Application Evolution:
Web UI Strategy for Modern
Progress OpenEdge
© 2021 Progress. All Rights Reserved. 2
Table of Contents
1. Summary / 3
2. The OpenEdge Platform / 4
3. Application Evolution Journey / 5
4. User Interfaces for Cloud Enterprise Applications / 6
5. OpenEdge Application UI Options for Cloud Applications / 6
Kendo UI Builder Migration / 7
Mobile applications / 8
Single-page and other browser-based applications / 8
Content management systems / 8
Chatbots / 9
IoT devices / 9
6. Progress Services Application Evolution Approach / 10
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Over the course of almost 40 years, our mission at Progress has been the same: provide
the platform and tools that enable you to build the best strategic business applications.
Evolving an OpenEdge application is top of mind for many enterprise businesses.
Companies across the world are looking to modernize applications built many years ago,
back when the technology landscape was a single platform running on a single machine.
The ever-evolving technology landscape has introduced several technologies—elastic
cloud infrastructure, serverless, event driven architectures, responsive UI, mobile form
factors, and predictive analytics, to name a few—that must be considered when delivering
modern, competitive business applications today.
For Progress® OpenEdge®, we continue to introduce new capabilities and solutions for
modernizing the backend, including support for REST, microservices and enterprise
messaging. However, new user interface requirements demand a user experience that is
available anywhere, anytime and on any device. To help you to capitalize on the latest UI
technologies and UX paradigms and deliver a state-of-the-art user experience, we provide
market leading tools and frameworks, such as Progress Kendo UI® and Progress Telerik.
We also support community-driven, open-source solutions (not vendor specific) that are
widely adopted with a large pool of developer resources.
This paper will provide a review of the recommended OpenEdge architecture for
delivering modern applications with a primary focus on UI technologies to consider when
modernizing the application front-end.
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The OpenEdge Platform
OpenEdge is a platform for development, deployment and execution of enterprise transactional-
based business applications. The power of the platform with its domain-specific Advanced
Business Language (ABL) minimizes the complexities of managing relational data and business
logic. Concepts such as database connections, transactions and multiple record error handling are
built-in to the runtime and make writing enterprise-level business applications using OpenEdge
simpler and more productive.
Today users expect access to information 24x7x365 making continuous availability one of the
primary themes for the OpenEdge 12 series. The OpenEdge RDBMS, the Progress Application
Server for OpenEdge (PAS for OpenEdge™) and the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) are designed
to support the security, high-availability, continuous operations and scalability necessary for
enterprise business applications. OpenEdge supports the latest web application architecture
paradigms and UI technologies by providing access to business applications using standard
protocols like REST, JSON and HTTPS easily and without changes to the core business application.
This image shown below provides a detailed view of a modern enterprise application architecture
with load-balanced PAS for OpenEdge application servers, OpenEdge RDBMS with Replication and
enterprise authentication. It demonstrates various UI options where the UI clients communicate
with OpenEdge through HTTP requests.
UI Connectivity
OpenEdge Business Application
PAS for OE
OE Auth
Processing QueueREST API
Hybrid Apps
Native Apps
B2B Apps
HTTP Request
Kendo UI
or 3
Progress JSDO
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Application Evolution Journey
Application Evolution is a continuous journey through six application focus areas:
Architecture, Cloud, DevOps, Security, Data Integration and Management, and User
Interface/User Experience. Modern enterprise applications are a combination of new
architecture patterns, UX changes such as web, mobile and IoT devices, AI/ML workloads,
batch processing, microservices and more.
A modernized web application architecture sets the foundation to update your
application’s UX, since most modern UI technologies require a well-architected set of
business logic, APIs and data. As discussed in the article “Top 10 Requirements for
a Modern UI System” from On Point Technology LLC, the key considerations for a
modern UI revolve first around the architecture of the application. These are the top 10
considerations you need to account for to assure your modernization is truly modern:
Microservice Architecture
A Viable, Sustainable Fiscal Model
Configuration, Not Code
Rules-Driven Business Processes
Enterprise Service Bus
Integrated Change & Version Control
Data Migration
Legacy Integration
Progress products support modernization of both the behavior, integration and UX
Progress Application Server for OpenEdge: REST, Web, SOAP (Microservice
Docker Containerization for PAS for OE (Configuration, Not Code)
OpenEdge Pro2™ (Data Migration)
DataDirect® Hybrid Data Pipeline (Data Access)
Progress Corticon® (Rules-Driven Business Processes)
Progress Sitefinity® and Sitefinity Insight (UX and DX)
Progress MOVEit® (Secure File Transfer)
JavaScript Data Object: JSDO (Legacy Integration)
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User Interfaces for Cloud Enterprise
An enterprise application is different than a commercial one. Commercial users have
choices—if the application doesn’t work (or if it works poorly), they can simply uninstall it
and use a different one.
On the other hand, enterprise users are often required to use specific applications. These
applications are critical to their daily work, and they can’t just switch to another if they
don’t like how it’s working. They need to use the application to do their job.
For enterprise applications, user needs must be considered. These applications must be
state of the art so they can compete in today’s market.
As described in the article “Designing a powerful UX for enterprise applications — a UX
case study” by Atishay Goyal, the UX principles for enterprise applications are:
User control and freedom
Visibility of system status
Error prevention and cure
In summary, any modernization of a user interface needs to meet the demands and
expectations of the enterprise user and their work environment.
OpenEdge Application UI Options for
Cloud Applications
With the fast-paced, ever-changing nature of UI, properly defined backend services and
data in an OpenEdge application keep these services future-proof and available to new UI
components. Today’s web UI technologies include:
Mobile applications
Single-page and other browser-based applications
Content management systems
IoT Devices
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Kendo UI Builder Migration
With the end of life status of OpenEdge Kendo UI Builder (KUIB), customers are faced with
a question of the best direction forward.
With its perpetual license, you can continue to use Kendo UI Builder with the
understanding that there is no future product support. If it has worked for your application,
you can continue to use the product. KUIB was designed with customization and
extensibility in mind, so if the specific functionality you need is missing, you might be able
to add it yourself—for example, new or custom UI controls.
The generated code from the Kendo UI Builder is a fully functional Angular or AngularJS
web application that follows Angular best practices and core concepts to bring UI richness
and structure to the web application. The generated code uses Angular’s prescriptive
model of separating code blocks into individual modules.
At any time, it is possible to generate a final version of your code from Kendo UI Builder
and move your future development outside of the tool. This takes advantage of all the
generated code which avoids a costly rewrite. Experienced Angular developers should be
able to get familiar with the code and extend it by hand in JavaScript or TypeScript.
Every modernization project is unique based on the existing business strategy, application
development architecture, integration requirements and more. Let Progress help you
determine your best path forward.
Talk to an Expert
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Mobile applications
Most mobile apps are small, auxiliary apps to a larger business enterprise application due
to the limited screen real estate on a device. Mobile apps can be native, hybrid or browser-
based and work seamlessly with well-architected OpenEdge services.
Our recommendation is Kinvey which helps to minimize lengthy modernization projects.
It starts with a patented serverless architecture engineered to work with existing on-
premises enterprise assets, without requiring any changes.
Single-page and other browser-based
HTML5, CSS and JavaScript are the core technologies for delivering rich web applications.
They are supported by major browsers and fully integrated with web programming.
Enterprise applications require rich web apps or single page apps that share many
characteristics of desktop graphical user interfaces and often include the user interactive
features such as drag and drop, background menu, WYSIWYG editing, etc. These modern
web applications integrate well with OpenEdge business logic services either with the
JSDO or HTTP requests.
Our recommendation is to use Kendo UI, which is the ultimate collection of JavaScript
UI components that integrate with jQuery, Angular, React and Vue. Kendo UI facilitates
building eye-catching, high-performance, responsive web applications—regardless of your
JavaScript framework choice.
Content Management Systems
Content Management Systems (CMS) have gained popularity as an integral component
of an enterprise business solution. A CMS allows changes to your content without any
programming knowledge. Strategic business initiatives can benefit from the integration
and sharing of information from the business application to other mission-critical
applications, such as CRMs, SCMs and ecommerce. Plus, a CMS delivers enterprise-grade
security and personalized page views to various internal and external audiences.
In today’s world of multiple screens and devices, a CMS can help you maintain lots of
different types of content. From the products your company sells, to the sell sheets your
distributors use to make a buying decision, or even feeding data into mobile apps. This
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can be done by using a headless environment as a central hub for multichannel content
distribution. Ideally, this enables you to deliver a seamless, personalized digital experience
to your users that is further refined through ML-based analytics.
Our recommendation for a CMS is Sitefinity, which is the core of the Progress DXP
portfolio. Sitefinity instantly delivers high-touch, personalized experiences with rich,
relevant content through the user’s preferred digital channel. With Sitefinity, you can also
manage these experiences on-premises or in the cloud.
Chatbots are UX components that provide automated, 24/7 self-service solutions to handle
customer support issues such as frequently asked questions and basic transactions.
Chatbots are typically found on websites, social media channels and mobile apps with
the goal of using software to simulate a human conversation. By supporting repetitive
customer inquiries with a chatbot, support organizations can significantly increase their
efficiency by greatly reducing the volume of calls their staff needs to field.
AI/cognitive chatbots are quickly transforming customer interactions. Unlike traditional
chatbots, these modern implementations are much more transactional and can be trained
like people, utilizing a set of goals, examples, and data from existing systems.
Our recommendation is to use NativeChat, an AI-powered chatbot that automates tasks
and information retrieval.
IoT devices
Through the use of IoT devices, you can obtain valuable data that can be used to populate
the user interface of a business application. IoT devices are used in manufacturing, supply
chains, agriculture, healthcare and many other industries. They provide real-time data
and analytics, enabling companies to have greater insight into their business operations
and how their customers use their products or services. IoT devices utilize networking
standards and technologies to communicate with OpenEdge backend services and data.
About Progress
Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS) provides the leading products to develop, deploy and manage high-impact business
applications. Our comprehensive product stack is designed to make technology teams more productive and enable
organizations to accelerate the creation and delivery of strategic business applications, automate the process by which
apps are configured, deployed and scaled, and make critical data and content more accessible and secure—leading to
competitive differentiation and business success. Learn about Progress at www.progress.com or +1-800-477-6473.
© 2021 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved. Rev 2021/03 RITM0109511
Learn More — Application Evolution Approach eBook
Progress Services Application
Evolution Approach
The Progress Services team can help you modernize your OpenEdge application
regardless of your technology choice or architecture, deployment goals and business
challenges. Progress Services works with you to create a unique roadmap based on the
current state of your legacy application as well as your vision for the future. We will work
with you to determine what architecture and technology best suits your company, creating
a project blueprint that’s developed in three phases:
Review and analyze the current state of your platform as well as the skills of your staff
to determine the best way to move forward.
Develop a pilot project in which your future user interface/user experience is
identified, and your workflow and application standards are defined.
AppEvo Project
Identify the modernization path based on the pilot project and your business goals.
Our methodology and technology framework has been honed by years of experience
evolving legacy OpenEdge applications so you can move forward with confidence.
The Progress approach delivers key benefits that include:
Minimizing UX/UI work and furnishing responsive design
Leveraging your existing codebase investment
Supporting both procedural and object-oriented coding
Offering fast ramp-up using experienced OpenEdge developers
Crafting easy to develop and debug solutions