TRANSCO is committed to ensuring the implementation of Business Continuity Management system and
Cyber Security Program to build organizational resilience with the capability for an effective response that
safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand, and value creating activities. The mini-
mum and desired outcome expected of this Policy is to enable business areas to:
Ensure their overall resilience including their capability for an effective and acceptable response to a major
disruption, cyber security incidents, and crisis and/or disaster situation.
Integration between business continuity, crisis management and incident management
Implement of all necessary processes, procedures and capability to meet any additional local legal, regula-
tory and compliance requirements related to Business Continuity or Cybersuch as NCEMA 7000:2021
Standards, ISO 22301, and ISO 27001 that provides the following as a minimum:
Senior Executive Management commitment, engagement, and participation.
Allocation of sufficient quantity of competent resource to implement this policy, achieve its objectives and
maintain the business continuity capabilities.
Details suitably competent Business continuity Resources
Processes being conducted in accordance with the Business continuity Methodology and retaining copies
of all output from such processes, including
Business Impact analysis
Business Continuity Risk assessment
Business continuity Strategy
Business Continuity Planning
Business Continuity Testing and exercising
Business continuity Auditing
Business Continuity Awareness, education, and training and
Business Continuity Program Management
Business Continuity Management Review
An effective process for the continual improvement of the BCMS, and
An appropriate and suitable set of infrastructure and facilities to meet the Business Continuity
Requirements of the business.
Allocation of sufficient budget to enable the implementation and ongoing maintenance of a BCMS d the
required business Continuity capability.
Implementation of a three lines model for BCM (as described below)’;
A Business Continuity Governance forum to establish and regularly review as least annually, a set of
Business Continuity Objectives to support the Strategic objectives of TRANSCO and the Business
continuity Management system (BCMS). As a minimum these objectives shall include:
A capability to identify, monitor and research potential disruptive events that could impact the continuity
of business activities with a view to adopting a proactive approach to the prevention and/or response to
Inclusion and consideration of Business Continuity Within Business Development initiatives (such as
mergers, acquisitions, investments, and new operational environment).
Inclusion of Business Continuity practices and requirements as an integral part the TAQA Group Change
Management Process.
Primary responsibility for TRANSCO BCM rests with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO has
delegated operational responsibility for BCM to the Risk & Resilience Department Manager
Identifying the essential business activities, processes, services and assets to TRANSCO and the risk that
could disrupt them.
Helping to ensure an appropriate and effective response capability is in place to identify, coordinate,
manager and respond ta business Disruption.
The protection and continuation of essential activities that relate to delivery of services, products,
revenue, market share, profit, stature, governance, and reputation of TRANSCO and TAQA.
Satisfying relevant and appropriate contractual, legal, and regulatory requirements for Business
Continuity within the TAQA Group.