Create Invoice - Copy from Template
Quick Reference
Create Invoice from Template
Create New Pre-Approval Re
1. Click the +CREATE button in the upper right corner
of the Invoices swim lane.
2. The invoice page is displayed
3. Click the three dots icon (…) in the upper left
corner. Select Prior Invoices.
4. The Prior Invoices search page will display. Scroll
down to the Type field, select Templates Only and
click Search.
5. The system will return all of the templates which
match the search criteria. Click on the desired
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template then click on the Copy button in the lower
right corner.
6. The Confirmation page will display.
7. Fill in the Invoice Date and Invoice Amount and
select Copy.
8. The invoice will display on the right side of the
9. Click on the scroll bar located at the far right side of
the page. Scroll down until the Browse File button
is displayed. This will be located in the Attachments
10. Click on the Browse File button and navigate to the
appropriate PDF.
11. Select the PDF and click Open to upload the invoice.
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12. The Extract Data message will display. Click Skip to
attach the invoice image.
13. The invoice image will be attached and displayed on
the left side of the screen.
14. Scroll to the top of the form. Review the information
populated from the template. Fill in or update the
fields as appropriate.
Vendor Name: Fully searchable by the vendor
number, or any part of the vendor name.
Vendor Address: Auto populates if there is only
one address listed, otherwise fully searchable.
Vendor Invoice Number: List as it appears on
the vendor invoice, up to 36 characters.
Invoice Date: Date listed on the Vendor’s
Invoice Amount: Total amount to be paid.
Invoice ID: System Generated.
Contract Number: State or WSU issued number
if applicable.
Invoice Detail
15. Enter or update the Payment Message (optional -
70 characters) with identifying information for the
invoice such as:
Invoice numbers (overflow from Vendor Invoice
Number field)
Account Number
Customer Number
Order Number
Brief description (Maintenance Subscription
16. Enter a Department Approval / Routing name
when additional staff are required to review the
invoice. This field is optional.
17. Enter or update the detailed Business Purpose.
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A business purpose is defined as one that
supports or advances the goals, objectives and
mission of the university; and adequately
describes the expense as a necessary,
reasonable and appropriate business expense
for the university.
The field appears small but has a high character
limit (>220)
18. Activity and/or Location: If your department utilizes
these fields, select the proper value, otherwise
leave blank.
Activity: Click the drop-down box and select
the appropriate value from the list.
Location: Click the drop-down box and
select the appropriate value from the list.
19. The Department Tracking Number field is an
optional field a department can utilize.
Special Handling
20. Payment Handling: The default value is “No. This
indicates that payment will be made to the vendor
via the payment method listed in the Vendor Name
21. Only change when special circumstances are
needed. Example: If a payment needs to be hand-
delivered to a vendor (instead of being mailed or
sent via ACH) the value “Yes, Pickup by” or “Yes,
Send to” shall be selected.
22. Search for and select the appropriate name in the
field provided.
23. Handling Options are used by the Accounts Payable
department to assist with back office processing
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24. Additional Information field can be used to
communicate additional information to the
Accounts Payable Department.
25. Enter any additional comments about the invoice.
Comments cannot be deleted or modified once
Add /Modify Expenses
26. Review the expense line information populated
from the template.
27. If adjustments are needed, click the three dots icon
(…) to the right of the expense line.
The options menu will appear. Select Edit.
28. The expense line form will display. Make any
necessary changes and click Save.
29. If additional expense lines are needed, click the
+Add Expense button.
30. Select an expense tile
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31. Enter/verify the total amount of the invoice
allocated to this funding/account code selection.
32. Funding: Search for and select the appropriate
33. --Select-- Tap anywhere in this field to search for
and select the appropriate account code. Save the
expense line.
34. Submit the invoice for approval by clicking the
green Submit button in the upper right corner.
35. Click Approve
36. Additional Reviewer: If during approvals it is
determined an additional reviewer is needed, click
in the Select Additional Reviewer field to search for
and select the appropriate individual. This field is
optional and can be left blank.
37. If an Additional Reviewer is selected the system
requires you to add a comment.
38. Click the green Approve button to submit the
39. The following message will be displayed.