International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2248
Development of Android Based Mobile App for PrestaShop eCommerce
Shopping Cart (ALC)
Swapnil S. Jagtap
, Dinesh B. Hanchate
Department of Computer Engineering VPKBIET, Baramati, Pune, India.
Abstract - There are many online shopping cart websites and their android applications available on the internet. These online
shopping websites and their android app run on the single server and share the database, i.e.- the android application is integrated
with the web server to share the resources and the database. There are different types of web servers available for the different
purposes in the market, according to your need you need to choose the server and customize its services. The android app that is
going to be developed have its website built in PrestaShop eCommerce Shopping Cart software using PHP PL and is used with the
MySQL DB to store the data. The objective of this project is to develop the online shopping android app and integrate the App with
the PrestaShop eCommerce Shopping Cart software running on XAMPP Server and connect it to the MySQL database and design
the GUI of the App for different devices like phones and tablets, so that the customers can easily use the App for online shopping on
their android devices. The theme of the app should be attractive and easy to modify by the user so that the customers get attracted
to use this app for online shopping. However, we are going to improve performance and scalability of web applications, we will do
the analysis. We will decide the guidelines for guiding the design of web application. We will try to put and implement and
maintain application level caching which supports to the developers.
Keywords - Android Studio, Android SDK, XAMPP server, MySQL, PHP, PrestaShop eCommerce Shopping Cart.
The Electronic Commerce or eCommerce is a term for a
business or business exchange, that includes the change of
data over the internet. Online business permits clients to
electronically trade products and ventures with no boundary
of time or distance. The Mobile Commerce or mCommerce is
the purchasing and selling of goods and services through
wireless handheld gadgets, for example, mobiles and tablets.
It is known as next generation eCommerce. Online shopping is
a type of eCommerce which permits clients to directly
purchase goods or services from a merchant over the internet
using a web browser.
Online shopping has two types of process,
1. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
2. Business-to-Business (B2B)
The online shopping system has the shopping cart which
permits the customers to create a list of items to be
purchased. At the time of checkout, the total is calculated for
the items list in the shopping cart, including shipping and
handling charges and the associated taxes as applicable. This
project is of type one process i.e.- Business-to-Consumer
because the products are sold directly to the customers.
Traditional shopping is a tedious and time-consuming job.
Although the growing trend of online shopping has reduced
some load, there is still some difference in actually going to
shops and hand-picking products to get the feel of their
quality and features that cannot be experienced online.
Customers also feel worried to carry out online purchases due
to fear of less secure transaction process that may lead to
hacking of user's sensitive data, insecurity of credit/debit
cards, unreliability or breach of privacy. The project aims at
removing flaws of both kinds of shopping and bridge the gap
between physical and a virtual world.
“Android platform was built from the ground up with the
explicit goal to be the first free platform, open and complete
platform created specifically for mobile devices.”
Android platform is an open framework and is allowed to
use by anybody. A mobile handset manufacturer can utilize
android in the event that they take after the assertion
expressed in the Software Development Kit (SDK). There is no
limitations or prerequisite for the handset manufacturer to
impart their expansions to any other person as they are in
another open source programming in the event that they
leave the Linux kernel as it seems to be. The Linux kernel is
under an alternate and more confined permit than Android.
II. Application Level Cache
Applying caching at the application layer is an engaging
choice since it can enhance the execution of both the
application servers and the database. Application level
caches are a prevalent solution for enhancing the versatility
of complex web applications: they are broadly used by some
outstanding sites. They are engaging on the grounds that they
can be executed with a straightforward, adaptable plan, and
their adaptability enables them to address many bottlenecks.
The present web applications are utilized by a large
number of clients and request executions that scale in like
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2249
manner. Expanding database limit is regularly a troublesome
and costly suggestion, requiring careful partitioning of
distributed databases. Application server bottlenecks can be
easy to address basically including more nodes is normally
an alternative however no less costly, as these nodes are
not free.
To implement the application level cache in our project, we
first designed the website using the PrestaShop eCommerce
shopping cart software, then we added the application level
cache module on the website. Then we developed the
Android app for the website and integrated it with the
PrestaShop software. When the integration of the app was
successful with the website we developed the application
level cache module for the android app and implemented it in
the system.
The intention of using the application level cache in the
system was to improve the performance of the system by
reducing the response time to fetch the data from the server
on user's request. When the user makes the request to fetch
the data, this request is first processed by the application
cache manager, if the data is present in the cache it is
returned to the requesting process and if the data is not
present in the cache then the application makes the request
to the application server to send the data. The result of using
application level cache is that the computation time of the
server is reduced and the communication latency between
the application and the server is reduced, thus the
performance of the app is improved.
The cache does not lie before the application servers or
between the application server and database. It enables the
application to store self-assertive items. These items are
ordinarily created from the consequences of at least one
database queries alongside some calculation in the
application layer.
Figure 1: Architecture for an Application Level Cache
This adaptability permits an application level cache to
supplant existing caches: it can go about as database query
cache, or it can go about as a web cache and store whole
pages. Application level caching is all the more capable on the
grounds that it can cache intermediate calculations, which
can be much more valuable. For instance, many sites have
greatly customized content, providing entire page web cache
generally useless; application level stores can isolate a
normal content from customized content and cache the
regular content independently so it can be shared between
Application-level caches can address server load; they can
deflect expensive post-processing of DB records, for example,
changing them to an inner replica or producing partial HTML
Existing application level caches generally display a hash
table interface to the application, enabling it to GET and PUT
objects distinguished by a key. This interface offers two
The interface is adaptable, in that it enables the
application to utilize the cache to store various types of
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2250
objects. It can be utilized to hold database query results,
created web pages, or anything in the middle.
The interface fits a basic, versatile execution. An example is
memory cache, which stores objects on a group of nodes. The
cache is put away totally in memory and does not try to do
any processing other than restoring the object recognized by
the requested key.
A Qualitative Study of Application-level Caching [1]
The web applications that we use every day on our
smartphones or on computers requires the internet
connection to communicate with the web services hosted on
the web servers, this process contains some communication
latency and it also cost for internet-based services. To reduce
this latency, the developers can use the cache in their
applications. This paper deals with the study of how
developers can deal with the handling of caching logic in their
web applications, to improve performance and scalability of
their web applications.
W3C Working Group Tackles New Models for Internet
Payment [2]
The online shopping is becoming more and more popular
now a day due to large amount of offers and discounts been
offered on the items available for purchase online. The
additional discount is also applied on the purchase of items by
making the online payment through net-banking, debit/credit
card or digital wallet. So, to give the payment providers and
merchants lower costs of payment management, improve
consumer choice and transparency, and create new
opportunities to introduce value-added services, the Web
Payments Working Group (WPWG) is formed. It works with
the study of development in the security of online
transactions and net-banking. This is the step further for the
cashless payment methods been promoted by all the
merchants of online shopping.
Mobile Web Service Provisioning and Performance
Evaluation of Mobile Host [3]
Giving web administrations from smartphones is the
current trend, this happened because of smartphones are
utilized practically every region, where today's client utilizes
versatile smartphones for mobile banking, messaging,
emailing, looking area and searching information.
smartphones are progressed as far as processing power,
memory and with an embedded camera, different sensors
and same time parallel headway in the remote system and
web advancements. Because of these progressions empowers
the versatile smartphones to fill in as a web provider rather
than web benefit consumer. Hosting web services on the
portable host is not new but rather in most recent one
decade scientists chipping away at versatile web benefit
provisioning. This paper deals with the exploration work in
the cellular domain to the present era mobile platform
advances and guidelines, for example, Android OS and REST.
This paper manages mobile host adaptability and exploratory
outcome examination for what number of simultaneous
client’s access to the mobile host.
A Privacy-aware Shopping Scenario [5]
Giving private information is a very questionable and
generally faced off topic. The data about people as well as
about organizations, data should to be kept private. With a
specific end goal to fulfill the necessities of both people and
organizations, relating security insurance mechanisms must
be executed. For instance, frameworks which help clients
during their shopping procedure in a physical retail location
require client related data, for example, the shopping list,
sensitivity or financial bank data and also information from
the retailer, similar to the item range and costs. This paper
presents an idea for decoupling both data sources from
people and organizations implemented in a shopping
situation, which among others permits Mobile Payment
without the transmission of private information. The
executed model has been exhibited at a huge reasonable for
potential clients keeping in mind the end goal to get
important feedback.
Performance Analysis of Web Services for Android
based Devices [6]
Smart android devices and Web services are turning out to
be extremely mainstream. As smart android devices and
remote advances keep on rapidly growing over a limited
ability to focus period, the web administration's innovation
perceives smart mobile computing as a range to which it
ought to extend. Web service can significantly build the
usefulness of smart android devices to collaborate with its
surroundings. In this paper, the execution is examined for
two of the most vital methodologies utilized for building and
actualizing Web services for an android based smartphone
(i.e. SOAP-based Web services and RESTful Web services).
REST services are recognized by unique Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI) and got to and controlled utilizing an
arrangement of predefined techniques: GET, POST, PUT,
DELETE on the opposite side, SOAP is the XML-based
protocol for the decentralized, distributed environment, that
utilizes the power of the Internet. The trial comes about
demonstrate that RESTful web services outperform SOAP
web services.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2251
Smart Shopping: An Android Based Shopping
Application [7]
This paper introduces a unique method of combining ease
in online shopping and the sense of security, money wise as
well as for customer satisfaction while doing shopping
offline. This is implemented using an Android application. In
Offline mode, the customer needs to physically pick up his
purchase, carry cash, credit/debit cards along with them and
wait in the long queue to make payments. The application
mentioned in this paper would read the barcode of the
product and add it to the shopping cart in the application. It
provides the mechanism to change the quantity of product's
purchased and update the shopping list. Along with this, the
customer would be informed about the on-going offers in the
store. Payment can be done according to customer
Problem Statement
The main objective of this system is to develop an android
app which has the application level cache implemented in it
and integrate the app with the website built using the
PrestaShop eCommerce Shopping Cart software and connect
it to the MySQL database of the website. The website runs on
the XAMPP server. PrestaShop creates the website in PHP
programming language and have many modules which can
be included in the website as per users need and have very
complex framework for the website. To integrate the android
app with this website we have to reduce the number of
modules used in the website and try to make the framework
simple to understand, so that we can make the connection
between the website and android app. We are using the
XAMPP server to host the website on the local machine and
to access the web services of it in the android app.
About PrestaShop
Most of the open source shopping cart software are
available only for the web platform, they are not available for
the mobile platform. PrestaShop is one of the software
available from dozens of such software. PrestaShop is a free,
open source eCommerce software. It is composed in the PHP
PL with support for the MySQL DB administration
PrestaShop is currently utilized by 250,000 shops
worldwide and is accessible with the support of 60 different
regional languages. PrestaShop has more than 3000 modules
to help you to customize your online store, increase traffic,
improve conversion rate and build customer loyalty.
So, the user has to add the modules to his web store
according to his requirements and then the user can
customize that module as per his needs to be implemented in
the web store.
Pros & Cons of Prestashop
1. Pros
It can be easily installed & customized
It offers an intuitive & user-friendly dashboard
It is available in 65 languages, supporting English &
It takes few minutes to install the software
It creates the database tables automatically
2. Cons
It lacks graphic customization as there is not much you
can do with it
It has limitations with its templates, themes & modules
It has compatibility issues with some systems
It creates many tables in the DB which makes it
complicated to understand the structure of the data
It does not have official support team
Objectives of the system
1. To develop the Shopping Cart Android App.
2. Integrate the Android App with the PrestaShop
eCommerce Shopping Cart software.
3. Create the connections between the App and the web
services of the shopping cart on the XAMPP server.
4. Connect to MySQL database management system.
5. Implement the application level cache in the android
6. Design the GUI of the App for different devices (i.e.-
Phone, Phablet, Tablet).
7. Design the attractive theme for the App.
Figure 2: Working of the PrestaShop Shopping Cart System
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2252
The farmers send their farm products to the inventory. The
inventory is the place where cleaning, sorting, grading and
packing of the raw products from the farm is done. Then the
available stock is updated in the database. When the
customers place their orders in the PrestaShop shopping cart
through the website or through the android app, this order is
sent to the inventory. According to the orders, the workers in
the inventory pack the products in the parcel and put the
shipping address on the parcel. These parcels are then loaded
in the delivery van to dispatch for delivery to the customers.
When the parcel is delivered to the customer, the status of
the order in PrestaShop shopping cart is changed to
delivered or if the parcel is not delivered to the customer, it is
returned back to the inventory.
The PrestaShop shopping cart system uses the MySQL
database management system to handle the database. In the
proposed system we will use the application level cache to
improve the performance of the android app, so that app
does not create the latency in the communication with the
PrestaShop software running on the XAMPP server due to the
slow internet connection. The cache stores the required
important data in the cache memory of the user mobile, so
the operation of the app becomes faster and users does not
encounter any problem of slow data loading.
Figure 3: Block diagram of PrestaShop Shopping Cart
When the user will open this app in his android
smartphone, the list of items will be displayed on his screen.
When the user will select the item or search for some item,
the request will be sent to the PrestaShop software, then that
item will be searched in the shop’s database. Shops database
has different tables like inventory table, items table, etc.
Inventory table contains the item stock details, items table
contains the item details and description. All this information
of the item will be retrieved from the database and sent back
to the requesting user device. After reading the item
information user can add the item to the cart if he wishes to
buy it, the user can also view and update the shopping cart
and place the order.
Caching Policies - there are different cache replacement
policies as follows: First In First Out (FIFO), Last In First Out
(LIFO), Least Recently Used (LRU), Most Recently Used
(MRU) and Random Replacement (RR). These policies are
used to flush out the old data from the cache, so that new
data can be brought in to the cache, thus the data in the cache
is always remains updated and consistent. Cache is used for
fast data retrieval because the data access speed of cache is
faster than main memory. But the memory size of cache is
very less (few megabytes) as compared to main memory.
The average time for cache reference is calculated as
T = average cache reference time
m = cache miss ratio
h = cache hit ratio
m = 1 h
= time required to access main memory when there is
cache miss
= time required to reference cache memory when there
is cache hit
E = other latencies
Figure 4: Network test snapshot
The three factors can be considered while evaluating the
quality of eCommerce website and web app as follows:
1. Usability - it refers to qualities that empower electronic
trade to be helpful in a variety of circumstances, through
its own improvement procedure, as well as the
utilization and support, and depends on the unwavering
quality of the site and comprises of the accompanying
two angles;
2. Conceptual reliability - it manages the potential
outcomes of electronic trade to acceptably execute what
was indicated and planned.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2253
3. Representative reliability - it refers to the agent
potential outcomes of electronic trade that influence the
comprehension and treatment of the store through its
life cycle.
Utilizing these variables, the investigation of the site and
web application can be completed. It is then conceivable to
figure out which of these elements that have been contrasted
is suitable with utilize. The examination of the devices
depends on the above variables and on their legitimate
working to give the clients most extreme help and the
utilization of the instruments. The online store can be tried
for the client perspective and the managerial perspective,
including enlistment, web page route and submitting a
request for the items in the shopping cart.
Figure 5: Memory usage line graph
Figure 6: Response time line graph
To assess the general execution of the web application
amid execution of its usefulness, the accompanying three
measurements can be considered, where bring down
qualities show better execution.
1. Response time: the time in seconds(s) that the web
application takes from the earliest starting point of its
execution to the finish of stacking the whole site page
2. CPU time: the time in seconds(s) that the way toward
survey the site page possessed the CPU resource. Since
the CPU may perform different tasks while stacking a
website page, this metric separates the time taken just
by the application being assessed.
3. Memory usage: the volume in megabytes(MB) that the
way toward showing the page utilized as a part of the
RAM of the execution condition.
The graphs below show the performance analysis of the
web app for different android versions and different android
emulator settings for memory usage and CPU time.
By implementing the application level cache in the project,
we are trying to improve the performance of the android app
in terms of response time to communicate the app with the
web server to retrieve data from the server to the device over
the internet.
In this paper “Development of Android based Mobile App
for PrestaShop eCommerce Shopping Cart,” an Android App
is introduced for online shopping. This Android App will be
integrated with the PrestaShop eCommerce Shopping Cart
software. As the PrestaShop software is the open source
shopping cart software available only for web platform, this
survey is made trying to integrate the Android App with the
software to make it available for the mobile platform by
exposing the web services of the software using the XAMPP
Server and making the connection of the App with the MySQL
database management system. As per the study of the
previous work, it is the challenging task to integrate the
android app with the PrestaShop software without violating
the standard rules of the software and the internet protocols
for web services, so that the whole system does not create
any vulnerabilities in the security of the PrestaShop software.
This paper would not have been written without the
valuable advice and encouragement of Dr. D. B. Hanchate,
guide of ME Dissertation work. Authors special thanks go to
Prof. S. A. Shinde and Prof. S. S. Nandgaonkar, Head of
Computer Department and Honorable Principal Dr. M. G.
Devamane, for their support and for giving me an opportunity
to work on this project and survey of the development of
android based mobile app for PrestaShop eCommerce
shopping cart.
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