Washington Technology Magnet School
Safe Routes to School Plan
May 10, 2017
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Report Prepared by:
The Office of Saint Paul City Councilmember Amy Brendmoen, Ward 5
15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Suite 320E, Saint Paul, MN 55102
Washington Technology Magnet Safe Routes to School
Planning Team
Amy Brendmoen, City Councilmember
City of Saint Paul
Kim O’Brien, Legislative Aide
City of Saint Paul
Dr. Mike McCollor, Principal
Washington Technology Magnet School
Michelle Leba, Curriculum Coordinator
Washington Technology Magnet School
Carol Grady, SHIP Grant Lead
Saint Paul Public Schools
Tom Burr, Transportation Director
Saint Paul Public Schools
Kerry Antrim, Executive Director and Parent
District 6 Planning Council
Commander Jeremy Ellison
Saint Paul Police Department
Elizabeth Stiffler, Traffic Engineering
Saint Paul Public Works
Luke Hanson, Traffic Engineering
Saint Paul Public Works
Erin Laberee, Traffic Engineering
Ramsey County Public Works
Janice Rettman, Commissioner
Ramsey County
Toi Fokuo, Parent
Levi Randle, Parent
Abdi Ari Mohamed, Parent
Aisha Bare, Parent
Philip Friedlund, Parent
Maria Soto, Parent
Salena Meyers, Parent
Chris Boulton, Parent
Carmen Diprima, Parent
Connie Bernardy, Executive Director
Ramsey County Active Living
Ronna Woolery, Property Manager
Lamplighter Village Apartments
Shonette Doggett, Injury Prevention Program
Regions Hospital/Health Partners
Binita Basnet, Student
Dhiraj Basnet, Student
Srijana Kharel, Student
Chapter 1: Background
Project Background
Bikram Phuyel was 11-years old and a 6
grader at Washington Technology Magnet School when on
October 27, 2014 at 7AM he was hit by a car and critically injured on his way to school. He was crossing
Rice Street, a busy, four-lane arterial road running north/south through the North End neighborhood in
Saint Paul. It was still dark outside and Bikram was waiting to cross Rice Street at Hoyt. One car stopped
for him to cross the street. Another car did not stop. After suffering a traumatic brain injury and a lot of
rehabilitation, Bikram is back at school and doing well, however, he will suffer lingering effects of the
crash throughout his life. Bikram’s cousin, who witnessed the crash, is a member of the Safe Routes to
School Planning Committee that created this report.
After Bikram’s crash, the community demanded improvements to the pedestrian environment on Rice
Street and enforcement of speed and traffic laws. Indeed, the Saint Paul Police targeted enforcement in
the area following the crash and continue to monitor speeds and failure to yield to pedestrians in the
neighborhood. The City of Saint Paul passed a resolution requesting the speed limit on this section of
Rice Street (which is a Ramsey County road) be reduced from 35MPH to 30MPH. Unfortunately, MnDOT
conducted a speed study and determined that the limit is set appropriately for 35MPH, to the
disappointment of the neighborhood. The community also requested Ramsey County consider a
different treatment of Rice Street at Hoyt, where four lanes merge to three, however, the county
engineers determined this was the appropriate location for the lane reduction and made no changes.
Finally, City Councilmember Amy Brendmoen and Washington Technology Magnet School Principal Mike
McCollor decided to conduct a community driven process to create a Safe Routes to School plan for
improvements for students walking and biking to school. In September 2016, the school and city
convened SRTS Planning Committee to engage the local community, students, parents and teachers in
the process to set a vision for a more walkable, bike-able and safer community around Washington
Washington Technology Magnet School
Washington Technology Magnet School is a 6-12 middle and high school that is the largest school in
either Minneapolis or Saint Paul. The attendance area (Area C) is entirely East of Rice Street, though the
school itself is West of Rice. So, many students enrolled at Washington do need to cross Rice Street to
get to school. Others who live nearby and open enroll may need to cross another busy road, Arlington
Ave., to get to school. The school serves 2,106 students of which nearly half qualify for free lunch
services. According to data collected the vast majority of students are bused to school. The school has
several large parking lots, most of which are empty as the majority of the student body does not have
personal vehicles. The drop-off area of the school is very busy every morning with parents or caregivers
choosing to drop off students. This adds to traffic and congestion at the school entrance and nearby
Map of area around Washington Technology Magnet School, 1495 Rice Street, St. Paul, MN 55117
Safe Routes to School Activities
In October of 2015, Washington Tech hosted the Safe Routes to School National Course Summit,
bringing the local community, planners, administrators and others together to learn about Safe Routes
to School and opportunities for funding to encourage and improve the ability for students to walk or
bike to school each day. The benefits to walking or biking to school are numerous including physical and
mental benefits to students and environmental benefits to the community. Following the summit, some
opportunities for improvement of the pedestrian environment around the school were identified,
though no formal report, plan or community engagement process was established.
In preparation of an application for Safe Routes to School funding, Saint Paul Public Works and
Washington Tech teamed up for a student and parent survey, which was completed in December 2015.
The survey confirmed that bussing was the primary mode of transit for students. Factors outside of the
engineered environment were determined to be strong factors in why parents did not allow their
children to walk to school. Factors identified included crime/personal safety and the weather, for
example. In addition, dangerous crossings, speed and volume of traffic, and lack of sidewalks were
identified as barriers in the surveys. The application for SRTS funding submitted to MnDOT in January of
2016 was not selected for funding.
In Summer of 2016, Saint Paul Public Works submitted a new application for SRTS funding for the area
this time including sidewalk gap infill to the Metropolitan Council Regional Solicitation which was
selected for funding. The grant includes $860,000 with expected contribution from the city capital
improvement budget of another $240,000. The funding comes available in 2020-2021. The grant request
included crosswalk improvements, sidewalk infill, signage, and shortening crossings along Rice Street
and Arlington Ave with bump outs.
Additionally, in early 2017, Ramsey County commenced a study of Rice Street, with intent to reconstruct
the street all the way from University Avenue through Larpenteur Avenue in Saint Paul starting in 2019.
Pedestrian crashes continue to abound in the area surrounding Washington Tech. A key school crossing
on Arlington Avenue was the site of a fatal pedestrian crash in November of 2016. The victim, an elderly
man who lived across the street, was walking in the marked crosswalk when he was hit by a vehicle that
did not see him. Several police reports show pedestrian crashes at marked crossings at the intersections
of Rice and Arlington and Rice and Nebraska.
The Safe Routes to School Planning Committee has created a plan to address safety through Education,
Encouragement, Enforcement, Engineering and Evaluation (The 5 E’s). This plan should be implemented
as resources become available with short-term, mid-term and long-term improvements and
Safe Routes to School Planning: The 5 E’s
EducationTeaching children to bike and walk safely.
EncouragementDeveloping programs to highlight walking and biking to school as fun, healthy and
EnforcementHaving law enforcement participation such as speed zone enforcement, pedestrian
yielding education and enforcement and increased patrols.
EngineeringIdentifying and eliminating infrastructure barriers to walking or biking to school safely.
Addressing sidewalk and bike lane gaps, unsafe intersections and road design.
EvaluationMeasuring the impact of investments.
SRTS Washington Tech Timeline
September 19, 2016Kick-Off Meeting
October 4, 2016Washington Wake-Up (Meeting with Parents)
October 17, 2016Mapping area to identify key barriers
November 21, 2016Discussion of Education and Encouragement
December 19, 2016Walk the area and Discussion of Enforcement
January 16, 2017Discussion of Engineering
February 1, 2017Winter Walk to School Day; Ramsey County Public Meeting on Rice
Street/Student Presentation
March 20, 2017Review Draft Report and findings from Parent and Student surveys
May 10, 2017Report Released. National Bike/Walk to School Day observed
Ramsey County Public Meeting on Rice Street Study Rice and Arlington on Project Teams Area Walk
JROTC Students and Principal McCollor at Hoyt Ave on Project Team’s Area Walk
Winter Walk to School Dday
Chapter 2: Recommendations (The 5 E’s)
Because Washington Tech is a Middle and High School, the education curriculum must meet older
students where they are at. The Safe Routes to School Planning Committee recommends robust
education around awareness education and teaching the students how and where to safely cross the
street. The committee recommends the following strategies to improve education:
Washington Tech will create and publish preferred walking and biking route maps on the
school website, as well as have printed versions available for students and parents at the front
desk. We will consider asking Washington Students to assist in developing an app showing safe
routes to school.
Washington Tech will include pedestrian and bicycle safety education annually during Bike and
Walk to School Week. Messaging will include the dangers of distracted walking and promote
crossing at signalized intersections whenever possible.
Washington Tech will promote the health and wellness benefits of walking and biking to school
to students.
Washington Teach will provide personal safety education to students including environmental
awareness (avoiding distractions) and calling for students to report to parents when they have
arrived safely to school.
Driver education is also important for the community. Saint Paul Police will help educate drivers
to stop for a pedestrian in the crosswalk (at every street corner) by continued promotion and
the Stop for Me campaign and events.
To get students excited about walking and biking to school, and to support students who do walk and
bike, the SRTS Planning Committee recommends:
Bike/Walk to School Day and Winter Walk Day will be observed annually with a large school
event that include walking and biking giveaways/swag (donated from partners such as Health
Partners, St Paul Police Department, and Department of Education). Walk to School Day involves
bussed kids through a “remote drop-off” event where busses will drop students off ¼-1/2 mile
away from school and walk as a group.
Additional bike racks be added at school entrances.
Instating a volunteer program for crossing guards or supervisors at major crossings. This will
encourage students to walk (and parents to feel safe allowing children to walk) by having
responsible, adults supervising the route to and from school.
Offer an opportunity for students and parents to “sign up” and connect for others who live in
their neighborhood for group walks (i.e. Walking Bus) during Open House events.
The Saint Paul Police Department has been very supportive of Safe Routes to School planning at
Washington Tech and others. The Police conducted an enhanced enforcement program in December
and January. Police stopped and cited 21 violators for various moving violations, to include speeding,
failure to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk, seat belt violations, distracted driving (texting) and failure
to obey traffic control signals. In addition, the SPPD has agreed to:
Conduct more frequent patrols in the area around the school around school start and end
Continue the Stop for Me campaign to enforce the law that vehicles are to yield to pedestrians
at every intersection. Conduct a Stop for Me event at Rice and Hoyt during school start and/or
end times.
Rice Street will be a focus corridor for the 2017 Stop for Me campaign, meaning frequent
pedestrian safety events in the area throughout the year.
Support SRTS efforts by providing police presence and resources to assist in Winter Walk Day
and Bike/Walk to School Day.
Build strong relationships with students and parents in the area and recognize perspectives of
people who will be concerned to see police vehicles parked at the school for events.
Place dynamic speed display signs on Rice Street between Arlington and Larpenteur to help
reduce speed.
The Planning Committee recommends a number of changes to the physical environment in the
neighborhood around Washington Technology Magnet to promote safety when walking and biking to
Rice Street Re-Design
Ramsey County is in the process of studying Rice Street and plans to rebuild the street within the next
several years. This is an opportunity to change the character of the street from one that prioritizes
vehicles over pedestrians to a “complete street” that serves people whether on foot, bike, car, bus or
wheelchair. The Planning Committee recommends the
following improvements to Rice Street:
Reduce speed limit on Rice Street to 30MPH.
Further, implement a School Zone on Rice
Street with a limit of 20MPH during school
start and end times. Use dynamic display signs
to post the correct speed limit for the time of
day and week so motorists do not have to
guess what the limit is.
Convert Rice Street from 4 lanes to 2 or 3
lanes (at least in the segment North of
Maryland Ave.). The center lanes should be for
turning left with one lane of traffic in either
direction. This will eliminate the “double
threat” to pedestrians of a car speeding
around another that is yielding. Ensure
adequate notification of drivers that the lane
shift is coming to avoid points of conflict.
Add pedestrian refuge islands at key intersections to reduce the length of safe crossing of Rice
Street. Where possible, plant trees or grass in the medians to improve the aesthetic and health
of the corridor.
Add “human scale” and “above average” lighting to Rice Street (lantern-style) rather than tall
“bent straw” lights common to highways. This will increase lighting on the street, calm traffic
and change the aesthetic.
Eliminate parking on Nebraska leading up to the school. Reduce width of street by extending
boulevards and/or using paint to stripe a refuge area between curb and driving lane.
Add a high visibility crosswalk for a safe pedestrian crossing at Rice and Hoyt (such as a HAWK
(High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk) or RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon)). These are
lighted pedestrian crossing signs that are activated by a pedestrian and instructs vehicles to stop
while the pedestrian crosses safely.
Discuss placement of Metro Transit Bus Stops for maximum rider and pedestrian safety.
Encourage upgraded bus shelters (add shelters where none exist) with real-time bus schedules,
benches, and increased waiting refuge areas. (Metro Transit is planning several shelter upgrades
in the area in Summer 2017.)
Intersection Improvements
Add bump-outs at the intersection of Rice and Nebraska and Rice and Arlington that would
shorten the crossing area. If there is no room for bump-outs on Rice, the bump outs could only
be added to the side streets (Nebraska and Arlington). Bump outs will also create more space
for pedestrians to wait safely for walk signals.
Add bump-outs at the intersection of Arlington and Matilda. In the short-term, use bollards to
shorten the crossing at this intersection before permanent bump-outs are constructed.
Paint high visibility pedestrian crosswalks at the intersections of Rice and Nebraska and Rice
and Arlington. These include (but not limited to block-style painted stripes).
Improve traffic signals at the intersections of Rice and Nebraska and Rice and Arlington.
Consider a left-turn arrow to reduce congestion for drivers turning into the school.
Install Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI) timing on traffic signals at Arlington and Nebraska on
Rice (completed, March 2017). Consider expansion of LPI to other signaled intersections in the
Washington Tech School walk area.
Bicycle Infrastructure
Stripe the bike lane on Arlington Ave. Use green paint to clearly identify the bike route and
extend through intersection with Rice.
Complete the portion of the Grand Round on Wheelock Parkway from Rice Street west to Dale
Street. This will add sidewalk and bike lane and connect the area to the rest of the Grand Round.
Ensure bike connection is extended with safe passage through the Rice Street intersection. The
Grand Round will provide an excellent bike and walk route to Washington Tech students.
Add a connection from the Grand Round directly to the school’s north side entrance off Hoyt.
Add bike racks to school property at three entrances (Arlington, Nebraska, Hoyt).
Add a bike fix-up station for students and staff to encourage biking to school.
Sidewalk Infill
The area around Washington Technology Magnet School is not well-served by sidewalks, despite being a
densely populated area near a commercial corridor and school. For safe walking to school sidewalk infill
must be prioritized. Below is a list of gaps in the system in the immediate area.
Rice Street on the west side from Larpenteur to Wheelock (pictured below).
Hoyt Avenue on both sides from Rice Street all the
way to the school.
Nebraska on the north side of the street (sidewalks
go to the school on the south side already).
Pave foot path diagonal on grassy area at entrance
to school from Rice on Nebraska.
Side streets leading up to Nebraska Ave including:
Marion, Woodbridge and Albermarle.
Wheelock Parkway west of Rice Street on north and
south sides (will be added when Grand Round is
Larpenteur Avenue gaps on north and south sides
between Dale and Interstate 35E.
Arlington Avenue east of Rice Street on south side.
School Property
The school was built with a large capacity for parking cars and on most days, many the parking lots sit
unfilled. Students are not driving to school in the numbers that they used to and many staff also chose
alternative modes of getting to school.
It is the recommendation of the SRTS team that the Saint Paul Public Schools reduce the size of the
parking lot and increase green space (and pedestrian and bicycle connections) through school property.
Two large parking lots east of the school, especially
the southern lot are underutilized most of the day.
Chapter 3: Conclusion
The students and staff at Washington Technology Magnet School have every reason to be hopeful for
improvements in the months and years to come to the experience and ability to walk or bike to school.
The benefits of walking or biking are enumerable to the individual and to the community. With a
planning process now underway to reengineer Rice Street by Ramsey County Public (construction
estimated to begin in 2019), this plan is well-timed to assure meaningful improvements to that main
Additionally, our success in securing federal Safe Routes to School funding (available in 2019-2020) will
mean that many of the engineering recommendations are funded and will become a part of the City of
Saint Paul and Ramsey County’s public works implementation plans. In addition, a renewed focus on
Safe Routes to School by both the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Public Schools will mean robust
programming and support by school administration and local government departments.
This report should become an addendum to the Ramsey County Rice Street Safety Study, the District 6
Small Area Plan (and Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan), the Revitalize Rice & Larpenteur multijurisdictional
planning initiative, the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan and the Saint Paul Safe Routes to School plan library. It will
be up to the members of the planning committee and the broader public to continue to reference the
Washington Tech SRTS plan and encourage investment and adherence to recommendations as an
ongoing practice.
Images from Walk/Bike to School Day. May 10, 2017