Account Reconcilement
Per hour .........................................................$20.00
Research of Check Copies and Statement
Per hour ...........................................................20.00
Adjustment fee (incorrect entry) ....................2.50
•ATM Overdraft Privilege charge (per item) ..35.00
•Balance Inquiries (per request) ......................0.25
•Charges for transactions exceeding 6/month
at non-Belco ATM‘s (per withdrawal) ...........1.50
•Returned deposit ............................................20.00
Transfers (per transaction) ...............................0.25
W i t h d r a w a l s l e s s t h a n $ 2 0 a t n o n - B e l c o A T M
(per transaction) ................................................0.50
Bill Payer
•Inactivity Charge (no activity for
90 days) (per month) ........................................5.00
•NSF charge (per item) .....................................38.00
•Stop payment charge (per item) ...................10.00
•Merchant return (per item) .............................5.00
Cashier check (3rd party) .......................................2.50
Cashier check copy (3rd party) ..............................2.00
Certied correspondence (per certication) ......4.00
Check cashing (3rd party) ......................................5.00
Check copies (per copy) ..........................................2.00
2 years or older cost
Check/ACH stop payment (per request) ............25.00
Check orders ....................................... varies by design
Check cashing/non-members (per check) ...........5.00
Check return charge (per return) ........................10.00
Computer transaction printout (per page) .........1.00
Credit card payment for late payment
loans (per item) .....................................................10.00
Credit card payment for negative
share balances (per item) ..................................... 10.00
Dormant/Inactive account charge (no activity
after one year) (per quarter) ............................... 15.00
Foreign currency/check redemption .........cost + 5.00
Holiday Club (per withdrawal) .............................. 5.00
Incorrect mailing address (per month) ................2.00
IRA closed account charge ...................................15.00
IRS Levy handling charge ..................................... 50.00
Money Order charge (per item) ............................1.50
NSF/ACH Return Fee (per item) ...........................38.00
Overdraft Privilege charge (per item) ................35.00
Overnight Express Mail charge ........................ at cost
Paper statements (per statement cycle)...... ......... 2.00
Plastic Card Foreign Currency International
Service Assessment...................1% of transaction+
Plastic Card Replacement charge (Visa
(per card).............................................................5.00
Research letter/Verication of deposit .............. 20.00
Safe Deposit Box
•Rentals per year (varies by size) ..... 20.00 to 90.00
•Late fee (per month after 30 days) ...............10.00
•Lock drilling ...................................................125.00
Skip-a-Payment .....................................................35.00
Speak to a Belco Representative by Phone
Balance Inquiries………………… ....................1.00
Transfers……………………………….. ............. 1.00
Asking if items have cleared….. ..................... 1.00
Statement Copies ................................................... 2.00
Gift Card.........................................................5.95
sales draft copy .............................................6.00
Wire Transfers
•Domestic wire transfer ................................... 20.00
•Foreign wire transfer ...................................... 40.00
Writ or Garnishment Handling charge ..............50.00
(All charges are subject to change)
Above and beyond the currency
exchange conversion.