Welcome from
The Australian National University (ANU) is unique in
Australia. Ranked 18th in the world for Law and Legal Studies
by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings
(2023) and based inthe nations capital city, the University
attracts leadingacademics and outstanding students from
Australia andaround the world.
For more than 60 years, the ANU College of Law has been
the educational home to some of the most remarkable
researchers, and individuals creating impact and social
This, coupled with our role as the national university,
means we have a responsibility to be ambitious, bold and
We are poised to provide the next generation of leaders and
global citizens with the skills required for the challenges
Our campus is located in the heart of the nation’s capital,
alongside foreign missions, the Australian Parliament,
leading national institutions, research organisations and
school, our researchers have a unique relationship with
the Commonwealth Government, providing expert advice
to Australias leaders and decision makers to ensure the
following an idea to see where it will lead because it is
If you would like the opportunity to be extraordinary, then
Professor Anthony J. Connolly
By the numbers 2
World-class experts 3
Global careers start here 5
What you can study 6
Juris Doctor 9
Master of Financial Management and Law 10
Master of International Law andDiplomacy 11
Master of Laws 12
Master of Laws specialisations 13
Graduate Certicate ofLaw 15
Graduate Certicate of NewTechnologies Law 16
Professional development shortcourses 17
Postgraduate courses 18
Postgraduate research 19
Canberra the capital advantage 20
Applications and scholarships 21
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
entrance scores and requirements, content and availability of programs and courses, and
By the numbers
ANU is one of the
world’s leading
centres for research
and education. Our
global reputation and
rankings allow us to
attract the best staff
and students from
around the world.
ANU is ranked 34th in the world
Ranked 18th in the world
for law
23,000+ alumni spanning
100+ countries
Within four months of
completing their courses,
87% of ANU Law graduates
Good Universities Guide 2023
15+ scholarships and 60+ prizes
to support your study costs
student demand, teaching
quality, student–teacher ratio
Good Universities Guide 2023
law and legal studies research
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
World-class experts
At ANU you will be guided by some of the world’s brightest
minds, have access to world-class learning facilities and enjoy
Associate Professor Wayne Morgan
“If you want to change the world, study law. If you want to learn at one of the
world’s leading law schools, join us at the ANU College of Law. Education
with us gives you the knowledge, skills and ethical judgement to bring
about change with creative solutions to the world’s biggest policy and legal
challenges. As teachers and researchers at the national law school, we bring
together the inspiration and expertise to guide the leaders of tomorrow.
Wayne Morgan is an Associate Professor and the Associate Dean
law reform which has contributed to a number of test cases before
tribunals and courts at the national and international level, including cases
before the High Court of Australia and the United Nations Human Rights
Dr Anton Moiseienko
“I teach two Master of Laws courses, Financial Crime Law and Transnational
Anti-Corruption Laws, that largely respond to contemporary developments.
One of the joys of teaching them is that they sit at the ‘sweet spot’ between
practical relevance; and novelty. The topics I teach are those that I think are
of greatest relevance and interest; the same principle guides my research.
Whether we talk about the role of tax havens or due diligence obligations of
banks, the courses will both prepare students for a professional career in
nancial crime-related areas and demystify some of the concepts that all of
us come across anytime we open a newspaper.
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Associate Professor Akshaya Kamalnath
“We offer a range of innovative courses with global and interdisciplinary
perspectives. Specialisations within the program provide exibility in terms
of allowing for online and hybrid courses. The Master of Laws program is
vibrant, not only because students get to learn from top researchers from
the College and external experts, but also because of the diverse student
body and their contributions to the learning environment.
Associate Professor Akshaya Kamalnaths research and teaching areas
Associate Professor Jonathan Liljeblad
“The ANU College of Law is active in promoting work-integrated learning
(WIL) and mooting as part of its curriculum. WIL and mooting provide
experiential learning opportunities that expose students to the practice of
law across a range of career elds. Such opportunities immerse students
in professional settings, allowing them to advance from learning law in the
classroom into acquisition of practical knowledge and skills relevant to
doing law in the workplace.
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Global careers start here
When you graduate
ANU, you become part
of a highly connected
global network of
Our graduates are among the most
employable in Australia and around the
world, and go on to become leaders in
communities are located in the United
Kingdom, the United States, Hong
Internships, clinical placements and study abroad
opportunities are available in various locations
Internships:  international internships
short courses:
 international competitions
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
What you can study
coursework will
deepen your
knowledge and
expand your skills
career success in
Admission into most, but not all, of our
postgraduate coursework programs requires
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Flexible study options
Whichever option you choose, you will
accessibility, with intensive classes and
online learning allowing you to balance
postgraduate study with employment, family
professional development courses to allow
Juris Doctor
Three years full-time or
The Juris Doctor is ideal for those
who have completed a Bachelor’s
degree in another discipline, are
looking to change or advance
admitted as a legal practitioner
in Australia and some other
Master of International
Law and Diplomacy
Two years full-time or
The Master of International Law and
Diplomacy will equip you with the
knowledge and skills to succeed in
the current political and business
environment where policy, law and
Master of Financial
Management and Law
Two years full-time or
This program is highly suited to
aspiring to broaden their expertise or
Master of Laws
One year full-time or
the Master of Laws is ideal for those
who want to gain advanced legal
knowledge and specialist skills in
Graduate Certicate
completed a Bachelor’s degree
in another discipline or have at
an ANZSCO Skill Level 1 role, and
wish to develop their knowledge of
Australian and international legal
systems and how laws are created,
Graduate Certicate
ofNew Technologies Law
Technologies Law is taught entirely
online and includes a range of law
electives including information
technology, legal app development,
blockchain and legal innovation,
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Master of Laws
suitcase in my hand and thousands of dreams in
of Law provided me the comfort of a home,
guidance of a mentor and companionship of a
my desire of exploring the unexplored and
and interactions with academics provide me with
a food for thought and a new perspective that I
a great learning experience to interact with
professors and peers both within and beyond
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Juris Doctor
Studying law at ANU was the best decision I have ever
training, I represented ANU at the Australian
Parliament and spoke on law reform to Members of
Parliament and Senators, led the ANU International
Law Society as its president, and led the
ANU Journal
of Law and Technology
The ANU College of Law’s national and global
reputation also enabled me to work at some of
have also successfully gained work experience in
government departments, federal and supreme
courts, international organisations, and so much more
Juris Doctor
The ANU Juris
Doctor (JD) is an
recognised program
designed for
graduates of non-
law disciplines.
It provides the
lawyer in Australia
and some other
Three years full-time or
Entry requirements
Bachelor’s degree or international
of 5/7 (any discipline). If you have
undertaken more than one tertiary
Program structure
The ANU Juris Doctor combines core foundational
legal studies with a distinctive capstone experience
incorporating practical clinical studies, internships or
During your degree, you will study a range of
compulsory courses in foundational areas of law
that include international law, administrative law,
corporations law, criminal law, contracts, evidence
You can also tailor your degree to suit your interests
and career goals by selecting electives from a range
of contemporary topics in law, including environment
and climate law, international trade law, health
law and bioethics, information technology law,
Clinical courses
Clinical courses allow you to engage with clients,
Clinical placements may be undertaken in a
government organisation where you will get the
Admission to practice
Before you can practise law in Australia, you must
the practical skills and knowledge you’ll need as a
legal professional, and allows you to be admitted as
The ANU Juris Doctor has global recognition and
graduates enter traditional legal roles such as a
solicitor or barrister, as well as roles in management,
politics, the public service, business, commerce,
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Master of Financial
Management and Law
Market behaviours
shape our society
sector is always
a central concern
for policymaking.
This joint degree is
graduates with a
sophisticated level
of understanding
alongside knowledge
of the legal and
regulatory context
sector activity and
Two years full-time or
Entry requirements
Bachelor’s degree or international
Program structure
from both the ANU College of Law
and the College of Business and
of Laws, this degree draws on course
content from different disciplinary
areas, combining rigorous courses on
This program is highly suited to
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Master of International
Law andDiplomacy
The Master of
International Law
and Diplomacy
is a joint degree
that addresses
needs arising
dynamics of the
current political
and business
environment where
policy, law and
dispute resolution
Entry requirements
Program structure
understanding of the way diplomacy and law operate in,
legal and diplomatic skills and knowledge for the 21st
study and career options in the prestigious arenas of
diplomatic and international legal practitioners with
Graduates of the Master of International Law and
Diplomacy may work within foreign ministries, as
academics, senior staff in the United Nations, World
Bank, International Monetary Fund and transnational
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Master of Laws
Open to both law and non-law graduates, the ANU Master of
Laws (LLM) is ideal for those looking to deepen their knowledge
area of practice or those for whom a knowledge of law would be
regulators and managers.
One year full-time or
Entry requirements
Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Laws
or Bachelor’s degree in any cognate
Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Laws
or Bachelor’s degree in any cognate
of four plus two years of relevant
professional experience.
Advance standing (credit)
ANU Juris Doctor within the last
seven years are eligible to receive
credit for four elective subjects for
Program structure
to tailor your studies to suit your personal
your own program by selecting from a range of
contemporary topics in law, including information
technology, aviation and space, environment and
climate, cyber warfare, international security and
Alternatively you can choose to specialise in one
of the following areas:
Human Security Law
International Law
Private and Commercial Law
Public Law
New Technologies Law
Courses are available in a range of delivery
Build your own LLM program
You can build your own Master of Laws program
by selecting courses from a wide range of topics,
Criminal law
Information technology and cyber warfare
International security and human rights
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Master of Laws
there is a need to understand the consequences of climate change, environmental and
explore these issues from legal, regulatory and policy 
International Law
International law regulates the relations between states and other actors at the
the skills necessary to navigate the international legal system, with the opportunity to
focus on areas of particular interest through a wide array of elective courses, many of
which require the completion of a substantial research 
Private Commercial Law
This specialisation will provide you with insights into the increasingly complex global
courses, in areas as diverse as sports law and corporate social responsibility, allows you
New Technologies Law
government need a new generation of lawyers who understand the legal, commercial
and policy implications for the design and implementation of new products and
and practical approaches to solving problems presented by new 
Public Law
Studying public law involves you examining both the process and product of
government regulation, and the underlying legal structures upon which government
 
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Charles Zhan
JD ‘11
Charles Zhan is a partner at Moulis Legal, a boutique
representing multinationals from various industries on trade
international investments, countervailing investigations and, of
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Alan Wu
GDLP ‘12, LLM ‘16
how we can tailor incentives and sanctions to better build a
ANU College of Law, to be a place that engaged us in this
inquiry, and that spurred us to action by strengthening our
Alan Wu is a lifelong champion for a more participatory and
people, the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition, Alan led the
Alan is a public sector lawyer, a career made possible by his
Graduate Certicate
This program is
ideal for those who
have completed a
Bachelor’s degree
in another discipline
and wish to develop
their knowledge
of Australian and
international legal
systems and how
laws are created,
interpreted and
Entry requirements
Level 1 role.
Program structure
contemporary topics in law, including information
technology, aviation, environment and climate,
cyber warfare, media, international security and
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Graduate Certicate of
NewTechnologies Law
Taught entirely
online, the ANU
of New Technologies
Law gives you the
skills and knowledge
to accelerate your
career. Understand
the application—and
evolutionof law in
the digital era.
completed a Bachelor’s degree in another
discipline and wish to develop their knowledge of
Australian and international legal systems, and
how laws are created, interpreted and applied to
The program also provides a pathway to the
Entry requirements
Level 1 role.
Program structure
from a range of contemporary courses in law,
including Cybercrime, Health Law and Bioethics,
Blockchain and Legal Innovation, Cyber Warfare,
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Professional development
courses enable you to update or refresh your
knowledge, expand your skillset, focus on a
specialised area of law relating to your current
role or gain new knowledge and skills to
world professional experience, and delivered in
an intensive format of between four days to 12
Tailored professional development courses can
We offer a range
of short-term
development courses
a single subject
without having
to apply for a full
postgraduate degree.
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Postgraduate courses
Administrative Law
Advanced Administrative Law
Advanced Contracts
Advanced Introduction to Legal
Methods and Legal Writing
Advanced Principles of
International Law
Australian Legal Responses
Australian Public Law
Blockchain and Legal Innovation I
Business, Human Rights and
Chinese Law and Society
Citizenship Law in Context
Climate Law
Commonwealth Constitutional Law
Community Law Clinic
Competition Law
Consumer Protection
Contemporary Issues in
Constitutional Law
Corporations Law
Corporations, Law and Technology
Criminal Law and Procedure
Cyber Law
Cyber Warfare Law
Cryptoassets and the Law
Financial Crime Law
Financial Markets and Takeovers
Foundations of Australian Law
Global Health Law
Graduate Research Unit
Income Tax
Indigenous Community Legal Clinic
Indigenous Peoples and Law
Information Technology Law
International and Comparative
Human Rights Law
International Criminal Law
International Humanitarian Law
International Investment Law
International Law
International Law Clinic
International Law of the
International Law and the Use of
International Property
International Refugee Law
International Trade Law
Jessup Moot
Labour Law
Law and Development Clinic
Law and Development in
Law and the Humanities
Law and Legal Institutions
Law, Gender Identities and
Law Internship
Law of the Sea
Indigenous Perspectives and Deep
Listening on Country
Legal Framework of Regulation
Legal Theory
Legislation and Legislative Drafting
Litigation and Dispute Management
Media Law
Nuclear Weapons Law
International Law
Principles of International Law
Prison Legal Literacy Clinic
Space Law and Governance
Statutory Interpretation
Strategic Issues in the Law of
The Law of Weaponry and Targeting
The Rule of Law and
Constitutionalism in Greater China
Tort Liability and Public Authorities
Youth Law Clinic
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Postgraduate research
As Australias national law school, the ANU College of Law
Working under the supervision of some of Australia’s
research culture, and are provided with the support,
guidance and opportunity to deeply engage with law and
With particular strengths in a number of key legal
areas—including international law, international security
law, environmental law, administrative law, constitutional
law, and government and regulation—the ANU College
of Law offers diverse options for students seeking to
In addition to being supervised by leading scholars,
many of whom are regarded as among the best in
considerable international networks and opportunities
to work closely with visitors, researchers and academics
The ANU College of Law is a magnet for visiting
academics and speakers from around the world,
In consultation with your supervisor, you can tailor your
positive change in society through the following options:
Doctor of
Philosophy in Law
Four years (full-time) or
eight years (part-time);
100,000-word thesis
Offered to students seeking an
quality, independent research, the
submission of a thesis that makes a
substantial contribution to learning
Master of
Philosophy in Law
One to two years (full-time)
60,000-word thesis
The Master of Philosophy requires
completion of a thesis that makes an
original and important contribution
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Canberra the capital advantage
At ANU, you’ll be warmly welcomed into a
Our proximity to the High Court of Australia, Parliament House,
Commonwealth courts and federal agencies offers unparalleled
Canberra offers a different cultural experience to other Australian
Most liveable city
Canberra is one of the world’s most liveable cities, ranking
Canberra is considered one of the safest cities in Australia
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
Global community
2021 Australian Bureau of Statistics
Applications and
Domestic postgraduate
coursework students
To apply for most postgraduate
coursework degree programs,
you will need to submit your
application directly to ANU via
Apply online at:
There are a number of scholarships
available to postgraduate law
students to assist you with the
ANU College of Law Postgraduate Law
International postgraduate
coursework students
Juris Doctor, Master
of International Law
Financial Management and Law
There are two student intakes
each year:
Applications are
open and will close
Applications are open and
will close 
In order to be considered for an
and cognate requirements for
your preferred program, and
by the application deadline for
Apply online at:
CRICOS Provider #00120C. TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12002 (Australian University)
ANU College of Law
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2600 Australia
Australia: 1800 620 032
Overseas: +61 2 6125 3483
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