Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference
C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, and A.M. Uhrmacher, eds
Carley Jurishica
Nancy Zupick
Rockwell Automation Rockwell Automation
180 Harvester Drive, Suite 190 2100 Corporate Drive, Suite 550
Burr Ridge, IL 60527, USA Wexford, PA 15090, USA
When problems are extremely complex, highly variable and too big for simple calculations, a simulation
project solution should be considered. Not surprisingly, the resulting project endeavor will also be com-
plex and should be managed with a clear strategy and attention to detail. This paper will extend beyond
basic project tips by providing specific tools and methodologies to help simulation leaders execute suc-
cessful simulation consulting projects inside or outside their organization.
This paper is organized in three key sections, Gathering Requirements, Building the Model and Deliver-
ing Results. In the “Gathering Requirements” section we will highlight how to identify a project and
move from an initial scope to a final detailed functional specification. The “Building the Model” section
will provide specific tips for managing the model building effort. Finally, the “Delivering Results” sec-
tion will focus on creating models that are easy for analysts to run scenarios and understand project re-
sults. Figure 1 provides a high-level view of the project life cycle and common deliverables from each
phase. These phases and deliverables will be discussed in more detail throughout the paper.
Figure 1: Simulation project phases and deliverables
Simulation is a vast field and may encompass a variety of interpretations. Throughout this paper,
when we mention simulation, we are referring to a broad collection of methods and applications to mimic
the behavior of real systems, usually on a computer with appropriate software (Kelton, Sadowski, and
978-1-4673-4780-8/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 95978-1-4673-4782-2/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE
Jurishica and Zupick
Swets 2010). We have attempted to provide tools and methodologies that are independent of any particu-
lar software application. We do represent Arena simulation software from Rockwell Automation and in
some instances the examples provided are specific to the Arena software application.
We will use various terms throughout this paper. Some key definitions are provided below.
Simulation Consulting Project Manager Individual responsible for managing the simulation pro
ject and the simulation consulting team.
Simulation Consultant Any individual whose primary expertise is in executing simulation projects.
Client The end user of the simulation model or model information for the purposes of decision-
Simulation Consulting Project An engagement between the simulation consulting project manager
and the client for the purpose of building a simulation model that will be utilized for decision making.
Simulation Team Member Any individual involved directly or indirectly in the simulation consult
ing project.
2.1 Is Simulation the right Tool?
Simulation is another tool in your toolbox for problem solving. Not all problems will require or even
benefit from a simulation study. Defining the problem and having a clear understanding of the project ob-
jectives should be the first step for the simulation team.
With a clear project objective, it can be determined which tools will help achieve the goals. Under-
standing how different tools and methodologies should and should not be applied is a necessary skill on
any project team. As noted by Balci (2011), a large-scale M&S (modeling and simulation) application
development requires many areas of expertise including simulation modeling methodology, software en-
gineering, statistics, systems analysis, project management, and problem domain-specific knowledge.
In Table 1 we provide a guideline for when simulation might be appropriate for a project. There are
several common characteristics of simulation projects. These characteristics, along with example situa-
tions and why simulation is a good fit are provided.
Table 1: Guideline for determining if simulation is the right tool for a project.
Characteristic Example Why Simulation?
Highly Variable
Healthcare. A healthcare manager
needs to determine the emergency
department (ED) bed capacity. The
ED has variable patient arrival rates
and variable staff service times. Var-
iability also exists in equipment fail-
ure and repair times.
A key advantage of simulation is
the ability to handle variability.
Variability is inherent in all sys-
tems. It disrupts systems. Without
variability, performance would of-
ten be easy to predict. Accurately
capturing system variability will re-
sult in better analysis and decision
Jurishica and Zupick
Process Interde-
Manufacturing. A plant manager has
been tasked to increase throughput by
5%. There are several areas that
might be improved, but she is unsure
on which area she should focus. If
she makes changes to improve the
performance of one machine on the
line, it is difficult to know how it will
impact the upstream and downstream
Simulation allows analysts to study
system interactions. Processes
should not be analyzed in a silo. All
systems have interdependencies.
Users can change one or more vari-
ables in the model and clearly un-
derstand how the entire system is
Identify Bottle-
Restaurant Drive-through. A fast
food restaurant has recently heard
complaints from customers about
how long they are waiting in the
drive-through line. Cars have been
alking and reneging from the line.
The manager would like to test add-
ing a lane and changing the way staff
handle customers prior to making the
real-world changes.
Queueing theory is at the core of
simulation. The average time enti-
ties spend waiting for resources and
the average numbers of entities
waiting for a resource are key out-
put statistics of a simulation study.
These statistics are automatically
calculated by the simulation soft-
ware. Experiment with the model to
determine which changes will re-
duce the bottleneck in the real
Analysis Over
Airport Security. An airport chief
operations officer is trying to deter-
mine how to staff the airport security
checkpoint. Arrival of travelers to
security varies by time of year, day
of week and time of day.
Simulation allows you to look at a
system dynamically over time. Re-
lying on average values for planning
can be misleading. Use simulation
to plan staff schedules and resource
availability by time of day, week or
any planning horizon.
Animation Mining. A mining operations man-
ager needs to demonstrate the impact
of changing the number of trucks and
shovels on the overall mining
throughput. He would like to clearly
present to his management team the
system bottlenecks, resource utiliza-
tions over time and how future
changes will impact the overall sys-
tem using an animation of the mine.
Animation builds confidence. See-
ing the system dynamically change
over time with realistic visuals cre-
ates system buy-in and agreement
among decision-makers. A valid
model, backed by real data and
compelling animation, will help
leaders to make decisions.
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Process Com-
Call Center. A call center manager
needs to improve the service level of
his call center. There are many dif-
ferent types of callers. Callers speak
different languages. The request for
service may arrive to the call center
via email, fax or phone. It is difficult
for him to wrap his mind around all
the dynamic business rules. Deter-
mining the ideal staffing and process
flow is critical, but the complexity is
Simulation projects can handle
complexity. Simulation models are
dynamic and based on real-world
variability over time. Making deci-
sions regarding complex systems
using a simple spreadsheet and av-
erage values can be dangerous.
With highly complex systems,
simulation will provide more de-
tailed information to allow for better
decision making.
Sometimes the desire to apply simulation will cause individuals to apply it to all situations. This can
result in a project being more complicated and costly than necessary and lead upper management to have
a poor opinion of simulation. Simulation is powerful. Understanding when a project will and will not
benefit is an important skill. Consult experienced simulation experts if you are not certain if simulation is
the correct tool for a problem.
2.2 Scope of Work
Once it has been determined that simulation is a proper approach, the simulation team must scope the pro-
ject and develop a detailed functional specification. The final functional specification will be a roadmap
for model development and act as a written agreement among all simulation team members.
To ensure the final functional specification contains all key information, a formal process for re-
quirements gathering is recommended. First, the simulation consulting project manager must work with
the client to identify all process owners and participants that should be interviewed as a part of the infor-
mation gathering exercise. We recommend a scope of work template, similar to the one provided in Ta-
ble 2, as a starting point.
Table 2: The Scope of Work template is a guide for gathering requirement information. This information
is used to create the functional specification that will serve as the project roadmap.
Provide any background information on the company and problem.
Project Objectives
Define the goals of the study.
What questions are you trying to answer?
Major capital expenditure decisions – Should we invest in new equipment?
Bottlenecks – How can we reduce the queueing at the resource?
Resource planning – What is the ideal staff schedule for the week?
New system design – How should we layout the system? How much
equipment do we need? How much inventory do we need?
Major changes to an existing system – How will the changes impact the
current system? How can we minimize the disruption and maximize the
change effect? Is our design adequate?
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Process Flow and System Specifications
In order to build a valid model, the simulation team must map out process. Re-
gardless of the industry (healthcare, government, manufacturing, etc.) there is a
movement of entities (people, widgets, orders, etc.) through the system. This flow
must be documented.
Below are examples of leading questions to ask process owners and participants.
How does an entity move through the system?
What kind of constraints are in the system?
What business rules need to be considered in this process?
Are there exceptions to how an entity might be handled at different steps
in the process?
What types of bottlenecks currently exist in the system?
Ask a lot of questions during this phase! This is a significant time of system dis-
covery during the project life cycle. Developing a final process flow chart using a
professional diagramming application is highly recommended.
“What-if” Scenarios
Define the “what-if” scenarios that will be tested using the model. Understanding
the questions that need to be answered by the model will be of particular im-
portance to the model builder. This information will drive the detail and complexi-
ty of the model.
What if we add new machines?
What if we increase equipment speeds?
What if we change our product mix?
What if we change our resource schedules?
What if we change our facility layout?
What if the demand for our services changes?
What happens if we change the capacity of our system?
What if we modify specific business rules?
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Defining the KPIs is critical. When running “what-if” scenarios, these outputs will
be compared among scenarios to assist with decision making. Below are some
common KPIs.
Resource utilizations
Total throughput
Work in process
Cycle time
Time in queue
Number in queue
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Animation Requirements
Define the simulation animation requirements. Depending on the simulation soft-
ware used for the project, the animation opportunities will vary. It is important to
define the animation expectations at the onset of the project.
Below are several options that may be available.
Statistical reports only
Live data dashboards including plots, charts and variable animation that
update while the simulation runs
2D animation
3D animation
Managing the complexity of the simulation project and model is a developed skill.
We can provide endless advice, but as noted by Sadowski (1991), there is no sub-
stitute for experience. Knowing what details to include and exclude from the mod-
el must be defined and agreed on. Having written documentation of the project as-
sumptions is important. Below are some generic sample assumptions.
The model assumes that all resources behave the same. The model will
not be concerned that different workers that have different skills.
Rare weather events that may disrupt operations will not be modeled.
There is an infinite supply of raw materials. This is not a constraint in the
operation and we will assume there is always availability of raw materials.
Define the final project output. The simulation consulting project manager and the
client must agree on specific deliverables before the project begins. Below are
possible deliverables.
Functional specification
This document will serve as a contract between the simulation pro-
ject manager and the client. All known details about the project
should be documented in the functional specification.
Simulation model logic
Simulation model animation
Model documentation
User interface
Simulation consultants may develop an easy-to-use interface for
entering data and reviewing results.
Software licensing
If the client will be running scenarios on their own, they will need
access to the model and software to run the model.
Analysis report
A detailed report of all scenarios runs and results. Specific rec-
ommendations to system improvements based on the results of the
scenario analysis may be included.
The scope of work template requires input from many different simulation team members. System
managers, model builders, key stake holders and people working in the system will all have insights.
Jurishica and Zupick
This phase of the consulting engagement can be quite eye-opening. New system pain points, processes
and behaviors are often discovered when the team is forced to look at the process in such detail.
2.3 Functional Specification
With the scope of work information, the simulation consulting team is now ready to develop a detailed
functional specification. Whether the consulting project is between two parties in the same organization
or between two different companies, a functional specification should be developed. All details from the
scope will be clearly defined in the functional specification. Below are the key sections, at a minimum, to
include in the functional specification.
Project sign off agreement*
Project objectives
Process flow and system specifications
“What-if” scenarios
Key performance indicators
Data requirements*
Animation requirements
Payment terms*
Additional terms and conditions*
Many of these sections have been discussed as a part of the scope of work, but several new areas are
needed for the functional specification. The new areas are noted in the list above with an asterisk “*”.
A critical part of the functional specification is the project sign-off agreement. The simulation con-
sulting project manager and the client must sign the functional specification. This ensures that both par-
ties agree on the purpose of the project and all details surrounding the simulation model. As Sadowski
(1991) notes, the simulation consulting project manager needs to know what the client expects and the
client needs to know what the simulation consulting project manager will deliver. If a new request re-
garding the project surfaces, an addendum to the functional specification should be created and signed.
Figure 2 provides a sample project sign off agreement.
Project Sign Off Agreement
[Client] agrees to engage with [simulation consultants] to develop a simulation model per the
specifications provided in this document. [Insert any additional detail regarding project]
Client Name Date
Simulation Consulting Project Manager Name Date
Figure 2: Project sign off agreement
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Once the project has been defined, a timeframe for the simulation project should be estimated. The
estimated timeframe along with milestone dates should be established. A regular meeting schedule
should also be agreed on between the simulation consulting project manager and the client to ensure the
project stays on track. Dates should be adjusted as necessary throughout the life of the project.
Depending on the nature of the engagement, project payment terms may be necessary. The payment
terms should be included with the functional specification. They provide the total cost to the client for the
described project.
Finally, the functional specification should include any additional terms and conditions. Figure 3
provides example terms and conditions. Any particular legal terms that may need to exist between com-
panies can also be listed in this section.
Simulation Terms and Conditions
1. The client agrees to supply all requested data and information supporting this
project to the simulation consultants in a timely manner. The simulation con-
sultants will provide a complete list of requirements during the initial kickoff.
2. The client agrees to provide a single project management contact. This point of
contact will facilitate project meetings, arrange for on-site interviews, and en-
sure that project reviews and meetings are conducted in a timely manner.
3. Changes to the scope of work requested by the client throughout the duration of
the project will be immediately identified and communicated through simula-
tion project manager. This prevents schedule overruns due to unnoticed chang-
es in the scope of work. Estimates of the cost, scope and schedule of the chang-
es will be provided when a change in scope is identified. If there is a change of
scope, the simulation consultants will not begin work on the proposed change
until the client provides a change order, letter of intent, or e-mail approving the
4. The client agrees to provide a signoff of the functional specification.
5. The client agrees to provide a signoff of model completion.
6. Prices do not include travel expenses, which will be invoiced as incurred.
Figure 3: Sample Simulation Terms and Conditions
A challenge with any simulation project is managing complexity. Simulation is powerful and you can
model to the smallest level of detail. Too much detail will slow the model building effort, model testing
and validation. Identifying the appropriate level of detail to meet the project objectives is a developed
skill. We agree with Sadowksi (1991) that the natural tendency of the novice modeler is to include too
much detail, whereas the more experienced modeler tends toward greater abstraction. The functional
specification should guide the model builder and help them to provide the right level of detail in the mod-
As with starting anything, beginning to build a simulation model can be overwhelming. With a com-
pleted functional specification, the process should be easier. As mentioned, the functional specification
will serve as the roadmap for the model building process.
Below are factors to consider when starting the model building process.
Who will build the model?
Will there be a user interface (UI) to the model?
Will data be read into the model?
Jurishica and Zupick
Who will collect the data?
Where is the data stored?
How will the model outputs be extracted?
How will the model be utilized?
Will there be more than one model or will one be used to analyze all “what-if” scenarios?
If more than one person will be involved in building the model, their roles should be clearly defined
at the project start. Project management, data collection, model building and UI development roles will
all need to be defined. On small projects, these roles may be the responsibility of only one individual, but
on larger, more complex projects, there may be multiple people involved across different teams.
Generally the framework for the input and output of data can be created as the model building process
commences. In some cases a custom UI is not necessary and the analyst will choose to change inputs di-
rectly in the software application and review the reports directly from the software application. A custom
UI can help speed up model experimentation and allow the simulation consultant to easily hand off a
model for analysis by someone not familiar with the simulation software application. Simulation consult-
ants who frequently deliver models to clients will likely have a pre-built framework for interfacing with
the model. Most common, interfaces are developed in Microsoft Excel, Access or a VB form. If the
model and UI will be delivered to the client, special attention should be paid to the usability of the inter-
face along with documentation on how to run the model via the interface.
The UI can also be used as a guide for data collection. The simulation consulting project manager
and the client must agree on who is responsible for collecting data to support the model. This role varies.
Sometimes the client prefers to assume responsibility and other times a simulation consultant will take the
lead. Data collection can be overwhelming and a project bottleneck. Someone must be assigned owner-
ship. It is best practice to list the known data needs and this responsibility in the functional specification.
The model building itself can be divided among more than one individual, however it is imperative
that one member of the team be responsible for managing the collaborative effort and for maintaining the
model. Whether one or more individuals are building the model logic, it is important to:
Maintain easy to understand naming conventions.
Build the model in a modular format.
Review the model on a consistent basis to ensure that the logic design mimics the real system
or reflects a proposed system as closely as possible.
Provide model documentation.
Utilize a simple method of version control in order to document model progress as well as to
provide a backup version should anything happen.
Maintain backups of the model versions on multiple machines and/or servers.
Establishing consistent naming conventions throughout the model logic will make it easier to under-
stand, especially if multiple people will be building the model. In Arena, a typical naming convention is
to place an alpha prefix before the name of a modeling element. For example, attribute names may begin
with “a_” and resource names begin with “r_”. No matter what software application is used, it is recom-
mended to establish naming conventions prior to building the model.
A modular approach to model development allows the simulation consultant to keep the model orga-
nized and makes it easier to debug as code is appended to the model. The functional specification should
help the simulation consulting project manager to identify appropriate sections of the system that may be
developed independently. For example, if an emergency department model is going to be built, the model
builder might first develop and test the upfront registration process. Once this is code is established and
verified, they may move onto the initial nurse and physician assessment portion. The model builder
should not attempt to develop the logic for the entire system at once. It is even more important to build
Jurishica and Zupick
the model in a modular format when the effort is collaborative. This avoids duplicate model building and
makes it easier to copy code from a smaller model to the master project file.
It is advisable to define as many fixed aspects of the model before beginning to define the logic. For
example, in Arena defining the resources, variables, attributes and other model elements prior to building
the model logic that will reference those elements, will allow for more efficient model development.
While Arena allows the user to create elements on the fly, defining them ahead of time keeps the model
builder focused on developing logic rather than trying to determine what to call the next resource. A sim-
ilar approach in other software applications will likely prove useful.
At the beginning of the project, the client and the simulation consulting project manager should agree
on a regular schedule for reviewing the model progress. Depending on the project, it may be necessary to
meet every other day or once a week to review the modeling efforts. These meetings ensure the project is
progressing as expected and on track per the timeline in the functional specification. Reviews also allow
the simulation team members to ask questions and get further clarification if necessary. In some cases,
the scope of the project may change. It may be necessary to go back to the functional specification and
amend the project definition.
Documentation is a must! Documenting the model logic and creating documentation that describes
the model and how to run it makes it easier to maintain and update in the future. Table 3 provides com-
mon simulation project documentation.
Table 3: Simulation project documentation
Document Description
Functional Specification The functional specification provides a com-
plete overview of the project scope. It is a
roadmap for the project execution.
Model Logic Documentation In the simulation software application, the
model builder must document their code. The
logic, what is does, how it may need to be up-
dated, how it affects other logic and more
should be noted.
Model Run Documentation Documentation on how to use the interface, run
the model, change inputs and review outputs
should be developed. If multiple models are
developed from the project, clear notes on what
each model does should be established.
Project Analysis Report After the experimentation and analysis is com-
plete, a report containing the simulation outputs
for each scenario should be developed. Any
specific recommendations from the study
should be included in the analysis report.
It is important to save the model frequently and to create versions of the model at various stages of
the process. This allows for security backups and the ability to return to a specific stage of the modeling
effort if needed for debugging purposes or to create variations of the model. Having the model backed up
on more than one machine, a server, or a DVD is also recommended; hard drives crash and laptops are
lost or stolen.
Once the model is complete, verification and validation begins. In most cases, the verification has
been taking place during the model construction. Verification is ensuring that the model behavior makes
sense; entities are moving in the direction they should be and process steps are taking place as expected.
The animation will aid in model verification. Validation will be a simulation team effort. The simulation
consulting team and the client team must agree that the simulation model outputs are close enough to the
Jurishica and Zupick
real system outputs before experimentation. If the model cannot be validated then it cannot be used for
proper analysis.
Once the model is complete and validated, model analysis and experimentation can take place. As
part of the functional specification, the simulation consulting project manager and the client should have
agreed upon the project deliverables. The simulation consulting team may have agreed to provide a simu-
lation model and UI to the client and the client to take the responsibility of running scenarios and analyz-
ing the results. On the other hand, the consulting team could execute the scenarios defined in the func-
tional specification and provide a written report to the client with the key performance indicators and
recommendations from the scenarios. In either situation, the simulation team will need to collaborate to
ensure the model experimentation is run and interpreted correctly.
In the case where the model is handed off to the client, it is important to make sure that the contact,
who will be running and working the model, knows how to use it. It is critical to formally train the end
user and that the model builder has designed an easy to use UI. It is also important to clearly document
how to run the model and review the results. Figure 4 is a sample Excel UI for a simulation model. Fig-
ure 5 is an example of a VB user form that prompts the end user for inputs. Figure 6 is a web-based inter-
face developed for a user to input and view the results of a simulation model over the web.
Figure 4: Excel user interface example
Figure 5: VB user form input example
Jurishica and Zupick
Figure 6: Web-based user interface example (developed by Systems Navigator,
Part of the consulting deliverables may be a model analysis report. In this case, the simulation con-
sulting team agreed to run the scenarios defined in the functional specification and provided a detailed re-
port with the results of the simulation. The analysis report may include, but is not limited to the sections
noted in Table 4.
Table 4: Analysis report contents
Analysis Section Description
Executive Summary Provides a brief overview of the project problem, objectives and rec-
ommendations. Someone who is not familiar with the project should
be able to read the executive summary and understand the goals and
Background Any necessary background on the project, company and problem.
Model Building and
This section of the report should address the model building process
and a discussion of the validation process to promote model credibil-
ity (Law 2003).
“What-if” Scenario
Provides a thorough analysis of the scenarios that were defined in
the functional specification along with the simulation model results
for the KPIs defined.
Conclusions and
Provides analysis and recommendations for the project objectives
based on the scenario results.
Jurishica and Zupick
At the end of the project, the functional specification, model analysis report, supporting documenta-
tion and simulation model will provide a complete overview of the project. These project files should be
preserved by the simulation team as a record of the project.
Executing a simulation project is not trivial and the simulation project will never go exactly as planned.
Scope will change, data gathering will be more difficult than initially expected, the model will be chal-
lenging to validate and the team will be frustrated at times. Still, establishing a framework for conducting
projects and following this framework with rigor will increase the likelihood of success. After each pro-
ject, the simulation consulting team should discuss what went right and what went wrong. Tools and
methodologies should be continuously updated and improved.
Balci, O. 2011. “How to Successfully Conduct Large-Scale Modeling and Simulation Projects,” In Pro-
ceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, edited by S. Jain, R. R. Creasey, J. Himmel-
spach, K. P. White, and M. Fu, 48-55. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc.
Kelton, D., Sadowski, R., and Swets, N. 2010. Simulation with Arena. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Law, A. 2003. “How to Conduct a Successful Simulation Study,” In Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Sim-
ulation Conference, edited by S. Chick, P. J. Sanchez, D. Ferrin, and D. J. Morrice, 66-70. Pisca-
taway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Sadowski, R. 1991. “Avoiding the Problems and Pitfalls in Simulation,” In Proceedings of the 1991 Win-
ter Simulation Conference, edited by B. L. Nelson, W. D. Kelton and G. M. Clark, 176-182. Pisca-
taway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
CARLEY JURISHICA studied industrial engineering at Northwestern University. In 2008 she received
her Masters of Engineering Management from Northwestern University. She has been working for
Rockwell Automation with the Arena simulation software product for over 8 year. She started her Arena
career as a simulation consultant, teaching Arena training classes and executing projects for external cli-
entele. From 2008 – 2010 she spent time in a sales role, selling Arena software and services. Currently
she is the Arena Product Manager. Her email address is [email protected].
NANCY ZUPICK (formally Swets) received her bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from the
University of Pittsburgh. In 1997 she joined Systems Modeling (later acquired by Rockwell Automation)
in the technical support group where she worked for over a decade assisting clients with their simulations
in a wide array of industries. From 2008-2011 she was the Requirements Analyst for Arena. Currently,
she is the Arena Simulation Consulting Manager responsible for a team who provides training, mentoring
and turn-key projects to Arena customers. She is also co-author of the 5
edition of the Simulation with
Arena textbook. Her email address is [email protected].