The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM)
ISSN: 2602-3199
The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM), 2022
Volume 19, Pages 87-100
IConTech 2022: International Conference on Technology
Developing Music Recommendation System by Integrating an MGC with
Deep Learning Techniques
Md. Omar Faruk RIAD
BGC Trust University
Subhasish GHOSH
BGC Trust University
Abstract: In the modern scenario, everyone uses the internet to find music, movies, products, services and
other commodities on a regular basis to make their lives easier. Because of a lot of data on millions of music,
movie, products and services on websites, we need a recommender system very much to assist people in making
decisions more quickly and easily. In this research study, we have developed an intelligent music
recommendation system by integrating a Music Genre Classification (MGC) with different types of Deep
Learning Techniques such as RNN-LSTM, GRU and CNN. We have used the GTZAN Genre dataset to training
our system. We have extracted the features from GTZAN dataset by the help of Mel Frequency Cepstral
Coefficients (MFCCs) then pass the MFCCs into our deep learning networks. After classifying the appropriate
music genre, recommended the music from particular genre from the labelled database which has been classified
by our system. From our proposed models the GRU, CNN and RNN-LSTM produced about 71%, 72% and 74%
respectively in our testing accuracy. The RNN-LSTM has achieved the best accuracy result (74%) among all of
our proposed models.
Keywords: Music recommendation system, MFCCs, CNN, GRU, RNN-LSTM
With the widespread use of the internet, the music industry has seen tremendous change due to the internet,
along with other types of development. Due to the development of music streaming services, consumers can
now listen to music anytime, anywhere, and through a variety of platforms like Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud,
and many others. A major amount of the world's population now regularly downloads and buys music through
online music stores. Users frequently categorize their tastes by genre, such as rock, metal, blues, hip hop, pop,
or disco etc. But the majority of the songs that are now accessible are not automatically classified into genre.
These systems are primarily focused on the classification of music genres for the purposes of mining music
listening and music tagging, music recommendations to boost sales profits, and music copyright management
for writers. Particularly through music streaming and broadcasting services like Spotify, last FM, Fizzy, etc.,
consumers have access to millions of songs at any time, from anywhere. Music Genre classification is crucial
for organizing, searching, retrieving, and recommending music due to the huge amount of current collections.
Due to the gradual reduction in the complexity of music production in recent years, a large number of people
now produce music and upload it to streaming services. People now spend a lot of time searching for particular
music because of the massive music streaming industry. So, the ability to quickly classify musical genres is
crucial in today's society. So, we want to build a Music Genre Classification System (MGCS) and its
recommendation system so the music mining music listening and music tagging, music recommendations to
boost sales profits, and music copyright management for writers.
- This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License,
permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
- Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the Conference
© 2022 Published by ISRES Publishing:
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
So far, several researchers have built variety of Music Recommendation Systems in a variety of approaches. We
are now going to discuss some of the researches about Music Recommendation System. An automated machine
learning model that recommends potential candidate's resumes to the HR department based on the provided job
description has been proposed by Roy et al. (2020). The suggested approach operated in two stages: first, it
divided the resumes into various groups. Second, it suggests resumes based on how well their contents match
the job description. The suggested method accurately captured resume insights and their semantics, and it
produced a Linear SVM classifier accuracy of 78.53 % (Roy et al., 2020). Phaneendra et al. (2022) present a
similarity metric that is simply based on raw audio content. Using this metric, songs that are similar to the user's
collection are then recommended. A Siamese Neural Network (SNN) was trained on a dataset of similar and
dissimilar song pairs to produce the similarity metric. To create a bitmap representation of each song, a Mel-
Spectrogram was initially created. The Mel-Spectrogram bitmap of each song pair is sent to two identical CNNs
that make up the SNN. The SNN gains the ability to function as a similarity metric between songs based on the
raw audio information by being trained on this dataset of song picture pairs (Phaneendra et al., 2022). Using
convolutional neural networks (CNN) as the foundation, Chang et al. (2018) offer the PMRS, or customized
music recommendation system. The CNN method divides music into several genres based on the audio signal
rhythms. The output of the CNN and the log files are combined in PMRS to create a collaborative filtering (CF)
recommendation system that suggests music to the user. The history of each user who uses the PMRS is
recorded in the log file. From the log file, the PMRS extracts the user's history and provides genre-specific
music recommendations. They assess the PMRS using the million-song dataset (MSD). They created a mobile
application to demonstrate how the PMRS functions (an Android version). To evaluate the effectiveness of the
PMRS, they used the confidence score metrics for various musical genres(Chang et al., 2018). By examining the
history records of user tracks in the data sets, Wang et al. (2018) technique RTCF (Tag-driven Collaborative
Filtering Recommendation System) authors created a fair scoring system for users based on the training
statistical language model (Good-Turing Estimate). Furthermore, they discovered that each tag has a linked
count when describing a song or an artist, meaning that various tags can define the tracks and the artist's
attributes to differing degrees. The tags work in conjunction with their analysis of each user's listening history to
not only widen the music's content but also create individualized music recommendations for each user (Wang
et al., 2018). A method for making branching playlists that allow music recommendations based on listener
preferences is proposed. They discovered that branching playlists raised listeners' levels of contentment,
familiarity, and interest by analyzing the method's efficacy. They also put the suggested technique into practice
by implementing "," a web-based music recommendation system. They discovered that while making a
branching playlist, the creator is more aware of the recommender (Nonaka & Nakamura, 2021).
The key challenge is to recommend any things to users that they will enjoy and grade highly to match their
expectations. Many researchers process of a recommender system makes use of data mining techniques like
clustering to group related items together in order to find similarities between them when we choose an item as
the centroid of the cluster or a user as the centroid of the cluster, as well as association rules to find hidden
patterns and uncover new connections between products in order to boost sales as part of e-commerce. There are
various methods used by recommender systems:
a) Content-based filtering: this type of filtering relies on examining the textual data's content and
identifying patterns in the specifications of the items.
b) Collaborative filtering techniques: Depending on how similarly users rate products on the site,
additional users may be recommended to like the person.
c) Hybrid collaborative filtering combines content-based filtering and collaborative filtering in order to
maximize benefits and produce the best recommended items.
When Music Genre Classification (MGC) comes to human-machine interaction, it becomes a major topic. Due
to the selection and extraction of appropriate audio elements, classifying music is considered as a very difficult
process. While unlabeled data is readily available music tracks with appropriate genre tags is very less. Feature
extraction and categorization are the two fundamental phases in the classification of musical genres. At 1st
stage, the waveform is initially processed to extract various features. At 2nd stage, the features generated from
the training data are used to construct a classifier. The features to be extracted from the music have been
determined as zero crossing rate, spectral centroid, spectral contrast, spectral bandwidth, spectral rolloff and
Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients-MFCC.
In this research study, it is aimed to develop an Intelligent Music Recommendation system by integrating a
Music Genre Classification (MGC) with different types of Deep Learning Techniques such as RNN-LSTM
(Recurrent Neural Networks-Long-Short Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) & CNN (Convolutional
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
Neural Network) and we will also compare the experimental results for each of these from our experimentation.
We are using the GTZAN Genre Dataset training our system based on genres.
Literature Review
An automated machine learning model that recommends potential candidate's resumes to the HR department
based on the provided job description has been proposed by Roy et al. (2020). The suggested approach operated
in two stages: first, it divided the resumes into various groups. Second, it suggests resumes based on how well
their contents match the job description. The suggested method accurately captured resume insights and their
semantics, and it produced a Linear SVM classifier accuracy of 78.53 %. Utilizing deep learning models such as
Convolutional Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network, Long-Short Term Memory, and others may improve
the performance of the model. The proposed approach can be used to create an industry-specific model if a large
number of resumes are provided by the industry. A more accurate model might be created by including domain
experts like HR professionals, and the HR professional's feedback could then be used to iteratively enhance the
model (Roy et al., 2020).
This study solves the problem of recommending new songs and artists by basing recommendations entirely on
the audio content rather than extraneous metadata like the artist or genre or user listening histories. The authors
Phaneendra et al. (2022) present a similarity metric that is simply based on raw audio content. Using this metric,
songs that are similar to the user's collection are then recommended. A Siamese Neural Network (SNN) was
trained on a dataset of similar and dissimilar song pairs to produce the similarity metric. To create a bitmap
representation of each song, a Mel-Spectrogram was initially created. The Mel-Spectrogram bitmap of each
song pair is sent to two identical CNNs that make up the SNN. The SNN gains the ability to function as a
similarity metric between songs based on the raw audio information by being trained on this dataset of song
picture pairs. On the test set, the SNN model scored 81.64 % accurate. It was built a query-by-multiple-
examples based music recommendation system that uses the generated similarity metric to recommend music. A
survey website was created to gauge how well their suggested system performed. Participants in the survey first
compile a selection of music they enjoy, after which they score the suggestions. The user then reviews a single
list of music that was generated using both the naive genre-based baseline system and the recommendations
generated by both systems. Because the survey is a blind-use study, potential biases are reduced because
participants are unaware that two systems are being utilized. The results revealed that more participants
preferred the suggested system's choices, which also scored much higher than the baseline system even though it
suggested less well-known songs than the baseline system did (Phaneendra et al., 2020).
Using convolutional neural networks (CNN) as the foundation, Chang et al. (2018) offer the PMRS, or
customized music recommendation system. The CNN method divides music into several genres based on the
audio signal rhythms. The output of the CNN and the log files are combined in PMRS to create a collaborative
filtering (CF) recommendation system that suggests music to the user. The history of each user who uses the
PMRS is recorded in the log file. From the log file, the PMRS extracts the user's history and provides genre-
specific music recommendations. They assess the PMRS using the million-song dataset (MSD). They created a
mobile application to demonstrate how the PMRS functions (an Android version). To evaluate the effectiveness
of the PMRS, they used the confidence score metrics for various musical genres (Chang et al., 2018).
The melody, rhythm, timbre, and other significant aspects of music are challenging to extract and process; as a
result, most personalized music recommendation systems for users do not fully take into account the content
features of music itself, leaving them unsatisfied with the music recommendation. By examining the history
records of user tracks in the data sets, Wang et al. (2018) proposed the technique RTCF (Tag-driven
Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System) created a fair scoring system for users based on the training
statistical language model (Good-Turing Estimate). Furthermore, they discovered that each tag has a linked
count when describing a song or an artist, meaning that various tags can define the tracks and the artist's
attributes to differing degrees. The tags work in conjunction with their analysis of each user's listening history to
not only widen the music's content but also create individualized music recommendations for each user. Users'
experimental findings on the tagged dataset suggest that our proposal method has a significant advantage over
existing tag-based approaches for producing individualized recommended performance (Wang et al., 2018).
A method for making branching playlists that allow music recommendations based on listener preferences is
proposed. They discovered that branching playlists raised listeners' levels of contentment, familiarity, and
interest by analyzing the method's efficacy. They also put the suggested technique into practice by implementing
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
"," a web-based music recommendation system. They discovered that while making a branching
playlist, the creator is more aware of the recommender (Nonaka & Nakamura, 2021).
A mood-based music player is developed in the proposed system, which does real-time mood recognition and
proposes songs in accordance with detected mood. This adds a new feature to the classic music player apps that
are already pre-installed on our mobile devices. Customer satisfaction is a significant advantage of mood
detection. This system aims to analyze a user's appearance, anticipate their facial expression, and provide music
that fits their mood. Seven moodsanger, disgust, fear, joyful, sad, surprise, and neutralcan be correctly
detected by their model, which has an accuracy rate of about 75%. Our Android application may then play
music that is appropriate for the mood (Mahadik et al., 2018).
One of the top collaborative filtering-based neighbor algorithms is KNN. The KNN recommendation algorithm's
error rate is higher when user ratings have changed, though. The shortcomings of the KNN algorithm, which are
significantly impacted by the rating, are highlighted by Li and Zhang (2018) in this study. Then they suggest the
KNN-Improved method, which is built on the KNN algorithm and uses the Baseline algorithm's mean value's
concept, as well as increasing the rating's standard deviation. These steps can successfully lessen the effects of
excessively high or excessively low user ratings, lower the algorithm's error rate, and produce better
recommendation outcomes. Finally, performance of various recommendation algorithms is evaluated, and then
improved algorithms are used (Li & Zhang, 2018).
This research focused on content-based music recommendation systems. The primary uniqueness of our study is
the created recommender system's acoustic similarity-based approach to musical composition. This research
examines two methods for developing a content-based music recommendation system. The first strategy, which
makes use of auditory feature analysis, is highly popular. The second strategy uses computer vision and deep
learning techniques to enhance the performance of the recommender system (Niyazov et al., 2021).
The sound browser's present implementation supports fundamental search and filtering features but lacks a
method for sound discovery, such as a recommendation system. Users have generally chosen a limited range of
high-frequency sounds as a result, which has resulted in less compositional diversity. In this study Smith et al.
(2019) develop a recommendation system that uses audio attributes and collaborative filtering to suggest sounds
for the EarSketch sound browser (Smith et al., 2019).
The usage of a content-based recommendation system that examines the rhythmic, melodic, and chordal aspects
of the music will be extremely beneficial for classical music because these features help establish a user's
musical taste. As a result, Cruz and Coronel (2020) describe a method for content-based recommendation that
makes use of high-level musical qualities to compare classical music. The preliminary findings show that these
features and methods can be used to build a content-based classical music recommender(Cruz & Coronel, 2020).
An information filtering technology called a music recommendation system (MRS) is used to manage the vast
volume of digital music that is made available through online platforms. One of the most used methods in MRS
is collaborative filtering (CF). The CF approaches are effective at recommending well-liked music but fall short
of including less well-liked tunes. This essay tries to discuss longtail songs, or less well-known tunes. This
research suggests an adaptive clustering method to include longtail tunes to recommendations. To find longtail
tunes, the suggested approach is contrasted with user-based and item-based CF models. The metric called Tail-P
has been proposed and contrasted with user-based and item-based CF models for the adaptive clustering
approach. Results show that adaptive clustering outperformed CF models in terms of identifying longtail songs
(Sunitha et al., 2022).
Due to the current world's quick expansion of music tracks both offline and online, greater access to
automatically classify a song's genre and recommendations for related songs will affect the user's experience
greatly. In order to perform genre categorization on the song, this study proposes a system that employs deep
learning approach. Based on the results, the song will be recommended using word2vec. It's vital to compile a
sizable collection for classification, index the songs according to their genres, and use the skip gram model to
discover songs with comparable context that should be recommended. For a fantastic user experience, the
proposed system functions as a whole music recommendation system (Budhrani et al., 2020).
This article proposes an innovative 15 deep learning-based multi-criteria collaborative filtering model. Their
approach consists of two parts: the first portion gets the features of the users and the items and feeds them into a
deep neural network that predicts the criteria ratings. These criteria ratings serve as the input for the second
component, a deep neural network that forecasts the overall rating. Our suggested model outperformed existing
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
state-of-the-art methods in experiments using real-world data, which offers 20 evidence that deep learning and
multi-criteria techniques may be successfully applied in recommendation systems (Nassar et al., 2020).
This study introduces a system for recommending music to users based on their current moods, activities, and
demographic data like age, gender, and ethnicity. Additionally, voice commands and hand gestures can be used
to operate the device. In order to make music recommendations based on the user's emotions and demographic
information, unsupervised learning techniques were applied. The crucial concept is to make music
recommendations based on the entire user's information, including demographics, emotions, and activities. The
overall system performance was manually tested and evaluated with a group of people, and the results showed a
70% satisfaction rate for the recommendation. In addition, supporting models like demographic identification,
emotion identification, and hand gesture identification have a higher percentage of accuracy rates, which has
contributed to the success of the research. Unlike other systems, ours makes music recommendations while
taking into account the entire user's data (Wijekoon et al., 2021).
MRS has experienced a growth in recent years. Its primary goal is to provide appropriate, meaningful
suggestions to people for particular things according on the user's mood and interest in such items. The two
most well-liked recommendation systems are: Collaborative filtering and content-based filtering are two
examples. The Content Based technique suggests music based on user data, whereas the Collaborative method
uses user ratings and content sharing to suggest music. We use a content-based approach to examine subjective
music qualities like speechiness, loudness, and acoustiness in order to generate music recommendations. For
new users, cold-start is the most typical issue. Users are suggested the most well-liked tracks to solve it here
(Dutta & Vishwakarma, 2021).
In this paper, Yi et al. (2019) offer a deep matrix factorization (DMF) based collaborative filtering (CF)
framework that can easily and efficiently incorporate any sort of side information. To immediately produce
latent factors of users and items from a variety of input information, two feature transformation functions are
included into the DMF. Implicit feedback embedding (IFE) is suggested for the implicit feedback that is
frequently used as input for recommendation algorithms. IFE transforms the high-dimensional, sparse implicit
feedback data into a low-dimensional, real-valued vector while preserving the essential characteristics. IFE
might significantly minimize the scale of model parameters and improve the effectiveness of model training. In
terms of quantitative evaluations, experimental results on five public databases show that the proposed method
outperforms the most advanced DL-based recommendation algorithms in terms of accuracy and training
effectiveness (Yi et al., 2019).
This research presents a feeling-based music recommendation system that incorporates a user's mood from
signals obtained via wearable physiological sensors. In particular, a wearable figure device that includes a
galvanic skin reaction (GSR) and photograph plethysmography (PPG) physiological sensor (OR) makes a
customer's feeling more tasteful. Any community-focused or content-based suggestion engine receives this
emotional data as vital input. In this way, this knowledge can be used to expand already-existing proposed
motor exhibitions. Their suggested system for acknowledging feelings is viewed as an issue of excitement and
valence forecast from multiple physiological signals. Depending on the user's mood, we'll automatically play
some music (Lakshmi et al., 2019).
A hybrid recommendation method based on the profile expansion technique is proposed by Tahmasebi
(2021) address the cold start issue in recommender systems. In order to improve the user base in the area, they
also take into account demographic information about users (such as age, gender, and occupation) in addition to
user ratings. In particular, two distinct tactics are employed to offer some more ratings to individuals in order to
enhance their rating profiles. The performance of recommender systems can be significantly improved,
especially when they are dealing with the cold start problem, thanks to the proposed rating profile expansion
technique. This assertion is supported by the fact that the suggested mechanism adds some more ratings to the
original user-item rating matrix, making it denser than the original one. Naturally, giving a target user a rating
profile with additional ratings helps recommender systems avoid the cold start issue. To estimate user similarity
and forecast items that haven't yet been seen, enlarged rating profiles are used. Experiment findings show that
the suggested strategy performs better than the other recommendation methods in terms of accuracy and rate
coverage measures (Tahmasebi et al., 2021).
In this study, Mohamed et al. (2020) develop two novel algorithms to address the recommendation system's
sparsity, accuracy, and performance issues. First, they employed clustering along with association rule mining to
uncover a hidden pattern, measure the number of songs played every transaction, and compute similarities
through cosine vector similarity to give recommendations to consumers. Second, to decrease dimensionality,
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
improve efficiency, and address accuracy and sparsity issues, they combined K-means clustering techniques
with SVD. Their experiments are conducted on recent FM music datasets and movie-lens datasets with implicit
and explicit feedback. They compare their new algorithms with k-means collaborative filtering using RMSE
(root mean square error) to demonstrate the performance and accuracy of movie lens and demonstrate the
accuracy between the two new algorithms and basic collaborative filtering by measuring accuracy using
precision, recall, and F-measure. This experiment demonstrates that when combined with SVD and fundamental
collaborative filtering, association rule outperforms improved k-means. However, their new k-means plus SVD
algorithm outperforms random collaborative filtering K-means in terms of performance (Mohamed et al., 2020).
The authors of this paper Dhahri et al. (2018) propose an autonomous and adaptive recommendation system that
uses the user's mood and implicit feedback to suggest songs without knowing the user's preferences in advance.
Their approach uses relationships between users, songs, users' moods, and song emotions to automatically create
a latent factor model from the online data of numerous users (generic song map per mood). The basic song map
for each mood is customized using a mix of the Page-Hinkley (PH) test and the Reinforcement Learning (RL)
framework, taking into account the implicit rewards of the user. In order to demonstrate the impact of mood on
music recommendation and how the suggested solution might outperform other traditional solutions over time in
terms of hit rate and F1 score, the researchers conduct a number of tests using the LiveJournal two-million
(LJ2M) dataset (Dhahri et al., 2018).
There are two significant drawbacks to the current content-based recommendation techniques. First, the
recommendation outcomes are relatively limited as a result of the item flaws and user model matching
algorithms. Second, the scenario is not given much thought therefore the suggestion algorithm is not context-
aware. Enhancing user pleasure through superior suggestion is crucial. Two cutting-edge techniques are
examined and expanded in this research in order to improve recommendation performance. The context-aware
recommender, which incorporates context information into the suggestion process, is the first approach. The
second approach uses a recommender system that uses semantic analysis and takes domain semantics into
account. The challenge is to put them together in a way that will completely utilize their potential despite the
fact that they are compatible. This research suggests an enhanced content-based model that incorporates
semantics and context. Context-aware suggestion is used to increase context awareness. To solve the narrowness
issue, semantic relevance-based instance similarity is computed. The suggested recommendation system is
assessed using metrics (such as the recall meter) and contrasted with the existing content-based techniques.
Results show that the proposed system is superior in terms of accuracy (Yang, 2018).
In this research, a system is shown for gathering user musical preferences and musical textual characteristics on
YouTube, as well as for generating collaboratively filtered music suggestions. Additional attributes for the item
are required because collaborative filtering suffers greatly from cold start and data sparsity. They provide a
technique to boost YouTube recommendation performance by combining implicit feedback and textual features.
The results of the experiments show that this system's recommended playlists meet both individual and group
preferences (Wang et al., 2020).
This study outlines the topics that require attention and thought and covers the key concepts and techniques
employed in contemporary recommendation systems. The study seeks to develop a directed tag-based
personalized music recommendation system that can offer consumers basic music services and push them
personalized music suggestion lists based on these algorithms, user history data information, and music data
information currently available. Next, the tag-based collaborative filtering algorithm is shown. Typically, this
method employs discrete tags and juxtaposes and levels user tags and music tags, which does not accurately
reflect the significance and ranking order relationship of each tag or the cognitive sequence of users as they
listen to and annotate music. The user-tag and music-tag data are associated through the tag sequence of tag and
music-tag data are correlated and analytically modeled, and feature directed graphs are produced in order to
solve this issue and improve recommendation accuracy (Huo, 2021).
This essay conducts a thorough and in-depth analysis of the qualities of music. A proposed intelligent
recommendation algorithm for modern popular music is knowledge graph-based. In this study, user-defined tags
are referred to as the free DNA of music, facilitating the analysis of user behavior and the identification of user
interests. This algorithm's recommendation quality has been confirmed to be relatively high, and it offers a fresh
development route for enhancing the speed of looking for health information services (Zhang, 2022).
Different filtering methods are applied in recommendation systems. Along with such filtering techniques, some
soft computing techniques can be incorporated to improve its performance. This article provides a summary of
evaluation criteria, stages, difficulties, and how soft computing approaches are combined with filtering
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
techniques. The popularity of various filtering approaches and soft computing methods employed in
recommendation systems is also statistically analyzed in this research (Das et al., 2019).
This research suggests using latent variables to suggest a playlist of songs for a specific film. The suggestion is
based on the proposed scoring function, which uses a weighted average of the latent elements for both the video
and the music. Additionally, pairwise ranking is used to create the objective function, and stochastic gradient
descent is used to optimize the suggested objective function. In the studies, they lay up two hypotheses and
create a number of tests to evaluate the performance and efficacy of the suggested algorithm from several
angles, such as accuracy, quantitative research, and qualitative research. The experimental findings show that
the suggested model has promise for accuracy and quantitative analysis. Additionally, this paper offers a
thorough analysis to look at whether the system's suggested background music is appropriate through subject
interviews (Liu & Chen, 2018).
This study introduces a music recommendation system for offline song collections that uses reinforcement
learning ideas to produce acceptable recommendations based on the many taken into account content-based
characteristics. Parallel instances of single-play multi-arm bandit algorithms are maintained to gain insights into
the efficacy of the provided recommendations. By assuming that the environment's reward-generating process is
non-stationary and stochastic, the ideas of Bayesian learning are then considered to describe the user
preferences. Within the limitations of the input data capabilities, the system is intended to be straightforward,
straightforward to deploy, and at-par with user pleasure (Bharadwaj et al., 2022).
This work provides a customized music recommendation system based on multidimensional time-series
analysis, which can enhance the effect of music suggestion by appropriately considering user midterm behavior.
This approach represents the user's behavior as a multidimensional time series, analyzes the series to better
forecast the usage of music users' behavior preferences, and then expresses each song as the probability of
belonging to numerous hidden themes. Then, a method for recommending music is put forth that takes into
account users' long-term, medium-term, and real-time behaviors as well as the dynamic adjustment of the
influence weight of the three behaviors. This method makes use of advanced long short time memory (LSTM)
technology and aims to further enhance the effect of music recommendation. The practicality of the suggested
method is initially verified through the use of the prototype system (Shi, 2021).
This article proposes a system for product recommendations that makes use of an autoencoder built on a
collaborative filtering technique. The findings section includes a comparison of this model with the Singular
Value Decomposition. Given that the recommendations given to users are in line with their interests and are
unaffected by the data sparsity problem because the datasets are extremely sparse, their experiment has a very
low Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) value, which is 0.996. The outcomes are very encouraging, with an
RMSE value of 0.029 in the first dataset and 0.010 in the second (Ferreira et al., 2020).
For a very long time, experts have worked to understand sound and what makes one music different from
another. How is sound visualized? How it makes one tone different from another? Hopefully, a suitable dataset
will allow for the opportunity to do the study. The GTZAN dataset, which may be found in at least 100
published articles, is the most often used public dataset for analysis in machine listening research for music
genre recognition (MGR). For train-up our Music Genre Classification (MGC) technology, we use the GTZAN
Genre Dataset.
The most popular publicly available dataset for testing in machine listening research for music genre
identification is the GTZAN dataset (MGR). The files were gathered between 2000 and 2001 from various
sources, including as personal CDs, radio, and microphone recordings, in order to illustrate a range of recording
A total of 1000 audio tracks with duration of 30 seconds are included in the GTZAN Genre Dataset. The dataset
is organized into a total of 10 classes, each of which has 100 tracks and represents a different musical genre. The
tracks are all 22050Hz Mono 16-bit.wav audio files.
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
GTZAN genre Dataset Structure
GTZAN genre Data Fields
audio: a tensor containing audio.
genre: a class label tensor to classify audios in 10 classes
GTZAN Genre Categories
The classes or genres are:
1) blues
2) classical
3) country
4) disco
5) hiphop
6) jazz
7) metal
8) pop
9) reggae
10) rock
GTZAN genre Data Splits
GTZAN genre contains a single split with 10000 audio tracks
Data Pre-processing
Table 1. Audio pre-processing setting
Sample rate
22050 Hz
Hop length
Number of segments
Number of MFCCs coefficients
Wave Form
Figure 1. 30 sec of a wave from GTZAN dataset
Each wave form audio tracks with a 30-second duration and 22050Hz Mono 16-bit audio files in .wav format.
Here X axis as Time domain and Y axis is Amplitude in the Wave form.
FFT (Power Spectrum)
In Fast Fourier Transform the normal wave are converted from Time to Frequency Domain and also Amplitude
to Magnitude
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
Figure 2. Power spectrum
MFCCs (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients)
The modeling of audio sounds and music by other writers has also used MFCCs. For instance, Foote (1997) uses
a cepstral representation of sounds to build a retrieval system. One of the aspects in the retrieval system
described by Blum et al. (1999) includes MFCCs (Logan, 2000). There is a description of a system for
summarizing music using cepstral features (Logan, 2000). However, these works do not thoroughly examine the
assumptions given; they just use cepstral features because they have been so successful for voice recognition.
Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) were initially employed in a number of audio or voice
processing approaches, but as the area of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) advanced alongside machine
learning, it was discovered that MFCCs could effectively represent tone. The following is the fundamental
process for developing MFCCs:
Divide signal into frame
Convert from Hertz to Mel Scale
Take logarithm of Mel representation of audio
Take logarithmic magnitude and use Discrete Cosine Transformation
This result creates a spectrum over Mel frequencies as opposed to time, thus creating MFCCs
Figure 3. Visual representation of MFCCs
The GTZAN dataset which has 10 classes of music genre and 1000 of music wav files have been used in this
system. Pre-process the audio data with the help of MFCCs to generate the features vectors. After extracted the
features vectors using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, we pass the MFCCs into our deep learning
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
Figure 4. Pre-processing Pipeline
Firstly, set the sample rate of music as 22050 Hz, set the window size or number of intervals for FFT as 2048
and hop length is 512. Here, the number of segments is 5 and the number of MFCC is 13. We have pre-
processed the audio data by using the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) technique, then split the
MFCCs feature data or Mel-Spectrogram for training & testing those data. Our network topology is a sequential
model. Our network has 2 LSTM layers. In the 1
layer of LSTM, the input unit is 64 and the return sequence is
True. That means it is a sequence-to-sequence layer. In the 2
layer of LSTM, the input unit is also 64, set
dropout and recurrent dropout is 0.4 (40%). This layer is a sequence to vector.
MFCCs Vectors Extracted
Data Splitting
Classify Music Genre
Recommend Music
from Database
Labelling Music based on
Store in Database
based on Genre
Data pre-processing
LSTM Model
Figure 5. Methodology of music genre classification & recommendation
In the Dense Layer, the number of units is 64 and its activation function is Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU). In the
Dropout Layer set dropout probability is 0.3 (30%) to avoid overfitting. In the Output Layer is set activation
function as SoftMax which a classifier and set 10 neurons. Here 10 neurons represent the 10 Musical Genres
such as blues, classical, country, disco, hip-hop, jazz, metal, pop, reggae and rock. This layer is finally classified
the music genres. To compile the model, we use the Adam optimizer and the learning rate is 0.0001. We use 100
epochs and the batch size is 32 to train our model. After classifying the appropriate music genre, the particular
audio gets labelled. Then labelled music are store in a database. Then finally, recommended music from
particular genre from the labelled database which has been classified by our system.
Figure 6. Flow chart of recommendation process
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
Steps of the flow chart of our recommendation system:
1) Start the process.
2) Upload Wav Music.
3) Classifying the Music Genre by Deep Learning Model (RNN-LSTM/GRU/CNN)
4) Store the classified music in the database that has been categorized according to the genre.
5) Count the view of each wav file and also store the view count in the database in descending order.
6) Recommend the top 10 music (based on view count) from same categories genre from the database.
TensorFlow is an artificial intelligence framework created by Google, and Colaboratory is a development tool.
Today Google has made Colaboratory free for the general public to use since 2017, and TensorFlow is open-
sourced. Google Colab or just Colab are the current names for Collaboratory. We use google Colab environment
in our all experimentation. Users can run Python programs through a browser easily through Colaboratory. For
those who enjoy machine learning and data science, this is very handy. The best feature of Google Colab is the
fact that it offers free access to powerful computing tools like GPUs and TPUs. It costs nothing to utilize Google
Our network topology is a sequential model. Our network has 2 LSTM layers. In the 1st layer of LSTM, the
input unit is 64 and the return sequence is True. That means it is a sequence-to-sequence layer. In the 2nd layer
of LSTM, the input unit is also 64, set dropout and recurrent dropout is 0.4 (40%). This layer is a sequence to
vector. In the Dense Layer, the number of units is 64 and its activation function is Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU).
In the Dropout Layer set dropout probability is 0.3 (30%) to avoid overfitting. In the Output Layer is set
activation function as SoftMax which a classifier and set 10 neurons. Here 10 neurons represent the 10 Musical
Genres such as blues, classical, country, disco, hip-hop, jazz, metal, pop, reggae and rock. This layer is finally
classified the music genres. To compile the model, we use the Adam optimizer and the learning rate is 0.0001.
We use 100 epochs and the batch size is 32 to train our model. After classifying the appropriate music genre, the
particular audio gets labelled. Then labelled music are store in a database. Then finally, recommended music
from particular genre from the labelled database which has been classified by our system
Experiments Results
In this research study of “Developing music recommendation system by integrating an MGC with Deep
Learning Techniques, we have used 3 different Deep Learning Techniques in our system such as RNN-LSTM
(Recurrent Neural Networks-Long-Short Term Memory), CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and GRU
(Gated Recurrent Unit) model. The accuracy that we have gained by using those 3 models are given in the
Table 2. Comparative analysis of accuracy of the baselines and proposed model on GTZAN dataset
International Conference on Technology (IConTech), November 16-19, 2022, Antalya/Turkey
(1) CNN (2) GRU
(3) LSTM
Figure 7. Train and test accuracy per epoch - CNN, GRU, LSTM model
By Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Model we have gained about 71% accuracy in our testing. On other hand,
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) have produced about 72% of accuracy in our testing which is 1% better
than GRU Model. The Recurrent Neural Networks-Long-Short Term Memory (RNN-LSTM) have produced
about 74% of accuracy in our testing experiment which is 2% better than CNN and 3% better than GRU Model.
From all of our proposed models and experimentation, we see that the RNN-LSTM has achieved the best
accuracy result (74%) among all of our proposed models.
Identifying a specific genre of music is a very challenging task, and the results depend on the accuracy of the
feature and an appropriate model. In our research study, we have developed an Intelligent Music
Recommendation System by integrating an MGC (Music Genre Classification) with Deep Learning Techniques
such as CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), RNN-LSTM (Recurrent Neural Networks-Long-Short Term
Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) Model. We have used the GTZAN Dataset to training our system. We
have extracted features by using of Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) from GTZAN Dataset. Then
pass the features into our neural networks. In our experiment, our neural networks GRU, CNN and RNN-LSTM
models have gained the accuracy are about 71%, 72% and 74% respectively. From all of our proposed models
and experimentation, the RNN-LSTM has achieved the best accuracy result (about 74%) among all of our
proposed models. After classified music according to the genre, recommend the top 10 music (based on view
count) from same categories genre music from the labelled database.
We will try to achieve more accuracy and try to reduce the classification time of music genre so that
recommendation of music is shown quicker. Additionally, we will expand the dataset and integrate a variety of
additional models into our system to improve accuracy and produce more precise results. We also develop an
android Intelligent Music Player application with more accurate music recommendation system.
Scientific Ethics Declaration
The authors declare that they are responsible for the scientific, ethical, and legal aspects of the paper published
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Author Information
Md. Omar Faruk Riad
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Subhasish Ghosh
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
Chittagong, Bangladesh
To cite this article:
Riad, M. O. F., & Ghosh, S. (2022). Developing music recommendation system by integrating an MGC with
deep learning techniques. Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
(EPSTEM), 19, 87-100.