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Thank you for insuring your pet with us
Argos Pet Insurance is pleased to have teamed up with Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc
(RSA) to provide cover for your pet. RSA is one of the largest and most experienced insurers
in the UK.
Together, Argos and RSA have a total of over 23 years experience in providing pet insurance.
Inside you will find details of:
What is covered
What is not covered
What you pay towards the cost of a claim (excess)
What you should do to make sure your pet remains protected
How to claim
How to complain.
(Home and Abroad)
Call: 0345 078 7500
Email: claims@argospetinsurance.co.uk
Customer Services
Call: 0345 078 7500
Email: help@argospetinsurance.co.uk
Call: 0345 078 7500
Email: help@argospetinsurance.co.uk
Website argospetinsurance.co.uk
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Argos vetfone
For help if you are worried about your pet’s
health at any time.
Telephone: 0800 197 6717 – available 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year A free 24/7 advice line manned
by qualified RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary
Surgeons) vet nurses.
Healthcare away from home
If you and your pet are away from home and your pet needs
urgent veterinary care, call this helpline.
Telephone: 0800 197 6756 – available 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year
Bereavement counselling
An understanding, confidential and professional service
where you can talk for as long as you need to about the
death or illness of your pet.
Telephone: 0800 197 6756 – available 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year.
Please quote scheme number: 72620
Pet legal
Lawyers are available to provide advice and explain legal
issues related to your pet in plain English and in a friendly
and helpful way.
Telephone: 0800 197 6756 – available 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year
Please quote scheme number: 72620
Pet minder
Helps you to locate a registered pet minder (on a National
basis) for either a few minutes or indeed weeks, in order to
look after your pet while you are away.
Telephone: 0800 197 6756 – available 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year
PETS Travel Scheme (DEFRA helpline)
If you are taking your pet abroad and need information on
how to obtain a PETS Travel Scheme Certificate using the
PETS helpline.
Telephone: 0370 241 1710
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From vet fees to accidental damage and boarding costs your new Argos Pet Insurance covers
you for a whole host of unexpected expenses. How much you can claim depends on which
cover level you’ve chosen. So, take a look at the table below for all the details you need.
Vet fees £2500 £4000 £7000
Refer to your
Policy Schedule
Treatment period 12 months 12 months Each year -
3rd party liability (dogs only) £1 million £1.5 million £2 million £100
Death from accident £250 £750 £1500 -
Death from illness £250 £750 £1500 -
Cremation fees £100 £100 £100 -
Advertising & reward £250 £750 £1000 -
Theft or straying £250 £750 £1500 -
Boarding kennel/cattery fees £150 £500 £1000 -
Holiday cancellation £250 £1500 £3000 -
Accidental damage Not covered £500 £500 £100
Travel covers
Quarantine costs £150 £500 £1500 -
Loss of Healthcare Certificate £250 £250 £250 -
Repeat tick & worming
£150 £250 £1000 -
Emergency expenses cover
£150 £250 £1000 -
Cover Levels
(up to)
(up to)
(up to)
The amount you must
pay if you claim
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My pet has been in an accident Vet fees and death by accident 7 & 10
My pet is ill Vet fees and death by illness 7 & 10
My pet has got lost Theft & straying & advertising & reward 11
My pet has been stolen Theft & straying & advertising & reward 11
My pet has passed away Death by accident or illness 10
My pet has caused an accident Liability 9
I am on holiday and my pet is ill Travelling how to make a claim 15
I am on holiday and my pet has had an accident Travelling how to make a claim 15
I was going on holiday but my pet is ill Holiday cancellation costs 12
I’m going on holiday and taking my pet Travelling 13
I am on holiday and my pet has got lost Emergency expenses cover abroad 14
Accidental damage 13 Holiday cancellation 12
Advertising & offering a reward 11 How we use your information 20
Bereavement help 3 Kennel fees 12
Cancelling your policy 16 Legal help for situations involving your pet 3
Cattery fees 12 Liability cover 9
Claims conditions 18 Policy conditions 15
Complaints procedure 19 Policy exclusions 17
Contact numbers 2 Quarantine costs 14
Death from accident 10 Straying 11
Death from illness 10 Theft of your pet 11
Emergency expenses abroad 14 Tick and worming repeat treatment 14
Healthcare away from home 3 Travelling in the UK or abroad 13
Healthcare certificate replacement 14 Veterinary fees cover 7
Helplines 3 Words with special meanings 6
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Important information
Your policy wording and policy schedule are evidence of your insurance with Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc (RSA),
please check that the information is correct and the cover is exactly what you need. Then, once you’re sure you’re happy
with it, please keep your policy and schedule in a safe place.
RSA part is:
that we will provide the cover set out in this policy wording for the period of insurance set out on the
policy schedule.
Your part:
you must pay the premium as shown on the policy schedule for each period of insurance;
you must comply with all the conditions set out in this policy.
If your part of the contract is not met, we may turn down a claim, increase the premium or you may find that
you do not have any cover.
At renewal your premium, excess, benefits and policy terms and conditions can change and we can choose not to offer
renewal of a policy if this happens we would let you know in advance of your renewal date so that you have enough time
to make alternative arrangements.
It is particularly important that you read your policy wording and policy schedule especially the Conditions & Exclusions
pages 15 - 18.
The law applicable to this policy
This policy will be governed by the law applicable in the part of the United Kingdom, Channel Isles or Isle of Man in which
you normally live. Legal proceedings will only take place in the courts of the part of the United Kingdom, Channel Isles or
Isle of Man in which you normally live.
Words with special meanings
Some words have a special meaning in the policy. They are listed below in alphabetical order. Whenever a word with a
special meaning is used in the remainder of the policy it will be printed in bold type.
Condition: Illness, injury, accident or change in your pet’s health or behaviour.
Incident: A specific, identifiable illness, injury or accident or change in your pet’s health or behaviour.
If a vet considers a number of injuries, accidents, illnesses or changes in your pet’s health or
behaviour are connected, they will be considered to be one incident.
Period of Insurance: The time for which we provide cover as shown in your schedule and for which we have accepted
your premium.
Pet: Dog(s) or Cat(s) named on your schedule.
Treatment: Any examination, consultation, tests, x-rays, surgery, prescription medication, as provided by a
vet at the time of your visit or purchased using a prescription a vet provides, nursing, care and
physiotherapy, provided by a veterinary surgeon or an employee of a veterinary practice under a
veterinary surgeon’s instruction.
Vet/Veterinary: A Qualified Veterinary Surgeon.
We/Us/Our: Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc.
You/Your: The person or persons named as the policyholder on the schedule.
Your family: Your husband, wife, partner, children, parents, other relatives and any joint policyholder all who
normally live with you.
The types of cover we provide
This policy offers different types of cover levels.
Silver and Gold Cover
Argos Silver and Gold policies provide cover for up to 12 months from the start of treatment providing you renew the
policy with no break in cover for up to £2,500 (Silver) or £4,000 (Gold). Once the 12 month limit or £2,500 (Silver) or
£4,000 (Gold) has been reached, you will no longer be able to claim for that condition.
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Platinum Cover
This policy provides lifetime cover. It covers treatment costs for ongoing or one off conditions, illnesses and accidents. It
gives you up to £7,000 of vet treatment each year, as long as you continue to be insured with us. Claims can continue
year after year providing we offer a renewal invitation, you accept renewal with no break in cover and your premiums
are paid. Once renewed your vet fee limit will be available to use again, we do not exclude ongoing treatments. Covered
treatments will be paid for the next policy year providing you renew your policy with no break in cover. If your limit is
reached in any one year, we will not make any more treatment payments until your policy is renewed again. Treatment
fees that vets charge increase yearly and the number of visits to the vet can increase as your pet gets older.
Veterinary fees cover
What is covered What is not covered
Applicable to all cover sections Silver, Gold and Platinum.
The cost of fees charged by a veterinary practice for
consultations, tests, X-rays, surgical procedures, drugs
and medication, nursing and hospitalisation all provided
by or given under the instruction, supervision or referral
of a vet, for an illness, injury, accident or change in your
pet’s health or behaviour.
Fees includes:
The cost of herbal or homeopathic medicine
and physiotherapy, acupuncture, osteopathy,
hydrotherapy and chiropractic treatment if referred
by a vet;
Treatment for teeth or gums if they are damaged
in an accident or if an underlying illness has caused
tooth decay or gum disease or if the teeth need to be
removed to treat an illness;
Costs of behavioural treatment for changes to the
mental or emotional health of your pet caused as
a direct result of an insured Illness, injury, accident
which occurs while insured by this policy.
If an incident causes more than one injury to your pet
the amount paid would be up to the amount shown on
your policy schedule for all the injuries which happened in
the same incident.
Applicable to all cover selections Silver, Gold & Platinum.
The excess, this is the first part of a claim that you have
to pay.
This is paid for each incident for Silver & Gold cover
and for each incident for each period of insurance for
Platinum cover.
If you choose to pay a voluntary excess in addition to the
cover excess, this will be included in the total veterinary
excess on your schedule.
Vet fees payable for any changes in your pets health or
behaviour you or your vet notice within the first 10 days
of the first period of insurance of your policy unless
previously agreed by us.
Vet fees payable for the death or injury to your pet as a
result of an accident within the first 48 hours of the first
period of insurance of your policy.
Any treatments that are or relate to:
Procedures which are not to treat an illness or injury, or
that are preventative; pregnancy, giving birth or rearing
puppies or kittens.
Treatment for teeth or gums if they’re damaged due to
tooth decay, dental or gum disease.
Routine examinations, vaccinations, homeopathic
vaccinations, flea treatments or wormers (except under
travel cover where the cost of repeating tick and worming
treatment is covered) grooming, spaying or castration.
Any behaviour training or treatment for changes to the
mental or emotional health of your pet that is not caused as
a direct result of an illness, injury, accident which is covered
by this policy and occurs while insured by this policy.
Non-essential hospitalisation and/or house calls unless
the vet declares that to move your pet would seriously
endanger its health.
Supplements and probiotics, these are products you can
purchase over the counter or online without prescription.
They are made from foods or biological products. Joint
supplements, nutraceuticals, vitamin and mineral
supplements, and organ supplements are all examples of
these products.
For costs charged by a vet to fill or provide a prescription.
Cryptorchidism (retained testicle(s)).
The cost of prosthesis, including any veterinary
treatment needed to fit the prosthesis, other than the
cost of hip, knee and/or elbow replacement(s).
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What is covered What is not covered
Stem-cell or gene therapy.
Any claim as a result of a ‘notifiable’ disease, e.g. Rabies.
Putting your pet to sleep unless it was necessary for
humane reasons or to stop incurable suffering.
Silver and Gold
Vet fees cover is provided for up to 12 months from the
start of treatment for an incident for up to £2,500
(Silver) and £4,000 (Gold).
Cover for an incident also includes 5 sessions of
hydrotherapy within a 12 month treatment period.
Any treatment exceeding 12 months after the incident.
The cost of food.
Vet fees cover provides up to £7,000 for each period of
insurance. Cover includes 10 sessions of hydrotherapy in
each period of insurance.
Cover includes food recommended by a vet to treat each
condition for up to 4 weeks in each period of insurance.
Any treatment exceeding £7,000 for each period of
Veterinary fees – How to make a claim
Once treatment starts you should telephone the claims helpline 0345 078 7500 or contact us by email on
claims@argospetinsurance.co.uk and report the possible claim. You will then be sent a claim form or you can
download a claim form via www.argospetinsurance.co.uk parts of this form will need to be completed by your vet,
please make sure that the form is signed by you and your vet and that you tell us if you want us to make payment to you
or straight to your vet. We can arrange to pay most vets directly. Please ask your vet if they are happy to do this, and if
we are able to, we will take care of the rest.
Please send us your claim form within 90 days of the first treatment for each new incident. If your vet tells you that
your pet will need treatment over a few visits you do not need to send each invoice to us separately, you can send them
all to us with one completed claim form within the 90 day period.
You need to keep all invoices and receipts that your vet gives you in connection with your claim and send these along
with a complete medical history for your pet to us. This must be a record of all visits your pet has made to a vet and this
information can be obtained from each vet practice your pet has attended.
If your pet needs ongoing treatment, you can send in further claims including updated medical records showing the
treatment your pet has received, invoices and receipts, every 3 to 6 months. If any information we have asked for is not
provided it will delay your claim.
We will need you to agree that your current, previous or referral vet may release information or records regarding the
medical history, including test results for any pet insured with us. If your pet is referred to another vet, we need copies of
any reports the referral vet completes.
We may ask your vet, to provide an opinion on whether conditions are connected, and the date changes in the health or
behaviour of your pet started. While we are providing help we may need to release information about your pet insurance
policy to any vet who has treated your pet or is about to treat your pet.
We do not cover the cost of obtaining receipts, invoices or reports required as part of the claim.
If there is any amount other than the excess that we cannot pay because the costs are not covered by your policy, we will
tell you.
You must settle with your vet, any amount not covered by the policy.
We don’t pay vet invoices that are 12 months older than the last date of treatment.
We don’t pay the cost charged by a vet to fill or provide a prescription.
Please also see the claim conditions on page 18.
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Do not forget that if your pet needs to be treated by a referral vet, your usual vet will let you know which referral vet
from our preferred referral vet network you should go to. If a referral vet from outside our network is chosen, you will
need to pay £200 of the referral vet bill yourself. This amount is in addition to your policy excess.
If your pet needs emergency treatment for a situation that if not resolved immediately will lead to a loss of life or cause
a serious threat to the present or ongoing health of your pet you can visit any vet and you will not have to pay the
additional £200 excess.
Details of the vets in our preferred referral network can be found on Argospetinsurance.co.uk. If you need help or advice
about which vet to visit, please contact the Pet Claims Helpline on 0345 078 7500 before an appointment is made.
A referral is what happens when your usual vet advises you that there is a need to go to another vet for a certain
procedure, for example a surgery or treatment. This may occur if a condition or treatment needed is outside of your
usual vet’s area of expertise. You might be asked to visit a different veterinary centre/hospital/practice, or another
branch of your existing practice. After a referral visit and any required treatment takes place it is normal for future visits
to be with your usual vet.
Third party liability cover (Dogs only)
What is covered
What is not covered
Damages and costs to others which you become legally
liable to pay if your dog causes:
Death or injury to a person; or
Loss or damage to their property.
If someone who is not a member of your family is
looking after your dog when the injury or damage
happens, we will still pay as long as you:
asked them to look after your dog;
did not agree to pay them to look after your dog;
and the death, injury, loss or damage was not to
them or their property.
The most we will pay for any claim or series of claims
arising from any one event during the period of
insurance is up to £1,000,000 (Silver), £1,500,000 (Gold)
or £2,000,000 (Platinum) depending on the cover you
have selected, plus defence costs agreed by us in writing.
The excess, this is the first part of a claim that you have
to pay.
This is paid for each incident for Silver & Gold cover
and for each incident for each period of insurance for
Platinum cover.
Anything owned by or the legal responsibility of your
family, your domestic employees who normally live
with you or anyone looking after your dog with your
Liability arising from:
any employment, trade, profession or business of
any of your family or anyone looking after your dog
with your permission;
the use of your dog for trade, profession or business;
any of your family, your domestic employees who
normally live with you or anyone looking after your
dog with your permission passing on any disease
or virus;
injury, death, disease or illness to any of your family,
your domestic employees who normally live with
you, anyone employed under contract of service
by you or anyone looking after your dog with your
Liability accepted by any of your family under any
agreement, unless the liability would exist without
the agreement.
Liability covered by any other policy unless all the cover
under that policy has been used up.
Fines, penalties or breach of quarantine restrictions or
import or export regulations.
Third party liability – How to make a claim
Contact the claims helpline on 0345 078 7500 as soon as you become aware of any possible claim.
You will then be given instructions on what to do with any letter, claim, writ or summons.
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Death from illness
What is covered What is not covered
If your pet dies from illness or is put to sleep by a vet as
a result of illness we will pay you an amount that should
you choose to, will allow you to buy a similar pet of the
same breed, sex and age as your pet at the time you
became its owner.
We will also pay up to £100 for the cost of cremation if
your pet dies or is put to sleep by a vet as a result of the
We will not pay if your pet dies from an illness that you or
your vet notice within the first 10 days of the first period
of insurance of your policy.
Any claim for:
dogs aged 9 years and above;
cats aged 11 years and above.
The most we will pay for any one claim is the purchase/
donation price shown on your schedule, up to £250
(Silver), £750 (Gold) or £1,500 (Platinum) depending on
the cover you have selected.
We will not pay more than the policy limits shown even if
you paid more than this for your pet.
Death from illness – How to make a claim
Contact the claims helpline on 0345 078 7500 as soon as you become aware of any possible claim.
You must obtain a veterinary certificate at your own expense stating the date and cause of death.
If your pet was put to sleep, you must obtain a veterinary certificate stating that this was necessary for humane reasons
or to stop incurable suffering.
Death from accident
What is covered
What is not covered
If your pet dies from an accident or is put to sleep by a
vet as a result of an accident we will pay you an amount
that should you choose to, will allow you to buy a similar
pet of the same breed, sex and age as your pet at the
time you became its owner.
We will also pay up to £100 for the cost of cremation if
your pet dies or is put to sleep by a vet as a result of an
Death as a result of an accident arising within the first 48
hours of the first period of insurance of your policy.
The most we will pay for any one claim is the purchase/
donation price shown on your schedule, up to £250
(Silver), £750 (Gold) or £1,500 (Platinum) depending on
the cover you have selected.
We will not pay more than the policy limits shown even if
you paid more than this for your pet.
Death from accident – How to make a claim
Contact the claims helpline on 0345 078 7500 as soon as you become aware of any possible claim.
You must obtain a veterinary certificate at your own expense, stating the date and cause of death.
If your pet was put to sleep, you must obtain a veterinary certificate stating that this was necessary for humane reasons
or to stop incurable suffering.
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Advertising and reward
What is covered What is not covered
A refund of the cost of local advertising and for offering
a suitable reward for the recovery of your pet if it is lost
or stolen.
Any reward you have not agreed with us before it
is offered.
The most we will pay for any one claim is up to £250
(Silver), £750 (Gold) or £1,000 (Platinum) depending on
the cover you have selected.
Advertising and reward – How to make a claim
Contact the claims helpline on 0345 078 7500 as soon as you become aware of any possible claim.
You should report the loss to your vet and local rescue centres as we may ask for confirmation that you have done so.
We will need to give our approval before you pay any amounts or offer any reward.
In the case of a reward, you must not pay the finder yourself. Please provide us with the details of the finder and we will
arrange for the payment to be made directly to them.
Theft and straying
What is covered What is not covered
If your pet is permanently lost or stolen and not
recovered despite the use of advertising and reward cover
we will pay you an amount that should you choose to, will
allow you to buy a similar pet of the same breed, sex and
age as your pet at the time you became its owner.
Any claim less than 45 days after the date your pet was
lost or stolen.
The most we will pay for any one claim is the purchase/
donation price shown on your schedule, up to £250
(Silver), £750 (Gold) or £1,500 (Platinum) depending on
the cover you have selected.
We will not pay more than the policy limits shown even if
you paid more than this for your pet.
Theft and straying – How to make a claim
Contact the claims helpline on 0345 078 7500 as soon as you become aware of any possible claim.
You must also report the loss of your pet to your local rescue centres and veterinary practices and provide confirmation
that you have made these enquiries to our claims department.
You must report the loss of your dog to the Police and the dog warden within 24 hours of discovery and provide their
reference number to our claims department.
If there is no recovery of your pet after 45 days, you will then need to complete a claim form and provide the information
detailed above.
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Boarding kennel & cattery fees
What is covered What is not covered
A refund of boarding kennel or cattery fees if you or a
member of your family has to go into hospital on medical
advice for a period of more than 4 days in a row.
Any stay in hospital, you were aware of before the policy
cover started, or any medical condition you knew about
before the policy cover started that might require a stay
in hospital.
A refund of boarding kennel or cattery fees if your pet
is unable to live at your main UK home because it has
become uninhabitable. We will need to agree with you
that your home is uninhabitable.
Any kennel or cattery fees you pay without agreeing
payment with us first.
The most we will pay in any one period of insurance
is up to £150 (Silver), £500 (Gold) or £1,000 (Platinum)
depending on the cover you have selected.
Boarding kennel & cattery fees – How to make a claim
Contact the claims helpline on 0345 078 7500 as soon as you become aware of any possible claim.
You should obtain, at your own expense, receipted bills detailing dates and fees paid.
You must also obtain, at your own expense, confirmation of the period you or your family members were in hospital and
any additional information requested by us.
If you claim under this policy for something which is also covered by another insurance policy you must provide us with
full details of the other insurance policy. We will only pay our share of the claim.
Holiday cancellation costs
What is covered What is not covered
A refund of the cost of cancelling or cutting short your
holiday, that you cannot recover elsewhere, if your pet
needs life saving emergency treatment within 7 days of
you going away on holiday.
Any surgery that in your vet’s opinion is non life-saving.
Emergency life saving surgery for any changes in your
pets health or behaviour which you or your vet notice
before this policy started.
Any refund for any holiday booked less than 28 days
before you go away.
The most we will pay in any one period of insurance is
up to £250 (Silver), £1,500 (Gold) or £3,000 (Platinum)
depending on the cover you have selected.
Holiday cancellation costs – How to make a claim
Contact the claims helpline on 0345 078 7500 as soon as you become aware of any possible claim.
You should obtain, at your own expense, the booking invoice and cancellation invoice from your travel agent or tour
operator. This should detail the amount for the charges you are unable to recover elsewhere and the date of cancellation.
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Accidental damage
What is covered What is not covered
We will pay if your pet causes accidental damage to
personal property.
The excess, this is the first part of a claim that you have
to pay.
Damage to personal property owned by you or in
your control.
Damage to any personal property belonging to any
person entrusted with the care, control and custody of
your pet.
Any damage occurring whilst your pet is left alone or
where you or any person entrusted with its care, control
and custody are not in a position to control its behaviour.
The most we will pay is up to £500 for any one claim
(Gold and Platinum cover only) depending on the cover
you have selected.
Accidental damage – How to make a claim
Contact the claims helpline on 0345 078 7500 as soon as you become aware of any possible claim.
A claim form will be sent to you which should be completed detailing the exact circumstances of the claim, including the
description of the damaged personal property and its purchase price if known.
The amount paid will take into account the age and condition of the personal property.
This section extends your vet fees cover outside of the United Kingdom and provides additional covers A-D.
What is covered What is not covered
Travel with your pet to a member country of the
PETS Travel Scheme in accordance with the European
Economic Community regulations.
This is a Government scheme that allows you to take
your pet temporarily to any member country of the PETS
Travel Scheme and come back to the UK without putting
your pet into quarantine.
(Silver) a maximum of 90 days cover is provided during
the period of insurance.
For (Gold) or (Platinum) cover there is no limit to the
number of days during the period of insurance
depending on the cover you have selected.
Non compliance with the PETS Travel Scheme.
Countries that are non-EU members of the PETS Travel
Scheme as defined by DEFRA.
Travelling – How to make a claim
In the event that your pet requires veterinary treatment whilst temporarily in a member country of the PETS Travel
Scheme, payment for the treatment must be made by you to the vet whilst you are there.
When you return home call the claims helpline 0345 078 7500 or contact us by email on
claims@argospetinsurance.co.uk immediately and report the claim.
You will be sent a claim form to complete and return to us with all the paid veterinary receipts.
Settlement will then be made to you after the deduction of the part of the claim that you must pay in sterling at the
current rate of exchange.
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Travel covers
(These are all subject to full compliance with the PETS Travel Scheme)
A. Quarantine costs
What is covered What is not covered
Quarantine costs and costs you have to pay to get a
replacement health certificate for your pet should a
microchip of ISO Standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO
Standard 11785 fail.
Any claims not supported with all relevant receipts and
documentary evidence that your pet was microchipped
before your journey with a microchip of ISO Standard
11784 or Annex A to ISO Standard 11785.
Any costs where it can be shown that the microchip was
not functioning before your departure.
Quarantine costs if, despite compliance with the relevant
regulations, your pet is placed in quarantine due to illness.
Any costs where it can be shown that your pet was
suffering from a condition before your departure.
The most we will pay is up to £150 (Silver), £500 (Gold)
or £1,500 (Platinum) for each trip depending on the cover
you have selected.
B. Loss of healthcare certificate
What is covered What is not covered
The cost of a replacement of the official PETS Travel Scheme
certificate, should the original become lost during a trip.
Claims that are not supported by all relevant receipts and
evidence of amounts you have paid.
Quarantine costs as a result of the loss of the
health certificate.
Claims where the loss of the certificate was not reported
to the issuing vet within 24 hours of discovery.
Claims where it can be shown that the health certificate
was lost before departure.
The most we will pay is a total of up to £250 for each trip.
C. Repeat tick and worming treatment
What is covered What is not covered
A refund of costs you pay to arrange a repeat of the
tick and worming treatment if your return to the UK is
delayed by your carrier.
Any claims which cannot be supported by evidence that
the initial tick and worming treatment was carried out.
The most we will pay is in total for each trip is up to £150
(Silver), £250 (Gold) or £1,000 (Platinum) for each trip
depending on the cover you have selected.
D. Emergency expenses cover abroad
What is covered What is not covered
The most we will pay in total for each trip is up to £150
(Silver), £250 (Gold) or £1,000 (Platinum) this amount
includes the following limits:
A refund of costs you have paid for accommodation
and the journey home, if your pet needs emergency
vet treatment which results in you missing your
return journey.
Any claim not supported by all relevant receipts and
evidence of amounts you have paid.
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D. Emergency expenses cover abroad continued
What is covered What is not covered
The most we will pay in total for each trip is up to £100
(Silver), £200 (Gold) or £300 (Platinum) depending on
the cover you have selected.
A refund of the costs you have paid for
accommodation and transport while you try to find
your lost pet before you are due to return to the UK.
Any claim where you have not notified the Police as soon
as you become aware that your pet is missing.
Any claim not supported by a written Police report.
The most we will pay in total for each trip is up to £150
(Silver), £250 (Gold) or £300 (Platinum) depending on the
cover you have selected.
A refund of costs you have paid for accommodation
and transport for 4 more days while you remain
abroad to try to find your lost pet.
Any claim where you have not notified the Police as soon
as you become aware that your pet is missing.
Any claim not supported by a written Police report.
The most we will pay in total for each trip is up to £150
(Silver), £250 (Gold) or £300 (Platinum) depending on the
cover you have selected.
Travel covers A-D – How to make a claim
You will need to pay the cost of any amounts yourself.
When you return home call the claims helpline 0345 078 7500 or contact us by email on
claims@argospetinsurance.co.uk immediately and report the claim.
You will be sent a claim form to complete and return to us with all the paid receipts, evidence of amounts you have paid
and required reports. We will not pay a claim if you are not able to supply supporting evidence.
Settlement will then be made to you in sterling at the current rate of exchange.
Policy Conditions
These are the conditions you and your family will need to keep to as your part of this contract. If you do not,
a claim may be rejected or payment could be reduced. In some circumstances your policy might be invalid.
Conditions applicable to the whole policy
You must:
tell us as soon as you are aware that information about you or your pet shown on your schedule is going to change
or has changed;
take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents, injury or damage.
Vaccinations and Care of your pet
You must take care of your pet at all times and pay to have treatment recommended by a Vet to prevent illness
or injury.
It is your duty as the owner of your pet to manage your pet’s weight by taking advice and making yourself aware of
the acceptable weight range for your pet at the various stages of its life, you must take steps to prevent or reduce the
increased health risk that being obese or underweight can bring. If you need help or advice contact Argos vetfone on
0800 197 6717 or ask your vet.
You must have your dog vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis and parvovirus; have your cat vaccinated
against infectious enteritis, cat flu and feline leukaemia. If your pet is not vaccinated, we will not pay any claims that result
from any of the above illnesses, unless the vaccination has failed.
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If dishonesty, exaggeration or false documentation is used by you and your family or anyone acting on behalf of you or
your family to obtain or support:
a claims payment under your policy; or
cover for which you do not qualify; or
cover at a reduced premium;
all benefits under this policy will be lost, the policy may be invalid, you may not be entitled to a refund of premium and
legal action may be taken against you.
Transferring your interest in the policy
You cannot transfer your interest in this policy to anyone else without our written permission.
Renewing your policy
At least 21 days before each policy renewal date we will tell you the premium and terms and conditions that will apply for
the following year. If you wish to change or cancel the cover then please tell us before the renewal date.
If you pay by Direct Debit we will renew the policy automatically and continue collecting premiums unless you notify us
that you wish to cancel the policy. For payments by credit or debit card, you must submit a further payment if you wish to
renew the policy.
You will have 14 days to cancel the policy after the renewal date and receive a refund of any premiums paid,
as described in “Your right to cancel the policy within the statutory period” below.
At the end of each period of insurance we have the right to amend the premium, excess and/or policy benefits, terms and
conditions. Cats and dogs, like humans, are more prone to illness and ailments as they get older. Your price will increase at
renewal, because of this likelihood and also when a claim has been paid.
Change of Insurers
It may be that the Insurance company underwriting your cover could change at renewal time – if so you will be informed
of this change not less than 21 days before your current policy renews and provided with details of any changes in your
policy cover.
If you pay by Direct Debit then your policy may be automatically renewed with the new insurer. If you do not want your
policy to be renewed then please let them know before the renewal date.
Cancelling the policy
This policy is an annual contract.
Your right to cancel the policy within the statutory period
If, having examined your policy documentation, you decide not to proceed with the insurance you will have 14 days to
cancel it starting on the day you receive the policy documentation.
We will refund any premiums already paid, except when you have already made a claim under your policy.
Your right to cancel the policy outside the statutory period
You may cancel this policy at any time.
Monthly payment
If you pay by monthly instalments and you cancel this insurance because your pet has died, has been stolen or strays
and you make a claim for this we will not deduct outstanding instalments for the remainder of the current period of
insurance from any claim payment.
If you pay by monthly instalments and you cancel this insurance for any other reason other than those stated above and
you make a claim, we will deduct outstanding instalments for the remainder of the current period of insurance from any
claim payment.
Annual payment
If you pay the full annual premium and you cancel this insurance and you have not made a claim we will refund part of
the premium already paid for the remainder of the current period of insurance.
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If you pay the full annual premium and you cancel this insurance because your pet has died, has been stolen or strays,
and you make a claim for this we will refund part of the premium already paid for the remainder of the current period of
If you pay the full annual premium and you cancel this insurance for any other reason other than those stated above
and you make a claim, we will not refund part of the premium already paid for the remainder of the current period of
Cancelling monthly premium payments
Your policy has a normal period of insurance of 12 months and your legal contract with us is for this period. You may
have asked and we may have agreed for your annual premium to be paid on a monthly basis.
We have the right to terminate the policy in the event that there is a default in instalment payments.
If you want to cancel payment by monthly instalment but not your policy, we can tell you how much you will have to
pay for the rest of the period of insurance. If this amount is not paid by the date given in our reply to you, then all cover
under your policy will be cancelled from this date.
If you need to cancel your policy for any of the reasons given above, please contact us on 0345 078 7500.
Our right to cancel
We can cancel this policy by giving you at least 14 days notice at your last known address. We will only do so for the following
reasons, and not before, where possible, making contact with you to seek an opportunity to agree a solution with you.
failure to provide us with information we have requested that is directly relevant to the cover provided under this
policy or any claim;
the use or threat of violence or aggressive behaviour against our staff, contractors or property;
the use of foul or abusive language;
nuisance or disruptive behaviour.
You will be entitled to a refund of part of any unexpired premium, providing no claims had been made for the current
period of insurance.
Policy exclusions
We will not pay claims for any pet:
not named on the schedule;
which is less than 8 weeks of age at the policy cover start date;
which no longer belongs to you;
where you and any joint policyholder are not the sole owner(s);
which should be registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and The Dangerous Dogs (Northern Ireland) Order
1991 or any subsequent amendments.
We will not pay claims for any changes that you or your vet notices in your pets health or behaviour before this policy
started, or any illness or injury that develop from these changes.
Any incident outside the territorial limits of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Eire and
the member countries of the PETS Travel Scheme (non-EU listed countries as defined by DEFRA are excluded).
Slaughter, by order from any Government, Local Authority or any person having jurisdiction in the matter, except in the
case of destruction for humane reasons to stop incurable suffering.
The cost and compensation for putting your pet to sleep, under a court order of the Contagious Diseases Act or following
its destruction for the protection of livestock.
Infringement of United Kingdom animal health and importation legislation.
Malicious or wilful injury or gross negligence to your pet which is caused by you or members of your family.
Medication that has not been recommended by a vet.
Any claim when your premium has not been paid.
War risks. Any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense of any kind caused directly or indirectly by war, invasion or revolution.
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Claims conditions
These are the claims conditions you and your family will need to keep to as your part of this contract. If you do not, a
claim may be rejected or payment could be reduced. In some circumstances your policy might be invalid.
You must not settle, reject, negotiate or offer to pay any claim you have made or intend to make under this policy without
our written permission.
We have the right, if we choose, in your name but at our expense to:
take over the defence or settlement of any claim;
start legal action to get compensation from anyone else;
start legal action to get back from anyone else any payments that have already been made.
You must help us to take legal action against anyone or help us defend any legal action if we ask you to.
Referral Vet Visits
If your pet needs to be treated by a referral vet, your usual vet will let you know which referral vet from our preferred
referral vet network you should go to.
If a referral vet from outside our network is chosen, you will need to pay £200 of the referral vet bill yourself. This
amount is in addition to your policy excess.
If your pet needs emergency treatment for a situation that if not resolved immediately will lead to a loss of life or cause
a serious threat to the present or ongoing health of your pet you can visit any vet and you will not have to pay the
additional £200 excess.
Details of the vets in our preferred referral network can be found on Argospetinsurance.co.uk. If you need help or advice
about which vet to visit, please contact the Pet Claims Helpline on 0345 078 7500 before an appointment is made.
Late submissions
We don’t pay vet invoices that are 12 months older than the last date of treatment.
Other insurance
If you claim under this policy for something which is also covered by another insurance policy you must provide us with
full details of the other insurance policy. We will only pay our share of the claim.
Financial Sanctions
We won’t provide any cover or be liable to provide any payment or other benefit under this policy where doing so would
breach any prohibition or restriction imposed by law or regulation. If any such prohibition or restriction takes effect during
the period of insurance we may cancel this policy immediately by giving you written notice at your last known address. If
we cancel the policy no refund of premium will be made.
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Complaints Procedure
Our Commitment to Customer Service
Argos Pet insurance is provided by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc (RSA). Both Argos and RSA are committed to going
the extra mile for our customers. If you believe that we have not delivered the service you expected, we want to hear
from you so that we can try to put things right. We take all complaints seriously and following the steps below will help us
understand your concerns and give you a fair response.
Step 1
If your complaint relates to your policy then please contact the sales and service number shown in your schedule. If your
complaint relates to a claim then please call the claims helpline number shown in your policy booklet.
We aim to resolve your concerns by close of the next business day. Experience tells us that most difficulties can be sorted
out within this time.
Step 2
In the unlikely event that your concerns have not been resolved within this time, your complaint will be referred to our
Customer Relations Team who will arrange for an investigation on behalf of our Chief Executive. Their contact details are
as follows:
Post: Argos Pet Insurance
Customer Relations Team
P O Box 255
NR18 8DP
Email: crt.halif[email protected]
Our promise to you
We will:
Acknowledge all complaints promptly
Investigate quickly and thoroughly
Keep you informed of progress
Do everything possible to resolve your complaint
Use the information from your complaint to proactively improve our service in the future.
Once we have reviewed your complaint we will issue our final decision in writing within 8 weeks of the date we received
your complaint.
If you are still not happy
If you are still unhappy after our review, or you have not received a written offer of resolution within 8 weeks of the date
we received your complaint, you may be eligible to refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS is
an independent body that arbitrates on complaints. They can be contacted at:
Post: Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
London E14 9SR
Telephone: 08000 234 567 (for landline users) 0300 1239 123 (for mobile users)
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
You have six months from the date of our final response to refer your complaints to the FOS. This does not affect your
right to take legal action, however, the FOS will not adjudicate on any case where litigation has commenced.
Thank you for your feedback
We value your feedback and at the heart of our brand we remain dedicated to treating our customers as individuals and
giving them the best possible service at all times. If we have fallen short of this promise, we apologise and aim to do
everything possible to put things right.
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How we use your information
Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to keeping it protected. We have created this Customer
Privacy Notice which will explain how we use the information we collect about you and how you can exercise your
data protection rights. This privacy notice will help you understand the following:
Who are we?
We are Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc (RSA), we provide commercial and consumer insurance products and
services under a number of brands, such as MoreTh>n. We also provide insurance services in partnership with Argos
Limited who are an appointed representative of Home Retail Group Insurance Services Limited (HIS).
Why do we collect and use your personal information?
As an insurer, we need your personal information to understand the level of insurance cover you require. We’ll use
this information (e.g. your name, address, telephone number and email address) to communicate with you and if you
have agreed, to send you news and offers related to our products and services.
We need to use your information to create a quote for you, allowing you to buy insurance products from us. When
buying a product from us, you’ll also need to provide us with details about the items you wish to be covered by the
insurance (e.g. car make and model, your home).
We may need to check information you have submitted with external companies/organisations (e.g. the DVLA, the
Motor Insurance Database, credit reference agencies and criminal conviction checks.) When buying certain products,
sometimes we will ask for special categories of personal data (e.g. driving offences for motor insurance, medical
records in case of injury).
Once you become a customer, we’ll need to take your payment details to set up your cover. This could be direct debit,
credit or debit card information. To service your policy, we might contact you via our website, emails, telephone calls
or post. When using these services we might record additional information, such as passwords, online identifiers and
call recordings.
For some of our products, we may collect information through smart sensors to assess your insurance needs (e.g.
a black box installed in your vehicle when you buy a telematics driving product, which collects and uses geo-location
and driving behaviour data).
If you need to claim against your insurance policy, we will need to collect information about the incident and this may
be shared with other selected companies to help process the claim. If other people are involved in the incident, we
may also need to collect additional information about them which can include special categories of personal data (e.g.
injury and health data).
In submitting an application to us, you may provide us with equivalent or substantially similar information relating
to other proposed beneficiaries under the policy. You agree that you will bring this Privacy Notice to the attention of
each beneficiary at the earliest possible opportunity.
Data protection laws require us to meet certain conditions before we are allowed to use your personal information
in the manner described in this Privacy Notice. To use your personal information, we will rely on one or more of the
following grounds:
Performance of contract: We need to use your personal information in order to provide you with the policy
(which is a contract of insurance between you and us), and perform our obligations under it (such as making
payments to you in respect of a claim made under the policy).
Consent: In certain circumstances, we may need your consent unless authorised by law in order to use personal
information about you which is classed as “special categories of personal data”.
For marketing, you will always be given a choice over the use of your data.
Necessity to establish, exercise or defend legal claim: If you, or we, bring a legal claim (e.g. a court action)
against the other, we may use your information in either establishing our position, or defending ourselves in
relation to that legal claim.
Compliance with a legal obligation: Where laws or regulations may require us to use your personal
information in certain ways.
Legitimate Interests: We will also process your personal information where this processing is in our “legitimate
interests”. When relying on this condition, we are required to carry out a balancing test of our interests in using
your personal information (for example, carrying out market research), against the interests you have as a citizen
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and the rights you have under data protection laws. The outcome of this balancing test will determine whether
we can use your personal information in the ways described in this Privacy Notice. We will always act reasonably
and give full and proper consideration to your interests in carrying out this balancing test.
Where else do we collect information about you?
Where possible, we’ll collect your personal information directly from you. However, on occasion we may receive
details about you from other people or companies. For example, this might happen if:
It was given to us by someone who applied for an insurance product on your behalf (e.g. an insurance broker, a
family member) where you have given them the permission to do so; or
It was supplied to us when you purchased an insurance product or service that is provided by us in partnership
with other companies; or
It was lawfully collected from other sources (e.g. Motor Insurance Database, Claims and Underwriting Exchange
or fraud prevention databases) to validate the information you have provided to us.
We request those third parties to comply with data protection laws and to be transparent about any such
disclosures. If you would like some further information, please contact us.
Will we share your personal information with anyone else?
We do not disclose your information outside of RSA except:
Where we need to check the information you gave to us before we can offer you an insurance product (e.g.
reference agencies);
Where we are required or permitted to do so by law or relevant regulatory authority (e.g. financial crime
screening, fraud detection/prevention);
Where we provide insurance services in partnership with other companies (e.g. building societies, large
In the event that we are bought or we sell any business or assets, in which case we will disclose your personal
information to the prospective buyer of such business or assets;
As required to enforce or apply this Privacy Notice, or the contract of insurance itself;
Within our group for administrative purposes;
As required in order to give effect to contractual arrangements we have in place with any insurance broker and/
or intermediary through which you have arranged this policy;
With healthcare providers in the context of any relevant claim being made against your policy;
If we appoint a third party to process and settle claims under the policy on our behalf, in which case we will make
your personal information available to them for the purposes of processing and settling such claims;
With our third party service providers (including hosting/storage providers, research agencies, technology
suppliers etc.);
With our reinsurers (and brokers of reinsurers) in connection with the normal operation of our business;
Sometimes your personal information may be sent to other parties outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)
in connection with the purposes set out above. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal
information is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Notice, and in doing so may rely on certain
“transfer mechanisms” such as the EU-US Privacy Shield, and the standard contractual clauses approved by the
European Commission. If you would like further information please contact us.
Which decisions made about you will be automated?
Before we can offer you an insurance product or service, we may need to conduct the following activities, which
involve automated (computer based) decision-making:
Pricing and Underwriting – this process calculates the insurance risks based on the information that you have
supplied. This will be used to calculate the premium you will have to pay.
Credit Referencing – using the information given, calculations are performed to evaluate your credit rating. This
rating will help us to evaluate your ability to pay for the quoted products and services.
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Smart Sensor Data Analytics – an insurance product that collects your information using smart sensors (e.g.
in car black box) to calculate your insurance risk (e.g. driving score). This may then be used to determine your
policy rewards (e.g. cash back for safe driving) and to calculate your policy renewal premium.
Automated Claims – some small claims may qualify for automated processing, which will check the
information you provide, resulting in a settlement or rejection of your claim.
The results of these automated decision-making processes may limit the products and services we can offer you.
If you do not agree with the result, you have the right to request that we perform a manual reassessment using the
same information that you originally provided. If you wish to do so please contact us.
For how long will we keep your information?
Your personal information will be retained under one or more of the following criteria:
Where the personal information is used to provide you with the correct insurance cover, which will be kept as
long as it is required to fulfil the conditions of the insurance contract.
Where the use of your personal information for a specific purpose is based on your consent, it will be kept for as
long as we continue to have your consent (e.g. we would stop contacting you for marketing purposes once you
have asked us to).
Where, for a limited period of time, we are using some of your information to improve the products or services
we provide.
For as long as your information is required to allow us to conduct fraud and/or criminal checks and investigations.
Will you be contacted for marketing purposes?
If you have agreed, we might contact you by post, email, phone and text message to let you know about offers and
services we think you’ll like. The messages may be personalised using information you have previously provided us.
You can ask us to stop contacting you for marketing purposes at any point.
We will only contact you for marketing purposes if we collected your information directly, except when authorised
and instructed by the third-party acting on your behalf.
We may use the information which we collect about you to show you relevant advertising on third-party websites
(e.g. Facebook, and Google). This could involve showing you an advertising message where through the use of cookies,
we know you have browsed our products and services. If you don’t want to be shown targeted advertising messages
from us, you can change the advertising setting on some third-party sites and some browsers to block our adverts.
Your information is incorrect what should you do?
If you hold a product or service with us and think that the information we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete,
please contact us and we will be happy to update it for you.
What are your rights over the information that is held by RSA?
We understand that your personal information is important to you, therefore you may request the following from us to:
1. Provide you with details about the personal information we hold about you, as well as a copy of the information
itself in a commonly used format. [Request Ref: DSR 1]
2. Request your personal information be deleted where you believe it is no longer required. Please note however,
we may not be able to comply with this request in full where, for example, you are still insured with us and the
information is required to fulfil the conditions of the insurance contract. [Request Ref: DSR 2]
3. Request the electronic version of the personal information you have supplied to us, so it can be provided to
another company. We would provide the information in a commonly used electronic format. [Request Ref: DSR 3]
4. Request to restrict the use of your information by us, under the following circumstances [Request Ref: DSR 4]:
a. If you believe that the information we hold about you is inaccurate, or;
b. If you believe that our processing activities are unlawful and you do not want your information to be deleted.
c. Where we no longer need to use your information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice, but it is
required for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.
d. Where you have made an objection to us (in accordance with section 5 below), pending the outcome of any
assessment we make regarding your objection.
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5. Object to the processing of your data under the following circumstances [Request Ref: DSR 5]:
a. Where we believe it is in the public interest to use your information in a particular way, but you disagree.
b. Where we have told you we are using your data for our legitimate business interests and you believe we
shouldn’t be (e.g. you were in the background of a promotional video but you did not agree to be in it.)
In each case under section 5 above, we will stop using your information unless we can reasonably demonstrate
legitimate grounds for continuing to use it in the manner you are objecting to.
If you would like to request any of the above, please contact us and submit a written request, including the request
reference (e.g. DSR 1), as this will speed up your request. To ensure that we do not disclose your personal information
to someone who is not entitled to it, when you are making the request we may ask you to provide us with:
Your name;
Date of birth;
Any policy IDs or reference numbers that you have along with a copy of your photo identification.
All requests are free of charge, although for requests for the provision of personal information we hold about you
(DSR1) we reserve the right to charge a reasonable administrative fee where, we believe an excessive number of
requests are being made. Wherever possible, we will respond within one month from receipt of the request, but if we
don’t, we will notify you of anticipated timelines ahead of the one month deadline.
Please note that simply submitting a request doesn’t necessarily mean we will be able to fulfil it in full on every
occasion – we are sometimes bound by law which can prevent us fulfilling some requests in their entirety, but when
this is the case we will explain this to you in our response.
Our Privacy Notice.
If you have any queries regarding our privacy notice please contact us and we will be happy to discuss any query
with you. Our privacy notice will be updated from time to time so please check it each time you submit personal
information to us or renew your insurance policy.
How you can contact us about this Privacy Notice?
If you have any questions or comments about this privacy notice please contact:
The Data Protection Officer
Bowling Mill
Dean Clough Industrial Park
You may also email us at [email protected]sagroup.com.
How you can lodge a complaint?
If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal information, please send an email to
[email protected]oup.com or write to us using the address provided. Our Data Protection Officer will investigate
your complaint and will give you additional information about how it will be handled. We aim to respond in a
reasonable time, normally 30 days.
If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal information not in compliance
with UK Data Protection law, you can lodge a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office, whose contact
details are;
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
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Argos Pet Insurance is underwritten and administered by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc (No. 93792). Registered in England and Wales
at St. Mark’s Court, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1XL. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Calls may be recorded and monitored. 453487H (11/18)
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