Master of Engineering
Management and Leadership
Online Student Handbook
This handbook provides general guidelines for graduate students in the Masters
in Engineering Management and Leadership (MEML) program. It is intended to
supplement the Rice University General Announcements, which contain graduate
school regulations governing students, including deadlines and additional
requirements. In addition to complying with the regulations stated in this
handbook, students must also comply with the General Announcements and the
Code of Conduct.
In case of error, omission, or conflict, policies of the General Announcements
supersede those stated within this handbook. If the policies of the program
change during a student’s tenure at Rice University, the student can elect to
continue studies under the complete set of policies in place at the time of his or
her matriculation or may choose to follow the updated policies in full. Students
may not choose some regulations from one set of policies and some from another.
In rare cases, the faculty may apply a new regulation to all students who have not
passed a specific milestone (e.g., candidacy) in their program if such a change will
not materially aect the progress of the students. Students will be notified of such
It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the rules, procedures, and
requirements of the Professional Masters program in Engineering Management
and Leadership, the Oce of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and Rice
University. It is the ultimate responsibility of the student to know and follow all
polices and timelines to allow for a timely graduation. A student failing to meet
department or university requirements is subject to dismissal from the program.
Table of Contents
About the Master in Engineering Management and Leadership (MEML)
Online Degree Program
Program Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Requirements Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Course Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Leadership Breadth Courses ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Technical Depths (Areas of Specialization) .................................................................................................................. 4
MEML Capstone Project ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Attendance ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Transfer Credits .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Progress Review .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Leave of Absence ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Financial Aids ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Guidelines for Dismissals, Petitions, Appeals, Grievances and Problem Resolution ...................... 11
Meet the MEML Faculty ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
About Rice University ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
The General Announcement ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Using ESTHER to Register for Classes ................................................................................................................................. 15
Honor Code .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Code of Conduct ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Oce of International Students and Scholars .............................................................................................................. 16
Title IX ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Graduate Student Association .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Quick Resources ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
About the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership ................................................................................ 19
Contact .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
About the
Master in Engineering Management and Leadership
Online Degree Program
Program Overview
In today’s world, all major companies have become technology companies.
Therefore, engineers are being increasingly involved in the creation of new ideas,
products, and services, across all sectors of society. For companies to take full
advantage of this new paradigm, they must hire people who have been extensively
educated on the best ways of leading, managing, and inspiring teams of engineers
and technical professionals who are digital natives.
Developed by the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership, the Master of
Engineering Management and Leadership (MEML) program at Rice is a
professional, non-thesis masters degree meant for technical professionals with
engineering or related technical backgrounds; recent college graduates from
engineering and the computational science fields should also apply.
The MEML program is oered online or on-campus, with full-time and part-time
options. Students who have a BA or a BS degree in any field of engineering or
related study may apply. Students must apply to either the online or on-campus
program and will be explicitly admitted to one program or the other.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing the MEML degree, students will be able to:
• Employ ethical-technical decision making.
Understand the susceptibility of engineering teams and organizations to
ethical failure and devise creative technical solutions that are constrained by
ethics-based boundaries.
• Lead and manage engineering teams.
Excel at hybrid communications (i.e. to both technical and non-technical
persons), managing projects, leading engineering teams, and inspiring people.
• Evaluate the economic viability of technology products and ideas.
Apply key principles of engineering entrepreneurship to determine if a technical
product or idea is valuable and economically viable.
• Solve advanced engineering problems.
Have a graduate-level understanding of key disciplinary engineering courses.
Engineering leaders will lead teams of engineers in a way that leverages the
varying degrees of engineering training, from the undergraduate to graduate
level. They should have a fundamental understanding and appreciation for the
deeper technical skills that graduate-level engineers add to a team.
Requirements Overview
The Master of Engineering Management & Leadership (MEML) program’s non-
thesis curriculum requires completing a minimum of 30 credits of approved
courses at the 500- level or above.
Students pursuing the MEML degree must complete:
A minimum of 10 courses (30-32 credit hours, depending on course selection)
to satisfy degree requirements.
A minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate-level study (graduate semester
credit hours, coursework at the 500-level or above).
A minimum of 24 graduate semester credit hours must be taken at Rice
A minimum of 24 graduate semester credit hours must be taken in standard or
traditional courses (with a course type of lecture, seminar, laboratory, lecture/
A minimum residency enrollment of one fall or spring semester of part-time
graduate study at Rice University.
A maximum of 6 credit hours from graduate semester credit hours as transfer
Courses requirements consist of six (6) courses (18 credits) for the Engineering
Manager Leadership Breadth, three (3) Technical Depth courses (9 credits), and a
Masters of Engineering Management & Leadership Capstone Project (3 credits).
MEML students must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.67 or higher in all
Rice coursework, as well as a minimum program GPA of 3.00 or higher in all Rice
coursework that satisfies requirements for the non-thesis masters degree.
Course Requirements
The courses listed in this section satisfy the requirements for the MEML degree
program. In certain instances, courses not on this ocial list may be substituted
upon approval of the program’s academic advisor, or where applicable, the
department or program’s Director of Graduate Studies. Course substitutions
must be formally applied and entered into Degree Works by the department or
program’s Ocial Certifier. Additionally, these must be approved by the Oce of
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Students and their academic advisors should
identify and clearly document the courses to be taken.
Total Credit Hours Required for the MEML Degree 30
Degree Requirements - Engineering Manager Leadership Breadth (18 credits)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
RCEL 501 Engineering Management and Leadership, Theory
and Application
RCEL 502 Engineering Project Management 3
RCEL 503 Engineering Product Management in Industry 3
RCEL 504 Ethical-Technical Leadership 3
RCEL 505 Engineering Economics for Leaders 3
RCEL 506 Applied Statistics and Data Science for Engineering
Degree Requirements - Technical Depth (Area of Specialization) (9-11 credits)
The following Areas of Specialization are available to fully online MEML students.
Select one (1):
Computer Science
Data Science
Degree Requirements - Technical Depth (Area of Specialization) continued
Courses oered by the George R. Brown School of Engineering include the
MECH, MSNE, RCEL, SSPB, or STAT. See below for typically approved areas of
NOTE: Select 3 courses from courses oered by the George R. Brown School
of Engineering, or from an engineering-centered focus area, as an Area of
Specialization. Departmental approval is required for areas of specialization.
Below are examples of courses from each specialization (i.e., department) that a
MEML student might select.
Area of Specialization: Computer Science (COMP)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
COMP 614 Computer Programming for Data Science
COMP 643 Big Data 3
COMP 665 Data Visualization 3
Total Credit Hours 9
Area of Specialization: Data Science
Code Course Title Credit Hours
COMP 614 Computer Programming for Data Science
COMP 680 Statistics for Computing and Data Science
Select one course from the following options:
COMP 643 Big Data
COMP 665 Data Visualization
COMP 642 Machine Learning
Total Credit Hours 9
Please Note the Following:
Students in the MEML degree program and in either of the two cohorts (online or on-
campus) will be allowed to take up to 3 courses (9 credit hours) in the other modality
(on-campus or online) with permission from the Engineering Management and
Leadership Program Advisor. Certain restrictions apply for international students:
Online MEML students that are international students living outside of the U.S.
may not take on-campus and in-person courses.
On-campus MEML students that are international students must be sure to meet
the full-time semester 9 credit hour minimum for on-campus instruction to meet
visa requirements.
Degree Requirements - Technical Depth (Area of Specialization) continued
NOTE TO HOUSTON AREA STUDENTS: Students in the MEML degree program
and in either of the two cohorts (online or on-campus) will be allowed to take up
to 3 courses (9 credit hours) in the other modality (on-campus or online) with
permission from the Engineering Management and Leadership Program Advisor.
Certain restrictions apply for international students.
Online MEML students that are international students living outside of the
U.S. may not take on-campus and in-person courses.
On-campus MEML students that are international students must be sure
to meet the full-time semester 9 credit hour minimum for on-campus
instruction to meet visa requirements.
If you are an online MEML student local to Houston and able to attend courses
on campus at Rice University, the following Areas of Specialization are also
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Computational and Applied Mathematics
Computer Science
Data Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Courses oered by the George R. Brown School of Engineering include the
MECH, MSNE, RCEL, SSPB, or STAT. See next pages for typically approved areas
of specialization.
NOTE: Select 3 courses from courses oered by the George R. Brown School
of Engineering, or from an engineering-centered focus area, as an Area of
Specialization. Departmental approval is required for areas of specialization.
On the next page are examples of courses from each specialization (i.e.,
department) that a MEML student might select.
Area of Specialization: Bioengineering (BIOE)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
BIOE 508/
SSPB 503
Synthetic Biology 3
BIOE 536 Frontiers in Immunoengineering 3
BIOE 539 Applied Statistics for Bioengineering and
Total Credit Hours 9
Area of Specialization: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CHBE)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
CHBE 501 Fluid Mechanics and Transport Processes 3
CHBE 560/
MSNE 560
Colloidal and Interfacial Phenomena 3
CHBE 590 Kinetics, Catalysis, and Reaction Engineering 3
Total Credit Hours 9
Area of Specialization: Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEVE)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
CEVE 500/
MECH 500
Advanced Mechanics of Materials 3
CEVE 503/
MECH 520
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis 3
CEVE 527/
MECH 527
Physics Guided Machine Learning and Data Driven
Modeling Fem
Total Credit Hours 9
Area of Specialization: Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
CAAM 519 Computational Science I 3
CAAM 550 Numerical Analysis I 3
CAAM 554 Iterative Methods for Systems of Equations and
Unconstrained Optimization
Total Credit Hours 9
Examples of courses from each specialization (i.e., department) .
Examples of courses from each specialization (i.e., department) continued on page 7.
Area of Specialization: Computer Science (COMP)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
COMP 502
/ELEC 502/
STAT 502
Neural Machine Learning I 3
COMP 540 Statistical Machine Learning 4
COMP 542 Large-Scale Machine Learning 3
Total Credit Hours 10
Area of Specialization: Data Science
Code Course Title Credit Hours
COMP 614 Computer Programming for Data Science 3
COMP 665 Data Visualization 3
STAT 613 Statistical Machine Learning 3
Total Credit Hours 9
Area of Specialization: Electrical and Computer Engineering (ELEC)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
ELEC 519 Data Science and Dynamical Systems 3
ELEC 520/
COMP 520
Distributed Systems 4
ELEC 524/
COMP 524
Mobile and Wireless Networking 4
Total Credit Hours 11
Area of Specialization: Materials Science and Nanonengineering (MSNE)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
MSNE 510 Scaling Concepts in 2d Materials and Polymer
MSNE 511 Materials Characterization from Nano to Macro 3
MSNE 513 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: Theory and
Total Credit Hours 9
Examples of courses from each specialization (i.e., department) continued from page 6.
Examples of courses from each specialization (i.e., department) continued on page 8.
Area of Specialization: Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
MECH 505 Numerical Methods for Engineers 3
MECH 517/
CEVE 517
Finite Element Analysis 3
MECH 554/
BIOE 554/
CEVE 554
Computational Fluid Mechanics 3
Total Credit Hours 9
Area of Specialization: Statistics (STAT)
Code Course Title Credit Hours
STAT 518 Probability 3
STAT 519 Statistical Inference 3
STAT 542 Simulation 3
Total Credit Hours 9
Examples of courses from each specialization (i.e., department) continued from page 7.
Degree Requirements - Capstone Project (3 credits)
MEML students must complete the capstone project. In this project, students
will be expected to devise Industry 4.0 solutions to solve real-world problems
from companies and other organizations, while exhibiting critical thinking, team-
work, and engineering manager leader skills. Employing MEMLs ethical-technical
framework, students will demonstrate how data can enhance products, services,
and ideas and make them more economically viable. The capstone project can be
an opportunity to connect with Rice’s world-class faculty, engineering leaders of
the industry, and corporate partners of the Rice Center for Engineering Leader-
ship (RCEL).
Code Course Title Credit Hours
RCEL 507 Master’s in Engineering Management and Leadership
Attendance at class meetings is essential to academic success. Students are
expected to take personal responsibility for class attendance and bear the
responsibility for the eect that absences may have upon performance and
evaluation in the course with consequences up to and including dismissal from the
Students are required to attend all scheduled activities for all of the classes for
which they are registered during the entire course of the academic semester for
which they are enrolled. Students with a legitimate reason to be absent from a
class must specifically request permission from the professor in charge, or explain
at the next available opportunity why an unforeseen event prevented them from
attending. The academic calendar indicates normal class days, recesses, and
holidays. Instructors, however, may schedule required activities on other days,
including weekends, if required by programmatic needs, such as guest lectures or
field trips.
Transfer Credit
Students pursuing the MEML degree should be aware of the following program-
specific transfer credit guidelines:
No more than 6 credit hours from another U.S. or international universities of
similar standing at Rice may apply towards the degree. Transfer coursework
must be comparable in content and depth to the corresponding course at Rice,
and must not have counted toward another degree.
Requests for transfer credit will be considered by the Engineering Management
and Leadership Graduate Committee Chair and the instructor of the equivalent
Rice course.
For Rice University’s policy regarding transfer credit, visit https://ga.rice.edu/
Some departments and programs have additional restrictions on transfer credit.
Students are encouraged to meet with their academic program’s advisor when
considering transfer credit possibilities.
Progress Review
Earning an advanced degree implies a high level of scholastic performance.
In order to evaluate progress, the records and research performance of each
graduate student will be reviewed annually. If the results of this review are not
satisfactory, the program will either specify additional course of study or the
student may be dismissed from the university.
Leave of Absence
A leave of absence may be granted only by the Oce of Graduate and
Postdoctoral Studies upon recommendation of the program and is granted only
to students in good standing. Leave must be approved in advance of the academic
semester in question. Normally, a leave of absence is granted for no more than two
consecutive semesters. No work toward a degree may be done at Rice (or involve
Rice faculty/facilities) during a students leave of absence.
Financial Aid
There is no financial aid available from Rice University for students in the MEML
degree program at this time.
Guidelines for Dismissals, Petitions, Appeals, Grievances and Problem
Students are encouraged to download and read the Oce of Graduate &
Postdoctoral Studies’ guidelines for dismissal, petitions, appeals, grievances and
problem resolution that can be obtained from the web site: https://ga.rice.edu/
In accordance with these guidelines, petitions, appeals, grievances and problems
will be handled by the Directors of the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership/
MEML program. They will conduct an investigation of the circumstances and reach
a decision regarding the case. Any decision they make can be appealed to the Dean
of Engineering. The Dean will look at every case after viewing a written report
from the co-directors of the MEML program and any written report the student
wants to provide. The written report from the co-directors of the MEML program
will describe the circumstances, the decision, and the rationale for the decision.
The written report will be made available to the student, except for redactions to
protect the privacy of other students.
Meet the
MEML Faculty
Drawn from Rice’s George R. Brown School of Engineering and the Rice Center
for Engineering Leadership, MEML faculty have demonstrated track records of
technical leadership, engineering project management, and research expertise in
many relevant engineering areas. At the same time, they also possess the technical
and problem-solving skills and inventive spirit that is the hallmark of great
engineers. Our award-winning faculty have served in leadership roles working for
Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. Armed Forces. They bring unique leadership
experience and a desire to share their understanding of engineering management
with their students.
John W. Via III , D.Eng., P.E., CPEM
Associate Director, MEML Program
Professor in the Practice
Uyiosa Abusomwan, Ph.D.
Edgar Avalos-Guana, Ph.D.
Steve Gomez
Professor in the Practice
Joshua Gray, Ph.D., SSBB, PMP
Professor in the Practice
Sergio Kapusta, Ph.D.
Professor in the Practice
Claudia Zettner, Ph.D., PMP
Professor in the Practice
About Rice University
Boasting a 300-acre tree-lined campus in Houston, Rice University is ranked among
the nation’s top 20 universities by U.S. News & World Report. Rice has a 6-to-1
undergraduate student-to-faculty ratio, and a residential college system, which
supports students intellectually, emotionally and culturally through social events,
intramural sports, student plays, lectures series, courses and student government.
Developing close-knit, diverse college communities is a strong campus tradition,
which is why Rice is highly ranked for best quality of life and best value among
private universities.
As a leading research university with a distinctive commitment to
undergraduate education, Rice University aspires to pathbreaking research,
unsurpassed teaching, and contribution to the betterment of our world. It
seeks to fulfill this mission by cultivating a diverse community of learning and
discovery that produces leaders across the spectrum of human endeavor.
The General Announcement
The Rice University General Announcements contain graduate school regulations
governing students, including deadlines and additional requirements. In addition
to complying with the regulations stated in this handbook, students must also
comply with the General Announcements and the Code of Conduct. In case of
error, omission, or conflict, policies of the General Announcements supersede
those stated within this handbook. View the General Announcement here:
Using ESTHER to Register for Classes
ESTHER is the web application for students, faculty, and sta. Students will use
this application to register for classes, and retrieve certain data such as grades
and account information. Using ESTHER, students can: indicate confidentiality
preference, update contact information; register, add and drop courses; access
final grades; view holds on accounts, etc.
See https://registrar.rice.edu/students/registration
Honor Code
The Honor System is one of the oldest traditions at Rice. Adopted by a vote of
the student body in 1916, the system requires each Rice student to help ensure
the validity of all examinations and assignments by adhering to a strict code
of academic integrity. The Honor System reflects one of our strongest shared
community values. It provides benefits such as take-home and unproctored exams.
The Honor System also elevates our common experience by placing academic
honesty at the center of our curriculum and by asking each of us to live by our
honor code on a daily and continuing basis. The Honor System expresses our belief
that the integrity of each individual is vital to the integrity of our entire community.
The Honor System is administered by the student Honor Council, whose members
are elected annually by the student body. Students agree to report any suspected
violations of the Honor Code to the Honor Council, which is responsible for
investigating reported violations and recommending penalties where warranted.
As a reminder of their commitment, students write and sign the following pledge
on all work covered by the Honor Code: “On my honor, I have neither given nor
received any aid on this (exam, paper, project, assignment).
All students at Rice University agree to abide by the Honor Code, which covers
such matters as plagiarism and giving or receiving aid on exams. It is the obligation
of every student at Rice to read the “Honor System Handbook,” and to understand
and maintain the honor system at all times. Specific information on the Honor
Code can be found at: honor.rice.edu.
Code of Conduct
The Oce of Student Judicial Programs oversees the judicial system, enforces
the Code of Student Conduct. Students are expected to govern their conduct
by standards of considerate and ethical behavior so as not to harm or discredit
themselves, the University, or any other individual. Moreover, just as the learning
environment does not end at the classroom door, neither is the exercise of
individual responsibility, civility, and honor limited to the academic domain.
More information on this can be found on the Rice University Student Judicial
Programs page here sjp.rice.edu/code-of-student-conduct.
Oce of International Students and Scholars
The Oce of International Students & Scholars is here to support all Rice
internationals and the Academic Departments with all matters related to
immigration, international compliance, and cultural adaptation.
Visit https://oiss.rice.edu/ for more information.
Title IX
Rice encourages any student who has experienced an incident of sexual,
relationship, or other interpersonal violence, harassment or gender discrimination
to seek support. There are many options available both on and o campus for all
graduate students, regardless of whether the perpetrator was a fellow student, a
sta or faculty member, or someone not aliated with the university.
Students should be aware when seeking support on campus that most employees
are required by Title IX to disclose all incidents of non-consensual interpersonal
behaviors to Title IX professionals on campus who can act to support that student
and meet their needs. The therapists at the Rice Counseling Center and the
doctors at Student Health Services are confidential, meaning that Rice will not
be informed about the incident if a student discloses to one of these Rice sta
members. Rice prioritizes student privacy and safety, and only shares disclosed
information on a need-to-know basis.
If you are in need of assistance or simply would like to talk to someone, please call
Rice Wellbeing and Counseling Center, which includes Title IX Support: (713) 348-
3311 Policies, including Sexual Misconduct Policy and Student Code of Conduct,
and more information regarding Title IX can be found at safe.rice.edu.
Graduate Student Association
The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is comprised of degree-seeking
graduate students at Rice University. The GSA mission is to enrich the graduate
student experience and to represent, support, and promote graduate student
interests and values. Visit gsa.rice.edu to learn more.
Quick Resources
Academic Calendar: registrar.rice.edu
Award Opportunities: engineering.rice.edu/gradopps
Counseling Center: wellbeing.rice.edu
Course Catalog: courses.rice.edu
General Announcements: ga.rice.edu
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Oce: graduate.rice.edu
Graduate Studies Form Library: graduate.rice.edu/forms
Honor System and Code of Student Conduct: honor.rice.edu
International Student Information: oiss.rice.edu
International Student Forms: oiss.rice.edu/forms
Language and Communications: capc.rice.edu
Fondren Library Resources: library.rice.
Map of Campus: rice.edu/maps
Parking: parking.rice.edu
Professional Development Workshops: graduate.rice.edu/profdevelopment
Student Wellbeing Oce: wellbeing.rice.edu
Recreation Center: recreation.rice.edu
Registration: graduate.rice.edu/registration
Rice Counseling Center: wellbeing.rice.edu/rice-counseling-center
Rice Help Desk: oit.rice.edu/get-help, or email [email protected]
Technology Support: it.rice.edu
Title IX Information: safe.rice.edu
University Fellowships and External Funding: graduate.rice.edu/
About the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership
The Rice Center for Engineering Leadership (RCEL) was established in 2009 with
a gift from John ’73, ’74, and Ann ’75 Doerr. The ocial Engineering Leadership
Certificate was approved in 2014. RCELs mission is to inspire, educate, and develop,
ethical leaders in technology who will excel in research, industry, non-engineering
career paths, or entrepreneurship.
RCEL’s programing enhances a traditional engineering education by providing
skills not typically covered in the Rice engineering curriculum. Through a series of
curricular and co-curricular learning experiences, RCEL students learn to create
and communicate a vision, build a high-performing team, form and execute
collaborative plans, and create innovations that endure.
The Need for Engineering Leaders
Many of the most important changes in the world today are driven by the
creations of engineers. Breakthroughs in computing and biotechnology, for
example, are changing the way people communicate, learn, and heal. Engineering
leaders are at the forefront of these advancements, and RCELs Certificate
program is intended to build the skills, motivations, and opportunities needed to
become an engineering leader.
RCEL Undergraduate Certificate in Engineering Leadership
At the center of RCEL is the Engineering Leadership Certificate, an accredited
academic credential aimed at preparing students for their first leadership role
after graduation. The multi-year certificate program comprises a series of courses,
labs, and RCEL-specific learning experiences that supplement the core curriculum
of the School of Engineering. The RCEL Certificate Program allows students to
learn fundamentals of engineering leadership, practice their leadership skills while
participating in engineering-based hands-on activities, give and receive coaching,
and critically reflect on their leadership experiences through a series of structured
Masters in Engineering Management and Leadership
In today’s world, all major companies have become technology companies.
Therefore, engineers are being increasingly involved in the creation of new ideas,
products, and services, across all sectors of society. For companies to take full
advantage of this new paradigm, they must hire people who have been extensively
educated on the best ways of leading, managing, and inspiring teams of engineers
and technical professionals who are digital natives.
Housed in the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership, the Master of Engineering
Management and Leadership program at Rice is a professional, non-thesis masters
degree meant for technical professionals with engineering or related technical
backgrounds; recent college graduates from engineering and the computational
science fields should also apply.
The MEML program is oered online or on-campus, with full-time and part-time
options. Students who have a BA or a BS degree in any field of engineering or
related study may apply. Students must apply to either the online or on-campus
program and will be explicitly admitted to one program or the other.
Visit engineering.rice.edu/meml to learn more.
Rice Center for Engineering Leadership (RCEL)
George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University
Mailing Address: 6100 Main Street | MS 363 | Houston, Texas 77584
Physical Location: Rice University Campus – Duncan Hall 2103
RCEL Email: r[email protected]
MEML Email: [email protected]
C. Fred Higgs, III
Faculty Director, Rice Center for Engineering Leadership
John and Ann Doerr Professor of Mechanical Engineering
George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University
Vice Provost for Academic Aairs, Rice University
Kaz Karwowski
Executive Director, Rice Center for Engineering Leadership
George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University
MS 363 | Duncan Hall 2124
Oce: (713) 348-2359
Agustina Fernandez Moya
Director Engineering Professional Masters Program
George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University
MS 364 | 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005
Oce (713) 348-2852
Schuyler Boss
Administrator, Rice Center for Engineering Leadership
George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University
MS 363 | Duncan Hall 2103
Oce: (713) 348-3181