IBM QRadar WinCollect
WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Before you use this information and the product that it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page 99.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022 iii
ivIBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
............................................................................................................................ iii
About this WinCollect User Guide......................................................................... vii
Chapter1.WinCollect overview............................................................................. 1
What's new in WinCollect............................................................................................................................ 4
MSEVEN6 protocol....................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter2.Installation prerequisites for WinCollect............................................... 7
Communication between WinCollect agents and QRadar.......................................................................... 8
Enabling remote log management on Windows....................................................................................9
Hardware and software requirements for the WinCollect host................................................................10
Prerequisites for upgrading WinCollect agents in a managed deployment............................................. 12
Chapter3.WinCollect installations...................................................................... 15
Managed WinCollect installations............................................................................................................. 15
Installing and upgrading the WinCollect application on QRadar appliances..................................... 15
Creating an authentication token for WinCollect agents.....................................................................17
Adding multiple destinations to WinCollect agents............................................................................ 18
Migrating WinCollect agents after a QRadar hardware upgrade.........................................................18
Migrating from Adaptive Log Exporter to WinCollect.......................................................................... 19
Stand-alone WinCollect Installations....................................................................................................... 19
WinCollect Conguration Console overview........................................................................................20
Installing the conguration console.................................................................................................... 21
Silently installing, upgrading, and uninstalling WinCollect software..................................................21
Setting an XPath parameter during automated installation................................................................22
Installing the WinCollect agent on a Windows host................................................................................. 23
Installing a WinCollect agent from the command prompt....................................................................... 27
Uninstalling a WinCollect agent from the command prompt................................................................... 32
Uninstalling a WinCollect agent from the Control Panel...........................................................................33
Chapter4.Conguring WinCollect agents after installation...................................35
Conguring managed WinCollect agents.................................................................................................. 35
Manually adding a WinCollect agent ...................................................................................................35
Deleting a WinCollect agent.................................................................................................................36
WinCollect destinations....................................................................................................................... 37
Adding custom entries to WinCollect status messages...................................................................... 40
Forwarded Events Identier................................................................................................................ 40
Conguring stand-alone WinCollect agents with the Conguration Console.......................................... 41
Creating a WinCollect credential..........................................................................................................41
Adding a destination to the WinCollect Conguration Console.......................................................... 41
Conguring a destination with TLS in the WinCollect Conguration Console.................................... 42
Adding a device to the WinCollect Conguration Console.................................................................. 42
Sending encrypted events to QRadar.................................................................................................. 43
Increasing UDP payload size................................................................................................................43
Include milliseconds in Event Log timestamp.....................................................................................44
Collecting local Windows logs..............................................................................................................44
Collecting remote Windows logs..........................................................................................................44
Changing conguration with templates in a stand-alone deployment...............................................45
Restricted policies for domain controllers ............................................................................................... 49
Changing WinCollect conguration from the command prompt.........................................................50
Local installations with no remote polling...........................................................................................52
Conguring access to the registry for remote polling......................................................................... 52
Windows event subscriptions for WinCollect agents.......................................................................... 53
Chapter5.Log sources for WinCollect agents....................................................... 57
Windows event logs................................................................................................................................... 57
Windows event log ltering..................................................................................................................57
Windows log source parameters......................................................................................................... 58
Applications and Services logs............................................................................................................ 64
Microsoft DHCP log source........................................................................................................................ 67
Microsoft Exchange Server log source...................................................................................................... 68
DNS debug conguration...........................................................................................................................69
Enabling DNS debugging on Windows Server..................................................................................... 70
Collecting DNS Analytic Logs by using XPath............................................................................................71
File Forwarder log source.......................................................................................................................... 71
Microsoft IAS log source............................................................................................................................74
WinCollect Microsoft IIS log source conguration options...................................................................... 75
Microsoft ISA log source............................................................................................................................77
Juniper Steel-Belted Radius log source conguration options................................................................ 79
Microsoft SQL log source........................................................................................................................... 79
NetApp Data ONTAP log source................................................................................................................ 81
Conguring a TLS log source..................................................................................................................... 82
Creating a TLS log source destination for managed agents................................................................86
Adding a log source to a WinCollect agent................................................................................................87
Bulk log sources for remote event collection............................................................................................87
Adding log sources in bulk for remote collection................................................................................ 88
Chapter6.Troubleshooting WinCollect deployment issues................................... 91
Common problems.................................................................................................................................... 91
Replacing the default certicate in QRadar generates invalid PEM errors.........................................92
The Statistics Subsystem..................................................................................................................... 92
Event ID 1003 splits the message in QRadar......................................................................................93
WinCollect les are not restored during a conguration restore........................................................ 93
Windows 10 (1803) can't read the Security Bookmark le................................................................ 94
Resolving log source error after WinCollect update............................................................................94
WinCollect log le...................................................................................................................................... 94
InfoX debug logs.................................................................................................................................. 96
WinCollect not supported by Data Synchronization app.......................................................................... 97
Trademarks.............................................................................................................................................. 100
About this WinCollect User Guide
This documentation provides you with information that you need to install and congure WinCollect
agents, and retrieve events from Windows-based event sources. WinCollect is supported by IBM
SIEM and IBM QRadar Log Manager.
Intended audience
System administrators who are responsible for installing WinCollect must be familiar with network
security concepts and device congurations.
Technical documentation
To nd IBM Security QRadar product documentation on the web, including all translated documentation,
access the IBM Knowledge Center
For information about how to access more technical documentation in the QRadar products library, see
QRadar Support – Assistance 101 (
Contacting customer support
For information about contacting customer support, see QRadar Support – Assistance 101 (https://
Statement of good security practices
IT system security involves protecting systems and information through prevention, detection and
response to improper access from within and outside your enterprise. Improper access can result in
information being altered, destroyed, misappropriated or misused or can result in damage to or misuse
of your systems, including for use in attacks on others. No IT system or product should be considered
completely secure and no single product, service or security measure can be completely effective in
preventing improper use or access. IBM systems, products and services are designed to be part of
a comprehensive security approach, which will necessarily involve additional operational procedures,
and may require other systems, products or services to be most effective. IBM DOES NOT WARRANT
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022 vii
viiiIBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Chapter 1. WinCollect overview
WinCollect is a Syslog event forwarder that administrators can use to forward events from Windows logs
to QRadar. WinCollect can collect events from systems locally or be congured to remotely poll other
Windows systems for events.
WinCollect is one of many solutions for Windows event collection. For more information about alternatives
to WinCollect, see the IBM Security QRadar DSM Conguration Guide.
How does WinCollect Work?
WinCollect uses the Windows Event Log API to gather events, and then WinCollect sends the events to
Note: Managed deployment is not supported in QRadar on Cloud environments. Customers who use IBM
QRadar on Cloud must use stand-alone WinCollect agents.
WinCollect managed deployment
A managed WinCollect deployment has a QRadar appliance that shares information with the WinCollect
agent that is installed on the Windows hosts that you want to monitor. The Windows host can either
gather information from itself, the local host, and, or remote Windows hosts. Remote hosts don't have
the WinCollect software installed. The Windows host with WinCollect software installed polls the remote
hosts, and then sends event information to QRadar.
Note: Managed deployment is not supported in QRadar on Cloud environments. Customers who use IBM
QRadar on Cloud must use stand-alone WinCollect agents.
Windows Host with
WinCollect agent installed
QRadar Appliance
Windows Host with
WinCollect agent installed
Windows Host with
WinCollect agent installed
Windows Host with
WinCollect agent installed
Remote Windows Host
No WinCollect Software
Figure 1. WinCollect managed deployment example
1. In a managed deployment, the WinCollect agents that are installed on Windows hosts can be managed
by any QRadar Console, Event Collector, or Event Processor.
2. Managed WinCollect deployments are not supported on QRadar on Cloud.
In a managed deployment, WinCollect is designed to work with up to 500 Windows agents per Console
and managed host. For example, if you have a deployment with a Console, an Event Processor, and
an Event Collector, each can support up to 500 Windows agents, for a total of 1,500. If you want to
monitor more than 500 Windows agents per Console or managed host, use the stand-alone WinCollect
For more information, see “Stand-alone WinCollect Installations” on page 19.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022 1
The managed WinCollect deployment has the following capabilities:
Central management from the QRadar Console or managed host.
Automatic local log source creation at the time of installation.
Event storage to ensure that no events are dropped.
Collects forwarded events from Microsoft Subscriptions.
Filters events by using XPath queries or exclusion lters.
Supports virtual machine installations.
Console can send software updates to remote WinCollect agents without you reinstalling agents in your
Forwards events on a set schedule (Store and Forward)
WinCollect stand-alone deployment
If you need to collect Windows events from more than 500 agents, use the stand-alone WinCollect
deployment. A stand-alone deployment is a Windows host in unmanaged mode with WinCollect software
installed. The Windows host can either gather information from itself, the local host, and, or remote
Windows hosts. Remote hosts don't have the WinCollect software installed. The Windows host with
WinCollect software installed polls the remote hosts, and then sends event information to QRadar. To
save time when you congure more than 500 Windows agents, you can use a solution such as IBM
Endpoint Manager. Automation can help you manage stand-alone instances.
Windows host
Local Host with
WinCollect Software
Remote Windows Host
No WinCollect Software
Remote Windows Host
No WinCollect Software
Remote Windows Host
No WinCollect Software
Remote Windows Host
No WinCollect Software
QRadar Appliance
Windows Host
Local host with
WinCollect Software
Figure 2. WinCollect stand-alone deployment example
You can also deploy stand-alone WinCollect to consolidate event data on one Windows host, where
WinCollect collects events to send to QRadar.
Stand-alone WinCollect mode has the following capabilities:
You can congure each WinCollect agent by using the WinCollect Conguration Console.
You can update WinCollect software with the software update installer.
Event storage to ensure that no events are dropped.
Collects forwarded events from Microsoft Subscriptions.
Filters events by using XPath queries or exclusion lters.
Supports virtual machine installations.
Send events to QRadar using TLS Syslog.
Automatically create a local log source at the time of agent installation.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Capabilities of managed and stand-alone WinCollect deployments
Review the following table to understand which capabilities are available when using managed or stand-
alone WinCollect agents.
Table 1. Capabilities of managed WinCollect vs. stand-alone WinCollect
Capability Managed WinCollect Stand-alone WinCollect
Central management from the QRadar
Console or managed host.
Yes No
Automatic local log source creation at
the time of installation.
Yes Yes
Event storage to ensure that no events
are dropped.
Yes Yes
Collects forwarded events from
Microsoft Subscriptions.
Yes Yes
Filters events by using XPath queries or
exclusion lters.
Yes Yes
Supports virtual machine installations. Yes Yes
QRadar Console can send software
updates to WinCollect agents.
Yes No
Forwards events on a set schedule
(Store and Forward).
Yes No
You can congure each WinCollect
agent by using the WinCollect
Conguration Console.
No Yes
You can update WinCollect software
with the software update installer.
No Yes
Available with QRadar on Cloud No Yes
Available with on-prem QRadar Yes Yes
Setting up a managed WinCollect deployment
For a managed deployment, follow these steps:
1. Understand the prerequisites for managed WinCollect, which ports to use, what hardware is required,
how to upgrade. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Installation prerequisites for WinCollect,” on
page 7.
2. Install the WinCollect application on the QRadar console. For more information, see “Installing and
upgrading the WinCollect application on QRadar appliances” on page 15.
3. Create an authentication token so that the managed WinCollect agents can exchange data with QRadar
appliances. For more information, see “Creating an authentication token for WinCollect agents” on
page 17.
4. Congure a forwarding destination host for the log source data. For more information, see “Adding a
destination” on page 37.
5. Install managed WinCollect agents on the Windows hosts. For more information, see one of the
following options:
“Installing the WinCollect agent on a Windows host” on page 23
“Installing a WinCollect agent from the command prompt” on page 27, or
Chapter 1. WinCollect overview
“Manually adding a WinCollect agent ” on page 35
6. If you want to congure forwarded events or event subscriptions, see “Windows event subscriptions
for WinCollect agents” on page 53.
7. If you want to use the legacy Log Source UI to bulk add log sources that will be remotely polled by a
single WinCollect agent, see “Bulk log sources for remote event collection” on page 87.
8. Tune your WinCollect log sources. For more information, see the Event Rate Tuning Prole parameter
in “Windows log source parameters” on page 58.
9. If you want a managed WinCollect agent to send events to multiple QRadar destinations in case one
fails, see “Adding multiple destinations to WinCollect agents” on page 18.
Setting up a stand-alone WinCollect deployment
For a stand-alone deployment, follow these steps:
1. Understand the prerequisites for stand-alone WinCollect, which ports to use, what hardware is
required, how to upgrade. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Installation prerequisites for
WinCollect,” on page 7.
2. Install stand-alone WinCollect agents on the Windows hosts. For more information, see “Installing the
WinCollect agent on a Windows host” on page 23.
3. If you want to add new log sources to your agent or modify existing log sources, install the WinCollect
stand-alone conguration console. For more information, see “Installing the conguration console” on
page 21 or “Silently installing, upgrading, and uninstalling WinCollect software” on page 21.
4. Congure the destination where the Windows hosts send Windows events. For more information, see
Adding a destination to the WinCollect Conguration Console” on page 41.
5. If you want to use the stand-alone WinCollect agent to collect events from other devices using remote
polling, create a credential in the WinCollect stand-alone conguration console, so that WinCollect can
log in to the remote devices. For more information, see “Creating a WinCollect credential” on page
6. If you want to add additional log sources to the stand-alone WinCollect agent, do so using the
WinCollect stand-alone conguration console. For more information, see “Adding a device to the
WinCollect Conguration Console” on page 42.
What's new in WinCollect
Learn about the new features in each WinCollect release.
What's new in V7.3.1
Important: WinCollect 7.3.1 P3 supports QRadar UP8 or later. If your QRadar system is upgraded to
UP8 or later but is running WC 7.3.1 P1 or earlier, you must upgrade to WinCollect 7.3.1 P3 so that
the agents work properly. For more information, see the ‘Known issues’ section in this release note:
and this tech note:
Managed WinCollect versions 7.3.1 p2 and later are compatible only with QRadar 7.5.0 UP4 and later.
Managed WinCollect versions 7.3.1 p1 (build 22) and earlier are compatible only with QRadar 7.5.0
update package 3 and earlier. Managed WinCollect 7.x users who want to update to QRadar 7.5.0 UP4
must perform an sfs installation of QRadar 7.3.1 p2. For more information, see
Note: WinCollect 7.3.1 can only be installed on QRadar 7.3.3 or later.
WinCollect 7.3.1 includes the following capabilities:
Added a WinCollect conguration server logging protocol that allows more detailed debugging
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
You can now reregister an agent with the same name in a managed deployment.
Improvements made with restoring WinCollect agents in a restored QRadar deployment.
What's new in V7.3.0
Note: WinCollect 7.3.0 can only be installed on QRadar 7.3.3 or later.
WinCollect 7.3.0 includes the following capabilities:
You can set the Status Server setting to Disabled to send only a heartbeat without status messages, or
set the value to None if you don't want to send a heartbeat or status messages.
You can add a secondary destination to receive events from your WinCollect agents if the primary
destination fails.
Note: This feature is available for stand-alone deployments. This will be available for Managed agents in
a future release of QRadar.
What's new in 7.2.9
WinCollect 7.2.9 includes the following capabilities:
Event Forwarding Filtering
Event Forwarding Sending to one log source support
Digitally signed installers
Millisecond Time format for Event Log collection
DHCP support for Spanish and Polish
CP Support for Status Messages
File Forwarder multi-line log support
Removed MMC requirement from patch installer install
MSEVEN6 protocol
MSEVEN6 is a Microsoft event protocol that collects more information from an event log, such as the task,
keyword, and opcode. It also provides a better message formatting than other event protocols do.
The MSEVEN protocol uses port 445. The NETBIOS ports (137 - 139) can be used for hostname
resolution. When the WinCollect agent polls a remote event log by using MSEVEN6, the initial
communication with the remote computer occurs on port 135 (dynamic port mapper), which assigns
the connection to a dynamic port. The default port range for dynamic ports is between port 49152 and
port 65535, but might be different depending on the server type. For example, the default port range for
Microsoft Exchange servers is 6005 – 58321.
XPath queries always use the MSEVEN6 event protocol.
In managed mode, you can change the protocol by editing the Event Log Poll Protocol eld and selecting
the desired protocol. For upgrades, depending on which version of WinCollect you are upgrading from,
the log source continues to use MSEVEN. Use the Log Source Management app to congure multiple log
sources to the desired protocol.
In a stand-alone WinCollect deployment, you can set a global Default Event Log Poll Protocol. The default
value is MSEVEN6. To congure a single Microsoft Windows Event Log device to use the global Default
Event Log Poll Protocol, select Default from the Basic Congurations page of the device. Otherwise,
select MSEVEN6 or MSEVEN to override the global Default Event Log Poll Protocol.
In a stand-alone WinCollect deployment, you can include milliseconds in the time stamp for Event Logs.
This option is only compatible in a stand-alone WinCollect deployment that uses the MSEVEN6 protocol.
It is not supported by the MSEVEN protocol.
Chapter 1. WinCollect overview
6IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Chapter 2. Installation prerequisites for WinCollect
Before you can install WinCollect agents, you must verify that your deployment meets the installation
Supported versions
Administrators should be aware that supported software versions for IBM WinCollect is the Latest version
(n) and latest minus one (n-1). This means that the two latest released major versions of WinCollect
(10.x.xx and 7.x.xx) are the versions for which QRadar Support will provide full support with any support
tickets (cases) that are opened. Customers using older versions of WinCollect will receive minimal,
best effort, support. To prevent issues, it is important that administrators keep WinCollect deployments
updated when new versions are posted to IBM Fix Central
Note: WinCollect does not support agents installed on Windows servers that use Network Address
Translation (NAT). If you place an Event Collector in the same NAT environment as the managed agents,
the agents can use the Event Collector as a conguration server, status server, and to send events.
However, the Event Collector must be congured to use NAT.
Distribution options for WinCollect agents
WinCollect agents can be distributed in a remote collection conguration or installed on the local host.
Local collection
The WinCollect agent collects events only for the host on which it is installed. You can use this
collection method on a Windows host that is busy or has limited resources, for example, domain
Important: QRadar Support recommends local collection on Domain Controllers and other high EPS
servers, as it is more stable than remote collection. If you are remote polling logs on potentially high
EPS servers, QRadar Support might require you to install an agent locally on the server.
Figure 3. Local collection for WinCollect agents
Remote Collection
The WinCollect agent is installed on a single host and collects events from multiple Windows systems.
Use remote collection to easily scale the number of Windows log sources that you can monitor.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022 7
Figure 4. Remote collection for WinCollect agents
Communication between WinCollect agents and QRadar
Open ports are required for data communication between WinCollect agents and the QRadar host, and
between WinCollect agents and the hosts that they remotely poll.
WinCollect agent communication to QRadar Console and Event Collectors
All WinCollect agents communicate with the QRadar Console and Event Collectors to forward events to
QRadar and request updated information. Managed WinCollect agents also request and receive updated
code and conguration changes. You must ensure rewalls that are between the QRadar Event Collectors
and your WinCollect agents allow trafc on the following ports:
Port 8413
This port is used for managing the WinCollect agents to request and receive code and conguration
updates. Trafc is always initiated from the WinCollect agent, and is sent over TCP. Communication is
encrypted by using the QRadar Console's public key and the ConfigurationServer.PEM le on the
Create a bidirectional rule to allow communication from the WinCollect agent to QRadar on port 8413.
If the rule is not bidirectional, trafc is blocked. QRadar does not send updates to the WinCollect
agent on port 8413.
Port 514
This port is used by the WinCollect agent to forward syslog events to QRadar. You can congure
WinCollect log sources to provide events by using TCP or UDP. You can decide which transmission
protocol to use for each WinCollect log source. Port 514 trafc is always initiated from the WinCollect
WinCollect agents remotely polling Windows event sources
WinCollect agents that remotely poll other Windows operating systems require extra ports to be open.
These ports need to be open on the WinCollect agent computer and the computer(s) that are remotely
polled, but not on your QRadar appliances. The following table describes the ports that are used.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 2. Port usage for WinCollect remote polling
Port Protocol Usage
135 TCP Microsoft Endpoint Mapper
137 UDP NetBIOS name service
138 UDP NetBIOS datagram service
139 TCP NetBIOS session service
445 TCP Microsoft Directory Services for le
transfers that use Windows share
49152 – 65535
Note: Exchange servers are congured
for a port range of 6005 – 58321 by
TCP Default dynamic port range for TCP/IP
The MSEVEN protocol uses port 445. The NETBIOS ports (137 - 139) can be used for host name
resolution. When the WinCollect agent polls a remote event log by using MSEVEN6, the initial
communication with the remote machine occurs on port 135 (dynamic port mapper), which assigns
the connection to a dynamic port. The default port range for dynamic ports is between port 49152 and
port 65535, but might be different dependent on the server type. For example, Exchange servers are
congured for a port range of 6005 – 58321 by default.
To allow trafc on these dynamic ports, enable and allow the two following inbound rules on the Windows
server that is being polled:
Remote Event Log Management (RPC)
Remote Event Log Management (RPC-EPMAP)
Important: To limit the number of events that are sent to QRadar, administrators can use exclusion
lters for an event based on the EventID or Process. For more information about WinCollect ltering, see
WinCollect Event Filtering
Related concepts
“MSEVEN6 protocol” on page 5
MSEVEN6 is a Microsoft event protocol that collects more information from an event log, such as the task,
keyword, and opcode. It also provides a better message formatting than other event protocols do.
Enabling remote log management on Windows
You can enable remote log management only when your log source is congured to remotely poll other
Windows operating systems. You can enable remote log management on Windows 2012 R2 for XPath
About this task
Note: WinCollect does not support reverting Citrix Virtual Machines that are polled remotely.
1. On your desktop, select Start > Control Panel.
2. Click the System and Security icon.
3. Click Allow a program through Windows Firewall.
4. If prompted, click Continue.
5. Click Change Settings.
6. From the Allowed programs and features pane, select Remote Event Log Management.
Chapter 2. Installation prerequisites for WinCollect
Depending on your network, you might need to correct or select more network types.
7. Click OK.
Hardware and software requirements for the WinCollect host
Verify that the Windows-based computer that hosts the WinCollect agent meets the minimum hardware
and software requirements.
Hardware and virtual machine requirements
The following table describes the minimum hardware requirements for local collection:
Table 3. Hardware and VM requirements for local collection by using WinCollect
Requirement Description
The WinCollect agent has a low memory footprint.
The following numbers were generated on virtual
machines (VMs) with two Logical cores and 2-4GB
of memory.
1 Event per second (EPS) or less: 9 MB
100 EPS or less: 10.5 MB
2,500 EPS or less: 15 MB
5,000 EPS or less: 20 MB
Processor Intel Core i3 or equivalent
Systems were tested on VMs with two Cores and 2
- 4 GB of memory.
Available processor resources 0-35%, depending on CPU, EPS, and number
of endpoints polled. See the following table for
High EPS rates have a direct effect on the Average
CPU used by the WinCollect Agent.
Disk space
100 MB for software, plus up to 100 MB for les.
Up to 6 GB might be required if you store events to
Note: WinCollect CPU and memory loads depend on several factors, including the number of events per
second that are being processed.
The following table shows the resources that are used by WinCollect in testing environments with various
hardware congurations and EPS counts.
Table 4. Comparison of tested WinCollect environments (local polling)
Prole Type OS RAM Cores Avg EPS RAM used Avg CPU
VM Windows
4 GB 2 5,000 20 MB 32%
High EPS VM Windows
4 GB 2 2,500 15 MB 18%
10IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 4. Comparison of tested WinCollect environments (local polling) (continued)
Prole Type OS RAM Cores Avg EPS RAM used Avg CPU
VM Windows
4 GB 2 100 10.5 MB 1.2%
Low EPS VM Windows
4 GB 2 <1 9 MB <1%
Similar results were found when testing Windows 2016 Server.
Lesser provisioned Windows 10 VM yielded similar results.
Table 5.
Prole Type OS RAM Cores Avg EPS RAM used Avg CPU
High EPS VM Windows
2 GB 2 2500 11 MB 22%
VM Windows
2 GB 2 100 5.5 MB 1.5%
Low EPS VM Windows
2 GB 2 <1 5.5 MB <1
The following table describes the minimum hardware requirements for remote collection:
Table 6. Hardware and VM requirements for remote collection by using WinCollect
Requirement Description
5 endpoints or less: 80 MB
250 endpoints or less: 293 MB
500 endpoints or less: 609 MB
Processor Intel Core i3 or equivalent
Available processor resources Approximately 20%, depending on CPU, EPS, and
number of endpoints polled.
Disk space
100 MB for software, plus up to 100 MB for les.
Up to 6 GB might be needed if you store events to
Note: WinCollect CPU and memory loads depend on several factors, including the number of events per
second that are being processed and the number of remote endpoints that are being polled.
Table 7. Comparison of tested WinCollect environments (remote polling)
Prole Type OS RAM Cores Endpoints
High EPS
VM Windows
12 GB 8 6 3,000 78 MB 6.5%
Chapter 2. Installation prerequisites for WinCollect11
Table 7. Comparison of tested WinCollect environments (remote polling) (continued)
Prole Type OS RAM Cores Endpoints
EPS and
VM Windows
12 GB 4 250 2,500 290 MB 14%
High EPS
VM Windows
16 GB 8 500 5,000 605 MB 10.75%
Software requirements
The following table describes the software requirements:
Table 8. Software requirements
Requirement Description
Operating system
Windows Server 2022 (including Core)
Windows Server 2019 (including Core)
Windows Server 2016 (including Core)
Windows 10
Distribution One WinCollect agent for each Windows host.
Required user role permissions for installation
Administrator, or local administrator
Administrative permissions are not needed for
remote collection.
WinCollect is not supported on versions of Windows that are designated end-of-life by
Microsoft. After the software is beyond the Extended Support End Date, the product might still
function as expected. However, IBM does not make code or vulnerability xes to resolve WinCollect
issues for older operating systems. For example, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 and Microsoft
Windows XP are operating systems that are beyond the "Extended Support End Date." Any questions
about this announcement can be discussed in the IBM QRadar Collecting Windows Events (WMI/ALE/
WinCollect) forum. For more information, see
Prerequisites for upgrading WinCollect agents in a managed
Before you upgrade WinCollect agents, ensure that your software meets the version requirements.
WinCollect and QRadar software versions
The version of the installed WinCollect depends on the version of QRadar that you are running.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 9. Software version matrix
QRadar Version Minimum WinCollect Version RPM Minimum Version
QRadar V7.3.x WinCollect 7.2.5 AGENT-
QRadar V7.4.x WinCollect 7.2.5 AGENT-
QRadar V7.5.x WinCollect 7.2.5 AGENT-
Checking the installed version of the WinCollect agent
You can check the version of the installed WinCollect agent by performing the following steps:
1. In QRadar, select Help > About
2. Select the Additional Release Information link.
3. If you want to verify the WinCollect agent release, use ssh to log in to the QRadar Console as the root
user, and run the following command:
yum list all | grep -i AGENT-WINCOLLECT
Chapter 2. Installation prerequisites for WinCollect
14IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations
You install WinCollect agents in an environment that is managed by IBM QRadar, or as a stand-alone
agent, or a combination of both.
Managed WinCollect installations
To use managed WinCollect, you must download and install a WinCollect Agent SF Bundle on your QRadar
console, create an authentication token, and then install a managed WinCollect agent on each Windows
host that you want to collect events from. You can also install the managed WinCollect agent on a
Windows host that you want to use to remotely collect events from other Windows hosts.
Note: Stand-alone WinCollect, the type of deployment used by IBM QRadar on Cloud, does not require
you to download and install a WinCollect Agent SFS Bundle on your QRadar console, nor does it require
you to create a WinCollect authentication token.
Important: WinCollect does not support cloning virtual machines (VMs) that have agents installed that
are registered in QRadar.
Installing and upgrading the WinCollect application on QRadar appliances
To manage a deployment of WinCollect agents from the QRadar user interface, you must rst upgrade
your QRadar Console to a supported version of WinCollect by using the WinCollect Agent SFS Bundle.
This bundle includes the required protocols to enable communication between QRadar and the managed
WinCollect agents on the Windows hosts. Both the QRadar Console and managed WinCollect agents can
be upgraded to newer versions of WinCollect by installing the newer version of SFS Bundle on the QRadar
About this task
For information about upgrading WinCollect versions v7.0 through v7.2.2, see
If WinCollect v7.2.6 or newer is installed on the QRadar Console, and then you upgrade QRadar
from v7.2.8 to v7.3.0 or newer, the version of WinCollect on QRadar reverts to v7.2.5. The managed
WinCollect agents that are running on your Windows hosts remain at their current version and continue
to send events to QRadar using their existing conguration information. However, they no longer receive
code or conguration updates. You must reinstall a version of the WinCollect Agent SFS Bundle that
is the same as or newer than your current agents' version on your QRadar Console after the QRadar
After you upgrade a QRadar Console, the managed WinCollect agents that are enabled to receive
automatic updates automatically upgrade to the new version of WinCollect at the next conguration
polling interval. If new WinCollect agent les are available for download, the agent downloads, installs
updates, and restarts required services. No events are lost when you update your WinCollect agent
because events are buffered to disk. Event collection forwarding continues when the WinCollect service
on the Windows host restarts.
Important: If you reinstall QRadar on your Console, you must delete this le on any existing WinCollect
agent installations before WinCollect can function properly: Program Files/IBM/WinCollect/
1. Download the WinCollect Agent SFS Bundle installation le from the IBM website:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022 15
Note: The installation process restarts services on the Console, which creates a gap in event
collection until services restart. Schedule the WinCollect upgrade during a maintenance window to
avoid disrupting users.
2. Use SSH to log in to the QRadar Console as the root user.
3. For initial installations, create the /storetmp and /media/updates directories if they do not exist.
Type the following commands:
mkdir /media/updates
mkdir /storetmp
4. Using a program such as WinSCP, copy the downloaded SFS le to /storetmp on your QRadar
5. To change to the /storetmp directory, type the following command: cd /storetmp
6. To mount the SFS le, type the following command: mount -t squashfs -o loop
<Installer_file_name.sfs> /media/updates
Example: mount -t squashfs -o loop
730_QRadar_wincollectupdate-7.3.0-24.sfs /media/updates
7. To run the WinCollect installer, type the following command and then follow the prompts: /media/
Note: To proceed with the WinCollect Agent update you must restart services on QRadar to apply
protocol updates. The following message is displayed:
WARNING: Services need to be shutdown in order to apply patches.
This will cause an interruption to data collection and correlation.
Do you wish to continue (Y/N)?
8. Type Y to continue with the update.
During the update, the SFS installs new protocol updates. If your Secure Shell (SSH) session is
disconnected while the upgrade is in progress, the upgrade continues. When you reopen your SSH
session and run the installer again, the patch installation resumes. After the installation is complete,
services are restarted, and the user interface is available.
Note: During installation, the following message is displayed:
Patch 144249
This patch includes a new version of the WinCollect Configuration Server.
For this new version to run properly, the event collection service needs to be restarted.
If you choose to not restart the service, agents cannot get new configurations and code
updates until you restart it.
1. Restart event collection service at the end of the patch installation, on the Console
and on all managed hosts patched from the Console.
2. Do not restart event collection service yet. You will need to restart it in the user
interface (Advanced > Restart Event Collection Services).
3. Abort patch.
After you choose an option, the patch installation continues. When it is complete, press the Enter key
to exit the patch screen.
9. If you selected the second option in step 8, you must perform the following steps:
In the QRadar admin settings, click Advanced > Deploy Full Conguration.
In the QRadar admin settings, click Advanced > Restart Event Collection Services.
10. To unmount the SFS le from the Console, type the following command: umount /media/updates
11. Verify that WinCollect agents are congured to accept remote updates:
a) Log in to QRadar.
b) On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
c) Click the WinCollect icon.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
d) Review the Automatic Updates Enabled column and select WinCollect agents that have a False
e) Click Enable/Disable Automatic Updates.
Managed WinCollect agents with automatic updates enabled are updated and restarted. The amount of
time it takes a managed agent to update depends on the conguration polling interval for the agent and
the speed of the network connections between the Console and the agent.
Related tasks
Installing the WinCollect agent on a Windows host
Installing a WinCollect agent from the command prompt
For unattended installations, you can install the WinCollect agent from the command prompt. Use the
silent installation option to deploy WinCollect agents simultaneously to multiple remote systems.
Creating an authentication token for WinCollect agents
Third-party or external applications that interact with IBM Security QRadar require an authentication
token. Before you install managed WinCollect agents in your network, you must create an authentication
An authentication token is not required for stand-alone WinCollect agents, such as those used in IBM
QRadar on Cloud, but every managed WinCollect agent must use an authentication token.
The authentication token allows managed WinCollect agents to exchange data with QRadar appliances.
Create one authentication token to use for all of your managed WinCollect agents that communicate
events with QRadar. If the authentication token expires, the WinCollect agent cannot receive log source
conguration changes or code updates.
About this task
Note: This capability is not available in IBM QRadar on Cloud.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click System Conguration.
3. Click the Authorized Services icon.
4. Click Add Authorized Service.
5. In the Manage Authorized Services window, congure the parameters.
Table 10.
Add Authorized Services parameters
Parameter Description
Service Name The name can be up to 255 characters in length,
for example, WinCollect Agent.
User Role Select WinCollect.
For more information about user roles, see the
IBM Security QRadar SIEM Administration Guide.
Expiry Select No Expiry.
6. Click Create Service.
7. Record the token value.
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations
Adding multiple destinations to WinCollect agents
In a managed WinCollect deployment, add IBM QRadar appliances as destinations for Windows events if
a QRadar appliance fails.
Before you begin
You must create the destinations that you want to add to the WinCollect agent. See “Adding a destination”
on page 37.
About this task
Each destination that you create for a WinCollect agent has its own disk cache for events. If Site A fails
and Site B is congured as the Target External Destination, Site B continues to receive events and Site
A stores events to disk. If both sites fail, both systems are caching events independently to separate
disk queues. As connections return for individual log sources, the agents attempt to balance sending new
events and cached events that are queued due to either bursting events, or connection issues.
If your deployment contains many log sources by using multiple destinations, increase the default disk
space. Each agent is congured with 6 GB of disk space to cache events. However, if there are 50 log
sources or more, each sending to multiple destinations, and a network segment fails, each log source
writes two sets of events to the same cache on the Target Internal and the Target External destination. If
your deployment contains segments that are unstable or a prone to outages, update the default storage
capacity of the agent in the event of a long term outage.
1. In QRadar, click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
3. Click the WinCollect icon.
4. Click Agents and select the agent that you want to edit.
5. Click Log Sources.
6. Select the log source that you want to edit, and click Edit.
7. Select the Target External Destinations check box.
8. Select the destinations that you want to add to the agent from the box below the Target External
Destinations check box.
9. Click Save.
Migrating WinCollect agents after a QRadar hardware upgrade
After a QRadar hardware upgrade, you need to generate a new authorization token for your WinCollect
agents and update their install_config les.
About this task
1. Generate an authentication token. For more information, see “Creating an authentication token for
WinCollect agents” on page 17.
Note: This capability is not available in IBM QRadar on Cloud.
2. Stop the WinCollect agent service.
3. Delete the certicate le C:\Program
4. Update the \WinCollect\config\install_config.txt le with the IP address of your new
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
5. Run the following command, where <auth_token> is the authentication token that you generated in
step 1:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WinCollect\bin\InstallHelper.exe -T <auth_token> -a
"C:\Program Files\IBM\WinCollect\config\install_config_autocreate.txt"
C:\Program Files\IBM\WinCollect\bin\InstallHelper.exe -T
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -a "C:\Program
6. Restart the WinCollect agent.
Migrating from Adaptive Log Exporter to WinCollect
To migrate from Adaptive Log Exporter (ALE) deployments to WinCollect, install the WinCollect agent,
create a log source, and decommission ALE on the Windows host. The ALE product is end of life (EOL), and
is no longer supported.
1. Install the WinCollect SFS on the IBM QRadar SIEM Console.
2. Click the Admin tab.
3. From the Data Sources, click Wincollect.
4. On the WinCollect page, create a WinCollect destination by clicking Destinations > Add.
5. Install the WinCollect agent on the Windows host. For more information, see “Installing the WinCollect
agent on a Windows host” on page 23.
Note: You can create a log source from the WinCollect installation wizard.
6. Wait for the WinCollect agents to auto discover.
7. Optional. Create a WinCollect log source in QRadar to replace the existing log source that is used by
the Adaptive Log Exporter. For more information, see “Adding a log source to a WinCollect agent” on
page 87.
Note: You can skip step 7 if Create Log Source was selected during the installation of WinCollect. Log
sources that use the WinCollect protocol can be created individually or added in bulk for WinCollect
agents that remotely poll for events.
8. In the Log Activity tab, verify that events are received.
9. Decommission the Adaptive Log Exporter:
a) Close all active applications on the Windows host.
b) Open the Windows command prompt.
c) Go to the installation directory for the Adaptive Log Exporter.
Note: ALE standard installation directory is the Program Files or Program Files (x86)
d) To uninstall the Adaptive Log Exporter, type the following command:
unins000.exe /SILENT /VERYSILENT
Stand-alone WinCollect Installations
A stand-alone deployment is a Windows host in unmanaged mode with WinCollect software installed. The
Windows host can either gather information from itself, the local host, and, or remote Windows hosts.
Remote hosts don't have the WinCollect software installed. The Windows host with WinCollect software
installed polls the remote hosts, and then sends event information to IBM QRadar.
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations
WinCollect Conguration Console overview
In stand-alone deployments, use the WinCollect Conguration Console to manage your WinCollect
deployment. Use the WinCollect Conguration Console to add devices that you want WinCollect to collect
agents from, and add the IBM QRadar destination where you want to send events.
Prerequisites: Before you can install the WinCollect Collect Conguration Console, you must do the
Install the WinCollect agent in stand-alone mode. For more information, see “Installing the WinCollect
agent on a Windows host” on page 23.
Install .net framework version 3.5
Install Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0 and later.
The following table describes the WinCollect Conguration Console.
Table 11. WinCollect Conguration Console window
Sections Description
Global Conguration The Global Conguration parameter allows you to
view, add and update information about the system
where WinCollect data is stored.
Disk Manager - the path to the WinCollect Data,
which is used to buffer events to disk when the
event rate exceeds the event throttle.
Capacity is the maximum capacity allowed for the
contents of the Data Folder. WinCollect does not
write to this folder after the maximum capacity is
Installation Information - displays information
about the WinCollect agent installation.
Application Identier - the header of the payload
messages sent to the status server.
Status Server - where the WinCollect Agent status
events, such as heart beat messages and any
warnings or errors generated by the WinCollect
Agent, are sent.
Security Manager - centralized credentials, used
to collect events from remote devices.
Destinations The Destinations parameter denes where
WinCollect device data is sent.
Syslog TCP or Syslog UDP destinations include the
following parameters:
Throttle (events per second)
You can expand a destination to view all devices
that are assigned to the destination.
20IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 11. WinCollect Conguration Console window (continued)
Sections Description
Devices The Device parameter contains available device
types. Under each device types, you can view or
update multiple device parameters.
Installing the conguration console
Download and install the WinCollect conguration console to manage your stand-alone deployment. You
can choose an option to install just the WinCollect software update, if you are deploying WinCollect on
many Windows hosts that do not require the conguration console.
Before you begin
The existing WinCollect agent must be in stand-alone mode before you can install the conguration
console. For more information about WinCollect agent installations, see “Installing a WinCollect agent
from the command prompt” on page 27.
.NET framework 3.5 features are needed. For information about how to verify .NET installations, see (
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0 and later is required.
The WinCollect stand-alone patch installer supports the following Windows software versions:
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows 10 (most recent)
Important: WinCollect is not supported on versions of Windows that are designated end-of-life by
Microsoft. After the software is beyond the Extended Support End Date, the product might still
function as expected. However, IBM does not make code or vulnerability xes to resolve WinCollect
issues for older operating systems. For example, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 and Microsoft
Windows XP are operating systems that are beyond the "Extended Support End Date." Any questions
about this announcement can be discussed in the IBM QRadar Collecting Windows Events (WMI/ALE/
WinCollect) forum. For more information, see
1. Download the software update from IBM Support (x central) onto the
Windows host where you want to install the conguration console.
2. Open the executable le on your system.
3. Follow the steps in the installation wizard. You can select an option to install both the WinCollect
conguration console, and the WinCollect software update, or just the software update.
Silently installing, upgrading, and uninstalling WinCollect software
Enter a command to complete all installation and upgrading tasks for the WinCollect stand alone patch,
and the WinCollect Conguration Console, rather than using the installation wizard. You can also upgrade
WinCollect agents by using the agent installer only.
1. Download the patch software from IBM Support
2. Install or upgrade both the WinCollect stand alone patch and the WinCollect Conguration Console by
using the following commands:
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations
<setup.exe> /s /v" /qn"
3. Change the installation directory of the WinCollect Conguration Console by using the following
<setup.exe> /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL INSTALLDIR=<PATH>"
4. Install or upgrade only the WinCollect stand-alone patch by using the following command:
<setup.exe> /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=WinCollect_StandAlone_Patch"
5. If you want to uninstall the WinCollect Conguration Console, use the following command:
<setup.exe> /s /x /v" /qn"
For more information about stand-alone installs, see IBM Support (
Setting an XPath parameter during automated installation
In WinCollect V 7.2.8 and later, you can add an XPath parameter to your command line installer for
stand-alone WinCollect agent installations.
1. Convert your XPath to base64 encoding using
or another encoding
For example, this XPath, needed to collect Windows PowerShell logs:
<Query Id="0" Path="Windows PowerShell">
<Select Path="Windows PowerShell">*</Select>
results in this base64 conversion:
2. Add the following code to your command line installer:
c:\wincollect-7.2.8-91.exe /s /v"/qn STATUSSERVER=<valid IP address>
<valid IP address>&
Component1.CustomQuery.Base64=<base64 Xpath>&
Note: Replace the following entries with valid IP addresses:
STATUSSERVER=<valid IP address>
Component1.Dest.Hostname=<valid IP address>
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
STATUSSERVER is the location where the WinCollect agent sends status messages (such as WinCollect
service starting or any agent error messages). Component1.Dest.Hostname is the location where
the agent sends event logs (such as QRadar EC or Console).
Note: Replace the following entry with the base64 conversion you created in Step 1:
Component1.CustomQuery.Base64=<base64 Xpath>
3. Add or remove any of the Components or event logs you want to collect.
Installing the WinCollect agent on a Windows host
Install the WinCollect agent on each Windows host that you want to use for local or remote collection in
your network environment.
Before you begin
Ensure that the following conditions are met:
You created an authentication token for the managed WinCollect agent.
Note: An authentication token is not required for stand-alone WinCollect deployments such as those
used in IBM QRadar on Cloud, but every managed WinCollect agent must use an authentication token.
For more information, see “Creating an authentication token for WinCollect agents” on page 17.
Your system meets the hardware and software requirements.
For more information, see “Hardware and software requirements for the WinCollect host” on page 10.
The required ports are available for WinCollect agents to communicate with QRadar and remotely polled
Windows computers.
For more information, see “Communication between WinCollect agents and QRadar” on page 8.
To automatically create a log source for a managed WinCollect agent, you must rst create a destination
that your agent can use to connect to QRadar and create your log source. For more information, see
Adding a destination” on page 37.
The managed WinCollect agent sends the Windows event logs to the congured destination. The
destination can be the QRadar Console, an Event Processor, or an Event Collector.
1. Download the WinCollect Agent .exe le from the IBM Support website
2. Right-click the WinCollect Agent .exe le and select Run as administrator.
3. Follow the prompts in the installation wizard and use the following parameters for either managed or
stand-alone agent setup.
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations
Table 12. WinCollect Managed agent setup type installation wizard parameters
Parameter Description
Host Identier Use a unique identier for each WinCollect agent
that you install. The name that you type in this
eld is displayed in the WinCollect agent list of
the QRadar Console. If you are reinstalling an
agent on a Windows host and you want to use
the same Host Identier for the agent, you must
rst rename the existing agent in QRadar. Host
identiers are unique to each installation of the
agent on the same Windows host.
By default, the Host Identier is the hostname of
the Windows host.
Authentication Token The authentication token that you
created in QRadar, for example,
Conguration Server (host and port) The IP address or host name of your QRadar
Console, Event Collector, or Event processor. For
example, or myhost.
Create Log Source If this check box is selected, you must provide
information about the log source and the target
Log Source Name The name can be a maximum of 255 characters.
Log Source Identier Identies the device that the WinCollect agent
polls. This eld must use the hostname, IP
address, or FQDN of the Windows host that the
log source gathers events from.
Target Destination The WinCollect destination must be congured in
QRadar before you continue entering information
in the installation wizard. This eld must contain
the name of a previously created WinCollect
Destination as it appears in the Destinations
Event Logs The Windows logs that you want the log source to
collect events from and send to QRadar.
Machine poll interval (msec) The polling interval that determines the number
of milliseconds between queries to the Windows
The minimum polling interval is 300 milliseconds.
The default is 3000 milliseconds or 3 seconds.
24IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 12. WinCollect Managed agent setup type installation wizard parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Event Rate Tuning Prole Select the tuning prole:
Default (Endpoint): 100/150
This setting is suitable for Windows endpoints
that are running a non-Server OS.
Typical Server: 500/750
This setting is suitable for most Windows
Server endpoints.
High Event Rate Server: 1250/1875
This setting is suitable for all Windows
endpoints and is ideal for Domain Controllers
and other potentially high EPS endpoints.
For more information, see
IBM Support (
Default Status Server Address An alternative destination to send WinCollect
status messages to, such as the heartbeat, if
required. Set the value to an IP address to
send status messages to any QRadar Console or
any Event Processor or Event Collector in your
deployment. Set the value to Disabled to send
only a heartbeat without status messages. Set
the value to None if you don't want to send a
heartbeat or status messages.
Syslog Status Server (if different from default) An alternative destination to send WinCollect
status messages to, such as the heartbeat, if
required. Set the value to an IP address to
send status messages to any QRadar Console or
any Event Processor or Event Collector in your
deployment. Set the value to Disabled to send
only a heartbeat without status messages. Set
the value to None if you don't want to send a
heartbeat or status messages.
Table 13. WinCollect stand-alone setup type installation wizard parameters
Parameter Description
Create Log Source If this check box is selected, you must provide
information about the log source and the target
Log Source Name The name can be a maximum length of 255
Log Source Identier Identies the device that the WinCollect agent
polls. This eld must use the hostname, IP
address, or FQDN of the Windows host that the
log source gathers events from.
Event Logs The Windows logs that you want the log source to
collect events from and send to QRadar.
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations25
Table 13. WinCollect stand-alone setup type installation wizard parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Destination Name Identies where WinCollect events are sent.
Hostname / IP The host name or IP address for the destination.
Port The port that WinCollect uses when it
communicates with the destination.
Protocol TCP or UDP
Machine poll interval (msec) The polling interval that determines the number
of milliseconds between queries to the Windows
The minimum polling interval is 300 milliseconds.
The default is 3000 milliseconds or 3 seconds.
Event Rate Tuning Prole Select the tuning prole:
Default (Endpoint): 100/150
This setting is suitable for Windows endpoints
that are running a non-Server OS.
Typical Server: 500/750
This setting is suitable for most Windows
Server endpoints.
High Event Rate Server: 1250/1875
This setting is suitable for all Windows
endpoints and is ideal for Domain Controllers
and other potentially high EPS endpoints.
For more information, see
IBM Support (
Default Status Server Address The IP address Destination where status
messages from the WinCollect agent are sent.
Syslog Status Server (if different from default) An alternative destination to send WinCollect
status messages to, such as the heartbeat, if
required. Set the value to an IP address to
send status messages to any QRadar Console or
any Event Processor or Event Collector in your
deployment. Set the value to Disabled to send
only a heartbeat without status messages. Set
the value to None if you don't want to send a
heartbeat or status messages.
For QRadar on Cloud deployments, use the Data
Heartbeat Interval (msecs) The frequency that heartbeat status messages
are sent. In WinCollect 7.2.8, it is displayed in
milliseconds. In WinCollect 7.2.9 and later, it is
displayed in minutes.
26IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 13. WinCollect stand-alone setup type installation wizard parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Log Monitor Socket Type Protocol to be used to send heartbeat and status
Note: This option is only available in stand-alone
WinCollect deployments. Availability for managed
agents is planned in a later release of QRadar.
The Command Line (will be saved in cong\cmdLine.txt) eld displays a command line from the
conguration that you completed. You can use this command for silent, or unattended installations.
For more information, see “Installing a WinCollect agent from the command prompt” on page 27.
Installing a WinCollect agent from the command prompt
For unattended installations, you can install the WinCollect agent from the command prompt. Use the
silent installation option to deploy WinCollect agents simultaneously to multiple remote systems.
About this task
The WinCollect installer uses the following command options:
Table 14. Silent installation options for WinCollect agents
Option Valid entries and description
/qn Runs the WinCollect agent installation in silent
INSTALLDIR The installation location for WinCollect.
If the installation directory contains spaces, add a
backslash before the quotation marks.
Example: INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program
AUTHTOKEN=token For managed WinCollect agents only. Uses the
previously congured Authorization Token from
QRadar to authorize the managed agent.
c1 17711111
The IP address, host name, or FQDN of the
QRadar Console, Event processor, or Event
Collector that manages the agent.
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations27
Table 14. Silent installation options for WinCollect agents (continued)
Option Valid entries and description
HOSTNAME=host name
The Hostname eld is used to assign a name to
the WinCollect agent. The values that are used in
this eld can be an identiable name, hostname,
or IP address. In most cases, administrators can
populate this eld.
Example: HOSTNAME="windows-
%computername%"" HOSTNAME=WindowsSrv1
The IP address or host name of the WinCollect
agent host cannot contain the "at" sign, @.
STATUSSERVER An alternative destination to send WinCollect
status messages to, such as the heartbeat, if
required. Set the value to an IP address to
send status messages to any QRadar Console or
any Event Processor or Event Collector in your
deployment. Set the value to Disabled to send
only a heartbeat without status messages. Set
the value to None if you don't want to send a
heartbeat or status messages.
If you enable this option, you must congure the
log source parameters.
QRadar systems must be updated to V7.2.1 Patch
1 or later.
Ensure that each parameter uses the format:
The parameters are separated with ampersands,
Your QRadar system must be updated to V7.2.1
Patch 1 or later.
LOG_MONITOR_SOCKET_TYPE=TCP This parameter sets the protocol that is used by
heartbeat and status messages to be sent by
using TCP. The default protocol is UDP.
Note: This option is only available in stand-alone
WinCollect deployments. Availability for managed
agents is planned in a later release of QRadar.
Component1.Action create
Creates a new windows event log source during
the installation.
Component1.LogSourceIdentifier The IP address or host name of the system where
the agent is installed.
28IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 14. Silent installation options for WinCollect agents (continued)
Option Valid entries and description
Component1.Destination.Name The destination name is an alphanumeric value
that is used to specify where a WinCollect log
source sends event data. This value must be
a QRadar appliance capable of receiving event
data, such as an Event Processor, Event Collector,
or QRadar Console.
Important: In managed deployments, the
destination must be an "internal destination," and
the name must exist in the QRadar user interface
before the installation. Otherwise, the log source
conguration parameters are discarded and no
log sources are automatically created.
Internal Destination
Managed hosts with an event processor
External Destination
Destination that you congured as the
WinCollect destination and is not known to
the Console as a Managed Host
(Stand alone deployments only)
The IP address or host name where you send
WinCollect events.
(Stand alone deployments only)
The port that WinCollect uses when it
communicates with the destination.
(Stand alone deployments only)
(Stand alone deployments only)
Maximum payload size sent to the destination
(Default values are 1020 UDP and 32000 TCP).
Component1.Log.Security Required, True or False
The Windows Security log contains events that
are dened in the audit policies for the object.
Component1.Log.System Required, True or False
The Windows System logs can contain
information about device changes, device drivers,
system changes, events, and operations provided
by the operating system.
Component1.Log.Application Required, True or False
The Windows Application logs contain events that
are triggered by software applications instead
of the operating system. The logs can contain
errors, information, and warning events.
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations29
Table 14. Silent installation options for WinCollect agents (continued)
Option Valid entries and description
Component1.Log.DNS+Server Required, True or False
The Windows DNS Server log contains DNS
Component1.Log.File+Replication+Service Required, True or False
The Windows File Replication Service log
contains events about changed les that are
replicated on the system.
Component1.Log.Directory+Service Required, True or False
The Windows Directory Service log contains
events that are written by the active directory.
Component1.RemoteMachinePollInterval The polling interval that determines the number
of milliseconds between queries to the Windows
The minimum polling interval is 300 milliseconds.
The default is 3000 milliseconds or 3 seconds.
(Managed deployments only)
Select one of the following tuning proles:
For more information, see
IBM Support (
(Stand alone deployments only)
Not required.
The maximum number of logs (in binary form)
that the algorithm attempts to acquire in one
pass, if remaining retrievable events exist.
Important: Use this parameter to
improve performance for event collection,
however, this parameter can also increase
processor usage. For more information, see
IBM Support (
30IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 14. Silent installation options for WinCollect agents (continued)
Option Valid entries and description
(Stand alone deployments only)
Not required.
The minimum number of logs (in binary form) that
the algorithm attempts to read in one pass, if
remaining retrievable events exist.
Important: You can use this parameter to
improve performance for event collection,
but this parameter can also increase
processor usage. For more information, see
IBM Support (
Component1.CoalesceEvents Not required.
Increases the QRadar event count when the
same event occurs multiple times within a short
time interval. Coalesced events provide a way to
view and determine the frequency with which a
single event type occurs on the Log Activity tab.
When this option is disabled, events are viewed
individually and events are not bundled. New and
automatically discovered log sources inherit the
value from the System Settings conguration on
the Console.
Component1.StoreEventPayload Not required.
Species that QRadar event payloads are to be
Component1.Secondary Not required.
Species the IP address or Hostname of
the Secondary destination that the Agent
sends events to if the Primary destination is
unreachable and the failover time has elapsed.
Component1.Failover Not required.
Species the failover time in seconds. If
the primary destination can't be reached, the
Agent starts sending events to the Secondary
Attention: You need to run the command prompt as an administrative user.
1. Download the WinCollect agent setup le from the IBM website (
2. On the Windows host, open a command prompt by using Run as Administrator.
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations
Important: In managed deployments, the destination name that is used during automatic log source
creation must exist before the command-line installation runs. Verify the destination name in the
QRadar user interface before you start the installation.
3. Type the following command:
wincollect-<Version_number>.x64.exe /s /v" /qn
The following example shows a silent installation for a Stand alone WinCollect agent.
Important: This example contains line breaks for formatting. The actual command is a single line.
wincollect-<version_number>.x86.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files
The following example shows a silent installation for a managed WinCollect agent.
Important: This example contains line breaks for formatting. The actual command is a single line.
wincollect-<version_number>.x86.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files
\IBM\WinCollect\" AUTHTOKEN=1111111-aaaa-1111-aaaa-11111111
4. Press Enter.
Uninstalling a WinCollect agent from the command prompt
You can uninstall the WinCollect agent from the command prompt.
1. From the desktop, select Start > Run, type cmd, and click OK.
You need to run the command prompt as an administrative user.
2. If you want to remove all les, type the following command:
msiexec /x{1E933549-2407-4A06-8EC5-83313513AE4B} REMOVE_ALL_FILES=True /qn
3. If you want to remove just the WinCollect application, and not conguration les, stored events, and
bookmarks, type the following command:
msiexec /x{1E933549-2407-4A06-8EC5-83313513AE4B} REMOVE_ALL_FILES=False /qn
4. Press Enter.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Uninstalling a WinCollect agent from the Control Panel
You can uninstall the WinCollect agent from the Microsoft Windows Control Panel.
1. Click Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program.
Attention: You need to start the control panel as an administrative user.
2. Highlight WinCollect in the program list, and click Uninstall.
3. If prompted by Windows, conrm that you want to remove WinCollect.
Chapter 3. WinCollect installations33
34IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Chapter 4. Conguring WinCollect agents after
In managed WinCollect deployments, you can use IBM Security QRadar for many agent conguration
tasks. In stand-alone deployments, use the WinCollect Conguration Console to manage your WinCollect
Some WinCollect agent congurations must be performed on the Windows host where the agent is
Conguring managed WinCollect agents
After you install a managed WinCollect deployment, you manage your deployment by using IBM Security
You can manage your WinCollect agents, destinations, and schedules. You can also manage conguration
options for systems with restricted policies.
The WinCollect agent is responsible for communicating with the individual log sources, parsing events,
and forwarding the event information to QRadar by using syslog.
After you install the WinCollect agent on your Windows host, wait for QRadar to automatically discover the
WinCollect agent. The automatic discovery process typically takes a few minutes to complete.
Note: The registration request to the QRadar host might be blocked by rewalls in your network.
Manually adding a WinCollect agent
If you delete your WinCollect agent, you can manually add it back. To reconnect to an existing WinCollect
agent, the host name must exactly match the host name that you used before you deleted the agent.
When you delete a WinCollect agent, the IBM Security QRadar Console removes the agent from the agent
list and disables all of the log sources that are managed by the deleted WinCollect agent.
WinCollect agents that were previously automatically discovered are not rediscovered in WinCollect. To
add a deleted WinCollect agent back to the agent list in the QRadar, you must manually add the deleted
For example, you delete a WinCollect agent that has a host identier name VMRack1. You reinstall the
agent and use the same host identier name, VMRack1. The WinCollect agent does not automatically
discover the WinCollect agent.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
3. Click Agents.
4. Click Add.
5. Congure the parameters.
The following table describes some of the parameters:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022 35
Table 15. WinCollect agent parameters
Parameter Description
Host Name Depending on the method that you used to install
the WinCollect agent on the remote host, the
value in the Host Name eld must match one of
the following values:
HOSTNAME eld in the WinCollect agent
command-line conguration
Host Identier eld in the WinCollect agent
Description Optional.
If you specied an IP address as the name of
the WinCollect agent, add descriptive text to
identify the WinCollect agent or the log sources
the WinCollect agent is managing.
Automatic Updates Enabled Controls whether conguration updates are sent
to the WinCollect agent.
Heart Beat Interval This option denes how often the WinCollect
agent communicates its status to the Status
Server. The interval ranges from 1 - 20 minutes.
Conguration Poll Interval Denes how often the WinCollect agent polls
the QRadar Conguration server for updated
log source conguration information or agent
software updates. The interval ranges from 1
minute to 20 minutes.
Maximum TCP/UDP Payload The WinCollect agent uses whatever setting is
selected in QRadar for the maximum TCP/UDP
payload size.
6. Click Save.
7. On the Admin tab, click Deploy Changes.
The WinCollect agent is added to the agent list.
Related tasks
Deleting a WinCollect agent
When you delete a WinCollect agent, the IBM Security QRadar Console removes the agent from the agent
list and disables all of the log sources that are managed by the deleted WinCollect agent.
Deleting a WinCollect agent
When you delete a WinCollect agent, the IBM Security QRadar Console removes the agent from the agent
list and disables all of the log sources that are managed by the deleted WinCollect agent.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
3. Click the WinCollect icon.
4. Select the agents that you want to delete and click Delete.
5. Click Save.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
6. On the Admin tab, click Deploy Changes.
Tip: To delete multiple WinCollect agents, press Ctrl to select multiple agents, and then click Delete.
Related tasks
Manually adding a WinCollect agent
WinCollect destinations
WinCollect destinations dene the parameters for how the WinCollect agent forwards events to the Event
Collector or IBM Security QRadar Console.
Adding a destination
To assign where WinCollect agents in your deployment forward their events, you can create destinations
for your WinCollect deployment.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
3. Click the WinCollect icon.
4. Click Destinations and then click Add.
5. Congure the parameters.
The following table describes some of the parameters
Table 16. Destination parameters
Parameter Description
Name Used on the agent side for log source creation.
Important: The destination name is used during
automatic log source creation and must exist
before the installation runs. Verify the destination
name in QRadar before starting the installation.
Hostname The host name or IP address of the destination
IBM QRadar appliance.
Port IBM Security QRadar receives events from
WinCollect agents on UDP or TCP on port 514.
For TLS protocol, the default port is 6514.
Protocol The communication channel between IBM
Security QRadar and WinCollect agents. Select
UDP, or TCP, or TCP/TLS (Encrypted).
Certicate The TLS certicate of the destination device.
Copy the certicate from /opt/qradar/conf/
on the destination device and paste in the
Certicate eld.
Note: The Certicate eld displays when
TCP/TLS (Encrypted) is selected from the
Protocol list.
Chapter 4. Conguring WinCollect agents after installation37
Table 16. Destination parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Throttle (events per second) Denes a limit to the number of events that the
WinCollect agent can send each second.
Schedule Mode If you select the Forward Events option, the
WinCollect agent forwards events within a user-
dened schedule. When the events are not being
forwarded, they are stored until the schedule
runs again.
If you select the Store Events option, the
WinCollect agent stores events to disk only
within a user-dened schedule and then forwards
events to the destination as specied.
6. Click Save.
Related tasks
Adding a secondary destination
You can add a secondary destination to receive events from your WinCollect agents if the primary
destination fails.
Deleting a destination from WinCollect
Scheduling event forwarding and event storage for WinCollect agent
Adding a secondary destination
You can add a secondary destination to receive events from your WinCollect agents if the primary
destination fails.
About this task
Note: Adding a secondary destination is available in IBM QRadar 7.4.3 and later.
Use the following procedure to add a QRadar host as a secondary destination to an existing primary
destination. For more information about adding a secondary destination during the installation process,
see “Adding a destination” on page 37
Note: To specify a secondary destination, you must select TCP.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
3. Click WinCollect > Destinations.
4. Select a destination and click Edit.
5. Select the TCP Protocol.
6. Enter the hostname or IP address of the IBM QRadar appliance you want to use as a Secondary
7. In the Secondary Failover (seconds) eld, enter the number of seconds that the primary destination
must be unreachable before the agent begins sending events to the secondary destination.
8. Click Save.
Related tasks
Adding a destination
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
To assign where WinCollect agents in your deployment forward their events, you can create destinations
for your WinCollect deployment.
Deleting a destination from WinCollect
Scheduling event forwarding and event storage for WinCollect agent
Deleting a destination from WinCollect
If you delete a destination, the event forwarding parameters are removed from the WinCollect agent.
Destinations are a global parameter. If you delete a destination when log sources are assigned to the
destination, the WinCollect agent cannot forward events. Event collection is stopped for a log source
when an existing destination is deleted. Events on disk that were not processed are discarded when the
destination is deleted.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
3. Click the WinCollect icon.
4. Click Destinations.
5. Select the destination that you want to delete and click Delete.
Related tasks
Adding a destination
To assign where WinCollect agents in your deployment forward their events, you can create destinations
for your WinCollect deployment.
Adding a secondary destination
You can add a secondary destination to receive events from your WinCollect agents if the primary
destination fails.
Scheduling event forwarding and event storage for WinCollect agent
Scheduling event forwarding and event storage for WinCollect agent
Use a schedule to manage when WinCollect agents forward or store events to disk in your deployment.
Schedules are not required. If a schedule does not exist, the WinCollect agent automatically forwards
events and stores them only when network limitations cause delays.
You can create schedules for your WinCollect deployment to assign when the WinCollect agents in your
deployment forward their events. Events that are unable to be sent during the schedule are automatically
queued for the next available interval.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
3. Click the WinCollect icon.
4. Click Schedules.
5. Click Add and then click Next.
6. Congure the parameters, and select a check box for each day of the week that you want included in
the schedule.
7. Click Next.
8. To add a destination to the schedule, from the Available Destinations list, select a destination and
click the selection symbol, >.
9. Click Next and then click Finish.
Chapter 4.
Conguring WinCollect agents after installation39
Related tasks
Adding a destination
To assign where WinCollect agents in your deployment forward their events, you can create destinations
for your WinCollect deployment.
Adding a secondary destination
You can add a secondary destination to receive events from your WinCollect agents if the primary
destination fails.
Deleting a destination from WinCollect
Adding custom entries to WinCollect status messages
You can add custom information to the WinCollect Agent status messages.
1. In the wincollect/config directory of the Windows host that you want to identify in LEEF logs,
create a le that is called heartbeat_custom.props.
Important: You can create, update, or delete this le while your WinCollect deployment is running.
Updates to the le are available in logs on the next heartbeat.
2. Enter the custom information in the heartbeat_custom.props le in the following format, with one
entry on each line:
The log output with the example keywords and values looks like the following example:
<13>Jul 22 15:02:48 DESKTOP-0F0QKN3 LEEF:1.0|IBM|
os=Windows 10(Build 10240 64-bit)dst= sev=3 log=Code.SSLConfigServerConnection
department=Accounting group=AC105 msg=ApplicationHeartbeat
The heartbeat_custom.props must not exceed 10 KB.
Custom keyword entries must be alpha-numeric and contain no spaces.
Custom entries can't contain reserved keywords, such as src, os, dst, sev, log, msg.
Custom values can't contain special characters, such as = | [ ] { } < > / \ ' " .
Multiple white spaces in custom values are reduced to a single space.
Forwarded Events Identier
If you enable a log source to collect forwarded events using Windows event subscriptions, you can specify
the event source displayed for each event. Congure the Forwarded Events Identier in the log source
that collects forwarded events.
There are 3 options for setting the Forwarded Events Identier:
This is the default option. Forwarded events are identied by the IP address of the computer that
generated the events.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Forwarded events are identied by the name of the WinCollect agent that collects them. All events
collected by the Agent are grouped together with a single source identier.
You can choose a custom identier as the source for the events. All events collected by the Agent are
grouped together with this identier.
Tip: Custom identiers cannot contain spaces.
Conguring stand-alone WinCollect agents with the Conguration
In stand-alone deployments, use the WinCollect Conguration Console to manage your WinCollect
Some WinCollect agent congurations must be performed on the Windows host where the agent is
Creating a WinCollect credential
Create a credential that contains login information. WinCollect uses the credential information to log into
devices and collect logs.
1. Expand the Global Conguration parameter and right-click Security Manager.
2. Select Add New Credential.
3. In the New Credential Name box, add a name for the new credential and click OK.
4. Click the new credential under Security Manager to open the Basic Congurations window for the
5. Enter the required properties for the new credential.
6. Click Deploy Changes under Actions.
Adding a destination to the WinCollect Conguration Console
Add an IBM QRadar instance as a destination for WinCollect data.
1. In the WinCollect Conguration Console, expand the Destinations parameter.
2. Right-click the Syslog TCP or Syslog UDP parameter, depending upon which destination type you want
to add, and click Add New Destination.
Note: If you want to specify a secondary destination, you must select the TCP Protocol.
3. In the New Destination Name box, add a name for the destination. Click OK.
Important: It is helpful to provide a destination name that includes the IP address, such as
QRadarEP1_198.x.x.x. If you have to edit the log source and change a destination in the future,
you can determine the IP address for the destination.
4. Expand Syslog TCP or Syslog UDP, and select the destination that you added to view the Properties
5. Dene the Name, Hostname, Port, and Throttle for the new destination.
6. If you have Data Sync and want to add a Secondary Destination to receive events if the primary
destination fails, add the IP address or hostname.
Chapter 4.
Conguring WinCollect agents after installation41
7. If you added a Secondary Destination, enter the number of seconds that the primary destination must
be unreachable before the agent begins sending events to the secondary destination in the Secondary
Failover (seconds) eld.
8. Click Deploy Changes under Actions.
Note: Stand-alone deployments of WinCollect 7.3.0 and later support adding a secondary destination.
Conguring a destination with TLS in the WinCollect Conguration Console
You can encrypt syslog trafc to be sent to QRadar by conguring the WinCollect destination to use a
Transport Layer Security (TLS) certicate.
1. In the WinCollect Conguration Console, expand the Destinations parameter.
2. Right-click the Syslog TCP, and click Add New Destination.
3. In the New Destination Name eld, add a name for the destination, and click OK.
Tip: Use a destination name that includes the IP address, such as "<Managed_Host>_1.2.3.4". If you
need to edit the log source and change a destination in the future, this destination name helps you
determine the IP address for the destination.
4. Expand Syslog TCP, and select the destination that you added in step 3 to view the Properties
5. Dene the Name and Hostname.
6. Change the Port to 6514, and set the Throttle rate.
7. Copy and paste the TLS certicate for the new destination in the Certicate eld.
Note: Make sure that you include the "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and the "-----END
CERTIFICATE-----" when you copy the TLS certicate.
8. Click Deploy Changes under the Actions pane.
Adding a device to the WinCollect Conguration Console
Add the devices that WinCollect monitors to the WinCollect Conguration Console.
1. Under Devices, right-click the device type that matches the device you want to add and select Add
New Device.
2. In the Add New Device box, enter a name for the destination device.
3. In the Basic Congurations window, complete the parameters for the new destination device.
Important: On the Basic Congurations page of the Microsoft Windows Event log device type, you can
set a global Default Event Log Poll Protocol. The default value is MSEVEN6.
To congure a single Microsoft Windows Event Log device to use the global Default Event Log
Poll Protocol, select default from the Basic Congurations page of the device. Otherwise, select
MSEVEN6 or MSEVEN to override the global Default Event Log Poll Protocol.
The MSEVEN6 is a Microsoft event protocol that collects more information from an event log, such as
the task, keyword, and opcode. It also provides a better message formatting.
4. Click Deploy Changes under Actions.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Sending encrypted events to QRadar
Congure a log source in stand-alone deployments of WinCollect to send encrypted events to IBM QRadar
with TLS syslog. TLS Syslog is only supported in managed WinCollect deployments in QRadar versions
7.3.1 and later.
Before you begin
In QRadar, congure a Universal DSM that uses the TLS Syslog protocol. For more information, see the
IBM Security QRadar Log Sources User Guide.
The uDSM opens a port and provides the certicate that is necessary for communicating by using TLS. If
you delete the uDSM, TLS communication stops.
1. Use SSH to log in to QRadar as the root user.
2. Copy the certicate, including -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END
CERTIFICATE----- from /opt/qradar/conf/trusted_certificates/syslog-tls.cert to a
temporary location. You will paste this certicate into the WinCollect Conguration Console.
3. In the WinCollect Conguration Console, expand Destinations, and click Add Destination.
4. In the New Destination Name box, add a name for the destination and then click OK.
5. Select the new destination and enter the IP address of the target QRadar appliance in the Hostname
6. Type 6514 in the Port eld.
7. Type the events per second (EPS) rate for your deployment in the Throttle eld.
8. Paste the certicate that you copied from QRadar into the Certicate eld.
9. Click Deploy Changes under Actions.
Increasing UDP payload size
You can increase the payload size for UDP syslog destinations in the Agent Conguration le.
About this task
The default payload size for UDP destination packages is 1,024 bytes. You can increase the payload size
for a stand-alone WinCollect agent by adding a parameter in the Agent Conguration le.
Important: After you change the payload size for the WinCollect agent, you must increase the maximum
UDP payload size in QRadar.
1. Open the Agent Conguration XML le.
The default path to this le is WinCollect\config\AgentConfig.xml.
2. Add the following parameter to the UDPSendStage module:
<Parameter name="MaxPayloadSize" value="<desired value>" />
Example of the module:
<Module order="4" service_name="UDPSendStage">
<Parameter value="<Destination IP>" name="TargetAddress"/>
<Parameter value="514" name="TargetPort"/>
<Parameter name="MaxPayloadSize" value="4096"/>
3. Save the le, and restart the WinCollect agent.
Chapter 4.
Conguring WinCollect agents after installation43
What to do next
After you change the payload size for the WinCollect agent, you must increase the maximum UDP payload
size in QRadar. For more information on increasing payload size in QRadar, see TCP and UDP Syslog
maximum payload message length for QRadar appliances.
Include milliseconds in Event Log timestamp
In a stand-alone WinCollect deployment, you can include milliseconds in the timestamp for Event Logs.
Note: This option is only compatible in a stand-alone WinCollect deployment that uses the MSEVEN6
protocol. It is not supported by the MSEVEN protocol
The TimeGenerated and TimeWritten payload elds in the Event Logs use seconds by default. You can
set the Timestamp Properties to use milliseconds in the Microsoft Windows Event Log Properties node
of the WinCollect Conguration Console.
Important: This is an Agent-level change that is set for all log sources.
Alternatively, you can change the property as part of the command line installation, using this
parameter: &Component1.TimestampFormat=Milliseconds. You can also use a template to change
the attribute in the AgentConfig.xml le. For more information about using templates, see “Changing
conguration with templates in a stand-alone deployment” on page 45.
Collecting local Windows logs
This use case scenario describes the settings required to collect logs from the host where the WinCollect
Conguration Console is installed, and send them to IBM QRadar.
1. Install the WinCollect Conguration Console on the host on which that you want to collect windows
logs. Download the patch from IBM Support (xcentral).
2. Create a destination for the QRadar instance where you want to send WinCollect information. See
Adding a destination to the WinCollect Conguration Console” on page 41.
3. Congure the local Microsoft event log device that is monitored. See “Adding a device to the
WinCollect Conguration Console” on page 42.
Important: In the Device Address eld, type the IP address or hostname of the local Windows system
that you want to poll for events.
4. Click Deploy Changes under Actions.
Collecting remote Windows logs
This use case scenario describes the settings that are required in the WinCollect Conguration Console to
collect windows logs from hosts that do not have WinCollect software installed, and send the logs to IBM
About this task
Note: WinCollect does not support reverting Citrix Virtual Machines that are polled remotely.
1. Install the WinCollect Conguration Console on the windows machine that collects the log information.
Download the patch from IBM Support
2. Create a credential to use when you log in to remote hosts. See “Creating a WinCollect credential” on
page 41.
3. Create the QRadar destination where Windows events are sent. See “Adding a destination to the
WinCollect Conguration Console” on page 41.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
4. Congure the devices that are monitored. See “Adding a device to the WinCollect Conguration
Console” on page 42.
Important: In the Device Address eld, type the IP address or hostname of the remote Windows
system that you want to poll for events.
5. Click Deploy Changes under Actions.
Changing conguration with templates in a stand-alone deployment
Supported Version: WinCollect 7.2.8+ stand-alone only.
With templating, you can change the Agent conguration without making manual or scripted edits to the
AgentConfig.xml le.
When you copy a template to the WinCollect patch directory, the Agent replaces the existing conguration
with the contents of the template. Before the Agent applies the changes from the template, it makes a
backup of the current conguration in the patchcheckpoint directory. After the changes are applied,
the Agent restarts and uses the new conguration.
Four sample templates are installed with WinCollect V7.2.8 and later. They are stored in the
\IBM\WinCollect\templates directory.
Note: These templates are examples only. All Agent conguration service modules are supported, so that
you can create your own templates.
The following use cases are examples of how you can use templates to change Agent congurations.
Use Case 1: Change heartbeat interval
You want to change the heartbeat interval from 5 minutes to 1 hour on all deployed systems. Previously,
this required manual or scripted changes to the agentconfig.xml le and a WinCollect service restart.
With templates, you can change this interval by performing the following steps.
1. Locate the tmplt_AgentCore.xml template in the \IBM \WinCollect\templates directory. This
service contains the Heartbeat Interval conguration.
2. Make a copy of the template and name it service_AgentCore.xml.
3. Change the value of the HeartbeatInterval parameter to 3,600,000 milliseconds (1 hour).
<Service classification="Static" type="Service" version="7.2.8" module="AgentCore"
<Parameter name="HeartbeatInterval" value="3600000"/>
<Parameter name="ConfigurationCheckInterval" value="300000"/>
<Parameter name="Enabled" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Deleted" value="false"/>
4. Move the service_AgentCore.xml le to the \IBM\WinCollect\patch directory.
After a few seconds, the le disappears and the agent restarts. The old agentconfig.xml le is
moved to the backup directory (patch_checkpoint_xxxx).
Chapter 4.
Conguring WinCollect agents after installation45
Use Case 2: Modify event data storage conguration
About this task
You want to change the location and capacity of the event data that is stored in the
\programdata\WinCollect le. You want to store the event data in C:\WinCollect\Data and
change the capacity to 20 GB. There is no default template for this change, but you can easily create
one by using information in the agentconfig.xml le. The following sample shows the existing service:
<Service classification="Service" type="Service" version="7.2.8" module="WinCollectCommon"
<Parameter name="BasePath" value="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\WinCollect\Data"/>
<Parameter name="Capacity" value="6144"/>
Note: %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is an environment variable. The default value is C:\ProgramData. You
want to change this value to C:\WinCollect\Data.
1. Create an XML le named service_DiskManager.xml with the following contents:
<Service classification="Service" type="Service" version="7.2.8" module="WinCollectCommon"
<Parameter name="BasePath" value="c:\ibm\WinCollect\Data"/>
<Parameter name="Capacity" value="20480"/>
2. Move the le to the \IBM\WinCollect\patch directory.
After a few seconds, the le disappears and the agent restarts. Data is now written to the new
Use Case 3: Send TCP instead of UDP
You want to send Syslog data to QRadar over TCP rather than UDP. You must specify this option in the
Destination Manager.
1. Locate the tmplt_DestinationManager.xml template in the \IBM \WinCollect\templates
2. Make a copy of the template and name it service_DestinationManager.xml.
3. In <Module order="4" service_name="UDPSendStage">, change the service_name
parameter to TCPSendStage.
Service version="7.2.8" classification="Service" type="Service" module="WinCollectPlugin"
<Instance name="QRadar">
<Module order="1" service_name="StoreAndForwardStage">
<Parameter name="DataChunkPeriod" value="10"/>
<Parameter name="DataProcessingPeriod" value="500000"/>
<Parameter name="QueueLowWaterMark" value="750000"/>
<Parameter name="QueueHighWaterMark" value="1000000"/>
<Parameter name="Schedule.Enable" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Schedule.Invert" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Socket.KeepAlive.Enabled" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Socket.KeepAlive.Time" value="30000"/>
<Parameter name="Socket.KeepAlive.Interval" value="4000"/>
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
<Module order="2" service_name="SimpleEventThrottle">
<Parameter name="EventThrottleInEPS" value="5000"/>
<Module order="3" service_name="SyslogHeaderStage">
<Module order="4" service_name="TCPSendStage">
<Parameter name="TargetAddress" value="172.18.X.X"/>
<Parameter name="TargetPort" value="514"/>
4. Move the le to the \IBM\WinCollect\patch directory.
After a few seconds, the le disappears and the agent restarts. The old agentconfig.xml le is
moved to the backup directory (patch_checkpoint_xxxx).
Use Case 4: Add NSA ltering to an existing log source
You want to add NSA ltering to an existing log source. You can change this attribute by using the
tmplt_DeviceWindowsLog.xml template.
1. Locate the tmplt_DeviceWindowsLog.xml template.
2. Make a copy of the template and name it service_DeviceWindowsLog.xml.
3. Open AgentConfig.xml and locate the log source contained in the module DeviceWindowsLog.
4. Copy the model and instance information and replace the contents in
service_DeviceWindowsLog.xml with it.
Existing log source example:
<Service version="7.2.8" classification="Service" type="DeviceType"
module="DeviceWindowsLog" name="DeviceWindowsLog">
<Parameter name="DeviceThreadPoolType" value="AdaptiveThreadPool"/>
<Parameter name="AdaptiveThreadPool.ReaderThreadsMax" value="500"/>
<Parameter name="AdaptiveThreadPool.ReaderThreadsMin" value="5"/>
<Parameter name="AdaptiveThreadPool.ReaderBacklogSamplePeriodMillis" value="200"/>
<Parameter name="MinEventMonitorThreads" value="5"/>
<Parameter name="MaxEventMonitorThreads" value="250"/>
<Parameter name="EventLogMonitor.RetryTimeoutMillis" value="60000"/>
<Parameter name="DefaultThrottleTimeout" value="1500"/>
<Parameter name="DefaultEventLogPollProtocol" value="MSEVEN6"/>
<Instance enabled="true" name="EventLogLocal">
<Parameter name="DeviceAddress" value="DESKTOP"/>
<Parameter name="RemoteMachine" value="DESKTOP"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.DNS Server.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterFailureAudit" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="EventLogPollProtocol" value="MSEVEN6"/>
<Parameter name="Log.Security" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Application.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="ADLookup.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="ThrottleTimeout" value="1000"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.DNS Server.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Filter.File Replication Service.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Application.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Directory Service.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Log.Application" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.DNS Server.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Application.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Log.Directory Service" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="ADLookup.DomainControllerName" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Log.File Replication Service" value="false"/>
Chapter 4.
Conguring WinCollect agents after installation47
<Parameter name="Filter.Directory Service.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="CustomQuery.Base64" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Security.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="EventRateTuningProfile" value="High Event Rate Server"/>
<Parameter name="Local.System" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterError" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterWarn" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterInfo" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.File Replication Service.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Filter.File Replication Service.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterSuccessAudit" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Directory Service.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Security.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Application" value="None"/>
<Parameter name="Log.System" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Log.ForwardedEvents" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Security.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Log.DNS Server" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="ADLookup.DNSDomainName" value=""/>
<Parameter name="RemoteMachinePollInterval" value="3000"/>
<Parameter name="MinLogsToProcessPerPass" value="1250"/>
<Parameter name="MaxLogsToProcessPerPass" value="1825"/>
<Parameter name="Login.Handle" value="0"/>
5. Modify the following lines with the bolded sample code:
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Type" value="NSAlist"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Param" value=
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Enabled" value="true"/>
6. Save the service_DeviceWindowsLog.xml le and move it to the \IBM\WinCollect\patch
After a few seconds, the le disappears and the agent restarts. The old agentconfig.xml le is
moved to the backup directory (patch_checkpoint_xxxx). Updated log source example:
<Service version="7.2.8" classification="Service" type="DeviceType"
module="DeviceWindowsLog" name="DeviceWindowsLog">
<Parameter name="DeviceThreadPoolType" value="AdaptiveThreadPool"/>
<Parameter name="AdaptiveThreadPool.ReaderThreadsMax" value="500"/>
<Parameter name="AdaptiveThreadPool.ReaderThreadsMin" value="5"/>
<Parameter name="AdaptiveThreadPool.ReaderBacklogSamplePeriodMillis" value="200"/>
<Parameter name="MinEventMonitorThreads" value="5"/>
<Parameter name="MaxEventMonitorThreads" value="250"/>
<Parameter name="EventLogMonitor.RetryTimeoutMillis" value="60000"/>
<Parameter name="DefaultThrottleTimeout" value="1500"/>
<Parameter name="DefaultEventLogPollProtocol" value="MSEVEN6"/>
<Instance enabled="true" name="EventLogLocal">
<Parameter name="DeviceAddress" value="DESKTOP"/>
<Parameter name="RemoteMachine" value="DESKTOP"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.DNS Server.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterFailureAudit" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="EventLogPollProtocol" value="MSEVEN6"/>
<Parameter name="Log.Security" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Application.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="ADLookup.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="ThrottleTimeout" value="1000"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.DNS Server.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Filter.File Replication Service.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Application.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Directory Service.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Log.Application" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.DNS Server.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Application.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Type" value="NSAlist"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Param"
<Parameter name="Filter.System.Enabled" value="true"/>
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
<Parameter name="Log.Directory Service" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="ADLookup.DomainControllerName" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Log.File Replication Service" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Directory Service.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="CustomQuery.Base64" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Security.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="EventRateTuningProfile" value="High Event Rate Server"/>
<Parameter name="Local.System" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterError" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterWarn" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterInfo" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.File Replication Service.Param" value=""/>
<Parameter name="Filter.File Replication Service.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="EventTypeFilterSuccessAudit" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Directory Service.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Security.Type" value="No Filtering"/>
<Parameter name="Application" value="None"/>
<Parameter name="Log.System" value="true"/>
<Parameter name="Log.ForwardedEvents" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Filter.Security.Enabled" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="Log.DNS Server" value="false"/>
<Parameter name="ADLookup.DNSDomainName" value=""/>
<Parameter name="RemoteMachinePollInterval" value="3000"/>
<Parameter name="MinLogsToProcessPerPass" value="1250"/>
<Parameter name="MaxLogsToProcessPerPass" value="1825"/>
<Parameter name="Login.Handle" value="0"/>
Conguration options for systems with restricted policies for
domain controller credentials
Users with appropriate remote access permissions might be able to collect events from remote systems
without using domain administrator credentials. Depending on what information you collect, the user
might need extra permissions. For example, a user might need to collect Security event logs remotely.
Therefore, the user that is congured in the QRadar log source must have remote access to the Security
event log from the server where the Agent is installed.
For remote collection, the WinCollect user must work with their Windows administrator to ensure access
to the following items:
Logs for security, system, and application events
The remote registry
Any directories that contain .dll or .exe les that contain message string information
With certain combinations of Windows operating system and group policies in place, alternative
congurations might not be possible.
Remote collection inside or across a Windows domain might require domain administrator credentials to
ensure that events can be collected. If your corporate policies restrict the use of domain administrator
credentials, you might need to complete more conguration steps for your WinCollect deployment.
The following permissions and credentials are required for service accounts to access remote polling log
sources that WinCollect supports.
Log Sources
The service account needs to be able to access the
folder that the log le is in and open the le.
Microsoft DHCP
Microsoft Exchange Server
DNS debug
File Forwarder
Chapter 4. Conguring WinCollect agents after installation49
Permissions Log Sources
Microsoft IAS
Microsoft IIS
Microsoft ISA
Juniper Steel-Belted Radius
Microsoft SQL
Net App Data ONTAP
The log source user must be a member of the
Event Log Readers group. If this group is not
congured, then domain administrative privileges
are usually required to poll a Windows event log
across a domain.
Microsoft Windows Security Event Log
When WinCollect agents collect events from the local host, the event collection service uses the Local
System account credentials to collect and forward events. Local collection requires that you install a
WinCollect agent on a host where local collection occurs.
Changing WinCollect conguration from the command prompt
You can change the conguration of a WinCollect agent from the command prompt of the Windows host.
After the initial installation of a WinCollect agent on a Windows host, you can change the conguration by
using the installhelper.exe le that is located in the <WinCollect_installation_path>/bin.
The following conguration parameters can be modied:
Table 17.
Modiable conguration parameters
Parameter Description
Authentication Token Authorizes the WinCollect service, for example,
1 17711111
Password Update a password in the AgentConfig.xml
conguration le. Specify the Login.Handle and
new password, separated by a colon.
For example, 1:MyNewPassword.
Update password with le Update a set of passwords in the
AgentConfig.xml conguration le, by using an
external le. Specify the Login.Handle and new
password, separated by a colon, one per line.
For example, 1:MyNewPassword.
Local IP Use this setting to select the IP address that
is displayed for all log sources on systems with
multiple network interface cards (NIC).
Originating Computer Use this setting to select the IP address that is
displayed only for Windows events on systems with
multiple NICs.
Version Update the AgentConfig.xml version number.
50IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
The installHelper.exe le has the following update flags:
Table 18. InstallHelper update flags
-h [--help] Provides detailed information on the
installHelper.exe usage options.
-P [ --update-password ]
Update a password in the AgentConfig.xml
conguration le. Specify the Login.Handle and
new password, colon separated.
For example, 1:MyNewPassword.
Note: The password is in plain text.
-F [ --update-password-with-file ]
Update a set of passwords in the
AgentConfig.xml conguration le by using an
external le. Specify the Login.Handle and new
password, separated by a colon, one per line.
For example, 1:MyNewPassword.
Note: Make sure you erase the input le or keep it
-T [ --update-auth-token ] The new authentication token to be used to
communicate with the conguration server.
-L [localIP] Use this setting to select the IP address that
is displayed for all log sources on systems with
multiple network interface cards (NIC).
For example, installerhelper.exe -L
-O [OrigComputer] Use this setting to select the IP address that is
displayed for Windows events on systems with
multiple NICs.
For example, installerhelper.exe -O
Note: Changing LocalIP also changes the OriginatingComputer value in the WinCollect syslog header,
but does not change the Log Source Identier. If you do not change the value of the LocalIP, but add
another value in for the OriginatingComputer, it overrides the LocalIP value after the agent restarts.
For example, to change an authorization token for a WinCollect agent, type the following command in the
command prompt of the Windows host:
<WinCollect_installation_path>/bin/installHelper.exe -T <authorization_token>
Related concepts
Local installations with no remote polling
Install WinCollect locally on each host that you cannot remotely poll. After you install WinCollect, IBM
Security QRadar automatically discovers the agent and you can create a WinCollect log source.
Windows event subscriptions for WinCollect agents
To provide events to a single WinCollect agent, you can use Windows event subscriptions to forward
events. When event subscriptions are congured, numerous Windows hosts can forward their events to
IBM Security QRadar without needing administrator credentials.
Related tasks
Conguring access to the registry for remote polling
Chapter 4.
Conguring WinCollect agents after installation51
Local installations with no remote polling
Install WinCollect locally on each host that you cannot remotely poll. After you install WinCollect, IBM
Security QRadar automatically discovers the agent and you can create a WinCollect log source.
You can specify to use the local system by selecting the Local System check box in the log source
Local installations are suitable for domain controllers where the large event per second (EPS) rates can
limit the ability to remotely poll for events from these systems. A local installation of a WinCollect agent
provides scalability for busy systems that send bursts of events when user activity is at peak levels.
Related concepts
Changing WinCollect conguration from the command prompt
You can change the conguration of a WinCollect agent from the command prompt of the Windows host.
Windows event subscriptions for WinCollect agents
To provide events to a single WinCollect agent, you can use Windows event subscriptions to forward
events. When event subscriptions are congured, numerous Windows hosts can forward their events to
IBM Security QRadar without needing administrator credentials.
Related tasks
Conguring access to the registry for remote polling
Conguring access to the registry for remote polling
Before a WinCollect log source can remotely poll for events, you must congure a local policy for your
Windows-based systems.
When a local policy is congured on each remote system, a single WinCollect agent uses the Windows
Event Log API to read the remote registry and retrieve event logs. The Windows Event Log API does not
require domain administrator credentials. However, the event API method does require an account that
has access to the remote registry and to the security event log.
By using this collection method, the log source can remotely read the full event log. However, the method
requires WinCollect to parse the retrieved event log information from the remote host against cached
message content. WinCollect uses version information from the remote operating system to ensure that
the message content is correctly parsed before it forwards the event to IBM Security QRadar.
1. Log on to the Windows computer that you want to remotely poll for events.
2. Select Start > StartPrograms > Administrative Tools and then click Local Security Policy.
3. From the navigation menu, select Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
4. Right-click Manage auditing and security log > Properties.
5. From the Local Security Setting tab, click Add User or Group to add your WinCollect user to the local
security policy.
6. Log out of the Windows host and try to poll the remote host for Windows-based events that belong to
your WinCollect log source.
If you cannot collect events for the WinCollect log source, verify that your group policy does not
override your local policy. You can also verify that the local rewall settings on the Windows host allow
remote event log management.
Related concepts
Changing WinCollect conguration from the command prompt
You can change the conguration of a WinCollect agent from the command prompt of the Windows host.
Local installations with no remote polling
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Install WinCollect locally on each host that you cannot remotely poll. After you install WinCollect, IBM
Security QRadar automatically discovers the agent and you can create a WinCollect log source.
Windows event subscriptions for WinCollect agents
To provide events to a single WinCollect agent, you can use Windows event subscriptions to forward
events. When event subscriptions are congured, numerous Windows hosts can forward their events to
IBM Security QRadar without needing administrator credentials.
Windows event subscriptions for WinCollect agents
To provide events to a single WinCollect agent, you can use Windows event subscriptions to forward
events. When event subscriptions are congured, numerous Windows hosts can forward their events to
IBM Security QRadar without needing administrator credentials.
Forwarded events
The conguration of the event subscription on the remote host that sends the events denes the events
that are collected. Regardless of what event log check boxes are selected for the log source, WinCollect
forwards all events that are sent by the subscription conguration.
Windows event subscriptions, or forwarded events, are not considered local or remote, but are event
listeners. Use the WinCollect Forwarded Events check box to enable the WinCollect log source to identify
Windows event subscriptions. Although the WinCollect agent displays only a single log source in the user
interface, the log source listens and processes events for potentially hundreds of event subscriptions.
One log source in the agent list is for all event subscriptions. The agent recognizes the event from the
subscription, processes the content, and then sends the syslog event to QRadar.
Note: Forwarded events can be collected with the Forwarded Events checkbox only. An XPATH cannot be
Forwarded events are displayed as Windows Auth @ <hostname> or <FQDN> in the Log Activity
tab. Conversely, locally or remotely collected events appear as Windows Auth @ <IP address> or
<hostname>. When WinCollect processes an event, it includes an extra syslog header that identies the
event as a WinCollect event. Because the forwarded event is a pass-through or listener, forwarded events
don't include the WinCollect identier and appear as standard events.
Important: WinCollect collects only those forwarded events that appear in the Windows Event Viewer.
Supported software environments
Event subscriptions apply only to WinCollect agents and hosts that are congured on the following
Windows operating systems:
Windows 10 (most recent)
Windows Server 2016 (including Core)
Windows Server 2019 (including Core)
Windows Server 2022 (including Core)
Important: WinCollect is not supported on versions of Windows that are designated end-of-life by
Microsoft. After the software is beyond the Extended Support End Date, the product might still
function as expected. However, IBM does not make code or vulnerability xes to resolve WinCollect
issues for older operating systems. For example, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 and Microsoft
Windows XP are operating systems that are beyond the "Extended Support End Date." Any questions
about this announcement can be discussed in the IBM QRadar Collecting Windows Events (WMI/ALE/
WinCollect) forum. For more information, see
For more information about event subscriptions, see your Microsoft documentation or the Microsoft
technical website (
Chapter 4.
Conguring WinCollect agents after installation53
Troubleshooting event collection
Microsoft event subscriptions don't have an alert mechanism to indicate when an event source stopped
sending events. If a subscription fails between the two Windows systems, the subscription appears
active, but the service that is responsible for the subscription can be in an error state. With WinCollect, the
remotely polled or local log sources can time out when events are not received within 720 minutes (12
Related concepts
Changing WinCollect conguration from the command prompt
You can change the conguration of a WinCollect agent from the command prompt of the Windows host.
Local installations with no remote polling
Install WinCollect locally on each host that you cannot remotely poll. After you install WinCollect, IBM
Security QRadar automatically discovers the agent and you can create a WinCollect log source.
Related tasks
Conguring access to the registry for remote polling
Conguring Microsoft event subscriptions
Congure Microsoft event subscriptions to forward events to a single WinCollect agent.
Before you begin
WinCollect supports event subscriptions with the following parameters:
Forwarded Events
The subscription must send the logs to the forwarded event channel. Selected in the Destination log
list (see screen capture).
The subscription congured to use ContentFormat: RenderedText and Locale: en-US
Locale must be en_US for the Windows computer where WinCollect is installed.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Note: If you are using domain controllers, consider installing local WinCollect agents on the servers. Due
to the potential number of generated events, use a local log source with the agent that is installed on the
domain controller.
1. Congure event subscriptions on your Windows hosts.
For instructions on conguring event subscriptions, see the Microsoft Event Collector documentation.
2. Congure a log source on the WinCollect agent that receives the events.
You must select the Local System check box and Forwarded Events check box for the WinCollect log
Note: IBM Support does not support the creation or maintenance of Microsoft Subscriptions.
Related tasks
Adding a log source to a WinCollect agent
When you add a new log source to a WinCollect agent or edit the parameters of a log source, the
WinCollect service is restarted. The events are cached while the WinCollect service restarts on the agent.
Chapter 4.
Conguring WinCollect agents after installation55
56IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
A WinCollect agent can collect and forward events from the local system, or remotely poll a number of
Windows-based log sources and operating systems for their events.
You can add log sources that communicate through a WinCollect agent individually for remote polling.
If the log sources contain similar congurations, you can simultaneously add multiple, or bulk add log
sources. A change to an individually added log source updates only the individual log source. A change
that you make to a group of log sources updates all of the log sources in the log source group.
You can add a local log source for local collection. You can create a log source manually, if it wasn't
Important: If your deployment has the same user name accounts on different domains, ensure that you
congure domain information when you create the WinCollect log source.
Windows event logs
You can collect the event logs from your Windows endpoints.
When you query a Windows event log, the query includes every event in the log. You can use event log
ltering or XPath queries to limit the events that you receive.
Windows event logs are supported in the following languages:
Chinese (Simplied)
Chinese (Traditional)
Windows event log ltering
You can congure the WinCollect agent to ignore or to include specic events collected from the Windows
event log. You can limit the total EPS (events per second) that are sent to the QRadar Console by using the
lter types.
The WinCollect agents can be congured to ignore events globally by ID code or log source. Global
exclusions use the EventIDCode eld from the event payload. To determine the values that are excluded,
source and ID exclusions use the Source=field and the EventIDCode=field of the Windows
payload. Separate multiple sources by using a semi-colon. Events lters such as exclusion, inclusion,
and NSA are available for the following log source types:
DNS Server
File Replication Service
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022 57
Directory Service
Forwarded Events
The WinCollect agent requests all available events from the Event Collection API each time the value
specied in the Polling Interval eld expires.
For the exclusion lter, the agent examines all of the events retrieved from the Event Collection API and
ignores events that match the exclusions dened by the administrator (either by Windows Event ID or by
source). The agent then takes the remaining events and assembles the name=value pairs and forwards
the events to either the QRadar Console or the Event Collector appliance. However, for the inclusion lter,
the agents pulls events that matches the Event IDs specied by the administrator and forward those
events to QRadar Console or Event Collector.
The NSA lter is a unique type of lter that includes a corresponding list of pre-dened security Event IDs,
which the agent pulls from the Security, System, Application and DNS logs. These pre-dened security
Event IDs are included in the events that the agent forwards to the Console or Event Collector.
Tip: The Forwarded Events lter requires you to identify the source or channel, with the eventIDs that you
wish to lter in parentheses. Use semicolons as delimiters. For example:
In this example, event IDs from 200 to 256, 4097 and 34 are ltered for the channel Application, event ID
1 is ltered for Security, and event IDs 1 and 13 are ltered for the source called Symantec.
Windows log source parameters
Common parameters are used when you congure a log source for a WinCollect agent or a WinCollect
plug-in. Each WinCollect plug-in also has a unique set of conguration options.
Table 19. Common WinCollect log source parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Identier
The IP address or hostname of a remote Windows
operating system from which you want to collect
Windows-based events. The log source identier
must be unique for the log source type.
Used to poll events from remote sources.
Local System
Disables remote collection of events for the log
The log source uses local system credentials to
collect and forward events to QRadar.
Note: You must clear this box if you are using
a fully qualied domain name (FQDN) log source
identier and the agent is installed on a domain
The domain that includes the Windows-based log
The following examples use the correct syntax:
LAB1, The following
syntax is incorrect: \\
58IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 19. Common WinCollect log source parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Event Rate Tuning Prole For the default polling interval of 3000 ms,
the approximate Events per second (EPS) rates
attainable are as follows:
Default (Endpoint): 33-50 EPS
Typical Server: 166-250 EPS
High Event Rate Server: 416-625 EPS
For a polling interval of 1000 ms the approximate
EPS rates are as follows:
Default (Endpoint): 100-150 EPS
Typical Server: 500-750 EPS
High Event Rate Server: 1250-1875 EPS
For more information about tuning WinCollect,
see IBM Support (
Polling Interval (ms) The interval, in milliseconds, between times when
WinCollect polls for new events.
Application or Service Log Type
Used for XPath queries.
Provides a specialized XPath query for products
that write their events as part of the Windows
application log. Therefore, you can separate
Windows events from events that are classied to a
log source for another product.
Event Log Poll Protocol The protocol that QRadar uses to communicate
with the Windows device. The default is MSEVEN6.
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents59
Table 19. Common WinCollect log source parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Log Filter Type
Congures the WinCollect agent to ignore specic
events from the Windows event log.
You can also congure WinCollect agents to ignore
events globally by ID code or log source.
Exclusion lters for events are available for the
following log source types: Security, System,
Application, DNS Server, File Replication Service,
and Directory Service
Global exclusions use the EventIDCode eld from
the event payload. To determine the values that
are excluded, source and ID exclusions use the
Source= eld and the EventIDCode= eld of the
Windows event payload. Separate multiple sources
by using a semi-colon.
Example: Exclusion lters can use commas and
hyphens to lter single EventIDs or ranges, such as
4609, 4616, 6400-6405.
For more information about ltering, see
WinCollect Event Filtering
Select the checkbox to enable WinCollect to
forward security logs to QRadar.
Security Log Filter Type
To ignore specic events ID collected from the
Windows event log, select Exclusion Filter.
To include specic events ID collected in the
Windows event log, select Inclusion Filter.
The NSA Filter option populates the Security Log
Filter eld with a list of event IDs recommended by
the National Security Agency.
The default is No Filtering.
Note: If you select a lter type from the list, a new
eld Security Log Filter displays. You must provide
the event IDs that you want to include or exclude.
System Select the checkbox to enable WinCollect to
forward system logs to QRadar.
60IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 19. Common WinCollect log source parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
System Log Filter Type
To ignore specic events ID collected from the
Windows event log, select Exclusion Filter.
To include specic events ID collected in the
Windows event log, select Inclusion Filter.
The NSA Filter option populates the System Log
Filter eld with a list of event IDs recommended by
the National Security Agency.
The default is No Filtering.
Note: If you select a lter type from the list, a new
eld System Log Filter displays. You must provide
the event IDs that you want to include or exclude.
Application Select the checkbox to enable WinCollect to
forward application logs to QRadar.
Application Log Filter Type
To ignore specic events ID collected from the
Windows event log, select Exclusion Filter.
To include specic events ID collected in the
Windows event log, select Inclusion Filter.
The NSA Filter option populates the Application
Log Filter eld with a list of event IDs
recommended by the National Security Agency.
The default is No Filtering.
Note: If you select a lter type from the list, a
new eld Application Log Filter displays. You must
provide the event IDs that you want to include or
DNS Server Select the checkbox to enable WinCollect to
forward DNS Server logs to QRadar.
DNS Server Log Filter Type
To ignore specic events ID collected from the
Windows event log, select Exclusion Filter.
To include specic events ID collected in the
Windows event log, select Inclusion Filter.
The NSA Filter option populates the DNS
Server Log Filter eld with a list of event IDs
recommended by the National Security Agency.
The default is No Filtering.
Note: If you select a lter type from the list, a
new eld DNS Server Log Filter displays. You must
provide the event IDs that you want to include or
File Replication Service Select the checkbox to enable WinCollect to
forward File Replication Service logs to QRadar.
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents61
Table 19. Common WinCollect log source parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
File Replication Service Log Filter Type
To ignore specic events ID collected from the
Windows event log, select Exclusion Filter.
To include specic events ID collected in the
Windows event log, select Inclusion Filter.
Note: If you select a lter type from the list, a new
eld File Replication Service Log Filter displays.
You must provide the event IDs that you want to
include or exclude.
Directory Service Select the checkbox to enable WinCollect to
forward Directory Service logs to QRadar.
Directory Service Log Filter Type
To ignore specic events ID collected from the
Windows event log, select the Exclusion Filter.
To include specic events ID collected in the
Windows event log, select the Inclusion Filter.
Note: If you select a lter type from the list, a
new eld Directory Service Log Filter displays.
You must provide the event IDs that you want to
include or exclude.
Forwarded Events
Enables QRadar to collect events that are
forwarded from remote Windows event sources
that use subscriptions.
Forward events that use event subscriptions are
automatically discovered by the WinCollect agent
and forwarded as if they are a syslog event source.
When you congure event forwarding from your
Windows system, enable event pre-rendering.
Important: WinCollect supports pulling logs only
from the Forwarded Events channel. Writing events
from a subscription to a different channel is not
62IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 19. Common WinCollect log source parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Forwarded Events lter type
To ignore specic events ID collected from the
Windows event log, select Exclusion Filter.
To include specic events ID collected in the
Windows event log, select Inclusion Filter.
The NSA Filter option populates the Forwarded
Events lter eld with all channels and their
respective lters, as recommended by the National
Security Agency.
The default is No Filtering.
Note: If you select a lter type from the list, a new
eld Forwarded Events Filter displays. You must
provide the event IDs that you want to include or
The Forwarded Events lter requires you to identify
the source or channel, with the eventIDs that you
want to lter in parentheses. Use semicolons as
delimiters. For example:
In this example, event IDs 200 - 256, 4097 and
34 are ltered for the channel Application. Event
ID 1 is ltered for Security. Event IDs 1 and 13 are
ltered for the source called Symantec.
Event Types
At least one event type must be selected.
If you need to collect specic event types, follow
the instructions for creating a custom XPath with
those specic event types. For more information,
see “Creating a custom view” on page 64.
Enable Active Directory Lookups
If the WinCollect agent is in the same domain
as the domain controller that is responsible for
the Active Directory lookup, you can select this
checkbox. If you do, leave the override domain and
DNS parameters blank.
Important: You must enter values for the Domain
Controller Name Lookup and DNS Domain Name
Lookup parameters.
Override Domain Controller Name
Required when the domain controller that is
responsible for Active Directory lookup is outside
of the domain of the WinCollect agent.
The IP address or hostname of the domain
controller that is responsible for the Active
Directory lookup.
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents63
Table 19. Common WinCollect log source parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
XPath Query
Structured XML expressions that you use to
retrieve customized events from Windows event
If you specify an XPath query to lter events, the
check boxes that you selected from the Standard
Log Type or Event Type are collected along with
the XPath Query.
To collect information by using an XPath Query,
you might be required to enable Remote Event Log
Management on Windows 2008.
Target Internal Destination
Use any managed hosts with an event processor
component as an internal destination.
Target External Destination
Forwards your events to one or more external
destinations that you congured in your destination
Applications and Services logs
Use XPath queries to collect events from the Applications and Services event logs.
XPath queries are structured XML expressions that you use to retrieve customized events from the
Windows event logs.
Related reference
Windows log source parameters
Common parameters are used when you congure a log source for a WinCollect agent or a WinCollect
plug-in. Each WinCollect plug-in also has a unique set of conguration options.
Creating a custom view
Use the Microsoft Event Viewer to create custom views, which can lter events for severity, source,
category, keywords, or specic users.
WinCollect log sources can use XPath lters to capture specic events from your logs. To create the
XML markup for your XPath Query parameter, you must create a custom view. You must log in as an
administrator to use Microsoft Event Viewer.
Note: Using more than 10 XPath queries can affect WinCollect performance, depending on the XPath and
the number of events coming in to each channel.
XPath queries that use the WinCollect protocol the TimeCreated notation do not support ltering of
events by a time range. Filtering events by a time range can lead to errors in collecting events.
1. On your desktop, select Start > Run.
2. Type the following command:
3. Click OK.
4. If you are prompted, type the administrator password and press Enter.
5. Click Action > Create Custom View.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
When you create a custom view, do not select a time range from the Logged list. The Logged list
includes the TimeCreated element, which is not supported in XPath queries for the WinCollect
6. In Event Level, select the check boxes for the severity of events that you want to include in your
custom view.
7. Select an event log source. You can select the source from the Event sources drop-down menu, or
you can browse to a source from the Event logs drop-down menu.
8. Type the event IDs to lter from the event or log source.
Use commas to separate IDs.
The following list contains an individual ID and a range: 4133, 4511-4522
9. From the Task Category list, select the categories to lter from the event or log source.
10. From the Keywords list, select the keywords to lter from the event or log source.
11. Type the user name to lter from the event or log source.
12. Type the computer or computers to lter from the event or log source.
13. Click the XML tab.
14. Copy and paste the XML to the XPath Query eld of your WinCollect log source conguration
What to do next
Congure a log source with the XPath query. For more information, see “Applications and Services logs”
on page 64.
XPath query examples
Use XPath examples for monitoring events and retrieving logon credentials, as a reference when you
create XPath queries.
For more information about XPath queries, see your Microsoft documentation.
Note: XPath uses only the MSEVEN6 event protocol.
Example: Monitoring events for a specic user
In this example, the query retrieves events from all Windows event logs for the guest user.
Important: XPath queries cannot lter Windows Forwarded Events.
<Query Id="0" Path="Application">
<Select Path="Application">*[System[(Level=4 or Level=0) and
<Select Path="Security">*[System[(Level=4 or Level=0) and
<Select Path="Setup">*[System[(Level=4 or Level=0) and
<Select Path="System">*[System[(Level=4 or Level=0) and
Example: Credential logon for Windows 2008
In this example, the query retrieves specic event IDs from the security log for Information-level events
that are associated with the account authentication in Windows 2008.
<Query Id="0" Path="Security">
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
<Select Path="Security">*[System[(Level=4 or Level=0) and
( (EventID &gt;= 4776 and EventID &lt;= 4777) )]]</Select>
Table 20. Event IDs used in credential logon example
ID Description
4776 The domain controller attempted to validate
credentials for an account.
4777 The domain controller failed to validate credentials
for an account.
Example: Retrieving events based on user
In this example, the query examines event IDs to retrieve specic events for a user account that is
created on a ctional computer that contains a user password database.
<Query Id="0" Path="Security">
<Select Path="Security">*[System[(Computer='Password_DB') and
(Level=4 or Level=0) and (EventID=4720 or (EventID &gt;= 4722
and EventID &lt;= 4726) or (EventID &gt;= 4741 and EventID
&lt;= 4743) )]]</Select>
Table 21. Event IDs used in database example
ID Description
4720 A user account was created.
4722 A user account was enabled.
4723 An attempt was made to change the password of
an account.
4724 An attempt was made to reset password of an
4725 A user account was disabled.
4726 A user account was deleted.
4741 A user account was created.
4742 A user account was changed.
4743 A user account was deleted.
Example: Retrieving DNS analytic logs
In this example, the query retrieves all events that are captured in DNS analytic logs.
<Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer/Analytical">
<Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer/Analytical">*</Select>
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Example: Retrieving events with Sysinternals Sysmon
In this example, the query retrieves all events that are captured by SysInternals Sysmon.
<Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">
<Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select>
Microsoft DHCP log source conguration options
Use this reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft DHCP.
Restriction: The WinCollect agent must be in the same time zone as the remote DHCP server that it is
congured to poll.
Table 22. Microsoft DHCP protocol parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Type Microsoft DHCP
Protocol Conguration WinCollect Microsoft DHCP
Local System
The WinCollect agent must be installed on the
Microsoft DHCP Server.
The log source uses local system credentials to
collect and forward events to QRadar.
For more information about DHCP log source
conguration, see the IBM QRadar DSM Conguration Guide.
Table 23. Default root log directory paths for Microsoft DHCP events.
The DHCP event logs that are monitored by WinCollect are dened by the directory path that you specify
in your WinCollect DHCP log source.
Collection type Root log directory
Local c:\WINDOWS\system32\dhcp
Remote \\DHCP IP address\c$
Table 24. Example log format for Microsoft DHCP events.
WinCollect evaluates the root log directory folder to automatically collect new DHCP events that are
written to the event log. DHCP event logs start with DHCP, contain a three-character day of the week
abbreviation, and end with a .log le extension. Any DHCP log les that are in the root log directory and
match either an IPv4 or IPv6 DHCP log format are monitored for new events by the WinCollect agent.
Log type Example of log le format
IPv4 DhcpSrvLog-Mon.log
IPv6 DhcpV6SrvLog-Wed.log
Related reference
Windows log source parameters
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
Common parameters are used when you congure a log source for a WinCollect agent or a WinCollect
plug-in. Each WinCollect plug-in also has a unique set of conguration options.
Microsoft Exchange Server log source conguration options
Use this reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft Exchange Server.
Supported versions
WinCollect supports the following versions of Microsoft Exchange :
Microsoft Exchange 2003
Microsoft Exchange 2007
Microsoft Exchange 2010
Microsoft Exchange 2013
Microsoft Exchange 2016
Microsoft Exchange 2019
Table 25. Microsoft Exchange Server protocol parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Type Microsoft Exchange Server
Protocol Conguration WinCollect Microsoft Exchange
Local System
The WinCollect agent must be installed on the
Microsoft Exchange Server.
The log source uses local system credentials to
collect and forward events to QRadar.
Ensure that the rewalls that are located between the Exchange Server and the remote host allow trafc
on the following ports:
TCP port 135 for Microsoft Endpoint Mapper.
UDP port 137 for NetBIOS name service.
UDP port 138 for NetBIOS datagram service.
TCP port 139 for NetBIOS session service.
TCP port 445 for Microsoft Directory Services to transfer les across a Windows share.
For more information about Microsoft Exchange log source conguration, see The IBM QRadar DSM
Conguration Guide.
Table 26. Default OWA directory paths for Microsoft Exchange Server events.
The Exchange Server OWA event logs that are monitored by WinCollect are dened by the directory
path that you specify in your WinCollect Exchange Server log source. Microsoft Exchange writes to two
directories: W3SVC1 and W3SVC2. The Microsoft Exchange plug-in monitors all recursive les under the
C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\ directory.
Collection type Root log directory
Local C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1
Remote \\<Exchange Server IP address>\C$
68IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 27. Default Message Tracking directory paths for Microsoft Exchange Server events.
The Exchange Server Message Tracking event logs that are monitored by WinCollect are dened by the
directory path that you specify in your WinCollect Exchange Server log source.
Collection type Root log directory
Local C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
Remote \\<Exchange Server IP address>\C$
\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
Table 28. Default SMTP/Mail directory paths for Microsoft Exchange Server events.
The Exchange Server SMTP/Mail event logs that are monitored by WinCollect are dened by the
directory path that you specify in your WinCollect Exchange Server log source.
Collection type Root log directory
Local C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
Remote \\<Exchange Server IP address>\C$
\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
DNS debug conguration
Use the reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft Windows DNS debug
Important: DNS debug logging can affect system performance and disk space because it provides
detailed data about information that the DNS server sends and receives. Enable DNS debug logging only
when you require this information.
DNS debug logging is supported on the following Windows versions:
Windows 10 (most recent)
Windows Server 2016 (including Core)
Windows Server 2019 (including Core)
Windows Server 2022 (including Core)
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
Table 29. DNS debug protocol parameters
Parameter Description
File Reader Type Reads le contents. Both options have basic
Unicode encoding support for byte-order marks.
If you choose the Text (le held open) option, then
WinCollect maintains a shared read and write lock
on the monitored log le.
If you choose the Text (le open when reading)
option, then WinCollect maintains a shared read
and write lock on the log le only when it reads the
File Monitor Type Detects le and directory changes:
The Notication-based (local) option uses the
Windows le system notications to detect
changes to your DNS log.
The Polling-based (remote) option monitors
changes to remote les and directories. The agent
polls the remote DNS log and compares the le
to the last polling interval. If the log contains new
entries, the entries are retrieved.
File Pattern The regular expression (regex) must match the
DNS debug log le set in the DNS manager.
Root directory
The directory where WinCollect monitors les.
The directory must be set to a local le system
for local collection, or a valid Microsoft Windows
universal naming convention (UNC) path for remote
This value must match the le path that is
congured in your DNS manager.
Restriction: Due to restrictions in distributed
systems, the path can't be veried in the user
Include DNS Details Includes DNS details in the Windows Server DNS
debugging log.
For more information about Microsoft DNS Debug specications, see the IBM QRadar DSM Conguration
Enabling DNS debugging on Windows Server
Enable DNS debugging on Windows Server to collect information that the DNS server sends and receives.
Before you begin
The DNS role must be installed on the Windows Server.
1. Open the DNS Manager with the following command:
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
2. Right-click the DNS server and click Properties.
3. Click the Debug Logging tab.
4. Select Log packets for debugging.
5. In the log le, type the le path and name, and the maximum size.
Important: The le path and name, must align with the Root Directory and File Pattern that
you provided when you congured the Microsoft DNS log source.
6. If you want to include DNS details in the log, select Details in the Other options section, and then
select Include DNS Details in the log source.
7. Click Apply and then click OK.
Collecting DNS Analytic Logs by using XPath
To collect DNS Analytic logs by using WinCollect, you must rst congure Windows to collect analytic logs
and then add an XPath to the WinCollect Agent log source to collect the logs and send them to QRadar.
About this task
Use Event Viewer to congure Windows to collect DNS Server analytic logs.
1. To open the Event Viewer, type eventvwr.msc at an elevated command prompt, and press Enter.
2. Go to Applications and Services Logs\Microsoft\Windows\DNS-Server.
3. Right-click DNS-Server, and then click View > Show Analytic and Debug Logs.
4. Right-click the Analytical log, and then click Properties.
5. In the When maximum event log size is reached section, choose Do not overwrite events (Clear
logs manually), select Enable logging, and then click OK on the resulting dialog box.
Important: If you do not select this option, the WinCollect Agent can't collect the Analytical log,
because the logs are stored in etl format. For more information, see
6. Click OK to enable the DNS Server Analytic event log.
You must manually clear the logs and restart the agent when the event log is full.
7. In the log source, add the following XPath to the WinCollect Agent:
<Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer/Analytical">
<Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer/Analytical">*</Select>
File Forwarder log source conguration options
Use the reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for the File Forwarder log source.
You must also congure parameters that are not specic to this plug-in. The File Forwarder plug-in can be
used with Universal DSM to poll many types of logs from the Windows host.
Table 30. File Forwarder protocol parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Type Universal DSM
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents71
Table 30. File Forwarder protocol parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Protocol Conguration Select WinCollect File Forwarder.
Local System
Disables remote collection of events for the
log source. The log source uses local system
credentials to collect and forward events to
Root Directory
The location of the log les to forward to QRadar.
If the WinCollect agent remotely polls for the le,
the root log directory must specify both the server
and the folder location for the log les.
Example: \
Filename Pattern The regular expression (regex) that is required
to lter the le names. All les that match the
pattern are included in the processing. The default
le pattern is .* and matches all les in the Root
Monitoring Algorithm
The Continuous Monitoring option is intended for
les systems that append data to log les.
The File Drop option is used for the log les in the
root log directory that are read one time, and then
ignored in the future.
Only Monitor Files Created Today Enabled by default. Clear this option to monitor
les from before the current day.
File Monitor Type
The Notication-based (local) option uses the
Windows le system notications to detect
changes to your event log.
The Polling-based (remote) option monitors
changes to remote les and directories. The agent
polls the remote event log and compares the le
to the last polling interval. If the event log contains
new events, the event log is retrieved.
72IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 30. File Forwarder protocol parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
File Reader Type
If you choose the Text (le held open) option, the
system that generates your event log continually
leaves the le open to append events to the end of
the le.
If you choose the Text (le open when reading)
option, the system that generates your event log
opens the event log from the last known position,
and then writes events and closes the event log.
Select the Memory Mapped Text (local only)
option only when advised by IBM Professional
Services. This option is used when the system that
generates your event log polls the end of the event
log for changes. This option requires that you also
select the Local System check box.
File Reader Encoding
For les without a BOM, select ANSI if you want
the les converted to UTF8. Otherwise, select
UTF8 if the les are already in UTF8 and no
conversion is needed.
File Parser Type Files can be parsed in two ways: Single Line or
Multi Line.
Single Line
Parses a le and creates an event for each line.
Multi Line
Parses an XML le and creates an event that
comprises multiple lines from the point that a
specied starting token is parsed, until the next
time the specied starting token is parsed.
Note: Multi Line parsing currently only supports
XML le types.
Multi Line "Starts With" Regex Token The Multi Line File Parser Type requires a "Starts
With" token. The "Starts With" token should be the
regex that is required to identify every character
from the beginning of the line you want to start
a multi line event with. It is important to make
your regex as accurate as possible to avoid
combining events due to similar whitespace before
the characters, and to avoid not parsing the le at
all due to not nding a "Starts With" token.
Example for Multi Line parser type XML le
To ensure that the XML le is parsed to generate an event for every <event> node, use a multi-line
"Starts With token of "\s*<event>."
<timeStamp=10101010101 payload=example1>
<timeStamp=10101010102 payload=example2>
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
<timeStamp=10101010103 payload=example3>
<timeStamp=10101010104 payload=example4>
The multi-line le parser produces 4 individual events, instead of producing 14 individual single line
events. The payload message for the rst event created would look like this example:
<event> <timeStamp=10101010101 payload=example1> </event>
Note: A multi-line ‘Starts With’ token " <event>" would also work; however tabs and spaces can look
the same and be coded differently. Using "\s*<event>" is a better option, because it covers both types
of white space.
Related reference
Windows log source parameters
Common parameters are used when you congure a log source for a WinCollect agent or a WinCollect
plug-in. Each WinCollect plug-in also has a unique set of conguration options.
Microsoft IAS log source conguration options
Use the reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft IAS.
Table 31. Supported Windows versions and log formats
Microsoft IAS Supported Versions
Microsoft Windows support
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
log server log formats
Data Transformation Service
Open Database Connectivity
Internet Authentication Service
WinCollect does not support events that are logged to a Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft IAS directory structure for event collection
The event logs that are monitored by WinCollect are dened by the root directory that you should
congure in your log source.
When you specify a root log directory, you must point the WinCollect agent to the folder that contains your
Microsoft IAS or NPS events. The root log directory does not recursively search sub-directories for event
To improve performance, you can create a sub folder for your IAS and NPS event logs, for example,
\WINDOWS\System32\Logfiles\NPS. When you create a specic event folder, the agent does not have
to evaluate many les to locate your event logs.
If your system generates a large number of IAS or NPS events, you can congure your Windows system to
create a new event log at daily intervals. This action ensures that agents do not have to search large logs
for new events.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 32. Event log default directory structure for Microsoft IAS
Event version Root Log Directory
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 \Windows\System32\Logfiles\
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 \Windows\System32\Logfiles\
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 \Windows\System32\Logfiles\
Microsoft IAS protocol parameters
Table 33. Microsoft IAS parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Type Microsoft IAS Server
Protocol Conguration WinCollect Microsoft IAS / NPS
Local System
To collect local events, the WinCollect agent must
be installed on the same host as your Microsoft
DHCP Server.
The log source uses local system credentials to
collect and forward events to QRadar.
File Monitor Policy
The Notication-based (local) option uses the
Windows le system notications to detect
changes to your event log.
The Polling-based (remote) option monitors
changes to remote les and directories. The agent
polls the remote event log and compares the le
to the last polling interval. If the event log contains
new events, the event log is retrieved.
Polling Interval The amount of time between queries to the root log
directory for new events.
Related reference
Windows log source parameters
Common parameters are used when you congure a log source for a WinCollect agent or a WinCollect
plug-in. Each WinCollect plug-in also has a unique set of conguration options.
WinCollect Microsoft IIS log source conguration options
You can congure a log source to use the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). This WinCollect
plugin supports a single point of collection for W3C format log les that are on a Microsoft IIS web server.
Overview for the WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft IIS
You can use one of two methods to collect Microsoft IIS logs with WinCollect. You can install an agent
locally on your Microsoft IIS server and congure it accordingly. Or, with WinCollect 7.2.8 and later, you
can congure a WinCollect agent to remotely poll the IIS logs. See Table 1 for setting up the directory
paths based off your method of log collection.
The WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft IIS can read and forward events for the following logs:
Website (W3C) logs
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) logs
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) logs
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) logs
The WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft IIS can monitor W3C, IIS, and NCSA formatted event logs. However,
the IIS and NCSA event formats do not contain as much event information in their event payloads as the
W3C event format. To collect the maximum information available, congure your Microsoft IIS Server to
write events in W3C format. WinCollect can collect both ASCII and UTF-8 encoded event log les.
Supported versions of Microsoft IIS
The Microsoft IIS plug-in for WinCollect supports the following Microsoft IIS software versions:
Microsoft IIS Server 7.0
Microsoft IIS Server 7.5
Microsoft IIS Server 8.0
Microsoft IIS Server 8.5
Microsoft IIS Server 10
WinCollect Microsoft IIS parameters
Table 34. Microsoft IIS parameters
Parameter Description
Protocol Conguration Select WinCollect Microsoft IIS.
Log Source Identier The IP address or host name of your Microsoft IIS server.
It must be unique for the log source type.
Root Directory The directory path to your Microsoft IIS log les.
For Microsoft 7.0-10.0 (full site), use:
Local: %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles
Remote: \\HostnameorIP\c$\inetpub\logs\LogFiles
For Microsoft IIS 7.0-10.0 (individual site), use:
Local: %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\site name
Remote: \\HostnameorIP\c$
\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\site name
Polling Interval The amount of time between queries to the root log directory for new
The default polling interval is 5000 milliseconds.
FTP Collects File Transfer Protocol (FTP) events from Microsoft IIS.
NNTP/News Collects Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) events from
Microsoft IIS.
SMTP/Mail Collects Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) events from Microsoft
W3C Collects website (W3C) events from Microsoft IIS.
WinCollect Agent Manages the WinCollect agent log source.
For more information about conguring a Microsoft IIS log source, see the IBM QRadar DSM Conguration
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Microsoft ISA log conguration options
Use the reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft ISA.
Supported versions of Microsoft ISA
The Microsoft ISA plug-in for WinCollect supports the following software versions:
Microsoft ISA Server 2006
Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010
Supported Microsoft ISA or TMG server log formats
Microsoft ISA and Forefront Threat Management Gateway installations create individual rewall and web
proxy event logs in a common log directory. To collect these events with WinCollect, you must congure
your Microsoft ISA or Microsoft Time Management Gateway to write event logs to a log directory.
Restriction: Events that log to a Microsoft SQL server database are not supported by WinCollect.
WinCollect supports the following event log formats:
Web proxy logs in WC3 format (w3c_web)
Microsoft rewall service logs in WC3 format (w3c_fws)
Web Proxy logs in IIS format (iis_web)
Microsoft rewall service logs in IIS format (iis_fws)
The W3C event format is the preferred event log format. The W3C format contains a standard heading
with the version information and all of the elds that are expected in the event payload. You can
customize the W3C event format for the rewall service log and the web proxy log to include or exclude
elds from the event logs.
Most administrators can use the default W3C format elds. If the W3C format is customized, the following
elds are required to properly categorize events:
Table 35. W3C format required
Required eld Description
Client IP (c-ip) The source IP address.
Action Action that is taken by the rewall.
Destination IP (r-ip) The destination IP address.
Protocol (cs-protocol) The application protocol name, for example, HTTP
or FTP.
Client user name (cs-username) The User account that made the data request of
the rewall service.
Client user name (username) The User account that made the data request of
the web proxy service.
Microsoft ISA directory structure for event collection
The event logs that are monitored by WinCollect are dened by the root directory that you congure in
your log source.
When you specify a root log directory, WinCollect evaluates the directory folder and recursively searches
the subfolders to determine when new events are written to the event log. By default, the WinCollect
plug-in for Microsoft ISA polls the root log directory for updated event logs every 5 seconds.
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
Table 36. Event log default directory structure for Microsoft ISA
Version Root Log Directory
Microsoft ISA 2006 %systemroot%\LogFiles\IAS\
Microsoft Threat Management Gateway <Program Files>\<Forefront
Microsoft ISA protocol parameters
Table 37. Microsoft ISA protocol parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Type Microsoft ISA
Protocol Conguration WinCollect Microsoft ISA / Forefront TMG
Local System
To collect local events, the WinCollect agent must
be installed on the same host as your Microsoft ISA
or Forefront TMG server. The log source uses local
system credentials to collect and forward events to
Root Directory
When you specify a remote le path, use a dollar
sign, $, instead of a colon, :, to represent your drive
Microsoft ISA 2006
For a local directory path, use %systemroot%
For a remote directory path, use \<ISA server
Microsoft Threat Management Gateway
For a local directory path, use <Program
Files>\<Forefront Directory>\ISALogs\
For a remote directory path, use \
\<ISA server IP>\<Program Files>\<Forefront
File Monitor Policy
The Notication-based (local) option uses the
Windows le system notications to detect
changes to your event log.
The Polling-based (remote) option monitors
changes to remote les and directories. The agent
polls the remote event log and compares the le
to the last polling interval. If the event log contains
new events, the event log is retrieved.
Polling Interval
The amount of time between queries to the root log
directory for new events.
Related reference
Windows log source parameters
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Common parameters are used when you congure a log source for a WinCollect agent or a WinCollect
plug-in. Each WinCollect plug-in also has a unique set of conguration options.
Juniper Steel-Belted Radius log source conguration options
Use the reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for Juniper Steel-Belted Radius.
Table 38. Juniper Steel-Belted Radius protocol parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Type Juniper Steel-Belted Radius
Protocol Conguration WinCollect Juniper SBR
Local System
To collect local events, the WinCollect agent must
be installed on the same host as the Juniper Steel-
Belted Radius server. The log source uses local
system credentials to collect and forward events
to QRadar.
Root Directory
The directory that contains the les that you want
to monitor. The QRadar user interface does not
verify the path to the root directory. Ensure that
you enter a valid local Windows path.
File Monitor Policy The Notication-based (local) option uses the
Windows le system notications to detect
changes to your event log.
The Polling-based (remote) option monitors
changes to remote les and directories. The agent
polls the remote event log and compares the le
to the last polling interval. If the event log contains
new events, the event log is retrieved.
Polling Interval
The amount of time between queries to the root log
directory for new events.
Microsoft SQL Server log source conguration options
Use the reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server Error Logs
The error log is a standard text le that contains Microsoft SQL Server information and error messages.
WinCollect monitors the error log for new events and forwards the event to IBM Security QRadar. The
error log provides meaningful information to assist you in troubleshooting issues or alerting you to
potential or existing problems. The error log output includes the time and date the message was logged,
the source of the message, and the description of the message. If an error occurs, the log contains the
error message number and a description. Microsoft SQL Servers retain backups of the last six error log
WinCollect can collect Microsoft SQL server error log events. To collect Microsoft SQL Server audit and
authentication events, you congure the Microsoft SQL Server DSM. For more information, see the IBM
Security QRadar DSM Conguration Guide.
WinCollect agents support local collection and remote polling for Microsoft SQL Server installations. To
remotely poll for Microsoft SQL Server events, you must provide administrator credentials or domain
administrator credentials. If your network policy restricts the use of administrator credentials, you can
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
install a WinCollect agent on the same host as your Microsoft SQL Server. Local installations of WinCollect
do not require special credentials to forward events to QRadar.
The Microsoft SQL Server event logs that are monitored by WinCollect are dened by the directory path
that you specify in your WinCollect SQL log source. The following table lists the default directory paths for
the Root Log Directory eld in your log source.
Table 39. Default root log directory paths Microsoft SQL events
Microsoft SQL
Collection type Root log directory
2012 Local C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
2012 Remote \\SQL IP address\c$\Program Files\Microsoft
2014 Local C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
2014 Remote \\SQL IP address\c$\Program Files\Microsoft
2016 Local C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
2016 Remote \\SQL IP address\c$\Program Files\Microsoft
Log les that do not match the SQL event log format are not parsed or forwarded to QRadar.
Supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server
The WinCollect plug-in for Microsoft SQL server supports the following Microsoft SQL software versions:
Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Microsoft SQL Server 2014
Microsoft SQL Server 2016
Microsoft SQL Server 2017
Microsoft SQL Server 2019
The following table describes the Microsoft SQL server protocol parameters.
Table 40. Microsoft SQL Server protocol parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Type Microsoft SQL
Protocol Conguration WinCollect Microsoft SQL
80IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 40. Microsoft SQL Server protocol parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Root Directory
Microsoft SQL 2012
For a local directory path, use C:\Program Files\Microsoft
For a remote directory path, use \\SQL
IP address\c$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Microsoft SQL 2014
For a local directory path, use C:\Program Files\Microsoft
For a remote directory path, use \\SQL
IP address\c$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Microsoft SQL 2016
For a local directory path, use C:\Program Files\Microsoft
For a remote directory path, use \\SQL
IP address\c$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Microsoft SQL 2017
For a local directory path, use C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT
For a remote directory path, use \
Microsoft SQL 2019
For a local directory path, use C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT
For a remote directory path, use \
File Monitor Policy
The Notication-based (local) option uses the Windows le system
notications to detect changes to your event log.
The Polling-based (remote) option monitors changes to remote les
and directories. The agent polls the remote event log and compares
the le to the last polling interval. If the event log contains new
events, the event log is retrieved.
Related reference
Windows log source parameters
Common parameters are used when you congure a log source for a WinCollect agent or a WinCollect
plug-in. Each WinCollect plug-in also has a unique set of conguration options.
NetApp Data ONTAP conguration options
Use this reference information to congure the WinCollect plug-in for NetApp ONTAP.
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
Table 41. NetApp Data ONTAP parameters
Parameter Description
Log Source Type NetApp Data ONTAP
Protocol Conguration WinCollect NetApp Data ONTAP
User Name The account name that is used to log in to the
Windows domain or system.
Domain The network domain to which the user name
Target Directory The network path to the directory where you want
to monitor les. This path is not veried by IBM
Security QRadar user interface. Ensure that you
type a valid Windows UNC path that is shared by
the NetApp appliance.
Polling Interval The amount of time between queries to the remote
directory for new event log les. Even though the
remote device does not generate new les in a
period of less than 60 seconds, the optimal polling
interval is less than 60 seconds. This practice
ensures that the collection of les resumes when
WinCollect is restarted.
WinCollect Agent The WinCollect Agent that you want to use to
collect NetApp Data ONTAP events.
Version and le type support
NetApp Data ONTAP 8.x
NetApp Data ONTAP 9.x
Filetype: Windows Event Log (EVT) and (EVTX)
Conguring a TLS log source
To encrypt events and send to QRadar, you must congure a log source with a TLS Syslog protocol to
establish communication with QRadar on port 6514.
1. Log in to QRadar.
2. Click the Admin tab.
3. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
4. Click Log Sources > Add.
5. Congure the following parameters:
Table 42. TLS log source for Wincollect destination
Parameter Description
Protocol Conguration TLS Syslog
Log Source Identier An IP address or host name to identify the log source.
TLS Listen Port The default TLS listen port is 6514.
82IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 42. TLS log source for Wincollect destination (continued)
Parameter Description
Authentication Mode The mode by which your TLS connection is authenticated. If
you select the TLS and Client Authentication option, you must
congure the certicate parameters.
Client Certicate Path The absolute path to the client-certicate on disk. The certicate
must be stored on the QRadar Console or Event Collector for this
log source.
Certicate Type The type of certicate to use for authentication for the server
certicate and server key.
Select one of the following options from the Certicate Type list:
Generated Certicate
Single Certicate and Private Key
PKCS12 Certicate and Password
Generated Certicate This option is available when you congure the Certicate Type.
If you want to use the default certicate and key that is generated
by QRadar for the server certicate and server key, select this
Single Certicate and Private
This option is available when you congure the Certicate Type.
If you want to use a single PEM certicate for the server certicate,
select this option and then congure the following parameters:
Provided Server Certicate Path - The absolute path to the
server certicate.
Provided Private Key Path - The absolute path to the private
Note: The corresponding private key must be a DER-encoded
PKCS8 key. The conguration fails with any other key format.
PKCS12 Certicate and
This option is available when you congure the Certicate Type.
If you want to use a PKCS12 le that contains the server certicate
and server key, select this option and then congure the following
PKCS12 Certicate Path - Type the le path for the PKCS12 le
that contains the server certicate and server key.
PKCS12 Password - Type the password to access the PKCS12
Certicate Alias - If there is more than one entry in the PKCS12
le, an alias must be provided to specify which entry to use. If
there is only one alias in the PKCS12 le, leave this eld blank.
Max Payload Length The maximum payload length (characters) that is displayed for TLS
Syslog message.
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents83
Table 42. TLS log source for Wincollect destination (continued)
Parameter Description
Maximum Connections The Maximum Connections parameter controls how many
simultaneous connections the TLS Syslog protocol can accept for
each Event Collector. There is a limit of 1000 connections across
all TLS syslog log source congurations for each Event Collector.
The default for each device connection is 50.
Note: Automatically discovered log sources that share a listener
with another log source. For example, if you use the same port on
the same event collector, it counts only one time towards the limit.
TLS Protocols The TLS Protocol to be used by the log source. Select one of the
following options:
TLS 1.2 and above
TLS 1.1 and above
TLS 1.0 and above
To avoid security vulnerabilities, use TLS 1.2 and above.
Use As A Gateway Logsource Sends collected events through the QRadar Trafc Analysis Engine
to automatically detect the appropriate log source.
You must select this in order for QRadar to detect/create the
correct log source for events.
When this option is not selected and Log Source Identier
Pattern is not congured, QRadar receives events as unknown
generic log sources.
84IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 42. TLS log source for Wincollect destination (continued)
Parameter Description
Log Source Identier Pattern If you selected Use As A Gateway Log Source, use this option
to dene a custom log source identier for events that are being
processed and for log sources to be automatically discovered
when applicable. If you don't congure the Log Source Identier
Pattern, QRadar receives events as unknown generic log sources.
Use key-value pairs to dene the custom Log Source Identier. The
key is the Identier Format String, which is the resulting source or
origin value. The value is the associated regex pattern that is used
to evaluate the current payload. This value also supports capture
groups that can be used to further customize the key.
Dene multiple key-value pairs by typing each pattern on a new
line. Multiple patterns are evaluated in the order that they are
listed. When a match is found, a custom Log Source Identier
The following examples show multiple key-value pair functions.
{LogStreamName: LogStreamTest,Timestamp:
0,Message: ACCEPT OK,IngestionTime: 0,EventId:
Resulting custom log source identier
Enable Multiline
Aggregate multiple messages into single events based on a
Start/End Matching or an ID-Linked regular expression.
Aggregation Method This parameter is available when Enable Multiline is turned on.
ID-Linked - Processes event logs that contain a common value
at the beginning of each line.
Start/End Matching - Aggregates events based on a start or end
regular expression (regex).
Event Start Pattern This parameter is available when Enable Multiline is turned on
and the Aggregation Method is set to Start/End Matching.
The regular expression (regex) that is required to identify the start
of a TCP multiline event payload. Syslog headers typically begin
with a date or timestamp. The protocol can create a single-line
event that is based on solely on an event start pattern, such as
a timestamp. When only a start pattern is available, the protocol
captures all the information between each start value to create a
valid event.
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents85
Table 42. TLS log source for Wincollect destination (continued)
Parameter Description
Event End Pattern This parameter is available when Enable Multiline is turned on
and the Aggregation Method is set to Start/End Matching.
This regular expression (regex) that is required to identify the end
of a TCP multiline event payload. If the syslog event ends with the
same value, you can use a regular expression to determine the
end of an event. The protocol can capture events that are based
on solely on an event end pattern. When only an end pattern is
available, the protocol captures all the information between each
end value to create a valid event.
Message ID Pattern This parameter is available when Enable Multiline is turned on
and the Aggregation Method is set to id-Linked.
This regular expression (regex) required to lter the event payload
messages. The TCP multiline event messages must contain a
common identifying value that repeats on each line of the event
Time Limit This parameter is available when Enable Multiline is turned on
and the Aggregation Method is set to id-Linked.
The number of seconds to wait for more matching payloads before
the event is pushed into the event pipeline. The default is 10
Retain Entire Lines during
Event Aggregation
This parameter is available when Enable Multiline is turned on
and the Aggregation Method is set to id-Linked.
If you set the Aggregation Method parameter to ID-Linked, you
can enable Retain Entire Lines during Event Aggregation to
discard or keep the part of the events that comes before Message
ID Pattern when concatenating events with the same ID pattern
Flatten Multiline Events Into
Single Line
This parameter is available when Enable Multiline is turned on.
Shows an event in one single line or multiple lines.
Event Formatter This parameter is available when Enable Multiline is turned on.
Use the Windows Multiline option for multiline events that are
formatted specically for Windows.
6. Click Save.
Creating a TLS log source destination for managed agents
Create a TLS destination if you want to send encrypted events to IBM Security QRadar appliances. For
any existing log sources that are using WinCollect you must ensure that they use the TLS destination you
created so that the events are encrypted.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. Create a TLS log source destination.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
a) Click Data Sources > WinCollect.
b) In the WinCollect window, click Destinations > Add.
c) Give the destination a name, and specify the IP address or hostname of the console.
d) In the Protocol menu, select TCP/TLS (Encrypted).
e) Paste the certicate, including the BEGIN and END lines.
Find the self-signed certicate in /opt/qradar/conf/trusted_certificates/syslog-
f) Click Save.
3. Create a TLS Syslog log source where the log source type is Universal DSM and the protocol type is
TLS Syslog.
For more information about adding a log source, see Adding a log source to receive events (https://
Adding a log source to a WinCollect agent
When you add a new log source to a WinCollect agent or edit the parameters of a log source, the
WinCollect service is restarted. The events are cached while the WinCollect service restarts on the agent.
Before you begin
If you congure a log source that uses a WinCollect plug-in, you must read the requirements and prepare
the third-party device. For more information, see WinCollect plug-in requirements.
1. Click the Admin tab.
2. On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
3. Click the WinCollect icon.
4. Click Agents.
5. Select the WinCollect agent, and click Log Sources and then click Add.
6. Choose one of the following options:
For a WinCollect log source, select Microsoft Windows Security Event Log from the Log Source
Type list and then select WinCollect from the Protocol Conguration list.
For a WinCollect plug-in select the WinCollect plug-in option from the Log Source Type list,
and then congure the specic parameters. For information about these parameters, see the
conguration options for log sources that use WinCollect plug-ins.
7. Congure the generic log source parameters.
8. Click Save.
9. On the Admin tab, click Deploy Changes.
Bulk log sources for remote event collection
Bulk log sources are designed for systems that have multiple log sources with the same protocol
1. Create a destination for Windows events on each IBM QRadar appliance that you want to use for
Windows event collection. See “Adding a destination” on page 37.
Important: It is helpful to provide a destination name that includes the IP address, such as
"Agent1_1.2.3.4". If you have to edit the log source and change a destination in the future, you can
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents
determine the IP address for the destination. Also, set the throttle value to 5000 EPS, which is the max
EPS rate for a WinCollect agent.
2. Create bulk log sources. See “Adding log sources in bulk for remote collection” on page 88.
3. Wait for the congurations to be pushed to the remote agents.
4. Verify in the Log Activity tab that events being received.
Adding log sources in bulk for remote collection
You can add multiple log sources at one time in bulk to IBM QRadar. The log sources must share a
common conguration protocol and be associated with the same WinCollect agent.
You can upload a text le that contains a list of IP addresses or host names, run a query against a domain
controller to get a list of hosts, or manually enter a list of IP addresses or host names by typing them in
one at a time.
Depending on the number of WinCollect log sources that you add at one time, it can take time for the
WinCollect agent to access and collect all Windows events from the log source list.
Before you begin
Ensure that you created destinations so that WinCollect agents can send Windows events to QRadar
appliances. Ensure that you created one destination for each QRadar Event Collector 16xx or 18xx
Plan your bulk collection strategy with the WinCollect Event Log Report tool. For more information, see
GitHub (
About this task
You can have a maximum of 500 log sources for each managed WinCollect agent. You must also remain
under 5,000 EPS for local collection and 2,500 EPS for remote polling on the WinCollect Agent. You can
review the Event Viewer on the Windows systems to determine how many EPS are generated in each hour.
Divide that value by 3600 seconds to get the EPS rate. This calculation helps you to plan how many agents
you need to install. Alternately, look at events over a 24-hour period to see how busy each Windows
server is. This helps determine how to tune agents and avoid minimum and maximum EPS rates that you
see only when reviewing hour-by-hour.
1. On the Admin tab navigation menu, click Data Sources, and then click the WinCollect icon.
2. Select the WinCollect agent that you want to assign log sources to, and click Log Sources.
3. Click Bulk Actions > Bulk Add.
4. Provide a name for the bulk log source. To make it easy to locate, specify the name as the WinCollect
agent that does remote collection.
5. From the Log Source Type list box, select Microsoft Windows Security Event Log.
6. From the Protocol Conguration list box, select WinCollect.
7. Use the tuning value specied by the WinCollect Event Log Report tool to tune your log sources
8. Select all of the Standard Log Types check boxes. The WinCollect agent reads and forwards these
remote logs to QRadar.
Important: Do not select Forwarded Events the check box. Forwarded events is a special use case.
Selecting this option will not add multiple log sources correctly.
9. Select all of the Event Types check boxes.
10. Select the Enable Active Directory Lookups check box. This option identies user names in Windows
events that appear as a hexadecimal and resolves them to human readable user names.
11. From the WinCollect Agent list, select the Windows host that manages the log source.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
12. From the Target Internal Destination list, select the QRadar appliance that receives and processes
the Windows events.
13. Add the IP addresses for the Windows operating systems that you want to remotely poll for events.
You can upload a text le that contains a list of IP addresses or host names, run a query against a
domain controller to get a list of hosts, or manually enter a list of IP addresses or host names by
typing them in one at a time.
Depending on the number of WinCollect log sources that you add at one time, it can take time for the
WinCollect agent to access and collect all Windows events from the log source list.
14. Click Save and then click Continue.
What to do next
Wait for the congurations to be pushed to the remote agents. Verify in the Log Activity tab that events
are received.
Related tasks
Adding a log source to a WinCollect agent
When you add a new log source to a WinCollect agent or edit the parameters of a log source, the
WinCollect service is restarted. The events are cached while the WinCollect service restarts on the agent.
Chapter 5. Log sources for WinCollect agents89
90IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting WinCollect deployment
If you experience issues with your WinCollect deployment, the following information might help you
identify and resolve the issues.
In a complex WinCollect deployment with many assets, identifying the source and cause of problems can
be difcult. Troubleshooting is a systematic approach to solving a problem. The goal of troubleshooting is
to determine why something does not work as expected and explain how to resolve the problem.
The rst step in the troubleshooting process is to describe the problem completely. Problem descriptions
help you and the WinCollect Support representative know where to start to nd the cause of the problem.
This step includes asking some basic questions:
What are the symptoms of the problem?
Where does the problem occur?
When does the problem occur?
Under which conditions does the problem occur?
Can the problem be reproduced?
The answers to these questions typically lead to a good description of the problem, and that is the best
way to start down the path of problem resolution. After you have a clear description, you can investigate
the cause of and solution to the problem, or contact WinCollect Support to assist you in the investigation.
Where to get help
Troubleshooting is not the same as problem solving, although during the process of troubleshooting, you
can often obtain enough information to solve a problem. However, sometimes you might encounter a
problem that you cannot solve by yourself, even after you determine its cause. If you are unable to solve a
problem on your own, you can contact WinCollect Support for a solution.
You can also use any of the following resources to help you nd a solution to your problem:
The WinCollect 101 Community
The WinCollect Forums (
Common problems
The following topics describe some known problems that can occur in a WinCollect deployment, and
provide solutions to those problems.
If your problem is described here, you can try these solutions before you need to contact support.
Important: After any security KB patch updates on the Windows server, you may need to restart the
WinCollect service.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022 91
Replacing the default certicate in QRadar generates invalid PEM errors
Replacing the default certicate in QRadar causes the ConfigurationServer.PEM le to change,
affecting all WinCollect agents in the deployment. To x this issue, you must replace the
ConfigurationServer.PEM le on the Windows host.
About this task
WinCollect agents receive rejection messages because the incorrect certicate is passed when the agents
attempt to communicate with the updated QRadar appliance. The following error message appears in the
May 17 17:06:31 ::ffff:IP ADDRESS [ecs-ec] [WinCollectConfigHandler_4]
com.q1labs.sem.semsources. wincollectconfigserver.WinCollectConfigHandler: [ERROR]
[NOT:0000003000] [ -] [-/- -]Agent with ip: IP ADDRESS tried to connect
with an invalid PEM
The IP address of the agent that is attempting to communicate is displayed. The WinCollect agent also
sends LEEF Syslog messages to inform the administrator of the communication issue due to the invalid
certicate. To x this issue, you must replace the ConfigurationServer.PEM file on the Windows
Note: This action must be completed by a Windows administrator or a user that has privileges to delete
les from the remote Windows host.
1. Open a remote desktop connection to the WinCollect Agent that is unable to communicate.
2. Click Start > Run.
3. Type services.msc, then click OK.
4. Stop the WinCollect service.
5. On the Windows host, navigate to the WinCollect conguration folder.
By default, the folder path is: C:\ProgramFiles\IBM\WinCollect\config
6. Delete ConfigurationServer.PEM.
7. From the Services window, start the WinCollect service.
After the WinCollect service restarts, the agent attempts to contact the QRadar appliance that manages
the Windows host. The QRadar appliance detects the missing ConfigurationServer.PEM le and
issues a replacement against the existing certicate. This practice replaces the old le with a new
ConfigurationServer.PEM le that includes the updated certicate.
The Statistics Subsystem
The Statistics Subsystem collects events per second (EPS) data from all log sources and destinations in a
single text le.
The system creates the logs\Statistics.txt le and populates it with collected EPS statistics every
5 minutes.
When the Agent starts, it writes the rst set of collected statistics to the end of the Statistics.txt le,
leaving older statistics intact. The system then writes the content at the same location with new statistics
every 5 minutes.
You can change the interval at which new statistics are reported in the logconfig.xml le. The
ReportEvery parameter species the number of minutes between each report. The default value is
5 minutes.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Event ID 1003 splits the message in QRadar
Windows Event ID 1003 can exceed the default maximum payload size in QRadar. It is then split into two
separate messages.
About this task
The default maximum payload size in QRadar is 4096 bytes. If Event ID 1003 messages are being split,
you must increase the maximum payload size to keep the messages intact.
Follow these steps to increase the maximum payload size.
1. Log in to the Console as an administrator.
2. Click the Admin tab.
3. Click System Settings > Advanced.
4. On the System Settings pane, update the Max TCP Syslog Payload Length value to 8,192.
Tip: Extremely large payload values can impact performance of the event pipeline. Do not increase the
TCP Payload Length Value above 8,192 bytes without contacting IBM support.
5. Click Save.
6. On the Admin tab, click Advanced > Deploy Full Conguration.
Important: Completing a full deployment restarts all services on all QRadar appliances. Verify whether
reports are running before you run the deployment, as a full deployment stops reports that are in
progress. These reports must be manually restarted by a user or the administrator. This procedure also
temporarily stops event and flow collection on all appliances while services are restarting. To avoid
these issues, make this change during a maintenance window.
7. Click Continue to start the full deployment process.
After the deployment completes, all QRadar managed hosts are sent the change to accept larger TCP
payload length. The payloads across all managed hosts do not truncate the event message, unless they
exceed 8,192 bytes.
WinCollect les are not restored during a conguration restore.
When you complete a conguration restore and some WinCollect les are not restored, it might be
because the installation ISO contains a previous version of WinCollect.
The QRadar ISO contains a built-in version of WinCollect. When you restore by using that ISO, it deploys
the WinCollect les that are stored in that ISO, rather than the les from your backup.
To remedy this issue, you must install the WinCollect SFS that matches the version of WinCollect in your
backup before you restore the conguration. Perform the following tasks in this order:
1. Perform QRadar backup.
2. Bring new hardware online and deploy the ISO.
3. Install the WinCollect SFS that matches the version of WinCollect in your backup on the Console.
4. Restore the conguration backup.
The appropriate WinCollect les are deployed with the conguration restore.
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting WinCollect deployment issues
Windows 10 (1803) can't read the Security Bookmark le
Log sources for Windows 10, build 1803 fail to read the Security Bookmark le after the host is restarted.
This is a known issue with Windows 10, build 1803. After you install WinCollect and restart the computer,
the log source can fail to read the Security Bookmark le.
To x this issue on WinCollect 7.2.5, edit any log sources that are experiencing the issue with an XPATH
that includes the Security event log and any other channels that you're monitoring.
To x this issue on WinCollect 7.2.6 or later, edit the log source to use MSEVEN6.
Resolving log source error after WinCollect update
An error message might appear when you attempt to edit a log source after you upgrade WinCollect,
IBM QRadar, a Device Support Module (DSM), a protocol, or any Vulnerability Information Services (VIS)
components. To remove cached les, restart the QRadar web service and clear the QRadar les from your
browser cache.
Before you begin
You must have SSH access and root account credentials.
About this task
The following message indicates that the web server didn't restart after QRadar was updated:
An error has occurred. Refresh your browser (press F5) and attempt the action again.
If the problem persists, please contact customer support for assistance.
A le might be cached by QRadar web service or your desktop browser. You must restart QRadar web
service and remove the cached les on your desktop.
1. Use SSH to log in QRadar.
2. Stop the QRadar web service by typing the following command:
service tomcat stop
3. Keep one web browser window open.
4. To clear your browser cache, go to your web browser's preference settings.
5. Restart the browser.
6. Restart the QRadar web service by typing the following command:
service tomcat start
WinCollect log le
The WinCollect log le provides information about your deployment. Logs provide valuable information for
troubleshooting issues.
WinCollect log overview
WinCollect generates log event extended format (LEEF) messages during installation and conguration
and writes them to a single log le. The server in the Status Server eld receives the LEEF messages
through the syslog. These messages report on the status of the WinCollect service, authorization token,
conguration, and more.
The following example displays a LEEF message that alerts administrators that the WinCollect agent is
generating more events than the log source is tuned for.
IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
<13>Sep 22
09:07:56 IPADDRESS LEEF:1.0|IBM|WinCollect|7.2|3|
msg=Reopening event log
due to falling too far behind (approx 165 logs skipped). Incoming
EPS r.avg/max =
150.50/200.00. Approx EPS possible with current tuning = 40.00
For more information, see Log Source Event Rates and Tuning Proles
You search for syslog messages by using the IP address of the WinCollect agent. QRadar tracks
information from the audit log to determine when log sources are created, when searches are run, and so
WinCollect log types
The default log directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\WinCollect\logs\. The log le is named
Each log entry is tagged with an identier that indicates the entry type:
The following table describes the types of log entries in the WinCollect log le.
Table 43. WinCollect log entry types
Log Entry Type Description
System Indicates system information, such as the
operating system that the agent is installed
on, RAM and CPU information from the
operating system, service start-up information, and
WinCollect version information.
Code Indicates information about spillover and cache
messages, le reader messages, authorization
token messages, IP address or host name
information for the local host, issues with
destinations, log source auto-creation, stand-alone
mode messages, and thread or process start-
up and shutdown messages. Use these entries
to investigate the WinCollect conguration. Code
entries do not provide information about event
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting WinCollect deployment issues95
Table 43. WinCollect log entry types (continued)
Log Entry Type Description
Device Created when WinCollect collects events, the
protocols that run event log collection. The
following issues are logged as Device entries:
Loading Plug-in
Connection issues
Permission or Authentication
Windows error codes (hex value codes provided by
the operating system, such as 0x000005 access
File path or location
Event log is overdue to be polled
Event log transactions
RPC is unavailable (unable to nd the location that
you specied)
Reopening due to falling too far behind (tuning
Disk space management for log les
WinCollect manages disk space for logs by generating a "_1" version when the log size exceeds 20 MB.
After a "_5" version is created, WinCollect deletes the oldest version of the log.
WinCollect also manages disk space by archiving checkpoint folders. When QRadar updates WinCollect
with new code, the checkpoint folders store a backup of the replaced code. WinCollect archives the oldest
patch checkpoint folder after 10 are created. WinCollect creates an archive folder that contains a list of
les in the patch checkpoint folder, and a compressed le of the AgentCong.xml le. WinCollect then
deletes the patch checkpoint folder that it archived.
InfoX debug logs
InfoX debug logs make debugging WinCollect easier, without interfering with performance.
By default, InfoX is enabled and logs events for the rst ve minutes that the agent runs, for a maximum
of 5,000 log entries. After that, InfoX logs events for one minute every 15 minutes, for a maximum of 200
log entries. InfoX generates debug logs even if your log level is set to info.
You can edit the InfoX conguration by adding any of these parameters to the logconfig.xml le.
Table 44. InfoX
conguration options
Parameter Description
InfoX.enabled Used to enable or disable InfoX.
Example: InfoX.enabled=true
InfoX.startLen The number of seconds to run the agent at startup.
To disable this feature, set this value to 0.
Example: InfoX.startLen=300
96IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
Table 44. InfoX conguration options (continued)
Parameter Description
InfoX.startMax The maximum number of events that can be logged
at startup.
Example: InfoX.startMax=5000
InfoX.nextWait The number of seconds to wait for the next logging
Example: InfoX.nextWait=900
InfoX.nextLen The number of seconds to run the agent at each
interval. To disable this feature, set this value to 0.
Example: InfoX.nextLen=60
InfoX.nextMax The maximum number of events that can be logged
at each interval.
Example: InfoX.nextMax=200
WinCollect not supported by Data Synchronization app
The ofcially supported QRadar disaster and recovery solution, the QRadar Data Synchronization app,
currently does not support WinCollect agent conguration updates.
For the uninterrupted flow of events, you can congure a secondary destination to act as a failover when
the primary destination is unreachable. You can also congure the time interval for the agent to re-check
if the primary destination is still unreachable. After the agent is able to connect, it will revert to the
primary destination. If both the primary and secondary destinations are unreachable, or if no secondary
destination is congured, the events are cached by the agent on disk until a destination is reachable.
At that point, the agent continues to send events at the set EPS rate until all the cached events are
Related tasks
Adding a secondary destination” on page 38
You can add a secondary destination to receive events from your WinCollect agents if the primary
destination fails.
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting WinCollect deployment issues
98IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1
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IBM QRadar WinCollect: WinCollect User Guide V7.3.1