Track and Field Rulebook
March 2021
March 2021
NORD Track and Field Rulebook
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NORD Administration
Larry Barabino Jr., NORD Chief Executive Officer
Jahanna K. Brightman, NORD Chief Program Officer
NORD Athletics Team
Jermaine A. Hall, Athletic Director
Anthony L. Roman, Sr., Assistant Athletic Director
David Jenkins, District Manager
Craig Stevenson, District Manager
Stephanie Eure, Recreation Activities Coordinator
NORD Board of Commissioners
Mayor LaToya Cantrell
Gilbert Montaño - Chief Administrative Officer
Brian Egana City Council District(Chairperson)
Dana Peterson At Large Mayoral Appointee(Vice Chair)
Raquel Dufauchard New Orleans public Library
J C Romero Orleans Parish School Board
Theodore Sanders - City Council District C (Treasurer)
Randy Greenup City Council District D
Kimberly Abramson At Large Mayoral Appointee
Cyndi Nguyen City Council Representative
Ernest Price Jr. NORD Foundation Representative
NORD Contact Information
5420 Franklin Ave
New Orleans, Louisiana 70122
504-658-3000 Main Office
504-658-3050 Fax
March 2021
NORD Track and Field Rulebook
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Enclosed are the official operating procedures for all New Orleans Recreation Development Commission (NORD)
Athletic Programs. Any and all athletic programming conducted at NORD playgrounds is required to comply with
these operating procedures.
These operating procedures are intended to enhance a competitive balance between playgrounds, minimize risks
to participants, and promote enjoyable participation and sportsmanship. Any activities conducted outside the scope
of these rules and regulations will not be considered to be part of the authorized NORD sports program that
entitles players, coaches, and sponsors to certain rights and privileges.
The rules and regulations adopted herein have taken into consideration various sporting authorities with rule
governing power not provided by NORD. However, the NORD rules and regulations outlined herein will supersede
any others when applicable.
Our Site Facilitators are the NORD officials most closely connected to our athletic programming and will be most
informed on matters regarding the playgrounds and applicable athletic leagues. We strongly suggest that
parents, coaches, and players contact their playground Site Facilitator for any assistance needed.
Purpose of the Rules and Eligibility Committee
NORD has separate Rules and Eligibility Committees for each of the 9 sports it offers.
The purpose of each NORD Rules and Eligibility Committee is to determine the rules and regulations pertaining to
the playing of games as well as regulations pertaining to the eligibility of players.
The NORD Rules and Eligibility Committee, at the request of the Athletic Director, provide recommendations or
interpretations of rules and eligibility.
The Committee shall consist of, at minimum, one (1) coach from each district, one (1) NORD Athletics
Representative, one (1) parent, one (1) industry expert, and one (1) official.
March 2021
NORD Track and Field Rulebook
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I. Committee Membership
Each sport committee is composed of four (4) volunteer coaches of that sport, one (1) NORD Athletics
Representatives, one (1) parent, one (1) industry expert, and one (1) official.
II. Committee Leadership
Each sport shall elect its own chair. NORD also recommends that each sport committee elect a vice-chair and
secretary just in case the chair vacates the position.
III. Term Limits
Committee members and chairs serve for only two consecutive years.
NORD Track & Field Rules Committee Members
Alred Luke Sr, Chairperson
Keith Johnson, Committee Member
Thomas Livingston, Committee Member
Kathey Early, USATF Committee Member
Marvin Early, USATF Committee Member
De’Jon Hardges, Committee Member
Darian Chestnut, Committee Member
Henry Grant, Committee Member
March 2021
Program Focus & Overview ........................................................................................................................... 10
CODE OF CONDUCT ................................................................................................................................................. 11
SUBSTANCE ABUSE .................................................................................................................................................... 11
INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR ...................................................................................................................................... 11
NOTICE OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS ................................................................................................................... 11
GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP ......................................................................................................................................... 11
COMMUNITY RELATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 12
ORGANIZATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Programmatic Philosophy, Objectives and Eligibility .................................................................................. 13
SECTION 1: AGE RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 14
SECTION 2: NORD CONFERENCE & ATHLETIC DISTRICTS ............................................................................... 14
2.1 NORD Conference Districts ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.2 NORD Athletic Districts Boundaries .............................................................................................................. 14
SECTION 3: RESIDENCY AND DUAL PARTICIPANTION ....................................................................................... 15
3.1 Dual Participation ............................................................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Player Participation Rule ......................................................................................................................... 15
SECTION 4: ELIGIBILITY, RESIDENCY & DUAL PARTICIPATION VIOLATIONS ................................................ 16
General Sports Policies & Procedures ........................................................................................................... 17
SECTION 5: SCHEDULES, PROTESTS, FORFEITURES & SUSPENSIONS............................................................. 18
5.1 Scheduling ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Protests .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
5.3 Forfeitures ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.4 Suspensions ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.5 Team Rosters ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.6 Coaching Staff Roles & Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 19
SECTION 6: RECORD-KEEPING ................................................................................................................................ 20
March 2021
SECTION 7: TIEBREAKERS .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Meet Policies & Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 22
SECTION 8: PLAYING AREA AND EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................... 23
SECTION 9: GENERAL MEET RULES ......................................................................................................................... 23
SECTION 10: Competitor Check-In .......................................................................................................................... 24
SECTION 11: Athletic Attire....................................................................................................................................... 24
SECTION 12: Disqualification ................................................................................................................................... 25
SECTION 13: THE START ............................................................................................................................................ 25
SECTION 14: RUNNING COMPETITION ................................................................................................................ 28
SECTION 15: Relay Races ......................................................................................................................................... 30
SECTION 16: Field Events .......................................................................................................................................... 32
SECTION 17: DESCRIPTION OF NORD TRACK & FIELD EVENTS ....................................................................... 35
17.1 Field Events ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
17.2 Track Events ................................................................................................................................................... 35
17.3 Implement Weights ....................................................................................................................................... 35
17.4 Hurdle Placement and Height…………………………………………………………………...35
Safety Policies .................................................................................................................................................. 35
SECTION 18: FLEXIBILITY & STRETCHING .............................................................................................................. 37
18.1 Static stretching ............................................................................................................................................. 37
18.2 Ballistic Stretching ......................................................................................................................................... 37
18.3 Stretching Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 37
SECTION 19: CONDITIONING & PRACTICES ....................................................................................................... 37
All teams are required to use a practice plan and maintain a copy during all practices ...................... 37
19.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................................................... 37
19.2 Conditioning ................................................................................................................................................... 37
19.3 Practice Structure/Scheduling ..................................................................................................................... 38
First Aid & Emergency Policies ....................................................................................................................... 39
SECTION 20: FIRST AID ............................................................................................................................................. 40
SECTION 21: EMERGENCIES .................................................................................................................................... 40
21.1 Heat Related Illnesses .................................................................................................................................. 40
21.2 Physical Injuries .............................................................................................................................................. 41
March 2021
21.3 General Muscles, Bone & Joint Care ......................................................................................................... 42
21.4 Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Concussion Protocol......................................................................................................................................... 44
SECTION 22: SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ................................................................................................................ 45
SECTION 23: ACTION PLAN ................................................................................................................................... 45
APPENDIX 1: Battery of A School or Recreation Athletic Contest Official ....................................................... 46
APPENDIX 2: Coaches Code of Conduct ................................................................................................................ 47
APPENDIX 3: Parent Code of Conduct .................................................................................................................... 49
March 2021
NORD COVID-19 Operational Guidelines - Athletics
NORD has adopted best practice guidelines of the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans Health Department, as
well as several organizations including the Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA), National Federation of
State High School Associations (NFHS), United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA), and the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC). The information provided in this plan was designed to create the healthiest environment for everyone in
attendance. Adjustments to these recommendations will be made as needed or directed.
Repeated violations of safety protocols will jeopardize the season and cause it to be suspended indefinitely.
Important Notes
Coaches, staff, spectators and players on the sideline must wear face coverings at all times.
The current maximum capacity for spectators at meets is 150 or less depending on the size of the venue. This
total does not include athletes.
All players must have a completed and signed COVID 19 Waiver form
March 2021
March 2021
Program Focus & Overview
March 2021
The New Orleans Recreation Development Commission (NORD) encourages citizens in the New
Orleans community to become volunteers on playgrounds and in all of our recreational programs.
The safety and security of our participants is our foremost concern. It is the responsibility of
NORD to ensure that our facilities are safe play areas for children and completely free from any
form of abuse or inappropriate behavior. We encourage good sportsmanship, fun, and personal
improvement over an atmosphere of fierce competition.
For the above stated reasons, all volunteers must comply with appropriate Codes of Conduct as
described below. All volunteers must submit a background check from the New Orleans Police
Department. Background checks will be valid for a period of one (1) year and will need to be
resubmitted following that period. All applications are subject to screening by the New Orleans
Police Department.
Substance abuse is strictly prohibited on all NORD facilities and during the management of any
NORD programs. Any volunteers who participate in the unlawful manufacturing, use, sale,
purchase, transfer or possession of illegal substances while involved with NORD will be turned in
to the police department and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. NORD volunteers are
not allowed to drink alcohol at any NORD facilities while volunteering.
All volunteers are strictly prohibited from any inappropriate behavior, including, but not limited
to, that which could be construed as physical (paddling), emotional (name calling), verbal
(profanity) or sexual abuse/harassment (inappropriate touching).
Any volunteer who is arrested or otherwise charged with committing a criminal offense, other than
a minor traffic violation, must notify their NORD supervisor immediately. Failure to give prompt
and proper notice may constitute grounds for dismissal.
Volunteers will promote good sportsmanship, team play, personal improvement, leadership skills
and ongoing involvement in recreational activities. Any volunteer that does not display good
sportsmanship will be dismissed from all NORD programs and relieved of all volunteer coaching
duties. Examples of poor sportsmanship include, but are not limited to, ridiculing of officials,
opposing teams or coaches, and use of profanity.
March 2021
Volunteers will display a positive image of NORD at all times. All interactions with NORD staff,
participants, other volunteers, parents, the media, and members of the community should be
based on mutual respect.
All teams and coaches participating in sanctioned NORDC Track and Field Meets will be under the
supervision of NORD and its staff.
NORD uses USA Track and Field Rules to govern meets.
All NORDC volunteer coaches are REQUIRED to complete all NORD designated clinics, which are
Track and Field Coaches Clinic and SafeSport.
All coaches are required to submit to a background check.
All participants must present a valid NORDC-issued identification (ID) card. These ID Cards must
be shown at all pre-game warm-ups.
Each team is responsible for having water available to their team players at all times.
It is the Site Facilitator’s responsibility to see that the above rules are STRICTLY enforced.
March 2021
Programmatic Philosophy, Objectives and Eligibility
March 2021
The competitive balance and integrity of our program are maintained by strict adherence to the
following eligibility criteria. Coaches and supervisory personnel must make every effort to assure
that players and their parents are aware and are in compliance with these criteria. Failure to do
so may result in teammates being exposed to games lost due to forfeiture.
Participants must play in their correct age classification as specified within the rules and regulations
below. Each sport dictates its own age restrictions and age divisions, which may vary from sport-
to-sport. Age restrictions are as follows, based upon the current year.
Track & Field June 1
(of the current year)
2.1 NORD Conference Districts
The NORD Conference districts shall be divided as follows:
EAST - NORD Downtown District and NORD Lakeshore District
WEST- NORD Uptown and NORD Algiers Districts
2.2 NORD Athletic Districts Boundaries
Lakeshore District
Beginning at Lake Pontchartrain and the Jefferson Parish Line, South on the Jefferson Parish Line to
the Southern Railroad tracks north of Marguerite Street. East along the Southern Railroad tracks
to the Pontchartrain Expressway. South along the Pontchartrain Expressway to City Park Avenue.
East along City Park Avenue to Wisner Boulevard. North along Wisner Boulevard to Interstate
610. East along I-610 and I-10 to the Industrial Canal. South along the Industrial Canal to the
Mississippi River Gulf outlet. East along the Mississippi River Gulf outlet to the St. Bernard Parish
line. East along the St. Bernard Parish line to the Rigolets. West through the Rigolets and Lake
Pontchartrain to the Jefferson Parish line.
Downtown District
Beginning at the Mississippi River and Pontchartrain Expressway, North along the Pontchartrain
Expressway to City Park Avenue. East along City Park Avenue to Wisner Boulevard. North along
Wisner Boulevard to I-610. East along I-610 and I-10 to the Industrial Canal. South along the
Industrial Canal to the Mississippi River Gulf outlet. East along the Mississippi River Gulf outlet to
the St. Bernard Parish line. West along the St. Bernard Parish line to the Mississippi River. West
along the Mississippi River to the Pontchartrain Expressway.
Uptown District
Beginning at the Mississippi River and the Jefferson Parish line, North along the Jefferson Parish line
to the Southern Railroad tracks, North of Marguerite Street. East along the Southern Railroad tracks
March 2021
to the Pontchartrain Expressway. South along the Pontchartrain Expressway to the Mississippi River
to the Jefferson Parish line.
Algiers District
All of Orleans Parish on the Westbank of the Mississippi River.
All participating players shall reside within Orleans Parish
3.1 Temporary Transfer
If a playground does not have a team in a particular age group, participants may apply
to the Athletic Director requesting to play at another playground. Upon completion of
that particular season, participants must return to their base playground for two (2)
consecutive sports unless the playground does not have teams in the desired age group. If
this is the case, the participant will have the option to remain at the transferred
3.2 Dual Participation
Participants may not simultaneously play NORD and LHSAA Senior High School varsity sports in
cases where the seasons overlap.
NORD prohibits dual participation in its own programs. Dual participation with other teams, not
affiliated with NORD or LHSAA, is permissible.
3.2 Player Participation Rule
Upon entering the NORD Athletic program (irrespective of age), participants may compete at the
park or playground of his or her choosing and in any geographic location. This becomes the
participant’s ‘home park.’ Thereafter, players must complete a transfer request to move from one
park to another. Transfers will be granted at the Athletic Director’s discretion for the following
(including, but not limited to):
Domicile change
No team offered in child’s age at current playground
Health and safety concerns for child and/or parent
Park or playground discontinued program after season began
Parental custody change
March 2021
Any challenges of the eligibility credentials of a participant will be fully investigated by NORD
prior to assessment of penalties. Participants will be required to produce documentation to
support their eligibility status.
Verified violators, identified by means of protest as outlined in these regulations, or any other
means of identification, may result in immediate expulsion from the program.
Violators are subject to suspension for the remainder of the year plus one (1) additional NORD
youth athletic program.
When a player is declared ineligible by the NORD Disciplinary Committee or the NORD Athletic
Director, the following actions may occur:
The ineligible player’s team shall forfeit all games in which the ineligible player’s name appeared
on the team final roster form.
The ineligible player shall remain ineligible for the next calendar year.
The head coach shall also appear before the NORD Disciplinary Committee for a hearing, and
after the committee determines the coach’s involvement, the head coach may be suspended for
one (1) year or banned, with no further coaching responsibilities.
March 2021
General Sports Policies & Procedures
March 2021
5.1 Scheduling
There will be no changes to the regular schedule of games, except for extreme emergencies,
weather conditions, or if deemed necessary by the Athletic Director.
5.2 Protests
Protests for the current season must be submitted in writing by the Head Coach to the Site
Facilitator within 24 hours of the game being protested. After review and verification, the Site
Facilitator submits the recommended protest in writing to the respective District Manager. The
grounds for protest include the following:
Eligibility of Opposing Team’s Players and Coaches;
Residence outside of Orleans Parish;
Validity of player identification; and
Dual participation.
: The burden of proof, once team rosters have been accepted, will be on the protesting party. If
proven to have ineligible player(s), appropriate penalty will apply.
All validated protests will be reviewed by the appropriate sports rules committee and a decision
will be rendered within five (5) business days from receipt of the protest. All protests must be
submitted one (1) week prior to the final match of the regular season.
Officials’ judgment calls may not be protested under any circumstances. Protests that cite officials’
calls will be denied without further consideration.
5.3 Forfeitures
Teams that fail to be at the game site and ready to be checked by game time, shall forfeit.
Teams that fail to comply with pre-game check in times could be subject to forfeiture of game.
Forfeiture determinations can only be declared by the Head Official.
Teams that have an ineligible coach on the bench or sideline will receive a non-compliance forfeit
at the conclusion of the game or match.
5.4 Suspensions
Games suspended for weather conditions may be resumed at a later date from the point at which
it was suspended, if deemed necessary by the Head Official.
5.5 Team Rosters
The official team roster is a vital document that allows NORD to verify the credentials of players
at game sites. The official team roster will be distributed by NORD.
Roster minimums and maximums are as follows:
Track & Field: 1 participant
March 2021
If a player is denied participation because of roster limitations, that player may choose to play at
another available park.
There will be a five (5) business day waiting period from the date an add-on is submitted to the
date they are allowed to participate in a game. This policy refers to transfers, as well as new
players. This is designated to allow student athletes to gain necessary training and instruction
before being placed in game-time situations.
Each team shall come to each track and field meet with that sport’s a minimum number of players.
Those minimums are:
Track & Field: 1
When a team starts a league game or a city-wide tournament game with less than the minimum
number of players, that team shall register a forfeit for that game.
Every player certified on the lineup sheet must play. If a violation occurs, the team will forfeit that
If a team forfeits two (2) meets for any reason, then that team shall be out of the league for
the remaining track and field meet season.
All coaches’ names must appear on all rosters.
Duplicate numbers on player uniforms are STRICTLY PROHIBITED; each player must have a distinct
jersey number.
After NORD rosters are distributed, transfer from roster to roster will only be allowed only if a
team folds and up until 50% of all games have been played.
**NOTE: In cases of personal emergencies and/or where necessary for maintaining a
competitive balance, the NORD Athletic Director reserves the right to consider roster
transfers after 50% of games have been played.
5.6 Coaching Staff Roles & Responsibilities
Any and all coaching staff is required to give consent for NORD to conduct a background check.
The background check includes but is not limited to sex offender registries maintained by the
Louisiana State Police, child abuse and criminal history records. The appointment of a volunteer is
conditional upon receiving no inappropriate information on the background check.
Coaches and Site Facilitators are responsible for knowing and abiding by all the policies,
procedures, rules, and regulations outlined in this manual, where applicable.
Coaches are required to attend the NORD rules and skills clinic. Any coach failing to attend rules
clinic meetings or subsequent make-up clinic will not be allowed to coach. NO EXCEPTIONS. ANY
All coaches are expected to set a positive example, especially in their behavior and
sportsmanship, to their team. The use of PROFANITY is STRICTLY PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES.
Ridicule or harassment of officials by coaches or members of his team, the opposing team, or
otherwise, will not be tolerated.
March 2021
Coaches are required to keep their respective team on the field during a game. If any coaches
remove their team during the game, they will be subject to dismissal by NORD.
NORD coaches are not allowed to serve as officials in games within the same class or division as
their team.
Coaches ejected from a game are required to immediately leave the facility, are suspended from
their team’s next game, and may not attend the game from which they are suspended. If a
suspended coach returns to the facility after the game and engages in unsportsmanlike conduct
such as confronting a game official, the suspended coach shall be subject to further disciplinary
All head coaches are responsible for ensuring that only members of the coaching staff are on the
bench or sideline. The maximum number of coaches allowed per team is as follows:
o Track & Field 5 (one head coach; four event coaches)
Upon request, each team is allowed to have one (1) video camera on the sideline and must be
kept within the official area, as dictated by the officials. All requests for video cameras must be
submitted in writing to the Recreation Activities Coordinator no less than five (5) days prior to the
requested game, and must be approved in writing. Videographer credentials will be distributed
prior to the game, if approved. These credentials may be revoked at any time.
All forfeits shall be recorded in the official record book as defined below with an asterisk
denoting that the game was a forfeit.
Baseball 9-0
Basketball 2-0
Football 1-0
Softball 7-0
Volleyball 3-0
March 2021
In the event of a tie, (2 teams from the same division having the same record) ties will be broken
in the following manner, in order:
a. Head to Head Win Will always break a tie. If two teams have the same record, but they
played each other in the regular season the winning team will advance.
b. Record against team with the best record.
c. Record against team with the second best record.
d. Record against team with the third best record.
e. Record against team with the fourth best record.
f. Coin toss.
March 2021
Meet Policies & Procedures
March 2021
The following playing equipment is permissible at the NORD Track and Field program.
All parks are required to provide their own batons for their relay teams.
Track shoes with ¼ inch spikes, or shorter, are permitted in all age groups.
1. Participants ages 5-10 may only compete in three (3) events per track & field meet.
Participants ages 11-14 may participate in only four (4) events per track and field meet.
An athlete may be listed as an alternate on a relay, but it will not count as one of the
four (4) events unless he/she runs in the relay.
An athlete will be disqualified from the last event in which they participated, based
upon the meet schedule provided by NORD.
2. All relay runners must have on the same color shirts.
3. One false start will be charged to the field. The second false start will be charged to the
competitor and will result in a DQ (disqualification) of the charged runner.
4. Only officials will be allowed in/on the track /track area. All coaches not adhering to
said rule will cause a DQ of his/her team member or team. Coaches shall be given one
(1) warning before DQ rule can take place.
5. Each city wide championship race/event will contain only eight (8) participants, the top
eight performers from each qualifying event.
March 2021
7. If an immediate written protest is made, in order to protect the rights of all concerned:
Regarding a decision of a Field Judge that a jump or throw is foul is invalid, the jump or
throw should be measured, if possible. The measurement should be announced only if the
protest is upheld. The protest must be submitted 30 minutes after the infraction, with the
exception of the 4x400 meter relay which has to be filed immediately.
8. All playing rules will be USA Track & Field playing rules for this program except where
changed within this handbook.
SECTION 10: Competitor Check-In
All runners shall report to the Clerk of Course immediately upon their arrival at the meet and no
later than the check-in time designated in the entry blank or the meet information distributed by
NORD. All field event competitors shall report to the Chief Field Judge of their respective events
at the designated time unless instructed to report to the Clerk of Course in the meet information
distributed by NORD.
There will be three (3) calls per event: 1
, 2
and 3
call. All competitors shall report to the Clerk
of Course by the 3
and final call.
SECTION 11: Athletic Attire
In all events competitors must wear clothing that is clean, designed and worn so as not to be
objectionable. The clothing must be made of a material that is not transparent even if wet. The
competitors must not wear clothing that could impede the view of the judges. This rule shall be
enforced by the Clerk of Course for track events and the Chief Judge of each field event. The no
jewelry rule will be enforced (rings, necklaces, bracelets etc.), with the exception of watches.
March 2021
SECTION 12: Disqualification
If an athlete is disqualified in an event because of an infringement of the NORD competition rules,
reference to the NORD Rule infringed shall be made in the official results. Any performance
accomplished up to that time in the same session of the event shall not be considered valid.
Performances accomplished in any previous event session, such as a qualifying round, or previous
events of a combined event, shall stand. The disqualification shall not prevent an athlete from
participating in any future event.
Any competitor who shall refuse to obey the directions of the Referee, or any other proper
official, or who shall conduct himself/herself in an unsportsmanlike manner, or who is offensive by
action or language to the officials, spectators, or competitors at any competition may be
disqualified by the Referee from further competition at the meet. If such disqualification occurs,
any performance accomplished up to that time in the same event session, such as qualifying round
or previous events of a combined event, shall stand. If the Referee thinks the offense worthy of
additional action, he/she shall promptly make detailed statement of the offense to the
appropriate NORD official.
If an athlete is cited for a second (or subsequent) time for acting in an unsporting or improper
manner, in different rounds of one event, or in different events, the athlete shall be disqualified
from such second (or subsequent events).
When starting, all competitors must be behind the starting line and they must not touch the starting
line or the surface in front of it with any part of the body. Starting positions in events at all
distances shall be numbered in order that the lowest number is closest to the inner edge of the
track. NOTE: For this Rule, hair is not considered a body part.
All questions concerning the start shall be decided by the Starter.
Prior to each running event, the Starter or designee shall give instructions to competitors
concerning the commands to be used. Before any starting commands, the Starter shall ascertain
that the applicable Timers and Finish Line Judges are ready.
In races where the competitors are not placed behind the same starting line (i.e., races of 200m to
800m on oval tracks), the Starter should use a microphone transmitting to speakers positioned at
or near the starting line in each lane relaying the commands and any start and recall signals to all
competitors at the same time. Where such a device is not used, the Starter shall so be placed that
the distance between the Starter and each of the competitors is approximately the same.
March 2021
Except for time handicap races, all running and walking events shall be started by the report of a
pistol or approved device fired upward. The starting device should be held to provide a
background against which the flash/smoke is clearly discernible.
(a) Where a pistol is used, it should not be of less than .32 calibers, with black powder shells
giving a distinct flash/smoke, except in indoor competition, where a .22 caliber pistol may be
(b) When an electronic tone is used, it shall be of suitable loudness (>90dB at 15 feet) and shall
simultaneously activate a flash/strobe.
(c) In time handicap races, the start command “Go” may be used. 6. The commands of the Starter
shall be: a) In races not exceeding 400 meters, "on your marks" and "set." b) In races exceeding
400 meters, "on your marks." Before the command “on your marks,” the Starter may assemble the
competitors at an actual or imaginary line between 1m and 3m behind the starting line. No later
than the command “on your marks,” the Starter shall raise the hand with the pistol or flash/starting
device. That hand shall remain extended above the head until the start signal has been
generated. During that time, the hand without the pistol/starting device shall remain at the
Starter’s side.
NOTE 1: The above may be modified to accommodate the hearing impaired.
NOTE 2: To facilitate hand timing, the Starter may signal the Timers just prior to the 'set'
In races up to and including the 400 Meters and lead-off relay legs not exceeding 400 meters, a
crouch start and starting block must be used, unless prohibited by a permanent physical disability
or age. Each competitor must, after the “on your marks” assume a position completely within the
assigned lane and behind the start line. Both hands and at least one knee must be in contact with
the ground and both feet in contact with the foot plates of the starting block. At the "set"
command, the competitor shall immediately rise to a final starting position retaining the contact of
the hands with the ground and of the feet with the foot plates of the starting block. After the
Starter has ascertained that all competitors are “set,” the pistol/starting device shall be fired.
In races longer than 400 Meters, all starts shall be made from a standing position. Each
competitor must, after the “on your marks” command, assume a position behind the start line and
if applicable, completely within the assigned lane, without a starting block and shall not touch the
ground with his/her hand or hands during the start. After the Starter has ascertained that all competitors
are steady and in the correct starting position, the pistol/starting device shall be fired.
On the command “on your marks,” or “set” as the case may be, all competitors shall at once and
without delay assume their full and final starting position.
March 2021
The Starter shall not fire the pistol/starting device, or give the start command, while any
competitor is in motion nor before the Starter has ascertained that each competitor is steady and
in the correct starting position.
Should the Starter or any Recall Starter not be satisfied that all is ready to proceed after the
competitors are on their marks, he/she shall cancel the start and order the competitors to “stand
up.” Upon reassembly, a green card shall be shown to all the athletes to indicate that a violation
was not committed by any athlete.
A competitor, after assuming a full and final set position, shall not commence his/ her start until
first receiving the report of the pistol/starting device. If, in the judgment of the Starter, the athlete
does so any earlier, it will be deemed a false start. As soon as the Starter and/or an assigned
Recall Starter hears the acoustic signal, and if the gun was fired, there shall be a recall. The
Starter shall immediately examine all the available numerical and graphical information
generated by the false start control apparatus in order to confirm which athlete(s), if any, is/are
responsible for the apparatus emitting a signal. Unless the apparatus was obviously not working
properly, appropriate action shall be taken with respect to the athlete(s) with a reaction time
faster than 0.100 of a second.
NOTE 1: Motion by a competitor that does not include or result in one or both hands
leaving contact with the ground, or one or both feet losing contact with the foot plates of
the starting blocks, shall not be considered commencement of the start. Such instances may,
if applicable, be subject to a disciplinary warning or disqualification.
NOTE 2: Athletes starting races in a standing position are more prone to overbalance. If
such a movement is considered to be accidental, the start should be regarded as
‘unsteady’. If an athlete is pushed or jostled over the line before the start, that athlete
should not be penalized. Any athlete causing such interference may be subject to a
disciplinary warning or disqualification.
Any competitor(s) charged with a false start shall be disqualified and a red card/flag shall be
placed on the respective lane marker(s), or raised in front of the respective athlete(s).
NOTE: In practice, when one or more athletes commit a false start, others are inclined to
follow and, strictly speaking, any athlete who does so has also committed a false start.
The Starter should warn or disqualify only such athlete or athletes who, in the Starter’s
opinion, was/were responsible for the false start. This may result in more than one athlete
being warned or disqualified. If the false start is not due to any athlete, no warnings shall
be given and a green card shall be shown to all the athletes.
March 2021
The Starter or any Recall Starter, after the start signal, who is of the opinion that the start was not
fair, or who hears the false start acoustic signal generated by a false start detection apparatus
shall recall the competitors by firing a pistol or sounding a distinctive recall tone.
NOTE: A recall, for a fall by a competitor, shall occur only when the opinion of a member
of the start team is such that the fall is wholly part of an "unfair start". Any incident
recalled for an "unfair start" must have taken place within close proximity to the start line
and be clearly associated with the start. A distance beyond 10 meters shall not be
considered “close proximity” to the start line.
The Starter or any Recall Starter shall abort the start, and report to the Referee for improper
conduct or for acting in an unsporting manner, an athlete who:
(a) After the command “on your marks” or “set” as appropriate, and before the report of the
pistol/starting device, signals to abort the start by an action such as raising a hand or standing
from a crouched position and does not provide a valid reason for such action; or
(b) In their judgment, fails to comply with the provisions of the command “on your marks” or “set”
as appropriate, does not attain a full and final starting position after a reasonable time; or
(c) In their judgment, after the command “on your marks”, disturbs other competitors in the race
through sound or otherwise; or
(d) In their judgment, performs any other misconduct at the start.
In these cases, the Referee shall act in accordance with Rule 19, warning or disqualifying (in case
of a second infringement of the Rule during the same competition) upon validation of the report.
Competitors shall be placed at the finish in the order in which any part of their bodies (i.e., the
“torso, as distinguished from the head, neck, arms, hands, legs, or feet) reaches the finish line.
Each competitor shall run in a direct line after entering the final straightaway in all races of two
or more turns unless there is another competitor in his or her path.
Any competitor or participant jostling, running across, or obstructing another competitor or
participant so as to impede his or her progress shall be liable to disqualification in that event. The
Referee shall have the authority to order the race to be re-held, excluding the disqualified
competitor or, in the case of a heat, to permit any competitor(s) seriously affected by jostling or
obstruction (other than the disqualified competitor) to compete in a subsequent round of the race.
Normally, such an athlete should have completed the event with bona fide effort. Regardless of
whether there has been a disqualification, the Referee, in exceptional circumstances, shall also
March 2021
have the authority to advance a competitor seriously affected by jostling or obstruction or to
order the race to be re-held if it is just and reasonable to do so.
NOTE: Some factors to be considered when determining a disqualification include safety,
equitable competition, severity of the infraction and resulting consequence.
Each competitor must keep in the lanes outside the line or curb marking the inside of the track.. In
races run entirely in lanes, each competitor must keep in the allotted lane from start to finish. In
races run partially in lanes, each competitor must keep in the allotted lane from the start to the
marked cut-in points.
Unless a material advantage has been gained a competitor shall not be disqualified if he or she:
(a) Is pushed or forced by another competitor to step out of the lane, or
(b) Steps out of the lane on the straightaway, or
(c) Steps or runs outside of the outer lane line on the curve.
Excluding the above exceptions, the Referee shall disqualify a competitor if an Umpire reports
that the competitor has stepped out of the lane.
NOTE: Material advantage includes improving position by any means, including exiting
from a 'boxed' position in the race by having stepped or run inside the inside edge of the
Leaving Track, Field, or Course:
(a) No competitor, after voluntarily leaving the track or course, shall be allowed to rejoin a race
either for the purpose of gaining a place or to pace or to assist another competitor. The
competitor shall be recorded as not finishing the event. A competitor attempting to re -enter the
race shall be disqualified.
(b) In field events and in the combined events, with the permission of the Chief Judge of the event
and accompanied by an official, a competitor may leave the immediate area of the competition
during the progress of the competition (other than during a race). Competitors excused to compete
in another event need not be accompanied.
To be considered a finisher, a competitor must complete the race.
March 2021
SECTION 15: Relay Races
The standard distances shall be: 4x 50m (Ages 5/6 only), 4x100m, 4x200m, and Sprint Medley
Relay (200, 200, 400, and 800).
In the 4x100m, and other relay races where the distance of an incoming leg is 200m or less, the
outgoing member of the team may commence running not more than 10m outside the exchange
zone. A distinctive mark shall be made in each lane to denote this extended limit. If a runner does
not follow this Rule, his/her team shall be disqualified.
In the 4x400m and the last two legs of the outdoor Sprint Medley Relay runners are not
permitted to begin running outside their exchange zones, and shall start within the exchange zone.
If a runner does not follow this Rule, his/her team shall be disqualified.
In the 4x400m race, the third and fourth leg runners, under the direction of a designated official,
place themselves in their waiting position in the same order (inside to out) as the order of their
respective team members as they pass the point 200m from the finish of their leg. Once the
incoming runners have passed this point, the waiting runners shall maintain their order, and shall
not exchange positions at the beginning of the exchange zone. If a runner does not follow this
Rule, his/her team shall be disqualified.
The baton shall be carried by hand throughout the race. Competitors are not permitted to wear
gloves or to place material or substances on their hands in order to obtain a better grip of the
baton. If dropped, it shall be recovered by the runner who dropped it. He/she may leave any
assigned lane to retrieve the baton provided that, by doing so, the distance to be covered is not
lessened. In addition, where the baton is dropped in such a way that it moves sideways or
forward in the direction of running (including beyond the finish line), the runner who dropped it,
after retrieving it, must return at least to the point where it was last in hand, before continuing in
the race. Provided these procedures are adopted where applicable and no other runner is
impeded, dropping the baton shall not result in disqualification. Otherwise, if a runner does not
follow this Rule, his/her team shall be disqualified.
The baton shall be passed within the exchange zone. The passing of the baton commences when it
is first touched by the receiving runner and is completed the moment it is in the hand of only the
receiving runner. In relation to the exchange zone, it is only the position of the baton that is
decisive. Passing the baton outside the exchange zone shall result in disqualification.
March 2021
Runners, before receiving and/or after handing over the baton, should remain in their respective
lanes or maintain position until the course is clear to avoid obstruction to other competitors. Should
any runner willfully impede a member of another team by running out of position or lane at the
finish of the leg, the team of the impeding runner shall be disqualified.
*Assistance by pushing or by any other method shall result in disqualification.
In all relay races, not more than six (6) athletes may be entered for each team. Any four athletes
from among those entered for the competition, whether for the relay or any other event, may be
used in the composition of the relay team for any round. However, once a relay team has started
in a competition, only two additional athletes may be used as substitutes in the composition of the
team. The composition of the relay team and the order of running shall be officially declared no
later than one hour before the published first call time for the first heat of each round of the
competition. Further alterations may be made only on medical grounds (verified by a medical
officer) and only until the final call for the particular heat in which the team is competing. Each
member of a relay team may run one leg only. If a team does not follow this Rule, it shall be
March 2021
SECTION 16: Field Events
In all NORD field events:
(a) No competitor shall have more than one trial recorded in any one round of the competition.
(b) Each competitor shall be allowed three trials.
Attempts shall be recorded as follows: a valid attempt shall be indicated by the measurement
The length of the run is unlimited. Each competitor shall be credited with the best of all his/her
When leaving the landing area, an athlete’s first contact by foot with its border or the ground
outside shall be further from the take-off line than the nearest break in the sand.
NOTE: This first contact is considered leaving.
It shall be counted as a failure or foul if any competitor:
(a) While taking off, touches the ground beyond the take-off line with any part of his or her body,
whether running up without jumping or in the act of jumping; or
(b) Takes off from outside either end of the board, whether beyond or before the extension of the
take-off line; or
(c) Employs any form of somersaulting whilst running up or in the act of jumping; or
(d) After taking off, but before first contact with the landing area, touches the runway or the
ground outside the runway or outside the landing area; or
(e) In the course of landing, touches the border of or the ground outside the landing area closer to
the take-offline than the nearest break made in the sand; or
(f) Leaves the landing area in any manner other than that described in the above rules; or
(g) If no plasticine or other marker material is being used, breaks the plane of the take-off line
with the shoe/foot.
A competitor shall not be regarded to have failed if:
March 2021
(a) He or she runs outside the white lines marking the runway at any point; or
(b) A part of his or her shoe / foot is touching the ground outside either end of the take-off board,
before the take-off line; or
(c) If in the course of landing, he or she touches, with any part of his body, or anything attached to
it at that moment, the ground outside the landing area, unless such contact contravenes Rule
185.5(d) or (e); or
(d) He or she walks back through the landing area after having left the landing area
(e) He takes off before reaching the board
In all throwing events from a circle, the throw must commence from a stationary position within the
circle. A competitor is allowed to touch the inside of the iron band or stopboard, excluding the top
inside edge. However, it shall be a foul throw if, after commencing the throw and prior to its
completion, the competitor:
(a) Does not start from a stationary position within the circle,
(b) Touches the top of the iron band or stopboard or painted circle, including the top inside edge
of each,
(c) Touches with any part of the body the surface outside the circle,
(d) Releases the shot or the javelin other than as permitted under NORD rules.
(e) Leaves the circle improperly or before the implement has landed.
In all throwing events, a competitor who has not otherwise committed a foul may interrupt a trial
once started, may lay the implement down, inside or outside the runway or circle, may leave the
runway or circle before returning to the runway or to a stationary position in the circle, and begin
a fresh trial. When leaving a circle, the competitor must do so from the rear half.
The competitor must not leave the circle until the implement has touched the landing surface. When
leaving the circle, the competitor's first point of contact with the top of the iron band and/or the
surface outside the circle must be completely behind the white line that is drawn outside the circle
running theoretically through the center of the circle. The first contact with the top of the iron band
or the ground outside the circle is considered leaving.
March 2021
For a throw to be valid in the Shot Put, the implement must, in contacting the ground when it first
lands, be completely within the inner edges of the lines of the sector.
NOTE: A throw may be valid even if any part of the implement has touched the cage
provided no other rule is infringed.
The measurement of each throw shall be made immediately after the throw. The measurement
mark in the landing area, for all attempts, shall be preserved until removal is authorized by the
official responsible for the event.
(a) In the Shot Put, the measurement of each throw shall be made from the nearest mark made by
the fall of the discus, shot to the inside of the circumference of the circle along a line from the mark
to the center of the circle.
In the Javelin Throw, the measurement of each throw shall be made from where the metal head
first struck the ground to the inside edge of the arc along a line from the point of the fall to the
center of the circle of which the arc is a part.
NOTE: The same rules shall apply for softball throw as apply for the shot put.
March 2021
17.1 Field Events
La Milesplit Code
Standing Long Jump
5-6, 7-8,
Running Long Jump
9-10, 11-12, 13-14
5-6, 7-8
Softball Throw
9-10, 11-12, 13-14
Turbo Javelin
9-10, 11-12, 13-14
17.2 Track Events
La Milesplit Code
50 Meter
100 Meter
200 Meter
400 Meter
800 Meter
4x400 Relay
4x50 Relay
4x100 Relay
4x200 Relay
5-6, 7-8
All Age Groups
7 - 14
9-10, 11-12, 13-14
9-10, 11-12, 13-14
9-10, 11-12, 13-14
5-6, 7-8
7 - 14
9-10, 11-12, 13-14
17.3 Implement Weights
Shot Put
6lbs. (9-12 girls & boys); 13-14 girls; 4k (13-14
Turbo/ Aero Javelin
300g 9-10 boys & girls 300gr; (11-12 boys &
girls); 600gr (13-14 boys & girls)
March 2021
Safety Policies
March 2021
Flexibility exercises should be incorporated into the conditioning program utilized during
preseason and regular season workouts; increasing the flexibility in athletes’ results in players
being less injury prone and more likely to perform with higher ability.
18.1 Static stretching
A stretch that is held in a challenging but comfortable position for a period of time, usually
somewhere between 10 to 30 seconds is considered a static stretch. Static stretching is the most
common form of stretching found in general fitness and is considered safe and effective for
improving overall flexibility.
18.2 Ballistic Stretching
This form of stretching is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Ballistic stretching is a form of passive
stretching or dynamic stretching in a bouncing motion. Ballistic stretches force the limb into an
extended range of motion when the muscle has not relaxed enough. A ballistic stretching example
would be a hurdler’s stretch where the trunk of the body bounces towards the extended leg to
stretch the hamstring.
18.3 Stretching Recommendations
Teams should conduct light cardio warmups prior to stretching
Any and all stretching done by players should NOT involve drastic stretching or stretching to the
point of pain.
All stretches are to be done slowly.
Neck bridging is NOT recommended. The neck bridge exercise is demanding and requires precise
technique and focus. It may be dangerous because it places considerable stress on the cervical
spine and may cause neck injury.
All teams are required to use a practice plan and maintain a copy during all practices.
19.1 Preparation
Every practice is required to incorporate proper calisthenics and stretching at the beginning of
each practice session.
19.2 Conditioning
Any conditioning exercises are NOT to be used as punishment. Site Facilitators will monitor
practices to ensure this practice is adhered to.
Conditioning of players should concentrate on building cardiovascular strength by incorporating
jogging, sprint drills and callisthenic exercises.
March 2021
Coaches ensuring ALL players are properly hydrated by drinking adequate amounts of water
before, during, and after workouts is extremely important, especially during earlier pre -season
The administration of salt tablets, vitamins, any form of medication or sports enhancing additives,
drugs, energy drinks (Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar, etc.) and/or supplements to players is STRICTLY
19.3 Practice Structure/Scheduling
No practice of any kind can begin prior to the official start of practice, as dictated by the Athletic
All practices MUST be conducted at a NORD-approved facility.
No team will be allowed to practice unless their coach is present.
No team will be allowed to practice unless a site facilitator is present.
All practices must end by 8:30pm.
Practice is to be authorized by the NORD Athletics Department at times when the playground will
be open, with availability to first aid equipment, water, and telephone.
March 2021
First Aid & Emergency Policies
March 2021
Coaches shall always be prepared to seek immediate medical attention for any and all injuries
that occur.
NORD supervisory personnel are trained in first aid and CPR procedures. In emergency situations,
coaches are to seek assistance from NORD supervisory personnel, as well as a physician, nurse or
any other emergency medical personnel present at the practice and/or game site.
Any and all injuries, regardless of severity and site of injury, must be reported to the playground
Site Facilitator. All details and information about the injury must be accurately documented on a
NORD injury report and submitted in a timely manner.
Coaches are required to have their players’ phone numbers and emergency contacts on file and
readily available for use in the event of an emergency situation. Parents must be immediately
advised of all injuries.
Each NORD playground maintains first aid supplies in a designated area. Coaches are required to
know where these supplies are located at their playground for quick accessibility in the event of
an emergency situation.
Each playground is equipped with a first-aid kit.
21.1 Heat Related Illnesses
Overexposure to heat causes heat related illness. Once the signs and symptoms of a heat related
emergency begin to appear, the player’s condition can quickly become life threatening.
Recognizing heat related signs and symptoms in its early stages increases the chances of reversing
Heat Cramps
These are the first signals that the body is having trouble with the heat. Signs and symptoms
include painful muscle spasms occur in the legs and abdomen.
Have the player rest in a cool place.
Give cool water to drink.
Lightly stretch the muscle and gently massage the area.
Encourage the player to continue drinking plenty of fluids.
Carefully monitor the player for further signs or symptoms of heat-related illness.
March 2021
Heat Exhaustion
Signs and symptoms include cool, moist, pale, ashen or flushed skin, headache, nausea, dizziness,
weakness, and severe fatigue.
Move player to cooler environment with circulating air while applying wet towels
Loosen or remove clothing
If player is conscious, give four (4) ounces of water to drink every fifteen (15) minutes.
Discontinue player’s participation in practice or game.
Carefully monitor the player for any changes in condition and/or additional signs or symptoms of a
more serious condition.
Heat Stroke:
Heat stroke is a SERIOUS LIFE THREATENING MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Signs and symptoms include
refusing water, vomiting, red appearance, hot to touch, dry skin, rapid and weak pulse, and/or
shallow breathing.
Move player to cooler environment with circulating air while applying wet towels
Keep player lying down---if vomiting, place player on their side.
Remove/loosen any tight clothing.
Apply cool, wet cloths. Ice packs should be applied on player’s wrists and ankles, on the groin, each
armpit, and on the neck to cool the large blood vessels. Be sure to place a cloth barrier between
the skin and the ice pack.
If player is conscious, give four (4) ounces of water to drink every fifteen (15) minutes.
If there is a change in consciousness, 911 should be called immediately as this is life threatening.
21.2 Physical Injuries
When a player is injured, be careful and be sure to leave the player lying flat, especially when a
head, neck, or spine injury is involved. Do not move the player, get medical treatment right away.
DO NOT PICK A PLAYER UP BY THE BELT, especially if an injury is involved.
The simplest type of closed wound is a bruise. This occurs when an injury causes blood and other
fluids to seep into the surrounding tissues, which results in the area swelling and changing color.
Elevate injured part as long as IT DOES NOT CAUSE MORE PAIN.
Apply direct pressure on the area to decrease bleeding beneath the skin.
March 2021
Apply wrap ice with a damp cloth or small bag of ice to the injured area for a period of about 20
minutes. Place a thin cloth barrier between the ice and bare skin. Remove the ice for 20 minutes
before reapplying.
**NOTE: Do not assume that all closed wounds are minor injuries. Coaches and/or trainers should
examine the player to determine whether or not more serious injuries could be present. Should the
player have any of the following signs/symptoms, 911 should be called immediately :
Player complains of severe pain or cannot move a body part without pain.
The force that caused the injury was great enough to cause serious damage.
The injured extremity is blue or extremely pale.
Closed fractures are a complete break, chip or a crack in a bone and the most common type of
fracture. Open fractures are more dangerous due to bone breaking the skin, which will cause risk
of infection and severe bleeding.
Always suspect a serious injury when any of the following signals are present:
Significant deformity
Extreme bruising and swelling
Inability to normally use the affected part
Bone fragments sticking out of a wound
Player complains of feeling bones grating
Player felt or heard a snap or pop at the time of injury
Injured area is cold to the touch and/or the affected area feels numb
Cause of the injury suggests that the injury may be severe.
**NOTE: If the fracture involves a large bone such as the thigh, has severed an artery and/or is
affect breathing, the injury is life threatening and 911 should be called immediately.
21.3 General Muscles, Bone & Joint Care
Remember RICE!
Rest Do not move or straighten the injured area
Ice Stabilize the injured area in the position it was found. Splint the injured part
*Only if the person must be moved and it does not cause more pain.
Compression Fill a plastic bag or wrap ice with a damp cloth, apply to the injured area for 20
minutes and remove the ice pack for 20 minutes. Reapply if needed. Place a thin
cloth barrier between the ice and bare skin.
Elevate DO NOT elevate the injured part if it causes more pain.
March 2021
Splint only if the person must be moved or transported by someone other than emergency medical
Splint only if you can do so without causing more pain.
Splint an injury in the position you find it
Splint the injured area and the bones or joints above and below the injury.
Check for circulation (feeling, warmth and color) before and after splinting.
NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE---- CONTACT 911!!! Player should not be moved.
21.4 Safety Precautions
Bodily Fluids/Blood
NORD employees, league commissioners and volunteer coaches are to be aware and monitor
situations during practice and games, when there is an injury that results in blood being present.
Good hygiene shall be practiced. Towels, uniforms, cups and water bottles should not be shared.
They must be cognizant that anytime there are blood and body fluids present, it must be treated
with respect, regarding its ability to transmit infectious disease. Under circumstances in which
differentiation between body fluid types is difficult or impossible, all body fluids are considered
potentially infectious.
Before competing, all athletes must cover wounds on their body. Practice or competitive play must
be stopped and any injured player must be immediately attended to.
In the event of injury or sickness involving blood or bodily fluids, the following procedures must be
If at all possible, injured person shall render first aid to himself and cover his own wound.
When rendering first aid, protective gloves must be worn when it is anticipated blood or bodily
fluids are involved.
Clean gloves must be worn for each individual treated.
Do not wear the same gloves for multiple injured parties.
An individual who has treated an injury where blood is present or has cleaned a potentially
contaminated surface should wash their hands with soap and hot water, whether or not protective
gloves have been worn.
March 2021
Concussion Protocol
March 2021
Athletes who experience any of the signs and symptoms listed below after a bump, blow, or jolt
to the head or body may have a concussion.
Appears dazed or stunned
Headache or “pressure “ in head
Is confused about assignment or position
Nausea or vomiting
Forgets instructions
Balance problems or dizziness
Is unsure of game score or opponent
Double or blurry vision
Moves clumsily
Sensitivity to light
Answers questions slowly
Sensitivity to sound
Loses consciousness (even briefly)
Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
Shows, mood, behavior, or personality change
Concentration or memory problems
Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall
Can’t recall events after hit or fall
Does not “feel right” or is “feeling down”
If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, the following four (4) steps should be taken:
1. Remove athlete from play.
2. Ensure that the athlete is evaluated by an appropriate health care professional. Non-medical
personnel such as the coach should NOT judge the seriousness of the injury.
3. The coach should inform the athlete’s parents or guardians about the possible concussion and
provide the fact sheet on concussion.
4. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until an appropriate health care
professional has provided written clearance to return to practice and play. (See Post Concussion
Medical Clearance Form in the appendix section)
March 2021
APPENDIX 1: Battery of a School or Recreation Athletic Contest Official
LSA-R.S. 14:34.4
A.(1) Battery of a school or recreation athletic contest official is a battery committed without the
consent of the victim when the offender has reasonable grounds to believe the victim is a school
athletic or recreation contest official.
(2) For purposes of this Section, “school athletic contest official” means any referee, umpire, coach,
instructor, administrator, staff person, or school or school board employee of any public or private
elementary and secondary school while actively engaged in the conducting, supervising, refereeing,
or officiating of a school sanctioned interscholastic athletic contest.
(3) For purposes of this Section, “recreation athletic contest official” means any referee, umpire,
coach, instructor, administrator, staff person, or recreation employee of any public or quasi-public
recreation program while actively engaged in the conducting, supervising, refereeing, or officiating
of a sanctioned recreation athletic contest.
B.(1) Whoever commits the crime of battery of a school or recreation athletic contest official shall
be fined not more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than forty-eight hours nor more
than six months without benefit of suspension of sentence, except as provided in Paragraph (2).
(2) The court, in its discretion, may suspend the imposition of the sentence and place the offender
on probation with the condition that he shall perform five days of community service work. Failure
to successfully complete the community service work, as determined by the supervisor of the
program to which he is assigned, may result in revocation of probation
March 2021
Appendix 2: Coaches Code of Conduct
New Orleans Recreation Development Commission
Coaches’ Code of Conduct
I understand that my responsibilities as a youth coach are of great importance and that my actions
have the potential to significantly influence the young athletes whom I coach;
I understand that many children participate in sports for numerous different reasons, and that the
number one reason is to have fun;
I understand that as a youth coach I am obligated to honor the games rules, opponents, officials,
teammates and self, and to teach players to do the same.
Therefore, by participating as a youth sports volunteer, I will adhere to the following codes:
A. I will create an appropriate environment for our children that:
Focuses on safety, fun, skill development and education;
Has a positive lasting impact on the children of our community;
Promotes building character and learning life skills;
De-emphasizes a ‘win-at-all-costs’ attitude;
Is fair, consistent and best meets the emotional and physical needs of all children;
Builds a culture where winning is not defined by outcome of competition, but by the
individual needs of all the children.
B. I will act responsibly and do my best to assure that:
I provide playing time for every child that is consistent with the rules of NORD;
I properly educate players on the importance of teamwork, effort, having fun and playing
fair while properly instructing age appropriate fundamentals and skills;
I provide players with the best education, instruction and organization possible by
attending required meetings, clinics and certifications;
I am familiar with the objectives of the youth sports program. I strive to achieve these
objectives and communicate them to my players and their parents;
I cooperate with the administrator of our organization in the enforcement of rules and I
will report irregularities that violate sound competitive practices;
I provide a healthy and safe environment for my players, which are in accordance with my
leagues’ safety procedures and provide safe instruction and use of equipment.
C. I will display appropriate behavior - I understand that violation of the following will
jeopardize my privilege to coach.
I will treat each player, opposing coach, official, parent or administrator with respect and
dignity, and refrain from using profanity, intimidations tactics and inappropriate
I will uphold the authority of officials who are assigned to the contest in which I coach, and
I will assist them in every way to conduct fair and impartial competitive contests.
March 2021
D. Terminal behavior - I understand that violation of the following codes will result in immediate
termination of my privilege to coach with NORD.
I will never coach under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
I will never initiate or participate in any form of verbal or physical assault on staff,
volunteer, official, parent or child.
The New Orleans Recreation Development Commission reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary
action involving any coach in violation of the code of conduct.
With my signature, which I voluntarily affix to this contract, I acknowledge that I have read, understood
and will do my best to fulfill the promises made herein.
_____ _
Coach Printed Name
_____ _ _____
Coach Signature Date
March 2021
New Orleans Recreation Development Commission
Coaches’ Code of Conduct
Results of Violations
Violations of the Coaches’ Code of Conduct will result in written documentation, advisory consultation and
possible disciplinary action. The following data outline the disciplinary procedures of the New Orleans
Recreation Development Commission. Failure to fully understand the NORD Code of Conduct policy does
not exempt one from the ramifications if such rules are violated whether intentionally or unintentionally. All
disciplinary infractions will be decided upon by the NORD Disciplinary Committee.
Conduct Codes A and B
Any violation under codes A and/or B will result in verbal consultation by the NORD
Recreation Athletic Director;
A second violation under codes A and/or B will result in a disciplinary hearing with the
NORD Disciplinary Committee. Suspension of the coach’s privilege to manage/coach
NORD youth sports programs for, at minimum, 1 game may accompany;
A third violation under codes A and/or B will result in a disciplinary hearing with the
NORD Disciplinary Committee and may result in termination of the coach’s privilege to
manage/coach NORD youth sports programs.
Conduct Code C
Any violation under Code C will result in a disciplinary hearing with the NORD Disciplinary
Committee. Suspension of the coach’s privilege to manage/coach and attend NORD youth
sports programs for, at minimum, 2 games, will accompany;
A second violation under Code C will result in disciplinary hearing with the NORD
Disciplinary Committee. Termination of the coach’s privilege to manage/coach NORD
youth sports programs may follow.
Conduct Code D
Any violation under Code D will result in a disciplinary hearing with the NORD Disciplinary
Committee and may result in termination of the coach’s privilege to manage/coach NORD
youth sports programs.
Anyone with knowledge of a violation of the rules listed in NORD Code of Conduct who fails to report
them to the NORD Athletic Department will result in disciplinary action.
With my signature, which I voluntarily affix to this contract, I acknowledge that I have read, understood
and will do my best to fulfill the promises made herein.
_____ _
Coach Printed Name
_____ _ _____
Coach Signature Date
March 2021
Appendix 3: Parent Code of Conduct
NORD implemented the following Parent Code of Conduct for the important message that it holds about
the proper role of parents in supporting the youth of our community and their child in sports.
The essential elements of character building and ethics in sports are the foundations of sportsmanship and
are demonstrated by the core principles of respect, responsibility, fairness, and good citizenship.
As a NORD Parent, I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for each child
participating in NORD by adhering to the following code of conduct:
I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support at all times.
I will remember that children participate to have fun, and that the game is for youth, not
I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player or
parent such as booing and taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language.
I will teach my child that doing one's best is more important than winning.
I will respect the officials and their authority during games.
I will not confront coaches or managers at any time during games.
I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to
disciplinary action levied by the NORD Disciplinary Committee that could include, but is not limited to the
Verbal Warning
Written Warning
Parental suspension for games
Parental season suspension
Parental removal from all league activities
NORD retains the sole authority to determine what, if any, disciplinary action is appropriate for any
conduct infraction.