OCESD Student Cell Phone/Signaling
Device/Earbud Expectations and Violation
OCESD is launching an initiative during the 2024-25 school year to clarify the expectations
surrounding student cell phones, signaling devices and earbuds on campus and during
instructional time. The rules and expectations and their enforcement are designed to promote
respectful learning environments between teachers and students and minimize distractions to
maximize learning. OCESD is a 1:1 district; this means every student has a district-issued
device/Chromebook, and therefore, there is no need for cell phones in an educational setting.
Students will still be allowed to possess cell phones on campus for use during emergencies.
Purpose of the Student Cell Phone/Signaling Device/Earbud Expectations
The purpose of this initiative is to promote respectful learning environments between teachers
and students and minimize distractions to maximize learning for all students. The following
expectations are designed to support the implementation of this policy:
Cell phones/signaling devices shall remain off and put away (i.e., in a backpack, in a
pocket but not accessed by the student, etc.) at all times, during the school day, when the
student is on campus. Earbuds shall not be in students’ ears, whether or not sound/music
is playing, at all times, during the school day, when the student is on campus, except
when deemed medically necessary, required by a student’s individualized education
program, or when, otherwise, permitted by the teacher or administration. No student shall
be prevented from using his/her cell phone/signaling device in case of an emergency,
except where that use inhibits the ability of school district employee(s) to effectively
communicate instructions for the safety of students.
No student shall use an electronic cell phone/signaling device with a camera, video, or
voice recording function in a way or under circumstances that infringe the privacy rights
of other students or staff.
A student shall not use an electronic listening or recording device with a camera in the
classroom of a teacher unless he or she obtains the consent of the teacher and the
Students are responsible for personal electronic signaling devices they bring to
school. The district shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of any such
devices brought onto school grounds, except that it shall be the responsibility of the
school to ensure the safekeeping of any confiscated devices.
This policy is in accordance with OCESD Board Policy BP 5131.8(a).
Teacher/Administrator Best Practices When Student is Not Following Expectations
To support the implementation of this policy, there will be at least one student cell
phone/signaling device/earbud poster prominently displayed/visible (supplied by the district) in
each classroom.
Teacher Best Practice: Teachers shall include the above cell phone/signaling
device/earbud policy language in their syllabus, on their individual teacher websites (if
applicable), and in all formal paperwork distributed to students and parents/guardians.
Administrator Best Practice: Administrators shall include the above and below
language in start-of-the-year communications to students/parents/guardians. Posters
should be prominently displayed in the office, cafeteria, etc.
Violation Protocol
The following guidelines provide a clear process for handling student cell phone/signaling
device/earbud violations to provide for consistent enforcement and minimize potential conflicts
between teachers/administration and students/parents/guardians. These violations are cumulative
throughout the school year.
1. First Offense:
1. Upon the first violation of the student cell phone/signaling device/earbud policy,
the teacher will remind the student of the policy. The device is to be off and put
2. The teacher is recommended to notify the student’s parent/guardian.
3. The incident will be noted in the student’s SWIS or Aeries record by the
classroom teacher if the incident occurred during instructional time or campus
supervisor (via admin) if on-campus outside of instructional time. The incident
description shall clearly note “first offense”.
2. Second Offense:
1. Teacher may require student to turn the phone/signaling device/earbuds over to
him or her to be held until the end of the period or issue an office referral where
the student is required to give the cell phone/signaling device/earbuds to the
administrator/designee. The student may pick up the item(s) at the end of the day.
If the student refuses, the parent/guardian is called to the school to retrieve the
item(s) from the student.
2. Teacher notifies the student's parent/guardian if held in the class. Administration
notifies the student’s parent/guardian if referred to the office.
3. The school administration will provide an appropriate non-suspension correction
method, such as a reflection exercise or a brief educational session on respect for
the classroom, the teacher, fellow students and responsible cell phone/signaling
device/earbud use. The holding of the cell phone/signaling device/earbuds in the
office will also suffice as the required alternate means of correction.
4. Incident and corrective measures will be documented in the student’s
SWIS/Aeries record by the teacher if items were held in the classroom or by site
administration/designee if referred to the office. The incident description shall
clearly note “second offense”.
3. Third Offense:
1. Cell phone/signaling device/earbuds are confiscated by Administration. An office
referral is required.
2. The cell phone/signaling device/earbuds will be securely held by the
administration and will only be released to the student's parent/guardian. If the
student refuses, the parent/guardian is called to the school to get the items from
the student.
3. Administration notifies parent/guardian.
4. Students may be suspended by the teacher from their classroom for the day of the
infraction and the following day, provided there is a scheduled
parent/guardian-teacher conference (with administrator present).
5. The incident, including the details of the confiscation, will be recorded in the
student's SWIS/Aeries record by site administration or designee. The incident
description shall clearly note “third offense”.
4. Fourth Offense:
1. The school administrator will confiscate the cell phone/signaling device/earbuds
and not return it until an administrator meets in person with the student’s
2. Administration notifies the student’s parent/guardian.
3. Student may be suspended by the teacher from their classroom for the day of the
infraction and the following day provided there is a scheduled
parent/guardian-teacher conference (with administrator present).
4. Upon returning to school following the in-school suspension, the student shall be
required to turn in his or her cell phone/signaling device/earbuds to site
administration for safekeeping at the beginning of each day for a designated
period of time.
5. Administration may elect to withhold additional privileges, including school
event/dance participation, extracurricular activity participation, etc.
6. The meeting with the parent/guardian and the cell phone/signaling device/earbud
confiscation/retrieval infraction will be recorded in the student's SWIS/Aeries
record. The incident description shall clearly note “fourth offense”.
Effective communication between teachers, administrators, and parents/guardians is crucial
throughout the process. It is essential for teachers to promptly report violations and
administrators to ensure the appropriate steps are taken to address them. By adhering to this
progressive approach, we aim to maintain fair and consistent enforcement of the cell phone
usage policy while minimizing conflicts and power struggles in the classroom.