University General Education Requirements (same requirements for all degree options)
•Humanities/Literature/Arts (6
•Social Science (3 credits)
•CALS First-Year Seminar (1 credit)
•CALS International Studies
•Physical Science (Chemistry)*
•Biological Science (5 credits)*
•Additional Science (3 credits)*
•Science Breadth (3 credits)*
•Humanities (12 credits, including
6 credits of literature)
•Social Science (12 credits)
•Natural Science (12 credits)*
•Math (two intermediate or
advanced courses in math,
computer science, or stats)*
•Language (third-level course in
one language)
•Humanities (12 credits, including 6
credits of literature)
•Social Science (12 credits)
•Natural Science (12 credits)*
•Language (fourth-level course in
one language or third-level in one
language and second-level in
Major requirements (same requirements for all degree options)
UW-Madison has three “shared majors” that are offered in both the College of Agricultural & Life
Sciences (CALS) and the College of Letters & Science (L&S): biochemistry, biology, and
environmental sciences.
The main difference between studying these majors in CALS or L&S is the college-level
requirements students complete as part of their degree program. CALS students pursue a
bachelor’s of science degree and L&S students can choose between a bachelor’s of arts or bachelor’s
of science. The requirements for the major coursework are the same and all students complete
the same general education requirements.
My major is in CALS and L&S, which should I choose?
*requirements designated with an asterisk will be fulfilled by courses required for these majors
CALS B.S. College
L&S B.S. College
L&S B.A. College
CALS students must have a cumulative
G.P.A. of at least a 2.0 to graduate
L&S students must complete 60 credits at
the intermediate or advanced level and
have a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 2.0 GPA
in intermediate/advanced level coursework
L&S students must complete 60 credits at
the intermediate or advanced level and
have a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 2.0 GPA
in intermediate/advanced level coursework
What is the difference between majoring in one of these areas in CALS versus L&S?
The major requirements for students are the same regardless of which college they are
in. The main difference is the college-level requirements that students complete in the
two colleges. Please refer to the other side of this sheet for more details.
Which college is better for me if I want to go to medical school, veterinary school, or
into a specific career path?
Because the majors are exactly the same, so are the potential outcomes for students after
graduation. Students in these majors have the same opportunity to get into
graduate/professional schools and careers in industry. All students on campus have access
to the Centers for Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising for support pursuing those
opportunities in addition to career services offices in their respective colleges.
If the major requirements are the same, why should I pick CALS?
In CALS, community is key. CALS students have access to specialized advisors in career
services, honors, study abroad, and academics who are experts in CALS areas of study that
will support them throughout their academic journey. Because CALS is a smaller college,
there is greater opportunity to make connections and foster relationships with staff and
faculty throughout the college. CALS is also unique in the intentional use of our signature
experiences throughout our student’s academic careers. We have focused our curriculum
on helping students get a strong start on campus through the first-year seminar course,
gain global perspectives through the international studies requirement, and gain hands-
on real world experience through the capstone and other courses throughout our
programs. CALS students are uniquely-suited to take on the toughest challenges in the
fields of health and nutrition, the biological sciences, food and agriculture, sustainability,
natural resources and the environment, and business, communication and society.
Frequently Asked Questions
I still have questions, can I talk to someone for more information? Yes, please contact us at
[email protected] and we will help answer any additional questions you may have.