Table of Contents
• Autoimmune Paleo Diet - Overview
• Shopping List - What to Include, What to Avoid
• Seven Day Meal Plan
• Recipes
AIP Smoothie
Slow Cooked Chicken & Sautéed Vegetables
Zucchini No-Tomato Bolognaise
Baked Kale Chips
Chicken Soup
Sardine salad
Aromatic Chicken Curry
AIP Granola
Breakfast Patty & Greens
Shirataki (Konjac) Noodle Stir-Fry
Pan Grilled Salmon & Green Salad
Vegetable Sticks & Pesto
Rocket & Steak Salad
Cauliflower Fried Rice
Shepherd’s Pie
Vegetable Sticks & Chicken Liver Pate
Rainbow Bacon & Avocado Salad
Large Salad & Leftover Meat
Salmon Skewers & Tapenade
Vegetable Sticks & Artichoke Hummus
AIP Smoothie #2
Chicken Thighs & Blanched Vegetables
Shirataki Noodle with Basil Pesto
Frozen Blended Cauliflower
Butternut Pumpkin Breakfast Soup
Coconut Chicken Salad
Taco Mince on Mashed Butternut
Bacon Wrapped Asparagus
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Overview
The Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) diet is derived from the Paleolithic diet.
The Paleolithic diet, known today as the modern Paleo diet, originated from the ideas of a gastroen-
terologist in 1975, Dr. Walter Voegtlin. Later in 1985, Dr. Boyd Eaton wrote a scientific paper about
Paleolithic nutrition, published in the New England Journal of Medicine. However, the diet has been
made popular by Dr. Loren Cordain, founder of the Paleo Movement, in 2002.
Gut Inflammation Relief
The AIP diet is an elimination and reintroduction protocol which aims to reduce inflammation in
the gut, heal the gastrointestinal tract and in turn, reduce overall systemic inflammation. It is a diet
targeted specifically at autoimmune diseases.
Traits of the AIP Diet
The AIP diet focuses on removing foods from the diet that people are commonly sensitive to, in
order to lower overall inflammation.
The AIP diet is a version of the original Paleo diet which addresses underlying inflammation stem-
ming from the gut. This can be a major driver of autoimmune disease. The AIP diet aims to bring the
gut microbiota back into balance, whilst optimizing overall nutrient intake.
Beyond the Traditional Paleo Diet for Autoimmune Conditions
The traditional Paleo diet eliminates all grains and processed foods. It focuses on whole, nutri-
ent-dense foods, such as fruit and vegetables, organic meats, eggs, and wild-caught fish. However,
this is often not comprehensive enough for chronic autoimmune diseases, as not enough of the
immune triggers are removed.
Because the AIP diet is utilized specifically for autoimmune diseases, it is almost always necessary
to employ additional modalities to treat the condition. Herbal and nutritional medicines may be pre-
scribed alongside an autoimmune diet as a part of a protocol to treat you as a whole person, rather
than just targeting the disease process in isolation.
Not everyone must strictly avoid all the eliminated foods from the diet permanently, as not every-
one with an autoimmune disease is sensitive to these foods.
What conditions may benefit from the AIP diet?
Many autoimmune conditions may benefit from the AIP diet, including:
• Hashimoto’s Disease
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Coeliac Disease
• Adrenal fatigue
• Recurrent viral infections or low immunity
• Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Sjogren’s
• Type 1 Diabetes
• Lupus (SLE)
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Shopping list
Fresh Vegetables
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Dairy
•Bok choy
•Brussels Sprouts
•Butternut pumpkin
•Daikon Radish
•Jerusalem Artichoke
•Lotus Root
•Mustard Greens
•Spaghetti Squash
•Sweet Potato
•Mahi Mahi
Organ meats:
•Liver, heart and kidney
•Cured meats
•Deli meats
•Processed meats
•Pre-cooked meats
Low carbohydrate, non starchy leafy greens should be eaten most:
Fresh meat, fish and poultry, ideally grass-fed, organic.
Fermented vegetables:
Kimchi, sauerkraut
Include Avoid
•Black Beans
•Peas and green beans
are precautionary foods.
You may be able to
tolerate them.
Fats and Oils
•Coconut oil
•Avocado Oil
•Extra Virgin olive oil
•Duck Fat
•Beef tallow
•Sustainable palm oil
•Plant oils (sunflower, peanut,
Include Avoid
Herbs & Spices
•Bay leaf
•Coriander leaf (fresh)
•Cayenne pepper
•Curry powder
•Celery seed
•Coriander seed
•Cumin seeds
•Fennel seeds
•Mustard seeds
•Poppy seeds
•Sesame seeds
•Star Anise
•Goji berries (nightshade)
Include Avoid
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Shopping list
All fruit to be eaten in moderation, limit 2-3
servings per day. Limit 1 cup of fresh juice
Pantry Items
•Fish sauce
•Arrowroot starch
•Baking powder
•Non fortified Nutritional Yeast
•Apple cider vinegar
•Balsamic vinegar
•Coconut aminos
•Raw Honey
•Maple Syrup
•Rice wine vinegar
•White vinegar
•Braggs seasoning
•Wheat, rice, buckwheat and other gluten containing and
gluten free flours
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Shopping list
•Filtered water
•Herbal teas- e.g.
rooibos (ensure
they don’t contain
herbs on the avoid
list above)
•Black tea
•Green Tea
•Yerba mate
•White tea
•Coconut milk
Include Avoid
Autoimmune Paleo Diet
Meal Plan
This is an example of what seven days on on
an autoimmune paleo diet can look like. Note
that if you have specific intolerances or aller-
gies that are included in the meal plan below,
feel free to remove them. Use this as a guide
and alter it according to your likes and dislikes.
AIP Smoothie
Slow Cooked
Chicken & Sautéed
Zucchini No-Tomato
Baked Kale Chips
Chicken Soup
Sardine salad
Aromatic Chicken Curry
AIP Granola
Breakfast Patty &
Shirataki (Konjac)
Noodle Stir-Fry
Pan Grilled Salmon &
Green Salad
Vegetable Sticks &
Rocket & Steak Salad
Cauliflower Fried Rice
Shepherd’s Pie
Vegetable Sticks &
Chicken Liver Pate
Rainbow Bacon &
Avocado Salad
Large Salad &
Leftover Meat
Salmon Skewers &
Vegetable Sticks &
Artichoke Hummus
AIP Smoothie #2
Chicken Thighs &
Blanched Vegetables
Shirataki Noodle with
Basil Pesto
Frozen Blended
Butternut Pumpkin
Breakfast Soup
Coconut Chicken
Taco Mince on
Mashed Butternut
Bacon Wrapped
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Lunch Dinner
AIP Smoothie
500ml Coconut milk
1 tsp Gelatin powder
1 tbsp Collagen peptides
4 Strawberries
½ cup Frozen Mango
Blend all ingredients and serve
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Cooking time: 2 minutes
Serves: 1
Baked Kale Chips
1 bunch Kale, all leaves removed from stems and
shredded into bite sixed pieces
1 ½ tbsp Nutritional yeast
2 tbsp Coconut oil (adjust as needed)
1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
In a blender put in 400g ice, add protein powder,
greens powder, maca, tocotrienols, chicory root,
and kefir starter. Add mint leaves or mint extract and
stevia and finally flaxseed oil.
Blend on high. Do not over blend, check texture until
it reaches an ice cream texture. Sprinkle cacao nibs
and mix by hand.
Pour into bowl/cup to serve.
Adapted from recipe by Truth Calkins
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Serves: 3-4
Zucchini No-Tomato Bolognaise
4 medium zucchini spiralised
500g minced meat (turkey or beef)
250g chopped organic liver
1 onion diced
1 bunch fresh basil chopped roughly
5 cloves garlic minced
1 grated carrot
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp thyme
1 tbsp olive oil
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper
Boil some water in a saucepan, and blanch the zuc-
chini strands.
Heat olive oil, add onion, bay leaves and stir until
onion is translucent. Add garlic and stir, then add
meat and stir.
Add carrot, dried oregano and thyme, then add basil,
salt and pepper and turn heat down, cook down for
35 minutes.
Serve on top of spiralised zucchini with a green
Green salad: mixed green leaves, cucumber, avocado
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30mins
Serves: 4
Slow Cooked Chicken & Sautéed Vegetables
1 Whole Chicken
6 cloves Garlic, crushed
1 thumb Ginger, bruised
1 liter Bone broth/stock
1 bunch chopped Coriander leaves
Salt and pepper
1 bay leaf
4 Shallots sliced thinly
5 Spring onions sliced thinly
1 carrot sliced thinly
1 head broccoli chopped into florets
2 tbsp coconut oil
In a large crock pot, heat 1 tbsp coconut oil, and
sauté shallots and ginger, when fragrant add all
but one clove of garlic, spring onion and coriander.
Add bay leaf.
Place chicken in the pot, cover with broth, turn
down heat and cook for two hours.
In a pan heat coconut oil, sauté 1 clove of garlic,
add carrots and broccoli, season with salt and
pepper, stir until cooked. Add a dash of water if
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 2 hours
Serves: 4
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Chicken Soup
1 whole Chicken cut into pieces
1 kg chicken drumsticks
1 Onion quartered
1 stick Celery chopped
1 head Broccoli cut into small florets
1 Carrot chopped
1 thumb Ginger sliced
5 cloves Garlic, crushed
1 tbsp Coconut oil
Salt and pepper
2 l litres filtered water
In a large crock pot, heat oil, add onion, celery, ginger,
carrot, garlic and stir. When fragrant, add chicken and
cover with water. Cook down for 1 hour. Before serving
and whilst still hot, add broccoli florets to the pot, to
Season with salt and pepper.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour
Serves: 4
Sardine Salad
Sardines in olive oil
½ cup cauliflower florets
½ cup chopped broccolini
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp Oregano
½ bunch of Basil leaves chopped coarsely
1 Cucumber, cubed
½ Avocado, sliced
1 small Zucchini, cubed
Heat water in a saucepan, place broccolini and cauli-
flower in boiling water until tender. Remove and strain.
In a bowl mix vinegar, olive oil, oregano, basil, cucum-
ber and zucchini.
Place sardines, cauliflower, broccolini, and avocado in
a bowl.
Pour all contents from the dressing bowl over the
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: 1
Aromatic Chicken Curry
1 Onion, diced
5 cloves garlic, minced
4 Shallots
1 tsp Cumin
½ bunch coriander chopped
1 tsp turmeric
1 heaped tbsp coconut oil
200g chicken, diced
1 carrot, chopped
½ head broccoli, chopped
1 can bamboo shoots,
1 zucchini, chopped
1 can coconut milk
+ Steamed cauliflower rice.
Heat coconut oil, sauté garlic, onion, shallots, cumin,
coriander, turmeric until fragrant. Add chicken, stir
until brown, add coconut milk. Cook down for 25 mins,
add all vegetables, turn o heat when vegetables are
Grate or process 1 head of cauliflower until small and
grainy. Steam and set aside as rice.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serves: 2
AIP Granola
Organic chopped dried fruit:
2 Figs
2 Apricot
1 tbsp dried or frozen Cranberries
1 tbsp dried or frozen Blueberries
2 Prunes
1 heaped tbsp Toasted Coconut
+ coconut milk
To toast coconut:
Head a pan, add coconut and stir until golden brown
and fragrant. Do not burn.
Place all ingredients in a bowl to serve.
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 7 minutes
Serves: 1
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Breakfast Patty & Greens
200g beef mince
½ tsp salt
½ tsp turmeric
½ tsp coriander
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp coconut oil
½ avocado
2 cos lettuce leaves shredded
½ cup kale leaves shredded
Mix meat, salt, turmeric, coriander, garlic in a bowl.
Roll into two balls then flatten to make a patty.
Heat oil in pan, cook patty on both sides until brown.
Serve topped with greens and avocado.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: 1-2
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Shirataki (Konjac) Noodle Stir-Fry
250 g chicken stirfry strips
2 spring onions – chopped
2 cloves garlic – grated
1 tsp fresh ginger – grated
1 cup broccoli – small florets
1 small bunch coriander – stems removed
2 tbsp fish sauce
salt & pepper
250 g Shirataki noodles (“Slendier” pasta)
On medium to high, heat the oil in a large pan, adding
the onions, garlic, ginger, and stirring until the onions
have softened. Add chicken.
Add the rest of the vegetables, except the corian-
der and keep stirring until the chicken has cooked
Then add the fish sauce and coriander. Stir and com-
bine well.
Add the noodles and stir for 30 seconds. Serve imme-
diately and season to taste.
Recipe adapted from: www.healingfoodscookbook.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves: 2
Pan Grilled Salmon + Green Salad
1 Salmon fillet
2 Tbsp coconut oil
Salt and pepper
½ cup broccoli florets
½ cup cauliflower florets
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 handful cos lettuce
½ cucumber, cubed
1 handful rocket
½ avocado
juice of half a lemon
1 tbsp olive oil
In a pan heat 1 tbsp coconut oil and add broccoli and
cauliflower, stir through minced garlic. Add a dash of
Stir until vegetables are soft, remove and put on plate.
In same pan heat remaining coconut oil, place salmon
skin side down. Flip over after 5 mins and cook
through until desired. Remove and place on plate.
Mix all remaining raw vegetables in a bowl, top with
olive oil and lemon juice.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves: 1
Vegetable Sticks & Pesto
1 bunch of Basil or coriander
1 generous drizzle of Olive oil
1 clove Garlic
½ Lemon juice
1 tbsp Nutritional yeast
½ tsp salt
Blend all ingredients until smooth, add 1 tbsp of water
if required.
Serve with chopped carrot, celery, cucumber and
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Serves: 2
Rocket & Steak Salad
1 Steak of your choice
1 handful Rocket
1 Cucumber cubed
½ Avocado sliced
¼ Lemon (juice)
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 tbsp coconut oil
Salt and pepper
In a bowl mix rocket, cucumber, lemon juice, avocado,
and olive oil. Serve on a plate.
Heat coconut oil and cook steak to your liking, slice
and place on top of vegetables, season with salt and
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves: 1
Cauliflower Fried Rice
½ Head grated cauliflower
100g Chicken
1 cup chopped bok choy
2 cloved garlic
½ thumb Ginger
½ diced Onion
½ chili Chili
2 tbsp Coconut Aminos
Saute onion, ginger, chili, add chicken, garlic, and then
cauliflower, and finally bok choy and coconut aminos.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves: 1-2
Shepherd’s Pie
3 tbsp olive oil
2 onions – finely chopped
5 cloves garlic – minced
2 carrots – peeled and chopped
750 g beef mince
250 g organic chopped liver
2 tbsp coconut flour
1 ½ cups gluten free beef stock
1 tsp fresh thyme – stem removed
1 tbsp fresh parsley – chopped
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
1 bay leaf
400 g/14 oz cauliflower
75ml olive oil
1 tbsp coconut cream
salt & pepper to taste
Place oil into a large saucepan with the onions, garlic
and carrots and cook over medium heat for around 10
minutes until the carrots have softened. Set aside.
Place a little more oil into the pan and add the mince
and liver, and cook, separating any clumps, until the
meat has changed colour. Sprinkle in the coconut flour,
stir and cook for a minute.
Then add the stock, the herbs and spices and bring to
boil. Turn down the heat to simmer and add the onion/
carrot mixture and the bay leaf and gently simmer for
45 minutes. Set aside to cool.
Prepare the cauliflower by removing the hard stems
and retaining the florets. In a saucepan cook the cau-
liflower with 1 cup of water and the lid on for around
15 minutes until it has softened. Drain and place into a
food processor with the beans. Process until smooth.
Add the olive oil, coconut cream and salt & pepper.
The mash should be firm, so add the oil and coconut
cream gradually to make sure it doesn’t get too soft.
Preheat the oven to 180°C Lightly grease a 2.5 ltr ov-
enproof dish. Spoon the meat filling into the dish and
spread the mash over the top. Bake for 30 minutes or
until the top has become golden brown and the filling
begins to bubble.
Recipe adapted from:
Preparation time:
10 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour
Serves: 4
Cauliflower and sweet potato topping
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Rainbow Bacon & Avocado Salad
3 strips Organic nitrite free bacon
½ avocado sliced
½ beetroot grated
1 carrot grated
½ cup shredded cos lettuce
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper
Heat a pan and cook bacon, once crispy chop into
small strips.
Toss it through all the vegetables and top with apple
cider vinegar and olive oil
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves: 1
Large Salad
1 cup Cos Lettuce
1 grated Carrot
1 cubed Cucumber
½ sliced Avocado
1 handful baby Spinach
½ Zucchini, sliced
1 handful Green beans, cut into thirds
2 Spring onions sliced thinly
1 tbsp Nutritional yeast
1 tbsp coconut aminos
2 tbsp olive oil
Add leftover meat
In a small bowl mix nutritional yeast, coconut aminos
and olive oil.
Mix all vegetables in a large bowl and top with dress-
ing. Shred any leftover meats into the bowl.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves: 2
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Vegetable Sticks & Chicken Liver Pate
300g Chicken liver
2 Shallots
3 cloves Garlic
1 tbsp coconut oil or Lard
½ bunch fresh Thyme leaves
½ bunch fresh Rosemary leaves
¼ cup Chicken broth
2 tbsp fresh parsley
Salt and pepper
Heat oil or lard and pan fry shallots, garlic and liver.
Mix until cooked through. Add herbs (except for fresh
parsley), broth, salt and pepper.
Place mixture in a food processor add parsley and
Refrigerate, or eat warm. Serve with fresh carrot, cel-
ery and cucumber sticks.
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves: 3
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Salmon Skewers & Tapenade
1 large fillet salmon, skin o- cut into chunky cubes
½ cup coconut milk
1 kafir lime leaf sliced thinly
½ tsp ground coriander
½ tsp turmeric powder
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp coconut aminos
2 garlic cloves, minced
Skewer sticks
½ cup black olives
½ cup green olives
1 thumb sized strip of lemon zest
1 cup coarsely chopped coriander
1 minced garlic clove.
Put coconut milk, kafir lime, coriander powder, turmeric
powder, coconut aminos and 2 minced garlic cloves
into a bowl. Toss salmon in this and leave to marinate
for 30 minutes in the fridge.
In a food processor, blend olives, lemon zest, corian-
der and garlic. Add olive oil if it feels too dry. Set aside
in a bowl.
Using skewer sticks, assemble marinated salmon,
and cook on a grilling pan. Heat coconut oil on pan
and slowly place skewers on, turning after a couple of
minutes. Cook for 5 minutes.
Serve with tapenade and leafy greens (eg: cos lettuce,
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Serves: 1-2
Vegetable Sticks & Artichoke Hummus
8 Artichoke hearts (tinned/antipasto marinated hearts)
1 small clove garlic
½ a Lemon (juice)
A drizzle of Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Blend all ingredients together.
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Serve with chopped carrots, cucumber and celery.
AIP Smoothie # 2
1 frozen Banana
250ml Coconut milk
250ml Coconut water
1 tbsp Collagen powder
1 tsp Powdered greens
1 tsp maca root powder
Blend all together and serve
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Cooking time: 2 minutes
Serves: 1
Chicken Thighs & Sautéed Vegetables
2 chicken thighs
Coconut aminos
1 tsp garlic powder
½ head Broccoli florets
1 handful Green beans cut into thirds
½ Carrot Sliced
2 tbsp coconut oil
Marinate chicken thighs in coconut aminos and garlic
Heat coconut oil in pan and cook marinated chicken
Once cooked through, remove.
Boil some water in a saucepan and black the broccoli,
green beans and carrots.
Serve with chicken thighs.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Serves: 1
Shirataki Noodle with Basil Pesto
Basil Pesto:
1 bunch of Basil or coriander
1 generous drizzle of Olive oil
1 clove Garlic
½ Lemon juice
1 tbsp Nutritional yeast
½ tsp salt
1 pack shirataki noodles
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper
½ cup cos lettuce
½ avocado sliced
½ cucumber cubed
Blend all ingredients together and set aside.
In a pan heat olive oil, and stir through noodles, add
pesto and mix all together. Serve with a green salad of
lettuce, cucumber and avocado.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves: 1
Frozen Blended Cauliflower
1 cup frozen cauliflower florets
½ cup raspberries (fresh or frozen)
2 tbsp Maple syrup
5 mint leaves
Blend all ingredients in a food processor and serve.
Preparation time:2 minutes
Cooking time: 2 minutes
Serves: 1
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Autoimmune Paleo Diet | Recipes
Butternut Pumpkin Breakfast Soup
1 tbsp coconut oil
3 shallots sliced thinly
4 gloves of garlic, minced
1 liter filtered water
1 small butternut pumpkin, cubed
1 tsp ground coriander
2 sprigs spring onion sliced thinly
200g baby spinach
Salt and pepper
In a large pot heat oil, stir in shallots and cook
until translucent, add coriander seed and garlic. Mix
Add pumpkin and water. Cover and cook until pump-
kin is soft. Just before serving add baby spinach and
spring onion to the pot.
Season as desired.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: 3
Coconut Chicken Salad
2 chicken thigh fillets
2 heaped tbsp shredded coconut
1 cup cos lettuce
1 handful rocket
1 cucumber cubed
½ grated beetroot
1 grated carrot
½ sliced avocado
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
Salt and pepper
1 tbsp coconut oil
½ lemon or lime
Heat a pan and add shredded coconut, stir until coco-
nut becomes golden and fragrant, do not burn.
In a pan heat coconut oil and cook chicken thighs until
cooked through, remove and slice thinly. Squeeze
lemon or lime juice over the top.
In a large bowl mix all vegetables, apple cider vinegar
and olive oil. Add chicken and top with toasted coco-
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves: 1
Taco Mince on Mashed Butternut
250 g beef mince
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp dried chives
½ tsp ginger powder
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Juice of ½ lemon
1 tsp fish sauce
1 tbsp coconut aminos
1 tbsp coconut oil
½ a butternut pumpkin cubed.
In a pot, bring water to the boil and add pumpkin, boil
until soft, remove and strain. Put in bowl and mash
down with a fork.
Heat coconut oil in a pan, add mince and all dried
herbs, apple cider vinegar, lemon, coconut aminos and
fish sauce. Stir until cooked through.
Serve on top of mashed pumpkin with a side green
salad (lettuce, cucumber and avocado)
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: 2
Bacon Wrapped Asparagus
2 tbsp avocado oil
2 tbsp coconut aminos
1 tbsp maple syrup
½ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp ginger powder
1 bunch asparagus, ends chopped o
4 slices bacon
Preheat oven to 180 degrees and line a baking tray
with baking paper.
Combine avocado oil, coconut aminos, maple syrup,
garlic and ginger then toss with asparagus to coat.
Divide the asparagus to 4 equal sized bundles and
wrap each bundle with bacon. Use a toothpick to
secure wrap if necessary.
Place bundles on lined baking tray and bake for 20
Recipe adapted from:
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Serves: 2
Diet guide research and
writing by Kimberly Kushner,
Naturopath and Nutritionist
Diet guide research and
writing by Kimberly Kushner,
Naturopath and Nutritionist
Other Suggestions & Notes:
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