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FMA Instructions 2017/1 Instructions on establishing an asset management company
Instructions on establishing an asset management company in accordance with the Liechtenstein Law of
25 November 2005 on Asset Management (Gesetz vom 25. November 2005 über die
Vermögensverwaltung; VVG Asset Management Act, hereinafter referred to as the “AMA”) and the
Ordinance of 20 December 2005 on the Asset Management Act (Verordnung vom 20. Dezember 2005 zum
Gesetz über die Vermögensverwaltung; VVO Asset Management Ordinance, hereinafter referred to as
the “AMO”).
Reference: FMA GL 2017/1
Re.: Grant of licences to operate asset management companies under the AMA and AMO
Place of publication: Website
Date of publication: 16 January 2017
Last amended on:
These Instructions provide an overview of the procedure for obtaining a licence on establishing an asset
management company in Liechtenstein. Asset management companies are entitled, within the applicable
framework, to provide services in accordance with Directive 2004/39/EC (MiFID).
Decisions regarding individual cases will be made solely on the basis of legislative provisions and
instructions issued by the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (hereinafter referred to as the “FMA”) in
the capacity of supervisory authority. Please contact the FMA for further information.
1. General information
Undertakings intending to provide or to arrange the supply of investment services to third parties on a
professional basis, either in or from Liechtenstein, under Article 3(1) of the AMA must hold a licence issued
by the FMA prior to commencing business (Article 5 of the AMA).
Asset management companies may provide the following services:
a) portfolio management;
b) investment advice;
c) reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments;
d) investment research and financial analysis, or other forms of general recommendation relating to
transactions in financial instruments, for the purpose of assisting clients directly; and
e) execution of orders on behalf of clients.
A licence to operate an asset management company will only be granted if all the conditions set out in
Article 6 of the AMA are met (including legal form, registered office in Liechtenstein, guarantee in respect of
the proper conduct of business, business plan, organisational structure, own funds and initial capital, and
investor compensation scheme).
1.1. Company name
In accordance with Article 11(1) of the AMA, undertakings may only use words or expressions indicating
asset management activities in the company name, in any descriptions of the purposes of the business and
in business advertising if they have been granted a licence to operate as an asset management company.
The FMA will verify that the company name is acceptable from a regulatory perspective.
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1.2. Qualifying holdings
Shareholders with qualifying holdings (10% or higher) must satisfy the applicable eligibility requirements in
view of the requirement to ensure sound and prudent management of the asset management company
(Article 8 of the AMO in conjunction with Appendix 8 of the Liechtenstein Banking Ordinance
1.4. Head office
The registered office and the head office of the asset management company must be situated in
Liechtenstein (Article 6(1)(b) of the AMA).
1.5. Guarantee in respect of the proper conduct of business
The persons charged with the administration and management of the asset management company must
meet the professional and personal requirements to ensure the proper conduct of business at all times
(Article 6(1)(h) of the AMA). In accordance with Article 7(1)(c) of the AMA, any persons designated to
manage the business must, in particular, be appropriately qualified for the intended position on the basis of
their education and career history. They must also have a minimum of three years of relevant full-time
The persons concerned must be able, in general, to discharge their responsibilities at the asset
management company properly, having regard to their other obligations, the organisation of the company
and their place of residence.
In assessing the relevant individuals, the FMA will refer to their curriculum vitae (CV), the latest criminal
records excerpts and written statements pertaining to any pending criminal and administrative proceedings
or confirming that they have not been adjudicated bankrupt and are not subject to debt enforcement
proceedings (see Article 4(1) of the AMO). It should also be noted that the same person may not be a
managing director at more than two asset management companies.
1.6. Business plan
Asset management companies must submit a viable business plan (Article 6(1)(e) of the AMA). In
particular, the business plan must include information on the organisational structure, marketing, market
prospects, financial planning and financing of the business for the first three financial years. The business
plan must also refer to the total number of staff employed, including the percentages of employment, the
business premises and signatory arrangements (see Article 3 of the AMO).
1.7. Organisational structure
Article 6(1)(c) of the AMA stipulates that asset management companies must have a suitable permanent
establishment in Liechtenstein, both in terms of staffing and premises, and the organisational structure
required for the performance of their functions. Further information is set out in
FMA Communication 2013/08 regarding organisational requirements for asset management companies.
In accordance with Article 6(1)(d) of the AMA, a minimum of two trustworthy individuals with capacity to act
must serve as the managing directors of the company. At least one of the managing directors must actually
be working for the company in a managerial capacity and satisfy the conditions set out in Article 7 of the
In particular, managing directors must be able to demonstrate three years’ relevant professional
experience. In addition, they must, in general, be able to discharge their responsibilities at the asset
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management company properly, having regard to their other obligations, the organisation of the company
and their place of residence.
In certain exceptional circumstances, a single managing director may be responsible for managing the
affairs of the company.
The company shall establish the following positions and functions, depending on the nature, volume and
complexity of its operations and the type and range of services supplied (Article 10a(1) of the AMO):
Compliance function;
Risk Management function;
Internal Audit function; and
an authority responsible for dealing with client complaints.
In addition, appropriate procedures must be established for dealing with breaches of the AMA and market
abuse legislation by employees.
1.8. Own funds and initial capital
The initial capital must be fully paid up prior to commencing business operations. The initial capital must be
no less than CHF 100,000, or the equivalent in euros or US dollars, or, for companies also involved in
reinsurance of other insurance mediation, no less than CHF 150,000, or the equivalent in euros or
US dollars. The business plan needs to indicate whether the minimum initial capital requirement, factoring
in start-up costs, has been met. It is essential to ensure that, where the circumstances so warrant, the FMA
may require professional indemnity insurance and a different level of initial capital commensurate with the
nature and scale of operations (Article 8(2) and (6) of the AMA).
Capital may not fall below the minimum level required at any time following commencement of operations
(Article 8(1) of the AMA).
2. Licensing procedure
Obtaining a licence involves a two-stage process in which the FMA undertakes a thorough legal and
financial assessment of the applicant’s circumstances. Firstly, applicants are required to complete and
submit a Part I form to the FMA. It is only necessary to enclose the relevant CVs, information on the
ownership structure and a brief business plan (including organisation chart) at this stage.
The FMA will review the documents submitted and, once it has received all the requisite documents, will
inform the applicant of its decision within three weeks. A face-to-face meeting with the FMA may be
arranged at this stage. Once the FMA has arrived at a favourable assessment of Part I and informed the
applicant accordingly, the applicant may submit an application for a licence and a Part II form, together with
all supplementary and supporting documents. The Part I form previously submitted thereupon forms part of
the full application.
It is important to comment on each issue with reference to any relevant documents appended. A separate
list of any appended documents must be provided, arranged in numerical order. The documents submitted
will be checked carefully to ensure that the formal requirements are met. The FMA will inform the applicant
of any matters that are unclear and need to be corrected.
The applicant should submit the final licence application, including all the information and documents
referred to in section 3 of these Instructions, by writing to the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority
(FMA), Securities and Markets Division, Legal Department, Landstrasse 109, P.O. Box 279, 9490 Vaduz,
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If there are any changes in material facts during the licensing process, the relevant documents must be
updated and submitted immediately.
All information provided by applicants will be treated as confidential and are subject to professional
confidentiality rules. Companies will only be added to the register of all approved financial intermediaries
once a licence has been granted.
A fee will be charged in respect of the licensing procedure, as indicated in section 4 of these Instructions.
The duration of the licensing process will depend primarily on the coherence, quality and completeness of
the information and documents provided at the application stage. The FMA will inform applicants whether
the conditions for approval have been met. If the application is incomplete, unclear or inconsistent, the FMA
will issue a request for the necessary amendments to be made. If the applicant fails to make such
amendments, the application will be refused. In all circumstances, a decision must be made within six
months of receipt of the full set of application documents (Article 6(3) of the AMA).
3. Applying for and obtaining a licence
Applications for licences must be submitted in German; the originals of all accompanying documents must
be submitted in German or English. In duly substantiated cases, the FMA may permit exemptions.
The application, including all the requisite documents, must be sent to the FMA. Applicants should refer to
supporting documents (appendices) where appropriate. Applications for a licence are to be submitted to the
FMA in hard copy and electronic format.
3.1. Supporting documents
The documents to be provided by asset management companies in support of an application for a licence
include, in particular:
request in writing;
forms for authorisation Part I and Part II;
business plan;
articles of association or deed of partnership;
statement confirming that the company does not hold any other licence under specific
declaration of acceptance by a recognised firm of auditors;
document evidencing funds deposited or bank guarantee;
calculation of the available and required equity capital;
confirmation from the Commercial Registry that the company is registrable;
documents evidencing that the proper conduct of business is ensured by reason of the persons
charged with the administration and management of the company:
o original copies of CVs which must be signed and dated
o copies of degree certificates, educational certificates, evidence of employment and
employer’s references demonstrating professional competence and qualifications
o criminal records excerpts (original documents less than three months old)
o statements pertaining to any pending criminal and administrative proceedings that
would affect the performance of duties and an undertaking to notify any relevant
changes; these statements must be signed and the originals submitted
o personal statement as to whether bankruptcy or composition proceedings have been
instituted or concluded without the possibility of appeal;
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evidence demonstrating the sound and prudent management of the company and the
continued viability of the business;
diagram showing the ownership structure down to the last owner;
evidence of membership of deposit insurance and investor protection schemes;
information on the company’s organisational structure:
o guidelines on conflicts of interest
o best-execution guidelines
o rules on employee transactions
o compliance guidelines
o risk management guidelines including risk map (RiskMap)
o description of measures in place to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing
o description of applicable fees and charges or commission schemes
It should be noted that the FMA may request additional documents where required.
4. Charges
4.1. Licensing fee
A fee of CHF 10,000 is payable for the grant of a licence (Article 30 in conjunction with Appendix 1(B) of the
Liechtenstein Financial Market Supervision Act (Finanzmarktaufsichtgesetz; FMAG FMA Act).
4.2. Taxes
General information on the taxation of asset management companies may be obtained from the
Liechtenstein Tax Administration (
4.3. Commercial Register registration fee
The fees chargeable for registration in the Commercial Register and public certification will be as set forth
in the Liechtenstein Land and Commercial Register Fees Ordinance (Verordnung über die Grundbuch- und
5. Notification
Liechtenstein asset management companies are permitted to operate under the right of freedom to provide
services within the EEA. By way of notification, asset management companies are required to submit a
request to the FMA for this purpose. Liechtenstein asset management companies intending to operate
abroad may use the notification document available on the FMA website.
6. Expiration, withdrawal and revocation of licences
The rules governing the expiration, withdrawal and revocation of licences are set out in Articles 29 to 31 of
the AMA. In accordance with Article 29 of the AMA, the FMA may, in particular, revoke licences where the
holder obtained the license by providing false information or material circumstances were not disclosed to
the FMA.
7. Key legislation and legal rules
Liechtenstein Law of 25 November 2005 on Asset Management (Gesetz vom
25. November 2005 über die Vermögensverwaltung; VVG Asset Management Act; AMA)
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Liechtenstein Ordinance of 20 December 2005 on the Asset Management Act (Verordnung
vom 20. Dezember 2005 über die Vermögensverwaltung; VVO Asset Management
Ordinance; AMO)
Liechtenstein Persons and Companies Act of 20 January 1926 (Liechtensteinisches Personen-
und Gesellschaftsrecht vom 20. Januar 1926; PGR)
Liechtenstein Law of 11 December 2008 on Professional Due Diligence to Combat Money
Laundering, Organized Crime, and Terrorist Financing (Gesetz vom 11. Dezember 2008 über
berufliche Sorgfaltspflichten zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäscherei, organisierter Kriminalit und
Terrorismusfinanzierung; SPG Due Diligence Act; DDA)
Liechtenstein Ordinance of 17 February 2009 on Professional Due Diligence to Combat Money
Laundering, Organized Crime and Terrorist Financing (Verordnung vom 17. Februar 2009 über
berufliche Sorgfaltspflichten zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäscherei, organisierter Kriminalität und
Terrorismusfinanzierung; SPV Due Diligence Ordinance; DDO)
FMA Communication 2013/8 regarding organisational requirements for asset management