Get Started at Bergen - Transfer F1
Steps to Get Started at Bergen
Follow the color-coded steps to complete your enrollment at
Bergen Community College.
n Complete the Medical Form and
return to the Office of Health Services
(HS-100) before classes start.
n Once you’ve registered and paid for
classes, visit the Office of Public
Safety in Room L-154 (Paramus) to
obtain your student ID card and
parking pass. Bring a copy of your paid
bill with you!
n Transcripts
Transfer Transcripts – submit official
sealed transcripts from other
colleges or universities
to the Office of Admissions
and Recruitment. Visit
bergen.edu/transfertobcc for more
Foreign Transcripts – All transcripts
from schools outside of the U.S. must
be evaluated by a NACES accredited
organization. Visit www.naces.org
for more information.
Don’t Forget:
International Student Center, Room SC-110 (Paramus)
Phone; (201) 689-7601 • isc@bergen.edu • bergen.edu/ISC
To view this packet online, visit bergen.edu/ISC
The information contained in this packet is subject to change without notice.
1. Submit Transfer Recommendation Form
2. Log In to Your Portal Account
4. Meet with an ISC Academic Advisor
and Register for Classes
5. Pay Your Tuition
6. Attend Mandatory International Student
3. Study and Take the Placement Test
Step 1:
Submit Transfer Recommendation Form
Transfer Recommendation
Now that you have been accepted to attend Bergen Community College, you need to complete and submit the Transfer Recommendation form.
This form must be emailed to intadmissions@bergen.edu before your I-20 is issued.
Only students who have been attending school in the United States under the F-1 status need to submit this form. Please complete the section below
and then ask the Designated School Official (DSO) at your current school to complete the bottom section. Please note that we will not be able to
issue an I-20 until the transfer release date indicated on this form. Once the transfer release date has been reached, Bergen Community College
will have access to your SEVIS record.
Last Name First Name
Bergen Community College Student ID E-mail Address
Mailing Address in the U.S:
Street City State Zip
I intend to transfer to BCC (check one box and include year): n Spring 20_____    n Fall 20_____
I hereby grant permission for the intended request to be made available to Bergen Community College.
Student Signature Date
The above student intends to transfer to Bergen Community College for the semester above. Please answer all questions based on the term
immediately preceding the transfer or the last semester preceding a vacation or authorized Practical Training.
Degree level being pursued: ___________________________________ Last date of attendance: ___________________________________
Has the student maintained full-time status? n Yes n No To the best of your knowledge, is the student currently in legal status? n Yes n No
SEVIS ID#: N00: _______________________________________
Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please contact the school DSO to confirm acceptance before you release any “COMPLETED”, “TERMINATED” OR “CANCELLED” records.
Transfer Release Date in SEVIS:_______________________  BCC Paramus Campus: NEW214F00601000
Institution Telephone
Street City State Zip
Name Title
Signature of DSO
Step 2: Log In to Your Portal Account
How to login to your Portal account:
To login to your my.bergen.edu Portal you will need your Bergen Username included in your letter of
Click (https://passwordreset.microsoftonline.com) to set your account password. A verification
email will be sent to your personal email address. Check your junk or spam folder if you don't see it.
Note: Your new password must be a minimum of 8 characters long with at least one UPPERCASE
letter, one lowercase letter, and a number. Your password cannot be the same as your previous 12
passwords, and cannot contain any part of your name or Bergen username.
Go to https://my.bergen.edu.
Enter your Full Bergen Username. (Ex. user[email protected])
Enter the password you set up.
Click Sign in.
How to Reach the Help Desk
Paramus Campus
2nd Floor of Pitkin Building, in the Sidney Silverman Library
(201) 879-7109
Help Desk Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Please read our Acceptable Use Policy
Step 3:
Study and Take the Placement Test
Office of Testing Services
No appointment necessary. Visit
bergen.edu/testing for
instructions on how to schedule
your placement test.
  Bergen Community College
administers a test to determine a
student’s levels in English,
Arithmetic, and Quantitative
Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics.
  The results of this test determine a
student’s required entry level courses
in both English and mathematics.
  Please study for the placement test.
The test is administered in Room
S-127 in the Pitkin Education Center
at the Paramus campus. Please visit
bergen.edu/testing for the current
testing schedule and come prepared
to take the exam with a pen, a
government issued photo ID. No test
will be administered without proper
Most students need to take the placement test, but there are some exceptions.
To determine if you are eligible for a testing waiver, please visit bergen.edu/testing and click “Placement Test Waiver
Information” to read about conditions that will waive the placement test requirement.
Step 4:
Meet with an ISC Advisor and Register for
Visit the International Student Center (ISC) to
meet with an Advisor and plan your course
Now that you have completed your placement testing requirements,
you can head to the ISC. Advisers can help you with the following:
Explaining your Test Results
Teaching you how to read and understand your degree
Selecting and registering for classes that will meet the academic
requirements of your degree
Teaching you how to read the college catalog
• Accessing Web Advisor through Portal
• Providing information about academic deadlines
• Explaining College Policies and Procedures
• Offering referrals to campus resources
ISC Advising
Paramus Campus, Room SC-110
(201) 689-7601 • [email protected]
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday . . . . . . . .8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Success Starts Here
For Tuition and Fees Information and Bill Payment, please visit
Step 5: Pay Your Tuition
Step 6:
Attend International Student Orientation
Like us on Facebook at
Follow us on
Twit ter @BergenCC
Watch us on YouTube
at www.youtube.com/
See us on Instagram
Welcome and congratulations on your acceptance
to Bergen Community College. We are thrilled that
you will be joining our Bulldog family!
During the International Student Orientation we will
tell you about what Bergen Community has to offer
and we will give you the nitty gritty about things like:
• Immigration rules
• Academic Life and Expectations
• Student Success and Support Services
• Student Life
• And more!
The Orientation is usually held the week before the
start of the semester. Dates will be sent to you by