Resume Builder
Create New Resume
Click on + symbol to
Create New Resume
Resume Name and Availability
Enter a title for your resume
Availability section: SelectAllow
employers to view my resume
online.” System default is set to
“Hide my resume from employers”
Resume Creation Method
Choose your Resume Creation
Comprehensive: Build your
resume using a step by step
process (create your resume from
Upload: Attach an existing Word
or .PDF resume
Completing sections in Comprehensive Resume
Click on each section to open modal pop-up display to
enter or edit data for that section
Empty sections include a Pencil symbol, to indicate the
need for entering data
Click on Objective section and type in Employment
Objective or utilize “Insert General Sample Text
Click on checkbox to “Update background information
with this objective
Objective section
Ability Summary
Click on next section, Ability Summary
Enter summary of your abilities and include any key
Click on checkbox to “Update background information
with these abilities” and click on “SAVE”
Employment History
Click on Add Employment History to enter employment
Fill out Employment History, red (*) are required
Click on SAVE when completed
Click on next section, Employment History
Employment History
After clicking on SAVE in employment history, a
pop-up box will appear stating “You may add the
skills associated with this new history to your
existing list
Click OK button to add skills, otherwise click Cancel
If OK is selected, another pop-up box will appear to
give you the option to add “technical skills and
tools associated with this employment history” OR
click CANCEL to not include technical skills.
If OK is selected, another pop-up box will appear to
give you the option to add “technical skills and tools
associated with this employment history
Click CANCEL to not include these technical skills
Skills/Tools and Technology will appear in Additional
Employer Searchable Items area
Skills/Tools and Technology can be edited or updated by
clicking on “Job Skills” and/or “Tools and Technology
Education History
Click on “Add a new Education History
Complete education history fields, red (*) are required
fields. Click on SAVE when completed
Click on next section, Education History
Occupational Licenses, Certificates and
Click on Add a new Occupation License(s)- Certificate(s)
Enter Occupational License fields, red (*) information are
required fields. Click on SAVE when completed
Click on next section, Occupational License(s),
Certificates and Training
Honors and Activities
Click on next section, Honors and Activities
Enter honors and activities. Click SAVE when complete
Additional Information
Click on next section, Additional Information if you would
like to add any additional information to your resume
Enter any Additional Information. Click SAVE when complete
Detailed References
Click on next section, Detailed References if you would like to
add your specific references on your resume
Click on “Add New Reference” to list your specific references
on your resume OR
Click on the box: “Display References Available on Request on
this resume”
Additional Employer Searchable Items
Desired Occupation
Next complete Additional Employer Searchable Items fields
Click on Desired Occupation
Click on drop down box that will display previous occupations
you have selected while in the HireNet Hawaii system OR
Search for an occupation by clicking on the “Search for an
Occupation link”
Click on SAVE when completed
Desired Salary
Click on next section, Desired Salary
Click on drop down box to select “Desired Salary:
Check box will be defaulted to “Update background
information with desired salary
Click on SAVE when completed
Desired Job Location
Click on “Add a Location” link
Make a selection of Desired Location by choosing either: State of
Hawaii, County or Zip code
Check box will be defaulted to “Update background information
with the selected information” Click SAVE when completed
Click on next section, Desired Job Type
Desired Job Type
Click on “Add New Profile”
Complete Desired Employment Category, Desired Work Hours,
Desired Travel and Relocation/Telecommuting
Red (*) are required fields. Click on SAVE when completed
Click on next section, Desired Job Type
Drivers License
Click on next section, Drivers License
Red (*) fields are required
Additional fields will appear if YES is selected for valid drivers
license. Click SAVE when completed
Security Clearance
Click on next section, Security Clearance. If NO Security
Clearance bypass section.
Click on drop down box for type of Security Clearance
Select Security Clearance level and click on SAVE
Job Skills
Skills will be prefilled if you selected YES to associate skills related to
your occupation when completing Employment History.
Click on MODIFY SKILLS to make changes
Click on ADD SKILLS if skills are not pre-populated from occupation.
Choose related skills and click on SAVE when completed
Click on next section, Job Skills
Tools and Technology
Tools and Technology will be prefilled if you selected YES to associate
Tools and Technology related to your occupation when completing
Employment History. Click on MODIFY SKILLS to make changes.
Click on Add tools and technology by keyword or Add tools and
technology by occupation if skills are not pre-populated from
Employment History. Click on SAVE when completed
Click on next section, Tools and Technology
Typing Speed
Click on next section, Typing Speed. If not applicable, bypass
Click on drop down list
Select Typing Speed from drop down list and click on SAVE
Languages and Proficiency
Click on Add a new Language
Make a selection from drop down for Language and Proficiency
Click on SAVE when completed
Click on next section, Language/Proficiency. If not applicable,
bypass section.
Set Resume to Online
Once fields in resume have been completed, click on “Not
Online” status to “Online”
If you are filing or filed an Unemployment Insurance Claim your
resume must be ONLINE for employers to view
Pop box will appear, click OK to set your
resume online
Pop box will appear, click OK to make your resume
available to registered employers online
You are also agreeing to share the information
displayed on your resume to employers
Online Resume
Resume Features:
1) Copy Existing Resume
2) Print Resume
3) Email Resume
4) Download Resume:
* Adobe Acrobat File (PDF)
* Microsoft Word File (.doc)
* HyperText Markup Language
* Rich Text Format (RTF)
5) Template Options
Resume is now ONLINE and COMPLETE
1 2 3 4 5
Upload Resume Option
Select UPLOAD creation
method to attach an existing
Word or.PDF resume
Enter a title for your resume
Upload Resume - Resume Availability
Select: YES, my resume will be available online for employers to
If you have filed an Unemployment Insurance claim, your resume
is required to be ONLINE and available for employers to view
If, for any reason you elect to take your resume offline while
collecting UI benefits, please notify your local UI claims office
Pop up box will appear. Click OK to confirm “you are agreeing to
share the information displayed on your resume”
Select OK to proceed
Content Extraction for uploaded resume
Content Extraction:
Make selection of selecting PDF or
Word resume to upload OR
Copy and paste resume content
Content Display:
Make selection of displaying existing
resume content OR display extracted
resume content formatted in the
HireNet Hawaii system
Extraction Method:
Make selection to review extracted
employment and education history
before adding to the HireNet Hawaii
system OR choose to review
employment and education history
Click on NEXT when completed
Select your resume file
To upload resume, click on Browse to select your resume file
Once resume is uploaded, click on NEXT and continue through
additional fields (e.g. Employer Search Items, Education, etc)
For Copy & Paste resume, paste resume in body of page and
select NEXT when completed
Resume Upload Builder
Once your resume has been extracted from
upload or copy and paste it will pre-fill
information in each resume section
Click on “Next” to move forward and the
system will walk you through the remainder of
the Resume Builder to format your resume
and add it to the HireNet Hawaii system
Once all fields have been completed, resume
will display ONLINE and complete
Leave as checked to
update background
Complete and Online Uploaded Resume
Resume will display online and complete
Below the displayed resume, you have the options to:
* View your uploaded resume
* Replace your uploaded resume
Click on the link for the options