Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
ANNEX L- PT/Bath Uniform
A. Physical Training
1. Authorization for Wear: The Citadel physical training uniform (PTs) is authorized for year-
round wear by all cadets when prescribed by The Commandant. Citadel PTs will be worn when
engaged in physical training on and off campus, as authorized by The Commandant. Seasonal
variations of the PT uniform will be authorized based on weather conditions. Commanders will
prescribe the uniform for unit PT, but all unit personnel will be in the same uniform. The wear of
PTs is not authorized for wear in any academic building on campus unless a cadet is X-uniform
and is in possession of their infirmary chit. This includes any of the buildings that house our
auxiliaries such as the tailor shop, Cadet Store, book store, post office, Canteen and Citadel
marketplace. Cadets will not wear PT’s after 1950 outside of the barracks (with the exception of
proficient seniors and gold star juniors who may work out in Deas Hall during Evening Study
i. The PT uniform is not authorized for wear in the mess hall unless specifically directed by
chain of command, on special orders, or on approved medical orders.
ii. Cadets are prohibited from wearing hooded sweatshirts of any kind. (This includes corps
iii. Cadre PT shirts will not be worn for individual PT off campus.
iv. Cadre PT shirts will not be worn at any time after Cadre Period unless authorized by the
2. Composition:
i. Citadel blue T-shirt.
a. During second semester and coinciding with the Regimental Commander
granting class privileges, C4 cadets are afforded the class privilege of wearing an
approved t-shirt of an official Citadel chartered club or organization for
individual PT within the strict confinements of the campus.
ii. Citadel athletic shorts.
iii. Citadel sweat shirt.
iv. Citadel long sleeve shirt.
v. Citadel sweat pants.
vi. Citadel wind jacket.
vii. Citadel wind pants.
3. Accessories:
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
i. Athletic shoes with plain white ankle socks that must cover the protruding ankle bone.
Visible logos are unauthorized.
ii. Orange reflective safety belt. Athletic officers wear blue safety belts.
iii. Citadel blue gloves and watch cap.
iv. Navy blue or black spandex may be worn under athletic shorts.
a. Undergarments will not show when wearing the Citadel PT uniform (above the
waist or below the hem of athletic shorts).
4. Authorized PT Uniform Combinations:
i. Individual Physical Fitness training: Cadets will wear the seasonal Citadel PT uniform.
Uniform may be summer/winter or any combination of The Citadel PT uniform.
a. During individual physical fitness training, cadets are authorized to wear
headphones/earbuds. These devices are prohibited for wear during Regimental
and Remedial PT and any other scheduled physical training conducted as a
member of the corps of cadets.
ii. HESS Field experience uniform. Worn by Health education and Sport Science students
actively enrolled in PHED 406 Directed Field Experience. Uniform is worn with white
socks and athletic shoes.
iii. Club Sports: As specified by the HESS Dept.
iv. Intramural sports: Cadets will wear seasonal Citadel PT uniform.
v. Physical Education: Citadel seasonal PT uniform, unless specialized uniforms are
provided by HESS.
vi. Corps Squad (Varsity Sports): As prescribed by the Director of Athletics and approved by
the Commandant. All articles of athletic uniform worn by the Corps Squad members will
be kept in the appropriate dressing room.
vii. ROTC Specific Uniforms: Cadets may wear service unique uniforms for service activities.
viii. Water Sports: Appropriate bathing suits will be worn; males-trunk style, females-
standard one-piece conventional cut (black or blue in color). Cut-off trousers, etc. will
not be worn.
Authorized Ankle Length Socks
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
B. Bath
1. Authorization for Wear: The cadet bath uniform is authorized for year-round wear by all Cadets
as prescribed by The Commandant. Cadets must wear the bath uniform to and from the latrine
when showering.
i. Cadets are not authorized to transit to and from the latrine wearing only a towel.
2. Composition:
i. Citadel issued bathrobe.
ii. Citadel issued ball cap4
class cadets only.
iii. Shower shoes
iv. Cadets may wear undergarments of their choice under the robe
3.Authorized accessories.
i. Towel.
ii. Shower caddy/personal hygiene items.
Full Winter PT
Female authorized pony
tail in PT uniform
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
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