Office Address Mailing Address
University of Texas at Austin 1925 San Jacinto Blvd
Steve Hicks School of Social Work, 3.106D Stop D3500
Department of Sociology, RLP 2.620E Austin, TX 78712
Austin, TX 78712
Phone: (512) 232-5742; (512) 471-2499
Email: kariwhite@utexas.edu
Doctor of Philosophy, Sociology
Concentration: Demography May 2011
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Dissertation: Determinants of fertility across context: a comparison of Mexican and Turkish immigrant women
Master of Public Health, International Health and Development May 2003
Tulane University School of Public Health, New Orleans, LA
Master of Arts, Latin American Studies December 2001
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Summa Cum Laude May 1998
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Associate Professor with tenure Aug 2019 - present
Steve Hicks School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin (joint appointment)
Adjunct Associate Professor Aug 2019 - present
Health Care Organization & Policy, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Associate Professor with tenure Oct 2017 – Aug 2019
Health Care Organization & Policy, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Assistant Professor July 2011 – Sept 2017
Health Care Organization & Policy, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Associate Scholar July 2011 - Aug 2019
Lister Hill Center for Health Policy, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Associate Scientist June 2014 - Aug 2019
Minority Health & Health Disparities Research Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Society of Family Planning
Population Association of America
American Public Health Association
Early Achievement Award, Population Association of America 2020
Loan Repayment Program, National Institutes of Health, Health Disparities Research 2014 - 2016
Pre-doctoral Fellow, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007 - 2010
Doug Forbes Research Award, University of Texas at Austin, Population Research Center 2008
Summer Language Scholar, Institute for Turkish Studies 2007
Critical Languages Scholar – Turkish, US Department of State 2007
Turkish Language Scholar, University of Texas at Austin, Center for Middle Eastern Studies 2006
Health Leadership Fellow, Connecticut Health Foundation 2005 - 2006
Tinker Foundation Award, Tulane University, Center for Latin American Studies 2002
Tinker Foundation Award, University of Arizona, Center for Latin American Studies 2000
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Golden Key National Honors Society 1997
Kari White
Current Grants
Grant #5574 Sept 2019 – Aug 2021
Principal Investigator, Texas Policy Evaluation Project
Private non-profit foundation
Grant #2018-67490 Aug 2018 – Jul 2021
Principal Investigator, Mississippi Women’s Health Experiences & Options Study
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Grant R01 HD098127-01A1 May 2020 – Jan 2024
Co-Investigator, Multilevel factors affecting postpartum sterilization
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (K. Arora, PI)
Grant #A2255A1 Oct 2018 – Sept 2023
Co-Investigator, Creating evidence and consensus in support of over-the-counter mifepristone-misoprostol
Society of Family Planning (D. Grossman and N. Kapp, PIs)
Previous Grants
Grant #5255 Aug 2017 – Jul 2020
Co-Director Research Core, Co-Investigator, Center for Reproductive Health Research in the Southeast
Private non-profit foundation (K. Hall, PI)
Grant # To Be Assigned Apr 2019 – Jul 2020
Co-Investigator, Louisiana Admitting Privileges Project
Private non-profit foundation (S. Roberts, PI)
K01 HD079563-01A1 Dec 2014 – Aug 2019
Principal Investigator, Factors influencing vasectomy use
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Grant #2017-66910 Feb 2018Jun 2019
Principal Investigator, Louisiana Women’s Access Study
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
C40118041, C50119045 Oct 2011 Aug 2019
Principal Investigator,* Plan First: Medicaid Waiver Evaluation
Alabama Department of Public Health (*Co-Investigator, Oct 2011-April 2016; J. Bronstein, PI)
Grants #3862, #3673, #5123 Oct 2011 – Aug 2019
Co-Investigator, Texas Policy Evaluation Project
Private non-profit foundation (J.E. Potter, PI)
Grant #2016-64118 Apr 2016 – Aug 2017
Principal Investigator, Improving services & policies around reproductive health care in Mississippi
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
SFPRF7-JI3 Jul 2013 – Jul 2015
Principal Investigator, Access to abortion care in the Deep South
Society of Family Planning
SFPRF7-10 Oct 2013 – Mar 2015
Co-Investigator, Reproductive stigmas and pregnancy decision-making in Alabama
Society of Family Planning (J.M. Turan, PI)
C40870013 Jan 2014 – Dec 2014
Kari White
Co-Investigator, Title V Maternal Child Health Needs Assessment
Alabama Department of Public Health (J. Preskitt, PI)
Research Award Oct 2012 – Jun 2014
Principal Investigator, Unintended pregnancy among recent Latina immigrants
UAB Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center
2009-031039 Mar 2009 – Sept 2010
Co-Investigator, Texas Teen Opportunity Project
Texas Department of State Health Services (K. Hopkins, PI)
Peer-reviewed publications (Underline indicates co-author was a student or fellow)
63. K. Arora, R. Ponsaran, L. Morello, L. Katabi, R.T. Behmer-Hansen, N. Zite, K. White. 2020. “Attitudes and beliefs
of obstetricians-gynecologists regarding Medicaid postpartum sterilization - A qualitative study” Contraception, Epub
ahead of print.
62. K.L. Burke, J.E. Potter, and K. White. 2020. “Unsatisfied contraceptive preferences due to cost among women in
the United States.” Contraception X. Epub ahead of print
61. K. White, K. Portz, S. Whitfield, and S. Nathan. 2020. Women’s post-abortion contraceptive preferences and
access to family planning services in Mississippi.Women’s Health Issues 30(3): 176-183.
60. L. Fuentes, S. Baum, B. Keefe-Oates, K. White, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, D. Grossman. 2020. Texas women’s
decisions and experiences with self-managed abortion.BMC Women’s Health 20, article 6.
59. K. Coleman-Minahan, K. Hopkins, and K. White. 2020. “Availability of confidential services for teens declined
after the 2011-2013 changes to publicly funded family planning programs in Texas.” Journal of Adolescent Health.
Epub ahead of print.
58. E. Carroll and K. White. 2019. “Abortion patients’ preferences for care and experiences accessing services in
LouisianaContraception X. Epub ahead of print.
57. M. Wang, A. Khodadadi. J.M. Turan, and K. White. 2019. “Scoping Review of Access to Emergency
Contraception for Sexual Assault Victims in Emergency Departments in the United StatesTrauma, Violence & Abuse.
Epub ahead of print.
56. J.E. Potter, A.J. Stevenson, K. Coleman-Minahan, K. Hopkins, K. White, S. Baum, and D. Grossman. 2019.
“Challenging unintended pregnancy as an indicator of reproductive autonomy.” Contraception 100(1): 1-4.
55. A.D. Campbell, D.K. Turok and K. White. “Fertility intentions and perspectives on contraceptive involvement
among low-income men aged 25 to 55.2019. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 51(3): 125-133.
54. K. White, S. Baum, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, and D. Grossman. 2019. “Change in second-trimester abortion after
implementation of a restrictive state law.Obstetrics & Gynecology 133(4): 771-779.
53. S. Baum, K. White, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, and D. Grossman. 2019. “Rebound of medication abortion in Texas
following updated mifepristone label.” Contraception 99(5): 278-280.
52. A. Bianchi. K.S. Oths, and K. White. 2019. “Are the undocumented deserving? Health workers’ views of
immigrants in Alabama.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 30(2): 820-840.
51. K. White, K. Adams, and K. Hopkins. 2019. “Counseling and referrals for women with unplanned pregnancies at
publicly funded family planning organizations in Texas.” Contraception 99(1): 48-51.
50. D. Grossman and K. White. 2018. “Abortion ‘reversal’ - Legislating without evidence.” New England Journal of
Medicine 379: 1491-1493.
Kari White
49. K. Hopkins, C. Hubert, K. Coleman-Minahan, A.J. Stevenson, K. White, D. Grossman, and J.E. Potter. 2018.
“Unmet demand for hormonal and long-acting reversible contraception among community college students in Texas.”
Journal of American College Health 66(5): 360-368.
48. W.S. Rice, B. Turan, K. White, J.M. Turan. 2018. “Norms and stigma around unintended pregnancy in Alabama:
Associations with recent contraceptive use and dual method use among young adult women.” Women & Health. EPub
ahead of print.
47. K. White, K. Hopkins, D. Grossman, and J.E. Potter. 2018. “Providing family planning services at primary care
organizations after the exclusion of Planned Parenthood from publicly funded programs in Texas: Early qualitative
evidence.” Health Services Research 53(S1): 2770-2786.
46. K. White, D. Grossman, A.J. Stevenson, K. Hopkins, and J.E. Potter. 2017. “Does information about abortion
safety affect Texas voters' opinions about restrictive laws? A randomized studyContraception 96(6): 381-387.
45. J.E. Potter, K. Coleman-Minahan, K. White, D.E. Powers, C. Dillaway, A.J. Stevenson, K. Hopkins, D. Grossman.
2017. “Contraception following delivery among publicly insured women in Texas: Use compared with preferences.”
Obstetrics and Gynecology; 130(2): 393-402.
44. K. White, J.M. Turan, and D. Grossman. 2017. “Travel for abortion services in Alabama and delays obtaining
care.” Women’s Health Issues 27(5): 523-529.
43. W.S. Smith, B. Turan, K.L. Stringer, A. Helova, K. White, K. Cockrill, and J.M. Turan. 2017. “Norms and stigma
regarding pregnancy decision following an unintended pregnancy: Development and predictors of scales among young
women in the U.S. South.” PLOS ONE 12(3): e0174210.
42. K. White, A. Campbell, K. Hopkins, D. Grossman, and J.E. Potter. 2017. “Barriers to offering vasectomy at
publicly funded family planning organizations in Texas.” American Journal of Men’s Health. 11(3): 757-766.
41. D. Grossman, K. White, K. Hopkins, and J.E. Potter. 2017. “Change in distance to nearest facility and abortion in
Texas, 2012 to 2014.” JAMA 317(4): 437-439.
40. S. Baum, K. White, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, D. Grossman. 2016. “Women’s experiences obtaining abortion care in
Texas after implementation of a restrictive law: a qualitative study.” PLOS ONE 11(10): e0165048.
39. J.E. Potter, C. Hubert, and K. White. 2017. “The availability and use of postpartum LARC in Mexico and among
Hispanics in the United States.” Maternal and Child Health Journal. 21(9): 1744-1752.
38. K. White, M. Ocampo, I.C. Scarinci. 2017. “A socio-ecological approach for examining factors related to
contraceptive use among recent Latina immigrants in an emerging Latino state.” Women & Health 7: 878-889.
37. K. White, J.E. Potter, A.J. Stevenson, L. Fuentes, K. Hopkins, D. Grossman. 2016. “Women’s knowledge of and
support for abortion restrictions in Texas: Findings from a statewide representative survey.” Perspectives on Sexual and
Reproductive Health 48(4): 189-197.
36. C. Gerdts, L. Fuentes, D. Grossman, K. White, B. Keefe-Oates, S. Baum. K. Hopkins, C.W. Stolp, J.E. Potter.
2016. “The impact of clinic closures on women obtaining abortion services after implementation of a restrictive law in
Texas.” American Journal of Public Health 106(5):857-64.
35. W. Smith, J.M. Turan, K. White, K. Stringer, A. Helova, T. Simpson, and K. Cockrill. 2016. "Social norms and
stigma around unintended pregnancy and pregnancy options: A qualitative study of young adult women in Alabama."
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 48(2): 73-81.
34. K. White, V. deMartelly, D. Grossman, and J.M. Turan. 2016. “Experiences accessing abortion care in Alabama
among women traveling for services.” Women’s Health Issues 26(3): 298-304.
Kari White
33. L. Fuentes, S. Lebenkoff, K. White, C. Gerdts, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, D. Grossman. 2016. “Women’s experiences
seeking abortion care after the closure of clinics due to a restrictive law in Texas.” Contraception 93(4): 292-297.
32. J.E. Potter, C. Hubert, A.J. Stevenson, K. Hopkins, A.R.A. Aiken, K. White, and D. Grossman. 2016. “Barriers to
postpartum contraception in Texas and pregnancy within two years of delivery.” Obstetrics and Gynecology 127(2):
31. C. Hubert, K. White, K. Hopkins, D. Grossman, and J.E. Potter. 2016. “Perceived interest in vasectomy among
Latina women and their partners in a community with limited access to female sterilization.Journal of Health Care
for the Poor and Underserved 27(2): 762-777.
30. K. White, E. Carroll, and D. Grossman. 2015. “Complications from first-trimester aspiration abortion: A systematic
review of the literature.” Contraception 92(5): 422-438.
29. K. White and I.C. Scarinci. 2015. “Comparison of self-rated health among Latina immigrants in a Southern U.S.
city and a national sample.” American Journal of Medical Sciences 350(4): 290-295.
28. K. White, J.E. Potter and N. Zite. 2015. “Geographic variation in characteristics of postpartum women using
female sterilization.” Women’s Health Issues 25(6): 628-633.
27. D. Grossman, K. White, L. Harris, M. Reeves, P. Blumenthal, B. Winikoff, D. Grimes. 2015. “Continuing
pregnancy after mifepristone and ‘reversal’ of first-trimester medical abortion: A systematic review.” Contraception
92(3): 206-211.
26. K. White, S.B. Teal, and J.E. Potter. 2015. Contraception after delivery and short interpregnancy intervals among
women in the United States.” Obstetrics and Gynecology 126(6): 1471-1477.
25. K. White, K. Hopkins, A. Aiken, A. Stevenson, C. Hubert, D. Grossman, J.E. Potter. 2015. “The impact of
reproductive health legislation on family planning clinic services in Texas.” American Journal of Public Health 105(5):
24. K. Hopkins, K. White, F. Linkin, C. Hubert, D. Grossman, J.E. Potter. 2015. “Women’s experiences seeking
affordable family planning services in Texas.” Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 47(2): 63-70.
23. K. White, J. Blackburn, B. Manzella, E. Welty, and N. Menachemi. 2014. “Changes in use of county public health
services following Alabama’s immigration law.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 25(4): 1844-
22. D. Grossman, S. Baum, L. Fuentes, K. White, K. Hopkins, A. Stevenson, J.E. Potter. 2014. “Change in abortion
services after implementation of a restrictive law in Texas.” Contraception 90(5): 496-501.
21. J.E. Potter, K. Hopkins, A.R.A. Aiken, C. Hubert, A.J. Stevenson, K. White, D. Grossman. 2014. “Unmet demand
for highly effective contraception in Texas.Contraception 90(5): 488-495.
20. K. White and J.E. Potter. 2014. “Reconsidering racial/ethnic differences in sterilization in the United States.
Contraception 89(6): 550-556.
19. K. White, V.A. Yeager, N. Menachemi, and I.C. Scarinci. 2014. “Impact of Alabama’s immigration law on access
to health care among Latina immigrants and children: Implications for national reform.” American Journal of Public
Health 104(3): 397-405.
18. D. Grossman, K. White, K. Hopkins, and J.E. Potter. 2014. “The public health threat of anti-abortion legislation.
Contraception 89(2): 73-74.
17. K. White, J.E. Potter, K. Hopkins, and D. Grossman. 2014. “Variation in postpartum contraceptive method use:
Results from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS).” Contraception 89(1): 57-62.
Kari White
16. K. White, K. Hopkins, and E.L. Schiefelbein. 2013. “The influence of race/ethnicity and gender on attitudes
surrounding contraceptive responsibility: Do Latino adolescents differ from other groups?Journal of Applied
Research on Children 4(2): article 8.
15. K. White, J.E. Potter, K. Hopkins, J. Amastae, and D. Grossman. 2013. “Hypertension among oral contraceptive
users in El Paso, Texas.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 24(4): 1511-1521.
14. K. White, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, and D. Grossman. 2013. “Knowledge and attitudes about long-acting reversible
contraception among Latina women who desire sterilization.” Women’s Health Issues 23(4): e257-e263.
13. K. White and J.E. Potter. 2013. “Patterns of contraceptive use among Mexican-origin women.” Demographic
Research 28(41): 1199-1212.
12. K. White and J.E. Potter. 2013. “The impact of out-migration of men on fertility and marriage in the migrant
sending states of Mexico, 1995-2000.” Population Studies 67(1): 83-95.
11. J.E. Potter, A.J. Stevenson, K. White, K. Hopkins, and D. Grossman. 2013. “Hospital variation in postpartum tubal
sterilization rates in California and Texas.” Obstetrics and Gynecology 121(1): 152-158.
10. J.E. Potter, K. White, K. Hopkins, S. McKinnon, D. Grossman, M. Shedlin, and J. Amastae. 2012. “Frustrated
demand for sterilization among low-income Latinas in El Paso, Texas.” Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive
Health 44(4): 228-235.
9. K. White, D. Grossman, K. Hopkins, and J.E. Potter. 2012. “Cutting family planning in Texas.” New England
Journal of Medicine 367(13): 1179-1181.
8. K. Hopkins, D. Grossman, K. White, J. Amastae, and J.E. Potter. 2012. Reproductive health preventive screening
among clinic vs. over-the-counter oral contraceptive users.” Contraception 86(4): 376-382.
7. K. White, J.E. Potter, K. Hopkins, L. Fernández, J. Amastae, and D. Grossman. 2012. “Contraindications to
progestin-only oral contraceptive pills among reproductive aged women.” Contraception 86(3): 199-203.
6. K. White, I. Garces, L. Bandura, A. McGuire, and I.C. Scarinci. 2012. “Design and evaluation of a theory-based,
culturally relevant outreach model for breast and cervical cancer screening for Latina immigrants.Ethnicity & Disease
22: 274-280.
5. K. White and C.J. Buckley. 2011. “Exposure to international migration and its effect on childbearing in Turkey.”
International Migration Review. 45(1): 123-147.
4. D. Grossman, K. White, K. Hopkins, J. Amastae, M. Shedlin, and J.E. Potter. 2011. “Contraindications to combined
oral contraceptives among over-the-counter and clinic pill users.” Obstetrics and Gynecology 117(3): 558-565.
3. J.E. Potter, K. White, K. Hopkins, J. Amastae, and D. Grossman. 2010. “Clinic versus over-the-counter access to
oral contraception: Choices women make in El Paso, Texas.” American Journal of Public Health 100(6): 1130-1136.
2. K. White and M.B. Laws. 2009. “Role exchange behavior in medical interpretation.” Journal of Immigrant and
Minority Health 11(6): 482-93.
1. K. White, M. Small, R. Frederic, G. Joseph, R. Bateau, and T. Kershaw. 2006. “Health seeking behavior among
pregnant women in rural Haiti.” Health Care for Women International 27(9): 822-38.
Book chapters
J. Amastae, M. Shedlin, K. White, K. Hopkins, D.A. Grossman, and J.E. Potter. 2013. “Lessons for border research:
the Border Contraceptive Access Study” pp 249-264 in Unchartered Terrain: New Directions in Border Research
Methodology, Ethics, and Practice. A.O. O'Leary, C.M. Deeds & S. Whiteford (Eds.) Tucson, AZ: University of
Arizona Press.
Research briefs
Kari White
K. White, G. Sierra, E. Vizcarra, L. Dixon, S. Baum, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter and D. Grossman. 2020. “The potential
impact of Texas’ executive order on patients’ access to abortion care.”
E. Carroll and K. White. 2020. “Louisiana abortion patients’ current challenges accessing care.”
E. Carroll and K. White. 2019. “Women’s experiences with protestors while access abortion care in Louisiana.”
K. White, K. Burke, K. Hopkins and J.E. Potter. 2019. “Texas Women’s Access to Reproductive Health Services Since
the 2016 Statewide Reorganization of Women's Health Programs.” https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/txpep/research-
K. White, E.J. Ela, K. Hopkins, and J.E. Potter. 2019. “Providers’ barriers to offering contraception in the Healthy
Texas Women (HTW) Program.” https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/txpep/research-briefs/htw-provider-evaluation-brief.php
C. Dillaway, K. White, K. Hopkins, and J.E. Potter. 2017. “Does religion influence contraceptive choice among
Hispanic women in Texas?” https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/txpep/research-briefs/religion-contraception-brief.php
Invited presentations
K. White. “Evaluating Louisiana’s abortion restrictions.” Tulane University, July 2020.
K. White. “The impact of restrictive legislation on high risk patients and providers in Texas.” Perspectives on
Reproductive Health panel at the annual meeting of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, Grapevine, TX, February
K. White. “The impact of abortion policy on women’s health.” Lister Hill Center for Health Policy, University of
Alabama at Birmingham, November 2019.
K. White. “Healthcare and immigration: The intersection of national and state policies in Alabama.” Center for Health
Ecology and Health Equity Research, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, February 2019.
K. White. “Changes in family planning services in Texas after legislation to defund Planned Parenthood.” Grand
Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Tennessee Medical Center at Knoxville, Knoxville,
TN, April 2017.
K. White. “Family planning research and policy in Texas: Steps forward and set backs.” Family planning symposium,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 2017.
K. White. “Postpartum contraception in Texas.” Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Texas
Tech University, El Paso, TX, February 2017.
K. White. “Facilitating access to medication abortion.” Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, December 2015.
K. White. “What do we really know about how the public system is serving women, men and providers?” Presented at
“The 37%: Developing a research agenda for addressing mistimed, unintended, unplanned and unwanted pregnancy in
the US.” National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Rockville, MD, June 2013.
K. White. “The impact of HB56 on Latina women and children’s use of health services.” Immigrants and Public
Health Forum, Montgomery, AL, October 2012.
K. White. "Contraindications to POPs compared to COCs." OCs OTC Working Group Meeting, Washington DC,
October 2011.
Kari White
Conference Presentations (last 4 years)
A. Akle, B. Kumar, C. Labgold, O. Leyser-Whalen, M. Lingwall, O. Njoku, K. White. Abortion funds and research:
Building collaborations that support service delivery and advocacy. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the
Society of Family Planning (virtual meeting) October 2020.
K. White, G. Sierra, Sarah E. Baum, Kristine Hopkins, Joseph E. Potter, Daniel Grossman. Attitudes about second-
trimester abortion and the impact of restrictive laws among reproductive-aged Texas women. Poster presentation at the
annual meeting of the Society of Family Planning (virtual meeting) October 2020.
D. Grossman, G. Sierra, S.E. Baum, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, K. White. Factors associated with delays obtaining
abortion care in Texas.
Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Family Planning (virtual meeting)
October 2020.
K. Coleman-Minahan, E.J. Ela, K. White and D. Grossman. Contraindications to hormonal contraception among
postpartum women in Texas. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Family Planning (virtual
meeting) October 2020.
S. Raifman, G. Sierra, D. Grossman, S.E. Baum, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, K. White. Out-of-state abortions increased
for Texas residents after House Bill 2. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Family Planning
(virtual meeting) October 2020.
S. Borrero, B. Nguyen, J. Sanders, K. White, and U. Upadhyay. “It’s her body:” Men’s perspectives on their role in
contraception and strategies for positive engagement. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Family
Planning, Los Angeles, CA October 2019.
K. Shah Arora, R. Ponsaran, L. Morello, N. Zite, L. Katabi, R. Behmer Hansen, and K. White. Obstetrician-
gynecologists’ attitudes and experiences surrounding the Medicaid sterilization consent form. Poster presentation at the
annual meeting of the Society of Family Planning, Los Angeles, CA October 2019.
K. Coleman-Minahan, K. Hopkins, and K. White. Loss of Title X funding and changes in confidential health services
for minor teens at family planning organizations in Texas. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of
Family Planning, Los Angeles, CA October 2019.
E.J. Ela, I.H. McLoughlin, K. White, and J.E. Potter. Religiosity safety beliefs, and Texas voters’ support for targeted
regulation of abortion providers. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America.
Austin, TX April 2019.
H. Bullock, E. Galindo, R. Simmons, K. White, B. Nguyen, J. Sanders, L. Gawron, D.K. Turok. Increasing options for
vasectomy counseling and services at Planned Parenthood of Utah. Oral presentation at the North American Forum on
Family Planning, New Orleans, LA October 2018.
S. Baum, K. White, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, and D. Grossman. Rebound of medication abortion in Texas following
updated mifepristone label. Poster presentation at the North American Forum on Family Planning, New Orleans, LA
October 2018.
A.D. Campbell, A. Sedlis, J.L. Locher, D.K. Turok, and K. White. Preventing unintended pregnancy later in the
reproductive life course: A qualitative study of low-income men who do not want more children, Oral presentation at
the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA. August, 2018.
K. White, K.J. Portz, A. Sedlis, J.E. Potter, S. Nathan. Women’s post-abortion contraceptive preferences and access to
family planning services in Mississippi. Poster presentation at the National Abortion Federation, Seattle, WA April
Kari White
K. Hopkins, A.J. Stevenson, K. White, J.E. Potter. Unplanned birth and postpartum contraceptive preferences and use.
Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America. Denver, CO April 2018.
K. Stidham Hall, O. Njoku, K. Redman, R. AbiSamra, K. Jackson, A. Schwartzendruber, K. White. Building
Reproductive Health and Justice Research-Advocacy Partnerships in the Southeast. Panel presentation at the North
American Forum on Family Planning, Atlanta, GA October 2017.
K. White, S.E. Baum, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, D. Grossman. Distance to nearest facility and increase in second-
trimester abortion after implementation of House Bill 2 in Texas. Poster presentation at the North American Forum on
Family Planning, Atlanta, GA October 2017.
S.E. Baum, K. White, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, D. Grossman. Abortion wait times and medical abortion availability in
Texas: Trends in service provision throughout implementation of HB 2 and beyond. Poster presentation at the North
American Forum on Family Planning, Atlanta, GA October 2017.
H. Moseson, C. Gerdts, L. Fuentes, S.E. Baum, K. White, K. Hopkins, J.E. Potter, D. Grossman. Understanding
women’s responses to the list experiment measuring abortion self-induction experience in Texas. Poster presentation at
the North American Forum on Family Planning, Atlanta, GA October 2017.
K. Hopkins, C. Dillaway, A.J. Stevenson, K. White, T. Held, D. Grossman, J.E. Potter. Meeting the demand for
effective postpartum contraception in two Texas cities: Did state policy matter? Oral presentation at the annual meeting
of the Population Association of America. Chicago, IL April 2017.
Professional Service
Scientific Review Committee, Society of Family Planning annual meeting 2014-2018
Steering Committee, Society of Family Planning Abortion Clinical Trials Network 2016-2017
Planning Committee, Society of Family Planning Social Science Interest Group 2017
Poster judge, Society of Family Planning annual meeting 2015
Session moderator, Population Association of America annual meeting 2013, 2015
Session moderator, American Public Health Association annual meeting 2012
Journal reviewer
Reproductive Health: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Contraception; Journal of Family Planning
and Reproductive Health Care; Journal of Women’s Health; Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health;
Women’s Health Issues; Women & Health
General public health/social science: American Journal of Men’s Health; American Journal of Public Health;
American Sociological Review; Demographic Research; Ethnicity & Disease; Family & Community Health; Health &
Place; Health Equity; Health Promotion Practice; International Migration Review; Journal of Health Care for the
Poor and Underserved; Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health; Journal of Marriage and Family; Medical Care
Grant review committees
Society of Family Planning Research Fund, Increasing Access to Medication Abortion, Pt II 2020
Society of Family Planning Research Fund, Junior Investigator Awards 2017
Gulf States Health Policy Center, Health Policy Research RFA-GSHPC-15-15-001 2015
UAB Center for Clinical Translational Sciences, NIH Pathway to Independence Award K99/R00 2015
UAB Lister Hill Center, Intramural Pilot Grant Review 2013
University service
Social Work & Mitigation Advocacy Faculty Search Committee, UT School of Social Work 2020
Kari White
Doctoral Committee, UT School of Social Work 2019 - present
Lecturer Review Committee, UT Department of Sociology 2020-present
Faculty Affairs Committee, UAB School of Public Health 2018-2019
Medical Sociology Faculty Search Committee, UAB College of Arts & Sciences 2018-2019
Outcomes Research Faculty Search Committee, UAB School of Public Health 2017-2019
Diversity and Inclusion Committee, UAB School of Public Health 2017-2019
Safety Committee, UAB School of Public Health 2015
Admissions and Graduation Committee, UAB School of Public Health 2012-2018
Maternal and Child Health MPH Admissions Committee, UAB School of Public Health 2012-2019
Wicked Health Case Competition, Judge, UAB School of Public Health 2016
Wicked Health Case Competition, Faculty mentor, UAB School of Public Health 2014
Rhodes Scholarship, Finalist Preparatory Interview Committee, UAB Honors College 2014
Teaching Awards Committee, UAB School of Public Health 2012-2013
Other service
Declaration on access to abortion services in Texas 2020
Submitted to the U.S. District Court in Planned Parenthood v Abbott (Case No. 1:20-cv-323-LY)
Co-led Amicus brief on social science research on abortion restrictions 2019
Submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in June Medical Service v Russo (Case Nos. 18-1323, 18-1460)
Courses/Guest lectures
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Course Director, Immigrant Health (HCO 629/729) 2014, 2017-2018
Course Co-Director, Writing Grants and Program Applications (HCO 695) 2016
Guest lecturer, Maternal Child Health Fundamentals I (HCO 605) 2011-2013, 2015-2018
US family planning programs and policies
Guest lecture, School of Medicine, Difficult Dialogues in Healthcare 2018
Healthcare and immigration: The intersection of national and state policies in Alabama
Guest lecturer, Maternal Child Health Fundamentals II (HCO 606) 2016
Qualitative research approaches in maternal and child health
Guest lecturer, Qualitative & Mixed Methods in Public Health (HCO 628/728) 2015
Mixed methods to study access to abortion in Alabama
Guest lecturer, Sociology of Sex and Gender (SOC 220) 2016-2017
Evaluating reproductive health policies in Texas
Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health
Guest lecturer, Global Elimination of Maternal Mortality from Abortion (GEMMA) 2015
Access to abortion in Alabama
Mentoring/advising activities
Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member
Pamela Musoke “Examining the impact of couple relationship factors on male engagement Mar 2019
in pregnancy health and communal coping”
School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Whitney Smith “Examining the social and policy context of unintended pregnancy” May 2016
School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Kari White
Master’s Thesis Reader
Kristen Burke. “Short-acting hormonal contraceptive use among low-income postpartum women in Texas” Dec 2019
Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin
Master’s Thesis Committee Member
Anna Bianchi “Health deservingness frames of pregnant immigrant women by health care May 2017
practitioners in Tuscaloosa, Alabama”
Department of Anthropology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Victoria de Martelly “Socioeconomics and barriers to abortion access in Alabama” May 2015
Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Research mentorship for medical students/fellows
Ashley White, Doctoral Student, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina Oct 2019 – present
Men's vasectomy attitudes, knowledge, and practices, SFP Emerging Scholars mentor
Margaret Williams, Medical Student, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham Apr 2018 –present
Inconsistent healthcare access among abortion patients in Mississippi, mentor
Elizabeth Clark, Family Planning Fellow, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Emory University Sept 2018 – Aug 2019
ACCESS: Assessment of Costs and Coverage of Ending pregnancy in the Southeastern States, co-mentor
Michelle Wang, Medical Student, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham Feb 2018 –Aug 2019
Assessment of barriers to access of emergency contraception for sexual assault survivors in Alabama, mentor
Practicum supervisor
Kara Abshire, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University June – Aug 2018
Victoria deMartelly, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University June – Aug 2014
Masters Student Advising
Elizabeth Tyron-Ebert Aug 2018 - 2019
Katelin Adams June 2018 - 2019
Macarena Martinez Ordenes Sept 2017 – May 2019
Daniele Wesley Sept 2017 – Dec 2018
Allison Thompson Aug 2016 – 2019
Ashley Bridgmon Jan 2016 – Dec 2017
Emily Morrell Jan 2016 – Aug 2017
Kaylene Logan May 2015 – Aug 2016
Haglaeeh Contreras Aug 2013 – May 2016
Elaine McGlaughlin Aug 2013 – Aug 2015
Erin Carroll Rockwell Aug 2012 – May 2014
Lisa Moyer Aug 2012Dec 2013
Research Associate Sept 2009 – June 2011
Division of Preventive Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Graduate Research Assistant Aug 2006 – May 2011
Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Research Associate Sept 2003 – July 2006
School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Bilingual Family Advocate Aug 2000 – May 2001
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill – Southern Arizona, Tucson, AZ