Mechanical Engineering laboratory - Magnetism
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Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
A short introduction to…
and its practical applications
Michele Togno – Technical University of Munich, 28
March 2014 – 4
April 2014
Mechanical Engineering laboratory - Magnetism
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A property of matter
Archimedes (287-212 BCE)
A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic
field. This magnetic field is invisible but it is responsible for the
most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls
on ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, and attracts or repels
other magnets.
Magnetite Fe
History of magnetism
Sushruta, VI cen. BCE
(Indian surgeon)
Shen Kuo, 1031-1095
(Chinese scientist)
William Gilbert, 1544-1603
(English physician)
H.C. Oersted, 1777-1851
A.M. Ampere, 1775-1836
C.F. Gauss, 1777-1855
M. Faraday, 1791-1867
J.C. Maxwell, 1831-1879
H. Lorentz, 1853-1928
F. Savart, 1791-1841
J.B. Biot, 1774-1862
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The Earth magnetic field
A sort of cosmic shield
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Magnetic domains
and types of magnetic materials
Ferromagnetic: a material that could exhibit spontaneous
magnetization, that is a net magnetic moment in the absence
of an external magnetic field (iron, nickel, cobalt…).
Paramagnetic: material slightly attracted by a magnetic field
and which doesn’t retain the magnetic properties when the
external field is removed (magnesium, molybdenum,
Diamagnetic: a material that creates a magnetic field in
opposition to an externally applied magnetic field
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Magnetic field and Magnetic flux
Every magnet is a magnetic dipole (magnetic monopole is
an hypothetic particle whose existence is not experimentally
proven right now).
The magnetic field [Wb/m
] or [T] is the area in which a force
is experienced.
The magnetic flux [Wb] or [T·m
] is a measure of the
magnetic field in a certain medium.
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B & H…
Relationship between B (magnetic flux density) and H (magnetic field intensity):
B = µ
·H with µ
= 4·π·10
[(V·s)/(A·m)] in vacuum
B = µ
·(H + M) = µ
·(H + χH) = µ
·µ·H in a medium
µ = 1 + χ is the magnetic permeability constant
For materials which are NOT ferromagnetic or diamagnetic materials, 10
< χ < 10
µ 1 without ferromagnetic medium
µ 1500 with the iron yoke in our experiment
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B(H) (or M(H)) in a ferromagnetic material
The relationship between field strength H and magnetization M is not linear in ferromagnetic materials:
When an external magnetic field is applied to a ferromagnetic material such as iron, the atomic dipoles
align themselves with it. Even when the field is removed, part of the alignment will be retained: the
material has become magnetized. Once magnetized, the magnet will stay magnetized indefinitely. To
demagnetize it, heat or a magnetic field in the opposite direction are required.
coercive field
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Magnetic field and currents/1
Oersted, 1820: he discovered the
connection between electricity and
When he turned on the electric current in a wire, a compass
needle that was on another experiment changed its position.
Mind the right-hand rule
The Biot–Savart law is used for computing the
resultant magnetic field B at position r generated by
a steady current I (for example due to a wire):
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Magnetic field and currents/2
Infinite wire:
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Magnetic circuit
Hopkinson’s law is the magnetic analogy to Ohm’s law.
Magnetomotive ‘force’ or magnetic Spannung:
Magnetic flux:
Where the total magnetic reluctance R [H=Wb/A] is the sum of the reluctances of different materials in
the circuit.
and the energy per unit volume stored in the magnetic field:
is the magnetic force
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Faraday law and Lorentz force
Lorentz force is the force
experienced by a charged particle
in a magnetic field
Faraday law of induction:
Given a loop of wire in a magnetic field, Faraday’s law of induction states the induced
electromotive force ε in the wire.
From Faraday’s law of induction and the Maxwell equations, the Lorentz force can be deduced:
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Lenz law and eddy currents
Lenz's law states that the current induced in a circuit due to a change or a motion in a magnetic field is
so directed as to oppose the change in flux or to exert a mechanical force opposing the motion.
law of conservation of energy
and 3
Newton’s law
The total amount of electromagnetic energy cannot change!
Eddy currents (also called Foucault currents) are electric currents induced within conductors by a
changing magnetic field in the conductor. Eddy currents will be generated wherever a conducting object
experiences a change in the intensity or direction of the magnetic field.
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How to measure a magnetic field
Some more applications of the Hall
effect: automotive fuel level indicators,
ABS break system, old PC keyboards…
The magnetic field can be measured with a probe
based on the Hall effect.
The Hall effect is the production of a voltage difference
(the Hall voltage) across an electrical conductor,
transverse to an electric current in the conductor and a
magnetic field perpendicular to the current.
at equilibrium:
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(1.5T– 3T)
Further practical applications of magnetic fields
Bending and focusing magnets
in particle accelerators (LHC 8.4T!)
Mass spectrometer
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Thank you for your attention
Enjoy your experiments!
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Eddy currents experiment explanation
Slab of non-ferromagnetic material dropping between
two permanent magnets:
For instance, at the ‘exit’ we can imagine this
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Material Magnetic
Water -9.0E-06
Iron >1000
Aluminum 2.22E-05
Graphite -1.4E-05
Oxygen 3.73E-07
Diamond -2.2E-05
Helium -9.85E-10
Magnetic susceptibility of some materials