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Proceed to Checkout? !e Impact of Time in
Advanced Ticket Purchase Decisions
Brendan Dwyer
Joris Drayer
Stephen L. Shapiro
Old Dominion University, [email protected]du
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Repository Citation
Dwyer, Brendan; Drayer, Joris; and Shapiro, Stephen L., "Proceed to Checkout? <e Impact of Time in Advanced Ticket Purchase
Decisions" (2013). Human Movement Sciences Faculty Publications. 22.
Original Publication Citation
Dwyer, B., Drayer, J., & Shapiro, S. (2013). Proceed to checkout? <e impact of time in advanced ticket purchase decisions. Sport
Marketing Quarterly, 22(3), 166-180.
166 Volume 22 • Number 3 • 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly
Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2013, 22, 166-180, © 2013 West Virginia University
In an environment where several variables could
impede a consumer from attending a sporting event
(e.g., weather, mood, team performance), advanced
ticket sales provide a sport organization with the secu-
rity of guaranteed revenue. And while revenue from
multimedia rights are at an all-time high, event atten-
dance remains the largest revenue source for several
professional leagues including Major League Baseball
(MLB) and the National Hockey League (NHL; Fisher,
2010). As a result, advance selling has become a dis-
tinct marketing objective and ticketing strategy for
many organizations looking to combat consumer sov-
ereignty, uncertain event outcomes, and a highly com-
petitive marketplace (Hendrickson, 2012).
The proliferation of the secondary ticket market,
which provides consumers with multiple purchase
options, has also been a function of the growing
importance of advanced ticket sales in sport. Where
ticket sources were once limited to the organization or
ticket scalpers, the contemporary sport consumer now
has several advance ticket purchase options. For
instance, one can obviously still purchase directly from
the sport organization (primary market). However, if a
sellout occurs, or even if tickets are still available
directly from the team, secondary market platforms
such as StubHub or eBay provide potential consumers
additional purchase options. As a result, organizations
in the primary market must adapt to an evolving mar-
ketplace and develop appropriate marketing strategies
to ensure advanced purchases.
Further complicating advanced sales, and consumer
behavior in general, are the varying levels of attach-
ment associated with sport consumers (Koo & Hardin,
2008). Several researchers have suggested that sport
organizations intentionally underprice their tickets at
least in part to ensure that consumers maintain their
positive feelings about the team (Coates & Humphreys,
2007; Fort, 2004; Krautmann & Berri, 2007). However,
Drayer and Shapiro (2011) found that “fans who have
stronger team identification or loyalty are willing to
pay more to see the team play” (p. 396). Additionally,
highly identified sport consumers are less affected by
Proceed to Checkout?
The Impact of Time in Advanced
Ticket Purchase Decisions
Brendan Dwyer, Joris Drayer, and Stephen L. Shapiro
Brendan Dwyer, PhD, is an assistant professor and the director of research and distance learning for the Center for Sport
Leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University. His research interests include sport consumer behavior with a distinct
focus on the media consumption habits of fantasy sport participants.
Joris Drayer, PhD, is an associate professor and the director of programs in sport and recreation management at Temple
University. His research interests include ticketing and pricing strategies in both primary and secondary ticket markets, as
well as consumer behavior.
Stephen L. Shapiro, PhD, is an assistant professor of sport management at Old Dominion University. His research focuses
on financial management in college athletics, ticket pricing in college and professional sport, and consumer behavior.
When purchasing tickets in advance, sports consumers are often faced with uncertainty. Most notably, in
today’s real-time environment, it can be challenging for consumers to determine how ticket prices and seat
availability will change over time. Guided by the generic advanced-booking decision model, the current
study investigated the role of time, ticket source (primary or secondary market), and team identification in
advanced ticket purchasing by exploring a consumer’s perceptions of ticket availability and finding a lower
price. The results suggest the perceived likelihood of ticket availability and finding a lower priced ticket
increased as the date of the game drew closer. Ticket source and team identification were also found to be
statistically significant main effects factors, while ticket source significantly moderated consumer percep-
tions of finding a lower price over time. These outcomes both confirm and contradict various findings in
the leisure literature and provide a strong foundation for future sport-related examinations.
When purchasing tickets in advance, sports consumers are often faced with uncertainty. Most notably, in
today's real-time environment, it can be challenging for consumers to determine how ticket prices and seat
will change over time. Guided by the generic advanced-booking decision model, the current
study investigated the role
time, ticket source (primary
secondary market), and team identification in
advanced ticket purchasing by exploring a consumer's perceptions
ticket availability and finding a lower
price. The results suggest the perceived likelihood
ticket availability and finding a lower priced ticket
the date
the game drew closer. Ticket source and team identification were also found to be
statistically significant main effects factors, while ticket source significantly moderated consumer percep-
finding a lower price over time. These outcomes both confirm and contradict various findings in
the leisure literature and provide a strong foundation for future sport-related examinations.
Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly 167
fluctuations in team performance (Branscombe &
Wann, 1991; Wann & Branscombe, 1993). That said,
less-identified sport consumers are equally important
to sport organizations, and despite more dramatic
demand fluctuations based on team performance,
teams must continually recruit and retain this group of
potential consumers (Whitney, 1988). In the end,
despite the difficulty in establishing different market-
ing strategies based on team identification, it has been
established as a primary market segmentation strategy.
Empirical research related to team identification and
advance ticketing strategies is lacking.
In addition to ticket source and team identification,
perhaps the most important variable in the advance
sales equation is time. With several options from
which to purchase, varying levels of team interest, and
ultimately, multiple market factors related to ticket
supply and demand, sport consumers are forced to
speculate before acting. It is challenging for consumers
to speculate how ticket prices and seat availability will
change over time, not to mention the difficulty of
speculating on the consumer utility factors listed above
(e.g., weather, mood, and team record). Previous
research on demand-based pricing in sport has provid-
ed evidence of price shifts based on both time and
availability of tickets (Drayer & Shapiro, 2009; Shapiro
& Drayer, 2012). However, consumer perceptions of
these influences and how they affect purchase decisions
within the context of sporting events have not been
explored. Thus, guided by the generic advanced-book-
ing decision model (Schwartz, 2000; 2006), this study
systematically explored the role of time in an
advanced-purchasing setting. In addition, the study
examined ticket source (primary or secondary market)
and team identification as potential moderators of the
advanced sport ticketing process. Given the direct rela-
tionship between a consumer’s advanced purchasing
behavior and an organization’s pricing decisions, it is
believed that a more comprehensive understanding of
the sport consumer decision making process in an
advanced-sales setting will aid sport organizations in
implementing more effective pricing and revenue
management tactics.
Review of Literature
Ticketing Strategies and Sources
Traditional ticket pricing strategies used seat location
as the primary factor in determining price differences
between tickets. Around the turn of the millennium,
several professional sports franchises introduced vari-
able ticket pricing (VTP) which allowed them to use
additional factors in setting prices such as opponent
and day of the week. However, as these prices were set
before the start of the season, they still ignored the
changes in consumer demand for these events over the
course of the season. Subsequently, in 2009, the San
Francisco Giants introduced dynamic ticket pricing
(DTP) where prices changed daily based on fluctuating
demand conditions. Over half of the teams in MLB
along with several more in the NHL and National
Basketball Association (NBA) have now adopted some
form of DTP.
While understanding what factors to consider when
setting prices on a daily basis is a difficult task, a wealth
of previous literature has examined changes in con-
sumer demand. For example, when considering the
quality of the game, several researchers have focused on
changes in attendance based on the expected outcome.
Using a variety of measures including betting odds
(Welki & Zlatoper, 1999), difference in league ranking
(Garcia & Rodriguez, 2002), average number of games
behind the first place team (Noll, 1974), and differences
in games won (Price & Sen, 2003), these researchers
examined how outcome (un)certainty may influence
consumer demand for an event. There is no shortage of
research on the factors influencing consumer demand
(see Borland & McDonald, 2003, for a summary of
such studies). However, these studies examined con-
sumer demand based on fluctuations in attendance and
did not consider how these factors may influence con-
sumer attitudes and/or their willingness to pay for tick-
ets. Further, DTP considers how these factors change
over time suggesting that perhaps the importance of
these factors may be influenced by time itself.
The evolution of primary market pricing strategies
from a seat-location-based approach to VTP, and
eventually DTP, coincides with the growth of the sec-
ondary market. With the ability of the Internet to
quickly and conveniently facilitate transactions, this
resale market has evolved into a legitimate, multi-bil-
lion dollar industry (Drayer & Martin, 2010). In this
transparent, free-market environment, research has
been conducted which has further illuminated cus-
tomer preferences for tickets. For example, Drayer and
Shapiro (2009) examined online auctions on eBay and
determined that several factors, including home and
visiting team performance, population, and day of the
week influenced the amount customers were willing to
bid for tickets. Additionally, they found the number of
days before the game affected final auction prices. In
other words, prices decreased as the event drew closer.
Shapiro and Drayer (2012) also compared dynamic
prices in the primary market to secondary market
prices on StubHub. They determined sellers in the pri-
mary market steadily increase prices over time while
secondary market sellers were more inclined to lower
prices over time. In this case, sellers’ consideration of
168 Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly
the effect of time on consumers’ willingness to pay is
quite different. This suggests the phenomenon is in
need of further examination.
The influence of time was also apparent in the work
of Moe, Fader, and Kahn (2011), who found ticket
sales were influenced by constantly fluctuating factors
such as team performance and days before the game.
As attractiveness of teams fluctuates based on perform-
ance, and the game date nears, ticket sales and seat
location choices change. The authors concluded data-
driven pricing decisions based on consumer demand
are most likely to capture true value of the ticket as
prices can change based on outcome uncertainty.
Of course, consumers’ perceptions of the source of
these tickets may also influence consumers’ perception
of the ticket being offered. The studies mentioned pre-
viously focus primarily on sellers’ price setting strate-
gies and ignore how consumer perceptions of the
product may influence these consumption decisions.
There is a wide array of research suggesting that con-
sumers’ perception of a product goes beyond the
extrinsic characteristics and may be influenced by
other intrinsic attributes such as perceived trustworthi-
ness of the seller and experience with similar transac-
tions in the past (i.e., reference transactions). For
example, Xia, Monroe, and Cox (2004) found that
transaction similarity and buyer-seller relationship
influenced consumer attitudes. Within the tourism and
hospitality literature, several studies have considered
consumers’ perceptions of the seller. However, given
that the product is guaranteed to be the same across all
platforms, third party websites’ formalized relation-
ships with hotels. Several studies have focused primari-
ly on the fairness of sellers’ pricing strategies (Choi &
Mattila, 2005; Kimes, 2003; Wirtz & Kimes, 2007).
There are, however, differences between tourism and
sport. Specifically, third party sellers (i.e., secondary
market sellers) are not supplied with tickets from sport
organizations through any contractual relationship,
meaning that consumers may be uncertain about the
authenticity of the ticket. One of the unique features of
the secondary market is that perceptions of the indus-
try have been affected by previous instances of unethi-
cal business practices and the existence of laws in many
states that makes ticket resale illegal (Drayer & Martin,
2010). Thus, consumers’ perceptions may be affected
by not only the price of the ticket but also their per-
ception of the source. However, to date, no research
has explored how ticket source affects consumers’ atti-
tudes and purchase intentions. In the advanced ticket
purchase setting, ticket source may be an intriguing
and timely variable as sport consumers are no longer
strictly limited to a team’s pricing structure.
Team Identification
Identification refers to the roles an individual plays
within a network of social relationships (Stryker &
Burke, 2000). Identities are organized and conceptual-
ized through social interactions, and these identities
can influence behavior (Stryker, 1968, 1980). Social
interactions not only affect the development of identi-
fication, but these interactions impact the salience of
these identities. This is the foundation of identity theo-
ry proposed by Stryker (1968, 1980).
Various facets of identity theory have been examined
in social-science research providing significant evi-
dence of the role identity plays in the decision making
process. Within the context of sport marketing, there is
a wealth of literature on the role of identification and
its relationship with other aspects of sport consumer
behavior (Lock, Taylor, Funk, & Darcy, 2012; Fink,
Trail, & Anderson, 2002; Trail, Anderson, & Fink,
2000; Wann & Branscombe, 1993; Zillman, Bryant, &
Sapolsky, 1989). According to Wann and Branscombe
(1993), team identification can be used not only to
understand the interaction between sport consumers
and teams, but to gauge the level of consumer behav-
ior. In essence, team identification can help predict
sport consumption.
Some of the early research on sport and identifica-
tion claimed spectator sport provides an opportunity
for individuals to establish a sense of belonging and
develop relationships with other sport consumers who
identify highly with a team (Zillman et al., 1989). High
levels of identification with a team have been shown to
enhance one’s allegiance to that team regardless of per-
formance (Branscombe & Wann, 1991). This is an
important point of emphasis, as the literature on
demand in sport has consistently identified a positive
relationship between team performance and atten-
dance (Hansen & Gauthier, 1989; Lemke, Leonard, &
Tlhokwane, 2010; Noll, 1974; Whitney, 1988). In gen-
eral, consumers attend fewer games when a team does
not perform well. In the case of highly identified con-
sumers, however, team performance is less of a factor
(Branscombe & Wann, 1991; Wann & Branscombe,
Additionally, team identification has been shown to
influence consumption within a variety of contexts
beyond event attendance. Wann and Branscombe
(1993) found highly identified sport consumers tend to
invest more time and resources into their favorite
team. Subsequent examinations have supported these
findings. Wakefield (1995) found a positive relation-
ship between team identification and re-patronage,
providing some of the first evidence that a consumer’s
attachment to team can have an effect on future inten-
tions. Trail et al. (2000) and Trail, Fink, and Anderson
Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly 169
(2003) found highly identified sport consumers are
more likely to attend games. Additionally, Trail et al.
(2003) discovered these consumers purchase more
team-related merchandise.
In terms of team identification moderating various
attitudes and behavior within the context of sport, the
research is limited. Trail et al. (2012) examined
whether team identification moderated the relation-
ship between vicarious achievement and basking in
reflected glory (BIRGing) or cutting off reflective fail-
ure (CORFing). There were no interacting effects
found for the moderating models. However, Wann
and Branscombe (1993) suggest this moderated rela-
tionship could exist based on the fact that individuals
with high team identification would be more likely to
support the team and less likely to reject them regard-
less of outcome. The extent to which a relationship
between time and ticket purchase decisions might be
influenced by attachment to a team is unknown.
Although there is strong support for the relationship
between team identification and consumption, little is
known regarding the level of team identity and the
ticket purchase process. In the current demand-based
pricing environment, where the price and number of
tickets available are constantly changing, it is impor-
tant to understand the role identification may play in a
sport consumer’s decision to purchase a ticket at a
given time before a game. This information becomes
more important as consumers begin to fully under-
stand the process of DTP and the secondary ticket
market, where prices may fluctuate daily making it dif-
ficult to determine the optimal purchase time and/or
price. The role of team identification in this process
should not be understated.
Theoretical Background
The generic advanced-booking decision model
(Schwartz, 2000; 2006) served as the theoretical foun-
dation for this study as it is grounded in the consumer
decision making process. This model was developed
and validated in the field of travel and tourism with
the particular aim at understanding the process of
hotel reservations. In general, the literature on
advanced selling comes almost exclusively from the
field of travel and tourism (e.g., airlines & hotels)
where price discrimination and yield management
strategies have been found to provide competitive
advantages for gaining market share, ensuring capacity
fulfillment, and ultimately, creating profitability (Gale
& Holmes, 1992; Shugan & Xie, 2000; 2005; Xie &
Shugan, 2001).
However, the extension of this particular theory to
the field of sport marketing is both logical and needed
(Gibson, 1998). First, several similarities exist in the
experiences of sport consumers and tourists with
respect to product and service consumption. For
Figure 1. Generic Advanced-Booking Decision Model (Schwartz, 2000; 2006) Rates and Optimal Zones
Bookd 1
- ....
bd l
ar h
170 Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly
instance, similar to staying in a hotel, attending a
sporting event is a perishable experience driven by the
intersection of tickets available (hotel rooms available),
ticket price (room rate), and consumer demand.
Second, purchasing a ticket or reserving a room in
advance have similar uncertainties related to availabili-
ty as limited information about alternatives is readily
accessible. Lastly, due the similarities between the
tourist and sport consumer experiences, there is a
growing need to bridge theoretical gaps between the
two fields (Gibson, 1998).
According to the model, prospective consumers have
four different generic decision options as they respond
to a price quoted by a hotel: (1) reserve the hotel
room, (2) reserve the room and continue searching for
a better rate, (3) not reserve and continue searching for
a better rate, or (4) disregard the hotel entirely and
consider alternatives. Placed on an expected utility-rate
plane, as depicted in Figure 1, one can see three strate-
gic switching points where one must choose between
the rate quoted by the hotel and the other options. The
model assumes risk neutral consumers that choose the
action in which their expected utility is maximized.
Several variables are at play in the determination of the
switching points including the search cost, the dis-
count the consumer expects the hotel will offer in the
future, the probability the hotel will sell out, the prob-
ability that a discounted rate will be offered after a
given number of periods of search, and the penalty for
canceling the reservation. From the hotel’s perspective,
it is preferable that the consumer choose option one
followed by option two, three, and four.
Clearly, the options available to sport consumers are
not exactly the same as it is not an accepted practice to
reserve a ticket while searching for alternatives. Most
ticket transactions are final. However, with the emer-
gence of the secondary ticket market, opportunities exist
to resell tickets purchased in advance to recoup some or
all of the cost. In the case of a high-demand event, sell-
ing a ticket on secondary ticket market may even result
in a substantial profit. Regardless, the specific options
available to sport consumers as compared to hotel con-
sumers are not of particular importance in this context.
In general, advance-booking consumers, sport or other-
wise, have several options when quoted a price, and it is
the incorporation of timing within the advanced-book-
ing model that makes the extension cogent.
In 2008, Schwartz extended the generic advanced-
booking model to include time as a variable claiming
the options available to consumers are not static over
time. In other words, holding all other factors con-
stant, the decision to reserve a hotel depends some-
what on how far out the purchase decision was from
the date of stay. Two specific variables in the model
were identified as important factors in the decision
making process as they relate to time. First, to ensure
occupied rooms, it has become common for hotels to
change prices as the date of stay nears based on supply
and demand. As mentioned above, DTP strategies that
account for fluctuating demand have emerged in pro-
fessional sports as a means to more effectively manage
Figure 2. Conceptual Model for Research Questions 1 & 3
Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly 171
revenue. Thus, the probability that a discounted price
will be offered in the future (Expected Lower Rate
[ELR]) is an important variable in the advanced-book-
ing decision process. Second, the supply of hotel
rooms and sporting event tickets is limited; thus, the
probability the hotel or game will sell out (Expected
Ticket Availability [ETA]) is an important variable in
the purchasing process.
Schwartz (2008) argued for the testing of this time-
related extension of the advanced-booking model. It
was proposed that testing of the impact of time in a
booking decision would provide organizations a better
understanding of the time-related shifts in consumer
perception and propensity to book. As a result, organi-
zations could practice more effective revenue manage-
ment strategies. Chen and Schwartz (2008b) tested the
impact of time on ELR and ETA related to hotel book-
ing decisions and found that consumer perceptions
and expectations about variables related to advanced
booking changed as the date of stay neared. The
change patterns were more complicated than hypothe-
sized, and as a result, the authors suggested further
research. In particular, the authors recommended
investigations should focus on the final 21 days before
the intended hotel stay.
Similar empirical research in the field of sport man-
agement and marketing is lacking despite the fact that
understanding time-related shifts in demand would
provide vital revenue management information. Thus,
the current study explored the role of time in the
advanced-ticket purchasing decisions by first measur-
ing the impact of time on a sport consumer’s expecta-
tions of ticket availability (ETA) and finding lower
priced tickets (ELR) with respect to a given profession-
al sporting event. Second, given the potential impor-
tance of team identification and ticket source, these
variables were examined as moderators of the time,
ELR, and ETA relationship. Moderating relationships
were hypothesized for team identification and ticket
source because relationships between time, ELR, and
ETA have been established in the travel and tourism
literature, and similar relationships were hypothesized
for this study.
Figure 2 provides the conceptual model for the first
aim of the study, and Figure 3 provides the conceptual
model for the second. The solid lines denote relation-
ships examined in the current study where the dotted
lines were established by Schwartz (2000) or Chen and
Schwartz (2008a). The following research questions
were developed to guide the research:
Figure 3. Generic Advanced-Booking Decision Model (Schwartz, 2000; 2006) Rates and Optimal Zones
r p n ity
t B k
172 Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly
RQ1: Does a consumer’s expectation of ticket
availability with respect to an upcoming profes-
sional sporting event differ over time?
RQ2: Is the relationship between consumer
expectation of ticket availability and days before
the event moderated by ticket source and/or team
RQ3: Does a consumer’s expectation of finding
lower priced tickets with respect to an upcoming
professional sporting event differ over time?
RQ4: Is the relationship between consumer
expectation of lower priced tickets and days before
the event moderated by ticket source and/or team
Sample and Procedures
Through a partnership with the Philadelphia Inquirer,
the research team had access to a panel of over 2,300
Philadelphia area sports fans. As a result, a Philadelphia
Flyers’ home game against the Montreal Canadiens was
chosen as the context for the investigation. Participants
were solicited electronically via three date-specific
email blasts prior to a March 24th game. Within each
email, a brief message and link were provided to an
online questionnaire. The online questionnaire was
hosted by Qualtrics. An incentive was provided to
entice participation. Subjects who agreed to participate
were provided one of two written, imaged-enhanced
scenarios: (1) an opportunity to purchase a ticket from
the Flyers website, or (2) an opportunity to purchase
the same ticket from StubHub.com, the largest second-
ary ticket market website (see appendix). According to
the scenario, the participant and a friend decided to
attend the Saturday evening game, and the participant
volunteered to find tickets. They (according to the sce-
nario) went directly to the Flyers’ website or
StubHub.com and found a pair of lower level tickets
for $165 each. The arena seating chart was provided as
was an image of the view from the seat. After reading
the scenario, the subjects were asked to answer two
questions estimating the probability of future events
(the two dependent variables). Team identification and
demographic information was collected as well.
Independent variable. The independent variable was
time, specifically the number of days before the hockey
game. Three levels were chosen based on previous trav-
el research and secondary data provided by StubHub.
While purchasing tickets in advance may occur any
time after the season schedule is released, the volume
of secondary market transactions that occurred within
the last three weeks leading up to the event was sub-
stantial enough to warrant a shorter range of dates. In
addition, the time related work of Chen and Schwartz
(2008b) resulted in greater variability within this range.
As a result, six, 13, and 19 days prior to the game were
selected. Participants were randomly assigned to one of
the three treatments via email solicitation.
Dependent variables. The two dependent variables for
this study were ETA, a participant’s assessment of the
expected availability of the same or similar ticket
between the scenario date and the game, and ELR, a
participant’s assessment of finding a similar priced
ticket between the scenario date and the game. Both
variables were measured by percentage expectation
between 0 and 100. Similar measures were used in
Chen and Schwartz’s (2008b) study of hotel room rates
and time.
Moderating variables. Ticket source, either primary
(Flyers.com) or secondary (StubHub.com), was added
as a moderating variable given the possibility that the
secondary ticket market may influence consumer
behavior (Carter, 2012). Subjects were randomly
assigned one of two ticket sources and grouped as
such. In addition, team identification was examined as
a potential moderator to investigate the importance of
team fandom as a function of time, ETA, and ELR.
Team identification was assessed through Trail,
Robinson, Dick, and Gillentine’s (2003) team attach-
ment items from their larger Points of Attachment
Index. The three item scale used a seven point Likert
type (7=strongly agree; 1=strongly disagree).
Participants were placed into one of two groups (high
and low) based on their mean attachment score. A
score of less than four was deemed low and four or
greater was deemed high.
Statistical Tests
A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was
conducted to determine the overall differences in the
mean likelihoods between groups. A MANOVA is the
appropriate statistical test to conduct when there are
multiple dependent variables that are moderately cor-
related (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). Two 3x2x2 facto-
rial analyses of variance (ANOVA) were then
conducted to determine if there were any differences in
the mean assessments for each treatment. The main
effects results were analyzed for time to answer
research questions one and three while the interaction
effects were assessed for ticket source and time and,
team identification and time, and ticket source, team
identification, and time to answer research questions
two and four. A post hoc test (Tukey) was also con-
ducted to see which time treatment differed from the
others. Additionally, due to the use of the same
Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly 173
dependent variables in two separate procedures, a
Bonferonni adjustment was made. The significance
value was set at .025 for all main effects.
A total of 415 Philadelphia area sports fans responded
to the email solicitation with 389 fully completing the
survey resulting in a response rate of 16.9%. Table 1
provides demographic information for the sample.
Table 2 shows the number of observations in each of
the three time treatments as well as the averages and
standard deviations for each of the two dependent
variables (ELR and ETA). Respondents who were
solicited 19 days before the hockey game estimated the
likelihood of the same or similar tickets being available
sometime during the next 18 days to be 35.9%. At 13
days, the respondents estimated the ticket availability
to be 47.1%, and the respondents at six days estimated
the availability to be 52.5%. With regard to lower tick-
et prices, the respondents at 19 days estimated the like-
lihood of finding the same or similar tickets at a lower
price during the next 18 days to be 31.1%. The respon-
dents at 13 days out estimated the probability to be
43.6%, and at six days, the respondents estimated the
probability to be 48.6%. In general, as the game drew
Table 1
Sample Demographics
Age 33.674, Mean
11.792, SD
Ethnicity 92.0%, Caucasian
5.7%, Other
2.3%, Did not specify
Education 6.4%, High School
41.1%, Bachelor’s Degree
18.0%, Graduate Degree
16.5%, Professional Degree
7.7%, Other
9.0%, Did not specify
Gender 79.2%, Male
14.9%, Female
5.9%, Did not specify
Household Income 12.3%, Less than $50K
30.1%, $50K-$99K
24.7%, $100K-$150K
6.1%, More than $150K
16.8%, Did not specify
Table 2
Expected ticket availability (ETA) and expected lower rate (ELR) by days before the event
Expected Ticket Availability Expected Lower Rate
Days Before Number of Average (%)
SD Average (%)
the Game Observations
6 119 52.5 24.7 48.6 26.5
13 135 47.1 30.5 43.6 28.2
19 135 35.9 27.4 31.3 28.8
Main effects result, p < .001
Main effects result, p < .001
Table 3
Expected ticket availability (ETA) and expected lower rate (ELR) by ticket source
Expected Ticket Availability Expected Lower Rate
Ticket Source Number of Average (%)
SD Average (%)
Flyers Website 193 36.7 26.5 32.5 27.5
StubHub.com 196 52.7 27.2 49.9 27.6
Main effects result, p < .001
Main effects result, p < .001
174 Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly
closer, the respondents’ perceived probability of both
ticket availability and finding lower ticket prices
increased with the biggest jump occurring between 19
days out and 13.
The MANOVA test was significant F(4,770) = 6.25,
p<.001 suggesting the participants in each time period
differed in regard to their assessments of ETA and
ELR. Based on the MANOVA results, the subsequent
factorial ANOVAs were conducted. The main effects
results of the ETA factorial ANOVA with regard to
time suggest that the respondents’ estimate of ticket
availability differed between the treatments F(2,377) =
13.50, p<.001. The Tukey HSD post hoc test indicated
that the respondents’ estimate of ticket availability at
19 days was significantly lower than the respondents at
13 and six days. No difference existed between the
groups at 13 and six days. The main effects results of
ETA with regard to ticket source F(1,377) = 30.05,
p<.001 and team identification F(1,377) = 6.69; p =
.010 also resulted in statistically significant differences;.
Respondents provided with the StubHub.com scenario
felt the probability the same or similar ticket would be
available between the scenario date and the date of the
game was higher than those provided with the
Flyers.com scenario. Meanwhile, those with a higher
level of team identification felt there was a better prob-
ability the same or similar ticket would be available
between the scenario date and the date of the game
than those with a lower level of team identification.
Tables 3 and 4 provide the main effects results for tick-
et source and team identification.
The interaction effect results with regard to moderat-
ing influence of ticket source and time was significant
F(2,377) = 3.20; p = .008. As can be seen in Table 5, 19
days before the game, respondents provided with the
StubHub.com purchasing scenario felt there was a
higher probability the same or a similar ticket would
be available in the days leading up to the game com-
pared to those provided with the Flyer’s website sce-
nario. The same interaction effect was true for the
respondents presented with the differing scenarios 13
days out and six days out. The other possible modera-
tors of ETA (time x team identification, source x team
identification, time x source x team identification) did
not result in a statistically significant interaction effect.
The main effects results of the ELR factorial ANOVA
with regard to time was also statistically significant
indicating a difference between the treatments F(2,377)
Table 4
Expected ticket availability (ETA) and expected lower rate (ELR) by team identification
Expected Ticket Availability Expected Lower Rate
Level of Team Number of Average (%)
SD Average (%)
Identification Observations
Low 171 40.7 26.0 36.6 28.0
High 218 47.7 29.1 44.8 28.8
Main effects result, p = .01
Main effects result, p = .003
Table 5
Expected lower rate (ELR) and expected availability (EA) by days before the event and ticket source interaction
Expected Ticket Availability Expected Lower Rate
Days Before Ticket Number of Average (%)
SD Average (%)
the Game Source Observations
6 Flyers Website 57 42.8 23.9 37.5 24.6
StubHub.com 62 56.3 23.9 54.5 26.5
13 Flyers Website 68 35.1 26.5 35.2 26.7
StubHub.com 67 57.1 30.1 54.4 28.2
19 Flyers Website 68 32.2 28.2 22.6 26.6
StubHub.com 67 42.7 25.5 39.1 28.8
Main effects result, p = .041
Main effects result, p = .018
Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly 175
= 5.58; p =.004. Similar to the ETA results, the post
hoc findings indicate the respondents’ estimate of find-
ing lower ticket prices 19 days out was lower than the
groups at 13 and six days. No difference resulted
between the groups at 13 and six days prior to the
game. Statistically significant differences resulted for
the main effects of ticket source F(1,377) = 36.44,
p<.001 and team identification F(1,377) = 9.23, p =
.003 with regard to ELR. Once again similar to the ETA
results, respondents provided with the StubHub.com
scenario felt the probability of finding a similar ticket
at a lower price between the scenario date and the date
of the game was higher than those provided with the
Flyers.com scenario. In addition, those with a higher
level of team identification felt there was a better prob-
ability of finding a lower priced ticket compared to
those with lower identification levels.
The interaction effect between time and ticket source
was once again statistically significant F(2,377) = 2.33
p = .023 suggesting respondents provided the
StubHub.com scenario at each time interval felt there
was better probability of finding a similar ticket for a
lower price than those provided the Flyer website sce-
nario. The other possible moderators of ELR (time x
team identification, source x team identification, time
x source x team identification) did not result in a sta-
tistically significant interaction effect.
The purpose of this study was to systematically investi-
gate the impact of time in the advanced-booking setting
of a professional hockey game. Ticket source and team
identification were also examined as potential moderat-
ing variables between time before the event and a con-
sumer’s estimation of ticket availability and finding
lower priced tickets. The results suggest that as time
before the event decreased, a consumer’s estimation of
ticket availability and finding a lower ticket price
increased significantly. In addition, respondents pro-
vided with the secondary ticket source (StubHub) had a
higher estimation of ticket availability and finding a
lower ticket price than those presented with the pri-
mary source (Flyers’ website) scenario. Respondents
with a higher level of team identification also had high-
er estimations for both dependent variables than the
respondents with a lower level attachment to the Flyers.
With respect to previous applications of the generic
advanced-booking decision model, the results appear
to mildly parallel the impact of time on consumer per-
ceptions of availability and price (Chen & Schwartz,
2008b). However, the results soundly confirm the
impact of time as an influential variable within the
consumer decision process, as statistically significant
differences existed with respect to consumer probabili-
ty over time (Chen & Schwartz, 2008a; 2008b).
Therefore, the future application of the theoretical
model in the field of sport marketing should include
data from different points in time. Preferably, the
inclusion of several points of time may provide more
insight to the specific influence of time. In addition, a
more complete understanding as to why consumers
perceive ticket prices will decrease and availability will
increase or stay constant as time before the event
decreases is needed. Howard and Crompton (2004)
suggested the sport industry was headed towards more
consumer focused pricing strategies as opposed to pre-
vious regimes’ aim at covering organizational costs. In
that case, further empirical research related to the
impact of time, consumer perceptions, and the
advanced booking process is strongly suggested. A
more complete understanding of consumer percep-
tions of ticket price and availability over time will pro-
vide for more effective pricing strategies, revenue
management tactics, and ultimately, less empty seats in
the stadium.
Additionally, these findings are consistent with pre-
vious sport literature stating the effect of time on price,
which has focused on consumer demand for tickets
(Moe et al., 2011; Shapiro & Drayer, 2012). Moe et al.
(2011) found that in addition to team performance,
time played a significant role in ticket sales numbers.
Ticket sales appear to fluctuate more rapidly as the
game draws closer. This finding was also supported by
Shapiro and Drayer’s (2012) examination of San
Francisco Giants ticket prices during the first full year
of DTP implementation. In the primary market ticket
prices gradually increased as the game drew closer,
where in the secondary market, ticket prices rose ini-
tially (approximately a month before the game) and
then dropped considerably leading up to game time.
These examinations focused on actual ticket sales and
price data. The current study supports the impact of
time in terms of the consumer’s perception of price
and availability, suggesting a global influence from
both the organization and consumer perspective.
The distinct impact of ticket source as both a main
effects and moderating effect on a consumer’s percep-
tion of price and availability is a finding new to both
the tourism and sport literature. Obviously, the number
of studies in this area is small, but statistically signifi-
cant differences in consumer estimations by ticket
source were present. Similarly, the differences between
the primary source-participants expanded as time
before the game decreased, as the respondents with the
primary source scenario felt less likely to find lower
priced tickets and less likely the seats would remain
available. Several possible explanations may exist as to
why this phenomenon is occurring. For instance, per-
haps consumers perceive the prices offered on StubHub
are more fluid than prices offered by the Flyers, or per-
haps the same perception exists with regard to the
number of options for similar tickets on StubHub com-
pared to the team’s website. It could also be a function
of the general consumer’s lack of awareness of DTP
from a team’s perspective. Obviously, these are just
suggested possibilities, as the answers to these proposi-
tions go far beyond the scope of the current results, but
it is important to note that the probabilities were differ-
ent based on ticket source and ticket source and time;
thus, several questions remain. For instance, what do
these results have to do with the popularity of second-
ary ticket market and/or consumer familiarity with
these platforms? In addition, are these results unique to
sport or is it unique to secondary markets? Further
research in this area is highly-advised.
Team identification was not found to be a moderat-
ing variable as hypothesized, but it was determined to
be an influential variable within the advanced-purchas-
ing process. The inclusion of this variable was based
partly on the uniqueness of sport in eliciting a one-of-
a-kind connection between a consumer and the prod-
uct. Previous research had already established the
importance of team identification in association with
consumption and event attendance (Trail et al., 2000;
Trail et al., 2003; Wakefield, 1995). Therefore, as a
result of this bond, there was a possibility highly-identi-
fied consumers would behave irrationally with respect
to time and estimations of price and availability.
However, the results suggested no significant relation-
ship with time and the dependent variables existed, and
highly-identified consumers actually indicated higher
estimations of ticket availability and finding a lower
price. Perhaps highly-identified consumers are not only
more attached to the team, but also more knowledge-
able of the advanced ticketing process. That is, these
consumers may be more aware of the ticket market and
price fluctuations through DTP and the secondary mar-
ket. Research related to team identification and con-
sumer knowledge is sparse. Wann and Branscombe
(1995) found a relationship between team identification
and objective/subjective knowledge of the sports team,
but the study focused more on fandom than consumer
knowledge. Thus, there is an opportunity for more
empirical research in this area, as well.
From a practitioner’s perspective, the results related
to time and advanced purchases are essential especially
with the supreme importance of advanced sales for
revenue management (Hendrickson, 2012). There are
practical considerations related to time and market
segmentation. Target markets are typically segmented
based on simple descriptors such as gender, age, geog-
raphy, and frequency of purchase. However, one the
most unique features of DTP is that it allows the seller
to consider changes in consumer demand over time. In
previous research, time has been an important factor
in predicting final sale prices (Drayer & Shapiro, 2009;
Moe et al., 2011). The results of the current study indi-
cate that, similar to the tourism and hospitality indus-
tries, sport marketers may be able to segment
consumers based on time. The findings of the current
study suggest that greater uncertainty exists the further
back the ticket sales pitch occurs. Sport marketers may
be able to capitalize on this sense of urgency and con-
tinue to push customers to purchase tickets well in
advance of an event.
Interestingly, Drayer and Shapiro (2009) found that
secondary market prices in an auction environment
(where consumers determined the ultimate sale price)
tended to decline over time. Further, Drayer, Shapiro,
and Lee (2012) suggested that consumers who were
educated about DTP might ultimately be able to
manipulate the market by waiting for prices to fall over
time. In this case, sport properties can be reassured that
there still exists a sense of urgency over time. Although
this phenomenon is still in need of further examina-
tion, DTP creates an opportunity for sport marketers to
segment consumers based on time. Shapiro and Drayer
(2012) found the dynamic ticket prices in the primary
market slowly increased over time. While sport organi-
zations may do this in order to protect the integrity of
their ticket prices and encourage advanced sales, this
strategy may ignore consumers’ expected evaluation of
the ticket market over time. Ultimately, sport marketers
must continue to balance traditional pricing strategies
with an understanding of consumer response to specific
pricing stimuli.
Limitations & Future Research
While the study was grounded in sound theory, it was
essentially an exploratory study within the field of
sport. As a result, the findings only compare differ-
ences in consumer estimation at specific points in
time. It does not, however, explain how or why these
patterns formed. As indicated, more research is needed
examining time as a variable within sport consumer
decision making. For instance, as suggested by Chen
and Schwartz (2008a), more research within the final
21 days before the event may be beneficial. The current
study only examined three distinct points within this
period, but perhaps a less restrictive investigation of
several points or perhaps even all points of time
between day 21 and game day would provide addition-
al insight about this volatile segment of time.
Another potential limitation of this study was the
context of professional hockey. While still considered a
mainstream sport by many, it is obviously less popular
176 Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly
than the National Football League, the National
Basketball Association, and Major League Baseball, to
the average consumer. The population selection of
general Philadelphia area sports fans as opposed to
only Flyers or even only hockey enthusiasts helps the
study’s generalizability, but it also makes it hard to
assess the impact of the context on the variables under
examination. For instance, would the results differ
from an investigation of another league? In addition,
the researchers selected a Saturday evening game late
in the season against a somewhat premium opponent
(Montreal Canadiens). How much did these specifics
of the game impact the results? The study also included
real-life, time-specific details in the scenarios provided
to the participants in an attempt to create a quasi-
experimental research setting. As a result, several con-
straints could have limited a participant’s interest in
attending the Flyers game. For example, participants
may have already had plans for the weekend or per-
haps even already had tickets to the game.
Along the same line, there is a need in the field for
additional longitudinal studies on sport consumers.
Too often, a cross section of individual attitudes and
behaviors are studied with respect to a given phenome-
non. However, as this study shows, consumers are
dynamic and fluid. Thoughts and actions change over
time, and while methods (as employed in this study)
accounting for the influence of time may require more
work upfront, the potential for more impactful results
Lastly, as mentioned throughout the discussion sec-
tion, several possible extensions of this study exist for
future examination. For instance, a closer look at how
and why participants believed ticket prices would
decrease, yet availability would increase as time before
the event decreased is a logical follow-up. In addition,
inquiry related to team identification and other forms
of consumer knowledge would be an enticing exten-
sion. Investigating other sport-related factors that are
likely to interact with time within the advanced-pur-
chasing process would also be fruitful. For example,
stadium location, team and opponent quality, or even
number of seats needed could interact with the time
variable. Consumer familiarity with both primary and
secondary markets in conjunction with time, perceived
fairness, and perceived value would also be an interest-
ing line of research. In all, the examination these dis-
tinct attitudinal patterns over time is of great
importance to the field, as they may provide a more
clear understand of consumer behavior in an
advanced-purchasing setting.
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178 Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly
Flyers.com Scenario
Consider the following scenario: a good friend suggested going to a Philadelphia Flyers game on Saturday, March
24th, 2012 (7 p.m.) where the Flyers play the Montreal Canadiens. You went directly to the Flyers’ website
(www.flyers.nhl.com) and found two tickets in the middle of section 102 (see Seating Chart and View from the
Section) for $165 each.
Please answer the following questions after carefully considering all of the facts outlined in this scenario.
I believe the chance the same or very similar tickets will be available between tomorrow (DATE) and
Saturday, March 24th is _______%. (Please indicate a number between 0 and 100).
I believe the chance that I could find the same or very similar tickets somewhere else at a price lower than
$165 each between tomorrow (DATE) and Saturday, March 24th is _______%. (Please indicate a number
between 0 and 100).
Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly 179
StubHub.com Scenario
Consider the following scenario: a good friend suggested going to a Philadelphia Flyers game on Saturday, March
24th, 2012 (7 p.m.) where the Flyers play the Montreal Canadiens. You went directly to the StubHub website
(www.stubhub.com) and found two tickets in the middle of section 102 (see Seating Chart and View from the
Section) for $165 each.
Please answer the following questions after carefully considering all of the facts outlined in this scenario.
I believe the chance the same or very similar tickets will be available between tomorrow (DATE) and
Saturday, March 24th is _______%. (Please indicate a number between 0 and 100).
I believe the chance that I could find the same or very similar tickets somewhere else at a price lower than
$165 each between tomorrow (DATE) and Saturday, March 24th is _______%. (Please indicate a number
between 0 and 100).
180 Volume 22 Number 3 2013 Sport Marketing Quarterly