Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
Business Continuity Management Policy
Document name
Business Continuity Management
Policy Statement
Version number 1.2
Status Choose an item.
Department/Team Planning, Risk & Governance
Relevant policies
Business Continuity Plan and
Incident Management Procedure
Distribution Internal
Author/Owner Joanne Butler
Approved by Louise Byers
Date of sign off 31/1/2022
Review by 31/1/2023
Security classification Official
Key messages
The main objective of this policy is to provide:
The Intention and direction of the business continuity programme
Enhance the capability and resilience of the organisation
Help to ensure continuity of service as is practicable following an
unexpected disruption to normal services.
Does this policy relate to me?
The scope of business continuity programme includes all services provided
by the ICO and includes all ICO office locations. The ICO will undertake a
staged approach to business continuity, focusing on business-critical
areas, corporate risks and priority activities in earlier stages of the
business continuity programme to help mitigate and manage areas of
higher risk.
All members of staff should familiarise themselves with the Policy and
Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
Table of contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................. 2
2. Business Continuity Policy Scope ................................................. 3
3. Business Continuity Policy Aims .................................................. 3
4. Goal#1: Business Continuity Governance ..................................... 4
5. Goal#2: Business Continuity Culture ........................................... 5
6. Goal#3: Business Continuity Skills .............................................. 5
7. Goal#4: Business Continuity Approach ......................................... 6
8. Communication and Maintenance ................................................ 7
8. Related Policies and Procedures .................................................. 7
Feedback on this document ............................................................ 8
Version history ............................................................................. 8
1. Introduction
1.1. This business continuity policy statement forms part of the
Information Commissioner’s Office’s (ICO’s) internal control and
corporate governance arrangements and provides the intention
and direction of the business continuity programme. The
Information Commissioner recognises that as a regulator, the
Office has a duty to the public, its employees, partners and
stakeholders to protect and preserve its ability to operate as a
regulator, uphold information rights in the public interest, and to
achieve its long-term ICO25 Plan and enduring objectives .
1.2. Effective business continuity management enhances the capability
and resilience of the organisation and helps to ensure continuity of
service as is practicable following an unexpected disruption to
normal services. In order to achieve this, the ICO recognises the
importance of having effective business continuity management
arrangements in place to ensure the effective identification,
evaluation and management of its business critical services.
1.3. The ICO is committed to providing a business continuity
programme that seeks to protect the welfare of staff, visitors and
contractors and where possible to continue the delivery of services
at acceptable predefined levels, following a disruptive incident.
This policy has the full support of the Information Commissioner
Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
and senior management team. The policy and the adoption of the
business continuity framework, including allocating proportionate
resources to business continuity arrangements, is owned by the
Chief Operating Officer.
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2. Business Continuity Policy Scope
2.1. In scope: The scope of the business continuity programme
includes all services provided by the ICO and includes all ICO office
locations. Where an external provider is involved in the delivery of
a service, this supplier and their supply chain will also be included.
This includes the ICO’s supporting information and communication
technology and resources. The ICO will undertake a staged
approach to business continuity, focusing on business-critical
areas, corporate risks and priority activities in earlier stages of the
business continuity programme to help mitigate and manage areas
of higher risk.
2.2. Out of scope: Work will be undertaken within service areas to
determine any business areas or activities that will not be included
in the scope of the business continuity. This will be by exception.
For example, these may be services we provide or products that
we use that are nearing the end of life, or due to be
decommissioned, or are areas of low volume activity that if they
were included in the scope, it would not make best use of the
business continuity resources available.
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3. Business Continuity Policy Aims
3.1 The purpose of this policy is to clearly outline the ICO’s
commitment to business continuity management, describe the
business continuity management goals and objectives, and provide
a framework for responding across the organisation. There are 4
goals detailed below which outline the ICO’s approach to business
continuity management
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Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
4. Goal#1: Business Continuity Governance
4.1 Business continuity will be embedded into the business
management planning and practices of the ICO so that risk and
resilience is an integral part of decision making, and management.
4.2 Business continuity management will operate under both normal
operating conditions and during business interruption events where
the ICO needs to recover critical activities within predefined time
periods. The following actions will help us to achieve Goal#1:-
o Action: During normal operating times the Director of
Corporate Planning, Risk and Governance is responsible for
the facilitation of business continuity management delivery.
During business interruption events a Gold, Silver and Bronze
response team structure will be stood up in accordance with
the Business Continuity Plan.
o Action: We will ensure that the Commissioner is able to rely
on adequate three lines of defence functions. This will be
done through the management of business continuity risk
and ensuring resilience at a local level, and at a corporate
level through the Risk and Governance team. Monitoring,
assurance and challenge is provided through the Risk and
Governance Board, and independent oversight is undertaken
by the Audit and Risk Committee and through internal audit
o Action: We will ensure that managers take ownership and
are accountable for Directorate level business continuity risks
and resilience. The local response structure will be closely
aligned with the existing management structure but will be
flexible and capable of responding to the disruptive situation
that arises.
o Action: We will deploy adequate resources to develop,
implement, maintain and improve the ICO’s business
continuity management framework.
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Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
5. Goal#2: Business Continuity Culture
5.1 A strong business continuity culture is one that integrates business
continuity awareness and practice into business-as-usual activities
and organisational culture. Business Continuity is a specialism
within the ICO’s risk management procedures and aims to ensure
that mitigation measures are proportionate, and that business
continuity resources concentrate on areas with single points of
failure areas and unacceptable risk levels. The following actions
will help us to achieve Goal#2:-
o Action: We will communicate clear and appropriate
escalation procedures ensuring everyone understands the
role they have to play in maintaining resilience.
o Action: We will promote a culture of innovation in the ICO
and we will consider business continuity risks and impacts as
we implement changes.
o Action: We will embed business continuity within the
organisation so that it becomes part of business planning,
management and business as usual.
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6. Goal#3: Business Continuity Skills
6.1 We will ensure that staff have the skills and knowledge they need
to fulfil their business continuity and resilience responsibilities. The
following actions will help us to achieve Goal#3:-
o Action: We will ensure that all staff recognise an incident
and how to report it to the relevant area, that they
understand relevant business continuity plans and associated
roles and responsibilities.
o Action: We will engender a continuous improvement mind-
set towards the way we manage business continuity, align it
with the Business Continuity Institute’s Good Practice
Guidelines, and implement lessons learned from testing and
o Action: We will ensure that appropriate business continuity
training and learning opportunities are provided.
Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
o Action: We will ensure that managers lead by example with
a combination of positive attitudes, behaviours and activities
to create an environment where continuity and resilience is
considered in all we do.
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7. Goal#4: Business Continuity Approach
7.1 The ICO will follow the Business Continuity Institute’s Good
Practice Guidelines (2018) which builds on ISO 22301:2012
requirements by defining what individuals need to know about the
key stages in developing, implementing and managing a successful
business continuity programme. The following actions will help us
to achieve Goal#4:-
o Action: We will establish a framework for building ICO wide
resilience with the capability of an effective response that
safeguards the welfare of our staff, visitors and contractors
and seeks to minimise disruption to the interests of ours
o Action: We will maintain a business-wide risk and impact
analysis program and an aligned corporate business
continuity plan and localised business continuity plans.
o Action: We will minimise the risk of disruptive incidents to
the ICO through collaboration with relevant ICO specialisms
to establish the necessary controls to reduce risk within the
relevant risk appetite (e.g. risk management, information
security, physical security, health and safety).
o Action: We will establish appropriate business continuity
targets and solutions for prioritised business areas, services
and activities that protect the successful delivery of the ICO’s
corporate and regulatory strategies.
o Action: We will validate the business continuity plan with the
use of exercises to an agreed schedule and review the plan
following the resolution of any disruptive incidents.
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Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
8. Communication and Maintenance
8.1 Where and when appropriate the ICO will communicate to our
customers, partners, suppliers, employees, and to DCMS and other
government departments our commitment and information related
to business continuity management. Our communication response
during an incident will be guided by senior management working
with the ICO’s Communication Teams.
8.2 We will maintain close relationships with governments, local
communities and other interested parties and where possible
actively support and participate in community resilience and
response efforts if required.
8.3 Once approved, the policy will be communicated to staff and held
in the ICO’s policy and procedures library for reference.
8.4 The Risk and Governance Team will continue to develop the
business continuity processes and procedures required to deliver
the business continuity management framework and will support
and coordinate business continuity planning across departments.
This will include the establishment, maintenance and
improvements to a corporate business continuity plan. The team
will ensure the exercise of the plan at least once annually and will
provide regular reports on progress against the business continuity
programme to the Risk and Governance Board.
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9. Related Policies and Procedures
9.1 Related policies include but are not limited to the following:-
Business Continuity Plan and Incident Management
Risk Management Policy and Appetite Statement
IT Disaster Recovery Plan
Information Security Policy
Security Incident Management Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Fraud Awareness Policy and Response Plan
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Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
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Version history
Version Changes made Date Made by
Annual Review bringing in
line with ICO25
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