City Council
Digital Plan
May 2018 Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure
concerning ethical
management and
accountable data:
Barcelona Data
The Open Digitisation Programme from Barcelona City
Councils Office for Technology and Digital Innovation
This Guide was prepared by a team led by Francesca Bria, the
Commissioner for Technology and Digital Innovation. Its mem-
bers included Francesca Bria, Màrius Boada, Malcolm Bain,
and Pau Balcells.
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................
1. INTRODUCTION AND JUSTIFICATION ..........................................
2. OBJECTIVES OF THE MEASURE ...................................................
2.1. Goals .......................................................................................................
2.2. Barcelona Data Commons ...........................................................................
2.3. The Municipal Data Office
and the Chief Data Officer (CDO) .......................................................................
3. CONTEXT ...............................................................................
3.1. Current situation .......................................................................................
3.2. Data-strategy motivations ...........................................................................
4. ESSENTIAL VALUES OF THE PROGRAMME.......................................
4.1. Essential values .........................................................................................
4.2. Data sovereignty ........................................................................................
4.3. The ethical use of data ...............................................................................
5. SCOPE OF APPLICATION ...........................................................
5.1. Organisations and systems ...........................................................................
5.2. Data .........................................................................................................
5.3. Environment and ecosystem ........................................................................
THE MUNICIPAL DATA OFFICE ........................................................
6.1. Organisation: the Municipal Data Office ........................................................
6.2. Supervision: Commission for Technology
and Digital Innovation (CTID) ..............................................................................
7. STRATEGIC AREAS ....................................................................
7.1. The deployment of the new data governance ..................................................
7.2. Ethical and responsible data management ......................................................
7.3. City Data Infrastructure ..............................................................................
7.4. Internal innovation based on data:
analysis and data-based projects ........................................................................
7.5. Barcelona Data Exchange:
external data enhancing ...................................................................................
8. EMBLEMATIC PROJECTS ............................................................
9. APPENDICES ............................................................................
9.1. Directive concerning municipal data
governance and the Municipal Data Office ...........................................................
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
In September 2016, Barcelona City Council
embarked on a major digital transformation
process announcing that public services must
be provided through digital channels from the
outset, following new guidelines based on ci-
tizen guidance and the use of open standards
and open software and in accordance with an
ethical data strategy that focuses on privacy,
transparency and digital rights.
The decision taken by the municipal govern-
ment is based on the “Barcelona Digital City
Plan, approved in the “Transition Towards
Technological Sovereignty” government mea-
sure in October 2016 and the new Spanish Act
39/2015 on Common Administrative Procedu-
res for Public Authorities. This Act states that,
by 2020, digital channels must take priority in
the provision of public services in Spain. The
Barcelona Digital City Plan establishes a radical
improvement in digital public services as one
of its main objectives, with the aim of provi-
ding services to city residents on a 24/7 basis
that are of higher quality and better adapted
to their needs.
This document establishes the defining plan for
the programme and all the actions and tasks
that make up the responsible and ethical use
of data strategy, developed as part of Barce-
lona’s Digital Transformation Plan (DTP). This
plan is led by Barcelona City Council’s Commis-
sion for Digital Technology and Innovation. The
document describes the programme’s scope,
its relation to the DTP, its objectives and the
implementation schedule for each task and
action. The programme for open digitalisation
is completed by free software and agile ser-
vice development, published in a government
measure in October 2017.
Through this government measure and the
action plan it contains, Barcelona becomes
the first Spanish city to develop a Municipal
Data Office, making it possible to structure
informed public policies using information pro-
vided by data, the proper treatment of that
data and its resulting analysis. The responsible
and ethical use of data is a key element of
Barcelona City Councils Digital Transforma-
tion Plan, especially the Open Data and Data
Commons strategies, data-driven projects and
interoperability based on open-data formats.
This government measure provides a global
vision of the City Council’s data-management
plan and the proposed changes for putting
it into practice. It explains the governance
mechanisms for this data management, the
fundamental values for ensuring data sove-
reignty, privacy and security, and also presents
the actions geared towards internal and exter-
nal data enhancement, a practical approach
based on establishing specific projects with
a roadmap, a budget and a schedule.
Ethical and responsible data management,
together with the use of free software tools
indicated in the previous government measure
of October 2017, ensure universal access and
improved transparency. We are also laying the
foundations for new initiatives based on making
the best use of data, which will strengthen the
administration and make it more independent.
The Code of Practice provided in an appen-
dix to the government measure of October
2017 establishes the more technological di-
rectives aimed at putting the lines of action
into practice, along with the measure’s re-
quirements for the responsible use of data.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
This measure is accompanied by an directive
concerning the Municipal Data Office, which
defines the governance model and the roles
and responsibilities of the people in charge
of planning and supervising data management
in the City Council.
The agile transformation programme, which
contains the responsible and ethical use of data
strategy, is continually evolving. Therefore, the
general provisions of this government measure
will be updated and put into practice as the
programme is applied. Our aim is to continue
moving forward and do much more than this
government measure proposes, given that it
only establishes the principles of a process of
continual improvement.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
Information and information technology (IT)
resources are critical features of the social,
political and economic welfare of Barcelona
residents. In regard to local administration, they
make it possible for the City Council to provide
the general public with high-quality services,
generate and disseminate knowledge and fa-
cilitate growth and improved productivity.
For the City Council, it is important to maxi-
mise the quality and security of its data and
information systems; to develop and apply
the coherent management of information re-
sources and management policies that aim to
keep the general public constantly informed,
protect their rights as subjects, improve the
productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and
public return of its projects and to promo-
te responsible innovation. Furthermore, as
technology evolves, it is important for public
institutions to manage their information sys-
tems in such a way as to identify and minimise
the security and privacy risks associated with
the new capacities of those systems.
Information management technologies also
provide significant opportunities for local
government. The far-reaching integration of
IT with local responsibilities and their proces-
ses, together with the digital economy and
combined with the increasing interconnec-
tion between technology and public services,
has changed the way we share information
and the use and perception of technolo-
gies, and has definitively transformed the
general publics expectations and the way
they use technology. In order to respond
to the general public’s expectations and to
facilitate innovation, Barcelona City Council
must continue to transform, with the aim
of assimilating and adopting the digital re-
and justification
volution, while also maintaining its human
team, and producing world class, safe digital
services from the unequivocal perspective
of public service.
The responsible and ethical use of data
strategy is part of Barcelona’s Digital Trans-
formation Plan (DTP), which establishes the
roadmap designed by the Commission for
Digital Technology and Innovation and its
policies for modernising data management
and use within Barcelona City Council. The
strategy is being put into practice in the
shape of a plan that involves various pro-
grammes, which are described here. Although
the programme was specifically conceived
as a conceptual framework for achieving a
cultural change in terms of the public per-
ception of data, it basically covers all the
aspects of the DTP that concern data, and in
particular the open-data and data-commons
strategies, data-driven projects, with the
aim of providing better urban services and
interoperability based on metadata schemes
and open-data formats, permanent access
and data use and reuse, with the minimum
possible legal, economic and technological
barriers within current legislation.
Information technology is at the centre of
almost everything, and the City Council and
its managers offices, institutes, companies,
consortiums, etc. must continue to identify
ways to apply emerging technologies, which
basically make it possible to improve general
governance and to provide more and better
services, while also reducing costs. The pro-
vision of high quality services means that the
City Council has to change its methods for
purchasing, building and providing IT.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
of the measure
This measure establishes the general policy
for the governance, planning, procurement,
management, analysis, use, protection, access
and preservation, as long as necessary, and
the reuse of municipal data to add value to
municipal digital information throughout its
life cycle, as well as aspects arising from this in
terms of human resources, IT infrastructures
and resources, economic management and
support services.
The strategy of responsible data management
is defined with the aim of helping to guide the
transformation of the municipal government’s
IT systems by means of the institutionalisation
of more agile approaches, which should faci-
litate a speedy adoption of the technological
changes in such a way that security, techno-
logical sovereignty, privacy and information
and data management are reinforced, along
with all municipal services and programmes.
This measure aims to ensure the City Council
is able to establish a general infrastructure and
harmonised processes in order to manage, use
and (partially) disseminate data, which is known
as data commons,
and that it is also able to
promote, implement and supervise projects
that capitalise on and enhance data in an agile,
uniform way (e.g. in terms of data interoperability
and standardisation) through the Municipal Data
Office, and ensure the responsible management
of data in accordance with current legislation,
together with the Data Protection Officer.
Although this measure refers to various aspects of IT resources, such as privacy, confidentiality, information quality,
disclosure and statistical policy, these concepts will be treated and developed in later directives. Units must apply
the policies of this measure, and the directives and guidelines in a coherent and constant way.
Already under way at
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
The main objectives of this measure are:
To define the Municipal Data Office’s ob-
jectives, mission, responsibilities and authority.
To identify the structure and mechanisms
for data governance, in its broadest sense, in
Barcelona City Council.
To define the main governing bodies
for the City Council’s actions regarding data,
centred on ethical use, data sovereignty, the
social aspect, guaranteeing privacy and secu-
rity, permanent access and the reuse of data.
To ensure responsible data management
throughout its life cycle, respecting the FAIR
data principles (findable, accessible, intero-
perable and reusable).
To define the data architecture, with its
data lake repository and City OS, as well as the
IT infrastructures needed to use it.
To improve the internal and external use
of the City Councils data, in order to add va-
lue and transform it into a real asset for high
corporate enhancement.
To develop the procedures and mecha-
nisms for processing data as systematically and
automatically as possible, respecting current
legislation and without endangering the privacy,
confidentiality and security of that data.
In order to achieve the programme’s objecti-
ves, certain steps are clearly necessary. Firstly,
for promoting and directing our vision of data
commons, we have to be able to propose and
offer innovative solutions and visions concer-
ning information for the general public. In order
to do this, we have to ensure a certain level of
internal alignment, in terms of available tech-
nology and data. We then have to explain our
vision and establish a clear dialogue with the
citys stakeholders in order to jointly promote our
vision of data commons, with rules that must be
established. Finally, we have to be able to show
specific examples of the application of this vision
for the common good of city residents, in order
to ensure their support for our work.
This measure also presents current emble-
matic projects, through which these objec-
tives are starting to be achieved, along with
the structures, responsibilities and projects
they require.
2.2. Barcelona Data Commons
The current situation of municipal data has to
be transformed in order to turn it into a public
asset, or data commons, with defined gover-
nance and rules that are created from the pers-
pective of data as a common asset. The public
and private perception of data has to change
from that of an asset that offers a competitive
advantage to one of a social “infrastructure”
that must be public in order to ensure common
well-being, and which is exchanged on a quid
pro quo basis. The more data there is, the higher
its quality, and the more confidence there is in
the exchange and privacy rules for this common
asset, the better all the stakeholders taking part
will be able to perform.
In regard to this data commons perspective, the
aim of this measure is to establish the archi-
tecture, processes and operational standards
based on application programming interfaces
(API), which make it possible to group data
sources into a common data lake. This invol-
ves document-configuration processes for the
datasets, as well as a mapping of the wealth
of general data present in the Administration
and an assessment of its quality. It also involves
getting this infrastructure prepared for (partial)
opening to external social stakeholders, with
the aim of providing support to the proposed
vision for the data-commons framework.
2.1. Goals
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
In order to promote and direct this concept
of data commons, the City Council has to
be able to propose and offer innovative so-
lutions and ideas concerning data relating
to the general public. In order to do this, we
have to ensure a certain level of internal alig-
nment in terms of available technology and
data. We then have to explain our concept
and establish a clear dialogue with the citys
stakeholders in order to jointly promote our
concept of data commons, with rules that we
must jointly establish with the general public.
Finally, we have to be able to show specific
examples of the application of this data com-
mons concept to city residents, in order to
ensure their support for our work. This also
has to be achieved while recognising the need
to return the control of this data to the city
residents who produce it, so that they can
decide what they want to keep private and
what they want to share, and with whom and
under what conditions. This vision, based on
the concept of the general public’s data so-
vereignty, will take the form of experimental
projects, such as DECODE (see below) and
in the integration of new technologies, such
as distributed registries or blockchains and
data encryption.
Citizens / Business
Academia / Communities
BCN Data
Analytics Office
BCN Data Teams
Uses cases
Guàrdia Urbana, Housing
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
2.3. The Municipal Data Office and
the Chief Data Officer (CDO)
Barcelona recognises the opportunity for
demonstrating the proper use of data when
making informed decisions, as well as for de-
fining, analysing and resolving the challenges
currently facing big cities, and the need for
responsible and ethical management of this
data. By using this measure, it therefore es-
tablishes the mission and objectives of the
new Municipal Data Office (MDO) led by a
Chief Data Officer (CDO), while also provi-
ding it with the necessary (human, technical
and economic) resources to make use of the
data pertaining to the city and its residents
that is kept by the city. Barcelona is therefore
following the example of major North American
cities, such as Chicago, New York and Boston,
with their respective Chief Data Officers, and
more recently other European cities, such as
London and Paris, which, by designing a new
strategy and vision, consider data to be part
of the citys own infrastructure.
In this case, through this government measure
and the action plan it contains, Barcelona be-
comes the first Spanish city to recognise the
importance of data, the first one to appoint
a CDO and the first one to create its own
data-lake and data-commons structures. This
should make it possible to produce informed
public policies by using the information pro-
vided by the data, its correct treatment and
the resulting analysis, and by opening up this
data to the civil and industrial sectors, as far
as possible, in order to strengthen the local
economy and the actions of civil society.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
The City Council currently manages a lot of
data including many kinds of information con-
tent that need to be properly identified and
supervised, in order to ensure compliance with
the inherent functions of public service, while
respecting, and not infringing, the regulations
concerning privacy, confidentiality, security,
transparency, access and reuse that current
legislation requires. Furthermore, we have
to be able to work on and manage this data
in a sustainable and appropriate way, in order
to provide it with added value and a social
aspect, transforming it into a real asset for
city residents and for the municipal council
itself. In the City Council, data is often kept
in “informative silos” or in vertical piles, which
means it cannot be easily shared between
departments. This has had a major effect on
the organisation and it is something that this
measure aims to change.
From a cultural point of view, in recent years,
the municipal organisation has gradually assu-
med the fact that municipal information is an
asset of common interest to the City Coun-
cil and city residents. Permanent access to
the data, whether it is public or restricted or
confidential, empowers the communities that
have access to it, because it allows them to
take duly informed decisions and means that
they can be freer.
For city residents, municipal data is a source
of wealth that can help to break the cycle of
poverty and can form a basis for sustainable
human development. Access to public con-
tent is a basic democratic right that helps
to reduce the digital gap and empowers city
residents to decide and act freely in their
social, work and leisure activities, from an
individual and collective viewpoint. Correctly
managing and disseminating this data must
make it possible for city residents to have more
formed opinions and a desire to participate
in local affairs, guarantee a return on public
investment in society, facilitate control of the
Administration by city residents, accelerate
access to knowledge, foster collaborative work,
encourage innovation, which enriches edu-
cation and stimulates the economy, increases
productivity and helps to find new solutions
to tackle the challenges facing new societies,
which are constantly changing, in order to
increase competitiveness and promote the
progress of knowledge at a global level.
For the City Council, in the broadest sense of
the concept, the data that we generate, collect,
receive, store, process and share also has a
high intrinsic value. This places us in a privileged
position that we need to know how to make
the most of in order to share it with everyone.
It is necessary to manage these information
resources systematically and intelligently, taking
into account their entire life cycle, in order to
successfully transform them into an asset and
to construct the necessary tools and services
to get just-in-time data and make it available to
the departments and people who need it, be-
yond the limits imposed by right of access. For
the City Council, the benefits of this systema-
tic process are also numerous: efficiency and
responsibility are increased, the institutions
profile is raised and our knowledge is increa-
sed. It is a permanent and continual source of
knowledge, because it is preserved properly,
it guarantees the institutions reputation, it
improves transparency and accountability, it
3.1. Current situation
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
promotes reuse for the benefit of everyone
and helps to improve productivity.
From an architectural point of view, the City
Council now has to rethink and develop flexible
infrastructures, content and data, interoperable
procedures and services that make it possible
to change the data model and strategy in order
to share it with all the interested communi-
ties, applying general criteria and protocols and
adding specifications according to the various
departmental businesses and objectives.
The infrastructures have to include facilities,
technology and the expertise of human teams.
We have to see data from a broader pers-
pective, referring to all information resources,
including protected and open data, true digital
and digitalised data, and even subscription or
licensed electronic resources. The procedures
have to standardise vocabulary, apply meta-
data standards and guarantee interoperability
within the worldwide digital data ecosystem.
In addition to providing traditional information
and assistance services, they must be flexible
in order to address other emerging needs in a
knowledge society that is changing so rapidly.
These strategies must be able to define a da-
ta-classification model that takes into account
legal and security aspects at each stage of the
data’s life cycle, the tools for creating digital ob-
jects and assigning descriptive, administrative,
technical and preservation metadata, as well
as assigning univoc and persistent identifiers
and they also have to ensure that the data and
its metadata can be understood by humans
and by machines, i.e. in order to guarantee
open-access information that is easy to find,
to share and which is machine readable. This
is a change of model, where the new value is
default access to municipal data. It is neces-
sary to systematically apply data evaluation and
selection procedures in order to also create
a preservation policy that is sustainable in the
long term, to plan the transfer to an analytic
repository, or if necessary, definitive placement
in a secure and verified repository so that the
data is permanently accessible, to apply con-
trolled vocabulary and standards, and with clear
licences of use that are machine readable in
order to enable individual or mass reuse, always
stating the original source, and disclosing the
existence of the data to city residents so that
they are aware of its existence and that they
have right of use.
This has important legal consequences, such as
those imposed by the new general data protec-
tion regulation (RGPD), which will be obligatory
for all public institutions from May 2018. It must
be stated that the City Council is working on
a plan for adapting to the RGPD and that it
has taken measures to that end. Dispersion of
data services could cause security problems
in the future (data dispersion can also mean
unauthorised access to personal information
by contractors and other players, although
at this time, no leaks of any kind have taken
place). For this reason, when what we want to
do with the data internally is discussed, there
are also architectural problems that must be
tackled. These problems include the need for a
unified point of access with sufficient technical
capacity to manage large quantities of infor-
mation, but also an interoperability standard
for sharing data among services, systems and
applications (i.e. a unified API policy).
In terms of governance, there is a need for a
body, a municipal data department, that spear-
heads the new model, promotes the paradigm
shift within the organisation and assigns res-
ponsibilities in order to ensure that data is
managed as a real asset during its entire life
cycle, which will generate added value. This
government body has to carry out high-level
supervision and be empowered to take de-
cisions concerning possible data conflicts in
public tenders. Furthermore, it will have to
oversee a change in the City Councils menta-
lity, aimed at achieving a data-based focus in
order to inform and take decisions concerning
the citys problems.
Finally, in regard to exchanging data, the City
Council has played a discreet role until now. It
has maintained an open-data portal, but the
portal had low standards, and there was a lack
of decisive political support for opening up
data. In regard to contracting, there is basically
no concern about contract data, as it is not
considered to be an internal asset.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
The conceptual plan must address the moti-
vation for this programme. We live in a digital
world, where access to technology makes it
possible to transform many aspects of society.
In particular, technology enables the scalability
of processes and services. This factor, along
with an ever-increasing availability of data for
measuring practically every aspect of people’s
lives (the so-called big data), could threaten
the levels of freedom enjoyed by the citizens
who live in our societies. Furthermore, althou-
gh the inherent scalability offered by these
technologies has positive consequences for
efficiency, it may also lead to an increase in
existing inequalities.
As a public administration, the City Council is
uniquely placed to ensure that this does not
happen. It must promote an agenda that is
explicitly geared towards ensuring the digital
rights of city residents while also acting as a fa-
cilitator for generating well-distributed wealth.
This wealth can be created through innovation
and exploiting data, which has been described
as “the new 21st century petroleum”:
However, like petroleum, data must be refined
using appropriate processes and skills, which
not all social stakeholders have to the same de-
gree. Therefore, a policy that merely defends
“open data” in the name of transparency, and
allows certain stakeholders access without any
clear strategy or regulations, may lead to a
society that is even more unequal. Although
data must be made public, we shouldn’t forget
that people’s capacities in terms of economic
power, knowledge and infrastructure are not
evenly distributed throughout the population.
Therefore, as a public body, we must clearly
change the current model of merely deman-
ding that the data is opened up “naturally”.
From a general perspective, public adminis-
trations must be the ones to spearhead this
vision. We have sufficient power to promote
our vision, as we have part of the critical in-
frastructures, major economic capacity, the
communicative range and, to start off with, a
significant body of data. A cultural change in
this direction can therefore be achieved by
encouraging the other stakeholders to come
on board and follow the City Councils lead.
Furthermore, based on this government me-
asure, it is necessary to define a framework
that covers all the necessary actions con-
cerning data, in order to ensure continued
and permanent access under the FAIR data
principles promoted by European bodies and
especially by the Research Data Management
Working Group.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the
City Council acts as a protector of city resi-
dents’ data. It is therefore very important to
make this data available to them, so that it
is accessible to city residents and so that a
verifiable and trustworthy relationship can be
built up. However, for this to become a reality,
it is not enough for the data and the protocols
to be transparent. City residents must also
have the tools and knowledge to be able to
verify them. In a world that is becoming more
and more digitalised, this means that the City
Council must promote activities that help to
train city residents in digital knowledge. In order
to do this, it is necessary to make people more
aware of the importance of exercising digital
rights and to also provide the general public
with tools that allow them to understand the
implications, possibilities and dangers behind a
totally digitalised world, where a huge amount
of data on human activities is available.
3.2. Data-strategy motivations
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
The current ubiquity and volume of this data
and how easy it is to obtain, along with the
possibilities of data science, are opening up
many perspectives in terms of providing ser-
vices. However, it also makes it easy to seg-
ment the population and identify people and
put them under surveillance. This poses many
questions and challenges for society in general
and public administrations in particular. The
Municipal data is a strategic asset and a va-
luable resource that enables local government
to carry out its mission and its programmes
effectively. Appropriate access to municipal
data significantly improves the value of the
information and the return on the investment
involved in generating it. In accordance with the
“Barcelona Digital City” plan and its empha-
sis on public innovation, the digital economy
and empowering city residents, this data-ma-
nagement strategy is based on the following
Within this context, this new management and
use of data has to respect and comply with the
essential values applicable to data. For Barce-
lona City Council, these values are:
• Shared municipal knowledge. Munici-
pal data, in its broadest sense, has a significant
social dimension and provides the general pu-
Essential values
of the programme
4.1. Essential values
virtual dimension and the sovereignty of city
residents in this area is a subject of interest
because of the repercussions these aspects
can have on the analogue world. Administra-
tions have to be prepared and make an effort
to design a consistent strategy in this area. This
must make it possible to ensure democracy,
people’s full rights and their confidence in
public institutions.
blic with past, present and future knowledge
concerning the government, the city, society,
the economy and the environment.
• The strategic value of data. The council
must manage data as a strategic value, with
an innovative vision, in order to turn it into an
intellectual asset for the organisation.
• Geared towards results. Municipal
data is also a means of ensuring the adminis-
trations accountability and transparency, for
managing services and investments and for
maintaining and improving the performance of
the economy, wealth and the general publics
• Data as a common asset. City resi-
dents and the common good have to be the
central focus of the Municipality of Barcelona’s
plans and technological platforms. Data is a
source of wealth that empowers people who
Accesible en‐barcelona‐ciutat‐digital.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
have access to it. Making it possible for city
residents to control the data, minimising the
digital gap and preventing discriminatory or
unethical practices is the essence of municipal
technological sovereignty.
• Transparency and interoperability.
Public institutions must be open, transparent
and responsible towards the general public.
Promoting openness and interoperability,
subject to technical and legal requirements,
increases the efficiency of operations, reduces
costs, improves services, supports needs and
increases public access to valuable municipal
information. In this way, it also promotes public
participation in government.
• Reuse and open-source licences. Ma-
king municipal information accessible, usable
by everyone by default, without having to ask
for prior permission, and analysable by anyone
who wishes to do so can foster entrepreneu-
rship, social and digital innovation, jobs and
excellence in scientific research, as well as
improving the lives of Barcelona residents and
making a significant contribution to the citys
stability and prosperity.
• Quality and security. The city gover-
nment must take firm steps to ensure and
maximise the quality, objectivity, usefulness,
integrity and security of municipal information
before disclosing it, and maintain processes
to effectuate requests for amendments to the
publicly-available information.
Responsible organisation. Adding value
to the data and turning it into an asset, with the
aim of promoting accountability and citizens’
rights, requires new actions, new integrated
procedures, so that the new platforms can
grow in an organic, transparent and cross-de-
partmental way. A comprehensive governan-
ce strategy makes it possible to promote this
revision and avoid redundancies, increased
costs, inefficiency and bad practices.
• Care throughout the data’s life cy-
cle. Paying attention to the management
of municipal registers, from when they are
created to when they are destroyed or pre-
served, is an essential part of data manage-
ment and of promoting public responsibility.
Being careful with the data throughout its
life cycle combined with activities that ensu-
re continued access to digital materials for
as long as necessary, help withthe analytic
exploitation of the data, but also with the
responsible protection of historic municipal
government registers and safeguarding the
economic and legal rights of the municipal
government and the citys residents.
• Privacy “by design”. Protecting privacy
is of maximum importance. The City Council
has to consider and protect individual and
collective privacy during the data life cycle,
systematically and verifiably, as specified in the
general regulation for data protection (Regula-
tion 2016/679 of the European Parliament and
of the Council) with particular emphasis on
informed consent, minimisation of information
and limiting to purpose, in an explainable, safe
way and in accordance with the law.
• Security. Municipal information is a stra-
tegic asset subject to risks, and it has to be
managed in such a way as to minimise those
risks. This includes privacy, data protection,
algorithmic discrimination and cybersecuri-
ty risks that must be specifically established,
promoting ethical and responsible data archi-
tecture, techniques for improving privacy and
evaluating the social effects. Although security
and privacy are two separate, independent
fields, they are closely related, and it is essential
for the units to take a coordinated approach in
order to identify and manage cybersecurity and
risks to privacy with applicable requirements
and standards.
• Technological sovereignty. When new
equipment, IT resources or support infrastruc-
tures and services are planned, budgeted or
purchased, the subsequent contracting pro-
cess and specifications must be in line with
the priorities of the “Barcelona Digital City
plan. In order to comply with the technological
sovereignty objective set out in the Agile Digital
Transformation Strategy and the digital service
standards, especially for preventing dependen-
cy on suppliers (vendor lock-in), the following
guidelines, which expand on the technology and
innovation principles governing the Municipal
Institute of Information Technology (IMI) are as
follows: interoperability, agility, ethics and the
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
opening up of knowledge and technologies (for
both software and data).
• Open standards. It is obligatory for
the City Councils digital services to use open
standards, and in particular the content of the
catalogue of standards from the Technical In-
teroperability Standard (as implemented under
Royal Decree 4/2010) or the internationally
accepted open standards that update, replace
or complement these standards. Where no
approved open standard exists in the required
format, a proposed format shall be submitted
pursuant to the applicable regulations and the
requirements of the IMIs open standards.
• Agile methodology. The technological
projects that are implemented for the mana-
gement, analysis and dissemination of council
data must preferably be carried out in accor-
dance with the methodology defined in the
Code of Technological Practices, published
in the corresponding Barcelona City Council
government measure in October 2017.
“Data sovereignty” is a concept linked to German
constitutional law, people’s right to their own
information (where digital information concer-
ning an individual is not subject to the control
of a third party, and in particular, of people
or systems that treat data in a third country,
with regulations that are alien to the location
of that individual)
Most of the current concerns about data sove-
reignty refer to compliance with privacy regu-
lations and preventing data stored in a foreign
country from being intercepted by the govern-
ment of the host country or of that government
having access to it. But the concept of data
sovereignty is broader than this international
dimension and it involves the need for an in-
dividual to have control, at all times and in all
relevant systems, over the collection, storage,
use, transfer and publication of their data, whe-
ther it be of a technical, scientific, economic,
social or personal nature.
Organisations increasingly adopt services based
in foreign IT systems and, in particular, the cloud,
in order to enjoy the benefits of not having to
buy, manage, update and replace systems and
4.2. Data sovereignty
applications. As one of the main objectives of
using the cloud is to enable access to infor-
mation and systems any time and anywhere,
many organisations do not much care where
their data is stored, or that it could escape from
their control and be accessed by unauthorised
persons or even made publicly available.
Data sovereignty presents technical and legal
challenges when local systems and stores of
third-party information are moved, particularly
to the cloud.
In this context, the City Councils information
systems have to be determined and configured
at all times, in order to guarantee the City Coun-
cils sovereignty over its data, and in particular,
over the (personal) data of the citys residents,
which is administered by the City Council for
providing its services. The City Council has to
have the ability, at all times, to access its data,
process it and make “local” security copies.
Furthermore the City Council’s organisations and
bodies must always respect the applicable data
protection regulations regarding the access to
and treatment of data by third parties, as well
as international data transfers.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
Barcelona City Council is committed to the
ethical use of data. This principle is structured
in accordance with the following main values:
Transparency: at all times, both the City
Council and the citys residents know why
and for whom the data is being collected, and
the applicable measures for guaranteeing its
ethical use.
Tracing: at all times the City Council
knows the origin of the data, its permitted uses
and the applicable restrictions.
Diligence: collaborators and the providers
of data-related services comply with the same
principles and obligations as the City Council,
and the City Council oversees this compliance.
Privacy: any use of personal data must
comply with data-protection regulations, and
in particular with the principles applicable to its
treatment, including fairness, integrity and accu-
racy, purpose limitation and data minimisation.
Trust: data must always be used in ac-
cordance with the general public’s expecta-
tions, and the City Council must implement
control and feedback systems to gauge this
Responsibility: The City Council assu-
mes responsibility for all data uses that are
Benefit: the data must always be used
for the benefit of city residents and society.
All projects that involve the processing of city
data must comply with these principles.
Furthermore, many of todays operations and
decisions, which used to be carried out by hu-
man beings, are increasingly being delegated
to algorithms, which can advise, if not decide,
how the collected data should be interpre-
ted and processed by information systems
and what actions should be taken as a result.
More and more often, these algorithms affect
social processes, business transactions and
4.3. The ethical use of data
governmental decisions, as well as the way we
perceive, understand and interact with each
other and our surroundings. The differences
between the design and operation of these
algorithms and our understanding of what
they involve can have serious ethical con-
sequences that affect individual people and
groups of citizens. It is essential for the de-
cisions made by the City Council using algo-
rithms based on our data to be accountable
(applying the concept of algorithmic accoun-
tability) and that they ensure the ethical prin-
ciples of respecting rights, justice, the con-
cept of fairness, well-being and virtue.
As part of this measure, a DMO working group
will be set up to identify the subjects raised
by algorithmic determinism relating to auto-
mated decisions taken by the City Council,
and to identify the necessary measures for
ensuring the following ethical principles, in
order to determine if instruction on the sub-
ject will be needed in the future, with the aim
of establishing applicable regulations for the
ethical use of data and algorithms in Barcelo-
na City Council.
Transparency: the right of city residents
(including the staff of the City Council and re-
lated organisations) to be informed about auto-
mated decisions and their underlying algorithms.
Due process: the right of city residents to
take action and initiate appeals relating to data
processing and the automated decisions that
affect them.
Accountability and proportionality: ensu-
ring that automated decisions are fair and pro-
portional, and that they do not prejudice city
residents (in particular, that they are not discri-
minatory in any way).
Within this context, algorithmic accountability
is supported by the transparency of the City
Councils open source code IT systems invol-
ved in decision-making (or for supporting deci-
sion-making). Wherever possible, projects ba-
sed on data (data driven) will be able to check
the algorithms using simulations based on city
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
data. Likewise, using open source code or other
means, third-party technology suppliers must
reveal the underlying logic behind any IT pro-
cess for automated decisions (or for supporting
decision-making) pertaining to any of their sys-
tems used by the City Council.
Ethical values and principles must be conside-
red as intrinsic features of the City Councils
data model and data governance, and the wor-
king group will help to build this data model and
appropriate controls for its governance, and to
establish a process for providing an ethical eva-
luation of any development project.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
of application
The municipal executive structure and its de-
pendent bodies are responsible for putting
the actions and requirements arising from this
measure into practice.
They are applicable to management activities
that use any IT resources of any kind (unless
expressly excluded) that collect, store, use or
publish data, including information in paper and
electronic mediums. When an organisation ca-
The data referred to by this measure inclu-
des all municipal data, understood as both
the municipal data and metadata and the da-
ta-management systems that make continual
access, use, reuse and preservation possible. In
regard to municipal data, it is possible to make
a conceptual distinction between various large
information deposits / information groups:
• Management, administrative and te-
chnical data. These are the data groups that
municipal managers offices and organisations
This measure is applicable to the following
organisations and data.
rries out an order or acts as a service provider,
the ultimate responsibility for the application
of this strategys requirements rests with the
receiving management or organisation.
In regard to security and protection systems,
the directives and executive orders defined
in municipal guidelines and regulations must
be applied.
use to carry out their missions. This data co-
mes from, for example, files, sensors or city
residents themselves. This group includes the
concept of big data.
• Open data and sets of raw data and
open metadata. These are the datasets that
the municipal council makes available to the
public. Furthermore, the website platform
that serves them has a system for searching,
visualising and downloading. It also has an API
that provides access.
5.1. Organisations and systems
5.2. Data
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
• Official statistics. The set of statistics
obtained by the City Council concerning various
datasets and which are listed as official statis-
tics by IDESCAT, the official Catalan statistics
• Open Content (BCNROC): This is data
produced by the municipality, published in
municipal documents. The content is of all
kinds, text-based, number-based, visual, etc.
which are found or configured in public do-
cuments produced or financed by Barcelona
City Council. This means that the City Council
is the author and makes them available digitally
and permanently to city residents, using stan-
dard metadata schemes in order to guarantee
interoperability, Creative Commons licences
to allow the documents to be reused, uniform
resource identifiers (URI) that ensure a perma-
nent link to digital networks and open formats
to facilitate the semantic web.
• External data (CBAB). These are infor-
mation resources from sources external to the
City Council, produced by third party authors,
which the organisation compiles because they
are needed for internal work. It is organised and
accessible from the SEDAC corporate catalogue.
When we talk about data today, we have to
speak about technology. The Digital Transfor-
mation Plan (DTP) aims to change the way the
City Council purchases and manages techno-
logy and interacts with the general public. At
present, Barcelona is very attractive for tech-
nological companies of various sizes, and it is
also generating new practices in the market in
terms of business models that pivot on open
code and open-service practices.
The DTP’s
objective is to establish a playing field where
SMEs and other economic players that are not
large corporations can enter the “game” with a
chance of winning tenders related to technology
and data. This has the advantage of diversifying
the City Councils suppliers, avoiding the clo-
sure of suppliers and also promotes a circular
economy, where the benefits of public money
are reinvested in city stakeholders, while the
public money invested in developing services
is kept open in a predetermined way for the
community. Therefore, the link between the
purchasing of data and technology is important
because of the programme’s scope, although
this is obviously not the main concern.
In this sense, this measure’s provisions must
be applied to all acquisition and technology
and service management contracts that work
with data. City Council organisations will have
to detail in the application specifications the
responsibilities of suppliers regarding data and,
where appropriate, their function as the people
responsible for data processing.
Furthermore, these provisions are extended
to all City Council interactions with the “com-
munity” involved, i.e. all the possible reusers or
proactive consumers (prosumers) of the data
that the City Council makes public as open data:
activists, data journalists, NGOs, foundations and
associations in a non-economic environment, as
well as business people, emerging companies,
companies related to information sciences and
major companies in the business world, and
finally, academic research institutes.
5.3. Environment and ecosystem
See the government measure of October 2017.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
Governance of
municipal data:
the Municipal
Data Office
This Strategy for the responsible and ethical
use of data entails an organisational change
The Municipal Data Office (MDO) has been
created. This is a directorate made up of various
other directorates and departments that, until
now, have had missions concerning council
data The Municipal Data Office is located in
the Municipal Managers Office and answers
to the Commission for Technology and Digital
Information (CTID).
The MDO is responsible for the management,
quality, governance and exploitation of data
relating to Barcelona City Council and all its
associated bodies (public and private) that
provide services to the general public. The
director of the DMO. the Chief Data Officer,
(CDO) carries out this task by means of:
The promotion, execution and supervi-
sion of data exploitation projects needed by
City Council departments. Relevant city players
from the data sector are also involved. In order
to carry out this task, there is an office for mul-
ti-disciplinary support.
The establishment of standardised proto-
cols throughout the organisation and a precise
mapping of all the existing wealth of data under
the umbrella of the City Council, creating a clas-
sification for all the data and the promotion of
appropriate processing, care and preservation
policies for each one.
Furthermore, their office will oversee res-
ponsible data management, in accordance with
current legislation concerning privacy, through
coordination with the data protection ofcer
(DPO) and will supervise the integration of the
data generated by new contracts and services
into the municipal structure.
Management and monitoring of council-da-
ta governance.
The Municipal Data Office is an opportunity
to stand out in the field of data, at municipal,
community, national and European levels, and
this is happening at a good time. This is ob-
viously a venture for the future and the present,
as data is inundating each and every area of
our lives, and in the near future, every munici-
pal service will be likely to generate data. This
means that, as an organisation, we have to be
prepared and have a solid strategy for how to
manage this data and, where necessary, exploit
it in order to improve the services provided
for the general public.
6.1. Organisation: the Municipal Data Office
that should enable the proper application of
the provisions that include it.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
Due to the nature of its activities, the Offi-
ce must have an inter-disciplinary, coherent
team. Normally, the required profiles (from
the Office or through contact with other City
Council units) would be administrative (data
governance, specifications), legal (privacy and
licence aspects) technical in various disciplines
(knowledge of existing data architecture and
the actions needed during their life cycle in
order to turn them into an asset, as well as
technical procedures for ensuring the FAIR
use of the data), analytic (one of the Office’s
latest objectives is to carry out data scien-
ce), graphic (there will be a constant need
for communicating knowledge extracted from
the data through visual means) and finally, a
business perspective (the Office will have to
provide services to various City Council units).
Furthermore, another Office objective will be
promoting the management of change, with the
aim of transforming the organisations culture,
promoting the standardisation of data-mana-
gement protocols and encouraging the various
municipal players to share data and receive
training in this area. This requires decisive poli-
tical support, which will provide the new office
with resources and the authority to carry out
the ambitious tasks it is charged with.
Beyond political support, in order to achieve
this end, the Office or the CDO must be con-
sidered as a service provider by the other City
Council units. This means that the Office must
provide useful information and work side by side
with the other units, in order to educate them
in data culture and encourage them to continue
on their own once the collaboration comes to an
end. For this reason, it has to be situated in an
appropriate location and with suitable offices.
The MDO’s main functions and responsibilities
are established in the directive that accom-
panies this measure.
The CTID must be part of the governan-
ce committees which provide information
about decisions that include IT resources
and data, in order to facilitate advanced
information from resources for programme
objectives. After consultation with other
managers offices, the CTID can delegate
its functions to other technical personnel.
The CTID requires data security and privacy
to be completely integrated into the system
of data use and evaluation measures at a mu-
nicipal level, and it can recommend that an
organisations managers office modify, stop
or finalise any purchase, investment or activity
that includes significant IT components, based
on the CTID’s evaluations of the terms of the
contracts and current legislation.
A process will be established whereby the CTID
will regularly coordinate with project managers
in order to evaluate the IT resources and the
data-management processes that support
the aims and mission of each municipal body.
The CTID and the people responsible for the
programme must share the responsibility for
ensuring that the IT resources and present and
future municipal datasets adequately provide
the value they apply to the managers offices
and municipal bodies.
The managers offices and bodies will have to
comply with the regulations and instructions
for the management of data, information
and municipal documents from executive
bodies, which will be developed under the
Responsible Data-Management Strategy led
by the Commission for Technology and Di-
gital Innovation.
la OMD con respecto a la gestión de datos, de
la información y de los documentos municipales
que se deriven desde los órganos ejecutivos, y
que se desarrollan a partir de esta estrategia
de gestión responsable de datos liderada por la
Comisionada de Tecnoloa e Innovación Digital.
6.2. Supervision: Commission for Technology
and Digital Innovation (CTID)
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
In order to deploy the strategy for the res-
ponsible and ethical use of data, the following
areas of action have been established, which
we will detail below, together with the actions
and emblematic projects associated with them.
In general, the strategy pivots on the following
general principals, which form the basis for
the strategic areas described in this section.
As a support for the purpose and functions of
municipal managers offices and bodies, and in
coordination with the people in charge of data,
the municipal processes, standards and policies
applicable to all the organisations data resour-
ces will have to be defined, put into practice
and maintained.
Subsidiary municipal bodies must obtain this
from the CTID, in coordination with the go-
vernance committees, where processes and
policies will be defined in sufficient detail in
order to manage data resources appropriately.
As a minimum, these processes and policies will
require any investments and projects under
development to be evaluated, in order to deter-
mine the applicability of the agile methodology,
data standards and open content, privacy and
the ethical and social impact 1. as well as the
indicators for measuring the cost, use and gene-
ral evaluation of the data resources as a whole.
Strategic areas7
7.1. The deployment of the new data governance
It must be ensured that:
There is a single review policy for each
organisation for evaluating the investments, the
analysis of operations and the other evaluation
systems for IT resources, including the projects
under development and ongoing activities.
Information and data needs will be ma-
naged in accordance with the organisations go-
vernance policies, where the functions, respon-
sibilities and processes that the organisations
personnel use for treating data as an asset are
clearly established, along with the relationship
between technology, data, the organisations
programmes, strategies, legal requirements,
mission and operational objectives.
Obsolete information systems will be
replaced as quickly as possible and budgetary
planning will include items corresponding to
Data sovereignty
Open data and transparency
The exchange and reuse of data
Political decision-making informed by data
The life cycle of data and continual or per-
manent access
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
Subsidiary municipal bodies must develop a
set of requirements and skills for the teams
responsible for or working with data, which
will include aspects concerning access, analy-
sis, privacy and security, among others. More
specifically, it must be ensured that the teams
responsible for data are able to foresee inno-
vation and adapt to it, in a context of constant
change. The department of Human Resources
must ensure that the executive/management
personnel dealing with data have sufficient
knowledge to carry out their task appropria-
tely. The people in charge of the organisation
must supervise how their data personnel ca-
rry out their functions, as well as coordinating
with the CTID and the CDO in order to select
the staff.
In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2106/679,
the City Council will appoint a council Data
Protection Officer (DPO) to assume the func-
tions assigned to that officer under this regu-
Subsidiary municipal bodies must establish and
maintain a data-protection programme, in ac-
cordance with the municipal policy on privacy,
which ensures compliance with privacy requi-
rements and develops, evaluates and manages
the risks associated with privacy. When eva-
luating risks to privacy, privacy systems must
take into account risks concerning the people
associated with the creation, collection, use,
treatment, storage, maintenance, dissemina-
tion and destruction of personal data.
In accordance with municipal policy and the
law, municipal organisations and bodies may
only create, collect, use, store or disclose per-
sonal data if they have the appropriate autho-
risation. This authority must be clearly identi-
fied in their data management software (DMS)
and in the architecture document (AD).
The bodies have to designate an RDAD and a
data-protection officer who is responsible for
their data and who are answerable for deve-
loping, putting into practice and maintaining
privacy programmes in order to ensure com-
pliance with all regulations, norms and directi-
ves that affect the life cycle of personal data,
by means of a privacy policy that applies legal
measures to privacy risks. The CTID and the
corporate personnel responsible for data, the
CDO and the DPO, will have authority over the
sub-DPOs in each organisation and will coor-
dinate them.
The principles for personal data protection
must be respected, and the details of those
principles must be established under the res-
ponsibility of the DPO. Specifically, these will
Impact assessments. Municipal units will
carry out impact assessments for data protec-
tion to preventively ensure that, where pro-
cessing operations may involve especially se-
rious risks, the necessary measures are taken
to reduce, as far as possible, the risk of injuring
or harming people or negatively affecting their
rights and freedoms by obstructing or limiting
the exercising of those rights or their content.
Privacy by design / PET The necessary
measures must be taken to incorporate privacy
by design strategies and/or privacy enhancing
technologies (PETs), through which the privacy
of those concerned is taken into account du-
ring all design, development and management
processes for the City Council’s data systems.
Wherever applicable, encryption, anonymi-
sation and pseudo-anonymisation algorithms
must be used.
In order to guarantee appropriate data securi-
ty levels and to ensure confidentiality and co-
rrect use, the CTID must designate a person in
charge of data security, a Data Security Officer
(DSO), who will be responsible for developing
and maintaining a security programme for the
unit’s data, in accordance with pertinent legis-
lation and in collaboration with the Technical
Commission for Data Protection Security.
The data will be protected in accordance with
the risk arising from unauthorised access to,
the use, disclosure, interruption, modification
or destruction of this information. The units
must produce a recovery plan that includes
continuity strategies, in order to ensure that
services and access can be restored in time
to satisfy the missions needs. Furthermore,
any information project or system must gua-
rantee the possibility of tracing access to the
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
data and the analysis of decision-making algo-
rithms (or those supporting decision-making)
and prepare and facilitate any audits that may
be undertaken. Any third party involved in the
processing of municipal data must offer suffi-
cient guarantees concerning the implementa-
tion and maintenance of the required security
measures, and the other directives defined in
the Code of Technological Practices and the
Technical Commission for Security.
All projects and systems must comply with cu-
rrent laws and regulations, including the Ge-
neral Data Protection Regulation, the Spani-
sh data protection law, Decree 3/2010, of 8
January, which regulates the National Security
Scheme for Electronic Administration, and in-
ternational security regulations, in particular
regulation ISO/IEC 27002:2005, which establi-
shes guidelines and general principles for ini-
tiating, putting into practice, maintaining and
improving the information security manage-
ment in an organisation.
The physical or logical security of data will be
determined by the IMI-defined standards.
General data governance is described in the
directive that accompanies this measure, in
Appendix 10.1. This is comprised of the In-
ter-departmental Coordination of Data. Its
main aim is to coordinate cross-departmental
projects and to act as a means of dissemina-
ting the projects.
For proper coordination between the various
areas of municipal management, data officers
will be defined for each sector, who will be res-
ponsible for the data in their own managers
office and for coordination with the council as
a whole. Cross-departmental data coordina-
tion makes it possible to establish directives for
and monitor the work carried out in the MDO
and in the various sectoral centres for storing,
analysing and disseminating municipal data; es-
tablishing operational and treatment criteria for
guaranteeing all aspects of the data’s life cycle
and added value; the monitoring of inter-de-
partmental and council projects, as well as the
management of data protection and the re-
gulations concerning intellectual property and
authorship protection for the data.
This coordination must lead to the proper
management and review of resources and
programmes, and ensure coordinated and
unified budget management. The CDO will
also take part, for the review and authorisa-
tion, with the aim of providing effective, spe-
cific and visible corporate management of IT
resources and data.
Each unit’s managers office, in consultation
with municipal data officers, must describe
the processes used to define the inventory of
IT resources for efficiently achieving manage-
ment objectives, considering new investments
in IT and their potential and appropriateness
for the council inventory. It will also be neces-
sary to identify the differences between the
programmed and executed budget, the sche-
dules and the evaluation of IT objectives, and
ensure that the necessary corrective measu-
res are carried out.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
This tool establishes principles and directives
for correct data management, in accordance
with the principles indicated in this measure.
The more technical aspects of this manage-
ment are included in the Code of Technolo-
gical Practices, published under the Gover-
nment Measure for open digitalisation: free
software and the agile development of servi-
ces, of October 2017.
Subsidiary municipal bodies must manage data
responsibly, inventory and register the autho-
rised treatment processes, identify the data’s
sources and its basic metadata, guarantee the
data’s life cycle and take users into account
when determining the format and frequency
of updates, as well as other data management
considerations. They must collaborate with
other organisations on the promotion of effi-
cient public services in order to comply with
all the transparency policies and those related
to privacy, security and accessibility.
Specifically, municipal bodies must follow all
the processes established by the DPO regar-
ding strict compliance with data protection
regulations, notify the Catalan Data Protec-
tion Authority about the creation of databa-
ses where necessary, and appoint the people
in charge of data. It is necessary to minimise
the collection of personal data, apply anony-
misation or pseudo-anonymisation wherever
possible, obtain the consent of the people
concerned, and take into account the reper-
cussions that every action at each moment of
the data’s life cycle has on every other mo-
ment and the people concerned.
Subsidiary municipal bodies must include the
following steps in their planning, budgeting and
management, where appropriate:
Municipal data must be ethically mana-
ged during its entire life cycle (creation, co-
llection, storage, use, analysis, dissemination,
archiving and destruction).
Municipal information is managed as a
common asset and its access, consultation
and use by the public is made possible on the
basis of the legal provisions in force.
Activities carried out on the data in a set
of metadata must be registered, following the
most appropriate metadata schemes for the
operations of each business.
Privacy and security risks will be identified
throughout the data’s life cycle, and risk analy-
ses and security solutions will be developed.
Management will involve a clear alloca-
tion of roles and responsibilities in order to
promote the efficient design and operation of
all management processes.
The municipal bodies must provide the gene-
ral public with the information in a way that is
coherent with its objectives and mission, based
on current legislation. Anonymised data must
be provided, so that access, analysis and reuse
of the data can be promoted for a wide range
of purposes. The information must be publi-
cly accessible and automated, and it must be
correctly described, complete and up to date.
This also includes data being available in for-
mats that are accessible to people with func-
tional diversity. It is necessary to consider the
cost of this public service for the organisation,
as the imposition of charges or public prices
should be avoided.
Municipal bodies must store information in such
a way as to allow interoperability between in-
formation systems and, wherever appropriate,
its public disclosure by means of open formats,
data and metadata standards. The organisations
must also make mechanisms for obtaining feed-
back on the data available to the general public.
Municipal finance systems must be able to
reward the units that include systems for the
long-term preservation of data and its access
in their service contracts.
7.2. Ethical and responsible data management
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
The City Council and all municipal group units
must observe a set of procedures aimed at
improving the acquisition of data and which
make effective, economical, safe, ethical and
open data management possible, as well as
guaranteeing privacy. Planning has to focus on
the data that supports each unit’s mission, and
they have to implement management proces-
ses that are integrated into budgetary pro-
gramming and execution.
Budgetary planning is an essential part of pro-
ducing and maintaining a data management
strategy, and it must ensure effective collabo-
ration between the various manager’s offices
and directorates in this area of management.
Strategic planning: data management plans
(DMP). As a support for Barcelona City Coun-
cils management needs and its mission, and
as part of the general strategy and planning
to improve the municipal group’s processes,
each unit must produce and maintain its own
data management plan (DMP) that descri-
bes the objectives of IT resources, including,
among others, the processes described in this
strategy. The DMP must show how the map of
the IT resource objectives relates to the unit’s
mission and priorities. The objectives must be
specific, measurable and verifiable, so that
their progress can be monitored.
One example of an emblematic project in the
budgetary area is Open Budget, a tool that fa-
cilitates the general publics analysis and un-
derstanding of Barcelona City Council’s bud-
gets. Open Budget allows users to download
data in open formats, to browse items ranging
from the most aggregated to the most detai-
led budgetary data, for both the current fiscal
year and previous years. (http://ajuntament.
Business units will have to keep an inventory
of their main information systems, containers
and dissemination tools, with a determined
level of detail for their supervision and ma-
nagement. This inventory must identify the
datasets containing personal information and
procedures will be determined to enable re-
gular checks that ensure this data is of the ne-
cessary quality, that it is possible to respond to
the rights of the people concerned and that it
is the minimum required to develop the unit’s
powers and functions. Each unit will also have
to keep a record of all the actions taken regar-
ding both management and analytical databa-
ses. The Municipal Data Office must determine
the metadata for these systems.
The units and subsidiary bodies must be able
to continually facilitate the adoption of new te-
chnologies and to evaluate the entire life cycle
of each information system, with an inventory
of the software tools and machines associated
with the system, the management and sustai-
nability of the resources and the infrastructu-
res supporting the system; they must actively
determine the updates, revisions, substitu-
tions and provisions needed to properly carry
out the unit’s functions and protect its assets,
and it must ensure the terms and conditions of
the contracts and other service agreements
involved in the collection, processing, storage,
access, exchange and availability of municipal
information, which are confirmed and in line
with the data-protection policy and cover the
units’ legal and ethical requirements.
Units must evaluate the security measures for
information and data, records management,
transparency, impact assessment and supply
chains, and they must do so during the entire
data cycle, so that the risks are assessed and
managed. Furthermore, in coordination with
Each unit’s inventory will be integrated into one of the municipal group’s general inventories.l.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
the DPO, the CDO and the CTID, they must
produce a plan so that the information sys-
tems are duly protected and ensured, while
updating, revision, substitution and with-
drawal are given the highest level of priority.
It is also necessary to periodically review and
report on the risks concerning processes,
people and technologies.
Municipal units and subsidiary bodies must pro-
duce a resilience plan that takes into account
the management of their data. This resilience
plan is crucial for ensuring services are able to
continue carrying out their tasks during disrup-
tions. It is therefore necessary for organisations
to develop continuity strategies in order to en-
sure that services can be re-established in time
to meet their objectives. “Manual shortcuts”
must be part of this, so that critical operations
can have continuity while normal services have
not been resumed.
This line of action aims to define the conditions
at the architectural level in order to make the
City Councils internal management more agile,
improve the services that the City Council offers
city residents and facilitate the joint exchange
of interesting data with society, both inside and
outside the municipal government, and to en-
sure its preservation and continual access. The
CDO and their office will be responsible for un-
derstanding the City Councils data and having
a unified, documented concept of it, as well as
maintaining, planning and developing its archi-
tecture by using a unified management model.
The City Council therefore has to work towards
a model of grouped data from different sour-
ces in order to create common repositories for
management, analysis and secure preservation.
These repositories are:
Data lake. A single analytic repository is
created, a data lake, where the data input and
consumption or access points are centralised.
These single input and access points make it
possible to improve security and have bet-
ter traceability. Furthermore, the data lake,
which must be based on a type of big-data
infrastructure, must include the availability of
a precise map of the City Councils data. This
means that the CDO must prioritise the possi-
ble development or definition of datasets, and
the rights of data access and exploitation that
are included in or excluded from the data lake.
The CDO will also be responsible for ensuring
data quality. This data lake is the current em-
blematic City OS project.
7.3. City Data Infrastructure
This includes machinery, software, firmware components not maintained by their developers, salespersons or
manufacturers, through the availability of pieces of software, firmware updates, spare parts and maintenance
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
City OS is a cross-departmental deposit and
architecture project for the centralised, uni-
form storage and access of the city’s data. It is
the sole analytic repository for municipal data.
Municipal data as a whole is stored in various
systems according to the needs of use and the
technology that is applied. City OS provides an
analytical layer for all the data. It has been de-
veloped in such a way as to allow autonomous
management of the knowledge of the variety of
municipal data by the operational data-ma-
nagement systems. In other words, it makes
data analysis and operational management
independent. The data is organised according
to a system of ontologies geared to creating
analytical knowledge.
A secure, verified municipal repository:
This repository for archive preservation must
guarantee continual access to all municipal
data, registers and information resources that,
after undergoing archive-evaluation proces-
ses, have been selected for permanent pre-
servation. The secure repository must guaran-
tee the authenticity of the data it stores and
avoid the obsolescence of digital materials,
while permitting the long-term sustainability
of this tool.
It will be necessary to write an information poli-
cy that includes all the data and obligatory pro-
cesses needed to complete the data life cycle
and deposit it in the city lake or in the secure
preservation repository, according to prefe-
rence. In order to do this, close collaboration
from the IMI (technology provider and respon-
sible for the development and maintenance of
the City Councils technological infrastructure)
and from the various units and services that
have their own infrastructures.
Units must develop an architectural description
(AD) that details the available architecture, the
target architecture and the plan to achieve the
latter. Each unit’s AD must be in line with the
data model defined by the MDO. The AD must
include the unit’s plans for significant changes
in up-dating, revisions, substitution or avai-
lability of information when the systems no
longer effectively support the required needs
and functions. The AD must align operational
resources and technologies in order to attain
Managing the Publication of Results
Managing the Extraction and Uploading of Data
Info. systems
Info. Systems
Repository and
Treatment of the
City’s Analytical
Sources of
Operational Data
of Results
Definition of the
City’s Data Model
Global Repository
of City Data
Modelling, Analyti-
cal and Predictive
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
strategic objectives. The descriptive process
for the present and future state of the unit
helps to eliminate duplications and irrelevant
data, increases shared services, maximises
performance and promotes interrelation be-
tween areas. The AD must identify the functions
that need access to certain systems and which
profiles have access to what information and
under what circumstances. Requirements must
be defined, based on attributes for accessing
sensitive information and they must be recor-
ded in the logging systems.
In regard to the emblematic City OS project, va-
rious sub-projects will be carried out, such as:
• Improvements to the ODIs API. Im-
provement to Barcelona’s Open Data BCN (ODI)
portal, in order to focus on reuse and deve-
lopers, adding APP register capacities, access
control, news bulletin and improving API docu-
ments so that it is easy for developers to use.
• IGLU. Convergence of various datasets
in a unified storage solution (data lake) using
the City OS project’s standardisation and API
transformation, making use of new offers of key
infrastructures, adapting them to a new unified
operability standard.
• API standardisation. Defining and putting
into practice standards in order to provide a gui-
de for purchasing technology, in order to ensure
the interoperability of City Council data providers.
• Protocols for opening open data. De-
fining the protocol to be followed in order to
proactively include data in the open-data ca-
talogue, in particular for municipal civil servants
who are willing to do so.
• Connection with the DECODE infras-
tructure: Connecting City OS, IRIS, ASIA, SEN-
TILO and BCNOpenData to the experimental
DECODE platform (
Data is becoming increasingly important in
the Administration. It is necessary to design
a long-lasting strategy for carrying out City
Council projects, based on innovative data
exploitation, carrying out better analysis and
using big-data methodologies so as not to fall
behind society and the private sector. In this
sense, it is a good idea to learn from advanced
experiences in this field, and the United States
is a good example.
Modern organisations are characterised by
the need for managing their services and pro-
cesses, fundamentally with a set of databases
which have multiplied in recent years and which
will continue to grow in the near future. In an or-
ganisation like Barcelona City Council, efficient,
coordinated and structured data management
contributes to various objectives. Beyond spe-
cific, instrumental purposes for each database,
global governance must include two essential
objectives in a modern public organisation:
• Management with knowledge: se trata
de diseñar e implementar proyectos y servi-
cios basados en datos (data driven) haciendo
un uso intensivo de los datos, de metodolo-
as de analítica de datos y de la data science
o ciencia de datos, para adaptar los servicios
a las necesidades reales de la ciudadanía, res-
ponder a problemas reales, identificar y ges-
tionar riesgos reales y reducir errores.
• Citizen empowerment: returning con-
trol of their data to city residents, by means of
municipal tools and processes, giving them the
possibility of deciding how their data is used
and for what purposes, and offering services
and projects that empower city residents and
give them more say on how the city is run.
7.4. Internal innovation based on data:
analysis and data-based projects
For example, see the document
vic-analytics, May 2017.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
Barcelona City Councils need to create
knowledge and intelligence has always been
and continues to be of strategic importance.
In recent years, the volume of information has
increased exponentially (big data). However,
municipal analytical tools cannot handle this
volume of information properly. The available
information is disperse (mostly in spreads-
heets), unconnected and subject to unplanned
maintenance. To counter this “hole”, various
initiatives have been set in motion to create a
culture of accessible, centralised data and the
corresponding culture to feed and, in the near
future, use the platform’s data. This includes
City OS, the project for a centralised munici-
pal information deposit that will facilitate the
capture, preparation, organisation and analysis
of data from municipal services and the gene-
ral public, in order to foster these data-based
projects through the City Council and outside
it (see the next section on open data).
The new data culture makes it possible for in-
formation and knowledge to flow through the
organisation much more efficiently. However,
in todays world, it is not enough to obtain and
analyse data in post-mortem processes. It is
necessary to have the capacity for analysing
data in real time and to be able to produce
projections and scenarios using complex algo-
rithms, in order to foresee and predict possible
future situations and reduce undesired reper-
cussions. This capacity cannot be substituted;
it must be internalised by the organisation, as
it is a major part of its grey matter. Until now,
digital service projects have been led by sec-
tors unrelated to data analysis or data science
(IT, transactional application managers, etc.).
In order to ensure that the data-analysis ma-
nagement model works smoothly, it is neces-
sary to move between the old model of busi-
ness intelligence, based on data selection and
visualisation, and a new data-science model
that leads to predictive analysis, prescriptive
analysis and artificial intelligence. From this
perspective, the MDO must play a relevant role
in the key areas of defining and managing data,
as well as those of modelling, access, metada-
ta, quality and life cycles.
Analysis must answer the maximum number of
questions relating to various areas:
City residents: improving the general pu-
blic’s satisfaction with municipal management,
the rationalisation of processes, increased effi-
ciency, adaptation to new needs.
Internal management: integrating analy-
sis into applications and indicators.
Risk management: enriching services
with advanced analysis.
Dissemination: providing higher value and
quality to analytical products in service to the
community, such as open data and statistics.
Along these lines, the MDO has the mission of
changing the organisations internal culture re-
garding data management in its projects. Given
that the data and technology associated with
this discipline are very new, the DMO must pro-
vide data-based analytical consultancy and so-
lution services to the other units. These services
must be accompanied by appropriate courses,
ensuring that every City Council unit is pro-
gressively trained, so that they understand the
methodology of a data-based qualitative focus
on city problems. It must also lead an internal
transformation, in order to “evangelise” the or-
ganisation in data culture, by means of internal
workshops and seminars. Within the DMO, an
analysis area must be created that offers inter-
nal services to various City Council areas, in the
form of “internal consultancy”, with one part
dedicated to solving problems and also training
personnel from each department on how to
use the developed tools.
As integral analytical elements, the DMO and
the analysis area must also collaborate in order
to establish the vision and strategy for all initia-
tives geared towards council data, the exchan-
ge of knowledge about data-administration po-
licies, standards and good practices, as well as
aligning technological tools to needs of use.
The emblematic projects in this area are:
• Comprehensive Information System
for Barcelona Economic Areas and Activi-
ties (EIAE): the creation of a corporate re-
ference database for strategic analysis in the
area of local economic development.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
• Monitoring gentrification: providing in-
formation and data in order to define responses
addressed at stopping the expulsion of local re-
sidents and retailers from city neighbourhoods.
• Municipal Management Dashboard: a da-
ta-visualisation tool that explains the state of the
city in real time.
• The Barcelona Metropolitan Housing
Observatory: Barcelona City Council, the
Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Barcelona Pro-
vincial Council and the Regional Government
of Catalonia have jointly created a supra-mu-
nicipal instrument for analysing and consulting
housing data. It is presented as a major tool for
city residents and administrations in questions
relating to housing. It is an instrument for eva-
luating and designing housing policies and de-
signing and consulting available housing data.
Barcelona City Council collects and regularly
publishes an important set of data, statistics,
indicators and sectoral studies concerning the
city and its surrounding area, so that urban lea-
ders, people in the field of research, consultan-
cies and the entrepreneur community and the
general public can get precise knowledge about
the city, socio-demographic dynamics, the
economy, the urban area, the general public’s
opinion on various subjects, etc.
The objective of this work is to create the BCN
Data Exchange, an essential part of data com-
mons, and to organise, centralise and improve
the formats, the reusability (through interope-
rability) and access to the data published by
the City Council, from a technical perspective
(based on City OS) and a relational perspective,
and establish contact with groups of Barcelona
data users and reusers and attempt to show our
concept of data as a public asset that must be
shared under clear and transparent regulations.
The BCN Data Exchange project aims to con-
nect the city to data stakeholders, understand
their perception of data and try to build a fra-
mework that encourages the responsible use of
data and for data to be seen as a provider for
creating solutions and services rather than as
an owned asset that offers an advantage. Fur-
thermore the city will listen to their contribu-
tions on matters relating to public tenders and
data-exchange practices.
This line of action includes tasks dedicated to
processing and publishing city data, with the
infrastructure needed to do so, and to invol-
ving a community of professional data users
and proactive data consumers (prosumers) in
a constructive dialogue, covering the data as a
whole and the opening of infrastructures.
A major part of this information, which in-
cludes data of various kinds and formats (raw
data, indicators, statistical tables, opinion stu-
dies, surveys, maps, sectoral analyses, etc.), is
collected and published manually or semi-au-
tomatically through various municipal depart-
ments and websites.
• BCN Statistics, which includes access
to nearly 36,000 of the citys statistical tables,
information by district and neighbourhood,
the historical archive of statistics year books
in PDF, as well as an application for consulting
and the dynamic generation of displays. Barce-
lona City Councils Statistics Department spe-
cialises in the theory and practice of collecting
data and the analyses and presentations nee-
ded to turn them into useful information.
• Open Data BCN began in 2010. The
portal was presented in 2011, in order to make
certain datasets available to the general pu-
blic, including open data, or opening up public
sector information and allowing access and
reuse for the common good and for the bene-
7.5. Barcelona Data Exchange:
external data enhancing
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
fit of interested individuals and organisations.
The Open Data BCN project, which covers va-
rious pillars of the citys strategy, is based on
the main international standards and recom-
mendations and adopts some characteristics
that sum up the principles of this movement.
BCNROC is Barcelona City Council’s
open-access institutional repository, through
which the Council provides free access to its
public digital documents. BCNROC is an ad-
vanced search engine, using modern search
technology, that includes extensive descripti-
ve metadata in order to ensure that individual
users have a good experience in searching for
and reusing information. BCNROC eliminates
economic, technological and legal barriers for
accessing municipal digital documents and it
aims to guarantee permanent access to those
digital files. This tool makes it possible to co-
llect, store, manage, share, transform and dis-
seminate municipal information resources and
the associated metadata, as well as facilitating
searches and being able to access and reuse
them at a later date.
• CBAB is the catalogue of Barcelona City
Council libraries that contains descriptive
metadata on the internal and external infor-
mation resources that Barcelona City Council
needs for its everyday work, and offers a di-
rect link to online resources, which are avai-
lable to the council and all city residents, who
can consult them directly or ask to borrow
them through SEDAC.
• Barcelona Economía is the Barcelona
City Council website that monitors the citys
economy, based on collection and evaluation
of how the main situation indicators for Bar-
celona and its Metropolitan Area are behaving.
Barcelona Economia includes a large number
of mainly economic tables and graphs, grou-
ped by sub-themes, which are usually accom-
panied by a brief analysis, as well as PDF do-
cuments on the economic situation, historical
publications, etc.
• The Survey and opinion-poll registry
includes opinion polls commissioned by the
City Council on the evaluation of services, use
of time, mobility, cultural consumption, etc.
Some of the results are already included in the
statistics portal, in table format, while others
are in document format.
The Geoportal and web services for
Barcelona City Councils Spatial Data Infras-
tructure make municipal territorial informa-
tion available through the website using Open
Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. The
need for creating a geoservice infrastructure
stems from a demand for both internal and
external management concerning the intero-
perability of territorial information.
• CartoBCN: is a website for downloading
Barcelona City Council cartography, aimed at
end users. It is a Department of Basic Infor-
mation and Cartography project which aims to
become Barcelona City Councils centre of car-
tographic production.
With the aim of facilitating and promoting
the use of all this accumulated information
and knowledge, Barcelona City Council plans
to design and set in motion a new portal
for consulting and exploring information,
based on City OS, which centralises all the
currently managed and published information
and documents in a single website, i.e. to
create the Barcelona Data Exchange, with
various objectives:
To centralise all the currently managed
and published information and documents in a
single website environment.
To offer a new consultation experience
that is more dynamic, interactive and graphic,
where users can quickly explore the wide range
of information available.
To add new functions for consuming, sha-
ring and disseminating information related to
Barcelona, addressed to various user profiles:
city residents, students, technical and research
personnel, etc.
To open up a new environment for ex-
ploring and consulting information that is freer,
more direct and more user-friendly.
To offer a new way of presenting more
graphic and more interactive information, with
greater capacity for sharing.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
To have a new data architecture con-
nected to the City Councils City OS, which
makes it possible to explore and show a di-
verse range of content (data in various for-
mats for later exploration, PDF documents,
pages and posts in HTML, etc.) and where it
is easier to administer and manage content.
This new Barcelona data portal will be aimed
at users with different profiles and needs,
from municipal political and technical per-
sonnel, who need to have access to vital,
complete information on the dynamics which
affect their decision-making, to normal city
residents who are looking for specific infor-
mation or who are curious about some urban
information or indicators. This involves con-
trolling security, by applying various profiles
and functions. Between these extremes the-
re are researchers, journalists and students,
who have different needs, in terms of the
type, quantity and amount of detail given in
city information.
With regard to the citys current data repo-
sitory and website projects, the Barcelona
Data Exchange will improve access to infor-
mation and compliance with FAIR principles
for open scientific data with interoperable
data and standard formats.
Improving the access and interoperability
of municipal statistical data on the city as a sys-
tem and its socio-economic, demographic and
urban planning reality, with reliable statistical
data that is efficient and up-to-date, and now
interoperable and standardised.
As a central feature of the “Barcelona
Digital City” data strategy, improving the func-
tions of Open Data BCN will foster a plural digital
economy with a new model of urban innovation
based on the digital transformation and inno-
vation of the public sector and collaboration
between companies, administrations, the aca-
demic world, organisations, communities and
people, with clear public and citizen leadership.
BCNROC’s current stock of municipal do-
cuments already acts as a sole repository, used
by the other municipal websites that disseminate
municipal documents, and it will now be incor-
porated into the Barcelona Data Exchange. It’s
information is interoperable with other national
and international open-access repositories, as
it supports the OAI-PMH (Open Access Initiati-
ve Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) standards
and protocols and enables the reuse of docu-
ments using the most open Creative Commons
licenses possible. It also complies with the Dublin
Core metadata standards to help facilitate the
Semantic Web. These principles will be exten-
ded to the other datasets, whose managers will
be able to make good use of the experience and
competence of those in charge of BCNROC.
Similarly, the Barcelona Economia data
will be more usable, and the ongoing register of
indicators will be made available to the public in
an organised series of data, as well as the infor-
mation and evaluation of methodological chan-
ges carried out to obtain them, which are rele-
vant for interpreting their evolution over time.
In this sense, initiatives for the “external” pu-
blication and evaluation of data include ac-
tions such as:
Using and correlating existing da-
ta-science initiatives under the name of the
City Council, in order to generate a space in
the Open Data BCN portal where selected
scientists can contribute and maintain data.
Using the “NUMA DataCity” programme
to set challenges for resolving city problems
and promote the conscious positioning of the
common-data programme’s objectives for en-
trepreneurs and emerging companies.
Opening WiFi data: an API service provi-
ding access to Barcelona WiFi data while also
complying with privacy obligations.
Opening Sentilo data: will be made acces-
sible to a wider public, with a protocol and API
for official access to Sentilo, in order to consult
information, and the appropriate documenta-
tion of all the datasets present on the platform.
The emblematic projects in this area are:
BCN Data Store: this will be the public
library for services, easy to use and scalable as
the services offered by the Municipal Data Offi-
ce are developed.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
BCNOpenData: the improvements to
BCNOpenData’s functionality make it possi-
ble to access and reuse the data generated or
kept by public bodies, for the common good
of interested people and organisations.
Data City Challenges: ensuring the ut-
most efficiency in the services offered by the
City Council, we will use datasets and the city
as an experimental model for seeking solutions
to major urban problems.
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
The programme relating to the application of
a new strategy that uses data in decision-ma-
king. It is described in previous sections and
will be deployed throughout the organisation,
in a cross-departmental, multi-disciplinary
way, by setting in motion a set of projects.
These projects are structured around the
creation of the Municipal Data Office and the
development of a new architecture, where the
launching of the new design of repository for
data-lake information will be used to support
the entire data strategy, implemented through
the projects described below, as well as all
other future projects.
In this section, we present and provide a brief
description of the most relevant projects to be
undertaken in relation to this data programme,
some of which are at an advanced stage, and
which are known as “emblematic projects”
because of their content and relevance.
1. The Municipal Data Office 2. City OS
3. Open Data BCN 4. DECODE
5. Data City Challenge 6. Data Exchange
7. Control Panel for the
Municipal Managers Office
8. Monitoring gentrification
9. Economic Activities Census 10. Housing Observatory
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
The Municipal Data Office is a directorate
that includes various areas and departments
that are responsible for council data, and it
is charged with overseeing the application of
this measure. It is located in the Municipal
Manager’s Office and it answers to the Com-
mission for Technology and Digital Information.
It is responsible for the management, quality,
governance and exploitation of data relating
to Barcelona City Council and all its associa-
ted bodies (public and private) that provide
services to the general public.
City OS is an advanced data analysis platform
with a unified concept of the citys infor-
mation, based on free and open-code pro-
ducts that will be offered to the community.
It will help to detect problems in the city,
shorten response times and improve public
services by applying descriptive, predictive,
The Open Public Data movement is promoted
by public administrations, and its main objective
is to make the best possible use of available
public resources, publish the information ge-
nerated or kept by public bodies and to allow
access to it for its reuse for the common good
and for the benefit of interested individuals
and organisations.
The Open Data BCN project began in 2010
and has since been evolving to foster a plural
digital economy while developing a new mo-
del for urban innovation based on the digital
transformation and innovation of the public
sector and the involvement of companies,
administrations, the academic world, organi-
sations, communities and people, under clear
In particular the department of Data Analytics
will be created in the DMO. This is an office
for analysing multi-disciplinary data and it will
oversee the proper management of and res-
pect for the general public’s digital rights. It
will use public data to provide information that
helps to resolve the challenges facing the city,
as well as providing services for the various
municipal units. It will also have a role in the
internal training and encouragement of City
Council personnel.
simulation and modelling analysis, as well as
pattern recognition. The City Councils ma-
nagers offices and service departments will
be able to use this data platform to make a
more accurate analysis of information and
therefore implement better public policies
for the general public.
public and citizen leadership. The Open Data
BCN project, which covers various pillars of
the citys strategy, is based on the main in-
ternational standards and recommendations
and adopts some characteristics that sum up
the principles of this movement.
Open data by default
Quality and quantity of information
Data for everyone
Data for improving governance
Fostering innovation
8.1. The Municipal Data Office
8.2. City OS
8.3. Open Data BCN
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
DECODE is a European pilot project being
developed in Barcelona and Amsterdam to
manage data sovereignty in a shared economy.
The technical solutions being developed in this
project will be used to improve services for
citizens, making them more secure while fur-
ther safeguarding data ownership and control.
DECODE will explore how to build a digital
economy focused on data, where the data
generated and compiled by the general pu-
Continuing with the approach of maximising
the use of resources (data) in order to im-
prove the efficiency of City Council services,
Data City Challenges will use datasets and the
city as an experimentation model for seeking
solutions to major urban challenges (housing,
unemployment, exclusion, health, energy and
mobility) and they will develop prototypes with
the most skilled stakeholders in the innova-
The BCN Data Store, to be developed by Bar-
celona City Council, is one step further along
the path initiated with the BCNOpenData pro-
ject. It aims to facilitate access to the data
kept by the city, people and organisations for
the common good (data commons).
It will also develop a philosophy that empha-
sises the exploitation of the citys data in all
areas of the citys political activity and will
help to promote a clear “city data market”
culture of exchange for both the public and
private sectors.
blic, the internet of things and the network of
sensors will be available for the common good
(data commons), safeguarded by appropriate
privacy protection.
As a result, innovators, emerging companies,
NGOs, cooperatives and local communities
can make use of this information to create
applications and services that respond to their
needs and those of the community in general.
tive ecosystem. These projects (challenges)
will make it possible to test and subsequently
adopt clearly defined and delimited solutions,
while fostering collaboration between emer-
ging companies, other companies and the
public sector. It will encourage the use of
data for the common good (data commons),
improve public services, foster the economy
and social return on public spending.
BCN Data Store will be a public library for
services, easy to use and scalable as the ser-
vices offered by the Municipal Data Office
are developed. In order to bring this about,
the “platform as a service” (PaaS) concept
will be used.
It will include communities and social groups
in all services and will try to establish a ne-
twork of people, member bodies, members,
reviewers, friends and followers. This strategy
must allow day to day improvement and main-
tain direct contact with the general public,
as well as with data-science professionals
(from research or companies) and students.
8.5. Data City Challenge
8.6. BCN Data Exchange
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
In addition to developing a dashboard for the
government team, there will also be a free
application for city residents that shows a
summary of strategic indicators and provi-
des data on City Council services, along with
management indicators for their projects,
Monitoring gentrification is a cross-depart-
mental City Council project that aims to define
ways of stopping the expulsion of local resi-
dents and retailers from city neighbourhoods.
Furthermore, the idea is to also design and
implement a coordinated strategy of measures
and actions that neutralises and reverses gen-
trification processes in the city, by defending
city residents’ rights in their neighbourhoods.
Barcelona City Councils Department of
Commerce is promoting the development
of the Comprehensive Information System
for Barcelona’s Economic Areas and Activi-
ties, (EIAE), with the aim of responding to
the lack of comprehensive information on
economic activities, as well as areas that are
liable to contain them, through the creation
of an information system that integrates and
normalises date on economic activities.
This database will be the municipal reference
for the strategic analysis of local development.
progress made on accomplishing government
commitments, the general public’s evaluations,
etc. This service is an important step towards
greater transparency in municipal management
and public scrutiny.
This is one of the citys most urgent, key pro-
jects, and it requires a complex analysis in
various areas, including population, housing,
economic activities and tourism. For this pro-
ject, our mission is to identify the key variables
involved in this process, define the gaps in in-
formation and provide an analysis and diagnosis
that can be used as a basis for establishing new
policies that can tackle this problem.
Furthermore, it will form the basis for building
up products and services addressed to the
citys commerce and local economic structure,
both internally and for external developers,
who are service providers in this area.
Conceptually, it will be an open node within
the information-systems network. IT applica-
tions, and especially the integration system
(internal and external interoperability) will be
built with the new agile development metho-
dology using free and open-source software.
8.7. Municipal Management Dashboard
8.8. Monitoring gentrification
8.9. Comprehensive Information System for
Barcelona’s Economic Areas and Activities,
EIAE (Economic Activities Census)
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons
Barcelona’s Housing Observatory is a supra-mu-
nicipal instrument founded with the aim of
providing a holistic perspective on housing, in
order to tackle housing problems in the Bar-
celona Metropolitan Area. It is promoted by
various administrations: Barcelona City Council,
the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Barcelona
Provincial Council, the Generalitat of Cata-
lonia and the Association of Social Housing
Managers (GHS).
Knowledge concerning the housing sector and
the residential situation of the population from
various angles is a primary need and an essen-
tial condition for designing sensible, rigorous
The schedule for carrying out the emblematic
projects relating to the new municipal-data
strategy is as follows.
and effective strategies and public policies.
The Observatory is therefore an instrument
that is able to provide all the necessary infor-
mation and tools for evaluating and designing
policies that must be undertaken in this area.
Additionally, as society has advanced in terms
of knowledge and the democratic demand for
information, it must also be a body that pro-
vides city residents with information.
The aim is to fill in the information “black ho-
les” while also providing detailed information
about the territory, which is often not available
in large, wide-ranging statistical operations.
8.10. Housing Observatory
Budget and schedule
2018 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
The Municipal Data Office 680 K
City OS Services 1.132 K
BCN Open Data 56 K
Data City Challenge 180 K
BCN Data Exchange
130 K
Municipal Management
235 K
Monitoring gentrification
Census/EIAE 500 K
Housing Observatory 349 K
Barcelona Ciutat Digital
Government measure concerning ethical management
and accountable data: Barcelona Data Commons