EGILOPS TAUSCHII Coss. is the donor of the D genome of hexa-
ploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.; Kihara, 1944; McFadden
and Sears, 1946). The close relationship between A. tauschii and
T. aestivum has facilitated the rapid introgression of several agro-
nomically important disease traits from A. tauschii to T. ae stivum
including resistance to wheat stem rust (caused by Puccinia graminis
Pers.:Pers f. sp. tritici Eriks. & E. Henn.; Kerber and Dyck, 1979;
Gill and Raupp, 1987; Marais et al., 1998).
Recent epidemics of stem rust in eastern Africa have raised con-
cern about the resistance of currently grown wheat cultivars to new
races of P. graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) from Africa. In 1999, isolates of Pgt
from Uganda, reported under the race name Ug99, were found to
possess virulence to the majority of stem rust resistance genes used in
agriculture (Pretorius et al., 2000). Isolates of Ug99 as well as those
from Kenya were designated as race TTKSK based on the North
American stem rust nomenclature (Wanyera et al., 2006; Jin et al.,
2008). Race TTKSK and/or variants have spread throughout eastern
and southern Africa, Yemen, and Iran (Nazari et al., 2009; Pretorius
Stem Rust Resistance
in Aegilops tauschii Germplasm
Matthew N. Rouse, Eric L. Olson, Bikram S. Gill, Michael O. Pumphrey, and Yue Jin*
Aegilops tauschii Coss., the D genome donor of
hexaploid wheat, Triticum aestivum L., has been
used extensively for the transfer of agronomi-
cally important traits to wheat, including stem
rust resistance genes Sr33, Sr45, and Sr46. To
identify potentially new stem rust resistance
genes in A. tauschii germplasm, we evaluated
456 nonduplicated accessions deposited in the
USDA National Small Grains Collection (Aber-
deen, ID) and the Wheat Genetic and Genomic
Resources Center collection (Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS), with races TTKSK
QTHJC of Puccinia graminis Pers.:Pers. f. sp.
tritici Eriks. & E. Henn. Ninety-eight acces-
sions (22%) were identi ed as resistant to race
TTKSK. A broad range of resistant infection
types (; to 2+) were found in reaction to race
TTKSK. Resistance was signi cantly associ-
ated among most of the races in pairwise com-
parisons. However, resistance was largely race
speci c. Only 12 of the accessions resistant to
race TTKSK were also resistant to the other  ve
races. Results from this germplasm screening
will facilitate further studies on the genetic char-
acterization of accessions with potentially novel
sources of resistance to race TTKSK.
M.N. Rouse and Y. Jin, USDA-ARS, Cereal Disease Lab., Dep. of
Plant Pathology, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108; E.L. Olson
and B. Gill, Dep. of Plant Pathology, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan,
KS 66506; M.O. Pumphrey, Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Wash-
ington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164. Mention of trade names or
commercial products in this article is solely for the purpose of providing
speci c information and does not imply recommendation or endorse-
ment by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Received 21 Dec. 2010.
*Corresponding author (Yue.Jin@ars.usda.gov).
Abbreviations: ARS, Agricultural Research Service; IT, infection
type; Pgt, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici.
Published in Crop Sci. 51:2074–2078 (2011).
doi: 10.2135/cropsci2010.12.0719
Published online 6 July 2011.
© Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA
All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
the publisher. Permission for printing and for reprinting the material contained herein
has been obtained by the publisher.
et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2006). Variants of race TTKSK
have been identi ed with additional virulence to resistance
genes Sr24 and Sr36 (Jin et al., 2008; Jin et al., 2009). These
variants (races TTKST and TTTSK, respectively) pose an
even greater threat to worldwide wheat production. Screen-
ing of currently grown cultivars and breeding germplasm
indicated that the majority of the germplasm from Asia, the
United States, and Canada are susceptible to TTKSK (Fetch
2007; Jin and Singh, 2006; Singh et al., 2008). Unfortu-
nately, much of the resistance to race TTKSK available in the
United States is conferred by Sr24 and Sr36 (this resistance is
not e ective to races TTKST and TTTSK). Of the available
sources of resistance to race TTKSK and variants described
to date, most of the resistance genes have been introgressed
from wild relatives of wheat (Singh et al., 2006; Jin et al.,
2007) and have not been utilized extensively in agriculture
because of linkage between these genes and deleterious fac-
tors (Singh et al., 2008).
Three stem rust resistance genes previously have been
transferred from A. tauschii to wheat: Sr33, Sr45, and Sr46
(Kerber and Dyck, 1979; Marais et al., 1998; E. Lagu-
dah, personal communication, 2010). These genes pro-
vide resistance to race TTKSK ( Jin et al., 2007; M. Rouse
and Y. Jin, unpublished data, 2010). Additional resistance
genes may be present in A. tauschii germplasm. The iden-
ti cation of new genes will provide breeders with diverse
genes for pyramiding to increase the durability of resis-
tance. Our objective was to screen the available accessions
of A. tauschii for resistance to race TTKSK to facilitate the
characterization and introgression of novel resistance.
Aegilops tauschii accessions were obtained from the USDA-
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) National Small Grains
Collection (Aberdeen, ID; 118 accessions) and from the Wheat
Genetic and Genomic Resources Center (Manhattan, KS;
412 accessions). The accession names and sources were cross
checked to eliminate accessions that were redundant among or
within the two collections. We identi ed 456 nonredundant
accessions. The geographic origins of these accessions are dis-
played in Table 1.
Six to ten seedlings of the 456 accessions were inoculated
with six races of Pgt: TRTTF, TTKSK, TTTTF, QTHJC,
RKQQC, and TPMKC (Table 2). Screening with TRTTF,
TTKSK, and TTTTF was conducted at the USDA-ARS Cereal
Disease Laboratory (Saint Paul, MN). Screening with QTHJC,
RKQQC, and TPMKC was conducted at Kansas State Univer-
sity (Manhattan, KS). Accessions that have been used previously
to introgress stem rust resistance genes Sr33 and Sr45, RL5288
and RL5289, respectively, were obtained from Colin Heibert
(Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, MB). The dip-
loid A. tauschii source of Sr46 (AUS 18913) and genetic stocks of
Sr33 and Sr45 in hexaploid backgrounds, CSID 5404 and CSID
5406, respectively, were obtained from the Commonwealth Sci-
enti c and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Can-
berra, Australia). These stocks and susceptible ‘Chinese Spring’
(CI 14108) were inoculated with the six Pgt races. Urediniospores
of stem rust isolates in gelatin capsules stored at 80°C were heat
shocked at 45°C for 15 min and placed in a rehydration chamber
for 2 to 4 h maintained at 80% relative humidity by a KOH solu-
tion (Rowell, 1984). Procedures in inoculation, incubation, and
disease assessment were as described previously ( Jin et al., 2007).
Infection types (ITs) were classi ed as in Stakman et al. (1962).
Infection types with substantial necrosis or chlorosis were desig-
nated as “N” or “C,” respectively. Low infection frequency was
used to indicate notably low density of uredinia for a given leaf
area. Infection types 0 to 2++ were considered low ITs indicat-
ing host resistance whereas ITs 3= to 4 were considered high ITs
indicating host susceptibility. When low and high ITs were pres-
ent on the same leaf, the plant was considered resistant. Acces-
sions were classi ed as heterogeneous when both resistant and
susceptible plants were present.
Frequencies of resistant, susceptible, and heterogeneous
accessions were calculated for each of the six races. For each
accession, the reaction to the combined races was determined
as susceptible if the IT to any of the six races was high, resistant
if the ITs to all six races were low, and heterogeneous if the
reaction to one of the races was heterogeneous and the reaction
to the  ve other races was low or heterogeneous. To test for
associations of resistance, we calculated χ
values based on the
assumption of independence of resistance to each race for every
pairwise comparison of races. Percent of accessions resistant or
heterogeneous for each country of origin were calculated.
To measure the repeatability of visually scoring infection
types, a total of 37 randomly selected accessions were planted
a second time for screening with Pgt races TTTTF, TTKSK,
and TRTTF for a second biological replication. This resulted
in data available for 100 infection types pairs (poor germina-
tion limited the number of infection type pairs). Out of these
100 pairs, seven were inconsistently recorded as resistant (0,;,
1, or 2) in one replication and susceptible (3 or 4) in the other.
The reason for inconsistencies was likely due to heterogeneity
in accessions or error in visually scoring infection types. A total
of 93 of the infection type pairs were consistent representing a
repeatability of classifying resistance and susceptibility of 93%.
Similarly, we previously found the repeatability of classifying
resistance and susceptibility for the diploid wheat relative Triti-
cum monococcum L. to be greater than 95% (Rouse and Jin, 2011).
The seedling ITs of the A. tauschii accessions are available
as Supplemental Table S1. The frequencies of accessions
resistant, susceptible, and heterogeneous to the six races
are displayed in Table 3. Ninety-eight accessions (22.2%)
were resistant to race TTKSK, but only 12 of these acces-
sions (2.7%) were resistant to the  ve other races as well.
Race TRTTF was the most virulent race within this
germplasm (88.2% of the accessions were susceptible)
whereas QTHJC was the most avirulent (68.0% of the
accessions were susceptible). Relatively few of the acces-
sions were heterogeneous to any of the races (0.5 to 2.1%).
The diploid genetic stocks of Sr33, Sr45, and Sr46
(RL5288, RL5289, and AUS 18913, respectively)
and Fehrmann, 2004; Friesen et al., 2008; Ogbonnaya et
al., 2008). We evaluated a relatively large collection of A.
tauschii accessions in an attempt to identify resistance to
race TTKSK and other races with broad virulence.
Accessions resistant to the six Pgt races were con ned
to  ve geographic origin classi cations. Cox et al. (1992)
found that resistance in a subset of these accessions to Pgt
race TNM was con ned to Caspian Iran or Azerbaijan.
We con rmed that these countries possess a higher fre-
quency of resistance to multiple races of Pgt. The higher
number of accessions and wider geographic range of
germplasm tested in our study identi ed Turkmenistan as
an additional hotspot for Pgt resistance.
displayed unique infection type patterns to the races used
(Table 4). The diploid source of Sr46 was also included
in the germplasm screening (TA 1703, synonymous with
AUS 18913). Variation in the Sr46 lines in reaction to races
QTHJC and RKQQC may be attributed to (i) an unstable
intermediate reaction to these races and/or (ii) the screen-
ing of TA 1703 and AUS 18913 by di erent individuals in
di erent locations (i.e., E.L. Olson, Manhattan, KS; M.N.
Rouse, St. Paul, MN).
Signi cant positive associations were found for all race
pairwise comparisons except for races TTTTF and RKQQC
(Table 5). However, diverse IT patterns were observed indi-
cating the presence of multiple race-speci c resistance genes.
Resistance was not equally distributed among coun-
tries of origin (Table 1). The 12 accessions resistant to the
six Pgt races were distributed only among Azerbaijan,
Iran, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan and of unknown ori-
gin. These countries of origin also had higher percentages
of accessions resistant to race TTKSK compared to the
other countries, with the exception of Kazakhstan where
ve of eight accessions were resistant to race TTKSK.
Previous studies have examined collections of A. tauschii or
synthetic hexaploid wheats created with A. tauschii acces-
sions for resistance to stem rust (Cox et al., 1992; Assefa
Table 1. Geographic origin of Aegilops tauschii Coss. accessions and percentage of accessions resistant or heterogeneous to
six Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races.
Percent resistant or heterogeneous
Country Accessions
Afghanistan 83 16041780
Armenia 21 5 24 24 40 30 14 0
Azerbaijan 42 33 48 57 78 41 55 9
China 18 00061860
Georgia 14 0 14 7 43 29 0 0
Iran 64 35 43 20 52 39 36 9
Kazakhstan 8 0 63 38100 100100 0
Kyrgyzstan 4 0 25 0 0 75 25 0
Pakistan 10 0 22 0 0 10 0 0
Syria 5 0 20 0 20 20 20 0
Tajikistan 41 0 12 3 15 13 5 0
Turkey 30 41448 400
Turkmenistan 45 16 18 22 31 48 32 15
Unknown 36 17 34 22 48 23 33 7
Uzbekistan 30 3 27 17 34 37 27 3
Table 2. Races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici used to screen Aegilops tauschii Coss. germplasm.
Isolate Race Origin Avirulence Virulence
04KEN156/04 TTKSK
Kenya 24 36 Tmp 5 6 7b 8a 9a 9b 9d 9e 9g 10 11 17 21 30 31 38 McN
06YEM34-1 TRTTF Yemen 8a 24 31 5 6 7b 9a 9b 9d 9e 9g 10 11 17 21 30 36 38 McN Tmp
01MN84A-1-2 TTTTF United States 24 31 5 6 7b 8a 9a 9b 9d 9e 9g 10 11 17 21 30 36 38 McN Tmp
75ND717C QTHJC United States 7b 9a 9e 24 30 31 36 38 Tmp 5 6 8a 9b 9d 9g 10 11 17 21 McN
99KS76A-1 RKQQC United States 9e 10 11 17 24 30 31 38 Tmp 5 6 7b 8a 9a 9b 9d 9g 21 36 McN
74MN1409 TPMKC United States 6 9a 9b 24 30 31 38 5 7b 8a 9d 9e 9g 10 11 17 21 36 Tmp McN
Race TTKSK (Ug99) virulence to Sr21 is uncertain (Jin et al., 2007).
Table 3. Number (and frequency) of Aegilops tauschii Coss.
accessions resistant, susceptible, and heterogeneous to
six races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici and the combined
reaction to all races.
Race Total
TRTTF 439 48 (10.9%) 387 (88.2%) 4 (0.91%)
TTKSK 442 98 (22.2%) 338 (76.5%) 6 (1.36%)
TTTTF 436 61 (14.0%) 366 (83.9%) 9 (2.06%)
QTHJC 413 130 (31.5%) 281 (68.0%) 2 (0.48%)
RKQQC 422 121 (28.7%) 299 (70.9%) 2 (0.47%)
TPMKC 423 95 (22.5%) 326 (77.1%) 2 (0.47%)
All races 448 12 (2.68%) 432 (96.4%) 4 (0.89%)
In a survey for worldwide virulence in Pgt (Huerta-
Espino, 1992), isolates with virulence to Sr33 were not
found. Seedling and adult plant resistance of hexaploid
monogenic lines carrying Sr33 to race TTKSK is on ly mod-
erate (Jin et al., 2007). The dilution of A. tauschii resistance
when expressed in hexaploids (Kerber and Dyck, 1979) may
be one reason why Sr33 resistance to race TTKSK is mod-
erate. The adult plant resistance to race TTKSK conferred
by Sr45 and Sr46 is unknown. Sr45 is ine ective to the
predominant races in North America (Table 4; Kerber and
Dyck, 1979; Marais et al., 1998). Our data indicate that Sr46
resistance is race speci c (Table 4). If these genes are used
to provide resistance to race TTKSK, additional resistance
genes must be used to create gene combinations that will
provide resistance to other Pgt races.
We interpret the signi cant positive associations of resis-
tance to various races observed as evidence for genes confer-
ring resistance to multiple races. However, only 12 accessions
were found to be resistant to the six races. Diverse IT patterns
were observed among the A. tauschii accessions. The diversity
of IT patterns prevented us from being able to con dently
postulate the presence of known genes in the germplasm
screened and likely indicate diversity for resistance genes,
modi er genes, or genetic background e ects. The IT pat-
terns of a subset of accessions with unknown genes are dis-
played in Table 4. Many IT patterns could not be accounted
for by the previously described genes alone or in combina-
tion. This suggests that additional stem rust resistance genes
are likely present in A. tauschii germplasm. As Sr33 provides
resistance to all six races, further studies are needed to test
the allelic relationship between resistance in the 12 combined
resistant accessions and Sr33. Preliminary evidence based on
ITs suggest that accessions with resistance to all races screened
possess a gene (or genes) independent of Sr33. For example,
accession TA 10171 exhibited resistance to the six races with
ITs much lower than observed on RL5288 (Table 4). Fur-
ther studies testing the allelic relationship between previously
described genes and potentially novel resistance are needed
to con rm the presence of novel resistance to race TTKSK
speci cally. We have initiated crosses to con rm the pres-
ence of novel resistance to race TTKSK, to map potentially
novel sources of resistance, and to introgress such resistance
into adapted wheat backgrounds.
Supplemental Information Available
Supplemental material is available free of charge at http://
The seedling infection types (ITs) of the Aegilops taus-
chii accessions are available as Supplemental Table S1.
Table 4. Infection types of Aegilops tauschii Coss. accessions with known stem rust resistance genes and selected lines with
unknown genes.
Chinese Spring T. aesti vum –4
RL5288 A. tauschii Sr33 2/2,2+2;,2-2
CSID 5405 T. aesti vum Sr33 2++ 2,2- 2+ 2,2+
RL5289 A. tauschii Sr45 4444
CSID 5406 T. ae stivu m Sr45 40;4 3 43+
TA 1703 A. tauschii Sr46 2;,2-4 2-2++1,;
AUS 18913 A. tauschii Sr46 2;,1,2-3+33+2-
TA 10087 A. tauschii 1 ;,2- ;,1C ;,1 3- 1
TA 10124 A. tauschii 1,2 1,1+ 1,2-,3- ;,1 3,2++ 2,2-
TA 10147 A. tauschii 4 ;,1N ;,1N 1-,2 ;0 ;0
TA 10171 A. tauschii ; ;0;00;;
TA 1020 6 A. tauschii 3+ ;,1 1,3-Z ;,1 ;,1 = ;,1 =
CIae 15 A. tauschii –2+,31,2-,;43+,42- 3
Infection types rated on a 0 (immune) to 4 (susceptible) scale where ‘;’ denotes hypersensitive fl ecking, ‘N’ denotes necrosis, ‘C’ denotes chlorosis, and ‘+’ and ‘-’ signs indi-
cate more or less sporulation, respectively, compared to the standard infection type (Stakman et al., 1962). For accessions heterogeneous for infection types among plants,
a ‘/’ was used to separate different infection types corresponding to different plants. Symbol ‘,’ was used to separate different infection types present on the same leaf.
Table 5. Pairwise comparisons of the association between
reactions to the six races.
Association between
Race Race χ
Association type
p value
TRTTF TTKSK 150.65 + 1.91 × 10
TRTTF TTTTF 59.68 + 6.87 × 10
TRTTF QTHJC 86.72 + 1.11 × 10
TRTTF RKQQC 37.024 + 4.55 × 10
TRTTF TPMKC 114.27 + 1.32 × 10
TTKSK TTTTF 36.77 + 5.16 × 10
TTKSK QTHJC 92.34 + 6.89 × 10
TTKSK RKQQC 63.65 + 9.76 × 10
TTKSK TPMKC 138.93 + 6.42 × 10
TTTTF QTHJC 129.32 + 7.59 × 10
TTTTF RKQQC 6.04 NS 0.11
TTTTF TPMKC 37.44 + 3.72 × 10
QTHJC RKQQC 51.98 + 3.02 × 10
QTHJC TPMKC 130.32 + 4.61 × 10
RKQQC TPMKC 101.31 + 8.13 × 10
For signi cant associations, ‘+’ indicates a positive association among resistant
accessions and ‘-’ indicates a negative association among resistant accessions.
NS, nonsignifi cant association.
Analyses performed with Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, 2007), critical p
value = 0.05.
We would like to acknowledge Harold Bockelman, USDA-
ARS, National Small Grains Collection, Aberdeen, Idaho, for
distributing Aegilops tauschii seed; Colin Heibert, Agriculture
and Agri-Food, Canada for providing RL5288 and RL5289;
Robert Bowden, USDA-ARS, Manhattan, Kansas for main-
taining Pgt cultures; Jon Raupp, Lucy Wanschura and Sam Gale
for technical assistance.
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