The Data-Driven Audit:
How Automation and
AI are Changing the
Audit and the Role
of the Auditor
The Data-Driven Audit:
How Automation and
AI are Changing the
Audit and the Role
of the Auditor
This paper was prepared by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) and
the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), as non-authoritative guidance.
CPA Canada and AICPA do not accept any responsibility or liability that might occur directly or
indirectly as a consequence of the use, application or reliance on this material.
© 2020 Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright and written permission is required to reproduce,
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The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
COVID-19 and the resulting environment has changed how we work for the foreseeable
future. It has heightened our increasing reliance on technology and tools and we believe it
is now more important than ever to embrace automation and begin to think about AI and
how we perform audits today and in the future.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Table of Contents
Auditing in the digital world: Benefits
Auditing in the digital world: Considerations
Data privacy and confidentiality
Data integrity
Explainability: AI and the ‘black box’
Myths and challenges
Financial statement auditing
in the future 
Changing skill sets 
Expectation gap 
Sampling 
Timing 
New opportunities for auditors 
Call to action: What can auditors do to get in the game? 
Appendix A: Auditing with automation, analytics and AI 
Appendix B: Glossary of terms 
About the Authors 
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
From accurately predicting trac patterns to determine the fastest route to a destination,
to employing face recognition to unlock smartphones, to using natural language processing
(NLP) to allow humans to talk to virtual assistants in plain English … artificial intelligence
(AI)-enabled programs are transforming our daily personal and professional lives.
For Chartered Professional Accountants and Certified Public Accountants performing
audit and assurance services (collectively, CPAs, referred to as “auditors” in this publica-
tion) looking to keep pace with the rapid adoption and advancement of technologies in
our increasingly data-driven world, the changes are already being keenly felt. Auditors
and the entities they audit are using next-generation technologies more than ever.
For many auditors, using automation and analytics is a first step in their digital journey
towards an AI-enabled audit. Much like the digital advancements that preceded it, AI
will perform repetitive tasks, provide greater insights and improve eciencies and quality,
allowing auditors to better use their skills, knowledge and professional judgment.
As digital progress continues, the questions increase. What role will an auditor play in a
world dominated by AI? How will the audit of the future change? What are the limitations
of AI?
In order to provide auditors with a fundamental understanding of AI, Chartered Profes-
sional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) and the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA) created A CPA’s Introduction to AI: From Algorithms to Deep Learn-
ing, What You Need to Know, the first AI publication of an ongoing series being developed.
A glossary of common AI terms is also available at the end of this publication.
In addition to exploring the benefits of an AI-enabled audit and how AI will evolve the audit
and the role of the auditor, this publication also considers the change in mindset required to
meet the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities this evolution presents. Fur-
ther, it provides a peek into the next step on the digital journey beyond the current state of
AI, as well as the assurance-related opportunities that will directly result from these contin-
ued advancements.
The topics are covered in sucient detail to enable auditors to begin thinking of ways to
use and derive the greatest benefits from – and even embrace – AI. In the process, this pub-
lication makes the case for why now is the time for auditors to do just that.
First, a few key terms:
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
What is it? Example
When a process or pro-
cedure is performed by a
technology solution with
minimal human assistance
Use automation to extract
simple contract terms and
data (e.g., contract value,
start date, end date, incurred
cost, estimated cost to com-
plete, etc.) from standardized
documents and input into
The use of (big) data and
techniques (such as descrip-
tive, diagnostic, predictive
and prescriptive analytics)
to gain insight and make
Use analytics to dynamically
visualize contract data and
metrics (e.g., margin, related
contract asset position) to
inform risk assessment over
the portfolio or analyze posi-
tions of contract types or
specific contracts.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
The science of teaching
programs and machines to
complete tasks that normally
require human intelligence
Use AI to analyze contract
agreements and documents
for unusual terms or clauses
that require additional
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Auditing in the digital world:
Building on the changes that computers brought to the assurance profession (e.g., moving
ticking and calculating from hard copy ledger paper to electronic working papers), technol-
ogy and the increased use of automation, analytics and AI are driving the evolution of the
audit. With the combination of today’s computing power (and ease of access to it), machine
learning and AI-enabled audit tools, enormous volumes of data can be analyzed to find
anomalies and identify insights, patterns and relationships that are not readily apparent to a
human. However, it takes human insight and experience to understand the output, to deter-
mine if the information represents a true anomaly and, more importantly, to determine what
the anomalies, insights or patterns imply in the overall context.
That said, not all auditors and firms currently have access to specialists, computer science
engineers and data scientists who can program custom, in-house AI-enabled tools. Fortu-
nately, custom-built solutions are not required and many o-the-shelf software solutions
are available. Auditors and firms may determine the best option based on requirements,
resources and schedule. Additionally, as AI technology continues to evolve along with auto-
mation, access will also increase, enabling many more auditors and firms to oer increased
value to existing and future clients. AI also has the potential to enable an increased level of
standardization across similar engagements and the ability to monitor quality throughout
numerous engagements.
Consider this example of the use of automation and AI as part of risk assessment:
1. Extract data from financial statements (or interim financial statements) to calculate
proposed materiality based on a range of benchmarks. Ratios and trends may also
be calculated.
2. Use automated newsfeeds to pull information about the entity (market data, regulatory
filings, financial and non-financial news articles).
3. Use AI-based programs that leverage NLP to analyze information for relevant data
using dimensions such as tone and sentiment, and to classify key pieces of data into
relevant factors such as potential business risks, leadership changes, material market
moves, etc.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
What does all of this mean for the role of the auditor? The auditor spends less time gath-
ering, correlating, formatting and summarizing information. Instead, they spend their time
analyzing and evaluating the results or implications of the information and data. This could
provide more insight about the entity to help inform the audit approach earlier in the audit
You can find further examples for various phases of the audit in Appendix A.
It is important to see automation, analytics and AI for what they are: enablers, the same as
computers. They will not replace the auditor; rather, they will transform the audit and the
auditors role.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Auditing in the digital world:
Along with the benefits, there are direct and indirect challenges to consider related to AI.
Direct challenges include data privacy and confidentiality, data integrity, explainability and
the operational management of an audit. Indirect challenges are related to the auditor hav-
ing the appropriate competence and capabilities to perform the audit engagement.
Data privacy and confidentiality
The foundation of our profession is trust. Without it, we have no means of acting as an
objective, independent intermediary between information producers and information
The eective use of AI often requires access to large amounts of data, including confiden-
tial client data, in order to learn relevant patterns and apply them to predict or suggest an
output. Not surprisingly, clients may be resistant to providing access to this high-value data
and information. Several high-profile cases of data breaches in the public domain have led
to increased and stricter regulations around data, security and privacy. Auditors need to
consider the risks associated with data and privacy, and design security protections com-
mensurate with the sensitivity of the data.
To determine how best to augment existing data policies to securely enable data-hungry
technologies such as AI, auditors are advised to ask themselves the following questions:
How do I make sure that data is governed and secured properly?
How do I protect privacy?
How do I protect against damaging and costly data breaches?
How will my data retention policies need to change?
Data integrity
Advanced analytics, automation and AI are only as eective as the underlying data. Proce-
dures that focus on quality of data to be used in these tools become increasingly critical.
The accuracy of the information presented or produced by these technologies depends on
it. The old adage “garbage in, garbage out” applies exponentially. For example, if a process
automation program is designed to copy a particular data field within a form from one
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
tool to another, any changes to the nature of that data field (e.g., changing its location on
a screen, changing its definition, allowing for blank values, etc.) may cause the program
to fail – not just once, but thousands of times, with the eects typically cascading to other
Some key questions to consider as an auditor include:
How do I assess the reliability of the data captured (e.g., accuracy, completeness)
and method(s) of data acquisition from dierent systems, particularly client systems?
What happens when clients’ systems, controls, policies or procedures change, or if a
mid-year acquisition occurs that impacts overall scope?
Do only appropriate personnel have access to modify client systems?
The relevance of these questions has not changed for our profession when conducting
audits and assessing extracted data, but they do become proportionally important to
the extent of data-ingesting technology that auditors use in an audit.
Explainability: AI and the ‘black box’
A lack of trust in AI is perhaps the biggest challenge to the widespread adoption of AI tools
in the audit process. This is often referred to as the “black box problem.”
A little background: Basic AI tools can look at a set of relatively simple data (e.g., a number
of records), and formulate rules and classification trees that a human can then validate
(i.e., understand the rationale of why an AI tool would identify a certain transaction as
fraudulent or high risk). This then becomes its basis for predicting an outcome in the future.
This is all fine, until the data points become too complex for the algorithms and AI tools to
clearly link driving factors and outcomes and determine the cause-eect pattern. When this
occurs, advanced AI techniques, called neural networks, can be employed to learn these
patterns. Neural networks work by using a series of algorithms to recognize relationships
between large volumes of data, which may be dicult to understand or document. This
lack of transparency or explainability of sophisticated AI tools is what is otherwise known
as the “black box problem.”
For example, Deep Patient, an AI tool used at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York to review
the medical records for approximately 700,000 patients, was able to predict a wide range
of diseases in the patients without any instructions provided by experts.
This included
1 Riccardo Miotto, Li Li, Brian A. Kidd and Joel T. Dudley, Deep Patient an Unsupervised Representation to Predict the Future
of Patients from the Electronic Health Records (, 2016)
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
anticipating the onset of psychiatric ailments such as schizophrenia in some patients. How-
ever, Deep Patient has no way of providing the reasoning behind why those patients were
Another reason it’s hard to trust AI: AI tools can give biased or bad predictions if they are
trained using biased or bad data (such as a disproportionate sample). For example, if an
AI tool was trained to automatically classify documents as either financial data, human
resources data or operations guides, but 90 per cent of the training documents were finan-
cial data, the tool would wrongly learn that predicting every document is financial data will
result in being right more than 90 per cent of the time.
Management needs to have a clear understanding and be able to explain and justify AI’s
results. To meet its responsibilities, they are required to implement and apply the appropri-
ate level of IT controls around applications, including AI applications. Unlike traditional IT
controls – where a process or logic is established and controlled through change manage-
ment – the use of AI may require management to develop additional controls to monitor
and assess the data fed into AI and the output of results, in order to check for accuracy
and potential bias. This will also aect how the auditor obtains an understanding of the
entity given International Standard on Auditing / Canadian Auditing Standards 315 or
AU-C section 315 requirements.
Like management, auditors also need to consider controls and processes around their AI
audit tool. In preparing appropriate documentation when AI has been applied in perform-
ing the audit, it is important for auditors to be able to explain why the AI tool has selected
“unusual” or “anomalous” transactions. This can be complex, as the AI tool may have taken
into account both traditional sample selection methods (e.g., statistical sampling, highest
value, close to period-end close, unusual amounts) and combination factors (i.e., more
than one factor), which previously were not practical to assess in a population.
Further considerations on the use of AI by management and auditors include the following:
If management is not able to explain or evaluate the results from an AI tool, are they
able to assert that the subject matter is complete and accurate, and that internal con-
trol is eective to mitigate the risks of material misstatement?
Similarly, if the auditor cannot explain or evaluate the results from an AI audit tool, can
they conclude that they have obtained sucient, appropriate audit evidence from the
AI audit tool to form an opinion?
2 ISA 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment
CAS 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment
AU-C section 315, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
What are the basic requirements for understanding the original programming, controls
and processes around the maintenance of managements AI tool or the auditor’s own
AI tool?
Myths and challenges
There are many misperceptions about AI. Contrary to popular belief, current AI tools are
not all-knowing and inherently smart (refer to the glossary for a refresh on general AI
versus narrow AI). It takes lots of data and a significant amount of time to carefully build
successful AI tools that at best deliver value within a limited, narrow scope, such as identi-
fying patterns in reasonably clean data that can be used to make useful predictions. That
said, once ready, an AI engine can process millions of records very quickly, although the
nature of such “processing” is still relatively limited in scope.
For example, an AI tool designed for anomaly detection may not necessarily be able to
identify and dierentiate the transaction as an anomaly related to money laundering. Other
challenges include getting access and permission to use sucient data sets from clients
(especially data that may contain proprietary or personal information) or obtaining the data
in a format that is usable (data may need formatting or cleansing), in order to train and fully
benefit from the power of AI.
Some current limitations of AI include the following:
AI cannot work on its own. While it may transform the profession through eciencies
gained and use of new technologies and new skills, an auditor will still be required to
set parameters, consider the results in relation to other evidence and make judgments
that a computer cannot make.
AI cannot see the big picture. For example, a machine’s world is restricted only to the
(correct or incorrect) data to which it has access, what it has been taught and what
it has been programmed to do. It does not know the nuances of the real world and
can’t replace an auditors professional judgment. Fraud or bias can happen even when
transactions processed by the AI seem perfectly legitimate. Auditors need to be alert
to these qualitative aspects.
AI needs to have controls. Data integrity could be compromised if appropriate controls
are not implemented and operating eectively.
AI cannot evaluate moral or ethical concerns. For example, while AI may be able to
identify fact patterns of independence infractions, it cannot eectively contextualize
intent or perceptions of conflict (i.e., independence must exist in both fact and appear-
ance). For instance, AI cannot recognize if the financial market perceives a lack of
independence when the facts suggest independence does exist.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
On the horizon: Explainability and ethical AI
There are numerous organizations that are exploring explainability and ethical AI.
For example, Explainable AI (XAI) is a growing Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency-funded program that aims to create a suite of machine-learning techniques
Produce more explainable models while maintaining a high level of learning performance
(prediction accuracy).
Enable human users to understand, appropriately trust and eectively manage the emerging
generation of artificially intelligent partners.
In Canada, an international study group on inclusive and ethical AI has been established
in partnership with France called the International Panel on Artificial Intelligence. The
group brings together policy experts with researchers in AI, humanities and the social
sciences and will issue reports aimed at guiding the development of policies that could
keep AI technology grounded in human rights.
3 Dr. Matt Turek, Explainable Artificial Intelligence XAI (, 2018)
4 Government of Canada, Declaration of the International Panel on Artificial Intelligence (
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Financial statement auditing
in the future
The auditors use of real time AI does not relieve management of their responsibility
over financial reporting.
Excessive use by management of the results of auditor’s AI could introduce an indepen-
dence threat.
The audit of the future is likely to have much less human-to-human interaction related to
highly repetitive and rules-based tasks. Interface tools could be used to automatically share
information in real time with the external auditor’s AI tool(s), which in turn could analyze,
test and flag anomalies or issues that require the auditor’s attention. This would focus the
human interaction on high-risk transactions as opposed to routine inquiries.
Under this scenario, AI tools could identify unusual transactions while also providing
insights on relevant considerations the auditor might take into account, including the
applicable standards (accounting, disclosure, auditing or regulatory standards), similar
historical situations, or outcomes from publicly available sources (including similar situa-
tions from industry peer groups). The AI tool could also analyze board meeting minutes
or key communications in order to assist the auditor in identifying additional risks and
requesting relevant supporting information, as well as scheduling meetings with the appro-
priate individuals to discuss audit matters. This is all in addition to being able to process
large amounts of data (such as reading bank statements and legal contracts) and reconcile
accounts many times faster than a human auditor and with fewer errors.
Changing skill sets
Advanced technologies provide a wealth of information to an auditor that enables them to
make a judgment. But the auditor will still be the one making that judgment. Technology
is an enabler and is unmatched when it comes to identifying correlations among datasets
or variables. However, it takes human insight and experience to ultimately understand the
context underlying the output as well as the causation of the output relative to the inputs
provided. AI results are, at best, probabilistic predictions based on inferences in the cor-
relation of data and should not be taken as truths (i.e., predictions are not necessarily the
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
“correct” answer
). The auditor needs to use professional judgment to assess the AI results
in combination with other evidence. AI tools can give another level of insight, but they are
not the only answer.
An auditor confirms the information and determines whether it is an anomaly and, more
importantly, determines what it implies or how to conclude on how appropriate the treat-
ment of the information is. As a result, it will be even more important for CPAs to have skills
beyond expertise in accounting and auditing statutes to the fundamental underpinnings of
accounting and auditing, and of business processes. For example, they might ask:
Why is this transaction occurring?
Why should it be reported as an asset?
How do I know that the population of transactions is complete?
Armed with this knowledge, auditors can assess the transaction.
Auditors may also see changes in their multidisciplinary teams to include a range of CPAs,
non-CPAs or specialists with additional technical expertise. Audit and assurance profes-
sionals will need an increased knowledge of data science, data management and machine
learning techniques (how they function, as well as their limitations). An enhanced under-
standing of IT, data analysis, data capture and enterprise resource planning will be needed
along with skills such as critical thinking, analysis and creativity.
To get new CPAs ready, many firms and schools are updating their training and curricula in
response to updates in the competency map and framework. The CPA Canada Competency
Map is adding data analytics and information systems to its curriculum (as part of its ongo-
ing and continuous revisions) and the AICPA also includes technology and tools as part of
its Pre-certification Core Competency Framework.
Expectation gap
These technologies have the potential to widen the expectation gap of our profession and
raise the bar for the definition of “reasonable assurance.” With the ability to analyze a larger
percentage (or even 100%) of transactions and data, will there be increased expectation as
to what the audit achieves?
5 In many cases, such as estimates, the “correct” answer could be a series or range of acceptable answers.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
The use of AI tools may also raise questions around the use of sampling. For example, with
respect to substantive audit procedures, it may be more ecient to use audit sampling if
the auditor cannot design a procedure with precise enough parameters for a set of data
to avoid the need to manage the resulting number of outliers, since the number of notable
items or outliers can increase (sometimes into the thousands) when scanning 100% of the
Currently, audit reports are typically released after the close of the audit period (usually 25
to 120 days after the period end); however, users are increasingly demanding more timely
information. Many parts of the audit can already be automated or run in parallel and thus
result in faster completion of individual audit steps (notwithstanding AI limitations identified
above). Continuous (e.g., monthly, quarterly or other relevant timeline) or real-time auditing
and reporting (e.g., as transactions occur) may become common.
The speed at which the auditor can provide their opinion subsequent to a period end is
inherently limited by a client’s speed of reporting. The use of AI tools by the auditor may
result in the auditors AI tool continuously identifying material transactions as they are
posted (assuming controls are designed and operating eectively) and automatically per-
forming procedures to validate those transactions (e.g., tying to bank transaction detail,
assessing against contract terms), so the auditor only needs to assess if any additional
procedures are required on assertions that could not be tested in real time. This type of
real-time and continuous reporting may also be relevant to clients who want to implement
it as part of their own control or internal audit function.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
New opportunities for auditors
Future publications from CPA Canada and AICPA may discuss these topics further
As AI continues to advance and clients implement AI-enabled tools into their processes,
new oerings for assurance engagements could arise:
Assurance reporting on the client’s AI tool
(e.g., the output, algorithm or parameters, if the algorithm is acting as designed, or if
there is a bias in the underlying data or the algorithm).
Assurance reporting on the client’s AI tool controls and process (e.g., system and
organization controls (SOC) reports or other assurance / attestation-based engage-
ments). Although reporting on controls is not a completely new oering, which controls
are tested and how auditors test those controls may change.
Assurance reporting on the client’s appropriate use of AI (e.g., governance over the
use of AI, compliance with regulatory or ethical requirements).
Assurance reporting on AI-enabled robotic process automation (RPA) applications.
These may already be tested in much the same manner as any IT dependent control
(e.g., understand what the tool or application is doing, test a sample to validate that
understanding, test set-up, assess user acceptance, assess change management). This
reporting may become more prominent and frequent over time as processes and appli-
cations become more and more sophisticated.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Call to action: What can auditors
do to get in the game?
We all work with computers daily and yet most of us do not know how a microchip works
or what’s on the motherboard. Likewise, auditors do not need to become experts in algo-
rithms and mathematical theory underlying AI to learn about AI use and tools. As an
auditor, you are encouraged to:
1. Get informed and educated. Read about AI opportunities and tools that are in the
marketplace. Be curious about how other organizations are leveraging AI and if there
are similar ideas that can be considered for your organization.
Learn more about AI (see A CPA’s Introduction to AI: From Algorithms to Deep
Learning, What You Need to Know and other resources identified within this
Actively monitor assurance developments and strategies that use AI.
Increase your understanding of the opportunities and risks associated with using
AI in audit engagements (see Appendix A).
Ask how clients are implementing AI. Auditors are required to understand their
clients’ systems, including those situations where the clients have implemented
AI into financial reporting processes.
Deepen your knowledge by attending professional development seminars and webi-
nars as a starting point to further your knowledge about AI and related topics such
as data, analytics or automation.
2. Identify AI leaders within your organization. If there aren’t any, ask “Why not?” Under-
standing who in your organization to approach will place you in a better position to
support tangible change and implementation of any AI opportunities that you identify.
3. Identify opportunities for automation. Once you understand the tools and applications
available and who in the organization to talk to, you’ll have the knowledge and contacts
to aect change based on opportunities identified. Be strategic.
An ideal place to start is with high-benefit, low-eort opportunities. Processes
that lend themselves to automation are consistent and repetitive in nature (e.g.,
reviewing spreadsheets, filtering and sorting information, reviewing documents and
manually entering information into systems of record, or following decision-making
processes based on facts and circumstances).
Consider digitizing audit processes. Obtain schedules and evidence from clients in
electronic format in order to keep fully-electronic audit files.
See Appendix A for ideas on how to use automation and analytics in your audit.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
4. Identify opportunities for AI. Recognize tasks that require you to look for patterns in
data or opportunities for checking for patterns in high volumes of data that would be
challenging or time consuming for a human to do (e.g., higher than a certain number,
beyond a date, percentage, reciprocal reviews, geographical clustering or combinations
of any of the aforementioned).
Think about data acquisition and standardizing processes to acquire data from dif-
ferent clients in a consistent format. If data is obtained in a consistent, structured
format, client after client, year after year, AI tools may be easier to implement.
Begin implementing AI processes on a small scale first and assess the results using
professional judgment, as well as any potential eciency savings (see Appendix A
for examples).
5. Reach out to CPA Canada and the AICPA. We welcome your suggestions for pos-
sible future publications related to AI, including additional considerations or proposed
responses to future considerations identified throughout the publication.
The above is not meant to be a comprehensive list, rather it can help you to start thinking
about AI and the opportunities available to you and your firm.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Appendix A: Auditing with
automation, analytics and AI
This appendix explores the opportunities for enhanced quality or eciencies as well as
challenges or considerations of implementing automation, analytics and AI across each
phase of the audit. It also recognizes that, through the use of automation, analytics and AI,
the outcome of performing procedures in one phase can increasingly provide evidence for
multiple phases (see diagram below). It also demonstrates the evolution of opportunities
and challenges from using automation and analytics to using AI. In many cases, examples
are not purely automation, analytics or AI, as there may be overlapping characteristics.
However, for purposes of this appendix, the examples have been grouped into the most
relevant scenario applicable (automation, analytics or AI). Not all opportunities or chal-
lenges of each example have been discussed.
This appendix is non-authoritative and should not be considered a comprehensive list.
Instead it is meant to provide examples of possibilities for using automation, analytics
or AI, that could help you to identify other opportunities in the future.
Procedures for one phase may provide evidence for multiple phases
Conclusion /
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Pre-Engagement and audit planning (client acceptance and continuance, audit scope,
risk assessment, understanding the entity, materiality assessment)
Automation and analytics: Planning opportunities
Materiality and scoping
Robotic process automation (RPA) and analytics can be used to extract data from prior periods
or interim financial statements to determine proposed materiality based on a range of bench-
marks. The same techniques can be utilized to determine materiality in a continuous or real-time
RPA and analytics can be applied to identify anomalous transactions or areas that have not fol-
lowed the understood course of business to determine scope and focus testing on accounts or
transactions that appear to present a greater risk of misstatement.
Risk Assessment
RPA can be used to source information from subscription databases and publicly available infor-
mation sources as part of the typical planning cycle. For example:
Extraction of information from prior period financial statements; key financial metrics used
in risk assessment; and extraction of bodies of text for NLP (see AI section below). Eective
categorization and recording of geographic and industrial data for comparisons (e.g., gener-
ating ratio analysis appropriate for the given industry or geography as applicable).
Completion of non-judgmental independence checks; review of entity structures and associ-
ated and related entities with internal audit department records and investments held (to
assist in making relevant independence considerations); background checks of entity direc-
tors or owners. These will inform the auditor’s assessment of independence (in fact and
Acquisition of entity listing status across the globe. Geographical registrations of entity
names and numbers are automatically obtained and populated in the risk profile of an entity.
Acquisition of market data on clients. For example, the auditor can gather information on the
percentage of an entitys stock that is held in a short position, which can be a leading indica-
tor of potential going concern issues.
Automation and analytics: Challenges and considerations for the auditor
There is an expectation gap between what users think an audit does and what is required by the
standards. The advent of automation, analytics and AI presents an opportunity to close this gap,
but also to widen it. For example, the ability to evaluate 100% of the transactions within certain
financial statement lines may raise user expectations, such as assuming that all erroneous or
missing transactions will be detected.
How does the auditor create a flag or trigger that informs and enables the tool to identify infor-
mation as relevant? Unless using standardized inputs, each time the auditor creates or uses RPA,
they will have to build the logic for the information the tool needs to identify.
The auditor will need to consider how to deal with missing or incomplete data inputs, and how
the tool will need to deal with these (e.g., either delegating back to the auditor or applying
assumptions in place of the missing data). In order for the auditor to perform data-driven testing,
significantly more data is necessary than a traditional sampling method requires. Completeness
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Pre-Engagement and audit planning (client acceptance and continuance, audit scope,
risk assessment, understanding the entity, materiality assessment)
Automation and analytics: Challenges and considerations for the auditor (continued)
of data is always a core challenge to the auditor, but this risk is felt more acutely when large
volumes of data are required. As a simple example, if there is a sample of 25 items, the auditor
can “eyeball” information received and see if there are unpopulated fields relatively quickly. If
the data volume is millions of records, data processing tools are required to evaluate the data
to identify missing information.
Assessment of the output is also required. It is important for the auditor to satisfy themselves
(either through controls or substantive validation) that the data used by the tool is relevant and
reliable. The auditor will also need to be comfortable that the tool has come up with appropriate
analysis, considering the output of the tool in the context of their knowledge and understanding
of the client.
Artificial intelligence: Planning opportunities
Understanding the business and risk assessment
NLP techniques enable an AI tool to review information obtained through RPA techniques on
both public and non-public information. NLP techniques could enable the auditor to scan an
entity’s annual report, regulatory filings, phone transcripts with investors, websites, articles of
association and meeting minutes, and encapsulate these materials into a coherent summary of
the business, its purpose and risk profile.
Building on knowledge of similar clients and clients’ industries, the AI could suggest relevant
risk criteria, for example, common misstatements identified for specific financial statement
line items, analysts’ focus areas or accounting developments.
AI reviews of board minutes, internal audit reports, significant and unusual transactions, legal
matters, market / customer / employee sentiment from emails, customer complaints, news
stories, social media and online chats can all be summarized for the auditor.
There is an opportunity for the AI to perform anomaly detection on income statement and
balance sheet positions over a defined number of periods, taking into account industry trends,
business cyclicality and other relevant factors.
Transaction mapping
AI can go further to map out routine transaction flows for given business units and financial
statement line items. Gathering this information enables the auditor to visualize transaction flows
and determine typical process flows (including transaction volumes and amounts). Transaction
mapping can also identify outlier transactions that do not follow the normal course of business,
or new products and services that have not previously been audited. Visualization of transac-
tion mapping can also help support the auditor’s understanding of the business processes and
testing coverage. This can be supplemented with other data such as statutory (or internal) audit
findings, branch and geographic location information, and the history of errors and adjustments,
which can all be used to help assist the auditor in making the appropriate risk and scoping
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Pre-Engagement and audit planning (client acceptance and continuance, audit scope,
risk assessment, understanding the entity, materiality assessment)
Artificial intelligence: Challenges and considerations for the auditor
Understanding the business and risk assessment
AI cannot be plugged into the Internet and left to run. Rather, specified reliable sources of data,
sites, folders or other input mechanisms need to be defined. Initially, the tool needs to be trained
or taught to identify relevant information. For example, this could be through direction of the
tool to credible news sources, information repositories, the client’s own website or other relevant
information. Additionally, the auditor will need to establish how much is enough for the AI to
analyze, in terms of the reliability of sources of information and the data itself. Once gathered,
the auditor also considers the information presented in light of knowledge and understanding
of the business.
When gathering information on the industry, the tool also needs initial guidance on who the
entity’s “peer group” is (e.g., domestic versus global, industry, where in the supply chain the
entity and competitors work).
Clients may be reluctant to share certain sensitive information electronically (e.g., board min-
utes). This may limit the auditor’s ability to utilize these tools to their full potential. The auditor
will need to consider how to demonstrate appropriate data protection (e.g., cyber security and
lifecycle of the information).
Other challenges and considerations
The AI needs data over a period of time (day/week/month/year) to establish the “normal” course
of business. The length of time required depends on the frequency of transactions (greater
frequency transactions will require historical data over a shorter period). Changes in the process
will also need to be considered as this could create a new “normal” after implementation.
The auditor will need to develop an approach to assessing notable items or outliers to determine
whether they contain a risk of material misstatement. This can become increasingly challenging
when the number of notable items or outliers increases (sometimes into the thousands). With
additional training or experience over time, the AI tool may reduce the occurrence of false posi-
tives and the number of identified outliers.
In their scoping exercise, although not a risk to the auditors use of AI, the auditor also considers
any application of AI by the client in production of financial statements. For example:
Does the auditor have the understanding and ability to test the clients AI tools, or are spe-
cialists required?
Is there any potential training bias in the client’s AI tools (either intentional or due to error)?
Are the client’s AI tools continually learning or locked down and periodically updated?
Does the client’s use of AI limit the ability of the auditor to reperform or recalculate?
Do the client’s AI tools aect the auditor’s risk assessment?
Does the auditor need to rely on AI? Are there alternative approaches that can be taken
to test balances substantively? Or alternative controls as opposed to automated AI IT
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Audit fieldwork (test of controls if applicable, substantive audit procedures, including
test of details or substantive analytical procedures, evidence gathering, review of defi-
ciencies and determining whether the auditor needs additional audit evidence)
Automation and analytics: Fieldwork opportunities
Automating procedures
Digitize aspects of the audit and gain eciencies in automating audit procedures so that “audit
bots” can perform repetitive tasks through RPA. For instance, these “audit bots” can:
Copy data across dierent audit files without risk of human fatigue or input errors.
Run calculations (typically those that require business rules to be considered, such as simple
tax calculations) to assist in determining financial statement mathematical accuracy, internal
consistency as well as tie-outs of prior-year amounts.
Rebuild financial statements from underlying data to form independent expectations of the
financial statements for tie-out purposes.
Analytics can be used to explore expenses and identify anomalies. Some of this information
could also be used to inform going concern analysis, such as identification of key suppliers
or an uptick in legal fees.
Contract review
The time taken to review significant contracts can be greatly reduced by using automation
and AI.
Automation – Optical character recognition (OCR) can be used to extract terms from standard
contracts to perform comparisons and ensure no changes have been made (or to evaluate the
changes). Due to evolving accounting standards, leases are a good example of an area that can
benefit from large-volume data analysis and extraction of key contract term information. Con-
tract information can be used to substantively test the population as a whole or simply identify
riskier areas for targeted review and testing.
AI – AI tools exist that read text and provide summaries of the key messages. These tools could
be applied to identify standard and non-standard terms in a contract, as well as to summarize
these terms for review. This would allow the auditor to focus on the reasonability of the key
terms and understand how the contract fits within the larger business picture.
Automation and analytics: Challenges and considerations for the auditor
Automating procedures
The auditor will need to consider the complexity of the client, sophistication of their IT infra-
structure and the time investment required to set up RPA rules. RPA does not work well in a
changing environment, meaning that changes in disclosures, business processes or accounting
standards will not be captured in the RPA rules, and as such an additional response from the
auditor is required. However, in periods of limited or no disclosure or accounting changes, the
preparation and comparison of prior-year information is much more ecient with the application
of RPA.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Audit fieldwork (test of controls if applicable, substantive audit procedures, including
test of details or substantive analytical procedures, evidence gathering, review of defi-
ciencies and determining whether the auditor needs additional audit evidence)
Automation and analytics: Challenges and considerations for the auditor (continued)
As with all anomaly testing, an adequately large data set is required to establish what is “normal”
in order to allow the tool to determine what is an outlier. Some of the elements referenced may
cross multiple systems, therefore an inability to obtain enough relevant data may hinder the
usefulness of insights.
Auditors need to consider their approach in investigating anomalies, as discussed above.
Contract review
The application of OCR can be an RPA technique or AI technique depending on the documents
under review. If the contracts are in a standardized format, then a rule-based RPA may likely be
sucient. However, if the inputs come in a range of formats and contain varying information,
then an AI application is required to enable the tool to accurately and eectively identify the
correct information. For example, a contract may have multiple dates on the document (date
of the contract, date of signing, date of witness and dates of maturity, interest payments, etc.).
The AI will need to apply judgment to interpret the dierent dates and identify the relevant
date(s) to be used in the audit.
The auditor will need to have a mechanism for reviewing the determinations made by the tool to
address the “black box problem.”
A tool that continually learns cannot apply the same logic as traditional automated controls as,
by definition, the process is constantly evolving. Some substantiation of the tool is likely required
on an ongoing basis. Conversely, if the tool “version” is locked, then a control process may be
Artificial intelligence: Fieldwork opportunities
Inventory counts
With computer vision, an AI-based app can look at millions of pictures taken from cameras
(whether statically mounted in a warehouse or mounted on moving drones) and identify articles.
Articles that have indexing information (such as bar codes) are even easier to identify and if
the “eye sees them all,” then it can count them all, giving the auditor the ability to obtain more
Control testing
System-logged reviews retain a wealth of information that can be analyzed and applied in the
audit. Notable items or outliers are quickly identified and can be followed up by the auditor.
Application of metadata can further enhance the testing of controls by highlighting potentially
higher-risk reviews. For example, system-recorded review evidence typically contains reviewer
(user ID), date and time stamps. AI tools can analyze how many reviews an individual typically
performs and their usual frequency and duration, as well as the amount of time since their
previous review. As an example, if a reviewer marks five processes as reviewed in five minutes,
depending on the complexity of the task and the comparability with others performing the same
task, the AI could highlight this as a notable item to be considered for testing.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Audit fieldwork (test of controls if applicable, substantive audit procedures, including
test of details or substantive analytical procedures, evidence gathering, review of defi-
ciencies and determining whether the auditor needs additional audit evidence)
Artificial intelligence: Fieldwork opportunities (continued)
HR and entity policy data can also be layered into approval reviews, for example, an inappropri-
ate ordering of preparers and reviewers (e.g., a manager reviewing a vice president’s work), or
reviews that have taken place that do not meet the designated level of authority for review.
Extracting information from external and internal support
Building on the OCR tools, there are opportunities to both automate and use AI in substantive
testing (e.g., vouching of invoices). Through combinations of OCR, NLP and natural language
generation to apply AI-enabled RPA, the AI tool can read and cross validate sub-ledger records
with external confirmations (e.g., bank or debtor confirmations) or other relevant appropriate
audit evidence. The process is simpler where external confirmation formats are more standard-
ized and becomes more complex where an array of layouts is used.
Scanning documents and extracting information through some of the techniques listed above
are the simple first steps in this process.
Machine learning techniques can enable the tool to learn how to identify the right information.
Over time, a tool can be trained on how to identify the relevant information from the source doc-
ument. Gradually, the tool will begin to require fewer and fewer training instances and will begin
to identify the relevant information in documents with formats outside of the training examples.
The assessment of management’s estimates is a key and complex area of any audit – one that
requires significant auditor judgment. However, in some cases, management may come up with
an estimate for which AI can be used as part of the audit process.
Traditional audit techniques used to audit estimates will typically fall into one of three categories
(or a combination of the three): reperformance of management’s process; retrospective testing;
or development of an independent estimate. An array of automation and AI techniques can be
used to perform variations of these techniques.
For example, in estimating the likelihood of non-repayment for a debtor or bad debt provision,
management has set a rate at which they believe the likelihood of default is expected. Using
machine learning, the audit team could build an independent model to predict this likelihood
based on historical bad debt write-os. Once the model is built, it could be retrained every year
based on actual loss data. This independent estimate could be made for each individual loan (or
by portfolio or type of loan), and then compared to the result of managements estimate. The AI
tool could also be trained to incorporate other relevant observable factors, such as: interest rate
movements, customer credit ratings, share price, contractual terms, housing starts and unem-
ployment rates. Inclusion of these factors could also enable determination of an independent
expected loss estimate for comparison with the client’s estimate.
While the audit team would still need to understand the underlying data as well as manage-
ments methodology, a machine-learning model would provide a more comprehensive estimate
of the likelihood of default. Information gathered across industries and geographical locations
could also provide the auditor with industry information to come up with expected loss provision
by customer.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Audit fieldwork (test of controls if applicable, substantive audit procedures, including
test of details or substantive analytical procedures, evidence gathering, review of defi-
ciencies and determining whether the auditor needs additional audit evidence)
Artificial intelligence: Challenges and considerations for the auditor
Inventory counts
The reliability of images is a challenge (e.g., are the images being viewed authentic or is there
a risk that the image could be manipulated?). Over time, as the technology and image capture
improve and training data increases, the AI will improve.
The ability to look at individual items may be hindered by storage locations. Use of computer
vision may be limited by the location of the client, restrictions on accessibility of areas where
inventory is held and use of the imaging data.
Control testing
Given the potential ability to scan 100% of the control population and then look for notable
items or outliers, the auditor will need to consider their response to notable items or outliers
in controls testing.
The ability to test 100% of key controls also has some challenges to overcome. Control testing
has traditionally been performed on a sampling basis, where a given number of exceptions in
their sample would typically lead the auditor to conclude that the control did not operate eec-
tively. However, if the auditor can test 100% of the control occurrences for a key control, then
the use of a tolerable exception rate may still be appropriate.
As mentioned above, in using AI techniques the auditor considers their approach in assessing
notable items or outliers to determine whether they are in fact exceptions. This can become
increasingly challenging when the number of notable items or outliers increases (sometimes
into the thousands).
Does the ability to apply AI and analyze or test 100% of transactions in a financial statement
audit reduce the need to test business process controls as extensively? The auditor can, based
on their judgment, elect to test balances completely substantively as opposed to relying on a
combination of business process controls and substantive work. Excluding audit work performed
specifically for the purpose of controls opinions (e.g., integrated audits or SOC 1 reports), this
could reduce the need to rely on business process controls in financial statement audits, with
the tradeo being an increased importance of management’s IT controls around the accuracy
and completeness of the transaction data analyzed, which may also include transaction logs
and metadata feeds.
Another question to ask is how does the auditor eectively evidence that they are satisfied
they understand the following:
Why their AI tool identified specific items to be tested if all outliers are eectively identified?
Has the analysis been performed accurately?
Why have certain items been identified as outliers, and were these outliers identified appro-
priately? For example, if the date when a control is executed is the reason the control
instance is being flagged as an outlier, how does the AI tool let the auditor know? Does
it categorize it in a certain way, or highlight the issue?
6 During their May 2020 meeting, the Auditing Standards Board voted to issue AU-C Section 500, Audit Evidence final. The
standard addresses many of the considerations made by the auditor in evaluating information to be used as audit evidence,
including the use of automated tools and techniques. The eective date for this standard will be for audits of financial state-
ments for periods ending on or after December 15, 2022. Documentation of audit evidence is addressed by AU-C Section
230, Audit Documentation.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Audit fieldwork (test of controls if applicable, substantive audit procedures, including
test of details or substantive analytical procedures, evidence gathering, review of defi-
ciencies and determining whether the auditor needs additional audit evidence)
Artificial intelligence: Challenges and considerations for the auditor (continued)
The auditor will need to design a mechanism for interpreting the AI tool results. This would be
applicable to all uses of AI within an audit.
Extracting information from external and internal support
The level of idiosyncrasy of supporting sources will determine the amount of training data
required (low idiosyncrasy = lower levels of training data). For example, it is easier to design an
AI tool for bank confirmations than for revenue and debtor invoices. Development and training
will take significant volumes of data and considerable time. However, the even more dicult part
of the AI is the process of training tools to identify pertinent information, for example, training
a tool to extract a confirmation date from a letter as opposed to the date of the letter itself, or
any other dates included in a given confirmation. The information may also need to be extracted
from a variety of dierent templates and formats. The tool needs to be able to distinguish
between formats so that it knows where to look for information. Further complications exist
for non-standard formatting of documents (e.g., hand-written balances on a confirmation,
especially where the handwriting is poor).
What is the knock-on eect of analyzing 100% of a population? For example, in the case of
confirmations as a source, although it is possible to automate and apply AI to the analysis of
external confirmations, is it reasonable to distribute confirmations for 100% of the population?
The auditor needs to evidence appropriate review of the work performed by the AI in its extrac-
tion of information related to the external confirmations. Therefore, the auditor may need to
establish a mechanism to revalidate the tasks the AI performed without having to reperform
them. Tools that are continuously learning will likely need to have some form of substantive
validation for each instance in which they are used.
Developing independent estimates for estimation processes may not always have been an option
available to the auditor, given the breadth of resources and depth of specific knowledge required
to develop such an estimate. The application of AI in this space is plausible, but it can be dif-
ficult. For example, any model developed by the auditor to estimate a bad debt provision will
require significant amounts of historical loss data, as well as other metadata pieces of informa-
tion (e.g., customer credit ratings, geographical information, industrial information and other
relevant information used for the calculation of the provision). Further, the information may
still require specialist knowledge to evaluate.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Forming an opinion and reporting (review of financial statements and disclosures,
review of material misstatements, conclude on the audit and prepare audit report)
Automation, analytics and artificial intelligence: Reporting opportunities
Refresh of planning
Certain planning exercises need to be refreshed in the completion phase of an audit (e.g., reaf-
firming scoping, materiality, independence). The automation and assessment performed by the
RPA and AI tools enables the auditor to review and focus their time on issue resolution and
closing down issues identified. This can help to shorten the reporting cycle, making the opinion
timelier relative to the date of the financial statements.
Required client communications can be automated, enabling AI to extract information from
the file and draft engagement documents (e.g., auditor’s report, management representation
letter) based on the contents of the audit file. Specific representations and communications
are required for clients depending on their characteristics (e.g., SEC registered, small private
Standardized templates are already developed and available to the audit teams, but human
eort is required to tailor them to specific clients. AI would be beneficial in ensuring a standard
format and ensuring the conclusions in the file reflect the communications made.
The AI can compile and analyze the summary of adjusted and unadjusted misstatements and
of aggregated control deficiencies. For example, an AI tool can identify and join adjustments
posted and control deficiencies to determine if there are common denominators or specific audit
areas that require additional assessment. This assessment could be presented to the auditor for
Automation, analytics and artificial intelligence: Challenges and considerations
for the auditor
Refresh of planning
The risks discussed above in relation to planning are relevant here. The auditor would need to
determine a cut-o date of information pulling from external sources.
The auditor will need to consider the application of local regulatory or legal requirements for
reporting on specific engagements and how a tool would incorporate these requirements (e.g.,
Is there a feed into the AI that informs it of the regulatory and legal rules to apply?). Further, the
auditor considers client-specific nuances and qualitative characteristics that would be dicult for
an AI tool to include.
In analyzing adjustments and control deficiencies, the nature of issues tends to be idiosyn-
cratic, which makes training a tool dicult. The greater the variability in outcomes, the greater
the volume of training data that is required. This is something that would be very dicult to
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Appendix B: Glossary of terms
For a better understanding of the terms below, see CPA Canada and AICPAs A CPA’s Intro-
duction to AI: From Algorithms to Deep Learning, What You Need to Know, which explains
these concepts.
Term Definition
Artificial intelligence
The science of teaching programs and machines to complete tasks that
normally require human intelligence.
Algorithms A detailed series of computer instructions such as if/then/else or prob-
abilities/weights for carrying out an operation or solving a problem.
Analytics techniques There are four main categories of analytics techniques:
Descriptive analytics provide insights into events of the past. Tech-
niques can be used to evaluate performance and gather insights.
Diagnostic analytics examines data to answer why an outcome
happened. It is characterized by techniques such as drill-down,
data discovery and correlations.
Predictive analytics look into the future to anticipate outcomes such
as demand forecasting for a supply chain operation. In this case,
existing data is used to train machine-learning models to forecast
what will probably happen.
Prescriptive analytics provide possible outcome solutions that guide
predictions into actions, such as generating ways to optimize pro-
duction or inventory.
Automation A process or procedure performed by a technology solution with
minimal human assistance.
Big data Large and complex data sets that cannot be managed with traditional
data-processing software.
Computer vision The ability of a computer system or device to see (e.g., identify and
process images).
Deep learning /
hierarchical learning
A type of machine learning using algorithms that roughly approximates
the structures and functions of the human brain (e.g., algorithms that
can simulate an array of neurons in an artificial neural network that
learns from vast sources of data).
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
Term Definition
General AI /
strong AI
Human-level intelligence allowing knowledge to be transferred
between domains.
Internet of Things Interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded
in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.
Logic and rules-
based approach
The use of algorithms to carry out a task or solve a problem.
Machine learning The ability of algorithms to learn from experience rather than being pro-
vided with instructions. Algorithms create computational models that
process large data sets to predict outputs and make inferences; more
data leads to more examples, which helps the algorithm to finely tune
its output and insight over time. The insights are fed back to further
refine the algorithmic models, making them more accurate over time.
Narrow AI / weak AI Narrowly-intelligent systems that can exceed humans in specific tasks,
such as playing chess, but that cannot transfer capabilities.
Natural language
generation (NLG)
The ability of a computer system or device to transform visualized data
such as charts or graphs into a narrative in an understandable language.
Natural language
processing (NLP)
The ability of a computer system or device to understand spoken
or written natural language.
Quantum computing Computer processing using qubits to store an enormous amount
of information while using less energy than a classical computer.
An AI system that learns under its own supervision by making
predictions, validating them against reality and continually
adjusting itself for a better output the next time.
Robotic process
automation (RPA)
Software automation that can handle high-volume repeatable tasks
such as answering questions, making calculations, maintaining records
and recording transactions.
Supervised learning A method to teach AI systems by providing them with the desired
outcomes for the training data (where input and output training
data are labelled) so they can connect those outputs to the data.
The ability of algorithms to draw inferences from data sets by
identifying patterns and looking for similarities by which that
data can be grouped.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
About the Authors
CPA Canada and the AICPA would like to express their gratitude to the following profes-
sionals for their contributions to this publication: Asif Qayyum, Andrew Watson, CA (ICAS),
AJ Buchanan, CPA, CA, MMA and Michael Paterson, CPA, CA of PwC LLP, and Yasmine
Hakimpour, CPA, CA of CPA Canada.
CPA Canada and the AICPA would also like to express their gratitude to CPA Canada’s
Audit & Assurance Technology Committee and the AICPA’s Assurance Services Executive
Committee who assisted in the authoring and review of this publication.
The Data-Driven Audit: How Automation and AI are Changing the Audit and the Role of the Auditor
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