Updated July 2020
Molecular Biology 699: Directed Study
Course Proposal and Guidelines
Purpose of Directed Study: Molecular Biology 699 is designed for students to pursue
knowledge beyond the curriculum of the major through a special project. The project is
designed in collaboration with a faculty member and can involve library research or a
laboratory project that is molecular or cell biology oriented and under direct supervision of a
faculty member. The 699 course counts towards the Directed/Independent Research
requirement for the Molecular and Cell Biology major.
Proposal Process: To sign-up for a Molecular Biology 699 project you must be declared in the
Molecular and Cell Biology major. The student and faculty supervisor should agree on a project.
The student will then prepare a brief description of the work planned and attach to this form.
The supervisor will review the description, suggest revisions, if necessary, and sign his or her
approval on the form below.
Registration: Once the faculty supervisor has signed the form below and the student has
attached the project proposal, submit both items to the Molecular and Cell Biology Student
Services Coordinator. This form must be turned in by the Add Deadline for the semester in
which you wish to register for the course. For the Fall and Spring, the Add Deadline is typically
at the end of the second week of classes; for the Summer, it is the end of the first week of class.
If approved, the Student Services Coordinator will notify student of authorization to register for
the MOL BIOL 699 course.
Name:_____________________________________________ Student ID:__________________
Email:____________________________________ Semester & Year:______________________
Project Topic/Proposed Project Title: _______________________________________________
* Attach a brief description of your proposed research project to this form.
Faculty Supervisor: I have reviewed the proposed research plan and agree to supervise the
project for ____ credits. I understand that I am responsible for assigning a grade through e-
grading at the end of the semester.
Name (please print):_____________________________________________________________