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Simulation of the two stages stretch-blow molding
process: Infrared heating and blowing modeling
Maxime Bordival, Fabrice Schmidt, Yannick Le Maoult, Vincent Velay
To cite this version:
Maxime Bordival, Fabrice Schmidt, Yannick Le Maoult, Vincent Velay. Simulation of the two stages
stretch-blow molding process: Infrared heating and blowing modeling. NUMIFORM 2007 - 9th Inter-
national conference on numerical methods in industrial forming processes, Jun 2007, Porto, Portugal.
pp.519+. �hal-01703248�
Simulation of the Two Stages Stretch-Blow Molding
Process: Infrared Heating and Blowing Modeling
M. Bordival, F.M. Schmidt, Y. Le Maoult, V. Velay
CROMeP - Ecole des Mines d’Albi Carmaux - Campus Jarlard - 81013 Albi cedex 09 - France
Abstract. In the Stretch-Blow Molding (SBM) process, the temperature distribution of the reheated perform affects
drastically the blowing kinematic, the bottle thickness distribution, as well as the orientation induced by stretching.
Consequently, mechanical and optical properties of the final bottle are closely related to heating conditions. In order to
predict the 3D temperature distribution of a rotating preform, numerical software using control-volume method has been
developed. Since PET behaves like a semi-transparent medium, the radiative flux absorption was computed using Beer
Lambert law. In a second step, 2D axi-symmetric simulations of the SBM have been developed using the finite element
package ABAQUS
. Temperature profiles through the preform wall thickness and along its length were computed and
applied as initial condition. Air pressure inside the preform was not considered as an input variable, but was
automatically computed using a thermodynamic model. The heat transfer coefficient applied between the mold and the
polymer was also measured. Finally, the G’sell law was used for modeling PET behavior. For both heating and blowing
stage simulations, a good agreement has been observed with experimental measurements. This work is part of the
European project "APT_PACK" (Advanced knowledge of Polymer deformation for Tomorrow’s PACKaging).
Keywords: Stretch-blow molding process (SBM), heat transfer modeling, blowing simulation, G’sell law.
PACS: 44.05.+e; 44.40.+a; 83.60.St;
In a typical Stretch-Bow Molding (SBM) process, a
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) preform is heated in
an infrared (IR) oven to its forming temperature
(around 100°C), and brought into contact with a mold
of the desired shape. In such a process, the quality of
the final bottle is closely related to heating conditions.
Indeed, the preform temperature distribution has a
strong effect on the blowing kinematic (stretching and
inflation), and consequently on the thickness
distribution of the final part. Temperature also affects
the orientation induced by stretching, which, in turn,
affects mechanical and optical properties of the bottle
[1]. Temperature is therefore one of the most
important parameters in SBM. However, its
measurement remains a delicate task, especially in the
thickness direction. Some experimental methods, such
as IR thermography allows to measure the surface
temperature during heating, but not its profile through
the material thickness [2]. Recently the use of
thermocouples inserted in the preform thickness was
investigated in [3]. On the other hand, numerical
methods are increasingly used. Researchers
implemented models into commercial finite-element
packages like ANSYS
[4], FORGE3
[5], or
developed their own software [6-8] with the aim of
predicting the three-dimensional temperature
distribution in the preform. Finally, some studies
focused on the development of numerical optimization
strategies for the SBM. Automatic preform shape
optimization was proposed in [9], while optimization
of heating system design was investigated in [10]. The
objective was to target a uniform temperature profile
along the preform length.
The simulation of the blowing step has been also
the subject of significant researches within the last two
decades. Few studies focused on the feasibility of 3D
temperature-displacement simulations [5, 11]. But on
the whole, researchers proposed 2D axi-symmetric
models, with different material laws. A review is
proposed in [5]. It can be noticed that the air pressure
inside the preform is generally applied as a boundary
condition, which can lead to unrealistic results [12].
Moreover, temperature distribution through the
preform wall thickness is generally omitted.
In this work, a simulation of the two stage SBM
process is proposed. The 3D temperature distribution
of a rotating preform was computed taking into
account all the process conditions, and the real oven
design. In a second step, this temperature distribution
(particularly through the wall thickness) was applied
as initial condition for the simulation of the blowing
step. For that, the finite element commercial package
was used. Thanks to a thermodynamic
model, the air pressure inside the preform is
automatically calculated during simulation. Following
sections focus on presenting each model.
In the SBM process, heating devices are often
composed by a set of halogen lamps associated to
aluminum reflectors. The preform translates through
the oven, and is animated by a rotational movement to
provide a uniform temperature along its
circumference. Radiation emitted by the IR lamps is
partially absorbed through the preform thickness,
before being diffused in each space direction.
Additionally, the preform tends to be cooled by air
venting. In other words, preform reheating results from
a combination between conductive, convective, and
radiative heat transfers.
Heat Balance Equation
The evolution versus time of the preform
temperature is governed by the following heat balance
( )
c =
Where T = temperature, t = time, ρ = density, c
specific heat, k = thermal conductivity, q
= radiative
heat flux density. In order to solve this equation in 3D,
a finite volume discretization is adopted. For that, the
preform is meshed into hexahedral elements called
control volumes. Equation (1) is integrated over each
control volume and over the time, to obtain the
following integro-differential formulation:
( )
( )
where = control volume, Γ = surface of a control
volume. Unknown temperatures are computed at the
cell centre of each element. While the internal side of
the preform is supposed to be adiabatic, the following
boundary condition is applied to the external one:
( )
Where h
= natural heat transfer coefficient, ε
PET mean emissivity, σ = Stefan-Boltzman constant,
= preform surface temperature at external side, T
ambient temperature. The method used for estimating
PET mean emissivity is fully detailed in [2]. This
boundary condition takes into account two types of
thermal exchanges. The first one is due to the cooling
by natural convection, the second one to the own
emission of the preform. These exchanges are
particularly important during the cooling stage.
Radiative Transfer Modeling
Over the spectral band corresponding to the IR
lamps emission (0.38-10µm), PET behaves like a
semi-transparent body. This involves that the radiative
heat flux is absorbed inside the wall thickness of the
preform, and can not be simply applied as a boundary
condition. The radiation absorption must be taken into
account through the divergence of the radiative heat
flux, previously presented in the heat balance equation.
This term represents the amount of radiative energy
absorbed per volume unit; it is also more commonly
called radiative source term. The computation of this
source term can not be carried out without a precise
understanding of radiative transfer properties,
including its spectral and directional dependencies.
Researchers proposed different numerical methods in
order to compute the radiative source term, like
raytracing [5] or zonal method [6]. The method used in
this work is divided into two steps:
First of all, radiative heat fluxes reaching the
preform surface are computed. For that, IR lamps are
meshed into surface elements of which the
contribution is taken into account via view factors
computation. Moreover, IR lamps are assumed to
behave like isothermal grey-bodies. Their emission is
then defined by the Planck’s law [13]. Finally, incident
fluxes are calculated with the following equation:
= 1
Where ρ
= PET reflexion coefficient, F
= view
factor between the lamp element i and the preform, S
= surface area of the lamp element, ε
= tungsten
emissivity, L
= Plancks intensity of the lamp i at the
filament temperature T
In a second time, the radiation absorption is
computed according to the Beer-Lambert law (under
the assumption of the non-scattering cold medium
Where q
(x) = spectral radiative heat flux density at
the location x, q
= incident spectral radiative heat
flux density, κ
= PET spectral absorption coefficient
(in m
Finally, the radiative source term is computed
according to the following equation:
( )
Application - Results and Discussion
Software previously presented was used to simulate
the reheating of a rotating preform with the processing
conditions used on the laboratory blowing machine.
The oven is composed of six halogen lamps (1 kW
power), with ceramic and back aluminum reflectors.
After 50 s heating, the preform is cooled down by
natural convection during 10 s. The natural convection
coefficient was calculated using the empirical
correlation of Churchill and Chu [14]. Its value was
estimated to 7 W.m
. Percentages of nominal
power of each lamp are reported TABLE 1. The
preform rotating speed is equal to 1.2 rps.
TABLE 1. Process parameters of the IR oven
100 100 18 5 50 100 50 10
The preform used is 18.5 g weight, 2.58 mm
thickness. The Material is PET TF9 grade (IV=0.74).
An illustration is displayed FIGURE 1.
FIGURE 1. 18.5 g preform – PET T74F9 (IV=0.74).
Temperature measurements were performed in
order to validate simulations. As it was demonstrated
in [2], PET behaves like an opaque body over the 8-12
µm spectral band. For this reason, an AGEMA 880
LW IR camera, functioning within the long wave
spectral band 8-12 µm, has been chosen. This choice
makes possible to affirm that the camera measures a
surface temperature. PET mean emissivity was also
measured by following the protocol fully detailed in
[2]. Its value is equal to 0.93.
FIGURE 2 illustrates the external temperature
distribution computed with the IR heating software, as
well as the measured temperature cartography.
FIGURE 2. External temperature distribution after cooling –
A: measured – B: simulated.
In the aim of achieving more precise comparisons,
the temperature profile along the preform length (at the
end of the cooling step) is represented FIGURE 3. A
good agreement between simulations and
measurements can be observed, since the global error
is less than 10%.
FIGURE 3. External temperature profile along the preform
length after 10 s cooling.
FIGURE 4 illustrates the variation of temperature
versus time on a single point, located at 47 mm from
the neck of the preform (this point was chosen because
it corresponds to the node located at the middle height
of the mesh). This curve shows clearly the effect of the
cooling stage. Indeed, it is interesting to notice that
after 3 s of cooling (also called inversion time),
temperature on internal side becomes higher than on
the external one. This phenomenon can be easily
explained: while natural convection tends to cool the
external side, the internal one is heated by heat
conduction. In the SBM process, this point remains
crucial. Indeed, there can be a significant difference
between the inside and outside hoop stretch ratios. In
order to ensure a good uniformity of the stress
distribution through the thickness of the bottle, it is
necessary to deliberately develop a non-uniform
temperature profile throughout the preform before
stretch and blowing.
FIGURE 4. Variation of temperature versus time.
Finally, FIGURE 5 shows clearly that the
temperature distribution through the thickness is not
linear, but exponential. It can be seen that the
temperature difference is around 4°C at the end of the
thermal conditioning step. This value is of course
strongly related to the cooling conditions.
FIGURE 5. Temperature profiles through the preform wall
thickness. Same location as FIGURE 4.
As a conclusion, results demonstrated the
efficiency of the model developed in CROMeP.
Infrared heating software remains a robust tool,
allowing a better understanding of the effect of process
parameters on temperature profiles, particularly
through the preform wall thickness. It could also be
used in order to optimize heating systems [10].
However, a precise understanding of the effect of
temperature on the blowing stage is necessary. For
that, numerical model devoted to the simulation of the
blowing stage was developed. Following section
focuses on giving the key points about this model.
Simulations of the SBM process were developed
using the commercial finite element package
. In this study, the objective is to simulate
the process within the same conditions as on the
CROMeP blowing machine, which means: simple
mold for 50 cl water bottle and no stretch rod. A
special attention was given to the measurement of each
initial and boundary condition, namely temperature, air
pressure, and heat transfer coefficient between the
preform and the mold.
Boundary Conditions
As it was mentioned previously, the preform
temperature distribution was measured and calculated
in order to be applied as initial condition.
The heat transfer coefficient between the polymer
and the mold was measured using a sensor developed
for this study. Its peak value was estimated to 230
, as illustrated FIGURE 6. The method used
for this measurement is fully detailed in [15]. This
coefficient is of prime interest since it affects
drastically the cooling time of the plastic bottle.
FIGURE 6. Heat transfer coefficient and air pressure.
Variation versus time of the air pressure inside the
preform was measured using a Kulite sensor (FIGURE
1). As illustrated FIGURE 6, the air pressure follows
typical variations. In the first time, the pressure
increases sharply. As soon as the pressure is sufficient
to blow the preform, air volume inside the bottle
increases and consequently the pressure drops. While
preform internal volume remains constant, the pressure
reaches gradually its nominal value. This typical
evolution of air pressure gives a good representation of
47 mm
the blowing kinematic. G. Menary [12] has shown that
it is unrealistic to apply the pressure directly as a
boundary condition. Indeed, the pressure drop would
conduct to a deflation of the preform, and not to the
rapid inflation observed experimentally. In this study,
air pressure is not considered as an input variable, but
is automatically computed thanks to the
thermodynamic model “fluid element” available in
. This model is based on the perfect gas
law. Pressure measurements are only used for
validating simulations.
Material Behavior
PET behavior was modeled with the following
visco-plastic G’sell material model [16]:
( )
( )
( )
= equivalent Cauchy stress,
equivalent strain rate,
= cumulated strain, m =
sensitivity to strain rate, (K,k
) = consistence. This
model takes into account both temperature and strain
rate dependencies, as well as the strain hardening
which appears for large deformations. It presents the
advantage to be numerically stable and relatively easy
to implement. However this phenomenological
behavior law is reserved to a small range of
temperature and strain rate. Moreover, it does not take
into account the viscoelasticity of the material.
Constitutive parameters have been identified using an
inverse method (non-linear constrain algorithm called
Sequential Quadratic Programming) from equi-biaxial
tensile tests performed in Queen University of Belfast.
The thermo-dependency was identified by [16] from
shear tests on PET T74F9. This model has been
implemented within ABAQUS
via a Fortran
subroutine known as user creep.
Blow Molding FEM Model
In order to avoid long computation times, an axi-
symmetric model has been chosen. This approach is
possible since both preform and mold designs are axi-
symmetric, as well as kinematic boundary conditions.
The preform was meshed into 46 quadratic shell
elements (96 nodes), with five integration points
through its thickness in order to take into account the
temperature gradient. The mold used is a prototype
developed at CROMeP. It produces 50 cl bottle. This
one has been assumed to be rigid and isothermal.
Indeed, for one SBM cycle, its temperature increase is
about 1°C [14]. In order to compute the heat transfer
between the polymer and the mold, a coupled
temperature-displacement model was chosen in
Standard (implicit time integration
scheme). The viscous dissipation was not calculated.
However it could have an important effect on the
preform temperature, and consequently on the blowing
kinematic. As mentioned previously, no stretch rod is
modeled. Finally, the contact between the preform and
the mold is assumed to be stick.
Results and Discussion
FIGURE 7 illustrates the intermediate preform
shapes versus time.
FIGURE 7. Simulation of the preform shape evolution.
Measurements of the thickness distribution of the
final part were performed on bottles forming on the
CROMeP blowing machine. Comparison with
simulation results are illustrated FIGURE 8.
FIGURE 8. Wall thickness distribution of the bottle.
t=0 s t=0.66 s t=1 s t=1.5 s
A good agreement is observed (around 15 % error
on the mean thickness). We can notice that the
measured thickness distribution is probably not
optimal from an industrial point of view. This is due to
the preform design used in this study, which is
probably not adapted to this type of bottle shape.
Thanks to the thermodynamic model used in this
study, it is possible to compare numerical and
experimental blowing kinematics, by comparing the
evolution of air pressure.
It can be seen FIGURE 9 that the pressure
computed by the numerical model is not exactly the
same as the measured one. However, tendencies are
FIGURE 9. Computed and measured air pressure.
Future work will aim to consolidate the model
presented in this study. It is well known that PET
behavior remains the key point for improving the
model. Since the pressure curve gives a good
representation of the blowing kinematic, it could be
envisaged to couple the model to an optimization
algorithm in order to identify automatically the
constitutive parameters of the material law, by
minimizing the difference between the measured
pressure, and the calculated one. It is also crucial to
investigate the influence of temperature distribution
through the preform thickness on the blowing
kinematic and on the thickness distribution of the final
bottle. A sensitivity study can also be envisaged
concerning the heat transfer coefficient mold/polymer,
in order to prove its effect on the blowing.
This study was conducted within the frame of 6th
EEC framework. STREP project APT_pack; NMP
PRIORITY 3. www.apt-pack.com. Special thanks to
Logoplaste Technology for manufacturing the
preforms and Tergal Fibre for supplying the material,
and QUB for giving tensile test results. Authors thank
also V. Lucin for its contribution to this work.
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