Embedding Metadata in Digital Audio Files
Guideline for Federal Agency Use of Broadcast WAVE Files
By the Federal Agencies Audio-Visual Working Group
Version 1.0. Approved version, September 15, 2009 (clarification wording November 24, 2009)
I.A. Strongly recommended elements (page 2)
Originator, OriginatorReference, Description (for additional identifiers),
OriginationDate, Version, Reserved
I.B. Recommended element (page 5)
I.C. Optional elements (page 5)
OriginationTime, CodingHistory
II.A. Recommended element (page 7)
IARL (archival location)
II.B. Optional elements (page 7)
INAM (name, title), ICMT (comment for identifiers), ICRD (creation date), ICOP
(copyright and other restrictions)
What is this document?
This is one of three docum
ents pertaining to the embedding of metadata in digital audio files
prepared by the Federal Agencies Audio-Visual Working Group in 2009. The two companion
documents are:
Introductory Discussion for the Proposed Federal Agencies Guideline
Consultant’s report on embedding options in digital audio files
I.A. Strongly recommended elements for bext chunk. If the Working Group had the
authority to do so, these would be "required."
BWF Spec ASCII string (maximum 32 characters) containing the name of the originator/producer of the
audio file. If the length of the string is less than 32 characters, the field is ended by a null
Fed Agencies
This element contains the entity responsible for the "archiving" (creation, maintenance,
preservation) of this digital item. Entity designations should be as specific as possible
including a two-character county code to avoid the potential for conflict in the archiving
entity’s name.
If space permits within the 32 character limit, the archival entity should be identified at the
most specific level within the institution.
Use a standard abbreviation of entity names such as those found in the Guide to Government
Acronyms & Abbreviations. If an entity is not on this list, use a familiar abbreviation. Use
the standard two-character ISO 3166 alpha 2 country code list
Char limit 32
Mandatory/optional Strongly recommended (if the Working Group had authority: "required")
Values [Country code]comma space[Entity name]
Example LC US, LOC/RSS
[RSS = Recorded Sound Section]
Example EPA US, EPA
BWF Spec ASCII string (maximum 32 characters) containing a non ambiguous reference allocated by
the originating organization. If the length of the string is less than 32 characters, the field is
ended by a null character.
Fed Agencies
This element contains the principal identifier or the "best" identifier which uniquely
differentiates one object from another, preferably at the file level.
If the principal identifier string is less than 32 characters, enter the entire identifier string.
If the principal identifier string is longer than 32 characters, enter this text: "See Description
for identifiers."
Do not embed identifiers which could pose a possible security risk, e.g., by exposing exact
NOTE: The Working Group perceived value in the practice of repeating the principal
identifier as the first identifier in the BEXT Description element (which has 256 available
characters) but did not make this detail a strong recommendation. Comments from readers
are welcome.
Char limit 32
Mandatory/optional Strongly recommended (if the Working Group had authority: "required")
Values Under 32 characters: Identifier string
Over 32 characters: See Description
Example NARA See Description for identifiers
[Explanation: actual identifiers extend more than 32 characters.]
Example LC 1201566-2-1
[Explanation: unique number generated by the MAVIS collections management
database. Preferred identifier for the LC Recorded Sound Section. Generally for
local use.]
BWF Spec ASCII string (maximum 256 characters) containing a free description of the sequence. To
help applications which only display a short description, it is recommended that a résumé of
the description is contained in the first 64 characters, and the last 192 characters are use for
details. If the length of the string is less than 256 characters, the last one is followed by a
null character. (00)
Fed Agencies
COMMENT: This element is recommended as a container for identifiers for the work at
hand and/or as pointers to additional, non-embedded (externally maintained) metadata.
Members of the Working Group have repeatedly encountered the need to provide multiple
identifiers for a given item. The resulting extent of data cannot be accommodated in the
OriginatorReference element. For these reasons, the Working Group's recommendations for
the Description element deviate from the EBU specification.
In some cases, the 256-character limit will prevent an agency from listing all of its
identifiers; the most important or helpful should be provided.
Do not embed identifiers which could pose a possible security risk, e.g., by exposing exact
NOTE: The Working Group perceived value in two practices but wished to leave these as
optional. The first is the tagging of identifiers (see examples, typically URLs) to permit
them to be properly understood. The second is the repetition of the principal identifier (as
provided without tagging) in OriginatorReference as the first identifier in Description, where
labeling as to its origin or purpose can be provided. Comments from readers are welcome.
Char limit 256
Mandatory/optional Strongly recommended (if the Working Group had authority: "required")
Values If labeled: Identifier [comma space] type [comma space] comment [semicolon-space if more
than one identifier]
If no labeling: Identifier
Example NARA [Two labeled identifiers]
58979818, local, principal ID original filename; 306-MUSA-9658B, local, RG-Series-Item
Example LC [One labeled identifier]
http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.mbrsmi/westhpp.2033, URL, principal ID handle
Example LC [One unlabeled identifier]
Example LC [One unlabeled identifier]
[Explanation: unique number generated by the MAVIS collections management
database. Generally for local use.]
Example LC [One unlabeled identifier]
[Explanation: Recorded Sound Section shelf number for the original physical item
that has been digitally reformatted. For local use.]
Example LC [One unlabeled identifier]
Harmonia Mundi France HM 957
[Explanation: Label information for a phonodisc in the Recorded Sound Section
Example California
Digital Library
[One labeled identifier]
ark.cdlib.org.org/ark:/13030/tf5p30086k, URL, ARK
Example LC [One labeled identifier]
http://lccn.loc.gov/mp76000002, URL, Permalink
BWF Spec Ten ASCII characters containing the date of creation of the audio sequence.
Fed Agencies
This element contains the file creation date. This is understood to mean the local date in the
timezone for the archival entity; the structure of the bext chunk does not permit ISO 8601
datetime indication, which unambiguously indicates date and time in terms of UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time or Temps Universel Coordonné).
Char limit 10
Mandatory/optional Strongly recommended (if the Working Group had authority: "required")
Values ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD. Year is defined from 0000 to 9999; Month is defined from 01 to
12 (use leading zeroes if less than 10); Day is defined from 01 to 28, 29, 30 or 31 (use
leading zeroes if less than 10). The separator between the items is a hyphen
[-] with no spaces. Note: the Working Group adheres to the ISO 8601 truncation
convention: the year should always be given but, if unknown, values for month and day are
omitted. Thus the string length may be four, seven, or ten. If the string entered is less than
ten characters, end it with a null character.
Example 2005-11-09
BWF Spec An unsigned binary number giving the version of the BWF, particularly the contents of the
Reserved field.
UMID 64 bytes containing a UMID (Unique Material Identifier) to the SPMTE 330M
standard. If only a 32 byte .basic UMID. is used, the last 32 bytes should be set to zero. (The
length of the UMID is given internally.) Note: The EBU intends to publish guidance on the
use of the UMID in audio files.
This element contains the BWF version. The current version is Version 1 which replaced
Version 0. For Version 1, this element is set to 0001h.
Fed Agencies
Follow EBU specification.
NOTE regarding the UMID identifier. The Working Group’s understanding is that when
file-reading software recognizes an instance of BWF version 1, it will look in the Version
field to see if there is a UMID and report it. Readers that recognize an instance of version 0
will not look for a UMID. Meanwhile, no federal agencies are using UMID for audio files
at this time and the Working Group has no particular recommendation regarding this
identifier. NARA reports that their digitization systems produce version 1 files with the
"slot" for the UMID left blank.
Char limit 64 bytes reserved for UMID
Mandatory/optional Required by EBU specification
Example 0001h
BWF Spec 190 bytes reserved for extensions. If the Version field is set to 0001h, these 190 bytes must
be set to a NULL (zero) value.
Fed Agencies
Follow EBU specification.
Char limit 190 bytes
Mandatory/optional Required by EBU specification
Example NULL
I.B. Recommended element for bext chunk
BWF Spec This field contains the timecode of the sequence. It is a 64-bit value which contains the first
sample count since midnight. The number of samples per second depends on the sample
frequency which is defined in the field <nSamplesPerSec> from the <format chunk>.
Fed Agencies
The Working Group believes that TimeReference can be used in a manner that supports the
management of files that are parts of multitrack or multisegment works and plans to provide
recommendations in the future.
Char limit 64-bit value
Mandatory/optional Optional but recommended for complex recordings
Example 2374
I.C. Optional elements for bext chunk
BWF Spec Eight ASCII characters containing the time of creation of the audio sequence.
Fed Agencies
This element contains the file creation time. This is understood to mean the local time in the
timezone for the archival entity; the structure of the bext chunk does not permit ISO 8601
datetime indication, which unambiguously indicates date and time in terms of UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time or Temps Universel Coordonné).
Char limit 8
Mandatory/optional Optional
Values ISO 8601 HH:MM:SS. Hour is defined from 00 to 23 (use leading zeroes if less than 10).
Minute and second are defined from 00 to 59 (use leading zeroes if less than 10). The
separator between the items is a colon [:] with no spaces. Note: the Working Group adheres
to the ISO 8601 truncation convention: the hour should always be given but, if unknown,
values for minutes and second are omitted. Thus the string length may be two, five, or eight.
If the string entered is less than eight characters, end the data with a null character.
Example 01:45:25
BWF Spec Non-restricted ASCII characters, containing a collection of strings terminated by CR/LF.
Each string contains a description of a coding process applied to the audio data. Each new
coding application is required to add a new string with the appropriate information. This
information must contain the type of sound (PCM or MPEG) with its specific parameters:
PCM : mode (mono, stereo), size of the sample (8, 16 bits) and sample frequency: MPEG :
sample frequency, bit-rate, layer (I or II) and the mode (mono, stereo, joint stereo or dual
channel). It is recommended that the manufacturers of the coders provide an ASCII string
for use in the coding history.
Fed Agencies
This element is designed to hold data on the digitizing process including signal chain
specifics, sample rate and bit depth, and other elements. It is defined as a collection of
strings, each presented on a separate line, containing a history of the coding processes
applied to the file. The first line documents the analog source recording, the second line
contains data on the capture process, the third line of data records information on the storage
of the file. A new line is added when the coding history related to the file is changed.
Char limit Non-restricted
Mandatory/optional Optional
Values Each variable within a string is separated by a comma-space and each line should end with a
carriage return and line feed.
Summary of subelements:
A=coding algorithm
F=sampling frequency
B=bit rate (only for MPEG)
W=word length
T=free ASCII text string; contains no commas but semicolons may be used
Detail on subelement syntax:
A = Coding Algorithm <ANALOG, PCM, MPEG1L1, MPEG1L2, MPEG1L3,
F=Sampling frequency <11000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000> Implied unit
of measure [Hz]
B (ONLY FOR MPEG ENCODING) = Bit-rate <any bit-rate allowed in MPEG 2
(ISO/IEC13818-3)>, Implied unit of measure [kbit/s per channel]
W= Word Length <8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24> Implied unit of measure [bits]
M=Mode <mono, stereo, dual-mono, joint-stereo>
T=Text, free string <a free ASCII-text string for in house use. This string should
contain no commas (ASCII 2Chex). Examples of the contents: ID-No; codec type;
A/D type>
Example [Each line is another “chapter” in one history:]
A=ANALOG,M=stereo,T=Otari MX5050; SN3690; 15 ips; open reel tape
A=PCM,F=48000,W=18,M=stereo,T=NVision; NV1000; A/D
Example A=PCM,F=48000,W=16,M=stereo,T=PCX9; DIO
A=ANALOG,M=mono,T=Studer816; SN1007; 15 ips; open reel tape,
A=PCM,F=96000,W=24,M=mono,T=Pyramix1; SN16986,
A=PCM,F=96000,W=24,M=mono,T=Lynx; AES16; DIO,
Line 1 reads: an analog, mono, open-reel tape played back on a Studer 816 tape
machine with serial number 1007 at tape speed 15 ips.
Line 2 reads: tape was digitized to PCM coding in mono mode at 96 kHz sampling
frequency and 24 bits per sample on a Pyramix 1 DAW with serial number 16986.
Line 3 reads: the audio was stored as a BWF file with PCM coding in mono mode
at 96 kHz sampling frequency and 24 bits per sample using a Lynx AES16 digital
input/output interface]
II.A. Recommended element for info chunk
RIFF Spec Archival Location: Indicates where the subject of the file is archived.
Fed Agencies
This element is an approximate equivalent to the Originator element in the bext chunk which
records the entity responsible for the "archiving" (creation, maintenance, preservation) of
this digital item. If used, this element could repeat the data from the Originator element in
the same structured format. In some applications, it is automatically carried over to the MP3
ID3 element "ArchivalLocation." Of all the info list chunk elements, this is the most
important for Federal Agencies because it is vital to document the archival responsibility for
a content item.
Entity designations should be as specific as possible including a two-character county code
to avoid the potential for conflict in the archiving entity’s name. The archival entity should
be identified at the most specific level within the institution.
Use a standard abbreviation of entity names such as those found in the Guide to Government
Acronyms & Abbreviations. If an entity is not on this list, use a familiar abbreviation. Use
the standard two-character ISO 3166 alpha 2 country code list
Mandatory/optional Strongly recommended (“required”) if using info list chunk
Values [Country code]comma space[Entity name]
Example LC US, LOC/RSS
[RSS = Recorded Sound Section]
II.B. Optional elements for info chunk
RIFF Spec Name: Stores the title of the subject of the file, such as, Seattle from Above.
Fed Agencies
If used, this element should contain a working title. This phrase is intended to convey the
Working Group’s understanding that metadata may be updated over time. Users who refer
to elements like titles in an embedded block of metadata should understand that this may not
represent the latest and best information, and they should be counseled to follow one of the
identifiers in order to obtain later and/or better data.
Mandatory/optional Optional
Values Free text
Example LC Symphony no. 3 in A minor, op. 56
Example LC Interview with Bo Dollis at WWOZ, New Orleans, 1999-03-24 [title assigned by cataloger]
Example LC Adventures in research. No. 587, Sawing off Manhattan Island [episode in a radio series]
RIFF Spec Comment: Provides general comments about the file or the subject of the file. If the
comment is several sentences long, end each sentence with a period. Do not include newline
characters (such as CR/LF/EOL).
Fed Agencies
If used, this element should repeat the principal and other identifiers from the
OriginatorReference and/or Description element in the bext chunk. Each identifier will be
labeled as to its origin or purpose using the “type” and “comment” qualifiers. Using the tag
“local” in the "type" qualifier implies the entity identified in the bext Originator element. In
some applications, this info list element may carry forward automatically to the MP3 ID3
tagged element "Comment."
NOTE: The Working Group perceived value in the practices of labeling identifiers (see
examples) but wished to leave this as an optional practice.
Mandatory/optional Optional
Values If labeled: Identifier [comma space] type [comma space] comment [semicolon-space if more
than one identifier]
If no labeling: Identifier
Example NARA [Tagged identifier]
58979818, local, principal ID original filename
Example NARA [Tagged identifier]
306-MUSA-9658B, local, RG-Series-Item Number
Example LC [Two tagged identifiers, from LC, RSS]
1201566-2-1, local, system-generated number; RYI 6039, local, source location number
Example LC [Tagged identifier]
http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.mbrsmi/westhpp.2033, URL, principal ID Handle
Example California
Digital Library
[Tagged identifier]
ark.cdlib.org.org/ark:/13030/tf5p30086k, URL, ARK
Example LC [Unlabeled identifier]
RIFF Spec Creation date: Specifies the date the subject of the file was created. List dates in year-month-
day format, padding one-digit months and days with a zero on the left. For example, 1999-
05-03 for May 3, 1999.
Fed Agencies
This element is an equivalent to the OriginationDate in the bext chunk. If used, this element
could repeat the information from the OriginationDate element in the bext chunk using the
same structured format. In some applications, this info list element may carry forward
automatically to MP3 ID3 tagged element "CreationDate."
Mandatory/optional Optional
Values ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD. Year is defined from 0000 to 9999; Month is defined from 1 to
12; Day is defined from 1 to 28,29,30 or 31. The separator between the items is a hyphen [-]
with no spaces.
Example 2005-11-30
RIFF Spec Copyright: Records the copyright information for the file. For example, Copyright
Encyclopedia International 1991. If there are multiple copyrights, separate them by a
semicolon followed by a space.
Fed Agencies
Information about copyright and other restrictions (donor, privacy, etc.). Usage by federal
agencies will often refer to the documentation of restrictions provided by other, non-
embedded metadata. This element has no equivalent in the bext chunk. In some
applications, this info list element may carry forward automatically to MP3 ID3 tagged
element "Copyright."
If used, this element may contain the information as known at the time of embedding. The
Working Group understands that metadata may be updated over time. Users who refer to an
embedded block of metadata should understand that this may not represent the latest and
best information, and they should be counseled to follow one of the identifiers in order to
obtain later and/or better data.
Mandatory/optional Optional
Values Free text. If there are multiple copyrights or other restriction statements, separate them by a
semicolon followed by a space.
Example LC Publication and other forms of distribution may be restricted. For details, contact the
Recorded Sound Section of the Library of Congress. [Preferred wording from LC, RSS]
Example LC (p) Rhino Records 2002.
Example LC See Copyright Restriction Statement. [Used by LC, American Folklife Center]
III.A. Specifications relevant to the preceding recommendations.
European Broadcast Union. Technical Recommendation R98-1999. Format for the
<CodingHistory> field in Broadcast Wave Format files, BWF. Online:
http://www.ebu.ch/CMSimages/en/tec_text_r98-1999_tcm6-4709.pdf. Accessed: March
31, 2009.
European Broadcast Union. Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) user guide. Online:
http://www.ebu.ch/en/technical/publications/userguides/bwf_user_guide.php. Accessed:
January 6, 2009.
European Broadcast Union. BWF: a format for audio data files in broadcasting. Version 1. July
2001. Online: http://www.ebu.ch/CMSimages/en/tec_doc_t3285_tcm6-10544.pdf.
Accessed: April 1, 2009.
IBM Corporation and Microsoft Corporation. Multimedia Programming Interface and Data
Specifications 1.0. Online: http://www.kk.iij4u.or.jp/~kondo/wave/mpidata.txt. Accessed:
April 1, 2009.
International Organization for Standardization. ISO 3166 Country Codes. Online:
http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists.htm or
http://www.iso.org/iso/english_country_names_and_code_elements. Accessed: June 5, 2009.
III.B. Other References
Casey, M. and B. Gordon. 2007. Sound Directions: Best Practices For Audio Preservation.
Trustees of Indiana University and President and Fellows of Harvard University. Online:
http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/projects/sounddirections/bestpractices2007/. Accessed:
January 6, 2009.
Harvard University Library. Administrative Metadata for Digital Audio Files. Online:
. Accessed: January 13, 2009.
Indiana University Archives of Traditional Music. An Introduction to Technical and Structural
Metadata Elements in ATMC. Online:
Accessed: January 13, 2009.
Smith, Kelly L. GovSpeak: A Guide to Government Acronyms & Abbreviations. Online:
. Accessed: April 15, 2009.