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A Beary Unusual Pet
A Readers' Theater Script by Ella Kennen and Tim Weibel
This readers’ theater skit features three children whose parents will allow them to
select a pet. The parents are a little surprised by their children's choice.
6 Characters (in order of appearance)
Narrator Robin
Mrs. Baker Chris
Mr. Baker Sam
Narrator: The Baker children have wanted a pet for a very long time.
Whenever they ask their parents, the answer is always the same.
Robin: Can we buy a kitten?
Mrs. Baker: No. Your brother is allergic to cat hair.
Chris: Can we buy an aquarium with fish?
Mr. Baker: No. Cleaning fish tanks is too much work.
Sam: I caught this snake in the front yard. Can we keep it?
Mrs. Baker: Certainly not!
Narrator: One day, Mr. and Mrs. Baker must have been in a very good
mood. They called their three children into the living room and
asked them to sit down.
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Mrs. Baker: Your father and I have been talking…
Mr. Baker: …and we think that you are old enough and mature enough…
Mrs. Baker: To get a pet.
Mr. Baker: You can choose the pet, but you children must take full
responsibility for it.
All kids: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Mr. Baker: Why don’t you kids talk about what type of pet you’d like,
then let us know?
Narrator: Mr. and Mrs. Baker knew their children would have trouble
deciding on the perfect pet. After only ten minutes, the kids
came back into the living room.
Sam: We’ve thought about it.
Robin: And we know what pet we want.
Chris We want to get....
All kids: A bear.
Mrs. Baker: A teddy bear, you mean?
Sam: Nope. A real bear. Think about it. It’s the perfect pet. First,
it’s special. I don’t know any other kid who has a bear. Do you?
Robin: Bears are easy to feed. They love things like
berries and honey and fish.
Chris: And they sleep in the winter, so we can go
on trips during the holidays.
Robin: It would also be the perfect guard pet,
don’t you think? Burglars would stay far
away from our house if we had a pet
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Narrator: The children didn’t notice their parents turning pale.
Sam: Of course, we’ll need a bigger bedroom, so the bear can fit. But
other than that, I think we’re all set. What do you think?
Narrator: There was silence. The children looked at their parents' faces for
the first time since they had started talking.
Robin: We’re not getting a bear, are we?
Narrator: Mr. and Mrs. Baker looked at each other thoughtfully. They were
surprised that their children wanted a bear. The children were
even more surprised at their parents' answer.
Mrs. Baker: Of course you can have a bear!
Mr. Baker: Your mom and I think it's a wonderful idea!
All kids: You do?
Mrs. Baker: Now, if we get a bear, you children will need to be responsible
for feeding it. Let's see, how much would a bear eat?
Mr. Baker: Hmm... I'd say a bear could eat about 20 pounds of berries each
day and five or six large fish.
Mrs. Baker: That's too much for me to carry home from the store. The kids
will have to walk to the supermarket to pick these things up
every day.
Mr. Baker: Yes, it will be hard on the kids in the
winter. They'll have to walk a mile
to the supermarket in the snow.
Mrs. Baker: They'll also have to walk a mile back,
carrying all of the bear food.
Sam: Walk a whole mile?
Robin: Every day?
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Chris: Even in the winter?
Mr. Baker: And, of course, bear food is expensive
too. We certainly couldn't afford to buy
bear food at the supermarket
each week.
Mrs. Baker: You're right, Honey. I guess the kids will
need to buy all the fish and berries with
their own money.
All kids: Our own money!?
Mr. Baker: Oh, yes. But don't worry. It shouldn't
cost more than $500 a week.
Chris: But we don't have $500 a week.
Robin: We only get $6 a week for an allowance.
Mrs. Baker: Oh, that's right. I didn't even think of that.
Mr. Baker: No problem! We'll give you extra chores to earn money.
Mrs. Baker: What a great idea! For $500 a week, the kids will be doing
work around here all day long.
Robin: But Dad...
Mrs. Baker: They could do laundry and cook dinner every night.
Sam: Mom, no!
Mr. Baker: And clean the garage, and mow the lawn, and iron clothes.
All kids: Stop! Stop! Stop!
Narrator: The Baker children couldn't take it any more! They didn't want to
walk to the supermarket every day. They didn't want to spend
their allowance money on bear food. And they certainly did
not want more chores!
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Robin: We'd like to change our minds.
Chris: Perhaps a bear is not the right pet for us.
Sam: Our second choice is much more sensible.
Mrs. Baker: Oh? What is your second choice? Is it an elephant? A horse?
Mr. Baker: Is it a rhinoceros? Maybe a dinosaur?
All kids: No!
Robin: We'd love to get a puppy!
Sam: We want a furry puppy!
Chris: We want a puppy that will play fetch and roll over!
Mr. Baker: Now THAT is a sensible decision.
Narrator: Two days later, Chris, Sam, and Robin walked through their front
door with a new puppy.
Mr. Baker: Why don't you name your new puppy Domino?
Sam: No. That name is not quite right.
Mrs. Baker: Why don't you name your new puppy Buster?
Robin: No. Buster doesn't sound right either.
Mr. Baker: Then what will you name him?
All kids: Bear!
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Name: _______________________
A Beary Unusual Pet
A Readers' Theater Script
1. List 3 reasons the children thought a bear would make
a good pet.
2. What did Mr. and Mrs. Baker say when their children decided they wanted a bear.
a. They said they could not have a bear in the house.
b. They told their children that a bear was too much work.
c. They laughed at the idea of getting a bear.
d. They told their children that a pet bear was a wonderful idea.
3. Name 3 reasons the children decided they did not want a bear for a pet.
4. Mr. Baker thinks a bear would eat about $500 worth of food per week. How much would it
cost to feed a bear for a month?
a. About $1,000 b. about $2,000
c. about $5,000 d. about $10,000
5. Near the end of the story, the children's parents ask if their second choice is an elephant,
a horse, a rhinoceros, or a dinosaur. When they say this, what is their tone of voice?
a. scared b. excited
c. sarcastic d. confused
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Name: _______________________
A Beary Unusual Pet
Writing Prompt
In the story, “A Beary Unusual Pet,” the children wanted a pet bear.
At first, they told their parents why it would make a good pet. Later,
they realized why bears don't make good pets.
Think of an unusual animal that most people do not have as pets.
Write a short paragraph to tell why it would be a good pet. Then
write a second paragraph to tell why it would not make a good pet.
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A Beary Unusual Pet
A Readers' Theater Script
1. List 3 reasons the children thought a bear would make
a good pet.
They said bears are easy to feed. They sleep in the winter, so the family can have time to
travel. They are also perfect guard pets to keep burglars away.
2. What did Mr. and Mrs. Baker say when their children decided they wanted a bear. d
a. They said they could not have a bear in the house.
b. They told their children that a bear was too much work.
c. They laughed at the idea of getting a bear.
d. They told their children that a pet bear was a wonderful idea.
3. Name 3 reasons the children decided they did not want a bear for a pet.
They did not want to walk a mile to the supermarket every day. They did not want to
spend their money to buy bear food. They did not want more chores.
4. Mr. Baker thinks a bear would eat about $500 worth of food per week. How much would it
cost to feed a bear for a month? b
a. About $1,000 b. about $2,000
c. about $5,000 d. about $10,000
5. Near the end of the story, the children's parents ask if their second choice is an elephant,
a horse, a rhinoceros, or a dinosaur. When they say this, what is their tone of voice? c
a. scared b. excited
c. sarcastic d. confused
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