionic substitutions, crystallinity, and macro- and
microporosity are other factors known to greatly affect the degradation rate of calcium
phosphates in vivo.
When self-setting calcium phosphates pastes are used, the powder-
to-liquid ratio, initial viscosity, pH, and the presence of additives, such as crystallization
seeds, inhibitors, or dispersants, are additional factors that influence the hardening
properties, the degradation kinetics, and the rates of resorption and new bone ingrowth,
which usually range anywhere between 3 months and 3 years.
Calcium phosphates are also a component of the mineral phase of hard tissues, which makes
them a natural candidate for bone-filling drug carriers. With bone acting as a natural
reservoir for calcium and phosphate ions,
any excessive amounts thereof could be
regulated in favor of new bone growth. Calcium and phosphate ions released upon the
degradation of these compounds can also stimulate osteoblastic differentiation
and be used as ionic ingredients for the formation of new bone. Another
advantage of calcium phosphates is that they could be sterilized by a variety of techniques,
including γ-irradiation, gas plasma, supercritical carbon dioxide, or even steam autoclaving
(in the case of hydroxyapatite), without causing adverse effects to their structure and
properties. By contrast, in general there is currently no established sterilization procedure for
polymers that does not modify their structure to some degree, due to (1) physical
deformations and chemical changes—scission and cross-linking that occur upon
alongside practically inevitable degradation of an encapsulated drug
; (2)
surface chemistry modifications that occur upon the application of ethylene oxide, hydrogen
peroxide, or ozone
; (3) bulk structural changes and a decrease in the molecular weight
that occur during γ-irradiation,
while a difficult regulatory path is posed before novel or
nontraditional sterilization methods.
Calcium phosphates are also relatively easy to prepare in a variety of morphological
although not at a particle size below 20 nm, as is the case with metals. Different
calcium phosphate particle morphologies possess different bioactivities,
which allows
for the optimization of their biological response by means of controlling morphological and
specific crystal face exposition. Calcium phosphates are also naturally precipitated in a
nanosized form, and the use of nanoparticulate calcium phosphates could be considered as a
win–win solution in the quest for simultaneous bactericidal and osteogenic properties.
Namely, the drug adsorption efficiency is directly proportional to the specific surface area of
the adsorbent and inversely proportional to the particle size.
The large surface area of
nanosized calcium phosphates thus increases their drug-loading capacity and makes them a
more effective bactericidal agent.
At the same time, nanosized calcium phosphates
possess higher bioactivity than their microsized counterparts,
an insight that is natural
in view of the nanosized dimensions (30 × 20 × 2 nm)
of mineral particles in bone. Last
but not least, calcium phosphates are one of the safest nanomaterials evaluated for toxicity
so far.
Figure 5a displays round hydroxyapatite nanoparticles obtained by precipitation
from alkaline aqueous solutions and highlights their ability to capture large amounts of drug
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molecules in the pores between the particles upon desiccation at low pressure.
Mechanistically similar intraporous loading of hydroxyapatite with a drug was reported
earlier for isepamacin sulfate, an aminoglycoside antibiotic.
The same effect of extended
release could be achieved by compacting the antibiotic-loaded calcium phosphate powders
under pressure.
PerOssal, a commercial mixture comprising 51.5% nanocrystalline
hydroxyapatite and 48.5% calcium sulfate, for example, relies on such compaction of
nanoparticles to ensure sustained release of antibiotics.
1. Concerns Pertaining to the Use of Calcium Phosphates—The application of
calcium phosphate particles as drug delivery carriers naturally has its downsides, and the
main one comes from their difficult surface functionalization. This is, in part, the effect of
their ionic nature, which dictates that the surface layers undergo rapid reorganization via
dissolution/reprecipitation phenomena in ionic media. As evidence of this effect, ζ potential
of hydroxyapatite particles changed with the immersion time, indicating an exchange of ions
across the interface layer and its restructuring following local changes in the solvent
Despite the presence of calcium, phosphate, and hydroxyl ionic groups on
the particle surface, which, in theory, would allow the binding of an array of functional
groups, the intense ionic exchange between the particle surface and its ionic milieu renders
this approach inoperative for dispersed particles. Compared with calcium phosphate
nanoparticles, silanol groups on the surface of silica nanoparticles offer greater stability and
more facile functionalization with organic molecules, having the same role as monolayers of
thiol groups chemisorbed on the surface of silver, copper, or gold
and carboxylic or
phosphonic acid moieties on the surface of metal oxides or quantum dots. Their downside,
however, is an uncertain fate in the body and an array of inflammatory and oxidative
stresses possibly induced in it, ranging from mitochondrial dysfunction to genotoxicity to
pulmonary congestion to hepatocyte necrosis.
Unlike polymeric materials (e.g., hyaluronic acid), whose viscosity could be controlled to a
greater degree by means of chemical or photochemical cross-linking, thixotropic calcium
phosphate cements exhibit a far narrower window of setting rates, which significantly limits
the flexibility of their surgical handling. Variations in the concentration of plasticizing
additives, liquid-to-solid ratio, particle size and sphericity, and ionic strength of the liquid
phase have all been studied in a search for the optimal conditions for the fabrication of
injectable but cohesive calcium phosphate pastes and putties.
On the other side of the
spectrum, occupied by solid and strictly implantable materials, nonsintered calcium
phosphates in particular—which are strong but fragile and most interesting for drug delivery
applications are hardly formable and also are difficult to surgically attach to bone with
screws and intramedullary rods, for which reason they are often combined with a tougher,
more ductile organic phase to mimic the mechanical properties of bone itself.
Also, as a
consequence of uncontrolled ripening in the nucleation and crystal growth stages,
monodisperse calcium phosphates are difficult to prepare in a broad array of sizes, which
poses obstacles to systematic studies of the effect of calcium phosphate particle size on
Last but not least, the most important disadvantage of calcium phosphates is that they have
little or no ability to be loaded with organic molecules via intercalation, which limits the
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loading mechanism to physisorption only and makes prolonged release difficult to achieve.
Namely, burst release typically results when the drug is adsorbed on the surface of the
carrier, and while, on one hand, this effect is favorable in terms of ensuring that the minimal
inhibitory concentration for the given pathogen is exceeded, it can also deplete the carrier
from the antibiotic and make its further release therapeutically ineffective. Still, a
tremendous difference between microsized and nanosized calcium phosphate particles was
found: Whereas the concentration of vancomycin released from the former was below the
detection limit 10 days after the implantation, nanoparticles of the same composition were
able to sustain the therapeutic level of release for up to 6 weeks.
Extended release from
porous calcium phosphate cements and its therapeutic effects in vivo were confirmed on
numerous other occasions.
Finally, because of relatively low ζ potentials (<15 mV on
the absolute scale), calcium phosphates form sols of low stability; simple and rapid
precipitation procedures for their formation in the low crystalline and nanoparticulate form,
on the other hand, enable them to be prepared before their clinical application.
2. Calcium Phosphate as an Intrinsically Osteoinductive Material—Calcium
phosphates have been generally considered as osteoconductive materials in the sense that
they support bone growth on them, although their ability to upregulate the expression of
osteogenic markers and boost osteoblastic differentiation, making them osteoinductive, too,
has been reported on numerous occasions.
The addition of growth factors, such as
bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), also has made calcium phosphates
although the same osteoinductive effect achieved by BMP-2 on
human mesenchymal stem cells was accomplished by nanosized hydroxyapatite particles.
In a corresponding study composites for the delivery of recombinant human BMP-2 (rH-
BMP-2) to mice and rabbits, comprising poly(D, L-lactic acid), p-dioxanone, polyethylene
glycol (PEG), and β-tricalcium phosphate needed less of the BMP than the same composites
that excluded hydroxyapatite from their composition to induce the same osteopromoting
effect and new bone formation.
Another study demonstrated that the expression of
BMP-2 in human periodontal ligament cells increased upon stimulation with nanosized
Optimization of substrate topography was able to yield the same
differentiation–induction effect as the chemical differentiation agents in the transformation
of mesenchymal stem cells to osteoblastic ones,
and a similar approach that could be
applied to ensure induced osteogenic response of bone cells without the use of expensive
growth factors would be great news, especially since bone infection is an illness known to
be particularly prevalent among patients in the Third World countries, for whom
affordability presents a vital feature of a marketed drug. This does not even consider that the
use of rHBMP-2 in bone augmentation procedures has induced ectopic bone formation,
osteolysis, pseudoarthrosis, inflammatory reactions in soft tissues, increased risk of
malignancies, and other adverse effects,
raising significant concerns over its safety in
the recent years.
The combination of rHBMP-2 with calcium phosphates has, however,
mitigated these adversities associated with the direct infusion of the given growth factor or
its delivery using organic carriers.
The naturally bactericidal citrate ion, accounting for
5.5 wt% of the organic content of bone, where it coats hydroxyapatite crystals at 0.5
and stabilizes them in the collagen matrix,
increases in concentration in
parallel with the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblasts
and has been
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proposed as an alternative to BMPs in view of the ability of composites comprising
hydroxyapatite, in combination with polymers based on citric acid, to facilely regenerate
necrotic bone.
To render calcium phosphates as a base for an authentically osteogenic material by including
cell components capable of bone production, such as osteoprogenitor cells or differentiated
osteoblasts, however, the formation of porous scaffolds based on calcium phosphates is
needed, comprising a difficult but not impossible task.
For example, with the addition
of only 3 vol% gelatin, electrospinning, the method traditionally used to obtain polymeric
scaffolds, could be used to prepare calcium phosphate scaffolds as well.
methods based on the usage of porous biological hard tissues as casting molds for the
synthesis of structurally similar inorganic scaffolds also have recently gained popularity.
In addition, a combination of self-setting pastes and porogens, such as mannitol
hydrogen peroxide,
inorganic crystals,
poly-(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA),
or other hydrophobic compounds,
was also used to create macroporous calcium phosphate formulations. Calcium phosphate
nanoparticles were successfully incorporated in polymeric,
or carbon
scaffolds with the purpose of promoting greater adsorption of adhesive serum
proteins and inducing bone growth. Simple admixing of microsized polymeric spheres into
calcium phosphate cements is another method used to produce macroporosity sufficient to
provide a proliferation milieu for host cells after the degradation of the polymeric phase.
3. Prospect of Ion-Substituted Calcium Phosphates—By affecting their lattice
parameters, crystallinity, and the solubility product, ionic substitutions in calcium
phosphates seem to have a large effect on a range of their physicochemical
While geological apatite can accommodate half of all the elements of the
periodic table in its crystal lattice,
biological apatite contains about a dozen different ions
as impurities, which has provided a rationale for the expected improvement in the biological
response to ion-substituted calcium phosphates.
Substitution of Ca
with K
, Na
, or
other alkali ions can, for example, increase the solubility of hydroxyapatite beyond that of
tricalcium phosphate.
Like Na
, Mg
is an ion that inhibits the nucleation of
However, it is also the ion for which bone is the biggest reservoir in the body
and whose deficiency logically reduces bone growth,
explaining numerous attempts to
augment existing calcium phosphate formulations by doping them with Mg
Together with Mg
, Zn
has been found in subnormal concentrations in osteoporotic
patients, suggesting the vital role of these two cations in proper bone remodeling.
Because of the essential role of Zn
in the production of more than one bone growth
protein, including the zinc finger containing transcription factor Osterix,
the deficiency of
this micronutrient was proven to have detrimental repercussions on bone development, as
which is another argument in favor of its incorporation into calcium phosphates
designed for bone substitutes. Zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite containing 1.6 wt% of Zn
possessed a more pronounced antibacterial effect against S. aureus compared with pure
Selenium is another element with strong antimicrobial properties that has
been introduced to carbonated hydroxyapatite via CO
substitution, with the
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resulting material being able to inhibit the formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and S.
aureus biofilm on its surface.
Silicon (Si) and strontium (Sr) are present in newly formed bone in the amounts of 0.5
and 0.03 wt%, respectively, and a more viable biological response was detected upon the
implantation of Si-doped and Sr-doped hydroxyapatite compared with pure
The most probable reason for this lies in the osteopromotive
properties of Si and Sr ions per se; Si has been demonstrated to increase bone mass density
and angiogenesis during new bone growth,
whereas Sr upregulates the expression of the
osteoblastic protein osteoprotegerin, which inhibits the production of RANKL and hinders
the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts.
Incorporation of either of these two ions
in the crystal lattice of hydroxyapatite increased the degradation of the compound in
Vanadium is another element critical for healthy bone development because of
its ability to stimulate mineralization of collagen and proliferation of osteoblasts,
but the
bioactivity of vanadium-doped calcium phosphates
has yet to be assessed.
Calcium phosphates are able to sequester heavy ions from the environment, such as Pb
and As
, which is why they have been used as adsorbents in water purification.
phosphate particles could thus be easily doped with Eu
, Tb
, Gd
, La
, or other
lanthanides and be made luminescent and used for imaging applications.
Hydroxyapatite labeled with
Sm, or
H radionuclides could also be
considered for simultaneous bone substitution and imaging applications.
hydroxyapatite with alkaline earth metals and magnetic elements, such as cobalt
yielded other impure forms of calcium phosphate that have been intensively
researched for their unique bioactive properties.
Superparamagnetic hydroxyapatite
obtained by doping with approximately 10 wt% Fe
was hailed as a far less toxic
alternative to magnetite when used as a heating material for hyperthermia-based bone cancer
Finally, carbonated hydroxyapatite, structurally similar to its biomineralized
form, has been frequently demonstrated to be superior in terms of its bioactivity compared
with its stoichiometric, noncarbonated counterpart.
Explored alternatives to calcium phosphates and the two aforementioned materials in actual
clinical use, PMMA and calcium sulfate, include mainly various polymeric materials,
bioactive glasses, liquid crystals, collagen, and titanium nanotubes; these are discussed in
the sections that follow.
B. Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers
Synthetic biodegradable polymers proposed as potential antibiotic carriers in the site-
specific treatment of osteomyelitis are predominantly poly(α-hydroxy esters).
them, poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA), poly(glycolic acid) (PGA), PLGA,
and poly(ε-
(PCL) have been studied most. All of these compositions have a proven
history of encapsulating arrays of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds, including
and enabling their sustained, first-order release over prolonged periods of
While being formable in situ and capable of fitting practically any shape of a bone
defect to be filled, they also allow for fine-tuning of their mechanical and degradation
properties via control over their chemical structure, including parameters such as molecular
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weight, crystallinity, cross-linking ratio, and end-group identity. For example, the
decomposition kinetics of PLGA could be easily controlled by varying the lactide-to-
glycolide ratio and made to match the rate of new bone formation; namely, while PLLA has
a relatively lengthy degradation time scale, ranging from 3 months to over a year, depending
on the molecular weight, crystallinity, and other physicochemical factors, a gradual increase
in PGA content shortens this degradation to a matter of weeks for PLGA 50:50 as a result of
the decreased crystallinity and higher hydrolysis rate of PGA, after which the crystallinity
and resistance to degradation increase again at higher PGA contents, producing the
characteristic U-shaped curve (Fig. 6a).
An example of how sensitive the kinetics of
degradation and drug release could be to cross-linking ratio is shown in Fig. 6b; whereas 0.5
% of cross-linking in an acrylic hydrogel completes release in less than 5 hours, 1% of
cross-linking promotes sustained release over a period of 8 days.
Other biodegradable
synthetic polymers developed and tested as potential carriers of antibiotics in the treatment
of osteomyelitis include poly(trimethylene carbonate)
; polyamide fibers
polyhydroxyalkanoates, e.g., poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate)
; and
polyanhydrides, e.g., poly(sebacic anhydride)
; poly(sebacic-co-ricinoleic-ester-
; or Septacin,
a copolymer of dimeric erucic acid and sebacic acid.
Polymeric composites are also the subjects of intense research. For example, a layer-by-
layer technique was used to grow multilayered polyelectrolyte films incorporating
gentamicin and comprising a cationic poly(β-amino ester) and anionic poly(acrylic acid) on
top of nondegradable poly(ethyleneimine) and poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate). Despite the
fact that more than two-thirds of the drug content were released in the first 3 days, the
implants were successful in treating S. aureus infection in a rabbit bone model.
1. Concerns Pertaining to the Use of Aliphatic Polyesters—Although poly(α-
hydroxy esters) have been successfully used in bone tissue engineering since the early
there exists a concern that their acidic degradation products may favor
bacterial growth and promote hard-tissue resorption and bone mass loss,
experimentally evidenced in the past. In spite of the supposed safe inclusion of the
byproducts of the degradation of PLLA-based polymers in the metabolic cycles of the host
organism (e.g., lactic acid is secreted by osteoclasts to resorb bone and is also one of the
compounds in the Krebs cycle), chronic inflammation has often resulted as a response to
their implantation in bone tissue engineering.
Another concern is that this
acidification effect may render rather ineffective antibiotics whose antimicrobial
effectiveness exists within only a narrow window of pH values. A decrease in pH from 7.4
to 5.5, for example, has led to a 16-fold increase in the minimum inhibitory concentration of
clindamycin with respect to S. aureus.
Poly(α-hydroxy esters) also lack the mechanical
properties required for load-bearing applications; PLGA, combining the adsorptive stability
of PLA with the mechanical strength of PGA, is the most favored and thus the most
researched option with respect to this intrinsic drawback.
C. Gels and Bioderived Polymers
Aqueous monoolein gels are an example of a liquid crystal system that was used to deliver
gentamicin sulfate for 3 weeks without the burst effect.
A mannosylated poly-
phosphoester gel with the capability of targeting macrophages and releasing the antibiotic
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payload in a site-activated manner, that is, only after being degraded by the bacterial
enzymes, was developed.
Use of the osteointegrating effects of calcium phosphates was
attempted by incorporating them into cubic liquid crystals of gentamicin–mono-olein–water
Various combinations of calcium phosphates with gelatins, that is, mixtures
of peptides and proteins resulting from partial degradation of collagen, also were
Among other bioderived polymers, some have been used to encapsulate
antibiotics, such as albumin
or dextran,
but have not been reported in bone-related
experimental trials, except in combination with more mechanically stable, inorganic phases.
Albumin coatings around allografts, for example, improved cell adhesion and
and enhanced bone healing,
whereas the use of dextran as a porogen in
PMMA beads boosted the release of vancomycin, daptomycin, and amika-cin.
Conversely, silk fibroin coating around PCL microspheres managed to reduce the initial
burst release of vancomycin and extend the timeframe of its release.
copolymers are particularly interesting because of their tunable stiffness as the function of
the silk-to-alginate ratio and the concentration of the crosslinker,
but they have not been
used yet for the controlled delivery of antibiotics. Other natural polysaccharides, such as
and hyaluronic acid,
have been both
used for the controlled release of antibiotics in vitro and tested as a component of
antimicrobial bone grafts in vivo. Pectin microspheres, alone and in combination with
chitosan, were used to encapsulate ciprofloxacin and were more effective in treating
osteomyelitis than intramuscularly administered antibiotic in a rat model.
A cross-linked
amylose starch matrix loaded with ciprofloxacin prevented and eradicated infection more
effectively than oral ciprofloxacin treatments in dogs with an infected femur.
Vancomycin encapsulated within alginate beads and distributed in a fibrin gel scaffold was
used to treat infected tibiae in rabbits.
Still, the most researched among bioderived
polymers as a potential carrier of antibiotics in the treatment and prevention of orthopedic
infection is collagen.
D. Collagen Sponges
Outside the United States in the 1980s, collagen sponges, also known as fleeces, began to be
used as the major alternative to PMMA beads for the local delivery of antibiotics. Their
application has been justified by a moderate number of clinical and in vivo studies.
example, compared with PMMA beads, sponge-like collagen carriers of gentamicin were 7
times more effective in reducing the bacterial colony count in the treatment of osteomyelitis
caused by S. aureus in the tibiae of rats.
Also, the placement of gentamicin-eluting
collagen fleece around the fixation plate during the surgical treatment of open bone fracture
prevented surgical site infection from occurring and promoted bone union in a large
population of patients.
In fact, rather than as a bone filler, collagen has been mostly used
as a material for postsurgical prophylaxis in the treatment of infectious disease.
1. Concerns Pertaining to the Use of Collagen—In spite of (1) the viable tensile
strength of collagen, (2) its ability to foster cellular attachment, and (3) the fact that collagen
sponges have been successfully used in the past,
the choice of antibiotics in their
clinically applicable versions has been limited to gentamicin only, alongside other
disadvantages that collagen intrinsically possesses. The main problem associated with the
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application of collagen and its derivatives as bone fillers comes from the intrinsic
immunogenicity of the collagen molecule,
namely, most of it is xenogenic in origin
because it is difficult to obtain directly from a patient, and recombinant technologies and the
methods to extract the immunogenic, telopeptide portion of collagen molecules are not only
of limited availability but also lead to reduced bioactivity of the protein.
collagen has been successfully applied topically, for example, in biodegradable sutures and
as a prophylactic wound dressing carrier of antibiotics,
its mere subcutaneous
epithelialization may lead to undesired immunogenic or antigenic responses.
While it
can lead to antigenic and inflammatory responses, collagen is also typified by comparatively
uncontrolled degradation and drug release rates in the body.
For this reason, a
combination of collagen sponges with other polymers has been used to render more
sustained drug release profiles. One such composite material enriched with chitosan
microspheres and delivering recombinant human BMP-2 considerably outperformed a pure
collagen sponge loaded with the same growth factor in terms of new bone growth
enhancement, bone/implant integration, and the duration of drug release.
E. Silicon-Based Materials
Porous bioactive glass scaffolds loaded with ceftriaxone demonstrated a higher local
concentration of the antibiotic 6 weeks after the implantation compared with a parenteral
treatment composed of two injections per day.
Silicate-to-borate replacement in bioactive
glasses produced materials that also were used for the controlled delivery of vancomycin or
teicoplanin and repair of infected bone in rabbits.
Partial substitution of PO
of hydroxyapatite with SiO
species resulted in a calcium phosphate–based glass ceramic
able to release vancomycin in a sustained manner over 2 weeks after cross-linking with
The addition of Ag
ions to phosphate-based glasses led to their sustained
release and bactericidal effect against S. aureus biofilms.
Further research will, however,
be necessary to show whether such antibiotic-free methods are capable of acting against
severe bone infections. As far as silica-containing materials are concerned, xerogels
obtainable from a solgel process were used to encapsulate and ensure the prolonged release
of vancomycin, with the water-to-alkoxysilane molar ratio being discerned as a parameter
for the control of release kinetics.
Zeolites, microporous aluminosilicates with
pronounced (1) antibacterial,
(2) adsorptive,
and (3) bone-protective dietary
properties, inhibited osteoclast-mediated bone resorption in vitro,
but their application as
a component of bone fillers in combination with calcium phosphates or other
osteoconductive phases is still a largely unexplored area. Metal-organic frameworks,
mesoporous materials structurally related to zeolites,
have been proposed as potentially
efficient drug delivery carriers,
including in applications that pertain to bone
which, however, they have yet to be tested for. Their main weakness is
rapid degradability in aqueous media, and structural variants with increased stability in
water are being intensively sought.
F. Metals
The widespread rise in the resistance of common pathogens to organic antibiotics has led to
a greater degree of consideration of the use of metals to prevent or treat infection,
many of them, such as silver-impregnated fabrics used as prophylactic dressings during
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wound healing,
regularly applied in the clinic. Because of its antimicrobial properties,
the first metal proposed for use in the treatment of osteomyelitis was silver; be it alone or in
the form of nylon wire composites, clinical testing resulted in a 65% success rate and no
evidence of postoperative argyria.
Titania nanotubes formed by electrochemical
anodization on the surface of titanium nanowires used for bone fixation were capable of
being loaded with gentamicin and releasing it over a period of 2 weeks.
In another study,
however, the same combination of gentamicin and TiO
nanotubes with an 80-nm diameter
and 400-nm length led to prompt release of the drug in only 1–2 hours, but it still reduced
the adhesion of Staphylococcus epidermis on the surface compared with pure titanium.
Surface etching and anodization parameters could be used to modify the diameter of the
nanotubes and thereby control the rate of diffusion of the drug stored in them into the
biological environment.
Surface texture of the material is also a property of interest; for example, electropolishing of
a Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy decreased the amount of S. aureus adhering to it.
A tradeoff,
however, is expected to arise because osteoblasts, which compete with the bacteria for the
bioactive surface of the implant in a process that greatly determines the clinical outcome,
also prefer to attach to rougher surfaces, such as those that typify naturally topographically
irregular calcium phosphates.
To that end, titanium implants are being subjected to
sandblasting and etching procedures,
as well as coated with bioactive layers,
predominantly hydroxyapatite,
to make up for their intrinsic bioinertness and have
their bioactivity boosted before surgical insertion.
G. Composites
In the design of nanoparticles for biomedical applications great emphasis has been placed on
particles capable of simultaneously aiding in prevention, early detection, and treatment of a
medical condition. With antibiotic calcium sulfate cements already in use in prophylaxis
against surgical wound infection, it can be expected that theranostic particles able to
simultaneously prevent, monitor, or diagnose the onset of infection and release antimicrobial
agents to prevent its early spread may be developed in the future. In that sense fantastic
multifunctional composite nanoparticles can be considered to be the ideal toward which the
nanoparticle fabrication field will advance (Fig. 7a). The difficulties in achieving stable,
chemical functionalization of calcium phosphate particles with therapeutic ligands can be
mitigated by coating them with a chemically bondable layer, such as PLGA
or by forming around the calcium phosphate core multilayered composite particle
with an ability to carry various therapeutic agents either between the calcium
phosphate layers or within the polymeric coatings (Fig. 5b–d). Through a simple series of
chemical steps, polymeric coatings can also be conjugated with various targeting or
therapeutic ligands.
Binding amino acids with appropriate physical properties via PEG
linkers, for example, phenylalanine as a hydrophobic residue, lysine as a positively charged
one, and glutamic acid as a negatively charged one, can be used to increase the drug-binding
affinity of the polymeric surface.
Tailoring of the nanodiamond particle surface with
carboxylic or amino groups to render it negatively or positively charged under physiological
conditions, respectively, greatly affected the binding and release of various drugs; binding of
the negatively charged drug by physisorption to an amine-functionalized surface is so
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intensive that virtually no release in vitro occurred.
Such combinations of various loading
locations on the particle could potentially yield multiple-stage release profiles that might not
only favor the antimicrobial efficacy of the particles in vivo but also prove to be beneficial in
increasing the regenerative capacity of the carriers, given that the tissue regeneration process
following injury can be divided into multiple stages (Fig. 7b), each of which could be
targeted and augmented by a specific particle additive released within a precisely tailored
time window. To avoid adverse outcomes resulting from obviation or incompletion of any
single one of the interconnected steps in the bone-healing cascade (Fig. 7c, d), the
biomolecular machinery involved in every one of these stages could be targeted separately
and triggered at the right time by using such a smart composite particle that sequentially
releases its multiple payload in a highly controlled, spatiotemporal manner. An interesting
approach to achieving such multimodal release profiles is through cooperative assembly of
block copolymers as elemental building blocks of the particle, each of which carries a
unique therapeutic payload and degrades at a different rate.
The combination of calcium phosphates with a polymeric component can also be beneficial
for the second essential function to be achieved by these nanoparticulate drug carriers, in
addition to their antibacterial role: assistance in bone regeneration. Namely, since bone itself
is a composite material comprising a soft, collagenous component and a hard, ceramic one,
it is natural to expect that a soft/hard composite of a similar nature should prove an ideal
material for bone replacement therapies. In view of this, a range of properties of calcium
phosphates is improved upon their combination with a polymeric phase, starting, most
essentially, with the mechanical ones. Namely, it is generally assumed that the
microstructure and nanoarchitecture of calcium phosphates alone cannot be modified in such
a manner as to make the material mechanically compatible with the grafted bone and
prevent the frequent fracture of the filler upon its surgical placement to substitute natural
Only a combination with a soft component is thought to be able to ameliorate these
fundamental issues associated with the clinical application of calcium phosphates. The
combination of viscoelastic properties of the polymers and osteoconductivity of calcium
phosphates has yielded composites that surpassed the resistance to fracture, structural
integrity, and stiffness of the individual components,
making up for the low compressive
strength of the former and the brittleness and lack of malleability of the latter.
Reinforcement with polypropylene fumarate,
for example, improved the flexural strength
of brushite from 1.8 to 16.1 MPa and increased the fracture surface energy from 2.7 to 249
. Although calcium phosphates exhibit relatively high values of compressive strength
(10–100 MPa), as opposed to tensile and shear strengths (1–10 MPa), even these values
could be improved with the addition of a polymer, as exemplified by the doubling of the
compressive strength of a biphasic calcium phosphate cement, from 35 to 60 MPa, upon the
incorporation of only 0.5 vol% of a superplasticizer based on a vinyl-modified
as well as upon the addition of gelatin
or ammonium polyacrylate.
Polymers could also increase the plastic flow and enhance the viscosity of the material, thus
making possible its preparation in the form of an injectable self-setting paste,
there is usually a fine line dividing an excessive increase in the setting time from improved
mechanical properties.
Finally, the resorption time and the corresponding bone
ingrowth rate significantly increased when hydroxyapatite was implanted as a bone
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substitute in vivo in a composite form, in combination with PLGA,
a polymer that is
able to accelerate the resorption of calcium phosphates by releasing its acidic degradation
Yet another tradeoff exists here: An increase in the porosity of the ceramic
substructure of the composite leads to improved bioresorption characteristics but
simultaneously entails an increased susceptibility of the material to crack propagation and
the corresponding proneness to fail under load-bearing conditions.
Such composite particles showed promise in earlier research. Gentamicin-containing
granules composed of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, chitosan, and ethyl cellulose, for
example, were effective in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis.
Another prospective
hybrid organic–inorganic system was formed by dispersing silsesquioxane microspheres
loaded with acetylsalicylic acid as an anti-inflammatory model drug in a calcium phosphate
Similar composites reduced in size to the nano scale may be recognized as a
trend toward which this field will be moving (Fig. 8). Polymeric coatings may also increase
the loading capacity and prevent the burst release of the drug merely adsorbed on the
particle surface. Coating chitosan/tricalcium phosphate composites with 2.5w/v% PCL has
thus mitigated the burst release effect and promoted zero-order kinetics for the release of
vancomycin during the first 6 weeks.
Impregnation of the poly(α-hydroxy esters) with
bone morphogenetic proteins has been shown to (1) overcome the inflammatory response,
(2) induce full bioresorption of the polymer, and (3) enhance bone growth,
while the
addition of demineralized bone particles to PLGA reduced (1) inflammation, (2) fibrous
tissue encapsulation, and (3) foreign body giant cell response.
The combinations of
alkaline calcium phosphate phases, such as hydroxyapatite or octacalcium phosphate, with
acidic poly(α-hydroxy esters) are thus particularly interesting because of their ability to
mutually compensate for potentially harmful pH changes that follow their degradation. The
wide range of pH conditions provided by the synergetic action of osteoblasts and osteoclasts
in the degradation of calcium phosphates in vivo makes the use of pH-sensitive coatings
potentially interesting, too. Poly(aspartic acid) presents one such pH-sensitive polymer; its
swelling is more pronounced at the physiological pH than at pH ~3 and can be facilely
controlled by the degree of cross-linking.
Another type of environmentally responsive
polymers are thermosensitive polymers, which transform from sols to hydrogels at body
temperature and enable in situ gelling at the target site promptly after injection.
Some of
the biodegradable polymers of this type include N-isopropylacrylamide copolymers,
poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene oxide) block copolymers, and PEG/poly(D,L-lactide-
co-glycolide) block copolymers, the latter of which have been successfully applied to
encapsulate teicoplanin with 100% efficacy and treat osteomyelitis in rabbits.
That even the activity of antibiotics can be improved with a proper coating is illustrated by
the more effective prevention of the formation of S. aureus biofilms when vancomycin was
delivered encapsulated within cationic liposomes and carried in a porous nano-
hydroxyapatite/chitosan/konjac glucomannan scaffold.
The same antibiofilm effect was
achieved by the delivery of liposomal gentamicin from scaffolds containing β-tricalcium
phosphate with release kinetics able to be controlled by the liposome size.
Functionalization of particulate carriers with anionic amphiphiles that may disrupt the
bacterial biofilm and neutralize the carbohydrates by the action of which bacteria penetrates
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the cell membrane is another unexplored but potentially fruitful direction for research. With
antioxidant therapy being one of the hotspots of medicine, endowing carriers with reducing
agents, such as ceria domains
or ascorbic acid,
could be an avenue for abating the
reactive oxygen species and minimizing the oxidative stress that entail infectious disease.
Nanoparticle uptake by the cells can be controlled using ζ potential,
a ubiquitous physical
but precise correlations between the surface charge and the therapeutic efficacy
of nanoparticles in the treatment of osteomyelitis have yet to be established, even though
wound healing could be enhanced by endowing cells with relatively high ζ potentials.
The usage of dispersion agents or the application of other strategies from the repertoire of
colloid chemistry
to promote greater dispersion and penetration of the antibiotic-carrying
particle to the infected tissue—a general challenge for the developers of injectable drug
delivery materials
—is another unexplored avenue.
Conjugation of the carrier particles to moieties that would have an affinity for various bone
and act as either targeting agents or metabologens is yet another unexplored
research directive in the design of antiosteomyelitis composite particles. Human
recombinant BMPs, two of which—BMP-2 and BMP-7—were approved for specific
clinical cases by the FDA, have been successfully delivered using various types of
nanoparticles, ranging from poly(α-hydroxy esters) to PEG-based hydrogels to dextran to
polymeric composites with hydroxyapatite to calcium phosphates alone,
and their
covalent binding on the polymeric particle surface may prove to be a more effective
approach for their delivery compared with internal encapsulation, especially in view of the
extraordinary sensitivity of their osteoinductive effect to the release kinetics.
conjugates could also include biomolecules that inhibit specific bacterial ingredients, such as
(1) lipoteichoic acids, components of gram-positive cell walls that induce bone resorption;
(2) polysaccharides in the bacterial capsules, which play a role in the adhesion of bacteria
onto an osseous or implant surface and the formation of a biofilm, the basis for proliferation
of pathogens in hard tissues; or (3) other osteolytic factors, including cytokines or other
signaling molecules, which may interfere with the pathway of the osteoblast lineage.
Such efforts may have a chance to bring researchers from drug delivery and drug discovery
fields closer because, after all, the synergy between the drug and the particle will prove to be
of ever more vital importance in the design of ultrapotent therapeutic agents in general.
Inclusion of peptides with strong antibacterial properties, which tend to be more immune to
promoting bacterial resistance if delivered in concentrations lower than minimal inhibitory
ones, would present another interesting approach.
The polymeric surface of a
composite particle could be functionalization with arginylglycylaspartic acid, a tripeptide
involved in cellular recognition and capable of triggerinxg adhesion of fibroblasts.
Bisphosphonates, molecules with a strong affinity for the mineral component of bone
and most commonly prescribed in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and other
conditions featuring bone loss and fragility,
could be used further to ensure particle
localization and the delivery of therapeutics directly in the area of infected tissue. Although
a possible concern comes from the clinically observed adverse consequences of
oversuppressed bone resorption and disrupted bone metabolism by the prolonged use of
the risk for developing these side effects is still small compared to the
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ZnO has been added to implantable PMMA beads as a radiographic contrast medium for the
past 30 years,
yet calcium phosphates and other carriers could be doped with heavy metal
atoms such as
Tc, Gd, or Mn or bound to optically active molecules and used for
the same imaging purpose with far greater sensitivity. Combinations of calcium phosphate,
PLGA, and semiconductor quantum dots
at the nanoparticle scale have enabled
monitoring of the particle route in the body, and the distribution of the locally implanted
therapeutics could be monitored in a similar manner. Quantum dots are, however, known for
their cytotoxic nature,
with only a few exceptions, including silica-based compositions,
the only type currently approved for use in clinical trials by the FDA.
Proposed as
bioimaging alternatives to inherently toxic quantum dots and nonbiodegradable aromatic
polymers are aliphatic, biodegradable, and tunably photoluminescent oligomers,
but they
have yet to be explored as components of bone tissue substitutes.
Porosity of composites in the compact, fully set form could be modified using other
additives, such as glucose,
calcium sulfate,
or others, and set to a
specific pore size, pore size distribution, and pore interconnectivity that maximize the
internal cell proliferation and the transfer of nutrients and metabolic products. For example,
combinations of silica and calcium phosphate allowed for a control over porosity of the
resulting gentamicin-loaded nanocomposites in the mesoporous (2–50 nm) and macroporous
(>50 nm) ranges by means of controlling their silica content.
Porosity also could be
limited to the surface only
to promote a bioactive response while preserving the
compactness and stability of the core of the system against attack from the corrosive
biological environment, or the other way around, porous on the inside and compact on the
like bone itself. It could be also made gradient, extending throughout the bulk of
the composite in different ways.
As a matter of fact, Janus-faced
and functionally
gradient structuring
on the nano and molecular scales are other largely unexplored, yet
incredibly potent features of the next generation of advanced materials. Finally, enriching
antibiotic carriers with pluripotent cells, such as mesenchymal stem cells able to
differentiate into osteoblasts,
would be another research step in the direction of
advanced therapeutic platforms for simultaneous bactericidal and osteogenic performance.
In that sense, understanding the role of the extracellular matrix and an array of
microenvironmental cues in directing the pluripotent cell fate currently stands as a major
challenge to be overcome to minimize cells’ chances of acquiring neoplasticity and to
maximize their chances of acquiring the best possible phenotype for the given therapy.
A. Inconsistencies Arising from Different Analytical Contexts
An essential wisdom conveyed from the drug delivery field is that context is everything.
When not delivered in a proper manner, even the most effective therapeutics will be
deprived of their remedial effectiveness. A direct corollary of this insight is that drug
discovery and drug delivery could be imagined as two sides of the same coin,
complementing each other in a complete drug therapy. In other words, in a wrong setting
even the most therapeutically potent agent will be ineffective, whereas even the most toxic
chemicals applied in the right amount and setting could strengthen an organism, as data in
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support of the effect of hormesis could indicate. Therefore, it should not be surprising that
problems and challenges will continue to abound even if we were to succeed in the design of
a perfect drug delivery carrier.
An example of the effect of the environmental context on a drug elution profile from a
particulate carrier is shown in Fig. 9. Namely, two kinetically distinct release profiles from
an identical drug-containing powder result, depending on the release measurement method
applied: zero-order when a comparatively small volume of the solvent is replenished daily
and first-order when a larger volume of the solvent is used without its daily replenishments.
Whereas the drug is released with a burst effect when large amounts of solvent surround the
powder, a limited volume of the solvent limits the maximal amount of the drug that could be
released before saturation, leading to identical concentrations of the drug in the solution
sampled at regular time spans (24 hours). In such a manner reprecipitation of sparsely
soluble hydroxyapatite on the surface of more soluble di- and tricalcium phosphates in the
form of a protective layer that hinders further dissolution, which might have occurred in vivo
or at smaller solvent volumes, and higher corresponding degrees of supersaturation can be
prevented by frequently replenishing the solvent and used to speed up the dissolution of
these calcium phosphate phases under physiological conditions. Neither of these two
methods, however, mimics the biological conditions under which fast clearance of the
released drug is typically observed, nor do they account for the effects of the complex
interface between the device and various macromolecules and cells of the host organism on
the drug release. Although the size, shape, and elasticity of nanoparticles in biological
milieus do influence their biodistribution profiles, the route of uptake and the mechanism of
interaction with a cell are mainly determined by the protein corona adsorbed on the particles
and the surface propensities that it endows them with.
How to devise in vitro drug
release testing procedures that would be able to replicate in vivo conditions better, typically
characterized by (1) a more dynamic flow of fluids, (2) specific local pH profiles that are
often disease-dependent, and (3) much more complex and selective media, is another
colossal challenge for the drug delivery field.
Incompatibility between in vitro and in vivo tests has been frequently observed
; what has
been shown as toxic or inflammatory in vitro can have the same effect in vivo but can also
provide the right level of inflammation that follows every successful reaction toward unity
between the bone and the implant.
The trivial observation that pure water momentarily
destroys cells in culture via osmotic rupture of the cell membrane, whereas we consume it
every day without serious consequences, could be used to illustrate the inevitable
discrepancy between testing materials in culture and in a more complex, organismic
environment. Moreover, not only do different lines of the same cell type often respond
differently to identical chemical stimuli
; the same insight applies to cells from the same
line but at different stages of cell cycle progression.
On the other hand, techniques for
replicating the exact microenvironment in which cocultured primary cells exist in the body,
which is one of the key factors that determine their fate,
have yet to be developed.
As for animal models of osteomyelitis, different species and experimental protocols have
been used in the past. The rabbit is the oldest animal model of osteomyelitis, dating back to
and it has traditionally involved injections of a suspension comprising S. aureus
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and 5 wt% sodium morrhuate, a sclerosing agent causing aseptic necrosis of bone, to induce
suppuration and subperiosteal abscesses in the bone. Fibrin glue and other sealants often are
used to prevent bacterial leakage.
The most common, however, is the rat model, typically
involving the insertion of screws or other fixation devices inoculated with S. aureus.
alternative method involves the creation of a defect in the tibia or femur by drilling a hole in
it and stabilizing it with screws, plates, and wires. The defect then is filled with collagen or
gelatin sponges soaked in S. aureus and kept there for up to 24 hours, which is superseded
by injection or implantation of an antibiotic-releasing material.
Mice and chickens are
other common small-animal models, whereas dogs, goats, and sheep are the most common
large-animal models, whose main advantage is the ability to accommodate real-size devices
and tolerate multiple interventions, alongside more veritably mimicking the mechanical
loads born by bones in the human body. A central challenge in all of these models is how to
create bone lysis that is sufficient but not excessive and does not threaten the fixation
stability. Avoiding the formation of virtually untreatable biofilm on fixation devices is cited
as another challenge faced by these animal models,
even though it presents a more
faithful model for cases in which infection is secondary to surgical foreign body
implantation. Yet another detail common to these models is that chemically induced necrosis
or mechanical trauma, such as fracture (as in most mouse models) or the insertion of
intramedullary pins, plates, or other fixation devices, need to be coupled to dispersal of the
pathogen to induce chronic infection.
Still, in spite of more than 70 years since the first
reproducible animal model of chronic osteomyelitis was reported and continuous
advancements since then, inconsistent correlations between in vitro and in vivo antibacterial
efficacies of therapeutic agents still commonly occur.
As for the drug elution rate, values obtained in vitro may drastically increase in vivo for
various reasons, including the complex interface with chemical and biological species (e.g.,
enzymatic activity, the concentration of free radicals that induce oxidative scission of
covalent bonds between monomers, the types of antibodies adsorbed, or the extent of fibrous
capsule formation, if any) or different rheological properties, demanding new strategies to
ensure the optimal 4–6 weeks of release time. PLGA scaffolds, for instance, degraded faster
in vivo than in vitro,
and in addition to phagocytosis, enzymatic hydrolysis, the regions of
low pH at the cell–material interface, and biomechanical stress, increased wetting in
biological conditions can be another factor responsible for this effect.
This is especially
relevant for hydrophobic polymers, the category to which unmodified PLGA belongs. This
disparity between the carrier degradation and the drug release kinetics estimated using in
vitro and in vivo measurement modes is expected to be even higher for calcium phosphates
than for polymers because while the degradation of the latter is primarily driven by
hydration and hydrolysis both in vivo and in vitro, the degradation of ceramic implants is
mainly caused by the phagocytic and acidifying (pH 7.4 3–4)
action of multinucleated
osteoclasts and macrophages.
This discrepancy is further added up to by knowing that
calcium phosphate phases more soluble than octacalcium phosphate transform to a certain
degree into the most stable phase, hydroxyapatite under physiological conditions.
Factors that dictate to what degree this transformation takes place in vivo are not clearly
defined; on one hand its precursors are classified as biosoluble ceramics,
bioresorbable hydroxyapatite, and indisputably degrade faster than the latter, whereas on the
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other hand this transformation has been both theoretically predicted and experimentally
verified on numerous occasions.
Comparatively soluble calcium phosphates,
including monetite, brushite, and amorphous calcium phosphate, were also found in vivo,
suggesting that this transformation may frequently be limited to a few surface layers that
undergo intense dissolution/reprecipitation, thus protecting the inherently unstable and
soluble particle or implant core. The chemical propensity of more soluble calcium
phosphates to be resorbed at a higher rate, however, is complicated by knowing that
osteoclasts anchor more steadily on the less soluble calcium phosphate phases; the
substantial release of Ca
ions from the surface of the more soluble ones disrupts the
ordering of actin microfilaments in the osteoclast podosomes, leading to the periodic
detachment of the cells from the material surface.
Similarly, whereas the degradation of
aliphatic polyesters(e.g., PLGA)is slowed under fluid flow because of dissipation of acidic
byproducts that would have sped up the degradation process, fluid flow prevents local
supersaturation and accelerates the degradation of alkaline calcium phosphates such as
hydroxyapatite. Hence, despite the excellent release profiles in vitro, the possibility that the
minimum inhibitory concentration in sections of the target tissue may not be exceeded in a
time-sustained manner, be it due to biofilm formation, intracellular colonization, premature
biodegradation, or other factors, will always exist. In such a way exist threats that antibiotic
resistance could be inadvertently promoted, an effect that directly contributes to the global
loss of antibiotic efficacy in use.
In those cases even a direct injection of a bolus dose of
the antibiotic may lead to more favorable outcomes than the implantation of the drug–carrier
B. Antibiotic Specificities
Antibiotics differ according to their mechanism of action; some, such as β-lactam
antimicrobials, are time-dependent, requiring prolonged presence in the target zone for
effective suppression or eradication of the pathogen, whereas others, such as quinolones and
aminoglycosides, are concentration-dependent, requiring higher concentrations over shorter
periods of time.
Therefore, depending on the nature of the drug, differently structured
carriers may prove to be most optimal. As expected from the synergetic background of drug
carrier interaction, the properties of the carrier influence the efficacy of the drug therapy, but
the drug identity, amount, and binding mechanism in turn influence the properties of the
carrier. The anionic group of gentamicin sulfate, for example, had an inhibitory effect on the
crystallization of brushite during coprecipitation of the antibiotic and the carrier, resulting in
smaller particles, lower porosity, and slower drug release compared with pure
The morphology, crystallinity, and dispersability of particles coprecipitated
with the drug may thus all be affected by the drug properties. The loading efficiency and the
release rate of a drug from a particle is consequently dependent on the molecular nature of
the drug, as exemplified by the different elution profiles for different antibiotics
release from PMMA beads, for example, varied drastically, reaching completion anywhere
between 3 and 21 days, depending on the antibiotic admixed.
Also, whereas the release of
vancomycin from a brushite cement reached completion between days 1 and 2, only one
quarter of tetracycline loaded within the same carrier was released on day 5.
effects are important here; for example, the elution rates for tobramycin and vancomycin
released together from a PMMA cement were higher than those when the drugs were
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released alone.
Then, not only does the identity of the drug have an effect on release
profiles, but its amount can drastically modify them, too, as exemplified the case where 25
of paclitaxel deposited on the surface of a phosphonohexadecanoic acid coated
cobalt chromium alloy released 90% of the drug in the first week, whereas quadrupling the
paclitaxel concentration to 100 μg/cm
resulted in zero-order release throughout a 5-week
period of time.
The release zone of the antibiotic following surgical insertion is generally only a few
centimeters, and the rheology of the fluid in which the drug carrier is immersed, including
hematoma and seroma, might redirect the released drug away from the target site. Therefore,
continuous-flow chambers have been designed to assess drug elution profiles under more
dynamic conditions that resemble the in vivo context to a greater extent.
Still, different
implantation sites greatly affect the biodegradation rate of the implant, including the release
profile of the drug that it contains.
Subcutaneous implantations of a biomaterial
composed of PEG and poly(butylene terephthalate) thus degraded faster than the
intramuscular ones,
whereas polydioxanone orthopedic pins were resorbed faster when
implanted in the medullar canal rather than intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
Mechanical loading, sheer, and friction are other factors that contribute to the different
release from orthopedic drug delivery devices implanted at different sites in the body.
Also, hypochlorites generated smaller polymeric fragments with higher toxicity than
suggesting that the dominant reactive oxygen species as inflammatory
compounds in the implantation area, which are involved in the degradation of polymeric
carriers, inevitably define the toxic propensities of the biomaterial in question. In that sense
the art of surgical implantation has to complement the reliability of the drug release pattern
of the implanted drug–carrier composite. That different target areas in the body require
unique drug delivery platforms for optimal release has been confirmed many times, and it is
logical to expect that the same will prove to be true in the treatment of different segments of
bone. Mandibular infection, for example, typically requires a shorter duration of antibiotic
therapy compared with long-bone infection. Intensely vascular cancellous bone, with a
comparatively high rate of turnover, may thus be expected to require more intense release
kinetics compared with less vascular and more slowly remodeled cortical bone.
general, the principle similia similibus curantur, dictating the substitution of like with like,
is expected to apply in every aspect of tissue engineering, including the province of bone.
C. Intracellular Colonization by S. aureus
Another potential difficulty arises from the fact that S. aureus, the main causative agent of
osteomyelitis, found in healthy oral and nasal flora has the ability to penetrate endothelial,
epithelial, and osteoblastic cells and thrive in the intracellular environment, where it is less
susceptible to the antibiotic therapy.
Different but in all cases finite uptake efficiency
and kinetics were observed for different strains of S. aureus, and common to all of them was
the role of fibronectin-binding proteins in intracellular colonization, the blocking of which
completely prevented the latter from occurring.
S. aureus internalized by the cells and
shielded from the host immune system is thought to provide a reservoir of bacteria in
recurring osteomyelitis and inhibit the immunological role of osteoblasts in releasing
cytokines and attracting leukocytes to the infection site. Targeting the antibiotic therapy to
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these intracellular colonies may thus prove to be more relevant for treating chronic bone
infection than eliminating only pathogens that colonize the bone matrix.
including calcium phosphate ones, have shown great promise in the intracellular delivery of
and they may similarly prove to be effective carriers of antibiotics inside
the cell where bacterial microcolonies are localized. Correspondingly, a recent study showed
that clindamycin-loaded hydroxyapatite and amorphous calcium phosphate particles are
more effective in reducing the intracellular bacterial population and slowing the growth of S.
aureus cocultured with osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells than the pure antibiotic.
Figure 10a
shows a schematic description of their uptake by the cell and the delivery of a genetic
material to it, whereas 10b shows the intracellular localization of calcium phosphate
nanoparticles in an immunofluorescent analysis of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1–calcium
phosphate interface. A reduction in the number of intracellular bacteria has already been
demonstrated for nanosized PLGA particles loaded with nafcillin.
The rapid degradation
of calcium phosphate carriers in the acidic milieu of a lysosome–endosome complex
following uptake may also increase the osmotic pressure and enable the plasmid or protein
cargo to escape swiftly into the cytoplasm before it is enzymatically hydrolyzed, which
could be considered yet another advantage of calcium phosphates as intracellular delivery
D. Synergetic and Sensitivity Effects
Immunofluorescent labeling and confocal microscopy, along with other in vitro assays,
including real-time polymerase chain reaction, can provide good insight into the cell–
material interface on which the bone regeneration aspect of therapy ultimately depends
(Fig. 11a). Nanoparticles have, however, been notorious in terms of resisting any clear-cut
descriptions of their biological effects, as exemplified by the recently derived inverse, dose-
dependent toxicity relationship for 100-nm silica nanoparticles in the human epithelial
intestinal HT-29 cell line.
In a similarly counterintuitive fashion, the uptake efficiency
and the expression of plasmids could occasionally be out of proportion: Efficient uptake
may lead to low gene transfection and vice versa.
Synergetic effects resulting from the
minor amounts of impurities left over from synthesis procedures or supposedly inert product
components may prove to be equally important in determining therapeutic outcomes. For
example, the osteogenic effect of calcium phosphate as a drug carrier was able not only to
mitigate but also to fully reverse the unviable effect that the pure antibiotic exerted on
osteoblastic cells, while retaining its antimicrobial potency through a more sustained release
of the antibiotic (Fig. 11b).The addition of calcium hydroxide to tobramycin-containing
PMMA beads similarly had a protective effect on bone against the high concentrations of
the antibiotic.
A related problem occurring in parallel with the sophistication of the carrier particle is the
difficulty transferring the synthesis methods from the laboratory to the clinic or any large-
scale fabrication setting. Namely, the more intricate the particle, the greater the range of
experimental variables to which its preparation is sensitive.
The case of Abbott Labs
losing hundreds of millions of dollars trying to restore the polymorph of their proprietary
AIDS drug, Ritonavir, after a new polymorph had begun to appear in their synthesis batches
and before being forced to withdraw the drug from the market and lose another half a billion
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can thus be instructive, if not ominous, in its foreshadowing the trend of a
pervasive irreproducibility toward which the science of synthesis of fine particles streams.
Startups in organic photovoltaics have, for instance, failed to make profit mainly because of
the unsurpassable variability in processing outcomes. A systematic analysis of two donor
materials synthesized by the same manufacturer resulted in confirmation of the same
crystallinity, side-chain variation, interface composition, and domain morphology, yet their
performance was radically different because of a difference in the nano scale that was too
fine to be probed by state-of-the-art instrumentation.
Note also that the purity of solvents
and compounds used as precursors for the synthesis of nanostructured powders has had a
drastic effect on their morphology,
whereas cell detachment or excellent spreading result
depending on whether cultured cells are grown on ordinary or tissue culture–grade
Alongside the chemical effects exemplified by different reaction outcomes
when reactants produced by different manufacturers are used, there exist examples of the
following physical effects on synthesis reactions: stirring rate
; the Earth’s magnetic
; gravity,
whose intensity appears to be directly proportional to the
osteogenic potency of mesenchymal stem cells and boney tissues
; the seasonal
variations in (1) humidity,
(2) barometric pressure, and (3) temperature; micrometric
differences in the positioning of samples in furnaces during annealing
animal behavior; and circadian rhythm, on which the expression of almost 50% of genes in
certain cell types has been shown to depend
; and the reaction vessel composition,
and dimensions,
one of the most critical parameters in the transfer of
synthesis methods from a small-scale setup in a laboratory to a large-scale fabrication setting
in an industrial milieu. For example, overly tall reaction volumes increased the probability
of the formation of aragonite or vaterite, two of the less thermodynamically stable calcium
carbonate phases during the precipitation of this compound from a solution in the presence
of an organic matrix, whereas flattened volumes were more prone to yield calcite, the least
soluble calcium carbonate phase.
Agitation, a traditional means for dispersing particles,
has occasionally had the opposite effect, inducing the aggregation of both polymeric and
inorganic nanoparticles,
which may explain cases in which the efficiency of drug loading
via adsorption is inversely proportional to the stirring rate.
Similarly antagonistic effects
of specific physicochemical synthesis parameters present more of a rule than an exception in
the field of nanoscience.
Assessments of biological responses are particularly prone to
exhibit such antagonistic intricacies, as exemplified by the case in which doubling the dose
of calcium phosphate nanoparticles transformed the response of human bronchial epithelial
cells from unviable to viable.
Biological systems in general are, in fact, notorious for
their sensitivity to the slightest change in their homeostatic equilibria, as demonstrated by
the long-familiar finding that bone reaches its maximum toughness in compositions that
leave behind 66.5 wt% of ash, twice higher than the value at 65 and 68 wt% of ash
On the characterization side, this sensitivity results in ever more difficult
separation of the effects of the measurement system from the properties of the measured
objects, and this will increasingly apply to all 3 essential characterization aspects toward
which materials science progresses: single-particle spectroscopic microscopy, high-
throughput analysis, and in situ analyses. Of course, each of these problems conceals a
gateway to an exciting opportunity, as exemplified by the fact that ultrafine microscopic
methods do regularly create or remove single vacancies
or shift adatoms
on the
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surfaces of analyzed materials, but measuring the energy required for these local
transformations to take place has allowed for the construction of atomic-scale images of
local phase properties,
which is state-of-the-art in the field of materials imaging.
In view of this one thing is certain: the design of a new generation of biomaterials will need
to cope with the very same issues pertaining to the extraordinary sensitivity of function to
the finest structural and compositional variations if its products are to match perfectly the
properties of the natural tissues they are meant to replace. Yet, as common wisdom has it, a
path without risks, perplexities, and challenges is not worth taking, and difficulties arising
from attempts to design nanoscale platforms for the ultrasensitive delivery of pharmaceutics
can certainly be seen as signs that those involved in these endeavors are heading in the right
We approach a time of a prolific confluence of materials science and medicine. It is
anticipated that materials science will provide the foundations for the design and
development of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Within the frame of its
objective, this review has provided a critical view of the current state of affairs in the
development of nanoparticulate and other solid-state carriers for the local delivery of
antibiotics in the treatment of osteomyelitis. In a broader picture extending outside of this
narrow frame, however, is a view of ongoing progress in the way a relatively modest field of
medicine, in terms of the complexity of therapeutic materials used, is being revolutionized
by recent advancements in materials science and engineering. The surgical implantation of
PMMA beads or, occasionally, plaster of Paris still presents the most popular method for the
local and sustained delivery of antibiotics in the treatment of osteomyelitis, but this is about
to change as more sophisticated materials, nanostructured in essence, are being developed
on laboratory benches and sent down the translational path toward the direction of the
The two principal downsides of the traditional means of treating bone infection are systemic
and long-term administration of antibiotics and the necessity for surgical debridement. The
new generation of carriers for the delivery of antimicrobials envisaged during this discourse
is expected to tackle these issues by first promoting the sustained release of antibiotics
limited to the target site. Another vital feature of advanced carriers for the controlled release
of antibiotics is their ability to contribute to the osteogenesis of the adjacent tissue in parallel
with their degradation and replacement with regenerated bone. Thus antibiotic delivery and
tissue regeneration are two central aspects of therapies for osteomyelitis in which milestone
improvements are to be expected using the new generation of nanostructured carriers. Next
steps in their development would be tuning their structure to an environmentally responsive
and spatiotemporally targeted performance, as well as integrating them with alternatives to
traditional antibiotics, whose ineffectiveness against increasingly resistant opportunistic
pathogens is approaching critical scales. If we look at this trend in the development of drug
delivery carriers for treating a particular disease from a broader angle, outside of the frame
once again, we might conclude that structurally complex, multifunctional, theranostic
composite nanoparticles present an object of interest toward which scientific efforts
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colliding at this multidisciplinary junction of medical significance will be converging in the
years and perhaps decades to come.
For a long time the degradation of polymeric biomaterials had been considered an
unfavorable process, a cause of the deterioration of their properties and performance in the
body. It took a fresh, new look at them to turn these demerits into advantages and present
their degradation as a colossal value and untapped potential for the biomedical community.
Using their degradation as a pathway to controlled drug release and tuning it to the rate of
new tissue in growth nowadays presents the basic approach to tissue engineering and
regenerative medicine. It goes without saying, of course, that the time for the reversal of this
paradigm and inauguration of equally legitimate strivings to create bionic tissue-engineered
materials—whose purpose would be not only to restore the lost functionality in a segment of
the body or the body as a whole but also to augment and raise it far beyond the levels of
ordinariness via lasting assimilation of the new interfaces—has yet to come. Be that as it
may, potential problems faced by even the hypothetically perfect antibiotic delivery vehicles
mentioned toward the end of this discourse include (1) the propensity of S. aureus, the main
causative agent of osteomyelitis, to form intracellular colonies involved in recurrent, chronic
osteomyelitis; (2) the need for the mechanical and release properties of a carrier to be
adjusted to the target area of surgical implantation or injection; (3) the disparity between
environments in which in vitro and in vivo drug–carrier composite testing is carried out; (4)
unpredictable synergetic effects of the delivery system components or foreign agents; and
(5) experimental sensitivity issues posed in parallel with the increasing subtleness of
nanoplatforms designed for the controlled delivery of therapeutics. Inspired by the parable
of biodegradable polymers, we could conclude that all of these problems, were they
considered from a fresh, new angle, might either stimulate the development of
bioengineered systems that will solve them and many other problems at the same time or,
even more amazingly, be glimpsed as solutions per se to problems existing in a different
domain. For if a new, multidisciplinary model for a prolific lifetime in science teaches us
something, it is that two gaps in knowledge, when combined, can create a bridge to much
greater knowledge lying far beyond the horizon.
Writing of this review was supported by the National Institutes of Health grant R00-DE021416: Osteogenic
calcium phosphate nanoparticles with designable drug release kinetics. The confocal optical micrographs presented
herein were acquired by the author at the Nikon Imaging Center at the University of California, San Francisco.
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FIG. 1.
(a) Age of patients with osteomyelitis.
(b) US population ≥65 years old (bars), along with
a projected increase in the number of patients with bone disease. Sources: US Bureau of the
Census and Office of the Surgeon General.
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FIG. 2.
The number of prosthetic joint infections (solid circles and squares), increasing in direct
proportion with the total number of knee (squares) and hip arthroplasties (circles)
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FIG. 3.
Radiographs of tibiae displaying a clinical case of acute pyogenic hematogenous
osteomyelitis, also known as Brodie’s abscess (), along with an area of increased bone
density around the lytic lesion due to periosteal reaction and osteosclerosis () (a), and
evidence of chronic osteomyelitis from a goat model, manifesting as a periosteal reaction in
the proximal area of the bone (b).
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FIG. 4.
A typical preoperative preparation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) beads
encapsulating an antibiotic of choice, consisting of (1) manual admixing of the antibiotic
with the bone filler; (2) filling a mold with the solid mixture; (3) hardening; (4) removing
the beads; (5) collecting the beads.
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FIG. 5.
(a) Narrowly dispersed calcium phosphate nanoparticles prepared by precipitation form
aggregates upon desiccation at low pressure, capturing the antibiotic clindamycin inside of
the resulting pellet pores, thus ensuring sustained release over prolonged periods of time. (b)
Increased loading efficiency and sustained release from well-dispersed particles could be
obtained by coating calcium phosphate particles with clindamycin adsorbed on them with a
layer of polymer, in this case poly-(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA). High-resolution
transmission electron microscopic images of PLGA-coated hydroxyapatite (c) and
hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (encircled by dashed lines) dispersed in a chitosan matrix
Reprinted with permission from Elsevier (Vukomanović M, Škapin S, Jančar B,
Maksin T, Ignjatović N, Uskoković V, Uskoković D. Poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)/
hydroxyapatite core-shell nanospheres. Part 1: A multifunctional system for controlled drug
delivery. Coll Surf B Biointerfaces. 2011;82(2): 404–13).
Page 57
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FIG. 6.
An approximate degradation half-life (T
) for pure poly(lactic acid) (PLA), pure
poly(glycolic acid) (PGA), and their copolymers at various weight ratios (a) and a drastic
difference in the kinetics of drug release from polyethylene glycol diacrylate with 2 different
percentages of cross-linking: 0.5 and 1 (b).
Reprinted with permission from Elsevier;
Middleton JC, Tripton AJ. Synthetic biodegradable polymers as orthopaedic devices.
Biomaterials. 2000;21:2334–46.
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FIG. 7.
Schematic description of a hypothetical multifunctional composite nanoparticle (a) and the
subdivision of the tissue regeneration process following injury at multiple stages (b). Stages
specific to the bone regeneration process (c) and adverse outcomes of their obviation or
incompletion (d) are shown.
Reprinted with permission from American Cancer
Society; Ma X, Zhao Y, Liang XJ. Theranostic nanoparticles engineered for clinic and
pharmaceutics. Acc Chem Res 2011;44(10):1114–22, and Elsevier; Mehta M, Schmidt-
Bleek K, Duda GN, Mooney DJ. Biomaterial delivery of morphogens to mimic the natural
healing cascade in bone. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2012;64(12):1257–76.
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FIG. 8.
An example of composite monodisperse nanoparticles with simultaneous antioxidative,
antibacterial, and osteoinductive properties. These nanoparticles are formed by coating poly-
(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) around silver (Ag) poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) core-shell
nanoparticles (Nps) with ascorbic acid dispersed therein. The particles reduced the
concentration of superoxide in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, suppressed the
growth of Escherichia coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and upregulated
the expression of 2 osteogenic markers: osteocalcin and protocollagen type I.
and reprinted with permission from Springer (Stevanović M, Savanović I, Uskoković V,
Škapin SD, Bračko I, Jovanović U, Uskoković D. A new, simple, green and one-pot four-
component synthesis of bare and poly(α, γ, L-glutamic acid) capped silver nanoparticles.
Coll Polym Sci. 2012;290(3):221–31) and the American Chemical Society (Stevanović M,
Uskoković V, Filipović M, Škapin SD, Uskoković DP. Composite PLGA/AgNpPGA/AscH
nanospheres with combined osteoinductive, antioxidative and antimicrobial activities. ACS
Appl Mat Interfaces. 2013;5(18):9034–42).
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FIG. 9.
Hypothetic release curves for a drug delivery device under two different measurement
regimens: daily replacements of a comparatively small volume of the solvent (circles) and
usage of a considerably larger volume of solvent with no daily replenishments (triangles).
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FIG. 10.
(a) A schematic description of the uptake of a calcium phosphate nanoparticle (CaPs) by the
cell and its gene transfection with a DNA plasmid attached to the nanoparticle.
(b) A
single-plane confocal optical image of fluorescently stained osteoblastic cell nuclei,
cytoskeletal f-actin, and CaP aggregates containing clindamycin following 48 hours of
incubation. Part A is reprinted with permission from Elsevier (Nouri A, Castro R, Santos JL,
Fernandes C, Rodrigues J, Tomás H. Calcium phosphate-mediated gene delivery using
simulated body fluid (SBF). Int J Pharm. 2012;434(1–2):199–208).
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FIG. 11.
(a) A single-plane confocal optical micrograph of a fluorescently stained calcium phosphate
nanoparticle conglomerate loaded with clindamycin and osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells (f-
actin; nucleus) following 21 days of incubation in differentiation medium. This image shows
intimate contact between the cells and the material, a direct indication of the
osteoconductivity of the latter. (b) Results of a gene expression study performed using
quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and showing diminished
expression of three different osteogenic markers BGLAP (left), Col I (middle), and Runx2
(right) in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells incubated with an antibiotic, clindamycin phosphate
(CL). The effect was compensated for when incubation was carried out in the presence of
either hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (HAP) per se or HAP loaded with CL (HAP/CL).
Messenger RNA expression was detected relative to the housekeeping gene ACTB. *Genes
are significantly upregulated (P < 0.05) with respect to the control group. +Genes are
significantly down-regulated (P < 0.05) with respect to the control group.
Reprinted with
permission from John Wiley and Sons (Uskoković V, Desai TA. Phase composition control
of calcium phosphate nanoparticles for tunable drug delivery kinetics and treatment of
osteomyelitis. Part 2: antibacterial and osteoblastic response. J Biomed Mat Res Part A.
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Table 1
Main Calcium Phosphate Phases
Phase Chemical Formula Space Group
at 37°C
Solubility (mg/dm
Triclinic P
17 · 10
Triclinic P
18 · 10
O Monoclinic I
6.6 88
Triclinic P
7.0 48
β-CPP Ca
Tetragonal P4
18.5 7.6
O / 25 0.8
α-TCP Ca
Monoclinic P2
/a 25.5 2.5
β-TCP Ca
Rhombohedral R3cH 29.5 0.5
O Monoclinic P2
37.5 0.7
O Pseudo-hexagonal P6
/m 69 87
(0 < x < 1) Pseudo-hexagonal P6
/m 85 9.4
Triclinic P
97.4 8.1
Pseudo-hexagonal P6
/m 117.3 0.3
Pseudo-hexagonal P6
/m 120 0.2
ACP, amorphous calcium phosphate (data pertain to the phase obtainable at pH 9–11); CDHA, calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite; CPP, calcium
pyrophosphate; DCPA, dicalcium phosphate anhydrous, also known as monetite; DCPD, dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, also known as brushite;
FA, fluoroapatite; HA, hydroxyapatite; MCPA, monocalcium phosphate anhydrous; MCPM, monocalcium phosphate monohydrate; OA,
oxyapatite; OCP, octacalcium phosphate; TCP, tricalcium phosphate; TTCP, tetracalcium phosphate.
Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 April 22.